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2023-05-19 14:04:09
TAG: fill 意思 ill

fille的意思是姑娘; 女佣; (法)少女。

同义词:girl、miss、missy、young lady。

网络短语:fille rcourse 填充层、Entre Filles 蝴蝶、djeune fille kairouan 雇主、Les sept filles 七姊妹。


1、She is fille with joy on seeing her son.



2、When the child see all the room fille with stranger, he is much abash.

那小孩一看到满屋子都是陌生人, 感到非常局促不安。

3、PS decorative adhesive is prepared by waste Polystyrene foam. mixed solvent. VAE emulsion and fille etc.


4、By their comprehensiveness and amplitude these picture fille the imagination.




2.右边的3.speak English正确22.句中或句尾
2022-12-31 18:53:314


gre单词如下:1、divulge:英语单词,主要用作及物动词,作及物动词时译为“泄露;暴露”。2、abash:使困窘;使羞愧;使局促不安。3、abide:英文单词,主要用作为及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时译为“忍受,容忍;停留;遵守”,作不及物动词时译为“ 持续;忍受;停留”。4、regular:英文单词,形容词、名词、副词,作形容词时意为“定期的;有规律的;合格的;整齐的;普通的”,作名词时意为“常客;正式队员;中坚分子,人名;(以)雷古拉尔”,作副词时意为“定期地;经常地”。5、hail:英语单词,主要用作为名词、动词、感叹词,作名词时意为“冰雹;致敬;招呼;一阵;人名;(阿拉伯、捷)海尔”,作动词时意为“致敬;招呼;向...欢呼;猛发;使像下雹样落下(过去式hailed,过去分词hailed,现在分词hailing,第三人称单数hails),招呼;下雹”,作感叹词时意为“ 万岁;欢迎”。
2022-12-31 18:53:451


a(an)/art.1.一(个,件)2.(表示同类事物中)一个3.(表示非特指的任何)一个able/a.能够about/prep.关于/ad.1.大约2.到处;四处above/prep.在…上面absence/n.不在across/prep.穿过;横过act/v.扮演;表演/n.行动active/a.积极的;主动的actor/n.男演员addition/n.加;增加address/n.地址advice/n.劝告;忠告afraid/a.1.害怕2.担心Africa/n.非洲afterprep.在…之后;在…后面ad.在后;后来conj.在…之后afternoon/n.下午again/ad.再一次;再;又age/n.1.时代2.年龄ago/ad.以前agree/v.同意;应允ahead/ad.在前air/n.空气;大气airport/n.机场all/a.1.(修饰单数名词)全;总;整2.(修饰复数名词)全部;所有的ad.全部pron.全部;全体人员n.全部;全体人员allow/v.允许,准许almost/ad.几乎,差不多alone/ad.单独地along/prep.沿着;顺着/ad.1.向前2.和…一起;一同already/ad.已经also/ad.也altogether/ad.总共;全部地always/ad.总是;永远A.M.(a.m.)上午the Amazon亚马孙河America/n.美国;美洲American.a.美国的;美洲的n.美国人among/prep.1.在(三者或三者以上)之间2.系……中之一;与…在一起amount/n.数量;总数and/conj.和;又angry/a.生气的;愤怒的animal/n.动物another/a.再一;另一;别的/pron.另一个announcer/n.广播员answern.回答;答复;答案;回(信)v.回答;答复;回信any/a.1.(用于疑问句,否定句,条件句)一些;什么2.任何的;任一的/pron.(无论)哪一个;无论)哪些anybody/pron.任何人anything/pron.什么事(物);任何事(物)anywhere/ad.任何地方apologize/v.道歉appear/v.出现apple/n.苹果April/n.四月arm/n.手臂army/n.军队;陆军around/prep.在…周围;环绕arrive/v.到达;达到artist/n.艺术家;画家as/conj.1.当…时2.像…(一样);如同3.因为;由于ad.同样地prep.1.当……时2作为;当作ask/v.1.问2.请求;要求astronaut/n.宇宙航行员at/prep.1.(表示地点,位置)在…2.(表示时间)在…时(刻)3.(表示动作的目标和方向)Athens/n.雅典attend/v.出席,参加August/n.八月aunt/n.姑;姨;婶母;舅母auntie/n.姨;姑;婶母;舅母Australia/n.澳大利亚Australiana.澳大利亚的n.澳大利亚人automatically/ad.自动地autumn/n.秋天;秋季award/v.授予/n.奖,奖品away/ad.离开;远离
2022-12-31 18:53:546


abashed adj. 不安的, 窘迫的 abash vt. 使... 羞愧, 使... 脸红, 使局促不安 Your kindness quite abashed me. 你的情谊使我十分不安。 stand abashed 感到羞愧; 局促不安 be abashed 感到羞愧; 局促不安 feel abashed 感到羞愧; 局促不安 abashed a. abashedly ad. abashedness n. abashment n. 见embarrass
2022-12-31 18:54:161


当今四六级考试形势下,可谓的单词量者得天下,然而曾几何时,背单词成了你学习英语的最大绊脚石。事实上,背单词只要掌握了技巧,还是非常非常容易的!再结合个人的备考经验与心得,总结了单词背诵的三种特效记忆方法,希望给奋战四六级考试的朋友们带来新的希望!一、情境联想法看一组单词:Clash  crash       Smash  ash       abash  cash这组词的意思是:撞击  失事      击碎  灰              羞愧  现金联想记忆:911事件中,飞机撞击(clash)了世贸大楼,然后飞机就失事(crash)了,楼的玻璃全部被击碎(smash)了,当时小布什当总统,国家有危难感到十分羞愧(abash),救灾救民,需要很多现金(cash)。二、偏旁部首法(音形义法)所谓音形义法,又叫偏旁部首法,强调英文与中文一样,具备偏旁部首,比如在中文中“骉”这个字,认识吗?不认识!那好,不认识没关系,至少你应该知道它和马有关,是吧?这个字念“biāo”,用来形容众马奔腾的样子。英文和中文的偏旁部首有着一样的职能,可以用“猜字”,也可以用来“拆字”。所以,背单词就这么简单!三、谐音法比如:timid—胆小的。记忆方法:小学的时候老师不让骂人,胆大的人打架的时候还是会说“ta ma d”,而胆小的呢,只能闭上嘴说“timid”!                                    很多传统英语课都是学生记笔记当资料再拿回去背!如果那样的话,让一个人来上课多好,其他人就复印笔记去背好了!其实做什么事情都是有技巧和方法的,背单词也不例外。
2022-12-31 18:54:252


2022-12-31 18:54:532


呃掰试的 大概就是这样
2022-12-31 18:55:022


1. 文言文中“羞”的意思 1. 作动词:谦恭进献羊头。 本义只见于古文 羞,进献也。从羊,羊所进也。——《说文》 2. 作名词:高级精美的食品。 义项只见于古文(羞膳 / 珍羞 ),后被“馐“代替。 燕与羞俶,献无常数。——《仪礼》 3. 作形容词:谦恭的,惭愧的。 吾羞,不忍为之下。——《史记 • 廉颇蔺相如列传》 4. 作名词:惭愧、耻辱的心情或事情。 害羞 怕羞 蒙羞 遮羞 无作神羞。——《左传 • 襄公十八年》 2. “羞”字在古文中是什么意思 (1) (会意兼形声。字从羊从丑。丑,扭也;羊在丑左上角,为掩覆之形,意指从羊群中抓一、两只羊,以供膳食。本义:抓羊(供膳)。引申义:某人像被抓羊供膳那般驯顺。) (2) 同本义 [offer] 羞,进献也。从羊。羊,所进也。——《说文》 以式法掌祭祀之戒具,与其荐羞。——《周礼·宰夫》。注:“庶羞,内羞”。按,内羞,房中之羞也。 共其笾荐羞之实。——《周礼·笾人》。注:“荐羞皆进也。” 可荐于鬼神,可羞于王公。——《左传》 (3) 又如:羞豆(古代祭祀宴享时进献食物的一种盛器);羞膳(进献食品) (4) 推荐;进用 [remend] 有武德以羞为正卿。——《国语·晋语九》 (5) 假借为“丑”。感到耻辱 [shame] 或承之羞。——《易恒》 惟口启羞。——《礼记·缁人》 无作神羞。——《左传·襄公十八年》 杀身无益,适足增羞。——汉·李陵《答苏武书》 (6) 又如:羞怍(羞耻,惭愧) (7) 因惭愧而难为情 [be shy;abash] 吾羞,不忍为之下。——《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》 十四为君妇,羞颜未尝开。——唐·李白《长干行》 一则贾环羞口难开,二则贾环也不在意。——《红楼梦》 (8) 又如:羞蛾(美女的双眉);羞人子(羞答答的);羞杀人(羞死人);羞红(因害羞而脸红);羞脚(因怕羞而不敢向前);羞懒(羞愧) (9) 嘲弄;侮辱 [mock;poke fun at;insult] 那老子信了婆子的言语,带水带浆的羞辱毁骂了儿子几次。——《初刻拍案惊奇》 (10) 又如:羞污(玷污);羞戮(羞辱);羞薄(轻视;鄙薄);羞丑(羞辱出丑) (11) 怕 [fear] 看朱渐成碧,羞日不禁风。——唐·刘禹锡《赠眼医婆罗门僧》 (12) 又如:羞影(怕看影子);羞明 3. 观棋自羞文言文翻译 偶滴文言文很差劲~ 原文是这样的: 予观弈于友人所。一客数败,嗤其失算,辄欲易置之,以为不逮己也。顷之,客请与予对局,予颇易之。甫下数子,客已得先手。局将半,予思益苦,而客之智尚有余。竟局数之,客胜予十三子。予赧(nǎn ,因羞愧而脸红)甚,不能出一言。后有招予观弈者,终日默坐而已。 今之学者读古人书,多訾古人之失;与今人居,亦乐称人失。人固不能无失,然试易地以处,平心而度之,吾果无一失乎?吾能知人之失而不能见吾之失,吾能指人之小失而不能见吾之大失,吾求吾失且不暇,何暇论人哉! 弈之优劣,有定也,一着之失,人皆见之,虽护前者不能讳也。理之所在,各是其所是,各非其所非,世无孔子,谁能定是非之真?然则人之失者未必非得也,吾之无失者未必非大失也,而彼此相嗤,无有已时,曾观弈者之不若已。 翻译: 我在朋友家里看下棋。一位客人输了许多次,我讥笑他失算,就想要那个输的人改变投子的位置,认为他不如自己。过一会儿,客人请求和我下棋,我颇为轻视他。刚刚下了几个棋子,客人已经得到了先手。棋局将要过半,我思考得更加艰苦,而客人的智慧还有有余。终局以后数子,客人赢我十三子。我因为羞愧而非常脸红,不能说出一句话。以后有人喊我观看下棋,我就整天默默地坐着看罢了。 现在求学的人读古人的书,常常非议古人的错误;和现在的人相处,也喜欢说别人的错误。人本来就不可能没有错误,但是试试彼此交换位置来相处,心平气和地估计一下,自己真的没有一点失误吗?自己能够认识别人的失误但是不能看到自己的失误,自己能够指出别人的小失误但是不能看到自己的大失误,自己检查自己的失误尚且没有时间,哪里有时间议论别人呢! 棋艺的高低,是有标准的,一着的失误,人们都看到见,即使想回护以前的错误也是隐瞒不了的。事理方面的问题,人人都赞成自己认为正确的,人人反对自己认为不正确的现在世间没有孔子那样圣人,谁能断定真正的正确与错误?那么别人的失误未必不是有所得,自己没有失误未必不是大失误,但是人们彼此互相讥笑,没有停止的时候,简直连看棋的人都不如了。 4. 含有亵字的古文 亵,繁体字:亵 。 《论语·乡党》: 红紫不以为亵服。 《礼记·缁衣》: 子曰:“小人溺於水,君子溺於口,大人溺於民,皆在其所亵也。夫水近於人而溺人,德易狎而难亲也,易以溺人;口费而烦,易出难悔,易以溺人;夫民闭於人,而有鄙心,可敬不可慢,易以溺人。故君子不可以不慎也。《太甲》曰:‘毋越厥命以自覆也;若虞机张,往省括于厥度则释。"《兑命》曰:‘惟口起羞,惟甲胄起兵,惟衣裳在笥,惟干戈省厥躬。"《太甲》曰:‘天作孽,可违也;自作孽,不可以逭。"《尹吉》曰:‘惟尹躬天,见於西邑;夏自周有终,相亦惟终。"” 《荀子·礼论》: 设亵衣,袭三称,缙绅而无钩带矣。 《白虎通德论·社稷》: 敬之,示不亵渎也。 《孔子家语·好生》: 衰麻苴杖者,志不存乎乐,非耳弗闻,服使然也;黼绂衮冕者,容不亵慢,非性矜庄,服使然也;介胄执戈者,无退惴之气,非体纯猛,服使然也。 《国语·楚语上》: 在舆有旅贲之规,位宁有官师之典,倚几有诵训之谏,居寝有亵御之箴,临事有瞽史之导,宴居有师工之诵。 《吴越春秋·阖闾十年》: 愿王更隐抚忠节,勿为谗口能谤亵。 《盐铁论·散不足》: 常民而被后妃之服,亵人而居婚姻之饰。 《列女传·周宣姜后》: 至於君所,灭烛,适房中,脱朝服,衣亵服,然后进御於君。 《汉书·叙传上》: 夫饿馑流隶,饥寒道路,思有裋褐之亵,儋石之畜,所愿不过一金,然终於转死沟壑。 《尚书·盘庚中》: 其有众咸造,勿亵在王庭,盘庚乃登进厥民。 《周礼·天官冢宰》: 掌王之燕衣服、衽席、床笫,凡亵器。 《仪礼·既夕礼》: 彻亵衣,加新衣。 《说文解字·木部》: 楲:楲窬,亵器也。 《释名·释床帐》: 褥,辱也,人所坐亵辱也。
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2022-12-31 18:55:272


a,an 一个aback 向后abase 贬抑;降低abash 使局促不安abate 减少;减轻abbey 修道院abet 教唆abhor 痛恨abide 遵守;坚持able 能够about 关于above 在…上面abuse 滥用abyss 深渊ache 疼痛acid 酸性的acme 顶点acorn 橡子acrid 辣act 担任acute 厉害的add 增加adept 老手ado 忙乱adore 崇拜adorn 装饰ago 以前agree 同意air 空气
2022-12-31 18:55:546

pity 和shame 在使用上有什么区别

pity和shame的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、pity:同情,怜悯。2、shame:羞耻,羞愧。二、用法不同1、pity:pity也可作“可惜的事,令人遗憾的事”解,为可数名词,但往往只用于单数形式,前面常加不定冠词a,常用于“It is/was a pity...”结构,其后可接动词不定式,也可接that从句。2、shame:shame的基本意思是“羞愧,羞耻”,多指由私通、私生、血统低下、与罪犯有牵连、犯罪等原因带来的耻辱或坏名声,是不可数名词。表示“可耻的人、事或物”“遗憾的事,可惜”时,是单数名词,常跟不定冠词a连用。三、侧重点不同1、pity:侧重于是对别人产生的情感。2、shame:侧重于是对自己产生的情感。
2022-12-31 18:56:166

