barriers / 阅读 / 详情

在线求助 Excuse me,____? That"s $ 21.68 altogether, Madame.

2023-05-20 00:14:25

Excuse me,____? That"s $ 21.68 altogether, Madame. much is the meal we"ve had
b.take my order,please
c.could I have the bill,please
d.would you please take the money

TAG: at use cu together a m et to


could I have the bill,please















could I have the bill,please




1、altogether意思是总共; 全部地; 完全地; 总而言之2、altogether英 [ˌɔ:ltəˈgeðə(r)] 美 [ˌɔltəˈɡɛðɚ]3、altogether 同义词:completely  wholly  entirely  thoroughly  totally4、altogether 反义词:partially5、altogether 相关例句(1)Altogether, exports are looking up.   总的说来,出口贸易在好转。(2) Altogether there were 18 people in the bus.  在公共汽车上一共有18个人。(3) He bought altogether 500 hectares of land.  他总共买了五百公顷土地。(4) I am altogether on your side in this matter.  在这个问题上我完全支持你。(5)This word may be omitted altogether.   这个字完全可以省去。
2023-01-13 02:58:081


altogether的意思是:总共;完全;总的来说。以下的例句可以帮助我们更好地理解其意思:He bought altogether 500 hectares of land.他总共买了五百公顷土地。There are ten people altogether.这里总共有十个人。I am altogether on your side in this matter.在这个问题上我完全支持你。
2023-01-13 02:58:171


2023-01-13 02:58:373

altogether和all together在句中的用法有何不同?

一,词性altogether是单词,all together是词组二,译义altogether译为总计,总共,all together译为全都在一起三,句中的用法首先,altogether 和 all together 均可以表示“总共”(=in total)(1)You owe me £68 altogether. 你一共欠我68英(2)All together, there were fifteen people present. 总共有十五人出席。四,句中的位置 all together 出现在句首,通常需要加逗号。五,注意事项以下两种情况,altogether 不能被 all together 替代1)altogether 可以表示“大致上讲”(=on the whole),all together 不可以。Altogether their efforts were successful. 总体来看,他们的努力还算成功。2)altogether 可以表示“完全”(=completely),all together 不可以。Many commuters have stopped using their cars altogether. 许多上下班的人已经完全不用私家车了。 六,表达的意义all together 可以被看作是 together 前面加了修饰语 all,以下这些情况不能被 altogether 取代1)“把他们放在一起”,是 put them all together, 而不是 put them altogether2)all together 可以表示“在一起”,altogether 不可以。They were still all together when I left. 我离开的时候,他们还在一起。3)表示“一起来;一起唱;一起说”,应当说:All together!扩展资料altogether一,音标:[ɔːltə"geðə; ɒl-]二,短语:(1)ltogether Autumn 人间尽秋(2)altogether doping 共掺杂(3)ban altogether 严禁三,造句:(1)It is not altogether without reason to say so. 释义:这样说并非完全没有缘由。
2023-01-13 02:58:572


是不是all together?
2023-01-13 02:59:034


这两个均用作副词,在句中作状语。1. together 主要表示三种意思: 1. 一起 (in company) 2. 同时 (at the same time) 3. 一致地,统一地。其前可加 all 以加强语气,即all together。例如: The family together earned one hundred dollars a week. 一家人合在一起每星期挣一百美元。 Let"s work together. 让我们大家一起工作。 The bells rang out together. 钟声齐鸣。 The arguments does not hang together well. 这论点前后不尽一致。 The man together with his wife and children sits there watching TV. 这个人和他的妻子、孩子坐在那儿看电视。2. altogether 也有三个意思: 1. 完全地,全部地 ( entirely, wholly );2. 总而言之,总之 (on the whole);3. 总共。 它常同数词连用,all together也有这个意思,此时两者可以互换。例如: He felt not altogether satisfied. 他并不完全满意。 It was raining, but altogether it was a good trip. 尽管下着雨,但总的来说还是一次愉快的旅行。 There are five apples on the plate altogether. 盘子里总共有五只苹果。
2023-01-13 02:59:061


