barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 13:59:41

.表示 不 无 非 反对 的 词根 像 in irr un anti 这中很常见 用a 表示无 不 非的 我一时到想不起来 一般a 就是 一个冠词

a 这个字母 它本身有没有什么特殊的涵义 就比如说 我问你 拼音里 爱 和 哎 开头都是个a 你要说 做词根的话 你也是去了解整个词根的涵义 至于单词 a加在单词前面的话 就是冠词 如果a打头的单词 a做词根的话 你可以理解成to或者 使.怎样 的意义 比如 aback 意思是向后的 分开来看 a back = to/使 back =向后 maze 是迷惑困惑的意思 amaze 使.吃惊 traction 是牵引 牵引力 attract就是 吸引的动词 还有很多例子 英语的来源很复杂 融合了很多不通的语言 凯尔特语 日尔曼语 拉丁语都应该对英语的形成有影响 ...很久以前看的书 都记不清了 专业人士看看笑过就好 要了解英语词根的涵义 可以去买本专门讲词根的书看看 对你学英语特别是对词汇的掌握会有不错的帮助



2022-12-31 16:34:441


aback和abate意思是:吃惊地、缓和。aback 英 [ə"bæk]     美 [ə"bæk]    adv. 吃惊地;向后地;后退地。He appeared taken aback.他似乎很吃惊。abate英 [ə"beɪt]     美 [ə"beɪt]    v. 缓和;减弱;消除。Nothing could abate his rage.什么都不能平息他的愤怒。近义词:decrease 英 [dɪ"kriːs]     美 [dɪ"kriːs]    v. 减少;减小;降低。n. 减少;降低。The government projected a tax decrease.政府计划降低税收。They tried to decrease the costs.他们设法降低成本。
2022-12-31 16:34:491

aback 什么意思

2022-12-31 16:34:587


非常权威的merriam-webster在线字典上是这么写的1.archaic : backward, a position to catch the wind upon the forward surface (as of a sail) surprise : unawares <was taken aback by her sharp retort>例子:<completely taken aback by the neighbors" announcement that they were moving>
2022-12-31 16:35:231


以a开头k结尾的单词有: airsick 晕机; amuck 狂乱地,杀气腾腾地; aback 向后地,朝后地; ark 方舟,避难所; ask 问; asterisk 星号; attack 攻击,进攻 扩展资料   Next time you travel by air, you have to take one airsick tablet half an hour before take-off.   下次您乘机出行,您得在飞机起飞前半小时服用一片晕机药。   When the restaurant caught fire the patrons ran amuck blocking the exit.   餐馆着火的.时候,疯狂逃命的顾客,堵住了出口。   He was taken aback, but he managed to remain calm.   他心里一惊,但表面上却仍神色自若。   Outside the ark, the people went about their life the same as before.   方舟外面,人们还和以前一样生活着。
2022-12-31 16:35:281

be taken aback什么意思?

2022-12-31 16:35:332


开头是a的单词有很多,比如:aback 、abate 、abbey 、abet 、able等。1、aback英 [ə"bæk]美 [ə"bæk]adv. 向后;处于顶风位置;向后地;吓了一跳[例句]She was taken aback by the directness of the question.问题如此直接,她吃了一惊。2、abate英 [ə"beɪt]美[ə"bet]vt. 减少,减轻;[法]取消法令,作废vi. 减轻;失效n. 减轻;折扣[例句]The marriage of a feme sole defendant does not abate the writ.单身女性被告结婚不会导致该令状无效。3、abbey英["æbi]美 ["æbi]n. 修道院,大教堂,大寺院;(总称)全院修士;<英>属修道院的教堂[例句]Westminster Abbey.威斯敏斯特教堂。4、abet英 [ə"bet]美 [ə"bɛt]v.煽动;教唆;怂恿[例句]We shall strike hard at terrorists and those who abet them.我们应该严厉打击恐怖分子及其帮凶。5、able英 ["eɪb(ə)l]美 ["ebl]adj. 能够的;有能力的;有才干的;干练的[例句]Lord Blindingham was an able administrator.布林丁翰勋爵是位能干的管理者。
2022-12-31 16:35:426


2022-12-31 16:36:211

be taken aback 与 be taken back 有什么不同?请给个例句,最好有关它的介词搭配

  take sb. aback 表示“使某人吃惊”或“使某人吓了一跳”。be taken aback 是take sb. aback的被动式,意思是“(某人)处于惊愕状态”或“(某人)被吓了一跳”。  take sb. back 表示“使某人回想起过去”;take sth. back 表示“收回所说的话或所写的东西”,即“把…收回/取消”。be taken back 是take sb./sth. back 的被动式,意思是“某事被收回/取消”或者“某人被带回到过去”。  前者指人,后者指既人也指物。因此,be taken aback 要用人作主语。be taken back 可以用人作主语或也可以用物作主语。例如:  I was momentarily taken aback. 我一时被吓呆了。  The little girl screamed and we were taken aback. 小女孩的尖叫声吓了我们一跳。  I am taken back by the story. 这个故事使我想起了过去。  If I buy something and he doesn"t like it, I"ll have it taken back. 要是我买的东西他不喜欢的话,我就会把它退掉。  
2022-12-31 16:36:261


这样的单词有: aback 向后;abase 贬抑,降低;abash 使局促不安;about大约。
2022-12-31 16:36:3213


a- = of; afresh (adv.) 重新、再 anew (adv.) 重新、再 adown 朝下akin 同种的、类似的a- = on; aback (adv.) 向后 abed 在床上 ablaze (a.) 发光、着火aboard (adv.) 在国外 afar遥远地 afloat漂浮地,漂浮的afoot 徒步地 aground (船)搁浅 ahead 在……之前ahead在……之前 alive活的 aloof (adv.)远离,躲开asleep睡着的 away 在远方a- = make …; 加强语气abide遵守 alight 由车或马上下来 alike相似的aloud大声地 amaze使惊愕 arise起来,产生arouse唤起 ashamed 羞耻的 await等候awake吵醒 athirst 渴望的a- = ad-= to at forabandon放弃 abase贬抑 abate减少abridge缩短 achieve完成 amass 积聚ameliorate改善、修正 amenable顺从的 amount总计avenge为……报仇 avenue大街 avow 公开承认a- = ab- = not without from awayavert 避开,调转 avocation 副业,嗜好a-= ex-=out extremelyabash 使羞愧 amend 修正,改善 avoid避免a-= negative= not withoutabysss 深渊,地狱 achromatic 无色的 Amazon 亚马逊河amnesty 大赦,特赦 amoral 非道德的 apathy冷淡,漠不关心aphasia失语症 asylum 避难所 asymmetry不对称,不均匀atheism 无神论 atom原子 atypical 非典型的anonymous 无名的ab-= from away from offabaxial 离开轴的 abdicate放弃权利,让位 abduce 使外旋,外展abduct绑架,诱拐 abject 卑鄙的 abnormal 变态的,不正常的abominate 痛恨,厌恶 abortion 流产;堕胎 abrade 摩擦,擦伤abrupt 突然的 absolve 赦免 absorb 吸收;使全神贯注abuse 滥用 abscess 脓疮,溃疡 abscond潜逃;逃亡abstain 戒绝 abstract 提炼;抽象的 abstruse 难解的abundant 丰富的 advance 前进 avaunt 走开ad- = to at forabbreviate缩短 accede允诺 accelerate加速accomplice从犯 accost向人打招呼 accumulate堆积accustom使习惯 acknowledge承认 acquire获得adapt适应 addict使沉溺 adhere粘着advent到来 advocate拥护 affiliate联合affirm确认 afflict使痛苦 aggress侵略allocate分配 append附加 appraise评估ascertain探知 assert主张 assume假定attach附上 attain达到 acclimate 使服水土al-= allalmighty 万能的 almost 差不多,几乎 alone 单独的ambi- = on both sides about aroundambidextrous两手灵巧的 ambiguous含糊的 ambition雄心ambivalent犹豫不决的 ambient 周围的 amphi- = on both sides aroundamphitheater圆形剧场 amphibian 水陆两栖的 amphibiology 两栖生物学an-= negative= not withoutanaemia (anemia)贫血症 anaesthetic (anesthetic) 麻醉剂 anarchy无政府状态anecdote 轶事 ambrosia 神的食物ana-=upon on upanabaptist 再洗礼派教徒 anachronism 时代错误 analogy 相似,类似ante- = beforeantecedent在先的 antechamber来宾接待室 anteroom来宾接待室antedate 提前的日期 anterior 前面的 anticipate预期ancient古代的 ancestor祖先 antediluvian 洪水时代以前的anti- = against opposite toanti-communist反共的 antipathy反感 antiseptic 防腐的antithesis对照、对比 antagonist敌手 Antarctic南极的antonym反义词auto- = selfautobiography自传 autocracy专制政治 autogamy自体生殖autogenous自生的 autonomy自治区 authentic 真正的autoinfection自身感染 autonym 真名be-= to makebecalm 使不动 befool愚弄 befoul 污染befriend照顾 beguile欺骗 belittle贬低,轻视benumb使麻木 betroth 许配 这个网址上可以下载全集
2022-12-31 16:37:181

