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2023-05-19 14:01:41



possession的意思:拥有,持有;个人财产,所有物;持有违禁物,私藏毒品(或武器);(对球的)控制,球权;进攻;领地,殖民地;鬼魂附体,着魔;(观点或情感的)支配,控制。读音:[pəˈzeʃn]词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。固定搭配:adverse possession逆权管有 ; 时效占有 ; 相反占有权。例句1、This ring is my most treasured possession.这枚戒指是我最珍爱的财产。2、He described the picture as his most cherished possession.他说这张照片是他最珍爱的财产。3、He announced that there would be more stringent controls on the possession of weapons.他宣布在武器的持有方面将会有更严格的控制。
2022-12-31 17:38:071


possession是什么意思 possession 英[pəˈzeʃn] 美[pəˈzɛʃən] n. 有,所有,拥有; 领地; 财产,所有权,占有物,所有物; 持有违禁物; [例句]Those documents are now in the possession of the Guardian 那些档案目前在《卫报》手里。 [其他] 复数:possessions possession 常用词汇  英 [pə"zeʃn]     美 [pə"zeʃn]     n. 拥有;财产;所有;殖民地 possession[英] [pəˈzeʃən] [美] [pəˈzɛʃən] n. 有,所有,拥有;领地;财产,所有权,占有物,所有物;持有违禁物; be in possession of是什么意思 be in possession of [英][bi: in pəˈzeʃən ɔv][美][bi ɪn pəˈzɛʃən ʌv] 占有某物; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. In many states, it is illegal for anyone to be in possession of fireworks, regardless of age. 在许多州区,任何人不论年龄大小,私藏烟火都是非法的。 2. Ideologies which claim to be in possession of the ultimate truth are making a false claim;therefore, they can be imposed on society only by force. 意识形态声称掌握著绝对真理是胡说八道,因此,他们只能由武力去推行 in possession of是什么意思 in possession of 拥有 双语对照 词典结果: in possession of [英][in pəˈzeʃən ɔv][美][ɪn pəˈzɛʃən ʌv] 拥有,持有; 领; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. At best a wistful memory, at worst a dangerous enemy who is in possession of many ofyour deepest secrets. 最好的能留给你一个情意绵绵的回忆;最糟糕的拥有你的许多机密从而成为你危险的敌人。 ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点选右上方【选为满意回答】按钮 vacant possession是什么意思 vacant possession 空屋 双语对照 词典结果: vacant possession[英][ˈveikənt pəˈzeʃən][美][ˈvekənt pəˈzɛʃən] n.空屋(或空地)的合法占有; 很高兴为您解答 祝你生活愉快,学习进步 答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问 如果满意记得采纳哦·~~ possession of game是什么意思 possession of game 意思 拥有游戏 例句:双语英语1.A surprising feature of this game was chelsea"s dominance of possession 53%. 本场比赛的一大亮点是切尔西的控球率达到了53%。 2."Chelsea are an english team but they have lots of foreigners and play quite a slow, possession game," he told la gazzetta dello sport. “切尔西是一支英国球队,但这支队伍中充满了外国球员。他们踢的是一种节奏缓慢的,讲究控球的比赛,”他告诉米兰体育报。
2022-12-31 17:38:171


possession[英][pəˈzeʃn][美][pəˈzɛʃən]n.有,所有,拥有; 领地; 财产,所有权,占有物,所有物; 持有违禁物;
2022-12-31 17:38:234


2022-12-31 17:38:424


可数,复数:possessions。意思:n.有,所有,拥有;领地;财产,所有权,占有物,所有物;持有违禁物;短语:1、cocaine possession持有可卡因;possession of a firearm持有枪支;2、possession of illegal drugs持有非法毒品;possession of property拥有财产;例句:He announced that there would be more stringent controls on the possession of weapons.他宣布将对武器的持有实行更严格的控制。扩展资料possession的用法与短语搭配1、表示“拥有”“占有”等,是不可数名词。比较以下各组句子有无修饰语(定冠词或物主代词等)所导致的含义上的区别(主动或被动):这房子是李先生的。正:Mr Li was in possession of the house.正:The house wasin the possession of Mr Li.他得了一大笔财产。正:He came into possession of a large fortune.正:A large fortune came into his possession.(注:take possession of和have possession of这两个结构中通常不用冠词。如:He has had possession of the house for ten years.他拥有这房子已有10年了。The policeman took possession of the thief"s bag.警察拿下了那个小偷的包。2、表示“财产”“所有物”等,是可数名词,但通常要用复数形式。如:He has few possessions.他的财产很少。
2022-12-31 17:38:561


