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2023-05-20 00:25:03
TAG: 英文

<one piece>里的 乔巴 CHOPPER チョッパー




我只知道巴乔,踢足球的,意大利人,非常有名的那个。罗伯特·巴乔:Robert Baggio。英语和意大利语都是这么写的。




巴乔是roberto baggio了!!!





<one piece>里的 乔巴 CHOPPER チョッパー





chopper是俚语。 就像police和cops的区别
2023-01-13 05:18:124


2023-01-13 05:18:183


helicopter 直升机是正规用语chopper 相当口语...
2023-01-13 05:18:242

Chopper 为什么可以翻译成直升机

2023-01-13 05:18:272

Chopper, 断路器,为什么可以译成“直升机?”

Chopper 的意思有几个:断电器;直升机;切物者[器];切割的机器或器具
2023-01-13 05:18:313


使命召唤手游 chopper机枪怎么解锁?chopper是一把后坐力极低的机枪,高射速与稳定性,让这把武器成为了最强的机枪之一。下面我给大家带来的就是《使命召唤手游》chopper机枪解锁方法,感兴趣的小伙伴一起来看看吧。 《使命召唤手游》chopper机枪解锁方法 一、chopper机枪解锁方法 1、腰射30个敌人,达成要求后即可获得chopper机枪; 2、玩家们只需挑选一把上手的武器,对准敌人的腰部进行 射击 即可; 3、腰射30个敌人就可以完成任务目标,解锁chopper机枪了。 二、chopper机枪性能介绍 1、chopper应该是最强的机枪了,拿到重型握把后开镜速度直接起飞; 2、chopper极强的后座力低,边走边开枪也不是问题; 3、chopper在5公尺内腰射命中率很高,不过超过5公尺腰射就没什么用了。 三、chopper机枪配件推荐 YKM轻型消焰器+chopper特种部队+金属被甲弹+OWC战术雷射+重型把握。
2023-01-13 05:18:331


2023-01-13 05:18:361


我也不是很清楚 对不起 希望下一个朋友帮助你
2023-01-13 05:18:469


2023-01-13 05:18:551


中西部的说唱风格。Chopper直译成中文是斧头,切碎机,俚语中可以指代直升机,这个词给人一种很有力量的感觉,在说唱文化中Chopper style是一种起源于中西部的说唱风格,语速像子弹一般精准快速,而flow在这种高速的快嘴中接连不断地变化。Chopper style的代表人物有Tech N9ne、Twista、Busta Ryhme等。目前最知名的是因为一首《The Anthem》红遍全国的Tech N9ne。其实Chopper这种风格已经出现很久了,在90年代初期由Bone Thugs-n-Harmony发明,由于中西部本身偏快的口音,使得这种风格开始在堪萨斯、休斯顿、芝加哥等中西部地方流行。到90年代中期,Bone Thugs-n-Harmony和Twista等元老人物将其发扬光大,最后传遍全世界。
2023-01-13 05:18:571

it"s a chopper是什么意思

chopper 直升机的意思
2023-01-13 05:19:065


对`!~!俚语 !~!
2023-01-13 05:19:112

请问motorcycle与chopper的区别,在低俗小说中威利斯说it‘s not a motorcycle,it"s chopper

motorcycle是普通摩托车,chopper在美国指的是 很炫的 机车的意思。 像布鲁斯 威利斯 骑的那辆车就是属于 chopper。 《低俗小说》里面的这种类型的英文还有好多
2023-01-13 05:19:192

英语escort you to my chopper怎么翻译?

2023-01-13 05:19:223


将直流电变为另一固定电压或可调电压的直流电。也称为直流--直流变换器(DC/DC Converter)。一般指直接将直流电变为另一直流电,不包括直流—交流—直流。直流斩波电路(DC Chopper)种类:6种基本斩波电路:降压斩波电路、升压斩波电路、 升降压斩波电路、Cuk斩波电路、Sepic斩波电路和Zeta斩波电路。复合斩波电路——不同结构基本斩波电路组合。多相多重斩波电路——相同结构基本斩波电路组合。
2023-01-13 05:19:264