taken aback

您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:taken aback翻译: 表示“惊讶”be taken aback吃惊;吓了一跳;受惊;惊得目瞪口呆Be quite taken aback大吃一惊Taken Aback By措手Zara Looked Taken Aback扎拉看吃to be taken aback吃了一惊He Appeared Taken Aback他似乎很吃惊be taken aback by吃惊She was taken aback他感到吃惊you must be taken aback你一定会大吃一惊百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。
2022-12-31 16:37:236

astonish,startle和take aback的区别是区别

分别可以理解为震惊、使人不安、以及被吓退。最后的表达方式只见过taken aback,是被动式而不是动词组合。这么说吧,入狱过程。astonish就是告知要蹲号子。startle就是老油子看见有鲜肉了嬉皮笑脸。taken aback就是新来的在澡堂里看见狱卒把肥皂扔到地上。
2022-12-31 16:37:442

I was taken aback 为什么是被动语态?

2022-12-31 16:37:521


take aback 的被动而已1.使吃惊, 使惊呆 The little girl screamed and it took us aback.小女孩的尖叫声吓了我们一跳。I was momentarily taken aback by you .我一时被你吓呆了。
2022-12-31 16:37:582

i was only slightly taken aback that i had achieved perfection at the tender age of 14.这个

原因状语从句。说明be taken aback的原因。试比较,I was slightly surprised that……
2022-12-31 16:38:073

she was completely taken aback by his angry他的愤怒把她吓了一跳,前面的 completely

completely副词,修饰was taken aback
2022-12-31 16:38:183


2022-12-31 16:38:281

谁有英语6级词汇,电子稿的,最好有英文解释,还有例句 比如 huge adj.巨大的 very

2022-12-31 16:38:343

be taken aback.是什么时态?They met once a month.是什么时态?如果是过去式,怎么没有标志词?

be taken aback 这个是语态的问题 是被动语态 与时态无关 时态要看be动词的变化 第二句话是 一般过去时 并不是所有的时态都有时间标志 而是要看上下文
2022-12-31 16:38:441

用英语怎么说:摆脱困境和责任和感到吃惊 off the hook & taken aback (274)

下载音频李华气喘吁吁地来接Larry 。李华今天要学两个常用语,off the hook和taken aback. LL: Hey, I was about to call you. I was worried something happened to you, because you"re really late! LH: 实在对不起Larry, 路上出了点事。 LL: Oh, that"s a good thing in your case! In this situation, off the hook means that you will not be punished for a rule or agreement you violated. The phrase off the hook can also mean that a person is relieved of an unwanted responsibility. LH: 哦,我明白了,off the hook就是脱身,或是摆脱责任的意思。怪不得那个警察说,I"ll let you off the hook with a warning.就是说警告一下,下次注意就行了。 LL: Yeah. Let"s get in the car. Don"t speed, because you might not be let off the hook this time if an officer catches you! LL: Sure! You"re doing me a favor anyway. Let"s get to the car mechanic"s shop and see if he fixed the company car my boss lent me for this weekend"s business trip. LH: 对啊,最好别让你老板知道公司的车现在正在修车铺里。You"ll be off the hook if your car is fixed. LL: Can you think of any other time that you"ve been let off the hook? The last time my boss let me off the hook was hmmm Never! LH: Hahaha! 别急,Larry, 五点以前我们肯定能赶到修车行。 ******LL: Well, it looks like I"m NOT off the hook. My car won"t be ready until next Monday. LL: He ignored me for five minutes, and then I finally yelled excuse me, could I have some service, please? I was really taken aback by his rudeness. LH: Taken aback? 他干嘛推你啊?我们可以告他们! LL: No. ‘Taken aback" means surprised or shocked by something. I was really surprised by his rudeness, because he ignored me even though I was the only customer in the store. LL: It"s ok. He told me that the car"s engine needs to be completely redone. It doesn"t matter how fast he goes, because he needs to order new parts for replacement. LH: 哦,原来是发动机坏了,要先去买零件,怪不得要那么长时间。Well, I"m taken aback by this whole situation. LL: I"m taken aback by the mechanic"s behavior AND the terrible situation I"m in. LH: 我有个主意。要不咱们去租辆车。这样一来,等你老板发现后,就不会那么生气了。 LL: That"s true. He"ll still be taken aback, but not as much, because I"ll still have a car to use for my business trip this weekend. LH: 快五点了,我们赶紧去租车。 LL: Thanks a lot, Lihua. I"m really taken aback by your kindness! LL: (Laughing) No, it"s just that you have gone to a lot of trouble today to help me get out of this horrible situation! LH: 别客气。那我在车里等,你快进去租车吧! LL: (Out of breath) Ok. It looks like I"m off the hook for the weekend – I got the last rental car available. LH: 太棒了,周末开车出去要注意安全噢! 天李华学到了两个常用语。一个是off the hook,指摆脱困境和责任。另一个是taken aback,指感到吃惊。
2022-12-31 16:38:531


2022-12-31 16:38:582


2022-12-31 16:39:073


aback 向后abase 贬抑;降低abash 使局促不安abate 减少;减轻abbey 修道院abhor 痛恨abide 遵守;坚持able 能够about 关于above 在…上面abuse 滥用abyss 深渊acme 顶点acorn 橡子acrid 辣acute 厉害的adept 老手adore 崇拜adorn 装饰agree 同意apple 苹果纯手写 望采纳
2022-12-31 16:39:196

这是什么意思window.onload=function(){ var aBack = document.getElementById("a-back");