音标:[7C:ltE5^eTE]意思:完全地, 总而言之
2023-01-13 02:59:128


英[ˌɔːltəˈɡeðə(r)]美[ˌɔːltəˈɡeðər]。adv.总共;总而言之;(用以强调)完全,全部。n. 〈口〉裸体,一丝不挂。近义词:entirely wholly totally completely thoroughly。反义词:partially(adv.部分地,偏袒地,偏爱地)。altogether用作副词时:altogether是程度副词,基本意思是“完全地”。altogether可修饰动态动词,也可修饰静态动词,还可以修饰形容词等。altogether在句子里的位置比较灵活,可位于句首,也可以位于句中或句尾。用作插入语作“大体上”解时,通常位于句首,且常用逗号与其他成分隔开。altogether与not连用时表示部分否定,而非全部否定。altogether不用于比较等级。例句:I am not altogether happy about the decision.我对这个决定并不十分满意。The food was good and we loved the music. Altogether it was a great evening.吃的不错,音乐我们也喜欢。总之,那天晚上过得非常愉快。This word may be omitted altogether.这个字完全可以省去。Altogether I get 95 points.我一共得了95分。
2023-01-13 02:59:191

英语中altogether与all together的用法区别

altogether总计,总共.是一个单词如:Altogether there are six of us.(我们总计六人.) all together全都在一起.是一个词组如:We played the game all together.(我们大家都一起来玩游戏吧.)
2023-01-13 02:59:282


  一共解释为总共、总括。例句:大会代表一共有五十人。那么你知道一共用英语怎么说吗?下面和我一起来学习一下一共的英语说法吧。   一共的英语说法1:   altogether   一共的英语说法2:   in all   一共的英语说法3:   in total     一共的英语例句:   1. The illustration shows a cluster of five roses coloured apricot orange.   插图上是一簇杏橙色的玫瑰,一共5朵。   2. A dozen trees of various sorts were planted.   一共种了12棵不同种类的树。   3. Six hours were lost in all.   一共浪费了6个小时。   4. There are five pieces of luggage, not counting the medical kit.   一共5件行李, 药箱除外.   5. How much is it with material and labour all together?   连工带料,一共多少钱?   6. I"d like to have 100 sheets altogether.   我一共想要100张.   7. How much will it cost overall?   一共多少钱?   8. Ask the waiter what our bill comes to.   问问侍者我们一共应付多少钱.   9. How many people are there altogether?   一共多少人?   10. We are sixty in number.   我们一共60人.   11. Altogether we caught ten golden monkeys.   我们一共捉到10只金丝猴.   12. There are altogether thirty students in our class.   我们班一共30人.   13. There were ten people, including you.   带你,一共十个人.   14. This book is in six volumes.   这部书一共6册.   15. They were only three at table , and Miss Pross made the third.   他们一共只有三个人, 第三位是普洛丝小姐.
2023-01-13 02:59:331


altogether英 [ɔːltə"geðə; ɒl-]美 [,ɔltə"ɡɛðɚ]n. 整个;裸体adv. 完全地;总共;总而言之更多释义>>[网络短语]altogether 总共,一共,干脆altogether coal 原煤,混合煤Altogether worthy 全然配受赞美
2023-01-13 02:59:421

恳请高手详细解释英语中 all.....together 和 altogether的差别以及other和 else的差别

all.....together 和 altogether的差别:All together的意思通常是”每一个人都……”或”,每一件事情都……”. Come on, everybody sing. All together now,… 来,每一个人都唱.现在大家一块儿唱…… put the plates all together in the sink. 把盘子都放在水池子里. Altogether的意思是”完全地”或”总地说来”. My new house isn"t altogether finished. 我的新房子还没有全部完工. Altogether, I think marriage is a bit of a mistake. 总的说来,我认为结婚多少是个错误。 Altogether还可以用来表示总数. That"s 67 pence altogether.总共67个便士. I"d like 3 dozen altogether.我想一共要三个。other和 else的差别 :other和else都可作形容词,表示“别的”,但用法完全不同。other修饰名词,位于名词之前,else修饰不定代词(something,everything,anything,nothing,somebody,everybody,anybody,nobody等),疑问代词(who,which,what等)和疑问副词(when,where等),必须位于这些词之后,与other的位置恰好相反。试比较: ①What"s that in your other hand?你另一只手里拿着的是什么? ②I remember I read about it in some other book. 我记得我在别的一本书中读到过这一点。 ③The other students are all on the playground.其他的学生都在操场上。 ④“Do you have anything else (= any other thing) to say?” “Nothing else. ” “你还有别的事情要说吗?”“没别的事了。” ⑤What else did you do yesterday?昨天你还做了什么? ⑥Where else did she go and who else did she see? 她还去了别的什么地方?还见了谁?
2023-01-13 02:59:441


