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2023-05-20 00:09:58

秋天用英语表示为:autumn,autumn的英式发音为[ˈɔ:təm],美式发音为 [ˈɔtəm] 。 意思有:秋,秋天,成熟期,渐衰期,秋天的,秋季的。



1、We are always plagued by wasps in autumn. 


2、As autumn approached, the plants and colours in the garden changed. 


3、Autumn"s my favourite season. 


4、Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden severe autumn. 


5、The autumn moon has always been a favourite with poets and lovers of nature. 


6、He published his autobiography last autumn. 


7、Most of the butterflies perish in the first frosts of autumn. 


8、The autumn harvest this year is better than that of last year. 





autumn (英式)或者fall (美式) 前者更常用


秋天用英语表示为:autumn,autumn的英式发音为[ˈɔ:təm],美式发音为 [ˈɔtəm]


fall 或 autumn(更常用)


autumn (英式)或者fall (美式)


autumn 或者fall


autumn 或者fall


autumn 或者fall





英式发音:autumn 美式发音:fall

autumn发音:昂腾N(后面那个N是鼻音) fall发音:否欧(连起来读)


汉语:秋天 英语:FaLL









autumn,读音:英[ˈɔːtəm],美[ˈɔːtəm]。释义:n.秋天;成熟期;渐衰期,凋落期。adj.秋天的,秋季的。复数:autumns。短语:in autumn adv.在秋天。autumn harvest秋收。autumn wood秋材,成熟木材。start of autumn立秋。autumn的例句1、Autumn is my favourite season.秋季是我最喜欢的季节。2、Leaves change colour in autumn.树叶在秋天改变颜色。3、I love the reds and golds of autumn.我喜欢秋天的火红色和金黄色。4、Every autumn I go to the county fair.每个秋季我都去县里的集市。5、It"s been a very mild autumn this year.今年秋天一直很暖和。
2023-01-13 02:02:551


autumn读英语发音英[ˈɔːtəm]美[ˈɔːtəm]名词1.秋,秋天,秋季2.成熟期,渐衰期英英释义the season when the leaves fall from the trees词形变化形容词: autumnal副词: autumnally相关短语milky stage (指水果谷物的一种成熟期) 乳熟期N. N. N. N. N. N. culture medium【医】 N.N.N.培养基(含琼脂、盐、兔血,用以培养黑热病病原体)N. P. N. 【医】 非蛋白氮autumn双语例句1 Winter comes after autumn. 秋去冬来。2、The fa11 of one leaf is enough to tel1 coming of autumn.一叶知秋。3 Nature is most colourful in autumn.秋天,大自然的色彩最为丰富。4、What I like best is the autumn in Beijing.我最喜欢的是北京的秋天。5 On a lovely autumn evening we went out on a picnic.在一个美好的秋夜,我们外出野餐。
2023-01-13 02:03:091


autumn的英式发音为ˈɔːtəm,的美式发音为ˈɔːtəm。autumn读音:英 [ˈɔːtəm]、美 [ˈɔːtəm] 中文释义:n. 秋天;秋季。  复数形式:autumns     短语搭配:(1)Late Autumn:晚秋 ; 秋日和 ; 春光明媚的(2)Cheyenne Autumn:安邦定国志 ; 万里逃生记 ; 唱片名(3)Autumn breeze:秋风 ; 秋日微风 ; 木手永四郎例句:lf the fruit crop froze out in the sudden severe autumn. 有一半水果作物在秋天突如其来的严寒中冻死了。用法:Autumn作名词时译为“秋天;成熟期;渐衰期,凋落期”,作形容词时译为“秋天的,秋季的”。其他季节的英文:1、冬天:winter读音:英 [ˈwɪntə(r)]   美 [ˈwɪntər]  例句:The birds will winter outside in an aviary. 鸟儿们将在外面的大鸟笼里过冬。2、春天:spring读音:英 [sprɪŋ]   美 [sprɪŋ]  例句:She had missed the glorious blooms of the Mediterranean spring. 她错过了地中海春季鲜花怒放的绚丽美景。
2023-01-13 02:03:291


autumn的读音是:英 ["ɔːtəm],美 ["ɔːtəm]。  n. 秋季;秋天例句:Autumn crops promised to be equally good.翻译:秋季作物看来收成也会同样很好。用法n. (名词)autumn指一年四季中的第三个季节,即夏冬之间的“秋季”。在英国,指8,9,10 三个月;在美国,指9,10,11 三个月;而在我国,则以农历七、八、九三个月为秋季。扩展资料:近义词fall 英 [fɔːl]  美 [fɔːl]    v. 落下;倒下;来临n. 秋天;落下;瀑布例句:Apples fall from the tree.翻译:苹果从树上落下。用法n. (名词)1、fall用作名词的基本意思是“跌落,跌倒”,也可指“降落物,降落量”,引申可表示数量、价格、需要、程度等的“下降、降低或减少”,是可数名词。2、fall也可表示“掉落的距离,落差”,是单数名词,后常接介词of。
2023-01-13 02:03:381


2023-01-13 02:03:442

autumn怎么读 英语autumn怎么读

1、autumn英[ˈɔːtəm]美[ˈɔːtəm],n.秋天; 秋季。 2、例句 Its been a very mild autumn this year.今年秋天一直很暖和。 Leaves change colour in autumn. 树叶在秋天改变颜色。
2023-01-13 02:04:061

autumn怎么读音读 autumn如何读

1、读音:英 [ˈɔːtəm]、美 [ˈɔːtəm] 2、中文释义:n. 秋天;秋季。 3、复数形式:autumns。 4、短语搭配: (1)Late Autumn:晚秋 ; 秋日和 ; 春光明媚的。 (2)Cheyenne Autumn:安邦定国志 ; 万里逃生记 ; 唱片名。 (3)Autumn breeze:秋风 ; 秋日微风 ; 木手永四郎。
2023-01-13 02:04:091


