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2023-05-20 00:09:09



roast beef 烧牛肉 ; 烤牛肉 ; 烤牛排 ; 原味烧牛肉

braised beef 炖牛肉 ; 焖牛肉 ; 红焖牛肉 ; 焖牛排

Minced Beef 牛绞肉 ; 牛肉馅

Corned beef 粗盐腌牛肉 ; 咸牛肉 ; 罐头碎牛肉 ; 腌牛肉

Lemon beef柠檬牛肉 ; 宁檬牛肉

Kobe beef 神户牛 ; 神户牛肉 ; 神户牛排

spiced beef 酱牛肉 ; 巴东牛肉 ; 五香牛肉 ; 五香牛排



n. [食品]牛肉;肌肉;食用牛;牢骚

muscle , hotpot

vi. 抱怨,告发;发牢骚

repine , rail against

vt. 养;加强

enhance , cement , muscle



beef有两种读法:英式发音为:[biːf]。美式发音为:[biːf] 。beef的中文意思为:n.牛肉;抱怨;牢骚。v.老是抱怨;大发牢骚。扩展资料:(一)、相关句子1、I fried up the beef 我把牛肉煎了一下。2、She served him a bowl of beef stew 她为他端上了一碗炖牛肉。3、They bought so much beef that some went bad. 他们买了太多牛肉,有些都变质了。4、Pete gobbled all the beef stew. 皮特狼吞虎咽,把炖牛肉吃了个精光。5、Some of the commercially produced venison resembles beef in flavour 有些商业化养殖的鹿肉味道和牛肉很相似。6、The smell of roast beef permeated the air 空气中弥漫着烤牛肉的香味。(二)字母发音规则:1. 元音字母在重读音节中的读音a 在开音节中 /eɪ/如:name plane Jane baby cake make take在闭音节中 /æ/如:bag dad hat map black backe 在开音节中 /i:/如:hethese me Chinese bee green tree在闭音节中 /e/如:bed let pen desk yes
2023-01-13 01:55:211


beef的读音:英 [biːf]   美 [biːf] 。beef英 [biːf]   美 [biːf]  。n.牛肉,菜牛;<口>牢骚,怨言;(人的)肌肉,气力;争论(点);<口>实质性内容。v.<口>老是抱怨,大发牢骚;<口>申诉,告发。双语例句:1、Kenya"s beef comes from the zebu cattle. 肯尼亚的牛肉是瘤牛肉。2、They bought so much beef that some went bad. 他们买了太多牛肉,有些都变质了。3、What"s his latest beef? 他最近在抱怨什么?4、They used to buy ten kilos of beef in one lump. 他们过去常买10公斤重的整块牛肉。5、Both sides are still beefing up their military strength. 双方仍在增强各自的军事力量。
2023-01-13 01:55:311


beef读音英[biːf];美[biːf]。释义:n.牛肉;肌肉;食用牛;牢骚vi.抱怨,告发;发牢骚vt.养;加强例句:The Japanese beef is so delicious, but it"s too expensive.日本牛肉真好吃,就是太贵了。变形:过去式beefed、过去分词beefed、现在分词beefing、第三人称单数beefs、复数beeves或beefs短语搭配:Lemon beef柠檬牛肉;宁檬牛肉Leg Beef牛键肉;牛腱肉beef tenderloin牛里脊;牛里脊肉;菲力牛排;烤牛排用法beef可以用作名词。beef的基本意思是供食用的“牛肉”,是不可数的物质名词,一般也不加冠词。引申可指“肌肉”“肌力”。beef还可指“菜牛”,这时是可数名词,其复数形式可以是beeves,也可以是beefs。美国俚语中beef还可作“抱怨”“牢骚”解,此时复数形式是beefs。beef用作名词的用法例句。Do you like stewed beef?你喜欢吃炖牛肉吗?
2023-01-13 01:55:461


beef 英[bi:f] 美[bif] n. 牛肉;菜牛(饲养以供肉食的牛);体力;怨言,牢骚 vi. 抱怨,大发牢骚 [例句]Now we eat beef and drink milk.现在我们吃牛肉、喝牛奶。
2023-01-13 01:55:526


