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英语单词翻译:single ,divorced , in a relationship

2023-05-20 00:12:39






单一[独, 式]的; 个别的

单身的; 一人用的


专一的; 纯真的; 诚实的

唯一的, 无比的

[英](酒等)味淡的; 力弱的


【无】单次的, 单的




in a relationship



single : [ "siŋgl ]

a. 单身的,单纯的,单一的

divorced : [ di"vɔ:st ]


relationship : [ ri"leiʃənʃip ]

n. 关系,关联

in a relationship : [ ri"leiʃənʃip ]

n. 有关系,关联






动,世界才会充满爱. -----------------------------让世界充满爱爱源自心.它是一种感觉,一种声音,一种气息,一种色彩,一种守侯,一种牵挂,一种尉籍,一种 信念……更多的爱就在我们身边的点点滴滴、平平凡凡之中. 这是一个真实的故事.有一个名叫亮亮的小男孩,他生性活泼,开朗乐观,可老天弄人,他得了白血 病.他离开了学校,来到了医院.这一天,正好是他的生日.区里面的李叔叔
2023-01-13 02:37:122


关系 此种理论中的关系(Relationship)指两个人或者更多人之间的关系;网络(Network)指关系的集合;互动(Interaction)指关系和网络中相互影响的活动。基于636个网页-相关网页联系 ⑺ 联系(Relationship):在现实世界中,事务内部以及事务之间是有联系的,这些联系在信息世界中反映为实体内部的联系和实体之间的联系。基于116个网页- 相关网页 亲缘关系 生物学词汇英语翻译(Q-Z)--个人娱乐大全 ...relational spiral 相关螺旋relationship 亲缘关系relative air humidity 相对空气湿度 ...基于57个网页- 相关网页 关联性 系结关联性 (Relationship) 是定义在用来产生部署报告的部署图表上。将应用程式系结到逻辑伺服器,会定义在该逻辑伺服器和应用程式之间的装载关联性。短语 close relationship密切的关系;亲密关系;密切关系genetic relationship亲缘关系;发生学关系;语系关系;起源关系blood relationship血缘关系;血缘cooperative relationship合作关系;协作关系Neighborhood Relationship邻里关系water relationship水分关系;水分状况Reciprocal relationship倒数关系;互反关系phase relationship相态关系;相位关系Precedence Relationship优先关系;前导关系;紧前关系
2023-01-13 02:37:156


2023-01-13 02:37:204


2023-01-13 02:37:233


2023-01-13 02:37:263


感情的中文意思也包含了relationship 你这么翻译中国人都看得懂 外国人就不一定了
2023-01-13 02:37:282

good relationship是什么意思

好关系 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-01-13 02:37:313

翻译英语What is my relationship with yuo?

What is my relationship with you?翻译我和你是什么关系?
2023-01-13 02:37:343


relationship[ri5leiFEnFip]n.关系, 关联
2023-01-13 02:37:378

personal relationship是什么意思

personal relationship 英[ˈpə:sənəl riˈleiʃənʃip] 美[ˈpɚsənəl rɪˈleʃənˌʃɪp] [释义] [医] 个人关系; 私情;
2023-01-13 02:37:465

relation relationship connection 都是名词,都有关系的意思,请问怎么区分辨别?

relation [ri"leiʃən]基本翻译n. 关系,家人,亲戚,叙述,陈述网络释义Relation:关系|关系式|关联relation n.:亲属|联系|关系SR relation:刺激�反应关系relationship [ri"leiʃənʃip]基本翻译n. 关系,关联网络释义Relationship:关系|亲戚关系|亲缘关系e-relationship:外部关系relationship n.:亲属关系|关系,关联|关系 connection [kə"nekʃən]基本翻译n. 联系,关系,连接网络释义Connection:连接|公铁交接处|联系,连接Y connection:星形接法|三角-星接法Y-connection:星形连接|星形接法,Y接法|星形连接 叉形接头 分叉管接头
2023-01-13 02:37:512

社会学中的专业名词 relational mobility 和relationship 分别是什么意思

2023-01-13 02:37:541

the serious relationship 是什么意思

2023-01-13 02:37:574

No relationship,中文翻译

2023-01-13 02:38:004

relationship between什么意思

xx 与 xx 之间的关系
2023-01-13 02:38:036

Lovers"relationship 意思?

