barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 23:56:58

profile英 [ˈprəʊfaɪl] 美 [ˈproʊfaɪl] n.侧面,半面; 外形,轮廓; [航] 翼型; 人物简介; vt.描…的轮廓; 给…画侧面图; 为(某人)写传略; [机] 铣出…的轮廓;

[例句]His handsome profile was turned away from us.他英俊的侧影从我们眼前转开了。





profile[英]["prəʊfaɪl] [美][ˈproˌfaɪl] 生词本简明释义n.侧面,半面;外形,轮廓;[航]翼型;人物简介vt.描…的轮廓;给…画侧面图;为(某人)写传略;[机]铣出…的轮廓
2023-01-12 23:41:152


第一次真正接触upwork这个平台,对于平台的规则并不熟悉。自认为英语底子还在(后来事实证明,真的是“自认为”英语底子还ok。),但是多年不用,全英文的界面看起来还是有点吃力的。 注册upwork帐号第一关是写profile。 这里其实也有个小故事。我对profile这个单词并不是理解的很透彻,之前和一个印度人用一个新的微信帐号聊天时,印度人看出来这是一个新的微信号,就问我是不是有另一个profile,当时我理解proflie的意思和帐号差不多。 在upwork上的profile,最开始理解为简单的自我介绍,不准确。多翻看了下别人的profile,大概明白,这是个人简历。但是比简历还可以再多些内容,比如加入过去做过的案例,或者对某项工作的阐述,都可以在profile中体现,会将一个人的描述更加立体。 只要注册了upwork,就可以看到其他人的简历,这点和国内的一些招聘网站不太一样。国内的网站中,很多简历都是平台开放,或者对付费的公司客户开放,其他候选人是不能看其他人的简历的。有时候想想这点蛮搞笑的,国外注重隐私权,但是在找项目或者找工作的时候,简历却是完全公开的。国内有些时候信息泄密非常严重,但是在简历这方面好像又假装保护的很严。 profile是要审核的,只有审核通过后才会被邀请工作和对其他项目进行投标。 我的profile帐号审核周期相对长一点,主要原因在于注册时并没有特别强的意愿表示在短期内一定要通过,另一方面也是在英语方面吃了亏。
2023-01-12 23:41:221


资料。个人档案。 Profile是针对每个帐户的数据存储,比如一个电子商务网站的用户购物车数据。 “用户配置文件”是Profile这个词的直接翻译,其实没有文件的意思,默认存储在数据库中,不用自己管理文件。 Profile是HttpContext类的一个属性,是ProfileBase类,继承自SettingsBase类。 所谓Provider,是你可以定义Profile如何存储,默认是存储在LocalServer数据库中,需要网站重启动不丢失数据,所以不能存在内存中。 web.config中必须的Profile属性:什么叫必须?你如果不修改默认存储,只有每个Profile的name是必须的,如: <profile defaultProvider="SqlProvider">//修改存储才需要 <providers> <clear /> <add name="SqlProvider" type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider" connectionStringName="SqlServices" applicationName="SampleApplication" description="SqlProfileProvider for SampleApplication" /> </providers> <properties> <add name="ZipCode" />//用户配置的项目才是必须的 <add name="CityAndState" /> </properties> </profile> </system.web>
2023-01-12 23:41:251


常在/etc/profile文件中修改环境变量,在这里修改的内容是对所有用户起作用的。使用修改.bashrc文件进行环境变量的编辑,只对当前用户有用。使用修改 /etc/profile 文件进行环境变量的编辑,是对所有用户有用
2023-01-12 23:41:292


说的是不是天翼MiFi全球卡的MiFi终端配置说明,Profile管理中的“新增配置”中,需要分别将Profile名称及APN中输入:ctnet,用户名及密码则为空,点击保存。中国电信集团公司是我国特大型国有通信企业、上海世博会全球合作伙伴,连续多年入选"世界500强企业",主要经营固定电话、移动通信、卫星通信、互联网接入及应用等综合信息服务。截至2011年上半年,拥有定电话用户1.94亿户,移动电话用户(CDMA)6236万户,宽带用户 6174万户;集团公司总资产6322亿元,人员67万人。2016年5月,国务院首批双创“企业示范基地”。[1]  8月,中国电信集团公司在"2016中国企业500强"中排名第29位。[2]2017年12月21日,中国电信官方发布了“中国电信集团公司完成公司制改制 ”的公告。公告称,中国电信集团公司完成公司制改制,并于 2017 年 12 月 15 日在北京工商管理管理局办理了工商变更登记手续。变更后,中国电信集团企业类型由全民所有制企业变更为国有独资公司。企业名称由“中国电信集团公司”变更为“中国电信集团有限公司”。“天翼”的中文名称和飞翔、翅膀、天空直观相关,体现了自由自在的移动体验和广阔的覆盖;“天翼”与“添翼”谐音,寓意用户使用中国电信的移动业务后如虎添翼,可以更畅快地体验移动信息服务,享受更高品质、更自由的信息新生活。 “天翼”为中国电信发展3G业务而诞生的一个品牌,最早由邓超代言,向广大手机使用者宣传其健康、高速、便捷、无线等为特点的3G网络,从而向客户介绍并选择CDMA2000为网络制式的3G网络。
2023-01-12 23:41:361


C:Documents and Settings(你的账户名)Application DataMozillaFirefoxProfiles
2023-01-12 23:41:392


2023-01-12 23:41:422


点击开始,运行,输入msconfig,启动,在里面找到program file字样的选项把前原勾勾点掉,应用,退出,重启,就行了
2023-01-12 23:41:462


