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2023-05-20 00:08:10




opportunity怎么读 英语opportunity怎么读

1、opportunity英[ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti]美[ˌɑːpərˈtuːnəti],n.机会; 时机。 2、[例句]It is not often that you get such an opportunity.你得到这样的机会,可不是常有的事。
2023-01-13 01:43:171


2023-01-13 01:43:214


英 [ɒpə"tjuːnɪtɪ] 美 [ˌɑpɚˈtunɪti, -ˈtju-]
2023-01-13 01:43:312


opportunity [,ɔpə"tju:niti]n.机会, 时机, 良机equal employment opportunity就业机会均等optimum educational opportunity最佳教育机会I take this opportunity of thanking you.我趁此机会感谢你们。 习惯用语afford an opportunity 给机会afford the opportunity 给机会find an opportunity 找到机会find the opportunity 找到机会get an opportunity 得到机会get the opportunity 得到机会give an opportunity 给机会give the opportunity 给机会make an opportunity 造就机会make the opportunity 造就机会miss an opportunity 失去机会miss the opportunity 失去机会seize an opportunity 给[找着, 得到, 给, 造, 失去, 抓住, 利用]机会seize the opportunity 抓住机会take an opportunity 利用机会take the opportunity 利用机会at the earliest opportunity 一有机会at the first opportunity 一有机会on the first opportunity 一有机会catch opportunity by the forelock 抓住时机, 不错过机会seize opportunity by the forelock 抓住时机, 不错过机会take opportunity by the forelock 抓住时机, 不错过机会golden opportunity 绝好的机会have an opportunity for doing sth. 有做某事的机会have an opportunity to do sth. 有做某事的机会have no opportunity for doing sth. 没有做某事的机会have no opportunity to do sth. 没有做某事的机会have little opportunity for doing sth. 很少有做某事的机会have little opportunity to do sth. 很少有做某事的机会have not much opportunity for doing sth. 有不多的做某事的机会have not much opportunity to do sth. 有不多的做某事的机会improve the opportunity 利用[抓住]机会利用机会说教一番let an opportunity slip 坐失良机make the most of an opportunity 尽力利用机会take the opportunity of doing sth. 乘机做某事take the opportunity to do sth. 乘机做某事take the opportunity for doing sth. 乘机做某事seize the opportunity of doing sth. 乘机做某事seize the opportunity to do sth. 乘机做某事seize the opportunity for doing sth. 乘机做某事O-makes the thief. [谚]疏忽招盗贼。opportunity 拉丁词根port港口,o-在…附近 参考词汇opportunity , occasion , chance , break 这组词的一般含义是“时机”或“机会”。不管在口语中或者在文学作品中,这几个都是常用的词。 opportunity表示某时机符合自己想干某事的意愿、目的、雄心甚至野心。比方:“伺机而动”,这“而动”即去做自己想去完成的事情,此语可译为wait for an opportunity to take action;“借此机会说几句话”,这“说几句话”即说明该时机符合自己想干某事的意愿, 此语可译为to avail oneself of the opportunity to say a few words. Perhaps there is an element of truth in both these pictures,but few of us have had the opportunity to find out.或许这两种想象中都有一定的真实成分,但是我们中很少有人有机会去发现它。A man without an education,many of us believe,is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances deprived of one of the greatest twenty-century opportunities.我们许多人都相信,没有受过教育的人是境况不佳的不幸牺牲品,他们被剥夺了20世纪最了不起的机会之一。occasion含有opportunity所能表达的这样一层意思:某时机能激发或唤起某人的某种行为,如:在“必要时”一语中便包含着激发某行为的时刻,此语可译为When occasion demands…;“这不是哭泣的时候。”这句话可译为It"s no occasion for crying。在to have no occasion todo…固定词组中,occasion之所以能够引申为reason或cause的含义,也是与occasion的上述基本词义有关的。 This sort of thing is usual on occasions like this.这类事情在这种场合是常见的。This is not an occasion for laughter.这不是笑的时候。(指不适合于笑,或不是笑的场合。)chance表示幸运或偶然的时机 Perhaps it is the desire for solitude or the chance of making an unexpected discovery that lures men down to the depths of the earth.可能正是寻觅幽静的去处,或者找个猎奇的机会的欲望引诱着人们进入地球的深处。No one discovers a rarity by chance.侥幸发现一件珍品的人是没有的。break作为时机解,一般要求修饰语,如:a good break, a bad break,即“走运”或“坏运气”。这个词的基本意思是:走运不能老走运,倒霉不能老倒霉,总有个break的 That fellow gets all the breaks;he has been working there for only six months and has already been promoted to the position of vice-president.那个家伙真走运,在那里才干了6个月,就已经被提升到总副经理的职位了。He has been assailed by bad breaks all these years.这些年来他接二连三地倒霉。名词 n.1.机会, 时机 He sought opportunities of doing her little service.他寻找机会为她尽一点力。2.适当的时机;有利的场合3.条件4.就业(或晋升、进步等)的良机
2023-01-13 01:43:342

