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2023-05-19 23:48:17

(Edwin Arlington Robinson,1869~1935)

诗体小说《克莱格上尉》(Captain Craig);诗集《河下游的城镇》(The Town Down the River,1909)和《天边人影》(The Man Against the Sky,1916)确立了他在诗坛的地位。罗宾逊以中世纪亚瑟王传说为基础写成了长篇叙事诗三部曲:《墨林》(Merlin,1917)、《朗斯洛》(Lancelot,1920)、《特里斯丹》(Tristram,1927)。其他作品还包括《埃冯的收成》(Avon"s Harvest,1921)、《诗集》(Collected Poems,1921)。他最擅长写短诗,其中最著名的是蒂尔伯里镇居民的人物群像。《米尼弗·契维》出自《河下游的城镇》,是罗宾逊人物肖像诗中最著名的一篇。

(Robert Frost,1874~1963)享誉海外的美国著名诗人。16岁时发表第一首诗《诺什·特黑斯》(La Noche Triste)。埃兹拉·庞德的鼓励下出版诗集《少年的意愿》(A Boy"s Wish,1913)和《波士顿以北》(North of Boston,1914)。《修墙》(Mending Wall)《摘苹果之后》(After Apple-Picking)《雇工之死》(The Death of The Hired Man)广为流传,收录在《波士顿以北》。诗集《山间》(Mountain Interval)的出版标志着他的诗歌创作进入了成熟阶段。《没有选择的路》、《白桦树》(Birches)等富有哲理性的诗篇均收录该集。后又发表诗集《新罕布什尔》(New Hampshire)、《西流的溪涧》(West-Running Brook)、《又一片牧场》(A Further Range)、《一株作证的树》(A Witness Tree)等。他是美国非官方的桂冠诗人,其诗歌在韵律方面与传统诗歌相近,又与意象派等现代诗歌相通,被称做是“交替性诗人”。


(Ezra Pound,1885~1972)意象派诗歌的创始人。庞德与休姆(T.E.Hulme)等人一道发起意象派运动,引起一场诗歌革命。1912年,他和理查德·奥尔丁顿、杜利特尔提出了意象派诗歌创作的三原则:直接处理事物,取消修饰的“多余的”词语,按照流畅的音乐节奏。不久,他脱离意象派,热衷于旋涡主义运动。“旋涡主义”对庞德诗歌创作德影响主要体现在他德长篇诗作《诗章》(The Cantos)里。庞德的其他作品还包括:《面具》(Personae)《罗曼司精神》(The Spirit of Romance)《华夏》(Cathay)《文雅集》(Polite Essays)《文学论文集》(The Literary Essays of Ezra Pound)等。他对于中国古诗、孔子思想以及日本俳句的推崇和介绍使得英美文学界开始了解东方文学。《在地铁站》(In a Station of the Metro)是意象派诗歌的经典之作。


(E.E.Cummings,1894~1962)现代派诗人,画家。1917年蒙冤入狱,后来这段经历被写进了《巨大的房间》(The Enormous Room,1922)。第一部诗集《郁金香与烟囱》(Tulips and Chimneys,1923)形成自己独特的诗风。其他著作包括:《诗四十一首》(XLI Poems,1925)、《是五》(is 5)、《万岁!》(Viva,1931)、《不用谢》(No Thanks)、《诗集》(Collected Poems,1958)等。诗歌形式上取消了几乎所有的大写字母,随意处置标点符号。


(Ernest Hemingway,1899~1961)受格特鲁德·斯坦因(Gertrude Stein)的影响,形成了自己简短朴素的写作风格。第一篇长篇小说《太阳照常升起》(The Sun Also Rises,1926)表达了一战后一部分美国年轻知识分子对现实的绝望。斯坦因在前言里评论到:“你们都是迷惘的一代(You are all a lost generation)。”“迷惘的一代”的称号由此诞生,海明威被公认为“迷惘的一代”的代表作家。《永别了,武器》(Farewell to Arms,1929)以一战为背景。《丧钟为谁而鸣》(For Whom the Bell Tolls,1940)有关西班牙内战。《老人与海》(The Old Man and the Sea,1952)。1954年获诺贝尔文学奖。海明威对于世界文学的主要贡献在于他创造了“冰山原则”——简洁的文字,鲜明的形象,丰富的情感和深刻的思想。这既是“冰山原则”的四大要素,也是海明威的基本创作风格。


(James Thurber,1894~1961)著名散文家、短篇小说家、幽默大师、漫画家。他的短篇小说《沃尔特·米笛的秘密生活》(The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)的主人公沃尔特爱做白日梦,是个妄想当英雄的懦夫。如今在美国,“沃尔特·米笛”已成为这类人的代名词。他创造了一种新的文风——“纽约人作风”。1929年瑟伯与E.B.怀特合作,发表了第一本小说《性,必要吗?》(Is Sex Necessary?),是对欧洲以弗洛伊德为代表的心理分析学家的讽喻。他还著有幻想小说《十三座钟》(The 13 Clocks,1950),人物传记《与罗斯一起的年头》(The Years with Ross,1959),还有画册《瑟伯画册》(The Thurber Album,1952)以及散文集《灯笼与长矛》(Lanterns and Lances,1961)。


(William Faulkner,1897~1962)美国南方文学的代表作家。第一部小说《军饷》(Soldier"s Pay,1920)。畅销书《愤怒与喧嚣》(The Sound and the Fury,1929)轰动一时。家世小说:《我弥留之际》(As I Lay Dying,1930)、《八月之光》(Light in August,1932)、《押沙龙,押沙龙》(Absalom,Absalom,1936)、《去吧,摩西》(Go Down Moses,1942)。这些作品表达了他对南方传统文化与历史的留恋,同时也揭露了奴隶制、种族主义以及清教的种种罪恶。《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》是福克纳最具代表性的短篇小说,反映了南方贵族的没落与美国内战后南方社会的变迁。




chimney的意思:烟囱。读音:英[ˈtʃɪmni]、美[ˈtʃɪmni]。释义:n. 烟囱变形:复数 chimneys。常用搭配:glass chimney 玻璃灯罩;烟囱式灯罩chimney stack 总合烟囱,仅一通道之烟囱同近义词:smoke stack/lum  [建]烟囱chimney造句如下:1、I accidentally dropped my cell phone into this chimney.我不小心把手机掉进了这个岩石狭缝里面。2、The chimneys of chemical plants emit a lot of harmful smoke.化学工厂的烟囱排放出大量有害的烟雾。3、Relevant departments carried out directional blasting of the chimney of this factory.有关部门对这家工厂的烟囱实行了定向爆破。4、We can"t light a fire because the chimney hasn"t been swept.我们不能点火 因为烟囱还没扫干净。5、Smoke was curling up the chimney.烟顺着烟囱缭绕升起。
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chimney读音:英 [ˈtʃɪmni]   美 [ˈtʃɪmni]  n.烟囱;烟道;(屋顶上的)烟囱管;(岩石间可供攀登的)狭孔,狭缝复数: chimneys列句:A great cloud of smoke billowed out of the chimney. 滚滚浓烟从烟囱中喷涌而出。A shower of sparks flew up the chimney. 烟囱里飞出无数火星。He threw the paper onto the fire and it flew up the chimney. 他把那张纸扔进火里,纸飘进了烟道。The wind whistled down the chimney. 风飕飕地顺着烟囱往下刮。
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2023-01-12 21:38:086


chimney [chim·ney || "tʃɪmnɪ] 谐音:期么尼n. 烟囱; 灯罩
2023-01-12 21:38:172

chimney的复数是什么 是chimneies,还是chimneys?