possession是动词possess 的名词。possess名词形式:possessionn.具有;拥有;个人财产;私人物品;控球状态,复数: possessions. 扩展资料  例句:  Mary left her most precious possession — a small bookcase — to her niece.  玛丽把她最珍视的"财产——一个小书架,留给了她的侄女。  His possession of classified documents in his home was, at the very least, a violation of Navy security regulations.  他把机密文件藏在家中,至少是违反了海军安全条例。  Two men will appear before Birmingham magistrates" court today charged with possession of arms with intent to endanger life.  两名男子今天将在伯明翰地方法庭受审,他们被控持有武器,企图危害他人生命。
2022-12-31 17:39:111


possession 是指拥有.(物)的所有权的意思;而fortune是财富、幸运; treasure是金银财宝、财富 的意思 前者比你所说的后两者范围更广.in possession of 是指的 占有什么东西 指的是归属权的问题.如:Our university is now in possession of those buildings.现在那些楼房是属于我们大学的.而 in charge of 一般 是指管理什么事情的意思,指代的是对什么负责的问题.如:Our headmaster is in charge of our class.
2022-12-31 17:39:386


possessionKK: []DJ: []n.1. 拥有;占有[U]The possession of a degree does not guarantee you a job.拥有一个学位不能保证你找到工作。2. 所有物;财产[P]Her possessions could fit in one suitcase.她的全部财物可以装在一个手提箱内。3. 领地,属地,殖民地[C][P1]Some Caribbean islands are still French possessions.一些加勒比岛屿至今仍是法国的领地。4. 自制,镇定自若[U]With his usual possession, he answered all the questions.他以那惯常的沉着回答了所有的问题。5. 着魔[U]This charm will protect a man from possession by evil spirits.这个护身符将保护人不致着魔
2022-12-31 17:40:016


possession [pə"zeʃ(ə)n] n. 拥有;财产;领地;自制;着迷——维视课堂英语小编
2022-12-31 17:40:273


n. 有,所有,拥有;领地;财产,所有权,占有物,所有物;持有违禁物名词复数:possessions
2022-12-31 17:40:382

possess和possession的短语 和用法

英语中,posses vt.拥有;具有常用短语:possess sth = possess oneself of sth = be possessed of sth 拥有某物。possession1) n./u/ 拥有2) n./c/ (常用复数形式possessions) 所有物;财产常用短语:(be) in possession of...;get/take possession of... 拥有/占有...(be) in the possession of sb 为某人所拥有英语学习的方法。  1 学习英语的首要理念:要努力去了解“是什么”,而尽量少去了解“为什么”。  因为英语是语言,很多语汇和句型的用法没有道理可讲,没有“为什么”可言,人们就是这样用的,就是这样说的,记住就好。当然了,仔细分析起来或许可以找到语法上的解释。婴儿时期,我们学说话的时候,从来没有问过“为什么会这么说” 吧,但是为什么后来会说的这么好?因为我们听的多,说的多,自然就记在脑子里了。  2 学习英语的最好方法:背诵课文。  因为英语是我们的后天语言,所以必须将人家现成的东西反复在脑海里形成神经反射,不用关心为什么这样说(同第一点)。  推荐《新概念英语3,4册》。可以说,几乎没有任何一种教材的经典程度超过《新概念英语》。它的语法是最规范的,结构是最严谨的,流传了好几代人,依然保持最为持久的生命力。  3 学习英语需要多种形式的神经刺激。  真正学好英语,不经历背诵大量文章,写大量东西,听大量文章,是根本不可能达到目的的,比如一个新单词,我们在书上看到,默写,背诵,还不能说真正认识了。在听力中听到了这个单词,能反应过来是它吗?在想表达这种意思的时候,能反应过来应该用它吗?……我们当初学说话的时候,都是无形中进行了听,说,读,写等不经意的“练习”才全面掌握了这门语言。  4 学习英语要善于利用零碎时间。  英语学习不是靠突击可以学好的,一下子花上好几个小时拼命学英语,是无济于事的。它的特点在于“细水常流”。每天花上十几分钟的零碎时间听,背一段课文,记几个单词,长期坚持,逐渐会得到提高的。  5 要着意“卖弄”。  新学会的词汇和用法,应该在可能的场合多多练习使用。不要老是用自己喜欢或者熟悉的单词或者句型,这样的话,新学的东西永远得不到强化,慢慢的又会变的陌生,人将会永远停留原有的水平。不断地将新东西变为旧东西,又不断接触新东西,再将其变为旧东西,如此往复,才能不断提高。
2022-12-31 17:40:473