2023-01-13 02:38:087

Public relationship是什么意思

public relationship 公共关系Moreover, I have a good command of Business English and the basic theory, public relationship of secretary. 另外,我还很好地掌握了商务英语和基本理论,以及秘书公共关系学
2023-01-13 02:38:143


2023-01-13 02:38:162


父子关系:father-son relationship 母子关系:mother-son relationship兄妹关系:brother and sister relationship
2023-01-13 02:38:222


Husband and wife are relative to each other
2023-01-13 02:38:313

英语翻译 还有是不是reltionship 这个单词是错的是不是relationship

是的,是relationship 你几乎满足得到完美/优秀爱情的所有条件,为什么不完完全全的投入一次呢?
2023-01-13 02:38:341

social relationship是什么意思

social relationship[医]社会关系
2023-01-13 02:38:392

dyadic relationship是什么意思

dyadic relationship_翻译dyadic relationship 网络意思:二元关系; 对偶关系; 式关系;
2023-01-13 02:38:421

cube–cube orientation relationship 怎么翻译啊?

2023-01-13 02:38:454


我似乎感到自已恋爱了。 但是似乎没有。 你的这样被预定的关系使我容易被接触和, 我有意图去喜欢您, 但不可能真正地得到您的反应明白和确定。 象它我比您真正地察觉较少给我, 大家也许虽则讲话的你应该是喜欢我。 但是我仍然认识您。 你也大概害怕。 你也大概是忧虑, 最终定局我们去一起。 我自已也实际上知道我们没有结果。 但发生除朋友以外的事刚才发生了我们,但是。 有横渡的朋友的界限。 但什么不是全部。 我认为好朋友是象和其他相比的快乐唱歌, 铭记的确非常。 清晰。 我必要保留我们的回忆,当我不想要让自已得到陷入泥淖的更深时。 但是我真正地想要简单的幸福。 让路给人在控制的疼痛极少数的是, 困难的如何有让通行证~嘿!!但是心脏感觉愚钝的痛苦。 追随被预先判定的关系
2023-01-13 02:38:482


Foreign Trade EnglishTechnology EnglishBusiness EnglishPractical French Business EnglishBiblical Literature election stresses
2023-01-13 02:38:514

my relationship with my parents aren"t close为什么用复?

应该用三单:my relationship with my parents isn"t close.或者:my relationships with my parents aren"t close.
2023-01-13 02:38:575


关系 此种理论中的关系(Relationship)指两个人或者更多人之间的关系;网络(Network)指关系的集合;互动(Interaction)指关系和网络中相互影响的活动。基于636个网页-相关网页联系 ⑺ 联系(Relationship):在现实世界中,事务内部以及事务之间是有联系的,这些联系在信息世界中反映为实体内部的联系和实体之间的联系。基于116个网页- 相关网页 亲缘关系 生物学词汇英语翻译(Q-Z)--个人娱乐大全 ...relational spiral 相关螺旋relationship 亲缘关系relative air humidity 相对空气湿度 ...基于57个网页- 相关网页 关联性 系结关联性 (Relationship) 是定义在用来产生部署报告的部署图表上。将应用程式系结到逻辑伺服器,会定义在该逻辑伺服器和应用程式之间的装载关联性。短语 close relationship密切的关系;亲密关系;密切关系genetic relationship亲缘关系;发生学关系;语系关系;起源关系blood relationship血缘关系;血缘cooperative relationship合作关系;协作关系Neighborhood Relationship邻里关系water relationship水分关系;水分状况Reciprocal relationship倒数关系;互反关系phase relationship相态关系;相位关系Precedence Relationship优先关系;前导关系;紧前关系
2023-01-13 02:39:306

A relationship 这句翻译成是什么意思

2023-01-13 02:39:353

bring a relationship to its knee怎么翻译,knee在这里是什么意思?

bring ……to its knees 是让……屈服、终结的意思同答案D,ruin a relationship
2023-01-13 02:39:383

what the reall relationship between us;用中文翻译是什么意思

2023-01-13 02:39:403

moderated relationship是什么意思

moderated relationship的中文翻译moderated relationship 缓和关系
2023-01-13 02:39:431

英文翻译! any relationship? What is the relationship?! any relationship?

