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2023-05-20 00:52:10


gymnastics 读法  英 [dʒɪmˈnæstɪks]   美 [dʒɪmˈnæstɪks]


As a cricketer, gymnastics is out of his domain. 



1、rhythmic gymnastics 艺术体操;韵律操,韵律体操

2、artistic gymnastics 艺术体操;竞技体操






如an exercise in English grammar(英语语法习题),an exercise on/in the construction of conditional sentences(条件句结构的习题);

2、graduation/graduating exercises指“毕业典礼”,是美式英语,相当于英式英语中的ceremony;

3、take exercise和exercise作不及物动词指“运动”或“体操”,而不是普通的练习。


exercise, drill, practise, train这组词都有“练习,操练”的意思。其区别是:





exercise 什么意思

exercise[5eksEsaiz]n.练习, 习题, 训练, 锻炼, 演习v.训练, 锻炼vt.行使, 使担扰[µk“s…r-sºz”] D.J.[6eks*7saiz]K.K.[6Wks+7sa!z]n.(名词)An act of employing or putting into play; use:运用:应用或运用的行为;使用:the free exercise of intellect; the exercise of an option.智力的自由运用;买卖权的运用The discharge of a duty, function, or office.履行职责:任务、责任或职责的履行Activity that requires physical or mental exertion, especially when performed to develop or maintain fitness:锻炼身体:为发展或保持身体健康而采取的运用心智或体力的运动:took an hour of vigorous daily exercise at a gym.在健身房进行一小时的日常健身锻炼A task, problem, or other effort performed to develop or maintain fitness or increase skill:练习,操练:为提高或保持身体健康或增强技巧而完成的任务、难题或其他努力:a piano exercise; a memory exercise.钢琴练习;记忆练习exercises A program that includes speeches, presentations, and other ceremonial activities performed before an audience:exercises 典礼,仪式:在观众面前表演的包括讲演、发奖和其它仪式性活动的一套程序:graduation exercises.毕业典礼v.(动词),,及物动词)To put into play or operation; employ:使用;运用:Proceed, but exercise caution.前进,但要小心To bring to bear; exert:对…施加;发挥:“The desire to be re-elected exercises a strong brake on independent courage”(John F. Kennedy)“重新选举的要求给独立的勇气带来了极大的阻碍”(约翰F.肯尼迪)To subject to practice or exertion in order to train, strengthen, or develop:锻炼:为训练、增强或提高而实践或运用:exercise the back muscles; exercise the memory.锻炼背部肌肉;训练记忆力To put through exercises:训练:exercise a platoon.See Synonyms at practice 训练一个排参见 practiceTo carry out the functions of; execute:执行:实现…的功能;执行:exercise the role of disciplinarian.充当训练者的角色To absorb the attentions of, especially by worry or anxiety.引起忧虑:吸引…的注意力,特别是因为烦恼和焦虑To stir to anger or alarm; upset:激怒:使愤怒或警觉;使不安:an injustice that exercised the whole community.一项不公正的行为激起了整个社会的愤怒v.intr.(不及物动词)To take exercise.进行锻炼Middle English 中古英语 from Old French exercice 源自 古法语 exercice from Latin exercitium 源自 拉丁语 exercitium from exercitus [past participle of] exerc¶re [to exercise] 源自 exercitus [] exerc¶re的过去分词 [练习] ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“从前的,前任的”] arc¶e [to restrain] arc¶e [抑制] ex“ercis”ableadj.(形容词)
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exercisesn.练习( exercise的名词复数 ); (弹钢琴指法等的)训练; 使用; 演习; v.锻炼,训练,练习( exercise的第三人称单数 ); 锻炼(身体某部位); 使焦虑; 发挥(作用); [英]["eksəsaɪzɪz][美]["eksəsaɪzɪz].There has also been a spate of state media reports highlighting military exercises. 国有媒体也对中国的军事演习活动进行了一系列的突出报道。
2023-01-13 10:10:031


exercises作名词时意为“运动;练习;运用;操练;礼拜;典礼”,作及物动词时意为“锻炼;练习;使用;使忙碌;使惊恐”,作不及物动词时意为“运动;练习”。                                    1.exercise用作名词的基本意思是“运动,锻炼”。指适用于正常人的一般性的以健身为目的的“体质锻炼”,也可指脑力方面的锻炼,还可指适用于运动员的“专业训练”。2.exercise作“练习,习题”解有时可用作定语; 作“使用,应用”解时,其结果常常是有效的; 作“演习,操练”解时常用复数。3.exercise用作动词的基本含义是反复地进行某一动作或一系列动作,以发展和加强某种能力,尤指为了身体健康或精力充沛而进行的活动。引申可表示“运用”“行使”或“实行”“执行”等。4.exercise既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。                                    
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演习,名词。去除s 可译为运动。
2023-01-13 10:10:335