Property 和 Possession的区别

2022-12-31 17:41:032


2022-12-31 17:41:113

这题的possession 为何不加s。不是说possessions才表示财产么?

没听过这种说法吧,我只听过belongings作“所有物,财产”时是必加s的。从Possession前面的a large amount of就可以看出possession是作为不可数名词用的,因为amount of后面一定是接不可数名词的,这一点你是对的。
2022-12-31 17:41:231


可数有些句子前面可以加a的.. achievement KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 当我到达山顶的时候,我有一种巨大的成就感。 3. Coming top in the
2022-12-31 17:41:284


没听过这种说法吧,我只听过belongings作“所有物,财产”时是必加s的.从Possession前面的a large amount of就可以看出possession是作为不可数名词用的,因为amount of后面一定是接不可数名词的,这一点你是对的.
2022-12-31 17:41:431


possession(球赛时)暂时对球的控制; 发球权bookings 犯规时的红黄牌tackles 铲球PASSING 盘带过人passing% 1对1能力 突破成功率
2022-12-31 17:41:491

Possessions 歌词

歌曲名:Possessions歌手:The Residents专辑:Commercial AlbumPossession - JYONGRI作诗:JYONGRI 作曲:JYONGRIYou are my possession 离さないSorry but 譲れないI"m your possession これから永久へ情热が消えるまでYou are my possession どこまでもキスで确かめようI"m your possession このため息もあなたに奏でるよThis is mine, That"s yours って言えるモノ结构少ないでしょ君の努力を支え、ゴールまで见届けてるAren"t you owned?目覚めるのも同じタイミング笑いのつぼ似すぎよ思考回路もほぼ一绪、泣いたらつられる现象I"m totally yours相手に深く浸かれる爱が自然にできたの欲张りっていわれても终止符うたれるまで尽くすよYou are my possession 离さないSorry but 譲れないI"m your possession これから永久へ情热が消えるまでYou are my possession どこまでもキスで确かめようI"m your possession このため息もあなたに奏でるよ亭主関白な君と私の束缚で完璧よすねて叱られ抱かれこれが证明We"re lovers, we adore君の热い想い、つねに心がときめく痛みさえも分け合えるなんて幸せなの!You are my possession 最高级の时を过ごそう じゃないのI"m your possession 歴史に残る人生共に歩もう爱されてわかった爱すことの大切さ隣にいなけりゃ生きてはいけないYou are my possession 离さないSorry but 譲れないI"m your possession これから永久へ情热が消えるまでYou are my possession 最高级の时を过ごそう じゃないのI"m your possession 歴史に残る人生共に歩もう
2022-12-31 17:41:581


possessions英 [pə"zeʃənz]美 [pə"zeʃənz]n. [经] 财产;所有物(possession的复数形式)
2022-12-31 17:42:042


2022-12-31 17:42:133


position 是账户的资金或证券持有量,possession 是财产。前者只是一个目前有的数量,后者则注重说明是财产,是自己所有的。
2022-12-31 17:42:251


possession英[pəˈzeʃn]美[pəˈzɛʃən]n.有,所有,拥有; 领地; 财产,所有权,占有物,所有物; 持有违禁物网络占有; 财产; 美版中毒复数:possessions形近词:Possessionpossessivepossessingpresession数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度百科百度知道新1The fortress is in possession of the enemy.那炮台的主权为敌人所有。
2022-12-31 17:42:301


