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Merry Christmas的缩写是Merry X"mas还是Merry Xmas

2023-05-20 00:38:57


Merry Xmas的由来

Christmas 一词,是由 Christ “ 基督 ”与 -mass “ 礼拜 ”/“ 弥撒 ” (天主教的称呼 ) 两个词组合而成,指耶稣基督降生的日子里,众人齐聚一堂礼拜记念主为爱降生。

Christmas 的原意既是纪念主的节日,当然基督应该是一切活动的中心主题,以纪念耶稣基督降生为人,道成肉身拯救世人的恩典。

而 Christmas 里的 Christ 用 X 代替,则是因 Christ 一词的希腊文 Χριστοs的第一个字母大写写法很像英文的 X ,初期的基督徒因为使用语言为希腊文,确实常以X(ρ)来作基督的缩写。英语中将 Christmas 写作Xmas可追溯至16世纪,其早期形式例如“X"temmas”。

所以,Xmas 是希腊文和英文的混合体,而非一个正式用法的英文词,不可以加上撇号成为 X"mas 。

在外国乃至现在国内许多商家在圣诞节期间,挂出 Merry Xmas 两个词的海报 ( Merry X"mas 是错误的写法 ) ,但在正式的场合仍以 Merry Christmas 为正确庆祝圣诞节的称呼。





英 [ˈkrɪsməs]  美 [ˈkrɪsməs]  


复数: Christmases

The day after Christmas is generally a busy one for retailers



正确写法是Merry Xmas 这里的X代表Christ, 是希腊文,加一撇是错误的写法。但是正式场合还是用Merry Christmas 希望有帮到你,满意请点赞哦




Merry X"mas 圣诞快乐



是Merry X"mas的




Merry X"mas



2023-01-13 07:56:233


1 jesus christ,2 christ,3 jesus,耶稣: [ yē sū ]例句与用法:1. 对基督徒来说,主耶稣是他们的救世主。To Christians, Jesus Christ is the Saviour.2. 耶稣是基督教的创始人。Jesus was the founder of the Christian religion.耶稣的英文是Jesus Christ,但这个英语名字也是耶稣本名的音译。耶稣的本名应该是希伯来语,具体怎么拼写请百度一下吧,我也不清楚。我个人觉得中文的音译比英文更接近耶稣他老人家本名的发音。你可以参照2004年出品的电影《耶稣受难记》(The Passion of the Christ),导演:梅尔吉普森。里面的演员用了希伯来语称呼耶稣。听上去更像中文所说的耶稣或耶和华(有些版本的圣经是用这个名字的)。耶稣(公元元年/前4年—公元30年),是基督宗教里的核心人物,基督宗教认为他是《旧约圣经》中所预言的弥赛亚(救世主,基督),并且是三位一体中圣子的位格,常被称为“拿撒勒人耶稣”。根据《圣经》记载,耶稣出生于伯利恒 (巴勒斯坦中部),三十岁左右开始传道,三十三岁时在总督本丢彼拉多执政时受难、为了全人类的罪被钉死在十字架上,第三天复活、并向门徒显现四十天后升天,坐在全能天父的右边,他必要在世界穷尽的审判之日在光荣中降来,建立荣耀的天国,给「善」带来最后的胜利。
2023-01-13 07:56:256


2023-01-13 07:56:301


Christ 译为基督是音译,按照广东话粤语而翻译的,最早翻译的为“ 基利斯督 ”,后来简称为“基督”。因为利玛窦最早是到了澳门,并且在广东肇庆最早开始的宣教工作,所以他的很多发音都带有粤语色彩。利玛窦不是英国人,作为一位耶稣会的传教士,他按照拉丁文的“Christos”,发音更接近希腊文的“Χριστοs”,用今天的汉语拼音来拼写应该是接近于“Hristos”(“赫利斯多斯”)
2023-01-13 07:56:331


2023-01-13 07:56:364


Christ [kraIst; kraist]名词基督(以救世主 (the Savior) 身分出现的耶稣 (Jesus) 的称号)before ~纪元前(略作 B.C.)感叹词(俚)哎呀(表惊讶)! 岂有此理!
2023-01-13 07:56:391

