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2023-05-20 00:18:52



1. 哥伦比亚大学


Columbia University Campus Life:

Its not really a campus based party scene. Its New York, so student"s don"t have off campus houses to support that. The frats exist, but they aren"t"open" like they are at the other Ivies. They aren"t a real factorsocially. The bar scene is hit or miss, sometimes tons of people are out at places like Casbah, other nights (usually Friday) it might be quiet. A lot of people get into cliques and go off into the city.


2. 康奈尔大学


“Is Cornell "far" from big cities and does it get cold uphere? Yes and yes. I always hated winter, but there"s something about it uphere that makes me appreciate both so much. Because there"s no major city,students stick together to hang out and build bonds. I"m definitely going to keep in touch with everyone because of the amount of time I"ve spent with themand everything we"ve went through. The snow here really isn"t a problem--and that was one thing I was worried about. You"ll never walk in more than 2 inches of snow because the snow management here is like magic”


3. 卡内基梅隆大学



“CMU, especially CS, is a crowd of very intelligent workaholics who are willing to sacrifice sleep, personal hygiene, relationships and otherthings most people find as necessities to pursue academic pursuits and honetheir ability, and the professors encourage this behavior. When I was there grade inflation was not an issue and in some classes strict bell curves wereenforced to the point that over a 100% was required on some assignments to getan A.”


4. 南加州大学


“Is USC"s alumni network really as amazing as it sounds?

For USC graduates to fully benefit from the famed Trojan FamilyNetwork, they must engage and participate in one of the many USC Alumni Clubsboth here in the US and around the world. There are 19 Alumni clubs inCalifornia alone, 25 in the US outside of California and 22 internationally toa total of 66 worldwide. These numbers only explain the depth of the officialUSC Alumni Association and not all of the individual schools, departments,athletic support groups, fraternity & sorority, etc. events that go onconstantly around you whether you are aware of them or not.”


南加大的毕业生真的能从有名的“Trojan Family”关系网中受益,他们必须在美国或者世界范围内至少加入一个南加大毕业生俱乐部。光加州就有19个毕业生俱乐部,美国内加州以外还有25个,世界范围内还有22个,一共66个。这只是南加大正式的毕业生协会的数量,还不含院、系、运动团体,兄弟会/姐妹会等团体的活动。

5. 东北大学


Alternative Spring Break. There are a number of opportunities to volunteer abroad during spring break — such as in Costa Rica and Israel. Someclasses and scholarship programs go abroad for spring break, too. One of mybest friends is going to Japan (all expenses paid) this spring through ascholarship; and, I have heard of certain classes going to Italy.



1.  UIUC


“How"s life at UIUC?

UIUC is one of the most diverse campuses I"ve seen. They are known for their diversity, not including that big number of Illinois residents.

You can have so much fun on the campus. There are over 1,000clubs/organizations. A friend of mine went there with little cultural experience, and now she is a member of an ethnic dance team and president of a political club. She is a biology/pre-med major, and she"s a freshman!”



2.  普渡大学



“Whatare some really cool facts about Purdue University, West Lafayette?

The Nuclear Engineering Department have anuclear reactor for their students to train in, although the output is onlyenough to power light bulbs.

DidYou Know?: Purdue Reactor No. 1

The Electrical and Computer Engineering department is the largestdepartment on campus and operates in 3 buildings, including the new building,Wang Hall.

The Brick Nanotechnology Center at the Purdue Discovery Park has oneof the only Class 1–10–100 clean room, Scifres Nanofabrication Laboratory inthe entire nation.

We have the Boilermaker Butcher Block which like many schools withargicultural departments, which sells meat produce at a great price.

In 1896, Math Professor Clarence Abiathar Waldo prevents the Indianastate senate from making Pi 3.2 by pointing the fallacy of the reasoning of it.

Purdueto celebrate Pi Day, role in defending the mathematical constant

Purdue had Amelia Earhart as part of the aviation faculty and herdocuments at the Purdue Archives are open to any student or researcher to read.It is the same for any famous alumni who donated their files to Purdue.

The founder of Purdue University, John Purdue is buried on the campusgrounds”





在1896年,数学教授Clarence Abiathar Waldo据理力争,阻止了印第安纳州上议院把圆周率定为3.2。

普渡的航空学院出过Amelia Earhart,她在普渡档案馆的文献对所有的学生和研究者开放。知名毕业生为普渡捐赠的文献也是如此。

普渡大学的创建者,John Purdue就埋在大学校园里。

3.  密歇根安娜堡分校


“Things to do around Ann Arbor?

Also look at the University Record. It has a list of every university event including recitals by music students, lectures, public discussion, etc.You could do 10 different things a day or more. You can volunteer as an usherat the Ark and get in free, there are concerts at Kerrytown, and tons ofstudent organizations. Pioneer HS has an awesome theater department too. Thereare also lots of local participant sports, leagues, Sunday bike rides, etc.etc. Lots of cheap eats around town too.”


4.  UCLA


“UCLA Sororities

there are drugs and there is partying but it"s easy to avoid that stuff if you choose to. Realistically this is not LMU, everybody doesn"t do hard drugs. A lot of people do smoke recreationally, but like i said you can easily avoid this if you so choose. I know quite a few people, including myself, who are a part of greek life but rarely party/drink. I think i went to maybe 4 parties last quarter but going greek was still a fantastic decision because when it comes down to it it"s not just about partying/hooking up(atleast in my eyes). There is still plenty to do without drinking all the time.



5.  UCB


“Is it true that students at UC Berkeley can go to class in their pajamas?

Pajamas? When I was there, nobody would have batted an eye at pajamas.Heck, pjs would have been considered high fashion compared to what some people wore. And then there"s the case of the Naked Guy. Yup, naked, except for shoes and a back pack. He would also carry a smallish towel to put on the grottyseats”






alumni 校友,毕业生
2023-01-13 03:56:053


Alumnus or alumniAlumnus是一个Alumni是一群Example: Ms Ashley is an alumnus from Tsinghua university
2023-01-13 03:56:156


查询关键词:校友录nbsp;=====amp;gt;nbsp;查询结果如下:校友录alumninbsp;list属类:【时事政治】-〖政经新词〗-[]nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;校友录alumninbsp;record属类:【综合句库】-〖英汉综合〗-[]nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;校友录alumnusnbsp;records属类:【汉英词对】-〖〗-[] 查看原帖>>
2023-01-13 03:56:263


alumnus = 单数; alumni = 复数. (1) JFK was one of the most distinguished alumni =许多毕业生...用复数,没错! (2) JFK is an alumni of Harvard U.用单数
2023-01-13 03:56:281


alumnus是男校友;男毕业生的意思。它的复数:alumni接下来分享一些关于它的例句:1.My father is an alumnus of UCLA.我父亲是加州大学洛山矶分校的毕业生。2.President Kennedy was an alumnus of Harvard University.肯尼迪总统是哈佛大学的毕业生。3.John is one of his alumni in the university.约翰是他大学时的校友之一。
2023-01-13 03:56:311


classmate brother
2023-01-13 03:56:412


来自拉丁语alumnus 原意就是学生至于为什么现在把它称为“校友” 是因为原来基本只有男的上学 所以男毕业生自然是所有校友
2023-01-13 03:56:471


alumnin. [plural 复数] 发音: / əˈlʌmnaɪ ; əˋlʌmnaɪ / 释义:the former students of a school, college etc 〔统称〕校友例如:the University alumni association大学校友会
2023-01-13 03:57:071


alumni[ə`lʌmnaI; əˋlʌmnai]名词alumnus 的复数alumnus [a"lumnus || -nəs]n. 男毕业生, 男校友
2023-01-13 03:57:101


alumni meetings 同学会
2023-01-13 03:57:167


2023-01-13 03:57:225


2023-01-13 03:57:282


2023-01-13 03:57:315


the alumni of my Middle School, the alumni of my High School, the alumni of my college
2023-01-13 03:57:363

