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2023-05-19 23:52:12


TAG: 英文




High cold, aloof, cold, cool, free and easy



词典:不友善的释义:adj. 冷淡的;远离的;冷漠的adv. 远离;避开地比较级 more aloof最高级 most aloof双语例句1The new student in my class is shy, so she always keep herself aloof from the others.我们班新来的同学很害羞,所以她总是不与其他同学交往。2I like him, but he"s somewhat aloof from me.我喜欢他,但他对我却有点冷淡。3Chandler, we said be aloof, not a doof.钱德,我们要你高冷一点,而不是像个呆瓜。(《老友记》第三季)4She seemed rather aloof when in fact she was just shy.她看似孤傲不群 可实际上只是腼腆5They might come across as aloof and indifferent but they are actually concealing themselves from the world.
2023-01-12 22:34:161


aloof [a·loof || ə"luːf]adj. 疏远的, 冷淡的adv. 远离; 避开同义词: apart away cool distant remote reserved standoffish unsociable
2023-01-12 22:34:341


2023-01-12 22:34:382

aloof 和 impersonal 表示冷淡的区别

impersonaladj. 1. 不受个人情感影响的,冷淡的2. 客观的. n. 1. 与个人无关. adv. 1. 冷淡地;客观地Deism teaches that God created the cosmos and then backed off, allowing it to operate on its own through impersonal natural laws.自然神论认为某位上帝创造了宇宙,然后退出历史舞台而让自然按照非人格的自然法则自己运行。aloofadj. 1. 冷淡的, 疏远的, 淡漠的2. 远离的;孤零零的. adv. 1. 分开地;避开地2. 冷淡地;冷漠地3. 脱离,离开.aloof 更为主观,另有译 超然的/无情的/冷冰冰的He liked his sister, who was warm and pleasant, but he did not like his brother, who was aloof and arrogant.他喜欢热情愉快的妹妹,而不喜欢冷漠高傲的哥哥。
2023-01-12 22:34:412


like come like go
2023-01-12 22:34:444


aloof,proud,self-confident, 孤傲 There is another form of wilful obscurity that masquerades as aristocratic exclusiveness. 还有一种故意造成的含糊其词,用以掩盖其贵族老爷式的孤傲态度。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 Thoreau usually remained alone unimpressed by the ideas or actions of others. 索洛孤傲自处,对他人的思想与行为毫无所动。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 He is exclusive in manner. 他态度孤傲。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 She was a silent girl, cool and remote. 她是一个沉默寡言的女孩,对人冷漠而孤傲。 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 Fair when the cloud of pride, 美哉,遮掩她的耀眼光彩的孤傲, -- 英美经典情诗1 - Fair Is My Love He was knowledgeable but arrogant and lived a secluded life in the countryside. 他博学多识,性情孤傲,隐居乡里, -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 社会 proud and aloof 孤傲 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络] He should rid himself of aloofness and arrogance. 他应当去掉孤傲习气。 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 Gao Xiang (1688-1753), a native of Yangzhou, lived a poor life but was very conceited. 高翔(1688-1753),扬州人。高翔生活清苦,性格孤傲, -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 社会 In addition, these painters were proud and uncontrolled and had bold personalities; 再加上大都个性很强,孤傲清高,行为狂放,
2023-01-12 22:34:471


aloof adj.冷漠;冷淡aloofness 冷漠;冷淡;清高;远离;冷漠孤僻说白了,想装逼
2023-01-12 22:34:501


  知道用那些英文句子勾搭你的男神吗?这里有哦。下面是我给大家整理的男神的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   男神的英文是什么   man of god   男神的英文怎么说   汉语男神一词有不同的含义。既可以解释为男性神,也可以理解为当今社会中对男性名人的偶像崇拜。有鉴于此,英语翻译时必须区别对待,以便更好的适用于不同的交际语境。   “男性神”英文一般翻译为god。大写的God专指各种宗教中的上帝、天主、真主,小写的god可特指各种男性神祗。   the gods of Greece and Rome 希腊、罗马的诸神;   the god of day 太阳神(指 Apollo);   the god of fire 火神 (指 Vulcan);   the god of heaven 天神(指Jupiter);   the god of love 爱神(指Cupid);   the god of hell 地狱之神(指Pluto);   the god of the sea 海神 (指 Neptune);   the god of this world 魔王(指Satan);   the god of war 战神 (指Mars);   the god of wine 酒神 (指Bacchus)。   “被崇拜的男性偶像”可翻译为idol,指person or thing that is greatly loved or admired,即受崇拜与热爱的人或物。   As an only child he was the idol of his parents.   他是独生子, 是父母的宠儿。   The Beatles were the pop idols of the 1960"s.   披头士乐队是二十世纪六十年代人们崇拜的偶像。   形容男神英语该怎么说   1. Hunk   Hunk在英文里可以表示“身材健硕、富有魅力的男子”。   例如:That actor is such a hunk!   那个男演员真是健壮迷人!   或者,你也可以用它的形容词形式hunky   如:Who is that hunky guy?   那个大块头帅哥是谁啊?   2. Mesmerizing   男神降临,恐怕很多妹纸都只会目不转睛地驻足仰视。英文里此款“催眠般的迷人”可用mesmerizing表示   比如:He has a pair of mesmerizing blue eyes.   他有一双迷人的蓝眼睛。   形容声音令人着迷,还可以说:   His voice is mesmerizing.   他的声音好迷人。   3. Sharp   身材好、长相帅是一方面,也有不少男神走的是时尚潇洒路线。这时,你尽可以说:   He"s a sharp dresser.   他总是穿得很潮。   或者可以当面称赞:   You"re looking very sharp today.   你今天看起来帅呆了。   4. Drop-dead gorgeous   Drop-dead意为“令人惊奇的,艳羡的”。除了具有形容词性外,drop-dead还可以当副词用,表示“异常地,独特地”,drop-dead gorgeous在一起常用来形容“格外出众、极为吸引人”。   例如:He is drop-dead gorgeous.   他真是帅呆了。   如果换作是女生,可以翻译成“美翻了”~   5. Looks like a million dollars   看见他就好比看见一百万?难不成是土豪?这个习语不是指高富帅,而是说看起来非常棒!   如:Wow, you look like a million dollars.   哇!你看上去帅呆了!   如何用英语表达你的“男神”   Winning looks key to success   There is no shortage of pretty faces in South Korean drama - the problem, rather, is choosing the prettiest ones. Let"s check out today"s most popular Korean drama stars and see how their hallmark handsomeness can be described in the English language.   韩剧中从来都不乏俊男美女,但问题是:谁才是最养眼的男神女神?让我们来盘点一下时下人气最旺的韩剧明星,学习一下如何用英文来表达他们每个人所不同的独特魅力。   注释:   1. no shortage of…不缺乏,也可以fall/be short of…   2. Korean drama: 韩国电视剧   3. Check out: 看看,这是特别地道的表达,经常可以在美剧里听到go check it out就是去瞧   瞧的意思   Leggy   “长腿欧巴”   Lee Min-ho, 26, actor/singer   李敏镐,26岁,演员兼歌手   Basics: Best known for his leading role in romantic comedy drama The Inheritors. In July 2012 in South Korea, Lee was voted the most attractive male celebrity in TV commercials for cosmetics brands.   基本资料:因主演爱情剧《继承者们》而名声大噪。2012年7月,李敏镐被评选为“化妆品电视广告最具魅力男艺人”。   注释:   1. Leading role: 主角,   主角还有一个词是protagonist.他们之间的区别是说某人在某部影片中领衔主演,用leading role或play the lead in the film。protagonist在影评和小说评论中更为常见,当主人公讲。   2. Inheritor: 继承者 v. inherit n. inheritance   3. Celebrity: 名人   4. TV commercial 电视广告。Commercial既可以作为adj.商业的也可以作为n.广告   5. Cosmetics: 化妆品 plastic surgery: 整容这两项内容都是韩国最有名的。   Characteristic: In his fans" eyes, Lee"s physique is leggy (having attractively long and slender legs) and his personality introverted while still radiating a kind and vibrant warmth.   特点:在粉丝眼中,李敏镐堪称“长腿欧巴”,一双标志性长腿令人着迷;而性格内敛的他   也散发出一种善良而富有活力的“暖男”气质。   注释:   1. Physique: 体型;身形   2. Slender: 细长的 slim: 苗条的;修长的 thin:瘦的   3. Introvert: v./n. 使内向;内向的人 introverted: adj. 内向的反义是extrovert   4. Radiate: v. 发出;辐射 radiation: n. 辐射 radiant: adj. 容光焕发的   Aloof   “面瘫教授”   Kim Soo-hyun, 25, actor/singer   金秀贤,25岁,演员兼歌手   注释:aloof: adj. 孤僻的   Basics: Kim"s popularity skyrocketed when he starred in the hit period drama Moon Embracing the Sun (捧日之月), which was the most popular in its time slot and, at its peak, had viewer ratings of 42.2 percent in South Korea. Known as the “Professor” in the hit drama Man From the Stars, Kim"s popularity has hit the roof in China.   基本资料:金秀贤因出演热门古装剧《捧日之月》而迅速蹿红,该剧成为韩国同时段收视冠军,创下 42.2%的超高收视率。现在,因出演时下大热的韩剧《来自星星的你》中“教授”一角,金秀贤在中国可谓人气爆棚。   注释:   1. Skyrocket: n./v. n.表示冲天火箭 v.表示猛涨   2. hit period: 黄金时间 hit drama: 火的剧这里的hit都表示成功,火的意思   3. time slot: 时间段   4. viewer ratings: 收视份额   Characteristic: His character in the show has stirred a lot of discussion among fans, with his omnipotent ability to walk through walls, read minds, and engage in psychic interfacing. The alien he depicts appears to have an icy exterior and seems very aloof. Kim"s perfectly proportioned figure also means everything on him is a showcase of good fashion.   特点:他在《来自星星的你》中所饰演的角色可谓上天入地无所不能,具备了穿墙术、读心术以及意念操控等特异功能,从而引发粉丝热议。他饰演的外星教授外表冷若冰霜、看起来有些“面瘫”。“黄金比例”的身材也意味着金秀贤的着装无处不展示着绝佳的时尚品味。   注释:   1. omnipotent: adj. 无处不在的omni-这个前缀表示遍的意思   2. phychic interfacing: 表示精神或心灵连接   3. alien: n./v. 外星的;外国的   4. icy exterior: 冷冰冰的外表 exterior相对的词是interior,既可以作为adj.也可以作为n.   5. perfectly proportioned figure:比例完美的身材。这也是“长腿欧巴”的hallmark.   6. showcase:陈列橱窗这里用了一个比喻。非常形象。   
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2023-01-12 22:35:021