请问有什么英语单词含有音标[ə:] [ə ] [^] [iə] [eə]请分别举例出来

2022-12-31 18:56:528


a,an 一个aback 向后abase 贬抑;降低abash 使局促不安abate 减少;减轻abbey 修道院abet 教唆abhor 痛恨abide 遵守;坚持able 能够about 关于above 在…上面abuse 滥用abyss 深渊ache 疼痛acid 酸性的acme 顶点acorn 橡子acrid 辣act 担任acute 厉害的add 增加adept 老手ado 忙乱adore 崇拜adorn 装饰ago 以前agree 同意air 空气 我只能找到这些A的
2022-12-31 18:57:346

英语谐音背单词这个你去下面的网站,留下你的信箱就ok了,他们会发给你的 参考资料:
2022-12-31 18:58:004


2022-12-31 18:58:154


a,an 一个aback 向后abase 贬抑;降低abash 使局促不安abate 减少;减轻abbey 修道院abet 教唆abhor 痛恨abide 遵守;坚持able 能够about 关于above 在…上面abuse 滥用abyss 深渊ache 疼痛acid 酸性的acme 顶点acorn 橡子acrid 辣act 担任acute 厉害的add 增加adept 老手ado 忙乱adore 崇拜adorn 装饰ago 以前agree 同意air 空气active 积极的approve赞同advance先进acknowledge承认allow允许ambitious有志气的appreciate欣赏alive 活着的ant 蚂蚁adder 蝰蛇alligator 短吻鳄, 美洲鳄anchovy 凤尾鱼anteater 食蚁兽antilope 羚羊
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格鲁吉亚(英语:Georgia,格鲁吉亚语:საქართველო,罗马化:Sakartvelo)位于亚洲西南部高加索地区的黑海沿岸,北邻俄罗斯,南部与土耳其、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆接壤。格鲁吉亚面积69,700平方公里(包括南奥塞梯及阿布哈兹)。主要民族为格鲁吉亚族。官方语言为格鲁吉亚语,居民多通晓俄语。多数信仰东正教,少数信仰伊斯兰教。首都是第比利斯。格鲁吉亚曾是苏联加盟共和国,是斯大林的故乡。1991年4月9日正式宣布独立,首任总统兹维亚德·加姆萨胡尔季阿。独立后国名为“格鲁吉亚共和国”,1995年8月24日该国通过新宪法,国名定为“格鲁吉亚”。曾为独立国家联合体的一份子,2008年8月与俄罗斯发生了为期5天的战争后,于8月14日格鲁吉亚决定退出独联体,并于2009年8月18日完成手续,正式退出。经济概况格鲁吉亚致力于建立自由市场经济,接受国际货币基金组织、世界银行和欧美国家指导和援助,大力推进经济改革,进一步降低各种税率及关税,加快结构调整和私有化步伐,改善基础设施和投资环境,增加吸引外资。2011年格经济保持良好发展态势,格政府继续以发展经济为首任,紧缩公共财政预算,通过提高部分税种税率及加快私有化等方式增加财政收入,增加退休金补贴,调低基准利率鼓励中小企业发展;大力吸引外资,推进与欧盟FTA和美国超普惠制待遇的谈判,利用国际援款和贷款加快基础设施建设,以拉动经济发展、打造欧亚运输走廊。2012年前三季度格GDP增长7.4%。[1] 2011年7月格通过《自由经济法》规定,政府如需增加税种必须通过全民投票方式决定,在特殊情况下政府可临时增加税种,但有效期不得超过三年;国债不得超过GDP的60%,中央和地方政府总财政预算赤字不得超过GDP的30%。
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2022-12-31 18:59:085


羞怯[xiū qiè]shy; timid; sheepish; abash; cannot say boh to a goose
2022-12-31 18:59:321


羞,常表现为害臊、难为情,伴有状态为脸红、体热。另有侮辱嘲弄的意思,如羞辱。详细注解:羞xiū[动](1) (会意兼形声。字从羊从丑。丑,扭也;羊在丑左上角,为掩覆之形,意指从羊群中抓一、两只羊,以供膳食。本义:抓羊(供膳)。引申义:某人像被抓羊供膳那般驯顺。)(2) 同本义 [offer]羞,进献也。从羊。羊,所进也。——《说文》以式法掌祭祀之戒具,与其荐羞。——《周礼·宰夫》。注:“庶羞,内羞”。按,内羞,房中之羞也。共其笾荐羞之实。——《周礼·笾人》。注:“荐羞皆进也。”可荐于鬼神,可羞于王公。——《左传》(3) 又如:羞豆(古代祭祀宴享时进献食物的一种盛器);羞膳(进献食品)(4) 推荐;进用 [recommend]有武德以羞为正卿。——《国语·晋语九》(5) 假借为“丑”。感到耻辱 [shame]或承之羞。——《易恒》惟口启羞。——《礼记·缁人》无作神羞。——《左传·襄公十八年》杀身无益,适足增羞。——汉·李陵《答苏武书》(6) 又如:羞怍(羞耻,惭愧)(7) 因惭愧而难为情 [be shy;abash]吾羞,不忍为之下。——《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》十四为君妇,羞颜未尝开。——唐·李白《长干行》一则贾环羞口难开,二则贾环也不在意。——《红楼梦》(8) 又如:羞蛾(美女的双眉);羞人子(羞答答的);羞杀人(羞死人);羞红(因害羞而脸红);羞脚(因怕羞而不敢向前);羞懒(羞愧)(9) 嘲弄;侮辱 [mock;poke fun at;insult]那老子信了婆子的言语,带水带浆的羞辱毁骂了儿子几次。——《初刻拍案惊奇》(10) 又如:羞污(玷污);羞戮(羞辱);羞薄(轻视;鄙薄);羞丑(羞辱出丑)(11) 怕 [fear]看朱渐成碧,羞日不禁风。——唐·刘禹锡《赠眼医婆罗门僧》(12) 又如:羞影(怕看影子);羞明
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是的,还可以是气红脸 ◎ 羞 xiū 〈动〉 (1) (会意兼形声.据甲骨文,以手持羊,表示进献.小篆从羊,从丑,丑亦声.“丑”是手的讹变.本义:进献) (2) 同本义 [offer] 羞,进献也.从羊,羊所进也.——《说文》 以式法掌祭祀之戒具,与其荐羞.——《周礼·宰夫》.注:“庶羞,内羞”.按,内羞,房中之羞也. 共其笾荐羞之实.——《周礼·笾人》.注:“荐羞皆进也.” 可荐于鬼神,可羞于王公.——《左传》 (3) 又如:羞豆(古代祭祀宴享时进献食物的一种盛器);羞膳(进献食品) (4) 推荐;进用 [recommend] 有武德以羞为正卿.——《国语·晋语九》 (5) 假借为“丑”.感到耻辱 [shame] 或承之羞.——《易恒》 惟口启羞.——《礼记·缁人》 无作神羞.——《左传·襄公十八年》 杀身无益,适足增羞.——汉· 李陵《答苏武书》 (6) 又如:羞怍(羞耻,惭愧) (7) 因惭愧而难为情 [be shy;abash] 吾羞,不忍为之下.——《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》 十四为君妇,羞颜未尝开.——唐· 李白《长干行》 一则贾环羞口难开,二则 贾环也不在意.——《红楼梦》 (8) 又如:羞蛾(美女的双眉);羞人子(羞答答的);羞杀人(羞死人);羞红(因害羞而脸红);羞脚(因怕羞而不敢向前);羞懒(羞愧) (9) 嘲弄;侮辱 [mock;poke fun at;insult] 那老子信了婆子的言语,带水带浆的羞辱毁骂了儿子几次.——《初刻拍案惊奇》 (10) 又如:羞污(玷污);羞戮(羞辱);羞薄(轻视;鄙薄);羞丑(羞辱出丑) (11) 怕 [fear] 看朱渐成碧,羞日不禁风.——唐· 刘禹锡《赠眼医婆罗门僧》 (12) 又如:羞影(怕看影子);羞明 词性变化 ◎ 羞 xiū 〈名〉 肴羞未通,女乐罗些.——《楚辞·招魂》 祭齐大羹而饱庶羞,贵本而亲用也.——《荀子·礼论》 (1) 又如:羞膳(味美的食物);羞味(美味);羞服(饮食和衣服);羞炰(烤熟的肉食);羞鼎(盛有食物的鼎) (2) 熟的食物 [cooked food]
2022-12-31 18:59:551


  abandon vt. 放弃 放任   abase v. 贬低降低地位、威望或尊严   abash vt. 使不安,使羞愧   abate v. 减轻,减低   abbreviate v. 缩写, 缩短,   abdicate v. 让位,放弃   aberrant adj.异常的,非常规的   abet v. 帮助或支持   abeyance n.中止 ,暂停,搁置   abhor vt.憎恶, 痛恨   abiding adj. 永久的,持久的   abject adj. 卑微的;精神不振的   abjure v. 发誓放弃   abnegation v. 放弃,自我牺牲   abolition n.废除,废除奴隶制   abominate v. 憎恶   aboveboard adj. 无欺诈的adv. 直率地,光明磊落地   abrade v. 磨损   abridge v. 删减 ,缩短   abrogate v. 废除;取消   abscission v. 切断   abscond v. 潜逃   absolute v. 绝对的,无限制的   absolve v. 赦免;使无罪   abstain v. 主动戒绝 ,自我抑制   abstemious adj. 有节制的   abstract vt. 1. 摘要, 提炼, 抽象化 2. 心不在焉   abstruse adj. 深奥的   abuse v. 辱骂,毁谤   abut vi. 毗邻   abysmal adj. 深不可测的, 无底的   accede v. 同意   accelerate v. 加速,促进   accessible adj. 易接近的 ,可理解的.   accessory adj.附属的   accidental adj. 意外的,偶然的   acclimate vt. 使适应气候环境   accolade n. 推崇备至,赞扬   accommodate v. 提供方便大胆靠近   accretion v. 逐渐增长   accumulate vi. 积聚 ,堆积   acerbic adj.酸的   achromatic adj.非彩色的, 无色的   acme n.顶点,极点   acquiesce v. 勉强同意;默许   acquisition n. 获得   acre n.英亩   acrid adj. 辛辣的,刺鼻的   acrimonious adj. 刻薄的   acumen n.敏锐, 聪明   acute adj. 敏锐的,锐角的;急性的   adage n. 谚语   adamant adj. 固执的,不动摇的   adapt vt. 修改,使适应   addendum n. 附录   addict v. 沉溺, 上瘾   adhere v.依附,粘着   adjourn vi. 延期,休会   adjunct n. 附属物,附件   ad-lib adj. 即兴的   admission n. 许可入场,录取   admonish v. 告诫,责备   adore vt. 崇拜,热爱   adulate v. 谄媚,奉承   adulterate vt. 掺假   adumbrate vt. 隐约预示   adversary n. 敌手,对手   advert vi. 注意, 留意 n. 广告   advertise vt. 广告   advocate vt. 主张,提倡   aerate v. 充气   aesthetic n. 美学   affable adj.易于交谈的,和蔼的   affected adj. 假装的, 做作的   affection n. 爱,情感   affidavit n. 宣过誓的书面陈述   affiliate v. 使成为会员,结盟   affinity n. 天然倾向或喜好   affluent adj.丰富的, 富裕的   agenda n. 议程   aggrandize vt. 增加,夸大   aggravate vt. 加重,恶化   aggregate n. 集合体 v. 集合,合计
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a,an 一个aback 向后abase 贬抑;降低abash 使局促不安abate 减少;减轻abbey 修道院abet 教唆abhor 痛恨abide 遵守;坚持able 能够about 关于above 在…上面abuse 滥用abyss 深渊ache 疼痛acid 酸性的acme 顶点acorn 橡子acrid 辣act 担任acute 厉害的add 增加adept 老手ado 忙乱adore 崇拜adorn 装饰ago 以前agree 同意air 空气Abolish V. 废除1.Slavery was in Canada in 1833, and Canadian authorities encouraged the slaves, who escaped from America, to settle on its vast virgin land.(06.1.44)A diluted B dissipated C abolished D resignedAffiliate with 附属于The high school my daughter studies in is our university .A linked by B relevant to C mingled with D affiliated with Alien . n 外行Harold claimed that he was a serious and well-known artist ,but in fact he was a(n) .A alien B client C counterpart D fraud Array n. 陈列,一系列In the Spring Export Commodities Fair the of fine china attracted much attention fo customers from all over the world .(99.6.62)A succession B array C string D revelation 2.Located in Washington D.C. ,the Library of Congress contains an impressive of books on every conceivable subject.(05.6.40)A flock B configuration C pile D arrayAnalogy n 类比1.To help the students understand how we see ,teachers often draw an between an eye and a camera.(01.6.46)A image B analogy C imitation D axis 2.Professor Smith explained the movement of light that of water.(06.1.64)A by analogy with B by virtue of C in line with D in terms of Appropriate .a . 合适的,恰当的For many patients ,institutional care is the most and beneficial form of care.A pertinent B appropriate C acute D persistent Acute a. 敏锐的,锋利的Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell ,they have vision .(96.1.63.)A vigorous B exact C acute D vivid Aggravate v 加剧,使恶化The financial problem of this company is further by the rise in interest rates .(02.6.45)A increased B strengthened C reinforced D aggravated Apt. (to) .易于----的 Shoes of this kind are to slip on wet ground .(02.1.65)A feasible B appropriate C apt D fitting 类似用法还有:to be prone to ; to be liable to ; to be subject to ; to be vulnerable to ; to be susceptible to Acute a, 敏锐的1.A human"s eyesight is not as as that of an eagle.(02.1.63)A eccentric B acute C sensible D sensitive 2.Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell,they have vision.(96.1.63)A vigorous B exact C acute D vividAttendant. 随从The Prime Minister was followed by five or six when he got off the plane .(02.1.42)A laymen B servants C directors D attendants Alert v 警告The sign set up by the road drivers to a sharp turn. (04.1.66)A alerts B refreshes C pleads D diverts Authentic a. 真实的What the correspondent sent us is an news report. We can depend on it.(01.1.43)A evident B authentic C ultimate D immediateOf no avail 无用的Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were . A in no way B on the contrary C at a loss D of no avail In accordance with 与-----相符合,按照The tenant must be prepared to decorate the house the terms of the contract.(01.6.61)A in the vicinity of B in quest of C in accordance with D in collaboration withAppeal n. 吸引力The traditional market retain their for the many Chinese who still prefer fresh food like live fish,ducks,chickens over packaged or frozen goods.(05.1.64)A appeal B pledge C image D survival转
2022-12-31 19:00:091


shy; timid; sheepish; abash; cannot say boh to a goose;
2022-12-31 19:00:192


2022-12-31 19:00:294

关於一首英文短诗的问题(Emily Dickinson写的)