"Christ" 读音

名词 n. 1.基督2.耶稣像;耶稣偶像感叹词 int. 1.【口】(惊愕,愤怒时所用)天啊!
2023-01-13 07:56:422


“圣诞节”的英语:Christmas 读音:[ˈkrɪsməs] 释义:n. 圣诞节;圣诞节期间Day读音:英 [deɪ] 美 [de] 释义:1、n.一天;白天;时期;节日2、adj.日间的;逐日的3、adv.每天;经常在白天地所以,“圣诞节”也可以用Christmas Day例句:1、The film will run to Christmas.这部影片将连续放映到圣诞节。2、Christmas is coming up soon.圣诞节很快就要来到。扩展资料圣诞节Christmas词源圣诞这个词的含义是指“基督的弥撒(Christ"smass)”,有时又缩写为“Xmas”。“即为“基督的一次聚餐”。这个仪式源自《新约》的“最后的晚餐”。而“基督的弥撒(Christ"smass)”这个词是希腊语和拉丁语的拼凑,因为Christ来自希腊语Χριστός,意思本来只是指犹太人的“受膏者”,引申为救世主;而mass来自拉丁语missa,本意为散会(dismissal), 引申为基督教会感恩聚会。所以有时又缩写为“Xmas”。这可能是因为X类似于希腊字母Χ(Chi);Χ 是“基督”的希腊语 Χριστός(Christos)中的首个字母。中国除大陆地区外基本翻译为“耶诞节”,是比较准确的翻译。西方其他节日的英文表达方法:1、New Year"s Day 新年2、Valentines Day 情人节3、April Fool"s Day 愚人节4、Mothers Day 母亲节5、Easter Day 复活节6、Fathers Day 父亲节7、Halloween 万圣节81Fourth Thursday in November - Thanksgiving Day - 感恩节
2023-01-13 07:56:451

Christ 和Christian在国外是表示同一个名字吗?

2023-01-13 07:56:511

Christ为什么被翻为 基督

本来就是啊! 有什么问题?
2023-01-13 07:56:574


how about u use your own name,such as Christ Hu,Christ Li? It is more common.Just like Jacky Chen,BruceLee
2023-01-13 07:57:003


2023-01-13 07:57:031

CHRIST 手表是哪产的, 这个品牌叫什么?均价多少钱?

2023-01-13 07:57:074


2023-01-13 07:57:102

jesus christ表达什么?

jesus christ用来表示惊讶、高兴、害怕等情绪。Jesus Christ是日常的感叹词,相当于 “天那”,用来表达比较强烈的情感。Jesus Christ, he just tried to get in through the window. 卧槽,他刚刚居然从窗户进来了。对于有信仰的人来说,绝少用Jesus Christ来表达情绪.别人在有信仰的人面前也应该避免使用Jesus Christ这一类词,以免冒犯对方。如在开玩笑或轻松的谈话时说: Jesus Christ (耶稣基督)一定会被认为你是不懂礼貌的人。Jesus Christ并非脏话,但显然属于禁忌语。相对而言,oh my god造成的不愉快情绪要小得多,大多数人对此并不感到特别不舒服。jesus christ类似用语Oh my god,它的中文意思就是“我的老天!我的上帝!”一般用于表达惊奇、喜悦、或愤怒。1、Oh my god! I"ve never seen a spider like that!老天爷!我从没有见过那样的蜘蛛!2、Oh my god! Oh my god! I was accepted by Yale University!噢,我的上帝!我被耶鲁大学录取了!
2023-01-13 07:57:131

Jesus Christ是口语吗?