机会用英语怎么说 机会用英语说

1、机会:opportunity 英[ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti]美[ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti]. 2、词典:chance; opportunity; occasion; probability. 3、例句:The bill is needed to create equal opportunity for women.该法案旨在为妇女创造均等机会。
2023-01-13 01:43:381

opportunity 这个单词怎么读

2023-01-13 01:43:411


问题一:机会用英语怎么说 40分 chance; opportunity: 错过机会 lose a chance; 借此机会 take this occasion to; avail oneself of the opportunity to; 放弃机会 throw away one"s chance; 抓住机会 seize a chance; 千载难逢的好机会 a golden opportunity; the chance of a lifetime; 高兴有机会访问贵国 be pleas海d to have the opportunity of visiting your country; 我没有给他说话的机会。 i didn"t give him a chance to say a word. 他没有脱身机会。 he had no chance to get away. 你的机会来了。 here is a chance for you 问题二:机会英语怎么说 机会 基本翻译 chanceopportunity occasion probability 问题三:“抓住机会”用英语怎么说 take/get/ the chance grab/s川ize/take the opportunity snap at a chance seize the moment 问题四:机会和挑战并存 英文怎么说 Chances always go with challenges. 问题五:抓住机会英语怎么说 seize /catch /get /grab the chance 或者take hold of catch hold of seize hold of 希望能帮到你 问题六:首先得到机会用英语怎么说 First of all get the chance to 100%正确,希望可以帮助到你。 问题七:一次偶然的机会英语怎么说 a chance eg:A chance meeting with an old co-worker led to a job for Henry as an engineer at the Edison Detroit Ele浮tricity pany, the leading force in another new industry. 由于一次偶然的机会,亨利遇到了一位原来的同事,这得以使他在爱迪生底特律电力公司谋到一份工程师的工作,该公司属另一新兴行业的中坚。 问题八:我很感谢您能给这个我机会英语怎么说 Thanks for giving me such a chance 问题九:获得更多机会去找到工作机会英语怎么说 英文原文: get more opportunities to find more chances for jobs 英式音标: [get] [m??] [??p??tju?n?t?s] [t?; before a vowel; t?; stressed; tu?] [fa?nd] [m??] [t??nsiz] [f??; f?] [d???bz] 美式音标: [?t] [m?r] [??p??tju?n?t?s] [tu?t?] [fa?nd] [m?r] [t?nsiz] [f?] [d???bz]
2023-01-13 01:43:451