希望是一种带翅膀的东西~她栖息在灵魂之中~唱着没有歌词的旋律~希望永不停步~在那狂风中,希望的歌是最美的~只有在暴风雨才是最痛楚的<暴风雨>让这只小鸟局促不安希望也曾保留多少温暖~(希望)在最冰凉的土地~在最偏远的海洋~然而,在极度困境之中她也不会向我乞求一丁点(怜悯)我自己翻译的,比较白话~背后的意思是~要做一个有希望的人~希望不灭,自尊仍存~(we should learn to be a person of hope ~hope is something that makes us never say give up to others>第三段,我们应该学习希望的自爱精神~不屈的精神~<we should never give in to anything~and ask mercy of others
2022-12-31 19:00:462


需要自己下载,内容如下:abase [əˈbeis] vt.降低,使贬低▼一男讲词▼a-加强语气,base-基础,底部——贬低basic基础的abash [əˈbæ∫] vt.使羞愧,使困窘▼一男讲词▼“abash”简写自“embarrass- vt.使困窘, 使局促不安”barrier 栅栏abate [əˈbeit] v. 使(数量、程度等)减少, 减轻, 除去▼一男讲词▼a-加强语气,beat-打——打压、减少。▼中西悟语▼国务院组合拳“打压”房价bat-球棒balmy[ˈbɑːmi] adj.芳香的;温和的;令人愉快的▼一男讲词▼balm香油、香膏(演变自“palm-掌”),y-的▼中西悟语▼“擦手油”pack-背包 back-背delve [delv] v.钻研;发掘▼一男讲词▼“delve”与“dig-挖掘”同源;谐音“大夫”horrid [ˈhɔrid] adj.恐怖的,可怕的;令人讨厌的▼一男讲词▼hor-hair-头发,id-的▼中西悟语▼“毛骨悚然,汗毛竖起来了”idiosyncrasy [ˌidiəˈsiŋkrəsi] n.(个人独有的)习性,癖好▼一男讲词▼idiot-白痴(总有自己的想法,看到任何东西都叫“汽车”)labyrinth [ˈlæbərinθ] v.迷宫▼一男讲词▼laby-lady-女士。“labyr”压缩自“library-图书馆”,inth-inter ——图书馆内部。。。
2022-12-31 19:00:571


a,an 一个 aback 向后 abase 贬抑;降低 abash 使局促不安 abate 减少;减轻 abbey 修道院 abet 教唆 abhor 痛恨 abide 遵守;坚持 able 能够 about 关于 above 在…上面 abuse 滥用 abyss 深渊 ache 疼痛 acid 酸性的 acme 顶点 acorn 橡子 acrid 辣 act 担任 acute 厉害的 add 增加 adept 老手 ado 忙乱 adore 崇拜 adorn 装饰 ago 以前 agree 同意 air 空气 active 积极的 approve赞同 advance先进 acknowledge承认 allow允许 ambitious有志气的 appreciate欣赏alive 活着的ant 蚂蚁 adder 蝰蛇 alligator 短吻鳄, 美洲鳄 anchovy 凤尾鱼 anteater 食蚁兽 antilope 羚羊 ass 驴architecture建筑物Anonymous 的 alloy 合金 Action 开始apple 苹果Acute 敏锐的 Aggravate 加剧,使恶化Appropriate 合适的,恰当的Analogy 类比Array 陈列,一系列Alien 外行 Abolish 废除Attendant 随从 Alert 警告 Authentic 真实的Appeal 吸引力 Anniversary 纪念日alien 外星人
2022-12-31 19:01:101


试译狄金森《希望长出羽毛》 "Hope" Is the Thing with Feathers 希望长出羽毛 Emily Dickinson 艾米莉·狄金森"Hope" is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops - at all - “希望”长出羽毛- 灵魂深处栖息- 咏唱无字曲调- 永远也不-停息-And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard - and sore must be the storm - That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm - 最甜美-狂风中-才听到 最痛苦必然是暴风雨- 导致温暖了万物的这小鸟 倒陷在极窘迫的境遇-I"ve heard it in the chillest land - and on the strangest Sea - Yet, never, in Extremity, It asked a crumb - of Me. 极寒之地我也听到- 至奇之海有它曲调- 然而,如此,绝境之中, 从未向我索要丝毫-面包。
2022-12-31 19:01:151