2023-01-13 02:04:121


autumn的读音是:英["??t?m]。autumn的读音是:英["??t?m]。autumn的例句是用作名词(n.)The autumn or winter term start in September.秋季或冬季学期九月份开始。autumn的词语用法是n.(名词)autumn指一年四季中的第三个季节,即夏冬之间的“秋季”。在英国,指 三个月; 在美国,指 三个月; 而在我国,则以农历七、八、九三个月为秋季。一、详尽释义点此查看autumn的详细内容n.(名词)秋季,秋天,秋成熟期晚年,暮年, 迟暮之年凋落期渐衰期v.(动词)变成熟,使成熟二、英英释义Noun:the season when the leaves fall from the trees;"in the fall of 1973"三、网络解释1.1. 秋季:<>(Autumn)里两首曲子让我感动不已. 一首<>(Colors/Dance),长达10分24秒的纯钢琴演奏,如同深埋于地窖的陈年老酒,醇香而绵长. 1980年,整个秋季的色彩,在纯净的音符里流转斑斓. 一首<>(Longing/Love),从急至缓,2. 红黄调秋色图阵:atanh 反双曲正切 |autumn 红黄调秋色图阵 | axes 创建轴对象的低层指令四、例句The autumn or winter term start in September.秋季或冬季学期九月份开始。Autumn crops promised to be equally good.秋季作物看来收成也会同样很好。The chill of autumn is in the air.秋天的寒意到处感觉得到。I think autumn is the most beautiful season in a year.我认为秋天是一年中最美的季节。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~enter autumn进入秋天,入秋hail autumn欢呼秋天like autumn喜欢秋天reach the autumn of one"s life已近暮年welcome autumn迎接秋天形容词+~anxious autumn令人忧虑的秋天besetting autumn烦恼的秋天chilly autumn凉飕飕的秋天colourful autumn色彩斑斓的秋天cruel autumn残酷的秋天distributed autumn撒种的秋天dreary autumn阴郁的秋天early autumn初秋eventful autumn多事之秋everlasting autumn令人厌烦的秋天greedy autumn贪婪的秋天gripping autumn扣人心弦的秋天insatiable autumn贪得无厌的秋天last autumn去年秋天late autumn晚秋,深秋meek autumn温和的秋天paradisiacal autumn天堂般的秋天radiant autumn绚丽的秋天rank autumn多产的秋天sere autumn枯萎的秋天serene autumn晴朗的秋天sullen autumn阴沉的秋天sunny autumn阳光明媚的秋天the coming autumn即将来临的秋天~+名词autumn flowers秋天开的花autumn chrysanthemum秋菊autumn crocus秋水仙autumn crops秋季作物autumn day秋日autumn evening秋夜autumn fan秋扇autumn floods秋洪autumn fruits秋果autumn harvest秋收autumn ice秋冰autumn insects秋虫autumn leaves秋叶autumn matron中年妇女autumn meet秋季运动会autumn moon秋月autumn night秋夜autumn planting秋种autumn ploughing秋耕autumn prime仲秋autumn rain秋雨autumn scenery秋色,秋景autumn sowing秋播autumn term秋季学期autumn tints红叶autumn waters秋水autumn weather秋令autumn wind秋风autumn wood秋材介词+~after autumn秋后before autumn秋季之前during autumn秋季期间in autumn在秋季,在秋天in early autumn在初秋in the autumn of 1989 1989年秋季in the autumn of one"s life在某人的垂暮之年in the golden autumn在金秋季节last from autumn to spring从秋季持续到春季六、经典引文On her ample square, from side to side, All Autumn pil"d.出自:Milton七、词语用法n.(名词)autumn指一年四季中的第三个季节,即夏冬之间的“秋季”。在英国,指 8,9,10 三个月; 在美国,指 9,10,11 三个月; 而在我国,则以农历七、八、九三个月为秋季。秋季既是成熟的季节,又是严冬之前草木开始萧疏之时,故当autumn用于比喻义时,既可指一个人的“成熟时期”,也可指盛时已过、开始衰老之年,即“中年”或“初老”。具体含义当视修饰语及上下文而定。autumn 在句中可充当主语、表语、宾语、状语,有时也可用作名词的定语。用作季节名称(即半专有名词)时往往以大写字母开头,一般情况下则为小写。autumn 之前用或不用冠词the均可,但当其后有确切年份的后置定语时大都带the。autumn前可带介词in,during等,如in autumn,in the autumn,during the autumn(the不可省略)。当表示某个季节来临时,不带the,如Autumn has come和Spring has come等;美国人习惯用fall来代替autumn;在民间,英国人习惯把2,3,4三个月当春天,8,9,10三个月当秋天,而美国人则习惯把9,10,11三个月当秋天,其他的一次类推;在中国,民间习惯将春夏秋冬四季从立春,立夏,立秋和立冬算起,而天文学角度上来说spring,summer,autumn和winter是从春分,夏至,秋分,冬至开始算四季,而从立春到春分是“春天”,但不是spring而是winter,所以从表面上看,spring,summer,autumn和winter四个词可译为四季,实际不然。autumn的相关近义词fallautumn的相关临近词aux、autonomy、autumnal、autumnall、autumn qi、autumn ice、autumn tea、autumn day、Autumnales、autumn wool、autumn wood、autumn wind点此查看更多关于autumn的详细信息
2023-01-13 02:04:181


autumn的英式发音为[__:t_m],美式发音为 [__t_m] 。fall和autumn都有秋天的意思,fall多用于美式英语,autumn多用于英式英语,后者是英式的,较正式。扩展资料:autumn的用法1、We are always plagued by wasps in autumn. 每年秋天,我们这里总是黄蜂成灾。2、As autumn approached, the plants and colours in the garden changed. 秋天临近,花园中的草木和颜色也发生了变化。3、Autumn"s my favourite season. 秋天是我最喜欢的季节。以下内容供参考:百度百科-秋天
2023-01-13 02:04:271


2023-01-13 02:04:3015


autumn 英["ɔ:təm] 美[ˈɔtəm] n. 秋;秋天;成熟期;渐衰期 adj. 秋天的;秋季的 名词复数:autumns [例句]Things looked rosier last autumn.在去年秋天市场曾经出现过转机。
2023-01-13 02:04:381


