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2023-05-19 14:01:10
TAG: tend tender


英 [ˈtendə(r)]  美 [ˈtendər] 

adj. 温柔的,亲切的;

v. <正式>提出,提供;

n. 投标,投标书;



Love Me Tender 温柔地爱我 ; 温柔的爱我 ; 温柔爱我;

Tender Is the Night 夜色温柔 ; 第五章 ; 夜色沉醉;

legal tender 法定债款 ; 法定清偿物;

Tender Offer 要约收购 ; 收购要约 ; 投标出价;

The Tender Trap 温柔陷井 ; 温柔的陷阱 ; 温柔陷阱 ; 温柔的陷井;

open tender 公开投标 ; [经] 公开招标 ; 开标 ; 公然招标;

Tender bond 投标担保 ; 保证金 ; 投标保证金 ; 标书保证金;

priced tender BOQ 标价投标数量单 ; 标价投标数目单 ; 标价;

unpriced tender BOQ 不祭价投标数量单 ; 不祭价 ; 不祭价数量单。


mild 和 tender 用来形容人的话,哪个更好些?

mild: 用于人时,指天性温顺,脾气好,不放肆粗野(主要是性格);用于物时,主要指适度,程度上相当缓和给人以愉快感觉。 tender :形容人温柔(包括动作、语气、眼神)两者是后者tender更多的用来形容人,但都可以的。。
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adj. 温柔的; 嫩的; 纤弱的; 疼痛的; n. 投标; 提出(正式); 供应船,联络船; 照看者; vt. 正式提出; 使变脆弱; <古>温柔地对待;
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2022-12-31 17:28:001

在投标过程中,bid 和tender的区别

区别:Tener 与 Bid 只是英式英语与美式英语的用词。总部设于瑞士的FIDIC(国际咨询工程师联合会)使用英式英语的Tener,而总部设于美国华盛顿的世界银行使用美语的Bid。 1)tender 投标(侧重于性质,即是公开招投标非内包或其他,意愿以及标书,还有bid所具有的意思)。2)bid 投标(侧重于以一定报价和服务进行的与其它公司有比较性的投标) 。
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一、释义 1. A valid and sufficient offer of performance; specif., an unconditional offer of money or performace to satisfy a debt or obligation < a tender of delivery >.    履行 2. Something unconditionally offered to satisfy a debt or obligation.  偿还之物,履行的义务3. Contracts . Attempted performance that is frustrated by the act of the party for whose benefit it is to take place.  履行不能 4. A offer or bid put forward for acceotance <a tender dor the construction contract>.  5. Something that serves as a means of payment, such as coin, banknotes, or othr circulating medium; money < legal tender>. (用作清偿手段的) 通货,货币,法定货币 二、词组精选 tender of delivery  提供交付 tender of performance   交付履行 perfect tender rule 完全履行规则 Cash tender offer   现金收购要约 Tender of issue  提交争论点 Tender-years doctrine  由母亲监护年幼子女原则
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tender对应的情侣名是gentle。gentel 英 ["dʒentl]   美 ["dʒentl]    adj. 温和的;轻柔的;温顺的;文雅的;出身名门的例句:My mother is a kind and gentle woman.翻译:我的母亲是一位心地善良、性情温和的妇女。短语:gentle smile 温柔的微笑gentle的用法1、gentle的基本意思是“性情温和的”,即为人友善,待人温和、亲切,不给人以冷峻、不敢与之接近的感觉,也可指人的行为和修养“文雅的,有礼貌的”,还可指“温顺的;和缓的”。2、gentle在句中可用作定语或表语。3、gentle的比较级和最高级是gentler和gentlest。
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bidding n.投标,为争得某一项目而竟价的行为(侧重于行为,过程).tender n.投标(侧重于性质,即是公开招投标非内包或其他,意愿以及标书,还有bid所具有的意思)bid n.投标(侧重于以一定报价和服务进行的与其它公司有比较性的投标)仅供参考
2022-12-31 17:28:512