  opportunity表机会的意思,那么你知道opportunity的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了opportunity的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   opportunity的同义词辨析:   chance, opportunity, occasion   这些名词均含"机会"之意。   chance : 侧重指偶然或意外的机会,有时也指正常或好的机会。   opportunity : 侧重指有利或适合于采取行动,以达到某一目的或实现某种愿望的最佳时机或机会。   occasion : 指特殊时机或良机,也指时节。   词组习语:   opportunity knocks   1. 成功的机会来了   chance on 或 chance upon   1. 偶然找到,偶然遇到;偶然碰到   在巴黎我们偶然碰到两位老朋友   While in Paris we chanced on two old friends.   as chance would have it   1. 凑巧,偏偏   by any chance   1. 万一,也许(用于试探性的询问或提议)   你有可能是在找我吗?。   were you looking for me by any chance?.   chance one"s arm (或 luck)   1. (英,非正式)冒险一试   chance would be a fine thing   1. (非正式)成功固然好,只惜良机少   no chance   1. (非正式)绝无可能   on the (off) chance   1. 万一   stand a chance   1. 有(成功或生存的)希望   他的对手毫无成功的希望。   his rivals don"t stand a chance.   take a chance (或 chances)   1. 冒险   take one"s chance   1. (为了成功而)冒险,碰运气   by chance   1. 意外地;偶然地   他们在飞机上不期而遇   They met by chance on a plane.   2. 或许;可能   他可能是她哥哥吗?   Is he, by chance, her brother?   on the off chance   1. 万一发生:抱着微小的希望或可能性   opportunity的例句:   1. Good luck is when an opportunity comes along and you"re prepared for it.   好运就是当机会来临时,你早已做好了准备。   2. The opportunity had gone. His mind scrabbled for alternatives.   机会已经失去。他苦苦思索别的方案。   3. First-generation Americans view the United States as a land of goldenopportunity.   第一代美国人认为美国是一个充满了机遇的国度。   4. The owners don"t want to overlook any opportunity to make a buck.   老板们不想错过任何可以赚钱的机会。   5. Their colleagues insulted them whenever the opportunity presented itself.   一有机会,同事们就会侮辱他们。   6. Take the opportunity to plunge yourself into your career.   抓住机会投身到事业中去。   7. Grey took every opportunity to lambast Thompson and his organization.   格雷不放过任何一个炮轰汤普森及其组织的机会。   8. If you don"t do it soon you"re going to lose the opportunity.   不赶紧行动就没机会了。   9. The king said there was now a window of opportunity for peace.   国王说现在有寻求和平的短暂机会。   10. There"ll be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun.   将会有充足的机会去放松、游泳和晒太阳。   11. His opportunity to re-establish himself had been nobbled by the manager"s tactics.   他重新树立自己地位的机会因教练的战术而流产了。   12. You have single-handedly ballsed up the best opportunity we"ve had!   你一个人就把我们最好的机会给搞砸了!   13. Laura flits about New York hailing taxis at every opportunity.   劳拉穿梭于纽约各处,一有机会就打车。   14. Trendy teachers are denying children the opportunity to study classic texts.   赶时髦的教师正在剥夺孩子学习经典课本的机会。   15. Diana is taking the opportunity to wrap up the family presents.   黛安娜利用这个机会将家人的礼物包起来。   opportunity的同义词例句:   1. They had met by chance at university and finished up getting married.   他们在大学偶遇,最后结了婚。   2. If cancers are spotted early there"sa high chance of survival.   如果癌症在早期发现的话,存活的几率会很高。   3. He did not get a chance to deepen his knowledge of Poland.   他没有机会更深入地了解波兰。   4. He has almost certainly blown his chance of touring India this winter.   他几乎肯定失去了今冬去印度旅行的机会。   5. There is a chance of sunny spells in the West.   西部可能会有一段天气晴朗的日子。   6. In general, incumbents have a 94 per cent chance of being reelected.   通常现任官员有94%的几率会再次当选。   7. He decided no assassin would chance a shot from amongst that crowd.   他认定,没有刺客会冒险混在人群里开枪。   8. They have a more than even chance of winning the next election.   他们赢得下届选举的机会在五成以上。   9. Whenever I get the chance I go to Maxim"s for dinner.   我一有机会便去马克西姆餐厅吃饭。   10. He has probably said goodbye to his last chance of Olympic gold.   他可能已经失去了夺取奥运会金牌的最后机会。   11. At least they have a real chance to find work.   至少他们的确有找到工作的机会。   12. We took a chance and we"ve won. It"s very gratifying.   我们决定搏上一搏,结果赢了,真是令人心花怒放。   13. Her independence and maverick behaviour precluded any chance of promotion.   她的独立精神和自行其是断送了一切升迁的机会。   14. I seized the chance to interview Chris Hani about this issue.   我抓住机会就这一问题采访了克里斯·哈尼。   15. He doesn"t stand a ghost of a chance of selling the house.   那房子他根本不可能卖得出去。   1. On one occasion, his father threw a radio at his mother.   他父亲曾有一次拎起收音机砸向他的母亲。   2. The good weather helped to make the occasion a resounding success.   天公作美,使得这次活动获得了巨大成功。   3. It is always an important occasion for setting out government policy.   这历来都是阐明政府政策的重要时机。   4. On another occasion I answered the phone and the line went dead.   还有一回,我一接电话,就掉线了。   5. How can anyone look sad at an occasion like this?   在这样的场合怎么会有人显得忧伤呢?   6. I would like it to be an informal occasion.   我希望把它办得不那么正式。   7. It is, however, necessary on occasion to work outwith these hours.   然而,有时候在这些时点之外也需要工作。   8. He treated them seriously and, on occasion, entertained them hilariously.   他对待他们严肃认真,偶尔又逗得他们捧腹不已。   9. There was a touch of triumphalism about the occasion.   这一活动有一点炫耀胜利的意味。   10. All the old crowd have come out for this occasion.   那些老伙计们都来参加这一庆典。   11. The coronation was an occasion for extravagant myth and sentiment.   加冕典礼是极尽奢华和怀旧的仪式。   12. The meal gave the occasion an almost festive air.   这一餐使整个场合有了近乎节日般的喜庆氛围。   13. He could also turn on the style when the occasion demanded.   如果场合需要,他也能瞬间就表现得风度翩翩。   14. But he could also turn on the style when the occasion demanded.   但是如果场合需要,他也能拿出派头来。   15. Enthusiastic applause lent a sense of occasion to the proceedings.   热烈的掌声给活动平添了几分隆重的色彩。
2023-01-13 01:43:521


