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2023-05-19 14:09:51

机械制造方面的专业词汇及翻译。以及一些制造、机械、工业上常用术语的翻译,如“positive oprating pressure 操作压强”,这样的专业术语翻译。

TAG: 英语 专业
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Assembly line组装线
Rivet table拉钉机
Rivet gun拉钉枪
Screw driver起子
Electric screw driver电动起子
Pneumatic screw driver气动起子
worktable 工作桌
fit together组装在一起
fixture 夹具(治具)
barcode scanner条码扫描器
fuse together熔合
fuse machine热熔机
supervisor 课长
cosmetic inspect外观检查
inner parts inspect内部检查
thumb screw大头螺丝
lbs. inch镑、英寸
EMI gasket导电条
front plate前板
rear plate后板
chassis 基座
bezel panel面板
power button电源按键
reset button重置键
Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试
Voltage switch of SPS
sheet metal parts 冲件
plastic parts塑胶件
material check list物料检查表
work cell工作间
left fork叉车
personnel resource department
production department生产部门
planning department企划部
QC Section品管科
stamping factory冲压厂
painting factory烤漆厂
molding factory成型厂
common equipment常用设备
uncoiler and straightener整平机
punching machine 冲床
hydraulic machine油压机
planer |"plein|刨床
linear cutting线切割
electrical sparkle电火花
staker=reviting machine铆合机
general manager总经理
special assistant manager特助
factory director厂长
department director部长
deputy manager | =vice manager副理
section supervisor课长
deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长
group leader/supervisor组长
line supervisor线长
assistant manager助理
to move, to carry, to handle搬运
be put in storage入库
pack packing包装
to apply oil擦油
to file burr 锉毛刺
final inspection终检
to connect material接料
to reverse material 翻料
wet station沾湿台
cleaning cloth抹布
to load material上料
to unload material卸料
to return material/stock to退料
scraped |"skræpid|报废
scrape ..v.刮;削
deficient purchase来料不良
manufacture procedure制程
deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良
oxidation |" ksi"dein|氧化
defective upsiding down抽芽不良
defective to staking铆合不良
embedded lump镶块
feeding is not in place送料不到位
production capacity生产力
education and training教育与训练
proposal improvement提案改善
spare parts=buffer备件
trailer=long vehicle拖板车
compound die合模
die locker锁模器
pressure plate=plate pinch压板
name of a department部门名称
administration/general affairs dept总务部
automatic screwdriver电动启子
thickness gauge厚薄规
gauge(or jig)治具
power wire电源线
defective product label不良标签
identifying sheet list标示单
screwdriver holder起子插座
flow board流水板
hydraulic handjack油压板车
glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套
ring finger无名指
little finger小指
iudustrial alcohol工业酒精
alcohol container沾湿台
head of screwdriver起子头
vaccum cleaner吸尘器
rag 抹布
garbage container灰箕
garbage can垃圾箱
garbage bag垃圾袋
production line流水线
lamp holder灯架
to mop the floor拖地
to clean the floor扫地
to clean a table擦桌子
air pipe 气管
packaging tool打包机
missing part漏件
wrong part错件
excessive defects过多的缺陷
critical defect极严重缺陷
major defect主要缺陷
minor defect次要缺陷
not up to standard不合规格
dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小)
cosmetic defect外观不良
slipped screwhead/slippery screw head螺丝滑头
slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread滑手
poor staking铆合不良
excesssive gap间隙过大
grease/oil stains油污
painting peel off脏污
mixed color杂色
poor processing 制程不良
poor incoming part事件不良
fold of pakaging belt打包带折皱
painting make-up补漆
water spots水渍
polishing/surface processing表面处理
exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露
lack of painting烤漆不到位
delivery deadline交货期
die repair模修
enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects企划
die worker模工
production, to produce生产
to start a press开机
stop/switch off a press关机
qualified products, up-to-grade products良品
defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品
sliding rack滑料架
defective product box不良品箱
die change 换模
to fix a die装模
to take apart a die拆模
to repair a die修模
packing material包材
plastic basket胶筐
isolating plate baffle plate; barricade隔板
carton box纸箱
to pull and stretch拉深
to put material in place, to cut material, to input落料
to impose lines压线
to compress, compressing压缩
character die字模
to feed, feeding送料
(be)qualfied, up to grade合格
not up to grade, not qualified不合格
material change, stock change材料变更
feature change 特性变更
prepare for, make preparations for 准备
rotating speed, revolution转速
manufacture management制造管理
abnormal handling异常处理
production unit生产单位
lots of production生产批量
steel plate钢板
roll material卷料
manufacture procedure制程
operation procedure作业流程
to revise, modify修订
to switch over to, switch---to throw--over switching over切换
engineering, project difficulty
stage die工程模
to stake, staking, reviting铆合
add lubricating oil加润滑油
shut die架模
shut height of a die架模高度
analog-mode device类模器
die lifter举模器
argon welding氩焊
vocabulary for stamping
stamping, press冲压
punch press, dieing out press冲床
uncoiler & strainghtener整平机
rack, shelf, stack料架
conveyer belt输送带
transmission rack输送架
top stop上死点
bottom stop下死点
one stroke一行程
to continue, cont.连动
to grip(material)吸料
location lump, locating piece, block stop 定位块
to draw holes抽孔
inquiry, search for查寻
to stock, storage, in stock库存
approval examine and verify审核
processing, to process加工
delivery, to deliver 交货
to return delivenry to.
to send delinery back
to retrn of goods退货
registration card登记卡
to control管制
to put forward and hand in提报
safe stock安全库存
acceptance = receive验收
to notice通知
application form for purchase请购单
consume, consumption消耗
to fill in填写
reverse angle = chamfer倒角
character die字模
to collect, to gather收集
failure, trouble故障
demand and supply需求
career card履历卡
to take apart a die卸下模具
to load a die装上模具
to tight a bolt拧紧螺栓
to looser a bolt拧松螺栓
to move away a die plate移走模板
easily damaged parts易损件
standard parts标准件
breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂
to lubricate润滑
common vocabulary for die engineering
die 模具
figure file, chart file图档
cutting die, blanking die冲裁模
progressive die, follow (-on)die
compound die复合模
punched hole冲孔
panel board镶块
to cutedges=side cut=side scrap切边
to bending折弯
to pull, to stretch拉伸
Line streching, line pulling线拉伸
engraving, to engrave刻印
upsiding down edges翻边
to stake铆合
designing, to design设计
design modification设计变化
die block模块
folded block折弯块
sliding block滑块
location pin定位销
lifting pin顶料销
die plate, front board模板
padding block垫块
stepping bar垫条
upper die base上模座
lower die base下模座
upper supporting blank上承板
upper padding plate blank上垫板
spare dies模具备品
spring 弹簧
document folder文件夹
file folder资料夹
to put file in order整理资料
spare tools location手工备品仓
first count初盘人
first check初盘复棹人
second count 复盘人
second check复盘复核人
waste materials废料
work in progress product在制品
casing = containerazation装箱
quantity of physical invetory second count 复盘点数量
quantity of customs count
the first page第一联
filed by accounting department for reference会计部存查
end-user/using unit(department)使用单位
summary of year-end physical inventory bills
bill name单据名称
This sheet and physical inventory list will be sent to accounting
department together (Those of NHK will be sent to financial
Application status records of year-end physical inventory List and
physical inventory card 年终盘点卡与清册使用-状况明细表
blank and waste sheet NO.
material for engineering mold testing工程试模材料
not included in physical inventory不列入盘点
incoming material to be inspected进货待验
steel/rolled steel钢材
material statistics sheet
meeting minutes会议记录
meeting type 会别
distribution department分发单位
present members出席人员
decision items决议事项
responsible department负责单位
pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日
approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办
PCE assembly production schedule sheet
work order工令
production control confirmation生产确认
checked by初审
approved by核准
stock age analysis sheet
on-hand inventory现有库存
available material良品可使用
obsolete material良品已呆滞
to be inspected or reworked
cause description原因说明
part number/ P/N 料号
prepared by制表
year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet
physical inventory盘点数量
physical count quantity帐面数量
difference quantity差异量
cause analysis原因分析
raw materials原料
finished product成品
semi-finished product半成品
packing materials包材
good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品
defective product/non-good parts不良品
disposed goods处理品
on way location在途仓
oversea location海外仓
spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单
spare molds location模具备品仓
tox machine自铆机
wire EDM线割
coil stock卷料
sheet stock片料
cam block滑块
drag form压锻差
pocket for the punch head挂钩槽
slug hole废料孔
feature die公母模
expansion dwg展开图
torch-flame cut火焰切割
set screw止付螺丝
form block折刀
stop pin定位销
round pierce punch=die button圆冲子
shape punch=die insert异形子
stock locater block定位块
under cut=scrap chopper清角
active plate活动板
baffle plate挡块
cover plate盖板
male die公模
female die母模
groove punch压线冲子
air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆
spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板
bushing block衬套
insert 入块
club car高尔夫球车
main manifold主集流脉
high-speed transmission高速传递
heat dissipation热传
alkaline etch龄咬
D.I. rinse纯水次
part number/P/N料号
good products良品
scraped products报放心品
defective products不良品
finished products成品
disposed products处理品
flow chart流程表单
spare parts=buffer备品
dismantle the die折模
auxiliary fuction辅助功能
heater band 加热片
sand blasting喷沙
grit 砂砾
derusting machine除锈机
induction light感应光
edge finder巡边器
splay 银纹
gas mark焦痕
cold slug冷块
blush 导色
satin texture段面咬花
witness line证示线
grit maker抽粒机
metal plate钣金
through-hole form通孔形式
voller pin formality滚针形式
cam driver铡楔
crank shaft曲柄轴
augular offset角度偏差
production tempo生产进度现状
spline=the multiple keys花键
tungsten high speed steel钨高速的
moly h



buzzle n. 蜂鸣器希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)
2022-12-31 20:59:151