2023-01-13 02:04:412


问题一:秋天英文怎么读音 你好! 秋天 autumn 英[??:təm] 美[??t?m] n. 秋; 秋天; 成熟期; 渐衰期; adj. 秋天的; 秋季的; [例句]We are always plagued by wasps in autumn. 每年秋天,我们这里总是黄蜂成灾。 问题二:秋天英文怎么读? 美式英语――fall (和for/four同音) 英式英语――autumn(音译:哦 特 木) 问题三:秋天用英文怎么读 fall 问题四:秋天英语怎么读 如果太热了,风扇的散热效果不好,会造成CPU一直处于高温状态下工作,若是CPU温度过高,使用率会一直居高不下,从而影响系统的运行速度,过热就会重启。建议换个好的风扇和打开机箱,增强散热效果。我就这么干。呵呵。 问题五:秋天英文怎么读 As to my own little practice, it seems to be degenerating into an agency for 问题六:秋天英语怎么说 15分 美语fall 规范的英语autumn 问题七:秋天英文怎么读音 你好! 秋天 autumn 英[??:təm] 美[??t?m] n. 秋; 秋天; 成熟期; 渐衰期; adj. 秋天的; 秋季的; [例句]We are always plagued by wasps in autumn. 每年秋天,我们这里总是黄蜂成灾。 问题八:秋天英文怎么读音 秋天=autumn; [美] fall; 希望能帮到你,请采纳正确答案,谢谢 ^_^ 你的点赞或采纳是我继续帮助其他人的动力。 问题九:秋天英文怎么读? 美式英语――fall (和for/four同音) 英式英语――autumn(音译:哦 特 木) 问题十:秋天用英文怎么读 fall
2023-01-13 02:04:481


1. Fruit in autumn的作文怎么写 autumn It is autumn. The sky is clem and cloudless. The summer heat is gone. The autumn wind brings us cool. At once the version es to my mind, "Autumn is rich with fruit and grain. " Actually I see pomegranates red and round on the stall in the market and the pcars big, yellow and juicy. My mouth waters for them. The grains have been harvested, the rice, wheat and corn. The laurel trees give off fragrance. The perfume makes its way stralght into my nose. The brlght red canna are standing behind rows of tall plane trees. I am waiting for their leaves to turn yellow.Then l can trample on the fallen leaves on both sides of the ground. At times the autumn rain keeps falling silandy on the trees and flowers and the ground. It washes everything clean. When the sun es out, the droplets shine bright on the yellow leaves. 2. 以"autumn"为题写一篇短文 AUTUMNOf all the seasons,I like fall best.In this season,farmers are busy harvesting in the field.I often feel cool light wind blow when I walk on the country road.At that moment,I always see yellow leaves fall from the tree and fly away.Once in a while,I pick fruits from trees and they tastes good.Besides,many animals run or fly in the air here and there.They look very cute.Grass in hills feels soft.I think it must be more fortable than any other beds。 3. i like mid Mid-autumnDayisoneoftheimportanttraditionalfestivalswithbeautifultalesinChina.Onthatday,almosteveryonegetstogetherwithhisorherfamily,eatingmooncakes,chattingandwatchingthemoon.EveryoneisveryhappyontheMid-autumnnight.WhenIwasyoung,IcouldalwayshaveacheerfulMid-autumnDay.However,asthethingsIshoulddowerebeingmoreandmore,Igradually(渐渐地)didn"thaveenoughtimetoenjoythefestival.Everytime,Ijuststandonthebalconyandeatamooncake,andthatisallofthefestival!OntheMid-autumnDaythisyear,ourteacher,myclas *** atesandIhadameaningfulpartyintheclassroom.Ourteachergaveeachofusa *** allmooncakewhichsheboughtthedaybeforewhenitrainedheavily.Inordertokeepthemooncakesdry,shewasallwehenshegothome.Ourteacherpouredallofherlovetousontothelittlemooncakes!Afterwards,weatethelovelymooncakes,andatthesametime,somestudentsperformedthebeautifultaleofChang"e.Wewereallsohappythaelaughedandsang.。 4. 以“Mid The Mid-Autumn Day August 15th in ChineSe Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion. Each family will have the members get together to have a big dinner. The most popular food is moon cakes. They are round and look like the moon. The moon is the brightest this night. People ate the delicious food while they were enjoying a beautiful full moon in their yard. At this time, some old people would like to tell many past events and tell the children a story about thO rabbit. The children really believed that there was a rabbit on the moon. They wanted to go to the moon and have a look one day. What a great festival! 中秋节 农历八月十五日是中秋节,在中国它是最重要的传统节日之一. 在那一天,人们通常回家与家人团聚,一家人聚在一起饱餐一顿.最流行的食品是月饼,它们圆圆的就像月亮. 中秋节晚上的月亮特别地圆.人们都在自家的院子里一边赏月一边吃着可口的月饼.这个时候;一些老人会讲述许多古老的故事,如月亮上的玉兔,孩子们信以为真,他们真想有一天登上月球看个究竟. 中秋是个美好的节日啊! 5. 题目是autumn的英文作文 Autumn is the third season in the year. It lasts from September to November. When the autumn es, the leaves begin to turn yellow and then fall. The weather bees cool. It makes people feel fortable. So many people like autumn and enjoy this season. Besides, autumn is a season of harvest. The crops turn to rip. Farmers are busy with the harvest. And they begin to prepare for the winter and the New Year. 秋天是一年中的第三个季节,从9月份开始持续到十一月份。秋天到来的时候,树叶开始变黄然后落下。秋天天气也变得凉快,让人感觉很舒服。所以很多人都喜欢并享受秋天这个季节。此外,秋天是收获的季节,庄稼成熟了。农民们忙于收获,他们开始为冬天和新年做准备。 6. 中秋英语作文怎么写 The Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house. On the evening there will be a big family dinner. People who work far away from their homes will try to e back for the union. After dinner, people will light the lanterns which are usually red and round. Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily. At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moon while eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together. It is said that there was a dragon in the sky. The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon. To protect the frighten the dragon away. 中秋节 中秋节是中国一个很重要的节日,在八月十五号。 在节日来临的前几天,家庭中的每一个人都帮着打扫房子,把房子装扮得漂漂亮亮的,灯笼挂在屋前。 晚上有一顿美餐,离家在外工作的人也要回来团圆。 晚饭后,人们点亮灯笼,一般是红色的圆灯笼。孩子们会高高兴兴地玩他们的玩具灯笼。 晚上月亮又圆又大,人们在赏月的同时吃着中秋节特别的食品——月饼。人们在一起回顾过去,展望未来。 据说天上有一条龙,它要把月亮吞下去。为了保护月亮,孩子们要弄出很大的响动把龙吓跑。 7. my autumn 英语作文 Autumn is the most beautiful and fascinating season.It"s not hotter than summer and colder than winter.It"s most fortable.We can do many good deeds in autumn such as travelling、driving etc.It"s the tenderness after 范川顿沸塥度舵砂罚棘summer and the warm before winter.Many people say that autumn is depressed and old.But I think it"s the best and liveliest/I hope that your autumen is same as me.It is full of good!。 8. 初一my favourite autumn英语作文带翻译50词 Autumn is my favourite season. I like it because autumn is so beautiful. In the autumn, the weather is cool. There are lots of good things, fruits, crops, vegetables …and so on. Autumn is a harvest season, a golden season. I like autumn because the Mid-Autumn festival is in it. This year the Mid-autumn festival is almost ing together with our National Day. I"m so happy and so excited, I can eat moon cakes again. I can receive the presents from my father, too. On this Mid-autumn festival, I will go hiking, I will eat moon cakes with my father and we can stay with my family. Oh, what a wonderful season! In the golden season, we have begun the new term, I believe that I can get a good result. I like autumn, what about you? 写的秋天,希望对你有所帮助,谢谢~ 9. 英语作文:my favourite season怎么写 My Favourite Season Autumn is my favourite season. I like it because autumn is so beautiful. In the autumn, the weather is cool. There are lots of good things, fruits, crops, vegetables …and so on. Autumn is a harvest season, a golden season. I like autumn because the Mid-Autumn festival is in it. This year the Mid-autumn festival is almost ing together with our National Day. I"m so happy and so excited, I can eat moon cakes again. I can receive the presents from my father, too. On this Mid-autumn festival, I will go hiking, I will eat moon cakes with my father and we can stay with my family. Oh, what a wonderful season! In the golden season, we have begun the new term, I believe that I can get a good result. I like autumn, what about you? 10. My favourite season英语作文怎么写 My favourite season In the four seasons. I like autumn best. Autumn in Panyu is usually from August to October. Panyu in autumn is usually cool. And the leaves turn yellow. In autumn , we have a Mid-autumn Festival. We eat mooncake 、watch the moon and get together have a big dinner in Mid-autumn Festival. Everyone in Mid-autumn Festival is very happy. Autumn is a good season.
2023-01-13 02:04:501


