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名诗我译(托马斯·胡德篇)——I Love Thee 我爱你

2023-05-20 01:07:53


I love thee—I love thee!

"Tis all that I can say; -

It is my vision in the night,

My dreaming in the day;

The very echo of my heart,

The blessing when I pray:

I love thee—I love thee!

Is all that I can say.

I love thee—I love thee!

Is ever on my tongue;

In all my proudest poesy

That chorus still is sung;

It is the verdict of my eyes,

Amidst the gay and young:

I love thee—I love thee!

A thousand maids among.

I love thee—I love thee!

Thy bright hazel glance,

The mellow lute upon those lips,

Whose tender tones entrance;

But most,dear heart of hearts,

thy proofs That still these words enhance,

I love thee—I love thee!

Whatever be thy chance.

我爱你 -- 我爱你!

这是我能说的全部言语 --





我爱你 -- 我爱你!


我爱你 -- 我爱你!







我爱你 -- 我爱你!



我爱你 -- 我爱你!










我爱你 -- 我爱你!




托马斯·胡德( Thomas Hood, 1799-1845)是介于雪莱时代和丁尼生时代之间最伟大的英国诗人。他早年受浪漫主义诗歌的影响,创作了充满温情的浪漫主义诗篇,被称为"浪漫主义最早和最后的一个信徒"。使他立身扬名的幽默诗更是他的名片,此外,他充满人文主义的公众诗篇 《衬衫之歌》和《叹息桥》等让许多读者唏嘘不已,此类充满人文关怀的公众诗歌,使他的名字被世界铭记。胡德的诗歌风格涵盖了他那个时代的各种诗歌流派,介于浪漫主义时代和维多利亚时代之间,却又不属于两者中的任何一种。他娴熟地驾驭各种迥然不同的诗歌气氛的能力令同时代的其他诗人难以企及。他丰富的诗体及对诗歌的贡献使他成为"这个时代最伟大的诗人"。

胡德是把哀婉和幽默融为一体的天才诗人。为追求效果,他的幽默诗常常依赖双关语,例如在《不贞的莎莉布朗》这首诗里他这样写到:“他死了,在自己的铺上,刚刚四十出头;他们把死讯告诉教堂司事,司事敲响了丧钟。” 很不幸,胡德虽然幽默,但一生命运多舛,一直在贫病交加中挣扎,这首诗后来证明也预言了他自己的命运,胡德本人也仅仅活了45岁。






midst美 [ə"mɪdst]英 [ə"mɪdst]prep.在…的当中在...之中;在…当中;在其中例句筛选1.Amidst uncertainty over broader policy, fresh exploration has ground to a halt.由于对更广泛的政策存在不确定性,新的勘探活动已陷入停滞。2.It was born amidst the last throes of expiring cults and civilizations in WesternAsia and Egypt.这是由于出生的最后阵痛期邪教和文明在西亚和埃及。
2023-01-13 12:40:291


amidstprep.1. 在...之中;在...中间
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of 和among的区别

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1.根据知乎,among和amongst在用法和词意上没有明显区别。2.根据知乎,细微区别如下。(1)among在美式英语和英式都可以用,而在美式英语很少看到amongst。例如英国老师上课,常说: talk amongst yourselves 你们先自行讨论。 17世纪早期,amongst在文学中的应用更加常见,直到1700年后,among就完全碾压amongst了。(2)amongst 比较正式,常用在正式场合,如法律文件,文学创作。而among则是比较口语,毕竟少一个发音(建议口语简化点,不要说的文绉绉,如 You purchased a beautiful vehicle.....就过于正式)。(3)如果后面的词是元音开头,amongst较常用。e.g. Amongst other choices, this choice fits me very well.。(4)among属于老词汇,可以追溯到古英语时期,大约公元1100年前。而amongst年轻较多,500年后也就是大约17世纪才出现,在这个时期,喜欢在某些词汇后面加 -st 的来构造新的副词,例如whilst和amidst。
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amid [ə"mid]prep.1. 在…当中,在…之中,在其中;在…中间[多跟单数名词]:Some of the wreckage caused by the explosion fell amid the crowd of spectators.爆炸产生的碎片落在围观人群当中。2. 被…包围,被…围绕:The party was a haven of quiet amid the noise and bustle of the streets outside.外面街道上熙来攘往,一片喧闹嘈杂之声,那个公园坐落其间,真是安静的世外桃源。3. 在…过程中,在…期间[亦作amidst]
2023-01-13 12:40:531


什么系统,右击我的电脑---->管理----->用户和用户组----->用户,看看是不是把administrator这个用户给停用了 如果停用了启用就好了方法二:在命令行里输入net user 查看用户情况或者直接把当前用户提权到administrators组,命令是net loalgroup 当前用户 administrators /add 注意当前用户就是你现在用的账户
2023-01-13 12:40:561

在英语中,in the midest of与in the middle of有什么区别?

看例子看区别咯!midstn. 当中,中间prep. 在…中间(等于amidst)Fortunately, we are not starting this process of reflection and reform in the midst of crisis.幸运的是,我们不是在危机之中开始这个反省和改革的过程。middleadj. 中间的,中部的;中级的,中等的n. 中间,中央;腰部vt. 把…放在中间,把…对折vi. 放在中间,对折In the middle of the service, we began to hear the thump of artillery.
2023-01-13 12:41:073


儿童中英绕口令 a tree toad loved a she-toad who lived up in a tree. he was a two-toed tree toad but a three-toed toad was she. the two-toed tree toad tried to win the three-toed she-toad"s heart, for the two-toed tree toad loved the ground that the three-toed tree toad trod. but the two-toed tree toad tried in vain. he couldn"t please her whim. from her tree toad bower with her three-toed power the she-toad vetoed him. 一只树蟾蜍爱上另一只住在树上的蟾蜍女郎。它是一只二趾的蟾蜍,而蟾蜍女郎是三趾的。那只二趾的树蟾蜍尝试夺取三趾蟾蜍女郎的方心,因为二趾蟾蜍喜欢三趾蟾蜍女郎所踩踏的土地。可是,二趾蟾蜍徒劳无功。它不能满足三趾蟾蜍女郎的心意。在三趾蟾蜍女郎的卧室,三趾蟾蜍女郎用它的三趾能力将二趾蟾蜍的念头打消了。 a tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. said the two to their tutor, "is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?" 一个吹笛的导师尝试教两个吹笛者吹笛。那两个学吹笛的问导师:「吹笛难,还是教两个学吹笛的人吹笛难呢?」 all i want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot, you can believe it or not, but i just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot. tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are of no use to me. if i can"t have a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot, i"ll have a cup of tea! 我只想要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡。信不信由你,我只想要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡。锡制的咖啡壶和铁制的咖啡壶对我而言也是没用的。假如我不能要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡,那我就要一杯茶吧! amidst the mists and coldest frosts, with stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, he thrusts his fist against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts. 在满布薄雾,严寒期最冻的那天,他用最结实的手腕和最自夸的话用拳头猛力推打柱子,而且声称他见鬼。 are our oars oak? 我们的桨是橡树吗? a big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.   大黑虫咬大黑熊,大黑熊流血了! a big black bug bit a big black bear. where"s the big black bear the big black bug bit? 大黑虫咬大黑熊,被大黑虫咬的大黑熊在那里呢? a bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the bitter better bittern bit the bitter biter back. and the bitter bittern, bitten, by the better bitten bittern, said: "i"m a bitter biter bit, alack!" 一只沮丧而尖刻的麻鳽咬了它兄弟一口,而没有它那么沮丧的兄弟又咬它一口。那只被咬的沮丧麻鳽对它的兄弟说:「我是一只充满怨恨的麻鳽!我害人终害己了!
2023-01-13 12:41:101

Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the old man seemed _____.

2023-01-13 12:41:131


The misty rain floor:烟雨楼
2023-01-13 12:41:194


Jay Chou - Blue and White Porcelain Word / Fang Wenshan Qu / Jay Chou Edit: High Templar Su-embryo Bifeng thick blue outline slowed Bottle you described as the beginning of makeup Peony Sandalwood slowly through the window of my mind clear This paper put up half of the write rapidly Ladies Figure flavor glaze rendering by possession And such as you smileMoon US-ray of you being released into the atmosphere Can not go to the places I go Amidst the blue and other days I am waiting for you River Madadayo smoke rising thousands of miles Scribe carved at the bottom like the former book the elegant On when I met you as a foreshadowing Amidst the blue and other days I am waiting for you The moonlight was the outcome of salvage from Yunkai Handed down a big such as the blue and white beauty Eye with you smile White color of the Koi Yue-ran on the Green Song signed copy when you think about Kiln at you hide a secret in the Millennium As if a very fine needle embroidery landing Basho帘外Jalan Jalan P. Central door showers I walk past me in the southern town you At splash-ink landscape painting Village Were you from the depths of color fade Amidst the blue and other days I am waiting for you River Madadayo smoke rising thousands of miles Scribe carved at the bottom like the former book the elegant On when I met you as a foreshadowing Amidst the blue and other days I am waiting for you The moonlight was the outcome of salvage from Yunkai Handed down such as the blue and white with a big beautiful eyes you smile Amidst the blue and other days I am waiting for you River Madadayo smoke rising thousands of miles Scribe carved at the bottom like the former book the elegant On when I met you as a foreshadowing Amidst the blue and other days I am waiting for you The moonlight was the outcome of salvage from Yunkai Handed down such as the blue and white with a big beautiful eyes you smile
2023-01-13 12:41:233

