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2023-05-19 23:50:06


TAG: on 区别 a

along 可以作介词:沿着;顺着。


alongside 可以作介词:在...的旁边;横着;傍着




along可以是介词 也可以是副词 比如:go along!










alongway很长的路远道;一段长路;along distance trip.沿距离9307位粉丝一、释义不同1、along:prep.沿着;顺着adv.向前;一起2、alongside:adv.在旁边prep.在…旁边二、侧重不同1、along:指沿着与其宾语所指事物平行的方向,尤指沿着细长或狭窄的物体,如走廊、公路等2、alongside:强调“与…并排”,尤用于船舶,指“与码头或其他船只”并排靠拢着。三、引申不同1、along:用于美式英语 还可指”接近“; 引申可指“在这里〔那里〕”。2、alongside:主要用于非正式场合中,且可用于人。
2023-01-12 22:14:411

beside 和 alongside 的区别

2023-01-12 22:14:461


alongside(介) 在...旁边; 与...并排靠拢着; 沿着...的边#在旁边; 靠拢着; 沿着; 并排地 (副) 在旁边; 靠拢着; 沿着; 并排地 ---------------------------------------------------------------aside(副) 在旁边; 离开; 到旁边; 撇开 (名) 旁白; 离题的话; 私语, 悄悄话
2023-01-12 22:14:492


alongside adv. 在旁边prep. 在……旁边prep. He crossed the street and walked alongside Central Park.他过了马路,然后在中央公园旁边走着。adv.He waited several minutes for a car to pull up alongside.他等了几分钟等一辆车停靠在旁边。along 报错adv. 一起;向前;来到prep.. 沿着;顺着Pedro walked along the street alone.佩德罗独自一人沿着这条街走。The young man led Mark Ryle along a corridor.那个青年男子带着马克·赖尔沿着一条走廊走。
2023-01-12 22:14:521

stand alongside是什么意思

alongside[英][əˌlɒŋˈsaɪd][美][əˌlɔ:ŋˈsaɪd]adv.在…的侧面; 在…旁边; 与…并排; prep.在…旁边; 横靠; 傍着; 例句1.He crossed the street and walked alongside Central Park.他穿过街道,沿着中央公园走。2.Google ventures also is expected to participate, alongside certain existing shareholders like benchmark.除了现有的股东外,如基准资本(Benchmark),谷歌风投(Google Ventures)预计也会参与投资。
2023-01-12 22:14:551


at the side of somethingnear the something
2023-01-12 22:15:0712


alongside adv. 在旁边; 靠拢着;沿着; 并排地prep. 在...旁边; 与...并排靠拢着; 沿着...的边#在旁边; 靠拢着;沿着; 并排地along [a·long || ə"lɒŋ]adv. 向前; 带着; 一起; 来到prep. 沿着; 顺着#向前; 带着; 一起; 来到
2023-01-12 22:15:221


是的。Beside英 [bɪ"saɪd]     美 [bɪ"saɪd]    prep. 在 ... 旁边;与 ... 相比;和... 无关。Money seems unimportant when setting beside the joys of family life.与天伦之乐相比,金钱显得微不足道。beside, alongside, alongside of区别:1、alongside强调“与…并排”,尤用于船舶,指“与码头或其他船只”并排靠拢着。2、alongside of和alongside意思相同,但前者是美式英语,主要用于非正式场合中,且可用于人。3、beside仅表示“在…旁边”,它不强调具体的存在方式。
2023-01-12 22:15:251


可选择的英文Optional。可选择的英文造句1、You can choose your main course now.现在你可以选择你的主食了。2、In its prepositional use alongside may optionally be accompanied by of:The barge lay alongside,or alongside of,the pier.在介词用法里alongside后可以选择性地跟of:驳船停在旁边或靠码头旁边3、A woman can choose to have breast implants.女人可以选择进行隆胸。4、I can still achieve closure.我仍然可以选择结束。5、Free will makes us able to choose our way of life.自由的意志使我们可以选择自己的生活方式。6、You can choose not to use pancake make up.你可以选择不要使用粉饼。
2023-01-12 22:15:321


1.倒装句 Alongside the trail runs a crooked line. 主语是 a crooked line.2.选2 的话 As rare as diamonds,some species of coral growing as deep as 200 feet beneath the sea 这句就没有谓语了。grown 是过去分词。
2023-01-12 22:15:412


beside用英语的读法是:英 [bɪˈsaɪd]   美 [bɪˈsaɪd]。释义:prep.不中(目标),不对(题),与…无关;(表示排斥)除…之外;(表示位置)在…旁边,,在…一侧,在…附近;(表示关系)与…无关,和…相比,比起…来,比得上That question was beside the mark and need not be answered. 那个问题与主题无关,无需回答。记忆技巧:be 构成介词 + side 旁边 → 在…旁边经典引文:Mervyn beside, Hangs over his dear mistress.默文在旁边,挂在他亲爱的情妇身上。出自: Southey扩展资料:一、词义辨析:prep. (介词)beside, alongside, alongside of这三个词(组)均可表示“在…旁边”。1.alongside强调“与…并排”,尤用于船舶,指“与码头或其他船只”并排靠拢着。2.alongside of和alongside意思相同,但前者是美式英语,主要用于非正式场合中,且可用于人。3.beside仅表示“在…旁边”,它不强调具体的存在方式。
2023-01-12 22:15:441

go alongside的意思

走边; 去沿方
2023-01-12 22:15:523


beside的中文意思是:在 ... 旁边;与 ... 相比;和... 无关读音:英 [bɪ"saɪd] 美 [bɪ"saɪd]词汇搭配:1、set beside 使…与…相比2、stand beside 站立在…旁边3、beside the mark 不切题,不相关4、beside the question 不切题,不相关常见句型:1、I set a chair beside him and sat down.我在他旁边放了一把椅子然后坐下了。2、The town is beside the sea.该城镇坐落在海边。3、Here! There"s room beside me.嘿!我旁边有空间。4、We all seemed children beside him.与他相比,我们似乎都是孩子。扩展资料:词义辨析beside, alongside, alongside of这三个词(组)均可表示“在…旁边”。区别在于:1、alongside强调“与…并排”,尤用于船舶,指“与码头或其他船只”并排靠拢着。2、alongside of和alongside意思相同,但前者是美式英语,主要用于非正式场合中,且可用于人。3、beside仅表示“在…旁边”,它不强调具体的存在方式。
2023-01-12 22:15:551

grow alongside 什么意思

2023-01-12 22:16:071

draw up alongside the car

draw up有“草拟; 折叠; 停下(使); 排好队伍;”的意思,在这里是停下的意思。 all of a sudden是一个固定搭配,意思是“突然”,相当于suddenly. 整句话的意思是: 到一块蛋糕从空中飞过,一个正准备把车停住轿车旁边的货车司机猛然停车.
2023-01-12 22:16:101


以side为后缀的单词: alongside:在旁边;沿着;靠拢着;并排地; aside:.在旁边;到(或向)旁边 ;(暂时地)离开;撇开; beside在...近旁;在旁边;和...相比; besides此外,而且,加之;在其他方面; countryside乡下。(仅供参考) 扩展资料   1、alongside的例句:   We tied up alongside the quay.   我们把船停靠在码头边上。   Their car drew alongside ours.   他们的汽车与我们的并排行驶。   Nick caught up with me and rode alongside.   尼克赶上了我,并排骑车前进。   2、aside的"例句:   She stood aside to let us pass.   她站到一边让我们过。   I mention it only as an aside...   我只是顺便提及…   Jane stood aside to let her pass.   简站到一边让她过去。   3、beside的例句:   He felt something move beside him.   他感觉到身边有东西在移动。   A large stone landed right beside him.   一大块石头正好落在他身旁。   George was laid to rest beside his parents.   乔治被安葬在他父母墓旁。   4、besides的例句:   Besides, French food is world-famous.   此外,法国菜世界闻名。   It gives out other things besides bears.   除了熊,它还会发出其他东西。   Besides, businesses seek to appeal to customers.   此外,企业试图吸引顾客。   5、countryside
2023-01-12 22:16:131