exercise既是可数名词,同时也是不可数名词。exercise泛指“锻炼”时,做不可数名词,如:take exercise锻炼身体、take more exercise多锻炼;exercise表示“体操”或“练习(题)”时是可数名词,要用复数形式。如:do morning exercises(做早操)。 扩展资料   名词“exercise”可以和in搭配,意思是“有特定目的活动或事情”,此处是可数名词。   比如:“an exercise in team work一个锻炼团队配合活动”。   用法:   “Exercise”可以表示“一套特定的动作让身体变得更强壮和更健康”,此处的“exercise”是可数名词,通常在exercise之前会有另一个名词来说明是哪方面的.运动。   例句:I am doing knee exercises to help my recovery from a knee operation.   我正在做膝关节运动,帮助我做膝盖手术后的恢复。   “Exercise”作为名词时还可以表示“练习”,是可数名词,指“为了掌握某种技能而做的练习”。   例句:Try these online arithmetic exercises; they can improve students" maths skills.   试试这些网上算术练习,它们可以提高学生的数学技能。   复数形式“exercises”还会出现在军事话题中,意思是“操练”。   例:naval exercises海军操练   “Exercise”还有一个相对比较正式的含义,意思是“使用,运用”,不可数名词。   例:the exercise of self-control自我控制力的运   “Exercise”作为动词时的是“锻炼,运动”,指“为了身体健康而做运动”。   例句:John exercises every day to stay fit.   约翰每天都锻炼身体保持健康。   “Exercise”作为动词时的另一个含义是“让动物奔跑,锻炼”。   例句:Peter exercises his dog every morning.   彼得每天早上都出去遛狗。
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  exercises是什么意思?  回答:  【词汇】exercises  【音标】英 ["eksəsaɪzɪz]          美 ["ɛksəsaɪzɪz]  【词义】n. 练习题,演习;运动  【例句】  (1)We do spelling exercises.       我们做拼写练习。  (2)Some of these exercises can be done alone, but others you have to do with apartner.       其中的一些练习你独自一人就可以完成,而其它的你需要有一个搭档才能完成。  (3)Use one or all of these exercises the next time you go to the gym.       记得下一次上健身中心的时候一定用上以上提到的练习。                                         
2023-01-13 10:10:467