使命召唤手游 最近上线了全新的电锯惊魂转盘,很多小伙伴都很想知道其中的Chopper游戏规则怎么样,今天我给大家带来了《使命召唤手游》Chopper游戏规则介绍,感兴趣的小伙伴一起来看看吧,希望可以帮助到大家。 《使命召唤手游》Chopper游戏规则介绍 【Chopper-游戏规则】 第二关:“穿越沙漠才能悟透水的珍贵。”高速转动的齿轮在进行“切割作业”时,温度急剧升高,迸发出刺眼的白色火花。灼热感逐渐逼近,不,亲爱的玩家,逃跑是没有用的,这里不是运动场,你该学会拿起武器直面战斗。 Chopper-游戏规则主宰着整局游戏的进度,所有零件紧凑地排布于枪身之上,强大的动能系统带动枪托处的齿轮组不停转动。举起它吧,看着机瞄下方的时钟,算一算通关还剩多少时间?千万不要像掉落的铁屑一样,随风消散哦。 心理与生理的双重磨炼,是否让玩家们回想起了曾经平静的生活?仔细看Chopper-游戏规则还能发现几处机关:布满尖刺的铁链、握把上方的开关以及锁住的绿色铁皮弹匣,现在请取下枪托处的录音带,获取线索吧。
2023-01-13 05:19:281


使命召唤手游 最近上线了全新的失落实验室转盘。很多小伙伴都很想知道其中的Chopper绝对制约怎么样,今天我给大家带来了《使命召唤手游》Chopper绝对制约介绍。感兴趣的小伙伴一起来看看吧,希望可以帮助到大家。 《使命召唤手游》Chopper绝对制约介绍 Chopper作为轻机枪家族中拥有着光辉战绩的老大哥,较高的射速和不错的稳定性,使其在中近距离常有不错发挥。 Chopper-绝对制约在保留了原枪械的部分特点后,内核镶嵌能量源,并以流线型的简约设计,惊喜现身于失落实验室中。
2023-01-13 05:19:311


摩托也嬉皮:最经典的美式机车风格,Chopper的前世今生胡子玩物原创2019-12-4 21:42​ 世界上最贵的改装摩托车2014年,一辆60年代手工打造的名为“Captain America”的改装摩托,在洛杉矶Profiles in History拍卖行举办的拍卖会上,以135万美元(近1000万人民币)的价格售出,成为了有史以来拍卖价格最贵的一辆摩托车。“Captain America”摩托曾在博物馆展出这是一辆充满Chopper风格的哈雷改装车,它有着简洁的车身,高高的车把,超长的轴距以及奢华的镀铬。事实上,这辆车的出厂价格与改装费用总共不到两万美元。它真正的昂贵之处在于它是好莱坞经典电影《逍遥骑士(Easy Rider)》中男主角所骑乘的机车。1969年上映的《逍遥骑士》反映了60年代嬉皮士生活的方方面面,是20世纪60年代美国垮掉运动的经典符号之一。电影的情节很简单,Billy和Wyatt,两个60年代的嬉皮士,骑着造型夸张、Chopper风格的哈雷改装摩托车,远赴新奥尔良参加狂欢。他们途径嬉皮士聚集的群落,路过民风保守的小镇,在一条黄土飞扬的公路上骑行到达目的地,而之后扑面而来的空虚和挫败感却让他们始料未及。当他们准备再次上路时,却被突然出现的两个农民杀死在荒野中,他们的摩托也脱离了控制,被火焰吞没(如今被人修复进行拍卖)。“活得放浪形骸,死得莫名其妙”可以说是对本片最精准的概括。从这部影片中,我们可以看出嬉皮士生活的最重要的几个标志:无处不在的摇滚乐、改装摩托、牛仔、墨镜和66号公路、这些标志性元素中承载着嬉皮文化的精神内核——叛逆、个性、独特与自由。电影的大获成功,不仅为嬉皮士运动推波助澜,还使原本不温不火的Chopper文化风靡一时。在那个年代,美国出现了大量Chopper风格的改装机车,无数年轻的嬉皮士披着头发、骑着它们在公路上寻找自由,以至于Choppe风格的摩托如今被称为美式嬉皮车。从退役大兵的最爱到嬉皮士的象征其实就在10多年前,Chopper风格的摩托车还只是退役军人的最爱。二战结束后,无数美国大兵回到故乡,他们发现自己与社会脱节,很难找到合适的工作。于是这群年轻人骑上摩托,成帮结队地在马路上飙车,宣泄自己的苦闷与不满。19
2023-01-13 05:19:371


