barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-20 00:10:27





n. 工程师,技师; (轮船的) 机师; 〈美〉(火车的)司机,; (陆军的) 工兵;

vt. 设计,策划; 安排或处理; 改变…的基因(或遗传)结构;



engineer:英语发音:engineer /ˌɛndʒɪˈnɪə/.中文谐音:恩洁尼厄.(洁音浊音, 即在洁和卓之间的音调)。
2023-01-13 02:12:223


  你知道工程师的英文怎么读吗?一起来学习一下吧!    工程师的英文: engineer英 [ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)]美 [ˌendʒɪˈnɪr]   工程师的英文例句:   1. The RAF recognized him as an out-standingly able engineer.   英国皇家空军表彰他是一名非常能干的机械师。   2. The product is still only a gleam in an engineer"s eye.   该产品还只是工程师头脑中尚未成形的想法。   3. The engineer and his son held frequent consultations concerning technical problems.   工程师和他的儿子经常就技术问题互相征求意见。   4. The most junior executive officer outranked the senior engineer officer aboard ship.   在舰船上,级别最低的副舰长也位列级别最高的轮机官之上。   5. We engaged the services of a recognised engineer.   我们雇用了一个公认的杰出工程师。   6. They"re sending an engineer to fix the phone.   他们要派一名技师来安装电话。   7. The engineer was an eager participant in technical co - operation.   那位工程师热心参与技术合作.   8. The task needs the skills of a suitably experienced engineer.   这项任务需要有一定经验的工程师的技能.   9. The spy"s cover was that she was a consultant engineer.   那女间谍伪装成顾问工程师.   10. The engineer explained the main points of the technical problem over again.   工程师把那个技术问题的重点重新讲了一遍.   11. The engineer has many technical innovations to his credit.   这位工程师有许多项技术革新的成就.   12. The untimely death of the engineer delayed the completion of the project.   工程师的过早去世推迟了工程的完工期.   13. They attributed the success of their invention to Engineer Huang.   他们把发明的成功归于黄工程师.   14. The engineer made a complete diagnosis of the bridge"s collapse.   工程师对桥的倒塌做一次彻底的调查分析.   15. He was trained there as a mining engineer.   他在那里被培养成一名采矿工程师.
2023-01-13 02:12:301


engineering的读音:英 [ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ]  美 [ˌendʒɪˈnɪrɪŋ] 。n. 工程,工程学;控制,引导,管理;筹划,出谋划策v. 设计,建造;策划,精心安排(engineer 的现在分词形式)短语reverse engineering [计] 逆向工程 ; 反向工程 ; 反求工程mechanical engineering [机] 机械工程 ; [机] 机械工程学 ; 机械工程专业 ; 机械工程系social engineering 社会工程学 ; [社科] 社会工程 ; 社交工程 ; 社交工程陷阱Electronic Engineering [电子] 电子工程 ; 电子工程专业 ; 电气工程genetic engineering [遗] 基因工程 ; [遗] 遗传工程 ; 遗传工程学 ; 基因工程学同根词词根: 工程师;工兵;火车司机engine 引擎,发动机;机车,火车头;工具 设计;建造 设计;策划;精明地处理He has not studied mechanics or engineering. 他没有学习过力学或者工程学。
2023-01-13 02:12:361


2023-01-13 02:12:487

engineering怎么读 英语engineering怎么读

1、engineering英[ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ]美[ˌendʒɪˈnɪrɪŋ],n.工程; 工程学;v.密谋策划; 设计制造; 改变…的基因(或遗传)结构;engineer的现在分词。 2、例句:We subcontracted the work to a small engineering firm. 我们把工作转包给了一家小型工程公司。
2023-01-13 02:12:571