Autumn ["ɔːtəm]n.秋天;成熟期;渐衰期,凋落期adj.秋天的,秋季的n.(Autumn)人名;(英)奥特姆
2023-01-13 02:04:531


2023-01-13 02:04:566


2023-01-13 02:05:1411


Fall 或者Autumn
2023-01-13 02:05:225


autumn读:英 [ˈɔːtəm],美 [ˈɔːtəm]。作名词时译为“秋天,成熟期,渐衰期,凋落期”。作形容词时译为“秋天的,秋季的”。短语搭配:Late Autumn 晚秋 ; 秋日和,春光明媚的。Cheyenne Autumn 安邦定国志,万里逃生记,唱片名。Autumn breeze 秋风,秋日微风,木手永四郎。双语例句:1、Her paintings capture the subtle hues of the countryside in autumn. 她的油画捕捉住了秋天乡村的微妙色调。2、The trees were ablaze with the colours of autumn. 树木披上了绚丽的秋装。3、I love the reds and golds of autumn. 我喜欢秋天的火红色和金黄色。
2023-01-13 02:06:211


autumn英 [ˈɔ:təm]美 [ˈɔtəm]n.秋;秋天;成熟期;渐衰期adj.秋天的;秋季的复数:autumns  形近词:Autumn 例句1.In autumn the leaves change from green to brown.秋天树叶由绿色变为褐色。2.Groupon is burning through cash so quickly that, without new financing, it will run dry come autumn.由于烧钱速度太快,因此如果没有新的资本补充,到今年秋季Groupon将用完所有现金。3.This could be the feel-good movie of the autumn.这可以称得上是今秋令人赏心悦目的影片了。
2023-01-13 02:06:372

autumn 怎么读 autumn如何读

1、autumn的英式发音为ˈɔːtəm,的美式发音为ˈɔːtəm。 读音:英 [ˈɔːtəm]、美 [ˈɔːtəm] 中文释义:n. 秋天;秋季。 复数形式:autumns 2、短语搭配: (1)Late Autumn:晚秋 ; 秋日和 ; 春光明媚的 (2)Cheyenne Autumn:安邦定国志 ; 万里逃生记 ; 唱片名 (3)Autumn breeze:秋风 ; 秋日微风 ; 木手永四郎 例句:lf the fruit crop froze out in the sudden severe autumn. 有一半水果作物在秋天突如其来的严寒中冻死了。 用法:Autumn作名词时译为“秋天;成熟期;渐衰期,凋落期”,作形容词时译为“秋天的,秋季的”。
2023-01-13 02:06:461


autumn 英["ɔ:təm] 美[ˈɔtəm] n. 秋;秋天;成熟期;渐衰期 adj. 秋天的;秋季的 名词复数:autumns [例句]Things looked rosier last autumn.在去年秋天市场曾经出现过转机。
2023-01-13 02:06:492