2023-01-13 01:55:573


beef的读音是:英[bi_f]。beef的读音是:英[bi_f]。beef的详尽释义是n.(名词)牛肉,食用肉肌肉食用牛,牛,菜牛,牛体膂力,体力,力量体重,重量抱怨,牢骚努力肥瘦(程度)不平,诉苦告发。beef名词复数:beeves;过去式:beefed;过去分词:beefed;现在分词:beefing;第三人称单数:beefs。一、详尽释义点此查看beef的详细内容n.(名词)牛肉,食用肉肌肉食用牛,牛,菜牛,牛体膂力,体力,力量体重,重量抱怨,牢骚努力肥瘦(程度)不平,诉苦告发v.(动词)改进向警察局报告,申诉,告发使长膘,使更大抱怨,发牢骚养(牛)加强,增强,充实长膘放响屁(慎用)在溜冰事故中受到撞击而受伤屠宰(菜牛)二、英英释义Noun:cattle that are reared for their meatmeat from an adult domestic bovineinformal terms for objecting;"I have a gripe about the service here"Verb:complain;"What was he hollering about?"三、词典解释1.牛肉Beef is the meat of a cow, bull, or ox.e.g. ...roastbeef.烤牛肉e.g. ...beef stew.炖牛肉2.不断抱怨;大发牢骚If someonebeefs about something, they keep complaining about it.e.g. Instead of beefing about what Mrs Martin has not done, her critics might take a look at what she is trying to do.批评者不要老是抱怨马丁太太没有做什么事情,不妨看看她正要做什么事情。相关词组:beef up四、例句Do you like stewed beef?你喜欢吃炖牛肉吗?Africa is exporting beef to Europe.非洲向欧洲出口牛肉。He"s got plenty of beef.他肌肉发达。My beef is that it took too much time.我的抱怨是太花时间了。He is forever beefing about that.他没完没了地为那事抱怨。I "ve never quite understood why people beef about the price of dinner.我一直不太明白人们为什么要抱怨餐费。We need new young players to beef up the team.我们需要新的队员来加强球队的实力。五、常用短语用作动词(v.)beef about (v.+prep.)抱怨 complain; grumblebeef about sthShe never beefed about her miserable life.她对苦日子从不抱怨。Stop beefing about your pay and do some work!不要对你的薪水没完没了的发牢骚了,做点事吧!beef up (v.+adv.)〈非正〉加强 reinforce the armybeef upIt"s quite a good story but it needs beefing up a bit before we can publish it.这是个相当好的故事,但还要充实一下我们才能发表。beef sth _ upThat was seen as a campaign to beef up American forces in Europe.那件事被认为是美国在欧洲加强军事力量的活动。The colony"s garrison was now beefed up to about forty thousand service personnel.在殖民地的驻军目前增加到大约4万人。六、经典引文As from his cattle, the beef had dwindled from the man, but he was still large.出自:P. V. WhiteWe..were..putting all the beef we could behind it.出自:R. M. PattersonThe Defense Department required no persuasion that the defense of Europe needed, in their phrase, "beefing up".出自:D. AchesonI"d brought a half bottle of whisky..which we used to beef up the coffee.出自:I. Banks七、词语用法n.(名词)beef的基本意思是供食用的“牛肉”,是不可数的物质名词,一般也不加冠词。引申可指“肌肉”“肌力”。beef还可指“菜牛”,这时是可数名词,其复数形式可以是beeves,也可以是beefs。美国俚语中beef还可作“抱怨”“牢骚”解,此时复数形式是beefs。v.(动词)beef用作动词是美国俚语,与about连用,意思是“抱怨”; 与up连用,意思是“加强”。beef的相关临近词beefy、beech、beefer、beefalo、beefish、beef up、beeftree、beefplan、beef saw、beef bed、beef fat、beef ham点此查看更多关于beef的详细信息
2023-01-13 01:56:001

牛肉 用英语怎么拼写?

