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disturb bother什么区别 英语问题

2023-05-19 13:25:27









bother,读音:英[ˈbɒðər],美[ˈbɑːðər]。释义:vt.烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒。vi.操心,麻烦;烦恼。n.麻烦;烦恼。例句:Don"t bother me when I work in the study.我在书房工作时不要打扰我。变形:过去式bothered,过去分词bothered,现在分词bothering,第三人称单数bothers,复数bothers。短语:bother one"s head为某事心烦bother the teacher麻烦老师always bother总是打扰bother repeatedly又一次地迷惑bother for sb替某人操心without any bother进展顺利bother的用法bother在表示“烦扰”“烦恼”时,除人体的head,brain,heart等或由人组成的机构、组织以及个别俚语(如bother the record)以外,bother一般不用事实作直接宾语。bother着重“打扰”行为的本身,而不指由此而产生的“烦躁”“不安”状态,因此表达“感觉烦躁”这个意思时,不能说I feel bothered,而应说I feel restless。表示“打扰或麻烦某人时”,可用bother…with/about…。例句:Don"t bother your father about it now.现在先不要麻烦你的父亲。
2022-12-31 11:25:441


1、bother,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“麻烦;烦恼”,作及物动词时意为“烦扰,打扰;使??不安;使??恼怒”,作不及物动词时意为“操心,麻烦;烦恼”。2、例句:I tell them not to bother.我告诉他们不用为此烦恼。
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2022-12-31 11:26:003


bother英 ["bɒðə]美 ["bɑðɚ]n. 麻烦;烦恼vt. 烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒vi. 操心,麻烦;烦恼更多释义>>[网络短语]bother 打搅,打扰,烦扰bother sb 打扰某人,打搅某人,打扰Bother Lawrence 劳伦斯
2022-12-31 11:26:111

bother是什么意思啊 bother的意思

1、bother,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“麻烦;烦恼”,作及物动词时意为“烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒”,作不及物动词时意为“操心,麻烦;烦恼”。 2、单词发音:英[ˈbɒðə(r)]美[ˈbɑːðər]
2022-12-31 11:26:161