这一对片语都表示“占有”之意,但前者表示主动意义,后者表示被动涵义.为此,前者一般译作“占有”,后者译为“被…占有”或“为…所有”.例:Who is in possession of this estate?这是谁的地产?Our university is now in possession of those buildings.现在那些楼房是属于我们大学的.
2022-12-31 17:42:362


possession :n. 拥有;财产;领地;自制;着迷possessions :n. 财产;所有物possession的复数形式
2022-12-31 17:42:451


possession: [ p�0�5"ze�0�6�0�5n ] n. 财产,所有,拥有 treasure: [ "tre�0�1�0�5 ] n. 宝物,财富 v. 珍爱,重视,储藏 fortune: [ "f�0�0:t�0�6�0�5n ] n. 财产,命运,运气
2022-12-31 17:42:572


possession 英[pəˈzeʃn] 美[pəˈzɛʃən] n. 有,所有,拥有; 领地; 财产,所有权,占有物,所有物; 持有违禁物; [例句]Those documents are now in the possession of the Guardian那些文件目前在《卫报》手里。[其他] 复数:possessions
2022-12-31 17:43:501


dance:英【pəˈzeʃn】,美【pəˈzeʃn】。,n.Abbr. poss.(名词)缩写 poss.1、The act or fact of possessing.拥有:拥有的行为或事实。2、The state of being possessed.占有:被占有的状态。3、Something owned or possessed.拥有物,占有物。4、possessions Wealth or property.possessions 财富,财产。5、The state of being dominated by or as if by evil spirits or by an obsession.入迷,着魔:(好象)被魔鬼或妄想控制了的状态。possession的名词:1、the act of having and controlling property.同义词:ownership.2、anything owned or possessed.3、being controlled by passion or the supernatural.4、a mania restricted to one thing or idea.同义词:monomania。5、a territory that is controlled by a ruling state.6、the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior.同义词:self-control, self-possession, willpower, self-command, self-will.7、(sport) the act of controlling the ball or puck.
2022-12-31 17:43:561


2022-12-31 17:44:231


possession 英[pəˈzeʃn] 美[pəˈzɛʃən] n. 有,所有,拥有; 领地; 财产,所有权,占有物,所有物; 持有违禁物; [例句]The fortress is in possession of the enemy.那炮台的主权为敌人所有。如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2022-12-31 17:44:281


Property是你所应有的,有关金钱资本的东西。asset是宝贵的资源,比如:“Teenager is asset of a country",青少年的国家的资源,我们不会说property.Possession 是possess的名词。而Posses代表拥有一些东西。有关Possession的定义很广,与其他两者不同的是Possession通常是比较formal及强调这样东西是“属於”某人或者某人“拥有”他。另外,Possession也可以代表一个人被恶魔附身(被恶魔拥有了整个身体)estate是房产,关於地产的property。Fortune是类似命运的东西,与金钱无关。
2022-12-31 17:44:341


n. 1. 占有, 持有, 拥有2. 个人财产, 私人财物3. 领地, 属地, 殖民地4. 控球状态 希望我的回答能令你满意哦
2022-12-31 17:44:401

Possession 在篮球术语里是什么意思

Possession[电影]美版中毒; 控球; 控制; 所有权; 形近词:possession双语例句 1He announced that there would be more stringent controls on the possession of weapons.他宣布将对武器的持有实行更严格的控制。2Date of taking Possession of the Goods ( if different from the invoice date)拥有该物日期(如果与发票日期不同的话)
2022-12-31 17:44:461

跪求《Possession 》的电子书百度网盘链接

《Possession 》  链接:  密码:kbhs
2022-12-31 17:44:512

Possessive pronouns 是什么,possession又是什么?它们有区别没?