2022-12-31 16:39:411


Back是一个英文单词,名词,翻译为"背部;脊梁骨;后部;背面;末尾;(椅子)靠背;后卫;船体;(飞机)机身;(人的)躯干; "一,基本要点1,back用作名词的基本意思是表示人的“背;背部”和表示某物的“后面;后部”。引申可作“椅背”“后襟”等解。用于球类运动则指“后卫”。2,back作“后面”“背面”“反面”解时用单数形式,其前须加定冠词the。在表示较近的“后面,背面”时用on the back of;在表示较远的“后面”时用at the back of(范围之外)或in the back of(范围之内),在美式英语中at〔in〕可省略。3,back用作形容词表示位置或方向时意思是“后面的,往后的”。也可表示时间作“过去的,过期的”“迟交的,欠交的”解,在句中只用作定语。4,back在语音学中也可作“后元音的”解。5,back在句中只用作定语,不用于比较等级。6,back用作动词的基本意思是“(使)后退”,指某人或某物回到原来的位置或状态。有时引申可表示“支持”,即“作后盾”。7,back既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,用作及物动词时接名词或代词作简单宾语。8,back用作副词的基本意思是“往后,在后面”,也可引申表示“忍住”“恢复”或“上溯”。9,back常修饰动态动词(如不及物动词go, come, get,及物动词bring, get, take等),在句中作状语,也可用作表语。10,back和be连用可引申表示“恢复”;back和beat, hit, fight等动词连用可表示“打退”。11,back作“来回;向后”解时一般不与turn连用。12,注意如果动词本身已经表达了“相反动作”的意思,就不能再用back。13,back用作副词时不用于比较等级。三,短语搭配set back 推迟 ; 使花费 ; 阻碍Back Pressure [机] 背压 ; [内科] 反压 ; [力] 背压力 ; 回压give back 归还 ; 送还 ; 送回 ; 恢复四,双语例句Or the back of your knee?或者你的膝盖背部?Someone must be at the back of this.这事一定有人在背后捣鬼。How far back should I have to go? Tell me.多远才是我该回去的距离?告诉我五,衍生词aback
2022-12-31 16:39:471


take cost 的主语不是人spend的主语是人
2022-12-31 16:40:266


2022-12-31 16:40:492


2022-12-31 16:40:585


2022-12-31 16:41:174


2017年雅思考点替换词列表   雅思考试,多记替换词对阅读定位也是有帮助的,用之前记得查例句了解正确用法~下面我们一起来看看雅思写作的.高分替换词吧!   剑四阅读考点替换词   名词:   1. the destruction of rainforests (原文) --the loss of the rainforests   2. rainforest conservation( 原文)—the rainforests to be protected   3. the geographical location—where the rainforests were   4. courtship ritual—mating   5. feeding—eating   6. young people—teens   7. high standing—high opinion   8. take courses—retrain   9. domestic building—dwellings   10. economic progress—economic growth   形容词:   1. Rudimentary—underdeveloped   2. Well-developed—best developed   3. Surprised—taken aback   4. be loath to/be conservative about —be reluctant to   4. chronic—long-term   5. Awareness—conscious   6. basic--fundamental   动词:   1. Resemble—make similar choices/look like   2. choose entrepreneurship—set up their own business   3. make unbiased statements—comment objectively on   4. deal only with—focus on   5. be derived from—be gained from   6. break records—set new records   7. comprehend—explain   8. be broken down—be subdivided   9. predict—estimate   10. the elderly—elderly people   副词:   With tremendous force—violently   AB 相关替换   1. media coverage—Newspaper and television   2. A curve inside the circle—asymbol   3. Government policy—governmentinitiative   4. A growing interest in culturalidentity—increasing appreciation   5. Bilingualism—more than onelanguage   6. Facial expression—body language   7. Nutriment—diet   8. Pots, tools and weapons—objects   关系替换:   1. People can learn…-- it can teach people…   2. A depends on B—B affect A   剑桥雅思真题456中的替换关系   Recognize = identify   Ethical=Moral   plenty of=Considerable=significant amount of   Almost certainly=little doubt   Modification=change=alteration=adjust   Better=Improve(方向词)   Live=residence=inhabitant   first=initial=primary§   Important=worthytrying=significant=essential   People=mortal=human=mankind   Reflect=feature=represent§   • Legitimate= have right to   • long term=chronic   • Interest (forborrowing)=slightly more money   • Feasible=practical   • Susceptible易受影响的 =allergic predisposed vulnerable   • mistaken=misconception=confusion=misunderstanding   • have yet to determine =yet not known   • release stress/tension= (psychictension is) punctured=   • Diversity=variety   • accompanying=with   • Aesthetic=beautiful   • Rigid = not yielding   • focus on=emphasize=narrow down   雅思高频近义词   注意,近义不等于同义,不要乱用词汇~   ☆artificial   synthetic, fabricated, contrived, fake, mock, bogus, counterfeit, pseudo   ☆conventional   traditional, historical, past; accepted, common, regular, routine, mainstream, ordinary   ☆demand   request, claim, need, order, require, call for   ☆decline   decrease, degeneration, drop, fall, recession, depression, reduction, slump,worsening   ☆develop   evolve, advance, grow, improve, progress, flourish   ☆difficulty   handicap, hardship, adversity, challenge, complication, dilemma, perplexity, plight, trouble   ☆early   first, old, ancient, primitive, previous, former, remote   ☆find   discover, come across, encounter, hit on, expose, notice, note, observe, recognize, spot, uncover   ☆future   what"s next, prospect, approaching, expected, destined, forthcoming   ☆how   describe, operate, explain, clarify, demonstrate, eludicate, expound, illustrate, interpret, account for   ☆inevitable   unavoidable, certain, destined, fated, inescapable, sure   ☆militant   armed, belligerent, army, weapon, warlike   ☆objection   commercial challenge, complaint, disapproval, opposition, protest, query, question, remonstration   ☆obstacle   bar, barricade, barrier, block, blockage, check, obstruction, problem, snag,hurdle   ☆prevalent   common, usual, prevailing, widespread, systematic, collective, general, popular   ☆reduce   curtail, cut, decrease, halve, impair, lessen, moderate, trim, slash   ☆role   function (provide, support, weaken, smooth, solve), job, position, duty, post,task, contribution   ☆recent   modern, current, now, nowadays, today, contemporaneous, new, novel, present,up-to-date   ☆simulate   virtual, create, reproduce, pretend, imitate   ☆significance   importance, milestone, impact, justification, gist, implication, point,purport, vital business, economic, financial, mercantile, profitable, pecuniary   ☆worldwide   international, cosmopolitan, global, universal, ubiquitous, widespread, aroundthe world   作文常用词的对应近义词汇短语   解决:solve, resolve, deal with, cope with, handle, tackle   消除:get rid of, eradicate, eliminate   依赖:rely on, depend on, count on   十分:very much, immensely, hugely, largely, greatly,enormously, tremendously   损害:damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair   给予:give, offer, render, impart, provide   发展:develop, cultivate, foster   优势:advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength   缺陷:disadvantage, detect, demerit, drawback, downside,   剑桥雅思5阅读替换词   AB相似替换: 同义词   Time limit—deadline   Confer sth. on—bring sth. to   Be associated with—establishment/be linked to   Built-in—biological   Expect—predict   Help—have a positive effect on   Advantageous trait—positive survival mechanism   Get worse—take a pessimistic view   Slow down—restrict   Provide what … wants—meet …"s expectation   Urgent—most pressing   When heated—under heat   The first—in origin   Extract—remove   Dub—consider   Be punctured by—release of nervous energy   “ah ,ah” noise—particular noise   demanding—more difficult   outlook—subjective view   how…works—the operation of   revolution--development   AB关系替换:   Sth. Prevail upon King George III to – be granted sth. By the king ;
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奥迪A5和A5 sportback有什么不一样?