2023-01-12 23:41:492


众所周知,蓝牙中有很多的profile,我们接触和学习蓝牙相关的开发不可避免的需要弄懂什么是Profile ,但它对于新手而言似乎没那么容易弄懂,即使是有经验者也很难形象的描述profile的含义,这里我尝试写下自己的理解,以便记录和总结,日后有新的理解不断更新。 Profile中文译名有很多,比如配置文件,剖面,应用协议,轮廓等,每一种翻译代表了一种对于profile的不同理解,以我个人的理解来说,可能中文中并没有那么合适的词与之对应,但我觉得** 剖面 **这个说法可能更贴切一点。 因为profile其实是蓝牙对应于每一个具体的应用场景以及每一种应用的不同的协议栈,也就是说它其实是实现某种功能对应的自下而上的协议的组合。类似于对于横向协议的纵向组合。 这里我们不得不简单的介绍一下蓝牙的协议栈组成结构。 以上是蓝牙协议栈的概要结构示意图,我们大致的看一眼,会觉得他是不符合OSI和TCP/IP的网络模型的。 蓝牙中有很多的Profile, 我没有找到确切的资料总共有多少种profile,但我们常见的莫过于那几种,而且porile之间也并非平行的关系,他们是相互依赖组合构成的,存在明显的层级关系的。 上图是一个层级划分,所有的profile都是直接或间接依赖于GAP的,都是GAP的superset,然后是用于构成多数Application profile的generic profile,这里有四种: 其他剖面成为应用剖面,主要面向各个应用。 自从开始接触蓝牙,我就有一个疑问,就是为什么蓝牙有那么多的profile,以至于他把自己的协议栈弄得如此的复杂 ? 而不像其他的网络协议一样只负责为通信实体提供信道,将其他的交给应用去做呢? 至今我仍然没有找到很好的资料去解释这一问题,但我们可以大概的从此类问题通用的角度去考虑, 我们有几个不错的角度: 这里借用《计算机网络 第五版》中的一段话: 这里他的观点是因为蓝牙兴趣小组是各自为战的,因此缺少必要的协同而导致的蓝牙协议栈的分裂,最终形成了几十个协议栈并存的局面。 也就是最初各个协议的标准可能是由各个公司自己研发,最终经过蓝牙标准组织认定的。 由于组织架构的原因,各个公司组织将自己设计的通信标准纳入到了蓝牙标准中去,形成了特有的profile式的协议栈结构,后来随着技术发展,新的事物新的技术不断出现,当需要为蓝牙标准添加新的场景的时候,就只能遵循现有的蓝牙技术框架,不断地为其添加profile。 虽然没有任何材料的佐证,但是我觉得蓝牙协议栈的问题可能不仅仅是组织架构问题和松散兴趣联盟话语权的妥协,我始终觉得一个得以流行全世界的一种技术,一定经过了一定指向性和预见性的顶层设计的,一定是经过利弊权衡后的结果,而绝非简单的Conway法则的必然呈现。 我能够想到的就是对比于其他的网络协议核心的特点就是** 协议栈定制性 **, 而相对于其他的而言就是通用性和扩展性的上的缺陷,我们来从概念上思考一下,我们可以猜测到一下的优点: (1) 避免了通用性带来的资源浪费和设计冗余,定制化可以针对特定的应用优化通信流程,帧结构等提高传输效率,稳定性和节省成本。 (2) 分散设计带来的设计成本的减少,拼接式的协议栈构最大程度的接纳每一种场景设计而避免了协议并入的冲突,减少了各个企业成员之间的协同成本,提高了设计效率。 (3) 特定的终端不必要仅仅需要实现特定的profile即可实现目的,适用于功能单一而且低功耗终端。 (4) 减小了企业的设计成本和难度,利于蓝牙技术的推广。 (5) 推动了场景标准化,打通设备和应用阻隔。 当然以上的很多都是我自己的猜测,需要更多的资料去论证,先记录下来,以后不断修正。 2011年之前我们还拿着诺基亚,用着每月30M的2G网络,不得不使用手机蓝牙和朋友们交换照片,mp3,电子书,可是当智能机时代,4G网络,家庭WIFI的到来,很少人再用蓝牙去传输一个小小的文件了,甚至我们都使用其他的任何局域自组网技术,直接走Internet来传输了。随着时代合计数的进步,很多的蓝牙profile必然会被抛弃,而留下的将会是特定化用途的不可取代的profile。 其实很多的蓝牙技术我们生活中也很少能够见到,以有限的未来来看,我觉的能够保存不错的活跃度的profile有两种: 以我自己的观点来看,在近几年,我们主要会以蓝牙作为个人自组网的连接方式,而WIFI会作为室内或者家庭的组网方式。 当然未来的事情谁也说不准,我们在过去的几年里见识过,预见不了未来并不意味着没必要去想象未来,只有做好准备,他来的时候,你才会淡定的说,你和我想的差不多。
2023-01-12 23:41:521


profile可以理解为所有的authorization data和activity组成的一个集合的名字,通常一个自定义的role产 生一个profile,SAP权限控制是根据profile里的authorization data(objects)来控制的. role又是什么呢?role只是一个名字而已,然后将profile赋予给它, 比如你SU01建立一个 用户,我没有任何role,但是加如SAP_All profile 也是可做任何事情. 这就有点象域名和IP地址,你觉得是记域名容易还是IP呢
2023-01-12 23:41:591


操作系统在登录时使用的第二个文件是 /etc/profile 文件。 .profile 文件在主($HOME)目录中,并使您能够定制个人工作环境。因为 .profile 文件是隐藏的,所以请使用 ls -a 命令列出它。 在 login 程序将 LOGNAME(登录名)和 HOME(登录目录)变量添加到环境中后,将会执行 $HOME/.profile 文件中的命令(如果此文件存在)。 .profile 文件包含覆盖 /etc/profile 文件中变量集的个人概要文件。 .profile 文件通常用于设置导出的环境变量和终端方式。可通过修改 .profile 文件来定制环境。 一、按照生命周期来分,Linux 环境变量可以分为两类: 1、永久的:需要用户修改相关的配置文件,变量永久生效。 2、临时的:用户利用 export 命令,在当前终端下声明环境变量,关闭 shell 终端失效。 二、按照作用域来分,Linux 环境变量可以分为: 1、系统环境变量:系统环境变量对该系统中所有用户都有效。 2、用户环境变量:顾名思义,这种类型的环境变量只对特定的用户有效。 个人在工作学习过程中最常用的就是在 /etc/profile 文件中添加变量,对所有用户生效,并且是永久的。 用vim在文件 /etc/profile 文件中增加变量,该变量将会对 Linux 下所有用户有效,并且是“永久的”。修改文件后要想马上生效还要运行 source /etc/profile 不然只能在下次重新登录后才能生效。
2023-01-12 23:42:021


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2023-01-12 23:42:081


profile 英["prəʊfaɪl] 美[ˈproˌfaɪl]n. 侧面,半面;外形,轮廓;[航]翼型;人物简介vt. 描…的轮廓;给…画侧面图;为(某人)写传略;[机]铣出…的轮廓第三人称单数:profiles;过去分词:profiled;名词复数:profiles
2023-01-12 23:42:111


profile 英 ["prəʊfaɪl]美 ["profaɪl]n. 侧面;轮廓;外形;剖面;简况vt. 描…的轮廓;扼要描述vi. 给出轮廓
2023-01-12 23:42:151

personality trait和profile的区别

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2023-01-12 23:42:534


1、outline 强调从正面观察到的轮廓,如:the outline of themountains against the sunset 山脉映着日落的轮廓;2、profile 强调从侧面观察到的轮廓,如:soil profile 土壤剖面图通常可以根据强调的重点,区别选用,如:an outline/profile of American literature. 美国文学概要a outline/profile of the new prime minister新首相传略
2023-01-12 23:43:002

什么是Provisioning Profile

配置文件需要创建一个自动配置文件(provisioning profile),应用程序才能在设备上运行。本节将指导您设置必要的证书,使您的 iOS 设备和 Mac 正确地自动配置好。授权文件仅有配置该 证书的电脑才可操作;( 2.Provisioning Profile(授权文件) 授权文件是对设施如iPod Touch、iPad、iPhone的授权,导入私钥文件(.p12),抉择App Id和UDID;只有选中的UDID对应的设施本领够安...信息提供概述一旦生成并下载了开发者证书和provisioning profile(信息提供概述),那么需要通过配置向导把它们导入到UDK中。描述文件生成发布版描述文件(provisioning profile):这个文件是根据上面的证书生成的,并且要提供给使用者安装(网页自动安装),授权使用者可以安装其证书签名的企业应用。短语Install Provisioning Profile 安装预装描述配置文件development provisioning profile 开发供给配置文件Remove Provisioning Profile 卸载预先安装的描述配置文件
2023-01-12 23:43:051

software profile是什么意思

software profile软件简介拼音双语对照software profile英[ˈsɔftwɛə ˈprəufail]美[ˈsɔftˌwɛr ˈproˌfaɪl]释义软件轮廓
2023-01-12 23:43:092

figure 和 profile 有什么区别?