you should do more exercies是什么意思

2023-01-13 10:11:026


exercise 英[ˈeksəsaɪz] 美[ˈeksərsaɪz] n. 练习; 运动,训练; 运用; 典礼; vi. 锻炼,训练,练习; vt. 锻炼; (身体某部位) 使焦虑,使忧虑; 实行,发挥; (作用) 运用; [例句]It would be a good idea if you could do this exercise twice or three times on separate days.如果你能将此练习隔几天做上两三次就好了。-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。
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exercise[5eksEsaiz]n.练习, 习题, 训练, 锻炼, 演习v.训练, 锻炼vt.行使, 使担扰[�0�8k“s…r-s�0�2z”] D.J.[6eks*7saiz]K.K.[6Wks+7sa!z]n.(名词)An act of employing or putting into play; use:运用:应用或运用的行为;使用:the free exercise of intellect; the exercise of an option.智力的自由运用;买卖权的运用The discharge of a duty, function, or office.履行职责:任务、责任或职责的履行Activity that requires physical or mental exertion, especially when performed to develop or maintain fitness:锻炼身体:为发展或保持身体健康而采取的运用心智或体力的运动:took an hour of vigorous daily exercise at a gym.在健身房进行一小时的日常健身锻炼A task, problem, or other effort performed to develop or maintain fitness or increase skill:练习,操练:为提高或保持身体健康或增强技巧而完成的任务、难题或其他努力:a piano exercise; a memory exercise.钢琴练习;记忆练习exercises A program that includes speeches, presentations, and other ceremonial activities performed before an audience:exercises 典礼,仪式:在观众面前表演的包括讲演、发奖和其它仪式性活动的一套程序:graduation exercises.毕业典礼v.(动词),,及物动词)To put into play or operation; employ:使用;运用:Proceed, but exercise caution.前进,但要小心To bring to bear; exert:对…施加;发挥:“The desire to be re-elected exercises a strong brake on independent courage”(John F. Kennedy)“重新选举的要求给独立的勇气带来了极大的阻碍”(约翰F.肯尼迪)To subject to practice or exertion in order to train, strengthen, or develop:锻炼:为训练、增强或提高而实践或运用:exercise the back muscles; exercise the memory.锻炼背部肌肉;训练记忆力To put through exercises:训练:exercise a platoon.See Synonyms at practice 训练一个排参见 practiceTo carry out the functions of; execute:执行:实现…的功能;执行:exercise the role of disciplinarian.充当训练者的角色To absorb the attentions of, especially by worry or anxiety.引起忧虑:吸引…的注意力,特别是因为烦恼和焦虑To stir to anger or alarm; upset:激怒:使愤怒或警觉;使不安:an injustice that exercised the whole community.一项不公正的行为激起了整个社会的愤怒v.intr.(不及物动词)To take exercise.进行锻炼Middle English 中古英语 from Old French exercice 源自 古法语 exercice from Latin exercitium 源自 拉丁语 exercitium from exercitus [past participle of] exerc�0�9re [to exercise] 源自 exercitus [] exerc�0�9re的过去分词 [练习] ex- [ex-] ex- [前缀,表“从前的,前任的”] arc�0�9e [to restrain] arc�0�9e [抑制] ex“ercis”ableadj.(形容词)exercise来自拉丁语exercere的过去分词exercice,原义是训练牲口工作。ex-外+arcere包围tennis: [ tenis ] n. 网球 例句与用法1. Do you play tennis? 你打网球吗? 2. I"m just a rabbit at tennis. 我网球打得很差劲。 3. I won the tennis tournament. 我赢了那场网球比赛。 4. In table tennis, the eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and direction, and pass this information on to the brain. 打乒乓时,眼睛看到球打过来,要不断它的速度和方向,再把这个信息传到大脑。 5. I want to buy a new tennis bat. 我想要买一个新网球拍。 6. Some of my friends develop their arm muscles by playing tennis. 我的一些朋友通过打网球锻炼他们胳膊的肌肉。 7. They were adversaries in the tennis match. 在网球赛中,他们是对手。 8. He hit the tennis ball over the net. 他把网球打过了网。
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exercise的用法:1.作可数名词用,“练习,习题,体操,功课,操练”等,常用复数。I"m doing my exercises.我在做练习/功课。Doing morning exercises is helpful to our health.做早操对我们的健康是有益的。You should do more spelling exercises. 你应该做更多的拼写练习。2.作不可数名词用,“锻炼,运动”。You are weak because of the lack of exercise.你身体弱是因为缺少锻炼。Take more exercise,and you will be healthy.多多锻炼,你会健康的。3.作动词用,“训练,锻炼”。You must exercise yourself in order to be stronger and healthier.为了更健康更强壮,你必须锻炼自己。They are exercising troops.他们在练兵。You don"t exercise enough.你锻炼不够。﹝作不及物动词﹞作动词用还有“履行职责,行使全力”等意思。You must exercise your own duty.你必须履行你
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2023-01-13 10:12:043

能说do exercise吗?exercise后要加s吗?是什么意思?

2023-01-13 10:12:081


cos30度=(√3)/2。cos是余弦值,所以余弦值=邻边÷斜边因为在三角形中,30°所对的直角边是斜边的一半。所以这个三角形的三边之比=1:√3:2。所以cos30°=邻边÷斜边=√3:2=√3/2。1、cos余弦函数,角A的邻边比斜边 叫做∠A的余弦,记作cosA(由余弦英文cosine简写得来),即cosA=角A的邻边/斜边(直角三角形)。2、直角三角形有一个角为直角的三角形称为直角三角形。在直角三角形中,与直角相邻的两条边称为直角边,直角所对的边称为斜边。直角三角形直角所对的边也叫作弦。若两条直角边不一样长,短的那条边叫作勾,长的那条边叫作股。3、与边角的关系:三角形三内角和等于180°;三角形的一个外角等于和它不相邻的两个内角之和;三角形的一外角大于任何一个和它不相邻的内角;三角形两边之和大于第三边,两边之差小于第三边;在同一个三角形内,大边对大角,大角对大边。
2023-01-13 10:11:501