学习英语 的时候,我们可能知道某个单词的意思,但却不知道它的用法,例如 bother, bother 是打扰的意思,知道bother的用法吗?下面是我给大家带来的bother的用法 总结 大全_bother的用法及 短语 ,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ 目 录 ▼ ★ bother的用法总结 ★ ★ bother的短语 ★ ★ bother的用法例句 ★ ★ bother同义词辨析 ★ ▼ bother的用法总结 用作不及物动词 S+~(+A) You needn"t bother; I can lock the door. 你不必担心,我会锁门的。 Thank you, but please don"t bother. 谢谢,但请你不要费事了。 Shall I call a doctor? —Please don"t bother. 要不要去请大夫? ——请不要费事了。 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron. The children stopped bothering their father. 孩子们停止搅扰他们的父亲。 He comes bothering me day after day. 他天天来打扰我。 I am sorry to bother you. 打扰你了,我很抱歉。 Could I bother you a moment, please?I need your advice. 能打扰一下吗?我需要向你请教。 S+~+ v -ing Why bother asking if you"re not really interested? 如果你不是真的感兴趣,干吗费口舌打听呢? Why should we bother waiting any longer? 我们为什么还要等呢? S+~+to- v You don"t bother to get dinner for me today; I"ll eat out. 今天,不要麻烦为我预备晚饭了,我要在外边吃。 You needn"t bother to come here. 你不必麻烦到这儿来。 S+~+wh-clause You needn"t bother what you will eat. 你不必担心吃什么。 We needn"t bother when it happened. 我们不必操心那是何时发生的。 You needn"t bother how it took place. 你不必担心那是怎样发生的。 You needn"t bother how I did it. 你不必担心我是如何做的。 用作宾补动词 S+~+ n./pron. +to- v That man is always bothering me to lend him money. 那个人总是烦我借钱给他。 The boy is bothering his father to tell him another story. 那个男孩正闹他的父亲给他再讲一个 故事 。 Don"t bother yourself to answer the letter. 你不必费事回这封信。 用作感叹语 Oh bother, I "ve forgotten my pen. 糟糕,我忘记带钢笔了。 Oh, bother him. He"s never around when you need him. 哎呀,他可真讨厌,需要他的时候从来都找不到他。 Bother! I"ve left my wallet at home. 真烦人,我把钱包落家里了。 用作名词 (n.) The bother came along that I was at a loss. 这乱子突然发生,使我不知所措。 Some people refer all the bother to bad luck instead of lack of ability. 有些人把自己所有的苦恼都归咎于运气不佳,而不认为是缺乏能力。 く く く ▼ bother的短语 1. bother to do sth 费心做某事。如: You needn"t bother to come up. 你不必费心来了。 Don"t bother to get dinner for me. 请不必费事为我做饭了。 注:该结构也可用 bother (about) doing sth 表示。如以上两句也可说成: You needn"t bother (about) coming up. Don"t bother (about) getting dinner for me. 2. bother oneself to do sth 费心做某事。如: Don"t bother yourself to answer the letter. 请不必回复此信。 注:该结构也可用 bother oneself (about) doing sth 表示。如上面一句也可说成: Don"t bother yourself (about) answering the letter. 3. bother sb to do sth 麻烦某人做某事。如: He"s always bothering me to lend him money. 他老是闹着要我借钱给他。 Don"t bother him to do it for you. 别去麻烦他去为你做这事。 4. bother with [about] sb (sth)关心某人(某事物),为某人或某事费心或焦急。如: / 21 / 7) They didn"t bother about [with] that. 他们对那件事并不感到焦急。 He never bother about [with] his children. 他从不关心他的孩子。 5. bother sb with [about] sth 用某事麻烦某人。如: Don"t bother him with [about] it now; he"s very busy. 现在不要拿这个去打扰他,他很忙。 I"m sorry that I have to bother you with [about]this problem. 对不起,我要用这个问题来麻烦你了。(from 6. can"t be bothered to do sth 不愿为做某事而操心,嫌麻烦而不做某事。如: He can"t be bothered to say hello. 他连打声招呼都不肯。 注:有时用 can"t be bothered with……。如: I can"t be bothered with him. 我不会为他操心。 I can"t be bothered with waiting for a bus; let"s walk. 我不喜欢等公共汽车,咱们走路吧。 7. give sb bother 给某人添麻烦。如: I didn"t want to give her any bother. 我不想给她添麻烦。 8. go to the bother of doing sth 费心做某事。如: I"m not going to the bother of writing again. She never writes back. 我不想费心再给他写信了,他从不回信的。(from 9. have bother (in) doing sth 做某事费劲。如: Did you have much bother (in) finding his office? 你是不是费了很大的劲才找到他的办公室? We had quite a lot of bother (in) getting here because of the fog. 因为有雾,我们费了很大的事才到达这儿。 10. save sb (oneself) the bother of doing sth省得某人(自己)麻烦去做某事。如: I should have phoned the shop first and saved myself the bother of going there. 我本来应该先给商店打个电话的,这样也就省得我走一趟。 く く く ▼ bother的用法例句 1. Mr Brooke is undoubtedly in a spot of bother. 布鲁克先生肯定遇到了点小麻烦。 2. I"ll drive you back to your hotel later. It"s no bother. 我一会儿会开车把你送回宾馆,举手之劳。 3. The sauce is thick and rich so don"t bother trying to diet. 这个酱汁又浓又香,别费劲节食了。 4. I usually buy sliced bread — it"s less bother. 我通常都买切片面包——比较省事。 5. Now don"t talk so loud and bother him, honey. 亲爱的,好了,别这么大声说话打扰他。 6. Nothing I do makes any difference anyway, so why bother? 既然我做什么都于事无补,我为什么还要费劲呢? く く く ▼ bother的 同义词 辨析 provoke anger annoy badger bother disturb hound irritate pester 【导航词义:使生气,烦扰】 provoke v. 激怒,使恼火 〔辨析〕尤指故意激怒某人,含有挑衅之意。 〔例证〕He would not have scolded you if he hadn"t been provoked.  如果不是被惹恼了,他是不会责骂你的。 Paul insisted that he was provoked into fighting.  保罗坚持说他是因为被激怒才打架的。 anger v. 使生气,激怒 〔辨析〕指激怒某人,其程度通常高于 annoy。 〔例证〕What angered her most was his total lack of apology.  最让她生气的是他居然一句道歉的话都没有。 The teacher was angered by his lies.  老师对他的谎话感到愤怒。 annoy v. 使烦恼,使生气 〔辨析〕普通用词,程度较轻,强调不断地烦扰,尤指以重复性的行为让人心烦或恼火。 〔例证〕We were annoyed by mosquitoes.  蚊子真让我们恼火。 His words annoyed me.  他的话惹恼了我。 She was annoyed by his repeated questions.  他翻来覆去的发问让她非常生气。 badger v. 纠缠,烦扰 〔辨析〕强调没完没了的发问、噪音等惹人生气。 〔例证〕Don"t badger me with your silly questions.  请不要问些傻问题来烦我。 I was badgered with sirens.  汽笛声让我心烦意乱。 bother v. 打扰,打搅 〔辨析〕主要侧重于动作、客观事物对人的搅扰,而不强调人的心理及思维方面。 〔例证〕She is very busy; please don"t bother her.  她很忙,请不要打扰她。 I"m sorry to bother you, can you tell me the way to the station?  对不起打扰你一下,到火车站怎么走? disturb v. 妨碍,干扰,打扰 〔辨析〕常指打断他人的睡眠、工作等,语气较强。 〔例证〕The noise outside disturbed my sleep.  外面的嘈杂声让我睡不好觉。 Do not disturb. 请勿打扰。 hound v. 烦扰,骚扰 〔辨析〕尤指为获得某种东西(如信息、隐情等)而不停地追着骚扰某人。 〔例证〕The reporters wouldn"t stop hounding him.  记者们不停地烦扰他。 irritate v. 激怒,使烦躁 〔辨析〕指因重复或长时间做某事而使人不快。 〔例证〕It really irritates me when he gets up at noon at weekends.  他周末总是中午才起床,真让我恼火。 pester v. 不断烦扰,纠缠 〔辨析〕尤指不断地要求某人做某事,强调纠缠至其难以忍受的地步。 〔例证〕Journalists pestered him for information.  记者缠着他打听消息。 He was pestered with complaints from his wife.  妻子没完没了的抱怨真让他烦恼不已。 く く く bother的用法总结大全相关 文章 : ★ 托福写作之副词用法 ★ 高中英语的经典句型的详细介绍 ★ be的用法有哪些速记口诀 ★ 给新人的励志职场文章(2) ★ now的用法意思及例句有哪些 ★ 如何巧用英语短语 ★ audience的用法总结大全 ★ 兄弟单位交流学习总结报告 ★ feel的用法总结大全 ★ 个人参加社团活动范文 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2022-12-31 11:26:221