CET6中词汇有30道,共15分.30%是四级词汇,70%是六级词汇。一般48%的考生能拿7.5分,15%的拿10分,2%的拿15分。六级要求掌握5500个单词,与考研相比,只差206个。 答题要点:同义词均不选 特点:喜欢考难的单词, homogeneously 同一的,基因(前缀,词根adj adv) make a reservation 订房间: (出现两次) commitment 商业方面的约定 engagement 一般的约定(也指订婚) gorgeous 秀色可餐,太美了 lease 签租约 mortgage 抵押,贷款 installment 分期付款 collide with 与......相冲突 六级的最爱: deprive of 剥夺 budget 预算 compensation 弥补,补偿 eternal永恒的 intuition 直觉 penalty 惩罚,点球 potential 潜在的 in terms of在......方面 sheer完全的 trivial 琐碎的 六级的旧爱: regardless of 除了 六级新宠(2002) demonstrate 演示 demonstrated beauty 倾国倾城 mingled情感、气息、气味的混合 永陪词汇(永远不成为答案): claim有100多条解释Constrain 陪考:empirical 凭经验的,主观的 出现giant panda/species 就选死光光,绝种extinct 记忆方法:词根法+联想法 spir=breath(呼吸) inspire吸入空气-->产生灵感 conspiracy共同呼吸-->同谋者 expire断气-->过期,满期 perspire出汗,流汗 aspire不断地呼吸-->渴望 ers=turn (旋转) Universe 围绕地旋转-->宇宙,单一的,同样的 converse 扭转,共同地 reverse 颠倒,反转,倒带,反 diverse 不同的 vertigo 头晕,分开 cess=go (走路) access 一再地走-->接近,一再 excess 超过-->过渡,超出 recess 走回来-->休息 process 前进,加工 scend=climb (爬) ascend v.攀登,轻薄物体的上升,声音从远处传来 descendant n.后代(在你后面爬) transcend v.超越,胜过 cest 跑 ancestor 在前面跑-->祖先 sophomore 大二生 PS:九三学社,上午九点起,,下午睡到3点 cur跑 precursor 在前面跑-->祖先 form 形式 reform 一再地改变形式--> 改革 conform 共同->符合 perform 演出 deform 不好的形式-->畸形 不好 sophy智慧 sophisticated 复杂的,老于世故的 聪明的,睿智的 philosophy 哲学,爱智慧 rupt=break(断裂) bankrupt 破产 interrupt 打断 exclusive interview 人物专访 corrupt r双写+co=共同 共同在断-->腐败-->破坏 excursion 跑出去-->旅游 clude=close exclusive a.排他的,独占的,专属的 exclude v.排除在外 inclusive a. 包围住的,包括的 preclude v.预防,妨碍 ped 脚 expedition 脚出去-->探险 biped 双足的 pedal 脚蹬的地方 define 加强限定-->下定义 stat 站在那 stationary 静止的 statue 全身雕塑 scribe=write (写) ascribe 归因于 subscribe 订阅,提交,在下面写 conscribe 征兵 circumscribe 限制,圆圈 ps:《西游记》"三打白骨精"中老孙给唐僧划了个圈,限制范围,保护他。 press压 impression 压在你心里面-->印象 express 压出来-->表达 suppress 往下压-->平息,镇压 oppress 压迫,压制 真题:这个小村庄被独裁者压迫。 bat=hit打斗 debate 争论 combat 搏斗 acrobat 杂技 ps:北大博雅塔+未明湖=?(一塌糊涂) flicient deflicient 缺乏的,不够的 subfficient 足够的 proficient a.精通的;n.专家 efficient 效率的 flict打 conflict 一起打-->冲突,战争 afflict 一再地打击-->折磨 inflict 自虐,自我折磨 front 面对 confront 使面临,对抗 affront 脸一直凑过去-->冒犯,侮辱 effrontery 厚颜无耻 gest管道 digest分开管道-->文摘 congest共同走到管道->交通拥挤 ingest 进入管道-->吃入,摄入 miss送 mission 送出去的-->任务 commission 共同送出去的任务 ->委托,委任,佣金,回扣 dismiss 疏散,解散,解雇,免职 omission 省略,忽略 pel推 repel 推回来-->相斥 compel共同往前推-->强迫,迫使 propel 往前推-->推进 compliments 赞美之词 sist 站立 resist 抵制 consist of 由......组成 persist (一直总)坚持 assist 帮助 decline 下降 incline 倾向 be inclined to do 喜欢做 recline 斜躺(安娜卡列尼娜卧轨自杀) ple 满,完成 implement 实施,执行 complement 相补充、相弥补 superior 优良的,卓越的 superable 可取的,可胜任的 supreme 最高的,至高无上的 superb 庄重的,极好的 fin 终点,范围 confine 限制 finish 完成 definite 明确的 infinite 无限,极大 cede 走 concede妥协 recede 后退 rip(撕裂) grip v. 抓 gripping 扣人心弦的 ceed 走 proceed with=contine with exceed 超过 exceeding 巨大的 defect n.过失,错误 affect n.影响,侵袭 effect n.效果,作用 infect v.传染,感染 pat 父亲,祖国 patrol 巡逻 expatriate 驱逐出境 compatriot 同胞(有共同的祖国) repatriate v.遣返 patriot n.爱国者 tent扩展,延展 intentionally 故意地 content 内容 patent 怕传出去-->申请专利保护 acro高 acronym(名字的词根)缩写 acrobat 高级的杂耍-->杂技 anonymous没名-->匿名的 tract 拖,拉 extract 拉出来-->萃取,提取 attract 一再地拉-->吸引(美好的) distract 拉走了-->分散,转移,分神 cise 切 precise 事先切好-->精确 concise 共同切-->简洁的,简明的 compact 结实的,简洁的,紧凑的(常考) lump 肿块,疙瘩 hump 驼峰 plump 丰满<-->bony骨感美人 goose lump外国人的鹅皮疙瘩 perspective n.透视,全景 inspect v.检查,视察 expect v.期待 prospect n.前景 spectacles 眼镜 undertake 承担,许诺 undergo 经历,遭受 underscore 强调 underlying a.基本的 four underlying principles underline 强调 bar 棍子 barbarian 野蛮人 barren(ren=人)剩棍和人-->贫瘠 embarrass 用棍子打屁股-->尴尬 vivid 鲜艳的 revive 复活 survive 存活 vivisect(切)活体解剖 prime 黄金时期,青春;主要的,最初的 primitive 原始的 preliminary 预备的 hypo 低 hypotension 低血压 hypothsis 假说 hyper 高 hypersensitive 高度敏感 turb 搅动 turbine 搅动机 turbulent 混乱的,动荡的=chaos relent 反复地借-->v.使......宽厚,仁慈 <-->relentless 无情,冷酷 shear v.剪羊毛;n.大剪刀(羊有耳朵ear) sheer adv. 完全地 kernel r像花-->核 kennel 有n像门-->狗窝 sprout 有r-->v.发芽 spout 爆发 fragrant r一朵花-->香喷喷的 flagrant l像粪勺-->臭烘烘的,罪恶昭著的,声名狼藉的 ps:据说老俞当年是插秧NO.1,对l情有独钟 haven 有个门 -->避难所 heaven ea表示在......上面-->避难所在上面-->天堂 loom l高高的个子,oo大大的眼睛的MM在网上是很少的-->若隐若现 gloom 因此GG感到很郁闷-->郁闷,阴沉 morose mo白话"冇"的音-没有,rose代表爱情-没有爱情-->郁闷,阴沉 dismay(美mei)-->郁闷,沮丧 amorous 爱摸玫瑰(rose音同rous) -->好色的,色情的 ponderous 胖得要死-->笨重的 pest 拍死它-->害虫 gangster 干死他-->匪徒 chaos 吵死-->吵闹的;正确发音:[ ke,a:s] quaint 把q看成g,汉语拼音:guai怪 -->古怪的,新奇的 acquaint ac表示一再--> 一再古怪,就见怪不怪-->熟悉 naive 奶糊的-->天真的,无邪的,-->幼稚 juvenile 久闻奶-->青少年 shatter 沙特被人连灌8球--梦想破碎-->破碎 acme AC米兰(能发展到AC米兰-->顶点 aftermath 在马死后,要调查,就是引起余波-->余波 elegant 把leg想象成模特在T字台上走的大腿-->优雅 obscene 我不see/信--我不看-->下流的,淫荡的 obstinate 我不听你的-->固执的(考过) appal 我怕-->恐惧 Lobuster 老不死-->龙虾 blunder 不太烂的-->小错误 commit a blunder 犯小错(常考) original 最初的,原创的--orginals n.原著 slippery 滑,老*巨猾 ps:新东方老师杜子华 slip one"s mind 忘了...... plunge into 跳进 lung 肺,p(扑)进水里,水进入肺中,然后出来e(out) plight把火扑灭-->困境 eg:No one can be a hero in plight. decline 具体数字、数据下降,如汇率;婉言拒绝 ps:女孩拒绝不喜欢的男孩:我跟你只有物理反应;化学反应表示喜欢 ambiguous安必规(治疗精神病药)-->模棱两可,似是而非(考过) absurd 爱不死-->荒谬(考过) wallflower 壁花,局外人(特指在舞会中无人邀请的女孩) spicy 辣味的 spic 看 conspicuous 看得到的--明显的(一般考交通标志很明显) apprehension 一再地事先不知道-->理解,明白,忧虑,恐惧 PS:骷髅骨吓到大人,可小孩就哈哈大笑,还说"打你个死人头"!要理解死亡才会恐惧 tremendous 可怕的,巨大的,高速的(不要激怒老熊) tremble 因恐惧而颤抖,trem恐惧;end结果--害怕结果-->可怕的 magnify 放大-->magnificent 精美的 =gorgeous cumulus积雨云-->accumulate一再地积累-->积聚,堆积 luxi住在银河仙女的皮肤(力士香皂)-->luxury拥有那种皮肤是件奢侈的事->奢侈 fabricate (fabre纤维)-->编造,捏造 decent (低头看钱)找工作要看薪水-->合适的 despise (spit 吐口水)低头向他吐口水-->蔑视 innocent (被人抓住的小偷兜里没钱)-->无辜 scorn 长得像死玉米-->贬低 abuse (离开)-->滥用 abide (I=爱)离开爱-->忍受痛苦 subject to 1.=undergo 经历;2.=bring 带来 compatible with 与......相容(常考) illumine 一路明-->照亮,点亮 illumination n. revenge myself on sb .亲自报复 alternate a.轮流的,轮换的-->alternative a.其他的;n.另一选择 revenues pl.收入,税收 venues 维纳斯 想拥有她那样的身材就得付钱 In collaboration(共同劳动) with 与......相合作(文化艺术),与......相一致 tantalus n.致命的诱惑 也指宙斯和人间女子所生之子,鄙视神仙,曾把亲生儿子煮了让神仙吃 tantalize v.逗弄 deviation from 与......相背离 真题:科学家的计算跟人们目测之间是存在偏差。 eligible 合格,符合条件的; negligible 可以忽略,不予重视的(考过) intelligible 不告诉别人也知道-->容易被人理解的 ponder=contemplate 深思,思考 crucial (十字路口) 人生的十字路口 -->关键时刻 stonemason 石头妈的儿子-->石匠 demo 民主-->condemnation 指责,谴责 Ps:老江对李登辉说:"小李子,咱们应该......共同建造一个民主的国家,你怎么能搞分裂呢? acute 尖的,敏锐的(02,1)急性病 六级中表示优秀的: prominent 优秀的 eminent 突出的,杰出的 outstanding 杰出的六级中考到的" 娱乐" entertainment娱乐 enjoyment 自娱自乐 amusement (女神缪斯)最正宗的娱乐 pastime 休闲,娱乐 recreation (消遣,娱乐) leisure 悠闲,安逸 六级中表示拥护,支持者 sponsors 发起人 contributors 捐助人 vocal(声音上) advocates 一再地声援-->拥护者,支持者 六级关于二手房刮墙纸和粘墙纸 刮:scrape(也可形容摩天大厦) 粘墙纸:overlap一张一张地粘,在上面有所重叠 其他选项:collide with 运动物体的相撞 bump into运动物体向静止物体相撞 coincide with 时间、空间上都是一致的 表示复制,模仿 reproductive 复制,生殖系统的 duplicate 复制,模仿 deliberately 不是随便想出来-->故意地,深思熟虑地 去掉 自由 Intentionally 故意地 dispatch/despatch=sent派遣,打发 external外部的 internal内部的 eternal 永恒的(常考)Eg:pledge one"s eternal love.(发个永恒的誓言) 纪念林肯的长明灯:eternal firedegrade 降级(常考) degraded 品味低俗的,低级 degraded taste ensure 确保,确定 assure 确信、确保 pulse 跳-->repulsive 厌恶的,恶心的=nasty retch 干吐都吐不出来-->恶心-->wretch 我干吐都吐不出来->可怜,可爱,不幸 consolidate(固体solid) 增强 position/power enhance 增强 valuable/attrach/reputation notion 观念,概念 notable n.著名 a.显著的 take notice of 注意 notify v.正式通知-->notification n. notorious (常考)a.臭名昭著 notoriously=very eg:you are notoriously beautiful.你十分漂亮。 significant 重要的<-->trivial去他的--> 不重要的(重要不重要,考点) manifestation 用现象来证明 specification 详细说明,产品说明书 justification公正 anticipation 预测 heave=hoist 举重物 conceive of=think 想出 (与deprive of都是六级的最爱) propagate (paga=page)往前翻多一页 -->breed 大量地繁殖 implicit (plic重叠)含蓄的; explicit 直接的 extravagance (vag 游荡;有多余的钱到外面游荡)=luxury 奢侈 vulgar 粗俗的;流行的,盛行的=prevail v. prevalent a. 真题:热带地区流行(prevail)红眼病. degenerate 蜕化 deteriorate v.使......恶化 considerate 连吃都考虑到了-->考虑周到 considerable(能考虑的都考虑到了)量很大-->相当大的 accommodate 调停,调解 =mediate=reconcile retort=refuse 反驳,顶嘴几组"三剑客"(三个*人) 遵守法律法规,每年必考 adhere(粘着,坚持) to comply(顺从,承诺) with传送,疾病的传播 comform(符合) to need/standard transition 季节的转变,年龄的过渡 adherent(宗教的)追随者 transaction 交易 transformation 改变,变换 trans- transmission 文化的传递,电视广播 respectable 外表看起来受人尊重的 respectable和respected统一就是respected 本身品质高尚的 consistent 一致的(考过2次) respectful 尊重他人的,尊老爱幼 respective 各自的,分别的 -ously spontaneously 自发地,天生地 simultaneously 同时地 homogeneously 单一地,同样地 instantaneously 立即,立刻地 substitute for代替 constitute v.组成 institute n.学院学校 constitution 宪法 MIT(麻省理工) substitution保险代理人 constitution Amendment宪法修正案 institution 机构 理解,明白 catch on make sense of get at(始终没有成为答案) 诱惑 Lure诱饵-->诱惑 可好可不好 induce 不好的 eg:Eve and adam were induced to eat the forbidden fruit.(亚当和夏娃) 引起,引发 elicit 诱出,引起 evoke 唤起,引起 vex 使烦恼,恼怒 arouse 唤起,引起 trigger引发,引起 看 gape 因为吃惊而盯着,比如看到猿猴 gaze 对......什么感兴趣而紧盯,凝视 peep 偷窥 peeping Tom 偷窥狂 glimpse 瞥了一眼 love at first glimpse scan 搜索,扫描 scanner 扫描仪 表示困惑,迷惑 bewilder人在野外-->迷惑 confused puzzle 客观、主观(永陪) subjective主观的,个人的 objective 客观的 empirical 主观的,凭经验的(陪考选项) arbitrary 专断的,凭主观的(陪考) 鼓励,刺激 stimulate inspire motivate 渗透(常考) penetrate 渗透 permeate 渗透、扩散 diffuse发散的,普及的,也指政权的移交和转移 表示估计: estimate 对一般数值、价格的估计 evaluate 评价,评估 assessment 评价资产、财产 表示粗俗 coarse 1、粗糙;2、言行举止粗鲁 vulgar 庸俗、冒犯 rough 表面粗糙的 吸收 absorb 吸收并成为一部分 enroll 招收一些成员 suck 吸 sucking and refreshing 精神为之一振coca cola (但refresh更多指吸毒快感) 永恒,永远 (重点) eternal permanent 永恒的,持久的 perpetual (追,求)永久的 constant 不变的,持续的 精力充沛 energetic(两者侧重于四肢发达,头脑简单) robust(乐百士) vigorous 比较好 复杂的 complex intricate 错综复杂的 complicated 会议 conference convention 国际性会议 forum 论坛 (以前在罗马供人讨论的圆桌) summit 峰会(首脑级) 弱 feeble 非常薄-->脆弱(常考) frail 脆弱,易受伤害=vulnerable invalid (大病后)体弱,无效,过期的 weak 虚弱,体弱 开始 initiate 在里面开始吃-->开始 embark at 开始 embark on/upon 登船登飞机 commence 开始 commencement 国外研究生的毕业典礼 风景,景 landscape 陆地上最大的风景 seascape 海景 scenery 风景,舞台上的布景 view 特定的地方,特定的风景 scene 场面,情景,景色 表示大量: an array (大批)of hordes(游牧民族) of swarms(一大群) of (未考过) massive (大块的)of 固定表达: show me to the door.把......领到门口 show me the door.拒之门外 show one"s teeth.极端愤怒 love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌 every dog has his days. 三十年河东,三十年河西。(风水轮流转) cut short 剪头发 cut my hair 剃光头 You are totally a mess.你是个大混蛋。 Reckon with 计算,认为 Grease hand 给某人手上抹油-->行贿 a dog has two tails. 欣喜若狂 六级中要考到关于法庭词汇的小故事 A criminal对 his defending lawyer(被告律师,辩护律师) 说:"我想 grease judge"s hand" 律师说:" not feasible(不可行), 那么你又多 commit a crime。第二天, The prisoner 被带到court for trial(受审). Jury (陪审团)一致 verdict(裁决) not guilty(无罪), 法官 sentence(宣判) the criminal 赢得 the legal proceedings(法定程序,法律诉讼) ,他对他被告律师说我依然行贿了法官,律师说:"incredible" 他说: " presumably" 我在送的礼品时是以对手的identity送的!!!! 讲故事记单词: 9.11事件 飞机撞世贸大厦clash(领带和衬衫相冲突),飞机失事crash(车船失事),世贸被余波震碎(smash),只剩下一堆废墟ash,小(bush)同学感到很丢脸abash,清理工作需要大量的资金cash. 本故事abridge/abbreviate(摘)自狄更斯小说雾都孤儿,就算是个abbreviation/abstract (摘要)。 奥立弗是个abject(可怜的)孩子,他刚刚出生受过ablution,家里就遭遇adversity(不幸),母亲就去世了,因为没人知道谁是他的父亲,他就此被abandoned,为一个orphanage所adopted。这种orphanage其实是个童工作坊,因为这孩子既不会adulterate(掺假的),又不懂adulate(奉承,谄媚),所以在orphanage(孤儿院)里倍受院长abused(虐待)。orphanage里accommodation inadequate,吃不饱穿不暖,奥立弗实在不能adapt to 这里的生活,打粥的时候想多要一碗,就被卖给adjacent/abut(毗邻)棺材铺老板当apprentice(学徒)了。奥立弗也不能abide(忍受)那里的生活,就偷偷得abscond(潜逃)去了London。 不要irritate(激怒)老熊的四点理由: 1.跑at tremendous speed(速度快) 70公里/小时 2.有tolerance(耐力) successively go after you (连续追)5小时 3.上树 not feasible(不可行) 力量大 strength 会把树给push (推倒) 4.不要装死 disguise (伪装) as a dead man .因为它们已经进化,不管你是死还是活先slap (打你几耳光)只要对它说我是清华的,小心我用硫酸泼你,它立刻会run away(用硫酸泼熊是清华的). 如何安排六级考试前的一个月 1。每天按照我的要求去背单词 2。做四套真题,词汇部分 只做词汇 3。做personal dictionary把真题中出现的所有不认识的单词写在personal dictionary背诵 4。所有真题做四遍以上 5。保证三天写一篇作文 与同学相互修改 6。保持充分的睡眠 如何做阅读 1首先到现在为止,词汇量对于阅读应该影响不太大了,因为读不懂可以用我讲的词根来猜. 2.提高阅读能力是个终身的问题,最后这个阶段所想提高太大很难,所以重点应放在找答案上做题的能力,因为这种能力是可以提高的 3,你在上课的会发现老师讲繁难的举例可以略过,这道题考的就是主题等,你当时是不是觉得太有道理了如果不选老师讲的答案就得自杀而课后自已做时却难得不得了,不要认为老师讲方法是马后炮,其实你平时做不出就是方法问题,所谓不读或略读其实是让你速读过去,在读的时候有所偏重而已,所以要认真按老师的方法去做,理会他的方法 4但有的同学说做后答案都记忆住了,如何在做,我的体会是这样的,第一次按时间做 第二次,精读,第
2022-12-31 19:01:213