歘chua怎么读 歘chua应该怎么读

1、歘chua怎么读:chua的拼音读作歘(chuā) ,读这个音的字是歘。2、歘是一个汉语拟声字,拼音是 chuā、xū,形容短促迅速划过的摩擦声音,延伸为快速的意思;同“欻(xū)”,火光一现的样子。3、歘(chuā)拉:拟声,形容菜放到滚油锅里发出的急促声音。4、歘chuá,本意是用棍子捅。5、歘chuá,东北方言里含有吃饭的意思,表示调侃,例如:早晨不吃饭,现在开始歘了。6、歘chuá,胶东半岛高密地区等的意思是庄稼地里十分泥泞。7、欻chua,轻声,本意物体沿直线快速的飞出去或飞过来,既表意又是象声词。例如:箭矢欻欻的射过去;在例如:一支箭欻的射过来,岳飞说时迟那时快闪身躲过。
2023-01-13 10:11:501


股东会决议;shareholder meeting resolution.董事委派书;director delegating paper免职书;waking papers监事委派书;supervisor delegating paper 董事会决议;board of director resolution新股东会决议;new resolution of shareholder meeting股权转让协议;stock transfer agreement章程修正案 regulation amendment
2023-01-13 10:11:504


形如y=x^a(a为常数)的函数,即以底数为自变量 幂为因变量,指数为常量的函数称为幂函数. 幂函数的图象: ①当a>0时,函数是增函数 ②当a=0时,函数图像平行于x轴且y=1 ③当a<0时,函数是减函数 详见参考资料.
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2023-01-13 10:11:531


人心不古 [rén xīn bù gǔ]成语本词条是多义词,共2个义项展开人心不古是一个汉语成语,拼音是rén xīn bù gǔ,意思是 古:指古代的社会风尚。今时人心奸诈、刻薄,没有古人淳厚。中文名人心不古拼音rén xīn bù gǔ解释指古代的社会风尚出自明 ·张居正词性形容词成语解释古:指古代的社会风尚。今时人心奸诈、刻薄,没有古人淳厚。成语典故元·刘时中《端正好·上高监司》:“争奈何人心不古,出落着马牛襟裾。”奈近来人心不古,都尚奢华。 ★清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第五十五回
2023-01-13 10:11:534


After checking LC we received, we found there are some terms and conditions need to be revised.列出你的问题点。
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形如y=x^a(a为常数)的函数,即以底数为自变量幂为因变量,指数为常量的函数称为幂函数。幂函数的图象:   ①当a≤-1且a为奇数时,函数在第一、第三象限为减函数  ②当a≤-1且a为偶数时,函数在第二象限为增函数   ③当a=0且x不为0时,函数图象平行于x轴且y=1、但不过(0,1)   ④当0<a<1时,函数是增函数   ⑤当a≥1且a为奇数时,函数是奇函数   ⑥当a≥1且a为偶数时,函数是偶函数   幂函数的图像不过第四象限
2023-01-13 10:11:581


cos30度=(√3)/2。cos是余弦值,所以余弦值=邻边÷斜边因为在三角形中,30°所对的直角边是斜边的一半.所以这个三角形的三边之比=1:√3:2.所以cos30°=邻边÷斜边=√3:2=√3/2。余弦函数,角A的邻边比斜边 叫做∠A的余弦,记作cosA(由余弦英文cosine简写得来),即cosA=角A的邻边/斜边(直角三角形)。两角和公式 :sin(A+B)=sinAcosB+cosAsinB sin(A-B)=sinAcosB-sinBcosA 。cos(A+B)=cosAcosB-sinAsinB cos(A-B)=cosAcosB+sinAsinB 。tan(A+B)=(tanA+tanB)/(1-tanAtanB) tan(A-B)=(tanA-tanB)/(1+tanAtanB) 。ctg(A+B)=(ctgActgB-1)/(ctgB+ctgA) ctg(A-B)=(ctgActgB+1)/(ctgB-ctgA) 倍角公式 。tan2A=2tanA/(1-tan2A) ctg2A=(ctg2A-1)/2ctga 。cos2a=cos2a-sin2a=2cos2a-1=1-2sin2a 。
2023-01-13 10:11:591


老大 这是信用证条款
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2023-01-13 10:12:007