Possessive pronouns是物主代词的意思,包括mine,yours等等possession意思很多,包括所有权,领地等的意思下面的baidu词典提供possession名词 n. 1.拥有;占有[U]The possession of a degree does not guarantee you a job. 拥有一个学位不能保证你找到工作。 2.所有物;财产[P]Her possessions could fit in one suitcase. 她的全部财物可以装在一个手提箱内。 3.领地,属地,殖民地[C][P1]Some Caribbean islands are still French possessions. 一些加勒比岛屿至今仍是法国的领地。 4.自制,镇定自若[U]With his usual possession, he answered all the questions. 他以那惯常的沉着回答了所有的问题。 5.着魔[U]This charm will protect a man from possession by evil spirits. 这个护身符将保护人不致着魔。
2022-12-31 17:45:071

Sarah McLachlan的《Possession》 歌词

歌曲名:Possession歌手:Sarah McLachlan专辑:Closer The Best Of Sarah McLachlanSarah McLachlan - PossessionListen as the wind blows from across the great dividevoices trapped in yearning, memories trapped in timethe night is my companion, and solitude my guidewould I spend forever here and not be satisfied?And I would be the oneto hold you downkiss you so hardI"ll take your breath awayand after, I"d wipe away the tearsjust close your eyes dearThrough this world I"ve stumbledso many times betrayedtrying to find an honest word to findthe truth enslavedoh you speak to me in riddlesand you speak to me in rhymesmy body aches to breathe your breathyour words keep me aliveAnd I would be the oneto hold you downkiss you so hardI"ll take your breath awayand after, I"d wipe away the tearsjust close your eyes dearInto this night I wanderit"s morning that I dreadanother day of knowing ofthe path I fear to treadoh into the sea of waking dreamsI follow without pridenothing stands between us hereand I won"t be deniedAnd I would be the oneto hold you downkiss you so hardI"ll take your breath awayand after, I"d wipe away the tearsjust close your hold you downkiss you so hardI"ll take your breath awayand after, I"d wipe away the tearsjust close your eyes dear
2022-12-31 17:45:161

Possession (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Possession (Lp Version)歌手:Iron Butterfly专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: Iron ButterflyBilly Gilman - PossessionWORDS BY MATTIE J.T.STEPANEKMUSIC BY MARK MORTON & RANDLE CHOWNINGFROM THE BOOK HOPE THROUGH HEARTSONGSOne of my greatest fears is "It".I can"t touch it, but I can feel it.It does not have a taste or smell,But I can hear it in my spirit.It is deep inside of me,It makes me fear my memoryOne day I"ll live peacefully,Without the fear of "It"It is something I can"t seeIt can never possess meIt always tries to take control,I can defeat it if I believe it.It is deep inside of me,It makes me fear my memoryOne day I"ll live peacefully,Without the fear of "It"It keeps running through my mind,I have to fight it time and timeAnd time and timeAnd time and time again...It is deep inside of me,It makes me fear my memoryOne day I"ll live peacefully,Without the fear of "It"The more I understand about itThe less my world revolves around itThen I can just live out my lifeWithout the fear of "It"
2022-12-31 17:45:221


你好很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:self-possession。沉着,泰然自若; 望采纳谢谢
2022-12-31 17:45:322

Property 和 Possession的区别

2022-12-31 17:45:411

possessive pronouns是什么

Possessive pronouns是物主代词的意思,包括mine,yours等等possession意思很多,包括所有权,领地等的意思下面的baidu词典提供possession名词 n. 1.拥有;占有[U]The possession of a degree does not guarantee you a job. 拥有一个学位不能保证你找到工作。 2.所有物;财产[P]Her possessions could fit in one suitcase. 她的全部财物可以装在一个手提箱内。 3.领地,属地,殖民地[C][P1]Some Caribbean islands are still French possessions. 一些加勒比岛屿至今仍是法国的领地。 4.自制,镇定自若[U]With his usual possession, he answered all the questions. 他以那惯常的沉着回答了所有的问题。 5.着魔[U]This charm will protect a man from possession by evil spirits. 这个护身符将保护人不致着魔。
2022-12-31 17:45:481