2023-01-13 05:19:401


2023-01-13 05:19:431


姓名:汪苏泷  英文名:silence 地区:辽宁 城市:沈阳 生日:1989年9月17日 身高:176 cm  体重:60 KG  星座:处女座  嗜好:作词、作曲、看电影    学历:本科   所在学校:沈阳音乐学院   民族:满族   粉丝:小泷包   愿望:做好音乐   座右铭:自己感动的不一定别人会感动,但要想感动别人就一定要先感动自己。   个性:双重性格    擅长乐器:钢琴、吉他    最得意的事情:都得意    最喜欢的歌星:陶喆(David Zee Tao)  最喜欢的乐器:小提琴   最喜欢的影星:尼古拉斯·凯奇(Nicholas Cage)、周星驰(Stephen Chow ) 最喜欢的音乐:都喜欢   最喜欢的颜色:黑、白、红   最喜欢的食物:饭   最讨厌的食物:苦瓜   最喜欢的水果:西瓜   最喜欢的动物:狗   最讨厌的动物:蚊子   最喜欢的季节:秋天
2023-01-13 05:19:4615

海贼王的乔巴用英语怎么说 急啊啊

Joe and
2023-01-13 05:19:576


第一个是AUG的5.56弹匣(60发那个5.56黑铁模型应该显示弹鼓官方偷懒成弹匣了)这枪我不推荐用30发的弹匣,虽然减了10%的射击间隔,但是底子还是冲锋枪射速过快导致子弹经常不够用……配件推荐第二个是SMG5的10mm大口径弹药这个弹匣怎点评呢……真的不如上个45发的扩容,加的伤害十分有限不能形成质变。配件推荐上个版本刚把SMG5加强,没加强前是真的没人玩这枪,现在加强完了开镜移速跟脚底踩滑板鞋一样。第三个是Man O War的RTG大型消音器(俗称香肠消)虽然经过一轮削弱,但是基本上香肠消还是必带配件之一,开镜速度依旧很快,架点必备神器。配件推荐Man O War这枪推荐带个镜子我感觉装镜子确实比机瞄手感好多了(这应该是我头一回带镜子)中场休息朋友你是否感觉手机操作不流畅,想练多指操作太难,手机配置不足,快来使用腾讯手游助手吧,可以让你在一夜之间摆脱手残的困扰,是你上分之路的好帮手,键鼠永远滴神!第四个是chopper的重型握把这配件确实有点变态,chopper射速快机动高,加上重型握把跑的速度感觉特别敏捷,开镜视野广(那个应该不算开镜吧……)配件推荐适当的增加一下射程来提高chopper四枪死的范围,不用担心开镜会慢,弹链没必要带,金属被甲弹主要是为了应对穿墙的情况,毕竟是机枪要进行火力支援。第五个是阻滞火力弹匣这个配件有几个枪有XPR50 .50 卢卡斯还有头号刮痧师傅type25基本上都是加伤害的但是点50直接被砍废了,直接变成狙击枪下水道三兄弟,卢卡斯还是推荐带阻滞火力,能增加点容错率还是不错的。3
2023-01-13 05:20:021


2023-01-13 05:20:183


乔巴 海贼王里的人物
2023-01-13 05:21:032


chopper的原型是KAC Chain SAW,这个当然是轻机枪了
2023-01-13 05:21:061


2023-01-13 05:21:091


cut up
2023-01-13 05:21:124


京东可以预定。2014年,一辆60年代手工打造的名为「Captain America」改装摩托,在洛杉矶Profiles in History拍卖行举办的拍卖会上,以135万美元「近1000万人民币」价格售出,成为了有史以来拍卖价格最贵一辆摩托车。1969年上映的「逍遥骑士」反映了60年代嬉皮士生活方方面面,是20世纪60年代美国垮掉运动经典符号之一。电影的情节很简单,Billy和Wyatt,两个60年代嬉皮士,骑着造型夸张,Chopper风格的哈雷改装摩托车,远赴新奥尔良参加狂欢。他们途径嬉皮士聚集的群落,路过民风保守的小镇,在一条黄土飞扬的公路上骑行到达目的地,而之后扑面而来的空虚和挫败感却让他们始料未及。当他们准备再次上路时,却被突然出现的两个农民杀死在荒野中,他们的摩托也脱离了控制,被火焰吞没「如今被人修复进行拍卖」。
2023-01-13 05:21:191