英语 语法 名词在句子中的单复数

alumnus 英[ə"lʌmnəs] 美[ə"lʌmnəs]n. 男校友;男毕业生[ 复数alumni ] alumni就是复数形式啊
2023-01-13 03:57:392


Alumni liaison
2023-01-13 03:57:493


最近看到一个过气的新闻,一个月前浙大120年校庆因为标语翻译太奇芭火了。事后浙大与外包翻译公司被喷个不行,其实在国外也有很多英译中的搞笑翻译,所以在国内中译英出了问题,大家也没什么必要反应那么大。不过看到大家伙吐槽吐得那么开心,我也来凑凑热闹吧。 标语原文:(35字)原版翻译:(27字) 我的版本:(18字) 一直以来,我都只喜欢意译,因为我觉得翻译并不只是把一个句子从一种语言变成另一种语言,还必须对应不同的场合、目标语言使用地区的习惯说法,才能真正做到最好。比如夏天四十度喉咙冒烟似的,最好当然是吃西瓜喝凉水泡游泳池。谁知道碰上个寒性体质的姑娘还来了大姨妈,就算那些东西再解暑,吃了喝了泡了都不合适对吧?故此,翻译首先得把场合和句子的性质搞清楚了,才能恰当地开始。如上图,这个句子出现在浙大校庆晚会现场的背景板上。也就是说,我们翻译出来的东西,应该参考一下英语国家开庆祝会的横幅标语。 下面本人以拆解原句的重点词语来解释一下我的翻译思路,根据参考英语国家标语总结出来的三个原则,很容易就能把中文标语原文翻译成一条自然的英语标语。 如果阁下读完上面的标语原文、翻译原文还有我的版本后,觉得我在文首第一幅图安插的双语字幕不够好的话,就不必往下看完。(不能用语法具体分析请见谅。) 对于翻译原文的吐槽网上很多,况且中文标语本身也存在语病。我分析能力不够,在这里不再重复。第一步,是在谷歌上搜“school anniversary banner”。从查出的图片看来,大部分都非常精简。最常见的是“celebrating N years of XXX”,后面加上三五个字,重点突出主题。例如“excellence in education”、“hope against cancer”“God"s Faithfulness”。如果没有那个“of”,后面最多也是“proud of our past, dedicated to our future”或者“leading the revolution in education”这些短语。 不过既然这个庆祝会标题喜欢啰嗦到35个字那么长,咱们尽量写少便是。你看原译文那么多字,放在那么大的背景板上英文要缩得那么小,多可惜啊。 由此确立第一原则: 字越少越好 。 接下来请留意,就是英语标语都不用动词,习惯上不是名词就是带名词性质的“动词+ing”。这样做有个极大的好处,就是不需要去研究应该用现在时、过去时、现在进行时、现在完成时、还是过去完成时(哇,居然还记得住这几个时态的名字,给自己一朵小红花先)。 由此确立第二原则: 尽量用名词或者类名词 。 继续观察,英语标语里除了“the”以外,极少重复用字。这点在写作上也是很重要的,就算是李清照词里的“寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚”,也是叠字不是重复使用。我平常很容易犯这个毛病,在这里要避免。 由此确立第三原则: 不重复用字 。 下面正式开始翻译。 这个词从小听惯了,大家都知道假大空。然而就像古时候臣子每提到天子都必须朝天拱手以示敬畏一样,现在我们需要对人表达尊敬的时候动辄就晒出这个词,结果原来应有的诚意被兑水了,味道相当淡寡。 在数个网络和软件版本中,大家似乎都倾向“Our Highest Tribute”。我不打算讨论“敬意”和“崇高”这两个词在英文里N个同义词中谁最合适,其实我就是之前查谷歌图片来得灵感,看中“honor”这个字了。Honor在牛津字典上作动词定义是“regard with great respect”,作名词定义为“high respect、great esteem”。除了原标语里的“最”字,我认为已经足够解决问题了。 如果在这里要用“honor”,根据上面尽量用名词的第二原则,有两种方法:一是转为类名词的“honoring”,二是用短语“in honor of”。两者的用法和习惯性都差不多,根据尽量少字的第一原则应该选择“honoring”。 参考了一下谷歌,英语庆祝宣传单里用“honoring”很常见,例如“honoring our outstanding high school students/founder/hero”。关键还有后面能接“人”,这个在后面就很好用啊,因为咱们还要提“前辈先贤”呢,就是它了! 这个词在数处版本被译为“predecessor”。从字面上解释它的确没错,但是我觉得用“Alumni”更合适。你看看这场合是校庆啊,所谓“前辈先贤”说的当然是浙大校友而不是泛指所有作过贡献的前人了。如果在自家校庆里还为别人家的成就鼓掌献花,这样的博爱我无幸喝到酒也是醉了。人家标语上不好明说“做出重大贡献的本校校友”,只是表示谦虚,怕被人误解为嚣张,暗示除浙大毕业生以外没有人能做出“重大贡献”。可是国人不习惯的自卖自夸,实际上是天公地道的事情。因为翻译出去时对着“外人”,就没有假仙的必要了。 至于“贤”,可以选用的词很多。“Outstanding”、“exceptional”、“prominent”之类的都可以,我随便选了个“Distinguished”,只是觉得字比较长可以装装逼,哈哈哈。 这一词语翻译成“Explore the Unknown”可以说是毫无悬念,连软件都知道了。但是根据尽量用名词的第二原则,这个动词插进来得伤脑筋想时态,太烦了。可惜改成“exploring the unknown”或“exploration into the unknown”后,怎么放都很别扭。例如: “Honoring Our Distinguished Alumni for exploring the Unknown and contributing...” 或者: “Honoring Our Distinguished Alumni for their exploration into the Unknown and contribution...” 别扭的来源,是后面“国家和人民”肯定还要用上“and”来连接,这样就等于一个短句里面有两个“and”了。违反第三原则,不行。 灵机一动,把“explore”变成“explorer”,加逗号分隔用来修饰“Distinguished Alumni”。根据浙大校训“求是创新”,标语原文说的就是前辈先贤探索未知领域,所以说杰出校友是“explorers of the Unknown”也很贴切。 我本来不是很喜欢“contribution”,因为提到校友捐钱都用这个词。不过后来想了一下,光用“achievement”可能会得罪捐了钱的校友,没人赞助资金光靠国家怎么做研究得成果?所以还是用笼统的“contribution”算了。 又是一个典型的口号字眼。在谷歌上搜惯用的“the country and the people”,你会发现找到的词条都和中国有关,包括香港的英文南华早报,这就充分说明了这个词的中国特色。不过横竖庆祝活动上带中国特色的东西多了去了,套上去也没差。 好了,现在把五个元素结合起来,效果如下。 标语原文:(35字) 我的版本:(18字) 基本意思都有了,也像条英语标语的样子。总体来说,我对自己这个翻译版本挺满意的。如果一定要和其它版本作比较,不如抓个老外过来,问TA觉得哪个合适,我相信自己这个会有人喜欢。 从这次网上的评论想出去,外包翻译公司这次的“错误”只是冰山一角,运气不好碰上了一个大场面被放大了而已。语法、选词、句顺都是人工智能迟早可以解决的事情,只有译者对习惯用法和场合的分析能添上附加价值,所以我认为意译才是翻译界的未来。就像制药和配药能交给机器,但是到底还是必须由医生来决定应该吃什么药。 最后想想自己曾经很有兴趣也差点入行的翻译生涯,恐怕这辈子都没办法靠它吃饭了。一句标语35个字我尚且要考虑那么多东西,人家用千字几百块的价钱计算,怎么和人家竞争?也罢,就用给客户传传话、有闲时写点东西过一过瘾吧。
2023-01-13 03:57:581


参考下文 从中找答案上帝的咖啡God"s CoffeeA group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee. When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... And then you began eyeing each other"s cups. Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of Life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us." God brews the coffee, not the cups.......... Enjoy your coffee! "The happiest people don"t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything." Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
2023-01-13 03:58:011

A group of alumni ,highly established in their careers ,got together to visi

2023-01-13 03:58:041

schoolmate 能翻译成校友吗?