奥迪A5和奥迪A5sportback的区别:车身尺寸不同、轴距不同、发动机不同一、车身尺寸不同1、奥迪A5:车身尺寸4712mm×1854mm×1391mm。2、奥迪A5sportback:车身尺寸4711mm×2020mm×1391mm。 二、轴距不同1、奥迪A5:轴距2810mm。2、奥迪A5sportback:轴距2820mm。三、发动机不同1、奥迪A5:V6发动机。2、奥迪A5sportback:TDI发动机。参考资料来源:百度百科——奥迪A5参考资料来源:百度百科——奥迪A5SportBack
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2022-12-31 16:42:374


英语短语词组大全   要学好英语,词汇是至关重要的。词汇是语言系统的重要组成部分,因此也是语言学习中的重要内容。为了帮助大家,我整理了大量英语短语,快点背起来吧!   第一组   1. 以break为中心的词组   break away from 脱离,逃离   break down 破坏,粉碎;瓦解;出故障,抛锚   break in 闯进,打断;使顺服   break into 闯入;强行进入;突然开始   break out 爆发,发生;准备使用;起锚   break the law 违反法律   break the record 破记录   break one"s promise 失言   break up 开垦,破碎;解散,分开,分解   2. 以catch为中心的词组   be caught doing 被发现做某事   be caught in the rain 淋雨   catch a bus/train 赶汽车/火车   catch a cold 伤风,感冒   catch one"s word 听懂某人的话   catch sight of 发现,瞥见   catch up with 赶上,追及,追上   3. 以come为中心的词组   come across 偶尔发现,想起;越过;偿付   come along 一道来,陪伴;进步,进展;出现   come at 达到,求得,得到;扑向,袭击   come back 回来;恢复,复原   come down 倒下;降落;跌落;病倒   come from 来自,起源于,从~~产生,生于   come in 进来,进入;流行起来;获名次   come into being 发生,产生,出现,形成   come into power 开始执政,当权,当选   come into use 开始使用,获得应用   come on 上演;开始;赶快;发展;登台;被提出   come to know 开始了解到   come out 出来,传出;出版;结果是;褪色;(秘密)泄露   come to 苏醒,复原;共计;达到;归结于   come to an end 终止,结束 come true 实现,成为现实;证实   come up 走近;上楼;长出,发芽   4. 以do为中心的词组   be done in 精疲力竭   be done with 完全结束   do a good deed 做一件好事   do away with 去掉,废除;弄死;浪费   do good to (=do sb. good) 有益于   do harm to (=do sb. good) 有害于   do its work 有效,有作用   do much 极有用   do wrong to 做错   do one"s best 尽某人最大努力   do one"s homework 做作业   do one"s utmost 尽力而为   do proud 足以使~~骄傲   do sb. justice 公平对待某人   do some cleaning (V+ing,etc.) 搞卫生   do sb. a favor 帮助某人   do well in 学得不错,干得漂亮   do with 和~~相处,忍受,处理   do without 不需要,不用   do wonders 创造奇迹   have much to do with 和~~很有关系   have nothing to do with 与~~无关   have something to do with 和~~有关   in doing so=in so doing 这时,在这种情况下   That will do. 行了;够了   5. 以get为中心的词组   get about 徘徊,走动,旅行;流传   get above oneself 自视高傲   get accustomed to 习惯于,对~~习以为常   get across 度过,通过,横过;说服,使理解   get ahead of 胜过,超过   get along 前进,进步;同意;离去   get along with 与~~相处   get at 发现,了解;掌握;攻击   have got to do 不得不,必须   get away 离开,逃脱   get back 取回,回来;报复   get behind 落后;识破   get down 咽下;写下;使沮丧,使抑郁   get down to 认真对待,静下心来   get familiar with 熟悉   get hold of 获得,取得   get home 到家   get in 进入,陷入;牵涉   get off 送走;脱下(衣服);下车;动身   get on 上车;穿上;进步,使前进;成功;相处   get upon with 进步;在~~方面获得成功   get one"s hand in 熟悉;习惯   get out of 由~~出来,从~~得出;避免;退休   get over 越过;恢复,痊愈;克服;完成   get ready for 为~~作准备   get rid of 除去,去掉;免除,摆脱   get through 到达,完成,通过;  及格   get together 积聚,积累;商谈,取得一致意见   get up 起床,起立;研究,钻研;致力于;安排,组织   get used to 习惯于   6. 以give为中心的词组   be given to 沉溺于,癖好   give about 分配;传播   give and take 相互迁就   give away 赠送;牺牲;泄露;颁发   give back 归还   give cause 给予~~的理由   give ear to 侧耳倾听   give forth 发出,放出;发表   give in 屈服,让步,投降   give in to 同意,接受;向~~让步   give off 发出(烟,气味)   give oneself out to be/as 自称为   give oneself up to 专心于;向~~自首   give out 分发,公布   give place to 让位于,被~~所替代   give rise to 引起,导致;使~~发生   give sb. to understand 通知某人   give up 放弃;停止   give way to 让步,退却;屈服于   7. 以look为中心的词组   look about 四下环顾;查看   look after 照顾,看管   look around 东张西望   look at 注视,着眼于   look back 回顾   look for 寻找;期待,期望   look down on 俯视;轻视   look forward to 盼望,期待   look into 窥视;调查;浏览   look like 看起来象   look on 旁观;面向   look out 向外看;注意;当心,堤防   look over 从上面看过去;检查   look through 透过~~看去;看穿;浏览   look up to 仰望,尊敬   8. 以make为中心的词组   be made from 由~~原料制成   be made of 由~~材料制成   be made up of 由~~组成   make a fool of 愚弄,欺骗   make a mistake 弄错   make a point of doing 强调;认为~~重要;决心,坚持   make advantages/use of 使用,利用   make after 追求,追赶   make believe 假装   make certain 确信,把~~弄清楚   make contact with 接通,与~~接触,与~~联系   make for 去向,向~~前进;有利于   make friends with 和~~交友   make into 把~~制成,使~~转变为   make much of 重视;理解;赏识   make one"s mind on sth. 决定某事   make one"s own 当作自己的看待   make oneself at home 随便,别拘束   make out 填写;开支票;理解;辨认   make the best of 尽量利用;极为重视   make up 弥补,修理;赔偿,补偿;起草;编造;化装   make up to 接近,巴结;向~~求爱   make way for 为~~让路,让路于   on the make 急求成功;增加   9. 以put为中心的词组   put aside 把~~放在一边;搁置;排除   put away 把~~放好,把~~收拾;储藏;吃喝,吃掉   put back 把~~放回原处;驳回   put down 放下;镇压;制止;记下;削减;降落   put forward 提出;拨快;建议,推荐;提倡,倡议   put ... into 把~~放入;插入;翻译成   put off 推迟,延期;消除;推脱,推辞   put on 上演;穿上,带上   put up with 忍受,容忍   put one"s heart into 全神贯注,专心致志   put up 举起,挂起;提名,推荐;陈列   10. 以take为中心的词组   be taken aback 吃惊   take a seat 就坐   take a shower 淋浴,洗澡   take aim 瞄准,设立目标   take away 拿走,减去;夺去   take ~~ by surprise 出奇制胜   take one"s place 就坐,入坐   take care of 当心;照顾;提防;谨慎;处理,对付;负责   take office 就职,上任   take...for 把~当作   take off 脱去;离开;起飞;模仿;起程;致死   take one"s temperature 量体温   take part in 参与,参加   take it easy 别着急,慢慢来   take place = happen 发生,举行   take the place of 代替   take pride in 以~~为荣,对~~骄傲   take sb. by the arm 拉某人的胳膊   11. 以turn为中心的`词组   give a new turn to 对~~予以新的看法   in one"s turn 轮到某人做某事   out of turn 不按次序的,不合适宜的   take one"s turn to do 轮到做   turn a blind eye to 对~~视而不见   turn against 背叛,采取敌对态度   turn back 折回,往回走   turn down 折叠,翻下,驳回,拒绝考虑   turn into 走进;变成,变为   turn to ~~for help 求助于   turn off 关上;解雇,辞退;避开(问题);制造;生产   turn on 打开;反对;依靠,依赖,取决于   turn one"s attention to 把注意力转向   turn out 培养;证明是;制成;实际情况是   turn out to be 原来是,证明是,结果是   turn over a new leaf 翻开新的一页,重新开始,改过自新   turn (a)round 旋转,转过身来;改变意见;采取新政策   turn to 变成;着手于   turn upside down 颠倒过来,翻过来;使陷入混乱   第二组   1.With the help of 在~~帮助下   under the leadership / care of 在~~领导/关心下 strict with sb. 