bother的名词 副词 形容词是什么

bother英[ˈbɒðə(r)]美[ˈbɑ:ðə(r)]vt.烦扰,打扰;使…不安,使…恼怒;使迷惑;烦恼vi.操心;麻烦;烦恼n.麻烦,操心;累赘;烦扰,吵闹;讨厌的人bothersome[英]ˈbɔðəsəm[美]ˈbɑðəsəmadj.旧引起麻烦的,困扰人的,令人讨厌的;淘神;伤脑筋botheration英 [ˌbɒðəˈreɪʃn] 美 [ˈbɑ:ðəˈreɪʃn] n. 麻烦,忧虑,纠缠int. 讨厌!bother about英 [ˈbɔðə əˈbaut] 美 [ˈbɑðɚ əˈbaʊt] 担心;麻烦;计较;过问
2022-12-31 11:26:271

bother 用法?

其实很简单的及物动词+宾语 打扰;麻烦‘使烦恼;使难受例如:Don"t bother your dad.+ about/with 费事;烦心例如:She never bothers about clothes.+to do例如:No,no, don"t bother to come.也可以什么也不跟例如:Please don"t bother.学习词汇要短而精。很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^
2022-12-31 11:26:323


2022-12-31 11:26:4315

bother disturb trouble 区别

bother、disturb、trouble 区别是:读音不同、含义不同、用法不同。一、读音不同bother读音:英 ["bɒðə]  美 ["bɑðɚ] 2.disturb读音:[dɪ"stɜːb]  美 [dɪ"stɝb] 3.trouble读音:英 ["trʌb(ə)l]  美 ["trʌbl] 二、含义不同1.bother释义:vt. 烦扰,打扰;使??不安;使??恼怒2.disturb释义:vt. 打扰;妨碍;使不安;弄乱;使恼怒3.trouble释义:vt. 麻烦;使烦恼;折磨三、用法不同1.bother用法:强调因果关系,在句中仅作状语,修饰句中的一部分,与其他成分不用逗号隔开。2.disturb用法:引出造成后果的原因,在句中作表语、状语和定语。3.trouble用法:多用于表达正面意思,相当于使??不安,在句中作状语和表语。扩展资料:bother、disturb、trouble 辨析:trouble造成麻烦,可以是生理上的,也可以是心理上的,以及遇到的困难等,注重人的感受;disturb常指打破平静而带来的干扰;bother是指不停地打扰,强调动作,不强调心理。bother例句:1、I tell them not to bother. 我告诉他们不用为此烦恼。2、Indeed not. Not bother at all. 真的不会,一点也不麻烦。disturb例句:1、I do not have that qualification, to disturb your life. 我已经没有那个资格,去打扰你的生活。2、You find yourself with nothing to do, please do not disturb me. 你感觉到无聊时,请千万不要来打扰我。trouble例句:1、You should not leave her in trouble. 你不应该把她丢在困境中。2、No trouble at all. 一点麻烦也没有。
2022-12-31 11:27:381