2023-01-13 03:58:073


2023-01-13 03:58:133


2023-01-13 03:58:541


n.(男)校友,(男)毕业生; 校友( alumnus的名词复数 );
2023-01-13 03:58:571

alumni network 是什么意思?求专业解释,不要查字典,因为我也会!

alumni校友network网络Alumni Network校友网例如Wuhan University Overseas AlumniNetwork武汉大学海外校友网
2023-01-13 03:59:001

receive a letter from his alumni association中alumni是复数,但是他那里不是应该是所有格什么的吗?

alumni association 校友会并非只有所有格能修饰名词, 比如:女医生 a woman doctor, 男学生 boy student学生会 students union运动会 sports meeting
2023-01-13 03:59:051


High school studentsJunior high school studentsHigh school
2023-01-13 03:59:085


大学校庆邀请函英语信格式   邀请函的特点之一是简洁明了。在当今社会生活中,各种邀请函频频出现,大家知道邀请函的`格式吗?以下是我为大家整理的大学校庆邀请函英语信格式,希望对大家有所帮助。 大学校庆邀请函英语信格式1   Dear Courtyard Friend:   Hello everyone!   Weiwei my school, century vicissitudes, redbud competition Yan, spring is ang; Water clear wood, Huang Huang on Xiang, zi LAN Shu Hui, salary spread in all directions.   April 24, 1992 is an important moment in the history of Tsinghua University"s centennial. It is a glorious century. Since its birth, Tsinghua has shouldered the great historical responsibility and mission of national rejuvenation and the rise of China. After a hundred years of searching for a journey, Tsinghua"s years are believed to have precipitated into precious memories in life and become the unique character of Tsinghua people.   It takes three generations to make a gentleman. On the occasion of Tsinghua University"s 100th birthday, we couldn"t help thinking of the happy picture of the 10th anniversary of the Institute of Public Administration, like yesterday. In the new century in Tsinghua, the college will also uphold the Tsinghua motto of " Striving for Self - improvement and Carrying Virtue" and the motto of " Mingde for Public Service" to train more talents for the society. To provide more and better advice for national and local governments at all levels to make decisions and make contributions to the development and progress of Chinese society.   On the occasion of the celebration of the spring return to the earth and the revival of all things, the School of Public Administration sends warm greetings and good wishes to all members of the school, and sincerely invites everyone to return to the beautiful tsinghua campus, join the whole school with teachers and students, participate in the grand ceremony, witness the history, share the splendor and friendship, see Tsinghua"s new appearance in one hundred and talk about the future development of the alma mater.   On April 23, the School of Public Administration will hold a tea party with college friends during the celebration, and the school will also hold the first back-to-school memorial meeting for graduate students and alumni, at which time all college friends are welcome to attend.   Finally, once again warmly welcome all the members of the school to the homecoming party to witness this historic moment.   I wish you success in your work and happiness in your family. 大学校庆邀请函英语信格式2   Dear Alumni:   Hello!   Weiwei my school, century vicissitudes; Time flies by and the years are like songs. Henan Agricultural University has gone through a 100 - year unforgettable journey and will celebrate its 100th birthday in July 20xx. Since the establishment of agricultural higher education in 1912, Henan Agricultural University has always adhered to the school-running philosophy of " caring for the health and enriching the people" and abided by the school motto of " striving for self-improvement and seeking truth from facts", closely linking its own development with the fate of the country and the nation, with the changes of the times and society, and cultivating more than 100,000 agricultural science and technology, education and management talents for the country and society, and making positive contributions to economic construction and social development.   As the stars move, the salary fire follows one another. It takes three generations to make a gentleman. Lin College is the same age as Henan Agricultural University, and it is one of the oldest colleges in the history of running a 100 - year agricultural university. The college now has 8 undergraduate majors in forestry, landscape architecture, environmental engineering, art design, urban planning, tourism management, geographic information system and environmental science ( forestry and landscape architecture are national specialties ), covering 5 disciplines of agriculture, engineering, science, art and management. There are 2 first-class doctoral programs in forestry and landscape gardening, 11 doctoral programs in two disciplines, 4 first-class graduate programs in forestry, ecology, architecture and landscape gardening, 5 provincial and ministerial key programs, and 2 provincial and ministerial key laboratories ( training ), with more than 2600 undergraduate and graduate students.   The development and growth of Lin College can not be separated from the care and support of all alumni. For a long time, the exchange and cooperation between Lin College and alumni in personnel training and scientific research have been deepening and strengthening. Alumni have consistently cared for and supported the construction and development of the College in various forms and through various channels, and have played an important role in improving the teaching and scientific research level of the College and the conditions for running the College. The history of the alma mater has been condensed with your painstaking efforts, and the brilliance of the alma mater has reflected your achievements. Here, we express our heartfelt thanks to you. 大学校庆邀请函英语信格式3   Dear Alumni:   Hello! Time flies, time flies. In the autumn of this century, Fujian Normal University celebrated its centennial. The alma mater has gone through a century of history, bearing the sound of the sincere feet of every alumnus. In spring and autumn, peach and plum are now fragrant. On the eve of the centennial of the alma mater, the faculty and students of the life science institute of Fujian normal university thank you for winning honor for your alma mater in your post, for the achievements you have created, for setting up a good public image for your alma mater, and for the construction and development of your alma mater all the time. To this end, we sincerely invite you to witness the centennial celebration of your alma mater in your busy schedule, and to gather together old and new alumni to celebrate a beautiful day. Alumni returned to the school for discussion and guidance. Some alumni were unable to receive invitations due to the change of work unit or address. Please tell each other.   with the best wishes   Salute ;
2023-01-13 03:59:131

LSE alumni是什么意思

London School of Economics伦敦经济学院alumni男校友
2023-01-13 03:59:192

Alumni Professor是什么

2023-01-13 03:59:251


All are happy singingMagnificent and loudBoth seniors, or juniorsThe Young and alumni sing alongPull themselves together, catching up to the future, striving to be a heroFree real learning, I love the school, like the love of familyAlma mater as the spring breezeAwaken the hearts of youngAlumni gathered togetherAgain see the happy yearsSolidarity, went into a socialist, Never forget, I love my school just love my home as自己翻译的,团结友爱共进大同培元人不会啊
2023-01-13 03:59:431