这是一个人名啊n. 耶稣基督Jesus Christ redeemed men from sin.耶稣基督把世人从罪恶中拯救出来。
2023-01-13 07:57:194


2023-01-13 07:57:222

老外的口头禅 鸡舍思,克雷斯是什么意思

Jesus Christ耶稣,天哪 。相当于“他 妈 的”类似于oh,my god!!都可以用来表示惊讶、高兴、害怕等情绪。但是,对于有信仰的人来说,绝少用Jesus Christ来表达情绪,别人在有信仰的人面前也应该避免使用Jesus Christ这一类词,以免冒犯对方
2023-01-13 07:57:282

西方人诅咒时说的jusus christ是什么意思

2023-01-13 07:57:311

Jesue Christ什么意思

美国人感叹词 和我草 差不多
2023-01-13 07:57:343


2023-01-13 07:57:373


Lord嘛~可以暗示出对上帝的绝对俯首,上帝是"老大",没人敢违抗; Jesus,是英国人根据基督教创始地语言的音译.[耶苏 Jesus]圣经里用的比较多; Christ意义上=Jesus,但Christ除了可以表示[耶苏 Christ]外还可以表示[弥勒亚 the Christ],在口语里如果比较正式的说[上帝]用Christ而不用God. God,多用于口语,不是很正式,[God bless you!上帝保佑你!].
2023-01-13 07:57:401


2023-01-13 07:57:461


2023-01-13 07:57:492

Jesus Christ是口语吗?

2023-01-13 07:57:551


Meaning: Its source is Christiana, a Latin name meaning "Christ"s follower." 拉丁文意思是“基督的人",意为上帝的追随者Nicknames: Chris 昵称是ChrisAlternative Spellings: Christiaan, Khristian and Kristian 其他拼法有Christiaan, Khristian and Kristian Variant Forms: Kristien and Kristienne Non-English Forms: Karsten Source Forms: Christiana Popularity: The name Christian ranked 708th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of 2000-2003 Social Security Administration statistics and 903rd in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census. Though this name has fluctuated in use, it has been quietly present throughout the last century.Narrative: The influence of religion on names is evident throughout the world. For example, it is a tenet of Islam that the best names either refer to attributes of Allah or are derived from hamida, an Arabic word meaning ""praise."" Names used on the Indian subcontinent often refer to the deities of Hinduism. Though Christiana"s direct refererence to Christianity is exceptional, names with ties to the West"s predominant religion are far from unusual. Many Hebrew-derived names reflect Christianity"s Jewish heritage. Greek- and Latin-derived names witness the church"s early development in the Mediterranean basin. Finally, many Germanic and Gaelic names honor saints who spread Christianity throughout northern Europe.
2023-01-13 07:57:582


2023-01-13 07:58:023

oh my god 与 Jesus Christ 区别

oh my god可以用来表示惊讶、高兴、害怕等情绪。在英国,你可以注意到很多人,尤其是女性,会省掉god而用oh my ...原因是因为根据信仰His Holy Name是不能被随便提及的。同样的原因,对于有信仰的人来说,绝少用Jesus Christ来表达情绪。别人在有信仰的人面前也应该避免使用Jesus Christ这一类词,以免冒犯对方。Jesus Christ并非脏话,但显然属于禁忌语(taboo words)。相对而言,oh my god造成的不愉快情绪要小得多,大多数人对此并不感到特别offended。
2023-01-13 07:58:332

lord jesus christ是什么意思

lord这个词是主或上帝的意思,jesus就是耶稣,christ是基督或救世主的意思。翻译过来就是 主耶稣基督。
2023-01-13 07:58:443


公元前以B.C.(英文Before Christ的缩写,意为“基督以前”)表示,通常写在公元年份之前。顾名思义就是公元元年之前
2023-01-13 07:58:472

jesus christ什么意思?

书面语是耶稣的意思。也可以用作口头语,类似于oh,my god!!都可以用来表示惊讶、高兴、害怕等情绪。书面语:Jesus The Christ 耶稣基督 ; 基督Jesus-christ 耶稣Jesus of Christ 耶稣基督耶稣基督 :There are many underlying images of Jesus Christ in western literature.在西方文学中有众多潜在的耶稣基督的隐喻形象。口头语:Jesus Christ 类似于oh,my god!!都可以用来表示惊讶、高兴、害怕等情绪。天呐!用作惊呼
2023-01-13 07:59:051