热情的反义词是什么 英语

impassionate[im"pæʃənət] adj. 形容词,表示缺乏热情的。
2023-01-12 22:35:053


proud and aloof
2023-01-12 22:35:095


就冷漠这个意义而言,impersonal 是指“不牵涉个人情感,就事论事”;aloof 是“人际交往意义上的冷漠”,跟热情友好相对。
2023-01-12 22:35:151

远离 英语怎么写

2023-01-12 22:35:187


依偎一、注音 yī wēi 二、词语解释紧密地依靠着。三、英文翻译 lean close to 四、释义动词:亲热地紧靠着;紧挨着。也是弱者对强者的依赖。亦泛指倚靠。例:孩子依偎在妈妈的怀抱里。近义词:依靠、紧贴、紧挨、紧靠、倚靠反义词:远离、疏远、隔阂、排斥、独立、见外、叛离、拒绝、纵离、自立、独立夏衍《法西斯细菌》第三幕:“﹝寿珍﹞一进门就依偎到静子身边。”王西彦《麻舅舅丢掉一条胳膊》:“他回过头去,看见银贵一个人依偎在门边。”
2023-01-12 22:35:253


- 孤傲 aloof and proud; aloof and proud And I know 我知道A love so complete 完美的爱Someday must leave 也终有一天会离开 ... 基于2个网页 - 搜索相关网页 - 孤傲的 remote a.; exclusive a.; exclusive/ iks"klu:siv/a.; exclusive; remote a. [四级词汇] CET4淘金词汇第四十三课 lesson43 ...than ordinary shortwave radios. ;要比普通无线电短波 更可靠. remote a.遥远的,偏僻的; 关系疏远的,脱离的; 微乎其微的;孤傲的 In a remote village, ;在偏僻的乡村, ... 基于18个网页 - 搜索相关网页 exclusive a. 雅思词汇汇总: IELTS高频词汇 ...exclude vt.把某人排除在外,排除(可能性等) exclusive a.孤傲的;不愿吸收新会员的;索价高昂的 exclusively ad.专门地,排除其他地 ... 基于7个网页 - 搜索相关网页 exclusive/ iks"klu:siv/a. ...exceptional/ ik"sepF赐l/a.例外的;优越的exclusive/ iks"klu:siv/a.排外的;孤傲的execution/ eksi"kju:F赐/n.实行,执行;处死刑 ... 基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 exclusive 在线背单词 新概念英语第三册 antique 古物... ...impressive 给人印象深刻的,感人的 exclusive 除外的;孤傲的 creative 创造性的,创作的 ... 基于1个网页 - 搜索相关网页 - 孤傲
2023-01-12 22:35:351


1 "When you"re looking for personal chatting, but found none!"2 "confidant hard to find, Where Are You?"3 "aloof, but also a way to make yourself happy."
2023-01-12 22:35:386


2023-01-12 22:35:442


2023-01-12 22:36:0811


mjm_18 的答案很好
2023-01-12 22:36:224

stand aloof是什么意思?