对~人要求严格   be strict in sth. 对~事要求严格   3. at present=at the present time 目前   for the present 暂时   4. in the sun/sunshine 在阳光下   under the sun 在世界上   5. lie in 位于~~之内   lie on 同~~接壤   lie to 位于~~之外   6. at least 至少   in the least 丝毫,一点   7. by name 名叫   in the name of 以~~名义   8. in the air 空中,在流传   on the air 播出   9. in the way 挡路,障碍   in a way 在某点上,在某种程度上   get one"s own way to do 随心所欲   give way 让步,屈服   lose one"s way 迷路   by the way 顺便说一下   on one"s way to 在去~~的路上   Come this way 这边走   10. at the corner 在拐角处(外角)   in the corner 在角落里(内角)   on the corner 在角落上(外角上)   第三组   1.judge by / from 根据~~来判断   judge for oneself 由某人自己来判断   2. at the end (of) 在~~结束时   at the beginning of 在~~开始时   at the back of 在~~背后,支持   at the age of ~~岁时   at the foot of 在~~脚下   at the bottom of 在~~底部   at the top of 在~~顶上   at/on the edge of 在~~边上   3. in the course of 在~~过程中   in the eyes of 从~~观点看来,在~~眼里   in the face of 面对~,尽管,纵使   in the middle of 在~中间   in the end =at last=finally 最后   4. on the eve of 在~~前夕   on the side of 在~~一边   5. after a time = after some time 过一段时间后   for a time = for some time 一时,有一段时间   6. behind time 迟到,过期   behind the times 落在时代后面   7. at no time 决不   in no time 立即,马上   8. at one time = once time 曾经   at a time = each time 每次   at times = sometimes 有时   at all times 经常,一直,始终   at the same time 同时   at the time 在~~的时候   by the time 到~~的时候   9. for a moment 一会儿   for the moment 暂时   at the moment 当时   the moment /minute /instance 正当~~一刹那   10. once or twice 一两次   more than once 不止一次   once more 重新,又   once upon a time 从前   once in a while 偶尔   经典英语短语   1、A fate, as parallel train rails, a lifetime are in close proximity to dating, but no.有一种缘,恰似平行的火车道轨,一生都离的很近,却注定无缘相见。   2、And I promise you this:No matter who enters your life,I will love you more than any of them. 我向你承诺:以后不管谁闯进你的生活,我都会比他们任何一个人更爱你。   3、But if the while I think on thee,dear friend,all losses are restored,and sorrows end. 只要我一想起你,亲爱的人,所有的失落和遗憾烟消云散。   4、Chat ruth,can not say that is false. Eternal love,can not say only that moment. 一刹真情,不能说那是假的。爱情永恒,不能说只有那一刹。   5、I feel happy at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away. 我们生气争执时,爱的双唇把它们吻得无影无踪,我的心也顿觉甜蜜。   6、I miss you. A little too much,a little too often,and a little more everyday. 我想你,有一点点深,有一点点频繁,还一天比一天更浓。   7、If I had a single flower for everytime I think about you,I could walk for ever in my garden. 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。   8、If one day you would say you are still loving me,I will tell you I have been waiting for you actually. 如果有一天你说还爱我,我会告诉你,其实我一直在等你。   9、Love is color balloon,no matter how beautiful color,can not afford a barbed tip gently. 爱情是彩色气球,无论颜色如何艳丽,经不起针尖轻轻一刺。   10、Precious things are very few in this world.That is the reason there is just one you. 在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。   11、Tell me you are mine.I"ll be yours through all the years,till the end of time. 请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。   12、There is always that one person who can send you a text and cause you to smile instantly. 总有那么有一个人,他的一条短信就可以让你立刻微笑。   13、To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world. 对这个世界来说,你只是一个人;但是对某个人来说,你却是一整个世界。   14、When a girl confides her troubles to you,that"s not complaint but her trust in you. 当一个女孩向你倾诉她的烦恼,那不是抱怨,那是她对你的信任。   15、When the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time,my world blossoms. 第一次听到你对我说"我爱你",我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。   16、With in you I lose myself,without you I find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。   17、You don"t love a woman because she is beautiful,but she is beautiful because you love her. 你不会因为美丽去爱一个女人,但她却会因为你的爱而变得美丽。   18、You may not be the only reason why I smile,but you are definitely my favorite one. 也许你不是我微笑的唯一理由,但一定是我最喜欢的那个。   19、Your kiss still burnson my lips,everyday of mine is so beautiful. 你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。   20、Love is something eternal, the aspect may change, but not the essence. 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。   21、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。   22、I feel happy at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away. 我们生气争执时,爱的双唇把它们吻得无影无踪,我的心也顿觉甜蜜。   23、I have been sleeping all alone, You have been staring in my dreams. I want to kiss you, my baby, I want to kiss you tonight. 我一直孤独入眠, 睡梦中你出现在我的眼前, 我要亲吻你,我的爱人, 今夜我就要亲吻你。   24、I just can"t believe the loveliness of loving you. I just can"t believe the one to love this feeling, too. I now know how sweet a kiss could be. Like the summer sunshine, Your sweetness over me. 我简直不敢相信,爱你是如此地美好。 我不敢相信你也有如此感觉。 我现在才明白吻原是那么甜蜜, 就像夏日的阳光, 包含着你对我的柔情蜜意。   25、I love you. Not only for what you are but also what you have made of me.我爱你不仅因为你是谁,还有你为我做的一切!   26、If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。   27、If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。   28、I"ll think of you every step of the way. 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。   29、Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered. 爱情是一方织巾,用自然编织,用幻想点缀。   30、Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。 ;
2022-12-31 16:42:501