2023-01-12 23:43:121

谁能告诉我profile 的所有用法和例句,谢了

profile n.剖面, 侧面, 外形, 轮廓airfoil profile翼型flight profile飞行剖面line profile谱线轮廓railway profile铁路线路纵断面road profile道路纵断面temperature profile温度分布velocity profile速度分布circular profile gearing圆弧齿轮传动equilibrium beach profile海岸平衡剖面river longitudinal profile河流纵剖面profile of spectral line谱线轮廓To produce a profile of.给…画侧面图He drew her in profile.他给她画了一幅侧面像。He have a beautiful profile.他的侧面像很漂亮。a layer in a soil profile.土壤的剖面中的一层。Jack drew her mother in profile.杰克为她母亲画了一幅侧面像。Tell the truth in your profile.讲自己的实际情况。arc profile gear for watch and clock钟表齿形A psychological profile of a job applicant; a biochemical profile of blood.求职者的心理曲线图;血液的生化概览图To draw or shape a profile of.描…的轮廓画或形成…的轮廓profile词性及解释n. 侧面, 轮廓, 传略vt. 描绘...轮廓, 写...的传略【计】 提问档; 剖面图法; 剖面法【化】 侧面图 更多解释 相关词条progress profile profile gauge flute profile hump profile symmetrical profile resistivity profile profile set profile scheme topographic profile face profile flight profile tendency profile magnet profile double profile hydrophilicity profile population profile chromatographic profile profile fiber zonal profile geochemical profile hydrogeochemical profile crest profile
2023-01-12 23:43:151


用profile可解决的问题:1、避免不必要的计算2、改动代码避免耗时的函数3、储存一定的结果,避免重复计算profile用作调试工具:1、查找出没有实际运行的代码2、You can also view the lines that did not run to help you develop test casesthat exercise that code 3、当M文件中有错误时,从profile中查看什么运行了,什么没有运行。profile用于理解M文件:1、对于一个冗长的M文件,可以先用profile看看它是怎么运行的,那些行被实际调用了。2、当你要编制一个与现存GUI或M文件相似的程序时,可以先运行profile查看那些是与你要实现的程序相似的部分。profile的应用说明:打开profile:(以下其一)1、desktop——profiler2、在打开的editor中,选tools——open profiler3、在历史命令窗口中,选择一些命令,右键选择profile code。4、命令窗口中,键入profile viewer。运行profiler1、在run the code中键入命令——点击start profiling。2、profilingGUI时,点击start profiling,清空run the code——打开GUI——合适的时候点击start profiling——适用GUI结束后点击stop profiling3、在命令窗口profiling:清空run the code并点击start profiling——命令窗口键入运行的语句——运行结束后点击stop profiling。profiler报告的主要内容:函数名;函数被调用次数;函数运行总时间(包含子函数);函数自身运行时间(不包含子函数);运行总时间图(函数运行总时间相对于整个时间)。
2023-01-12 23:43:272

如何用profileeditor 测量密度

1、对于单个m文件,你只需要简单的在Matlab 命令行窗口(Command Window)输入profile on,然后是你的m文件名,比如文件名为calculation.m的文件,直接输入calculation就好啦,执行完毕以后,输入profile report,就可以观察每条语句的耗时。当然结束别忘了profile off。还有,你可以使用profile clear清除之前执行的结果,总之看看matlab帮助也有效果的。2、对于在一大堆语句中单独调用的m文件,如果你仅仅需要用matlab观察这个函数的耗时,那么用断点运行到你需要查看的函数之前,然后按照上面仿真单个文件的方法,在命令行窗口执行profile,然后调用你要的那个函数就可以了~~~当然多次的话需要你多次调用你要看的函数
2023-01-12 23:43:311


好。根据查询profile猎头公司相关信息得知,profile猎头公司很好。1、首先有竞争力的薪酬福利与休假制度。2、其次开放愉悦的工作氛围,积极进取的同事 。3、然后有专业的猎头素质培训。4、最后 公司快速发展阶段所提供的成长机会。
2023-01-12 23:43:331


2023-01-12 23:43:372


2023-01-12 23:43:453

centos中 profile 是什么?起什么作用?

2023-01-12 23:43:482


用profile可解决的问题:1、避免不必要的计算2、改动代码避免耗时的函数3、储存一定的结果,避免重复计算profile用作调试工具:1、查找出没有实际运行的代码2、You can also view the lines that did not run to help you develop test casesthat exercise that code 3、当M文件中有错误时,从profile中查看什么运行了,什么没有运行。profile用于理解M文件:1、对于一个冗长的M文件,可以先用profile看看它是怎么运行的,那些行被实际调用了。2、当你要编制一个与现存GUI或M文件相似的程序时,可以先运行profile查看那些是与你要实现的程序相似的部分。profile的应用说明:打开profile:(以下其一)1、desktop——profiler2、在打开的editor中,选tools——open profiler3、在历史命令窗口中,选择一些命令,右键选择profile code。4、命令窗口中,键入profile viewer。运行profiler1、在run the code中键入命令——点击start profiling。2、profilingGUI时,点击start profiling,清空run the code——打开GUI——合适的时候点击start profiling——适用GUI结束后点击stop profiling3、在命令窗口profiling:清空run the code并点击start profiling——命令窗口键入运行的语句——运行结束后点击stop profiling。profiler报告的主要内容:函数名;函数被调用次数;函数运行总时间(包含子函数);函数自身运行时间(不包含子函数);运行总时间图(函数运行总时间相对于整个时间)。
2023-01-12 23:44:031

什么是Provisioning Profile

配置文件需要创建一个自动配置文件(provisioning profile),应用程序才能在设备上运行。本节将指导您设置必要的证书,使您的 iOS 设备和 Mac 正确地自动配置好。授权文件仅有配置该 证书的电脑才可操作;( 2.Provisioning Profile(授权文件) 授权文件是对设施如iPod Touch、iPad、iPhone的授权,导入私钥文件(.p12),抉择App Id和UDID;只有选中的UDID对应的设施本领够安...信息提供概述一旦生成并下载了开发者证书和provisioning profile(信息提供概述),那么需要通过配置向导把它们导入到UDK中。描述文件生成发布版描述文件(provisioning profile):这个文件是根据上面的证书生成的,并且要提供给使用者安装(网页自动安装),授权使用者可以安装其证书签名的企业应用。短语Install Provisioning Profile 安装预装描述配置文件development provisioning profile 开发供给配置文件Remove Provisioning Profile 卸载预先安装的描述配置文件
2023-01-12 23:44:091

什么是Provisioning Profile

Provisioning Profile配置文件。iOS设备需要provision profile才能进行调试。provision profile会记录允许的应用ID,允许的开发者证书以及允许的设备。你上传应用时要保证自己的证书和profile匹配,设备包含在profile中,并且应用的ID和profile对应,并且保证手机上已经安装了这个profile。
2023-01-12 23:44:121


2023-01-12 23:44:141


 C:Documents and Settings。系统盘根目录是指电脑安装了系统所分配的盘,一般安装于C盘,进入C盘在WINDOWS文件夹中就可以看到所有文件夹的界面就是系统盘根目录。所谓系统就是WINDOWS 98 、XP、2000、SEVEN等操作系统而这个WINDOWS的文件夹就是系统盘根目录的其中一个文件夹。根目录指逻辑驱动器的最上一级目录,它是相对子目录来说的。打开“我的电脑”,双击C盘就进入C盘的根目录,双击D盘就进入D盘的根目录。其它类推。根目录在文件系统建立时即已被创建,其目的就是存储子目录(也称为文件夹)或文件的目录项。一“棵“目录树,树的最根本就是它的根(根目录)。根目录相对路径:是指从站点文件夹到被链接文档经过的路径。站点上所有公开的文件都存放在站点的根目录下。每使用一次../就返回上一级目录。
2023-01-12 23:44:172