2022-12-31 11:27:593


bother指常受到时有时无的小事的烦扰例如:If you return me the book, I will stop bothering you.你归还我的书后,我就不打扰你了。�worry主要指因对某事的结果没有把握而焦虑不安,还可指某人沉浸在软弱无助的情绪或思虑中。�例如:Worrying about your health can make you sick.经常担心你的健康,会使你生病的
2022-12-31 11:28:101


annoy 指由于干扰、不顺利或受不了某种外界情况等而“使烦恼、懊恼”,如:I was annoyed by his bad manners.他的无礼使我恼怒。bother 指不停地“扰乱”、“麻烦”, 使人不能安宁, 而产生烦恼的心理。 如:Pardon me for bothering you with such a small matter.请原谅我为这点小事麻烦你。upsetShe upset our plan.她打乱了我们的计划。2.使苦恼, 使心烦; 使不适 The news upset him emotionally.这消息使他心烦意乱。Chocolate upset his stomach.希望帮助到LZ哟
2022-12-31 11:28:162


1、bother one"s head 为某事心烦2、bother the teacher 麻烦老师3、always bother 总是打扰4、bother continuously 不停地打扰5、bother deliberately 故意打扰6、bother about 麻烦,费心(思)7、bother about appearance 在外表上费心(思)用法:1、bother可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。表示“某事或某人使某人操心或焦急”时以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语;表示“为某事而操心或焦急”时以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。2、在全否定句中,bother可接动词不定式或动名词(可认为其前省略了介词about)作宾语,两者意思上无明显差别。bother还可接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。bother可用于被动结构,语气要比主动结构时稍强。
2022-12-31 11:28:241


2022-12-31 11:28:336

请问trouble bother的区别

2022-12-31 11:28:591

bother to do 与bother doing 是否有区别?请指点

bother to do sth是“费心做某事”(这是表示未做的事),而bothe doing sth是“麻烦做某事”(这是表示已做的事)。至于你下面的问题,就得多听听英语口语就可以悉得。
2022-12-31 11:29:051


bother / ˈbɔðə(r); ˋbɑðɚ/
2022-12-31 11:29:112

有关于bother的 这两句英语哪个正确啊?

be bother to do/be bother doing都是正确的句型
2022-12-31 11:29:222

bother 与trouble的区别

近义词辨析� bother, disturb, trouble, worry� 这组词均含有“不停地烦扰他人或搞得某人心神不宁”的意思。� bother 和disturb常用于主动和被动两种形式中。用于被动时,bother指常受到时有时无的小事的烦扰。用于主动时,bother的意思比disturb强,带有故意打扰他人的意思。� If you return me the book, I will stop bothering you.你归还我的书后, 我就不打扰你了。� disturb用于被动形式时,意思比bother强烈,有时甚至可指精神错乱。用在主动形式时,意思最弱,指某人无意中打扰他人,这种打扰行为并非存心冲着他人去的。�The man was mentally disturbed.这个人精神错乱了。� trouble和worry主要用于被动,指被某事搞得心神不宁。� trouble比worry稍正式些,指麻烦别人一件事而影响他人舒适、方便、效率、健康或心境的平静等。� May I trouble you for the book?麻烦您把书递给我好吗?� worry 主要指因对某事的结果没有把握而焦虑不安,还可指某人沉浸在软弱无助的情绪或思虑中。� Worrying about your health can make you sick.经常担心你的健康,会使你生病的是trouble bother bother 常用于主动和被动两种形式中。用于被动时,bother指常受到时有时无的小事的烦扰。用于主动时,bother带有故意打扰他人的意思。 trouble主要用于被动,指被某事搞得心神不宁。� trouble比较正式,指麻烦别人一件事而影响他人舒适、方便、效率、健康或心境的平静等。� May I trouble you for the book?麻烦您把书递给我好吗?
2022-12-31 11:29:422


bother [both·er || "bɒðə]n. 麻烦, 讨厌的人, 纠纷v. 烦扰, 打搅; 使困惑, 使不安; 使恼怒; 烦恼, 担心; 麻烦, 费心
2022-12-31 11:29:512


(not)bother to do sth或bother about/with是它的不及物句式,bother sb打扰某人,作及物动词
2022-12-31 11:30:001