汗死 你复制的吧
2022-12-31 20:59:219

2022-12-31 20:59:543


不知道你是要内部还是外部的, 都给你好了内部的是肌肉的是骨头的是血液的是外部的是 我不会因标, 所以这个不能帮你了
2022-12-31 21:00:062


Assembly line组装线 Layout布置图 Conveyer流水线物料板 Rivet table拉钉机 Rivet gun拉钉枪 Screw driver起子 Electric screw driver电动起子 Pneumatic screw driver气动起子 worktable 工作桌 OOBA开箱检查 fit together组装在一起 fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板 barcode条码 barcode scanner条码扫描器 fuse together熔合 fuse machine热熔机 repair修理 operator作业员 QC品管 supervisor 课长 ME制造工程师 MT制造生技 cosmetic inspect外观检查 inner parts inspect内部检查 thumb screw大头螺丝 lbs. inch镑、英寸 EMI gasket导电条 front plate前板 rear plate后板 chassis 基座 bezel panel面板 power button电源按键 reset button重置键 Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试 Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts塑胶件 SOP制造作业程序 material check list物料检查表 work cell工作间 trolley台车 carton纸箱 sub-line支线 left fork叉车 personnel resource department 人力资源部 production department生产部门 planning department企划部 QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 common equipment常用设备 uncoiler and straightener整平机 punching machine 冲床 robot机械手 hydraulic machine油压机 lathe车床 planer |"plein|刨床 miller铣床 grinder磨床 driller??床 linear cutting线切割 electrical sparkle电火花 welder电焊机 staker=reviting machine铆合机 position职务 president董事长 general manager总经理 special assistant manager特助 factory director厂长 department director部长 deputy manager | =vice manager副理 section supervisor课长 deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长 group leader/supervisor组长 line supervisor线长 assistant manager助理 to move, to carry, to handle搬运 be put in storage入库 pack packing包装 to apply oil擦油 to file burr 锉毛刺 final inspection终检 to connect material接料 to reverse material 翻料 wet station沾湿台 Tiana天那水 cleaning cloth抹布 to load material上料 to unload material卸料 to return material/stock to退料 scraped |"skræpid|报废 scrape ..v.刮;削 deficient purchase来料不良 manufacture procedure制程 deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良 oxidation |" ksi"dein|氧化 scratch刮伤 dents压痕 defective upsiding down抽芽不良 defective to staking铆合不良 embedded lump镶块 feeding is not in place送料不到位 stamping-missing漏冲 production capacity生产力 education and training教育与训练 proposal improvement提案改善 spare parts=buffer备件 forklift叉车 trailer=long vehicle拖板车 compound die合模 die locker锁模器 pressure plate=plate pinch压板 bolt螺栓 name of a department部门名称 administration/general affairs dept总务部 automatic screwdriver电动启子 thickness gauge厚薄规 gauge(or jig)治具 power wire电源线 buzzle蜂鸣器 defective product label不良标签 identifying sheet list标示单 screwdriver holder起子插座 pedal踩踏板 stopper阻挡器 flow board流水板 hydraulic handjack油压板车 forklift叉车 pallet栈板 glove(s)手套 glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套 thumb大拇指 forefinger食指 midfinger中指 ring finger无名指 little finger小指 band-aid创可贴 iudustrial alcohol工业酒精 alcohol container沾湿台 head of screwdriver起子头 sweeper扫把 mop拖把 vaccum cleaner吸尘器 rag 抹布 garbage container灰箕 garbage can垃圾箱 garbage bag垃圾袋 chain链条 jack升降机 production line流水线 chain链条槽 magnetizer加磁器 lamp holder灯架 to mop the floor拖地 to clean the floor扫地 to clean a table擦桌子 air pipe 气管packaging tool打包机 packaging打包 missing part漏件 wrong part错件 excessive defects过多的缺陷 critical defect极严重缺陷 major defect主要缺陷 minor defect次要缺陷 not up to standard不合规格 dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小) cosmetic defect外观不良 slipped screwhead/slippery screw head螺丝滑头 slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread滑手 speckle斑点 mildewed=moldy=mouldy发霉 rust生锈 deformation变形 burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边 poor staking铆合不良 excesssive gap间隙过大 grease/oil stains油污 inclusion杂质 painting peel off脏污 shrinking/shrinkage缩水 mixed color杂色 scratch划伤 poor processing 制程不良 poor incoming part事件不良 fold of pakaging belt打包带折皱 painting make-up补漆 discoloration羿色 water spots水渍 polishing/surface processing表面处理 exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露 lack of painting烤漆不到位 safety安全 quality品质 delivery deadline交货期 cost成本 engineering工程 die repair模修 enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects企划 qc品管 die worker模工 production, to produce生产 equipment设备 to start a press开机 stop/switch off a press关机 classification整理 regulation整顿 cleanness清扫 conservation清洁 qualified products, up-to-grade products良品 defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品 waste废料 board看板 feeder送料机 sliding rack滑料架 defective product box不良品箱 die change 换模 to fix a die装模 to take apart a die拆模 to repair a die修模 packing material包材 basket蝴蝶竺 plastic basket胶筐 isolating plate baffle plate; barricade隔板 carton box纸箱 to pull and stretch拉深 to put material in place, to cut material, to input落料 to impose lines压线 to compress, compressing压缩 character die字模 to feed, feeding送料 transportation运输 (be)qualfied, up to grade合格 not up to grade, not qualified不合格 material change, stock change材料变更 feature change 特性变更 evaluation评估 prepare for, make preparations for 准备 parameters参数 rotating speed, revolution转速 manufacture management制造管理 abnormal handling异常处理 production unit生产单位 lots of production生产批量 steel plate钢板 roll material卷料 manufacture procedure制程 operation procedure作业流程 to revise, modify修订 to switch over to, switch---to throw--over switching over切换 engineering, project difficulty工程瓶颈 stage die工程模 automation自动化 to stake, staking, reviting铆合 add lubricating oil加润滑油 shut die架模 shut height of a die架模高度 analog-mode device类模器 die lifter举模器 argon welding氩焊 vocabulary for stamping 冲压常词汇 stamping, press冲压 punch press, dieing out press冲床 uncoiler & strainghtener整平机 feeder送料机 rack, shelf, stack料架 cylinder油缸 robot机械手 taker取料机 conveyer belt输送带 transmission rack输送架 top stop上死点 bottom stop下死点 one stroke一行程 inch寸动 to continue, cont.连动 to grip(material)吸料 location lump, locating piece, block stop 定位块 reset复位 smoothly顺利 dent压痕 scratch刮伤 deformation变形 filings铁削 to draw holes抽孔 inquiry, search for查寻 to stock, storage, in stock库存 receive领取 approval examine and verify审核 processing, to process加工 delivery, to deliver 交货 to return delivenry to. to send delinery back to retrn of goods退货 registration登记 registration card登记卡 to control管制 to put forward and hand in提报 safe stock安全库存 acceptance = receive验收 to notice通知 application form for purchase请购单 consume, consumption消耗 to fill in填写 abrasion磨损 reverse angle = chamfer倒角 character die字模 to collect, to gather收集 failure, trouble故障 statistics统计 demand and supply需求 career card履历卡 to take apart a die卸下模具 to load a die装上模具 to tight a bolt拧紧螺栓 to looser a bolt拧松螺栓 to move away a die plate移走模板 easily damaged parts易损件 standard parts标准件 breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂 to lubricate润滑 common vocabulary for die engineering
2022-12-31 21:00:151


Communication as a necessary thing in our life, which means of the process of transmission and feedback of thoughts and feelings between people and between people and groups. Communication lies in being sincere to people, And we need to use some body language and expressions to express our ideas better. There is more to communication than just talk and gesture. Listening, understanding and interpreting are as much integral to communication as words - verbal, written or gestured. Yes, even gestures in communication play a crucial role in conveying and interpreting the message! Communication is an important bridge for building interpersonal relationships. It can be said that if there is no communication there is no interpersonal contact, People will be indifferent to each other, misunderstanding, the relationship will become rigid, there will be estrangement, distortion of the situation. Especially now the arrival of the information age, the impetuous young people and the change of social environment, Social division of labor is getting more and more detailed, information is emerging in an endless stream, and the modern industry urgently needs to exchange information, all of which cannot be separated from communication. Communication has increasingly become an indispensable part of our lives. Under the influence of the electronic age, young people are addicted to the virtual world. Therefore, I appeal that we should put down our mobile phones and step out of our own world
2022-12-31 21:00:213


Importance of Communication Communication is an integral instinct of all living things. The most important bearings of munication are best understood when there is a lack of it. The following article discusses how important munication is and why it plays such a vital role in our daily lives. There is more to munication than just talk and gesture. Listening, understanding and interpreting are as much integral to munication as words - verbal, written or gestured. Yes, even gestures in munication play a crucial role in conveying and interpreting the message! Similarly, how we municate or express ourselves goes a great way towards determining how our expressions are interpreted. To quote Karl Popper, "It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood". Faulty or inplete munication can pletely mar the purpose of municating and may result in damaging consequences. This is where understanding how important munication is and municating the right way es into picture. Not everyone is equally endowed with the ability to effectively express himself and this is where the significance of munication skills can be truly fathomed. Communicating the right way is equally important in every walk of like, be it in personal, professional or social life. Come, let"s take a look at some major areas where right munication or a lack of it can have serious implications. The Communication Process The munication process involves a sender or munication source, the subject matter of munication, expressions used for municating (encoding), the medium of munication, receiver(s) of the munication and the interpretation thereof (decoding) and feedback. This can be diagrammatically represented as follows:- The last part, i.e. FEEDBACK is crucial in determining whether the munication has been understood by the receiver in the same light as intended by the sender. Let us try and understand the importance of munication in different walks of our daily lives. Gravity of Communication in Business The success of any business lies as much in neorking and building sound professional relationships as it does in individual tact and business acumen. Communication is a crucial decisive factor in business relations. It is very important to say the right things at the right time and at the right place when dealing with partners, customers, stakeholders, media and, sometimes, even petitors. Any mi *** unication or ambiguity can pour pails of cold water on your hard work and ruin your chances of survival in today"s petitive business environment. Maintaining professional etiquette in oral and written business munication is of utmost importance and must not be taken lightly. We should be grateful that we are living in an era of enlightenment where we have access to training on just about anything under the sun! Nowadays, many courses are available that provide training on developing business munication skills and correspondence and a lot of educational institutes conduct classes on ways to improve munication skills. Effective munication skills in business go a long way in sealing your financial success. Importance of Communication in the Workplace The most difficult part of running an anization is managing the human resources. This is one resource which doesn"t work on any principle of management, economics, psychology or any other social science! This is the most random and volatile resource which must be managed with great dexterity to reach desired anizational goals. Communication is that lubricant which keeps this resource moving throughout the anizational machinery. The salience of munication in the workplace is manifold, as it involves munication along vertical, horizontal and parallel anizational levels and such munication should always follow the hierarchy prescribed by the anization. A breach of the hierarchical channel of munication is known as a Gang Plank and should be avoided as much as possible. Communication in the workplace involves interpersonal munication beeen colleagues, superior and subordinate and vice versa and workplace munication skills e handy in such situations. A clear understanding of the purpose of such munication, especially if it is of a vertical nature, along with the expectations of the sender and receiver are extremely important for the *** ooth running of an anization. Importance of Communication in Leadership What is the role of a leader? A leader is expected to represent his/her followers and motivate them to reach heights of success through individual and collective effort. Communication is the best equipment a leader can employ to achieve this goal. Even ideals resting upon strong principles can fall flat and fail to motivate due to lack of effective munication skills. History is galore with examples of many national leaders who have moved the masses by their life-changing speeches and powerful writings! Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. are prominent examples of outstanding leadership through effective munication. Significance of Communication in Relationships I don"t think I need to elaborate much on this, as we all have, some time or the other, experienced certain roadblocks and voids in our relationships owing to a lack of munication. Lack of munication in relationships result in frustrations, misunderstandings, unrealistic expectations, guilt and can create personal differences. It is difficult for people who share their lives with each other to coexist for long without having regular and *** ooth munication for oiling the machinery of the relationship. Relationship munication problems can only be solved through active and effective munication. As living beings, we need to express and understand the expressions of others. Like it or not, the human society thrives on munication. Civilizations have risen and fallen based upon how good they were at maintaining sound relations with the rest of the world. Communication is, indeed, the very lubricant that makes the machinery of human relations function *** oothly. Therefore, the significance of munication cannot and should not be underestimated. Sometimes, difficult situations in life can be resolved by just sitting down and talking it out! Similarly, most personal, professional and social disasters can be averted by maintaining clear, appropriate and unambiguous munication. All we need is some effort on our part to identify and avoid barriers to effective munication to make our lives and the lives of those around us better. Read more at Buzzle: //buzzle/articles/importance-of-munication   失去一切都不可怕,怕只怕我们抵抗不过回忆。 ---------《沙漏》 星星闪耀着,发现习惯是一件多么可怕的事。习惯了回忆,便习惯了黑暗。 深灰色的天空,深灰色的衣服,深灰色的围巾,深灰色的眼神。 在回忆的世界中,总是有无数的泪要述说。在回忆的世界中,总是深灰色的。曾经的伤太深。努力地让自己不再想起,可还是习惯了回忆。 有时候,不知道什么是真实的自我。站在镜子前,傻傻发呆,脚步迟迟地不移动。许久,才缓过神来。 我一直都不懂自己,也不想懂,也不让别人懂,独自承受一个人的忧伤。却又是一群人的快乐。 我的每一天都是开始,结束,再开始,再结束……就这样重复着,不变的是独自承受自己的痛苦,幸福。 习惯了早上听2次闹钟,第一次响,眼睛还是不肯睁开,开始计划,今天要怎么过。第二次响,便飞快的洗刷完毕。但是我的记性一直都不好,尽管走之前,翻过好几次书包,到学校时,走会发现又有东西忘带了,一个早晨就是这样在我神情恍惚间溜走。 有时候想,自己记性不好,是否可以在哪一次的不经意见忘记过去的痛苦。 放下书包,趴在冰冷的桌上,无力。也许我可以就这样被人遗忘着,不说话,也不笑,神情忧郁着,但是一直都没有实现,如果说是实现了,最多也就实现那么2节课吧。只要有人给我打声招呼,问个好,我也会立马精神起来吧。 接着变习惯了放肆大笑,或撒娇。一切都是那么的自然,渐渐觉得,我从来都不曾拥有一个快乐的面具,也从未伪装过,一切的解释就是习惯了。 回到家,作业一点儿也不想写,只是习惯了打开电脑,打开小荷网,再登上qq,浏览一个又一个的网页。过了1个小时,才放起音乐。走上阳台,仰望夜空,总是期待着一颗星星的出现,那是一个约定。看看手表,曾经一直都寻找着一个黑白的东西,无意间发现自己的手表不就是黑白的么?随身携带着,不想脱下,因为我不想忘记某些情感。 习惯了靠在墙壁上,回忆着。又突发灵感,习惯着在电脑前敲打着键盘,诉说着自己所回忆的痛苦,幸福。今天看着洋哭了,因为接到一封信吧,其实自己也有种冲动想要哭,感觉又有人正在重复着我曾经走过的路,不过我错了,她的泪水只有一刻,即后,便又开始了快乐。而我的泪却是长久的。 习惯了孤独,习惯了在察觉寂寞时,翻东西。今天又无意间翻到一张99的试卷,又是粗心,是不是哪一天可以因为粗心而将过去所承受的痛苦忘却。其实一直都想翻出个什么礼物,还是失望,天天重复着翻,还是失望。还是重复地看同学录,或看看小学的毕业照。 纤细的手指抚摸着一个个熟悉而又陌生的人影。泪水又不争气的滴落。迅速地将照片藏起。有时候的我害怕流泪,我怕我就这样一直走下去,永远忧伤。至少我还清醒着。依然还有丝希望。 但愿有一天我的天空会是蔚蓝的。在夕阳西下时,会伴有淡紫色的光!   Communication as a necessary thing in our life, which means of the process of tran *** ission and feedback of thoughts and feelings beeen people and beeen people and groups. Communication lies in being sincere to people, And we need to use some body language and expressions to express our ideas better. There is more to munication than just talk and gesture. Listening, understanding and interpreting are as much integral to munication as words - verbal, written or gestured. Yes, even gestures in munication play a crucial role in conveying and interpreting the message! Communication is an important bridge for building interpersonal relationships. It can be said that if there is no munication there is no interpersonal contact, People will be indifferent to each other, misunderstanding, the relationship will bee rigid, there will be estrangement, distortion of the situation. Especially now the arrival of the information age, the impetuous young people and the change of social environment, Social division of labor is getting more and more detailed, information is emerging in an endless stream, and the modern industry urgently needs to exchange information, all of which cannot be separated from munication. Communication has increasingly bee an indispensable part of our lives. Under the influence of the electronic age, young people are addicted to the virtual world. Therefore, I appeal that we should put down our mobile phones and step out of our own world
2022-12-31 21:00:331