2023-01-13 02:39:464


在世界上有16%的人口在用中文交流,中文是一种非常古老且丰富的语言,丰富到中文里许多词语并不能用英文的简单词汇来概括的,1,缘份这个词在英文里可以粗略的用“fate”概括(命运,宿命;灾难,死亡;命中注定的事(尤指坏事))但是当这个词语在人际关系的背景下.它对我们来说意味着另一种“命运”。我们可以解释为:一种神秘力量引导着两个生命在有意义的方式下进行汇合,比如:在不知情的情况下,我们遇见了很久以前的一个旧人,对两个人来说就意味着一种缘份,一种安排。2,关系这个词普遍被用为"relationship" "connecyion"来翻译(关系; 联系; 浪漫关系; 血缘关系)但是当这个词语在我们中国的的一些商业和职业方面,也意味着是一种关系网,比如在聚会中或是在工作场所之外,良好的关系网是可以帮助你打开一扇门的钥匙,这是一种互惠互利的关系,这对我们来说也是一种微妙的概念,也不是单纯的被认为是一种交易或是贿赂,3.慢走“walk slowly”(行;缓步;迈方步;徐步)这个词在我们有客人到访家里,长辈和亲近的人到访你家里并之后向你告别之后,你会加以关心和叮嘱的情绪在这个词语里,路上慢走,路上慢点,英语里很难解释为什么要让人慢慢走路4,冤枉to wrongly accuse(错告)这个英文翻译可以解释为,错误的指责,不公平的对待,比如有人认为你在伤害他,实际上你正在努力的帮助他救助他,你可能会觉得自己的帮助受到了侮辱,或者说受到了不公正的判断,5.师傅master(大师;硕士;主人(尤指男性);男教师)在我们认为师傅这个词适用于众多出租车司机,机械师,修理工,理发师,等等众多服务行业,但是在英文里这个词语仅仅被认为是武术老师,或者诸如修士和修女之类的精神人物,6.加油add oil/add fuel(油; 石油; 燃油; 油画; 给…加油; 化成油)英文里的字面意思为,添加油,或是添加燃料,在我们的理解里它不仅为添加油,等它也适用于在为别人打气,在为别人鼓劲以上就是给大家总结的难以翻译的词语,你知道了吗?
2023-01-13 02:39:4911

Are you in any serious relationship at the moment?拜托帮忙翻译一下

2023-01-13 02:40:403

What is the definition of relationship?

n.(名词)1. The condition or fact of being related; connection or association.关系:有关系的事实或状态;联系或关联2. Connection by blood or marriage; kinship.亲属关系:因血缘或婚姻产生的联系;亲戚关系3. A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other:联系:相互有来往的人之间存在的关联的特殊类型:has a close relationship with his siblings.和他的兄弟姐妹有紧密的联系4. A romantic or sexual involvement.浪漫关系或性关系
2023-01-13 02:40:431

volume-outcome relationship 什么意思

  volume outcome relationship的中文翻译  volume outcome relationship  量-结果关系  双语例句  1  The relationship between drug-eluting stent procedural volume and outcome is unknown.  药物洗脱支架程序容量与预后的关系尚不明确。  2  The Relationship Between Primary Tumor Volume and Treatment Outcome in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with Radiotherapy  鼻咽癌放射治疗中肿瘤容积效应及相关因素的研究
2023-01-13 02:40:451

关系户是英语表达是用relationship household好一些还是closely-related units?

和我一起工作的 并且由于和我私下认识 于是给予我提供不公平好处的人A person I work with, that provides me unfair benefit, because we know each other.
2023-01-13 02:40:512

this relationship ended什么意思

2023-01-13 02:40:544

求翻译:we are together in relationship.谢谢

就是我们俩在一起谈恋爱的意思。来自【学习宝典】团队 有不明白的地方欢迎追问如果认可我的回答请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮谢谢~
2023-01-13 02:40:576

class relationship是什么意思

2023-01-13 02:41:022

Letter of Understanding/Commercial relationship 的英语翻译

Letter of Understanding/Commercial relationship信的认识/商业关系
2023-01-13 02:41:054

填英文表格式父女关系是译成:father and daughter,谢谢回答!

