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2023-05-19 14:06:43
TAG: 翻译

1. Your suggestion deserves to be considered further.

2. Because his father is an important person he thinks he is superior to us.

3. Young people should be encouraged to pursue careers according to their own abilities.

4. Without excellent education there would be no advanced science and technology.

5. This foreign student"s outstanding speech was admired by everyone.


1.Your advice deserves further consideration.

2.He thinks the reason why he is superior to us is that he father is a big shot.

3.We should encourage the youngsters to choose their careers in the light of their specialties.

4.There is no science technology without good education.

5.The excellent lecture of this forgien student is admired by the people.


1、Your suggestion deserves more consideration.

2、He thinks he is more superior than us because his father is an important person.

3、The youth should be encouraged to choose their jobs based on their advantages.

4、There would be no advanced science and technology without good education.

5、This foreign student"s outstanding speech is admired by people.


1 your suggestion deserves further consideration. ( deserve )

In 2 he thinks he is superior to us because his father is an important person. ( superior )

3 young people should be encouraged to according to their specialty choice of occupation. ( encourage )

4 without good education no advanced science and technology. ( without )

5 the foreign students" excellent speech was the admiration of people. ( admire )


1.Your advice deserves further consideration.

2.He thinks why he is superior to us is that his father is an important man.

3.We should encourage young people to choose jobs according to their special skills.

4.There is no advanced science technology without good education.

5.People admire this foreign student for his wonderful speech.



1. Your suggestion deserves to be considered further.

2. Because his father is an important person he thinks he is superior to us.

3. Young people should be encouraged to pursue careers according to their own abilities.

4. Without excellent education there would be no advanced science and technology.

5. This foreign student"s outstanding speech was admired by everyone.



superior的意思介绍如下:adj.优越的;(在品质上)更好的;占优势;更胜一筹;(在级别、重要性或职位上)更高的;有优越感的;高傲的;质量卓越的。n.上级;级别(或地位、职位)更高的人;上司;用作宗教团体领导的头衔。superior的造句如下:1、The microwave synthesis is superior to conventional nitration in peak temperature and holding time.微波高温合成技术的合成温度和合成时间较传统工艺具有明显的优势。2、The make of a gift is superior to the acceptance of a gift.施舍优于受惠。3、The superior or articular surface of the transverse process of a vertebra.脊椎关节面脊椎横向过程的较高面的或关节面。4、Bob is an excellent trial lawyer with a superior legal acumen.鲍勃是一名超卓的辩护律师,他拥有超群的法令才智。5、Peter is superior to John in patience.彼得在耐心方面比约翰强。6、Works with Superior and Human Resources on manpower planning and management needs.与上级领导和人力资源部一起进行人力规划和管理需求。7、It is the general rule that all superior men inherit the elements of superiority from their mother.一切优秀的人通常都从他们的母亲那里继承优良的因素。
2022-12-31 19:41:421


superior有英音和美音两个读音,具体如下:英:【suːˈpɪəriə(r)】;美:【suːˈpɪriər】。superior基本解释:adj.(级别、地位)较高的;(在质量等方面)较好的;(数量)较多的;上等的。n.上级;较好的人或事物,优胜者;修道院院长;方丈。superior用法和例句:1、The system they touted as superior has failed.它们所吹捧的优越的道德体系已然坍塌。2、Test the waters with someone you trust before going to hr or a superior.在去人力资源或上级办公室之前找一个自己信任的人谈谈。3、I believe the top official values my superior.我相信高层官员非常器重我上司。4、Profits would come from superior products , top executives reckoned correctly.该公司高管们曾正确地预测到,优秀的产品会给公司带来利润。5、But superior economic growth does not necessarily translate into equity returns.但较高的经济增长并不一定会转变成股票回报。6、His immediate superior has singled him out for a special mention.他的顶头上司特别提到了他。7、Our superior technology is our ace in the hole.我们超众的技术是我们的法宝。8、The company president, and my immediate superior, was the dynamic Harry Stokes.公司的董事长,也就是我的直接上司,是精力充沛的哈里·斯托克斯。9、The Colonel lifted the phone and dialed his superior.上校拿起电话,拨通了上司的号码。10、Pack fabric is super durable ripstop and dobby,ensure superior protection for outdoor sports.  背包内部陪有方便储物分层口袋,背包前部多口袋设计,方便储物。拓展内容:superior的名词和副词形式:名词:superiority;副词:superiorly。近义词:名词:leader,religious,combatant,battler,belligerent,fighter,scrapper。  形容词:crack,fantastic,first-rate,super,tiptop。反义词:名词:inferior,subordinate,low-level,junior,affected。联想词: Inferior:下级的,下等的;unsurpassed:未被凌驾的,非常卓越的;unmatched:无敌的,无比的;exceptional:卓越的,杰出的;unbeatable:难以战胜的;incomparable:无比的;unrivaled:无敌的,无对手的,无双的,无比的;comparable:类似的,同类的,相当的;superlative:最的;unparalleled:无比的,无双的,空前的。
2022-12-31 19:41:581