2023-01-13 05:21:223


2023-01-13 05:21:263


蒙奇~D~路飞 Monkey.D.Lully 罗洛亚~卓洛 Roronoa Zoro奈美 Nami乌索普 Usopp 山治 Sanji 东尼东尼~乔巴 Tony Tony Chopper 妮可~罗宾 Nico Robin 桑科斯 Shanks
2023-01-13 05:21:294

什么是optical chopper?

Faraday isolator是法拉第隔离器, optical chopper是截光器,也被称为光学斩波器,能够对光波进行控制。beam pickoff应该是指光束传感器,但其具体作用与什么是BS就不太清楚了,抱歉。
2023-01-13 05:21:431

dr.tony tony chopper 的全歌曲中文翻译

....呃....我知道有一个方法... 选中一行字单击鼠标右键 找到 使用LIVE SEAVCH 转换 就行了...就是不知道你的电脑上有吗?
2023-01-13 05:21:492


你要写论文啊。。太复杂了 就算大致剧情翻译成英文也得4-5000字 毕竟已经360多集了。。现在正规船员8位了 一位一位介绍就得不少字。。如果真要写建议你去ONE PICE的外国网站看看
2023-01-13 05:21:533


乔巴是海贼王里面的人物吧!     它在英语中是这样读的TonyTony Chopper ,Chopper,翻译过来就是菜刀的意思
2023-01-13 05:21:566


Meat chopper谢谢采纳
2023-01-13 05:22:032


吴斌* 男 23岁 双鱼座 安徽南陵人 现在合肥* 复试曲目 《在梅边》《彩虹》* 安徽大学艺术学院戏剧系 表演专业 大四学生马海生* 男 19 岁 双子座 广东汕头人* 从汕头特意来广州站参加* 复试选曲:《 No Matter What 》《写一首歌》《短时间》表演“男海豚音”* 由广东电台音乐之声特邀广东资深音乐人梁天山选出* [05 年我型我 SHOW 40 强 ]
2023-01-13 05:22:072


乔巴,全名托尼托尼乔巴,(トニ一トニ一 チョッバ,Tony Tony Chopper )是日本人气漫画《海贼王》中的人物。乔巴是草帽海贼团的船医,吃了人人果实的驯鹿能力者,人人驯鹿,可用蓝波球进行八段身体变形,被人称赞时,没办法遮掩自己的情绪;招牌动作是常躲错边,老是跟乌索普一搭一唱。对于他人夸张的谎言也会立即相信的天真驯鹿,乔巴的恩人是Dr.希鲁鲁克,将毕生医术传授给乔巴的人则是朵丽儿医娘,乔巴利用自己丰富的医学常识,为伙伴开启胜利之路。
2023-01-13 05:22:106