暗色模式”应用纯黑背景、蓝色焦点色和白色字体,对比度高,通过降低白色控件显示范围,达到护眼、降低视觉疲劳的目的。这里以OPPO RenoAce手机CoIorOS11.1版本为例,设置方法:「设置 > 显示与亮度 > 暗色模式」。1、ColorOS 7新增暗色模式,应用纯黑背景、蓝色焦点色、白色字体,对比度高,通过降低白色控件显示范围,达到护眼目的,降低视觉疲劳。(1)适用环境:任意环境、任意时间。(2)应用范围:系统全局+三方应用。(3)第三方应用暗色:「设置 > 显示与亮度 > 暗色模式 > 三方应用暗色」。(4)暗色模式与护眼模式:护眼模式是通过降低屏幕蓝光辐射,预防用眼疲劳。可以同时开启。温馨提示:① 部分三方应用可能存在不适配暗色模式的情况,您可通过设置,对有异常的应用做单独关闭处理。② 同时在暗色模式和Breeno指令中设定了暗色模式开启关闭时间时,Breeno指令中的时间起作用。后续会优化为以暗色模式的设定时间为主,即暗色模式本身的设定时间起作用。因机型和系统版本不同手机是否支持暗色模式,可按照以上设置路径进行查看。本回答适用于所有OPPO机型。
2023-01-13 01:43:591


绝佳机会」unprecedented opportunity;super excellent chance/opportunityonce-in-a-hundred-year opportunity
2023-01-13 01:44:046


1、隙拼音:[xì] 2、隙,汉字,发音xì,可做名词和动词。作为名词时有孔穴、空隙,空子等意思,作为动词时可理解为弯曲,分裂等。3、基本信息[ 隙 ] 繁体:隙字意五行:水台湾笔划:14 康熙笔划:18拼音输入:xi 五笔输入:BHJH 吉凶寓意:吉笔顺:折竖竖撇捺竖折横横竖撇捺4、详细解释〈名〉隙crack; crevice; gap; interval; opportunity; rift;隙xì(1)(会意。从阜(fù)亦声。阜,土山,与土有关。本义:墙上开裂的裂缝)(2)同本义。也泛指孔穴、空隙,缝隙。 [crack;chink]隙,壁际孔也。――《说文》若驷之过隙。――《礼记·三年问》二间夹钟出四隙之细也。――《国语·周语下》柳每以暇日隙壁窥韩(韩翃)所居,即萧然葭艾,闻客至,必名人。――唐·孟棨《本事诗》如隙中之观斗,又焉知胜负之所在。——宋·苏轼《超然台记》又如:隙穴(空隙与洞穴);隙地(空地);隙积(带有空隙垛体的体积)(3)裂隙,罅隙;隙,裂也。――《广雅》墙之隙坏,谁之咎也。――《左传》谚曰:“蠹众而木折,隙大而墙坏。”――《商君书·修权》(4)空子 [loophole;opportunity]辅隙则国必弱。――《孙子·谋攻》狡冠窥窬,伺国瑕隙。――《汉书·刘琨劝进表》连抵其隙。――清·纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》(5)又如:无隙可乘;乘隙突围;乘隙;无隙可寻(6)要道;孔道 [thoroughfare]及秦文、德、缪居雍,隙陇、蜀之货物而多贾。――《史记》(7)空闲的地方或时间 [interval]宋、郑之间有隙地焉。――《左传·哀公十二年》蒐于农隙。――《国语·周语上》三农之隙。――张衡《东京赋》秋冬之隙。――宋·苏轼《教战守》隙地未尽辟。――清·洪亮吉《治平篇》(8)又如:隙日(空闲时日);农隙;空隙(9)感情的裂痕 [rift]太常卿滕胤,素与诸葛恪有隙。――《三国演义》与操有隙。――《资治通鉴·赤壁之战》(10)又如:隙恼(隔阂,不和睦)(11)缺点,过失 [fault]辅周则国必强,辅隙则国必弱。――《孙子》(12)怨恨 [resentment]两个在翠云山前,不论亲情,却只讲仇隙。――《西游记》(13)又如:仇隙(怨恨);隙难(怨仇);隙憾(仇隙;仇恨)5、〈动〉隙xì(1)弯曲 [bend]。如:隙曲(弯曲)(2)分裂 [split]黄色的脸色转化成了苍白色。嘴是隙着的。――郭沫若《北伐途次》(3)又如:隙末(指交谊终至于破裂)6、常用词组(1)隙缝 xìfèng[crack] 裂缝;裂痕房屋的隙缝表明这里不久前发生过地震(2)隙角 xìjiǎo[clearance] 切削工具的表面与被加工件之间的夹角——亦称“后角”(3)隙罅 xìxià[crack] 缝隙;裂隙
2023-01-13 01:44:111