寻找的Late Night Alumni[Empty Street]所有曲目的歌词。

1-Seemingly Sleepy 第一首歌名应该是这个:)Wake me up to the soundOf my feet upon the groundGet me out, get me throughGive myself a talking to.I"m awake and althoughWell it"s not my place to say,I brush the hair from my earsAnd slowly walk away.Cause this is the dayThis is the day.Early to bed, early to rise,Seemingly sleeping with open eyes.Early to bed, early to rise,Sleeping still all pride aside.Waking up to the soundOf my feet above the groundGets me out, follows throughWith my fortunes to renewI"m awake and I knowThat it"s no one"s place to say.I toss the hair from my earsAnd slowly walk away.Cause this is the day.This is the day.Early to bed, early to rise,Seemingly sleeping with open eyes.Early to bed, early to rise,Sleeping still all pride aside.2-Rainy Days 哎呀~楼主第二首名字也不对劲~汗The day is cold.The day is cold and dark and dreary.And it rains.And the wind is never weary.Ivy still clings to the wall.At every gust the dead leaves fall.And the day is dark.And the day is dark and dreary.Be still sad heart.Oh be still and cease repining.Behind the cloudsIs the sun still shining.Thy fate is the fate of all.Into life some rain must fall.Some days must be darkSome days must be dark and dreary.3-Empty StreetsThe city feels clean this time of nightJust empty streets and me walking homeTo clear my headAnd though it came as no surpriseI"m affected more than I had guessedBy what was saidIf this loves not meant to beIf a hearts not ready to openIf the naked eye won"t seeIt"s broken.It"s that quiet time before the dawnAnd I"m half past making sense of itWas I wrong?Should I think to give it allIn a world where not much ever seamsTo last long.If this loves not meant to beIf a hearts not ready to openIf the naked eye won"t seeIt"s broken.4-The Rest Of YouYou say love has given upYet here"s my heart, still filling upHoping that you will followPoetry inside my headThoughts sublime that must be saidHere am I, explaining why I care.Still feel the warmth of youCan"t get enough of youStill think the world of youStill want the rest of youStill feel the best if yet to comeIn the heart where love can growTakes to time for it to showBut sometimes we just don"t realizeLook into my eyes and seeA simple truth you..ll find in meHere am I, explaining why..Still feel the warmth of youCan"t get enough of youStill think the world of youStill want the rest of youStill feel the best if yet to come5-Sunrise Comes Too SoonSunrise following our goodbyesFollowing the night like youDisappeared too soonBut it staysHear it in the morning wavesSpinning from the night with youUnderneath the half moonClose my eyesAnd you"ll still be here with meClose my eyesThe sunrise comes too soonSo I layLounging though and endless dayDreaming of tonight with youAnd everything we"ll do.Its just timeFrom mundane to the sublimeFrom waiting for tonight with youUnderneath the half moonClose my eyesAnd you"ll still be here with meClose my eyesWell I might come overJust to tide me overCause the waiting might kill meIf I don"t come overWhy does time move slowlyWhen I"m not with youAnd the sunrise comes too soon.6--ErosEros prays we build our house upon him.Sees how well it stands, how long we lastBuilt upon the sand, on the idol Eros.So when he"s gone can I do what Eros does?What he does for us, he does for us.And when he"s gone can it be the way it was?Bring him back to us. Is he all we"ve gotOur house built upon? On the idol Eros?When our haven wavers in the windAnd walls all beg to be abandoned,Blame the idol Eros.When the raven calls and all his melodiesAll long to be forgotten,Blame the idol Eros.What"s left to say but I loved the way it was?..Cause I said I would, I"ve done all I could.See what he"s done to us?Oh the idol Eros.When our haven wavers in the windAnd walls all beg to be abandoned,When the raven calls and all his melodiesAll long to be forgotten,Blame the idol Eros.7-Keep up with me 这个歌名……= =+There is a kind of mood todayWhere everything is going my wayCome on don..t fight itYou like itYou try itCome here baby and dance with meYou see if you let goFeeling the flowCome here baby take a chance with meKeep up with meIf wanting something moreKeep on movingTo the rhythm on the floor8-HeavenI searched for hours and hoursBut only found more shoesMore points of viewAs if I knew9-BeautifulHere we areFinally togetherHolding closeNever release thisFeeling, thisMomentMy dream is now alive in youCause beautifulSomething in your eyes tell meI have found a love that never diesI don..t have to dreamReality is beautiful in youIt..s never felt more true.There you areFinally the answerTake my handNever release theSweetness, theMagic, the happinessI found in you10-Meant To BeYou tell me love is standing next to youThere"s not much about love that I understandAnd here you are again despiteThe imposable.. improbableThat"s how I know this love is more than usualThis is just what I needAnd here you are again to take my handYou stay with meAnd take another chanceThis is what was meant to beTook so long for you and meI figured out the way to goYes I know you told me soNow I have the eyes to seeSome things make sense more than othersThings of the heart seldom doBut here you are againAnd now I understandI"ll take this gift you"ve given meThis is what was meant to beTook so long for you and meI figured out the way to goYes I know you told me soNow I have the eyes to see11-All For NothingIt"s all for nothingThe love we seeA broken offeringA sad old dreamSo what it used to beIs not enoughIt"s all for nothingIf we give up.When I think of all the dreams we used to shareAll the days, all the night when you where thereAll my words upon the lines you used to keepWhen I think of all the promises, it cuts so deepIt"s all for nothingThe love we seeA broken offeringA sad old dreamSo what it used to beIs not enoughIt"s all for nothingIf we give up.It"s so crazy that we ran away from hereTell me what good can I take from all my tearsTell me baby cause I know you feel the sameIt"s crazy that we came this far and now we can"t stayIt"s all for nothingThe love we seeA broken offeringA sad old dreamSo what it used to beIs not enoughIt"s all for nothingIf we give up.12-Nothing Left To SayAnother day has come and goneAnd I"ve been holding in..Not holding onFeeling out of place, II"m wanting to escape, II pack my bags with nothing left to sayIt"s when I think I"ve figured outThe figures simply turningInside outBurn before it catches, II rummage through the ashes, II turn the page with nothing left to say.
2023-01-13 03:59:491

求英文翻译,英译汉,歌词~ 歌曲spin 演唱者 late night alumni~

Who are you fooling? 你在耍谁?It"s not Russian Roulette. 这可不是俄罗斯轮盘I"m not gonna sit this one out. 我不会袖手旁观It"s suicide you decide, 看来你是自寻死路be it left be it right maybe wrong? 是左是右也许是错?While you let it out of your sight, 当它逃离了你的视线first it"s left then it"s right till it"s gone. 先左后右然后消失If you"re a point on a line, 如果你是直线上的一点the rolling figure is mine. 那旋转的数字就是我And I"m still gonna roll round and round. 我还要转啊转啊转How about a small wager? 不如打个小小的赌?I know you need another player. 我知道你需要对手I want you to know how it feels. 我想让你知道这种感觉I"m all for spinning that wheel. 我很赞成旋转那个轮子But who are you fooling? 但是你在耍谁?it"s not Russian Roulette. 这可不是俄罗斯轮盘Save the last one for me. 最后一个留给我It"s suicide you decide, 你真是自寻死路be it left be it right maybe wrong? 是左是右也许是错?While you let it out of your sight, 当它逃离了你的视线first it"s left then it"s right till it"s gone.先左后右然后消失The clock may never unwind, 闹钟也许从没松发条the day and night combined. 日夜混为一谈I"m not gonna fall asleep this time. 这个时候我睡不着And I"ve been brave. 我从来都很勇敢Tell me again to behave. 再对我说次“安分点”You alter the laws of chance 你有机会改变规则with a touch of your hand. 用手碰我试试How about a small wager? 不如打个小小的赌?I know you need another player. 我知道你需要对手I want you to know how it feels. 我想让你知道这种感觉I"m all for spinning that wheel.我很赞成旋转那个轮子But who are you fooling?但是你在耍谁?It"s not Russian Roulette. 这可不是俄罗斯轮盘I"m not gonna sit this one out. .我不会袖手旁观
2023-01-13 03:59:511