目录方法1:改变你的睡觉习惯1、仰面躺着睡觉。2、将头部抬起。3、用鼻子呼吸,而不是嘴巴。4、出现鼻腔感染或者过敏时立即治疗。5、检查你目前正在服用的药物是否会造成分泌过多的唾液。方法2:诊断并治疗睡眠时呼吸暂停1、检查你是否会在睡眠时出现呼吸暂停。2、检查你是否有气管阻塞的风险。3、减轻体重。4、保守地治疗睡眠时呼吸障碍。5、利用机械疗法来治疗睡眠时呼吸障碍。6、使用上颚促进设备。7、接受手术。如果你频繁在醒来后发现枕头被一滩尴尬的口水浸湿,那么你需要改变你的睡觉习惯了。对于有些人来讲,只要仰面躺着睡觉就不会再流口水,但是经常会经历睡眠时呼吸暂停的人则需要采取一些更加戏剧性的措施。你可以先尝试一下下文中的建议,如果睡觉时仍然流口水的话,请就医治疗。方法1:改变你的睡觉习惯1、仰面躺着睡觉。习惯侧身睡的人更容易在睡眠时流口水,因为重力致使嘴巴张开,口水流到枕头上。尝试仰面躺着,用被褥裹着自己睡觉,这样迫使自己在睡着的时候不向侧面翻身。2、将头部抬起。如果你必须侧身睡觉才能睡得着的话,那么你将自己的身体撑起来,呈更为垂直的姿态,这样使你的嘴巴闭上,空气流通也更通畅。3、用鼻子呼吸,而不是嘴巴。通常人们流口水的主要原因是鼻腔堵塞。因此,他们必须用嘴巴呼吸,在此过程中会流口水。请尝试使用疏通鼻腔的产品,比如Vick"s Vaporub止咳清凉薄荷膏和虎标万金油。将其直接涂抹在鼻子下面来疏通鼻腔。睡觉前闻一闻精油,比如桉树油和玫瑰油,来疏通鼻腔,并且起到安眠的作用。睡觉前洗个热水蒸汽澡,清洁鼻腔。4、出现鼻腔感染或者过敏时立即治疗。不及时治疗的话会导致睡眠时后鼻漏和分泌多余的唾液。5、检查你目前正在服用的药物是否会造成分泌过多的唾液。很多不同的药物都有分泌唾液的副作用。仔细阅读一下药物的标签,或者询问医生。方法2:诊断并治疗睡眠时呼吸暂停1、检查你是否会在睡眠时出现呼吸暂停。如果你有睡眠障碍,呼吸沉重,鼾声响亮或者严重地流口水,那么你可能有睡眠时呼吸暂停症状。睡眠时呼吸暂停会导致你的呼吸变得很浅很细。有一些行为和状况会增加睡眠时呼吸暂停的几率。它们有:抽烟,高血压,有高风险的心脏衰竭或者中风的人。医生可以通过进行睡眠监测实验以及了解你的睡眠状态来诊断你是否有睡眠时呼吸暂停症状。2、检查你是否有气管阻塞的风险。流口水是气管堵塞的一个症状。去看耳鼻喉科医生来检查气管是否阻塞,是否使你在睡眠时无法用鼻子呼吸。3、减轻体重。如果你超重过胖的话,你出现睡眠时呼吸暂停的几率就会增加。睡眠时呼吸暂停的患者有半数都是肥胖者。改变饮食习惯和经常锻炼让自己的体重达到一个健康的标准,缩小颈围从而让呼吸更顺畅。4、保守地治疗睡眠时呼吸障碍。除了减重之外,改善睡眠时呼吸障碍的方法还有几个。确诊为睡眠时呼吸暂停的人,应该远离酒精,安眠药睡眠剥夺。简单的鼻腔喷雾和盐水冲洗可以有效疏通鼻腔。5、利用机械疗法来治疗睡眠时呼吸障碍。用于治疗睡眠时呼吸暂停患者的第一个方法就是连续气道正压通气法(CPAP)。这种方法大概可以概括为,患者在睡觉时需要佩戴一张面具,这张面具促使空气通过鼻孔和口腔。原理是利用合适的气压贯通气管,阻止气管上方组织坍塌。6、使用上颚促进设备。这些设备可以组织舌头坍塌进入喉咙气管内,促进下颚打开一个通风道。7、接受手术。拥有障碍组织的人,比如鼻中隔弯曲,扁桃体肥大,或者舌头过大者可以接受手术矫正。激光或微波使用无线电频率来 收紧喉咙后面的软腭,打开气道。悬雍垂腭咽成形术, 或者 UPPP/UP3可以用手术方式去除喉咙后面的软组织来打开气道。鼻腔手术包括几个步骤来修正障碍或者畸形,比如鼻中隔弯曲。扁桃体切除术 可以去除过于肥大的扁桃体,打开气道。way.颚/上颌促进手术 包含将颚骨向前移,来为喉咙制造空间。这个手术相当紧张,只为最严重的睡眠障碍者实施。小提示为了使得你能够仰面躺着睡觉,你得为了身体投资一张好的床垫和枕头来支撑你的颈部和头部。不要尝试张着嘴巴睡觉,以其促使口水变干。这样不仅不管用,还会造成喉咙疼,尤其是在寒冷的房间里。使用薰衣草香味的眼罩戴着入睡,并且仰面躺着睡觉。来源与引文↑↑↑↑↑↑
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机构设计及生产常用专业英语单词 Assembly line组装线 Layout布置图 Conveyer流水线物料板 Rivet table拉钉机 Rivet gun拉钉枪 Screw driver起子Pneumatic screw driver气动起子 worktable 工作桌 OOBA开箱检查 fit together组装在一起 fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板 套筒 socket 铁线 iron wire 铁板 iron board 烤漆粉 baking paint powder 围篱 paling (金属围篱:metal paling) 调高螺丝 adjusting screwbarcode条码 barcode scanner条码扫描器 fuse together熔合 fuse machine热熔机 repair修理 operator作业员 QC品管 supervisor 课长 ME制造工程师 MT制造生技 cosmetic inspect外观检查 inner parts inspect内部检查 thumb screw大头螺丝 lbs. inch镑、英寸 EMI gasket导电条 front plate前板 rear plate后板 chassis 基座 bezel panel面板 power button电源按键 reset button重置键 Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试 Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts塑胶件 SOP制造作业程序 material check list物料检查表 work cell工作间 trolley台车 carton纸箱 sub-line支线 left fork叉车 personnel resource department 人力资源部 production department生产部门 planning department企划部 QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 common equipment常用设备 uncoiler and straightener整平机 punching machine 冲床 robot机械手 hydraulic machine油压机 lathe车床 planer |"plein?|刨床 miller铣床 grinder磨床 linear cutting线切割 electrical sparkle电火花 welder电焊机 staker=reviting machine铆合机 position职务 president董事长 general manager总经理 special assistant manager特助 factory director厂长 department director部长 deputy manager | =vice manager副理 section supervisor课长 deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长 group leader/supervisor组长 line supervisor线长 assistant manager助理 to move, to carry, to handle搬运 be put in storage入库 pack packing包装 to apply oil擦油 to file burr 锉毛刺 final inspection终检 to connect material接料 to reverse material 翻料 wet station沾湿台 Tiana天那水 cleaning cloth抹布 to load material上料 to unload material卸料 to return material/stock to退料 scraped |"skr?pid|报废 scrape ..v.刮;削 deficient purchase来料不良 manufacture procedure制程 deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良 oxidation |" ksi"dei?n|氧化 scratch刮伤 dents压痕 defective upsiding down抽芽不良 defective to staking铆合不良 embedded lump镶块 feeding is not in place送料不到位 stamping-missing漏冲 production capacity生产力 education and training教育与训练 proposal improvement提案改善 spare parts=buffer备件 forklift叉车 trailer=long vehicle拖板车 compound die合模 die locker锁模器 pressure plate=plate pinch压板 bolt螺栓 administration/general affairs dept总务部automatic screwdriver电动启子 thickness gauge厚薄规 gauge(or jig)治具 power wire电源线 buzzle蜂鸣器 defective product label不良标签 identifying sheet list标示单 location地点 present members出席人员 subject主题 conclusion结论 decision items决议事项 responsible department负责单位 pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日 approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办 PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE组装厂生产排配表 model机锺 work order工令 revision版次 remark备注 production control confirmation生产确认 checked by初审 approved by核准 department部门 stock age analysis sheet 库存货龄分析表 on-hand inventory现有库存 available material良品可使用 obsolete material良品已呆滞 to be inspected or reworked 待验或重工 total合计 cause description原因说明 part number/ P/N 料号type形态 item/group/class类别 quality品质 prepared by制表 notes说明 year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet 年终盘点差异分析表 physical inventory盘点数量 physical count quantity帐面数量 difference quantity差异量 cause analysis原因分析 raw materials原料 materials物料 finished product成品 semi-finished product半成品 packing materials包材 good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品 defective product/non-good parts不良品 disposed goods处理品 warehouse/hub仓库 on way location在途仓 oversea location海外仓 spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单 spare molds location模具备品仓 skid/pallet栈板 tox machine自铆机 wire EDM线割 EDM放电机 coil stock卷料 sheet stock片料 tolerance工差 score=groove压线 cam block滑块 pilot导正筒 trim剪外边 pierce剪内边 drag form压锻差 pocket for the punch head挂钩槽 slug hole废料孔 feature die公母模 expansion dwg展开图 radius半径 shim(wedge)楔子 torch-flame cut火焰切割 set screw止付螺丝 form block折刀 stop pin定位销 round pierce punch=die button圆冲子 shape punch=die insert异形子 stock locater block定位块 under cut=scrap chopper清角 active plate活动板 baffle plate挡块 cover plate盖板 male die公模 female die母模 groove punch压线冲子 air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆 spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板 bushing block衬套 insert 入块 club car高尔夫球车 capability能力 parameter参数 factor系数 phosphate皮膜化成 viscosity涂料粘度 alkalidipping脱脂 main manifold主集流脉 bezel斜视规 blanking穿落模 dejecting顶固模 demagnetization去磁;消磁 high-speed transmission高速传递 heat dissipation热传 rack上料 degrease脱脂 rinse水洗 alkaline etch龄咬 desmut剥黑膜 D.I. rinse纯水次 Chromate铬酸处理 Anodize阳性处理 seal封孔 revision版次 part number/P/N料号 good products良品 scraped products报放心品 defective products不良品 finished products成品 disposed products处理品 barcode条码 flow chart流程表单 assembly组装 stamping冲压 molding成型 spare parts=buffer备品 coordinate座标 dismantle the die折模 auxiliary fuction辅助功能 poly-line多义线 heater band 加热片 thermocouple热电偶 sand blasting喷沙 grit 砂砾 derusting machine除锈机 degate打浇口 dryer烘干机 induction感应 induction light感应光response=reaction=interaction感应 ram连杆 edge finder巡边器 concave凸 convex凹 short射料不足 nick缺口 speck瑕?? shine亮班 splay 银纹 gas mark焦痕 delamination起鳞 cold slug冷块 blush 导色 gouge沟槽;凿槽 satin texture段面咬花 witness line证示线 patent专利 grit沙砾 granule=peuet=grain细粒 grit maker抽粒机 cushion缓冲 magnalium镁铝合金 magnesium镁金 metal plate钣金 lathe车 mill锉 plane刨 grind磨 drill铝 boring镗 blinster气泡 fillet镶;嵌边 through-hole form通孔形式 voller pin formality滚针形式 cam driver铡楔 shank摸柄 crank shaft曲柄轴 augular offset角度偏差 velocity速度production tempo生产进度现状 torque扭矩 spline=the multiple keys花键 quenching淬火 tempering回火 annealing退火 carbonization碳化 tungsten high speed steel钨高速的 moly high speed steel钼高速的 organic solvent有机溶剂 bracket小磁导 liaison联络单 volatile挥发性 resistance电阻 ion离子 titrator滴定仪 beacon警示灯 coolant冷却液 crusher破碎机
2022-12-31 21:00:546