英语谚语 绕口令

1、A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood. 大黑虫咬大黑熊,大黑熊流血了! 2、A big black bug bit a big black bear. his laboratory. 9、A noisy noise annoys an oyster. 嘈吵的噪音惹恼牡蛎。 10、A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place her tree toad bower with her three-toed power the she-toad vetoed him. 一只树蟾蜍爱上另一只住在树上的蟾蜍女郎 …是一只二趾的蟾蜍,而蟾蜍女郎是三趾的。那只二趾的树蟾蜍尝试夺取三趾蟾蜍女郎的方心,因为二趾蟾蜍喜欢三趾蟾蜍女郎所踩踏的土地。可是,二趾蟾蜍徒劳无功 …不能满足三趾蟾蜍女郎的心意。在三趾蟾蜍女郎的卧室,三趾蟾蜍女郎用它的三趾能力将二趾蟾蜍的念头打消了。 14、A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to their tutor, "Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?" 一个吹笛的导师尝试教两个吹笛者吹笛。那两个学吹笛的问导师:吹笛难,还是教两个学吹笛的人吹笛难呢? 15、All I want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot, you can believe it or not, but I just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot. Tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are of no use to me. If I can"t have a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot, I"ll have a cup of tea! 我只想要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡。信不信由你,我只想要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡。锡制的咖啡壶和铁制的咖啡壶对我而言也是没用的。假如我不能要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡,那我就要一杯茶吧! 16、Amidst the mists and coldest frosts, with stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, he thrusts his fist against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts. 在满布薄雾,严寒期最冻的那天,他用最结实的手腕和最自夸的话用拳头猛力推打柱子,而且声称他见鬼。 17、Are our oars oak? 我们的桨是橡树吗? 英语绕口令大全翻译 1、A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood。 大黑虫咬大黑熊,大黑熊流血了! 2、A bloke"s back bike brake block broke。 一个家伙的脚踏车后制动器坏了。 3、A bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the bitter better bittern bit the bitter bittern back. And the bitter bittern, bitten, by the better bitten bittern, said: “I"m a bitter biter bit, alack!” 一只沮丧而尖刻的麻鹊咬了它兄弟一口,而没有它那么沮丧的兄弟又咬它一口。那只被咬的沮丧麻鹊对它的兄弟说:“我是一只充满怨恨的麻鹊!我害人终害己了!” 4、 Hoer piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers peter piper picked. If peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where"s the peck of pickled peppers peter piper picked? 彼德派柏捏起一撮泡菜。 彼德派柏捏起的是一撮泡菜。 那么彼德派捏起的泡菜在哪儿? 8、I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn"t the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn"t have thought so much. 我有一种想法,但是我的这种想法不是我曾经想到的那种想法。如果这种想法是我曾经想到的想法,我就不会想那么多了。 9、 Amid the mists and coldest frosts, With barest wrists and stoutest boasts, He thrusts his fists against the posts, And still insists he sees the ghosts. 雾蒙蒙,冰霜冻, 手腕儿空空,话儿涌, 只见他猛所拳头往柱子上砸, 直说自己把鬼碰。 英语的绕口令大全 1、Ken Dodd"s dad"s dog "s dead. 肯多德爸爸的狗死掉了。 2、If you"re keen on stunning kites and cunning stunts, buy a cunning stunning stunt kite. 如果你非常相要好的风筝和精彩的表演,就去买一只时兴的吧。 3、Ike ships ice chips in ice chips ships. 4、Keenly cleaning copper kettles. 敏锐地清洁铜水壶 5、Local yokel jokes. 乡下佬笑话 6、 her er piper picked. If peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where"s the peck of pickled peppers peter piper picked? 彼德派柏捏起一撮泡菜。 彼德派柏捏起的是一撮泡菜。 那么彼德派捏起的泡菜在哪儿? 8、 I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn"t the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn"t have thought so much. 我有一种想法,但是我的这种想法不是我曾经想到的那种想法。如果这种想法是我曾经想到的想法,我就不会想那么多了。 9、 Amid the mists and coldest frosts, With barest wrists and stoutest boasts, He thrusts his fists against the posts, And still insists he sees the ghosts. 雾蒙蒙,冰霜冻, 手腕儿空空,话儿涌,只见他猛所拳头往柱子上砸, 直说自己把鬼碰。 10、Badmin was able to beat Bill at billiards, but Bill always beat Badmin badly at badminton. 巴德明在台球上能够打败比尔,但是打羽毛球比尔常常大败巴德明。 绕口令 经典绕口令 1、哥哥挎筐过宽沟, 快过宽沟看怪狗, 光看怪狗瓜筐扣, 瓜滚筐扣哥怪狗。 2、八百标兵奔北坡, 炮兵并排北边跑, 炮兵怕把标兵碰, 标兵怕碰炮兵炮。 3、断头台倒吊短单刀,歹徒登台偷单刀, 断头台塌盗跌倒, 对对单刀叮当掉。 4、老爷子 南边来个老爷子, 手里拿碟子, 碟子里装茄子, 一下碰上了橛子。 打了碟子,洒了茄子, 摔坏了老爷子。 5、嘴与腿 嘴说腿,腿说嘴, 嘴说腿爱跑腿, 腿说嘴爱卖嘴。 光动嘴不动腿, 光动腿不动嘴, 不如不长腿和嘴。 6、反正话 夹着火车上皮包。 回头一看人咬狗。 拿起狗来打石头, 又怕石头咬着手。 有个小孩叫小杜, 上街打醋又买布。 买了布,打了醋, 回头看见鹰抓兔。 放下布,搁下醋, 上前去追鹰和兔, 飞了鹰,跑了兔。 洒了醋,湿了布。 7、哥哥弟弟坡前坐, 坡上卧着一只鹅, 坡下流着一条河, 哥哥说:宽宽的河, 弟弟说:白白的鹅。 鹅要过河, 河要渡鹅。 不知是鹅过河, 还是河渡鹅。 8、“绕口令”的最大特点是“拗口”。它是学习语言艺术(如相声,快板等等)的必修课。可以锻炼人“舌”,“唇”,“齿”的相互配合的技巧,被形象地称为“口腔体操”。 这里精选了一批流传较早,较广较经典的绕口令,有的是适合儿童练习的绕口令。 9、练习绕口令最好从儿童时期开始。尤其是方言地区。初练绕口令速度要慢,务必保证发音准确,在此基础上逐步提高速度。 10、扁担长,板凳宽,板凳没有扁担长,扁担没有板凳宽。扁担要绑在板凳上,板凳偏不让扁担绑在板凳上。 11、大花碗里扣个大花活蛤蟆。 南边来了他大大伯子家的大搭拉尾巴耳朵狗, 北边来了他二大伯子家的二搭拉尾巴耳朵狗。 他大大伯家的大搭拉尾巴耳朵狗,咬了他二大伯家的二搭拉尾巴耳朵狗一口; 他二大伯家的二搭拉尾巴耳朵狗,也咬了他大大伯家的大搭拉尾巴耳朵狗一口。不知是他大大伯家的大搭拉尾巴耳朵狗,先咬了他二大伯家的二搭拉尾巴耳朵狗;还是他二大伯家的二搭拉尾巴耳朵狗,先咬了他大大伯家的大搭拉尾巴耳朵狗。 12、喇嘛与哑巴 打南边来了个哑巴,腰里别了个喇叭; 打北边来了个喇嘛,手里提了个獭犸。 提着獭犸的喇嘛要拿獭犸换别着喇叭的哑巴的喇叭; 别着喇叭的哑巴不愿拿喇叭换提着獭犸的喇嘛的獭犸。 不知是别着喇叭的哑巴打了提着獭犸的喇嘛一喇叭; 还是提着獭犸的喇嘛打了别着喇叭的哑巴一獭犸。 喇嘛回家炖獭犸,哑巴嘀嘀哒哒吹喇叭 13、九与酒 九月九,九个酒迷喝醉酒。九个酒杯九杯酒,九个酒迷喝九口。喝罢九口酒,又倒九杯酒。九个酒迷端起酒,“咕咚、咕咚”又九口。九杯酒,酒九口,喝罢九个酒迷醉了酒 。 14、天上一颗星 天上一颗星,地下一块冰, 屋上一只鹰,墙上一排钉。 抬头不见天上的星,乒乓乒乓踏碎地下的冰, 啊嘘啊嘘赶走了屋上的鹰,唏哩唏哩拔掉了墙上的钉。 15、八十八岁公公 八十八岁公公门前有八十八棵竹, 八十八只八哥要到八十八岁公公门前的八十八棵竹上来借宿。 八十八岁公公不许八十八只八哥到八十八棵竹上来借宿, 八十八岁公公打发八十八个金弓银弹手去射杀八十八只八哥, 不许八十八只八哥到八十八岁公公门前的八十八棵竹上来借宿。 16、牛郎恋刘娘 牛郎恋刘娘,刘娘念牛郎,牛郎牛年恋刘娘,刘娘年年念牛郎,郎恋娘来娘恋郎,念娘恋娘念郎恋郎,念恋娘郎,绕不晕你算我白忙 树上卧只猴,树下蹲条狗。猴跳下来撞了狗,狗翻起来咬住猴,不知是猴咬狗,还是狗咬猴。
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she sells sea shelves on the sea shoreshe sells sea shelves on the sea shore
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Mary Mac"s mother"s making Mary Mac marry me.My mother"s making me marry Mary Mac.Will I always be so Merry when Mary"s taking care of me?Will I always be so merry when I marry Mary Mac?
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英文绕口令集锦  50. The four flour factories furnished Mr. Ford with a terrific fortune. 四个面粉厂为福特先生提供了一大笔财产。   51. Famine and failure faced the frenzied farmer饥荒和失败摆在精神崩溃的农夫面前。.   52. The flames flickered in the fireplace and fashioned fantastic forms among the furniture. 火焰在壁炉中闪烁并且在家具之前行程了奇异的形状。   53. Mr. Cook said to a cook: "Look at this cook-book. It"s very good."So the cook took the advice of Mr. Cook bought the book. 库克先生对一位厨师说:“看看写本食谱,它非常好。”因此厨师接受了库克先生的建议,买下了这本书。   54. What an ass that stranger seemed sitting there in the sunshine sucking cider through a straw! 那个陌生人看起来真蠢!他正在坐在太阳下用吸管吸苹果酒!   55. James is amazed it is a craze these days to dance to music of jazz. 詹姆斯感到很惊奇,如今伴随爵士乐跳舞成为一种风气。   56. They treasure their leisure with measureless pleasure. 他们以无限快乐的心情珍惜闲暇的时间   57. Watch the children playing catch on the beach. 观看儿童们在海滩上玩接球。   58. Charles chartered a launch to Greenwich reach where he purchased a lunch of chops and cheese. 查尔斯租了一艘汽艇到格林尼治河段,在那儿他买了一顿排骨和奶酪的午餐。   59. George follows the edge of the hedge until he reaches the bridge. 乔治沿着篱笆边缘一直走到桥上。   60. I am trying to find out why travel by train very trying. 我正试图弄明白为什么乘火车旅行很难受。   61. A drunken driver drove the dray, and dropped into a drenched muddy pond. 一个喝醉的赶车人赶大车,掉进了一个湿漉漉的泥塘里。   62. In winter the weather in Wales is wild. 冬天威尔士的气候很恶劣。   63. We wonder if Wonderly and Wontner would wait for another week. 我们不知道旺德利和旺特纳是否会再等一星期。   64. Mr. Wasson watched a swallow swallowed a wasp and a wax-colored worm a while ago. 方才沃森先生看见一只燕子吞下一只黄蜂和一条腊色软虫。   65. That black lad was very sad because his dad had died in a bad accident in the factory. 那位黑人少年极为忧伤,因为他父亲在工厂的一起严重意外事故中丧生了。   66. I know. You know. I know that you know. I know that you know that I know. 我知道。你知道。我知道你是知道的。我知道你知道我所知道的。   67. Bill was beating a big beast with his fist and his big fist was badly bitten by the big beast at last. 比尔用她的大拳头打了一只巨兽,结果他的大拳头被巨兽咬伤了。   68. A pleasant peasant keeps a pleasant pheasant and both the peasant and the pheasant are having a pleasant time together. 一个快活的农民养着一只快活的山鸡,这个农民和山鸡在一起过得很愉快。   69. Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens. 安给安迪十只母鸡,安迪给安送了十只钢笔。   70. Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night. 迈克夜里喜欢在很明亮的灯光下写东西。   71. Give the tin to Jim, he is nimble and thin. 把铁皮桶给吉姆,他又机敏又消瘦。   72. Dad is glad that Mr. Black is back with a big bag on his back. 爸爸很高兴,布莱克先生回来了,他背上背着一个大袋子。   73. Look! What a lot of clocks and watches in Bob"s shop. 瞧!鲍勃的店里的钟和表真不少。   74. It"s certainly an absurd word I heard on the journey last Thursday. 上星期四在旅途中听到的`当然是句非常荒唐的话。   75. They lay awake from eight till eight without a break. 他们从晚上八点躺到早上八点,但一直是醒着的。   76. Try as I might, I could not hide my delight at the sight of the new bike. 我虽然尽力控制自己,但还是掩饰不住看见新自行车的高兴劲。   77. A noisy noise spoiled Joy"s voice. 一阵嘈杂的吵闹声糟蹋了乔伊的声音。   78. Mary"s hair is very fair compared with Miss Blair. 玛丽的头发同布莱尔的头发相比起来是够金黄了。   79. What a tight hat is that for Jack"s fat dad! 对于杰克肥胖的父亲来说,那顶帽子戴起来实在太紧了。   80. The Duke drank deep and dropped off to sleep. 公爵喝酒太多了,倒头就睡着进入梦乡了。   81. Ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right白麦子成熟了,收割麦子的人兴高采烈地收割成熟的白麦子。.   82. If a shipshape ship shop stocks six shipshape shop-soiled ships, how many shipshape shop-soiled ships would six shipshape ship shops stock? 一家把一切都摆得井然有序的造船厂整整齐齐的排列着长期存放的旧船,那么六家摆得井然有序的造船厂可存放几艘排列整齐,长期存放的旧船。   83. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won"t wish the wish you wish to wish. 