分别意思为 possession占有 property 财产 heritage遗产 belonging属
2022-12-31 17:45:533

关于in the possession of这个短语的主被动

2022-12-31 17:46:062

in possession of,in the possession of 有什么区别

这两个短语都表示“占有”之意,但前者表示主动意义,后者表示被动涵义。in possession of 一般译作“占有” 表示主动含义例:1、Who is in possession of this estate? 这是谁的地产?2、Our university is now in possession of those buildings. 现在那些楼房是属于我们大学的。in the possession of 译为“被…占有”或“为…所有” 例:3、Those buildings are now in the possession of our university. 现在那些楼房归我们大学所有。从上例可见,第二和第三个例句意义相同,但表达方式不一样。另一个近似的短语是come into one"s possession,其义为“落入某人之手”,如:That famous painting has come into his possession. 那幅名画已落入他的手。希望可以帮到您。(觉得好请麻烦点赞支持一下哦)
2022-12-31 17:46:147

possession-based attacking 是什么足球战术?如何翻译

2022-12-31 17:47:033


2022-12-31 17:47:172

exo王道文《possession着魔》 的主要内容是什么?

wuli亲故哇 我也常常会在看文前想了解剧透才决定看不看 握爪理解~这文我得是快一年前看的 不得不说 有点记不清细节 不过大概我还是可以讲一讲哒我能说的有这么几点:BE 虐 很虐 超虐CP 牛鹿 驯鹿 开鹿 灿白(其实就是主鹿 亲你看出来了吧)背景架空 有黑道情节鹿白这两个我最喜欢的受是兄弟 不过不单纯哦 他们的身世有谜团 简单说就是人为故意和意外使然 总之他们抱错了 换了身份;还有忙内line也是同样的梗 身份对换了 我觉得作者大大此处设定的很巧 看中文名的话吴凡 吴世勋是兄弟 金俊绵和金钟仁是兄弟 可是看英文名的话Kris Kai才是兄弟 Suho Sehun才是一家啊有木有全部文里的三场鹿锅的H戏 第一场牛鹿 第二场 驯鹿 鹿心里一直放着牛喝醉了错把小吴当大吴了 第三场开鹿 呃 鹿被下药了 开帮他差不多就酱~~~~~希望帮到你哦~~~~ 
2022-12-31 17:47:261

翻译并详细解释with the bag in their possession如何翻译

and 有必要啊 .因为and是连接两个句子 the strap broke and both men started running through the tress.英文中两个句子之间习惯上要有连词,一般不可以省略的.然后with the bad in their possession 是一个with的复合结构,在句子中做状语
2022-12-31 17:47:322

take possession是什么意思

取得所有权,住进;吞没 [例句]To occupy or take possession of in advance or before another.先占预先或在另一人之前占据或占有。
2022-12-31 17:47:412


2022-12-31 17:47:503

in possession of,in the possession of 有什么区别

这一对片语都表示“占有”之意,但前者表示主动意义,后者表示被动涵义.为此,前者一般译作“占有”,后者译为“被…占有”或“为…所有”.例:Who is in possession of this estate?这是谁的地产?Our university is now in possession of those buildings.现在那些楼房是属于我们大学的.试比较下例:Those buildings are now in the possession of our university.现在那些楼房归我们大学所有.从上例可见,第二和第三个例句意义相同,但表达方式不一样.另一个近似的片语是come into one"s possession,其义为“落入某人之手”,如:That famous painting has come into his possession.那幅名画已落入他的手.在英语里,类似区别的片语尚有 in charge of和 in the charge of;前者表示“管理…”,后者表示“在…管理之下”.例:The supervisor is in charge of the whole team.那主管负责管理全组工作人员.The workers are in the charge of the foreman.工人由工头管理.望采纳。
2022-12-31 17:48:021

in possession of,in the possession of 有什么区别

这一对片语都表示“占有”之意,但前者表示主动意义,后者表示被动涵义.为此,前者一般译作“占有”,后者译为“被…占有”或“为…所有”.例:Who is in possession of this estate?这是谁的地产?Our university is now in possession of those buildings.现在那些楼房是属于我们大学的.试比较下例:Those buildings are now in the possession of our university.现在那些楼房归我们大学所有.从上例可见,第二和第三个例句意义相同,但表达方式不一样.另一个近似的片语是come into one"s possession,其义为“落入某人之手”,如:That famous painting has come into his possession.那幅名画已落入他的手.在英语里,类似区别的片语尚有 in charge of和 in the charge of;前者表示“管理…”,后者表示“在…管理之下”.例:The supervisor is in charge of the whole team.那主管负责管理全组工作人员.The workers are in the charge of the foreman.工人由工头管理.
2022-12-31 17:48:081