工程师的英语是:engineer。读音:英[ˌendʒɪˈnɪər],美[ˌendʒɪˈnɪr]。释义:n.工程师;工兵;火车司机。vt.设计;策划;精明地处理。vi.设计;建造。变形:过去式engineered,过去分词engineered,现在分词engineering,第三人称单数engineers,复数engineers。短语:sound engineer音响师。engineer a railway设计一条铁路。engineer the mountain road建造这条山路。engineer的例句1、His father meant him to be an engineer.他父亲想让他当工程师。2、We engaged the services of a famous engineer.我们聘了一位有名的工程师来帮忙。3、He looked at the design with the eye of an engineer.他以工程师的眼光审视这个设计。4、I"m a computer engineer.我是电脑工程师。5、As an engineer, you can"t be careful.作为一名工程师,你再小心也不为过。6、He"s a great engineer.他是个了不起的工程师。
2023-01-13 02:13:002


2023-01-13 02:13:092


engineer的意思:n.工程师;技师;工兵;技工v.密谋策划;设计制造;改变…的基因(或遗传)结构engineer的发音:美 [ˌendʒɪˈnɪr]  英 [ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)]复数:engineers  现在分词:engineering  过去式:engineered例句:1.I don"t think this has anything to do with size. I"m just a jumped-up engineer who got a commission "cause he knows what makes the GMU tick.我只不过是个工程师,就因为‘他知道怎么让GMU转起来"被火箭式提拔,上了这个位置。2.Charles Koch seems to have approached both business and politics with the deliberation of an engineer.查理斯·科赫像个工程师一样有条不紊地收获着商业和政治上的战果。3.The engineer had to stop the train. He was angry as he cried out to the boy and asked him why he stood on the track.火车司机不得不停下火车。他非常生气,一边冲那个男孩大声喊叫,一边问他为什要站在铁轨上。4.The derrickman reports to the tool pusher, but is instructed in detail by the mud engineer on what to add to the mud, how fast and how much.他向钻井队长报告,但在泥浆添加剂的用量和加入速度问题上具体由泥浆工程师指导。
2023-01-13 02:13:221