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2023-01-12 23:44:381


  1、春天,山茶花开了,开出许许多多艳红的花儿。满树红花,那么夺目,那么可爱,就像彩色的绸缎。  2、那含苞欲放的花骨朵,多像一个个小心脏,花瓣层层包裹,裹得那么严密,那么结实,真是精致极了!  3、山茶花,你是春天的第一抹红,红得如此艳丽,如此鲜明。我爱你,山茶花!山茶花开了,生机勃勃的春天到了。  4、山茶花的花蕊是橙色的,散发着淡淡的清香。山茶花很娇嫩,但也很顽强。很长时间不浇水,它还能顽强地生长着。  5、光秃秃的桃树上,开出了一簇簇的桃花,那桃花白中泛出了一片片淡淡的粉红,美极了,同时,它也散发出一阵阵淡淡的清香。  6、一阵微风吹来,树上的茶花随风舞动,一朵朵茶花像一张张笑脸,正向我微笑点头,这情景可把我给吸引住了,让我想到了快乐的童年。  7、山茶花的颜色,肯定是红色呗!红色中还带了点粉色,像一个亭亭玉立、美丽动人的小姑娘正笑呢!咯咯咯!一阵风吹来,把它淡淡的清香吹入我的鼻子里。  8、山茶花的花形也很美:有潇洒地舒展着单瓣的、也有重瓣的,有叠成六角形或八角形的。大小疏密排列有致。即使你闭上眼睛,你还会感受到:啊,多美的山茶花啊  9、山茶花树冠优美,叶色亮绿,花大色艳,花期又长,正逢元旦、春节开花。盆栽点缀客室、书房和阳台,呈现典雅豪华的气氛。在庭院中配植,与花墙、亭前山石相伴,景色自然宜人。  10、这麽多的茶花,它们的姿势千姿百态。有的像是靠在枝条上,用露珠打扮着自己;还有的茶花立在枝条上,像是在高声朗诵似的。我想如果把眼前的茶花画得活灵活现,那画家的本领就顶呱呱啦。
2023-01-12 23:42:441


It was dreadfully cold, it was snowing fast, and almost dark; the evening----the last evening of the old year was drawing in. But, cold and dark as it was, a poor little girl, with bare head and feet, was still wandering about the streets. When she left her home she had slippers on, but they were much too large for her; indeed, properly, they belonged to her mother, and had dropped off her feet whilst she was running very fast across the road, to get out of the way of two carriages. One of the slippers was not to be found, the other had been snatched up by a little boy, who ran off with it thinking it might serve him as a doll"s cradle. 天气非常非常冷,雪下得很大,夜幕已降临。这是旧年最后的一夜——除夕之夜。尽管天气是那么的寒冷和黑暗,一个贫穷的小女孩,光头赤脚仍在大街上徘徊。当她离家出门的时候,脚上穿着一双拖鞋,那是一双相当大的拖鞋——的确太大了,那是她妈妈穿着合适的一双拖鞋。当她匆忙横穿马路的时候,两辆马车飞快地闯过来,吓得她把拖鞋跑丢了。一只怎么也找不到,另一只被一个小男孩抢跑了。他想,这只鞋可以当做玩具娃娃睡觉的摇篮。 So the little girl now walked on, her bare feet quite red and blue with the cold. She carried a small bundle of matches in her hand, and a good many more in her tattered apron. No one had bought any of them the live long day; no one had given her a single penny. Trembling with cold and hunger crept she on, the picture of sorrow: poor little child! 现在这小女孩只好光着脚在街上行走,一双脚步冻得又红又青。她那破旧的围裙兜着许多火柴,手里还拿着一小捆。可整整一天谁也没有向她买过一根——谁也没有给她一个铜板。她又饿又冷,哆哆嗦嗦地向前走着,这是一幅非常凄惨的景象:可怜的小姑娘! The snow-flakes fell on her long, fair hair, which curled in such pretty ringlets over her shoulders; but she thought not of her own beauty, or of the cold. Lights were glimmering through every window, and the savor of roast goose reached her from several houses; it was New Year"s eve, and it was of this that she thought. 雪花落在她那金黄色的头发上——长长的卷发披散在肩上,看起来十分美丽,可她想不到自己的漂亮。从每扇窗子透出的亮光和飘出的烤鹅肉香味,使她想起的只是今天是除夕之夜。In a corner formed by two houses, one of which projected beyond the other. She sat down, drawing her little feet close under her, but in vain, she could not warm them. She dared not go home, she had sold no matches, earned not a single penny, and perhaps her father would beat her, besides her home was almost as cold as the street, it was an attic; and although the larger of the many chinks in the roof were stopped up with straw and rags. the wind and snow often penetrated through. Her hands were nearly dead with cold; one little match from her bundle would warm them. Perhaps, if she dared light it, she drew one out, and struck it against the wall, bravo! it was a bright, warm flame, and she held her hands over it. It was quite an illumination for that poor little girl; nay,1 call it rather a magic taper, for it seemed to her as though she was sitting before a large iron-stove with brass ornaments, so beautifully blazed the fire within! The child stretched out her feet to warm them also; alas, in an instant the flame had died away, the stove vanished, the little girl sat cold and comfortless, with the burnt match in her hand. 街边一前一后坐落着两座房子,形成一个小墙角,她蹲在墙角里,把一双小脚卷缩到身下坐了下来,可是没有用,她还是不觉得暖和。她不敢回家,因为她还没有卖掉一根火柴,没有挣到一个铜板,她的父亲也许会因此打她,况且她家几乎和大街上一样冷。那是一间阁楼,虽然屋顶上几个较大的裂口用草和破布堵住了,可风和雪还是不时地灌进来,她那双小手差不多冻僵了。她想,只要她敢抽出一根火柴,在墙上擦燃,就可以暖手,终于她抽出了一根。哧!火柴燃起来了,冒出了火苗。当她双手覆在上面时,它变成了一朵光明、温暖的火焰,象一根奇妙的小蜡烛。小姑娘觉得自己象坐在一个大火炉旁边一样,铁炉镶有铮亮的黄铜花边和底座。火烧得多么旺,多么好啊!小姑娘刚刚伸出她的一双脚,打算暖一下的时候,哎呀!这是怎么样一回事儿?火焰忽然熄灭了!火炉也不见了。她坐在那儿,手里捏着那烧过的火柴,又回到了寒冷和孤单之中。 A second match was struck against the wall; it kindles and blazed, and wherever its light fell the wall became transparent as a veil. The little girl could see into the room within. She saw the table spread with a snow-white damask cloth, whereon were ranged shining china-dishes; the roast goose stuffed with apples and dried plums stood at one end, smoking hot, and which was pleasantest of all to see;the goose, with knife and fork still in her breast, jumped down from the dish, and waddled along the floor right up to the poor child. The match was burnt out, and only the thick, hard wall was beside her. 她又擦着一根火柴,火柴燃起来了,发出了明亮的光。墙上那块被火光照着的地方,忽然变得透明,象一块薄纱。小女孩可以看到房间的东西,桌上铺着雪白的台布,上面放着精致的瓷碟,还有填满梅子和苹果、冒着热气、香喷喷的烤鹅。最美妙的是看见了——这只背上插着刀叉的鹅从盘里跳了出来,摇摇摆摆地在地板上走着,一直向这个可怜的小姑娘走来。就在这时,火柴熄灭了,留在她面前的,只是一堵又厚又冷的墙。
2023-01-12 23:42:451


...有些我连中文都没听过 什么牛头夹,长尾夹的
2023-01-12 23:42:452

是关于抓蝴蝶的英语文章????? 要长一些,最少五年级的作文长短!!!!