1.比赛的 2.在......旁边
2023-01-12 22:16:164


sidbee可以组成英语单词为“beside”。单词:beside单词发音:英 [bɪˈsaɪd]、美 [bɪˈsaɪd]单词释义:prep.  在…旁边,在… 附近,紧靠,除…以外,与…相比。单词短语搭配:1、beside the point:离题的, 不相关的。2、sit beside:坐在旁边,身边坐下,身边坐。单词造句:1、There was a slim rod sticking into the ground beside me.在我旁边的地上插着一根细杆。2、A romantic house in a wonderful setting beside the River Wye.怀河边优美环境中的一幢富有浪漫色彩的房屋。3、He guided her to the front row and sat beside her.他领她到前排并坐在她旁边。
2023-01-12 22:16:266

英语六级,这句话是怎么理解?Willed themselves

你好,句子可以分成这几个大组成成分(The new cell phone users willed themselves not to buy) (show up)( in ads alongside them morning news)show up是谓语。the new phone users=新手机用户->不想买的新手机用户->不想买的新手机用户出现->不想买的新手机用户出现在广告里->不想买的新手机用户出现在早间新闻一旁的广告里。
2023-01-12 22:16:361

approach client怎么翻译比较好?还有sit alongside,start a store to distribute

接近客户 坐在一起 开一个商店去分配
2023-01-12 22:16:382


beside的英音读法 [bɪ"saɪd] ;美音读法 [bɪ"saɪd]bdside一、含义:prep. 在 ... 旁边;与 ... 相比;和... 无关二、例证:1、I set a chair beside him and sat down.我在他旁边放了一把椅子然后坐下了。2、The little girl is sitting beside her mother.小女孩正坐在她妈妈旁边。三、词语搭配:beside oneself 对自己的感情失去控制 beside the mark 不切题,不相关 beside the question 不切题,不相关扩展资料beside, alongside, alongside of辨析:这三个词(组)均可表示“在…旁边”。1、alongside强调“与…并排”,尤用于船舶,指“与码头或其他船只”并排靠拢着。2、alongside of和alongside意思相同,但前者是美式英语,主要用于非正式场合中,且可用于人。3、beside仅表示“在…旁边”,它不强调具体的存在方式。
2023-01-12 22:16:421

求《one day》matisyahu & nameless的歌词

one daynameless alongside Matisyahui feel my body shiveringevery fiber of my being anticipatingthat"s you and me, we are making history historyand as a member of the human racei want to free my mentality and use my abilityto get to where i want to bei want to be freei want to be freeoneday, oneday, onedayoneday, oneday, onedayit"s not about win or losecasue we all losewhen they feed on the souls of the innocentblood drenched pavementkeep on moving though the water stay ragingand in this maze you may lose your wayIt might drive you crazy but don"t let it faze you no waysometimes in my tears i drownbut i never let it get me downso when negativity surroundsi know someday it"ll all turn around becauseall my life i"ve been waiting fori"ve been praying forfor the people to saythat we don"t want to fight no morethere"ll be no more warsand our children will playoneday ,oneday ,onedayoneday ,oneday ,onedayi feel sunshing shingfor the rain is falling down on meand the road is long windingbut in the end it"s gonna set me freefree freeall my life i"ve been waiting fori"ve been praying forfor the people to saythat we don"t want to fight no morethey"ll be no more warsand our children will playoneday ,oneday ,onedayoneday ,oneday ,oneday
2023-01-12 22:17:291


英 [wɪð];美 [wɪð]    意思:prep. 用;随着;包括;和 ... 一起1、with表示状态时,还可作“跟上…”“听懂…的话”解,一般用于疑问句或否定句中。2、with表示关系时还可作“与…合并〔混合,组合〕”解。3、with表示伴随状态时,作“以与…同样的方向〔程度,比率〕”解。可接“名词+动词不定式”“名词+现在分词”“名词+过去分词”。扩展资料:近义词:beside英 [bɪ"saɪd];美 [bɪ"saɪd]    prep. 在 ... 旁边;与 ... 相比;和... 无关辨析:beside, alongside, alongside of这三个词(组)均可表示“在…旁边”。1、alongside强调“与…并排”,尤用于船舶,指“与码头或其他船只”并排靠拢着。2、alongside of和alongside意思相同,但前者是美式英语,主要用于非正式场合中,且可用于人。3、beside仅表示“在…旁边”,它不强调具体的存在方式。
2023-01-12 22:17:331