autumn的英式发音为ˈɔːtəm,的美式发音为ˈɔːtəm。autumn读音:英 [ˈɔːtəm]、美 [ˈɔːtəm] 中文释义:n. 秋天;秋季。  复数形式:autumns     短语搭配:(1)Late Autumn:晚秋 ; 秋日和 ; 春光明媚的(2)Cheyenne Autumn:安邦定国志 ; 万里逃生记 ; 唱片名(3)Autumn breeze:秋风 ; 秋日微风 ; 木手永四郎例句:lf the fruit crop froze out in the sudden severe autumn. 有一半水果作物在秋天突如其来的严寒中冻死了。用法:Autumn作名词时译为“秋天;成熟期;渐衰期,凋落期”,作形容词时译为“秋天的,秋季的”。扩展资料:其他季节的英文:1、冬天:winter读音:英 [ˈwɪntə(r)]   美 [ˈwɪntər]  例句:The birds will winter outside in an aviary. 鸟儿们将在外面的大鸟笼里过冬。2、春天:spring读音:英 [sprɪŋ]   美 [sprɪŋ]  例句:She had missed the glorious blooms of the Mediterranean spring. 她错过了地中海春季鲜花怒放的绚丽美景。3、夏天:summer读音:英 [ˈsʌmə(r)]   美 [ˈsʌmər]  例句:The summer came to an end.夏天结束了。
2023-01-13 02:06:591


autumn[英]["ɔ:təm] [美][ˈɔtəm] 生词本 简明释义 n.秋;秋天;成熟期;渐衰期 adj.秋天的;秋季的 复数:autumns 易混淆的单词:Autumn 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 同反义词 1.N-VAR秋天Autumn is the season between summer and winter when the weather becomes cooler and the leaves fall off the trees. We are always plagued by wasps in autumn. 每年秋天,我们这里总是黄蜂成灾. in AM,usually use 美国英语通常用 fall
2023-01-13 02:07:081


autumn 英["ɔ:təm] 美[ˈɔtəm] n. 秋;秋天;成熟期;渐衰期 adj. 秋天的;秋季的
2023-01-13 02:07:112


2023-01-13 02:07:371


autumn最常见的意思是秋季,fall也是秋季的意思。autumn的音标为:英 [ˈɔːtəm]   美 [ˈɔːtəm]读音类似谐音:奥特儿木,可以作为参考。  例句:1.It"s been a very mild autumn this year. 今年秋天一直很暖和。2.Leaves change colour in autumn. 树叶在秋天改变颜色。3.Her paintings capture the subtle hues of the countryside in autumn. 她的油画捕捉住了秋天乡村的微妙色调。4.The trees were ablaze with the colours of autumn. 树木披上了绚丽的秋装。5.I love the reds and golds of autumn. 我喜欢秋天的火红色和金黄色。
2023-01-13 02:07:411


1、autumn英[???t?m]美[???t?m],n.秋天; 秋季。2、例句Its been a very mild autumn this year.今年秋天一直很暖和。Leaves change colour in autumn. 树叶在秋天改变颜色。
2023-01-13 02:08:061


1.autumn英[???t?m]美[???t?m],n.秋天; 秋季。 2. 例句Its been a very mild autumn this year.今年秋天一直很暖和。 3.Leaves change colour in autumn. 树叶在秋天改变颜色。
2023-01-13 02:08:091


秋天的英语是autumn。英 ["ɔːtəm]   美 ["ɔːtəm]    例句:The autumn or winter term start in September.翻译:秋季或冬季学期九月份开始。短语:hail autumn 欢呼秋天用法1、秋季既是成熟的季节,又是严冬之前草木开始萧疏之时,故当autumn用于比喻义时,既可指一个人的“成熟时期”,也可指盛时已过、开始衰老之年,即“中年”或“初老”。具体含义当视修饰语及上下文而定。2、autumn在句中可充当主语、表语、宾语、状语,有时也可用作名词的定语。3、用作季节名称(即半专有名词)时往往以大写字母开头,一般情况下则为小写。4、autumn之前用或不用冠词the均可,但当其后有确切年份的后置定语时大都带the。
2023-01-13 02:08:131


autumn[英]["ɔ:təm] [美][ˈɔtəm] 生词本简明释义n.秋;秋天;成熟期;渐衰期adj.秋天的;秋季的复数:autumns易混淆的单词:Autumn以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 同反义词1.N-VAR秋天Autumn is the season between summer and winter when the weather becomes cooler and the leaves fall off the trees. We are always plagued by wasps in autumn.每年秋天,我们这里总是黄蜂成灾。
2023-01-13 02:08:221


2023-01-13 02:08:261


autumn 读法:英 ["ɔːtəm]  美 ["ɔtəm] 释义:1、n. 秋天;成熟期;渐衰期,凋落期2、adj. 秋天的,秋季的3、n. (Autumn)人名;(英)奥特姆短语Autumn Water 秋水 ; 诗意 ; 纯音乐Autumn Verse 秋诗Autumn Cicada 秋蝉Autumn Night 秋夜 ; 秋夜催眠曲 ; 秋天的夜晚近义词1、fall英 [fɔːl]  美 [fɔl] vi. 落下;变成;来临;减弱n. 下降;秋天;瀑布vt. 砍倒;击倒adj. 秋天的短语fall on 落到 ; 袭击 ; 降临 ; 叠印Fall short 功亏一篑 ; 不足 ; 不符合标准 ; 达不到Montmorency Fall 蒙特摩伦斯瀑布 ; 蒙特伦西瀑布anode fall 阳极电压降 ; [电子] 阳极势降 ; 阳极降 ; 阳极压降
2023-01-13 02:08:361