The Little Match-Girl 卖火柴的小女孩It was dreadfully cold, it was snowing fast, and almost dark; the evening----the last evening of the old year was drawing in. But, cold and dark as it was, a poor little girl, with bare head and feet, was still wandering about the streets. When she left her home she had slippers on, but they were much too large for her; indeed, properly, they belonged to her mother, and had dropped off her feet whilst1 she was running very fast across the road, to get out of the way of two carriages. One of the slippers was not to be found, the other had been snatched up by a little boy, who ran off with it thinking it might serve him as a doll"s cradle. 天气非常非常冷,雪下得很大,夜幕已降临。这是旧年最后的一夜——除夕之夜。尽管天气是那么的寒冷和黑暗,一个贫穷的小女孩,光头赤脚仍在大街上徘徊。当她离家出门的时候,脚上穿着一双拖鞋,那是一双相当大的拖鞋——的确太大了,那是她妈妈穿着合适的一双拖鞋。当她匆忙横穿马路的时候,两辆马车飞快地闯过来,吓得她把拖鞋跑丢了。一只怎么也找不到,另一只被一个小男孩抢跑了。他想,这只鞋可以当做玩具娃娃睡觉的摇篮。So the little girl now walked on, her bare feet quite red and blue with the cold. She carried a small bundle of matches in her hand, and a good many more in her tattered apron. No one had bought any of them the live long day; no one had given her a single penny. Trembling with cold and hunger crept she on, the picture of sorrow: poor little child! 现在这小女孩只好光着脚在街上行走,一双脚步冻得又红又青。她那破旧的围裙兜着许多火柴,手里还拿着一小捆。可整整一天谁也没有向她买过一根——谁也没有给她一个铜板。她又饿又冷,哆哆嗦嗦地向前走着,这是一幅非常凄惨的景象:可怜的小姑娘! The snow-flakes fell on her long, fair hair, which curled in such pretty ringlets over her shoulders; but she thought not of her own beauty, or of the cold. Lights were glimmering through every window, and the savoir of roast goose reached her from several houses; it was New Year"s eve, and it was of this that she thought. 雪花落在她那金黄色的头发上——长长的卷发披散在肩上,看起来十分美丽,可她想不到自己的漂亮。从每扇窗子透出的亮光和飘出的烤鹅肉香味,使她想起的只是今天是除夕之夜In a corner formed by two houses, one of which projected beyond the other. She sat down, drawing her little feet close under her, but in vain, she could not warm them. She dared not go home, she had sold no matches, earned not a single penny, and perhaps her father would beat her, besides her home was almost as cold as the street, it was an attic; and although the larger of the many chinks in the roof were stopped up with straw and rags. the wind and snow often penetrated through. Her hands were nearly dead with cold; one little match from her bundle would warm them. Perhaps, if she dared light it, she drew one out, and struck it against the wall, bravo! it was a bright, warm flame, and she held her hands over it. It was quite an illumination for that poor little girl; nay,1 call it rather a magic taper, for it seemed to her as though she was sitting before a large iron-stove with brass ornaments, so beautifully blazed the fire within! The child stretched out her feet to warm them also; alas, in an instant the flame had died away, the stove vanished, the little girl sat cold and comfortless, with the burnt match in her hand. 街边一前一后坐落着两座房子,形成一个小墙角,她蹲在墙角里,把一双小脚卷缩到身下坐了下来,可是没有用,她还是不觉得暖和。她不敢回家,因为她还没有卖掉一根火柴,没有挣到一个铜板,她的父亲也许会因此打她,况且她家几乎和大街上一样冷。那是一间阁楼,虽然屋顶上几个较大的裂口用草和破布堵住了,可风和雪还是不时地灌进来,她那双小手差不多冻僵了。她想,只要她敢抽出一根火柴,在墙上擦燃,就可以暖手,终于她抽出了一根。哧!火柴燃起来了,冒出了火苗。当她双手覆在上面时,它变成了一朵光明、温暖的火焰,象一根奇妙的小蜡烛。小姑娘觉得自己象坐在一个大火炉旁边一样,铁炉镶有铮亮的黄铜花边和底座。火烧得多么旺,多么好啊!小姑娘刚刚伸出她的一双脚,打算暖一下的时候,哎呀!这是怎么样一回事儿?火焰忽然熄灭了!火炉也不见了。她坐在那儿,手里捏着那烧过的火柴,又回到了寒冷和孤单之中。 A second match was struck against the wall; it kindles and blazed, and wherever its light fell the wall became transparent as a veil. The little girl could see into the room within. She saw the table spread with a snow-white damask cloth, whereon were ranged shining china-dishes; the roast goose stuffed with apples and dried plums stood at one end, smoking hot, and which was pleasantest of all to see;the goose, with knife and fork still in her breast, jumped down from the dish, and waddled along the floor right up to the poor child. The match was burnt out, and only the thick, hard wall was beside her. 她又擦着一根火柴,火柴燃起来了,发出了明亮的光。墙上那块被火光照着的地方,忽然变得透明,象一块薄纱。小女孩可以看到房间的东西,桌上铺着雪白的台布,上面放着精致的英文选读瓷碟,还有填满梅子和苹果、冒着热气、香喷喷的烤鹅。最美妙的是看见了——这只背上插着刀叉的鹅从盘里跳了出来,摇摇摆摆地在地板上走着,一直向这个可怜的小姑娘走来。就在这时,火柴熄灭了,留在她面前的,只是一堵又厚又冷的墙。
2023-01-12 23:42:482


2023-01-12 23:42:482


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 好的。我有一篇,是我自己翻译的.IEEE的文章不过是关于JAVA和.NET(a*.net)的
2023-01-12 23:42:502