英语翻译 意义用法不需要太详细,但中文一定要准确不能混淆.以前高中学的几乎忘光了. 还有call

put about put something⇔across put something⇔aside put something at something put somebody/something away put something back put something behind you put something⇔by put down put somebody down as something put somebody down for something put something down to something put forth something put somebody/something⇔forward put in put something into something put somebody/something off put somebody/something on put somebody onto somebody/something put out put something⇔over put through put something⇔together put something towards something put somebody under put up put somebody up to something put up with somebody/something be taken aback take after somebody take somebody/something apart take against somebody/something take somebody/something⇔away take away from something take somebody/something⇔back take something⇔down take somebody/something⇔in take off take somebody/something⇔on take somebody/something⇔out take something out on somebody take over take to somebody/something take something up take somebody up on something take up with somebody/something set about something/somebody set somebody/something against somebody/something set somebody/something apart set something⇔aside set somebody/something back set something/somebody⇔down set forth set in set off set on somebody set out set to set up pick at something pick somebody/something⇔off pick on somebody/something pick somebody/something⇔out pick over something pick through something pick up pick up after somebody pick up on something give somebody/something away give something⇔back give in give in to something give of something give off something give onto something give out give over give something over to somebody/something give up give up on somebody/something give yourself up to something turn (somebody) against somebody/something turn around turn away turn back turn somebody/something⇔down turn in turn (somebody/something) into something turn off turn on turn out turn over turn round turn to somebody/something turn up turn upon somebody/something 16 break a habit 17 break a record 18 break a journey 19 break somebody"s heart 20 break a strike 21 break a link/tie/connection 22 break the skin 23 break the back of something 24 break the bank 25 break somebody"s concentration 26 break the silence 27 break somebody"s spirit 28 break somebody"s power 29 break the ice 30 break a code 31 break wind 32 break (somebody"s) serve call back call by call down something call for somebody/something call something⇔forth call in call somebody/something⇔off call on/upon somebody/something call out call up汉语你自己翻译吧
2022-12-31 16:42:581

英语中除了startle appall amaze 还有什么单词表示使吃惊的意思?

2022-12-31 16:43:037


take one"s breath away
2022-12-31 16:43:282


英语幽默小故事:West PointMy father, brother and I visited West Point to see a football game between Army and Boston College. Taking a stroll before kickoff, we met many cadets in neatly pressed uniforms. Several visting fans asked the recruits if they would pose for photographs, "to show our son what to expect if he should attend West Point."One middle-aged couple approached a very attractive female cadet and asked her to pose for a picture. They explained, "We want to show our son what he missed by not coming to West Point."父亲、哥哥和我到西点军校去观看一场陆军与波士顿大学之间的橄榄球赛。开始之前,我们到处转了转,碰到许多穿着整齐制服的学员。几名游客问新兵是否愿意摆出军姿来让他们摄。“好让我们的儿子知道,如果他到西点军校来学习会得到什么。”一对中年夫妇走近一名非常漂亮的女学员,问她是否愿意摆个姿势照相。他们解释说:“我们想让儿子知道他没来西点军校错过了什么。”(6)Present for GirlfriendAt a jewelry store, a young man bought an expensive locket as a present for his girlfriend. "Shall I engrave her name on it?" the jeweler asked.The customer thought for a moment, and then said, "No-engrave it ‘To my one and only love‘. That way, if we ever break up, I can use it again."送给女友的礼物在一家珠宝店里,一位年轻人买了一个贵重的小金盒作为送给女友的礼物。“要我把她的名字刻在上面吗?”珠宝商问道。那名顾客想了一会儿,然后说道:“不--在上面刻‘给我唯一的爱"。这样,如果我们闹崩了,我还可以再用到它。”Be Careful What You Wish ForA couple had been married for 25 years and were celebrating their 60th birthdays, which fell on the same day.During the celebration a fairy appeared and said that because they had been such a loving couple for all 25 years, she would give them one wish each.The wife wanted to travel around the world. The fairy waved her hand, and Boom! She had the tickets in her hand.Next, it was the husband‘s turn. He paused for a moment, then said shyly, "Well, I‘d like to have a woman 30 years younger than me."The fairy picked up her wand, and Boom! He was ninety.慎重许愿一对结婚25周年的夫妻在庆祝他们六十岁的生日。他们恰好在同一天出生。庆祝活动中,一位仙女出现了。她说,由于他们是已经结婚25年的恩爱夫妻,因此她给许给这对夫妻每个人一个愿望。妻子想周游世界。仙女招了招手。“呯!”的一声,她的手中出现了一张票。接下来该丈夫许愿了。他犹豫片刻,害羞地说,“那我想要一位比我年轻30岁的女人。”仙女拾起了魔术棒。“呯!”,他变成了90岁。Wood FireOne woman lectured her best friend on the nature of the male animal. "Husbands are like wood fires; they go out if left unattened.""Does that mean," asked the other, "that they make ashes of themselves?"森林之火一名妇女向她最好的朋友大谈雄性动物的特性:“丈夫们就像是森林里的火,一不注意,他们就会燃烧起来。”“那是不是意味着,”另一个问道,“他们将自己烧成灰烬?”Best RewardA naval officer fell overboard. He was rescued by a deck hand. The officer asked how he could reward him."The best way, sir," said the deck hand, "is to say nothing about it. If the other fellows knew I‘d pulled you out, they‘d chuck me in."最好的奖赏一名海军军官从甲板上掉入海中。他被一名甲板水手救起。这位军官问如何才能酬谢他。