A computer is an electronic device, which executes software programs. It consists of 2 parts-hardware and software . The computer processes input through input devices like mouse and keyboard. The computer displays output through output devices like color monitor and printer. The size of a computer varies considerably from very small to very big. The speed of computers also has a very large range. Computers have become indispensable in today"s world. Millions of people use computers all over the world.There are several uses of computers: - Word Processing - Word Processing software automatically corrects spelling and grammar mistakes. If the content of a document repeats you don"t have to type it each time. You can use the copy and paste features. You can printout documents and make several copies. It is easier to read a word-processed document than a handwritten one. You can add images to your document. Internet - It is a network of almost all the computers in the world. You can browse through much more information than you could do in a library. That is because computers can store enormous amounts of information. You also have very fast and convenient access to information. Through E-Mail you can communicate with a person sitting thousands of miles away in seconds. There is chat software that enables one to chat with another person on a real-time basis. Video conferencing tools are becoming readily available to the common man. Digital video or audio composition – Audio or video composition and editing have been made much easier by computers. It no longer costs thousands of dollars of equipment to compose music or make a film. Graphics engineers can use computers to generate short or full-length films or even to create three-dimensional models. Anybody owning a computer can now enter the field of media production. Special effects in science fiction and action movies are created using computers. Desktop publishing - With desktop publishing, you can create page layouts for entire books on your personal computer. Computers in Medicine - You can diagnose diseases. You can learn the cures. Software is used in magnetic resonance imaging to examine the internal organs of the human body. Software is used for performing surgery. Computers are used to store patient data. Mathematical Calculations - Thanks to computers, which have computing speeds of over a million calculations per second we can perform the biggest of mathematical calculations. Banks - All financial transactions are done by computer software. They provide security, speed and convenience. Travel - One can book air tickets or railway tickets and make hotel reservations online. Telecommunications - Software is widely used here. Also all mobile phones have software embedded in them. Defense - There is software embedded in almost every weapon. Software is used for controlling the flight and targeting in ballistic missiles. Software is used to control access to atomic bombs. E-Learning – Instead of a book it is easier to learn from an E-learning software. Gambling-You can gamble online instead of going to a casino. Examinations-You can give online exams and get instant results. You can check your examination results online. Computers in Business - Shops and supermarkets use software, which calculate the bills. Taxes can be calculated and paid online. Accounting is done using computers. One can predict future trends of business using artificial intelligence software. Software is used in major stock markets. One can do trading online. There are fully automated factories running on software. Certificates - Different types of certificates can be generated. It is very easy to create and change layouts. ATM machines - The computer software authenticates the user and dispenses cash. Marriage - There are matrimonial sites through which one can search for a suitable groom or bride. News-There are many websites through which you can read the latest or old news. Classmates-There are many alumni websites through which you can regain contact with your classmates. Robotics - Robots are controlled by software. Washing Machines - They operate using software. Microwave Oven - They are operated by software. Planning and Scheduling - Software can be used to store contact information, generating plans, scheduling appointments and deadlines. Plagiarism - Software can examine content for plagiarism. Greeting Cards - You can send and receive greetings pertaining to different occasions. Sports – Software is used for making umpiring decisions. There are simulation software using which a sportsperson can practice his skills. Computers are also to identify flaws in techhnique. Aeroplanes – Pilots train on software, which simulates flying. Weather analysis – Supercomputers are used to analyze and predict weather. Computers have leapfrogged the human society into another league. It is used in each and every aspect of human life. They will spearhead the human quest of eradicating social problems like illiteracy and poverty. It is difficult to imagine a world bereft of computers. This revolutionary technology is indeed a boon to the human race. May computers continue to shower their blessings to us. By Prabhakar Pillai
2022-12-31 21:01:201


During his evolution journey from Neanderthals to Homo erectus and then to Homo sapiens, man has come long way. Because of his continuous quest for more and more amenities and facilities, the nineties have seen a major turn around with the invention of computers. 10 years ago, the term internet was practically anonymous to most of the people. And today internet has become the most ever powerful tool for man throughout the world. The internet is a collection of various services and resources. Although, many people still think e-mail and World Wide Web as the principle constituents of internet, there is lot more in store than e-mail, chat rooms, celebrity web sites and search engines. It also became the best business tool of modern scenario. Today internet has brought a globe in a single room. Right from news across the corner of the world, wealth of knowledge to shopping, purchasing the tickets of your favorite movie-everything is at your finger tips. Internet has great potential and lot to offer… however, like every single innovation in science and technology, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. Advantages Communication: The foremost target of internet has always been the communication. And internet has excelled beyond the expectations .Still; innovations are going on to make it faster, more reliable. By the advent of computer"s Internet, our earth has reduced and has attained the form of a global village. Now we can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. Today for better communication, we can avail the facilities of e-mail; we can chat for hours with our loved ones. There are plenty messenger services in offering. With help of such services, it has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship where you can share your thoughts, can explore other cultures of different ethnicity. Information Information is probably the biggest advantage internet is offering. The Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet. The search engines like Google, yahoo is at your service on the Internet. You can almost find any type of data on almost any kind of subject that you are looking for. There is a huge amount of information available on the internet for just about every subject known to man, ranging from government law and services, trade fairs and conferences, market information, new ideas and technical support, the list is end less. Students and children are among the top users who surf the Internet for research. Today, it is almost required that students should use the Internet for research for the purpose of gathering resources. Teachers have started giving assignments that require research on the Internet. Almost every coming day, researches on medical issues become much easier to locate. Numerous web sites available on the net are offering loads of information for people to research diseases and talk to doctors online at sites such as, America"s Doctor. During 1998 over 20 million people reported going online to retrieve health information. Entertainment Entertainment is another popular raison d"être why many people prefer to surf the Internet. In fact, media of internet has become quite successful in trapping multifaceted entertainment factor. Downloading games, visiting chat rooms or just surfing the Web are some of the uses people have discovered. There are numerous games that may be downloaded from the Internet for free. The industry of online gaming has tasted dramatic and phenomenal attention by game lovers. Chat rooms are popular because users can meet new and interesting people. In fact, the Internet has been successfully used by people to find life long partners. When people surf the Web, there are numerous things that can be found. Music, hobbies, news and more can be found and shared on the Internet. Services Many services are now provided on the internet such as online banking, job seeking, purchasing tickets for your favorite movies, guidance services on array of topics engulfing the every aspect of life, and hotel reservations. Often these services are not available off-line and can cost you more. E-Commerce Ecommerce is the concept used for any type of commercial maneuvering, or business deals that involves the transfer of information across the globe via Internet. It has become a phenomenon associated with any kind of shopping, almost anything. You name it and Ecommerce with its giant tentacles engulfing every single product and service will make you available at your door steps. It has got a real amazing and wide range of products from household needs, technology to entertainment. Disadvantages Theft of Personal information If you use the Internet, you may be facing grave danger as your personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc. can be accessed by other culprits to make your problems worse. Spamming: Spamming refers to sending unwanted e-mails in bulk, which provide no purpose and needlessly obstruct the entire system. Such illegal activities can be very frustrating for you, and so instead of just ignoring it, you should make an effort to try and stop these activities so that using the Internet can become that much safer. Virus threat Virus is nothing but a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer systems. Computers attached to internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up into crashing your whole hard disk, causing you considerable headache. Pornography: This is perhaps the biggest threat related to your children"s healthy mental life. A very serious issue concerning the Internet. There are thousands of pornographic sites on the Internet that can be easily found and can be a detrimental factor to letting children use the Internet. Though, internet can also create havoc, destruction and its misuse can be very fatal, the advantages of it outweigh its disadvantages.
2022-12-31 21:01:261

大一英语作文!速 !

Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that drunken driving has been a grave problem with which we are confronted. Generally speaking, there are several reasons accounting for /behind this phenomenon. Firstly, recent decades have witnessed the rapid development of people"s living standards. As a result, cars gained ever-increasing popularity and have found their way into our everyday life. Secondly, people participate in more activities or banquets than ever before, where they will drink liquor/strong wine. Then, they may get drunk but continue to drive.Drunken driving is bound to generate severe consequence if we keep turning a blind eye to it. Firs and foremost, this behavior will directly threaten the safety of drivers, passengers and pedestrians/goers, resulting in traffic accidents, injuries and even deaths. Besides, treating the injured and repairing broken cars mean a grievous waste of money, time and resources. Last but not least, this irresponsible driving will make the road a nightmare, and thus, it will causes serious losses of faith in governments and the society.In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that the supervisory role of laws and regulations should be strengthened to punish those performing drunken driving. Secondly, the public, especially drivers, should enhance their awareness of public safety. With stringent laws and alert public, it will only a matter of time for drunken driving to become things of past.
2022-12-31 21:01:344

老师要的资料,可是总找不到.what is e-tourism?

Online tourism is at a platform that enables direct booking, easy payment for end-user, business-to-business trading for product providers, travel agents and resellers. google是很好的老师。:)
2022-12-31 21:01:552

2022-12-31 21:02:031


对狗而言我介意吃葡萄糖酸钙我家熊熊也吃的这种我并没有去买什么狗狗专用钙 个人觉得是扯蛋狗吃葡萄糖酸钙最容易吸收牌子不定,随便你选 我给我家的吃过2块钱一瓶一百片的也吃过几十块一盒的 感觉都差不多
2022-12-31 21:02:092

Explain the main differences between a limited liability company and a sole trader.