全文可分为两部分。 第一部分(第1自然段)写秋天来临,橘树和柚树果实累累,散发清香,使三峡充满了成熟的气息。 第二部分(从第2自然段到结尾)写中秋这一天的早晨、中午、下午、夜晚不同时间里三峡景物的不同特点。 课文主要讲的是中秋节夜晚时的美丽景色。先讲夜幕刚刚降临时江面上的景物特点,接着讲月亮出来后,如水般的月光从山顶直泻到江面的景色。这段话比喻生动、形象,语言优美,描写的景物静中有动,读后宛如身在画中。
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性质:1、所有的图形都通过(1,1)这点.(a≠0) a>0时 图象过点(0,0)和(1,1)。2、当a大于0时,幂函数为单调递增的,而a小于0时,幂函数为单调递减函数。3、当a大于1时,幂函数图形下凸;当a小于1大于0时,幂函数图形上凸。4、当a小于0时,a越小,图形倾斜程度越大。5、显然幂函数无界限。6、a=0,该函数为偶函数 {x|x≠0}。定义域和值域:当a为不同的数值时,幂函数的定义域的不同情况如下:如果a为负数,则x肯定不能为0,不过这时函数的定义域还必须根据a的奇偶性来确定,即如果同时p为奇数, 则x不能小于0,这时函数的定义域为大于0的所有实数;2.如果同时p为偶数,则函数的定义域为所有非零实数。当x为不同的数值时,幂函数的值域的不同情况如下:1、在x大于0时,函数的值域总是大于0的实数。2、在x小于0时,则只有同时q为奇数,函数的值域为非零的实数。而只有a为正数,0才进入函数的值域。
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欻 拼音chuā,拟声词。走路等的声音:迈着大步~~地走。 拼音xū,文言副词。忽然。汉字:汉字(拼音:hàn zì,注音符号:ㄏㄢˋ ㄗˋ),又称中文、中国字,别称方块字,是汉语的记录符号,属于表意文字的词素音节文字。世界上最古老的文字之一,已有六千多年的历史。在形体上逐渐由图形变为笔画,象形变为象征,复杂变为简单;在造字原则上从表形、表意到形声。除极个别汉字外(如瓩、兛、兣、呎、嗧等),都是一个汉字一个音节。
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the civil rights movement in America