beef 选我吧!
2023-01-13 01:56:0411


2023-01-13 01:56:1215


牛肉的英文单词怎么写 牛肉[niú ròu] 词典 beef; beeves; hotpot 牛肉的英文是什么? beef牛肉的英文是什么? 普通牛肉 beef 小(羔)牛肉 veal 牛排肉 steak 牛肉英语单词发音 beef 英[bi:f] 美[bif] 形容牛肉的词汇 芳香四溢 香飘十里 油而不腻 质嫩爽口 珍馐美味 口齿留香 回味无穷 色味俱佳 其味无穷 形容牛肉的词语 具有“筋、韧、滑、嫩”的特点,面条补气虚、厚肠胃、强气力;牛肉甘温、安中益气、养脾胃,另外香草、蒜苗、葱花也都含有各种维生素,加之迅速煮熟能完好地保留面筋蛋白,加入辣油又可提高胡萝卜素的营养价值。清代诗人张澍曾这样赞美“牛肉面”:“日出念真经,暮落白塔空。焚香自叹息,只盼牛肉面”。 描写牛肉的词语 芳香四溢 香飘十里 油而不腻 质嫩爽口 珍馐美味 口齿留香 回味无穷 色味俱佳 其味无穷
2023-01-13 01:56:261

beef 用中文谐音怎么写?

不一样。beef [biːf]sweater [ˈswetə(r)]
2023-01-13 01:56:322


问题一:牛肉的英文是什么? beef 问题二:牛肉的英文单词怎么写 牛肉[niú ròu] 词典 beef; beeves; hotpot 问题三:牛肉的英文是什么? 普通牛肉 beef 小(羔)牛肉 veal 牛排肉 steak 问题四:牛肉的英语怎么说? beef 问题五:牛肉英语单词发音 beef ??英[bi:f] ??美[bif] 问题六:牛肉的英语 统称beef,小牛肉veal 各部位 2010-12-30 16:53阅读:5,927 臀肉 Rump、脖肉 Neck、前腱子 Shin、后腱子 Shank、胸肉 Brisket、米龙 Topside、肩肉 Shoulder、A眼肉 A-Ribeye (Cuberoll)、A上脑 A-Highrib(Chuck)、鞋底肉 OysterBlade(SH.-clod)、辣椒条 Chucktender、肩肉小片 Chuckcover、前牛腩 Forequarter Flank、S 外脊 S-Striploin、A外脊 A-Striploin、S里脊 S-Tenderloin、A里脊 A-Tenderloin、黄瓜条 Silverside、小黄瓜条 Eyeround、胸腩连体 Flank & brisket、霖肉 ThickFlank(Knuckle)、后牛腩 Hindquarter Flank(trimmed)、全胴体 Whole carcass(without flank)、前部位肉 Before quarter cuts、后部位肉 Frozen Hind quarter cuts、保鲜前部肉 Chilled forequarter、保鲜后部肉 Chilled hindquarter、带骨四分体 Four Quarters(With bone-in)、去骨四分体 Four Quarters(Boneless)、冷冻羊肉带骨全胴体 Frozen lamb meat bone-in
2023-01-13 01:56:351