  备航   对话1: 准备开航   Captain: Chief Engineer. The cargo work will be completed by   1900 hours today. I prepare to sail at 2000 hours. Please standby engine at 1900 hours. Is there anything abnormal? Chief Engineer.   船长: 轮机长,预计今天1900时完货,我们准备2000时开航,请在1900备车,有异常情况吗,轮机长?   Chief Engineer: I will go down the engine room to standby engine by 1900 hours. There isn"t abnormality found.   轮机长: 我会在1900时下机舱备车,没有发现异常情况。   Captain: Please check the quantity of fuel oil, diesel oil, lube oil, as we will start a long voyage.   船长: 请再检查一下燃油,柴油,润滑油的数量,因为我们马上要开始长航次了。   Chief Engineer: How long will it take? Captain.   轮机长: 要多久呢?船长?   Captain: We will sail to New York. It will take 30 days. I suppose.   船长: 我们开往纽约,我想大约要30天。   Dialog B: Search for Stowaways and Pirates   对话2: 搜查偷渡者   Captain: We will sail at 2000 hours. Agent has just disembarked. Please hoist gangway now. Arrange all deck hands to search all spaces thoroughly for stowaways and pirates. Remember, work in pairs.   船长: 我们准备2000时开航,代理刚刚下船,请现在收舷梯,安排甲板人员彻底搜查所有空间,以防偷渡者和海盗上船,记住,要结队进行。   Chief Officer: Yes, sir. I will arrange work gangs now. Anyway, when will be a good time for us to check all formalities?   大副: 遵命,我将马上安排工作人员,此外,我们什么时候核对检查手续?   Captain: As soon as we finished searching for security reasons.   船长: 在完成全船搜索后就进行。   Dialog C: Check All Documentation and Formalities   对话3: 检查文件和手续   Captain: Chief, let"s check all documentation and formalities for next port.   船长: 大副,让我们检查下一港所有的文件和手续。   Chief Officer: My pleasure, sir.   大副: 愿意效劳,先生。   Captain: Firstly, last port clearance, record of PSC inspection, imported cargo manifest, declaration of personal articles, oh, could you check all certificates?   船长: 首先,上一港结关手续,PSC检查记录,进口货清单,个人物品申报单,噢,你能检查一下证书吗?   Chief Officer: All certificates are well locked in your safe. Captain. ISM document, DOC, SMC, certificates of competency. Sir, what"s this?   大副: 所有的证书都锁在你的保险柜里,船长。包括ISM证书,符合证明,安全管理证书,适任证书。先生,这是什么?   Captain: This is the next voyage order. It is confidential. Don"t touch it. I will tell you preparation for the next voyage in due course.   船长: 这是下航次的指令,是保密的文件,不要看,我到时候会告诉你准备程序的。   引航业务   对话1: 要引航员   M/V Midas: Dalian Pilot Station, Dalian Pilot Station. M/V Midas calling, M/V Midas calling. I require a pilot, over.   “梅达斯”船: .......我需要引航,请回答。   Pilot Station: M/V Midas, Dalian Pilot Station. What"s your ETA at Huang Baizui lighthouse?   引航站: “梅达斯”船,大连引航站。你船预抵黄白嘴灯塔的时间是多少?   M/V Midas: My ETA at Huang Baizui lighthouse is 0900 hours local time.   “梅达斯”: 我船预抵黄白嘴灯塔时间是当地时间0900时。   Pilot Station: What are the colour of the funnel and the colour of the hull?   引航站: 请告知你船烟囱和船体颜色。   M/V Midas: The funnel is red and blue bands. The hull is green. When will pilot embark? On which side shall I rig the pilot ladder?   “梅达斯”: 烟囱是红蓝条状的,船体是绿色的。引航员什么时候上船?哪一侧放引航梯?   Pilot Station: Pilot will embark at 0930 hours local time. Pick up pilot at the Fairway buoy No. 5. Advise you rig the pilot ladder on port side, out.   引航站: 引航员在当地时间0930时上船。在航道5号浮处接引航员。建议你把引航梯放在左舷,结束通话。   M/V Midas: Your message well understood, out.   “梅达斯”: 你的信息已明白,结束通话。   Dialog B: Pilot Arrival   对话2: 引航员到船   Captain: Third Mate. Pilot boat is coming now. You stand by the pilot ladder. Tell AB on duty to lower Flag “G” and hoist Flog “H”. Send out one long blast, OK?   船长: 三副,引航员的船现在快到了。你在引航梯边等候,告诉值班一水降“G”旗,升“H”旗,鸣一长声,好吗?   Third Mate: Yes, sir.   三副:照办,先生。   Pilot: Lower the ladder a little more, please. Throw a heaving line to take my bag and handheld VHF aboard.   引航员: 请把引航梯放低些,放一撇缆把我的包和对讲机带上船。   Third Mate: Welcome on board. Let"s go to the bridge. The captain is expecting to meet you anxiously.   三副: 欢迎来我船。让我们上驾驶台。船长正在热切的盼望与你会面。   Dialog C: Preparation of Working   对话3: 准备工作   Pilot: I"d like to know the particulars before working.   引航员: 在工作前我想了解一下你船的技术细节。   Captain: My pleasure, Mr. Pilot. Our vessel is a general cargo ship. LOA is 110 m. Breadth is 18 m. Draft forward is 7.5 m. Draft aft is 8.5 m. Gross tonnage is 12,000 tons. Net tonnage is 2,200 tons. The twin screw propellers are inward. The revolutions at full speed are 106 r/min. Anything else?   船长: 我愿为你效劳,引航员先生。我船系杂货船。总长110米。宽18米。前吃水7.5米,后吃水8.5米。总吨12000吨,净吨2200吨,双螺旋桨推进时内旋,全速前进为106 r/min。还有别的吗?   Pilot: How long does it take to reverse the engine from full ahead to full astern? What is the harbour speed?   引航员: 主机从全速前进到全速后退用多长时间?进港速度为多少?   Captain: No more than 70 seconds. But the “full stern” is much more slower than “full head”. Harbour speed is 6 knots.   船长: 不超过70秒,但全速后退的速度比全速前进的反应要慢的多。进港速度6 kn 。   Pilot: OK. Advise you order to heave up the anchor.   引航员: 好了,建议你先发起锚指令。   Captain: Ready to enter harbour fore and aft. Follow the instructions given by our pilot. (Use handheld VHF) Chief Mate “Heave up the anchor”. OK. Start to work now, Mr. Pilot.   船长: 全船准备进港,请听引航员的指令。(用对讲机)“大副起锚”。好了,引航员先生,可以开始工作了。   靠泊与离泊   对话1: 询问靠泊指令   M/V Zhiyuan: Singapore Radio, what is my berth instruction? Over.   “致远”船: 新加坡台,我船的靠泊指令是什么?请讲。   Singapore Radio: Your berth instruction is clear at jetty No.3, 2100 hours local time. Over.   新加坡台: 你船的靠泊指令将定于当地时间2100时靠3号码头,请讲。   M/V Zhiyuan: When will pilot embark? Over.   “致远”船: 引航员什么时候上船?请讲。   Singapore Radio: Pilot will board you at 1800 hours local time. You will pick up pilot at the entrance of the strait. Over.   新加坡台: 引航员将于当地时间1800时登船,你将在海峡入口处接引航员,请讲。   M/V Zhiyuan: On which side will I alongside?   “致远”船: 我用哪一舷靠泊?请讲。   Singapore Radio: Starboard side, out.   新加坡台: 右舷,完毕。   Dialog B: Berthing Operation   对话2: 靠泊操作   M/V Rainbow Pilot: Dead slow astern.   “彩虹”船引航员: 后退一。   M/V Rainbow Third Mate: Yes, sir. Dead slow astern. Now engine dead slow astern.   “彩虹”船三副: 遵命,后退一。现在后退一。   