spring夏天、 summer夏天、 autumn秋天、 winter冬天怎么说

春天是spring;夏天是summer;秋天是autumn;冬天是winter。1、春天(spring) 英[sprɪŋ] 美[sprɪŋ]【词典释义】springn.春季;泉水,小溪;弹簧,弹性;跳跃springtimen.春季,春天springtiden.春天,春季2、夏天(summer) 英[ˈsʌmə(r)] 美[ˈsʌmɚ]【词典释义】summern.夏,夏天;全盛时期,黄金时代,壮年时期;[建]大梁,檀条,楣,柱顶石;岁数3、秋天(autumn) 英[ˈɔ:təm] 美[ˈɔtəm]【词典释义】autumnn.秋;秋天;成熟期;渐衰期[美]fallv.跌倒;落下;减少;沦陷the fall of leafn.秋天the fall of the leafn.秋天【其他】复数:autumns4、冬天(winter) 英[ˈwɪntə(r)] 美[ˈwɪntɚ]【词典释义】n. 冬,冬天; 年岁; 萧条期,衰落期;【其他】 第三人称单数:winters 复数:winters 现在分词:wintering过去式:wintered 过去分词:wintered扩展资料【例句】一、春天:1、花在春天开放。Flowers bloom in springtime.2、我闻到春天的气息。I could smell the spring in the air.3、春天到了。Spring has come.二、夏天:1、夏天已来到。Summer has come.2、今年夏天我度过了一个愉快的假期。I enjoyed an agreeable holiday this summer.3、夏天到了。Here comes the summer三、秋天:1、秋天是我最喜欢的季节。Autumn"s my favourite season.2、秋天是旅行的最好季节。Autumn is the best season for travel.3、秋天树叶由绿色变为褐色。In autumn the leaves change from green to brown.四、冬天:1、冬天不知不觉地来临。Winter creeps on.2、瞧,下雪了。终于是冬天了。Look! It"s snowing. Winter is here at last.3、已经到冬天了。It"s winter already.查看全部22个回答「51Talk」英语每天25分钟,随时学英语,0元试听关注每日英语听力的人也在看「51Talk」英语量身定制课程,真人外教1对1,高性价比...wap.51talk.com广告 相关问题全部关于春天、夏天、秋天和冬天的英语单词spring 春天 summer 夏天 autumn 秋天 winter 冬天42 浏览21537春天夏天秋天冬天的英语单词怎么拼如果我没记错的话 春天:Spring 夏天:summer 秋天:autumn 冬天:winter17 浏览6180春天,夏天,秋天,冬天的英语翻译是各什么?春天:spring 夏天:summer 秋天:autumn(或者fall) 冬天:winter53 浏览801关于春天,夏天,秋天,冬天的英语动词,名词,形容词分别有哪些一、春天:Spring,读音:英 [sprɪŋ] ,美 [sprɪŋ] n. 春天;弹簧;泉水;活力;跳跃 adj. 春天的 vi. 生长;涌出;跃出;裂开 vt. 使跳起;使爆炸;突然提出;使弹开 二、夏天:summer,读音:英 [ˈsʌmə(r)] 美 [ˈsʌmər] n. 夏季;全盛时期 vi. 避暑;过夏天 adj. 夏季的 三、秋天:autumn,读音:英 [ˈɔ:təm] 美 [ˈɔːtəm] n. 秋天;成熟期;渐衰期,凋落期 vi.无 adj. 秋天的,秋季的 冬天:winter,读音:英 [ˈwɪntə(r)] 美 [ˈwɪntər] n. 冬季;年岁;萧条期 vi. 过冬 adj. 冬天的;越冬的 扩展资料 词语短语 1、春天的词语短语 spring festival 春节(中国农历正月初一) spring and autumn 春秋 hot spring 温泉 spring tide 大潮;涨潮 in autumn 在秋天 spring and autumn 春秋 spring and autumn period 春秋时代 2、例句:Why do you like spring ? 你为什么喜欢春天呢? 1、夏天的词语短语 hot summer 炎热的夏天 summer holiday 暑假 summer camp 夏令营 summer day 夏日 2、例句:However, I like summer. 但是,我喜欢夏天。 1、秋天的词语短语 autumn leaves 秋天的落叶 autumn wind 秋风 late autumn 深秋;晚秋;秋日和 spring and autumn annals 春秋(中国史书) 2、例句:What do you do in autumn? 在秋天你们干什么? 1、冬天的词语短语 winter season 冬季 winter solstice 冬至(节气) severe winter n. 严冬;寒冬腊月 winter sports 冬季运动 winter break 寒假;圣诞节假期 winter melon 冬瓜 winter coat 冬衣 2、例句:Should I wait for you in this winter? 在这个冬天,我应该在等待您?2 浏览13122019-10-11春天,夏天,秋天和冬天的英语怎么写
2023-01-13 02:08:431


oter m(噢特儿姆)
2023-01-13 02:08:463


读法:英 [ˈɔːtəm]  美 [ˈɔdəm]词性:1、名词:秋天2、形容词:秋天的,秋季的复数形式:autumns词源:from Old French autompne, or later directly from Latinautumnus.相关词组:autumn leaves  秋叶    in the autumn of his life    迟暮之年造句:This autumn"s collections are a very mixed bag.今年秋装系列风格迥异。The countryside is ablaze with colour in autumn秋天乡间熠熠生彩。He was in the autumn of his life.他已到了迟暮之年。
2023-01-13 02:08:496


春夏秋冬的英文分别为:1、春天 spring [spriŋ]孟 [仲; 季]春:the first [second; last] month of spring。温暖如春:as warm as spring.大地回春:Spring returns to the earth或者 Spring is here again.2、夏天 summer ["sʌmə]初夏:early summer。度夏 :pass [spend] the summer.一燕不成夏:One swallow does not make a summer.3、秋天 autumn [ˈɔ:təm] 深秋:late autumn;在初秋:in early autumn;麦秋:time for the wheat harvest4、冬天 winter ["wintə]冬天不知不觉地来临:Winter creeps on.冬天来了, 春天还会远吗:If winter comes, can spring be far behind?扩展资料:词语解析:一、spring1、读音:英 [sprɪŋ]美 [sprɪŋ]2、音译:v.跳;蹦;发源于;来自;给…装上软垫;翘曲;付账;突然发现n.春天;弹簧;发条;跳跃;泉;翘曲;倒缆3、例句:So let"s step back to spring of 1999. 首先,让我们把时钟拨回到1999年春天。二、summer1、读音:英 [ˈsʌmə]美 [ˈsəmər]2、音译:n.夏;大梁v.避暑3、例句:the plant flowers in late summer这种植物在夏末开花三、autumn1、读音:英 [ˈɔːtəm]美 [ˈɔdəm]2、音译:n.秋季3、例句:the countryside is ablaze with colour in autumn秋天乡间熠熠生彩四、fall1、读音:英 [fɔːl]美 [fɔl]2、音译:v.落下;掉落;跌落;跌倒;减少;下降;减弱;沦陷;被攻陷;进入某种状态;变成;成为;被归类;被排列n.落下;掉落;跌落;坍塌;倒下;跌倒;降落物;下降;减弱;减少;减退;失败;垮台;秋天3、例句:bombs could be seen falling from the planes人们可以看到炸弹从飞机上落下的情况五、winter1、读音:英 [ˈwɪntə]美 [ˈwɪn(t)ər]2、音译:n.冬adj.冬季才成熟的v.在某处过冬3、例句:the tree has a good crop of berries in winter这树在冬季能产大量的浆果
2023-01-13 02:08:551