2023-01-13 01:44:181


opportunityn.机会; 适当的时机良机; 有利的环境,条件;
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2023-01-13 01:44:251

英语countless opportunities怎么翻译?

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2023-01-13 01:44:531


手机短信通知/弹窗的取消方法:1、进入「“信息”APP > 消息或通知界面,点击右上角“:”,选择“设置” > 通知管理」,根据实际需求开启或关闭信息各项通知提醒。2、「长按“信息”APP > 应用信息(详情) > 通知管理」,根据实际需求开启或关闭信息各项通知提醒。3、进入「设置 > (应用) > 应用管理 > 应用列表 >(点击右上角“:” ,选择“显示系统设置”) > 找到“信息”APP并点击 > 通知管理」,根据实际需求开启或关闭信息各项通知提醒。
2023-01-13 01:44:561


2023-01-13 01:45:142

opportunity 的用法是什么啊?还有它后面加 to do ,of doing ,for

2023-01-13 01:45:171


2023-01-13 01:45:241

opportunity怎么读音 opportunity的读音

1、opportunity英[ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti]美[ˌɑːpərˈtuːnəti]. 2、n.机会; 时机; 3、[例句]It is not often that you get such an opportunity.你得到这样的机会,可不是常有的事。 4、[其他]复数:opportunities.
2023-01-13 01:45:311


1.opportunity英[??p??tju?n?ti]美[?ɑ?p?r?tu?n?ti]. n.机会; 时机; [例句]It is not often that you get such an opportunity.你得到这样的机会,可不是常有的事。
2023-01-13 01:45:341


opportunity:机会 =chance有机会做某事:have the opportunity/chance to do Sth.have the opportunity/chance of doing Sth.
2023-01-13 01:45:362


opportunity 英[ˌɒpə"tju:nətɪ] 美[ˌɑpɚˈtunɪti, -ˈtju-] n. 机会;适当的时机良机;有利的环境,条件 名词复数:opportunities [例句]Have the courage to seize opportunity.拥有抓住机会的勇气。
2023-01-13 01:45:391