H歌 t后e译男M翻e孩haar词 S街 yopf

2022-12-31 19:01:321


1.dash,crash的区别________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________dash : 1) v.t. To throw with violence or haste; to cause to strike violently or hastily; - often used with against. 2) v.t. To break, as by throwing or by collision; to shatter; to crust; to frustrate; to ruin. 3) v.t. To put to shame; to confound; to confuse; to abash; to depress. 4) v.t. To throw in or on in a rapid, careless manner; to mix, reduce, or adulterate, by throwing in something of an inferior quality; to overspread partially; to bespatter; to touch here and there; as, to dash wine with water; to dash paint upon a picture. 5) v.t. To form or sketch rapidly or carelessly; to execute rapidly, or with careless haste; - with off; as, to dash off a review or sermon. 6) v.t. To erase by a stroke; to strike out; knock out; - with out; as, to dash out a word. 7) v.i. To rust with violence; to move impetuously; to strike violently; as, the waves dash upon rocks. 8) n. Violent striking together of two bodies; collision; crash. 9) n. A sudden check; abashment; frustration; ruin; as, his hopes received a dash. 10) n. A slight admixture, infusion, or adulteration; a partial overspreading; as, wine with a dash of water; red with a dash of purple. 11) n. A rapid movement, esp. one of short duration; a quick stroke or blow; a sudden onset or rush; as, a bold dash at the enemy; a dash of rain. 12) n. Energy in style or action; animation; spirit. 13) n. A vain show; a blustering parade; a flourish; as, to make or cut a great dash. 14) n. A mark or line, in writing or printing, denoting a sudden break, stop, or transition in a sentence, or an abrupt change in its construction, a long or significant pause, or an unexpected or epigrammatic turn of sentiment. Dashes are also sometimes used instead of marks or parenthesis. 15) n. The sign of staccato, a small mark denoting that the note over which it is placed is to be performed in a short, distinct manner. 16) n. The line drawn through a figure in the thorough bass, as a direction to raise the interval a semitone. 17) n. A short, spirited effort or trial of speed upon a race course; - used in horse racing, when a single trial constitutes the race.#@ noun, verb noun sth done quickly 1 [sing.] a ~ (for sth) an act of going somewhere suddenly and/or quickly: When the doors opened, there was a mad dash for seats. * a 60-mile dash to safety * He jumped off the bus and made a dash for the nearest bar. * We waited for the police to leave then made a dash for it (= left quickly in order to escape). 2 [sing.] an act of doing sth quickly because you do not have enough time: a last-minute dash to buy presents small amount 3 [C,?usually sing.] ~ (of sth) a small amount of sth that is added to sth else: Add a dash of lemon juice. * The rug adds a dash of colour to the room. * The album is a mixture of rock and gospel, with a dash of jazz thrown in. compare?SPLASH symbol 4 [C] the mark(-) used to separate parts of a sentence, often instead of a COLON or in pairs instead of BRACKETS compare?HYPHEN race 5 [C,?usually sing.] (especially AmE) a race in which the competitors run very fast over a short distance SYN?SPRINT: the 100-meter dash way of behaving 6 [U] (old-fashioned, approving) a way of behaving that combines style, enthusiasm and confidence: He brought youthful energy, dash and charisma to the department. part of car 7 [C] (informal) = DASHBOARD see also PEBBLE-DASH IDIOMS cut a dash (BrE) to look attractive in a particular set of clothes, especially in a way that makes other people notice you: He cut quite a dash in his uniform. verb go quickly 1 [V] ? [usually +adv./prep.] to go somewhere very quickly: I must dash (= leave quickly), I""m late. * She dashed off to keep an appointment. * He dashed along the platform and jumped on the train. throw / beat 2 [+adv./prep.] to throw sth or make sth fall violently onto a hard surface; to beat against a surface: [VN] The boat was dashed repeatedly against the rocks. * [V] The waves were dashing against the harbour wall. IDIOMS dash sb""s hopes to destroy sb""s hopes by making what they were hoping for impossible: Hopes of a peaceful settlement have been dashed. dash (it)! | dash it all! (old-fashioned, BrE) used to show that you are annoyed about sth ?PHRASAL?VERBS? dash sth<->off to write or draw sth very quickly: I dashed off a note to my brother. v [Date: 1200-1300; Origin: Probably from the sound of something breaking when hit] 1 [I always + adverb/preposition] to go or run somewhere very quickly: --Olive dashed into the room, grabbed her bag, and ran out again. 2 dash sb"s hopes: to disappoint someone by telling them that what they want is not possible --Hopkins" hopes were dashed when his appeal was denied. 3 (I) must dash/(I) have to dash: BrE spoken used to tell someone that you must leave quickly --Anyway, I must dash - I said I"d meet Daniel at eight. 4 [I,T always + adverb/preposition] written to throw or push something violently against something, especially so that it breaks: dash sth against/on sth --The ship was dashed against the rocks. dash against --Waves were dashing against the sea wall. 5 dash it (all)!: BrE old-fashioned used to show that you are slightly annoyed or angry about something dash off phr v 1 to leave somewhere very quickly: --Harry dashed off before she had a chance to thank him. 2 dash sth <==> off: to write or draw something very quickly --She dashed off a quick letter. dash 2 n 1 small amount: 2 run quickly: 3 line: 4 sound: 5 car: 6 style: 7 cut a dash: 1 SMALL AMOUNT: [singular] a) a small amount of a substance that is added to something else dash of --Add salt, pepper and a dash of vinegar. b) a small amount of a quality that is added to something else dash of --Add a dash of romance to your life with a trip to Paris. 2 RUN QUICKLY: [C usually singular] an occasion when someone runs somewhere very quickly in order to get away from something or someone, or in order to reach them make a dash for sth --He made a dash for the door. --The prisoners made a dash for freedom. --It"s pouring with rain - we"ll have to make a dash for it . --When the alarm went there was a mad dash for the exit. 3 LINE: [C] a line [ - ] used in writing to separate two closely related parts of a sentence, as for example, in the sentence "Go home - they"re waiting for you." --> hyphen 4 SOUND: [C] a long sound or flash of light used for sending messages in Morse code --> dot 5 CAR: [C] AmE a dashboard 6 STYLE: [U] old-fashioned style, energy, and courage in someone such as a soldier 7 cut a dash: old-fashioned to look very impressive and attractive in particular clothes --With her new image, she"ll certainly cut a dash on her holiday cruise. __________________________________________________________________crash: 1) v.t. To break in pieces violently; to dash together with noise and violence. 2) v.i. To make a loud, clattering sound, as of many things falling and breaking at once; to break in pieces with a harsh noise. 3) v.i. To break with violence and noise; as, the chimney in falling crashed through the roof. 4) n. A loud, sudden, confused sound, as of many things falling and breaking at once. 5) n. Ruin; failure; sudden breaking down, as of a business house or a commercial enterprise. 6) n. Coarse, heavy, narrow linen cloth, used esp. for towels. #@1. n. A sudden, usually drastic failure. Most often said of the system (q.v., sense 1), esp. of magnetic disk drives (the term originally described what happens when the air gap of a hard disk collapses). "Three lusers lost their files in last night""s disk crash." A disk crash that involves the read/write heads dropping onto the surface of the disks and scraping off the oxide may also be referred to as a `head crash"", whereas the term `system crash"" usually, though not always, implies that the operating system or other software was at fault. 2. v. To fail suddenly. "Has the system just crashed?" "Something crashed the OS!" See down. Also used transitively to indicate the cause of the crash (usually a person or a program, or both). "Those idiots playing SPACEWAR crashed the system." 3. vi. Sometimes said of people hitting the sack after a long hacking run; see gronk out. From Jargon Dictionary ____________________________________________________________________2.hold on,hold out,hold to作坚持的区别________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________hold on:Seize;Continue;Not anything;Stop ____________________________________________________________________hold out:Support;Maintenance;Out;Uphold;Senegal;Maintenance;Stop;Stop;U.S. - > < detained;Claims ____________________________________________________________________hold to:Making;Uphold;Uphold;Our ____________________________________________________________________3.send,detail,dispatch做派遣的区别 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________send: by mail / radio 1 ~ sth (to sb) | ~ sb sth to make sth go or be taken to a place, especially by post/mail, radio, etc: [VN] to send a letter / package / cheque / fax / e-mail * She sent the letter by airmail. * (BrE) to send sth by post * (AmE) to send sth by mail * A radio signal was sent to the spacecraft. * The CD player was faulty so we sent it back to the manufacturers. * [VN, VNN] Have you sent a postcard to your mother yet? * Have you sent your mother a postcard yet? message 2 to tell sb sth by sending them a message: [VN] My parents send their love. * What sort of message is that sending to young people? * [VNN] He sent me word to come. * [VN?(that)] She sent word (that) she could not come. * [V?to?inf] (formal) She sent to say that she was coming home. sb somewhere 3 to tell sb to go somewhere or to do sth; to arrange for sb to go somewhere: [VN, usually +adv./prep.] Ed couldn""t make it so they sent me instead. * She sent the kids to bed early. * to send sb to prison / boarding school * We are being sent on a training course next month. * [VN?to?inf] I""ve sent Tom to buy some milk. make sth move quickly 4 to make sth/sb move quickly or suddenly: [VN?-ing] Every step he took sent the pain shooting up his leg. * The punch sent him flying. * [VN?+adv./prep.] The report sent share prices down a further 8p. make sb react 5 ~ sb (to / into sth) to make sb behave or react in a particular way: [VN] Her music always sends me to sleep. * Her account of the visit sent us into fits of laughter. * [VN-ADJ] All the publicity nearly sent him crazy. IDIOMS send sb packing (informal) to tell sb firmly or rudely to go away: She tried to interfere but I sent her packing. more?at?COVENTRY, LOVE?n. ?PHRASAL?VERBS? send away (to sb) (for sth) = SEND?OFF?(FOR?STH) send sb<->down (BrE) 1 (informal) to send sb to prison 2 (old-fashioned) to order a student to leave a university because of bad behaviour send for sb to ask or tell sb to come to you, especially in order to help you: Send for a doctor, quickly! send for sth to ask sb to bring or deliver sth to you: His son found him and sent for help. * She sent for the latest sales figures. send sb forth (old-fashioned or literary) to send sb away from you to another place send forth sth (formal) to produce a sound, signal, etc. so that other people can hear it, receive it, etc: He opened his mouth and sent forth a stream of noise. send sb<->in to order sb to go to a place to deal with a difficult situation: Troops were sent in to restore order. send sth<->in to send sth by post/mail to a place where it will be dealt with: Have you sent in your application yet? send off (for sth) | send away (to sb) (for sth) to write to sb and ask them to send you sth by post/mail: I""ve sent off for some books for my course. send sb<->off (BrE) (in a sports game) to order sb to leave the field because they have broken the rules of the game: Beckham was sent off for a foul in the second half. related?noun?SENDING-OFF send sth<->off to send sth to a place by post/mail: I""m sending the files off to my boss tomorrow. send sth<->on 1 to send sth to a place so that it arrives before you get there: We sent our furniture on by ship. 2 to send a letter that has been sent to sb""s old address to their new address SYN?FORWARD: They promised to send on our mail when we moved. 3 to send sth from one place/person to another: They arranged for the information to be sent on to us. send out for sth to ask a restaurant or shop/store to deliver food to you at home or at work: Let""s send out for a pizza. send sth<->out 1 to send sth to a lot of different people or places: Have the invitations been sent out yet? 2 to produce sth, such as light, a signal, sound, etc. SYN?EMIT: The sun sends out light and heat. send sb/sth<->up (BrE, informal) to make people laugh at sb/sth by copying them/it in a funny way: a TV programme that sends up politicians related?noun?SEND-UP v past tense and past participle sent /sent/ 1 by post etc: 2 radio/computer etc: 3 person to place: 4 send (somebody) a message/signal: 5 send your love/regards/best wishes etc: 6 cause to move: 7 send somebody/something flying/sprawling/reeling etc: 8 affect: 9 send word: 10 send shivers/chills up (and down) your spine: 11 send somebody packing: Phrasal verbs send away for something send down send for somebody/something send something/somebody <==> in send off sen
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???a men...
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希望 ——美国 狄金森著“希望”是个有羽毛的东西—它栖息在灵魂里—唱没有歌词的歌曲—永远,不会停息—在暴风中,听来,最美—令人痛心的是这样的风暴—它甚至能窘困那温暖着多少人的小鸟—我曾在最陌生的海上—在最寒冷的陆地,听到—它却从不向我索取些微的,面包。
2022-12-31 19:02:052