去年秋天用英语这样说:Last fall。autumn:名词:秋季;秋天;秋。fall:动词:落下;掉落;跌落;跌倒;摔倒;减少;下降;减弱;沦陷;被攻陷。1999年秋天。in the autumn of 1999.秋天的初霜。first frost of autumn.凉爽的秋天。pleasantly cool autumn (days).秋天的金色。the golds of autumn.即将来临的秋天。coming autumn.fall behind.拖后。fall into.落入;跌入;陷入。fall in love with.爱上…fall asleep.入睡;睡着了。fall out of.从...中掉出来;放弃...;从...中落下。fall down.有不足;有欠缺;失败。rise and fall.兴衰;起伏;(价格等的)涨落。fall off.脱落,掉,掉落。fall out.脱落;闹翻;掉队;发生,结果。fall under.倒在...下;归入...类;属于。fall by the wayside.半途而废,中辍。双语例句:1、去年秋天一本修订的课本匆匆出版了。A rewritten textbook was rushed out last autumn.2、去年秋天,他离开了这家公司,并得到了80万英镑的补偿金。He left the company with an £800,000 pay-off last autumn.3、去年秋天我们去了德国。Last autumn we went to Germany.4、去年秋天,我在西德克买了一套新公寓,在新年前夕搬进去。Last autumn I bought a new flat in Siedke which I moved into just before New Year"s Eve.5、去年秋天,她被北京大学录取了。Beijing University accepted her last fall.6、去年秋天他们在建一家工厂。They were building a factory last autumn .7、您女儿比我去年秋天看到她时长高了。Your daughter is taller than when I saw her last fall.
2023-01-13 02:09:071


1、中秋节英文- The Mid-Autumn Festival这是直接按照中秋节逐字翻译过来的,“中”翻译为middle,“秋”翻译为autumn,“节”翻译festival或者day,所以最后就变成了Mid-Autumn Festival、Mid-Autumn Day、The Mid-Autumn Festival。这三个中比较正式的是The Mid-Autumn Festival,如果想要使用比较正式的表达方式,一定要记得使用定冠词“the”。2、中秋节英文- Moon Festival中秋节的一项主要活动就是赏月了,在我国自古以来就有赏月的习俗,《礼记》中就有过记载“秋暮夕月”,即祭拜月神。到了周代,更是要每逢中秋都要举行迎寒和祭月。在唐代,中秋赏月、玩月颇为盛行,很多关于赏月的诗句就此兴起了,如“花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。举杯邀明月,对影成三人。”。在宋代,中秋赏月之风更盛,它是世俗欢愉的节日,通常是不眠之夜,夜市通宵营业,玩月游人,达旦不绝。明清以后,中秋节赏月风俗依旧,许多地方形成了烧斗香、树中秋、点塔灯、放天灯、走月亮、舞火龙等特殊风俗。所以根据这项赏月的活动,外国人又称中秋节为月亮节,即Moon Festival.3、中秋节英文- Mooncake FestivalMooncake Festival,这个中秋节的英文说法,也是来源于中秋节的另一项活动--吃月饼,如果说赏月只是在古代比较盛行,那么吃月饼这个习俗则是流传至今。正如袁景澜《咏月饼诗》所云:巧出饼师心,貌得婵娟月。 月饼最初是用来祭奉月神的祭品,在祭月之后,由家中长者将饼按人数分切成块,每人一块,如有人不在家也要为其留下一份,寓意家人团圆的象征。月饼在外国人称为Mooncake,这个节日也被称为月饼节,即Mooncake Festival。4、中秋节英文- Zhongqiu Festival对于这种英文写法,则带有点中国风味,Zhongqiu为中秋的汉字拼音,后面加上节日的英文翻译,合起来便是Zhongqiu Festival。类似这种中国风味的翻译还有很多,如kung fu(功夫),taiji(太极)等。
2023-01-13 02:09:401


spring,英 [sprɪŋ], 美 [sprɪŋ]    n. 春天;春季;弹簧;弹力;跳;泉水;源头v. 跳;弹;快速站起;突然提出;触发捕捉器;(使)裂开;爆炸;释放过去式: sprang/sprung 过去分词: sprung 现在分词: springing 第三人称单数: springssummer,英 ["sʌmə(r)],美 ["sʌmər]    n. 夏天;夏季adj. 夏季的v. 度过夏天副词: summerly 过去式: summered 过去分词: summered 现在分词: summering 第三人称单数: summersautumn,英 ["ɔːtəm],美 ["ɔːtəm]    n. 秋季;秋天形容词: autumnal 副词: autumnallywinter,英 ["wɪntə(r)],美 ["wɪntər]    n. 冬季;冬天adj. 冬天的;冬季生长的vi. 过冬vt. 对 ... 进行过冬保护形容词: winterish 过去式: wintered 过去分词: wintered 现在分词: wintering 第三人称单数: winters扩展资料:四季的英文the four seasons,英 [ðə fɔː(r) ˈsiːznz],美 [ðə fɔːr ˈsiːznz]  四季;四时例句:The place and time of the sunrise are different due to the changes of the four seasons. 时间和地点的不同而日出的变化,四季分明。
2023-01-13 02:09:431