2023-01-13 05:22:166


2023-01-13 05:22:232


2023-01-13 05:22:324


2023-01-13 05:22:404

哈雷戴维森IRON 1200:让我在秋天里无法自拔

秋日的凉爽终于可以中和摩托车发动机的炙热,再也不用担心夏天艳阳和来自胯下“烤箱”的双层炙烤了。可以说秋日是四季中唯一送给骑士们的礼物,让我们可以更潇洒自如地感受其魅力了。 在不考虑实际用车需求的前提下,今天的主角—IRON 1200(以下简称:硬汉1200)是目前哈雷戴维森在中国市场销售车型中我最喜欢的一辆。除了它的尺寸最为适合我的身材,硬汉1200背后的历史故事,以及2020款油箱上极具特色的复古涂装,都为这辆运动者(Sportster)1200系列的入门级车型加分不少。 高耸的车把外加男女皆宜的低座,硬汉1200营造出了经典美式机车中的“Chopper”风格。尽管在尺寸上,它和正统的“Chopper”还有很大的差异,但硬汉1200依旧能令不少美式机车爱好者们感到满意。 作为区别运动者家族其他车型的细节,硬汉1200拥有“黑化”得更彻底的车身配色,以及类似英伦“Cafe Racer”风格的大灯头罩以及驼峰单座设计。此外,和FORTY-EIGHT(哈雷48)、1200 CUSTOM较为低矮的车身线条不同,高车把设定的硬汉1200更能凸显骑行者宽阔、挺拔的肩膀。 抛开这些传统的外观特点,硬汉1200最吸引我的莫过于它漂亮的复古油箱涂装。能够将经典的涂装几乎原封不动地移植在如今的新车上,除了哈雷戴维森这样重视传承和文化的摩托车品牌,不会有第二个摩托车品牌敢这么做了。 油箱上这些看似随意的彩条背后,其实埋藏着哈雷戴维森一段难忘的历史。第二次世界大战之后,人们对廉价代步工具需求的急剧增长,以本田为代表的日本摩托车品牌进军美国市场,向哈雷戴维森发起了挑战,而彼时的哈雷戴维森被强大的竞争对手逼上了“绝路”。为了渡过难关,哈雷戴维森在1967年获得了美国机械铸造公司(AMF)的资金支持,暂时渡过了财务危机。从1967年到1981年,AMF掌管哈雷戴维森品牌长达14年。 我们今天看到的油箱彩条创意最早也出自AMF。由于此前AMF的经营项目是保龄球以及大型游乐场设施,所以这也能解释为何硬汉1200油箱上的复古涂装看上去会如此卡通和俏皮。 作为哈雷戴维森家族重量最轻、操控最敏捷、历史最长、销量最好的车系,源于1952年K型车的运动者车系见证了这个历史悠久的美国品牌在最近半个多世纪的发展壮大。而经过60年岁月的磨砺,如今的硬汉1200依旧像诞生时一样的绚烂、灵动。 不过,这里的灵动更多是相对于其它哈雷戴维森车型。我知道,就算我使出全力,我也无法骑着硬汉1200追上前方那辆杜卡迪Scrambler Cafe Racer。硬汉1200存在的意义更多是让摩托车初学者感受哈雷戴维森和大排量、大扭矩所带来的硬核魅力。相比于激进地跑山,我相信硬汉1200的车主更喜欢在骑行休憩的间隙一边微笑着吐槽自己的爱车,转瞬又两眼放光地讲述自己喜欢、购买它的原因。缺点足够明显,但依然有人爱它爱到无法自拔,这就是哈雷戴维森一直以来的魅力。传统的摩托车性价比并不适用于哈雷戴维森,对于这个品牌以及旗下的车型,人们的态度往往只有喜欢和不喜欢两种。 售价12.58万元,作为一辆努努力完全够得到的哈雷戴维森,有情怀、有故事、有历史的硬汉1200会是很多人喜欢哈雷戴维森的起点。或许,这些哈雷戴维森粉丝会最终痴迷于旅行系列,但他们一定不会忘了是哪一辆哈雷戴维森带他们领略了最初的路上风情,以及由它带来的满足与快乐。就像这个多雨的秋天一样,风雨过后,人们会一直记得那片彩虹。你喜欢哈雷戴维森的哪款车型?欢迎评论区留下你的理由本文来源于汽车之家车家号作者,不代表汽车之家的观点立场。
2023-01-13 05:22:471


船长 莫奇·D·路飞 Monkey·D·Luffy モンキ~D~ルフィ 蒙奇·D·鲁夫 剑士 罗洛亚·卓洛 Roronoa Zoro ロロノア~ゾロ 罗罗亚·索 隆航海士/海贼小偷 奈美 Nami ナミ 娜美 狙击手/吹牛大王 乌索普 Usopp ウソップ 骗人布 厨士 山治 Sanji サンジ 香吉士 船医 东尼东尼·索柏 Tony Tony Chopper トニトニ~チョッパ 多尼多尼·乔巴 考古学家 妮歌·鲁宾 Nico Robin ニコ~ロビン 妮歌·罗宾 船工 卡特·法兰奇 Franky 音乐家 布鲁克
2023-01-13 05:23:374