n. 上级;高手;上标;adj. 高傲的;上层的;上好的;出众的。superior英 [suː"pɪəriə(r)]     美 [suː"pɪriər]    He smiled a superior smile as he drove past in his expensive new car.他开着那辆豪华的新车驶过时,傲慢的微微一笑。用法:1、superior用作形容词时,本身含有“较”的意思,故不再有比较级或最高级形式,用“”表示“两事物的比较”。2、当superior用来形容人的时候,有讽刺意味,有“自以为了不起”的意思。3、当superior形容物的时候,用于表示其“好质量”时,也是显得做作,使描述显得不可信。4、“比……强”要用superior to,而不能用superior than。
2022-12-31 19:42:311


superior英 [su:ˈpɪəriə(r)] 美 [su:ˈpɪriə(r)] adj. (级别、地位)较高的;(在质量等方面)较好的;(数量)较多的;上等的 n. 上级;较好的人[事物],优胜者;修道院院长;方丈
2022-12-31 19:42:403


superior floor高级地板superior[英][su:ˈpɪəriə(r)][美][su:ˈpɪriə(r)]adj.(级别、地位)较高的; (在质量等方面)较好的; (数量)较多的; 上等的; n.上级; 较好的人[事物],优胜者; 修道院院长; 方丈; 复数:superiors例句:1.Other asian powers--notably india--wasted decades on the erroneous premise that the socialist institutions pioneered in the soviet union were superior to the market-based institutions of the west. 而亚洲其他大国特别是印度在错误的前提上浪费了数十年的时光,它们认为苏联开创的社会主义制度优越于以市场为基础的西方制度。
2022-12-31 19:43:052


superior[英][su:ˈpɪəriə(r)][美][su:ˈpɪriə(r)]adj.(级别、地位)较高的; (在质量等方面)较好的; (数量)较多的; 上等的; n.上级; 较好的人[事物],优胜者; 修道院院长; 方丈; 复数:superiors1The Linux operating system offers superior security, reliability, and uptime on par with other UNIX-like operating systems.Linux操作系统提供了较高的安全性、可靠性同时保证象UNIX等操作系统能提供的正常运行时间。
2022-12-31 19:43:132


superior的中文翻译:上级造句如下:1.In law also the Judge is in a sort superior to his King.法律上而言,法官在某种程度上也高于他的君主。2.It is superior to every other car on the road.它比其他在路上跑的车质量都好。3.This sassy and superior suspense thriller is a must-see.这部大胆的超级悬疑惊险电影是部不可错失的精彩片子。4.It is detracting nothing from his ability to say that he owed the championship to a superior car.说他赢得锦标赛归功于一辆好车并没有贬低他的能力。5.Are humans superior to animals, or just different?人比动物高级,还是仅仅不同而已?6.Superior and subordinates freely interchange ideas and information.上下级之间无拘束地交换意见与信息。
2022-12-31 19:43:221

senior和superior有什么区别 谢谢

senior:年长的,资深的; 地位高的,最高年级的, 较年长者,高年级学生superior:(级别、地位)较高的; (品质、程度)优良的, 较好的,上等的, 优秀的,有优越感的, 高傲的,上级, 长官, 上司,较好的人[事物], 优胜者senior侧重指较高级的人或物,侧重点在于高级。 superior侧重与比较级,侧重点讲“比...高级”
2022-12-31 19:43:403