不同部位有不同叫法.....牛肉统称 beef
2023-01-13 01:56:386


  牛肉是肉类食品之一,在中国的人均牛肉消费量仅次于猪肉。那么你知道牛肉用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起来学习关于牛肉的英语知识吧。    牛肉英语说法   beef    牛肉的相关 短语   小牛肉 veal ;   鞑靼牛肉 steak tartare ; Steak tartare   红烧牛肉 Pot roast ; beef with brown sauce ; Braised beef in sauce ; braised beef   炖牛肉 braised beef ; beef stew ; stewing beef ; carbonnade   豆腐牛肉 Tofu and Beef ; Beef with bean curd ; beef with tofu;Beef with bean curd   陈皮牛肉 beef with orange peel ; Beef with Dried Orange Peel ; orange flavoured chicken ; Spicy Orange Beef   蒙古牛肉 Mongolian Beef ; Sauteed Mongolian Beef ; Sauté ; Sautéed Mongolian Beef   焖牛肉 braised beef ; pot roast beef ; pot roast of beef ; Daube de Boeuf   铁板牛肉 Sizzling Beef Steak ; Iron Platter Beef ; sizzling beef ; Arroz tostado    牛肉的英语例句   1. They used to buy ten kilos of beef in one lump.   他们过去常买10公斤重的整块牛肉。   2. A tantalising aroma of roast beef fills the air.   空气中充满诱人的烤牛肉香味。   3. Beef now costs well over 30 roubles a pound.   牛肉现在卖到了每磅30多卢布。   4. They bought so much beef that some went bad.   他们买了太多牛肉,有些都变质了。   5. Some of the commercially produced venison resembles beef in flavour.   有些商业化养殖的鹿肉味道和牛肉很相似。   6. "It"s corned beef and cabbage," said Malone. "Yuk," said Maureen.   “这是咸牛肉配卷心菜。”马隆说。“呃,”莫琳表示反感地说了一声。   7. Meat labelled "Scotch Beef" sells for a premium in supermarkets.   带有“ScotchBeef(苏格兰牛肉)”标志的牛肉在超市里售价不菲。   8. I fried up the beef.   我把牛肉煎了一下。   9. Thick tuna steaks are eaten rare, like beef.   像牛肉一样,厚的金枪鱼排做到半熟即可食用。   10. The nation also exports beef.   该国也出口牛肉。   11. Carve the beef into slices.   把牛肉切成片。   12. She served him a bowl of beef stew.   她为他端上了一碗炖牛肉。   13. He carved the joint of beef.   他切开了那一大块烤牛肉。   14. roast beef and horseradish   烤牛肉加辣根酱   15. steak and kidney pie   牛肉腰花馅饼   关于牛肉的英文阅读:牛肉战争   South Korea is seeking to ease some domestic irritation, with a move that could complicate American-Korean trade relations. Seoul is amending its promise to resume US beef imports by imposing new trade conditions aimed at placating political critics of the South Korean president.   韩国试图寻找一个缓解一些国内民众的愤怒情绪的举措,而新 举措可能导致美韩贸易关系复杂化。首尔政府正在修正先前作出的 恢复进口美国牛肉的承诺,为进口美国牛肉制定了新的贸易条件, 希望以此化解韩国总统在政治上受到的责难。   In what he described as a “humble acceptance of the people"s will," South Korean Agriculture Minister Chung Woon-chun announced a new set of limitations on plans to import US beef.   韩国农业部长郑云天宣布了对进口美国牛肉计划实行的新限 制,他把这一宣布形容为是“谦恭地接受民众的意愿”。   He says South Korea has requested the American government stop exporting cattle aged 30 months or older, about which South Korean consumers have expressed the most anxiety. He says his ministry will postpone scheduled quarantine inspections of American beef until the United States responds to the request.   他表示,韩国要求美国政府停止出口年龄超过30个月的牛,韩 国消费者对这种牛肉表达了最多的担心。他表示,韩国农业部将推 迟已定的对美国牛肉实行检疫的日程,直到美国方面对韩国的要求 作出回应。   The move is a reaction to street protests which began weeks ago, opposing American beef imports.   The demonstrations have evolved into much broader, grassroots criticism of South Korean President Lee Myung-bak,s leadership style.   韩国当局的行动是对几个星期来街头示威者抗议进口美国牛 肉的回应。更加广泛地来自民间的批评加人了抗议声浪,抨击李明 博总统的领导风格。   Two months after his February inauguration,Mr. Lee arranged a deal to fully resume imports of virtually all cuts of US beef. The imports were banned in 2003,after an American animal was found to have the fatal brain condition known as “mad cow disease," It is theoretically possible for humans to contract a version of the disease by eating tainted meat.   李明博在2月份宣誓就职。两个月后,他达成了全面恢复进口 美国牛肉的协议,批准几乎所有部位的美国牛肉都可以进口韩国。 2003年,在美国发现一头牛患上了致命的“疯牛病”后,韩国曾禁止 进口美国牛肉。从理论上讲,人类食用感染上疯牛病的牛肉有可能 感染类似的致命的脑部疾病。   Mr. Lee"s import resumption deal, clinched during an April summit with President Bush, fulfilled a promise made more than a year earlier by Mr. Lee"s predecessor. It also followed a ruling by a United Nations organization, backing Washington"s assertion that US beef is safe.   李明博恢复进口美国牛肉的协议是在他4月份跟布什总统举行 高峰会晤期间达成的,从而兑现了他的前任在那一年多前作出的有 关承诺。在李明博签署进口牛肉的协议之前,联合国的一个组织作 出裁决,支持华盛顿称美国牛肉是安全的断言。   Nonetheless, many South Koreans saw President Lee"s decision to resume the imports as too sudden, too wide-ranging~and too dismissive of public sentiment.   很多韩国人认为李明博总统恢复进口美国牛肉的决定过于仓促、范围过于宽泛、过于忽视民 众的情绪。   Protests that began as quiet candlelight vigils, last month, have gradually grown louder and more violent. Tens of thousands of protesters have gathered almost nightly in downtown Seoul, blocking major traffic arteries and leading to hundreds of arrests.   韩国民众的抗议上个月以平静的烛光守夜的形式开始,随后抗议声浪日益高涨,最后逐步演 变成暴力示威。成千上万的示威者几乎每一个夜晚都聚集在首尔市中心,堵塞主要交通要道以致 数百人被捕。   Their insistence on that danger has been fueled by numerous factors: sympathy with struggling South Korean cattle farmers; anger at South Korean President Lee Myung-bak; an undercurrent of anti-American nationalism; and a tornado of Internet rumors about US beef, ranging from the humorous to the hysterical.   这些人坚持这种看法出于几个因素:一是同情韩国那些苦苦挣扎的肉牛养殖户,二是表达对 韩国总统李明博的不满,三是反美民族主义情绪,另外就是网上有关美国牛肉的各种谣言,有幽默 的也有非常不着边的。   The one thing that has failed to back these very vocal protests in any significant way is hard science. One US animal was found to have mad cow disease, in 2003.   However, out of hundreds of millions of consumers, there has never been a single known case of mad cow-style brain infection resulting from eating American beef.   虽然抗议活动声浪很高,但是并没有多少科学依据。2003年美国发现有只牛得了疯牛病,但在 亿万消费者当中从来没有过一例由于吃美国牛肉而引发人类感染疯牛病的病例。   It was this absence of scientifically proven risk Ambassador Vershbow was referencing in his comments on June 3, made after his meeting with South Korea"s Foreign Minister.   美国大使弗什鲍6月3日会见韩国外交部长之后所说的话,指的就是没有科学依据这一点。   American officials have repeatedly refused to re-negotiate US beef imports and are unlikely to agree to Seoul"s new beef import conditions. Analysts warn the escalating beef dispute could endanger ratification of the major trade deal the two countries, signed last year.   美国官员反复拒绝就进口美国牛肉重新谈判,并且不大可能同意韩国为牛肉进口新制定的卫 生条件。分析人士瞀告说,不断升级的牛肉争端有可能危及美韩两国去年签署的一项主要贸易协 议的达成。 猜你喜欢: 1. 牛排英语怎么说 2. 磅用英文怎么表达 3. 牛肉经典广告词 4. 关于牛肉的广告词 5. 牛肉干广告词 6. 关于牛肉牛排的广告词
2023-01-13 01:56:531