M/V Rainbow Pilot: Stop engine.   “彩虹”船引航员: 停车。   M/V Rainbow Third Mate: Yes, sir. Stop engine. Now engine stopped.   “彩虹”船三副: 遵命,停车。现在停车。   M/V Rainbow Pilot: Stand by for letting go port anchor. (use VHF).   “彩虹”船引航员: 准备抛左锚(用VHF)。   M/V Rainbow Chief: Yes, sir. Stand by for letting go port anchor. Standing by for letting go port anchor. (use handheld VHF).   “彩虹”船大副: 遵命,准备抛左锚。正准备抛左锚(用对讲机)。   M/V Rainbow Pilot: Let go port anchor. Over.   “彩虹”船引航员: 抛左锚,请讲。   M/V Rainbow Chief: Yes, sir. Let go port anchor. Now, port anchor is let go.   “彩虹”船大副: 遵命,抛左锚。现在左锚已抛下,请讲。   M/V Rainbow Pilot: Push a little, tug aft (use VHF). Over.   “彩虹”船引航员: 顶一点点,后拖船(用VHF)。请讲。   Tug aft Captain: Yes, sir. Push a little. Pushing a little. Rainbow (use VHF).   后拖船船长: 遵命,顶推一点点。我们正顶一点点,“彩虹”船(用VHF)。   M/V Rainbow Pilot: How is chain leading? Chief, over.   “彩虹”船引航员: 锚链方向如何?大副,请讲。   M/V Rainbow Chief: Cable round the bow up and down. Over.   “彩虹”船大副: 锚链方向直上直下,请讲。   M/V Rainbow Pilot: Send heaving line ashore.   “彩虹”船引航员: 抛撇缆给岸上。   Dialog C: Unberthing Operation   对话3: 离泊操作   (The pilot is on M/V Marina Ace/ELCO7 which is from Liberia. LOA: 199.6m. Breadth: 32.3m. Draft: 11m)   Pilot: Are you ready to get underway? Captain.   引航员: 你们准备起航了吗?船长。   Captain: Yes, ready to get underway.   船长: 是的,准备起航了。   Pilot: Stand by engine.   引航员: 备车。   Third Mate: Yes, sir. Stand by engine. Now engine stand by.   三副: 遵命,备车。现在备车。   Pilot: Stand by for heaving up anchor. Chief. (use VHF)   引航员: 准备起锚。大副(用VHF)。   Chief Mate: (on the bow) Yes, sir. Stand by for heaving up anchor. Standing by for heaving up anchor. Over. (use handheld VHF)   大副: (在船头)遵命,准备起锚。正准备起锚。请讲。(用对讲机)   Pilot: Single up fore and aft. Over.   引航员: 艏艉单绑,请讲。   Chief Mate: Single up forward. Over.   大副: 船首单绑。请讲。   Second Mate: Single up aft. Over.   二副: 船尾单绑。请讲。   Pilot: Let go aft. Over.   引航员: 船尾解缆。请讲。   Second Mate: Let go, Linesmen (use handheld VHF). Bridge, Aft is let go. Over.   二副: 解缆工人,解缆(用对讲机)。驾驶台,船尾已解缆。请讲。   Pilot: Let go forward. Chief.   引航员: 船首解缆。大副。   Chief Mate: Let go, Linesmen (use handheld VHF). Bridge, forward is let go. Over.   大副: 解缆工人,解缆(用对讲机)。驾驶台,船头已解缆。请讲。   Pilot: Heave up anchor.   引航员: 起锚。   Chief Mate: Yes, sir. Heave up anchor. Heaving up anchor. Over.   大副: 遵命,起锚。正起锚。请讲。   Pilot: Port ten.   引航员: 左舵10度。   Helmsman: Yes, sir. Port ten. Now wheel port ten.   舵工: 遵命,左舵10度。现在左舵10度。   Pilot: Dead slow ahead.   引航员: 微速前进。   Third Mate: Yes, sir. Dead slow ahead. Now engine dead slow ahead.   三副: 遵命,微速前进。现在微速前进。   【拓展内容】   优化航海英语课堂教学探索论文   论文关键词 :航海 英语教学 课堂活动 优化 探索   论文摘要: 文章针对如何提高航海英语教学质量和优化课堂教学,提出了改变教学方法,激发学生参与课堂积极性和提高英语应用能力的对策。   1、概述   在现代社会,教育学家不再一味地寻求单一的、模式化的课堂教学方法,语言教学也没有僵硬的和固定的规则。在传纺的教学中,教师是主动者,学生被动地接受教师传授给他们的知识,而成功的语言课堂应是以学生为中心,创造各种语言环境和交际环境使学生有机会参与并运用语言进行交流,在教师的监督、指导和鼓励下,学生进行思考并进行语言的实际运用。因此,如何优化课堂教学,尤其是高等院校和高职院校的航海英语,探索一条提高英语教学质量和效率的方法,一直是许多教育者的努力目标。   2、优化航海英语课堂教学的对策   2.1交际法教学   航海英语作为专门用途英语(esp)的一个分支,是一种高度社会化、交际化和文化内涵丰富的语言,应该采用交际式语言测试和教学。用交际教学法进行航海英语教学模式的设想,是目前整个世界航海英语教学的趋势,也是国际海事组织(imo)的要求。此教学法一改传统的翻译教学法,能创设灵活多样的教学活动,促进师生间互动。好的教学方法是形成最佳课堂气氛的重要保证,一堂优秀的英语课是一种交流,对英语教师来说,为学生创造一种较愉快的交际氛围是十分重要的`。教师须设计和组织丰富的、以学生为主体的课堂活动,例如:pairwork(一对一活动),groupwork(小组活动),discus—sion(讨论),brainstorm(头脑风暴),roleplay(角色表演),debates(辩论),presentation(陈述表演)等。   这一系列活动有利于轻松活泼的教学环境的形成,提高学生学习的兴趣,激发他们学习航海英语的热情,并乐于参与教学过程,学生在有意或无意中直接参与到课堂教学活动中,学习英语的积极性得到提高,新知识得到巩固。交际教学可以充分发挥学生的主体作用,从被动接受到主动参与,促使学生在航海英语语言能力方面有大幅度的提高。   鉴于航海英语教材的课文内容比较枯燥,缺乏生活气息,难以提起学生的学习兴趣,而且学生有着不同的家庭背景和生活体验,如果在教学中单就课本进行语言教学,会使学生失去学习英语的兴趣。教师可采用生动、活泼的教学形式给学生增加一些趣味而又有助于理解记忆的教学内容和知识。学生好奇心强,使用情景法可引导学生参与,吸引学生的注意力,提高学习兴趣。如有关气象中各种云的词汇(cirrostratus卷层云;ahocumulus高积云;cumulo-nimbus积雨云;stratocumulus层积云;nimbostratus乱层云)很难记忆,如果利用图片、图像或录像,将所有能够直观表达的单词尽可能直观表达,枯燥无味的单词就会教得生动有趣。   2.2以学生为中心,培养学生学习的自主意识   针对传统教学法只问“耕耘”,不问“收获”的弊端,应平衡教师讲话时间和学生讲话时间,着力培养学生自主学习的意识,教育他们怎样学习和对自己的学习负责任,对班级学习和课堂活动负责任。教师运用灵活的教学方法,既提供系统的语言规则,又设计充分的真实情景。真正建立“以学生为中心”的课堂,鼓励学生努力地学习,引导他们根据所学的内容积极思考,主动发言,在学习过程中产生独立自主性。这样,学生的学习积极性和责任心得到了充分的调动和极大的提高,学习效果会事半功倍。有了学习的自主意识,学生就能最有效地利用教师在课堂中提供的师生交际,与组员交际、与同桌交际的机会,主动地质疑、讨论,展开课堂活动,更好地融入课堂教学。基础较差的学生,往往自信心不强,课堂参与度低,需要教师保护他们的自尊心,调动其学习积极性。教师要细心观察,及时发现并肯定他们的闪光点和点滴进步,要求学生对比自己的现在和过去,看到自己的进步,感受到成功的喜悦,消除心理障碍,主动参与教学的全过程。人都有自我实现、取得成功、获得认可的愿望和需要,成功后的快乐和体验是学生学习力量的重要来源和内在动力。   2.3加强师生的情感交流   宽松和谐的氛围和师生情感的投入是学生主动参与学习的外部条件,是学生学习和个性发展的良好土壤。融洽的师生感情有利于学生参与课堂活动,在教学中,教师以满足学生的心理需要为出发点,激发学生的学习动机,在情感上尊重每一位同学,充分肯定他们,体谅他们,给予其安全感、信任感,创造没有恐惧的轻松环境。教师上课时,应保持和蔼可亲的面容,这样学生才会大胆地参与课堂活动,而不怕犯错误。另一方面,教师要引导学生正确认识和了解自己,发现优点,克服缺点,开发潜能。   经常鼓励、表扬学生,尤其是善待班内学习困难的学生,尽可能让学生感到每一节课是师生共同打造,而不是教师在孤独地教、学生在被迫地学。在教学中,忽视情感层次和心理教育,只求教书,不管引导,置学生的心理需要于不顾,会使课堂黯然失色,枯燥无味,也不能促进教学任务的顺利完成。教师应从各方面了解学生,关心他们,尽力给予帮助和指导,真正做他们的良师益友。这是教学中的必要铺垫。   2.4利用多媒体,寓教于乐   在航海英语教学中,使用多媒体软件中形象生动的实时动画、严谨准确的授课和悦耳动听的音乐,使学习内容达到了真正意义上的图文并茂、栩栩如生,使学生因此由被动学习者变成了始终保持高度学习兴趣的主动参与者,寓教于乐得以落到实处,学习的成功也成为自然而然的事。而且让学生投入当时的情景,有助于培养学生的观察和创造思维及分析判断能力。也可以把多媒体计算机作为学习英语甚至其它各科知识的工具,配备辅助教学和多媒体光盘软件,让学生通过人机交互,在完全自主的情况下进行个别化学习,培养学生观察、分析、综合能力及动手能力;学生在学习过程中可选择适当的学习进度和方法,并且不断调整,培养自学能力和独立思考能力,也能培养思维的敏捷,使多种感官得以协调发展。   多媒体航海英语教学还能节省宝贵的课堂时间,增加课堂信息量,从根本上提高教学效率。在拥有多媒体教学设备的课室,教师通过计算机幻灯、实物投影等手段代替传统的板书,既节省了时间,又加大了单位时间的授课信息。实践证明,多媒体英语教学不仅能保证教学大纲的贯彻实施,而且带动了教育思想的改革和教学观念的更新。课堂教学生动形象,特别是在听力和阅读课堂,能使学生对课堂内容的理解和接受实现声音、文字、图像等方面的多通道、多元化。教师可以自行编辑制作比较适合我国国情及学生具体情况的其他视听材料,这种视听结合的教学方式比单一化的书本教材更能吸引学生,激发学习兴趣,纯正的语音更易为学生所喜欢并模仿。多媒体英语教学通过潜移默化来提高学生运用航海英语的实际能力。   2.5创设网络教学环境   网络传输的快捷,弥补了过去由于信息闭塞而造成的知识老化、课本陈旧的现象。利用计算机网络向学生提供了大量的供学生学习和下载的教学资源,或为此目的的搜索连接。通过网络学习资源的利用(主要是下载视听材料和扩充阅读材料),例如,中国海事中心网和世界海事大学网。学生的英语更加准确,知识也得到及时的更新,视野得到开阔,并能与国内先进英语水平和国际水平接轨。网络教学,使获取教学内容渠道多元化,极大地促进教学组织形式的变革,运用航海英语教学活动的新颖性来吸引学生,激发学生的学习欲望。