西方人诅咒时说的jusus christ是什么意思

不是诅咒,是Jesus christ耶稣,是天啊这种感叹。
2023-01-13 07:59:081

英语 圣诞节

Christmas The Feast of Christmas It is not easy to pin-point the origins of the Christmas feast, today the more important feast of the Christmas season in most western Christian churches. One can only say for certain that the birth of Jesus Christ was being celebrated in Rome by the year 336 A.D.; afterwards the feast was celebrated in other Christian churches throughout the world. Why it was celebrated on December 25th is another question. No date for the birth of Jesus can be found in the New Testament, which is concerned more with the question "Who is Jesus?" than the date of his birth. Early Christian speculation about his birth date was influenced by the symbolism of the changing seasons, then popular in religious thought, which paid careful attention to the equinoxes and solstices of the sun. Christian scholars speculated that Jesus was conceived at the spring equinox (March 25th) and therefore was born on December 25th, the date of the winter solstice. In many of the Christian churches, March 25th is still the Feast of the Annunciation, when the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was to be the mother of Jesus. Possible impluse for the feast of Christmas may have came too from the establishment of the pagan feast of the "Unconquered Sun-God" by the Emperor Aurelian in 274 A.D. to be celebrated on December 25, the day of the winter solstice in Rome and throughout the empire. In response, Christians could celebrate the feast of the "Sun of righteousness" (Malachi 4,2), Jesus Christ, who called himself " the light of the world." Father Christmas It is said that in the year of 300 AD, there was a kind old man and his name was Saint Nicholas. He was always ready to help the poor and often gave presents to them. Today, Father Christmas is an imaginary figure, but nearly all young children believe in him. They think he is a happy old man with a long white beard and a long red robe. On the night of the twenty-fourth of December every year, Father Christmas from some cold northern land comes down the chimney of the fireplace to put presents by the beds of children or to fill their stockings. So when children go to bed that night, they hang up their stockings, and on Christmas morning they wake to find them full of presents. Of course, it"s really their parents who fill the stockings. Another name for Father Christmas is Santa Claus. 参考资料:chq0621 回答者:木原正树 - 大魔法师 九级 10-7 09:04 这篇不难的,可以参考:)~ For today"s Christian, the origin of Christmas is, and should be, the birth of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible. Nothing more and nothing less. However, most of what we witness on December 25th each year has absolutely nothing to do with that blessed day, which probably occurred in late summer or early fall about 2,000 years ago. In fact, most of the customs and traditions of Christmas actually pre-date the birth of Jesus, and many of them are downright deceptive in their meaning and origin. Anyway, who cares when Christ was born? Christmas Day,the 25th of December,is the biggest festival(节日)celebrated in the Christian countries of the world.Although everyone enjoys Christmas Day,it is particularly enjoyed by children,who get very excited because of the presents they know they are going to receive.Small children believe that their presents are brought by Father Christmas(圣诞老人).Father Christmas is a kind of old man who,the children are told,lives at the North Pole.He travels through the sky on a sleigh(雪撬) which is pulled by reindeers(驯鹿) and loaded with(装满) presents.Stopping on the roof of houses,he enters by climbing the chimney(烟囱).When small children go to bed on Christmas Eve,they hang a stocking at the end of their beds.Their parents warn them not to try to look at Father Christmas,or he will not leave them anything.When they wake,they find their stockings filled with presents.Children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early. Christmas is also a family celebration.As any members of the family as possible gather to eat,play party games and watch the special Christmas programmes on TV. 回答者: 13760551 - 进士出身 八级 10-7 09:07 People send each other cards and give gifts to their families and friends. In homes and in stores, evergreen trees glitter with colorful lights and ornaments. Children look forward to seeing a jolly, white-bearded man in a red suit named Santa Claus. It all can mean just one thing: It"s the season of Christmas, a holiday celebrated every year on December 25. WHAT IS CHRISTMAS? Christmas is a Christian holiday. It commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ more than 2,000 years ago. Christian churches hold religious services to celebrate Christmas. At midnight on Christmas Eve, most churches hold special candlelight services. But Christmas is also a social and family holiday. It is a festival of goodwill, a time for family, friends, food, and gift-giving. Many Americans share Christmas cookies, decorate their homes, and