   如何缓解出offer前的焦虑:继续了解你申请的学校   在offer前时代,大家忙着考托福SAT写essay。想必各位对申请的学校了解还都是很有限的,而申请后时代就是对大学做进一步了解的好时间了。否则被ED拒了,一大摞offer之间犹豫不决的情况还是蛮常见的。当然有同学可能随手打开一个us news rank,一手拿着offer,看最高位的那个就去了。但是毕竟那个是us news对大学的评价,而在接下来的几年读哪所大学当然需要你的评价。其中关键的两点:   这个学校能否提供你所想要的资源。无论你对未来有没有一个明确的预期,大概在心中还是要有一个模糊的"目标。把自己想要的内容写下来,再去看看学校的课程,教授,活动和校友是否能给你提供这些资源。   能否充分利用上述的资源。确实USnews的排名能看出学校的各种资源差别。但是是否能在这个环境中充分利用这些资源还是很重要的。学校的优良资源摆在那里,而你却没有好好利用或是享受。天天在学校里度日如年,无论对于学校,父母还是自己都是挺可惜的一件事儿。   所以我建议大家继续了解学校,和校友,学长,招生官,教授多沟通。尽可能的获取更多信息。    如何缓解出offer前的焦虑:好好对爹妈   无论是出国与否,上了大学以后跟父母接触的时间是越来越少了。毕竟跟中小学不一样,读完了继续往上读。大学后读研深造亦或是走进职场,都应该是一个独立社会人了。好好珍惜和父母在一起的时间。多沟通,从他们那里获取一些建议。还有就是。大部分人接下来读书的钱还是要爹妈出的,无论学费便宜贵,家庭条件好差。无论是准备去美国读书还是在美国读书,都是一笔不错的金额了。即使是大牛从此经济独立,也是父母培养出的。告诉你的父母你很感激他们对你的付出。    如何缓解出offer前的焦虑:读AP   我是因为在学校从高二开始全英语读考AP。进了大学以后就很爽,很多基础课不用上。无论上课还是跟同学沟通都比较适应。你想在大学里遇到AP党跟你炫耀么?不想就赶紧考AP吧!考虑到大部分出国都是翘课党,即使不上课光考试也可以抵学分的。    如何缓解出offer前的焦虑:发展你的目标   这个是对有清晰目标的小朋友说的。无论你有什么目标,在大学之前这段相对富裕的时间里好好利用。比如我某个学艺术的学姐在录取以后跑到美术高考班勤学苦练绘画技能。亦或是你压根没目标,那就让父母带着你多见一些朋友,了解他们的职业和生活。都是不错的选择。    如何缓解出offer前的焦虑:继续你的爱好   我个人爱好是玩乐队。之前为了准备考试和申请就已经退居二线培养后辈了。我可是抱着没像样的学校要我就专心玩乐队的心情考大学的。既然局势已成定局,考不考得上都是别人的事儿。叫我考试后怎么可以不能回归战场?无论是社团还是什么爱好。是吃货就好好珍惜时间。申请后时代不嗨到底对得起自己么?我比较遗憾的是在国内去过的内陆省份太少了,作为一个中国人还有很多地方没去过,很可惜!    如何缓解出offer前的焦虑:好好上课   如果你和我一样是学校在成绩单上很严格的极少数人,无论收没收到offer都好好读书吧。因为高三下成绩太低即使收到offer也被拒绝的人也是有的。至于大多数人回到上一条,玩去吧。   暂时想到就这些,想到会补。至于谈恋爱之类的,如果以后是异地异国就看你有没有水平或者耐心弄了。我是无力Handle。青涩的青春啊~    如何缓解出offer前的焦虑:刷Offer   还是做不到某些同学那么云淡风轻,订了Gradchef的出offer通知email,但还是每天睡觉前都会跑上Gradchef去刷一下。也会跑去BBS刷一刷看看有没有遗漏。遇到申请一个项目的同学也会问有没有消息。    如何缓解出offer前的焦虑:找potential alumni聊聊   人人呀linkedin呀总可以找到一些potential alumni可以聊上几句。问问清楚学校的情况、了解一些tips,就算之后收到rej,也算是对学校有了first hand的了解。   其实去美国的其中一个原因就是了解当地的文化,最好的途径还是来自经历过的人。   其次提前认识当地的师兄师姐,之后如果真的有幸收到offer了过去那边也有人好照应,不显得那么寂寞。当然我也时刻告诉自己多找些非华人的potential alumni(虽然在fb上加他们大部分都没理我。。。),觉得朋友圈还是要diversify。   再者就是就算之后没能成功去到那个学校,connection还是在的,过去美国去到那个学校所在的州,还是可以约出来have a chat over coffee,说不定还可以谱出美满恋曲。   说到底,其实大家不必焦虑,摆好心态,充实一下自己就好了。
2023-01-13 03:59:541

求英文翻译,英译汉,歌词~ 歌曲Spin 演唱者 late night alumni~

2023-01-13 03:59:573


2023-01-13 04:00:042

校友群这个名字的英文名是什么 哪个懂?

百度客户端翻译Alumni group
2023-01-13 04:00:072


Classmate alumni 注:classmate 英 [ˈklɑ:smeɪt] 美 [ˈklæsmeɪt] n. (同班) 同学; 级友; [例句]She felt like a fifth-grader who had snitched on a classmate..她觉得自己就像一个告发了同班同学的五年级学生。[其他] 复数:classmates
2023-01-13 04:00:121


分两部分一,Anniversary Speech Leaders, teachers, ladies and gentlemen, dear alumni and fellow students: In the new century and the first autumn my school in October ushered in a grand celebration of the tenth anniversary of the school. First of all, please permit me on behalf of all previous alumni, to his alma mater"s the fiftieth birthday of the Distinguished Teacher to visit all the guests, to the Student Alumni darling, my most heartfelt congratulations, blessings and best wishes! the world changes have taken place, the time between the fifties. And all alumni at my alma mater, the eyes will always be the sacred halls of scientific knowledge and the spirit of making progress to their homes - she is as committed to the dissemination of culture, academic excellence Personality, the sublimation of the soul; she is as advocates strive, refuse mediocrity and inspire students to continue to explore the spirit of fear to go fight; she is as pure in the school, rigorous teaching style and truth-seeking style of study, to nurture and cultivate a thirst for knowledge from generation to generation, The students were eager to become! Alma mater, the higher the quality of education, excellent school level so that teachers and students proud, proud parents, the community admire! In any language to describe his alma mater, it will seem pale and poor, all I can say: his alma mater, is a fertile ground for intelligence, was a brilliant starry sky. Here the students recorded the process of learning, stretching a young juvenile expectations; here left a trek from the footsteps of those who shed the sweat knowledge; youth here at Flash, burst of inspiration here, one finally unwilling to mediocrity young at heart here Pentium, stirring. In short, we are sentimentally attached to you from the bottom of their hearts, and sincere congratulations to you - our mother.
2023-01-13 04:00:151


High school studentsJunior high school studentsHigh school
2023-01-13 04:00:195


2023-01-13 04:00:231

麦肯锡用人之道——“UP OR OUT”