2023-01-12 22:36:253


aloof英 [əˈlu:f] 美 [əˈluf] adj. 冷淡的;疏远的;远离的 adv. 分开地;避开地
2023-01-12 22:36:281


  1.拼读法   掌握正确的拼法与读音之间的关系,可以根据单词的读音,正确地拼写单词。例如,我们知道元音字母O在重读开音节时读作[+(]根据这条规则,go,hope,home,note等词,不用费什么劲就记住了。另外还有一条发音规则:在o之后,如果是m,n,v,th时,o可以读作[Λ]。根据这条规则,我们不会把mother, some, come,dove,done等单词中的o写成u。再举一个元音字母组合的例子。ay读[ei]。中学教材中所有带有ay字母组合的词,如say,day,way,pay,ray,may,lay,play,spray,不仅发音容易,而且拼写也没有任何困难。当然,英语发音规则很多,又有许多例外情况,要记住它们并不容易。但是为了帮助记单词,花些时间,记住一些常用发音规则还是很有用的。   2.谐音法   尽管有些语言学家认为,用这种谐音记忆法记忆单词不科学,对学习者正确掌握发音不利,但学习外语的实践证明。在最初学外语时,尚未掌握外语的构词特点和记词规律的初学者来说,采用谐音法记单词确实能有效地记住一部分难记的单词。不过,在用谐音法记单词时必须注意的一个很重要的问题是,只可把此法作为记忆单词时的谐音联想手段,以增强和加深记忆,但绝不可将其作为模仿发音的依据,而必须按照单词的标准发音去读记,以避免这种记词法干扰正确发音。   用谐音法记单词的基本原理是,根据外语单词的读音到汉语中去寻找与其读音相类似的谐音,而且这一谐音必须能同某些人、事、物或单词所表达的意思有趣地联系到一起,从而使学习者对单词谐音所联想的事物发生好奇的兴趣,以此对大脑皮层产生突发性刺激,进而在学习者的大脑中留下难以遗忘的印象,甚至终身不忘。这也正是这种谐音记忆法的绝妙之处。   【示例】   mouth[mauθ]嘴[联想:说话“冒失”的就是嘴]   hair[hε+]头发[联想:头发真“黑氨]   talk[t&:k]谈话[联想:谈话“套客”]   sing[siR]唱[联想:唱歌应有“声”]   wife[waif]妻子[联想:“我爱抚”的就是妻子]   think[θiRk]想[联想:想时要“深刻”]   behind[bi"haind]在…背后[联想:“被害的”是在背后]   joke[d*ouk]笑话[联想:“揍客”就成了笑话]   bus[bΛs]公共汽车[公共汽车俗称“帕斯”]   gas[g$s]煤气;瓦斯[联想:煤气能害死人是“该死”]   leave[li:v]离开[联想:“离吾”就是离开]   3.前缀法   前缀记忆法就是借助重要的外语构词词素——前缀来记忆单词的方法。采用前缀法记忆单词就是把具有相同前缀的单词编为一组,以同一前缀为主线将它们串联起来记忆。   【示例】   a-(加于名词、动词和形容词之前构成副词,具有in,on,at,to,by,of,with之意)   atop在顶端   aloof离开   abreast肩并肩地   aloud高声地   aright正确地   ab-(离开、摆脱、消除)   abdicate退位   abscond潜逃   aberration越轨   ablate切除;蒸发掉   ad-(具有at,to之意)   adapt使适合;适应;改编   adaptable能适应的   add添加;补充说   adhesion粘着,附着   adsorb吸附   adulate谄媚,奉承   analogic相似的;类推的   analogize作类似说明;作类似推理   analogous类似的;模拟的   analogue①类似物②同源语   anamnesis回忆,回想   4.词根法   词根是构成外语单词的核心,它是表示该词最基本意义的重要词素。所以,任何词都有词根,如果按照构词法给同一词根分别加上不同的前缀和后缀,就会构成以该词根为核心意义的词义各异的词,这些词就叫同根词。例略。   5.后缀法   后缀是外语单词重要的组成部分,它不仅表示单词的词类和词性,而且不同的后缀还含有不同的词汇意义,例如:   英语词millionaire(百万富翁)的后缀-aire不仅标明该词是名词,而且表示它是表人的后缀。 suburban(郊区的)一词的后缀-an,不仅标示该词是形容词,而且具有“属于……的”、“有…性质的”、“属于…地方的”之意。   由此可见,根据构成外语单词不同后缀的特点和规律及其词汇意义来记忆单词,也是提高单词记忆效率的重要手段。   6.构析法   应用构析法记忆单词的基本原理和方法是,根据外语的构词规律,在大量掌握外语单词的前缀、词根、后缀和其他构词要素及其词素意义的基础上,借助词表的结构分析、剖析和词义逻辑综合的方法来记忆单词。这种方法的实质是,先将要记的单词按词根——后缀;前缀——词根——后缀;复合词第一部分——词根——后缀;复合词第一部分——复合词第二部分;复合词第一部分——词根——复合词第二部分;词根——复合词第二部分等形式分解开,然后根据单词各组成部分的词素意义来记忆单词。对结构各异的单词,如单根词、双根词、复合词等均可采用这种构析法进行记忆。   用构析法记忆单词时,需按以下三个步骤进行:首先,把要记的单词按上述的各个组成部分分解开,这里需注意一点:对单词的分解必须准确无误。有些外语单词无前缀,只由词根和后缀构成,如英语中的dormant(休眠的)一词只有词根dorm-和后缀-ant;而有些外语单词却是由双重前缀或双重词根加后缀构成,或无后缀,如俄语中的HeполвйжиьIй(不动的,静止的)一词就是由He和no两个前缀构成,分解单词时,切不可误划为Heп—олвйж—н—ьIй。又如英语中的aeronautics(航空学)一词是由aere(天空)—naut(船)—ics(学)双词根和后缀构成的。   下面。我们分别以构词较复杂的典型单词为例加以说明。譬如,我们要想记住英语中的anticarnivorous(反对肉食的,素食的)一词,第一步:按照单词结构将其分解为: anti—carni—vor—ous,将该词分解后便可得知,它是由前缀+词根+词根+后缀构成的。   第二步:根据前面介绍过的常用的英语或俄语前缀、词根和后缀的意义,使该词被分解开的各组成部分与其所包含的词素意义“对号入座”,将该词各组成部分的词素意义析出:前缀anti-意为“反对”;词根-carni-意为“肉”;词根-vor-意为“食”;后缀-ous意为“形容词后缀”。   最后一步:将该词的各部分词素意义通过逻辑综合的方法组合到一起,使其形成合乎逻辑的完整词义,其词义为“反对肉食的,素食的”。   尤为重要的是,这种单词构析记忆法不单单可用来记忆单词,在阅读或翻译原文时,还可借助它推断许多生词或被遗忘单词的词义。从而能大大减少查阅词典的次数,有效地提高阅读和翻译速度。例如,我们在阅读或翻译原文时,遇到生词是形容词的词组a bactericidal agent,其中a-gent一词的意思已知,意为“药剂”,而词组中的bactericidal一词的词义是未知的,现在我们不查词典,用上面介绍的构析法便不难得出其词义。先将该词分解为:bacteri-cid-al,再使其词素意义“对号入座”:bacteri意为“细菌”;cid意为“灭(杀)”;al(形容词后缀)意为“…的”。最后,对该词各部分析出的词素意义进行逻辑综合,即得词义“杀菌的,灭菌的”,再将得出的词义与agent一词的词义搭配起来,所得词组的汉语意思是“杀[灭]菌剂”。综上所述,凡在阅读或翻译过程中,对遇到的绝大多数生词,基本上可根据上下文的意思,借助此法推断出词义。   7.分类法   用分类法记忆单词能充分发挥大脑系统、全面地记忆单词的潜力,其优点是:(1)被归为同一类的单词其语法功能相似,结构相近,便于从整体上记忆和掌握,有助于对单词形成完整的类别概念。(2)便于展开比较,有利于掌握各个单词的异同点。(3)便于集中词汇,从而可灵活地进行替换和运用。(4)能使已掌握的杂乱无章的单词条理化、系统化、门类化。   用分类法记忆单词犹如把种类繁多的铅字按汉字结构的偏旁部首井井有序地排列和存储在打字机下面的字盘里,需要时随用随取。   通常,学习者可因人而宜,按以下类别对单词进行分类记忆:时间、会议、学科、院校、专业、运动项目、亲属、动物、植物、文化用品、蔬菜、水果……   8.分组记忆法   把你所要记忆的单词分组记在笔记本上,如果你要记住一个十位数的数字1127772235,只要我们把这个数字写成112-777-2235,就很容易记住。这种方法在记单词的过程中是很有效的。假设你要记住二十个单词,可把它们每四个分成一组,分组进行记忆,也可把一个长单词分成若干部分,如unselfishness,可写成un-self-ish-ness,这样可以用最少的时间,记住最多的单词。   9.对应法   外语中有些分别表示男性和女性或雄性和雌性的不同性属的同类名词,在记忆单词时,如果对一个表示人的男性或表示动物的雄性名词联想与其相对应的同一类女性或雌性名词,同样能挖掘我们大脑联想记忆的潜力。譬如,当我们记忆father(父亲)一词时,可同时联想与其相对应的同一类女性名词mother(母亲)。这样对应记忆单词可同时记住两个词,从而使记忆单词的效率提高一倍。   