Blur的《Tender》 歌词

歌曲名:Tender歌手:Blur专辑:Midlife: A Beginner S Guide To BlurTenderBlurTender is the night Lying by your sideTender is the touch Of someone that you love too muchTender is the day The demons go awayLord I need to find Someone who can heal my mindCome on, Come on, Come onGet through it Come on, Come on, Come onLove"s the greatest thing Come on, Come on, Come onGet through it Come on, Come on, Come onLove"s the greatest thing That we haveI"m waiting for that feeling Waiting for that feelingWaiting for that feeling to comeOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myTender is the ghost The ghost I love the mostHiding from the sun Waiting for the night to comeTender is my heart I"m screwing up my lifeLord I need to find Someone who can heal my mindCome on, Come on, Come onGet through it Come on, Come on, Come onLove"s the greatest thing Come on, Come on, Come onGet through it Come on, Come on, Come onLove"s the greatest thing That we haveI"m waiting for that feeling Waiting for that feelingWaiting for that feeling to comeOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myCome on, Come on, Come on Get through itCome on, Come on, Come on Love"s the greatest thingCome on, Come on, Come on Get through itCome on, Come on, Come on Love"s the greatest thingThat we have I"m waiting for that feelingWaiting for that feeling Waiting for that feeling to comeOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myTender is the night Lying by your sideTender is the touch Of someone that you love too muchTender is my heart you know I"m screwing up my lifeOh Lord I need to find Someone who can heal my mindCome on, Come on, Come on Get through itCome on, Come on, Come on Love"s the greatest thingCome on, Come on, Come on Get through itCome on, Come on, Come on Love"s the greatest thingThat we have I"m waiting for that feelingWaiting for that feeling Waiting for that feeling to comeOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh my
2022-12-31 17:29:051