  The Civil Rights Movement in the United States has been a long, primarily nonviolent struggle to bring full civil rights and equality under the law to all Americans. The movement has had a lasting impact on United States society, in its tactics, the increased social and legal acceptance of civil rights, and in its exposure of the prevalence and cost of racism.  The American Civil Rights movement has been made up of many movements. The term usually refers to the political struggles and reform movements between 1945 and 1970 to end discrimination against African Americans and to end legal racial segregation, especially in the U.S. South.  This article focuses on an earlier phase of the struggle. Two United States Supreme Court decisions—Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896), which upheld "separate but equal" racial segregation as constitutional doctrine, and Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954) which overturned Plessy— serve as milestones. This was an era of stops and starts, in which some movements, such as Marcus Garvey"s Universal Negro Improvement Association, achieved great success but left little lasting legacy, while others, such as the NAACP"s painstaking legal assault on state-sponsored segregation, achieved modest results in its early years but made steady progress on voter rights and gradually built to a key victory in Brown v. Board of Education.  After the Civil War, the U. S. expanded the legal rights of African Americans. Congress passed, and enough states ratified, an amendment ending slavery in 1865—the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution. This amendment only outlawed slavery; it did not provide equal rights, nor citizenship. In 1868, the 14th Amendment was ratified by the states, granting African Americans citizenship. Black persons born in the U. S. were extended equal protection under the laws of the Constitution. The 15th Amendment was ratified in (1870), which stated that race could not be used as a condition to deprive men of the ability to vote. During Reconstruction (1865-1877), Northern troops occupied the South. Together with the Freedmen"s Bureau, they tried to administer and enforce the new constitutional amendments. Many black leaders were elected to local and state offices, and others organized community groups.  Reconstruction ended following the Compromise of 1877 between Northern and Southern white elites. In exchange for deciding the contentious Presidential election in favor of Rutherford B. Hayes, supported by Northern states, over his opponent, Samuel J. Tilden, the compromise called for the withdrawal of Northern troops from the South. This followed violence and fraud in southern elections in 1876, which had reduced black voter turnout and enabled Southern white Democrats to regain power in state legislatures across the South. The compromise and withdrawal of Federal troops meant that white Democrats had more freedom to impose and enforce discriminatory practices. Many African Americans responded to the withdrawal of federal troops by leaving the South in what is known as the Kansas Exodus of 1879.  The Radical Republicans, who spearheaded Reconstruction, had attempted to eliminate both governmental and private discrimination by legislation. That effort was largely ended by the Supreme Court"s decision in the Civil Rights Cases, 109 U.S. 3 (1883), in which the Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment did not give Congress power to outlaw racial discrimination by private individuals or businesses.  Segregation  The Supreme Court"s decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) upheld state-mandated discrimination in public transportation under the "separate but equal" doctrine. While in the 20th century, the Supreme Court began to overturn state statutes that disfranchised African Americans, as in Guinn v. United States (1915), with Plessy, it upheld segregation that Southern states enforced in nearly every other sphere of public and private life.  As Justice Harlan, the only member of the Court to dissent from the decision, predicted:  If a state can prescribe, as a rule of civil conduct, that whites and blacks shall not travel as passengers in the same railroad coach, why may it not so regulate the use of the streets of its cities and towns as to compel white citizens to keep on one side of a street, and black citizens to keep on the other? Why may it not, upon like grounds, punish whites and blacks who ride together in street cars or in open vehicles on a public road or street? . . . .  The Court soon extended Plessy to uphold segregated schools. In Berea College v. Kentucky, 211 U.S. 45 (1908), the Court upheld a Kentucky statute that barred Berea College, a private institution, from teaching both black and white students in an integrated setting. Many states, particularly in the South, took Plessy and Berea as blanket approval for restrictive laws, generally known as Jim Crow laws, that created second-class status for African-Americans.  In many cities and towns, African-Americans were not allowed to share a taxi with whites or enter a building through the same entrance. They had to drink from separate water fountains, use separate restrooms, attend separate schools, be buried in separate cemeteries and even swear on separate Bibles. They were excluded from restaurants and public libraries. Many parks barred them with signs that read "Negroes and dogs not allowed." One municipal zoo went so far as to list separate visiting hours.  The etiquette of racial segregation was even harsher, particularly in the South. African Americans were expected to step aside to let a white person pass, and black men dared not look any white woman in the eye. Black men and women were addressed as "Tom" or "Jane", but rarely as "Mr." or "Miss" or "Mrs." Whites referred to black men of any age as "boy" and a black woman as "girl"; both often were called by labels such as "nigger" or "colored."  Less formal social segregation in the North began to yield to change.  Jackie Robinson"s Major League Baseball debut, 1947  Jackie Robinson was a sports pioneer of the Civil Rights Movement. Jackie Robinson is most well known for becoming the first African American to play professional sports in the major leagues. He is not often recognized as one of earliest public figures in the Civil Rights Movement. He debuted with the Brooklyn Dodgers of Major League Baseball on April 15, 1947. Jackie Robinson"s first major league game came one year before the U.S. Army was integrated, seven years before Brown v. Board of Education, eight years before Rosa Parks, and before Martin Luther King Jr. was leading the Civil Rights Movement. Jackie Robinson stepped into the spotlight before many of the most notable people in the Civil Rights Movement history. Every day he played, he was an example and role model for countless children and youths.  Disfranchisement  Main article: Disfranchisement after the Civil War  By the turn of the century, white-dominated Southern legislatures disfranchised nearly all age-eligible African American voters through a combination of statute and constitutional provisions. While requirements applied to all citizens, in practice, they were targeted at blacks and poor whites, and subjectively administered. In addition, opponents of black civil rights used economic reprisals and sometimes violence in the 1880s to discourage blacks from registering to vote.  