total 有 动词,名词还有形容词的意思。形容词 adj.1.总计的; 全部的Please figure out the total cost.请算出总费用。2.完全的; 全然的My efforts ended in total failure.我的努力终归全盘失败。The destruction was total.这场毁灭是彻底的。名词 n.1.总计, 总数A total of twenty people were[was] killed.共有二十人被杀。及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.计算Please total all the expenditures.请计算一下全部支出是多少。altogether 是 副词副词 adv.1.全部地, 完全地The noise has altogether stopped.吵闹声完全停止了。I don"t altogether agree with you.我并不完全同意你的看法。2.总共I"d like to have 100 sheets altogether.我一共想要100张。3.总而言之Altogether, our achievements are very great.总而言之, 我们的成绩是很大的。totally 是副词 副词 adv.1.完全;整个地,全部地a totally bewildering array of different wines不同的葡萄酒排列在一起,令人目不暇给a totally unprovoked attack无端攻击After her marriage, she couldn"t devote herself totally to her music.她结婚之后无法全力倾注于音乐。Alina was looking totally lost.阿林娜看上去惘然若失。I totally agree with you.我完全同意你的看法。totally 和 altogether 都有 完全,全部的 的意思 用法也一样希望我的答案能帮到您!谢谢合作
2023-01-13 02:59:471


tatally=in tatal=equai to=in all=altogeter(adv)
2023-01-13 02:59:544


altogetheradv. 完全地;总共;总而言之
2023-01-13 03:00:042


altogetheradv. 完全地;总共;总而言之n. 整个;裸体作为副词的近义词:wholly / entirely / completely / totally / all / whole作为名词的近义词:birthday suit / entireness
2023-01-13 03:00:101


all in all
2023-01-13 03:00:132


As saying the monk teacher and pupil four buddhist scriptures met countless bogeymen along the way.
2023-01-13 03:00:155


altogether .全部地; 完全地; 总共; 总而言之;望采纳谢谢
2023-01-13 03:01:144


altogether 英[ˌɔ:ltəˈgeðə(r)] 美[ˌɔltəˈɡɛðɚ] adv. 全部地;完全地;总共;总而言之 n. 〈口〉裸体 [例句]But the impulse to create is a different beast altogether.但是创造的冲动是一个完全不同的野兽。
2023-01-13 03:01:173


一,词性altogether是单词,all together是词组二,译义altogether译为总计,总共,all together译为全都在一起三,句中的用法首先,altogether 和 all together 均可以表示“总共”(=in total)(1)You owe me £68 altogether. 你一共欠我68英(2)All together, there were fifteen people present. 总共有十五人出席。四,句中的位置 all together 出现在句首,通常需要加逗号。五,注意事项以下两种情况,altogether 不能被 all together 替代1)altogether 可以表示“大致上讲”(=on the whole),all together 不可以。Altogether their efforts were successful. 总体来看,他们的努力还算成功。2)altogether 可以表示“完全”(=completely),all together 不可以。Many commuters have stopped using their cars altogether. 许多上下班的人已经完全不用私家车了。 六,表达的意义all together 可以被看作是 together 前面加了修饰语 all,以下这些情况不能被 altogether 取代1)“把他们放在一起”,是 put them all together, 而不是 put them altogether2)all together 可以表示“在一起”,altogether 不可以。They were still all together when I left. 我离开的时候,他们还在一起。3)表示“一起来;一起唱;一起说”,应当说:All together!扩展资料altogether一,音标:[ɔːltə"geðə; ɒl-]二,短语:(1)ltogether Autumn 人间尽秋(2)altogether doping 共掺杂(3)ban altogether 严禁三,造句:(1)It is not altogether without reason to say so. 释义:这样说并非完全没有缘由。
2023-01-13 03:01:201