place presents under the family Christmas tree. Children often hang up stockings for Santa Claus to fill with small gifts. According to tradition, Santa arrives on a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Presents are usually opened on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. THE STORY OF CHRIST"S BIRTH The story of Christ"s birth comes mainly from the New Testament of the Bible, a holy book of Christianity. According to the Bible, Joseph and his wife, Mary, traveled from Nazareth to the town of Bethlehem. The town"s inn had no room for them, even though Mary was expecting a child. Her baby was born in a stable and placed in a manger, a criblike holder for animal feed. In the fields near Bethlehem, an angel appeared before shepherds who were guarding their flocks. The angel told the shepherds that a holy child named Jesus Christ had been born. Other angels appeared and sang. After the angels had gone, the shepherds went to Bethlehem to see the child. Three Wise Men came from the east looking for a newborn king. They followed a bright, guiding star called the Star of Bethlehem. It led them to Christ in the manger. There, they knelt in worship before the baby Jesus and gave him gifts. TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS The official Christmas season is popularly known as the Twelve Days of Christmas. It extends from the anniversary of Christ"s birth on December 25 to the feast of Epiphany on January 6. The Epiphany honors Jesus" baptism and the arrival of the Three Wise Men in Bethlehem. THE ROOTS OF CHRISTMAS No one knows exactly when Jesus Christ was born. For many years, local Christian churches celebrated Christ"s birth at different times. Then, in the ad 300s, the Roman Catholic Church set the birth date at December 25. At that time, older non-Christian festivals were celebrated around Christmas. The Romans celebrated Saturnalia, a festival honoring their god of harvest and god of light. Other Europeans held festivals in mid-December marking the end of the harvest season. The Roman Catholic Church probably chose December 25 to give a Christian meaning to these older festivals. The Orthodox Church, the Christian church in the east, also began using December 25 as the birth date of Jesus. But the Orthodox Church places more importance on celebrating Jesus" baptism on January 6. CHRISTMAS GIFTS The custom of exchanging gifts at Christmas comes from the ancient Romans. During Saturnalia, the Romans exchanged tokens of good luck. Later, it became customary for Romans to exchange more valuable gifts, such as clothes or jewelry. The Biblical story of the Three Wise Men who presented gifts to baby Jesus also shaped this Christmas custom. CHRISTMAS TREES The tradition of the Christmas tree came to North America from Germany. Long ago, Germans began decorating evergreen trees in their homes at Christmas. They trimmed their trees with fruits, cookies, and lighted candles. German immigrants to the United States brought this custom with them in the 1800s. Before Christian times, ancient people used evergreens for decoration and religious ceremonies. Because evergreens do not die in the winter, they came to symbolize eternal life. STAR OF BETHLEHEM The Star of Bethlehem is one of the oldest symbols of Christmas. A star traditionally sits atop Christmas trees. Stars are used for many other Christmas decorations, too. CHRISTMAS LIGHTS Lighted candles have always been a part of Christmas celebrations. The candles represent Jesus Christ, who the Bible calls “the light of the world.” Today, most people decorate their homes and yards with electric lights in place of candles. MISTLETOE AND HOLLY The custom of decorating with mistletoe at Christmastime dates to the Romans. They thought of mistletoe as a symbol of peace. They believed enemies would resolve their differences when they met beneath it. The Christmas custom of kissing under the mistletoe is thought to come from this ancient belief. Holly, too, is a popular Christmas decoration. Its sharp, pointed leaves are considered a symbol of Christ"s crown of thorns. Christ wore the crown when he was crucified (nailed to a cross). CHRISTMAS AROUND THE WORLD Each part of the world has its own Christmas traditions. In many countries, gifts are exchanged on January 6 to mark the Epiphany. On January 5, the eve of the Epiphany, children in Spain leave grain in their shoes for the Wise Men"s camels. The next morning, they find small gifts in place of the grain. In Mexico, singing children parade from house to house in a tradition called posadas. They ask for shelter, like Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem before Jesus" birth. The children are turned away at many doors before they are finally invited in. Then, everyone enjoys a large meal, singing, and dancing. In the southern part of the world, in places like Australia, Christmas arrives in summer. Australians often celebrate Christmas with a beach picnic! And Santa"s sleigh is said to be pulled by eight kangaroos!
2023-01-13 07:59:111