Sole trader is a person who carries out the trade/ business single handedly. He is the whole and soul of the business. Usually, there is no one to assist him; though in some cases he might keep an assistant or a helper. A limited company is a separate entity and is also either registered or incorporated under the laws of the country in which it is situated. It is a separate person in the eyes of the law. the main difference between a sole trader and a limited company is that the law makes no distinction between a sole trader and his business, whereas a limited company is a separate entity in itself which can function very much like humans i.e. it can hire people, sue and get sued etc. 可以
2022-12-31 21:02:232


2022-12-31 21:02:323


2022-12-31 21:02:484


2022-12-31 21:03:097

求Heartsdales《STAY》《冬Gonna Love》的歌词!!!!

看清楚是嘻哈甜心唱的 不是这2首歌的歌词请别发 谢谢配合PS:别糊弄我!!!!
2022-12-31 21:03:352


2022-12-31 21:03:446

谁知道乔丹经典《what is love》的歌词并翻译?

2022-12-31 21:04:163

求Heartsdeles(嘻哈甜心)‘Who you gonna love "的歌词

搜不到歌词,不过帮你听了一下,就我自己听的给你把歌词写一下,有两句没听清就用****代替了,还有几个地方可能单词不对,但不影响唱了do you believe the miracles, my heart is full of tendernessi never am so close to you, i hear you calling my and me is a secret,i wanna wanna to be with you.let me capture my love to youfeel gonna love feel gonna lovefeel gonna love feel gonna lovefeel gonna love feel gonna lovefeel gonna love feel gonna lovefeel gonna love feel gonna lovefeel gonna love feel gonna lovefeel gonna love feel gonna loveoh ohyou and me were like two piece in a part i say you good one love for youit"s all games i knowbut i never know what to say when you play too good to be true i miss the things that you dowhat you do and how you do but you are gone and i know you and it"s like it"s all good with somebody like you now stand up for what you believe inshout out the love that you feelingwatch out it"s gonna be a one road******** struggle as seeze the buzzlejust to the cross (loving loving)my love for you will always be real let"s keep this love for real (keep this love for real)do you believe the miracles, my heart is full of tendernessi never am so close to you, i hear you calling my and me is a secret,i wanna wanna to be with you.let me capture my love to youtogether in the futurelet"s make a perfect homony(coz you and me meet the right convernation)oh ohjust reach out for the star tonight from dawn to bring the final fantasyI still miss so to youfrom spring to summer we said hellothen are no came in and met awayit"s time for ** jack fross ** i miss youso baby stayso just falling down onmy hand as you walk inyou just smelt away mysorrow is i want to havesometimes i get shy and am so lonelyi wanna know how you feel tonightbaby i will always be your loverthere"s no one in this world just like you boyyou are always be a miracleand the night falls down with the snow and i see the christ so drownoh evertime you hold mebaby you are amazingand then we share with the think of youi will always be by your sideso close your eyes and finally don"t feel afraid and hold me tight(coz you and me meet the right convernation)oh oh stars are still shining in the skyand make me feel like heaven in my armsi need to be with youonce again i pray againyou and me baby can start againi colse my eyesi feel your touch i feel your hand just hold them ours(hold them again)so melt away everytime when you are here near be by my sidemy love is a gift and I give it to youcoz baby my heart is yoursi wanna be your miracleyou aways take my breath awayi know we"ll share my heart beatsand never were togetherwe will be foreverif one thing i want in the worldwe can try to the two of usso won"t you be my boyfriendi once want to see you every day(coz you and me meet the right convernation)oh ohyou are always be my boyfriendi can"t imagine my life pachat to beI will be still the samefeel gonna love feel gonna love feel gonna love feel gonna lovealways for youfeel gonna love feel gonna lovefeel gonna love feel gonna loveoh ohfeel gonna love feel gonna love feel gonna love feel gonna lovealways for youfeel gonna love feel gonna lovefeel gonna love feel gonna lovefeel gonna love feel gonna love花了我1个小时啊,悬赏还不给我?>:)
2022-12-31 21:04:306


2022-12-31 21:04:5915

C# Form里面1个Panel上加了许多Label,使用Clear方法清除时,获得时间很长,致使Panel闪烁严重,望赐教!

机构设计及生产常用专业英语单词 Assembly line组装线 Layout布置图 Conveyer流水线物料板 Rivet table拉钉机 Rivet gun拉钉枪 Screw driver起子Pneumatic screw driver气动起子 worktable 工作桌 OOBA开箱检查 fit together组装在一起 fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板 套筒 socket 铁线 iron wire 铁板 iron board 烤漆粉 baking paint powder 围篱 paling (金属围篱:metal paling) 调高螺丝 adjusting screwbarcode条码 barcode scanner条码扫描器 fuse together熔合 fuse machine热熔机 repair修理 operator作业员 QC品管 supervisor 课长 ME制造工程师 MT制造生技 cosmetic inspect外观检查 inner parts inspect内部检查 thumb screw大头螺丝 lbs. inch镑、英寸 EMI gasket导电条 front plate前板 rear plate后板 chassis 基座 bezel panel面板 power button电源按键 reset button重置键 Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试 Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts塑胶件 SOP制造作业程序 material check list物料检查表 work cell工作间 trolley台车 carton纸箱 sub-line支线 left fork叉车 personnel resource department 人力资源部 production department生产部门 planning department企划部 QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 common equipment常用设备 uncoiler and straightener整平机 punching machine 冲床 robot机械手 hydraulic machine油压机 lathe车床 planer |"plein?|刨床 miller铣床 grinder磨床 linear cutting线切割 electrical sparkle电火花 welder电焊机 staker=reviting machine铆合机 position职务 president董事长 general manager总经理 special assistant manager特助 factory director厂长 department director部长 deputy manager | =vice manager副理 section supervisor课长 deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长 group leader/supervisor组长 line supervisor线长 assistant manager助理 to move, to carry, to handle搬运 be put in storage入库 pack packing包装 to apply oil擦油 to file burr 锉毛刺 final inspection终检 to connect material接料 to reverse material 翻料 wet station沾湿台 Tiana天那水 cleaning cloth抹布 to load material上料 to unload material卸料 to return material/stock to退料 scraped |"skr?pid|报废 scrape ..v.刮;削 deficient purchase来料不良 manufacture procedure制程 deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良 oxidation |" ksi"dei?n|氧化 scratch刮伤 dents压痕 defective upsiding down抽芽不良 defective to staking铆合不良 embedded lump镶块 feeding is not in place送料不到位 stamping-missing漏冲 production capacity生产力 education and training教育与训练 proposal improvement提案改善 spare parts=buffer备件 forklift叉车 trailer=long vehicle拖板车 compound die合模 die locker锁模器 pressure plate=plate pinch压板 bolt螺栓 administration/general affairs dept总务部automatic screwdriver电动启子 thickness gauge厚薄规 gauge(or jig)治具 power wire电源线 buzzle蜂鸣器 defective product label不良标签 identifying sheet list标示单 location地点 present members出席人员 subject主题 conclusion结论 decision items决议事项 responsible department负责单位 pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日 approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办 PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE组装厂生产排配表 model机锺 work order工令 revision版次 remark备注 production control confirmation生产确认 checked by初审 approved by核准 department部门 stock age analysis sheet 库存货龄分析表 on-hand inventory现有库存 available material良品可使用 obsolete material良品已呆滞 to be inspected or reworked 待验或重工 total合计 cause description原因说明 part number/ P/N 料号type形态 item/group/class类别 quality品质 prepared by制表 notes说明 year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet 年终盘点差异分析表 physical inventory盘点数量 physical count quantity帐面数量 difference quantity差异量 cause analysis原因分析 raw materials原料 materials物料 finished product成品 semi-finished product半成品 packing materials包材 good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品 defective product/non-good parts不良品 disposed goods处理品 warehouse/hub仓库 on way location在途仓 oversea location海外仓 spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单 spare molds location模具备品仓 skid/pallet栈板 tox machine自铆机 wire EDM线割 EDM放电机 coil stock卷料 sheet stock片料 tolerance工差 score=groove压线 cam block滑块 pilot导正筒 trim剪外边 pierce剪内边 drag form压锻差 pocket for the punch head挂钩槽 slug hole废料孔 feature die公母模 expansion dwg展开图 radius半径 shim(wedge)楔子 torch-flame cut火焰切割 set screw止付螺丝 form block折刀 stop pin定位销 round pierce punch=die button圆冲子 shape punch=die insert异形子 stock locater block定位块 under cut=scrap chopper清角 active plate活动板 baffle plate挡块 cover plate盖板 male die公模 female die母模 groove punch压线冲子 air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆 spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板 bushing block衬套 insert 入块 club car高尔夫球车 capability能力 parameter参数 factor系数 phosphate皮膜化成 viscosity涂料粘度 alkalidipping脱脂 main manifold主集流脉 bezel斜视规 blanking穿落模 dejecting顶固模 demagnetization去磁;消磁 high-speed transmission高速传递 heat dissipation热传 rack上料 degrease脱脂 rinse水洗 alkaline etch龄咬 desmut剥黑膜 D.I. rinse纯水次 Chromate铬酸处理 Anodize阳性处理 seal封孔 revision版次 part number/P/N料号 good products良品 scraped products报放心品 defective products不良品 finished products成品 disposed products处理品 barcode条码 flow chart流程表单 assembly组装 stamping冲压 molding成型 spare parts=buffer备品 coordinate座标 dismantle the die折模 auxiliary fuction辅助功能 poly-line多义线 heater band 加热片 thermocouple热电偶 sand blasting喷沙 grit 砂砾 derusting machine除锈机 degate打浇口 dryer烘干机 induction感应 induction light感应光response=reaction=interaction感应 ram连杆 edge finder巡边器 concave凸 convex凹 short射料不足 nick缺口 speck瑕?? shine亮班 splay 银纹 gas mark焦痕 delamination起鳞 cold slug冷块 blush 导色 gouge沟槽;凿槽 satin texture段面咬花 witness line证示线 patent专利 grit沙砾 granule=peuet=grain细粒 grit maker抽粒机 cushion缓冲 magnalium镁铝合金 magnesium镁金 metal plate钣金 lathe车 mill锉 plane刨 grind磨 drill铝 boring镗 blinster气泡 fillet镶;嵌边 through-hole form通孔形式 voller pin formality滚针形式 cam driver铡楔 shank摸柄 crank shaft曲柄轴 augular offset角度偏差 velocity速度production tempo生产进度现状 torque扭矩 spline=the multiple keys花键 quenching淬火 tempering回火 annealing退火 carbonization碳化 tungsten high speed steel钨高速的 moly high speed steel钼高速的 organic solvent有机溶剂 bracket小磁导 liaison联络单 volatile挥发性 resistance电阻 ion离子 titrator滴定仪 beacon警示灯 coolant冷却液 crusher破碎机
2022-12-31 21:06:254

hussle and buzzle是什么意思怎么用?