【示例】   grandfather(外)祖父—grandmother,(外)祖母   father父亲—mother母亲   uncle伯父[舅父]—aunt伯母[舅母]   son儿子—daughter女儿   brother兄弟—sister姐妹   man男人—woman女人   groom新郎—bride新娘   husband丈夫—wife妻子]   grandson孙子;外孙子—granddaughter孙女;外孙女   boy男孩—(little) girl女孩   schoolboy(中、小学)男学生—schoolgirl(中、小学)女学生   schoolmaster(中、小学)男教师—schoolmistress   (中、小学)女教师   此外,对那些虽无性属区别却同样具有对应关系的词,也可以采用这种对应记忆法进行记忆。   10.反义法   任何事物都有相对性,诸如:快与慢、高与低、好与坏、大与小、明与暗、热与冷、上与下、左与右……等等,不胜枚举。反义记忆法是利用外语学习者对事物相对性的反义联想来挖掘大脑记忆潜力的一种学习手段,这种记忆单词的方法能使学习者对单词的记忆上升到反义对称的逻辑性高度。凡具有反义对称性的形容词、副词、动词和名词,都可以采用这种方法进行记忆。   11.比较记忆法:1)英汉比较如:mama,cigar,beer,bar,fee等。2)单复数的比较如:good-goods,spirit-spiritswood-woods3)同音词的比较如:right-write,eye-I4)词的阴阳性的比较如:actor-actresshost-hostess   12.折迭纸法:   在笔记本里记下要记忆的单词时,可将一张纸分成三个部分,把新单词写在栏Ⅰ中,将其中文含义写在栏Ⅲ,在中间部分写上一些起桥梁或暗示作用的单词。例如,当你要记declare这个单词时,可以用say openly这一暗示词。在你看到新单词declare这一单词带来很大的帮助,同时也可以让你准确地记住这个单词的英文确切意思。在进行这一记忆法时,请记住一定要使用双解词典,以便给出正确的暗示词。   13.小卡片法:   笔记本随身带,既不好用,又不方便。你可使用小卡片。在卡片的一面,记下要记忆的单词;在另一面写上该词的中文意思。这样你就可以每次带几张卡片在身边,只要你一有时间,就可以很方便地拿出来记。看着中文想英文,看着英文想中文,这样经常性的记忆,对一个要记住许多新单词的人来说,大有益处。只要持之以恒地记下去,总有一天你就会成为awalking dictionary。   14.听视法   听视法是快速牢记外语单词的又一重要手段。采用听视法记忆单词的基本原理是:充分利用视听设备和外语音像器材,发挥人的听觉和视觉器官易于接受外界音响和图象信号刺激的特点,进而在学习者的大脑中留下难以遗忘的深刻印象,以求达到牢记单词的目的。不少通过听视法学外语的学习者,想必都有这样的亲身体会:凡是通过听视法学习过的外语知识,较之用其他方法记忆得快而扎实。这正是听视法记忆单词的绝妙之处。   采用听视法记忆单词可因人而宜、因地制宜地选择以下几种形式进行:   (1)听录音。通过听录音的方法记忆单词时,还可采取听教材和自录自听两种方法进行。   ①听教材。对外语初学者来说,可根据自己所掌握的词汇量和外语程度,选择与基础外语教材配套的录音带,对照教材,由浅入深地定期定时放听。由开始放听单词逐渐过渡到放听词组、短语、句子乃至整段课文和全文。   ②自录自听。学习者如果没有与教材配套的现成录音带,可采取自录自听的方法进行。把要记的单词、词组、短语或句子排列组合好,请一位发音规范且嗓音宏亮的外语教师将备好的语言材料录制在磁带上,然后经常放听。为了增强记忆效果,还可采取边放听边跟读的方法进行。   (2)听广播。听广播的方法有两种:一种是直接收听外台或中国电台的外语广播节目;另一种是用录音机将电台播放的外语节目收录到磁带上,然后多次放听。   ①收听广播。由于外语词汇纷繁众多,外语节目也五花八门,所以要想通过直接收听外语广播的方法来记忆单词并非易事。因此,在收听外语广播时可采取以下方法:即先收听外语广播的新闻节目、天气预报、体育节目,待听力有明显提高时再收听文学艺术节目。须知,新闻节目、天气预报和体育节目较其他节目容易听得懂。收听时,切勿急躁,开始只能听懂几个单词,通过一段时间的听力训练后会逐渐听懂一些词组、语句或一个语段的大概意思。在这一收听过程中,凡是听过的所学单词,均能在大脑中产生深刻印象,这种听广播的方法,不仅使所学的单词加深了印象,而且能提高听力。   ②收录广播。在直接收听外语广播时,学习者可能会因外语广播的语速太快以及本身所掌握的词汇量少和听力较差,出现听了前面的跟听后面的脱节现象。在这种情况下,可在收听外语广播之前把录音机和磁带准备好,把未听懂和漏听的外语广播收录到磁带上,然后再反复放听。③听视结合。对有视听条件的外语学习者来说,要充分利用电教设备,边看外语录像边听其外语配音,这样听视结合,记忆单词的效果会更好。在视听过程中,为了学新故旧,可预先准备一个笔记本,把视听过程中遇到的陌生的单词、词语、语句和屏幕上的外文字幕随时记录下来,以便事后查阅词典找出其意,学习和巩固。   (3)听对话。听对话也是巩固和记忆单词的好方法。听对话就是充分利用与外宾接触或出国的机会,或在两者用外语对话的场合,在一旁注意听交谈者们的外语对话,认真“捕捉”对话中的每一个单词、词组和语句,细细品琢其语义,久而久之,要记的单词不仅记得快,记得牢,外语听力也会明显增强。   15.生活记忆   即结合生活实际,有意识运用所学词语。有时还应进行必要的语言素材的整理工作,有目的地将一些词语组成句子并成为一段话语,来描述某一动作或日常生活。这是一种极为有效的记忆方法。中学生英语中的大多数词语都是与生活实际相联系的。因此,结合生活实际记忆所学词语不仅是必要的,而且是可行的。例如:学了book(书)一词,你就可以组成若干句子。如:I have an English book. A book is a friend of mine.There are some books in my school bag.等等。   16.阅读法   阅读法就是通过经常大量阅读原文来学习、巩固和记忆单词的一种记忆方法。从语言学的角度看,用阅读法记忆单词至少有以下几大优点:   第一,外语原文是外语词汇、词法、句法、惯用语、句型、各方面知识的综合体,坚持经常定期阅读原文,不仅能巩固学过的单词,还能学到一些新单词,从而扩大词汇量。   第二,在阅读过程中,势必会遇到涉及词法和句法的各种语法现象,如果遇到的语法现象是过去学过的,那么通过这次重现会使其语法知识得以巩固和加深印象,起到温故知新的作用。如果遇到陌生的语法现象,可促使你到语法书中去找答案,通过查阅和学习又认识和掌握了新的语法知识,从而起到温故而知新的作用。   第三,在阅读原文过程中,还会遇到许多学过和未学过的词组、语句、惯用语、句型等语言知识,从而既达到温故知新的目的,又丰富了学习者的语言知识。   第四,任何一篇外语原文,都是表达一种完整的立场、思想、观点、方法或某一学科和专业知识,因此能读懂一篇原文,就等于了解了一种思想或某一方面的专门知识,从而可丰富学习者其他方面的知识。   第五,经常阅读原文,能明显提高阅读原文的速度,为快速浏览原文和检索外文科技文献资料创造了有利条件。   在用阅读法记忆单词时,如遇到学过的单词或词组,可读上几遍或用手指画写一遍单词的写法,以巩固和加深印象。如遇到生词或未学过的词组,必须马上记在本子上,然后查出词义,多念、写几遍。每次阅读时遇到的生词都应在以后的阅读之前复习几遍,这样久而久之,生词就会变成熟词,记得又快又扎实,从而收到事半功倍的学习效果。   17.语境记忆法:   在阅读一些有趣的小文章时,你常会遇到一些你不认识的单词。最好不要立即去查词典,因为这会影响你对文章的欣赏。可借助周围的单词或句子先猜猜该词的中文含义,也许你可以得知这个不认识的单词的大概意思。如果该单词在短文中多次出现,就该查一下词典。慢慢地你就能学会判断什么词值得查词典,什么词不值得查。记住并不是每个单词都必须准确地拼写出来才能明白它的中文含义。有的单词你只须认识,而不需使用。因为即使以英语为母语的人也不能够全部地使用他们所认识的所有词汇。有的词汇你每天都要用到,有的词汇可能终身也难得用上一次。   18.标注法   如果我们能把人的视觉感官易于接受外界形象信息刺激的特点应用于外语单词的记忆中,定会收到可观的记忆效果,这样记忆单词的方法叫标注法。   采用标注法记忆单词可分以下两个步骤进行:   首先,可根据自己的学习进度和所学的生词,把每次学习的外语单词写在一小块白色橡皮膏上,然后将其贴在与外语单词相符的物品上。一名正在学校读书的中学生,在采用标注法记忆单词学外语时,可将日常生活和平时学习时常见常用的一切文具和用品都标注上外文单词进行记忆:教室、讲台、课桌、椅子、黑板、板擦、粉笔、盆、笤帚、托布、书包、红领巾、眼镜、文具盒、铅笔、钢笔、彩笔、小刀、橡皮、直尺、圆规、圆珠笔、笔记本、练习本、教科书等等。   第二步:将写有外文单词的橡皮膏从物品上揭下来,以后每次看到或使用这些物品时,要经常重复说它们的外语名称,时间越久,外语单词复现的次数就越多,单词记得也就越扎实。用这种标注法记住的单词,不易遗忘。
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因为我比较高冷。英文:Because I"m rather supercilious and aloof.重点词汇释义:Because:多用于表示直接原因; 因为rather:宁愿; 稍微,有点; 相当,颇; 相反地; 当然啦,怎么不supercilious:高傲的,傲慢的; 高傲地,傲慢地; 高傲,傲慢aloof:冷淡的; 疏远的; 远离的; 分开地; 避开地
2023-01-12 22:37:122