〆〆〆〆Jesus christ是什么意思〆〆〆〆

可以用于口语中.Jesus Christ 类似于oh,my god!都可以用来表示惊讶、高兴、害怕等情绪.但是,对于有信仰的人来说,绝少用Jesus Christ来表达情绪,别人在有信仰的人面前也应该避免保证正确率,望采纳如有疑问,请追问
2023-01-13 07:59:133


2023-01-13 07:59:176

christ the redeemer是什么意思

christ the redeemer救世主基督像;救世基督像;里约热内卢的基督像;基督像The complex sits in the middle of the Tijuca National Park, approximately 1 km from thefamous monument of Christ The Redeemer. 这个复合体坐落在奇久卡(Tijuca)国家公园内,距离著名的救世者耶稣(Christ TheRedeemer)纪念碑将近1公里。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-01-13 07:59:221


壹:(姓)克里斯蒂贰:Christ is 基督是壹答案较靠谱,贰没有大写。
2023-01-13 07:59:294

西方人诅咒时说的jusus christ是什么意思

2023-01-13 07:59:322


2023-01-13 07:59:383

为什么christmas常称做X"s mas

晕了```这是一种读音上的缩写比如:how are you 可以写成:how r u 一样的道理 如果你经常和老外的年轻人打交道就知道了
2023-01-13 07:59:413


2023-01-13 07:59:448

圣诞节介绍 中英结合

圣诞节英文:Christmas 圣诞节就要到了,今天就给大家讲讲Christmas Day的故事。Christmas day had to arrive, today gives everybody to speakChristmas Day the story. Christmas是Christ(基督)和Mass(凯撒)的缩写, 恺撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。圣诞节是一个宗教节日,是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,因而又名“耶诞节”。Christmas is Christ (Christ) and Mass (Caesar) the abbreviation,Caesar is the church one kind of week ceremony. Christmas day is areligious holiday, is the Christian commemorates the day which Jesusis born, thus also names "Ye Danjie". 每年的12月25日,世界所有的基督教会都会举行特别的礼拜仪式。到了19世纪,圣诞卡的流行、圣诞老人的出现,圣诞节也开始流行起来。有很多圣诞节的欢庆活动和宗教并无半点关联。有人说耶稣在夏末秋初诞生,并非12月25日。然而,圣诞节究竟是否耶稣诞辰之日对于现代人来说已经不那么重要,它就像我们的春节一样,大家相聚一堂,交换礼物,寄圣诞卡,吃火鸡大餐,是一个普天同庆的日子! Every year on December 25, the world all Christian church can hold thespecial week ceremony. To 19th century, the Christmas card has beenpopular, Santa Claus"s appearance, Christmas day also starts popularlyto get up. Has very many Christmas days to joyfully celebrate theactivity and the religion and the non- least bit connection. Somepeople said Jesus in at the end of the summer 秋初 birth, by nomeans on December 25. However, Christmas day actually whether date ofthe Jesus birthday regarding the modern people did say already notthat was important, it liked our Spring Festival to be same, everybodypoly a hall, the exchange gift, sent the Christmas card, ate theturkey western-style food, was a worldwide celebration day! 西方人以红、绿、白三色为圣诞色,圣诞节来临时家家户户都要用圣诞色来装饰。红色的有圣诞花(一品红,poinsettia)和圣诞蜡烛。绿色的是圣诞树。它是圣诞节的主要装饰品,用砍伐来的杉、柏一类呈塔形的常青树装饰而成。上面悬挂着五颜六色的彩灯、礼物和纸花,还点燃着圣诞蜡烛。 The western person take red, green, is white tricolor as the Christmascolor, Christmas day approaches when each and every family all mustuse the Christmas color to decorate. Red has the Christmas flower(poinsettia, poinsettia) and the Christmas candle. The green is aChristmas tree. It is the Christmas day main ornament, with fells thecedar, a cypress kind which assume 塔形 the evergreen decoration tobecome. Above is being hanging the colorful colored lantern, the giftand the artificial flower, but also is lighting the Christmas candle. 红色与白色相映成趣的是圣诞老人,他是圣诞节活动中最受欢迎的人物。西方儿童在圣诞夜临睡之前,要在壁炉前或枕头旁放上一只袜子(Christmas stocking),等候圣诞老人在他们入睡后把礼物放在袜子内。在西方,扮演圣诞老人也是一种习俗。 Red forms a nice contrast with the white is Santa Claus, he is thecharacter which the Christmas day moves most receives welcome. Westernchild in Christmas night just before going to sleep before, must putsa sock nearby the fireplace or the pillow (Christmas stocking), waitsfor Santa Claus to go to sleep after them puts the gift in the sock.In the west, acts Santa Claus also is one kind of custom.
2023-01-13 07:59:591