我巴不得希望你的希望,可你若想得到女巫所希望的意愿,那我决不会希望着你的希望。   84. A thinker can be a think-tanker, but a tanker can not be either a think-tanker or a tank-thinker一位善于思考的人能成为一个智囊成员,但是一艘油轮既成不了智囊团一员,也成不了油箱思考家。.   85. I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. Upon the slitted sheet, I sit. 我撕破了一床被单,被单被我撕破了,我就坐在撕破了的被单上。   86. Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep. The seven silly sheep Silly Sally shooed shilly-shallied south. These sheep shouldn"t sleep in a shack; sheep should sleep in a shed. 西里萨利急冲冲地赶着七只呆兮兮的样,这七只西里萨利赶着的呆兮兮的样拖拖拉拉地向南去。羊不该睡在小屋里,应该睡在羊圈里。   87. A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. said the two to their tutor,"Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?"一个吹笛子的老师试着教两个吹口哨的人吹笛子。他们问老师:“是自己吹笛子难还是教我们俩吹笛子难?”   88. These gray geese in the green grass grazing. Gray were the geese and green was the grass. 三只灰鹅在绿油油的菜地上觅食,灰色的是鹅,绿色的是草。   89. Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously. For nobody toeses are posies of roses as Moses supposes his toeses to be! 摩西假设他的脚趾是玫瑰。可是摩西的假设错了,因为没有人的脚趾会像摩西假设他自己的脚趾那样,是一束束玫瑰花。   90. A tall eastern girl named Short long loved a big Mr. Little. But Little, thinking little of Short ,loved a little lass named Long. To belittle Long, Short announced she would marry Little before long. 一位名叫肖特的高个儿东部女孩一直爱着一个名叫里特的大个子男孩。可里特呢,很少想到肖特,他爱着一个叫龙的小个子姑娘。肖特看不起龙,说她要嫁给里特了。   91. Mr. Wood"s wooden whistle wouldn"t whistle well, Mr. Walt"s wolf whistle would whistle well. 伍德先生的木头哨子吹不响。沃尔特的挑逗口哨吹得倒挺响。   92.How many saws could a see-saw if a see-saw could saw saws? 如果翘翘板能锯锯子的话,一个翘翘板能锯开几把锯子?   93. A big black bug bit a big black bear. Where"s the black bear the big black bug bit? 一只大黑臭虫叮了一头大黑熊。被大黑臭虫叮了一口的大黑熊在哪里呢?   94. A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where a plaice is pleased to be placed. 适合放养鲽鱼的地方就是牒鱼乐于被放养的地方。   95. Amidst the mists and coldest frosts, with stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, he thrusts his fist against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts. 雾气弥漫,霜冻大地。他抡起最结实的手腕大声吹嘘,挥舞拳头猛推柱子,而且坚持声称他见到了鬼怪。   96.A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk. 一只臭鼬坐在树桩上把树桩搞得铮铮作响,震得树桩发出恶臭味,原来是树桩震得臭鼬发出臭味。   97.A tree toad loved a she-toad who lived up in a tree. He was a two-toed tree toad but a three –toed toad was she. The two-toed tree toad tried to win the three-toad she-toad"s heart, for the two-toed tree toad loved the ground that the three-toed toad trod. 一只树蛙爱上了住在树上的蟾蜍女郎。他是一只二趾林蛙,可蟾蜍女郎长着三个脚趾。二趾林蛙想方设法获取三趾蟾蜍女郎的芳心,因为二趾林蛙喜欢三趾蟾蜍女郎来回蹦跳的地方。   98. Well, I saw Mr. Blair with fair hair repairing a pair of chairs with great care for Mr. and Mrs. Clare. 我看见一头金发的布莱尔先生正细心地为克莱尔夫妇修理两把椅子。   99. Ted Ty tried to tie his tie time after time and finally the tie was tied too tightly. 特德泰打领带试了好几次,最后把领带打得太紧了。   100. A banker gives his bank the name as the River-Bank Bank because the bank stands at the bank of the river. 一个银行家把他的银行命名为“河岸银行”,因为该银行座落在海岸边­。 ;
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英文绕口令 1.She sells seashells on the seashore, And the shells she sells are seashells,I"m sure. "Cause if she sells shells at the seashore, The shells she sells are seashells,for sure. 2 At noon I took a good book And sat by the pool in the wood. I soon took off my bootAnd put my foot in the pool. Oh, how coo l, how cool. 3 Big blue balloons bounced by Billy"s brown bicycle. 4 Little Lily and Little Nelly are writing letters. Let"s leave Little Lilly and Little Nelly alone. 5 Walter was wailing,worrying and watching the wet weather and wet wi nd. 6 Six silly sleepers slept softly on silk sheets. 7 The sun shines on the small shop signs. 8 Sheep shouldn"t sleep in a shack,Sheep should sleep in a shed. 9 The sixth sick sheik"s sixth sheep"s sick.
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  estatic fear - Chapter i  The feeble leafs decline,  残花败叶飘零(可能这里暗喻着自我,一个被遗弃的我)  Enshrined in downing deep  只在失落的深渊中才被铭记  The mourn abandoned plains,  落寞荒原的哀思  (mourn v.悼念 abandoned plains 荒原)  Laid down in sombre sleep  在沉睡中自我放逐(Laid down 被遗弃)  Misty shades engulf the sky  雾锁天际 (看不见希望)(这里和上面的sombre sleep呼应,迷梦般的。天空是光亮的,但是被迷雾笼罩,所以好象看不到出路一般,故sky翻译成希望) (engulf v.吞没)  Like past, worn memories  好似残败,破旧的记忆 (这里呼应上面的看不到希望,因为没有希望,故活在一个自己打造的记忆中无法脱身。)  The bird"s song fills the whispering breeze  With autumns melody  鸟语花香在秋日里弥漫  The lunar pale grim shape  残败的躯体在月影下班驳(shape n.形体,这里可能暗喻着我的躯体,形体)  At evening"s sight renews  夜幕下重生  It"s silented wail relieves  无声的哀号渐渐褪去(wail n.悲叹,哀号)  Repressed thoughts anew  压抑的念头又上心头  I hear the lonesome choir  Of fortunes past my way  过往,耳旁响起的是孤单命运的大合唱 (lonesome adj.寂寞的)  Disdained in fiery weeps  Throughout my every day  无时无刻,不在他人轻蔑的眼光中以泪洗面(Disdain v.蔑视, 鄙弃)  These skies I hail and treasure thee,  (每当回忆起)珍藏着你我共同的幸福时光,才看到希望女神的眷顾(sky 这里的sky呼应前面的希望,所以也翻译成希望。希望向我招手,也就是希望女神眷顾也会眷顾我)  Most pleasant misery  这难道不是最美的苦涩吗?  Not pittes thorn I shelter thine  这句不知道该怎么翻译。(thine 你的,你的东西 pittes???)  Mysterious harmony  Draw on most pleasant night  未知的和谐捎来最美的夜色  Shade my lorn exposed sight  祛散心头的孤寂  For my grief"s when shadows told  影子才知我的伤悲  Shall be eased in mist enfold  消逝在迷雾的怀抱中  Why should the foolish"s hope  缘何依然执迷不悟  Thy unborn passioned cry  Exhaust unheard  落寞中泣尽所有的激情  Beneath this pleasent sky?  这另人愉悦的天空下(sky 可能暗喻希冀)  For if the dusking day declined  Could delight be far behind?  若冬天已经来临,那春天还远吗?  《Eternal Autumn》  So sudden it seemed  This tragic vision painted before my eyes  Amidst withering leaves I had found my beloved  Bloodstained and pale,falling into the forever  So silent...  Aware of my presence she turned towards me  Her agonizing stare,one last breath and  She whispered:  "everything dies"  Before my tearfilled eyes  Dead and silent,a golden  Leaf of autumn falling  Before my tearfilled eyes  This withering beauty  This eternal autumn  So silent...  So silent...  《永恒的秋天》  看上去如此突然  这悲剧性的一幕描绘在我的眼前  在凋零的落叶中我曾寻觅到我的真爱  沾着血污,肤色苍白,正坠入永恒  如此沉寂...  意识到我的出现,她转向我  她苦恼的凝视,只留下最后一丝呼吸和轻声细语:  一切都已逝去...  在我满盈的泪眼前  已无死亡与沉寂,只有一片金色的秋之落叶  在我满盈的泪眼前  这份凋落的美丽  这个永恒的秋天  如此沉寂...  如此沉寂...  Forest of Shadows--Sleeping Death  bleak silver streams  阴冷碎银泉  the light of many a star  粲然如繁星  born from thrones in dark heaven  黑暗苍穹的帝王  and swept in the sun"s demise  遍洒暮日的废墟  bleak silver streams  阴冷碎银泉  the radiance of eternity  不朽的光芒  paint the meadows in dismal shades  在阴沉的暗影下浸润着草甸  as sleeping death seep thru the clouds  当沉睡的死亡自云间降临  i stand motionless  我颓然而立  and marvel with empty eyes  空空四下遥望  like a portrait of bliss forsaken  有如荒废乐园的画像  wearing the colors of loss  遍着破败之色  i stand motionless  我木然而立  like a grieving graveyard statue  仿佛一尊哭泣的墓石  and i drape my face with my bare hands  我将脸埋入一双掌中  as sleeping death seep thru the clouds  当沉睡的死亡自云间降临  i felt a dying embrace  我曾受过那垂死的拥抱  a soft breeze of weary winds  一阵轻柔的微风  singing silent lamentations  唱着那寂静的哀歌  a prologue to a tragedy untold  一首失落悲剧的序曲  clad in the cold breath of october  卷来十月冰冷的气息  the stars fall from their thrones  繁星自王座陨落  and my last gleam of hope fade away  我最后的希望之光随之寂灭  in this crestfallen orchard where  在这荒芜的果园里  the final chapter lies written  终章已然著成  dressed in a robe of shattered dreams  身着一袭残梦的华袍  as the flower withers  花朵却已凋零  in this crestfallen orchard  在这荒芜的果园里  where fallen leaves lies dying  落叶静待着腐朽  i kneel down in solitude  我孑然长跪  as sleeping death seep thru the clouds  当沉睡的死亡自云间降临  i stare into the forever night  我望向这永夜  and i travel beyond the fallen stars  我跨越陨落的星辰而穿行  i sink into oblivions twilight dream  我坠入晨昏的鸿蒙之梦  where my sleeping beauty  在那,我沉睡的美人  lies sleeping with the dead  与死亡相拥而眠
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看你比较急,我帮你翻了下,请多指教For it is not the large houses that live in the memory of the visitor. He goes through them as a matter of duty, and forgets about them as a matter of course. 留在这个参观者脑海中的并非是那些大房子。只是出于责任感,他仔细地看了一圈。可看完也就把它们遗忘了。The pictures that linger in his mind, called up in a moment by such sensations as the smell of roses or of new-mown hay, are of a single nature.萦绕在他脑海的那些场景从本质来说都是一样的。新割的干草或者玫瑰的芳香所散发的味道,诸如这样的感觉都会在瞬间唤醒萦绕在脑海中的这些场景。 A little cottage nestling amidst the wayside trees, the blue smoke curling up against the green, and a bower of roses round the door; or perhaps a village street of which the name has been long forgotten, with its rambling old inn, and, a little distance away, the hoary, grey church-tower in its township of tombstones--these are the pictures of old England that are carried away to other climes.一间坐落于马路旁树木之间的村舍,袅袅而上的青烟,门外长有玫瑰的凉亭,抑或是名字早已遗落的村中小路,旁边是一家杂乱无章的古旧旅店,更远处,则是位于乡上墓区的古老灰暗的教堂。这些就是已经被带到其他地区的旧英格兰的典型场景。 And it is the cottage, more homely than the inn, more sacred than the church, that we remember best最让我们留恋的正是村舍,它比旅馆更有回家的感觉,比教堂更为神圣
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lorena mc kennitt - The Mummers"Dance 歌词,中英对照