chimneys! 绝对没问题! 把y变i再加es的情况仅限于以“辅音字母+y”结尾的可数名词的复数!
2023-01-12 21:38:201


toxins 毒素、pollution 污染;污染物、chimneys 烟囱、filters 过滤器、industrial emissions 工业排放物、rubber waste 橡胶废物、cancer 癌症、pulmonary 肺结核、anemia 贫血、apoplexy 中风、enteritis 肠炎、malaria 疟疾,等等。单词解析:一、filters1、读音:英 ["fɪltə(r)] 美 ["fɪltər] 2、翻译:n. 过滤器;滤色镜;滤光器v. 过滤;渗透3、例句:We usually clear the water with a filter.我们通常用过滤器使水净化。二、pollution1、读音:英 [pə"luːʃn] 美 [pə"luːʃn] 2、翻译:n. 污染;污染物3、例句:They devised proposals to deal with air pollution.他们构想出处理空气污染的方案。三、chimneys1、读音:英 ["tʃɪmni] 美 ["tʃɪmni] 2、翻译:n. 烟囱3、例句:The explosion toppled the old chimney.这次爆炸把那个旧烟囱给炸倒了。四、cancer1、读音:英 ["kænsə(r)] 美 ["kænsər]2、翻译:n. 癌;肿瘤;毒瘤3、例句:He was afflicted with cancer.他患了癌症。五、pulmonary1、读音:英 ["pʌlmənəri] 美 ["pʌlməneri]   2、翻译:adj. 肺的;肺部的;肺状的3、例句:All parts are used medicinally for infantile paralysis and pulmonary tuberculosis.婴儿的麻痹和肺的结核病的全部深裂的可药用。
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  形状表示特定事物或物质的一种存在或表现形式如:长方形,正方形圆形等。那么你知道形状用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来形状的英语说法,供大家学习。   形状的英语说法1:   shape   形状的英语说法2:   form   形状的英语说法3:   appearance   形状相关英语表达:   分布形状 Distribution shape   形状因数 Shape factor   形状工具 Shape Tool   形状阻力 form resistance   形状图层 Shape Layers   形状公差 form tolerance   形状的英语例句:   1. She even had plastic surgery to change the shape of her nose.   为改变鼻子的形状,她甚至接受了整形手术。   2. Draw simple shapes for your child to colour in.   画一些简单的形状让孩子涂上颜色。   3. The skeleton consists of differently shaped bones held together by ligaments.   人体骨架是由依靠韧带连接的形状相异的骨头构成。   4. Using 2 spoons, mould the cheese mixture into small balls or ovals.   用两把小匙将奶酪混合物塑成圆球或椭圆球形状。   5. The badges come in twenty different colours and shapes.   这种徽章有20种不同的颜色和形状。   6. A painter may exaggerate or distort shapes and forms.   画家可能会对线条和形状进行夸大或扭曲。   7. The glass bottle is the shape of a woman"s torso.   玻璃杯呈女子身体的形状。   8. This beautiful and curiously shaped lake lies at around fifteen thousand feet.   这个形状奇特的美丽湖泊周长约有15,000英尺。   9. Located off-center in the irregularly shaped lake was a fountain.   在这个形状不规则的湖泊的湖心以外的地方有一眼喷泉。   10. There is also an artful contrast of shapes.   形状的对比也很巧妙。   11. a vast array of bottles of different shapes and sizes   一大批形状大小不一的瓶子   12. the geometry of a spider"s web   蜘蛛网的几何形状   13. Tents come in various shapes and sizes.   帐篷有各种各样的形状和大小。   14. He hammered down the metal till it was the shape he wanted.   他用锤不断敲击直到那块金属成为所要求的形状.   15. You can differentiate between the houses by the shape of their chimneys.   你可以凭借烟囱形状的不同来区分这两幢房子.
2023-01-12 21:38:401

飘里面的chimney swallows是什么意思

chimney 英[ˈtʃɪmni] 美[ˈtʃɪmni] n. 烟囱; 壁炉; 玻璃灯罩; 烟囱状东西; [网络] 烟筒; 烟囱; 烟道口; [例句]This gas fire doesn"t need a chimney.这种煤气取暖器不需要烟囱。[其他] 复数:chimneys swallows n. (吃或喝的) 一口( swallow的名词复数 ); [网络] 燕; 吞咽; 燕子; [例句]The swallows have built a nest under the eaves.燕子在房檐下做了个窝。[其他] 形近词: scallops shallots shallows 双语例句 柯林斯词典 百度知道
2023-01-12 21:38:532

ghost chimneys 是什么意思?

您好:鬼的烟囱双语对照例句:1.For me, these ghost towns of rusty flensing platforms, boilers, chimneys, and whale-oilstorage tanks were poignant. 对我而言,这些生锈的解剖台、锅炉、烟囱和鲸油存储罐充斥的“鬼镇”是一段惨痛的记忆。----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-01-12 21:39:001

The tunnel would be well-ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea level.

were built 是被动语态,build 是及物动词,所以用被动语态。整个句子是现在虚拟语气,主句would be,从句were built 表示现在虚拟,不是过去虚拟。
2023-01-12 21:39:032


Santa Claus[sAntE 5klC:z]n.圣诞老人Santa ClausSan.ta ClausAHD:[s²n“t… klôz”] D.J.[6s#n7t* kl%8z]K.K.[6s#n7t* kl%z]n.(名词)The personification of the spirit of Christmas, usually represented as a jolly, fat old man with a white beard and a red suit, who brings gifts to good children on Christmas Eve.圣诞老人:圣诞神灵的化身,常被描述成为一个快乐的,胖胖的,长着白胡子并穿红衣服的老人,他会在圣诞夜中给表现好的孩子带去礼物Probably alteration of Dutch Sinterklaas 可能为 荷兰语 Sinterklaas的变化 from Middle Dutch Sinterclaes [St. Nicholas] 源自 中古荷兰语 Sinterclaes [圣尼古拉斯] sint [saint] from Middle Dutch from Old French saint * see saint sint [圣人] 源自 中古荷兰语 源自 古法语 saint *参见 saintheer [lord] * see mynheer heer [主人] *参见 mynheerclaes short for Niclaes [Nicholas] claes Niclaes的简写 [尼古拉斯]
2023-01-12 21:39:076