a little aloof什么意思

a little aloof有点冷淡aloof[英][əˈlu:f][美][əˈluf]adj.冷淡的; 疏远的; 远离的; adv.分开地; 避开地; 例句:1.Men were ordered to be aloof on camera. 男性得到的建议则是在镜头前表现得冷漠。2.Later on, he became aloof and silent. 后来,他变得超然离群,沉默寡言。
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aloof 的意思是冷漠,超然不合群,喜欢孤独。
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2023-01-12 22:37:282

aloof 和 impersonal 表示冷淡的区别

aloof 是在情感和距离上都疏远,有点儿孤芳自赏的感觉impersonal 是不掺杂任何人类情感的,比如说工具。例如:The machine as compared with the hand tool is an impersonal agency.
2023-01-12 22:37:311

aloof and proud是什么意思

2023-01-12 22:37:343


有这些:removed fromkeep away fromremotenessstray far fromaway fromaloofgive a wide berth tofar fromfar away fromfar away (from)stand offaloofnessapart from例句有:他远离人群。He stood aloof from the crowd.腹地远离城区的地区,偏僻地区A region remote from urban areas; backcountry.没有人能够完全远离这个竞争社会。Nobody can entirely keep away from this competitive world.男孩说。「我想要一艘船,可以载我远离此地。I want a boat that will take me far away from here.炼铝厂的厂址将进一步远离消费者。The location of smelters will move further away from the consumer.客人停车的位置远离入口和集装箱上货区吗?Is vistitor parking away from entrances and docks?我的房子远离市区。My house is far away from downtown.远离大都市或文化中心的地区A region situated beyond metropolitan centers of culture.
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真的 For real 你很孤傲 You are a lone wolf, proud and aloof人生路上总喜欢一个人奔跑 always running alone on the road of life你是完美主义者,凡是总希望做到最好 You are a perfectionist, wanting the best of the best没有谁与你争锋,你就想达到心中的目标 Nobody competes against you, you achieve what you want to achieve沉默是你的外表,谁又知道你内心有激情燃烧 Silence is your disguise, but who recognizes your inner passion burning for success. 你默默在困难中苦撑 You are enduring sufferings 希望有一天做那一飞冲天,一鸣惊人的鸟 and wishing to soar high, fly high怎奈何天恼你与它比高 Irritated by your ambition, 才展新翅 God wishes to toil your flesh and bone便伤你手脚 只余几日惨淡光景给你 your days are numbered默默秋尽冬到 as the autumn has given way to the biting winter一生愿望 your life desire真的只能梦里做得一场成就 can only be achieved in your dream 一份空逍遥There, a fool"s paradise, free and unfettered. For realYou are a lone wolf, proud and aloofAlways running alone on the road of lifeYou are a perfectionist, wanting the best of the bestNobody competes against you, and you achieve what you want to achieveSilence is your disguise, but who recognizes your inner passion burning for successYou are enduring sufferingsAnd wishing to soar high, fly highIrritated by your ambition, God wishes to toil your flesh and boneYour days are numberedWith the autumn giving way to the winterYour life desireCan only be achieved in your dreamThere, a fool"s paradise, free and unfettered 希望能帮到你
2023-01-12 22:37:561