state championship什么意思

2023-01-12 23:42:421


问题一:文具的英语单词有哪些 blackboard 黑板 (a piece of) chalk 粉笔 slate pencil 石板笔 wall map 挂图 skeleton map 轮廓图,示意图 globe 地球仪 text book 课本 dictionary 词典 encyclopedia 百科全书 atlas 地图集 exercise book 练习本 rough not book 草稿本 (美作:scribbling pad) blotting paper 吸墨纸 tracing paper 描图纸 squared paper, graph paper 坐标纸 (fountain) pen 自来水笔 ballpoint (pen) 圆珠笔 pencil 铅笔 ballipen圆珠笔 brush画笔 rubber橡皮 paper纸 ruler尺子 passes圆规 school bag书包 propelling pencil 自动铅笔 pencil sharpener 铅笔刀,转笔刀 ink 墨水 inkwell 墨水池 rubber, eraser 橡皮 ruler, rule 尺 slide rule 计算尺 set square 三角板 protractor 量角器 pass, pair of passes 圆规 钢笔pencil 铅笔pen 笔盒pencil box 书包book bag 书 book Adhesive Tape胶带 Axe斧子 常见文具英语单词英文乐园 2010-05-20 11:20:53 阅读463 评论0 字号:大中小 订阅 pencil 铅笔 pen 钢笔 paper 纸 ink 墨水 book 书 desk 桌子 chair 椅子 ruler 尺子 bag 书包 backpack 双肩包 sharpener 卷笔刀 ballpen 圆珠笔 crayon 蜡笔 pass圆规 pencil-box pencil-case 铅笔盒 pass圆规 correcting liquid 修正液 stapler 订书机 stationery文具 pad便条纸簿 stationery 文具 staple 钉书针 note pad 笔记本 bookshelf 书架 file holder 文件夹 pen container 笔筒 pin 别针 clip 架子 blade 刀片 blackboard 黑板 (a piece of) chalk 粉笔 slate pencil 石板笔 wall map 挂图 skeleton map 轮廓图,示意图 globe 地球仪 text book 课本 dictionary 词典 encyclopedia 百科全书 atlas 地图集 exercise book 练习本 rough not book 草稿本 (美作:scribbling pad) blotting paper 吸墨纸 tracing paper 描图纸 squared paper, graph paper 坐标纸 (fountain) pen 自来水笔 ballpoint (pen) 圆珠笔 propelling pencil 自动铅笔...>> 问题二:下电影什么最好? 用BT下载,站点多,速度快,信息量大,下载源多,而且提供的电影应有尽有 ! 问题三:文具类所有英语单词 1 尺子 rule 2 计算尺slide rule 3 钢笔 pen 4 圆珠笔 ball point pen 5 自来水笔(fountain) pen 6 光笔highlighter 7 头笔permanent marker 8 水性笔roller ball pen 9 白板笔whiteboard marker 10 铅笔 pencil 11 自动铅笔propelling pencil 12 蜡笔crayon 13 计算器 calculator 14 圆规 passes 15 三角板 set square 16 量角器 protractor 17 复读机 repeater 18 文具盒 writing case 19 橡皮擦 rubber, eraser 20 教科书 textbook 21 练习册 exercise book 22 黑板blackboard 23 粉笔(a piece of) chalk 24 石板笔slate pencil 25 课本text book 26 参考书 reference book 27 百科全书encyclopedia 28 地图集atlas 29 练习本exercise book 30 草稿本rough not book 31 吸墨纸blotting paper 32 描图纸tracing paper 33 坐标纸squared paper, graph paper 34 地球仪globe 35 挂图wall map 36 轮廓图,示意图skeleton map 37 铅笔盒pencil case 38 耳机earphone 39 字典;词典 dictionary 40 文件夹 paper file;folder 41 卷笔刀,转笔刀pencil sharpener 42 墨水 ink 43 墨水池inkwell 问题四:关于文具类的英文单词有哪些 pen,pencil,bag,pencil box,rubber... 问题五:关于文具的英文单词有哪些 第一类:笔 Pen 笔 Pigment Liner 描线笔 Marker 记号笔 Water Color Pen 水彩笔 Correction Tape 修正带,涂改带 Tippex Liquid 涂改液 Pencil 铅笔 Cluth Pencil 自动铅笔 Polymer Leads 自动笔铅芯 Eraser 橡皮擦 Sharpener 铅笔刀 第二类:纸品 Hard Cover Book 硬皮抄(笔记本) Writing Pad A4 A4手帐 (一般是皮质的,比如X47。还有一些是塑料的,上面有个夹子固定纸,写字的时候垫在下面那种东东) Brown Envelope 牛皮纸信封 Bubble Envelope 泡泡袋的那种信封(就是包快递特别常见的那种泡泡袋。个人经验是Fedex国际件会提供这种里面是泡泡,外面是防水涂层的信封,超级好用。) Filing Paper Bag 文件袋 Filing String 文件袋上绕来绕去的那个绳 第三类:文件收纳 Binder-A4,2-ring, 1.5 A4双孔活页夹,其中binder就是常说的活页夹的那个大夹子 Binding Rings 活页圈 A4 Clear Book File 塑料封皮的A4的那种里面是一页一页塑料袋的那种文件袋 Plastic Folder- A4, A4 塑料文件夹(这种不用打孔,就是把文件放进去,然后有个夹子一样的东西夹着) Paper File 文件夹 Box File 文件盒(放在桌子上有个盒子,然后可以在里面放n多文件夹就是paper file的东东。明白他们的关系了吧,解释死我了。) Document Tray 文件档(这是横着放在桌上,一层一层的那个东东(一层叫一个layer),类似抽屉) Magazine Tray 杂志架 Book Stand 书立、书挡(就是那个放在书架上挡书不让书倒了的那个东东) 第四类:小工具 Caculator 计算器 Electron for Calculator 计算器电池 Rechargable Battery 充电电池 Hole Puncher- 2hole 打孔机(2孔) Stapler 订书机 Staples 订书钉 Foldback Clip 燕尾夹 Paper clip 曲别针(就是我们小时候用来一凹就能变成桃心的那个东东) Tag Needle 5s (standard size) 别针、回形针 Paper Fastener 扣钉(这个东东现在用的少了。很难形容啊,不懂的去搜图片,看了你们就明白了,财务的人用的多。) Rubber Band 橡皮筋(粗的,宽的,不是用来扎头发的那个啊) Post-it Pop-up Note 便签纸(这是彩色的那种可以在上面写好多字的那个) Label 标签 (这个是用在活页本分类什么的贴在书本上面为了分类用的那个东东啦) Name Badge 名牌 Name card holder 名片夹 Self Adhesive Tape 透明胶 Taper Dispenser/ tape 透明胶带(前面那个是胶带台,就是可以帮你把胶带撕开的那个东东) Double Sided Adhesive Tape 双面胶 Double Sided Foam Tape 双面海绵胶 Glue 胶水 Super Glue 2g 万能胶 Tagging Gun 热熔枪(也是手工必备的东东,公司里用的少吧) Scissors 剪刀 Cutter 戒刀 ......>> 问题六:文具类的英文单词有哪些??? Tip pex 涂改液 biro 圆珠笔 Prit stick 固体胶 plastic wallet (透明的)文件袋 Sello tape 透明胶 board marker 白板笔(写白板的笔) Post-it note 便条贴 planner 记事本 teachers" planner 备课本 Blue tac 胶泥 (很好用,但国内没见过) flash card 画片、图片 Sticky label 标签贴 high lighter 荧光笔 Felt-tips 水彩笔 OHP(over head projector) 投影仪 Crayons 蜡笔 pigeon hole 信箱 Hole puncher 打孔机 1 尺子 rule 2 计算尺slide rule 3 钢笔 pen 4 圆珠笔 ball point pen 5 自来水笔(fountain) pen 6 光笔highlighter 7 头笔permanent marker 8 水性笔roller ball pen 9 白板笔whiteboard marker 10 铅笔 pencil 11 自动铅笔propelling pencil 12 蜡笔crayon 13 计算器 calculator 14 圆规 passes 15 三角板 set square 16 量角器 protractor 17 复读机 repeater 18 文具盒 writing case 19 橡皮擦 rubber, eraser 20 教科书 textbook 21 练习册 exercise book 22 黑板blackboard 23 粉笔(a piece of) chalk 24 石板笔slate pencil 25 课本text book 26 参考书 reference book 27 百科全书encyclopedia 28 地图集atlas 29 练习本exercise book 30 草稿本rough not book 31 吸墨纸blotting paper 32 描图纸tracing paper 33 坐标纸squared paper, graph paper 34 地球仪globe 35 挂图wall map 36 轮廓图,示意图skeleton map 37 铅笔盒pencil case 38 耳机earphone 39 字典;词典 dictionary 40 文件夹 paper file;folder 41 卷笔刀,转笔刀pencil sharpener 42 墨水 ink 43 墨水池inkwell铅笔刀 pencil sharpener 44刀子:knives 45书包:satchel 46书:book or notebook...>>
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结尾 Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally e to the conclusion that… 把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论…… Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably e to the conclusion that … 考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论…… Hence/Therefore, we"d better e to the conclusion that … 因此,我们最好得出这样的结论…… There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits. 毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点. All in all, we cannot live without … But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise. 总之,我们没有…是无法生活的.但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题. 英语文章梗概 有许多美丽的邮票在世界上,例如共同的邮票和邮票以记念重要人民。 人购买盖印张贴信件,为汇集等等。 但您是否知道怎么第一张邮票来了到世界? 在邮票出生之前,收到信件的人必须支付邮费。 但邮费的费用那时非常高,许多人不可能支付它,并且他们没有想要信件。 某些人发现了一个好方式。 他们在信件的外部写了词,以便收到信件的人在信件的外部能读他们。 这样,人不需要支付。 1837年, Rowland Hill先生在英国认为发令者应该支付邮费,并且他们可能支付它通过把色纸放小张在信件上-邮票的外部! 如此第一张邮票在世界上出生在1840年5月6日在英国。 有女王维多利亚的图片对此。 人们称它便士杰克。 