导读: “UPOROUT”的用人机制正在为越来越多的世界一流企业所认可和应用。;“杰出的人才是麦肯锡惟一的,也是最重要的资产”;那在麦肯锡的眼中,谁是合适的新员工?猫叔曾经非常有幸参与过二次麦肯锡的项目运作,对于麦肯锡的选才之道,除了专业知识和技能以外,麦肯锡更注重一个人在四个方面的素质: 案例(情景模拟)成为麦肯锡挑选员工的必备武器,每一轮面试都会有案例来考察应聘者。其实答案不重要,重要的是你如何思考!例如,当你抽到了“美国有多少加油站?”这个乍看让人有些摸不着头脑的问题时,你可能要从问这个国家有多少小汽车入手。面试者也许会告诉你这个数字,但也有可能说:“我不知道,你来告诉我。”那么,你对自己说,美国的人口是2.75亿。你可以猜测,如果平均每个家庭(包括单身)的规模是2.5人,你的计算机会告诉你,共有1.1亿个家庭。你回忆起在什么地方听说过,平均每个家庭拥有1.8辆小汽车,那么美国大约会有1.98亿辆小汽车。接着,只要你算出替1.98亿辆小汽车服务需要多少加油站,你就把问题解决了。“重要的不是加油站的数字,而是你得出这个数字的方法。” 在比如,猫叔曾经在做校招时问,你觉得盗墓怎么搭配才会成功率高且不会发生内斗?(估计是盗墓笔记看多了~) 如果你连话都说不清楚,没有条理,无法和别人愉快的进行沟通,哪怕再优秀,麦肯锡都不考虑,这是因为,在工作中,我们无时不刻的在和“客户”打交道,这里的客户,不仅仅是外部的客户,还有你的内部客户。 麦肯锡希望培养的是具有领导意识和领导能力的人,而不是一个追随者。因为公司要求员工主动寻找机遇,主动去解决问题。全球各地分公司的每一个咨询人员都可通过麦肯锡知识管理系统访问这些专业知识和信息,使用全球知识库;同时,任何一位咨询人员可向其全球各地的同事寻求帮助。猫叔这么说吧,麦肯锡的某一个咨询顾问可能不是最优秀的,但这个团队组合起来就是世界最强的。好玉也需细雕琢; 尽管麦肯锡招揽了一流的人才,但各种学习培训将贯穿员工在麦肯锡的整个职业生涯。 比如,所有新的咨询人员在开始工作的第一周内将得到“基础咨询入门(BCR)”的培训,BCR设计的宗旨是为了让新的咨询人员在参与首个咨询项目之前了解并运用关键的咨询技能;商业分析员在加入之后的一个月内会接受新人培训(NAT),主要侧重基础的业务理念和咨询技能,以便有效地发挥绩效; 在加入后的7~12个月内,商业分析员将参加分析员培训(BAT),培养高级的解决问题的技能、人际沟通技能,为下一年的工作做准备;没有MBA学位的员工还可参加公司“短期MBA”课程培训,与来自全球的麦肯锡咨询人员交流; 除了正式培训以外,麦肯锡对员工帮助更大的是 基于工作实践的“导师制” 培训方式。麦肯锡的合伙人占咨询顾问的比例是同行业中最高的,达到1∶6左右(一般咨询公司比例为1∶10~1∶20),所以,每位咨询人员都有条件配备一名合伙人担任“发展小组领导”(DGL),作为其专业的导师提供意见和建议,帮助他们确定职业发展方向和专业成长道路。麦肯锡认为,DGL的角色是麦肯锡支持架构中最重要的组成部分之一。就是这种类似传统国企内部“传帮带”授徒方式的导师制,使麦肯锡员工获益匪浅。 培训是投资,投资自然需要回报。麦肯锡的员工拥有很好的培训机会,同时也时刻面临着“UPOROUT”的考验。 一个咨询人员 在麦肯锡的同一个职位的平均工作年限是2~3年,在这个年限内,如果不能升职就要离开,这就是麦肯锡用人之道的核心机制———“UPOROUT”(不晋则退) 。事实上,每6~7个加入公司的咨询顾问中会有1~2人最终成为董事,80%左右的人会在这一过程中离开,也只有这样,才能将最优秀的人才留下。需要说明的是,即使成为麦肯锡的董事合伙人,甚至资深董事,也要接受专门委员会的测评,并不存在“锁在保险箱里”不会被OUT的特权。 当然,作为一个精英汇集的公司,离开公司的80%员工中大部分是主动离开的。选择主动离开的原因主要有两种,一是有更多的发展机会,因为凭借公司在商界独特的地位和影响力,麦肯锡的员工一直是猎头公司追逐的目标,经常有一些员工被知名企业“挖”走。二是对于咨询顾问这个特殊的行业来说,工作压力大、工作时间长,并且经常出差在外,与家人离多聚少等情况,使一些非常优秀但比较注重家庭观念或者年龄偏大的员工“忍痛割爱”,选择了另外的行业。 很少有人会永远呆在麦肯锡,但是没有人会真正地离开麦肯锡。在麦肯锡的眼中,离职的员工不但不是“泼出去的水”,而且是一笔弥足珍贵的资源。几十年来,麦肯锡一直通过组织“校友会”(McKinseyAlumni)搭建网络交流平台,通过校友通讯录,举办校友联谊会等方式,搭建其遍布各行业的“毕业生网络”(麦肯锡将员工离职视为“毕业离校”)。麦肯锡从创始的第一天就吸收最好的员工,那是因为他们深深的明白一个道理,选材大于培训。当然他们即便离开麦肯锡也能成为社会精英,通过校友会与大家保持很好的联系,不仅仅是因为他们可能会发展成为公司的潜在客户或向公司推荐客户,同样重要的是,他们会传播麦肯锡品牌、推荐优秀人才加盟麦肯锡。 作为人力资源的从业者,在设计企业员工职业发展的时候,有没有考虑有升有降?麦肯锡“UPOROUT”和“校友录”的实践经验,绝对是企业人力资源管理领域的典范。通过上述两种机制的配合使用,麦肯锡实现了人才的合理流动,员工的健康发展,以及业务的持续增长。
2023-01-13 04:00:291


缩写一样的时候,可以在缩写词当中减少一个字母,比如美国的英文的缩写是US或者USA。 Changsha Alumni Association of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, CAA. HNUTCM Chenzhou Alumni Association of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine CA. HNUTCM麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-01-13 04:00:351


北京大学医学部校友会(Peking University Health Science Center Alumni Association) 简称北医校友会,成立于1992年9月28日,原名北京医科大学校友会,是北医校友自愿联合的、经中华人民共和国民政部注册登记具有法人资格的社会团体。2000年4月,北京大学和北京医科大学两校合并。校友会改名为北京大学医学部校友会,简称北医校友会。发展历程1992年9月28日,国家教育部、民政部正式批准:北京医科大学校友会符合社会团体登记的有关规定,准予注册登记(登记证:社证字第3921号)。从此,北京医科大学校友会正式成立,成为可以在全国范围内活动、具有法人资格的社会团体。校友会宗旨是服务广大校友,加强国内外校友之间、校友与母校之间的联系和团结,发扬北医的优良传统,围绕学校的发展和中心工作为母校作出贡献。1992年,北医建校八十周年庆典之后,从学校的机构设置上成立了北医校友联络处,挂靠在校长办公室,由一名专职人员负责。1995年底,由于人员调动,校友联络处挂靠在两办,由两办副主任兼职负责。1995年,由当时的书记、校长、校友会会长王德炳教授带队,前往美国旧金山、波士顿、纽约、南加州、华盛顿、休斯敦六大城市,看望海外校友,成立校友分会成立并组成全美北医校友会。1997年,北医85周年校庆,北医着手帮助建立校友分会,确定了包括北美、香港、澳门和国内各省市校友工作的主要负责人。2000年4月,北京大学和北京医科大学两校合并。2001年10月27-28日,北京大学在珠海召开校友工作研讨会,对两个校友会的关系进行了讨论,确定遵循“自愿融合,不要强迫,顺其自然,水到渠成”的原则开展校友工作和活动。之后,北医校友会也参与到北大校友会和教育基金会的工作和活动中,包括擦参加理事会议,工作会议,研讨会等。北京大学校友会和原北京医科大学校友会在和谐的氛围中保持着相互支持、通力合作、资源共享、共同促进的良好关系。2004年7月,医学部校友工作开始由专人负责,校友工作办公室正式成立。2007年10月26日,北医校友会换届选举产生新一届理事会、常务理事会和秘书处,校友会会长是北大常务副校长、医学部常务副主任柯杨教授。
2023-01-13 04:00:381