大家可能会很奇怪,beef 不就是"牛肉"么?beef这个词实在简单,连刚开始学英文的小朋友都能脱口而出,它的中文意思“牛肉”。beef 译为"牛肉"自然是没有错,但是,看看这个句子,你能翻译出来吗?-You have a beef with me ?-Yes, I do.have a beef with me难道不是"和我一起吃牛肉"么?这个呀,还真不是!当beef作动词时,它就和牛肉没有没有半毛钱关系。而是"抱怨、牢骚、不满"的意思。说白点“beef=吐槽、不爽”
2023-01-13 01:56:561


beevesbeef读音:英 [biːf];美 [biːf]    意思:n. 牛肉;肌肉;力气;牢骚;v. 抱怨;告发;加强名词复数:beeves过去式:beefed过去分词:beefed现在分词:beefing第三人称单数:beefs扩展资料:近义词grumble读音:英 ["ɡrʌmbl];美 ["ɡrʌmbl]    意思:v. 发牢骚;抱怨;轰鸣;n. 怨言;牢骚;轰隆声1、grumble的基本含义是“发怨言”“抱怨地说”,这种抱怨大多是没理由的或喋喋不休的,既可以是指上级对下级的抱怨,也可以是下级对上级的抱怨,这种牢骚常常会使人感到反感。2、grumble可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词或that引导的从句作宾语。
2023-01-13 01:57:011

beef (牛肉)怎么读?