1.描写黑人的句子 黑人一般不喜欢被区别对待,所以你直接用英语说hello,hi,nice to meet you就行 how are you?你好吗? nice to meet you(适用于第一次见面)很高兴见到你。 nice to see you again(适用于曾经见过,但不太熟的人)很高兴再见到你。 how have you been?(适用于有一阵子没见面的朋友) 你过得怎么样? long time no see(适用于很久没见的朋友)好久不见 how is it going?近况如何。 how"s everything with you?你的一切如何? hi! are you having fun?嗨,你过得愉快吗? how have you been (feeling)?你近来如何? so far so good到目前还好。 greetings with people met often问候常见面的人 hi, there!嗨,哈罗! 2.寻找关于黑人的一首新诗 赏析 惠特曼(1819—1892)美国诗人。 生于长岛。他曾在公立学校求学,任过乡村教师,干过送信、排字等杂务,后在报馆工作,成为编辑。 他喜欢大自然的美景和城市的大街小巷,喜欢歌剧、舞蹈、讲演术,喜欢阅读荷马史诗、希腊悲剧以及但丁、莎士比亚的作品。青年时期,他帮助父亲承建房屋,经营小书店、小印刷厂等,他性格自由散漫,喜欢游荡并和船夫、舵手、渔民、杂役、马车夫、机械工等结交朋友,自称是美国的“吟游诗人”。 1855年出版《草叶集》第一版,收诗12首。南北战争期间,他自愿到华盛顿看护伤员,战后曾先后在政府部门供职多年。 1873年身患瘫痪症,以后始终没有恢复健康,直到逝世,卧床达20年之久。但他的乐观主义,他对生活的热爱,他的民主理想至死不渝。 啊,船长,我的船长哟!这是诗人惠特曼为悼念林肯而写下的著名诗篇。林肯是美国第16任总统,在任期内,他为维护国家统一、摧毁蓄奴制而领导了南北战争,解放了黑人奴隶。 就在美国人民欢庆胜利的时刻,反动势力雇佣的刺客杀害了他。惠特曼为此极度悲痛,写下了很多诗纪念这位伟大的英雄,这首诗是最著名的一首。 在欢庆胜利之时悼念自己的领袖,这首诗的基调是悲壮的。诗人运用了比喻和象征的手法,把美国比作一艘航船,把林肯总统比作船长,把维护国家的统一和废奴斗争比作一段艰险的航程。 赏析 1.作者简介 惠特曼(1819~1892),19世纪美国杰出的民主主义诗人、出生在纽约附近长岛的一个贫苦农民家庭。迫于生活很早就出外谋生,当过杂役、木匠、排字工人、新闻工作者和编辑等,他只受过几年初等教育,后来靠自学阅读了大量世界文学名著,但哺育他成长为时代歌手的,主要还是美国沸腾的社会生活。 他的主要作品有《为了你,民主》、《大路之歌》、《今天的军营静悄悄》、《起义之歌》、《啊,法国之星》和散文《民主展望》等。这些诗歌都编在《草叶集》中,这部优秀诗集成为美国近代文学史上一座光辉的里程碑,是美国民族文学的典范。 作者在创作过程中,在艺术上进行大胆革新;打破长期以来诗歌因袭的格律,首创后来称为“自由体”的新诗形式,即以短句作为韵律的基础,大量采用重叠句、平行句和夸张的形象语言,并吸收了一部分劳动人民的语汇和少量外来语,大大提高了诗歌的表现力 2. 写作背景 1783年,美国脱离英国的统治独立后,国内存在着雇拥劳动制和黑人奴隶制。 1860年11月,以反对奴隶制而著名的林肯当选为美国总统。 南方几个州宣布脱离联邦政府而独立,1861年4月,又首先出兵叛乱,引发了内战。林肯总统上任不到半年,就领导联邦政府军,在广大人民的支持下,经过了四年的奋战,击败了南方叛军,维护了美国的统一,废除了黑人奴隶制。 南北战争是美国历史上第二次资产阶级民主革命。这次革命的成功促进了美国资本主义的发展。 林肯总统为美国历史写下了光辉的一页,功勋卓著。在全国欢庆大胜利的时刻,对民主怀有刻骨仇恨的南方奴隶主派间谍暗杀了林肯总统。 在林肯总统死后,惠特曼写下了《啊,船长,我的船长》这首诗,以表达对林肯的痛悼与怀念之情。 (二).文本分析 1.思想内容 全诗三节,逐层深入地表达了诗人对林肯总统的热爱和深切的悼念之情。 (1)航程结束,大船凯旋,船长却倒下了。噩耗伴随着胜利的巨大欢乐而来,人们为船长的死而悲恸、痛惜。 诗人把美国比作“大船”,林肯比作“船长”,把林肯率领联邦政府军战败南方叛军的过程比作是“度过了一切风险”的“艰苦航程”。这里诗人用象征的手法把美国比做大船,把林肯比做驾驶美国这个大船的船长,把南北战争比做艰苦的航程,通过大船的胜利返航表现林肯的功绩,形象地赞颂林肯,表达对他的爱。 这一节描绘了大船的形象:稳定、威严而英武;突出了航程之艰苦,胜利的来之不易。借此来肯定船长林肯的伟大功绩。 在这一节里,在抒情方式上,诗人直称林肯为“我的船长”“我们的船长”,表达了一个士兵,一个水手,抒发对自己的统帅亲切爱戴之情。 (2).人民群众为大船凯旋而热情欢呼,钟声军号齐鸣,旗帜飘扬,鲜花飞舞,但船长倒下了,人们是多么悲痛! 这一节描写的欢庆胜利的场面极为壮观,通过侧面描述人民群众对林肯的爱戴、敬仰之情,来赞颂林肯。 在抒情方式上,这一节里,诗人称林肯为“亲爱的父亲”,把他当作最亲近的人,这比上节只称林肯为船长感情更近一层。对林肯直接称为“你”,这第二人称与“父亲”的称呼相配合,直接与林肯对话,感情热切而真挚。 (3).航船下锚,大功告成,而船长永远倒下了。 这一节诗人从历史的角度肯定了林肯的成绩,并表达了自己万分悲痛之情。 诗人终于从想象(梦境)中回到现实中来,明确地知道“船长”真的是死了。在这一节里,诗人把林肯改称为“他”,表明诗人清醒的绝望、极度的悲痛。 这首诗作者主要运用象征的手法来描述林肯这个人物的形象,赞美林肯的业绩,表达对林肯的敬仰与爱慕之情。 2.《啊,船长,我的船长》的写作特点是什么? 分析:1.反复咏叹。 诗中以“他已浑身冰凉,停止了呼吸”为主句反复咏叹,其中又有人称上的差别。 3.《黑人》诗歌赏析兰斯敦·休斯 这首诗是休斯乘车去墨西哥的旅途中一气呵成的,他自己说“用了十分钟至一刻钟时间”。 诗人在谈到这首诗的写作过程时,从他父亲对自己同胞的那种“奇怪的厌恶感”,说到他不理解父亲的想法,因为“我是个黑人,我非常喜欢黑人”。接着,诗人谈到列车缓缓从密西西比河上的铁桥上驶过,他由这条古老的河想到黑人的命运,想到林肯总统为了废除奴隶制,亲自乘木筏沿着密西西比河顺流而下到新奥尔良,他又想到黑人过去生活中的其他河流──非洲的刚果河、尼日尔河和尼罗河。 诗就这样产生了。读完全诗,不难看出,诗人叙说了美国黑人从“盘古开天”、非洲祖先,一直到成为美国黑人的全部文明史。 黑人是一个古老的种族,他们在大地上辛勤劳动,对人类历史也作出过贡献。这首诗虽然没有直接描写黑人的苦难和斗争,但却可以激起黑人的民族自尊心和自豪感,可以唤起他们争取自由的热望,可以增强他们为美好未来而斗争的信心。 这首诗写得凝练、深沉,节奏徐缓,但却蕴含着深不可测的力量。 4.描写非洲的句子有哪些 描写非洲的句子有以下这些: 1、非洲是充满活力的地方,非洲是一片充满神奇魅力的大地,作为人类最早的古文明发祥地之一,这里有神秘的金字塔、地球上最壮丽的大峡谷、世界上最大的沙漠、世界上最著名的维多利亚大瀑布,所有的这一切,都等着热爱人类文明、喜欢大自然原始旷野的人们的光顾。 2、非洲是世界第二大陆。它形如一个巨大的不等边三角形,南窄北宽,地中海、红海、印度洋和大西洋环绕四周,沿海岛屿不多,最大的岛屿是马达加斯加岛。 3、非洲(拉丁文:Africa),全称阿非利加洲,位于东半球西部,欧洲以南,亚洲之西,东濒印度洋,西临大西洋,纵跨赤道南北,面积为3020万平方公里(土地面积),占全球总陆地面积的20.4%,是世界第二大洲,同时也是人口第二大洲(10.325亿)。 4、南非:南非是非洲最有钱的国家,国内生产总值:5957亿美元。南非财经、法律、通讯、能源、交通业较为发达,拥有完备的硬件基础设施和股票交易市场,黄金、钻石生产量均占世界首位。 5、南非实行自由贸易制度,是世界贸易组织(WTO)的创始会员国。欧盟与美国等是南非传统的贸易伙伴,与亚洲、中东等地区的贸易也在不断增长。 6、作为西非国家,塞拉矿产资源丰富,其中就有引人瞩目的金伯利岩(就是产钻石)。除此以为,铁矿、铝土矿、金矿等资源,也非常地丰富。 7、塞拉曾是英属殖民地,不得不说,曾经的英联邦其实给很多地方带去了工业革命的先进技术。曾经的弗里敦也是被誉为西非小巴黎,大约在五六十年代,塞国独立前,弗里敦听说是很精美的地方,白人们经常来度假。 8、在非洲生息着不同肤色的居民,有黑人,也有白人,还有黄种人,其中黑人约占总人口的三分之二。位于非洲北部的撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的沙漠。 9、在非洲,瞪羚每天早上醒来时,他知道自己必须跑的比最快的狮子还快,否则就会被吃掉.狮子每天早上醒来时,他知道自己必须追上跑得最慢的瞪羚,否则就会被饿死.不管你是狮子还是瞪羚,当太阳升起时,你最好开始奔跑。 10、在肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚交界处,有个非常大的野生动物园。一千八百万平方公里的马赛马拉,蓝天、白云,壮美草原,这时,你会明白,为什么人类会着迷于非洲。在这样无比华丽的夕阳里,导游莫里斯告诉我,很多人是因为生活不如意才来这里寻求改变。 11、在非洲有一种球状植物会随着沙漠中的风奔跑,它可能已经枯萎数载,但它有水就能存活,它就是复活草。 12、印象中的非洲,除了穷苦,就是酷暑难耐,几乎不适宜人居住。追本溯源,这个看法估计来自非洲拥有撒哈拉大沙漠。它是世界上最大沙漠。不过撒哈拉大沙漠尽管很大,但并不囊括非洲的全部。就算它遮天蔽日,也只占到非洲大陆总面积的32%。非洲其余的面积还是适宜人居住的宝地。那些位于赤道上的国家,美若天堂。 13、非洲的全名叫“阿非利加洲”。意思是:阳光灼热的地方。 14、津巴布韦位于非洲南部,于1980年建国,它曾经是非洲最为富裕的农业大国,GDP年均增长率4%,超过当时全非洲经济平均增长率的3倍,被誉为"非洲面包篮"。 15、津巴布韦以盛产优质鳄鱼皮闻名,是公认的"鳄鱼之乡"。 5.给我两首黑人写的诗 Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston Hughes I"ve known rivers: I"ve known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human rivers. My soul has grown deep like the rivers. I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young. I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep. I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it. I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and I"ve seen its muddy bosom turn all golden in the sunset. I"ve known rivers: Ancient, dusky rivers. My soul has grown deep like the rivers. ---------------------------------------------------- 梦想: Dreams(中英对照) 兰斯顿·休斯 Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. 紧紧抓住梦想 梦想若是消亡 生活就像断翅的鸟儿 再也不能飞翔。 Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. 紧紧抓住梦想 梦想若是消丧 生活就像贫瘠的荒野 雪覆冰封,万物不再生长。 6.关于外国的诗歌 艾米莉·狄金森诗选 个人比较喜欢 我从未看过荒原 我从未看过荒原-- 我从未看过海洋-- 可我知道石楠的容貌 和狂涛巨浪。 我从未与上帝交谈 也不曾拜访过天堂-- 可我好像已通过检查 一定会到那个地方 。 I never saw a moor I never saw a Moor-- I never saw the Sea-- Yet know I how the Heather looks And what a Billow be. I never spoke with God Nor visited in Heaven-- Yet certain am I of the spot As if the Checks were given-- 云暗 天低又复云暗, 飞过雪花一片。 穿越车辙马圈, 去留择决艰难。 谁人这样待风, 令其整天抱怨。 自然犹如我等, 时常没戴皇冠。 Beclouded THE sky is low, the clouds are mean, A travelling flake of snow Across a barn or through a rut Debates if it will go. A narrow wind complains all day How some one treated him; Nature, like us, is sometimes caught Without her diadem. 逃亡 我一听说"逃亡"这个词 血液就加快奔流, 一个突然的期望, 一个想飞的冲动。 我从未听说敞开的监狱 被战士们攻陷, 但我幼稚的用力拖我的围栏-- 只不过再失败! Escape I NEVER hear the word "escape" Without a quicker blood, A sudden expectation, A flying attitude. I never hear of prisons broad by soldiers battered down, But I tug childish at my bars-- Only to fail again! 希望 " 希望" 是物长着羽毛 寄居在灵魂里, 唱着没有词的曲调, 绝无丝毫停息, 微风吹送最为甘甜 暴雨致痛无疑 能够使得小鸟不安 保有此多暖意。 听它越过奇妙大海 飞遍严寒田地 可它不要我面包屑 哪怕饥饿至极。 "Hope" "HOPE" is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all, And sweetest in the gale is heard; And sore must be the storm That could abash the little bird That kept so many warm. I"ve heard it in the chillest land, And on the strangest Sea; Yet, never, in extremity, It asked a crumb of Me.
2022-12-31 19:02:131


smile 微笑grin 露齿一笑laugh 大笑giggle 傻笑simper/smirk 假笑titter (害羞滴)偷偷笑
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翻译 希望 艾米莉.狄金森

"Hope"希望 " HOPE" is the thing with feathers 希望乃长翼之物 That perches in the soul, 居于魂, And sings the tune without the words, 吟无词之曲, And never stops at all, 从未止 And sweetest in the gale is heard; 随风携甜而来; And sore must be the storm 暴雨必致痛 That could abash the little bird 危鸟儿性命 That kept so many warm. 怀揣希望暖意多。 I"ve heard it in the chillest land, 闻希望驻极寒之地, And on the strangest Sea; 飞越极奇之海; Yet, never, in extremity, It asked a crumb of Me. 然拒吾分亳之食,宁忍饥受饿。 Emily Dickinson (1861)
2022-12-31 19:03:241


著名女诗人Emily Dickinson的诗Hope is the thing with feathers Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune--without the words, And never stops at all,And sweetest in the gale is heard; And sore must be the storm That could abash the little bird That kept so many warm.I"ve heard it in the chillest land, And on the strangest sea; Yet, never, in extremity, It asked a crumb of me.
2022-12-31 19:03:302