2022-12-31 11:30:068

Stone Sour的《Bother》 歌词

歌曲名:Bother歌手:Stone Sour专辑:Stone SourBOTHERSPIDER MAN IWish I was too dead to cryA self affliction faceStones to throw at my creatorMasochist to which I caterYou don"t need to botherI don"t need to beI"ll keep slipping fartherBut once I hold onI won"t let go "till it bleedsWish I was too dead to careIf indeed I cared at allNever had a voice to protestSo you fed me shit to digestI wish I had a reasonMy thoughts are open seasonFor this I gave up tryingOne good time deserves my dyingYou don"t need to botherI don"t need to beI"ll keep slipping fartherBut once I hold onI won"t let go "till it bleedsWish I"d died instead of livedA zombie hides my faceShelf forgotten with it"s memoriesDiaries left with cryptic entriesAnd you don"t need to botherI don"t need to beI"ll keep slipping fartherBut once I hold onI won"t let go "till it bleedsYou don"t need to botherI don"t need to be, yeahI"ll keep slipping fartherBut once I hold on, once I hold onI"ll never live down my diseaseThis song is for J who I still lovedand for always!
2022-12-31 11:30:481

bother是什么意思 英语bother是什么意思

1、bother,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“麻烦;烦恼”,作及物动词时意为“烦扰,打扰;使??不安;使??恼怒”,作不及物动词时意为“操心,麻烦;烦恼”。2、例句:I tell them not to bother.我告诉他们不用为此烦恼。
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bother什么意思 英语bother什么意思

1、bother,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“麻烦;烦恼”,作及物动词时意为“烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒”,作不及物动词时意为“操心,麻烦;烦恼”。 2、双语例句:I tell them not to bother.我告诉他们不用为此烦恼。
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1、bother,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“麻烦;烦恼”,作及物动词时意为“烦扰,打扰;使??不安;使??恼怒”,作不及物动词时意为“操心,麻烦;烦恼”。2、双语例句:I tell them not to bother.我告诉他们不用为此烦恼。
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bother是什么意思 英语bother是什么意思