反义词:inferior读音:英[ɪn"fɪəriə(r)]、美[ɪn"fɪriər]      意思:1、adj. 较低的;次等的;不如的;下级的n. 下级2、;属下;[印]下标符号举例:These people occupy an inferior position in local society.这些人在当地社会居于下等地位。 近义词excellent读音:英["eksələnt]、美["eksələnt]  意思:adj. 杰出的;优秀的;极好的举例:As soon as she learns the office routine, she will be an excellent assistant.她一旦熟悉了办公室的日常事务,就会成为一名优秀的助手。 
2022-12-31 19:43:551


superior[英][su:ˈpɪəriə(r)][美][su:ˈpɪriə(r)]adj.(级别、地位)较高的; (在质量等方面)较好的; (数量)较多的; 上等的; n.上级; 较好的人[事物],优胜者; 修道院院长; 方丈; 复数:superiors以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Linux is a superior operating system. linux是一个出众的操作系统。.___________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2022-12-31 19:44:061


“superior”的反义词是“inferior”应该加pre前缀。superior 【音标】英 [suːˈpɪərɪə]adj. 上级的;优秀的,出众的;高傲的n. 上级,长官;优胜者,高手;长者【双语例句】1、sure of himself,he took every opportunity to pass on his superior knowledge to his audiences.他总是自以为是,利用一切机会向他的听众传达他高人一等的知识。2、Both were essential and neither was superior to the other;they were not in conflict but complement ary,each with its own sphere of competence.两者都是必需的,没有一者高于另一者;它们互不冲突反而互补,各自有其本身的职权范围。3、While previous jobs that use these stages will continue to run, you should use the newfunctionality because it has superior productivity and performance.在使用这些阶段的以前作业将继续运行时,您应该使用新的功能,因为其具有优越的生产率和性能。inferior【音标】英 [ɪn"fɪərɪə]adj. 差的;自卑的;下级的,下等的n. 下级;次品【双语例句】1、Mortals, inferior, imperfect creatures like us want to emulate the gods, to be like them. Right? 向我们这样渺小,不完美的凡人,想要学习神,变得跟他们一样,对么?2、He will not do so for long, for mercifully the public has the good sense not to buy the inferiorarticle more than once. 他这样做的时间不会很长,因为庆幸的是,公众有良好的判断力,不会一而再地去购买劣质商品。3、However, if the inhabitants are technologically inferior, you should find a small tribe of primitivesas soon as possible.然而,如果这些居民的科技次于地球,你应该尽快找到一个小的原始部落。pre英文词根前缀:1、表示“….前的,预先;2、表示"先于","预先"。
2022-12-31 19:44:151


2022-12-31 19:44:221

lofty 和superior 的区别

2022-12-31 19:44:271


2022-12-31 19:44:341


superior红酒是超级卡拉塔尤德的意思。是西班牙阿拉贡地区的一个DO级葡萄酒产区。当地的监管机构根据葡萄藤的树龄设定了相关标准,采用50年以上树龄葡萄藤出产的葡萄酿造的歌海娜葡萄酒可以在酒标上标识超级卡拉塔尤德Calatayud Superior。这类葡萄酒通常风味浓郁而易于饮用,还带有土壤带来的矿物质气息,十分诱人。红酒的特点是用酿酒红葡萄连皮籽酿制而成,所以得到了深红色的酒液,而且富含单宁,因此喝起来会有酸涩的口感,带有浓郁的水果香味,酒体从轻盈到饱满都有。红葡萄酒会从清淡的果味葡萄酒到浓郁的酒体以及介于两者之间的各种葡萄酒。特定的风格是葡萄酒产区的功能、所用的葡萄、酿酒风格等因素共同作用的结果。颜色是由单宁创造的,单宁可以在葡萄籽和葡萄皮中找到。如果红葡萄含有更多的单宁,难怪葡萄酒的颜色更暗,更饱和。
2022-12-31 19:44:441