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都在这里了:外研社九年级上册单词MODULE 1wonder n.奇迹vt.想知道,对...好奇band n.乐队review n.评论ancient a.远古的,古老的composition n.作文grade n.成绩;年级pyramid n.金字塔pupil n.学生meeting n.会议listen up 注意听call vt.叫做,名为;打电话event n.事件;比赛项目natural a.天然的;自然的 get out of 从...内出来,离开light a.明亮的 n.光线;灯reply vi.回答clear v.散开;打扫干净 a.清晰的rise vi.升起ground n.地面below prep.在…下面edge n.边,边缘on the edge of 处于...的边缘bottom n.底部at the bottom of 在...的底部canyon n. 峡谷side n.边,面,侧disappear vi.消失distance n.距离huge a.巨大的face v. 面对,面临 n.脸sight n.景象,景观height n.高度lift n.电梯view n.景色attract vt.吸引description n.描述location n.地点,位置MODULE 2work n.(常复)作品influence vt.影响respect vt.尊敬,尊重thinker n. 思想家wise a.睿智的as far as 就…来说;至于not...any more 不再...monthly a.每月一次的,每月的literature n.文学millions of 数百万的behaviour n.行为,举止cave n.山洞,洞穴freedom n.自由funeral n.葬礼outsider n.局外人,外来人social a.社会的theme n.主题treasure n.宝藏,财宝clever a.聪明的run away v.潜逃,逃跑dead a.死的for a time adv. 暂时, 一度pleased a.高兴的alive a.活着的grow up 成长,长大成人talk about 谈论southern a.南方的state n.州,邦;状态version n.版本historical a.历史的editor n.编辑publisher n.出版者,出版社reviewer n. 评论家MODULE 3sporting a.有关体育运动的allow vt.允许defeat vt.打败season n.赛季;季节stand for 代表;象征against prep.与...相对,相反;靠,依tough a.艰苦的;强硬的encourage v.鼓励medal n.奖章,奖牌overnight a. 突如其来的,持续整夜的record n.最高记录vt.记录set vt.设置;制定 set up 建立;创立yearbook n.年鉴first of all 首先represent vt.代表,象征advertisement n.广告coach n.教练regularly ad.有规律地sportsman n.运动员,男运动员hurdle n.栏架 v. 跨栏赛跑hurdling n. 跨栏赛跑sportswoman n. 女运动员race vi.比赛discussion n.讨论award v.授予finishing line 终点线marathon n.马拉松turn n.跑道taekwondo 跆拳道belt n.带子MODULE 4printing n.印刷advantage n.优点,优势digital a.数码的digital camera 数码相机battery n.电池charge vt.充电favour n.帮助;喜爱publish vt.出版issue n.(报刊)期ordinary a.平常的,普通的,平凡的age n.时期,时代;年龄replace vt. 代替see to 负责,注意produce vt.生产invention n.发明look through 浏览create v.创造cotton n.棉花wood n.木材at a time 一次by hand 用手工ink n.墨水block n.板子;街区at the beginning of 在...的开始knowledge n.知识spread vt.散播,传播introduction n.传入;介绍rather than 而不是...CD-ROM 只读光盘one day 某天feather n.羽毛dry v.(使)干燥,使(变干) a.干的,干燥的sharpen vt.磨快,削尖steel n.钢,钢铁fountain pen 自来水笔,钢笔popularity n.普及,流行ballpoint pen n. 圆珠笔MODULE 5entry n.进入;参加,登记;入口;参赛作品photography n.摄影familiar a.熟悉的attention n.注意力pay attention to 集中注意力于upstairs ad.在楼上,向楼上 n.楼上guard n.保卫sign n.标志as well 也downstairs ad.在楼下;向楼下sculpture n.雕像either adj.两者之一的experiment n.实验exhibit n.展品unusual a.不同寻常的work out 设法弄懂,计算出try out 试用,试验,检验Launch Pad 起飞坪;发射台Physics n.物理falling a. 下降中的sand n.沙子truck n.卡车wheel n.轮子position n.位置rocket n.火箭travel vi.旅行 n.旅行human n.人类 a.人类的speed n.速度obey v.遵守above all 首先drop in 顺便走访 同…一样communication n.交流,沟通court n.球场store v.储存cloakroom n.衣帽间toilet n.厕所inventor n.发明家cafe n.咖啡厅MODULE 6waste n.浪费 v.浪费wasteful a.浪费的throw away 扔掉,抛弃metal n.金属energy n.能量pollution n.污染recycle vt.循环,再生,再利用reader n.读者environmental a.环境的reusable a. 可重新使用的hopeless a.希望渺茫的reduce vt.减少,减小reuse vt. 重新利用necessary a.有必要的plastic a.塑料制的 n.塑料repaire v.修复china n.陶瓷care v.在意,关心;担心fashion n.风尚instead prep.代替instead of 代替, 而不是…air conditioning n. 空调cloth n.布sort v.挑拣harm n.伤害do harm to 对...造成伤害difference n.差别,差异make a difference to 对...产生重大影响/很重要product n.产品material n.材料bottle n.瓶子boil v.煮沸,烧开wildlife n.野生动植物REVISION MODULE Aaccident n.事故put up 张贴,挂起join vt.参加;连接;加入network n.网络businesspeople n.商人scientific a.科学的multimedia n. 多媒体hardware n.硬件communicate v.交流,沟通software n.软件(be) made up of 组成,构成a number of 许多normal a.常规的;正常的snail n.蜗牛MODULE 7crocodile n.鳄鱼shark n.鲨鱼hand n.协助;手have a look at 看...一眼alongside prep.在…的旁边,沿着…detail n.细节grape n.葡萄ham n.火腿lamb n.小羊肉outback n. 内陆relative n.家人,亲戚sheep n.绵羊spirit n.灵魂;神灵surfing n.冲浪wine n.(葡萄)酒helicopter n.直升机purple n.紫色a.紫色的similar a.相似的,类似的similar to 同...相似ours pron.我们的cricket n.板球(运动)rugby n.橄榄球sunshine n.阳光expression n.短语,表达方式mate n.同伴temper n.脾气lifestyle n.生活方式water sports 水上运动grey n./a.灰色(的)ancestor n.祖先,先人MODULE 8on the left 在左边on the right 在右边trouble n.麻烦shot n.照片kid v.开玩笑expect v.盼望pick up 接;拣起historic a.有历史意义的even though 即使size n.规模beauty n.美丽category n.类别,种类movement n.运动,动作feature n.以...为特点include vt.包括rich a.富有的;丰富的congratulation n. 祝贺photographer n. 摄影师present vt.授予 n.礼物ceremony n.典礼frightened adj. 吓坏的MODULE 9cartoon n.卡通flash n.闪光;闪光灯drawing n.图画over there 那边word n.言语have a word with 和某人说几句话cute adj.逗人喜爱的,漂亮的heaven n.天堂,天国lovable a.可爱的mess n.混乱;杂乱monster n.怪物private a.私人的;秘密的heart n.心脏,心win the heart of 赢得...的心everywhere ad.在各个地方;处处handbag n. 手提包favourite n.喜爱的东西(或人) a.特别喜欢的lead v.领导rule n.统治peach n.桃子common a.常用的boss n.老板,雇主surface n.表面ever since 从...开始Belgian a.比利时的 n. 比利时人cartoonist n.漫画家,卡通画家series n.系列experience v.&n.经历,体验creator n.创造者late a.逝世的;迟的single a.单一的MODULE 10fitness n.健康ache v.&n.疼,痛exercise n.锻炼,练习running n.跑步weight n.重量weight lifting 举重give up 放弃unlikely a.不太可能的bump v.碰,撞击bump into v. 碰见interest v. 感兴趣 n.兴趣junk food 垃圾食品sugar n.糖tasty a.美味的,好吃的menu n.菜单chip n.薯条behave v.表现pasta n.意大利面食persuade vt.说服cooking n. 烹饪ban vt. 禁止educate vt.教育typical a.典型的disadvantage n.缺点diet n.日常饮食advertise v.做广告,登广告MODULE 11population n.人口crowd n.人群increase v.增加smoke n.烟,烟雾 v.吸烟increasing a. 增长的along with 与…一起minute n.分钟percent n.百分之一appointment n.约会thanks to 由于crime n.犯罪flat n.(英)公寓law n.法律rubbish n.垃圾suburb n.城郊住宅区tax n.税vision n.景象,幻影add v.增加add to 向...增加fault n.错误police n.警察cure v.治愈,治好,治疗MODULE 12accommodation n.住处shorts n. 短裤sunglasses n. 太阳镜trousers n.裤子guest n.客人course n.课程host n.主人passage n.一段,一节well-trained 训练有素的experienced adj.经验丰富的progress n.进步make progress 取得进步arrange v.安排various a.不同的organize vt.组织place of interest 旅游胜地fill in 填写application n.申请form n.表格address n.地址length n.长度book n.书 vt.预定check in (在旅馆)登记入住;(在机场)办理登机手续REVISION MODULE Bjacket n.夹克station n.(澳大利亚或新西兰的)大牧场wooden a.木制的extra a.额外的contact vt.接触,与…联系
2023-01-12 22:17:521