Santa Claus comes _____ the chimneys. A. on B. up C. down D. in

2023-01-12 21:39:132


——海底富烃流体活动的记录陆红锋1,陈芳1,刘坚1,孙晓明2,廖志良1陆红锋(1976—),男,博士,高级工程师,主要从事岩矿测试和地球化学研究,。1.广州海洋地质调查局,广州 5102752.中山大学地球科学系,广州 510760摘要:大陆边缘海的流体喷流活动或天然气水合物分解都会导致自生碳酸盐岩的形成。南海天然气水合物钻探区出现的自生碳酸盐岩主要为烟囱状,以铁白云石、文石、方解石碳酸盐矿物为主;稳定同位素研究显示,烟囱的δ13CPDB值为-40.18‰~-38.69‰、δ18OPDB值为3.75‰~4.31‰,显示了来源于甲烷厌氧氧化作用的特征,是海底富含甲烷的流体活动的最终产物。持续或间断的流体喷流活动,使钻探区碳酸盐岩烟囱发生单阶段或多阶段沉淀。关键词:南海;天然气水合物;自生碳酸盐岩;稳定同位素;甲烷厌氧氧化作用Characteristics of Authigenic Carbonate Chimneys in Shenhu Area,Northern SouthChina Sea:Recorders of Hydrocarbon-Enriched Fluid ActivityLu Hongfeng1,Chen Fang1,Liu Jian1,Sun Xiaoming2,Liao Zhiliang11.Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey,Guangzhou 510760,China2.Department of Earth Sciences,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275,ChinaAbstract:Authigenic carbonates often occur in continental margin with fluids venting and/or gas hydrate dissociation.Authigenic carbonates found in Shenhu area,northern South China Sea,are in the form of chimney,and mainly comprise ankerite,aragonite and calcite.Carbon and oxygen stable isotope studies show that δ13C rangesfrom -40.18‰PDB to-38.69‰PDB,and δ18O varies between 3.75‰PDB and 4.31‰PDB.The typical isotope ratios suggest that these carbonate chimneys are derived from anaerobic methane oxidation and preticipated during methane-enriched fluid venting.Key words:authigenic carbonates; northern South China Sea; stable isotope; anaerobic methane oxidation0 引言在大陆边缘海区,常常出现自生碳酸盐岩,该类岩石是海底存在喷流作用或冷泉流体活动的忠实体现者。近几年来,在天然气水合物赋存区也发现了大量的自生碳酸盐岩,如西大西洋布莱克海岭[1]、美国俄勒冈外海水合物脊[2]、墨西哥湾北部陆坡[3]等。自生碳酸盐岩在水合物赋存区的表层沉积物中沉淀,岩石典型特点为∑Ca CO3质量分数高、δ13C极度轻值,是水合物赋存区的独特岩类,记录了水合物稳定性、冷泉活动以及甲烷生成与释放等信息。2007年,广州海洋地质调查局在南海神狐海域实施了我国海域首次天然气水合物钻探,获取岩心最大深度260 m,在其中两口钻孔SH2B和SH7B中发现天然气水合物样品。笔者针对2004年广州海洋地质调查局在该钻探区获取的烟囱状自生碳酸盐岩开展研究,探讨该海区海底流体活动以及天然气水合物与自生碳酸盐岩成因关系。1 地质背景和取样位置南海是西太平洋最大的边缘海之一,位于欧亚板块、太平洋板块和印度洋板块的交汇处。受三大板块互相运动所制约,南海具有独特的边缘构造特征:东部为汇聚陆缘,北部、西部为离散陆缘。在东部汇聚陆缘南海板块沿马尼拉海沟向东俯冲,形成叠瓦状逆掩推覆的增生楔;北部、西部离散陆缘发生一系列的扩张裂陷、剪切、沉降作用,形成大中型沉积盆地,为有机质的富集提供最佳场所,同时也形成各类裂隙,为海底喷流作用提供通道。南海天然气水合物钻探区位于神狐海域,海底地形变化相对平缓,水深变化范围在300~3 500m,水深线与海岸大致平行。地形由北西向南东倾斜,平均坡降为13.6‰,平均坡角达7°40 '。在海区西北和陆架转折带及上陆坡附近,海底地形及坡度变化较大,往东南部,水深缓慢增加,地形变化较平缓。该海区HS4DG和HS4a DG站位出现大量烟囱状自生碳酸盐岩,站位水深在350~400 m之间(图1)。图1 南海天然气水合物钻探区碳酸盐岩的取样位置2 样品处理和分析方法样品的物相分析采用日本理学公司12 k W 旋转阳极X射线衍射仪,在北京大学地质系完成。共分析了4个碳酸盐岩烟囱全岩物相及不同矿物相的相对质量分数。分析前,先用蒸馏水把样品冲洗晾干,然后用玛瑙研钵磨碎成粉末(以样品中的石英为内标),之后制作成任意取向的粉末片,从5°~70°(2θ)进行扫描。采用Cu靶α射线,测试电压40 k V,电流100 m A,石墨单色器;扫描速度为4°2θ/min;采数步宽为0.02°(2θ/s);射线发散狭缝角度为1°,接收狭缝宽设为0.3 mm,防散射狭缝为1°。成分分析在中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所完成,采用岛津XRF-1500型荧光光谱仪。分析方法为标准曲线法(经验系数法),程序名称为Rock-major,制样设备是岛津TR-1000S自动玻璃熔融制样机(automatic bead fusion furnace)。样品先用蒸馏水冲洗干净晾干,制样方法使用玻璃片法,稀释比1:10,取碳酸盐试样0.6 g,熔剂(Li2B4O7,无水,高纯)6.0 g,1100 ℃熔融10 min。碳氧稳定同位素的分析在中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所完成。样品分析采用磷酸法。取样品新鲜部位15 mg,研磨均匀,在300℃真空中烘烤2 h除去有机质,之后称取处理好的样品10 mg,放入反应器底部,再用注射针管将5 m L纯度为100%的正磷酸注入反应器支管内,将反应器接在真空系统上,抽取真空,真空度达到10-2Pa为止。然后将支管内的正磷酸与样品混合反应,并进行25℃水浴恒温72 h。反应完全后,把释放出来的CO2气体进行-110℃低温分离,去除在溶解样品的过程中产生的杂质气体。然后在美国菲尼根公司(Finnigan)MAT252质谱仪上进行测定,分析结果用6值表示,采用PDB国际标准。3 结果和讨论3.1 碳酸盐岩类型和组分研究区获取的碳酸盐岩主要为烟囱状,颜色为灰色、灰绿色,坚硬(图2)。碳酸盐岩烟囱中间具有通道,部分样品分为内外两层,明显可见两层的分界线,显示了不同的生长期次。岩石薄片鉴定结果表明,碳酸盐岩烟囱主要由碳酸盐矿物、陆源碎屑、黏土组成,碳酸盐矿物主要为铁白云石、文石、方解石,陆源碎屑主要以石英、长石为主。图2 南海天然气水合物钻探区获取的烟囱状自生碳酸盐岩从X射线衍射分析结果来看(表1),神狐海区的碳酸盐岩主要由石英长石类陆源碎屑、碳酸盐矿物组成,含少量黏土矿物。