2022-12-31 19:44:543

Superior 是什么湖

2022-12-31 19:45:061


superior英 [suː"pɪərɪə; sjuː-] 美 [su"pɪrɪɚ] adj. 上级的;优秀的,出众的;高傲的n. 上级,长官;优胜者,高手;长者上位自我 superego 上级的 superior upper 上好的 superior . 优越的 上好的 长者短语Superior Room 高级房 ; 高级客房 ; 高级间 ; 精致客房Lake Superior 苏必利尔湖 ; 苏必略湖 ; 苏比利尔湖 ; 从苏比瑞尔superior consciousness 超前意识 ; 超前认识望采纳
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2022-12-31 19:45:293


superior 详细用法英 [suːˈpɪəriə(r); sjuːˈpɪəriə(r)]  美 [suːˈpɪriər] adj. 上级的;优秀的,出众的;高傲的n. 上级,长官;优胜者,高手;长者所以,两个的意思是差不多的
2022-12-31 19:45:422


2022-12-31 19:45:511


1. 形容产品质量好的英语单词都有哪些 形容产品质量好的英语:做工精细exquisite workmanship 、质量优秀 superior quality 、质量稳定 stable quality、质量可靠 reliable quality、经久e69da5e887aae799bee5baa6e79fa5e9819331333431343631耐用 durable in use 词组解释: 一、exquisite workmanship 1、exquisite 英 [ɪkˈskwɪzɪt] 美 [ˈɛkskwɪzɪt, ɪkˈskwɪzɪt] adj.精致的;细腻的;优美的; 2、workmanship 英 [ˈwɜ:kmənʃɪp] 美 [ˈwɜ:rkmənʃɪp] n.技艺,工艺 例句:his vase is a piece of exquisite workmanship. 这花瓶工艺很精。 二、superior quality 1、superior 英 [su:ˈpɪəriə(r)] 美 [su:ˈpɪriə(r)] adj.(级别、地位)较高的;(在质量等方面)较好的;上等的 2、quality 英 [ˈkwɒləti] 美 [ˈkwɑ:ləti] n.质量,品质;美质,优点; 例句: Our business goals: superior quality, customer satisfaction. 我们的经营目标:品质优越,客户满意。 三、stable quality 1、stable 英 [ˈsteɪbl] 美 [ˈstebəl] adj.稳定的;沉稳[持重]的;[物理学]稳定平衡的;持久的 例句: The miller owns simple structure; stable quality and high efficiency. 该铣床结构简单、加工质量稳定,效率高。 四、reliable quality 1、reliable 英 [rɪˈlaɪəbl] 美 [rɪˈlaɪəbəl] adj.可靠的;可信赖的;真实可信的 例句: Product performance is stable and reliable quality. 产品性能稳定,质量可靠。 五、durable in use 1、durable 英 [ˈdjʊərəbl] 美 [ˈdʊrəbl] adj.持久的;耐用的,耐久的;长期的 2、use 英 [ju:s] 美 [ju:s] n.使用;使用权;功能 例句: Customers like the goods duraBle in use. 顾客喜欢经久耐用的商品。 2. 如何用英语描述商品品质 商品品质决定交易本质上的价值,因此它是最重要的交易因素之一。 贸易上的品质决定方法有:凭样品买卖,凭标准买卖,凭规格买卖等。下面我们来看看品质的表达发。 [品质优良]:quality is excellent/ superior/ very good/ fine/ best/ high/ wonderful/ supreme/ attractive [品质低劣]:quality is bad/ inferior/ not good/ poor/ imperfect/ defective/ faulty/ second-rate/ lower/ unsatisfactory [品质保证]:retain the good quality; keep up to the standard quality; obtain a good quality; attain the best quality; secure an excellent quality [物品以达标准品质]:An article is up to the standard quality; An article is of the same quality as the standard; An article is equal to the standard quality; An article is the same as the standard quality [物品在标准以下]:An article is below the standard [物品在标准以上]:An article is above the standard [物品和样品一致]:An article is up to the sample; An article corresponds with the sample; An article is equal to the sample。 -average quality 标准品质 We would like to buy 500 tons of average quality corn。 -customary quality 一般品质 The quality of the goods shipped is customary quality。 -best quality, prime quality, first-rate quality 最佳品质 The goods supplied shall only be those of best quality。 -quality inspection certificate 品质检验证书 Please be sure to attach a quality inspection certificate。 -difference in quality 品质上的差异 There is a big difference in quality between the trial order and the order of this time。 -guarantee of quality 品质保证 We request a guarantee of quality for a period of one year on all the goods you sell。 -sacrifice quality 降低品质 If you sacrifice the quality and deliver goods of imperfect quality to us, well will refuse acceptance of them。 3. 求助 品质翻译50分一句话 1. Since the supplier has a limitation in understanding of the product quality, they often neglect the proper control of the main points in the surface treatments which lead to unqualified products 2. Assign a quality director and a IQC inspector, at least once a week to visit the supplier and do on-line inspection or share experiences in order to fully understand the quality of the suppliers and main points
2022-12-31 19:45:561