He waited several minutes for a car to pull up alongside.他等了几分钟,直到一辆汽车靠边停下。

可以 不过要注意时态
2023-01-12 22:17:563


While other students are making friends with those living around them, students who live at home may feel isolated, and their first year at university may not be what they were expecting.I was one of those students. I was not allowed to move out for university for cultural and health reasons. It was my family"s decision, and that made me feel rather angry because I really wanted to experience the liberty of living away from home and becoming independent.During my first year, I saw students who lived away from home making friends and going out and partying. I struggled to fit in with them, and unfortunately I did miss out on a lot of things.I do not drink or go clubbing, so that certainly did not help with making friends. Although I knew the partying scene was not my style, I felt like I was losing out on the joy of university life. At one point, I even wanted to drop out.Increasingly, universities are putting in place strategies to help students like me get involved with the university. Giulio Folino, president of City University"s students" union, says: "We use online communities to help people connect with one another before they join university in September. For example, we have a Facebook group for students living at home, alongside ones for each of the halls of residence. This is already proving to be successful, and it"s great to see students interacting with one another at such an early stage."Head of student services at City, Michelle Preston, adds: "The "welcome week" at the university is a great opportunity for new students to orientate themselves and to meet new people. Many academic departments organise social and networking activities as part of the induction to courses."Living at home during university does not have to be all doom and gloom. I decided to get involved with my student radio station and magazine to pursue my love for journalism, which was an enjoyable way to make friends.Your university will have so much on offer to help you meet new people. Join clubs and societies. Stick around after your lectures and hang out with your peers. Go to as many events as you can during freshers week. Throw yourself into anything and everything to make your university life as interesting as you can.If parents are an issue at home, negotiate with them. Make their life easier by doing your own washing and help out with the cooking. Get a part-time job, buy some groceries, perhaps offer to help pay the bills. Help around the house. That way, your parents may be persuaded to give you more freedom than you were expecting.Living at home during university does not mean you are going to miss out on everything. I thought it was going to stop me from becoming independent, yet I am one of the most independent people you will ever meet.You are in control of your university experience. You make it happen.
2023-01-12 22:18:061


2023-01-12 22:18:101

lie on 与lies on

lie on①、两个地方接壤;eg. Hunan lies on Hubei. ②、一个地方与海岸/滨(地区)紧挨着。eg.The town lies on the Coast. (the Coast:美国太平洋沿岸)lie in: 一个(地方)…在另一个…(地方)内部。 eg.Beijing lies in China.He was lying in the shade of the tree. 他正躺在树荫下。 lie to: 两个地方不接壤。eg.Beijing lies to Shanghai.The factory lies to the west of town. 工厂在小镇的西边。 ps.lie at:限用于:a ship lying at anchor,at its alongside锚泊的船,系泊的船,横泊的船
2023-01-12 22:18:171

VM virtual box,下载ubuntu时没有alongside the Win 7这个选项

2023-01-12 22:18:201


MOORING LINE HOOK-UPDiag.193 Internal turret system - rigging messengers, passing the PIW and mooring line pull-in sequence1. Rigging set upTugger winchesPull-in winchInternal turret with traction type pull-in winch is using Spectra Synthetic pull-in ropePull-in ropeSoft line messengerTugger wires (messengers) run through chain stoppersWire messenger connected to pull-in rope3. Recovery of mooring leg to stop. perCrosshaul mooring line from ISV with diver monitoring latching2. Connecting PIW to mooring legTug takes soft line messenger, then tug hauls in to wire messenger and continues hauling until pull-in rope is on board. Then tug takes rope to ISV and the ISV connects PIW to mooring leg.550MOORING LINE HOOK-UPDiag. 193 Internal turret system - rigging messengers, passing the PIW and mooring line pull_in sequence (cont"d)4. Tug with pull-in rope moves out to ISVA&R.wireDouble sling5. ISV has mooring line end secured on deck and takes pull-in rope from tug then secures PIW to mooring chain and secures A&R winch to connection overside6. ISV crane lifts connectionA&R winchISVConnection PIW to mooring chain by pear link7.Crosshaul mooring line. Lower away on A&R winch, take in slack on PIW then take weight of mooring line on PIW and release A&R winch with ROV551MOORING LINE HOOK-UPHeavy-duty work class remotely operated vehicle (ROV) " and its subsea deployment "garage" of the type used for mooring line hook-up support operations "The ROV above ,viewed at its forward end showing manipulator arm (at left in the parked position); TV cameras on pan and tilt mounting with lights (white) above552Hook-up, Liuhua project - illustrationsMooring FPS alongside DSV (30 metres off) lst leg hook-upThe AHTS has the 3" messenger chain from the winch of the FPS and is moving alongside to DSV to pass the chain. A positioning tug,Made fast to the bridle, is visible top left Holding position - is metres offAHTS with messenger chain moving under DSV crane, which has a heavy messenger wire under-run to the VLS (vertical lay system tower)553MOORING LINE HOOK-UPHook-up, Liuhua project - illustrationsHook-up of mooring legs The FPS IS being held in position by positioning tugs while the tug with the messenger chain moves alongside.The DSV whose crane is preparing to pass over the messenger wire which is under-run into the DSV-VLS to tower.The messenger chain is then hauled up into the tower and connected to the mooring leg platform chain. The FPS winch then recover this to the FPS.554运动线向上Diag.193内部转塔系统 - 索具信使,通过PIW和系泊索引入序列1.索具设置拖轮绞车牵引绞车带牵引式牵引绞车的内转塔采用Spectra合成牵引绳牵引绳软线信使牵引线(信使)穿过链锁电线信使连接到拉入绳系泊腿恢复停止。每来自ISV的Crosshaul系泊线,带有潜水员监视锁定2.将PIW连接到系泊腿拖船用软线信使,然后拖拉到线信使和继续拖拉,直到拉入绳索船上。然后拖船拉动绳索到ISV,ISV将PIW连接到系泊腿。550运动线向上Diag。 193内部转塔系统 - 索具信使,通过PIW和系泊线pull_in序列(续)牵引绳用拉入绳移出到ISVA&R.wire双吊带5. ISV系泊缆索端固定在甲板上,并从牵引绳拉起拉绳,然后将PIW固定到系泊链,并将A&R绞车固定在连接上ISV起重机提升连接A&R绞车ISV连接PIW到系泊链通过梨链接7.海船系泊线。离开A&R绞车,在PIW上松弛,然后在PIW上系泊绳索的重量,并释放带有ROV的A&R绞车551运动线向上重型工作级远程操作车辆(ROV)“及其用于系泊线挂接支持操作的类型的海底部署”车库“上面的ROV,在其前端观察显示操纵臂(在停靠位置的左侧);电视摄像机在平移和倾斜安装与上面的灯(白色)552连接,流花项目 - 插图系泊FPS沿着DSV(30米关闭)第一腿连接AHTS有从FPS的绞盘的3“信使链,并且移动与DSV通过链子定位猛拉,做快速的brid,是可见的左上方保持位置 - 是米关闭AHTS带有在DSV起重机下移动的信使链,其具有向VLS(垂直系统塔)下行的重型信使电线,553运动线向上连接,流花项目 - 插图系泊腿联接FPS IS通过定位拖轮被保持在位,同时拖船与信使链一起移动。起重机正在准备将DSV-VLS下运行的通信线穿过的DSV塔架。然后将信使链拖曳到塔中并连接到系泊腿平台链。 FPS绞车然后将其恢复到FPS。554
2023-01-12 22:18:241