问题一:机会英语怎么说 机会 基本翻译 chanceopportunity occasion probability 问题二:“抓住每一个机会”用英语怎么说? 口语常用:Take each chance. 问题三:首先得到机会用英语怎么说 First of all get the chance to 100%正确,希望可以帮助到你。 问题四:失去做.的机会 英语怎么说 Lost the chance to do something, Lost the opportunity to do something. 问题五:很大机会用英语怎么说很大,形容词来表示 Great opportunity 例句 以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考 1. 而其他人也有很大机会过上由卡塔尔资助的轻松生活。 Other people have a big chance to have an easy life sponsored by the Qataris. 问题六:“千载难逢的机会”英文怎么说? A golden opportunity. 千载难逢的机会 You get a chance like this only once in a blue moon. 这可是千载难逢的机会呢。 It would be foolish to let such an opportunity slip; it is the chance of a lifetime. 坐失这样的良机真是太傻了,这是千载难逢的好机会。 It"s a once in a lifet互me chance. 这是一生难得的机会。 It"s the chance of a lifetime. You shouldn"t miss it. 这是一生中难得的机会,你不应错过。 It"s the chance of a lifetime. 这是一生中难得再遇到的机会。 We feel that this is an opportunity that may not e again for many year. 这是一个千载难逢的良机。 问题七:机会的英文翻译 chance 问题八:给我一个机会我!用英文怎样讲 Give me an opportunity . opportunity和chance不太一样,详见下面: opportunity n. 机会, 时机 chance n. 机会, 可能性, 偶然性, 运气 v. 碰巧, 偶然发生, 冒...的险adj.偶然的
2023-01-13 01:45:421


2023-01-13 01:45:451


Opportunity 机会chance 机会
2023-01-13 01:45:477


暗色模式”应用纯黑背景、蓝色焦点色和白色字体,对比度高,通过降低白色控件显示范围,达到护眼、降低视觉疲劳的目的。这里以OPPO RenoAce手机CoIorOS11.1版本为例,设置方法:「设置 > 显示与亮度 > 暗色模式」。1、ColorOS 7新增暗色模式,应用纯黑背景、蓝色焦点色、白色字体,对比度高,通过降低白色控件显示范围,达到护眼目的,降低视觉疲劳。(1)适用环境:任意环境、任意时间。(2)应用范围:系统全局+三方应用。(3)第三方应用暗色:「设置 > 显示与亮度 > 暗色模式 > 三方应用暗色」。(4)暗色模式与护眼模式:护眼模式是通过降低屏幕蓝光辐射,预防用眼疲劳。可以同时开启。温馨提示:① 部分三方应用可能存在不适配暗色模式的情况,您可通过设置,对有异常的应用做单独关闭处理。② 同时在暗色模式和Breeno指令中设定了暗色模式开启关闭时间时,Breeno指令中的时间起作用。后续会优化为以暗色模式的设定时间为主,即暗色模式本身的设定时间起作用。因机型和系统版本不同手机是否支持暗色模式,可按照以上设置路径进行查看。本回答适用于所有OPPO机型。
2023-01-13 01:45:551

opportunity 的用法是什么啊?还有它后面加 to do ,of doing ,for

2023-01-13 01:45:581

opportunity 在法律词汇中应该怎么翻译

2023-01-13 01:46:013


ao p ti u ni ti z
2023-01-13 01:46:042


2023-01-13 01:46:071

英语On occasion怎么翻译?