Mississippi was the first state to have such constitutional provisions, such as poll taxes, literacy tests (which depended on subjective by white registrars), and complicated record keeping to establish residency, litigated before the Supreme Court. In 1898 the Court upheld the state, in Williams v. Mississippi. Other Southern states quickly adopted the "Mississippi plan", and from 1890-1908, ten states adopted new constitutions with provisions to disfranchise most blacks and many poor whites. States continued to disfranchise these groups for decades. Blacks were most adversely affected, as in many states black voter turnout dropped to zero. Poor whites were also disfranchised. In Alabama, for instance, by 1941, 600,000 poor whites had been disfranchised, and 520,000 blacks.[1]  It was not until the 20th century that litigation by African Americans on such provisions began to meet some success before the Supreme Court. In 1915 in Guinn v. United States, the Court declared Oklahoma"s "grandfather law", to be unconstitutional. Although the decision affected all states that used the grandfather clause, state legislatures quickly devised new devices to continue disfranchisement. Each provision or statute had to be litigated separately. One device the Democratic Party began to use more widely in Southern states was the white primary, which served for decades to disfranchise the few blacks who managed to get past barriers of voter registration. Barring blacks from voting in the Democratic Party primaries meant they had no chance to vote in the only competitive contests. White primaries were not struck down by the Supreme Court until Smith v. Allwright in 1944.  Criminal law and lynching  In 1880, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Strauder v. West Virginia, 100 U.S. 303 (1880) that African Americans could not be excluded from juries. The late 19th century disfranchisement of blacks in the South, however, meant that blacks were routinely barred from jury service, as it was reserved for voters only. This left them at the mercy of a white justice system arrayed against them. In some states, particularly Alabama, the state used the criminal justice system to reestablish a form of peonage in the form of the convict-lease system. The state sentenced black males to years of imprisonment, which they spent working without pay. The state leased prisoners to private employers, such as Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, a subsidiary of United States Steel Corporation, which paid the state for their labor. Because the state made money, the system created incentives for the jailing of more men, who were disproportionately black. It also created a system in which treatment of prisoners received little oversight.  Extra-judicial punishment was even more brutal. During the last decade of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century, white vigilantes lynched thousands of black males, sometimes with the overt assistance of state officials, mostly within the South. No whites were charged with crimes in any of those massacres. Whites were, in fact, so confident of their immunity from prosecution for lynching that they not only photographed the victims, but made postcards out of the pictures.  The Ku Klux Klan, which had largely disappeared after a brief violent career in the early years of Reconstruction, reappeared in 1915. It grew mostly in industrializing cities of the South and Midwest that underwent the most rapid growth from 1910-1930. Social instability contributed to racial tensions from severe competition for jobs and housing. People joined KKK groups who were anxious about their place in American society, as cities were rapidly changed by a combination of industrialization, migration of blacks and whites from the rural South, and waves of increased immigration from mostly rural southern and eastern Europe.[2]  Initially the KKK presented itself as another fraternal organization devoted to betterment of its members. The KKK"s revival was inspired in part by the movie Birth of a Nation, which glorified the earlier Klan and dramatized the racist stereotypes concerning blacks of that era. The Klan focused on political mobilization, which allowed it to gain power in states such as Indiana, on a platform that combined racism with anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic and anti-union rhetoric, but also supported lynching. It reached its peak of membership and influence about 1925, declining rapidly afterward as opponents mobilized.[3]  Segregated economic life and education  In addition to excluding blacks from equal participation in many areas of public life, white society also kept blacks in a position of economic subservience or marginality. After widespread losses from disease and financial failures in the late 19th c., black farmers in the South worked in virtual economic bondage as sharecroppers or tenant farmers. Employers and labor unions generally restricted African Americans to the worst paid and least desirable jobs. Because of the lack of steady, well-paid jobs, relatively undistinguished positions, such as those with the Pullman Porter or as hotel doorman, became prestigious positions in black communities.  The Jim Crow system that excluded African-Americans from many areas of economic life led to creation of a vigorous, but stunted economic life within the segregated sphere. Black newspapers sprang up throughout the North, while black owners of insurance and funeral establishments acquired disproportionate influence as both economic and political leaders.  Continuing to see education as the primary route of advancement and critical for the race, many talented blacks went into teaching, which had high respect as a profession. Segregated schools for blacks were underfunded in the South and ran on shortened schedules in rural areas. Despite segregation in Washington, DC, by contrast, as Federal employees, black and white teachers were paid on the same scale. Outstanding black teachers in the North received advanced degrees and taught in highly regarded schools, which trained the next generation of leaders in cities such as Chicago, Washington, and New York.  Education, in fact, w
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按列表、描点和连线的方法,作出函数y=2分之1x的平方的图象,如下:扩展资料幂函数的讨论分析:由于x大于0是对α的任意取值都有意义的,因此下面给出幂函数在各象限的各自情况。可以看到:(1)所有的图像都通过(1,1)这点.(α≠0) α>0时 图象过点(0,0)和(1,1)。(2)单调区间:当α为整数时,α的正负性和奇偶性决定了函数的单调性:①当α为正奇数时,图像在定义域为R内单调递增;②当α为正偶数时,图像在定义域为第二象限内单调递减,在第一象限内单调递增;③当α为负奇数时,图像在第一三象限各象限内单调递减(但不能说在定义域R内单调递减);④当α为负偶数时,图像在第二象限上单调递增,在第一象限内单调递减。当α为分数时,α的正负性和分母的奇偶性决定了函数的单调性:①当α>0,分母为偶数时,函数在第一象限内单调递增;②当α>0,分母为奇数时,函数在第一、三象限各象限内单调递增;③当α<0,分母为偶数时,函数在第一象限内单调递减;④当α<0,分母为奇数时,函数在第一、三象限各象限内单调递减(但不能说在定义域R内单调递减);(3)当α>1时,幂函数图形下凹(竖抛);当0<α<1时,幂函数图形上凸(横抛)。当α<0时,图像为双曲线。(4)在(0,1)上,幂函数中α越大,函数图像越靠近x轴;在(1,﹢∞)上幂函数中α越大,函数图像越远离x轴。(5)当α<0时,α越小,图形倾斜程度越大。(6)显然幂函数无界限。(7)α=2n(n为整数),该函数为偶函数 {x|x≠0}。
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1、中秋佳节已过数日,我的希翼:“心思会收敛 ,心海会息波澜,相思会厉兵秣马,思念能泯灭焰火。”然而在白云的影子里,日复一日地破灭。就像唐诗人王建笔下:”中庭地白树栖鸦 ,冷露无声湿桂花。今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家。2、至中秋,菊黄桂香。在这样一-个携着 岁月沉淀过的感悟,带着令人滋生浪漫色彩的日子里,人们把祈愿捏成-一个圆圆的月亮,将思念酿成一-杯香甜的桂花酒,惬意地品尝着一种向往和想象。在如水的清辉中,聆听那月下感动季节的一-弦旷 世乐章。3、今夜月圆,这个太多人期盼的夜晚,又是给了太多人太多期盼的夜晚,不知只是期盼它的到来,还是想着再遇到这样明月清风里,以期实现微小的愿望,人说对自己的自私是无害的,对别人的祝愿,在这个夜晚里传递一点温暖。 久久的,似是等待太久的,钚为相逢,只愿更多的思念,思念你,情字无眠。
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请问AMS AMENDMENT FEE 是什么费用?FCA成交条件下这笔费用是由哪方承担? Customs declaration 是什么费