  One Piece is a manga and anime series created by mangaka Eiichiro Oda. One Piece focuses on a ragtag crew of pirates called Straw Hat Pirates led by Captain Monkey D. Luffy. Luffy"s greatest ambition is to obtain the world"s ultimate treasure, One Piece, and become Pirate King  Monkey D. Luffy  Main article: Monkey D. Luffy  Monkey D. Luffy (モンキー・D・ルフィ ,Monkī D. Rufi?), nicknamed "Straw Hat", is the primary protagonist of the One Piece series. At the beginning of the series, he accidentally eats a devil fruit, causing his body to gain the properties of highly stretchable These properties are a result Oda"s desire for the fighting style to be silly, so that no matter how tense a situation gets, the reader can relax without becoming stressed out.After his life is saved by the Shanks as he is only seven years old, Luffy decides to achieve the tantamount goals of finding the series" titular treasure and succeeding Gold Roger as King of the Ten years later, wearing Shanks" strawhat, he sets out to sea to gather a crew and sail the Grand Line, where the One Piece is supposedly Luffy is voiced by Urara Takano in the original video animation and by Mayumi Tanaka in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.1 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Chuck Powers for Odex, Bella Hudson for 4Kids Entertainment, and by Colleen Clinkenbeard for Funimation Entertainment.  Roronoa Zoro  "Pirate Hunter" Roronoa Zoro (ロロノア・ゾロ ?, "Roronoa Zolo" in several versions, named after François l"Olonnais,is a skilled swordsman who uses up to three swords at once, clutching the third in his To fulfill a promise he made to a childhood friend named Kuina,ch.5 he wants to become the world"s greatest swordsman by defeating Before joining Luffy, he made a living by bounty He joins Luffy"s crew in exchange for his aid in escaping–6 He makes it clear that he would turn on his captain if he ever stepped between him and his dream,ch.6 but unknown to Luffy, he thinks that if he cannot protect Luffy"s dream, his own would have no meaning and is even willing to die for His physical strength is enough to lift a During a fight with Baroque Works agent Das Bones, he learns how to cut through solid He can employ a technique which gives him three faces and six arms, thus totaling nine In addition, Zoro can expand the muscle mass of his He is extremely poor at understanding geographical directions and gets lost very easily. He also sleeps a great deal and loves to drink.  Zoro is one of the most popular One Piece characters, ranking second in all of Shōnen Jump"s fan polls. Furthermore, in a 2007 poll by Oricon, Zoro was voted as the 4th most desired character to receive a spinoff. Zoro is voiced by Wataru Takagi in the OVA and by Kazuya Nakai in the Japanese version of the anime. In the English dubs, he is voiced by Brian Zimmerman for Odex, Marc Diraison for 4Kids, and by Christopher Sabat for Funimation.  Nami  Nami (ナミ ?) is the crew"s 18-year-oldnavigator and the second to join.(vol.11j p.67) She has the ability to recognize and analyze even the slightest changes in the weather up to the point of sheer She is also an excellent Her dream is to draw a complete map of the Nami is voiced by Megumi Toyoguchi in the OVA and by Akemi Okamura in the Japanese version of the anime. In the English dubs, she is voiced by Alison Lestor and Cindy Creekmore for Odex, Kerry Williams for 4Kids, and by Luci Christian for Funimation.  She grew up as a troublemaker in an town called Cocoyashi Village with her adopted older sister Nojiko, and her foster mother, Bellemere. Bellemere was a mikan farmer and a former Marine soldier. After a battle, Bellemere was at the edge of death until she heard a baby (Nami) carried by a wandering little girl . At that moment, Bellemere gained a new will to live, and decided to take them in as her own. One day, the Fishmen Pirates led by Arlong invaded the island and claimed it as their In order for the villagers to live, they had to pay for their lives. Every month, they would have to pay fifty thousand berri per child, while each adult would cost a hundred thousand berri. Bellemere, unable to pay for the whole family, paid only for her daughters and as a result, was killed in front of them. Nami gets angry when she is interrupted and will do any thing when she hears the word money in it. But even so, she cares for her companions. When she first met Luffy she thought of him as a goof ball but, as the story progresses, she begins to think of him differently . When Arlong found out about Nami"s exceptional skills in cartography, he asked her to join his crew. Nami decided to join after he said that she could buy her village with 100 million Nami spent eight years drawing maps for Arlong and stealing treasure from pirates in order to save the Eventually, she meets Luffy and Zoro and decides to join After the Straw Hats meet Sanji, she steals the Going Merry and runs back to the They follow her to the village and remove Arlong from power by Nami then agrees to join the Straw Hat Pirates as their navigator.  