在秋天分别用 fall和 autumn翻译怎么说?

autumn是要跟at的in the fallat the autumn
2023-01-13 02:09:554

春 , 夏 ,秋, 冬用英语怎么说

2023-01-13 02:09:5912


春天 spring [spriŋ] 夏天 summer ["sʌmə] 秋天 autumn ["ɔ:təm] 冬天 winter ["wintə]
2023-01-13 02:10:171

to autumn怎么描述秋天

如下:1. As the dead leaves crunched under my shoes and the wind whipped my cheeks, I realized autumn has arrived.枯叶在我的脚下发出咯吱咯吱的声音,风儿扫过脸庞,我意识到:秋天来了。2. Autumn was getting hold of the old oak-tree, its leaves were browning.那颗老橡树染上了秋天的颜色,叶子逐渐变成黄褐色。3. The weather becomes colder and the days get shorter in autumn.秋天天气转凉,白昼渐短。4. Autumn is a time of fabulous colors, reaping farm crops, and celebrations of a bounteous harvest.秋天是一个五彩斑斓的季节,是收割庄稼的季节,是庆祝丰收的季节。5. We are enjoying the resplendent colors of the New England woods in the autumn.我们欣赏着秋天里新英格兰树林的瑰丽色彩。6. Colors burst from the trees like splattered paint.层林尽染,如泼洒的颜料般浓墨重彩。
2023-01-13 02:10:251


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2023-01-13 02:10:401

Mid-Autumn 怎么读

用中文音译是:米得-喔腾 Mid-Autumn [mid"ɔtəm] n.中秋
2023-01-13 02:10:441


春夏秋冬的英文分别为:1、春天 spring [spriŋ]孟 [仲; 季]春:the first [second; last] month of spring。温暖如春:as warm as spring.大地回春:Spring returns to the earth或者 Spring is here again.2、夏天 summer ["sʌmə]初夏:early summer。度夏 :pass [spend] the summer.一燕不成夏:One swallow does not make a summer.3、秋天 autumn [ˈɔ:təm] 深秋:late autumn;在初秋:in early autumn;麦秋:time for the wheat harvest4、冬天 winter ["wintə]冬天不知不觉地来临:Winter creeps on.冬天来了, 春天还会远吗:If winter comes, can spring be far behind?扩展资料:词语解析:一、spring1、读音:英 [sprɪŋ]美 [sprɪŋ]2、音译:v.跳;蹦;发源于;来自;给…装上软垫;翘曲;付账;突然发现n.春天;弹簧;发条;跳跃;泉;翘曲;倒缆3、例句:So let"s step back to spring of 1999. 首先,让我们把时钟拨回到1999年春天。二、summer1、读音:英 [ˈsʌmə]美 [ˈsəmər]2、音译:n.夏;大梁v.避暑3、例句:the plant flowers in late summer这种植物在夏末开花三、autumn1、读音:英 [ˈɔːtəm]美 [ˈɔdəm]2、音译:n.秋季3、例句:the countryside is ablaze with colour in autumn秋天乡间熠熠生彩四、fall1、读音:英 [fɔːl]美 [fɔl]2、音译:v.落下;掉落;跌落;跌倒;减少;下降;减弱;沦陷;被攻陷;进入某种状态;变成;成为;被归类;被排列n.落下;掉落;跌落;坍塌;倒下;跌倒;降落物;下降;减弱;减少;减退;失败;垮台;秋天3、例句:bombs could be seen falling from the planes人们可以看到炸弹从飞机上落下的情况五、winter1、读音:英 [ˈwɪntə]美 [ˈwɪn(t)ər]2、音译:n.冬adj.冬季才成熟的v.在某处过冬3、例句:the tree has a good crop of berries in winter这树在冬季能产大量的浆果
2023-01-13 02:10:461


春夏秋冬的英文分别为:1、春天 spring [spriŋ]孟 [仲; 季]春:the first [second; last] month of spring。温暖如春:as warm as spring.大地回春:Spring returns to the earth或者 Spring is here again.2、夏天 summer ["sʌmə]初夏:early summer。度夏 :pass [spend] the summer.一燕不成夏:One swallow does not make a summer.3、秋天 autumn [ˈɔ:təm] 深秋:late autumn;在初秋:in early autumn;麦秋:time for the wheat harvest4、冬天 winter ["wintə]冬天不知不觉地来临:Winter creeps on.冬天来了, 春天还会远吗:If winter comes, can spring be far behind?扩展资料:词语解析:一、spring1、读音:英 [sprɪŋ]美 [sprɪŋ]2、音译:v.跳;蹦;发源于;来自;给…装上软垫;翘曲;付账;突然发现n.春天;弹簧;发条;跳跃;泉;翘曲;倒缆3、例句:So let"s step back to spring of 1999. 首先,让我们把时钟拨回到1999年春天。二、summer1、读音:英 [ˈsʌmə]美 [ˈsəmər]2、音译:n.夏;大梁v.避暑3、例句:the plant flowers in late summer这种植物在夏末开花三、autumn1、读音:英 [ˈɔːtəm]美 [ˈɔdəm]2、音译:n.秋季3、例句:the countryside is ablaze with colour in autumn秋天乡间熠熠生彩四、fall1、读音:英 [fɔːl]美 [fɔl]2、音译:v.落下;掉落;跌落;跌倒;减少;下降;减弱;沦陷;被攻陷;进入某种状态;变成;成为;被归类;被排列n.落下;掉落;跌落;坍塌;倒下;跌倒;降落物;下降;减弱;减少;减退;失败;垮台;秋天3、例句:bombs could be seen falling from the planes人们可以看到炸弹从飞机上落下的情况五、winter1、读音:英 [ˈwɪntə]美 [ˈwɪn(t)ər]2、音译:n.冬adj.冬季才成熟的v.在某处过冬3、例句:the tree has a good crop of berries in winter这树在冬季能产大量的浆果
2023-01-13 02:10:551