1、bother,英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“麻烦;烦恼”,作及物动词时意为“烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒”,作不及物动词时意为“操心,麻烦;烦恼”。 2、例句:I tell them not to bother.我告诉他们不用为此烦恼。
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bother的意思是:打扰。词义:1、花费时间精力(做某事)。I don"t know why you bother with that crowd (= why you spend time with them) .我弄不懂你为什么和那伙人浪费时间。2、使(某人)烦恼(或担忧、不安);给(某人)造成麻烦(或痛苦)。It bothers me to think of her alone in that big house.想到她孤零零地待在那所大房子里,我便坐立不安。双语例句:1、I don"t want to put you to any bother. 我不想给你添乱子。2、Call them and save yourself the bother of going round. 给他们打个电话就免得你亲自去了。3、I don"t want to bother her with my problems at the moment. 我此刻不想让她为我的事操心。4、Oh, bother him! He"s never around when you need him. 哎呀,他可真讨厌!需要他的时候从来都找不到他。5、It"s really only the hard core that bother to go to meetings. 也只有那些骨干分子愿意去开会。
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“bother”用法有:bother作名词讲时,意思是麻烦、烦恼。bother作动词讲时,意思是使烦恼,使恼怒;打扰,纠缠:bother读音["bɒðə]组词:Causing bother 引起烦扰的 ; 麻烦的to bother 劳神 ; 缠夹 ; 烦扰作动词例句:1、她的小妹妹缠着她要糖果。Her baby sister bother her for candy.2、她对这问题不能理解使她迷惑不已Her inability to understand the problem bothered her.作名词例句:1、不麻烦。我能为你做什么呢?It"s no bother. What can I do for you?2、不必麻烦了,我等一会再洗。Don"t bother, I"ll do it later.
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bother[英][ˈbɒðə(r)][美][ˈbɑ:ðə(r)]vt.烦扰,打扰; 使…不安,使…恼怒; 使迷惑; 烦恼; vi.操心; 麻烦; 烦恼; n.麻烦,操心; 累赘; 烦扰,吵闹; 讨厌的人; 第三人称单数:bothers过去分词:bothered复数:bothers现在进行时:bothering过去式:bothered
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  bother有烦扰;使恼怒;使不安;费心等意思,那么你知道bother的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    bother的用法:   bother的用法1:bother的基本意思是“打扰”“搅扰”,指使人受到烦扰或在精神上烦恼; 尤指把某人弄得焦急不安,心烦意乱,心情不能平静或专一,在句中多半用于否定结构。   bother的用法2:bother在表示“烦扰”“烦恼”时,除人体的head, brain, heart等或由人组成的机构、组织以及个别俚语(如bother the record)以外, bother一般不用事实作直接宾语; bother着重“打扰”行为的本身,而不指由此而产生的“烦躁”“不安”状态,因此表达“感觉烦躁”这个意思时,不能说I feel bothered.而应说I feel restless.   bother的用法3:bother可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。表示“某事或某人使某人操心或焦急”时以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语;表示“为某事而操心或焦急”时以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。在全否定句中,bother可接动词不定式或动名词(可认为其前省略了介词about)作宾语,两者意思上无明显差别。bother还可接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。bother可用于被动结构,语气要比主动结构时稍强。   bother的用法4:bother作“麻烦”“不便”“忧虑”解时是不可数名词; 作“令人烦恼的人或事物”“引起麻烦的人或事物”解时是可数名词,其前可加不定冠词。   bother的用法5:bother也可作“努力”解,是不可数名词。   bother的用法6:bother在作“斗殴”“暴力行为”解时,多用在英式英语的非正式口语中。   bother的常用短语:   用作动词 (v.)   bother about( v.+prep. )   bother with (v.+prep.)   用作名词 (n.)   bother about   get into a bother   look for bother    bother的用法例句:   1. Mr Brooke is undoubtedly in a spot of bother.   布鲁克先生肯定遇到了点小麻烦。   2. I"ll drive you back to your hotel later. It"s no bother.   我一会儿会开车把你送回宾馆,举手之劳。   3. The sauce is thick and rich so don"t bother trying to diet.   这个酱汁又浓又香,别费劲节食了。   4. I usually buy sliced bread — it"s less bother.   我通常都买切片面包——比较省事。   5. Now don"t talk so loud and bother him, honey.   亲爱的,好了,别这么大声说话打扰他。   6. Nothing I do makes any difference anyway, so why bother?   既然我做什么都于事无补,我为什么还要费劲呢?   7. He failed his First Year exams and didn"t bother about the resits.   他一年级的考试没有通过,却没有为补考而感到烦恼。   8. I"m terribly sorry to bother you at this hour.   这个时候打搅您,我万分抱歉。   9. She did not bother to keep up with the news.   她不愿花时间去了解最新消息。   10. Vince is having a spot of bother with the law.   文斯惹上了点儿官司。   11. I wouldn"t want to cause such important people as yourselves any bother.   我不想给你们这样的大人物添任何麻烦。   12. That kind of jealousy doesn"t bother me.   那种嫉妒我并不在意。   13. Never bother about people"s opinions.   不要在意人们的看法。   14. Most men hate the bother of shaving.   大多数男士嫌刮胡子麻烦。   15. He didn"t bother to switch on the light.   他懒得去开灯。
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英音:["bɔðə]美音:["bɑðɚ] 及物动词 vt. 1.烦扰,打搅 I can"t bother him with my little affairs. 我不能因自己那点小事去打扰他. 2.使恼怒 The way my brother talked to mother bothered me. 我兄弟对母亲说话的那副模样惹我恼火. 3.使困惑,使不安 The complexities of interpersonal relations bothered her. 人际关系的复杂情况使她困惑不已. 4.(用于命令式)让...见鬼去 不及物动词 vi. 1.烦恼,担心[(+with/about)] Don"t bother about that trifling matter. 别为那件小事烦恼. 2.麻烦,费心[(+with/about)][+to-v][+v-ing] You needn"t bother to come to my office. 你不必特地来我办公室. 名词 n. 1.烦恼,麻烦[U] We had a lot of bother finding a vacant apartment. 我们费了不少周折才找到一套空闲的公寓房间. 2.使人烦恼的人(或事物)[S] Tom is a bother to his teacher. 汤姆使他老师大伤脑筋. 3.努力[U] 感叹词 int. 1.讨厌!去你的!
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bother打扰双语对照词典结果:bother[英][ˈbɒðə(r)][美][ˈbɑ:ðə(r)]vt.烦扰,打扰; 使…不安,使…恼怒; 使迷惑; 烦恼; vi.操心; 麻烦; 烦恼; n.麻烦,操心; 累赘; 烦扰,吵闹; 讨厌的人; 第三人称单数:bothers过去分词:bothered复数:bothers现在进行时:bothering过去式:bothered以上结果来自金山词霸-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2022-12-31 11:32:151

bother 用法?