on occasion意思是偶尔,有时,间或。
2023-01-13 01:46:0915


2023-01-13 01:46:168


区别:OPPORTUNITYOpportunity is an auspicious state of affairs or a suitable time: Opportunity 是一种有利的状态或合适的时机:“He would . . . trust to time and opportunity for the gratification of his revenge” (Frederick Marryat). “他将…坐等时机来成全他的报复行动” (弗瑞德·莫亚特).“If you prepare yourself . . . you will be able to grasp opportunity for broader experience when it appears” (Eleanor Roosevelt). “如果你有所准备…一旦机会出现,你就会抓住获得更丰富经历的机会.” (埃利诺·瑞赛尔特).OCCASION:Occasion suggests the proper time for action: Occasion 暗含作某项行动的适宜时间:“Who would do ill ne"er wants [lacks] occasion” (George Herbert). “干蠢事的人想要〔缺少〕 时机” (乔治·哈伯特).I seized the occasion to set the record straight. CHANCEChance 常意味着因为运气或偶然而出现的机遇:This is a chance for the two of you to get acquainted. 这是一次你们两个互相熟悉的机会.Don"t throw this chance away; it won"t come around again. A break is an often sudden piece of luck, especially good luck: 不要让这个机会溜走;否则它是不会再来的. Break 经常是一突然而至的运气, 尤其是好运气:When the star was taken ill, the understudy finally got her first big break. 当主角生病时,替补终于得到了第一次大好机会.“The best you get is an even break” (Franklin P. Adams).“你最多能有一次公平的好运气” (富兰克林P·亚当斯)p.s 韦氏字典对chance 的解释:chance is the most general term and may imply determination by irrational, uncontrollable forces or degree of probability p.s. 具体解释occasion: n.场合, 时机, 机会1、An event or a happening; an incident.场合:重大的事件;事故2、The time at which an event occurs.这种事件发生的时刻3、A significant event.重要的事件4、A favorable or appropriate time or juncture; an opportunity.机会,时机:一个有利的或合适的时间或时机,在这个意义上, 它是opportunity的同义词5、Something that brings on or precipitates an action, a condition, or an event, especially the immediate cause.诱因:使促成或加速行动、状况或事件进程的事物6、omething that provides a reason or justification; a ground.理由:提供理由或口实的事物;依据7、A need created by a particular circumstance:需要:一种由特定环境而引起的需要:“He must buy what he has little occasion for”(Laurence Sterne)8、“他必须买他不太需要的东西”(劳伦斯·斯特内)9、A large or important social gathering.盛大场面:一个大型或重要的社会集会opportunity:1、A favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances.有利的环境:适宜或有利的环境或多种因素2、A favorable or suitable occasion or time.有利的机会:合适或有利的机会或时间3、A chance for progress or advancement.良机:有利于进步或发展的机会chance:The unknown and unpredictable element in happenings that seems to have no assignable cause.偶然性:在似乎无因可查的事件中末知和不可预测的成分A force assumed to cause events that cannot be foreseen or controlled; luck:机缘,侥幸:被认为引起不能预知或控制的事件的力量;运气:Chance will determine the outcome.机缘将决定结果Often chances The likelihood of something happening; possibility or probability:常作 chances 或然率,机率:很有可能发生的情况;可能性或极可能性:Chances are good that you will win. Is there any chance of rain?极有可能你会赢.有可能下雨吗?An accidental or unpredictable event.偶然的事,意想不到的事A favorable set of circumstances; an opportunity:机遇,机会:a chance to escape.逃跑的机会A risk or hazard; a gamble:冒险,无把握的事:took a chance that the ice would hold me.甘冒冰层可以承受住我的危险Games A raffle or lottery ticket.【游戏】 奖券,彩票Baseball An opportunity to make a putout or an assist that counts as an error if unsuccessful.【棒球】 刺杀出局,夹杀:做一次传杀或助杀的机会,不成功则算误杀adj.(形容词)Caused by or ascribable to chance; unexpected, random, or casual:恰巧的,偶然的:由机缘引起的或归因于机缘的;没有预想到的,随意的,随便的:a chance encounter; a chance result.邂逅;不曾料想的结果v.(动词)chanced,, chanc.esv.intr.(不及物动词)To come about by chance; occur:偶然发生,出现:It chanced that the train was late that day.那天偶然火车晚点及物动词)To take the risk or hazard of:冒…险:not willing to chance it.不愿意去冒险
2023-01-13 01:46:211


2023-01-13 01:46:241


opportunities [[,ɔpə"tju:nitiz] 噢颇特内梯兹
2023-01-13 01:46:301

opportunity cost怎么计算?

opportunity cost 是个经济学的概念8/12 = 8:12, 你应该把它当作一个比值来看,具体含义是:8个面包的opportunity cost是12个披萨。12/6 = 12:6, 意思是:12个面包的opportunity cost是6个披萨。这个数字越大越好,因为opportunity cost是你所放弃的 (比如,你如果用24小时生产8个面包话,等于放弃了生产12个披萨),所以如果比值是2:1的话说明你每生产2个面包就放弃1个披萨,但如果比值是1:1的话说明你每生产2个面包就放弃2个披萨,比2:1要吃亏
2023-01-13 01:46:332

“我非常珍惜这个难得的机会” 英文怎么说__在线等!

I really appreciate and cherish this golden opportunity.
2023-01-13 01:46:354

opportunity k5怎么样?

2023-01-13 01:46:461


have chance/opportunity to do sth.
2023-01-13 01:46:522

opportunities 怎么读

2023-01-13 01:46:551


chance 是可能,很小的机会opportunity 是机遇,比较实在的大机会 比如chance可以用在没机会赢彩票opportunity是有个新工作的机会这样的
2023-01-13 01:46:581


i miss a change
2023-01-13 01:47:017


2023-01-13 01:47:061


success needs a opportunity
2023-01-13 01:47:201


英文:miss 中文:错过
2023-01-13 01:47:419