“最好的办法,长官,”这名水手说,“是别声张这事。如果其他人知道我救了您,他们会把我扔下去的。”Napoleon Was IllJack had gone to the university to study history, but at the end of his first year, his history professor failed him in his examinations, and he was told that he would have to leave the university. However, his father decided that he would go to see the professor to urge him to let Jack continue his studies the following year."He‘s a good boy," said Jack‘s father, "and if you let him pass this time, I‘m sure he‘ll improve a lot next year and pass the examinations at the end of it really well.""No, no, that‘s quite impossible," replied the professor immediately. "Do you know, last month I asked him when Napoleon had died, he didn‘t know!""Please, sir, give him another chance," said Jack‘s father. "You see, I‘m afraid we don‘t take any newspaper in our house, so none of us even know that Napoleon was ill."拿破仑病了杰克到一所大学去学历史。第一学期结束时,历史课教授没让他及格。学校让他退学。然而,杰克的父亲决定去见教授,强烈要求让杰克继续来年的学业。“他是个好孩子,”杰克的父亲说:“您要是让他这次及格,我相信他明年会有很大进步,学期结束时,他一定会考好的。”“不,不,那不可能,”教授马上回答。“你知道吗?上个月我问他拿破仑什么时候死的,他都不知道。”“先生,请再给他一次机会吧。”杰克的父亲说:“你不知道,恐怕是因为我们家没有订报纸。我们家的人连拿破仑病了都不知道。”He Was Only Wrong by TwoJack Hawkins was the football coach at an Amercian college, and he was always trying to find good players, but they weren‘t always smart enought to be accepted by the college.One day the coach brought an excellent young player to the dean of the college and asked that the student be allowed to enter without an examination. "Well," the dean said after some persuasion, "I‘d better ask him a few questions first."Then he turned to the student and asked him some very easy questions, but the student didn‘t know any of the answers.At last the dean said, "Well, what‘s five times seven?"The student thought for a long time and then answered, "Thirty-six."The dean threw up his hands and looked at the coach in despair, but the coach said earnestly, "Oh, please let him in, sir! He was only wrong by two."他的得数只比正确答案多二杰克霍金斯是美国一所学院的橄榄球队教练,他竭力想物色好球员。但是好球员学业不行,院方不愿录取。有一天,教练带着一位优秀的年轻球员去见院长,希望院方同意他免试入学。经过一番劝说后院长说:“那我最好先问问他几个问题。”然后他转向学生,问了几个非常简单的问题。可是那个学生一个也答不上来。最后院长说:“那么,五乘七得多少?”学生想了很久,然后回答说:“三十六。”院长摊开双手失望地看了看教练。可是教练认真地说,“噢,录取他吧,先生。他的答案只比正确答案多二。”Real PlayWhen I taught the introduction-to-theater course at North Dakota State University, I required my students to attend the university theater‘s current production and write a critique. After viewing a particularly fine performance, one student wrote: "The play was so real, I thought I was actually sitting on my couch at home, watching it on television."逼真的戏剧我在北达科他州立大学教戏剧入门课时,要求学生们去看学校剧团当时的演出,并写一篇评论。看了一场极为精彩的演出后,一名学生写道:“这部戏剧是如此逼真,以致于我认为我自己是坐在家里的沙发上,从电视上看到的。”A Fine MatchOne day a lady saw a mouse running across her kitchen floor. She was very afraid of mouse, so she ran out of the house, got into a bus and went to the shops. There she bought a mousetrap. The shopkeeper said to her, "Put some cheese in it and you will soon catch that mouse."The lady went home with her mousetrap, but when she looked in her cupboard, she could not find any cheese in it. She did not want to go back to the shop, because it was very late, so she cut a picture of some cheese out of a magazine and put that in the trap.Surprisingly, the picture of the cheese was quite successful! When the lady came down to the kitchen the next morning she found a picture of a mouse in the trap beside the picture of the cheese!势均力敌有一天某位女士看到一只老鼠在自家的厨房地板上窜过。她很害怕老鼠,所以她冲出屋子,搭上了公共汽车直奔商店。在那儿,她买了一只老鼠夹。店主告诉她:“放点奶酪在里面,很快你就会逮住那只老鼠的。”这位女士带着鼠夹回到家里,但她没有在碗橱里找到奶酪。她不想再回到商店里去,因为已经很晚了。于是,她就从一份杂志中剪下一幅奶酪的图片放进了夹子。令人称奇的是,这画有奶酪的图片竟然奏效了!第二天早上,这位女士下楼到厨房时,发现鼠夹里奶酪图片旁有一张画有老鼠的图片!Gardening GlovesFor months I hinted that I needed a new wedding ring, since I had developed an allergy to gold. On my birthday, while I was gardening, my husband asked me for gift suggestions. I held my hands up and said, "Well, you‘ll notice that my hands are bare."Later that evening I opened my present with enthusiasm. "Happy birthday," he said, as I unwrapped a new pair of gardening gloves.园艺手套几个月以来,我一直在向丈夫暗示我需要一枚新的结婚戒指,因为我对黄金有点过敏。生日那天,我正在干园艺活时,丈夫问我想要什么礼物。我举起双手说:“嗯,你肯定看到了,我的两手都是光光的。”那天晚上,我满怀热情地拆开了丈夫送的礼物。“生日快乐!”他说。我打开一看:里面包着一双园艺手套。WarningSeveral weeks after our son began his freshman year at Alma College in Michigan, my husband and I decided to visit him. I was careful to call him a few days in advance to "warn" him that we would be coming. When we arrived at the dorm, however, I was taken aback by the disarray of his room. "Forgot we were coming, didn‘t you?" I teased."Are you kidding?" he replied, "Why else would I have bothered to clean?"提醒我们的儿子是密歇根州阿尔马大学的新生,开学几个星期之后,我和丈夫决定去看看他。我特意提前给他打电话,“提醒”他我们将光临。但是当我们来到宿舍时,他的房间凌乱不堪,我非常吃惊。“忘了我们要来,是吧?”我取笑他。“开什么玩笑?“,他回答说,“要不我凭什么费神打扫?”Ground RulesOne of my favorite teachers at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau was known of his droll sense of humor. Explaining his ground rules to one freshman class, he said, "Now I know my lectures can often be dry and boring, so I don‘t mind if you look at your watches during class. I do, however, object to your pounding them on the desk to make sure they‘re still running."基本原则位于吉拉多海角的密苏里东南州立大学有一位我非常喜欢的老师,他奇特的幽默感很是出名。在对一个新生班级讲解他的基本原则时,他说:“我知道我的讲课可能经常会枯燥乏味,了无生趣,所以如果你们在上课时看表我并不介意。不过我坚决反对你们将表在课桌上猛敲看它们是不是还在走。”
2022-12-31 16:43:371