  The Mummers" Dance 艺者之舞  when in the springtime of the year  when the trees are crowned with leaves  when the ash and oak and the birch and yew  are dressed in ribbons fair  when owls call the breathless moon  in the blue veil of the night  the shadows of the trees appear  amidst the lantern light  we"ve been rambling all the night  and some time of this day  now returning back again  we bring a garland gay  who will go down to those shady groves  and summon the shadows there  and tie a ribbon on those sheltering arms  in the springtime of the year  the songs of birds seem to fill the wood  that when the fiddler plays  all their voices can be heard  long past their woodland days  and so they linked their hands and danced  round in circles and in rows  and so the journey of the night descends  when all the shades are gone  "a garland gay we bring you here  and at your door we stand  it is a sprout well budded out  the work of our lord"s hand"  中文歌词大意  The Mummers" Dance 描写的是春季Stratford 的一个夜晚,婆娑的树叶衬托蓝色的天空,随着风而摇摆的树枝条,好像是一群人在默默的不停的舞蹈。The Mummers" Dance 的歌词灵感来自于Loreena 自己1985年的一段读书笔记。歌曲中大量运用了风笛、手鼓、小提琴、竖琴等乐器,为歌曲增色不少,可是该首歌曲又不太像传统的Celtic 风格,或许这也正是她的魅力所在吧。The Mummers" Dance 是Loreena 最出名的一首歌曲,在Billboard 上有过相当不错的成绩,这对一个民乐歌手来说是不太容易的。此歌是为了纪念她的一位在航行中失去的亲密亲人,目的是为了保留一份不愿遗忘的思念和记忆。  穿着红舞鞋,这舞蹈永不能停下,在所有的白日与黑夜,从每一个春天与秋天,自过去到今天到明日。黄色的酢浆草花在荒野上沸腾,风笛穿行,鼓声从未停息,这节奏没有止境。在游吟诗人缓长的吟唱中,长发飞扬,舞步滑移,前一步 ,后一步,命运从脚下延伸。啊,谁能解释这神圣与荒唐的距离,赞美与呻吟里,火光扑朔迷离,目光起伏于尘埃之间,随着天地之声飞 旋,掠过了地狱的火焰,触摸到天堂的羽翼。月神同日神交替乾坤,新发的绿叶还未从眼中凋落,白雪便覆盖了眉目,生同死,足尖踩乱了所有谜面与答案。从平原到高山,从沼泽到荒漠,穿越黑暗,穿越光明,仿佛逃离,仿佛沉溺,金丝缎带装饰着岁月,青春在裙袂上流淌,原来,还是 从终点踏回原点。瞬间与永恒,摇摆里,拾取时光之河的波浪,缀上花冠,上一支舞与这一舞间,能否听到花朵开落的声音?永不能停止,这是唯一的武器,灵魂只为舞蹈存在。这是艺者之舞,这是你,这是我,这是命运之舞。或者兴致盎然,或者意兴阑珊 。广漠的天地,混沌初开的模样,夜的呼吸,起伏在山峦间。高加索的土地,每一寸都浸满光荣与忧伤。 薄雾依旧沉默地俯瞰高原,在这沉默里,风、雨,河川、海洋、大地、星辰、月亮、太阳,沉默地见证了谁的悲愤与苦难?传说中, 这是普罗米修斯受难之地。 夜行高加索,我们随着行进跌荡起伏,暗蓝的苍穹怜悯地注视着我们,注视着旅途吸去我们曾扬逸着的活色生香,那些在风中奔跑嘻 闹的童年,缀满桅子花香的空气,扰动春日暧阳的慵懒琴音和那热切而苦恼的眼神,最后成为一些抽象的词语,延缓成两端,一头连在逐 渐模糊了往事的过去,一头向苍茫漾溢的未来行去。月光,象一首悲伤的小提琴曲,演奏在高加索的土地上。夜骑高加索,我们裹紧寂寞的羊毛行装,手中绳缰是要拉紧还是放开,是否要询问,日出的方向?谁能点起一盏灯火,谨慎又热烈的 温暧不知向何处降临的目光,而夜,张着黑色羽翼,自身后包围。 夜骑高加索,我们听到逃离时马蹄踏碎的的快感与忧伤,盗火的人犹在回望,谁放弃了永生?而在铁环上,高加索之石在晃动,是什么样的诅咒?谁又做了谁永远的囚徒?  是这个吧?
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  阅读经典美文是拓宽思维、增长见识、丰富情感、涵养素质的最有效手段。我整理了高中英语美文,欢迎阅读!   高中英语美文篇一   肯尼迪总统就职演说摘录   Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price,bear any burden,   告知诸国,不论是希望我们好或不好的国家,我们都会不惜任何代价,   meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty.   承担任何重任,不辞艰辛地支持友邦,对抗敌国,以确保自由的存续与成功。   To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends.   对于那些在文化上或精神上与我们同源的旧盟邦,我们保证会以挚友的忠贞来对待他们。   United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures.   我们若团结合作,则从事种种的合作计划几乎是无所不能。   Divided, there is little we can do, for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.   但若分裂,我们将一筹莫展,因为如果我们自己由于意见分歧而分裂,便不敢面对强敌。   To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free,   至于那些新兴国家,我们则欢迎他们加入自由国家的行列。   we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny.   我们誓言殖民统治结束后不会有更残酷的暴政来取代。   We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view.   我们并不期望这些新兴的国家会永远支持我们的观点。   But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom-and to remember that,   但是我们永远希望他们能固守属于自己的自由—而且也希望我们自己能永远记得,   in the past, those who foolishly sought to find power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.   在过去,愚昧地试图骑着虎背仗势求权的人结果反入虎腹。   To those peoples in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery,   对于那些居住在茅屋与村落里正奋力挣脱集体悲惨命运的另一半地球民族,   we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required.   只要他们需要,不管到何年何月,我们保证将尽全力帮助他们自救。   高中英语美文篇二   Increasing Confidence   Robert Stuberg   The world is changing rapidly and most people are very anxious about it. In fact, I think it might even be stronger and more accurate to say that most people are downright fearful of what they see going on around them.   Technological change and innovation are completely altering many aspects of our lives and it doesn"t stop there. Economic changes, social changes, scientific changes, political changes… the list is endless. However, the big question we all face is how are we going to respond to these changes?   While the specific answers about what to do take time and thought to uncover, the best way to approach the future and all of the changes it will bring can be summed up in one word: Confidence.   Personal confidence is one of the greatest assets we all possess. Certainly some people seem to have much more of it than others but I believe that confidence is a skill that we can all develop. In some ways, it is undoubtedly the most important skill we can develop.   With confidence, all things are within the realm of possibility. Without confidence, even the smallest challenges seem insurmountable.   What I find fascinating is that people with confidence always seem to end up on top. They seem to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. It"s as if problems and challenges run from the person who has confidence.   I think what"s so difficult for most people is the belief that confidence has to be based on having a specific solution at hand but that"s just not true.   What we all respect and admire is the person who can stand up against overwhelming difficulties and persevere without an answer.   Here"s the secret that most people never get. Life"s challenges are no match for the person with unstoppable confidence. While the problems or challenges might seem too big to be overcome, the person with confidence always finds a way to win regardless of the circumstances.   Ultimately, life"s challenges run and hide from the person that maintains confidence.   This is hard lesson to learn. The problems of life seem so big and scary and we often think of ourselves as so small and fragile. But that"s not the way it is. That"s the illusion that most people by into, but it"s not the truth.   The truth is that we are bigger than anything that can ever happen to us in life. We have the power and ability to overcome any obstacle in our path. And the most important tool we possess is personal confidence, believing in your ability to overcome the current challenge just like we have done so many times in the past.   Whatever challenge is currently in your life, know that it"s there to help you grow and expand. Use the problems you encounter to help you build your personal confidence. Remember, you wouldn"t have the problem if you didn"t have the power to overcome it. Expanding your personal confidence will allow you to take on whatever you need to in order to fulfill your personal mission.   高中英语美文篇三   A Reporter Quotes His Sources   It"s rather difficult in these noisy, confusing, nerve-racking days to achieve the peace of mind in which to pause for a moment to reflect on what you believe in. There"s so little time and opportunity to give it much thought—though it is the thing we live by; and without it, without beliefs, human existence today would hardly be bearable.   My own view of life, like everyone else"s, is conditioned by personal experience. In my own case, there were two experiences, in particular, which helped to shape my beliefs: years of life and work under a totalitarian regime, and a glimpse of war.   Living in a totalitarian land taught me to value highly—and fiercely—the very things the dictators denied: tolerance, respect for others and, above all, the freedom of the human spirit.   A glimpse of war filled me with wonder not only at man"s courage and capacity for self-sacrifice, but at his stubborn, marvelous will to preserve, to endure, to prevail—amidst the most incredible savagery and suffering. When you saw people—civilians—who where bombed out, or who, worse, had been hounded in the concentration camps or worked to a frazzle in the slave-labor gangs—when you saw them come out of these ordeals of horror and torture, still intact as human beings, with a will to go on, with a faith still in themselves, in their fellow man, and in God, you realized that man was indestructible. You appreciated, too, that despite the corruption and cruelty of life, man somehow managed to retain great virtues: love, honor, courage, self-sacrifice, compassion.   It filled you with a certain pride just to be a member of the human race. It renewed your belief in your fellow men.   Of course, there are many days (in this Age of Anxiety) when a human being feels awfully low and discouraged. I myself find consolation at such moments by two means: trying to develop a sense of history, and renewing the quest for inner life.   I go back, for example, to reading Plutarch. He reminds you that even in the golden days of Greece and Rome, from which so much that is splendid in our own civilization derives, there was a great deal of what we find so loathsome in life today: war, strife, corruption, treason, double-crossing, intolerance, tyranny, rabble-rousing. Reading history thus gives you perspective. It enables you to see your troubles relatively. You don"t take them so seriously then.   Finally, I find that most true happiness comes from one"s inner life; from the disposition of the mind and soul. Admittedly, a good inner life is difficult to achieve, especially in these trying times. It takes reflection and contemplation. And self-discipline. One must be honest with oneself, and that"s not easy. (You have to have patience and understanding. And, when you can, seek God.)   But the reward of having an inner life, which no outside storm or evil turn of fortune can touch, is, it seems to me, a very great one.
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midst 英[mɪdst] 美[mɪdst, mɪtst] n. 中部,中间,当中; prep. 在…中间(等于amidst); adv. 在中间,在中央; [例句]Congress is in the midst of rewriting the nation"s banking laws国会正在修订国家银行法规。
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You can find peace amidst the storms that threaten you.在遍布危机的风暴之中,你也能找到安全的所在。百度嫌我字数不够
2023-01-13 12:42:432