tender对应的情侣名是soft。softadj.软的,柔软的;硬度较低的,较软的;柔滑的,细嫩的;无棱角的,线条柔和的;(颜色或灯光)柔和的,不刺眼的;(声音)安静的,轻柔的;(雨、风等)温和的,不猛烈的。短语1、soft drink食品 软性饮料 ; 食品 汽水 ; 软饮料 ; 不含酒精的饮料。2、Soft rock慢摇滚 ; 轻柔摇滚 ; 软摇滚 ; 温和摇滚。3、SOFT FOCUS柔焦 ; 摄 软焦点 ; 柔光 ; 柔和聚焦。4、soft currency金融 软通货 ; 弱势货币 ; 软货币 ; 软性货币。5、soft landing航 软着陆 ; 软着路 ; 软性着陆 ; 安全着陆。词语用法:soft用作形容词时,多作“柔软的”“柔滑的”“易弯曲的”解。用以指声音时,意思是“柔和的”“悦耳的”,指光时意思是“不刺眼的”,指风、天气时意思是“轻微的”“和煦的”,用来描写山坡时,作“徐缓”解。用以指人的回答、话语以及行为、态度等时,意思是“温和的”“和蔼的”“宽厚的”。soft还可作“娇嫩的”“轻松的”“不含酒精的”“愚蠢的”“头脑简单的”解。
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tender,有如下的三种词性:形容词,名词,动词(包括及物动词和不及物动词)。adj. 温柔的;柔软的;脆弱的;幼稚的;难对付的n. 投标;小艇vt. 提供,偿还;使…变嫩;使…变柔软vi. 投标;变柔软题目 为 tenders,应该是名词。具体取义,应该根据所在的句子选择。另外,tenders,在招投标的过程中,非常常用,即 复数形式可以翻译成“投标人”。
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gentle, mild, soft, tender, moderate这些形容词均含有“温和的,柔和的”之意。gentle : 指温柔、亲切、优雅。常含有节制和意味。mild : 用于人时,指天性温顺,脾气好,不放肆粗野;用于物时,主要指适度,程度上相当缓和给人以愉快感觉。soft : 侧重柔软或安稳、光滑,使人不感到粗糙或严酷。tender和gentle意思很接近。指人的感情细腻、温情慈爱和有同情心,侧重心理素质。也可指物的柔嫩等。moderate : 中性词,指温和稳健,有节制,不走极端。
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tender [ˈtendə]a.嫩的;温柔的 vt.(正式)提出 vi./ n.投标bid [bid]n.企图;投标 vi.投标 vt.出(价);祝;命令bid1) An offer or proposal of a price.2) The amount offered or proposed:e.g.: They lost the contract because their bid was too high.3) An invitation, especially one offering membership in a group or club.4) The act of bidding in cards.5) The number of tricks or points declared.6) The trump or no-trump declared.7) The turn of a player to bid.8) An earnest effort to win or attain something:e.g.: made a bid for the presidency.tender 1) A formal offer, as:2) (Law) An offer of money or service in payment of an obligation.3) A written offer to contract goods or services at a specified cost or rate; a bid.4) Something, especially money, offered in payment.5) To offer formally:e.g.: tender a letter of resignation.See Synonyms at offer Bid在英文词典里的释义为:to offer to pay a particular price for sth., especially at an auction和to offer to do work or provide a service for a particular price, in competition with other companies, etc. 看来,将其译成“投标”应该不错,但是,我们在其后的解释中发现它的同义词就是tender;而在tender项下,该词典解释到:“v. to make a formal offer to supply goods to carry out work a stated price”和“n. a formal offer to supply goods or carry out work at a stated price”,其意义也是“投标”或“标书”,在词典中“tender”后也标着SYN(同义词)为BID (idem)。笔者在许多国际招标文件中读到,“bidders”被译成投标人,“bidding documents”既有译成“招标文件”的,也有译成“标书”的,而在FIDIC Tendering Procedure中“tenderers”指“投标人”, “tender”有时指“招标”,有时又指“投标”、“投标文件”,由此看来,bid和tender在招投标活动中所表达的意义是相同的,它的确切含义应由使用者在招投标活动中所处的地位及其context
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意思如下:1、adj. 温柔的;脆弱的;敏感的;亲切的;嫩的;痛的2、v. 提出;投标3、n. 投标;照管人;补给船;煤水车读音:英["tendə(r)]、美["tendər]   副词:tenderly  比较级:tenderer  最高级:tenderest  名词:tenderness  过去式:tendered  过去分词:tendered  现在分词:tendering  第三人称单数:tenders 例句:1、She is always tender and soft-spoken.她总是那么温柔,轻声细语。2、He gave her a tender kiss.他给了她一个温柔的吻。 近义词:一、gentle读音:英["dʒentl]、美["dʒentl] 意思:adj. 温和的;轻柔的;温顺的;文雅的;出身名门的例句:We"ve never met such gentle people.我们从来没有遇到这样温和的人。二、kind读音:英[kaɪnd]、美[kaɪnd]    意思:1、adj. 亲切的;善良的;仁慈的;宽容的2、n. 种类;本质例句:She had a very kind mother.她有一位非常仁慈的母亲。
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作为形容词,意思是温柔的;脆弱的;敏感的;嫩的。作为动词,意思是提出;投标。作为名词,意思是投标;照管人;补给船;煤水车。读音:英[ˈtendər],美[ˈtendər]释义:adj.温柔的;(食物)柔软的;疼痛的;(植物)脆弱的;年轻的;棘手的;审慎的;易倾斜的。vt.提议;使变脆弱;<古>温柔地对待。vi.投标。n.投标;辅助救火车;附属船;(挂在机车后的)煤水车;看管人。例句:Where do we submit the tender?我们在哪儿交投标书?变形:过去式tendered,过去分词tendered,现在分词tendering,第三人称单数tenders。复数tenders比较级tenderer,最高级tenderest。短语:tender wound一触即痛的伤口tender of sb钟情于某人tender unexpectedly意外地提出tender one"s resignation提出辞职tender的用法tender可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。tender可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为to的宾语。tender还可接由as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。作不及物动词时,常接介词for。英国人习惯在tender后加services,resignation,thanks,apologies等词作为宾语,一般用于正式文字;legal tender表示“法定货币”,前面不可与a搭配使用,属单数名词,没有复数形式。
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1、tender的中文意思是:adj.和善的、温柔的、亲切的、慈爱的、嫩的、软的、疼痛的、一触即痛的。 2、n.投标;蒸汽机车的)煤水车;(在大船和口岸之间载运人或货物的)供应船,补给船,交通船。 3、v.投标;提议;提供;提出。
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tender是什么意思中文 tender表示什么

1、tender的中文意思是:adj.和善的、温柔的、亲切的、慈爱的、嫩的、软的、疼痛的、一触即痛的。 2、n.投标;蒸汽机车的)煤水车;(在大船和口岸之间载运人或货物的)供应船,补给船,交通船。 3、v.投标;提议;提供;提出。
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2022-12-31 17:32:081

mild 和 tender 用来形容人的话,哪个更好些?