麻烦哪位帮我翻译一下 一定要自己翻译啊

동행하다 사회 경제, 기술 의 발달 로 기업 경영자 들 의 관리 와 관리 패러다임 이 이념 을 끊임없이 발 전시 켜 변화 다.생산 관리 는 제품 생산 을 핵심 으로 효율 을 높이 고 생산량 증대, 원가 절감 을 중점 관리 모델 이다.생산 관리 에 대한 기업 이 경쟁 우위 어 좋 은 생존 과 발전 공간 의 중요 한 의미 를 가 진 다.가장 먼저 소개 했 盘锦 본문 兴牧 유한 공사 는 사료 생산 관리 에 존재 하는 한 뒤 흔 문제 를 자세히 소개 했 盘锦 兴牧 사료 유한 공사 생산 관리 개선 상응 조치 를 취하 는 것 이다.관리 를 하나 로 활동 하는 과정 조율 작업 을 할 수 있 도록 효율적 과 효과 가 있 게 다른 사람들 과 함께 이나 다른사람 한 조직 의 목표 다.선진 보완 의 생산 관리 논리 는 관리 임무 를 완수 할 수 있 는 가장 효과적 인 경로 를 추적 한 다.이에 따 라 잡 을 수 밖 에 없 는 생산 관리 이론 을 선진 과학 기술 의 보증 을 대대적 으로 투입 했 다.선진 생산 관리 이론 의 성공 을 응용 이 크게 개선 회사 운영 효율 을 높 일 회 사의 경쟁력 이다.
2023-01-12 22:18:273

英语junior English怎么翻译?

2023-01-12 22:18:3115

女朋友听and then you什么意思?

相当口语化的英语,严格意义上讲是错误的。你是在哪里找到的句子?改一下,你会明白些And then I will come to see you .然后我会去见你。
2023-01-12 22:18:463


参考:1.可以单独说:see picture,这种用法仅限于单独使用,例如:当您单击此页面底部的 “Excel 练习” 时,一个练习用工作表将下载到您的计算机并在 Excel 中打开,旁边还会出现一个显示练习说明的独立窗口(如图所示)。When you click Practice in Excel at the bottom of this page, a practice worksheet will download to your computer and open in Excel, and a separate window with practice instructions will appear alongside (see picture) is shown in the figure,例如:如图所示,这种材料具有弹性。The material is elastic, as is shown in the figure.
2023-01-12 22:18:506


Brokeback Mountain is the story of ranch hand Ennis del Mar (Ledger) and rodeo cowboy Jack Twist (Gyllenhaal), two young men who meet and fall in love in 1963 on a sheepherding job on "Brokeback Mountain" in Wyoming. The film documents their complex relationship over the next twenty years.The film opens in the summer of 1963. After sunrise, Ennis del Mar, traveling with only a brown paper bag in hand, is dropped off by a truck driver in a rural town. Waiting outside a trailer office to seek employment, he sees Jack Twist arrive, also looking for work. Ennis and Jack are hired by Joe Aguirre (Randy Quaid), a gruff rancher in Signal, Wyoming, to herd sheep on nearby Brokeback Mountain.Aguirre explains their duties: Both tend and herd the sheep, but at night one of the men sleeps at a base camp, preparing meals and watching over supplies, while the other sleeps in a pup tent in the pasture near the sheep to protect them from local predators, with no fire or any sign of being there the following morning, as such a set-up would violate Forestry Service regulations.They meet only for meals at the base camp, where they gradually become friends as the meals turn into long talks over whiskey. After one night of heavy drinking, a tipsy Ennis decides to stay at the base camp and sleep fireside. During the cold early morning hours, with campfire out, audibly shivering Ennis is invited by Jack to sleep in the tent. After a while, Jack initiates intimate touching, action which, after Ennis" initial confusion and resistance, results in a brief sexual encounter. They both insist the next day that they "ain"t queer"; however, over the remainder of the summer their emotional and physical relationship deepens. Meanwhile, certain ominous events take place during the season: the sheep are mixed in with another foreign herd; one sheep is disemboweled by wolves; while checking on the two men, the sheep rancher witnesses a playful wrestling game (which he later mentions); a violent thunderstorm comes quickly upon the two men; and a sudden snowfall near the end of August signals an earlier than expected end of summer. On the last day of their job, their frustrations over leaving each other manifest in a playful fight that turns into a scuffle. Jack clips Ennis in the nose causing him to bleed, and Ennis punches Jack in the face.After the two part ways at the end of their job, Ennis, as planned, marries his long-time fiancée Alma Beers (Williams), and they soon after have two daughters, Alma Jr. and Jenny, the family living above a laundromat in a small Wyoming town. Jack ends up in Texas, where he meets and marries rodeo princess Lureen Newsome (Hathaway), the daughter of a farm equipment magnate. The couple have a son, Bobby. Jack goes to work for Lureen"s father at his ranch equipment dealership.Four years later, Ennis receives a postcard from Jack saying he will be passing through the area, and asking if Ennis wants to meet him. When Jack arrives, their passions for each other quickly rekindle, and Alma accidentally witnesses the two men passionately kissing at the stairwell. They go to a motel, where, after sex, Jack broaches the subject of creating a life together on a small ranch. Ennis, haunted by a painful childhood memory of the torture and murder of a man suspected as being gay in his hometown, fears that such an arrangement can only end in tragedy. He is also unwilling to abandon his wife and daughters. Unable to be open about their relationship, Ennis and Jack then settle for infrequent meetings on fishing trips in the mountains.As the years pass, Ennis and Alma"s marriage deteriorates. Although Ennis hadn"t realized it, Alma has been aware of the real nature of his "fishing trips" with Jack, creating a strain on the couple"s relationship. Prior to having sex one night, Alma insists that Ennis use protection, which leads to an argument, wherein Alma says she is the one who is supporting the family. Soon after, their marriage ends in divorce and Ennis is ordered to pay child support of $125 per month per child. He moves into a rundown house outside of town. Jack, upon hearing the news of the divorce, drives to Wyoming in hopes that they can live together at last, but Ennis refuses to move away from his children and is still fearful of possible repercussions if they live together. Jack, heartbroken and frustrated, seeks out a male prostitute in Mexico.On another camping trip in the mountains in 1983 the two men talk about their lives since they last met: Ennis has been dating a waitress named Cassie Cartwright (Linda Cardellini), while Jack says he"s been seeing the wife of a ranch foreman (however, we were shown in an earlier scene that Jack was actually involved with the foreman himself). The emotional climax between the two men takes place as they pack up their gear, when Ennis tells Jack that because of his job he has to cancel their next planned outing. Jack"s frustration of seeing so little of Ennis finally erupts into an argument in which he accuses Ennis of keeping him "on a short leash". In return, Ennis blames Jack for "making me the way I am" and for being the cause of his conflicted feelings. Ennis then laments that these emotions have trapped him and ruined his life and begins to cry. When Jack attempts to hold him, there is a brief struggle as Ennis tries to push Jack away, but they end up locked in an embrace. The two men again part, still upset and conflicted about their situation.Months later, a postcard Ennis sent to Jack about their upcoming meeting in November is returned to Ennis in the mail stamped "Deceased". In a strained telephone conversation, Jack"s wife Lureen tells a stunned Ennis that Jack died in an accident while changing a tire that exploded. Her explanation of the injuries that were inflicted, however, is overlaid with images of Jack being beaten to death by a gang of homophobic men; it is possible to interpret this as either Ennis"s fear of what actually happened (inspired by his experience of the homophobic murder in his childhood) or a portrayal of what Lureen knows to be Jack"s real fate, the account she relates to Ennis being a well-rehearsed, sanitized version of her husband"s demise. Lureen tells Ennis that Jack had wished to have his ashes scattered on Brokeback Mountain, but she didn"t know where that was. She tells Ennis that half of Jack"s ashes were interred in Texas and that she sent the other half to Jack"s parents. Ennis explains to Lureen that Brokeback Mountain was where the two of them had met when they pastured sheep together one summer. She then suggests that Ennis contact Jack"s parents about carrying out Jack"s wishes.Ennis travels to see Jack"s mother and father in Lightning Flat, where he offers to take Jack"s ashes to Brokeback Mountain, but Jack"s father insists that they be buried in the family plot. Jack"s mother is more welcoming, and she asks Ennis if he would like to see Jack"s childhood bedroom before he leaves. In this room, Ennis discovers what had happened to his old blood-stained shirt that he had left on Brokeback Mountain in 1963. Jack had kept it on a hanger underneath his own blue shirt, hidden in a narrow space to the side of his open closet. Ennis holds the shirts up to his face breathing in the scent and silently weeps. Jack"s mother allows Ennis to take the shirts and invites him to return any time he wishes to.In the final scene, Ennis is discovered sticking address numbers on the mail box of his small, run-down trailer in a trailer park on the prairie. A 19-year-old Alma Jr. drives up in her fiancé"s sports car with the news that she"s engaged. She asks her father to "give his blessings" on and attend the wedding. Ennis asks her pointedly if this man really loves her since he now is finally aware of the importance of love in a relationship and marriage. At first he is reluctant to commit to attending the wedding due to a conflict with his work. Alma"s evident disappointment moves him to commit to attending the upcoming wedding and celebrate Alma"s engagement with two glasses of wine. His missed opportunity of seeing Jack again for what would have been the last time due to a conflict with his job was a hard lesson. After Alma"s departure, Ennis notices she has forgotten her sweater. Folding the sweater, he puts it into his bedroom area closet. In opening the door the two shirts are again seen one inside the other with Ennis"s shirt over Jacks, on a hanger hanging on a nail pounded into the closet door with the postcard of Brokeback Mountain alongside. Ennis carefully fastens the top button of Jack"s shirt, and with tears in his eyes mutters, "Jack, I swear....", while slowly straightening the postcard.
2023-01-12 22:18:571