其实很简单的及物动词+宾语 打扰;麻烦‘使烦恼;使难受例如:Don"t bother your dad.+ about/with 费事;烦心例如:She never bothers about clothes.+to do例如:No,no, don"t bother to come.也可以什么也不跟例如:Please don"t bother.学习词汇要短而精。很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^
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bother to do 跟bother doing的区别,分别是什么意思

bother to dobother表示“费心”时,二者皆可,且多用否定句式.bother (oneself) to do是不定式bother (oneself) about后面跟名词或动名词bother doing,一般是bother about doing 中省略了about 表示“打扰或麻烦某人时”,可用bother…with/about….have bother (in)…(担心做某事)结构中,in后面要接名词或动名词,常可省略inbother可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词.表示“某事或某人使某人操心或焦急”时以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语;表示“为某事而操心或焦急”时以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出.在全否定句中,bother可接动词不定式或动名词(可认为其前省略了介词about)作宾语,两者意思上无明显差别.bother还可接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语.
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打搅 打扰
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bother ["bɔðə]基本翻译n. 麻烦;烦恼vt. 烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒vi. 烦恼;操心,麻烦网络释义bother:扰乱,烦恼|打扰|烦扰bother about:烦恼|计算比较得失|操心bother to:费心得去。。。
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annoy 指由于干扰、不顺利或受不了某种外界情况等而“使烦恼、懊恼”,如:I was annoyed by his bad manners.他的无礼使我恼怒。bother 指不停地“扰乱”、“麻烦”, 使人不能安宁, 而产生烦恼的心理。 如:Pardon me for bothering you with such a small matter.请原谅我为这点小事麻烦你。
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bother ["bɔðə] vt.烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒 vi.烦恼;操心,麻烦 n.麻烦;烦恼
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bother to do 与bother doing 是否有区别

bother to do sth是“费心做某事”(这是表示未做的事),bothe doing sth是“麻烦做某事”(这是表示已做的事).
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bother 的用法

bother sb about sth
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bother 的用法

bother[5bRTE(r)]vt.烦扰, 打扰vi.烦恼, 操心n.麻烦, 烦扰v.打扰annoy concern fuss trouble worry bother早期为 bodder<古爱尔兰语 bodar 麻烦[5bRTE(r)]vt, vi打扰;烦扰Will it bother you if I turn the television on?我开电视会不会吵着你?I"m busy, don"t bother me. 我正忙着,不要打扰我。I"m sorry to bother you, but can you direct me to the railway station?劳驾,你能不能告诉我到火车站怎么走?(常与about, with, to连用)麻烦Don"t bother with/about it.别为此操心。Don"t bother about it. 不用麻烦了。Don"t bother yourself about me.别为我操心。Don"t bother about answering his letter.你不必回复他的信。We had a lot of bother in repairing the press machine.修理这台印刷机费了很大劲。(表示不高兴的强调用语) Bother the lot of you! 你们这些人真讨厌! Bother it!讨厌!bothern麻烦;焦虑We had a lot of bother finding our way. 我们经过很多麻烦才找到这里。 The guests had a lot of bother finding their way here.客人们费了很大劲才找到这里。暴行;恫吓annoy concern fuss trouble worry bother[5bCTE]n.麻烦; 烦恼麻烦事; 讨厌的人焦虑费工夫的工作We had a lot of bother finding our way to his house.我们费了很大劲才找到他的家。Don"t get into such a bother about small matters.不要为了区区小事而如此焦虑。Gardening takes more bother than it"s worth.种花是很费工夫的, 真不值得。bothervt.打扰, 使不安, 使激动或紧张使迷惑; 使烦恼、生气或担心纠缠Don"t bother me while I am taking my nap.我小睡的时候不要打扰我。The complexities of life bothered me.生活的杂乱事儿使我心烦。B-it! (=B-you!)讨厌!bothervi.感到轻微的关切或焦虑麻烦费心bother with trifles为小事而烦恼botherern.bothermentn.bothersomeadj.bother (oneself) about (=bother one"s head about)为...而操心; 为...而费事见 annoy botherAHD:[b糦搮r]D.J.:[6b%H*]K.K.:[6b$H+] v. both.ered;; both.ers;bother disturb or anger, especially by minor irritations; annoy.See: annoyTo make agitated or nervous; fluster.To make confused or perplexed; puzzle.To intrude on without invitation or warrant; disturb.To give trouble to:a back condition that bothers her constantly.bother v.intr.To take the trouble; concern oneself.To cause trouble.bother n.A cause or state of disturbance.bother interj.Used to express annoyance or mild irritation.Probably fromdialectal bodder[ possibly of Celtic origin ]botherAHD:[b糦搮r]D.J.:[6b%H*]K.K.:[6b$H+] v. both.ered;; both.ers;bother disturb or anger, especially by minor irritations; annoy. 烦扰,激怒打扰或激怒,尤指通过令人烦躁的小事;打搅See: annoyTo make agitated or nervous; fluster. 使紧张使不安或紧张;使慌张To make confused or perplexed; puzzle. 使迷惑使混乱或迷惑;使窘困To intrude on without invitation or warrant; disturb. 干扰没有被邀请或授权而闯入;打扰To give trouble to:给…添麻烦:a back condition that bothers her constantly.一个不断给她添麻烦的不利条件bother v.intr.To take the trouble; concern oneself.烦;操心To cause trouble.使麻烦bother n.A cause or state of disturbance. 干扰干扰的原因或状况bother interj.Used to express annoyance or mild irritation.用于表达烦恼或轻度恼怒Probably fromdialectal bodder可能源自方言 bodder[ possibly of Celtic origin ][ 可能源于凯尔特语 ]
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bother 英["bɒðə(r)]美[ˈbɑðɚ]vt. 烦扰,打扰;使…不安,使…恼怒;使迷惑;烦恼vi. 操心;麻烦;烦恼n. 麻烦,操心;累赘;烦扰,吵闹;讨厌的人
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annoy 指由于干扰、不顺利或受不了某种外界情况等而“使烦恼、懊恼”,如:I was annoyed by his bad manners.他的无礼使我恼怒。bother 指不停地“扰乱”、“麻烦”, 使人不能安宁, 而产生烦恼的心理。 如:Pardon me for bothering you with such a small matter.请原谅我为这点小事麻烦你。
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bother 中文意思是什么?