艾米莉·狄金森[译诗31首] 艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)(1830~1886) 为美国隐士女诗人,生前写过一千七百多首令人耳目一新的短诗,却不为人知,死后名声大噪。 她诗风独特,以文字细腻、观察敏锐、意象突出著称。 题材方面多半是自然、死亡、和永生。 我从未看过荒原 我从未看过荒原-- 我从未看过海洋-- 可我知道石楠的容貌 和狂涛巨浪。 我从未与上帝交谈 也不曾拜访过天堂-- 可我好像已通过检查 一定会到那个地方 。 I never saw a moor I never saw a Moor-- I never saw the Sea-- Yet know I how the Heather looks And what a Billow be. I never spoke with God Nor visited in Heaven-- Yet certain am I of the spot As if the Checks were given-- 云暗 天低又复云暗, 飞过雪花一片。 穿越车辙马圈, 去留择决艰难。 谁人这样待风, 令其整天抱怨。 自然犹如我等, 时常没戴皇冠。 Beclouded THE sky is low, the clouds are mean, A travelling flake of snow Across a barn or through a rut Debates if it will go. A narrow wind complains all day How some one treated him; Nature, like us, is sometimes caught Without her diadem. 我是无名之辈! 你是谁? (260) 我是无名之辈! 你是谁? 你也是无名之辈吗? 那么我们为一对! 别说! 他们会传开去-- 你知道! 多无聊-- 是-- 某某名人! 多招摇-- 象个青蛙— 告诉你的名字 -- 漫长的六月— 给一片赞赏的沼泽! I‘M Nobody! Who are you? I‘M Nobody! Who are you? Are you--Nobody--too? Then there‘s a pair of us! Dont tell! they‘d advertise--you know! How dreary--to be--Somebody! How public--like a Frog-- To tell your name--the livelong June-- To an admiring Bog! " 信念" 是个微妙的发明 " 信念" 是个微妙的发明 当绅士们能看见的时候— 但显微镜却是谨慎的 在紧急的时候。 "Faith" is a fine invention "FAITH" is a fine invention When Gentlemen can see-- But Microsopes are prudent In an Emergency. 逃亡 我一听说“ 逃亡”这个词 血液就加快奔流, 一个突然的期望, 一个想飞的冲动。 我从未听说敞开的监狱 被战士们攻陷, 但我幼稚的用力拖我的围栏– 只不过再失败! Escape I NEVER hear the word "escape" Without a quicker blood, A sudden expectation, A flying attitude. I never hear of prisons broad by soldiers battered down, But I tug childish at my bars-- Only to fail again! 希望 (254) " 希望" 是物长着羽毛 寄居在灵魂里, 唱着没有词的曲调, 绝无丝毫停息, 微风吹送最为甘甜 暴雨致痛无疑 能够使得小鸟不安 保有此多暖意。 听它越过奇妙大海 飞遍严寒田地 可它不要我面包屑 哪怕饥饿至极。 "Hope" "HOPE" is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all, And sweetest in the gale is heard; And sore must be the storm That could abash the little bird That kept so many warm. I‘ve heard it in the chillest land, And on the strangest Sea; Yet, never, in extremity, It asked a crumb of Me. Emily Dickinson (1861) 心先要求愉快 (536) 心先要求愉快 再要求免除疼痛; 其后,要那些小止痛片 来减轻苦痛; 然后,要求睡觉; 如它法官的愿望 而后应当是 要求去死的自由。 The heart asks pleasure first The heart asks pleasure first, And then, excuse from pain; And then, those little anodynes That deaden suffering; And then, to go to sleep; And then, if it should be The will of its Inquisitor, The liberty to die. 补偿 为每一个狂喜的瞬间 我们必须偿以痛苦至极, 刺痛和震颤 正比于狂喜。 为每一个可爱的时刻 必偿以多年的微薄薪饷, 辛酸争夺来的半分八厘 和浸满泪水的钱箱。 Compensation For each ecstatic instant We must an anguish pay In keen and quivering ratio To the ecstasy. For each beloved hour Sharp pittances of years, Bitter contested farthings And coffers heaped with tears. 战场 他们雪片般落下,他们流星般落下, 象一朵玫瑰花的花瓣纷纷落下, 当风的手指忽然间 穿划过六月初夏。 在眼睛不能发现的地方,-- 他们凋零于不透缝隙的草丛; 但上帝摊开他无赦的名单 依然能传唤每一副面孔。 The Battlefield They dropped like flakes, they dropped like stars, Like petals from a rose, When suddenly across the June A wind with fingers goes. They perished in the seamless grass, -- No eye could find the place; But God on his repealless list Can summon every face. 我没有时间憎恨 我没有时间憎恨,因为 坟墓会将我阻止, 而生命并非如此简单 能使我敌意终止。 我也没时间去爱, 仅因为必须有点勤奋, 我以为爱的那少许辛苦 对我已是足够莫大难忍。 I had no time to hate, because I had no time to hate, because The grave would hinder me, And life was not so sample I Could finish enmity. Nor had I time to love, but since Some industry must be, The little toil of love, I thought, Was large enough for me. 我的河儿流向你 我的河儿流向你— 蓝色的海! 会否欢迎我? 我的河儿待回响— 大海啊—样子亲切慈祥— 我将给你请来小溪 从弄污的角落里— 说呀—海—接纳我! My River runs to thee— Blue Sea! Wilt welcome me? My River waits reply— Oh sea—look graciously— I"ll fetch thee Brooks From spotted nooks— Say—Sea—Take me! 我的朋友 我的朋友肯定是只鸟— 因为它飞翔! 我的朋友肯定是个人, 因它会死亡! 它有倒刺,象蜜蜂一样! 哦,古怪的朋友啊! 你使我迷茫! My friend must be a Bird— Because it flies! Mortal, my friend must be, Because it dies! Barbs has it, like a Bee! Ah, curious friend! Thou puzzlest me! 天堂是个医生吗? 天堂是个医生吗? 他们说他能治病; 但死后的医药 是没有效用的。 天堂是国库吗? 他们谈及我们欠的债; 可是那谈判 我没参加。 Is Heaven a Physician? Is Heaven a Physician? They say that He can heal - But Medicine Posthumous Is unavailable - Is Heaven an Exchequer? They speak of what we owe - But that negotiation I"m not a Party to - 剧痛在于特征上 剧痛在于特征上 急切在于那迹象 告别的狂喜 称之为“死亡” 当去忍受成长 苦恼就因之遭遇 我知道许可已经给予 去与同类团聚 A throe upon the features - A hurry in the breath - An ecstasy of parting Denominated “Death” - An anguish at the mention Which when to patience grown, I"ve known permission given To rejoin its own. 痛之神秘 痛有一个空白的元素; 不能够记起 当它开始,或如有一天 当它不是痛时。 它没有未来只有自己, 包含它无限的领地 它是过去,开明的去感知 新的痛的周期。 The Mystery of Pain Pain has an element of blank; It cannot recollect When it began, or if there were A day when it was not. It has no future but itself, Its infinite realms contain Its past, enlightened to perceive New periods of pain. 对人类而言太晚 对人类而言太晚 可对于上帝还早 创世,虚弱无力的帮助 可剩下的,我们还能够祈祷 当地上不能存在 天堂是何等美妙 那时,我们老邻居上帝的表情 会多么好客,殷勤,周到 It was too late for Man - But early, yet for God - Creation - impotent to help - But Prayer - remained - Our Side - How excellent the Heaven - When Earth - cannot be had - How hospitable - then - the face Of our Old Neighbor God - 去天堂! 去天堂! 我不知何时- 请千万别问我怎样! 我实在太惊讶 想不出回答你! 去天堂! 多么黯淡悲凉! 可是必将做到 就象羊群夜晚一点回家 给牧羊人来关照! 也许你也正在去! 谁知道呢? 假若你要先到那里 就请为我保留一小块空间 靠近我失去的两位亲人- 那最小的“睡袍”对我会合适 和仅仅一点点“花冠”- 你知道当我们回家 我们不在意穿着 我很高兴我不信它 因它会停止我的呼吸- 而我愿意多看上一眼 这样一个稀奇古怪的尘世! 我很高兴他们信它 他们我再没有找到过 自从那伟大的秋天的午后 我在地底下离开他们。 Going to Heaven! I don"t know when - Pray do not ask me how! Indeed I"m too astonished To think of answering you! Going to Heaven! How dim it sounds! And yet it will be done As sure as flocks go home at night Unto the Shepherd"s arm! Perhaps you"re going too! Who knows? If you should get there first Save just a little space for me Close to the two I lost - The *** allest “Robe” will fit me And just a bit of “Crown” - For you know we do not mind our dress When we are going home - I"m glad I don"t believe it For it would stop my breath - And I"d like to look a little more At such a curious Earth! I"m glad they did believe it Whom I have never found Since the mighty Autumn afternoon I left them in the ground. 谁是东方? 谁是东方? 金黄之人 他许是紫红之人 携带日出 谁是西方? 紫红之人 他许是金黄之人 载送日落 Who is the East? The Yellow Man Who may be Purple if He can That carries in the Sun. Who is the West? The Purple Man Who may be Yellow if He can That lets Him out again. 它是个这样小的小船 它是个这样小的小船 东倒西歪下了港湾! 何等雄浑壮观的大海 吸引着它离远! 如此贪婪强烈的波浪 拍打着它离开海岸; 未曾猜到这庄严宏伟的风帆 我的手工小船还是迷失不见! ‘Twas such a little - little boat That toddled down the bay! ‘Twas such a gallant - gallant sea That beckoned it away! ‘Twas such a greedy - greedy wave That licked it from the Coast - Nor ever guessed the stately sails My little craft was lost! 我信守我的誓言 我信守我的誓言。 我未曾被召唤- 死神没有通知我, 我带着我的玫瑰。 我再次发誓, 以每只神圣的蜜蜂- 以从山坡唤来的雏菊- 以来自小巷的食米鸟的名义。 花朵和我- 她的誓言和我的- 一定将再来一次。 I keep my pledge. I was not called - Death did not notice me. I bring my Rose. I plight again, By every sainted Bee - By Daisy called from hillside - By Bobolink from lane. Blossom and I - Her oath, and mine - Will surely come again. 天使 天使,在清晨时分 许在露中看到她们, 弯腰-采摘-微笑-飞翔- 难道这花蕾属于她们? 天使,当烈日如火 许在沙中看到她们 弯腰-采摘-微笑-飞翔- 她们带走的花儿已烤成干身。 Angels, in the early morning May be seen the Dews among, Stooping - plucking - *** iling - flying - Do the Buds to them belong? Angels, when the sun is hottest May be seen the sands among, Stooping - plucking - *** iling - flying - Parched the flowers they bear along. 七月回答 七月回答 哪里是蜜蜂 哪里是红色 哪里是干草? 啊,七月说 哪里是种子 哪里是萌芽 我让你回答 不-五月说 示我白雪 示我钟铃 示我松鸦! 挑剔的松鸦 哪里是玉米 哪里是薄雾 哪里是芒刺? 这里,年说到。 Answer July - Where is the Bee - Where is the Blush - Where is the Hay? Ah, said July - Where is the Seed - Where is the Bud - Where is the May - Answer Thee - Me - Nay - said the May - Show me the Snow - Show me the Bells - Show me the Jay! Quibbled the Jay - Where be the Maize - Where be the Haze - Where be the Bur? Here - said the year - 女士喂她的小鸟 女士喂她的小鸟 几乎毫无间隔 小鸟没有不同意 而是温顺地认可 鸿沟于这手和她之间 于无碎屑和在远方之间 昏晕, 轻轻地跌倒在 她黄皮肤的膝上, 怀着崇拜 The Lady feeds Her little Bird At rarer intervals - The little Bird would not dissent But meekly recognize The Gulf between the Hand and Her And crumbless and afar And fainting, on Her yellow Knee Fall softly, and adore - 信念 丧失一个人的信念, 远大于失去一份地产; 因地产能够再置, 而信念无法重建。 信念可与生承继, 但却只有一次; 废止个单一条款做人 实乃乞丐赤贫。 To lose one"s faith—surpass The loss of an Estate— Because Estates can be Replenished—faith cannot— Inherited with Life— Belief—but once—can be— Annihilate a single clause— And Being"s—Beggary— 多远至天堂? 多远至天堂? 其遥如死亡; 越过山与河, 不知路何方. 多远至地狱? 其遥如死亡; 多远左边坟, 地形学难量. How far is it to Heaven? As far as Death this way— Of River or of Ridge beyond Was no discovery. How far is it to Hell? As far as Death this way— How far left hand the Sepulchre Defies Topography. 我害怕拥有灵魂 我害怕拥有灵魂— 我害怕拥有肉身— 深奥的危险的财产— 拥有—没有选择的成分— 双倍资产—愉快限定继承的财产 给一个未想到的继承人— 一个永恒瞬间的君主 一个统辖新疆土的神 I am afraid to own a Body— I am afraid to own a Soul— Profound—precarious Property— Possession, not optional— Double estate—entailed at pleasure Upon an unsuspecting Heir— Duke in a moment of Deathlessness And God, for a Frontier. 昨天是历史 昨天是历史, 它是如此久远— 昨天是诗歌— 它是哲学理念— 昨天是迷团— 哪里又是今天 而我们精明思索时 两者振翅飞远. Yesterday is History, ‘Tis so far away— Yesterday is Poetry— ‘Tis Philosophy— Yesterday is mystery— Where it is Today While we shrewdly speculate Flutter both away. 灰烬 灰烬代表有过火— 最灰的那堆使人敬畏 因死去的生物之缘故 它们曾在那片刻盘旋迂回— 火先以光的形式存在 然后则旺火强焰 唯有化学家能够透露 变成了什么碳酸盐。 Ashes Ashes denote that Fire was— Revere the Grayest Pile For the Departed Creature"s sake That hovered there awhile— Fire exists the first in light And then consolidates Only the Chemist can disclose Into what Carbonates. 他忘了—而我—却记得 他忘了—而
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诗翻译|| 希望,长着羽毛“Hope” is the thing with feathers

希望,长着羽毛 栖息在灵魂里 它唱着无字的歌 一刻,都不停息 那暖了无数心的小鸟 或许会挣扎于,风暴 可那风暴必定也疲惫 风中传来那旋律,多美妙 极寒苦地,我曾听到它 诡异海域,我也听到它 然而,无论何种绝境险遇 它对我从无,丝毫索取 “Hope” is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops - at all - And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard - And sore must be the storm - That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm - I"ve heard it in the chillest land - And on the strangest Sea - Yet - never - in Extremity, It asked a crumb - of me. 艾米丽·狄金森(1830-1886)是美国著名诗人,出生于马萨诸塞州的阿姆赫斯特,青少年时期曾受七年教育。学成后过起了近乎封闭的居家生活,一生未婚,只与为数不多的人保持纯书信往来。她诗作很多却很少发表,因而生前默默无闻。身后由其妹发现了她的大量作品,由友人整理、编辑并于1890年出版。然而最全面而忠实于其原作的诗集The Poems of Emily Dickinson则由Thomas H. Johnson在1955年整理出版,收录了近1800首。 狄金森的诗作很独特,比如有很多短句,没有标题,使用不完全韵(slant rhyme)及非常规的大小写字母和标点符号。因为她的诗没有标题,诗的第一句往往被当作标题,每首诗都被编了号。这一首编号314,作于1862年,表达了诗人对希望的信仰。 这首诗基本abcb韵格,双数行押韵(除了第一节soul/all不完全韵),单数行随意(如第二节heard/bird押韵)。每行三步或四步的节奏,基本抑扬格,但是第一句却是扬抑格,非常突出中心词Hope。标点符号(引号及破折号)的使用起了强调的作用。此译本亦基本押韵,以表意为主,用文字及逗号来表达原诗中标点符号所突出的含义。
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2022-12-31 19:04:044

《蓝海》 狄金森的这首诗滴原文!!急!!!