2023-01-13 01:57:0911

牛肉英语怎么读 如何用英语表达牛肉

1、beef,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时译为“牛肉;肌肉;食用牛;牢骚”,作动词时译为“抱怨,告发;发牢骚;养;加强”。 2、短语搭配:Lemon beef 柠檬牛肉 ; 宁檬牛肉;Leg Beef 牛键肉 ; 牛腱肉。 3、双语例句:Yes, we have some beef . 是的,我们有一些牛肉。
2023-01-13 01:57:161


2023-01-13 01:57:237


beef pork
2023-01-13 01:57:428

beef 怎么记忆

2023-01-13 01:57:474


feet 英[fi:t] 美[fit] beef英[bi:f]美[bif]meet英[mi:t]美[mit]tea英[ti:]美[ti]read 英[ri:d] 美[ri:d] eat 英[i:t] 美[i:t]
2023-01-13 01:57:501

beef 怎么记忆

2023-01-13 01:57:521

beef 加S是怎么回事?

2023-01-13 01:57:571


2023-01-13 01:58:001


牛肉面的英语应该是 beef noodle强调汤呢就是 beef noodle soup 牛肉汤面强调干面就是 dry beef noodle
2023-01-13 01:58:0312


Beef steak
2023-01-13 01:58:107


beef当不及物动词的意思就是: 抱怨,大发牢骚 If someone beefs about something, they keep complaining about it.有关它的解释:青少年使用beef来表示“争吵(argue)”和“打斗(fight)”的说法,城市字典里的相关条目的确为此提供了支持。其中就提到,此类用法源于街头的黑帮说唱歌,而且它似乎也是从“抱怨(complaint)”的意思发展而来的,到最后还包含有“怨恨(grudge)”和“打斗(fight)”的意思。具体的可以查单词的故事.
2023-01-13 01:58:191

droewors beef中文怎么读

beef英 [biːf] 美 [bif] n. 牛肉;肌肉;食用牛;牢骚vi. 抱怨,告发;发牢骚vt. 养;加强短语Lemon beef 柠檬牛肉 ; 宁檬牛肉Leg Beef 牛键肉 ; 牛腱肉beef aging 牛肉熟成 ; 牛肉熟成 ; 牛肉的熟成解说
2023-01-13 01:58:211

英语beef noodles怎么翻译?

beef 牛肉,noodles面条,牛肉面
2023-01-13 01:58:246

beef 加S是怎么回事?

2023-01-13 01:58:291


  牛排,或称牛扒,是块状的牛肉,是西餐中最常见的食物之一。欧洲中世纪时,猪肉及羊肉是平民百姓的食用肉,牛肉则是王公贵族们的高级肉品,并在特殊场合中供应,以彰显主人的尊贵身份。那么你知道牛排用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   牛排的英语说法1:   steak   牛排的英语说法2:   beefsteak   牛排的相关 短语 :   小牛排 club steak   烤牛排 roast beef   牛排刀 Steak knife   佛罗伦萨牛排 Chianina Florentine steak   牛排店 steakhouse   牛排的英语例句:   1. The steak was tough and the peas were like bullets.   牛排老得嚼不动,豌豆像子弹一样硬。   2. Lightly score the surface of the steaks with a knife.   在牛排表面轻轻打花刀。   3. I put a forkful of fillet steak in my mouth.   我叉了一块无骨牛排放进嘴里。   4. Batter the steaks flat.   把牛排捶扁。   5. Season the steaks generously with salt and pepper.   给牛排多加些盐和胡椒调味。   6. The steaks were unevenly cooked.   牛排烤得不均匀。   7. I specifically asked for this steak rare.   我明确要求把这份牛排煎得偏生一些。   8. I chomped hungrily through the large steak.   我狼吞虎咽地吃着那一大块牛排。   9. Gretchen chewed energetically on the gristled steak.   格蕾琴费劲地嚼着那块带软骨的牛排。   10. Waiter, I specifically asked for this steak rare.   服务员,我特别强调了这块牛排要做得嫩些。   11. I"ll have the steak and chicken combo platter.   我要牛排和鸡组合餐。   12. He prefers his steak well done.   他喜欢吃煎得熟透的牛排。   13. The steak is so delicious that he"s licking his lips.   牛排这么香,使得他垂涎欲滴了.   14. The steak was so tough that he couldn"t eat it.   那牛排硬得他没法吃.   15. I ate four steaks yesterday.   昨天我吃了四块牛排.
2023-01-13 01:58:321


2023-01-13 01:58:356

为什么beef cattle中文叫"菜牛",beef不是牛肉的意思吗?