英剧skins第二季christ葬礼上jal说的悼词 英文的...谁有麻烦发下TAT

《skins》第二季第五集中戴帽子唱歌的那个男的是与他的乐队一起在剧中客串的。这个乐队的名字:We need leads 06年成立于利物浦戴帽子唱歌的人叫 Pete Constantine,是这个乐队的主奏吉他和主唱 网上多是这个乐队的介绍,他个人的信息较少。
2023-01-13 08:00:012

NEED: 《Last Christmas》的歌词

Last Christmas 歌手:Wham 专辑:music from the edge of heaven Wham / Last Christmas--------------------------------------Last ChristmasI gave you my heartBut the very next day you gave it awayThis yearTo save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone specialOnce bitten and twice shyI keep my distanceBut you still catch my eyeTell me babyDo you recognize me?WellIt"s been a yearIt doesn"t surprise me(Happy Christmas)I wrapped it up and sent itWith a note saying "I love you"I meant itNow I know what a fool I"ve beenBut if you kissed me nowI know you"d fool me againA crowded roomFriends with tired eyesI"m hiding from youAnd your soul of iceMy god I thought you wereSomeone to rely onMe?I guess I was a shoulder to cry onA face on a lover with a fire in his heartA man under cover but you tore me apartNow I"ve found a real love you"ll never fool me again
2023-01-13 08:00:044