  altogether的同义词是什么你知道吗,跟我来看一下吧。   altogether的同义词如下:   1."全部,完全"释义下的同义词   entirely  wholly  totally  completely  thoroughly   其他释义下的同义词   all  completely  totally  thoroughly  outright  wholly  entirely   altogether的基础像义   adv. 全部地; 完全地; 总共; 总而言之;   n. 〈口〉裸体;   altogether例句   1. His objective was to kill the space station project altogether.   他的目的是使空间站项目全面停止。   2. Altogether, it was a delightful town garden, peaceful and secluded.   总体上说,这是个令人愉快的城市花园,宁静而偏僻。   3. I don"t think a sedentary life would altogether suit me.   我认为长期伏案的生活一点也不适合我。   4. "Perhaps it would be better if I withdrew altogether." — "Certainly not!"   “也许,我完全退出更好吧。”——“当然不是!”   5. I suspect he isn"t altogether unhappy about my absence.   我猜想他对我的缺席并没有感到很不高兴。   6. We were not altogether sure that the comet would miss the Earth.   我们不能完全肯定彗星不会与地球相撞。   7. That is another matter altogether. And we shall come to that next.   那完全是另一回事,接下来我们会谈到。   8. When Artie stopped calling altogether, Julie found a new man.   当阿蒂彻底不再上门后,朱莉又找了个男人。   9. A growing number of employers are trying to bypass the unions altogether.   越来越多的雇主试图完全绕过工会行事。   10. My involvement has not been altogether, shall we say, ethical.   可以说,我的参与还不是完全合乎道德。   11. Altogether seven inmates escaped by scaling a wall and climbing down scaffolding.   总共有7名犯人攀墙从脚手架上爬下来逃走了。   12. The long-range goal must be to do away with nuclear weapons altogether.   远期目标必须是将核武器尽数销毁。   13. Well, now just a second, I don"t altogether agree with the premise.   嗯,且慢,我并不完全同意这个前提。   14. Today"s celebrations have been altogether more sedate.   今天的庆祝活动显然更加庄重。   15. "I"m not altogether a fool," she said gruffly.   “我还不太傻,”她生硬地说。   altogether反义词   1."完全;全部"释义下的反义词   partially   其他释义下的反义词   partially  partly   altogether词根词典   词根   al   =all,表示"全部",也有加强之易   adv.   almost   几乎, 差不多   al全部+most最多→adv.几乎, 差不多   already   已经   al全部+ready准备→全部准备好了   also   也, 同样   al全部+so如此→全部如此→也,同样   altogether   完全地, 总而言之;总之;总共   al全部+together共同, 一起→adv.完全地, 总而言之;总之;总共   conj.   although   虽然, 尽管   al加强+though虽然→conj.虽然, 尽管   altogether词组习语   in the altogether   1. (非正式)一丝不挂的,裸体的   她同意摆裸体姿态。   she"s agreed to pose in the altogether.
2023-01-13 03:01:301


总共, 完全
2023-01-13 03:01:332


2023-01-13 03:01:363


altogether英 [ɔːltə"geðə; ɒl-] 美 [,ɔltə"ɡɛðɚ] adv. 完全地;总共;总而言之n. 整个;裸体
2023-01-13 03:01:482

togrther和altogether 有什么不同?

altogether 完全,全部,总而言之 togrther 一直,相互 两者意思完全不同啊! 另外together是:共同,合起来常和All 连着用 如:All together,there were fifteen people present. 总共有十五人出席. altogether:相当与Above all,whole,complete 全部,合计 He bought altogether 500 hectares of land. 就是单独用,不需要加all
2023-01-13 03:01:501

altogether 和wholly的用法

altogether [英][ˌɔ:ltəˈgeðə(r)][美][ˌɔltəˈɡɛðɚ] adv.全部地; 完全地; 总共; 总而言之; This is not altogether true. 当然这并不完全真实. wholly [英][ˈhəuli][美][ˈholi, ˈholli] adv.完全地,全部地; 十足,统统; 专门; 一并; This one is wholly man-made. 这次是完全人为的. 这两个属于近义词,某些地方可以通用.
2023-01-13 03:01:561