岩石的陆源碎屑主要以石英、长石为主,石英的质量分数为15%~24%,长石类质量分数主要为8%~20%;碳酸盐矿物主要为铁白云石、文石、方解石,偶尔出现极少量菱铁矿。所有样品中皆出现铁白云石,质量分数为24%~52%; 2个样品中文石的全岩质量分数分别为21%、16%;方解石的质量分数为4%~11%;黏土矿物质量分数为9%~16%,泥质成分质量分数相对较低。根据方解石d(104)衍射峰偏移正常峰(0.3305 nm)情况,对方解石的MgCO3质量分数(n)进行了估算。所有碳酸盐岩中方解石的n(MgCO3)主要为10.1%~14.4%(以mol为单位),全部高于8%,属于高镁方解石。碳酸盐岩类X荧光光谱成分分析结果也表明(表2),岩石以碳酸盐相为主要成分。Al2O3的质量分数为3.47%~5.01%,反映了长石和黏土矿物成分;Ca O质量分数主要为24.02%~30.11%,Mg O质量分数为8.96%~10.15%,代表了岩石中碳酸盐成分。Mn O的质量分数小于0.5%,Sr的质量分数为(679~1751)×10-6,Mn和Sr均可能来自于碳酸盐矿物的晶格。表1 碳酸盐岩烟囱X射线衍射分析结果 φB/%表2 碳酸盐岩烟囱XRF成分分析结果3.2 碳、氧稳定同位素组成碳酸盐岩烟囱的碳、氧同位素比值结果见表3。3个样品的碳氧同位素值比较接近,变化范围不大,碳同位素δ13CPDB值为-40.18‰~-38.69‰,氧同位素δ18OPDB值为3.75‰~4.31‰,显示了很轻的碳同位素比值和较重的氧同位素比值,属于非正常海相碳酸盐岩。大量研究表明,甲烷喷溢口沉淀的碳酸盐岩的碳同位素组成表现为明显亏损13C,典型的δ13CPDB为-35‰~-70‰[4-6],这种δ13C值是由于甲烷细菌性厌氧氧化作用导致碳同位素分馏而产生。研究区碳酸盐岩烟囱的δ13C值表明,其碳源来自甲烷的细菌性氧化作用,具有甲烷喷溢口碳酸盐岩的特征。这3个碳酸盐岩烟囱,与发现于琉球群岛Kuroshima海丘甲烷喷流形成的碳酸盐岩烟囱极为类似[7],该区域发现的碳酸盐岩烟囱主要由1 μm的白云石微晶组成,碳同位素δ13CPDB值为-50‰~-15‰,氧同位素δ18OPDB为6‰~8‰。将研究区碳酸盐岩烟囱的碳、氧同位素值与南海台西南海域、世界水合物区相关碳酸盐岩的数值进行对比(图3)。可以看出,本区样品与南海台西南海区[8]、布莱克海岭996站位[1]、水合物脊[2]以及鄂霍次克海[9]等天然气水合物赋存区的碳酸盐岩的碳、氧同位素值皆在同一区域,显示了南海天然气水合物钻探区碳酸盐岩烟囱,与国外已获取水合物实物海域的同类岩石相似,皆为导源于甲烷厌氧氧化的碳酸盐岩,与天然气水合物的成矿过程存在密切地联系。3.3 碳酸盐烟囱的形成机理全球具有甲烷冷泉喷流活动的海区,常常以独特的生物(蛤类、菌席、蠕虫等)发育、自生碳酸盐岩覆盖为特点。冷泉的形成,主要由于陆缘巨厚的、富含有机质的沉积物压实脱水或下伏天然气水合物分解而产生,沉积物中有机质与硫酸盐作用(1)、甲烷在硫酸盐还原带的厌氧氧化作用(2),都会产生 和高碱度:表3 神狐海区碳酸盐岩碳、氧同位素组成图3 碳酸盐岩碳、氧同位素分布图南海台西南海域、布莱克海岭996、水合物脊和鄂霍次克海数据分别引自[1,2,8,9]南海天然气水合物富集规律与开采基础研究专集这2个过程,是喷流海区存在大量自生碳酸盐岩沉淀的主要原因,而微生物的存在,也是主要的驱动力之一。南海天然气水合物钻探区碳酸盐岩烟囱,从成分和同位素特征来看,属于海底自生胶结岩类,具有典型的微生物甲烷碳同位素特征,属于非陆源或非正常海相成因。鄂霍次克海(Okhotsk sea)、埃尔河(Eel River)盆地、水合物脊(Hydrate Ridge)和布莱克海岭(Black Ridge)等处发现的自生碳酸盐岩均与水合物分解产生的冷泉有关[1-2,9,10],这类碳酸盐岩具有极负的δ13C值。南海天然气水合物钻探区的碳酸盐烟囱具有非常轻的δ13C值,表明它们是从富含轻碳的流体中沉淀的。钻探结果表明,钻探区的天然气水合物饱和度较高,主要烃类气体为甲烷[11],这为研究区海底喷流作用提供了必要的背景条件;沉积物下伏的天然气水合物的稳定性变化,容易导致海底烃类流体活动,为碳酸盐岩的形成提供了必要的基础。在喷流作用发生期间,由于流体大量排溢到海底表面,高碱度和富含 的流体促使碳酸盐烟囱沉淀。烟囱含有一定含量的石英、长石等陆源碎屑,故烟囱是在沉积物裂隙或通道中胶结形成,在沉积物被底流侵蚀后,出露在海底表面。另外,对具2层结构的烟囱进行横向取样分析。结果显示,δ13CPDB值由外(B点)到内(A点)变重,两者相差了2‰(图4)。这表明碳酸盐岩形成于2次流体喷溢期间,导致2个阶段的碳酸盐岩烟囱的形成,可能的形成模式:第一次喷溢流体的向上喷溢速率较快、流量较大,穿透能力随之增强,上升流体的同位素被海底沉积物孔隙水或海水稀释的效果也就减弱。这时从富含Ca、Mg和 的上升流体中沉淀的白云石烟囱外层具有较轻的δ13C值。第二次流体喷溢的时候,先前形成的中空的碳酸盐烟囱,成为二期流体上升的通道,并直到碳酸盐岩的再次沉淀,堵塞通道。由于2期流速和流量都相对较小,受下渗海水、沉积物孔隙水的扩散稀释作用的影响,在内圈沉淀的碳酸盐岩的δ13C值相对增大。据此推论,该区至少发生过2次较具规模的喷流作用。而天然气水合物的稳定性变化可能是海底喷流活动的主要原因。图4 HS4DG碳酸盐烟囱从外圈向中心的碳、氧同位素变化特征南海天然气水合物钻探区碳酸盐岩烟囱铁白云石质量分数很高。白云石的成因问题,一般认为是交代成因即白云石化作用,在w(Mg)/w(Ca)比值高的环境中,白云石可以交代文石、方解石。一般情况下,海洋沉积物中 的主要来自海水,在 质量分数高的环境下,Mg2+与 形成比Ca CO3难溶的Mg SO4,抑制白云石的形成。然而,在类似烟囱的半封闭通道环境里, 的含量受到限制,w(Mg)/w(Ca)的比值增加,有利于白云石交代沉淀形成。此外,沉积物中黄铁矿、黏土矿物提供丰富的Fe源,是本区铁白云石形成因素之一。南海天然气水合物钻探区发现的碳酸盐岩烟囱,与全球陆缘海区存在的碳酸盐岩的形成机理是一致的,主要是海底富含碳氢化合物的流体向上排溢的结果。该钻探区天然气水合物稳定性发生变化,可能是冷泉流体活动的主要原因,是该钻探区与甲烷喷溢成因相关的自生碳酸盐岩形成的主要因素。碳酸盐岩烟囱忠实地记录了钻探区天然气水合物稳定性变化历史。4 结论1)南海天然气水合物钻探区碳酸盐岩烟囱主要以铁白云石、文石、方解石等碳酸盐矿物为主,方解石为高镁方解石,n(MgCO3)的含量主要为10.1%~14.4%。碳同位素δ13CPDB值为-40.18‰~-38.69‰、氧同位素δ18OPDB值为3.75‰~4.31‰,烟囱以极轻的碳同位素比值和较重的氧同位素比值为特点。2)碳酸盐岩烟囱极轻的碳同位素特征,与全球边缘海冷泉碳酸盐岩的特点相同,主要源于生物成因甲烷厌氧氧化作用。天然气水合物稳定性变化导致的富含甲烷的流体排溢活动,是本区烟囱形成的主要因素,在持续或间断的排溢喷流过程中,促使了碳酸盐岩烟囱的单阶段或多阶段的沉淀。沉积物中天然气水合物的分解,是南海天然气水合物钻探区烃类流体活动的重要原因。感谢:广州海洋地质调查局“海洋四号调查船”2004航次全体人员,他(她)们的辛勤工作为本研究提供了样品;感谢北京大学地质系王佩瑛教授、中科院地质与地球物理研究所李禾研究员、张福松研究员,他(她)们分别完成了本文样品的X-RAY、X荧光和稳定同位素的分析工作!参考文献[1]Naehr T H,Rodriguez N M,Bohrmann G,et al.Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates Associated with Gas 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First Gas Hydrate Drilling Expedition.NETL,Methane Hydrate Newsleter,2007,7(3):6-9.
2023-01-12 21:39:161