inhospitalityplay it coolstoninessapathyapartnessfrost
2023-01-12 22:38:022


1I thought once how Theocritus had sungOf the sweet years, the dear and wished-for years,Who each one in a gracious hand appearsTo bear a gift for mortals, old or young:And, as I mused it in his antique tongue,I saw, in gradual vision through my tears,The sweet, sad years, the melancholy years,Those of my own life, who by turns had flungA shadow across me. Straightway I was "ware,So weeping, how a mystic Shape did moveBehind me, and drew me backward by the hair;And a voice said in mastery, while I strove, --`Guess now who holds thee?" -- `Death." I said. But, thereThe silver answer rang, -- `Not Death, but love."2But only three in all God"s universeHave heard this word thou hast said, -- Himself, besideThee speaking, and me listening! and repliedOne of us ... _that_ was God, ... and laid the curseSo darkly on my eyelids, as to amerceMy sight from seeing thee, -- that if I had died,The death-weights, placed there, would have signifiedLess absolute exclusion. `Nay" is worseFrom God than from all others, O my friend!Men could not part us with their worldly jars,Nor the seas change us, nor the tempests bend;Our hands would touch for all the mountain-barsAnd, heaven being rolled between us at the end,We should but vow the faster for the stars.3Unlike are we, unlike, O princely Heart!Unlike our uses and our destinies.Our ministering two angels look surpriseOn one another, as they strike athwartTheir wings in passing. Thou, bethink thee, artA guest for queens to social pageantries,With gages from a hundred brighter eyesThan tears even can make mine, to play thy partOf chief musician. What hast thou to doWith looking from the lattice-lights at me,A poor, tired, wandering singer, ... singing throughThe dark, and leaning up a cypress tree?The chrism is on thine head, -- on mine, the dew, --And Death must dig the level where these agree.4Thou hast thy calling to some palace-floor,Most gracious singer of the high poems! whereThe dancers will break footing, from the careOf watching up thy pregnant lips for more.And dost thou lift this house"s latch too poorFor hand of thine? and canst thou think and bearTo let thy music drop here unawareIn folds of golden fulness at my door?Look up and see the casement broken in,The bats and owlets builders in the roof!My cricket chirps against thy mandolin.Hush, call no echo up in further proofOf desolation! there"s a voice withinThat weeps ... as thou must sing ... alone, aloof.5I lift my heavy heart up solemnly,As once Electra her sepulchral urn,And, looking in thine eyes, I overturnThe ashes at thy feet. Behold and seeWhat a great heap of grief lay hid [1] in me,And how the red wild sparkles dimly burnThrough the ashen greyness. If thy foot in scornCould tread them out to darkness utterly,It might be well perhaps. But if insteadThou wait beside me for the wind to blowThe grey dust up, ... those laurels on thine head,O my Beloved, will not shield thee so,That none of all the fires shall scorch and shredThe hair beneath. Stand further off then! go.6Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall standHenceforward in thy shadow. NevermoreAlone upon the threshold of my doorOf individual life, I shall commandThe uses of my soul, nor lift my handSerenely in the sunshine as before,Without the sense of that which I forbore --Thy touch upon the palm. The widest landDoom takes to part us, leaves thy heart in mineWith pulses that beat double. What I doAnd what I dream include thee, as the wineMust taste of its own grapes. And when I sueGod for myself, He hears the name of thine,And sees within my eyes the tears of two.7The face of all the world is changed, I think,Since first I heard of the footsteps of thy soulMove still, oh, still, beside me, as they stolebetwixt me and the dreadful outer brink Of obvious death, where I, who thought to sink,Was caught up into love, and taught the wholeOf life in a new rhythm. The cup of doleGod gave for baptism, I am fain to drink,And praise its sweetness, Sweet, with thee anear.The names of a country, heaven, are changed awayFor where thou art or shalt be, there or here;And this ... this lute and song ... loved yesterday( The singing angels know ) are only dearBecause thy name moves right in what they say.8What can I give thee back, O liberalAnd Princely giver, who hast brought the goldAnd purple of thine heart, unstained, untold,And laid them on the outside of the wallFor such as I to take or leave withal, In unexpected largesse? am I cold,Ungrateful, that for these most manifoldHigh gifts, I render nothing back at all?Not so; not cold, -- but very poor instead.Ask God who knows. For frequent tears have runThe colours from my life, and left so deadAnd pale a stuff, it were not fitly doneTo give the same as pillow to thy head.Go further! let it serve to trample on.9Can it be right to give what I can give?To let thee sit beneath the fall of tearsAs salt as mine, and hear the sighing yearsRe-sighing on my lips renunciativeThrough those infrequent smiles which fail to liveFor all thy adjurations? O my fears,That this can scarce be right! We are not peersSo to be lovers; and I own, and grieve,That givers of such gifts as mine are, mustBe counted with the ungenerous. Out, alas!I will not soil thy purple with my dust,Nor breathe my poison on thy Venice-glass,Nor give thee any love -- which were unjust.Beloved, I only love thee! let it pass.10Sonnets from the PortugueseYet, love, mere love, is beautiful indeedAnd worthy of acceptation. Fire is bright,Let temple burn, or flax. And equal lightLeaps in the flame from cedar-plank or weed.And love is fire. And when I say at need_I love thee ... mark! ... _I love thee_ -- in thy sightI stand transfigured, glorified aright,With conscience of the new rays that proceedOut of my face toward thine. There"s nothing lowIn love, when love the lowest: meanest creaturesWho love God, God accepts while loving so.And what I _feel_, across the inferior features11The sonnets from the PortugueseAnd therefore if to love can be desert,I am not all unworthy. Cheeks as paleAs these you see, and trembling knees that failTo bear the burden of a heavy heart. --This weary minstrel-life that once was girtTo climb Aornus, and can scare availto pipe now "gainst the valley nightingaleA melancholy music, why advertTo these things? O belov`ed, it is plainI am not of thy worth nor for thy place!And yet, because I love thee, I obtainFrom that same love this vindicating grace,To live on still in love, and yet in vain, ...To bless thee, yet renounce thee to thy face.12Indeed this very love which is my boast,And which, when rising up from breast to brow,Doth crown me with a ruby large enowTo draw men"s eyes and prove the inner cost, ...This love even, all my worth, to the uttermost,I should not love withal, unless that thouHadst set me an example, shown me how,When first time thine earnest eyes with mine were crossedAnd love called love. And thus, I cannot speakOf love even, as a good thing of my own.Thy soul hath snatched up mine all faint and weakAnd placed by thee on a golden throne, --And that I love (O soul, we must meek!)Is by thee only, whom I love alone.13And wilt thou have me fashion into speechThe love I bear thee, finding words enough,And hold the torch out, while the winds are roughBetween our faces, to cast light on each? --I drop it thy feet. I cannot teachMy hands to hold my spirit so far offFrom myself ... me ... that I should bring thee proofIn words, of love hid in me out of reach.Nay, let the silence of my womanhoodcommand my woman-love to thy belief, --Seeing that I stand unwon, however wooed,And rend the garment of my life, in brief,By a most dauntless, voiceless fortitude,Lest one touch of this heart convey its grief.14If thou must love me, let it be for noughtExcept for love"s sake only. Do not say`I love her for her smile ... her look ... her wayOf speaking gently, ... for a trick of thoughtThat falls in well with mine, and certes brought [certes: certainly]A sense of pleasant ease on such a day" --For these things in themselves, Belov`ed, mayBe changed, or change for thee, -- and love, so wrought [wrought: worked]May be unwrought so. Neither love me forThine own dear pity"s wiping my cheeks dry, --A creature might forget to weep, who boreThy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby!But love for love"s sake, that evermoreThou may"st love on, through love"s eternity.15EBB "The sonnets from the Portuguese", No. XVAccuse me not, beseech thee, that I wearToo calm and sad a face in front of thine;For we too look two ways, and can not shineWith the same sunlight on our brow and hair.On me thou lookest with no doubting care,As on a bee shut in a crystalline, --Since sorrow hath shut me safe in love"s divine,And to spread wing and fly in the outer airWere most impossible failure, if I stroveTo fail so. But I look on thee -- on thee --Beholding, besides love, the end of love,Hearing oblivion beyond memory!As one who sits and gazes from above,Over the rivers of the bitter sea.16And yet, because thou overcomest so,Because thou art more noble and like a king,Thou canst prevail against my fears and flingthy purple round me, till my heart shall growToo close against thine heart henceforth to knowHow it shook when alone. Why, conqueringMay prove as lordly and complete a thingIn lifting upward, as in crushing low!And as a vanquished soldier yields his swordTo one who lifts him from the bloody earth, --Even so, Beloved, I at last record,Here ends my strife. If _thou_ invite me forth,I rise above abasement at the word.Make thy love larger to enlarge my worth.之后的打不下了,请谅解
2023-01-12 22:38:172