Christtina Aguilera的介绍

  英文名:Christina Aguilera  中文名:克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉  国籍 : 美国  所在 : 美国  出生地点:Staten Island, New York, USA  生日 : 1980年12月18日  生肖 : 猴  星座 : 射手座  最喜欢的运动:棒球、排球  最喜欢的颜色:粉红、白  最喜欢的零食:Steak and potatoes  最喜欢的歌手:ETTA JAMES,MADONNA,WHITNEY HOUSTON  最喜欢的休闲:唱歌、跳舞、购物、运动  最喜欢的电影:《音乐之声》  她8岁就上台表演,从12岁到14岁这段时间她都是米老鼠俱乐部中最有魅力的女孩子。10岁时,Christina已为匹兹堡市的Steelers and Pirates俱乐部演唱美国国歌。1998年,迪士尼公司拍摄了反映中国古代的经典人物花木兰故事的卡通片<Mulan>,主题曲演唱者的决定一只悬而未决。公司找到当时在米老鼠俱乐部演唱水平最佳的Christina Aguilera,Christina在经理人的面前演唱了惠特尼休斯顿的名曲<Run to you >。经理人立马被这个年今18岁的女孩子的嗓音折服。两天之内,Christina就录制好了这首经典的<Reflection>,这首歌还得到了第二年金球奖的提名。  1999年,Christina与BMG唱片公司签约,录制了生平的第一张同名专辑。第一支单曲蝉联了美国公告牌排行榜六周冠军。随后发行的专辑首周卖出34万张,排名第二。于是整个1999年就都是Christina和她以往的好友、如今的竞争对手小甜甜布兰妮的天下了,专辑接连诞生了3支冠军单曲,两首Top10单曲。其实这张专辑是所有她的专辑中我最不喜欢的,因为刚刚步入歌坛的Christina的才华完全被唱片公司埋没了。专辑通篇的流行舞曲,让人生厌。可是它却是当年市场的宠儿,至今已在全球卖出了1200万张。2000年2月,Christina一举夺得了格莱美音乐大奖的最佳新人奖。  然而这张唱片也不是一无是处,比如这首表达对母亲深厚谢意的歌曲<I turn to you >就非常出彩!  其后,Christina马不停蹄的发行了西班牙语专辑<Mi Reflejo>,为了向自己的拉丁血统致敬(她的父亲是厄瓜多尔人)。  这张专辑成为了2000年销量最高的拉丁专辑,并在2001年为Christina赢得了她的第一座拉丁格莱美大奖。专辑中的拉丁风格让人陶醉,本人最爱这首<Contigo en la distancia>(天涯海角)。动人心弦的吉他撩拨伴着Christina醉人的声音。简直堪称完美!  2000年底,Christina推出了圣诞节应景专辑<My kind of christmas>.以下是专辑中本人偏爱的一首歌<Have yourself a merry little christmas>.  在2001年。Christina先是与拉丁天王Ricky Martin合作对唱经典<Nobody wants to be lonely>,然后又与Lil" Kim, Mya ,Pink合作了当年最为火爆的单曲<Lady marmalade>,这支单曲成为了Chrstina的第四支冠军单曲,并且让她在第二次站上格莱美的领奖台,与另外三个女孩共同获得了最佳合唱奖。  2002年10月,Christina发行了让整个世界为之疯狂的专辑<Stripped>,这张唱片赢来了一片骂声和一片赞扬声,喜欢它的人赞不绝口,讨厌的则把它贬的一文不值。  可是即便如此,专辑仍然势如破竹的在全球狂卖了800万张,位列2003年全球销量第五名。最让人欣慰的是,Chrstina在2004年初凭借大热歌曲<Beautiful>第三次站上了格莱美的领奖台,获得了年度最佳女歌手的超级大奖!  这首<Beautiful>在现在看来可谓传世经典,朴实的歌词和曲子以及Christina同样朴实的演唱,让这首歌听起来格外让人感动!  此后的巡回演唱会几乎场场爆满,Christina在歌曲中表达的那种坚强不屈服的精神让所有人为她倾倒!  2005年11月,Christina与制作人男友Jordan Bratman结婚。  [编辑本段]【录音室专辑】  《Christina Aguilera》同名专辑 1999  《My Kind Of Christmas 》恋恋祝福(圣诞特别专辑) 2000  《Mi Reflejo》拉丁情怀(西班牙语) 2000  《Just Be Free》自由自在 试音专辑(非官方) 2001  《Stripped》裸 2002  《Back To Basics》返璞归真 2006  《Keeps Gettin" Better(A decade of hits)》 2008
2023-01-13 08:00:111

关于耶酥(Jesus Christ)的翻译问题

2023-01-13 08:00:144

知道英文Before Christ(缩写为 B.C.)的意思是什么吗?

Before Christ指公元前,Christ的意思为救世主,特指耶稣基督,圣诞节Christmas就是Christ的同根词
2023-01-13 08:00:171

上次听到一首圣诞歌(里面既有中文也有英文),不知道歌名,只记得中间有一句“merry christ

是《铃儿响叮当 》。 1857年,美国波士顿假日学校的学生在教堂有一场感恩节演出,学生们请邻居皮尔彭特写了一首新歌,轻快的旋律让孩子们马上就学会了,这首名为“One Horse Open Sleigh”的歌一经演唱就引起了轰动,并很快成为了一首脍炙人口的经典圣诞歌曲。两年后,这首歌再度公开发表,正式命名为Jingle Bells(The One Horse Open Sleigh)。 
2023-01-13 08:00:266

christ is all and in all 是什么意思

2023-01-13 08:01:062

Juses Christ中文什么意思?

  Jesus Christ  英 [ˈdʒi:zəs kraist] 美 [ˈdʒizəs kraɪst]  n.耶稣,耶稣基督,基督;  [网络]耶酥基督; 耶稣; 我的天哪;  [例句]The crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ  耶稣基督的受难、复活和升天
2023-01-13 08:01:101