1. Where is the watch I put in my pocket to take to the shop because it had stopped?(因为停止走动而放在我的口袋里要拿到店去修的那块表在哪?)2. Good cookies could be cooked by a good cook if a good cook could cook good cookies.3. Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night.4. Peter picked a peck of(大量的)pickled(腌菜) pepper(辣椒)prepared by his parents and put them in a big paper plate. 彼得把他父母腌制的辣椒取出许多,并把他们放在一个大纸盘上。5. Bill"s big brother is building a beautiful building between two big brick(砖)blocks(大楼).6. Jenny and Jimmy went to Jamaica and Germany in January.7. There are thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three feathers on that thrush"s throat.8. Father and mother went through thick and thin together, they now live a healthy and wealthy life.9. She sells seashells on the shining seashore,and shells she sells on the seashore are seashells I am sure. (她在阳光灿烂的沙滩上卖贝壳,我敢肯定她卖的贝壳是海贝.)10. They treasure(珍重,珍视) their leisure with measureless pleasure.11. Betty bought a bit of better butter, but said she, this butter is bitter, it"ll make my batter bitter.贝蒂买了点好黄油。但是她说,这种黄油有点苦。它把我的面糊弄苦了。1. A big black bear sat on a big black bug. 2. A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood. 3. A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose! 4. A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule. 5. A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more! 6. Ann and Andy"s anniversary is in April. 7. Bake big batches of bitter brown bread. 8. Big black bugs bleed blue black blood but baby black bugs bleed blue blood. 9. Black background, brown background. 10. Blake"s black bike"s back brake bracket block broke. 11. Blue glue gun, green glue gun. 12. Caution: Wide Right Turns 13. Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs. 14. Elizabeth has eleven elves in her elm tree. 15. Elizabeth"s birthday is on the third Thursday of this month. 16. Fresh fried fish, Fish fresh fried, Fried fish fresh, Fish fried fresh. 17. Freshly fried fresh flesh 18. Green glass globes glow greenly. 19. He threw three balls. 20. He threw three free throws. 21. Here"s an easy game to play. Here"s an easy thing to say:22. How many cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies. 23. How may saws could a see-saw saw if a see-saw could saw saws? 24. How much oil boil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil? 25. I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn"t the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn"t have thought so much. 26. I wish I were what I was when I wished I were what I am. 27. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won"t wish the wish you wish to wish. 28. I wish you were a fish in my dish 29. If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch? 30. If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. 31. It"s not the cough that carries you off, it"s the coffin they carry you off in! 32. Little red lorry33. Miss Smith"s fish-sauce shop seldom sells shellfish. 34. Never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you! 35. Nothing is worth thousands of deaths. 36. Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut Butter. Peter Pan Peanut is the peanut picky people pick. 37. Ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right. 38. She said she should sit. 39. She sells sea shells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure. 40. Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop. 41. Silly sheep weep and sleep. 42. Six shining cities, six shining cities, six shining cities. 43. Six sick sea-serpents swam the seven seas. 44. Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards 45. Stupid superstition!46. The batter with the butter is the batter that is better! 47. The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes. 48. The soldier"s shoulder surely hurts! 49. There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through. 50. There"s a sandwich on the sand which was sent by a sane witch. 51. Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town. 52. Very well, very well, very well ... 53. What noise annoys an oyster most? A noisy noise annoys an oyster most. 54. Willie"s really weary. Just think, that sphinx has a sphincter that stinks! K. Knapsack straps. Knife and a fork, bottle and a cork, that is the way you spell New York. L. Lily ladles little Letty"s lentil soup. Listen to the local yokel yodel. Lovely lemon liniment. M. Meet Sir Cecil Thistlethwaite, the celebrated theological statistician. Mix, Miss Mix! Moose noshing much mush. Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but moses supposes erroneously. For moses, he knowses his toeses aren"t roses as moses supposes his toeses to be! Mrs. Smith"s Fish Sauce Shop. My dame hath a lame tame crane. My dame hath a crane that is lame. Mr. Cook said to a cook: "Look at this cook-book. It"s very good." So the cook took the advice of Mr. Cook and bought the book. N. Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely. O. Of all the felt I ever felt, I never felt a piece of felt which felt as fine as that felt felt, when first I felt that felt hat"s felt. Old oily Ollie oils old oily autos. Once upon a barren moor there dwelt a bear, also a boar. The bear could not bear the boar. The boar thought the bear a bore. At last the bear could bear no more of that boar that bored him on the moor, and so one morn he bored the boar - that boar will bore the bear no more. One smart fellow, he felt smart. Two smart fellows, they felt smart. Three smart fellows, they all felt smart. One-One was a racehorse. Two-Two was one, too. When One-One won one race, Two-Two won one, too. 1. Where is the watch I put in my pocket to take to the shop because it had stopped?(因为停止走动而放在我的口袋里要拿到店去修的那块表在哪?)3. Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night.8. Father and mother went through thick and thin together, they now live a healthy and wealthy life.16. Fresh fried fish, Fish fresh fried, Fried fish fresh, Fish fried fresh.24. How much oil boil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil? 27. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won"t wish the wish you wish to wish. 34. Never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you! . 50. There"s a sandwich on the sand which was sent by a sane witch. Just think, that sphinx has a sphincter that stinks! Knife and a fork, bottle and a cork, that is the way you spell New York. Mr. Cook said to a cook: "Look at this cook-book. It"s very good." So the cook took the advice of Mr. Cook and bought the book. Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely. Of all the felt I ever felt, I never felt a piece of felt which felt as fine as that felt felt, when first I felt that felt hat"s felt. 这是我在一次比赛中用过的,看你自己读哪个比较顺,你就选一些咯。
2023-01-13 12:42:476


2023-01-13 12:42:532

唐诗英译一组|| 杜牧《山行》 Mountain Trip

远上寒山石径斜 白云生处有人家 停车坐爱枫林晚 霜叶红于二月花 Winding up the chilly hills is a path with stony steps. Discernible in the misty heights are scattered homesteads. Pausing the carriage, I delight in the maple woods at sunset. Brighter than blossoms in spring are frosty leaves overhead. To the far mountain winds a gravel road Along it a house sits deep in white clouds I stop to savor the maple leaves glow In the sunset, crimson as spring flowers The rocky path takes me up to the mountain cold and remote, Amidst the clouds white and light a village seems afloat I stop my ride for the views of the hills at early evening hours Maple leaves are burning-red and brighter than spring flowers. Up the chilly mountain,long is a stone-paved road. A house is barely seen, deep in the white clouds. I stop my carriage, enjoying the maple woods at dusk. Red leaves after frost are brighter than spring blossoms. Stony path winds its way up to the top of the bleak mountain Yet deep in the clouds it seems to be some people"s habitation This beautiful fall night in the maple wood enticed me to stop my carriage These frosty leaves are prettier than spring flowers" coloration. Far up the chilly hills a stony path winds its way; Deep into the white clouds a lone house, tucked away. To admire frosty leaves redder than the spring blossom, I pause my carriage amids maple woods in the evening sun. Deep into the mountains a stone path winds its way. Far up in the clouds a lone house,tucked away. I paused my wagon by the maple woods at sunset, To see frosty leaves redder than spring flowers on display.
2023-01-13 12:42:561

A crane standing amidst a flock of chickens.是什么意思?

2023-01-13 12:43:002


原诗: 春 晓         孟浩然春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。许渊冲译文:This morn of spring in bed I"m lying,Not wake up till I hear birds crying.After on night of wind and showers,How many are the fallen flowers!约翰·特纳译文:How suddenly the morning comes in Spring!On every side you can hear the sweet birds sing.Last night amidst the storm — Ah, who can tell,With wind and rain, how many blossoms fell?翁显良译文:Late! This morning as I awake I know.All around me the birds are crying, crying.The storm last night, I sensed its fury.How many, I wonder, are fallen, poor dear flowers.
2023-01-13 12:43:062

请英语达人帮忙翻译一下Joseph Addison的一段话,谢谢!

2023-01-13 12:43:153


she sells seashells on the seashore.她在海边卖贝壳
2023-01-13 12:43:194

英文“ 国际局势风云变幻 ”怎么说

国际局势风云变幻Amidst the winds of change in the international situation
2023-01-13 12:43:281


A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.
2023-01-13 12:43:316

哪位高手能翻译成英语: 杜牧 清明时节雨纷纷......?