Nami has fought with a total of three weapons over the series, the first being a regular Bo staff. The second one is a three part climate changer called the Climatact. This weapon allowed her to control different aspects of the climate, such as making thunder clouds and mirages. The third is a perfected and more powerful version called the Perfect Climatact. Usopp designed both Climatacts for her, the first during the Alabasta arc and the second during the Water 7 arc(水之都).  Usopp  Usopp (ウソップ ,Usoppu?) is the crew"s 17-year-old marksman and the third to He is a chronic liar, talented inventor and has notable artistic talent, shown in his painting of the Straw Hat"s Jolly Roger and crafting of detailed snow sculptures. Usopp"s dream is to become a "brave warrior of the sea".ch.100 According to a recent Japanese fan poll in the Shonen Jump magazine, Usopp is the 6th most popular character.In a 2007 Oricon poll, Usopp was voted the 10th most wanted character to receive a spin off amongst all respondents, and the 5th most popular amongst males.Usopp is voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi in the Japanese version of the anime. In the English dubs, he is voiced by Jamie Meldrum and Chuck Powers for Odex, Jason Anthony Griffith for 4Kids, and by Sonny Strait for Funimation.  Usopp is a talented inventor, creating the Clima Tact for Namich.168 and the dial-upgraded Perfect Clima Tact. Prior to Franky joining, he is the crew"s acting carpenter and patches up the caravel Going Merry (ゴーイングメリー号 ,Gōingu Merī?, Merry Go in the English manga and 4kids Dub) whenever it is damaged. Usopp has outstanding marksmanship abilities with his slingshot. He utilizes varied ammunition, including rotten eggs, hot sauce, pepper, shuriken and powerful explosives. Using his self-developed weapon, Kabuto, a slingshot connected to the end of a long staff, Usopp is even able to out range guns. Usopp"s father, Yasopp, left to become a pirate when Usopp was still very young. Some time after this, Usopp"s mother died. After Luffy, Nami, and Zoro help him defeat Kuro"s pirates, who were intent on raiding his home village, Usopp is inspired by the three, and decides to go out to sea and to follow his dream of becoming a "brave warrior of the sea". Throughout the story Usopp continues to act cowardly and remains one of the weaker fighting powers of the Straw Hats. This leads him to feeling inferior and after an argument over the fate of the Going Merry he leaves the crew, but returns after realizing his mistake.  Sanji  Sanji (サンジ ?) is the crew"s 19-year-old chef and the fourth to join. He knows how it feels to starve from first hand experience,ch.58 therefore he will never refuse someone a He has a strong sense of chivalry, because of which, he will never harm a woman, even if he Sanji also seems to keep this code regardless of a woman"s His dream is to find the All Blue, a legendary sea, containing every kind of fish in the Sanji is one of the most popular One Piece characters, as he ranked third in a recent Japanese fan poll. Sanji is also a very skilled fighter who uses only kicks. He said that this is because a chef"s hands are his most prized possessions and should not be risked in He was trained by the once infamous pirate and chef "Red Foot" Zeff, who had been to the Grand Line His fighting style"s name is taken from the alias of "Red Foot" Zeff, Sanji"s mentor and developer of the style. Sanji"s most powerful ability is Diable Jambe, which involves rotating at high speeds, heating his leg via friction until it glows red-hot. This powerful ability enhances his kick and literally burns his opponent when it connects. The more Sanji uses his kick, the more his legs are damaged, but the legs would heal after time. Oda states this is because Sanji"s heart burns even hotter. A unique attack to Sanji would be his beautification attack (Parage Shot!), which he rearranges the victim"s face physically with a flurry of kicks, as demonstrated against