2022-12-31 19:46:013

superior floor什么意思

superior floor 高级地板望采纳 谢谢作业达人团帮您解答
2022-12-31 19:46:153

superior;submarine ; relatively ;这英语用谐音怎么读?

superior:苏屁恶(恶念三声)ri (连读三声) er(er三声)~submarine:撒(一声)be(一声) 么(一声)rin(四声)relatively:re(四声)了(三声)tiv(三声)里拼音直接拼出来~
2022-12-31 19:46:266


superme可以看成super的最高级,superior可以看成是super的比较级,superb可以看成是super good的缩写。
2022-12-31 19:46:461


1、lofty adj.巍峨的;高耸的;崇高的;高尚的;傲慢的;高傲的 2、superior adj.(在品质上)更好的;占优势;更胜一筹;(在级别、重要性或职位上)更高的;有优越感的;高傲的 扩展资料   两者都有“傲慢”的意思,差别更多在于搭配的对象和语法功能。lofty 一般作前置修饰语,例如lofty manner, lofty attitude 等等。superior则可以作表语表达“傲慢”的含义,例如feel superior to others等等。   例句:   Here was still a lofty self-regard in her bearing the dignity of a dowager empress.   她那派头仍然带有高傲的.自尊,具有皇太后一般的尊严。   His rather superior manner jars on me.   他那相当高傲的态度使我感到不快。
2022-12-31 19:46:511

superior to的用法及其相似词

superior a. 1. (在职位,地位等方面)较高的,上级的[(+to/in)] 2. (在数量等方面)较大的,较多的[(+to/in)] 3. (在品质等方面)较好的,优秀的,上等的[(+to/in)] This handbag is made of superior leather. 这只手提包由上等皮革制成。 4. 位于高处的,较高的,上方的[B] 5. 有优越感的;高傲的,傲慢的 Don"t take a superior attitude toward the younger students. 不要对比自己年轻的同学采取傲慢的态度。 6. 不为...所惑的,不屈服于...的[F][(+to)] He is superior to bribery. 他不会受贿赂。 n.[C] 1. 上司;长官;长辈[P1] She is my superior. 她是我的上司。 2. 占优势者,优胜者[(+in)] He has no superior as a basketball player. 作为一名篮球运动员,没有人能胜过他。 3. (大写)修道院院长
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1、superior是一个英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意思是“上级,长官;优胜者,高手;长者”,作形容词时意思是“上级的;优秀的,出众的;高傲的”。2、双语例句(1)I am, after all, your superior.我毕竟,是你的长者。(2)Why : If your superior asks you to do something, it is your job.为什么 :你的上级要求你做什么,什么就是你的工作。
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superior翻译成中文的意思是:高傲的、优秀的、出众的,也有上级、长官、优胜者、高手的意思,读音是:[suːˈpɪəriər; sjuːˈpɪəriər],superior例句如下:The superior writer has been collating his biography recently.这位优秀的作家最近在整理自己的传记。I want to superior seat tickets.我想要一个上等座位。Superior-Vena Cava bstruction Syndrome.上腔静脉阻塞综合征。I"ve personally never agreed to the view that either sex is  superior to the other.我个人从未同意任何一种性别都优于另一种性别的观点。The potato crop of 1946 was superior to that of 1945. 1946年的土豆收成比1945年的收成好。
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superior 英[su:ˈpɪəriə(r)] 美[su:ˈpɪriə(r)] adj. (级别、地位) 较高的; (在质量等方面) 较好的; (数量) 较多的; 上等的; n. 上级; 较好的人[事物],优胜者; 修道院院长; 方丈;
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它本身就是super的比较级 最高级是supreme super-superior-supreme 记住固定搭配 superior to sth
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lofty 和superior 的区别