The rain flies heavily as Qingming draws, move sadly along the way the passengers;I wanna know where the tavern is, He points at a distant hamlet nestling amidst apricot blossoms.
2023-01-13 12:43:371


2023-01-13 12:43:413


Introduction of Lord Francis Bacon Lord Francis Bacon,(1561-1626) the father of experimental philosophy, whose father had been Lord Keeper, and himself was a great many years Lord Chancellor under King James I. Nevertheless, amidst the intrigues of a Court, and the affairs of his exalted employment (Because of bribery and extortion he was sentenced by the House of Lords to pay a fine of about four hundred thousand French livres, to lose his peerage and his dignity of Chancellor.), which alone were enough to engross his whole time, he yet found so much leisure for study as to make himself a great philosopher, a good historian, and an elegant writer; and a still more surprising circumstance is that he lived in an age in which the art of writing justly and elegantly was little known, much less true philosophy. Lord Bacon, as is the fate of man, was more esteemed after his death than inlifetime. His enemies were in the British Court, and his admirers were foreigners. [中文〕 培根被认为是现代科学时代的始祖。他是第一个意识到科学技木能够改造世界面貌的哲学家,热情支持实验科学研究。 l561年,培棍生于伦敦。他是英国伊丽莎白女王时代一 高级职员的长子。12岁入剑桥大学三一学院,但不久离开 那里,没有获得大学毕业证书。16岁开始工作,随英国驻注大使去巴黎在使馆工作过一段时间。18岁时父亲去世,没留下什么钱,培根被迫去上学学习法律。21岁开始从事律师业。23岁时被选为英国下议院议员。伊丽莎白女王向议会 提出增加税收计划,培根表示反对通过这个提案,女王因而讨厌培根,培根成了伊西克斯的朋友和参谋。伊西克斯是个贪婪的贵族分子,同情培根,他决定发动反对伊丽莎白女王的政变。培根劝告他应该忠于女王,但伊西克斯不听,政变以失败而告终。因为培根在伊西克斯受审及被判死刑一案中起了某种作用,致使各阶层人民对培根有些不满情绪。 1603年,伊丽莎白女王去世,培根当上继任国王詹姆斯一世的顾问,虽然詹姆斯—世没有受培根劝言的约束,但却很喜欢他。因此在詹姆斯一世执政期间,培根平步青云,节节高升,1617年担任掌玺大臣,1618年就任大法官,1620 年受封为子爵。 不期灾难降临了。培根被指控受贿,其实受贿在当时已是司空见惯,绝非新鲜,但培根在议会里的劲敌抓住这个机会,将他赶出了官场。培根对受贿供认不讳,被判在伦敦塔坐牢,交付大批罚金,终生禁止做官。但国王释放了他,免除了他的罚金,培根只不过丧失了政治生命。培根这样评论议会决定:“我是英国50年来最公正的法官,而议会对我的判决是200年来议会所作出的最公正的判决。” 培根的若干著作为他赢得了声誉。他的第一部著作《论说文集》发表于1597年。这部著作用辛辣评论风格写成,但却闪闪发光,引入入胜,在世界流传极广。即本精品文摘。 培根的最伟大的哲学著作之一名叫《伟大的复兴》。该著作包括6个部分,已完成的部分有:序言、《新工具》(对一种 新的逻辑方法的描述)、《自然史和实验史概论》组体现了作者某些观点及不同风格的科学和哲学沉思录. 培根从1605年起开始写作,但没有完成的《科学推进论》 被认为是自亚里士多德时代以来最伟大的著作。
2023-01-13 12:43:472


《PolitikaPowerPlays01》(TomClancyJeromePreisler)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:提取码:UZNV    书名:PolitikaPowerPlays01作者: Tom Clancy / Jerome Preisler出版社: Berkley副标题: Power Plays 01出版年: 1997-12-01页数: 384内容简介:First time in print! It is 1999. The sudden death of Russia"s president has thrown the Russian Federation into chaos. Devastating crop failures have left millions in the grip of famine and an uprising seems inevitable. Russia requests American help. But as the world watches, a terrorist attack stuns the U.S.--and evidence points to the Russian parliament. Amidst the turmoil in Russia, American businessman Roger Cordian finds his multinational corporation and its employees in jeopardy.作者简介:汤姆·李欧·克兰西(英语:Thomas Leo Clancy Jr.,1947年4月12日-2013年10月1日)是美国一位畅销小说作家,擅长写作以冷战时期为背景的政治、军事科技以及间谍故事等等,其名字已经成为了军事小说的代表。 克兰西的作品虽然常被批评一成不变,其作品在市场上却大为被推荐且热卖,书迷们喜爱他作品中纠结的阴谋、对于军事科技认知之准确以及谍报活动的生动描写。 克兰西是于1990年代中期热卖了20万本作品的两位作家的其中之一(约翰·葛里逊为另外一位)。他在《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜创下单一作品蝉联榜首数周、上榜数十周之久的佳绩。克兰西于1989年出版的《迫切的危机》卖出了1,625,544本精装本,使他成为1980年代畅销小说作家的第一名。[4]多部克兰西的作品被改编成同名电影或者电子游戏。 汤姆·克兰西于美国当地时间2013年10月1日马里兰州住家附近的医院辞世,享寿66岁。
2023-01-13 12:43:501


Makes happy in the difficult position(口语)Tries to find pleasure amidst suffering(谚语)
2023-01-13 12:44:003


你好、你翻译的句子意思是 :奥巴马的就职演说 同胞们:我今天站在这里品尝到了我们面前的任务,感谢您的信任恩赐,考虑到所承担的牺牲我们的祖先。 我感谢布什总统对他的服务,我们的国家... (掌声) ...以及慷慨和合作,显示了他在整个过渡。 44名美国人已经采取了总统宣誓。 一语中已经谈到上涨潮汐的繁荣与和平仍然水域。然而,每一个这样的誓言往往是由于采取愁云惨雾和肆虐的风暴。在这些时刻,美国进行了不只是因为技术或设想中的高级职位,而是因为我们的人民仍然忠实于我们的理想forbearers ,并忠实于我们的基本文件。 因此,它一直。因此,必须与这一代的美国人。 我们正处于危机现在是很好的理解。我们的国家正处于战争的一项影响深远的网络暴力和仇恨。我们的经济是严重削弱,因此贪婪和不负责任的一部分,而且我们的一些集体失败作出艰难的选择,并编写全国的一个新时代。 已经失去家园,就业下跌,企业关门。我们的卫生保健费用太高,我们的学校不太多,每天都将进一步证明,我们使用能源的方式加强我们的对手和威胁着我们的星球。 这些指标的危机,但数据和统计资料。不到衡量,但不深刻,是一个削弱信心通过我们的土地,一个恼人的担心,美国的衰落是不可避免的,下一代必须降低其景点。 今天我要告诉你,我们面临的挑战是真实的,他们是认真的,他们是很多的。他们不会轻易满足或在很短的时间内。但知道这合众国:他们将得到满足。 英语 > 中文(简体) 互换翻译
2023-01-13 12:44:084


《HornetFlight》(KenFollett )电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:提取码:GNDR    书名 :HornetFlight作者: KenFollett 出版社:Pan出版年: 2009-9-4页数: 582内容简介 :From the master storyteller, this is a startling new thriller set amidst the Danish Resistance. It is June 1941 and Denmark is under German occupation. On the rocky coast of Denmark, two brothers, Harald and Arne Olufsen are straining against the rigid confines imposed by their elderly parents. Meanwhile, a network of MI6 spies is attempting to decipher an encrypted Luftwaffe radio signal which mentions the new Freya-Ger"t - a rudimentary form of German radar equipment. Arne"s relationship with Hermia Mount, an MI6 analyst draws him into underground politics, putting him under surveillance by the Danish security forces - and by one man in particular who has a personal motive to see Arne fall. It is only a matter of time before the brothers" paths converge in a united effortto overcome the Nazis. A disused Hornet Moth biplane is their only means of getting a vital message to the British.作者简介 :全球作家富豪榜前5,每部作品都令全世界读者牵肠挂肚的悬疑小说大师。作品被译成30多种语言畅销全球,累计总销量突破1亿!2013年度爱伦·坡终生大师奖得主肯·福莱特 Ken Follett----------------------------《纽约时报》最畅销作者肯·福莱特作品,荣耀整个欧美文坛的二战悬疑经典!绝妙的创意,惊险的故事情节,富有张力的氛围刻画。——《圣保罗先锋报》福莱特在这个充满戏剧性冲突的二战史诗中切中时弊,故事情节紧张动人。——《出版商周刊》紧张又令人兴奋的二战间谍小说奠定了肯·福莱特在历史悬疑小说界的地位。——《星期日信使报》
2023-01-13 12:44:111

public static void main 是什么意思

public static void main函数用来开启服务器
2023-01-13 12:44:213

ethereal sound什么意思

ethereal sound空灵的声音双语对照例句:1.Finally, amidst the ethereal sound of holy hymns, and filled withbliss, we bade farewell and looked forward to seeing eachother again at the next retreat. 两天的打禅,我们深刻感受到师父无所不在的浩瀚圣爱。最后在圣赞声中,大家法喜充满地互道下次打禅再见.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-01-13 12:44:241


2023-01-13 12:44:273


  land on着陆  常用短语land agentn.房地产商,地产经纪人land up到达,落在,终至,沦为no man"s landn.无人区域,真空地带cultivated land耕地,耕作地dry land陆地,旱地,旱田grazing land牧场land mile英里land reform土地改革land resources土地资源land tenure土地使用权,土地占有制度common landn. 公共用地;公地land line
2023-01-13 12:44:302

821 - Ben Saunders | To the South Pole and back — the hardest 105 days of my life