英语作文30字概括 水平高些 在线等 difference means a lot ,but who can make a difference? is not always hero,the man who change our world could be anyone around us.everyone should believe in yourself Everyone can make a difference by doing even the simplest thing. The key to making a difference is to think of problems in the world and then try to solve it. 高分求把下面英语文章 进行英文概括 在加上一小段英文评论(200字左... 商店降价竞争与网上交易上海 - 这是一个普通的星期五午夜。 在大都市最繁华的街道,似乎有几个人徘徊,商店全部封闭起来,似乎是睡着了。 除了在一个百货商场,购物的人群是推动,找一双靴子,或在某些情况下,趴到凌晨,。 “折扣是前所未有的” 惠滋,在商店购物,兴奋和匆忙。 “每99元(15美元)购买,你70元扣除。 ,而最终,如果你支付高达5,888元,你能带来一个iPad家。 ”有一个部门在上海的门店拉开序幕的年度促销比往年提前一至两个星期。 香港新世界店在上海的8个分公司,有四个推出为期三天的促进所有夜间,从上周五开始,提供高达70%的折扣低的折扣,并提供100多个这些ipad公司花费高达5,888元至晚上十一时至午夜在一家商店。 它吸引一个庞大的购物人群,其中大部分是妇女,跳过类或工作,并在早上早起“捉虫”。 王义军,例如,一个46岁的银行职员,要求半天假的情况下抵达前门店与她的女儿开新年礼服店。 为了保护大庭广众的安全,商店也增加了安全部队,以防止意外事故的发生。 仅在淮海店,保安员的数量已经从30提高到120,不包括由地区警察办公室助理。 随着电子商务的兴起,百货公司已逐渐失去了市场份额,和前所未有的推广初期是一个反击的迹象。 “其中一个原因是,春节是未来今年早些时候,推动促进有点向前,但本质上,它是因为百货公司都采取作为一个最后的救命稻草保存自己在本赛季的优势,”。 Daiqing,一个高级研究员的总部设在杭州的中国电子商务研究中心的网上购物和商店购物。 但最大的网上购物商场,淘宝的统计数据显示,在11月11日的单日,第一个小时的贸易值已超过100亿元,全日票房总价值3.36亿元人民币。 末了,研究员认为,单纯的降低价格是不可持续的选项---以吸引客户网上购物百货公司,面对不断增加的租金,价格很少超过网站的竞争优势。 “这将是明智的升级购物环境和产品质量,这是对在线网站的商店最大的优势,”他说。 从而产生这个故事。 我的评论:随着时代的进步与科技的发展,网上购物已越来越成为人们出行购物的选择,但是,人们在网上购物的同时,不应该无视百货商店在现实中的作用,如果人们过分的依赖网上购物,那么,终将会对自己不利(英文翻译:With the progress and development of technology, online shopping has increasingly bee the choice of shopping trip, however, people shop online the same time, should not ignore the role of department stores in the real world, if people over-reliance on online shopping , then, eventually will be to their disadvantage)希望对你有所帮助........... 英文文章 在用几句话概括主要内容 long long ago,there were a king and a queen.they prayed everyday:"what if we have a child?"And soon,they had a beautiful daughter.很久很久以前,有一对国王和王后。 他们每日祈祷:“如果我们有个孩子多好”然后过不多久,王后生下了一个漂亮女儿。 The king was very glad,and held a grant banquet,and invited all his relatives and friends.and some fairies of his country.There were thirteen fairies in the country.but the king only prepared elve gold plates.So one fairy was not invited.after the banquet,the fairies blessed the girl one by one.国王非常愉悦,举办了一场盛大的宴会,邀请了他所有的亲朋好友和一些王国里的仙女。 这个国家里一共有十三个仙女,但是国王只准备了十二个纯金餐盘,很显然有一个仙女被落下了。 宴会的结尾,仙女们依次起身祝福公主,the first one gave her"morality",第一个仙女祝愿公主:“品行高尚”the second gave her "apperance",第二个仙女祝愿公主:“貌美如仙”the third gave her "propriety".第三个仙女祝愿公主:“知书达礼”the others gave her best wishes one after another.其他的仙女们也都一一给予公主最好的祝福the eleventh had just finished,the fairy that had not been invited came,she was very angry.because the king did not invited her,she said:"the princess will be hurt by a spindle and die."Then she left.第十一个仙女刚刚说完,那位被遗忘的仙女赶到了,她因为老国王忘了邀请自己而非常愤怒,她说:“公主将会被纺锤刺伤致死。 ”然后就自行离开了。 The elfth tairy had not blessed the princess,but she could not relieve the curse.she could only temper it and make it not so serious.she said:"The princess will not die.she will sleep a hundred years."第十二个仙女还没有祝福,但她也没法解除这个诅咒,她只能缓和它让这个诅咒不那么严重。 “公主并不会死,而是会沉睡100年。 ”In order to escape from the curse,the king order that all the spindles in the country should be destroyed.all the wishes given by the elve fairies came into reality.The princess became a beautiful,kind and lovely girl,On her fifteenth birthday,the princess went to play on an old bell tower,she saw an old woman was weaving with a spindle.The little princess was very curious,But as soon as she put her hand on the spindle,she fell asleep.为了防止诅咒发生,老国王下令销毁国内左右纺锤,仙女们所有的祝福都实现了,公主成长为一位端庄美丽、温文尔雅、平易近人的女孩。 在她15岁生日那天,她跑到一座旧钟塔上去玩,在那里她看见一位老妇人在纺线。 小公主非常好奇,但当她碰触到纺锤的时候,她倒地一眠不起了。 The sickness of sleep spread quickly:the king,the queen,all the people and animals in the palace slept.even the burning fire in the furnace had gone to sleep沉睡的咒语蔓延开来:老国王,王后,城堡里的所有人和动物都睡着了,练炉子里烧着的火也都沉沉而睡了。 A lot of roses grew around the palace,Year after year,the roses grew taller and taller.The story came for many years in the country,many young princes tried to go through the rose forest and find the princess,but the all failed.because the roses grew together and they could not go into the palace一丛丛玫瑰沿着城墙长起来,年复一年,玫瑰丛长得越来越高。 这个故事在这片区域流传了下来,很多年轻的王子试图翻越玫瑰丛寻找城堡里的公主,但是他们都失败了,玫瑰盘根错节,他们根本没法进去。 A hundred years passed,and a young prince came to the city and he tried to go into the city to find the sleeping beauty,At the moment,the branches of roses parted automatically,and the prince went into the palace safely.he found everyone sleeping in the palace,he kept walking and found the sleeping beauty,She was so beautiful that he could not help kissing her.100年过去了,一个年轻的王子来到这里,他尝试进入城堡寻找睡美人,这时,玫瑰花丛自动分开了一条路,王子安全的进入了城堡。 他发现这里的一切都睡着了,他继续往前走找到了睡美人,她是如此美丽,王子情不自禁的吻了她。 At that moment the princess woke up,She looked at the prince soulfully.the prince and the princess went downstairs hand in hand,The other people in the palace also woke up and went on doing what they did.The prince and princess loved each other and they held a grant wedding ceremony and lived happily ever after.公主一吻而醒,她看着身边的王子,严重脉脉含情。 王子和公主手牵手走下楼,城堡里的其他人也慢慢转醒,继续他们手边的工作。 王子和公主坠入爱河,他们举办了一场盛大的婚礼之后幸福的生活在了一起。 帮我写一篇很简单的英语作文 自己挑挑吧^_^My Hometown "My hometown, which is in the south of Shandong Province, is a very beautiful village. It lies on the east bank of a *** all river, surrounded by green mountains, In the past my hometown was poor, and people led a hard life. They couldn"t afford to send their children to school. But ,great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past enty years. Many families .have not only color TV sets, but also telephones, fridges, puters, and so on. New roads, houses, schools, hospitals have been built. People in my hometown are working hard for a better life. ( 103 words)Wele to my hometown! Haimen is my hometown. It is a modern and busy town. It has a long history. There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here. It is very easy to go shopping. You can see green hills, big trees and nice flowers. There are many restaurants in Haimen. You can enjoy Haimen goat. It tastes very delicious. Many visitors e here to enjoy it. There are many good places to visit. There is a park and a big Shopping Mall. You can see films in Renmin Theatre. My school is one of the best schools in my hometown. It is on Changjiang Road. It is very beautiful. I hope you can e and visit soon.My hometown has a very beautiful