2022-12-31 21:06:452


I have a lot of married friends so I"ve known plenty of people who have been in a similar situation. IMHO, too many people have unrealistic expectations. They expect bombs and fireworks to go off every day and that"s not how life is. Once you"ve been together for a long time, especially if you are married or living together, things die down. You don"t get as excited anymore when you hear his voice, you don"t want to have sex as often, you need some space from him, you may even find him less attractive, etc. That"s normal. I don"t know what the problem is because you provided little information but from what I"ve seen of friends who are in that situation, sometimes the problem is their unrealistic expectations. They also become busy with the routines in and raising their children. They don"t spend much time alone together and after a while, it becomes a marriage of convenience. My suggestion is to go for martial counseling and if that does not work, then you should go your own ways. Divorce is a horrible thing but you are setting a negative example for your kids because they may grow up believing that is what a marriage should be like. My friends who have left their husband or wife because they felt the love was not there anymore usually end up regretting it. Why? Because they felt there was a lot they could"ve done to try and salvage their marriage and it was not as bad as they thought it was. So please think things through before taking drastic measures. You should always weigh the pros and cons.========More Info========Does Living In A Loveless Marriage Necessarily Mean That You Should Get A Divorce? Loveless Marriage: Why divorce wasn"t the answer to my emptiness. Judy Bodmer We Save Our Marriage? Trapped in a Loveless Marriage 
2022-12-31 21:06:571


Interview is the face-to-face, question and answer session between two people, the interviewer and the interviewee, and is meant for acquiring information and also to know the views of the interviewee. Most of the times there are more than one interviewers and that can scare the interviewee. The interviewee has to make maximum positive impact on the interviewers in a short period of time and hence, it is very important for him to prepare himself thoroughly for the interview. There are specific tips and techniques on how to prepare for an interview. Let us have a look at them in detail.Tips on How to Prepare for an Interview# ResumeThe most important information on how to prepare for an interview is, to have your resume ready and within easy reach in your handbag or briefcase. Do not waste time hunting the resume. Always remember that the CV is the first thing the interviewer will ask for. The same goes for your documents if you are required to get them along.# Update KnowledgeThe first thing you should do is to have a detailed knowledge about the company/institution/school you have applied for. It is also better to brush up the knowledge of your own subjects. You will make a bad impression if you are found to lack knowledge about your own subject. You should also have information about the current affairs and recent issues related to your subjects.# Dress SmartlyRemember the old cliché, first impression is the last impression. Therefore, if you want to know how to prepare for an interview and make a good impression, you need to dress decently and appropriately for an interview, to make a positive impression. The last thing you want during an interview is to be embarrassed by your outfit. Do not be overly dressed and remember that this is not the place where you can try new fashion. Learn more about job interview dress code.# Be Confident and ClearYou have to clear about the views that you express. You must confidently answer the questions asked by the interviewer. You must also remember one thing, that if you are not sure about anything, say it directly. You should not lie or exaggerate. Honesty is greatly valued in an interview. You may be bound to feel nervous but do not show it with nervous movements of hands or difficulty in speech. Answer the questions that you are sure of and you can take your time to answer. Do not rush into giving an opinion or blurting out an answer.# MannersManners are very important and they will surely make a mark. Remember that punctuality counts a lot during interviews. Ask the permission before entering the room and also before sitting down. You should greet the interviewer before the beginning as well as at the end of the interview. Also, do not hesitate to look into his eyes while speaking, as this shows your confidence. You should also sit and talk in an upright posture. After the end of the interview, you must thank the interviewer and leave.How to Prepare for an Interview at the Last MinuteBefore facing the interviewer, try and find out his name and position. You should also read the morning newspaper or listen to the radio to have yourself updated on the current issues. To know how to prepare for interview questions, remember that there are a few common interview questions that are asked for most of the interviews. For e.g, What are your strengths, Why do you think you are the suitable candidate for the job, etc. You just have to prepare answers for these questions and face the interviewer confidently.If you are called for an interview, do not be worried, as to how to prepare for an interview. Remember these job interview tips and go for the interview confidently. Good luck!
2022-12-31 21:07:121


1.Reduce peer pressure as no student will be picked on because they may be less fortunate to have the more popular brand of clothing.2. Can instill a sense of discipline and community feeling. 3. Will not have to wonder what you"re going to wear from day to day. 4.Easier for the school authorities to recognize students belonging to their school.
2022-12-31 21:07:243


Assembly line 组装线 Layout 布置图 Conveyer 流水线物料板 Rivet table 拉钉机 Rivet gun 拉钉枪 Screw driver 起子Pneumatic screw driver 气动起子 worktable 工作桌 OOBA 开箱检查 fit together 组装在一起 fasten 锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet 栈板 barcode 条码 barcode scanner 条码扫描器 fuse together 熔合 fuse machine热熔机repair修理 operator作业员 QC品管 supervisor 课长 ME 制造工程师 MT 制造生技 cosmetic inspect 外观检查 inner parts inspect 内部检查 thumb screw 大头螺丝 lbs. inch 镑、英寸 EMI gasket 导电条 front plate 前板 rear plate 后板 chassis 基座 bezel panel 面板 power button 电源按键 reset button 重置键 Hi-pot test of SPS 高源高压测试 Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts 塑胶件 SOP 制造作业程序 material check list 物料检查表 work cell 工作间 trolley 台车 carton 纸箱 sub-line 支线 left fork 叉车 personnel resource department 人力资源部 production department生产部门 planning department企划部 QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 common equipment常用设备 uncoiler and straightener整平机 punching machine 冲床 robot机械手 hydraulic machine油压机 lathe车床 planer |plein|刨床 miller铣床 grinder磨床 linear cutting线切割 electrical sparkle电火花 welder电焊机 staker=reviting machine铆合机 position职务 president董事长 general manager总经理 special assistant manager特助 factory director厂长 department director部长 deputy manager | =vice manager副理 section supervisor课长 deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长 group leader/supervisor组长 line supervisor线长 assistant manager助理 to move, to carry, to handle搬运 be put in storage入库 pack packing包装 to apply oil擦油 to file burr 锉毛刺 final inspection终检 to connect material接料 to reverse material 翻料 wet station沾湿台 Tiana天那水 cleaning cloth抹布 to load material上料 to unload material卸料 to return material/stock to退料 scraped |\"skr?pid|报废 scrape ..v.刮;削 deficient purchase来料不良 manufacture procedure制程 deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良 oxidation |\" ksi\"dei?n|氧化 scratch刮伤 dents压痕 defective upsiding down抽芽不良 defective to staking铆合不良 embedded lump镶块 feeding is not in place送料不到位 stamping-missing漏冲 production capacity生产力 education and training教育与训练 proposal improvement提案改善 spare parts=buffer备件 forklift叉车 trailer=long vehicle拖板车 compound die合模 die locker锁模器 pressure plate=plate pinch压板 bolt螺栓 administration/general affairs dept总务部automatic screwdriver电动启子 thickness gauge厚薄规 gauge(or jig)治具 power wire电源线 buzzle蜂鸣器 defective product label不良标签 identifying sheet list标示单 location地点 present members出席人员 subject主题 conclusion结论 decision items决议事项 responsible department负责单位 pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日 approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办 PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE组装厂生产排配表 model机锺 work order工令 revision版次 remark备注 production control confirmation生产确认 checked by初审 approved by核准 department部门 stock age analysis sheet 库存货龄分析表 on-hand inventory现有库存 available material良品可使用 obsolete material良品已呆滞 to be inspected or reworked 待验或重工 total合计 cause description原因说明 part number/ P/N 料号type形态 item/group/class类别 quality品质 prepared by制表 notes说明 ear-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet 年终盘点差异分析 Physical inventory盘点数量 physical count quantity帐面数量 difference quantity差异量 cause analysis原因分析 raw materials原料 materials物料 finished product成品 semi-finished product半成品 packing materials包材 good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品 defective product/non-good parts不良品 disposed goods处理品 warehouse/hub仓库 on way location在途仓 oversea location海外仓 spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单 spare molds location模具备品仓 skid/pallet栈板 tox machine自铆机 wire EDM线割 EDM放电机 coil stock卷料 sheet stock片料 tolerance工差 score=groove压线 cam block滑块 pilot导正筒 trim剪外边 pierce剪内边 drag form压锻差 pocket for the punch head挂钩槽 slug hole废料孔 feature die公母模 expansion dwg展开图 radius半径 shim(wedge)楔子 torch-flame cut火焰切割 set screw止付螺丝 form block折刀 stop pin定位销 round pierce punch=die button圆冲子 shape punch=die insert异形子 stock locater block定位块 under cut=scrap chopper清角 active plate活动板 baffle plate挡块 cover plate盖板 male die公模 female die母模 groove punch压线冲子 air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆 spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板 bushing block衬套 insert 入块 club car高尔夫球车 capability能力 parameter参数 factor系数 phosphate皮膜化成 viscosity涂料粘度 alkalidipping脱脂 main manifold主集流脉 bezel斜视规 blanking穿落模 dejecting顶固模 demagnetization去磁;消磁 high-speed transmission高速传递 heat dissipation热传 rack上料 degrease脱脂 rinse水洗 alkaline etch龄咬 desmut剥黑膜 D.I. rinse纯水次 Chromate铬酸处理 Anodize阳性处理 seal封孔 revision版次 part number/P/N料号 good products良品 scraped products报放心品 defective products不良品 finished products成品 disposed products处理品 barcode条码 flow chart流程表单 assembly组装 stamping冲压 molding成型 spare parts=buffer备品 coordinate座标 dismantle the die折模 auxiliary fuction辅助功能 poly-line多义线 heater band 加热片 thermocouple热电偶 sand blasting喷沙 grit 砂砾 derusting machine除锈机 degate打浇口 dryer烘干机 induction感应 induction light感应光response=reaction=interaction感应 ram连杆 edge finder巡边器 concave凸 convex凹 short射料不足 nick缺口 speck瑕?? shine亮班 splay 银纹 gas mark焦痕 delamination起鳞 cold slug冷块 blush 导色 gouge沟槽;凿槽 satin texture段面咬花 witness line证示线 patent专利 grit沙砾 granule=peuet=grain细粒 grit maker抽粒机 cushion缓冲 magnalium镁铝合金 magnesium镁金 metal plate钣金 lathe车 mill锉 plane刨 grind磨 drill铝 boring镗 blinster气泡 fillet镶;嵌边 through-hole form通孔形式 voller pin formality滚针形式 cam driver铡楔 shank摸柄 crank shaft曲柄轴 augular offset角度偏差 velocity速度production tempo生产进度现状 torque扭矩 spline=the multiple keys花键 quenching淬火 tempering回火 annealing退火 carbonization碳化 tungsten high speed steel钨高速的 moly high speed steel钼高速的 organic solvent有机溶剂 bracket小磁导 liaison联络单 volatile挥发性 resistance电阻 ion离子 titrator滴定仪 beacon警示灯 coolant冷却液 crusher破碎机
2022-12-31 21:07:471


As I leaned out of the window, I inhaled the fresh air smelling of wet earth. I looked up and saw the clouds slowly gather together so that they could see us better from the sky. The trees were swaying slowly to the light wind that had picked up.In the weekends, some people go to visit their relatives or shopping or even go to trips, but some people don"t do anything. This weekend was different from any other weekend, because my family decided to go for a trip to the mountains and spend our day there.Firstly, we prepared what we needed from food and drinks. Because it was in winter, we took our umbrellas and jackets. After that, we get dressed and went to the mountain. When we arrived to our small house in the mountain we put our things in the house and my mother started to unpack the food and cook the meal. My sisters helped my mother while my brothers helped my father with collecting wood. On the other hand, me and my little brother and sister went for an adventure to explore the place and I took my camera with me to take photos for the mountains. When we finished our adventure my mother finished cooking and we gathered together to eat our meal and we played many games after that.This weekend was exiting for our family and we enjoyed it and hope I can go there again. 仅供参考,来源:满意请采纳,谢谢。
2022-12-31 21:08:081