Fairy Chimneys

在土耳其卡帕多西亚“精灵烟囟”(Fairy Chimneys)是世界十大非著名奇迹之一那些对侵蚀效应恨之入骨的人最好到土耳其的卡帕多西亚地区看一看:当地被慢慢风化的岩石造就了世界上独一无二的旅游奇观。所谓的卡帕多西亚“精灵烟囟”实际上是一些特大号的圆锥形岩层, 松软的岩石酷似锥形的尖塔,尖塔顶端被大自然赋予了一块更加松软的玄武岩“帽子”。但你不要因此误解,因为这个松软的岩石实际上是典型的火山灰产物。 “精灵烟囟”的魅力不仅在于它们生殖器般的长相,更为吸引人的是,经过无数次的风雨冲洗,伟大的自然建筑师已将它们打造成适于居住的天然公寓。有兴趣的旅游者可以下榻“精灵烟囟”客栈——一支由窑洞组成的“复合建筑”,不要小看了这个“复合建筑”,它们曾经是拜占庭帝国修道院的酒榨场所。*) =*">
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which指的是tall chimneys啦,只不过被out of 隔开了,out of tall chimneyssmoke trailed themselves for ever and ever.这是一句话啦后半句相当于out of tall chimneys smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever.或者smoke, out of tall chimneys, trailed themselves for ever and ever.时间常不学英语了,应该是这样的吧
2023-01-12 21:39:572


  诗歌是世界上最古老最基本的文学形式,是语言艺术最高的表现形式,那么你想阅读一些外国的经典 英语诗歌 吗?下面是我为大家带来经典外国英语诗歌附翻译,希望大家喜欢!  经典外国英语诗歌:羊齿山   Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs   About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green,   The night above the dingle starry,   Time let me hail and climb   Golden in the heydays of his eyes,   And honoured among wagons I was prince of the apple towns   And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves   Trail with daisies and barley   Down the rivers of the windfall light.   现在,当我年青而自在地坐在苹果树下,   挨着低吟的屋子,因绿草而快乐,   夜悬于星星的幽谷上,   时光让我欢呼让我攀爬   在他眼中的金色年华   车马拥簇中我是苹果国王子,   曾几何时我也雍容地让树儿叶儿   连同稚菊和大麦随我   沿着风吹的日光之河巡游。   And as I was green and carefree, famous among the barns   About the happy yard and singing as the farm was home,   In the sun that is young once only,   Time let me play and be   Golden in the mercy of his means,   And green and golden I was huntsman and herdsman, the calves   Sang to my horn, the foxes on the hills barked clear and cold,   And the sabbath rang slowly   In the pebbles of the holy streams.   当我绿着,无忧无虑,在欢乐庭院   的谷仓间扬名,歌唱农场家园,   在只年轻一次的太阳里,   时光让我嬉戏让我成为   金黄色,受他恩宠,   翠绿与金黄之中我是猎手和牧人,牛犊们   随我的号角歌唱,山上狐狸们吠声清冷   而安息日缓缓叮咚   在圣泉里的鹅卵石间。   All the sun long it was running, it was lovely, the hay   Fields high as the house, the tunes from the chimneys, it was air   And playing, lovely and watery   And fire green as grass.   And nightly under the simple stars   As I rode to sleep the owls were bearing the farm away,   All the moon long I heard, blessed among stables, the nightjars   Flying with the ricks, and the horses   Flashing into the dark.   长长白日里它跑着,好可爱,干草田   屋子一样高,烟囱里飘出歌谣,它朝气篷勃,   嬉戏着,水灵,可爱,   草一般燃烧着绿。   夜间寥落星辰下,   当我驶入梦乡,猫头鹰便驮走农场,   长长月夜里我在马厩中倾听、祈求,夜鹰们   与草垛齐飞,马儿们   闪入黑暗深处。   And then to awake, and the farm, like a wanderer white   With the dew, come back, the cock on his shoulder: it was all   Shining, it was Adam and maiden,   The sky gathered again   And the sun grew round that very day.   So it must have been after the birth of the simple light   In the first, spinning place, the spellbound horses walking warm   Out of the whinnying green stable   On to the fields of praise.   然后就醒了,农场像游子归来,   一身露水白,公鸡立肩头:一切   皆闪光,一切皆是夏娃亚当,   天空再次聚合,   就是那一天太阳长圆。   所以应是在熹光降临之际,   在最初的纺绩地,着魔的马群暖暖走出   绿色嘶鸣的马厩,   前往荣耀的土地。   And honoured among foxes and pheasants by the gay house   Under the new made clouds and happy as the heart was long,   In the sun born over and over,   I ran my heedless ways,   My wishes raced through the house high hay   And nothing I cared, at my sky blue trades, that time allows   In all his tuneful turning so few and such morning songs   Before the children green and golden   Follow him out of grace,   欢乐的屋子边上,新裁的云朵下面,   与狐狸山雉们相伴,快乐得心跳舒长,   在一次次重生的太阳里   我随意地奔走,   我的祈愿窜过屋子高的草垛   而我毫不在意,对我的天蓝色生计,时光   在他悠然回转间让稀落的晨歌   在孩子们的翠绿与金黄面前   随他一道黯然逝去。   Nothing I cared, in the lamb white days, that time would take me   Up to the swallow thronged loft by the shadow of my hand,   In the moon that is always rising,   Nor that riding to sleep   I should hear him fly with the high fields   And wake to the farm forever fled from the childless land.   Oh as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means,   Time held me green and dying   Though I sang in my chains like the sea.   我毫不在意,羔羊般洁白的日子里,时光   携我手的阴影把我带上永恒升着的月亮里,   那聚满燕子的阁楼,   也不在意驶入长梦时,   我会听他随高高的田野飞翔,   而后苏醒在农场,永远远离没有孩童的世界。   噢!当我年青而自在地受他恩宠,   时光曾让我绿过也让我死去,   即使我套着枷锁唱着大海之歌。   经典外国英语诗歌:为国捐躯   Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,   Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,   Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs,   And towards our distant rest began to trudge.   Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots,   But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame, all blind;   Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots   Of gas-shells dropping softly behind.   把身子扳弯,像个包袱底下的老叫花子   膝外翻,像个老太婆一样地咳嗽,我们在污泥之中咒诅,   直到那不祥的照明弹出现,我们转过背去   开始朝着我方休整兵营跋涉。   人们半睡半醒地行进。许多人丢了靴子   却仍步履蹒跚,血流不止地走。都瘸了;都瞎了;   累晕了;聋得都听不到弹片飞鸣,   在刚刚走过的地方掉下的沉重的五九炮弹。   Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! - An ecstay of fumbling,   Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time,   But someone still was yelling out and stumbling   And floundering like a man in fire or lime. -   Dim through the misty panes and thick green light   As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.   氯气弹!氯气弹!快跑啊,兄弟们!——一阵疯狂的折腾,   及时地把粗劣的面具带上了;   但是有些人还在喊叫,跌跌撞撞,   像是在火焰或是消石灰之中苦苦挣扎……   黑暗,透过雾蒙蒙的镜片和浓绿的亮光,   像在绿色之海下面,我看见他在溺亡。   In all my dreams before my helpless sight   He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.   在我的迷梦中,在我无助的视线前,   他投向我,奄奄一息,呛溺。   If in some smothering dreams, you too could pace   Behind the wagon that we flung him in,   And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,   His hanging face, like a devil"s sick of sin;   If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood   Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,   Bitter as the cud   of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, -   My friend, you would not tell with such high zest   To children ardent for some desperate glory,   The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori.   假使是在一个窒息的梦里,你也可以跟随   在我们将他装进去的车的后面,   看着他脸上苍白的眼睛扭动,   他那如绞死般的面容,像是魔鬼的罪恶之病;   假使你能听见,当每一次的颠簸,血   从肺泡破碎的肺叶中流出,在嘴里发出漱口的声音,   如癌症般猥琐,苦得像是难咽的反刍物,   不治的疮在无罪的舌头上,   我的朋友,你就不会如此热情地传讲   古老的谎言:为国捐躯,
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outside;external。external英[ɪkˈstɜːnl]。adj.外面的;外部的;外界的;外来的;外在的;对外的;外交上的;与外国有关的;外用的;外的;体外的;体表的;来自校外的;来自机构外部的;客观的;外部世界的。n.外观;外表;外部特征;参加校外课程的学生。同义词:outer; foreign; circumstance; student.1. the republic"s external borders.该共和国的边境。2. Such events occur only when the external conditions are favourable.这样的事情只有在外部情况适宜时才会发生。3. A person who is anaesthetized in an operating theatre will still respond physically to an external stimulus.手术室中被麻醉的人仍然会对外界刺激产生身体反应。4. the external walls of the chimneys.烟囱的外壁。5. Community leaders want to strengthen controls at external frontiers.社区领导想要加强对小区外围的管理。
2023-01-12 21:40:331