keep away from thesociety也可以咯
2023-01-12 22:38:202

It"s likely that you think it wise for yourself to

高手来了。主句Its likely重点在同位语从句或主语从句that ...而其重点又在于其中套用一个做宾语(it指代)的很长的不定式不定式结构如下:并列1:to know your place 并列2:to stay aloof 后面一个状语很长:from +V-ing+Object(动名词结构),而这个obj也就是Cowardice被which引导的定语从句修饰-----------------------可能你认为这样很明智:了解自己所处的位置并且避免带上怯弱这个使你失去生命活力的面具。
2023-01-12 22:38:232


2023-01-12 22:39:076


泰戈尔名句 泰戈尔一生的创作诗歌受印度古典文学、西方诗歌和孟加拉民间抒情诗歌的影响,多为不押韵、不雕琢的自由诗和散文诗;他的小说受西方小说的影响,又有创新,特别是把诗情画意融入其中,形成独特风格。 名句: 有一次,我们梦见大家都是不相识的。我们醒了,却知道我们原是相亲相爱的。 Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other. 我的心是旷野的鸟,在你的眼睛里找到了天空。 My heart, the bird of the wilderness, has found its sky in your eyes. 是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。 It is the tears of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom. 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。 If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars. 你看不见你自己,你所看见的只是你的影子。 What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow. 瀑布歌唱道:"我得到自由时便有了歌声了。" The waterfall sing, "I find my song, when I find my freedom." 你微微地笑着,不同我说什么话。而我觉得,为了这个,我已等待得久了。 You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long. 人不能在他的历史中表现出他自己,他在历史中奋斗着露出头角。 Man does not reveal himself in his history, he struggles up through it. 我们如海鸥之与波涛相遇似地,遇见了,走近了。海鸥飞去,波涛滚滚地流开,我们也分别了。 Like the meeting of the seagulls and the waves we meet and come near.The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart. 当我们是大为谦卑的时候,便是我们最接近伟大的时候。 We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility. 决不要害怕刹那--永恒之声这样唱着。 Never be afraid of the moments--thus sings the voice of the everlasting. "完全"为了对"不全"的爱,把自己装饰得美丽。 The perfect decks itself in beauty for the love of the Imperfect. 错误经不起失败,但是真理却不怕失败。 Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can. 这寡独的黄昏,幕着雾与雨,我在我的心的孤寂里,感觉到它的叹息。 In my solitude of heart I feel the sigh of this widowed evening veiled with mist and rain. 我们把世界看错了,反说它欺骗我们。 We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us. 人对他自己建筑起堤防来。 Man barricades against himself. 使生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美。 Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves. 我想起了浮泛在生与爱与死的川流上的许多别的时代,以及这些时代之被遗忘,我便感觉到离开尘世的自由了。 I think of other ages that floated upon the stream of life and love and death and are forgotten, and I feel thefreedom of passing away. 只管走过去,不必逗留着采了花朵来保存,因为一路上花朵自会继续开放的。 Do not linger to gather flowers to keep them, but walk on,for flowers will keep themselves blooming all your way. 思想掠过我的心上,如一群野鸭飞过天空。我听见它们鼓翼之声了。 Thoughts pass in my mind like flocks of lucks in the sky.I hear the voice of their wings. "谁如命运似的催着我向前走呢?""那是我自己,在身背后大跨步走着。" Who drives me forward like fate?The Myself striding on my back. 我们的欲望把彩虹的颜色借给那只不过是云雾的人生。 Our desire lends the colours of the rainbow to the mere mists and vapours of life. Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh. 夏天的飞鸟,飞到我窗前唱歌,又飞去了。 秋天的黄叶,他们没有什麼可唱的,只是叹息一声,飞落在那里。 It is the tears of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom. 使大地保持著青春不谢的,是大地的热泪。 The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away. 伟大的沙漠为了绿叶的爱而燃烧,而她摇摇头、笑著、飞走了。 The sands in you way beg for your song and your movement,dancing water.Will you carry the burden of their lameness? 跳著舞的流水啊!当你途中的泥沙为你的歌声和流动哀求时, 你可愿意担起他们跛足的重担? Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees. 忧愁在我心中沈寂平静,正如黄昏在寂静的林中。I cannot choose the best. The best chooses me. 我不能选择那最好的,是那最好的选择了我。 They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back. 把灯笼背在背上的人,有黑影遮住前路。 Rest belongs to the work as the eyelids to the eyes. 休息隶属于工作,正如眼睑隶属于眼睛。 The waterfall sings, "" I find my song, when I find my freedom."" 瀑布歌道:「当我得到自由时,便有了歌声。」 the stars are not afraid to appear like fireflies. 群星不会因为像萤火虫而怯於出现。 We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility. 当我们极谦卑时,则几近於伟大。 The sparrow is sorry for the peacock at the burden of its tail. 麻雀因孔雀驮著翎尾而替它担忧。 The Perfect decks itself in beauty for the love of the Imperfect. 「完全」为了爱「不完全」,把自己装饰得更美。 “I give my whole water in joy,“ sings the waterfall, "" though little of it is enough for the thirsty."" 瀑布歌唱著:「虽然渴者只需少许水便足够,我却乐意给与我的全部」 The woodcutter"s axe begged for its handle from tree, the tree gave it. 樵夫的斧头向树要柄,树便给了它。 We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us. 我们看错了世界,却说世界欺骗了我们。 He who wants to do good knocks at the gate; he who loves finds the gate open. 想要行善的人在门外敲著门;爱人的,看见门是敞开的。 The scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the word. 剑鞘保护剑的锋利,自己却满足於它自己的迟钝。 The cloud stood humbly in a corner of the sky, The morning crowned it with splendour. 白云谦卑地站在天边,晨光给它披上壮丽的光彩。 The dust receives insult and in return offers her flowers. 尘土承受屈辱,却以鲜花来回报。 God is ashamed when the prosperous boasts of his special favour. 当富贵利达的人夸说他得到上帝的恩惠时,上帝却羞了。 Not hammer-strokes, but dance of the water sings the pebbles into perfection. 不是锤的敲打,乃是水的载歌载舞,使鹅卵石臻於完美。 God"s great power is in the gentle breeze, not in the storm. 上帝的大能在柔和的微风中,不在狂风暴雨中。 By plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower. 采撷花瓣得不著花的美丽。 The great walks with the small without fear. The middling keeps aloof. 大的不怕与小的同游,居中的却远避之。 "" The learned say that your lights will one day be no more."" said the firefly to the stars.The stars made no answer. 萤火虫对群星说:「学者说你的光有一天会熄灭。」群星不回答它。 The pet dog suspects the universe for scheming to take its place. 小狗怀疑大宇宙阴谋篡夺它的位置。 God loves man"s lamp-lights better than his own great stars. 上帝喜爱人间的灯光甚於他自己的大星。 Praise shames me, for I secretly beg for it. 荣誉羞著我,因为我暗地里追求著它。 Life has become richer by the love that has been lost. 生命因为失去爱情而更丰盛。 Dark clouds becomes heaven"s flowers when kissed by light. 黑云受到光的接吻时,就变成了天上的花朵。 The little flower lies in the dust. It sought the path of the butterfly. 小花睡在尘土里,它寻求蝴蝶走的路。 Let this be my last word, that I trust in thy love. 我相信你的爱」让这句话作为我最后的话。I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。
2023-01-12 22:39:163