If You Were Coming In The Fall BY EMILY DICKINSON IF you were coming in the fall, I "d brush the summer by With half a smile and half a spurn, As housewives do a fly. If I could see you in a year, I "d wind the months in balls, And put them each in separate drawers, Until their time befalls. If only centuries delayed, I "d count them on my hand, Subtracting till my fingers dropped Into Van Diemen"s land. If certain, when this life was out, That yours and mine should be, I "d toss it yonder like a rind, And taste eternity. But now, all ignorant of the length Of time"s uncertain wing, It goads me, like the goblin bee, That will not state its sting. 如果你能在秋季来到, 我会用掸子把夏季掸掉, 一半轻蔑,一半含笑, 象管家妇把苍蝇赶跑。 如果一年后能够见你, 我将把月份缠绕成团—— 分别存放在不同的抽屉, 免得,混淆了日期—— 如果只耽搁几个世纪, 我会用我的手算计—— 把手指逐一屈起,直到 全部倒伏在亡人国里。 如果确知,聚会在生命—— 你的和我的生命,结束时—— 我愿意把生命抛弃—— 如同抛弃一片果皮—— 但是现在难以确知 相隔还有多长时日—— 这状况刺痛我有如妖蜂—— 秘而不宣,是那毒刺。 然后是一些短诗,均是先原文后译文,一段英文加一段中文即是一首(因为好多都没标题……) 艾米莉.狄金森(Emily Dickinson)(1830~1886) 为美国隐士女诗人,生前写过一千七百多首令人耳目一新的短诗,却不为人知,死后名声大噪。她诗风独特,以文字细腻、观察敏锐、意象突出著称。 题材方面多半是自然、死亡、和永生。 I never saw a moor I never saw a Moor-- I never saw the Sea-- Yet know I how the Heather looks And what a Billow be. I never spoke with God Nor visited in Heaven-- Yet certain am I of the spot As if the Checks were given-- 我从未看过荒原-- 我从未看过海洋-- 可我知道石楠的容貌 和狂涛巨浪。 我从未与上帝交谈 也不曾拜访过天堂-- 可我好像已通过检查 一定会到那个地方 。 Beclouded THE sky is low, the clouds are mean, A travelling flake of snow Across a barn or through a rut Debates if it will go. A narrow wind complains all day How some one treated him; Nature, like us, is sometimes caught Without her diadem. 天低又复云暗, 飞过雪花一片。 穿越车辙马圈, 去留择决艰难。 谁人这样待风, 令其整天抱怨。 自然犹如我等, 时常没戴皇冠。 I"M Nobody! Who are you? I"M Nobody! Who are you? Are you--Nobody--too? Then there"s a pair of us! Dont tell! they"d advertise--you know! How dreary--to be--Somebody! How public--like a Frog-- To tell your name--the livelong June-- To an admiring Bog! 我是无名之辈! 你是谁? 你也是无名之辈吗? 那么我们为一对! 别说! 他们会传开去-- 你知道! 多无聊-- 是-- 某某名人! 多招摇-- 象个青蛙-- 告诉你的名字 -- 漫长的六月-- 给一片赞赏的沼泽! "Faith" is a fine invention "FAITH" is a fine invention When Gentlemen can see-- But Microsopes are prudent In an Emergency. " 信念" 是个微妙的发明 当绅士们能看见的时候-- 但显微镜却是谨慎的 在紧急的时候。 Escape I NEVER hear the word "escape" Without a quicker blood, A sudden expectation, A flying attitude. I never hear of prisons broad by soldiers battered down, But I tug childish at my bars-- Only to fail again! 我一听说"逃亡"这个词 血液就加快奔流, 一个突然的期望, 一个想飞的冲动。 我从未听说敞开的监狱 被战士们攻陷, 但我幼稚的用力拖我的围栏-- 只不过再失败! "Hope" "HOPE" is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all, And sweetest in the gale is heard; And sore must be the storm That could abash the little bird That kept so many warm. I"ve heard it in the chillest land, And on the strangest Sea; Yet, never, in extremity, It asked a crumb of Me. " 希望" 是物长着羽毛 寄居在灵魂里, 唱着没有词的曲调, 绝无丝毫停息, 微风吹送最为甘甜 暴雨致痛无疑 能够使得小鸟不安 保有此多暖意。 听它越过奇妙大海 飞遍严寒田地 可它不要我面包屑 哪怕饥饿至极。 The heart asks pleasure first The heart asks pleasure first, And then, excuse from pain; And then, those little anodynes That deaden suffering; And then, to go to sleep; And then, if it should be The will of its Inquisitor, The liberty to die. 心先要求愉快 再要求免除疼痛; 其后,要那些小止痛片 来减轻苦痛; 然后,要求睡觉; 如它法官的愿望 而后应当是 要求去死的自由。 Compensation For each ecstatic instant We must an anguish pay In keen and quivering ratio To the ecstasy. For each beloved hour Sharp pittances of years, Bitter contested farthings And coffers heaped with tears. 为每一个狂喜的瞬间 我们必须偿以痛苦至极, 刺痛和震颤 正比于狂喜。 为每一个可爱的时刻 必偿以多年的微薄薪饷, 辛酸争夺来的半分八厘 和浸满泪水的钱箱。 The Battlefield They dropped like flakes, they dropped like stars, Like petals from a rose, When suddenly across the June A wind with fingers goes. They perished in the seamless grass, -- No eye could find the place; But God on his repealless list Can summon every face. 他们雪片般落下,他们流星般落下, 象一朵玫瑰花的花瓣纷纷落下, 当风的手指忽然间 穿划过六月初夏。 在眼睛不能发现的地方,-- 他们凋零于不透缝隙的草丛; 但上帝摊开他无赦的名单 依然能传唤每一副面孔。 I had no time to hate, because I had no time to hate, because The grave would hinder me, And life was not so sample I Could finish enmity. Nor had I time to love, but since Some industry must be, The little toil of love, I thought, Was large enough for me. 我没有时间憎恨,因为 坟墓会将我阻止, 而生命并非如此简单 能使我敌意终止。 我也没时间去爱, 仅因为必须有点勤奋, 我以为爱的那少许辛苦 对我已是足够莫大难忍。 My River runs to thee— Blue Sea! Wilt welcome me? My River waits reply— Oh sea—look graciously— I"ll fetch thee Brooks From spotted nooks— Say—Sea—Take me! 我的河儿流向你-- 蓝色的海! 会否欢迎我? 我的河儿待回响-- 大海啊--样子亲切慈祥-- 我将给你请来小溪 从弄污的角落里-- 说呀--大海--接纳我! My friend must be a Bird-- Because it flies! Mortal, my friend must be, Because it dies! Barbs has it, like a Bee! Ah, curious friend! Thou puzzlest me! 我的朋友肯定是只鸟-- 因为它飞翔! 我的朋友肯定是个人, 因它会死亡! 它有倒刺,象蜜蜂一样! 哦,古怪的朋友啊! 你使我迷茫! Is Heaven a Physician? Is Heaven a Physician? They say that He can heal - But Medicine Posthumous Is unavailable - Is Heaven an Exchequer? They speak of what we owe - But that negotiation I"m not a Party to - 天堂是个医生吗? 他们说他能治病; 但死后的医药 是没有效用的。 天堂是国库吗? 他们谈及我们欠的债; 可是那谈判 我没参加。 (71) A throe upon the features - A hurry in the breath - An ecstasy of parting Denominated “Death” - An anguish at the mention Which when to patience grown, I"ve known permission given To rejoin its own. 剧痛在于特征上 急切在于那迹象 告别的狂喜 称之为“死亡” 当去忍受成长 苦恼就因之遭遇 我知道许可已经给予 去与同类团聚 The Mystery of Pain Pain has an element of blank; It cannot recollect When it began, or if there were A day when it was not. It has no future but itself, Its infinite realms contain Its past, enlightened to perceive New periods of pain. 痛有一个空白的元素; 不能够记起 当它开始,或如有一天 当它不是痛时。 它没有未来只有自己, 包含它无限的领地 它是过去,开明的去感知 新的痛的周期。 It was too late for Man - But early, yet for God - Creation - impotent to help - But Prayer - remained - Our Side - How excellent the Heaven - When Earth - cannot be had - How hospitable - then - the face Of our Old Neighbor God - 对人类而言太晚 可对于上帝还早 创世,虚弱无力的帮助 可剩下的,我们还能够祈祷 当地上不能存在 天堂是何等美妙 那时,我们老邻居上帝的表情 会多么好客,殷勤,周到 (79) Going to Heaven! I don"t know when - Pray do not ask me how! Indeed I"m too astonished To think of answering you! Going to Heaven! How dim it sounds! And yet it will be done As sure as flocks go home at night Unto the Shepherd"s arm! Perhaps you"re going too! Who knows? If you should get there first Save just a little space for me Close to the two I lost - The smallest “Robe” will fit me And just a bit of “Crown” - For you know we do not mind our dress When we are going home - I"m glad I don"t believe it For it would stop my breath - And I"d like to look a little more At such a curious Earth! I"m glad they did believe it Whom I have never found Since the mighty Autumn afternoon I left them in the ground. 去天堂! 我不知何时- 请千万别问我怎样! 我实在太惊讶 想不出回答你! 去天堂! 多么黯淡悲凉! 可是必将做到 就象羊群夜晚一定回家 给牧羊人来关照! 也许你也正在去! 谁知道呢? 假若你要先到那里 就请为我保留一小块空间 靠近我失去的两位亲人- 那最小的“睡袍”对我会合适 和仅仅一点点“花冠”- 你知道当我们回家 我们不在意穿着 我很高兴我不信它 因它会停止我的呼吸- 而我愿意多看上一眼 这样一个稀奇古怪的尘世! 我很高兴他们信它 他们我再没有找到过 自从那伟大的秋天的午后 我在地底下离开他们。 Who is the East? The Yellow Man Who may be Purple if He can That carries in the Sun. Who is the West? The Purple Man Who may be Yellow if He can That lets Him out again. 谁是东方? 金黄之人 他许是紫红之人 携带日出 谁是西方? 紫红之人 他许是金黄之人 载送日落 (107) ‘Twas such a little - little boat That toddled down the bay! ‘Twas such a gallant - gallant sea That beckoned it away! ‘Twas such a greedy - greedy wave That licked it from the Coast - Nor ever guessed the stately sails My little craft was lost! 它是个这样小的小船 东倒西歪下了港湾! 何等雄浑壮观的大海 吸引着它离远! 如此贪婪强烈的波浪 拍打着它离开海岸; 未曾猜到这庄严宏伟的风帆 我的手工小船还是迷失不见! I keep my pledge. I was not called - Death did not notice me. I bring my Rose. I plight again, By every sainted Bee - By Daisy called from hillside - By Bobolink from lane. Blossom and I - Her oath, and mine - Will surely come again. 我信守我的誓言。 我未曾被召唤- 死神没有通知我, 我带着我的玫瑰。 我再次发誓, 以每只神圣的蜜蜂- 以从山坡唤来的雏菊- 以来自小巷的食米鸟的名义。 花朵和我- 她的誓言和我的- 一定将再来一次。 Angels, in the early morning May be seen the Dews among, Stooping - plucking - smiling - flying - Do the Buds to them belong? Angels, when the sun is hottest May be seen the sands among, Stooping - plucking - smiling - flying - Parched the flowers they bear along. 天使,在清晨时分 许在露中看到她们, 弯腰-采摘-微笑-飞翔- 难道这花蕾属于她们? 天使,当烈日如火 许在沙中看到她们 弯腰-采摘-微笑-飞翔- 她们带走的花儿已烤成干身。 Answer July - Where is the Bee - Where is the Blush - Where is the Hay? Ah, said July - Where is the Seed - Where is the Bud - Where is the May - Answer Thee - Me - Nay - said the May - Show me the Snow - Show me the Bells - Show me the Jay! Quibbled the Jay - Where be the Maize - Where be the Haze - Where be the Bur? Here - said the year - 七月回答 哪里是蜜蜂 哪里是红色 哪里是干草? 啊,七月说 哪里是种子 哪里是萌芽 哪里是五月 我让你回答 不-五月说 示我白雪 示我钟铃 示我松鸦! 挑剔的松鸦 哪里是玉米 哪里是薄雾 哪里是芒刺? 这里,年说到。 The Lady feeds Her little Bird At rarer intervals - The little Bird would not dissent But meekly recognize The Gulf between the Hand and Her And crumbless and afar And fainting, on Her yellow Knee Fall softly, and adore - 女士喂她的小鸟 几乎毫无间隔 小鸟没有不同意 而是温顺地认可 鸿沟于这手和她之间 于无碎屑和在远方之间 昏晕, 轻轻地跌倒在 她黄皮肤的膝上, 怀着崇拜 (377) To lose one"s faith—surpass The loss of an Estate— Because Estates can be Replenished—faith cannot— Inherited with Life— Belief—but once—can be— Annihilate a single clause— And Being"s—Beggary— 丧失一个人的信念, 远大于失去一份地产; 因地产能够再置, 而信念无法重建。 信念可与生承继, 但却只有一次; 废止个单一条款做人 实乃乞丐赤贫。 How far is it to Heaven? As far as Death this way? Of River or of Ridge beyond Was no discovery. How far is it to Hell? As far as Death this way? How far left hand the Sepulchre Defies Topography. 多远至天堂? 其遥如死亡; 越过山与河, 不知路何方. 多远至地狱? 其遥如死亡; 多远左边坟, 地形学难量. (1090) I am afraid to own a Body— I am afraid to own a Soul— Profound—precarious Property— Possession, not optional— Double estate—entailed at pleasure Upon an unsuspecting Heir— Duke in a moment of Deathlessness And God, for a Frontier. 我害怕拥有灵魂-- 我害怕拥有肉身-- 深奥的危险的财产-- 拥有--没有选择的成分-- 双倍资产--愉快限定继承的财产 给一个未想到的继承人-- 一个永恒瞬间的君主 一个统辖新疆土的神 (1292) Yesterday is History, ‘Tis so far away— Yesterday is Poetry— ‘Tis Philosophy— Yesterday is mystery— Where it is Today While we shrewdly speculate Flutter both away. 昨天是历史, 它是如此久远-- 昨天是诗歌-- 它是哲学理念-- 昨天是迷团-- 哪里又是今天 而我们精明思索时 两者振翅飞远. Ashes (1063) Ashes denote that Fire was— Revere the Grayest Pile For the Departed Creature"s sake That hovered there awhile— Fire exists the first in light And then consolidates Only the Chemist can disclose Into what Carbonates. 灰烬代表有过火-- 最灰的那堆使人敬畏 因死去的生物之缘故 它们曾在那片刻盘旋迂回-- 火先以光的形式存在 然后则旺火强焰 唯有化学家能够透露 变成了什么碳酸盐。 He forgot—and I—remembered (203) He forgot—and I—remembered— "Twas an everyday affair— Long ago as Christ and Peter— "Warmed
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狄金森诗选《狄金森诗选》江枫 要造就一片草原…… 要造就一片草原,只需一株苜蓿一只蜂, 一株苜蓿,一只蜂, 再加上白日梦。 有白日梦也就够了, 如果找不到蜂。 等待一小时,太久 等待一小时,太久—— 如果爱,恰巧在那以后—— 等待一万年,不长—— 如果,终于有爱作为报偿。 我是无名之辈,你是谁 我是无名之辈,你是谁? 你,也是,无名之辈? 这就有了我们一对!可是别声 你知道,他们会大肆张扬! 做个,显要人物,好不无聊! 像个青蛙,向仰慕的泥沼在—— 整个六月,把个人的姓名 聒噪—何等招摇! 我能,多给些,什么 如果你是一只野蜂—— 我能,多给些,什么 既然我献给女王的—— 也不过是鲜花一束? 没有一艘船能像一本书 没有一艘船能像一本书 也没有一匹骏马能像 一页跳跃着的诗行那样—— 把人带往远方。 这渠道最穷的人也能走 不必为通行税伤神—— 这是何等节俭的车—— 承载着人的灵魂。 暴风雨夜,暴风雨夜 暴风雨夜,暴风雨夜! 我若和你同在一起, 暴风雨夜就是 豪奢的喜悦! 风,无能为力—— 心,已在港内—— 罗盘,不必, 海图,不必!泛舟在伊甸园—— 啊,海!但愿我能,今夜,泊在你的水域!我从未见过荒原我从未见过荒原——我从未见过海洋——却知道石楠*的形知道波浪的模样。我从未和上帝交谈从未访问过天堂——却知道天堂的位置仿佛有图在手上。*石楠,常绿灌木,毛长在盆瘠的荒原。
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