英语中好多东西跟汉语都是反着的,比如名字。那些是固定的beef cattle也是如此。多看看写英语书籍就慢慢适应过来了。英语的学习不要可以跟汉语相对比。努力吧。
2023-01-13 01:58:404


2023-01-13 01:58:435


译文:beef英 [bi:f]释义:n 牛肉;肌肉;食用牛;牢骚vi 抱怨,告发;发牢骚vt 养;加强[ 复数 beeves或beefs 过去式 beefed 现在分词 beefing 第三人称单数 beefs ]短语:roast beef 烧牛肉 ; 烤牛肉 ; 烤牛排 ; 原味烧牛肉扩展资料:重点词汇用法:beefn (名词)1、beef的基本意思是供食用的“牛肉”,是不可数的物质名词,一般也不加冠词。引申可指“肌肉”“肌力”。2、beef还可指“菜牛”,这时是可数名词,其复数形式可以是beeves,也可以是beefs。3、美国俚语中beef还可作“抱怨”“牢骚”解,此时复数形式是beefs。v (动词)beef用作动词是美国俚语,与about连用,意思是“抱怨”; 与up连用,意思是“加强”。
2023-01-13 01:59:292


2023-01-13 01:59:467


2023-01-13 02:00:091


2023-01-13 02:00:145

eat, drink, beef, peep, noise等的英语单词怎么读?

"eat" 读作 /it/ (和代词 "it" 读音相同)。"drink" 读作 /drɪŋk/。"beef" 读作 /bif/。"peep" 读作 /pip/。"noise" 读作 /nɔɪz/。
2023-01-13 02:00:232


How do you want your steak?当年不知跟客人问了多少次...= =+全熟是 well done 七分熟是mediumwell 五分熟是medium 四分熟是mediumrare 三分熟是 rare
2023-01-13 02:00:353

he bought too much 用beef写 怎么写我不会,你可以给我写吗如你能写我会谢谢你

he bought too much 用beef写 怎么写我不会He bought too much beef.直接用beef就可以了beef是不可数名词
2023-01-13 02:01:061

英语翻译 花朵上飞来了一只小蜜蜂,蜜蜂的单词如何来读和拼写呢,看,beef,把f去了,就对了.

a little bee comes to a flower,how to spell and read "bee",look,remove "f" from "beef",yeah,that" it.
2023-01-13 02:01:411


2023-01-13 02:01:436

红烧牛肉用英语怎么说? 我在网上查到好像是beef with brown sauce

红烧牛肉--The red-cooked beef
2023-01-13 02:01:481


2023-01-13 02:02:041


canned beef指的是罐装牛肉, 说得是牛肉而不是罐头.而tin这个词不适合说食品罐头.其实答案很简单, 就是 beef can. 英语中很多用法是很直白的, 两个名词加在一起表达就好.类似用法还有fruit can, 水果罐头.
2023-01-13 02:02:0712


1. beef 一般只视为不可数名词 2. chicken 意思是“鸡肉”时,是不可数名词; 意思是“小鸡”时,是可数名词,其复数形式为chickens 3. fish可以视为不可数名词; 但也可以视为可数名词,且其复数形式有两种,即:fish 和 fishes 如果表示“不同种类
2023-01-13 02:02:141

beef up 是加强的意思 为什么 怎么来的 死记硬背总不是好办法

beef 除了做名词 牛肉 还有做动词 养,加强 的意思. 所以 beef 是加强就不难理解了
2023-01-13 02:02:171


Chinese cabbageRadisheggplantice creambeef
2023-01-13 02:02:191

牛肉火锅的英语怎么说? 是beef hot pot

you are right. It is very famous in England.
2023-01-13 02:02:251