lofty 的意思是seeming to think you are better than other people - used to show disapproval 例句:She has such a lofty manner.superior的意思是thinking that you are better than other people - used to show disapproval例句:She had that superior tone of voice.两者都有“傲慢”的意思,差别更多在于搭配的对象和语法功能。lofty 一般作前置修饰语,例如lofty manner, lofty attitude 等等。superior则可以作表语表达“傲慢”的含义,例如feel superior to others等等。
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兄弟 是词缀吧 superior 的词缀是-ior 词根是super希望能帮到你
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1、advanced 英[ədˈvɑ:nst] 美[ədˈvænst] adj. 先进的; 高等的,高深的; 年老的; 晚期的; v. (advance的过去式和过去分词) 前进; 增加; 上涨; 2、superior[英][su:ˈpɪəriə(r)][美][su:ˈpɪriə(r)]adj.(级别、地位)较高的; (在质量等方面)较好的; (数量)较多的; 上等的; n.上级; 较好的人[事物],优胜者; 修道院院长; 方丈; 复数:superiors形近词:Superiorposterior
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superior是 什么意思啊

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How to Talk to Your Superior1.申请许可  Wouldn"t it be possible for me to take the day off this Friday?  这个星期五,我是否可以休一天假?  请休假用takethe day off。如果是两天以上就用days off。老板会很干脆地答应说that"ll be OK,或是会带有不悦意味回答will everything be all right?(一切都安排就绪了吗?),这些都要看你平时的工作表现而定。2.提议  I think we need to buy a new copier.我想我们需要买一台新的复印机。  说出上句之前,必须说明our copying machine has broken down again.(复印机又出毛病了)以作为提案的依据。客气一些的提议,用suggest如I would suggest we buy a new copoer.3.表示了解上司的指示  Yes,of course.是,我知道了。  也可用I understand(我明白了),或Yes,right away(好的马上去做),对上司说OK,或 all right并不恰当。很忙时,说I"m sorry, but I"m busy now. Could I do it later?4.确认上司指示的内容  Yor did say nexy Tuesday at 2:00 P.M.,didn"t you?您是说在下星期二下午2点,是不是?  任何事都必须确认一下。如果对方是外国人更要如此。上句也可直截了当地说:let me confirm. 让我确认一下时间和日期。5.报告商谈结果  I had a feeling he was in favor of the plan.我觉得他赞成那个计划。  记住I have a feeling (that)...(我觉得……),及……(that ) he was against the plan.(他反对那个计划)这两句话都很管用。
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英语The superior man怎么翻译?

The superior man高人一等的人
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供应链物流管理中的“superior customer value”是指什么?

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superior to的用法及其相似词

2022-12-31 19:51:401


director:导演、主任、总监、处长... superior:上级的...、占优势的... leader:领导、首领、指挥者、乐队指挥、领唱者、领奏者... 我还没说全,自己查查字典吧!
2022-12-31 19:51:471