  有些职位我们能日常见到,所以知道英语怎么说,下面给大家分享一些关于工程师用英语怎么说,希望对大家有所帮助。 一.工程师用英语怎么说 engineer: 总工程师 chief engineer; 高级工程师 senior engineer 二.中中释义 工程师 [gōng chéng shī] (1) [engineer] (2) 受过以某一工程分支为职业的训练的人,能独立担负某项专业技术任务的设计、施工 (3) 技术干部的一种技术职称 三.双语例句 1委员会由教授和工程师组成。 The committee was composed of professors and engineers. 2我们需要各方面的帮手:工程师、科学家(例如地质学家)和教师。 We need helpers of all types, engineers, scientists ( e.g. geologists) and teachers 3我们雇用了一个公认的杰出工程师。 We engaged the services of a recognised engineer 4可以提供一些指导原则:第一,找位供暖工程师检查系统的安全性。 Certain guidelines can be given. First, have a heating engineer check the safety of the system. 5工程师和他的儿子经常就技术问题互相征求意见。 The engineer and his son held frequent consultations concerning technical problems 6他招聘了两个懂多种语言的工程师。 He recruited two multilingual engineers. 7工程师们计算桥梁的应变和应力。 Engineers calculate the strains and stresses on a bridge. 8这门学位课程经电气工程师学院鉴定完全合格。 This degree programme is fully accredited by the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 9工程师们花费很多时间和精力来开发完美的解决方案。 Engineers spend much time and energy developing brilliant solutions 10工程师注意到管道并没有如预期那样膨胀。 Engineers noticed that the pipes were not expanding as expected 11大学的财力有限,提供的薪酬仅能吸引水平一般的教师,在这种情况下,我们如何能培养出一流的工程师? How can we produce top-class engineers when universities are constrained to offer salaries that can only attract mediocre staff? 12工程师的过早去世推迟了工程的完工期。 The untimely death of the engineer delayed the completion of the project. 13他是他那代人当中最富创造性与革新精神的工程师之一。 He was one of the most creative and innovative engineers of his generation. 14工程师们发现该建筑已经受潮腐蚀。 Engineers found the structure had been corroded by moisture 15工程师说钚可能会开始从遭腐蚀的潜艇往外渗透。 Engineers said that plutonium could begin seeping from the corroded sub. 16他预计在工程师对其性能稍加改进后,该系统会运行得更加良好。 He expects the system to get even better as the engineers tweak its performance. 17那五位具有真才实学的工程师是这个小厂的中流砥柱。 The five engineers of real learning are the mainstays of the small factory. 18工程师同总经理一起在 承包合同 上签字画押。 The engineers and the manager-in-chief signed or made their marks together on the contract. 19该产品还只是工程师头脑中尚未成形的想法。 The product is still only a gleam in an engineer"s eye. 20作为一个铁路工程师的女儿,她最初的童年生活有些漂泊不定。 The daughter of a railway engineer, she at first had a somewhat nomadic childhood. 21他们的工程师更乐于借用别人的观点,而不愿自我创新。 Their engineers are happier borrowing other people"s ideas than developing their own. 22他们把发明的成功归于黄工程师。 They attributed the success of their invention to Engineer Huang. 23遗传工程师将某一生物的小段遗传物质调换到另一生物,或与其互换。 Genetic engineers transpose or exchange bits of hereditary material from one organism to the next 24工程师联盟对这项提议感到很不满,称该提议有点种族主义的味道。 The engineers "union was unhappy with the motion, saying it smacked of racism. 25该党的反应是要努力成为一个吸引笃信宗教的退休者、慕尼黑朋客族和航天工程师的兼收并蓄的政党。 The party has responded by trying to become a broad church that appeals to devout pensioners, Munich punks and aerospace engineers 26他出生在南威尔士的阿伯德尔,是一位采矿工程师的儿子。 He was born at Aberdare in South Wales, the son of a mining engineer. 27休伊特装扮成供热工程师从而进入大厅。 Hewitt had gained entrance to the Hall by pretending to be a heating engineer. 28如果引擎坏了,那么在飞机着陆之前工程师也无能为力。 If an engine packs in, there"s not much the engineer can do about it until the plane is back on the ground. 29他是个熟练的工程师。 He is a master engineer. 百度翻译例句库 工程师用英语怎么说相关 文章 : ★ 工程用英语怎么说 ★ 工程师英文自我介绍范文 ★ 机械工程师个人介绍英文版 ★ 专业术语用英语怎么说 ★ "用"英语怎么说 ★ 研究生用英语怎么说 ★ 非常好用英语怎么说 ★ 简历中自我评价用英语怎么说 ★ 环境工程师应聘自我介绍英文 ★ 用英语怎么说
2023-01-13 02:13:331

intelligence 和 engineer 这两个英语 怎么念

intelligence英 [ɪn"telɪdʒəns]  美[ɪn"telɪdʒəns] n. 智力;理解力n. 情报;情报工作;情报机关释义常用度分布图点击查看双解释义n. (名词)[U]智力,智慧; 理解力 mental ability; power of learning, understanding and reasoning[U]情报,消息 information gathered especially about an enemy countryengineer英 [ˌendʒɪ"nɪə(r)] 美[ˌendʒɪ"nɪr] n. 工程师;机(械)师vt. 设计;建造;策划释义常用度分布图点击查看双解释义n. (名词)[C]工程师,机械师,(火车)司机 a person who is professionally trained to plan the making of machines, roads, bridges, electrical equipment, etc.; a skilled person who control an engine or engines, especially on a ship
2023-01-13 02:13:443


engineer 英[ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)] 美[ˌendʒɪˈnɪr] n. 工程师,技师; (轮船的) 机师; 〈美〉(火车的)司机,; (陆军的) 工兵; vt. 设计,策划; 安排或处理; 改变…的基因(或遗传)结构; [例句]They send a service engineer to fix the disk drive.他们派出维修人员来修磁盘驱动器。[其他] 第三人称单数:engineers 复数:engineers 现在分词:engineering过去式:engineered 过去分词:engineered
2023-01-13 02:13:471

这几个英语 engineer。engineering。engine 怎么读?