chimneychim.ney[`tʃImnI; ˋtʃimni]《源自拉丁文“壁炉”的意思》可数名词1 烟囱2 (油灯芦兆的) 灯孝衡罩3 烟囱状的东西a. (火山的) 喷烟口b.‘登山" (岩面上可供人攀陪慎租登的) 直立裂口chimney 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释The country "s chimney sweeps enjoy a near-perfect monopoly .德国的烟囱清洁工几乎完全享有垄断权利。In front of the chimney is the destroyed 4th reactor .烟囱前的是毁坏的4号反应炉。The water rose even more , and jim climbed onto his chimney .水涨的更高了,吉姆爬到了他家的烟囱上。请点击输入图片描述
2023-01-12 21:41:291


有关chimney是什么意思整理如下,可供参考。chimney 基本解释:n. 烟囱;玻璃灯罩;烟囱状东西;壁炉chimney 变化形式:复数: chimneyschimney中文词源:chimney 烟囱来自拉丁短语camera caminata. camera室,同chamber. caminus, 拉丁词,炉灶,冶铁炉。chimney 用法和例句:The country "s chimney sweeps enjoy a near-perfect monopoly .德国的烟囱清洁工几乎完全享有垄断权利。In front of the chimney is the destroyed 4th reactor .烟囱前的是毁坏的4号反应炉。
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chimney意思如下:chimney是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“烟囱”。双语例句用作名词 (n.)The explosion toppled the old chimney.这次爆炸把那个旧烟囱给炸倒了。The chimney is almost choked up with soot.烟囱几乎被烟垢堵住了。The smoke from chimney is spreading out in the sky.烟囱冒出的烟正在空中散开。I can hear a bird fluttering in the chimney.我听见一只鸟在烟囱里扑扑地拍翅。The chimney exhales a thick smoke.这个烟囱冒出一股浓烟。This gas fire doesn"t need a chimney.这种煤气取暖器不需要烟囱。Sparks from the chimney ignited the shingles.从烟囱里冒出的火星燃着了屋顶板。I roped myself to the chimney.我用绳子把自己系在烟囱上。Smoke was curling up the chimney.烟从烟囱里袅袅升起。The chimney was choked with soot.烟囱被煤灰堵塞了。The chimney blew out a cloud of black smoke.烟囱里喷出一团黑烟。If you block up the chimney, the smoke would fill the room.如果把烟囱堵住,烟就会充满屋子。The worker quickly cleared away the dirt that was choking up the chimney.那工人很快就把塞住烟囱的污垢清除干净了。His father is a chimney sweeper.他的父亲是一位扫烟囱的工人。The smoke coming from the chimney argues that there is somebody in the house.烟囱冒出来的烟表明这幢房子里有人。I was aiming for the chimney-pot, but the stone fell short and went through a skylight in the roof.我原想打烟筒管帽的,但是石头没有击中目标,穿过了屋顶上的天窗。He believes Santa Claus comes in through the chimney.他相信圣诞老人从烟囱进来。Lots of factory chimneys poured smoke into the air.大量的工厂烟囱朝天空吐烟。The worker"s work is to clean the chimneys for people.那工人的工作是给人们清扫烟囱。A thin boy sweeps the chimneys once a week.一个瘦男孩每星期把烟囱打扫一次。In large cities people breathe in dangerous gases from cars and chimneys.在大城市,人们呼吸时吸入汽车和烟囱排出的有害气体。
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烟囱的英文是:chimney。chimney是烟囱的意思;美|ˈtʃɪmni|;英|ˈtʃɪmni|。例句:Thick,yellow smoke pours constantly out of the chimneys at the steel plant in Katowice.浓密的黄烟不断地从卡托维兹钢铁厂的烟囱里喷吐出来。例句1、我用绳子将自己系在了那个烟囱上。I roped myself to the chimney.2、滚滚浓烟从烟囱中喷涌而出。A great cloud of smoke billowed out of the chimney.3、风飕飕地顺着烟囱往下刮。The wind whistled down the chimney.4、巨大的烟囱冒出烟和灰尘。Huge chimneys belched forth smoke and grime.5、一座座高大的烟囱冒着烟。Massive chimneys were spewing out smoke.6、这些烟囱管帽纯属装饰。The chimney pots are purely ornamental.
2023-01-12 21:42:041