Assembly line组装线 Layout布置图 Conveyer流水线物料板 Rivet table拉钉机 Rivet gun拉钉枪 Screw driver起子 Electric screw driver电动起子 Pneumatic screw driver气动起子 worktable 工作桌 OOBA开箱检查 fit together组装在一起 fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板 barcode条码 barcode scanner条码扫描器 fuse together熔合 fuse machine热熔机 repair修理 operator作业员 QC品管 supervisor 课长 ME制造工程师 MT制造生技 cosmetic inspect外观检查 inner parts inspect内部检查 thumb screw大头螺丝 lbs. inch镑、英寸 EMI gasket导电条 front plate前板 rear plate后板 chassis 基座 bezel panel面板 power button电源按键 reset button重置键 Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试 Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts塑胶件 SOP制造作业程序 material check list物料检查表 work cell工作间 trolley台车 carton纸箱 sub-line支线 left fork叉车 production department生产部门 planning department企划部 QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 common equipment常用设备 uncoiler and straightener整平机 punching machine 冲床 robot机械手 hydraulic machine油压机 lathe车床 planer |"plein?|刨床 miller铣床 grinder磨床 driller铣床 linear cutting线切割 electrical sparkle电火花 welder电焊机 staker=reviting machine铆合机 position职务 president董事长 general manager总经理 special assistant manager特助 factory director厂长 department director部长 deputy manager | =vice manager副理 section supervisor课长 deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长 group leader/supervisor组长 line supervisor线长 assistant manager助理 to move, to carry, to handle搬运 be put in storage入库 pack packing包装 to apply oil擦油 to file burr 锉毛刺 final inspection终检 to connect material接料 to reverse material 翻料 wet station沾湿台 Tiana天那水 cleaning cloth抹布 to load material上料 to unload material卸料 to return material/stock to退料 scraped |"skr?pid|报废 scrape ..v.刮;削 deficient purchase来料不良 manufacture procedure制程 deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良 oxidation |" ksi"dei?n|氧化 scratch刮伤 dents压痕 defective upsiding down抽芽不良 defective to staking铆合不良 embedded lump镶块 feeding is not in place送料不到位 stamping-missing漏冲 production capacity生产力 education and training教育与训练 proposal improvement提案改善 spare parts=buffer备件 forklift叉车 trailer=long vehicle拖板车 compound die合模 die locker锁模器 pressure plate=plate pinch压板 bolt螺栓 name of a department部门名称 administration/general affairs dept总务部 automatic screwdriver电动启子 thickness gauge厚薄规 gauge(or jig)治具 power wire电源线 buzzle蜂鸣器 defective product label不良标签 identifying sheet list标示单 screwdriver holder起子插座 pedal踩踏板 stopper阻挡器 flow board流水板 hydraulic handjack油压板车 forklift叉车 pallet栈板 glove(s)手套 glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套 thumb大拇指 forefinger食指 midfinger中指 ring finger无名指 little finger小指 band-aid创可贴 iudustrial alcohol工业酒精 alcohol container沾湿台 head of screwdriver起子头 sweeper扫把 mop拖把 vaccum cleaner吸尘器 rag 抹布 garbage container灰箕 garbage can垃圾箱 garbage bag垃圾袋 chain链条 jack升降机 production line流水线 chain链条槽 更多词汇查看
2022-12-31 21:08:142


Advantages and Disadvantages of the InternetDuring his evolution journey from Neanderthals to Homo erectus and then to Homo sapiens, man has come long way. Because of his continuous quest for more and more amenities and facilities, the nineties have seen a major turn around with the invention of computers. 10 years ago, the term internet was practically anonymous to most of the people. And today internet has become the most powerful tool for man throughout the world. The internet is a collection of various services and resources. Although, many people still think e-mail and World Wide Web as the principle constituents of internet, there is lot more in store than e-mail, chat rooms, celebrity web sites and search engines. It also became the best business tool of modern scenario. Today internet has brought a globe in a single room. Right from news across the corner of the world, wealth of knowledge to shopping, purchasing the tickets of your favorite movie-everything is at your fingertips. Internet has great potential and lot to offer... however, like every single innovation in science and technology, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. 1. Advantages a. Communication: The foremost target of internet has always been the communication. And internet has excelled beyond the expectations .Still; innovations are going on to make it faster, more reliable. By the advent of computer"s Internet, our earth has reduced and has attained the form of a global village. Now we can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. Today for better communication, we can avail the facilities of e-mail; we can chat for hours with our loved ones. There are plenty messenger services in offering. With help of such services, it has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship where you can share your thoughts, can explore other cultures of different ethnicity. b. Information Information is probably the biggest advantage internet is offering. The Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet. The search engines like Google, yahoo is at your service on the Internet. You can almost find any type of data on almost any kind of subject that you are looking for. There is a huge amount of information available on the internet for just about every subject known to man, ranging from government law and services, trade fairs and conferences, market information, new ideas and technical support, the list is end less. Students and children are among the top users who surf the Internet for research. Today, it is almost required that students should use the Internet for research for the purpose of gathering resources. Teachers have started giving assignments that require research on the Internet. Almost every coming day, researches on medical issues become much easier to locate. Numerous web sites available on the net are offering loads of information for people to research diseases and talk to doctors online at sites such as, America"s Doctor. During 1998 over 20 million people reported going online to retrieve health information. c. Entertainment Entertainment is another popular raison d"être why many people prefer to surf the Internet. In fact, media of internet has become quite successful in trapping multifaceted entertainment factor. Downloading games, visiting chat rooms or just surfing the Web are some of the uses people have discovered. There are numerous games that may be downloaded from the Internet for free. The industry of online gaming has tasted dramatic and phenomenal attention by game lovers. Chat rooms are popular because users can meet new and interesting people. In fact, the Internet has been successfully used by people to find life long partners. When people surf the Web, there are numerous things that can be found. Music, hobbies, news and more can be found and shared on the Internet. d. Services Many services are now provided on the internet such as online banking, job seeking, purchasing tickets for your favorite movies, guidance services on array of topics engulfing every aspect of life, and hotel reservations. Often these services are not available off-line and can cost you more. f. E-Commerce Ecommerce is the concept used for any type of commercial maneuvering, or business deals that involves the transfer of information across the globe via Internet. It has become a phenomenon associated with any kind of shopping, almost anything. You name it and Ecommerce with its giant tentacles engulfing every single product and service will make you available at your door steps. It has got a real amazing and wide range of products from household needs, technology to entertainment. 2. Disadvantages a. Theft of Personal information If you use the Internet, you may be facing grave danger as your personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc. can be accessed by other culprits to make your problems worse. b. Spamming: Spamming refers to sending unwanted e-mails in bulk, which provide no purpose and needlessly obstruct the entire system. Such illegal activities can be very frustrating for you, and so instead of just ignoring it, you should make an effort to try stopping these activities so that using the Internet can become that much safer. c. Virus threat Virus is nothing but a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer systems. Computers attached to internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up into crashing your whole hard disk, causing you considerable headache. d. Pornography: This is perhaps the biggest threat related to your children"s healthy mental life. A very serious issue concerning the Internet. There are thousands of pornographic sites on the Internet that can be easily found and can be a detrimental factor to letting children use the Internet. Though, internet can also create havoc, destruction and its misuse can be very fatal, the advantages of it outweigh its disadvantages.
2022-12-31 21:08:221

do you enjoy fast food ?why or not ?写一篇小作文

fast food refers to food that can be prepared and served very quickly as a quick meal or to be taken a way. I enjoy fast food because they are quick and easy to get to. They are so convenient and seem to be everywhere. Beside, they are inexpensive too. I can"t resist the strategy that they used to encourage you to overeat, such as meal deals, up-sizing and buddy meal. In today"s fast-paced life, there is nothing better than getting a ready meal. Besides the time an individual has to spend in the kitchen, cooking a meal, also requires one to make a trip to the supermarket to buy the ingredients for the dish. Then, there is the added effort and time consumed in washing and peeling the vegetables. All this makes eating fast food more preferable over cooking a meal for a busy individual. However, it leads to undesirable health issue due to high amount of fat present in fast food. It cause weight gain easily and lead to obesity. Fast food contains high amount of sugar as well. They are often high in sodium and lead to kidney disease. Some fast food contains additives, preservatives and bad fat. 还有更多请参考:
2022-12-31 21:08:271


Assembly line组装线 Layout布置图 Conveyer流水线物料板 Rivet table拉钉机 Rivet gun拉钉枪 Screw driver起子 Electric screw driver电动起子 Pneumatic screw driver气动起子 worktable 工作桌 OOBA开箱检查 Out of Box Auditfit together组装在一起 fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板 barcode条码 barcode scanner条码扫描器 fuse together熔合 fuse machine热熔机 repair修理 operator作业员 QC品管 supervisor 课长 ME制造工程师 MT制造生技 cosmetic inspect外观检查 inner parts inspect内部检查 thumb screw大头螺丝 lbs. inch镑、英寸 EMI gasket导电条 front plate前板 rear plate后板 chassis 基座 bezel panel面板 power button电源按键 reset button重置键 Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试 Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts塑胶件 SOP制造作业程序 material check list物料检查表 work cell工作间 trolley台车 carton纸箱 sub-line支线 left fork叉车 personnel resource department 人力资源部 production department生产部门 planning department企划部 QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 common equipment常用设备 uncoiler and straightener整平机 punching machine 冲床 robot机械手 hydraulic machine油压机 lathe车床 |刨床planer |"plein miller铣床 grinder磨床 driller钻床 linear cutting线切割 electrical sparkle电火花 welder电焊机 staker=reviting machine铆合机 position职务 president董事长 general manager总经理 special assistant manager特助 factory director厂长 department director部长 deputy manager | =vice manager副理 section supervisor课长 deputy section supervisor =vice section supervisor副课长 group leader/supervisor组长 line supervisor线长 assistant manager助理 to move, to carry, to handle搬运 be put in storage入库 pack packing包装 to apply oil擦油 to file burr 锉毛刺 final inspection终检 to connect material接料 to reverse material 翻料 wet station沾湿台 Tiana天那水 cleaning cloth抹布 to load material上料 to unload material卸料 to return material/stock to退料 scraped |"skræpid|报废 scrape ..v.刮;削 deficient purchase来料不良 manufacture procedure制程 deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良 n|氧化oxidation |" ksi"dei scratch刮伤 dents压痕 defective upsiding down抽芽不良 defective to staking铆合不良 embedded lump镶块 feeding is not in place送料不到位 stamping-missing漏冲 production capacity生产力 education and training教育与训练 proposal improvement提案改善 spare parts=buffer备件 forklift叉车 trailer=long vehicle拖板车 compound die合模 die locker锁模器 pressure plate=plate pinch压板 bolt螺栓 name of a department部门名称 administration/general affairs dept总务部 automatic screwdriver电动启子 thickness gauge厚薄规 gauge(or jig)治具 power wire电源线 buzzle蜂鸣器 defective product label不良标签 identifying sheet list标示单 screwdriver holder起子插座 pedal踩踏板 stopper阻挡器 flow board流水板 hydraulic handjack油压板车 forklift叉车 pallet栈板 glove(s)手套 glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套 thumb大拇指 forefinger食指 midfinger中指 ring finger无名指 little finger小指 band-aid创可贴 iudustrial alcohol工业酒精 alcohol container沾湿台 head of screwdriver起子头 sweeper扫把 mop拖把 vaccum cleaner吸尘器 rag 抹布 garbage container灰箕 garbage can垃圾箱 garbage bag垃圾袋 chain链条 jack升降机 production line流水线 chain链条槽 magnetizer加磁器 lamp holder灯架 to mop the floor拖地 to clean the floor扫地 to clean a table擦桌子 air pipe 气管 packaging tool打包机 packaging打包 missing part漏件 wrong part错件 excessive defects过多的缺陷 critical defect极严重缺陷 major defect主要缺陷 minor defect次要缺陷 not up to standard不合规格 dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小) cosmetic defect外观不良 slipped screwhead/slippery screw head螺丝滑头 slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread滑手 speckle斑点 mildewed=moldy=mouldy发霉 rust生锈 deformation变形 burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边 poor staking铆合不良 excesssive gap间隙过大 grease/oil stains油污 inclusion杂质 painting peel off脏污 shrinking/shrinkage缩水 mixed color杂色 scratch划伤 poor processing 制程不良 poor incoming part事件不良 fold of packaging belt打包带折皱 painting make-up补漆 discoloration羿色 water spots水渍 polishing/surface processing表面处理 exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露 lack of painting烤漆不到位 safety安全 quality品质 delivery deadline交货期 cost成本 engineering工程 die repair模修 enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects企划 QC品管 die worker模工 production, to produce生产 equipment设备 to start a press开机 stop/switch off a press关机 classification整理 regulation整顿 cleanness清扫 conservation清洁 culture教养 qualified products, up-to-grade products良品 defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品 waste废料 board看板 feeder送料机 sliding rack滑料架 defective product box不良品箱 die change 换模 to fix a die装模 to take apart a die拆模 to repair a die修模 packing material包材 basket蝴蝶竺 plastic basket胶筐 isolating plate baffle plate; barricade隔板 carton box纸箱 to pull and stretch拉深 to put material in place, to cut material, to input落料 to impose lines压线 to compress, compressing压缩 character die字模 to feed, feeding送料 transportation运输 (be)qualfied, up to grade合格 not up to grade, not qualified不合格 material change, stock change材料变更 feature change 特性变更 evaluation评估 prepare for, make preparations for 准备 parameters参数 rotating speed, revolution转速 manufacture management制造管理 abnormal handling异常处理 production unit生产单位 lots of production生产批量 steel plate钢板 roll material卷料 manufacture procedure制程 operation procedure作业流程 to revise, modify修订 to switch over to, switch---to throw--over switching over切换 engineering, project difficulty 工程瓶颈 stage die工程模 automation自动化 to stake, staking, reviting铆合 add lubricating oil加润滑油 shut die架模 shut height of a die架模高度 analog-mode device类模器 die lifter举模器 argon welding氩焊 vocabulary for stamping模具专业英语[分享]模具述语 一、入水:gate 进入位: gate location 水口形式:gate type 大水口:edge gate 细水口: pin-point gate 水口大小:gate size 转水口: switching runner/gate 唧嘴口径: sprue diameter 二、流道: runner 热流道: hot runner,hot manifold 热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner 唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate 圆形流道:round(full/half runner 流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis 流道平衡:runner balance 热嘴: hot sprue 热流道板:hot manifold 发热管:cartridge heater 探针: thermocouples 插头: connector plug 插座: connector socket 密封/封料: seal 三、运水:water line 喉塞:line lpug 喉管:tube 塑胶管:plastic tube 快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker 四、模具零件: mold components 三板模:3-plate mold 二板模:2-plate mold 边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin 边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing 中托司:shoulder guide bushing 中托边L:guide pin 顶针板:ejector retainner plate 托板: support plate 螺丝: screw 管钉:dowel pin 开模槽:ply bar scot 内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock 顶针: ejector pin 司筒:ejector sleeve 司筒针:ejector pin 推板:stripper plate 缩呵:movable core,return core core puller 扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock 斜顶:lifter 模胚(架): mold base 上内模:cavity insert 下内模:core insert 行位(滑块): slide 镶件:insert 压座/斜鸡:wedge 耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate 压条:plate 撑头: support pillar 唧嘴: sprue bushing 挡板:stop plate 定位圈:locating ring 锁扣:latch 扣鸡:parting lock set 推杆:push bar 栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B 顶板:eracuretun 活动臂:lever arm 分流锥:spure sperader 水口司:bush 垃圾钉:stop pin 隔片:buffle 弹弓柱:spring rod 弹弓:die spring 中托司:ejector guide bush 中托边:ejector guide pin 镶针:pin 销子:dowel pin 波子弹弓:ball catch 喉塞: pipe plug 锁模块:lock plate 斜顶:angle from pin 斜顶杆:angle ejector rod 尼龙拉勾:parting locks 活动臂:lever arm 复位键、提前回杆:early return bar 气阀:valves 斜导边:angle pin 术语:terms 承压平面平衡:parting surface support balance 模排气:parting line venting 回针碰料位:return pin and cavity interference 模总高超出啤机规格:mold base shut hight 顶针碰运水:water line interferes withejector pin 料位出上/下模:part from cavith (core) side 模胚原身出料位:cavity direct cut on A-plate,core direct cut on B-plate. 不准用镶件: Do not use (core/cavity) insert 用铍铜做镶件: use beryllium copper insert 初步(正式)模图设计:preliinary (final) mold design 反呵:reverse core 弹弓压缩量:spring compressed length 稳定性好:good stability,stable 强度不够:insufficient rigidity 均匀冷却:even cooling 扣模:sticking 热膨胀:thero expansion 公差:tolorance 铜公(电极):copper electrod
2022-12-31 21:08:331