chef Wanze. With several kicks to the face, Wanze"s face changed to resemble one would expect from the protagonist of a shojo manga. This skill is shown again many chapters later on Iron Mask Duval. As an expert chef, Sanji is capable of preparing almost any dish imaginable, while holding to a strong sense of the aesthetics of cooking. Sanji is also skilled in fighting with kitchen knives, as demonstrated against Cipher Pol chef Wanze. He is voiced by Hiroaki Hirata in the Japanese version of the anime.ep.20 In the English dubs, he is voiced by Joe Murray and Paul Pistore for Odex,and David Moo for 4Kids,ep.19 and by Eric Vale for Funimation  Tony Tony Chopper  Tony Tony Chopper (トニートニー・チョッパー ,Tonī Tonī Choppā?) is the crew"s 15-year-old(vol.19e p.26) doctor and the fifth to join. He is a blue-nosed reindeer, who gained human properties by eating the Human-Human Fruit (ヒトヒトの実 ,Hito Hito no Mi?). He is capable of conversing with humans and animals alike. He is very naive and has a tendency to believe anything told to him. And he is incapable of hiding his feelings. His dream is to create a cure for all the world"s diseases. When creating Chopper, Oda stated that he wanted a mascot who is both cute and fearless. An IGN review of the manga praised Chopper"s character as one of the best in the series, and said he was able to be both touching and funny. In the most recent Japanese Fan Poll, Chopper is the fourth most popular character Chopper is voiced by Ikue Ōtani in the Japanese version of the anime. In the English dubs, he is voiced by Emlyn Morinelli for Odex, Lisa Ortiz for 4Kids, and by Brina Palencia for Funimation.  Chopper is a zoan-type devil fruit user. His first form, the original form, is that of a blue nosed reindeer. His second form, Were-form, is quite similar in proportions to that of a human child, but has antlers and hooves among other things. The third form, the beast form, gives him a werehuman-like appearance, giving him great mass, strength and height. It is the most human form he can assume, as it leaves him with only a reindeer-like face and body fur to distinguish him from real human beings. In addition to his normal transformations, Chopper developed a drug he calls Rumble Ball, which allows him to transform into four additional transformations to use over a three minute period. These forms focus certain parts of his body to improve his physical abilities. If Chopper uses a second Rumble Ball within six hours, he can"t control his transformations; if Chopper uses a third Rumble Ball within six hours of the first, he transforms into a monstrous version of himself and loses all self-control.  Nico Robin  Nico Robin (ニコ・ロビン ,Niko Robin?) is the crew"s 28 year old archaeologist and the sixth to join. She is extremely intelligent, having taught herself archaeology and to decipher the extremely difficult Poneglyph language at a very young age. Her dream is to find and decipher the Rio Poneglyph, an ancient stone telling a long lost part of history(the Void Century), which is considered a crime against the World Government. Robin values ancient artifacts and buildings, and she will risk her life to protect them. She has vast knowledge of the world of One Piece, and usually keeps her head during surprising situations, allowing her to logically analyze them without losing her cool. Robin is voiced by Yuriko Yamaguchi in the Japanese version of the anime. In the English dubs, she is voiced by Natasha Malinsky for Odex, Veronica Taylor for 4Kids, and by Stephanie Young for Funimation.  Robin has the abilities of the Flower-Flower Fruit (ハナハナの実 ,Hana Hana no Mi?), allowing her to create copies of any of her body parts on any solid surface that she can see, such as her own body, on the bodies of others, on objects, or even the replicated limbs themselves.In battle, she most often employs grappling techniques to incapacitate her foe; by replicating her limbs on their body, she eliminates the need for close range combat. The most often employed techniques thus far are using her hands to hold the foes limbs together or in place, or in a more cruel attack, spawning multiple limbs from the opponents body and bending their spinal columns till breakage. On Thriller Bark island, she reveals that she is able to replicate her arms into a pattern resembling wings, which allow her to
2023-01-13 05:23:401


2023-01-13 05:24:071


busta rhymes,个人感觉没有之一
2023-01-13 05:24:142

Dr Tony Tony Chopper 歌词

2023-01-13 05:24:172

海贼王里九个人的名字 最好有姓 像索尼索尼.乔巴 还要英文的

2023-01-13 05:24:213