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温柔Tender的翻译是:Gentle Tender
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念旧-  Tender 是什么意思

2022-12-31 17:32:432

招投标tender 和bid的不同

欧洲复兴开发银行《标准招标文件——货物采购》的目录PART I. Tender Procedures 招标程序Section I. Instructions to Tenderers 投标人须知Section II. Tender Data Sheet 投标资料表Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 评标和资格预审标准Section IV. Tendering Forms 投标书格式Section V. Eligible Countries 合格国家PART II. Supply Requirements 供货需求Section VI. Schedule of Requirements 需求一览表PART III. Contract 合同Section VII. General Conditions of Contract 合同通用条件Section VIII. Special Conditions of Contract 合同专用条件Section IX. Contract Forms 合同格式MDB“主导招标文件”和世行等多边开发银行《标准招标文件——货物采购》的目录PART 1 – Bidding Procedures 招标程序Section I. Instructions to Bidders 投标人须知Section II. Bidding Data Sheet 投标资料表Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 评标和资格预审标准Section IV. Bidding Forms 投标书格式Section V. Eligible Countries 合格国家PART 2 – Supply Requirements 供货需求Section VI. Schedule of Requirements 需求一览表PART 3 – Contract 合同Section VII. General Conditions of Contract 合同通用条件Section VIII. Special Conditions of Contract 合同专用条件Section IX. Contract Forms 合同格式比较以上两个目录第1部分(招标程序):Tender 与 Bidding(招标)同义第一章(投标人须知):Tenderers 与 Bidders(投标人)同义第二章(投标资料表):Tender 与 Bidding(投标)同义第四章(投标书格式):Tendering 与 Bidding(投标书)同义欧洲复兴开发银行的《标准招标文件》是:STANDARD TENDER DOCUMENTS世行等多边开发银行《标准招标文件》是:STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENTS可知:Tender、Bid 两个词都有招标、投标两层意思。如同“一个硬币的两个面”。
2022-12-31 17:32:522

Blur的《Tender》 歌词

歌曲名:Tender歌手:Blur专辑:13TenderBlurTender is the night Lying by your sideTender is the touch Of someone that you love too muchTender is the day The demons go awayLord I need to find Someone who can heal my mindCome on, Come on, Come onGet through it Come on, Come on, Come onLove"s the greatest thing Come on, Come on, Come onGet through it Come on, Come on, Come onLove"s the greatest thing That we haveI"m waiting for that feeling Waiting for that feelingWaiting for that feeling to comeOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myTender is the ghost The ghost I love the mostHiding from the sun Waiting for the night to comeTender is my heart I"m screwing up my lifeLord I need to find Someone who can heal my mindCome on, Come on, Come onGet through it Come on, Come on, Come onLove"s the greatest thing Come on, Come on, Come onGet through it Come on, Come on, Come onLove"s the greatest thing That we haveI"m waiting for that feeling Waiting for that feelingWaiting for that feeling to comeOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myCome on, Come on, Come on Get through itCome on, Come on, Come on Love"s the greatest thingCome on, Come on, Come on Get through itCome on, Come on, Come on Love"s the greatest thingThat we have I"m waiting for that feelingWaiting for that feeling Waiting for that feeling to comeOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myTender is the night Lying by your sideTender is the touch Of someone that you love too muchTender is my heart you know I"m screwing up my lifeOh Lord I need to find Someone who can heal my mindCome on, Come on, Come on Get through itCome on, Come on, Come on Love"s the greatest thingCome on, Come on, Come on Get through itCome on, Come on, Come on Love"s the greatest thingThat we have I"m waiting for that feelingWaiting for that feeling Waiting for that feeling to comeOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh myOh my baby Oh my baby Oh why Oh my
2022-12-31 17:33:001

英文翻译一句话。。。她看起来很温柔。这里的温柔可以用单词 tender 吗?

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2022-12-31 17:33:191

念旧-  Tender是什么意思?

2022-12-31 17:33:242

Tender Offer是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!       您所说的这个词语,是属于期货从业词汇的一个,掌握好期货从业词汇可以让您在期货从业的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的翻译及意义如下:要约收购是指收购人向被收购的公司发出收购的公告,待被收购上市公司确认后,方可实行收购行为。它是各国证券市场最主要的收购形式,通过公开向全体股东发出要约,达到控制目标公司的目的。要约收购是一种特殊的证券交易行为,其标的为上市公司的全部依法发行的股份。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多期货从业问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!
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2022-12-31 17:33:461