Tonight, it is my pleasure to introduce Mr.and Mrs Green here.I represent the all students and the staff at school of xxx,giving the most welcome to Mr.and Mrs Green and all other guests/friends from New Zealand .The mutual-visit of China and New Zealand educational bodies can encourage the improvement of the knowlege/resources sharing and academic communication. I beleive that this visit will further strengthen the good cooperation between the two alumni have made important contributions.
2023-01-13 04:01:2812

新加坡 南洋理工大学 学历查询?

没有办法在线查询,必须email或者电话咨询Alumni matters(Alumni Affairs Office) Tel: (65) 67904434 / (65) 67906732 Fax: (65) 67925048 / (65) 67941036
2023-01-13 04:01:361


alumni[英][əˈlʌmnaɪ][美][əˈlʌmnaɪ]n.(男)校友,(男)毕业生; 校友( alumnus的名词复数 ); 
2023-01-13 04:01:381


毕业留言英语句子(精选60句)   无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都看到过许多经典的句子吧,不同的句子类型在文章中具有不同的"作用。那么什么样的句子才更具感染力呢?以下是我为大家整理的毕业留言英语句子(精选60句),希望对大家有所帮助。   毕业留言英语句子1   1.That day,after the alma mater,hear the familiar get out of class whispered,as if we saw the scenes of our heart to play.   2.face graduation,you may have a lot of puzzled,there may be many reluctant,maybe there will be a lot of regret,maybe some regret,maybe there will be many nostalgia.   3.Thanks to all the three years of college students,I will remember,remember all my life. and bid farewell to the sail and off the coast,is the end of the joy of the past,the beginning of the future happiness.   5.Let us waved away,in that infinite space roaming; trance of life on the road,the fate will always meet.   6.think about the same table we have,after the college entrance examination on the future,and my heart is really sad.Classmates,the future more treasures!   7.fate is a line,set up the bridge we meet,cut our side of the community; friendship is a altar of wine,far from the north to drink a total of not drunk,he finally meet again and again.   8.After graduation,do not sit in the classroom to listen to the teacher lectures,but to start living for the rush.   9.I do not want to be able to succeed,since the choice of the piece of oasis,it is no longer looking back!   10.When I graduated,when I was living alone,I would raise a cat called the wholesale to accompany me.   11.After graduation,after tears,always injured.Death does not change,that adhere to is forever.   12.What is the alma mater,that is where you call him eight times a day but not allow others to curse the place.   13.waved goodbye,sail voyage,forget the friend,is that you throw the friendship of the cable,virtually tied to my heart.   14.Do not think that can be mixed to graduation on the line.It is also important to master the skills. Yiyi,do not depend on,a thousand words for speechless; you can not forget me,I can not forget you,meet will have a period.   16.four years or long or short have been time to take away,leaving the memories have become a touch of the War.   17.Teachers last sentence: you look at the book,I look at you again. can the vicissitudes of life,how can there be no painful moment? For the cause,we let the tears of farewell.   19.fate let us go to the same sky,chase together,grow together,laugh together.   20.We are lucky,every good time; we have aura,to seize the opportunity,the future in our body.   毕业留言英语句子2 dear I want to love you well,I have to be happy not graduated the same table,no I nagging around,will not be some accustomed to.   3.graduated,we say good cry,can be scattered food that day tears do not obey the flow out.   4.even if the season stranded,memory precipitation,that thin film with the years of fading,but also rinse out that piece of warmth.   5.we go to school every day,everyone still laugh so bright,imitation brush there are 10 million flowers at the same time bloom.But our hearts clear,everyones heart,in fact,have a touch of melancholy.   6.watching the students recorded on the words you write me,I am happy to shed tears.   7.It is the life of the nectar!It will give the future into the victory,it will stay in our lips,leaving endless memorable.   8.holding a college admission notice to sleep,wake up and found a notice into a diploma,that I have been here to sleep.   9.can not extend a career before graduation,let me remember the three years of good. this hot sun season,we will leave,for a better banquet,more lively.   11.those years we graduated from the scattered things clearly hard to cry but also pseudo-strong.   12.from then on,recall meet each other.Several times the soul dream and Jun.Tonight to the silver cylinder according to,still afraid to meet is a dream.   13.graduation photo,and we do not have a bright smile.Because we are about to separate.   14.each of the shelling,are mature to the transformation.However,time wash.We have any of the past,only the most beautiful.Dedicated to each of you,and the finest,years of love.   15.graduated,the topic is no longer gossip,learning,replaced by work,the future and marriage.   16.whether you go to Cape End of the World,and no matter how long will be separated,I will wait for waiting.   17.gardenia flowers,four years of dreams,it is necessary to bid farewell to the paragraph.The new horn has been ringing to the campus we are going to ring.Hope in the future of life on everyone we can smooth sailing. fact,graduation is not terrible,terrible is to grow up,before the classmate friends do not remember their own.   19.what is my alma mater,when you first came to anxious to go early,can be really when you want to go,and eager to stay more than a day or two.   20.todays classmates break up,Road one: treasure!Alumni reunion tomorrow,he heard: success!   毕业留言英语句子3   1.If the course of life is a route,where it extends depends on the compass,then the most important thing is to recognize the pointer on the compass.   2.Everyone has a valuable asset,that is - life!Hope you can use it effectively. gives you an ordinary and precious gift,this is youth.I wish you with enthusiasm,work hard to return to life!   4.your youth as hot as the sun,even in the face of frost,but also can melt into Oasis,to nourish the earth,irrigation pastoral.   5.The secret of success lies in the goal of perseverance.   6.Opportunity is like Yin Yan,often fly to our window lattice; the opportunity is like a bell,always echoed in our roof.Just need us to look with the eyes to catch,with the ears to listen.   7.Talent is like a spark,it can be extinguished,you can burn up.Light it,let it burn into a raging fire.   8.Autumn fruit does not belong to the spring of flowers,but belongs to the spring of the plowers.You sow the seeds of creation in the spring of life,will come to the golden life of the fall!   9.Under the snow is covered with green leaves,is colorful,is a bird flower wish you with excellent results to meet the spring!   10.Zero,only and real numbers are meaningful; ideas,and only with the action to make a brilliant.   11.Learning is to strive for something that naturally does not give us.   12.Although there is always a round of sediment,but the surging river is always running in the established direction.   13.climbing,life is climbing!May you bear the fate of the heavy load,trekking,climbing on a consciousness,character,sentiment,knowledge of the peak of it!   14.When you head high when the chest,my dear child,please pay attention to the foot of the stone or cut off the ditch. leaves of the bud said: growth!Grow!White flowers said: open!Open!Dark red fruit said:brilliant!Brilliant!   16.In the journey of life,hope you write this joy trilogy.   17.In the picture of life,occasionally cast a gray,does not foretell your sinking,it is important,in the gray to extract the green hope.   18 graduation to the students of the message selected 3 graduation to the students of the message selected 3 no way,we took a road,there are many roads,we hesitated,which go But when we are hesitant,the time has been quietly slip away.Do not hesitate,and choose a quasi-one to a solid footprints,to the success of the end,forward!   19.Maybe you have lost a wonderful result in your dream last night; perhaps,you have lost this morning show a colorful vision; perhaps you have lost a beautiful evening in the evening sunset But as long as you never lost your relentless Effort,never lost You constantly improve the self,youth,heater will be full of your life sails.   20.There is no embarrassment of failure,there will be no pride of success; failure is not terrible,as long as they can stand up from failure. ;
2023-01-13 04:01:411