这是要过圣诞节吧?烟囱:圣诞老人从烟囱钻进孩子们的家里送礼物雪橇:圣诞老人乘着驯鹿拉的雪橇铃铛:jingle bell jingle bell jingle all the way...驯鹿:圣诞老人乘着驯鹿拉的雪橇
2023-01-12 21:42:102


chimney英语读法:英[ˈtʃɪmni],美[ˈtʃɪmni]。chimney的意思是:烟囱,烟道,(屋顶上的)烟囱管,(岩石间可供攀登的)狭孔,狭缝。复数:chimneys。双语例句:1、A great cloud of smoke billowed out of the chimney. 滚滚浓烟从烟囱中喷涌而出。2、A shower of sparks flew up the chimney. 烟囱里飞出无数火星。3、He threw the paper onto the fire and it flew up the chimney. 他把那张纸扔进火里,纸飘进了烟道。4、The wind whistled down the chimney. 风飕飕地顺着烟囱往下刮。5、Chimneys were puffing out clouds of smoke. 烟囱冒着滚滚浓烟。
2023-01-12 21:42:131


chimney 英 ["tʃɪmni] 美 ["tʃɪmni] n.烟囱【♥Me YC♥】的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【采纳】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~
2023-01-12 21:42:282


chimney 英["tʃɪmnɪ] 美[ˈtʃɪmni] n. 烟囱;玻璃灯罩;烟囱状东西;壁炉 名词复数:chimneys [例句]The country "s chimney sweeps enjoy a near-perfect monopoly.德国的烟囱清洁工几乎完全享有垄断权利。
2023-01-12 21:42:341


north and howled about the chimneys
2023-01-12 21:42:372


《The Secret of Chimneys》([英] 阿加莎·克里斯蒂)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 密码:o9aj书名:The Secret of Chimneys作者:[英] 阿加莎·克里斯蒂出版年份:2007-11页数:320内容简介:This enchanting little hardback is an essential companion for any reader journeying through The Silmarillion or The Children of Hurin. Featuring an entertaining text and detailed gazetteer by acclaimed Tolkien author Brian Sibley, this gift edition also contains a stunning fold-out poster-map of the First Age of Tolkien"s Middle-earth. Writer and broadcaster Brian Sibley is a foremost expert on The Lord of the Rings (he adapted the novel for the award-winning BBC radio dramatisation in 1980), and here in this clothbound hardback he will take you to the First Age of Middle-earth, many thousands of years before the events chronicled in The Lord of the Rings. This was the setting for the great War of the Jewels, as recounted in J.R.R. Tolkien"s The Silmarillion and includes a gazetteer of the many places shown on the full-colour illustrated map which accompanies the book. The Map of Beleriand and the Lands to the North is faithfully reproduced in full colour by world-renowned Tolkien artist John Howe, the conceptual artist employed by Peter Jackson to work on his multi-award winning Lord of The Rings film trilogy, and who is soon to work on Guillermo del Toro"s Hobbit film. The map is based on the original map by Christopher Tolkien. Embellished with heraldic emblems and dramatic scenes from The Silmarillion, it completes the trio of authorized Tolkien maps by John Howe which can be removed for reference or even for framing. Each element in this collector"s package is special; together they provide an enchanting and desirable artefact that will be a prized possession of Tolkien readers of all ages.
2023-01-12 21:42:431


烟smoke n. 烟;抽烟;无常的事物vi. 冒烟,吸烟;抽烟;弥漫vt. 吸烟;抽cigarette n. 香烟;纸烟
2023-01-12 21:42:492


want my tears back  年少泪愿偿  The treetops, the chimneys, the snow bed stories, winter grey  炊烟渺渺绕层颠,灰雪夜谈照无眠  Wildflowers, those meadows of heaven, wind in the wheat  草花未凋乐土上,波纹縠皱风惊田  A railroad across waters, the scent of grandfatherly love  便恁车浆凌波去,踪影慈哀更难圆。  Blue bayous, Decembers, moon through a dragonfly"s wings  但待年尽江海上,蝉翼月影惟我知  Where is the wonder where"s the awe  曾要踏遍惊愕壮丽,念想已涣散踪迹。  Where"s dear Alice knocking on the door  梦游过仙境的Alice,只剩下敲门的背影  Where"s the trapdoor that takes me there  暗门通年少多少惊奇怪异,却再难为我开启。  Where the real is shattered by a Mad March Hare  门后三月兔,一如既往分裂虚实边际。  Where is the wonder where"s the awe  早已没有勇气踏上说走就走的旅行  Where are the sleepless nights I used to live for  也不再有执念为了梦想彻夜不休的激情  Before the years take me  可是啊,在尚未年华彻底老去之时  I wish to see  我渴盼着一日  The lost in me  再见到容颜未衰的自己  I want my tears back  愿偿年少泪  I want my tears back now  犹趁未老时  A ballet on a grove, still growing young all alone  园中舞影不歇人,似把一笑作青春  A rag doll, a best friend, the voice of Mary Costa  踏尽天涯余故友,执手且将旧曲温。
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  肮脏的基本解释①脏;不洁净:衣服肮脏。②比喻卑鄙、丑恶:思想肮脏|一桩肮脏的交易。③读kǎngzǎng时意为不屈不厄。那么,你知道肮脏的的英文单词是什么吗?   肮脏 [āng zang]   肮脏的英文释义:   dirty   filthy   dirtiness   squalor   squalidity   sordid   肮脏的英文例句:   我们一见到那旅店昏暗肮脏,心里就很不痛快。   Our first sight of the dingy little hotel did not inspire us with much confidence/inspire much confidence in us.   我不想和这一肮脏勾当有任何瓜葛。   I want no part in this sordid business.   他们重踏著脚步穿过厨房走来,留下了肮脏的脚印。   They came tramping through the kitchen leaving dirty footmarks.   他住在一个肮脏的屋子里。   He lives in a dingy room.   如果你再穿这肮脏的袍子我就要扣你的分数。   I will deduct your points if you wear the same dirty gown again.   (去那种肮脏又恶心的地方到底是谁出的主意?)   Whose idea was it to go to that rathole?   这些碎纸片不该在双卷和不合切整选时拔除肮脏。 肮脏的英文是什么   The scrapsof should be in the whole rewinding and slitting elections.   孩子们仍在肮脏的环境中生活。   The children still live in squalor.   肮脏与疾病有害于 儿童 的健康成长。   Dirt and disease are adverse to the best growth of children.     The city"s streets are filthy and choked with exhaust fumes 那座城市的街道肮脏不堪,弥漫着令人窒息的废气。   They chased down the stairs into the narrow, dirty street 他们冲下楼梯,来到狭窄、肮脏的街上。   He found his brother in a seedy, roach-infested apartment 他发现自己的哥哥住在一套破旧肮脏、蟑螂肆虐的公寓里。   Four candidates are slugging it out in a dirty campaign 名候选人将在一场肮脏的竞选中一决高下。   Pubs are dirty, smelly and unfriendly, according to the Good Pub Guide 据《好酒吧指南》所说,酒吧一般环境肮脏,气味难闻,而且气氛很不友好。   The best housing they could afford was crowded and filthy 他们能住得起的最好的住所也非常拥挤、肮脏不堪。   War is inherently a dirty business 战争与生俱来就是肮脏的。   They suck you in to their seedy world 他们把你卷入他们肮脏糜烂的圈子里。   It is a dangerous, crime-riddled, filthy city 这是一个危机四伏、犯罪横行的肮脏城市。   I find public squalor very saddening 公共场所的肮脏污秽让我感到非常悲哀。   He could see grimy roofs, factory chimneys and church spires 他可以看到肮脏的屋顶 、 工厂的烟囱和教堂的尖顶   She looked round with blank eyes at the dirt and confusion 她茫无头绪地看着周围这一片肮脏和混乱   It"s very uncomfortable living in a dirty hovel like ours 住在我们这样肮脏的破屋子里,太不舒服了   Booker T put on his grimed and grease coat 布克·特 穿上了他那件肮脏油污的上衣   Booker T put on his grimed and greased coat 布克? 特穿上了他那件肮脏油污的上衣   Sometimes papal Rome was a den of corruption and uncleanness 有时教皇的罗马城是腐败肮脏的魔窟   Here were crumbling tenements, squalid courtyards and stinking alleys 随处可见破烂的住房 、 肮脏的庭院和臭气熏天的小胡同   He was solitary from his dark and solemn vices 他之所以孤独,是由于他那邪恶而肮脏的罪孽   One girl said: " White is clean and black is dirty " 一个女孩说: “ 白色是清洁的,而黑色是肮脏的 ”   She has to wash slimy dishes and dirty clothes 她要洗油腻腻的碟子和肮脏的衣服
2023-01-12 21:43:051