招投标tender 和bid的不同

1、bid,通常指一个比较小的只和价格有关的投标。2、tender,按照我的理解实际是一组biding package,除了价格还会有不同的技术方案,比bid复杂,考量维度也更多,用于大型的,比如水电站建设投标。 3、同时,bid倾向于要求进行投标、报价和递盘等.在国内招标活动中多用于投标,tender倾向于提出投标和进行投标.在国内招标活动中多用于招标,在国内招标活动中,在bidder是指投标人,tenderee指招标人。
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谈下个人理解:bid更直接和价格相关,我觉得对应“竞价”这个词。比如城市经济学里有bid rent的概念,指使用土地的人出价相互竞价,最后出最高价者得到土地,从而产生的地租价格;再比如在一个叫做priceline的旅行网站上,你可bid your own price for hotel,就是你出一个价,然后网站帮你找愿意以这个价卖给你的宾馆,如果bid不成,你可以提高价格、扩大选择宾馆星级、地区范围等,重新bid.tender我觉得对应于“竞标”这个词,因为经常用于项目投标。比如tender for a project;再比如我国国有土地出让的三种形式:协议出让(negotiation),拍卖( auction), 招标(tender)。现在国内不少政府项目,一般都要求以招标(tender)的形式。
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2022-12-31 17:34:061

tender是什么意思 《西语助手》西汉

tr. 1. 摊开,铺开,展开:~ el mantel sobre la mesa 把台布铺在桌上.~ a una persona sobre la cama 把某人平放到床上. 2. 晾晒(洗好或湿着的衣物). 3. 铺设,架设: ~ una línea de ferrocarril 铺铁路. ~ una línea telefónica 架电话线. ~ un puente 架桥. 4. 伸展:~ la mano 伸手. ~ los ojos 举目张望.
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bid 投标(侧重于以一定报价和服务进行的与其它公司有比较性的投标)tender投标(侧重于性质,即是公开招投标非内包或其他,意愿以及标书,还有bid所具有的意思)
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tender [ˈtendə]勤务支援船; 柔嫩的; 软的; 韭黄; 韭黄; 偿付; 偿付品; 触痛的; 脆弱; 供应船; 煤水车; 标件; 投标书
2022-12-31 17:34:271

招投标tender 和bid的不同

tender 个人觉得对应于“竞标”这个词,因为经常用于项目投标。比如tender for a project;再比如我国国有土地出让的三种形式:协议出让(negotiation),拍卖( auction), 招标(tender)。现在国内不少政府项目,一般都要求以招标(tender)的形式。bid更直接和价格相关。比如城市经济学里有bid rent的概念,指使用土地的人出价相互竞价,最后出最高价者得到土地,从而产生的地租价格。简单来说就是tender比bid复杂,考量维度也更多。tendern. 偿付,清偿;看管人;小船adj. 温柔的;柔软的;脆弱的;幼稚的;难对付的vt. 提供,偿还;使…变嫩;使…变柔软vi. 投标;变柔软bidn. 出价;叫牌;努力争取vi. 投标;吩咐vt. 投标;出价;表示;吩咐n. (Bid)人名;(俄)比德希望答案能帮助到您! ——“保标APP——招投标信息聚合平台”
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tender[英]["tendə(r)][美][ˈtɛndɚ]adj.纤弱的; 嫩的; 温柔的; 疼痛的; n.(正式)提出; 投标; 供应船,联络船; 照看者; vt.正式提出; 使变脆弱; <古>温柔地对待
2022-12-31 17:34:421

tender和delicate的区别是 什么啊?

2022-12-31 17:34:471


卡内基《人性的弱点》英文版中英语单词“It is the legal tender that all souls enjoy.”的含义是:所有牧师、讲师、演说家(含戴尔·卡耐基)都知道向听众倾吐心声却没有得到一句赞赏。
2022-12-31 17:35:321

tender mild 有什么区别,形容人的话可以换用吗?

2022-12-31 17:35:372

tender monment什么意思

2022-12-31 17:35:461

Tender Offer代表什么?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Tender Offer股权收购要约收购一家企业部分或所有股东股份的建议。收购建议的价值一般高于市场价格。  对于各个投资领域内的专业人员,包括基金经理、证券分析师、财务总监、投资顾问、投资银行家、交易员等等,CFA非常重要;它直接证明了你的职业素养和能力,被投资业看成一个“黄金标准”,这一资格被认为是投资业界中具有专业技能和职业操守的承诺。考生考过CFA对自己将会有很大帮助。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!
2022-12-31 17:35:513