求助我么?额,可惜我也不清楚,不好意思、AMS费用是automated manifest system,中文叫自动舱单系统?customs 海关申报单,申报关税
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描写中秋节的好句好段1、中秋节自古以来就是我国最有人情、最诗情画意的一个节日,是仅次于春节的一个传统节日。它寄托着人们对生活无限的热爱和对美好生活的向往。2、中秋节这天早上,我、爸爸和妈妈一起去了姥姥家过中秋,我很高兴,路上我们去了“满意100”超市买月饼和各种零食,买月饼的人还真多呀,形形色色人头传动 ,大家都忙碌着挑选月饼,月饼的形式多样,有大有小、花纹不一、形状各异,真漂亮。3、中秋节我们全家一起去了顺峰山公园赏月游玩。望着天空中的一朵朵白云,不时地从月亮上滑过,好像成了月亮的毛巾,擦去了月亮脸上的灰尘。月亮变得更亮了,犹如一个光芒四射的金盘子,月光照在我们身上柔和似棉,令我们好不快活呀!4、月亮越升越高,已经在高空中看我们狂欢。它俯视大地,把光辉挥洒。洒在房顶、湖面、草地??细细地编织着一个幽雅迷离的梦境??5、又过了一会儿,微风吹来,云妈妈向北移了移身子。终于,月亮娃娃勇敢地望着我们,完全露出了她那胖乎乎、圆都都、笑眯眯的脸蛋儿。月亮娃娃散步在深蓝深蓝的夜空,给赏月的人们带来了光明、憧憬、欢乐??6、一年一度的中秋节又快来临了,人们又开始忙碌起来,为家人、朋友买月饼送礼物,带去他们最真诚的祝福。7、我一边吃着月饼一边仰望天空,只见天渐渐变成了深蓝色,有几颗稀稀的星星眨着明亮的眼睛。不一会,月亮透过云彩探出头来。起初,月光很浅很浅,温柔得犹如一块透明的白纱笼罩大地。慢慢地,月光越来越亮,最后,一轮圆圆的明月像一个巨大的银盘挂在高高的深蓝色的天空上,天空刹时变得如同白昼。8、我拿起了一块月饼吃了起来,我发现月饼里的白莲双黄馅还很好吃呢,我想起了一个神话传说,传说古代的时候,嫦娥下凡时在天间撒下了无数的月饼,而那天正好是农历八月十五日,所以就有了八月十五中秋节吃月饼的习惯。9、俗话说,中秋的月亮圆又圆。今天是中秋节,又可以欣赏到这圆圆的月亮了。
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