2023-01-13 02:13:513


engineer基本词汇 英 [ˌendʒɪ"nɪə(r)]     美 [ˌendʒɪ"nɪr]    n. 工程师;机(械)师
2023-01-13 02:13:542


Electronics Engineer electronic engineer Electronics Engineer electronics engineer EE(electronics engineer) 如果还有英语问题,可以来沪江小Q
2023-01-13 02:13:5711

engine ; engineer 这英语在美式英语中怎么读,求谐音的读法~

2023-01-13 02:14:133


2023-01-13 02:14:163

这三个英语单词怎么读阿?engineering / engineer / engine

2023-01-13 02:14:192

pro engineer怎么安装

2023-01-13 02:14:221


2023-01-13 02:14:296

engineer ; engineering ; engine 这英语用谐音怎么读?

2023-01-13 02:14:383


“工程师”的英语单词是:engineer 读音:英 [ˌendʒɪ"nɪə(r)] 美 [ˌendʒɪ"nɪr]    释义:n. 工程师;机(械)师vt. 设计;建造;策划词汇搭配:1、flight engineer 空勤机械师,随机工程师 2、radio engineer 无线电技师 3、sound engineer 音响师4、chief engineer 总工程师,轮机长 5、electricalengineer 电气工程师 6、mechanical engineer 机械师扩展资料:近义词1、architect  读音:英 ["ɑːkɪtekt]  美 ["ɑːrkɪtekt]    n. 建筑师n. 【喻】缔造者;创造者The new building was built from the design of a famous architect.这座新楼是根据一位著名建筑师的设计建成的。2、designer 读音:英 [dɪ"zaɪnə(r)]   美 [dɪ"zaɪnər]    n. 设计者adj. 由专门设计师设计的She was dressed by a leading New York designer.她穿着纽约杰出设计师设计的服装。
2023-01-13 02:15:531


2023-01-13 02:16:002


2023-01-13 02:16:043

Quality Engineer 怎么读啊

英[ˈkwɔliti][ˌendʒiˈniə] 美[ˈkwɑlɪti][ˌɛndʒəˈnɪr] 要是不认识音标,那谁也没办法quality engineer ,有资质的工程师
2023-01-13 02:16:062


2023-01-13 02:16:092


2023-01-13 02:16:124

安规(认证)工程师 英文怎么说

2023-01-13 02:16:141

signature engineer 这两个单词怎么读

signature ["signitʃə] n.签署, 书帖,有特征的符号engineer [ˌendʒi"niə] n.工程师, 机(械)师 vt.设计, 建造, 策划
2023-01-13 02:16:171

pro/Engineer 怎么安装啊?

2023-01-13 02:16:192

怎么装pro/engineer 啊?