spent[英][spent][美][spɛnt]adj.用过的; 不再有用的; 已废的; 失效的; v.花费; 用钱,花钱( spend的过去式和过去分词 ); 消耗; 花(时间);Too much time is spent on administration.在管理上花费了太多时间。altogether[英][ˌɔ:ltəˈgeðə(r)][美][ˌɔltəˈɡɛðɚ]adv.总共; 全部地; 完全地; 总而言之; n.〈口〉裸体;There are more than100,000 books in our library altogether.我们图书馆总共有10万多册书。
2023-01-13 03:01:591


2023-01-13 03:02:012


2023-01-13 03:02:031


altogether=compeletly;in every way The train went slower and slower untill it stopped altogether.complete :used when you are emphasizing sth, to mean to the greatest possibleWe are in complete being the amount or number after everyone or everything is counted or added togetherThis brought the total number of accidents so far this year to 113.
2023-01-13 03:02:063

all together和 altogether; already 和 all ready 这两个怎么区别啊! 求高人指点!!! 我老是出错 T^T

1. altogether总计,总共="completely" /"in all." 。如:Altogether there are six of us. (我们总计六人。) all together全都在一起="together in a single group." 。如:We played the game all together. (我们大家都一起来玩游戏吧。)2. already已经,一般与现在完成式连用。如:She has already finished the homework.(她已经完成了家庭作业。)all ready全部准备好。如:Is everything ready? All ready!(全部都准备好了吗?全准备好了。)
2023-01-13 03:02:091


in all
2023-01-13 03:02:112

together with与altogether with 有什么区别吗?

2023-01-13 03:02:142

Here I am to Worship歌词及翻译

Light of the world You stepped out into darkness Opened my eyes, let me see Beauty that made this heart adore you Phillips, Craig And Dean Hope of a life spent with You CHORUS Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You"re my God You"re altogether lovely, Altogether wonderful to me King of all days Oh so highly exalted Glorious in heaven above Humbly You came to the earth You created All for love"s sake became poor CHORUS 您跨步入黑暗世界的光张开了我的眼睛, 让我看做这心脏崇拜您菲利普的秀丽, Craig 并且Hope 教务长生活度过与您合唱这里我将崇拜这里我是对鞠躬下来这里我在说您是您是一共可爱的我的上帝, 一共美妙对我所有天的国王Oh 那么高度崇高的光彩在天堂在您之上谦逊地来到地球您创造所有为了爱的缘故成为粗劣的合唱
2023-01-13 03:02:172

how match is that altogether?为什么不用复数形式

表示整体时用单数。比如,The Chinese People is very kind。中华民族很友好。MY FAMILY IS FAMILIAR WITH HIM.我家里人跟他很熟。
2023-01-13 03:02:233


总共in all,altogether;in the aggregate总共有多少人:How many people are there altogether? 1, how many students are there in the classroom and outside the classroom altogether? 2, the number of people who didn"t come to school today? / didn"t come to work? 3, inside the company, there are many people go on a trip to Shanghai? 4, a total of 56 people, to see the dinner tonight. 5, how many people come to school today? / to work.? 6, today you start / begin from a few days?
2023-01-13 03:02:261

although altogether all always辨音(划al)

all 不同,其他三个相同。学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!
2023-01-13 03:02:282

英语It is altogether fitting and proper怎么翻译?

大概意思就是 铁子 没毛病
2023-01-13 03:02:317

altogether he won

‘奇迹般的复出" the 26--year--old gymnast surprised the world with a wonderful comeback.Altogether he won three golds! 26岁的体操运动员奇迹般的复出,震惊了全世界.共赢得了三枚金牌!
2023-01-13 03:02:361

语法:altogerther all togerther的区别和用法

altogether adv. 全部地, 完全地 The noise has altogether stopped. 吵闹声完全停止了。 总共 I"d like to have 100 sheets altogether. 我一共想要100张。 总而言之 Altogether, our achievements are very great. 总而言之, 我们的成绩是很大的。 ·all together adv. 一起 Don"t all speak together! 不要都同时说话! All the shirts hang together in the same wardrobe. 所有的衬衫都挂在同一个衣橱里。 All the students were jammed together in the hall. 所有的学生都被紧紧挤在大厅里。
2023-01-13 03:02:383

altogether 比together 的语气强烈?还是一样的?