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2022-12-31 16:45:163


英文原文:bounce a ball英式音标:[baʊns] [ə; eɪ] [bɔːl] 美式音标:[baʊns] [e] [bɔl]
2022-12-31 16:45:281


2022-12-31 16:45:341


Abnormal King变态的国王;Abject King卑鄙的国王
2022-12-31 16:45:402


a,an 一个aback 向后abase 贬抑;降低abash 使局促不安abate 减少;减轻abbey 修道院abet 教唆abhor 痛恨abide 遵守;坚持able 能够about 关于above 在…上面abuse 滥用abyss 深渊ache 疼痛acid 酸性的acme 顶点acorn 橡子acrid 辣act 担任acute 厉害的add 增加adept 老手ado 忙乱adore 崇拜adorn 装饰ago 以前agree 同意air 空气Abolish V. 废除1.Slavery was in Canada in 1833, and Canadian authorities encouraged the slaves, who escaped from America, to settle on its vast virgin land.(06.1.44)A diluted B dissipated C abolished D resignedAffiliate with 附属于The high school my daughter studies in is our university .A linked by B relevant to C mingled with D affiliated with Alien . n 外行Harold claimed that he was a serious and well-known artist ,but in fact he was a(n) .A alien B client C counterpart D fraud Array n. 陈列,一系列In the Spring Export Commodities Fair the of fine china attracted much attention fo customers from all over the world .(99.6.62)A succession B array C string D revelation 2.Located in Washington D.C. ,the Library of Congress contains an impressive of books on every conceivable subject.(05.6.40)A flock B configuration C pile D arrayAnalogy n 类比1.To help the students understand how we see ,teachers often draw an between an eye and a camera.(01.6.46)A image B analogy C imitation D axis 2.Professor Smith explained the movement of light that of water.(06.1.64)A by analogy with B by virtue of C in line with D in terms of Appropriate .a . 合适的,恰当的For many patients ,institutional care is the most and beneficial form of care.A pertinent B appropriate C acute D persistent Acute a. 敏锐的,锋利的Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell ,they have vision .(96.1.63.)A vigorous B exact C acute D vivid Aggravate v 加剧,使恶化The financial problem of this company is further by the rise in interest rates .(02.6.45)A increased B strengthened C reinforced D aggravated Apt. (to) .易于----的 Shoes of this kind are to slip on wet ground .(02.1.65)A feasible B appropriate C apt D fitting 类似用法还有:to be prone to ; to be liable to ; to be subject to ; to be vulnerable to ; to be susceptible to Acute a, 敏锐的1.A human"s eyesight is not as as that of an eagle.(02.1.63)A eccentric B acute C sensible D sensitive 2.Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell,they have vision.(96.1.63)A vigorous B exact C acute D vividAttendant. 随从The Prime Minister was followed by five or six when he got off the plane .(02.1.42)A laymen B servants C directors D attendants Alert v 警告The sign set up by the road drivers to a sharp turn. (04.1.66)A alerts B refreshes C pleads D diverts Authentic a. 真实的What the correspondent sent us is an news report. We can depend on it.(01.1.43)A evident B authentic C ultimate D immediateOf no avail 无用的Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were . A in no way B on the contrary C at a loss D of no avail In accordance with 与-----相符合,按照The tenant must be prepared to decorate the house the terms of the contract.(01.6.61)A in the vicinity of B in quest of C in accordance with D in collaboration withAppeal n. 吸引力The traditional market retain their for the many Chinese who still prefer fresh food like live fish,ducks,chickens over packaged or frozen goods.(05.1.64)A appeal B pledge C image D survival转
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take sb."s arm挽住某人的胳膊take sb. in one"s arms拥抱某人take hold of sth.抓住某物take sb. in the act当场逮捕某人take a town攻占一座城市take cold着凉take sb."s fancy占有某人的心take (the) first place居首位, 得第一take a disadvantage乘人不备; 乘人之危be taken ill患病take sb. by surprise冷不防出现; 突然接近take letters to the post寄信take the luggage upstairs把行李搬上楼take a friend home in one"s car用汽车把朋友送回家take a holiday休假take a day off请一天假take a chair坐下 take 100dollars a month每月工资100美元take medical advice听取医生意见take driving lessons学习驾驶take the air呼吸新鲜空气take a wife[古]娶妻take one"s chance碰运气take a chance on sth冒险试做某事take it from me (=take my word for it)相信我; 我保证; 我这话你可以相信be able to take it能忍受得住(痛苦, 惩罚, 攻击等)take a newspaper订阅报纸take a cottage course[美](大学生)毕业前结婚take sth down in shorthand用速记记下某事take photographs拍照take one"s time不匆忙, 不急于, 慢慢来; 浪费时间, 拖延, 磨洋工take a lot of doing费事, 费力; 需要努力[技巧]等take one"s temperature测量体温take sb."s measure测量某人身长; [喻]看穿某人take things coolly [calmly]处之泰然, 不激动take sth. ill [amiss]对某事表示不高兴take the blame担负过失[责任]take the throne接受王位take steps采取步骤take socialist road走社会主义道路take office就职take a trainbe taken aback大吃一惊, 惊得目瞪口呆, 吓了一跳(船)突然遇到逆风be taken back大吃一惊, 惊得目瞪口呆, 吓了一跳(船)突然遇到逆风be taken with对...很喜爱; 被...迷住, 被...吸引be taken by对...很喜爱; 被...迷住, 被...吸引double take先是不注意接着大吃一惊先是怔着接着恍然大悟的反应not taking any[口]谢绝, 不接受, 没有那种兴趣 去做on the take[美俚]接受贿赂; 敲诈, 伺机损人利已take after象学...的榜样, 仿效追赶, 追捕take against反对; 不喜欢take amiss因...而见怪; 误会, 误解take apart使分开, 拆开严厉批评; 猛烈抨击严格剖析粗暴对待; 严厉惩罚; 彻底打败take as read认为不必宣读(会议记录等); 认为不必谈论或听取(某事)宣称对...满意; 声称对...没有意见take away拿走; 夺走; 拆去使离开; 带走使消失, 消除(病痛等)减去把...买回家食用take back收回(前言), 承认说错了话; 取消(诺言)同意退回, 收回(商品); 接回, 带回使回到某一起点; 使回想起take down拿下, 取下记[录]下来挫其气焰拆掉吞下, 咽下病倒[口]欺骗(某人)take five[美口]休息五分钟[十分钟], 小憩take ten[美口]休息五分钟[十分钟], 小憩take ... for ...以为(某人或某物)是...take from减去; 减损; 降低take home to oneself充分理解, 深刻领会take in收进, 接受; 装入, 收容, 接待领(活)到家里做缩短; 改小; 收(帆), 卷(帆)领会, 理解观看, 参观, 游览[口]轻信, 信以为真[口]欺骗订阅(报刊)包括[含]拘留take it猜想, 以为; 断定[口][常与 can, be able to 连用]忍受得住(痛苦、批评、困难, 嘲笑等)默然同意, 接受take it all in注意倾听; 全部听进take it and like it[美俚]不太甘心 地 忍受批评(嘲笑等)take it or leave it要么接受, 要么拉倒; 要不要 随你的便take it out in接受...作为抵偿take it out of sb.使 某人虚弱, 使某人精疲力竭(=takeit out on sb.)找某人出气[泄愤]take me not up before I fall[苏口]在你回答我以前, 先听我说完take off取[脱]下; 拆下; 切除(=take oneself off)[口]走掉; 滚开带往(某处); 移送(某处)减(价)取消, 夺去...的生命, 杀死[口]摹仿, 学...的榜样; 取笑(飞机)起飞移开(目光, 注意力)停止演出去掉, 扣除复制; 绘制take off after (=take after)追赶, 追捕take on具有,呈现(某种性质、特征等)担任(工作), 承担(责任)雇用接受...的挑战; 同...较量[口]伤心; 激动装出某种样子[口]流行, 风行; 受欢迎接受(乘客); 装载take out取出, 拔 出; 除掉(污迹等), 擦去邀(某人)出门, 带去取得, 领 到(专利权, 执照等)【律】发出(传票), 传讯摧毁, 消除把...买出食用启程, 出发take out of取出, 除去; 要赔偿; 报仇take out after[take after]追赶, 追 捕take over接收[管, 任]把...载送到仿效, 采用把...移入下一行take sb. unawares使 某人出其不意, 攻其不备take sb. up on接受某人的(邀请, 挑战等)要求某人兑现...take sb. short突然袭击某人; 使 某人大吃一惊唐突地打断某人的话take sb. up short突然袭击某人; 使 某人大吃一惊唐突地打断某人的话take sb. wrong误解[曲解]某人的意思take sth. up with sb.(口头或书面)向某人反映某事; 就某事向某人提意见take to爱, 喜欢嗜好, 沉迷于, 养成...的习惯逃到..., 借助...逃 走开始从事take too much[口]喝过多(酒), 喝 醉take up举[拿, 捡, 拔]起占(地方); 费(时间); 占据接纳(乘客); (船)承装(货物)吸收(水 分); 溶解打断某人的话; 责备, 申斥开始; 着手处理对...发生兴趣; 开始从事, 开始学把(某人)置于自己的庇护之下; 收于(门下), 提携继续, 接下去 说逮捕扎紧, 绕紧; 改短(衣服)接受(建议, 挑战等)(学校)开学; 上课定居, 安家付清, 认购(公债); 募(捐)[口](天气)变晴, 变好take up with和...交往[鬼混]一心一意想, 醉心于信以为真; 采用, 接受[常用被动态]对...很喜爱甘受, 忍 受take upon oneself以...为己任; 主动承担(责任等); 把(过错)归咎自己擅自; 毅然, 大胆take on oneself以...为己任; 主动承担(责任等); 把(过错)归咎自己擅自; 毅然, 大胆take us as you find us我们就是 这样, 请你将就些吧
2022-12-31 16:46:071


hat cat cap pat
2022-12-31 16:46:137


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2022-12-31 16:46:533


shock check lock pick kick dick aback back black block clock quack quick rick sick sock 还好多```
2022-12-31 16:47:051