00:00 So in the oasis of intelligentsia that is TED, I stand here before you this evening as an expert in dragging heavy stuff around cold places. I"ve been leading polar expeditions for most of my adult life, and last month, my teammate Tarka L"Herpiniere and I finished the most ambitious expedition I"ve ever attempted. In fact, it feels like I"ve been transported straight here from four months in the middle of nowhere, mostly grunting and swearing , straight to the TED stage. So you can imagine that"s a transition that hasn"t been entirely seamless . One of the interesting side effects seems to be that my short-term memory is entirely shot. So I"ve had to write some notes to avoid too much grunting and swearing in the next 17 minutes. This is the first talk I"ve given about this expedition, and while we weren"t sequencing genomes or building space telescopes, this is a story about giving everything we had to achieve something that hadn"t been done before. So I hope in that you might find some food for thought. 01:12 It was a journey, an expedition in Antarctica, the coldest, windiest, driest and highest altitude continent on Earth. It"s a fascinating place. It"s a huge place. It"s twice the size of Australia, a continent that is the same size as China and India put together. 01:30 As an aside , I have experienced an interesting phenomenon in the last few days, something that I expect Chris Hadfield may get at TED in a few years" time, conversations that go something like this: "Oh, Antarctica. Awesome. My husband and I did Antarctica with Lindblad for our anniversary." Or, "Oh cool, did you go there for the marathon?" (Laughter) 01:54 Our journey was, in fact, 69 marathons back to back in 105 days, an 1,800-mile round trip on foot from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back again. In the process, we broke the record for the longest human-powered polar journey in history by more than 400 miles. (Applause) For those of you from the Bay Area, it was the same as walking from here to San Francisco, then turning around and walking back again. So as camping trips go, it was a long one, and one I"ve seen summarized most succinctly here on the hallowed pages of Business Insider Malaysia. ["Two Explorers Just Completed A Polar Expedition That Killed Everyone The Last Time It Was Attempted"] 02:46 Chris Hadfield talked so eloquently about fear and about the odds of success, and indeed the odds of survival. Of the nine people in history that had attempted this journey before us, none had made it to the pole and back, and five had died in the process. 03:04 This is Captain Robert Falcon Scott. He led the last team to attempt this expedition. Scott and his rival Sir Ernest Shackleton, over the space of a decade, both led expeditions battling to become the first to reach the South Pole, to chart and map the interior of Antarctica, a place we knew less about, at the time, than the surface of the moon, because we could see the moon through telescopes. Antarctica was, for the most part, a century ago, uncharted. 03:32 Some of you may know the story. Scott"s last expedition, the Terra Nova Expedition in 1910, started as a giant siege-style approach. He had a big team using ponies, using dogs, using petrol-driven tractors , dropping multiple, pre-positioned depots of food and fuel through which Scott"s final team of five would travel to the Pole, where they would turn around and ski back to the coast again on foot. Scott and his final team of five arrived at the South Pole in January 1912 to find they had been beaten to it by a Norwegian team led by Roald Amundsen, who rode on dogsled. Scott"s team ended up on foot. And for more than a century this journey has remained unfinished. Scott"s team of five died on the return journey. And for the last decade, I"ve been asking myself why that is. How come this has remained the high-water mark ? Scott"s team covered 1,600 miles on foot. No one"s come close to that ever since. So this is the high-water mark of human endurance, human endeavor, human athletic achievement in arguably the harshest climate on Earth. It was as if the marathon record has remained unbroken since 1912. And of course some strange and predictable combination of curiosity, stubbornness, and probably hubris led me to thinking I might be the man to try to finish the job. 04:55 Unlike Scott"s expedition, there were just two of us, and we set off from the coast of Antarctica in October last year, dragging everything ourselves, a process Scott called "man-hauling." When I say it was like walking from here to San Francisco and back, I actually mean it was like dragging something that weighs a shade more than the heaviest ever NFL player . Our sledges weighed 200 kilos, or 440 pounds each at the start , the same weights that the weakest of Scott"s ponies pulled. Early on , we averaged 0.5 miles per hour. Perhaps the reason no one had attempted this journey until now, in more than a century, was that no one had been quite stupid enough to try. And while I can"t claim we were exploring in the genuine Edwardian sense of the word — we weren"t naming any mountains or mapping any uncharted valleys — I think we were stepping into uncharted territory in a human sense . Certainly, if in the future we learn there is an area of the human brain that lights up when one curses oneself, I won"t be at all surprised. 06:01 You"ve heard that the average American spends 90 percent of their time indoors. We didn"t go indoors for nearly four months. We didn"t see a sunset either. It was 24-hour daylight. Living conditions were quite spartan . I changed my underwear three times in 105 days and Tarka and I shared 30 square feet on the canvas . Though we did have some technology that Scott could never have imagined. And we blogged live every evening from the tent via a laptop and a custom-made satellite transmitter, all of which were solar-powered: we had a flexible photovoltaic panel over the tent. And the writing was important to me. As a kid, I was inspired by the literature of adventure and exploration, and I think we"ve all seen here this week the importance and the power of storytelling. 06:55 So we had some 21st-century gear, but the reality is that the challenges that Scott faced were the same that we faced: those of the weather and of what Scott called glide, the amount of friction between the sledges and the snow. The lowest wind chill we experienced was in the -70s, and we had zero visibility, what"s called white-out , for much of our journey. We traveled up and down one of the largest and most dangerous glaciers in the world, the Beardmore glacier. It"s 110 miles long; most of its surface is what"s called blue ice. You can see it"s a beautiful, shimmering steel-hard blue surface covered with thousands and thousands of crevasses , these deep cracks in the glacial ice up to 200 feet deep. Planes can"t land here, so we were at the most risk, technically, when we had the slimmest chance of being rescued. 07:48 We got to the South Pole after 61 days on foot, with one day off for bad weather, and I"m sad to say, it was something of an anticlimax . There"s a permanent American base, the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station( 阿姆森-斯科特极点考察站 ) at the South Pole. They have an airstrip , they have a canteen , they have hot showers, they have a post office, a tourist shop, a basketball court that doubles as a movie theater. So it"s a bit different these days, and there are also acres of junk. I think it"s a marvelous thing that humans can exist 365 days of the year with hamburgers and hot showers and movie theaters, but it does seem to produce a lot of empty cardboard boxes. You can see on the left of this photograph, several square acres of junk waiting to be flown out from the South Pole. But there is also a pole at the South Pole, and we got there on foot, unassisted, unsupported, by the hardest route, 900 miles in record time, dragging more weight than anyone in history. And if we"d stopped there and flown home, which would have been the eminently sensible thing to do, then my talk would end here and it would end something like this. 08:58 If you have the right team around you, the right tools, the right technology, and if you have enough self-belief and enough determination, then anything is possible. 09:12 But then we turned around, and this is where things get interesting. High on the Antarctic plateau , over 10,000 feet, it"s very windy, very cold, very dry, we were exhausted. We"d covered 35 marathons, we were only halfway, and we had a safety net, of course, of ski planes and satellite phones and live, 24-hour tracking beacons that didn"t exist for Scott, but in hindsight, rather than making our lives easier, the safety net actually allowed us to cut things very fine indeed, to sail very close to our absolute limits as human beings. And it is an exquisite form of torture to exhaust yourself to the point of starvation day after day while dragging a sledge full of food. 10:00 For years, I"d been writing glib lines in sponsorship proposals about pushing the limits of human endurance, but in reality, that was a very frightening place to be indeed. We had, before we"d got to the Pole, two weeks of almost permanent headwind, which slowed us down. As a result, we"d had several days of eating half rations. We had a finite amount of food in the sledges to make this journey, so we were trying to string that out by reducing our intake to half the calories we should have been eating. As a result, we both became increasingly hypoglycemic — we had low blood sugar levels day after day — and increasingly susceptible to the extreme cold. Tarka took this photo of me one evening after I"d nearly passed out with hypothermia . We both had repeated bouts of hypothermia, something I hadn"t experienced before, and it was very humbling indeed. As much as you might like to think, as I do, that you"re the kind of person who doesn"t quit, that you"ll go down swinging , hypothermia doesn"t leave you much choice. You become utterly incapacitated . It"s like being a drunk toddler. You become pathetic . I remember just wanting to lie down and quit. It was a peculiar , peculiar feeling, and a real surprise to me to be debilitated to that degree. 11:20 And then we ran out of food completely, 46 miles short of the first of the depots that we"d laid on our outward journey . We"d laid 10 depots of food, literally burying food and fuel, for our return journey — the fuel was for a cooker so you could melt snow to get water — and I was forced to make the decision to call for a resupply flight, a ski plane carrying eight days of food to tide us over that gap. They took 12 hours to reach us from the other side of Antarctica. 11:51 Calling for that plane was one of the toughest decisions of my life. And I sound like a bit of a fraud standing here now with a sort of belly. I"ve put on 30 pounds in the last three weeks. Being that hungry has left an interesting mental scar, which is that I"ve been hoovering up every hotel buffet that I can find . (Laughter) But we were genuinely quite hungry, and in quite a bad way. I don"t regret calling for that plane for a second, because I"m still standing here alive, with all digits intact , telling this story. But getting external assistance like that was never part of the plan, and it"s something my ego is still struggling with. This was the biggest dream I"ve ever had, and it was so nearly perfect. 12:36 On the way back down to the coast, our crampons — they"re the spikes on our boots that we have for traveling over this blue ice on the glacier — broke on the top of the Beardmore. We still had 100 miles to go downhill on very slippery rock-hard blue ice . They needed repairing almost every hour. To give you an idea of scale, this is looking down towards the mouth of the Beardmore Glacier. You could fit the entirety of Manhattan in the gap on the horizon . That"s 20 miles between Mount Hope and Mount Kiffin. I"ve never felt as small as I did in Antarctica. When we got down to the mouth of the glacier, we found fresh snow had obscured the dozens of deep crevasses . One of Shackleton"s men described crossing this sort of terrain as like walking over the glass roof of a railway station. We fell through more times than I can remember, usually just putting a ski or a boot through the snow. Occasionally we went in all the way up to our armpits , but thankfully never deeper than that. 13:36 And less than five weeks ago, after 105 days, we crossed this oddly inauspicious finish line, the coast of Ross Island on the New Zealand side of Antarctica. You can see the ice in the foreground and the sort of rubbly rock behind that. Behind us lay an unbroken ski trail of nearly 1,800 miles. We"d made the longest ever polar journey on foot, something I"d been dreaming of doing for a decade. 14:03 And looking back, I still stand by all the things I"ve been saying for years about the importance of goals and determination and self-belief, but I"ll also admit that I hadn"t given much thought to what happens when you reach the all-consuming goal that you"ve dedicated most of your adult life to, and the reality is that I"m still figuring that bit out. As I said, there are very few superficial signs that I"ve been away. I"ve put on 30 pounds. I"ve got some v
2023-01-13 12:44:331

请大家以英文要怎么译:2. born amidst hardship 3. grew up without

2023-01-13 12:44:373


2006 年4月5 日-- 越来越, 全球竞争要求制造企业改进他们的生产效率或面孔绝种。并且的确, 由采取Toyota"s 精瘦的系统, 公司由取消达到了巨大获取在生产力和赢利废物, 或muda, 从他们的生产过程。许多企业由申请体会同样改善精瘦的原则向他们的重要业务流程。 但是, 创造一个精瘦的业务流程是唯一一半争斗反对muda 。知识劳动者介入这些过程必须并且开发精瘦的工作习性。只创造一个精瘦的过程没有创造精瘦的工作习性是象一位短跑选手与一个轨道钉在一只脚和军队起动在另一边的企业-- 和that"s 一个肯定的方式丢失竞选满足顾客。 我们的工作与一家主要制造公司说明区别在一个精瘦的过程和倾斜工作习性之间。实验室洁净-- 5S 实施模型-- 但实验室manager"s 办公室是混乱: 存货被混乱了并且重要信息难检索。 我们的公司教了精瘦的工作习性对各种各样的制造公司, 包括丰田, 结束过去几年。这些企业体会增加的雇员效率, 改善了工作者反应时间和增加的用户满意。极大, 由减少muda 地方性在多数知识workers" 行为, 雇员得到了几乎10 个小时每星期为创造顾客价值的工作。 精瘦的工作习性是重要的为知识劳动者, 因为多条价值小河流经他们创造恒定的紧张。没有精瘦的习性引导他们的工作, 信息重要流程在价值小河堵塞。认为信息瓶颈以积压的形式在他们的书桌上, 或上百未回答的电子邮件在他们的inboxes 。认为被强制执行的等待在部门过程中当作决策者读但don"t 行动根据请求。认为多余的行动经理寻找文件在纸之中大量被堆在他们的书桌上。每个这些废物破坏获取由在company"s 业务流程的设计的所有改善做。
2023-01-13 12:44:441