name——Changchun, which means perennial spring. And the city is as heautiful as its name suggests. It is the capital of Jilin Province, and is the political, economic and cultural center of the province and one of the key metropolises in China. With an area of over 18,881 square kilometers and a population of 6.83 million,it is a beautiful city situated in the hinterland of the Northeast plain of the country, and has long enjoyed the national reputation as "Fihn City", and "Automobile City". As a cultural city, it is proud to be the home of a number of noted universities and institutes of science and technology including Jilin University, which has national prominence. Changchun is not only noted for its historical relics such as the Last Emperor"s Palace but also for its wide streets, lush greenery and pure fresh air. Bows upon rows of high-rises are standing among the boundless and immense forests. Therefore, Changchun also has been nicknamed "City in the Forest". The scenery of the city is full of touching beauty,which inevltably leaves visitors with a memorable experienceI e from a very *** all village on the west Coast of Taiwan I usually go by a slow train, and it is about four from Taipei. The villagers are mostly fishermen and farmers. The downtown of the village is o streets perpendicular to each other. Life in the village is Very slow and very simple; when you, and some-times you stop to visit. Most people are either very old or very young because the big cities to work. Small children always run in the streets without shoes, and chicken, geese, ducks, turkeys. It is very peaceful here. My home is in a town. It lies in the east of Zhejiang near the East SeA.It has a population of fifty thousand. Our town is in the south of our county.The Ease Sea is to the east of the town. To the south is flat land. Mountains are on the west. And a river runs from north to south in the west of my town. The weather here is good. It is not so cold in winter or so hot in summer. So the sea near my town is full of all sorts of fish. The fishermen of my home town are all living a happy lifeMy Hometown My hometown is a beautiful place with a population of eight million. It stands beside the Gulf Bohai. Tianjin has many high office and mercial buildings and wide treelined streets. Several excellent worldfamous institutions of higher learning are located here, namely Nankai University and Tianjin University. As a most important industrial center for North China, her hundreds of factories and joint ventures with foreign panies manufacture a wide range of topgrade and high-tech products or consumer goods. Many of these products have attained or surpassed world levels. Markets and department stores, big or *** all, are well-stocked with all kinds of goods, which are high in quality but low in price. But in the old days,Tianjin used to be a poor and backward city characteristic of semi-coloniali *** and semi-feudali *** . The few rich persons lived in luxury houses while the majority of the working people lived in old, shabby huts or buildings on narrow and muddy streets. The working class led a very miserable life. Today people in Tianjin are going all out to build their city into a beautiful and prosperous place to live in. 一篇英语作文 I am Lihua and I am a senior high school student.Last Sunday, my father invited his American friend AaronSmith to my home. Aaron"s mother language is English. My father"s English is poor. They municated difficultly. So he asked me to help him translate. Oh, my God! I couldn"t even speak a word because I didn"t know how to anize my sentence, which made me feel very embarassed! My father didn"t blame me but I was really seized with remorse because of my bad oral English!From now on, I will try my best to learn English well! 英语文章带翻译 The Little Match-Girl 卖火柴的小女孩 It was dreadfully cold, it was snowing fast, and almost dark; the evening----the last evening of the old year was drawing in. But, cold and dark as it was, a poor little girl, with bare head and feet, was still wandering about the streets. When she left her home she had slippers on, but they were much too large for her; indeed, properly, they belonged to her mother, and had dropped off her feet whilst1 she was running very fast across the road, to get out of the way of o carriages. One of the slippers was not to be found, the other had been snatched up by a little boy, who ran off with it thinking it might serve him as a doll"s cradle. 天气非常非常冷,雪下得很大,夜幕已降临。 这是旧年最后的一夜——除夕之夜。 尽管天气是那么的寒冷和黑暗,一个贫穷的小女孩,光头赤脚仍在大街上徘徊。 当她离家出门的时候,脚上穿着一双拖鞋,那是一双相当大的拖鞋——的确太大了,那是她妈妈穿着合适的一双拖鞋。 当她匆忙横穿马路的时候,两辆马车飞快地闯过来,吓得她把拖鞋跑丢了。 一只怎么也找不到,另一只被一个小男孩抢跑了。 他想,这只鞋可以当做玩具娃娃睡觉的摇篮。 So the little girl now walked on, her bare feet quite red and blue with the cold. She carried a *** all bundle of matches in her hand, and a good many more in her tattered apron. No one had bought any of them the live long day; no one had given her a single penny. Trembling with cold and hunger crept she on, the picture of sorrow: poor little child! 现在这小女孩只好光着脚在街上行走,一双脚步冻得又红又青。 她那破旧的围裙兜着许多火柴,手里还拿着一小捆。 可整整一天谁也没有向她买过一根——谁也没有给她一个铜板。 她又饿又冷,哆哆嗦嗦地向前走着,这是一幅非常凄惨的景象:可怜的小姑娘! The snow-flakes fell on her long, fair hair, which curled in such pretty ringlets over her shoulders; but she thought not of her own beauty, or of the cold. Lights were glimmering through every window, and the savoir of roast goose reached her from several houses; it was New Year"s eve, and it was of this that she thought. 雪花落在她那金黄色的头发上——长长的卷发披散在肩上,看起来十分美丽,可她想不到自己的漂亮。 从每扇窗子透出的亮光和飘出的烤鹅肉香味,使她想起的只是今天是除夕之夜 In a corner formed by o houses, one of which projected beyond the other. She sat down, drawing her little feet close under her, but in vain, she could not warm them. She dared not go home, she had sold no matches, earned not a single penny, and perhaps her father would beat her, besides her home was almost as cold as the street, it was an attic; and although the larger of the many chinks in the roof were stopped up with straw and rags. the wind and snow often perated through. Her hands were nearly dead with cold; one little match from her bundle w
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