angelina jolie is the most popular film actress in the whole world~~
2023-01-12 22:19:014


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2023-01-12 22:14:521


1.The horses are eating grass on the grassland.马在草地上吃草.2.He saddled up his horse and rode away.他给马装上鞍子便骑马离去了.3.The horse sensed danger and stopped.马感觉到了危险,于是停了下来.4.She...
2023-01-12 22:14:531


风格 的意思
2023-01-12 22:14:414


静夜思李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜,举头望明月,低头思故乡。写远客思乡之情。《暮江吟》白居易一道残阳铺水中, 半江瑟瑟半江红。可怜九月初三夜, 露似真珠月似弓。表达诗人对大自然的热爱之情。水调歌头 苏轼丙辰中秋,欢饮达旦,大醉,作此篇兼怀子由。明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年?我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人间。转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠,不应有恨,何事常向别时圆?人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全.但愿人长久,千里共婵娟! 通过对明月的赞美与向往,表现出诗人积极乐观的情绪。
2023-01-12 22:14:391


复数:horseshorse 英[hɔ:s] 美[hɔ:rs]n. 马; 骑马的军人,骑兵; 有脚的架; 跳马,鞍马;vt. 为…备马; 猛推或用力向上举;vi. 欲交配,,用于母马;[例句]A small man on a grey horse had appeared.一个骑着灰马的小个子男人出现了。[其他] 第三人称单数:horses 复数:horses 现在分词:horsing 过去式:horsed过去分词:horsed
2023-01-12 22:14:359


style 英[staɪl] 美[staɪl] n. 方式; 样式; 时髦; 仪表,品位; vt. 设计; 称呼; 为…造型; vi. 使符合流行式样; 用刻刀作装饰画; [例句]Our children"s different needs and learning styles created many problems孩子们不同的需求和学习方式给我们带来了许多问题。[其他] 第三人称单数:styles 复数:styles 现在分词:styling 过去式:styled过去分词:styled
2023-01-12 22:14:311


月白风清 2.月明星稀 3.月圆花好 4.月晕而风 5.月明如水 6.月盈则食 7.月满则亏 8.月缺重圆 9.月下花前 10.月黑风高 11.日月入怀 12.日月如梭 13.日居月诸 14.日就月将 15.日新月异 16.日往月来 17.日省月试 18.日积月累 19.春花秋月 20.晓风残月 21.晓月残星 22.水中捉月 23.流星赶月 24.田月桑时 25.花容月貌 26.年头月尾 27.松风水月 28.镜花水月 29.清风明月 30.岁月如流 31.皓月千里 32.镂月裁云 33.风月无边 34.风花雪月 35.风清月朗 嘲风弄月 风花雪月 日削月朘 日就月将 闭月羞花 月白风清 月明星稀 月圆花好 月晕而风 月明如水 月盈则食 月满则亏 月缺重圆 月下花前 月黑风高 日月入怀 日月如梭 日居月诸 得月较先 近水楼台先得月 月怀一鸡 吟风咏月 月圆花好 月晕而风 月明如水 月缺重圆 月下花前 日居月诸 日新月异 日往月来 日省月试 日积月累 春花秋月 晓风残月 晓月残星 水中捉月 流星赶月 田月桑时 花容月貌 年头月尾 松风水月 镜花水月 岁月如流 皓月千里 镂月裁云 风月无边 风花雪月 风清月朗 文德桥上半边月 兰荷碧月 月下老人 月悬碧空 月落乌啼 月影婆娑 月移花影 月笼轻纱 月色迷离 月出东山 月圆花好 月夕花朝 月出星隐 月上柳梢 日月合壁 明月高照 星月交辉 秋月惨白 星月皎洁 冷月凄风 日月参辰 闭月羞花 满月生辉 新月如钩 六月飞霜 日东月西 日升月恒 猴年马月 成年累月 众星捧月 长年累月 烘云托月 春花秋月 海底捞月 蹉跎岁月 吴牛喘月 嫦娥奔月 穷年累月 经年累月 披星戴月 冰壶秋月
2023-01-12 22:14:281

style什么意思? style是什么意思额、好想知道!

stylen. 文体, 风格, 式样, 时尚, 类型1. I don"t like opera; chamber music is more my style.我不爱看歌剧,喜欢听室内乐. 2. Has he any right to use the style of Colonel?他有资格使用上校头衔吗? 3. T...
2023-01-12 22:14:281