谁有《爱玛》的内容简介啊?要英文的 越清晰越好 最好带有翻译!!谢谢

楼主您好~ 我有听说过 爱玛集成吊顶,爱玛集成吊顶招商加盟 爱玛集成吊顶生产厂家 不知道是不是你想了解的,转载一篇详细内容给你看看吧,不知道对你是否有帮助爱玛集成吊顶 ,集成吊顶招商,集成吊顶加盟,集成吊顶生产厂家 爱玛集成吊顶: 爱玛集成吊顶是扣板基材+电器+其他工艺而制作出来的整体吊顶解决方案。 扣板处理工艺分为喷涂、辊涂、覆膜、磨砂、拉丝、阳极氧化、进口合金板; 高品质、高附加值是集成吊顶的特性,它不但满足了消费者的审美需求,更是实现了消费者对生活便捷、安全、环保的需求. 爱玛集成吊顶虽然只是负责装修顶部功能,但千万不能小看这种 “集成”的行为,这种“集成”的特点是十分明显的—— 2.功能优化: 爱玛集成吊顶的核心理念即“模块化,自组式”。 它的意思就是将一个产品拆分为若干个模块,然后对各个模块进行单独开发,最大限度优化其功能,再组合集成为一个新的体系。 取暖模块、照明模块、换气模块,可合理排布,它的每一个细节都是经过精心设计、专业安装而完成,其线路布置也是经过严格的设计测试,非常人性化。再就是集成吊顶的各项功能是独立的,可根据实际的需求来安装暖灯位置与数量,取暖范围大,且均匀,三个碳纤维暖灯就可以达到浴霸四个暖灯的效果,绿色环保节能。 多技术的应用、人性化设计 控制室内空气。集成吊顶的“取暖模块”由于其模块化的技术理念,使得其应用研发空间很大。 爱玛集成吊顶安全到家、性价比高 爱玛集成吊顶的各项功能是独立的,可根据实际的需求来安装暖灯位置与数量,传统吊顶均采用浴霸取暖,它有很大局限性,取暖位置太集中, 爱玛集成吊顶克服了这些缺点,取暖范围大,且均匀,三个暖灯就可以达到浴霸四个暖灯的效果,绿色节能。采用优质铝镁锰合金材料,无有害物质,防火、防潮,耐老化。杜绝木龙骨的使用(木龙骨易受潮,发霉)不安全因素。 爱玛集成吊顶的单价比传统吊顶要高,但是要知道它是由优质铝材加工而成的,传统吊顶大多是由塑料加工制成,而且必用木龙骨。集成吊顶的寿命可达50年,而传统吊顶的寿命才10年左右(容易出现老化) 6 爱玛集成吊顶十大品牌 A. 爱玛集成吊顶品牌的崛起 爱玛集成吊顶具有代表性的集成吊顶品牌短短两年内就崛起。 B关键的行业普及课题 爱玛集成吊顶进入快速发展时期,爱玛集成吊顶由简用型吊顶向享受实用型转变,享受适用性向个性化定制型。 产业不断标准化、规模化,爱玛集成吊顶行业在不断发展,一大批品牌化企业:爱玛集成吊顶等在行业中占主导地位。家庭小作坊式厂家会在竞争中淘汰出局。产品的丰富度、服务水平、性价比与美誉度实现真正的室内集成吊顶整体解决方案。 C准消费者们如是说 爱玛集成吊顶的消费者当然是那些买房等着装修的人。 能不能让装饰公司和消费者沟通平台更直接呢? 能不能让消费者自己选购安装即可呢? 方便、美观、功能满足,这是消费者选择装饰的三大重点需求。 爱玛集成吊顶的消费者还包括那些已经在老房子住了多年的人。 地上、墙上的装饰消费者已经了熟于胸,顶上的的装饰确是近几年最潮流的。 人们在外辛苦工作了一天,回家往沙发上一躺,得看天花顶;洗个澡得看天花顶;往床上小憩一会还得看天花顶。随着在一个房子里住了十几年的家庭越来越多,给老房子换换装修,那也成为更多现代人的选择。 爱玛集成吊顶的准消费者还包括那些过个三五年才买房的人。 一个产品,如果等到消费者决定要购买时才让消费者知道,对企业来说你的机会就已经迟到了。而集成吊顶的叫法让消费者一目了然,无论是在大街上,还是在建材市场,更或者是在任何媒体,只要听到集成吊顶,消费者即可产生相关联想,对一个品牌来说,这已经够了。 D行业的方向,权威部门的说法 爱玛集成吊顶顶行业作为一个新兴的行业类别,同时也是一个高速发展的行业,使得集成吊顶市场已经进入品牌混乱期,越来越多的企业进入这个行业,搅乱了市场,品牌、品质、价格也进入了发展同质化期,表现如下: (1)、疯狂价格战 我们发现,集成吊顶 几乎每天都在降价,你9折,我8折,他7.5折,各品牌竞相“降价攀比”。利润越来越低,甚至即将没有。许多人都明白价格战不好,但是没有人能逃脱这场厄运。我们有理由相信,就在不久的将来,这些降价的企业,会最终走向消亡。价格战是一把双刃剑,砍伤别人的同时,也必然伤到自己。 (2)、杂牌横行 其实并不是所有的企业都想降价,而是被逼的。 由于集成吊顶行业 前几年的丰厚利润,使许多人眼红,于是都参与进来。结果可想而知,各类产品参差不齐,扰乱了市场。现在的市场上,有大约300多个品牌,但真正有实力、有品牌的不超过50个。大部分的牌子都会在很短的一段时间后销声匿迹,他们只是来市场遛一圈,然后带走点人民币,留下点市场无奈的漫骂声。 (3)、服务和信誉差 如上所述的那些大打价格战和杂牌的企业,其服务和信誉都没有保障。承诺的时候什么都可以做,好象比那些品牌企业还要好,但是等到拿到钱后,就什么都不认帐了,有时候白纸黑字也没用。产品没有保修,安装质量差,产品使用过程中发现与原来订购的并非同一种产品,企业已经在市场上消失了……诸如此类的问题时有发生。 爱玛集成吊顶十分坚信,不需要3年,这个市场马上就会平稳下来。因为我相信,现在市场越乱、越没有利润,光明的市场就会来得越快,投机倒把者被清算的也就越彻底。 (1)、大企业、大品牌要承担起维护集成吊顶市场秩序的责任,要不怕损失坚持走高质、优质的市场之路,不要火上浇油,把市场进一步推向死亡。 (2)、一些有实力的企业可以着手做服务,努力为消费者排忧解难,坚定消费者的信心,推动市场的前进。 (3)、行业领头企业要树立行业发展的责任心,努力开拓,不断进去,积极打击杂牌企业,引导行业向健康、节能、智能的方向发展 E行业的未来,爱玛集成吊顶的心声 有专家提出,爱玛集成吊顶行业要想走出价格战的泥潭,必须树立品牌形象,必须有技术创新,必须实现 集成吊顶≠扣板+吊顶+一体化售后服务 思想转变。 只有实现产业技术更新,实现在集成吊顶上的技术创新。 目前市场上厨卫功能吊顶的品牌众多,鱼龙混杂,要选购到货真价实的集成吊顶重点看两大块,一是吊顶、二是电器,三是服务。下面爱玛集成吊顶具体为大家分析一下: 第一关:品质关 (一)、板材 现在所通用的铝扣板中,有覆膜板、滚涂板、氧化板三种材质,而这三种材质的统一是在铝基板的表面进行不同处理所形成。劣质铝天花采用回收的垃圾铝材,不仅无法做薄,而且由于材料来源不明,很可能产生辐射影响健康,更容易产生锈蚀及表面层剥落等现象。三种材料中,低端产品覆膜板的覆膜材料以及中档产品辊涂板的涂层上,更容易被不良厂家采用非环保的低品质覆膜层、涂料,不仅很快褪色、剥落,而且更会在使用过程中释放有害气体,造成“装修病”。现在有很多厂家开始使用镁铝锰合金等新材料冲压天花扣板,渐渐在淘汰覆膜扣板。 (二)、辅料 选购时一定要关注辅材(安装的主体框架部分,包括三角龙骨、主龙骨、吊杆、吊件等)。辅材相对于集成吊顶而言,相当于大楼的地基与梁柱,使很多吊顶安装不到两年,就由于辅材锈蚀或无法承重而造成吊顶变形、下沉甚至塌落等现象。因此要选用全金属安装框架,不仅选用优质钢材制作各种辅件,而且将所有辅件上涂刷抗腐蚀涂层,使整体框架呈现金属色光泽。 (三)、电器 现在,有很多根本不具备电器生产能力的集成吊顶厂家,在集成的概念中拼凑劣质电器,形成“吊顶+电器”的低价打包战术销售。所以,消费者要判断该品牌是否具有电器的生产能力与品质保障,最好是选择那些有自主创新能力的品牌与企业。 (四)、安装 集成吊顶设计、安装是关键集成吊顶,三分材料七分装。我们在每一个品牌店内能够明码标价购买的,都仅仅只是生冷的金属材料,而这些材料只有通过专业的设计人员、安装人员,才能幻化成符合家装整体风格的集成吊顶。 第二关:品牌关 厨卫功能吊顶与原来浴室厨房装修吊顶本质上区别不大,依然是天花加浴霸的功能电器分体的模式。生产厂家主要由浴霸生产企业转型而来,一部分是由传统天花企业以贴牌电器模块方式介入,其余则由一些橱柜、其他家电甚至晾衣架企业贴牌进入。这其中不乏原来浴霸市场中常见的傍名牌、假名牌、低质假冒、无证生产企业。由于大部分企业在质量控制、核心技术上的缺失,市场上鱼龙混杂,质量良莠不齐。试想如果原来浴霸质量都做不好,包装炒作一番,自我吹嘘两下,换一个马甲,其实质就是浑水摸鱼。 因此消费者选购时应优先考虑专业知名企业生产的产品,这些产品安全性、质量、服务才会有保障,好的品牌甚至通过国际质量认证,获得国家权威部门的认证,如中国驰名商标,国家免检产品、国家强制性产品等。 嘉兴爱玛集成吊顶位于苏沪杭交通中心、全国80%厨卫集成吊顶生产基地---王店小家电工业园区 。爱玛集成吊顶坚持以消费者市场为导向,以创百姓美好家居生活为宗旨,以生产消费者信得过产品为企业动力,不断开发新产品,努力打造 时尚、典雅、高品位产品,不断满足客户对和谐新家居的美感与质感的追求。 爱玛集成吊顶专业从事厨卫多元化产品的研发、生产和销售。主要包括:厨卫集成吊顶系列,集成环保灶系列,以及厨卫周边辅料系列,目前,公司拥有一批高素质工作人员,和开发、生产、销售、服务为一体的完善管理体系,能够快速、高效的服务客户,服务公司。爱玛集成吊顶自开创开始,就确定了爱玛的品牌路线,坚持以品牌质量,品牌服务,品牌管理的标准来要求自己。坚持以人为本,科技创新,公司全体同仁积极创导并努力实践现代化经营理念,同舟共济,营造一个技术进步,管理科学,人才一流,事业繁荣的现代化企业。以一流的产品,真诚的服务与客户携手并肩向厨卫家装行业的深度和广度奋进。爱玛集成吊顶是一个年轻的企业,是一个非常朝气蓬勃,有后劲,持续高速发展的企业,爱玛电器作为厨卫集成吊顶行业的新立品牌,之所以能在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟,迅速树立起良好的企业形象和社会形象,靠的是爱玛的卓越品质和对客户的高度忠诚。爱玛集成吊顶视产品质量为企业的核心,公司目前拥有先进的质量检测中心和完善的质量管理体制,能够不断提高产品质量;爱玛集成吊顶相信以诚信为基石,以周到细致的售后服务为拓展,定能够成为百姓信得过品牌,让客户真正体会到“美好生活就选爱玛”。 第三关:服务关 爱玛集成吊顶提醒消费者应该提防几大陷阱: 陷阱一:移花接木、偷梁换柱。手法:销售时利用消费者贪便宜,利用安装后消费者不便分辨,以次充好。如购买时所看到的和购买后安装的产品不一样,从中获利。 陷阱二:“免费赠送”障眼法。手法:利用消费者心理提出免费赠送所有安装材料吸引购买。但往往所赠送的辅料大多劣质低质,安装后又无法看到。其会导致一段时间后变形,脱落等现象。 陷阱三:游击战“打一枪,换一个地方”,改头换面“今天叫张三,明天叫李四”。一些产品入市初期放出不负责任的承诺,一段时间后消声匿迹;或者换个名字,同样东西N个名字,目的就是逃避对产品质量负责,最后损害的是那些无辜的消费者利益。类似手法不再枚举,消费者要提高自我保护意识,尽量选择一些口碑好的品牌,服务质量能得到更好的保证。
2023-01-13 12:44:474