装方法 首先申明是粘贴来的 1:*.BIN *.CUE为虚拟镜像文件,请安装Alcohol 120%等虚拟光驱工具载入它们,打开,安装! 2:填入PTC HOST ID用Crack目录下的注册机算出一个授权文件,(PTC HOST ID可在安装PRO/E界面上找到) 3:安装PTC License Server,并使用由第2步生成的那个授权文件。 4:安装Pro/Engineer Wildfire 3.0,授权类型选择Single Server license type(单机服务器)做为Pro/e授权方式。 然后填写你的"your computer name"(电脑名可在安装PRO/E界面上找到)作为Hostname。(填写位置在7788数字前面那个空白框框内) 5:安装Pro/Mechanica,安装方法与第4步安装Por/e3.0一样。 参照M010的: 1。安装步骤 fE?<`zF! ①将镜像文件1放入虚拟光驱,镜像文件自动运行并启动proe安装程序。(我用虚拟光驱软件的是酒精120) {C dg1~T, ②打开我的电脑,进入虚拟的光盘文件中,将crack文件中那个keygen.exe文件拷贝至你的任一硬盘中(我就把它直接放到C盘根目录了),然后双击运行keygen.exe,并将你机子的网卡的mac地址填入空白处,点击Generate按钮,生成你自己的license.dat文件。 8Hg@8y0+ (关于mac地址,就是proe安装程序现在还停着的那个页面中左下角的那一行xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx格式的东东,当然如果你没有看到那个启动界面也不要紧,你只需点按win+R键,然后在弹出的运行程序窗口中输入命令CMD,进入dos窗口后再输入 ipconfig /all后回车,在列出的网卡信息中xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx格式的字符串即为我们需要的mac地址。) AAnybl ,; ③对已经生成的license.dat文件进行一下改动。将__HOSTNAME__ 改成你计算机的名字。 4KJ vd 改动前: XZ~"44 #PTC Pro/Engineer Wildfire v3 License File, Generated by ZWT Team. 69hCs_NK #For EVALUATION only. If you like this software, BUY it! nd2BOw"U yE &3#? SERVER __HOSTNAME__ PTC_HOSTID=00-E0-4C-4F-04-1D 7788 K" C !8) DAEMON ptc_d __PTCD_PATH__ L-tNY-ts 3~_?C?_r 改动后: !HNt4] #PTC Pro/Engineer Wildfire v3 License File, Generated by ZWT Team. -{6"in} #For EVALUATION only. If you like this software, BUY it! S n}37Z JtV;T6 SERVER hxrjm PTC_HOSTID=00-E0-4C-4F-04-1D 7788 ELQd(9SU DAEMON ptc_d __PTCD_PATH__ TUQ[Sg! 4,X,^;|FD ④选好安装界面语言为“中文”后点按下一步开始proe3.0的安装。在之后出现的安装界面里选右边列表的第一项(中途该换盘换盘,其实就是换镜像文件) K1]mrj5 ⑤安完第一项之后再安安装界面里右边列表的第二项,全都保持默认一直安装完成就行。如果在此过程中没有自动出现安装许可证文件,请启动PTC License Server tools(在开始菜单→程序中找,新安的那个)手动进行调整即可。 / t|>4<U hgr<@N* 对了,最后补充一下,如果你的机子上已经安装了AutoCAD的话,请先将其卸载干净后再安装proe3.0,因为proe3.0会和AutoCAD的许可证文件“打架”。这个用PTC License Server tools都可以查看出来的
2023-01-13 02:16:221


2023-01-13 02:16:283

Pro/ENGINEER 这个软件的英文应该怎么读

2023-01-13 02:16:321

IT工程师的英文怎么说啊 觉得如果是IT engineer 的话怪怪的

It should be IT Engineer
2023-01-13 02:16:351

IT工程师的英文怎么说啊 觉得如果是IT engineer 的话怪怪的

It should be IT Engineer
2023-01-13 02:16:381


primary/medium/senior electronic engineer
2023-01-13 02:16:412

请问以下这几个英文怎么读Nationality /operator /engineer

2023-01-13 02:16:431


2023-01-13 02:16:461


2023-01-13 02:16:491


2023-01-13 02:17:001


car engineer
2023-01-13 02:17:417


问题一:设计师用英语怎么读 designer 英 [d??za?n?] 美 [d??za?n?] 第zai儿 问题二:产品设计师用英文怎么说 product designer 问题三:鬼才设计师用英语怎么说 the incredible/amazing/marvellous designer 问题四:总设计师的英文怎么说 the lead designer或the leading designer都可以,都表示主设计师、首席设计师的意思,但前者更常用 问题五:服装设计师用英文怎么说 fashion designer 参考Armani生平: Arma浮i, Giorgio (1934- ), Italian fashion designer, hailed as a master tailor and designer. Born in Piacenza, he began his career as a window dresser at a Milan department store. Armani eventually founded his own firm, and his clothes first appeared under the Armani label in 1975. The Armani line was notable for informal, unconstructed blazers and rumpled silhouettes. Although designed for men, the fashions were so popular with women that Armani began to design for them as well. 问题六:签约设计师的英文怎么说 5分 签约设计师 contracting designer 自由设计师 free designer 问题七:“汽车设计师”用英语怎么说 car engineer car designer 问题八:服装设计师用英语怎么说? Dress designer 回答来之不易,满意望采纳!如还有新的问题,请采纳后再向我提问,O(∩_∩)O谢谢! 祝学习进步! 问题九:设计团队用英语怎么说 Design team 英 [di?zain ti:m] 美 [d??za?n tim] 设计团队 例句 1 We are professional development and graphic design team. 我们是专业的程序开发和平面设计团队。 2 We have a professional design team and production site, to solve the problem offortable wearing high heels. 我们有专业的设计团队和生产场地;解决了高跟鞋穿着不舒适的问题。 3 I Want to Quit This Design Team. 我不想参加这个设计小组了。 4 The design team has pleted a model of the proposed building. 设计组已经做出了一个建议性的建筑模型。 5 I was not hired by the state, but by a design team in Switzerland. 不是国家,而是瑞士的一支设计团队雇用了我。
2023-01-13 02:17:561