题库内容:形容 跟 别人 合不来。 成语出处: 《汉书·耿 成语例句: 他的 文章 观点深奥, 一定 落落寡合 。 注音: ㄌㄨㄛˋ ㄌㄨㄛˋ ㄍㄨㄚˇ ㄏㄜˊ 落落寡合的近义词: 孤芳自赏 比喻人品清高,性情孤傲,独自欣赏自认为出众绝伦的那一套 虽无咏絮清才,却抱孤芳自赏。清&middo 与世无争 不夸耀;在处世态度、行动上不争胜于人一种平静的与世无争的克己生活 孤家寡人 孤家与寡人是古代帝王的谦称,即自谦为寡德之人。现在常用来指孤独的人,有时候指脱离群众的人,有时候是 落落寡合的反义词: 和衷共济 指同心协力克服困难大家也真能和衷共济的讨论救济的方法。《老舍文集·赵子曰》 八面玲珑 原指窗户宽敞明亮,后形容待人处事机巧圆滑,各方面都敷衍周到,谁也不得罪 虽是无为清净,依然要,八面 同舟共济 同船渡河,相为照应。比喻利害得失相同者要患难与共,通力合作 成语语法: 偏正式;作谓语、定语;含贬义 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 偏正式成语 产生年代: 近代成语 英语翻译: stand-offish <unsociable; aloof> 俄语翻译: необщительный <нелюдим> 日语翻译: なかなか人とおり合わない 其他翻译: <法>peu accessible <insociable> 读音注意: 落,不能读作“là”。 写法注意: 合,不能写作“和”。
2023-01-12 22:39:231


2023-01-12 22:39:262

Always turns a cold shoulder to me什么意思啊

对某人冷淡的意思,下面是几个例子我必须要对他冷淡点,要不然他总是缠着我。Imust tip himthecold shoulder, orhewill be pesteringme eternally有总是被解释他作为自负的超然之后我一般过酷和对他冷淡。Havingalwaysinterpretedhisaloofnessasconceit, Ihadgenerallybeencoolandalooftowardhim他以前对我有点冷淡,但是现在看电视的时候它总是蜷缩在我的肚子上,甚至是钻进衣服里。Hewas a bitaloofbefore, nowhe insists on curling up on mybellyduringTVtimes, and even gets himself involved
2023-01-12 22:39:293


That One time, I in station waiting automobile About 15.16 year-oldgirls, her arm is stretching the bandage, swayingly walking on roadOften falls to several, but is aloof in the side person But I haveactually held her, asks her: " You are all right? " She hasnot paid attention to me, or continues to walk her road I actuallydo not have to manage her again, but works as this time, she enteredthe street, the street vehicle came and went, but she actually was notafraid On in that flash, she by passing Che Zhuangdao... ... This matter always lets me remember sorrow is new, lets me feel badvery much, I have not raised with the family member Only is oneselfsuppresses in the heart Hoped this matter can give me a very biglesson!
2023-01-12 22:39:542


孤傲:孤独与高傲,表面的高傲与内心的孤独。是一种人生的态度,犹如孤芳自赏的隐士。 高傲:自以为了不起,看不起人;极其骄傲
2023-01-12 22:39:583


2023-01-12 22:40:012


哪三个介词啊,只有你打出来我们才知道是哪三个介词啊to 表示目的 方向for 译 为.... 后接名词 of 一般译成 ....的 与其后的名词 相当与形容词
2023-01-12 22:40:052


2023-01-12 22:40:083


  out有出;在外;完等意思,那么你知道out的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    out的用法大全:   out用作副词最基本的意思是“出,在外”,在此基础上引申出多种意思,并可与许多动词搭配使用,构成习语; 在句中可用作状语、表语; 与of连用可构成复合介词。    out的用法例句:   1. Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy"s aloof sophistication.   露西的冷淡与世故使得巴里十分不快。   2. He did not like to be caught out on details.   他不喜欢在细节上被人抓住把柄。   3. Don"t worry. We"ll have you out of here double-quick.   别担心,我们会很快把你从这儿弄出去的。   4. The road to peace will be long and drawn-out.   通往和平的道路将很漫长。   5. The light went out, and the room was plunged into darkness.   灯熄了,屋里陷入一片漆黑。   6. The airline had losses of $35m and was bailed out by Qantas.   这家航空公司亏损达3,500万美元,而澳航出资帮助其摆脱了困境。   7. He got out of bed and pulled on his bathrobe.   他起床后穿上了晨衣。   8. When the decision was read out Mrs Gardner thanked the judges.   判决书宣读完,加德纳夫人向法官们表示感谢。   9. A journalist all his life, he"s now brought out a book.   他当了一辈子新闻记者,如今已出了一本书。   10. They will not allow your more way-out ideas to pass unchallenged.   他们不会放过你这些古怪的念头的。   11. The building he was lodged in turned out to be a church.   原来,他租住的那栋建筑是一座教堂。   12. The guerrillas were holding out in the Paghman valley.   游击队员正在帕格曼山谷地区坚持抵抗。   13. The three parties will meet next month to work out remaining differences.   三方将在下个月会面,以解决余下的分歧。   14. The indisputable fact is that computers carry out logical operations.   不容置疑的事实是,电脑执行逻辑操作指令。   15. The crowds had been soaked and were now nicely drying out.   这群人都浑身湿透,现在谢天谢地快晾干了。
2023-01-12 22:40:121

没出过pool是什么意思 没出过pool意思是什么

1、pool的意思是水潭,出pool就是说爬出了“没有情侣”的这个泥沼之地,就是找到男/女朋友的意思。 2、POOL在英语中的意思是池塘、水池。现在人用出POOL表示找到男女朋友了。 3、比赛等小组出线,从小组这个pool中脱颖而出;找到男女朋友,从单身的pool中爬出来了。
2023-01-12 22:39:151