乔丹的广告what is love 全文

2022-12-31 21:08:425

china surge fuels fears of overheating这个句子怎么翻译?最好是能告诉我出自哪里。谢谢。出处)中国的经济过热的激增的燃料恐惧
2022-12-31 21:09:122


Love is being a rookie. Love is taking the air less troubled. Love is wearing new pair every game. Love is the buzzle beat. Love is dropping 69. Love is your first. Love is a three-peat.
2022-12-31 21:09:202


What is love? Love is being a rookie. Love is taking the air less troubled. Love is wearing new pair every game. Love is the buzzle beater. Love is dropping 69. Love is your first. Love is a three-peat. When I lose, the sense of motivation, and the sense of to prove something as a basketball player. It"s time for me to move away from basketball Love is realizing when not to quit your detial. Love is silencing your critics. Love is playing on nothing but heart. And rising your warm,take it and work with which is not I am own,thank you Chicago What is love? Love is playing every game as if it"s your last。广告完整版
2022-12-31 21:09:291

乔丹的广告what is love 全文

love geP
2022-12-31 21:09:383

求一篇文章 开头是:How to concentrate on studies is the biggest question that students all over the

题目:How to Concentrate on Studies 出处: buzzle.com作者:Ashwini Kulkarni Sule 日期:5/31/2011How to concentrate on studies is the biggest question that students all over the world face when it"s exam time. Well, here are some simple tips that should help you with concentration.Human mind is tricky and funny in its own way. The more you try to train it, the more resilient it becomes. It does not follow any definite thought process, random thoughts just enter and exit your mind at their own will. However, eventually something grabs your attention and your thoughts start lining up in order. This process is called concentration and unfortunately it does not occur voluntarily! While most of us can watch TV programs with rapt attention or read a novel with great focus, concentration seemly evades us when we open a textbook. Open a book and your mind is immediately filled with delightful thoughts about upcoming football game or the last conversation with your girlfriend or that most awaited vacation after exams. No matter how hard you try, you simply cannot make yourself sit for 15 minutes and absorb the content in the book. If the above description fits you, follow these tips on how to concentrate on studies better. Tips on How to Concentrate on StudiesAs mentioned above your mind has this uncanny knack of avoiding things that you force upon it. So if you simply tell your mind to concentrate, concentrate and concentrate, it will do everything except that. The secret of concentration lies in tricking your mind into believing that you actually love to do something which you really don"t. Besides, you can also alter your environment a little so as to make studying a better experience. Plan Your TimetableInstead of picking up any textbook and reading it, it is always best to have a study plan ready. A good plan helps you to stay on track. However, be realistic with your timetable and do not expect too much out of yourself. If you have never studied late night in your life, then there is no point in allocating nighttime study hours. Similarly, plan your timetable in such a way that difficult subjects are dedicated more time. Introduce VarietyIf you study for 5 hours at a stretch, you are bound to get bored. Your attention span will start diminishing within hour or so. Hence, it is recommended that you keep on switching your subjects so that you do not get bored. However, make sure you dedicate at least 2 hours to each subject at a stretch. Combine your study sessions with well deserved breaks. After studying for an hour, grab a bite or take a walk in yard for 5 minutes. Take InterestThis is the most important aspect of concentration. Unless you like what you are doing, it is not possible to focus on that task. Hence, you have to take interest in what you are studying. You can start with your favorite subject and move on to difficult ones, once you get the knack of studying. You can also take the difficult subject when your mind is most alert and refreshed. Spare the most interesting ones after meal time, when your mind is sheepish. Set Up a Study AreaIt is better to have a dedicated study room where you can concentrate properly without any distractions. If that is not possible, you can set up a study table in a secluded corner in your home. Make sure you study at this place and nowhere else. This helps your mind to automatically focus when you sit on your study table. Make sure the place is well-lit and ventilated. Get Rid of DistractionsYou will never be able to concentrate if you are surrounded with all types of distractions. Switch off your cell phone or simply put it away if you are likely to check messages every now and then. Turn off the television and let the music play only in background, if you must listen to it. Make sure you are isolated from activities of other members in house. Meditation techniques for concentration also help you stay focused. Get Enough RestYour mind will be at its sharpest only if you let it rest for sufficient time. Sleep for at least 6 to 8 hours depending upon your individual requirements. Eat healthy meals and reward yourself some free time after studies. You may even ask a friend to study with you, so that you are more motivated to concentrate. However, make sure your study session does not turn into a gossip session.
2022-12-31 21:09:491


  开源节流、  细水长流、  倒背如流、  头破血流、  放任自流、  屁滚尿流、  随波逐流、  付之东流、  蜂出泉流、  截断众流、
2022-12-31 21:01:532


2022-12-31 21:01:544


2022-12-31 21:02:013


意思是:强大的。单词:powerful英['paʊəfl]释义:adj.强大的;强有力的adv.很;非常[比较级more powerful;最高级:most powerful]短语:Powerful number幂数词语辨析:1、powerful,mighty这两个词的共同意思是“强大的”。powerful指军队、势力等“强大的”“有影响的”“有势力的”;mighty多用在诗歌、文学或圣经中,表示“非常的〔非凡的〕强大”“巨大”“浩大”。2、powerful,mighty这两个形容词均含“强有力的”之意。powerful普通用词,指事物本身具有巨在的力量、能力或权力,也可作引申用。mighty书面语用词,指力量、威力或能力等非常大,非一般可比,多作引申用,有时含夸张意味。
2022-12-31 21:02:061


powerful词义如下:1、有权力的;有势力的;有影响力的  A powerful person or organization is able to control or influence people and events.2、强壮的;强健的  You say that someone"s body is powerful when it is physically strong.3、大功率的;强效的;高效能的  A powerful machine or substance is effective because it is very strong.4、强烈的,浓的 A powerful smell is very strong.5、响亮的,洪亮的  A powerful voice is loud and can be heard from a long way away.例句:1、The expansion of higher education should be a powerful force for change.   高等教育的发展对变革应该是一个强大的推动力。 2、Cities have a powerful magnetizing effect on young people.   城市对青年人有着强大的吸引力。  3、The media has a powerful influence on public opinion.   传媒对于舆论有很大的影响。4、I wasn"t sure if I could handle such a powerful car.   我没有把握是否能驾驶功率这样大的车。 5、Only the intervention of powerful friends obtained her release.   经过有影响力的朋友们斡旋她才得以释放。
2022-12-31 21:01:481


  discuss表讨论,谈论; 论述的意思,那么你知道discuss的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了discuss的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   discuss的短语:   discuss with (v.+prep.)   与(某人)讨论(某题目) have usually long talk about (a subject), usually trying to reach agreement   ▲discuss with sb   He squatted in the grass discussing with someone.他蹲在草地上与一个人谈话。   He is discussing questions with his men. 他在和下级商讨问题。   I discussed the question with him the other day.那天我和他讨论了这一问题。   同义词辨析:   argue, quarrel, debate, dispute, discuss, reason   这些动词均含"辩论,争论,说理"之意。   argue :指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。   quarrel :指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指"吵嘴、吵架"。   debate :侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩。   dispute :侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含"各持已见"或"争论不休"意味。   discuss :最常用词,指就某一或某些问题表明观点、看法等,以便统一认识,解决问题。   reason :指据理力争以说服对方或求得对问题作更深入的研究。   discuss的短语例句:   1. The Politburo has been meeting in Peking to discuss the situation.   政治局已在北京召开会议讨论形势。   2. Senior politicians met today to discuss the future of European economic unity.   高级政要今天会晤,探讨欧洲经济一体化的未来。   3. The magazine"s aim is to discuss topical issues within a Christian framework.   该杂志的宗旨是在基督教框架下讨论时下的热门话题。   4. All he ever does is discuss the same boring list of medications.   他就会翻来覆去讨论同一个无聊的药品单。   5. They will discuss how to bail the economy out of its slump.   他们将讨论如何使经济走出低谷。   6. Parents will be able to discuss their child"s progress with their teacher.   家长将可以和老师交流谈论子女的进步情况。   7. It was thought bad form to discuss business on social occasions.   在社交场合讨论生意被认为是不礼貌的。   8. It was clear that she wanted to discuss some private matter.   很明显,她想谈些私事。   9. He was invariably willing to discuss the possibilities hypothetically.   他总是愿意谈论各种假设的可能性。   10. The Council meets on an ad hoc basis to discuss problems.   议会临时安排会议讨论问题。   11. I"m not prepared to discuss this over the telephone.   我不想在电话里讨论这件事。   12. He flatly refused to discuss it.   他断然拒绝讨论此事。   13. We will discuss these three areas in depth.   我们将深入探讨这3个领域。   14. She"d rung up to discuss the divorce.   她打过电话来协商离婚事宜。   15. I just won"t discuss my intimate relationships.   我就是不想讨论我的恋爱关系。
2022-12-31 21:01:441


2022-12-31 21:01:438


我比较喜欢的是这几首I said i love youThe Lonelinessmad sexy coolSheTime In A Bottle
2022-12-31 21:01:335