2023-01-13 03:02:411

how many things can you see altogether 是什么意思?

How many things can you see altogether?你一共能看见多少东西?
2023-01-13 03:02:441


2023-01-13 03:02:507

总共有多少人 英语怎么说

1 How many students are there in all both inside and outside of the classroom?2 How many people in all didn"t come to work /class today?3 How many people in all went to Shanghai for travalling in the campany ?4 Threre are 56 people in all coming for tonight"s dinner party.5 How many people in all came to work/class today?6 How many days are left in all to begin your work/class?
2023-01-13 03:03:014


1.Shortly after the accident,several policemen were sent to maintain the order of the scene.2.With such a small MP3,peolple can enjoy the music wherever they go.3.I was very disapointed to find out that our honored monitor Lin Da was a thief.4.Mr.Chen is such a good teacher that all his students like him very much.5.Altogether three persons must take on the resposibilities to this accident.6.It took my father few months to finish his essay on human evolution.
2023-01-13 03:03:043

at large是什么意思

2023-01-13 03:03:2714


live together意思是:一起生活;(未婚) 同居例句:1、The couple had been living together for 16 years. 这对情侣已经同居了16年。2、I think that we will live together forever 我想我们会永远生活在一起。3、They all live together in a three-bedroom house 他们全都一块儿住在一幢三居室的房子里。together 发音:英 [təˈɡeðə(r)]   美 [təˈɡeðər]  together 释义:adv.在一起;共同;以使接触(或相结合);到一起;关系密切;有婚姻关系adj.自信而妥实的扩展资料:一、together with1、包括…在内 including例句:Together with the Johnsons, there were 12 of us in the villa.包括约翰逊一家在内,别墅里总共有我们12个人。2、加之;和;连同;同…一起 in addition to; as well as例句:I sent my order, together with a cheque for £40.我把订单连同一张40英镑的支票一起寄出去。二、all together 一起When people or things are all together, they are together in a group.例句:I keep my books all together, so they"re easy to find. 我把我的书都放在一起,所以很容易找到。注意:不要和altogether混淆,他们是完全不同的。altogether 完全地;总共例句:What a lot of students! How many are there altogether? 好多学生啊!他们总共有多少人?
2023-01-13 03:03:352

一共有16辆车,我们早晨7:30出发,花了半个小时到那儿。 英语翻译

There were totally 16 school buses We left at 7:30it took us half an hour to get there
2023-01-13 03:03:457


可连用多种时态,如一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、现在完成时等。例如:Everydayhe queued patiently at the bus stop.他每天都耐心地在公共汽车站排队。 一般现在时常用的时间词语常用于一般现在时的词语有 sometimes/usually/often/every day(week,year)/ now/always 等。请记住:这些时间词语只是辅助作用,具体还要进行分析。 常见辨析词 Already and All Ready 副词already表示“以前”或“到现在”: Sasha has already left. 萨沙已经离开了。 短语all ready表示“准备充分的”: We"re all ready to go. 我们已经准备好要出发了。 Altogether and All Together 副词altogether表示“完全地“或“全部地”: Gus has stopped riding the bus altogether. 格斯再也不开公共汽车了。 短语all together指代人或物集中在一个地方: The kids sit all together in the back of the bus. 孩子们都坐在公共汽车的后面。 Anyone and Any One 不定代词anyone抽象地指代任何人,而不是某一个人: Anyone who has an opinion will probably offend someone. 有意见的人很可能会冒犯到别人。 短语any one指代具体但身份不明的物或人: With enough money, any one of us could be elected mayor. 只要有足够的钱,我们每一个人都能够竞选成为市长。 Awhile and A While 副词awhile表示“一会儿”: Nico asked me to stay awhile and chat. 尼克让我留下来聊一会儿天。 名词a while表示一段时间: Once in a while people surprise you and rise above self-interest. 有时候,人们会使你感到惊讶,他们抛开了个人利益。
2023-01-13 03:03:501