2023-01-13 02:41:082


In China the stock market, investors initially to retail investors, the speculative atmosphere is relatively heavy, caused the sharp fluctuations in the market, did not play the role of social resource allocation optimization. In order to reduce the market fluctuation, regulatory considerations into development to securities investment funds on behalf of the institutional investors, securities investment funds can hope that by virtue of their own professional advantage, capital and information three, to the value of the investment and the introduction of the concept of rational investment market, seek the return value, reduces the stock market volatility, the stability of the stock market, so that securities market to better serve for hypostatic economy, this is the financial supervision of vigorously developing securities investment fund "s original purpose. With securities investment fund large-scale market, market volatility is it right? Reduces? This article mainly from the securities investment fund positions, behavior and fluctuation of stock price an empirical study on the relationship between the conclusion of the article, hope to the healthy and continuous development of China"s securities market provides some reference suggestions, have very real direct sense.In this paper, firstly the related study on this issue from both theoretical and empirical perspectives are reviewed, understood at present to this problem did not draw the same conclusion, debate is still ongoing. Then on the securities investment fund transactions appear short-sighted behavior, herding effect, positive feedback trading strategy as well as the manipulation of a series of theory are discussed, based on the above theoretical analysis, pointed out that securities investment fund positions on the medium and small investors have a detrimental effect, did not play a stabilizing role of the market. Combined with the actual situation of our securities business, respectively, considering the blue-chip market and small and medium-sized market shares characteristics, as well as the investor"s risk preference, a careful analysis of the securities investment fund in China s stock market in the role, respectively, put forward overall hypothesis: our funds behavior did not play a stabilizing role of the market and the individual two hypotheses: fund holding blue chips to stabilize stock price effects, but with small and medium-sized stock market but increase the volatility of stock price.In this paper, the whole proposed hypotheses, using time series data to test empirically, by regression analysis method, by using the method of least squares to draw the correlation coefficient, the results showed that all the fund positions, behavior and stock market overall fluctuation shows a positive correlation, and have a certain significance, but was not very strong, description market with the proportion of funds holdings will rise or fall there will be a certain degree of up or down. For the individual on the proposed hypothesis, respectively for the blue-chip market and small and medium-sized market shares of the empirical testing, using panel data regression, the fund holds the blue-chip did not exacerbate volatility, reached a stable stock price fluctuations, but to fund small and medium-sized stock market and the volatility of the test results showed that, the fund shareholders and small and medium-sized stock market price fluctuations showed a strong positive correlation, but also significantly stronger. According to the overall analysis, description of funds behavior overall did not play a stabilizing role of the market, because the fund positions blue-chip although stabilize stock price effect, but the fund in the small and medium-sized market on the stock holdings increased the volatility of stock price. Therefore, the empirical results support the proposed hypothesis based on theoretical analysis.Based on the analysis and testing results, combined with the actual situation of our securities business, this paper suggests the need for further improvement of the stock market system condition and zoology environment, change of securities investment funds of the current evaluation .
2023-01-13 02:41:164

Are you in a relationship.求翻译

2023-01-13 02:41:185


As their relationship develope better,they will be togerther oneday
2023-01-13 02:41:234


The marriage is the base for family. 1.If you do not set up marriage relationship with your wife/husband,there will be no intact family. 2.If the marriage is not very well,and the family will face some problem,such as quarrel,sepration,divorce,etc. So,to sustain a happy family,the marriage relationship between the wife and husband is the most essential part.
2023-01-13 02:41:261

英语a direct causal relationship怎么翻译?

a direct causal relationship直接因果关系
2023-01-13 02:41:323


structure activity relationship英 [ˈstrʌktʃə ækˈtiviti riˈleiʃənʃip] 美 [ˈstrʌktʃɚ ækˈtɪvɪti rɪˈleʃənˌʃɪp] [医]构效关系
2023-01-13 02:41:351

The relationship between us as pure as crastal.翻译

2023-01-13 02:41:382