bother v.烦扰;使恼怒;使不安;费心 n.麻烦;烦扰;焦急I"ve no time to bother with such things.我没时间为这种事烦恼。Don"t write anything that will bother the censor. 你可别写什么给检查员找麻烦的话。It bothers me that he can be so insensitive.他这样麻木不仁,我心里很不痛快。Don"t bother about such trifles. 这丁点儿事不必放在心上。
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bother to do和doing区别

bother to dobother表示“费心”时,二者皆可,且多用否定句式。bother (oneself) to do是不定式bother (oneself) about后面跟名词或动名词bother doing,一般是bother about doing 中省略了about 表示“打扰或麻烦某人时”,可用bother…with/about…. have bother (in)…(担心做某事)结构中,in后面要接名词或动名词,常可省略inbother可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。表示“某事或某人使某人操心或焦急”时以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语;表示“为某事而操心或焦急”时以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。在全否定句中,bother可接动词不定式或动名词(可认为其前省略了介词about)作宾语,两者意思上无明显差别。bother还可接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。
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请问trouble bother的区别

I"m sorry to __trouble__ you,but can you tell me the way to the station? bother 常用于主动和被动两种形式中。用于被动时,bother指常受到时有时无的小事的烦扰。用于主动时,bother带有故意打扰他人的意思。 trouble主要用于被动,指被某事搞得心神不宁。 trouble比较正式,指麻烦别人一件事而影响他人舒适、方便、效率、健康或心境的平静等。 May I trouble you for the book?麻烦您把书递给我好吗? 近义词辨析 bother, disturb, trouble, worry 这组词均含有“不停地烦扰他人或搞得某人心神不宁”的意思。 bother 和disturb常用于主动和被动两种形式中。用于被动时,bother指常受到时有时无的小事的烦扰。用于主动时,bother的意思比disturb强,带有故意打扰他人的意思。 If you return me the book, I will stop bothering you.你归还我的书后, 我就不打扰你了。 disturb用于被动形式时,意思比bother强烈,有时甚至可指精神错乱。用在主动形式时,意思最弱,指某人无意中打扰他人,这种打扰行为并非存心冲着他人去的。 The man was mentally disturbed.这个人精神错乱了。 trouble和worry主要用于被动,指被某事搞得心神不宁。 trouble比worry稍正式些,指麻烦别人一件事而影响他人舒适、方便、效率、健康或心境的平静等。 May I trouble you for the book?麻烦您把书递给我好吗? worry 主要指因对某事的结果没有把握而焦虑不安,还可指某人沉浸在软弱无助的情绪或思虑中。 Worrying about your health can make you sick.经常担心你的健康,会使你生病的 参考文献:
2022-12-31 11:34:151


bother[ˈbɔðə]打扰, 烦扰, 搅扰, 使恼怒
2022-12-31 11:34:213


bother 英["bɒðə(r)] 美[ˈbɑðɚ] vt. 烦扰,打扰;使…不安,使…恼怒;使迷惑;烦恼 vi. 操心;麻烦;烦恼 n. 麻烦,操心;累赘;烦扰,吵闹;讨厌的人 [例句]So why bother with it?干吗要那么麻烦呢?
2022-12-31 11:34:351