It is the turning point of life to enter university for most people.
2023-01-13 04:01:472


大家好,我是延边大学经济管理学院国际经济与贸易的学生,我的名字叫~~~,今年23岁。Hello, everyone. I am a student of College of Economics & Management, Yanbian University, majored in International Economics and Trade. My name is XXX and I am 23 years old.在校期间,同时担任经济管理学院学生会宣传部部长和经贸学社社长一职,为了更好的全面锻炼自己,成功的申请到腾讯公司实习的机会,担任延边大学QQ校友校园大使一职,主要负责校友在我校的所有宣传策划活动,开拓市场。这些经历都磨练了我的毅力,锻炼了我的组织管理能力和宣传策划能力。同时,让我认识到了团队的重要性。I am the Director of the Propaganda Department of Students" Union of College of Economics & Management and concurrently the President of Economics and Trade Institute in the university. In order for a full range of self-promotion, I applied for an internship in Tencent, Inc. and succeeded. As the campus ambassador for QQ alumni in our Yanbian University, I was in charge of all the propaganda, planning and market development activities of the alumni. This experience built my endurance and enhanced my capabilities for organization, management as well as handling propaganda and planning. And also, it deepened my understanding of importance of team spirit.我喜欢跳舞,热爱爬山和旅游等集体活动,我喜欢富有挑战性,有激情的工作,所以我选择贵公司,我认为贵公司可以为我提供一个很大的舞台,可以让我尽情的发挥。在校的时候,我曾做过可口可乐形象大使,雀巢咖啡促销员和酒水促销等兼职,对于销售,我有丰富的实践经验,所以我申请贵公司的海外销售事业部。作为应届毕业生,我还很稚嫩,但我会通过不断地学习来完善自己,在实践中证明自己。我相信,不怕辛苦和努力钻研的精神一定会让我很快胜任我的工作。I like dancing and participating in group activities such as hiking, traveling and the like. I prefer to meet challenging work with enthusiasm. For this reason, I apply for a job in your company. I believe your company will provide me a precious opportunity to display my talent. While in the university, I ever did various part-time jobs, Coca Cola Ambassador, sales promoters for Nestle Coffee and other drinks. I think my practical experience in sales, so I apply for the position in your Overseas Sales Affairs Department.As a graduate, I know there are still a lot to learn and the learning will never stop. I will improve myself through work and prove my worth in practice. With my commitment, I believe soon I will be competent enough for my future job with a spirit of endurance and endeavor.偶是英语专业出身的,现在做翻译,以上手工翻译,希望可以帮到你~
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男人的单字读作man,复数为men。英语里有一些名词的复数形式不是以词尾加-s或-es构成,它们的构成方法主要如下表:构成方法 例词变内部元音 foot / fut / — feet / fi:t / 足man /m— men / men / 男人mouse /maus / — mice /mais / 鼠tooth / tu:— teeth / ti:牙齿woman /`wum— women /`wimin / 女人词尾加-en brother /`br—brethren /`bre兄弟(只用于庄严场合)child /`t— children子气/`t / 小孩ox / — oxen /`公牛形式不变(通形名词) deer / di— deer 鹿fish /— fish 鱼means / mi:nz / — means 方法series /`i— series 系列sheep / — sheep 羊外来词 criterion / krai`ti— criteria / kraiti标准 phenomenon / fi`n— phenomena / fi`n 现象syllabus /`sil— syllabi/`sil课程提纲说明:1)变内部元音的名词除例词外,还有: goose / gu:s /—geese /gi:s / 鹅 louse /laus /—lice /lais / 虱 还有一些派生词。如: salesman—salesmen 售货员 dormouse—dormice 睡鼠2)通形名词包含有动物名称。如: bison 美洲野牛 grouse 松鸡 mackerel 鲭鱼 plaice 欧鲽 quail 鹌鹑 salmon 鲑鱼 swine 猪 trout 鳟鱼有民族名称。如: Chinese 中国人 Japanese 日本人 Lebanese 黎巴嫩人 Portuguese 葡萄牙人 Sinhalese 僧伽罗人 Vietnamese 越南人 Swiss 瑞士人长度单位foot有时用通形或复数形均可。如: She" s only five foot / feet tall. 她只有5英尺高。重量单位pound 和货币单位pound 用通形或复数。如:Five pound of potatoes, please. 请给5磅土豆。This ticket costs only two pound(s) fifty. 这张票仅值2磅50便士。还有一些数量名称亦属通形。如:brace 双:=2,如 five brace of pheasants 10只雉鸡。gross 罗:=12打,如 ten gross of nails 120打铁钉。Horsepower(HP)马力:如 This engine has only fifty horsepower. 这台机器只有50马力。hundredweight 英担:=112磅(英)或100磅(美),如 five hundredweight of coal 5英担煤 hertz 赫兹:如 Two kilohertz equals 2000 hertz. 两千赫等于2000赫兹。dozen 打:如 three dozen glasses 三打玻璃杯 score 二十:如 four score and ten years ago 90年前stone 英石:=14磅,如 two weighs 18 stone(s). 他体重252磅。yen 日元:如100 yen 100日元yoke 对(指牛马):=2,如 two yoke(s) of oxen 两对牛一些汉语音译的数量名称(用斜体)属通形。如:li 里:如 three li 3里 mu 亩:如 fifty mu 50亩tan 担:如 twenty tan 20担 yuan 元:如 RMB 500000 yuan 人民币50万元3)外来词有自己独特的复数形式。如: stimulus—stimuli 刺激物 alumnus—alumni 男校友 bacillus—bacilli 细菌 locus—loci 地点 alumna—alumnae 女校友 larva—larvae 幼虫 alga—algae 海藻 ovum—ova 卵细胞 addendum—addenda 补遗 erratum—errata 印刷错误 codex—codices 抄本 basis—bases 基础 thesis—theses 论文 oasis—oases 绿洲外来词复数形式规则化,即加-s-或es,是当代英语的倾向。如:apparatus—apparatuses 器械 virus—viruses 病毒 campus—campuses 校园 chorus—choruses 合唱 arena—arenas 竞技场 diploma—diplomas 文书 dilemma—dilemmas 困境 album—albums 相册 chrysanthemum—chrysanthemums 菊花 metropolis—metropolises 首都 electron—electrons 电子 neutron—neutrons中子不少外来词可有两种复数形式。如: focus—foci / focuses 焦点 fungus—fungi / funguses 真菌 cactus—cacti / cactuses 仙人掌 formula—formulae / formulas 公式 nebula—nebulae / nebulas 星云 antenna—antennae触角 / antennas天线 curriculum—curricula / curriculums 课程 minimum—minima / minimums 最小限度 memorandum—memoranda / memorandums 备忘录 appendix—appendices / appendixes 附录 index—indices / indexes 索引 automaton—automata / automatons 自动机器希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。
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