制药工程专业的英文:Pharmaceutical engineeringengineering 读法 英 [endʒɪ"nɪərɪŋ]  美 ["ɛndʒə"nɪrɪŋ] 1、n. 工程,工程学2、v. 设计;管理(engineer的ing形式);建造例句1、That bridge was a miracle of engineering.那座桥是工程学上的一个奇迹。2、He is studying engineering at college.我正在大学学习工程学。短语:1、engineering construction 工程建设2、system engineering 系统工程3、software engineering 软件工程4、mechanical engineering 机械工程;机械工程学5、engineering project 工程项目扩展资料engineering的近义词:technology词语用法1、technology正常解释为“科技和工业的生产过程和技巧”;2、a technique中technique为名词,表示“做某事的一种方法”。词汇搭配:1、construction technology 施工技术2、manufacturing technology 制造技术;制造工艺3、communication technology 通信技术4、process technology 加工工艺学5、modern technology 现代技术;现代科技词义辨析:technology, skill, technique这三个词的共同意思是“技术”。其区别是:skill指实际工作或操作中运用的技巧和能力; technique指某种具体的技术或技巧,尤指音乐、工艺美术、写作等方面的技能; technology指知识在工业实际工作中的系统应用。例如:1、Learning a foreign language is learning new skills.学习外语就是学习新技能。2、She shows a good technique in playing the piano.她弹钢琴很有技巧。3、He has reached a very low level of technology.他只达到了很低的技术水平。
2023-01-13 02:18:021

请问以下这几个英文怎么读Nationality /operator /engineer

nationality [,n�0�3�0�6�0�5"n�0�3liti] operator ["�0�0p�0�5reit�0�5] engineer [,end�0�1i"ni�0�5] ]
2023-01-13 02:18:122


王工程师Engineer Wang 工程师 [词典] engineer; [例句]委员会由教授和工程师组成。The committee was composed of professors and engineers.
2023-01-13 02:18:151


2023-01-13 02:18:182


2023-01-13 02:18:211


亲,您好!首先感谢您对华为的支持与关注,现由小编帮您解决关于USB调试的咨询,请进入“设置”界面,点击“关于手机”。连续多次点击“版本号”,直到屏幕提示已进入开发者模式。返回“设置”界面,点击“开发人员选项”,勾选“USB 调试”复选框。若后续使用遇到问题,您可致电我们的华为服务热线400-830-8300或者联系小编帮您跟进处理,祝您生活愉快,心情美美哒~
2023-01-13 02:18:271


2023-01-13 02:18:301

紧急求助county engineer ,municipal engineer,resideng engineer, project engineer,怎么翻译?

县工程师,市政的工程师,resideng工程师,项目工程师resideng不知道怎么翻译``只知道意思是``n.1. 居住;合法居住资格2. 住所;住宅;官邸3. (官员、医生等的)驻在
2023-01-13 02:18:361


建筑师:architect建筑设计工程师:building engineer结构:structure engineer管道、设备、机械...:MEP engineer规划:(city ,urban)planner
2023-01-13 02:18:422