tall short
2023-01-12 21:43:0815


  初唐诗歌以宫廷诗为主。在中宗朝,以修文馆学士群为代表的宫廷诗人的创作在诗歌数量、质量、参与创作人数各方面都达到了入唐以来前所未有的高度。下面是我带来的唯美的英语诗句,欢迎阅读!  唯美的英语诗句篇一   苏轼 《满庭芳·归去来兮》   归去来兮,   吾归何处?   万里家在岷峨。   百年强半,   来日苦无多。   坐见黄州再闰,    儿童 尽、楚语吴歌。   山中友,   鸡豚社酒,   相劝老东坡。   云何,   当此去,   人生底事,   来往如梭。   待闲看秋风,   洛水清波。   好在堂前细柳,   应念我,   莫剪柔柯。   仍传语,   江南父老,   时与晒渔蓑。   Courtyard Full of Fragrance   Su Shi   Why not go home?   Where shall I go today?   My home in Eyebrow Mountain is a thousand miles away.   Fifty years old, I have not many days to come.   Living here for four years,   My children sing the Southern song.   Villagers and mountaineers   With meat and wine ask me to stay   In Eastern Slope for long.   What shall I say   When I"ve left here?   How will my life appear?   Just as a shuttle comes and goes.   At leisure I"ll see autumn breeze blows   And ripples the river clear.   I"ll think of my willow tree slender.   Will you trim for me its twigs tender?   Please tell southern villagers not to forget   To bask my fishing net!   唯美的英语诗句篇二   陶渊明 《归园田居其一》   少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山。   误落尘网中,一去十三年。   羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。   开荒南野际,抱拙归园田。   方宅十馀亩,草屋八九间。   榆柳荫后檐,桃李罗堂前。   暧暧远人村,依依墟里烟。   狗吠深巷中,鸡鸣桑树颠。   户庭无尘杂,虚室有余闲。   久在樊笼里,复得返自然。   Back to Country Life (I)   I"ve loathed the madding crowd since I was a boy   While hills and mountains have filled me with joy.   By mistake I sought mundane careers   And got entrapped in them for thirty years.   Birds in the cage would long for wooded hills;   Fish in the pond would yearn for flowing rills.   So I reclaim the land in southern fields   To suit my bent for reaping farmland yields.   My farm contains a dozen mu of ground;   My cottage has eight or nine rooms around.   The elm and willow cover backside eaves   While peach and plum trees shade my yard with leaves.   The distant village dimly looms somewhere,   With smoke from chimneys drifting in the air.   In silent country lanes a stray dog barks;   Amid the mulberry trees cocks crow with larks.   My house is free from worldly moil or gloom   While ease and quiet permeate my private room.   When I escape from bitter strife with men,   I live a free and easy life again.   唯美的英语诗句篇三   柳宗元 《小石潭记》   从小丘西行百二十步,隔篁竹,闻水声,如鸣佩环,心乐之。伐竹取道,下见小潭,水尤清冽。全石以为底,近岸,卷石底以出。为坻,为屿,为嵁,为岩。青树翠蔓,蒙络摇缀,参差披拂。   潭中鱼可百许头,皆若空游无所依。日光下澈,影布石上,佁然不动;俶尔远逝,往来翕忽,似与游者相乐。   潭西南而望,斗折蛇行,明灭可见。其岸势犬牙差互,不可知其源。   坐潭上,四面竹树环合,寂寥无人,凄神寒骨,悄怆幽邃。以其境过清,不可久居,乃记之而去。   同游者:吴武陵,龚古,余弟宗玄。隶而从者,崔氏二小生:曰恕己,曰奉壹。   The Small Tarn West of the Knoll   Liu Zongyuan   A hundred and twenty paces west of the knoll, across the bamboos and bushes I heard withdelight a gurgling like the sound made by jade bracelets. So I cut a path through the bamboostill I came upon a small pool of clear water. The bottom was of rock and a spring gushed outfrom the boulders near the bank. Rocks formed little islets and crags, overhung by green treesand vines which were growing in great profusion. There were about a hundred fish in the tarn,and they seemed to be gliding through empty space without support. In the sunlight whichreached the bottom, casting shadows over the rocks, the fish would stay for a whilemotionless then suddenly dart far away. They scudded to and fro, as if sharing the visitors"delight.   Looking southwest in the chequered sunlight at the jagged, serpentine shore, you could notsee the whole.   I sat by this tarn, with bamboos and trees all round me, in utter silence and solitude. Theseclusion and quiet cast a chill over me; and the scene was one of such purity that I couldnot stay there long. So I marked the spot and left.   With me were Wu Wuling, Gong Gu, and my brother Zongxuan. And two of the Cui boys, Shuyiand Fengyi, had accompanied us to help us.
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土耳其旅游资源:土耳其拥有世界七大奇迹中的两个:阿尔忒弥斯神庙和毛瑟陆斯陵墓。卡帕多奇亚石林的仙女峰和石骆驼。阿耳忒弥斯神庙(Temple of Artemis)、哈利卡尔纳苏斯摩索拉斯王陵墓(Halicarnassos Mausoleum)、精灵烟囱(Fairy Chimneys)、托普卡匹皇宫(Topkapi Palace)、戈雷迈国家公园和卡帕多西亚石窟群(Goreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia)、艾菲索斯古城(Ephesus)。世界遗产伊斯坦布尔历史区,戈雷迈谷地和卡帕多西亚石窟区,迪夫里伊大清真寺和医院,哈图沙,内姆鲁特山,桑索斯和莱顿遗址,赫拉波利斯和斯帕姆科卡莱,桑美兰博卢城。卡帕多基亚石林的仙女峰和石骆驼。
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wristwatches, passers-by, sisters-in-law
2023-01-12 21:43:381


Pollution is harmful to human beings. Polluted water causes many kinds of diseases such as diarrhea, enteritis, etc. And sometimes these diseases even take man"s life. Dirty air or air-borne garbage causes stinging eyes and running nose. Pollutants are destructive. They cause runs in nylon stockings and crack rubber tires and they eat away at stone and rust iron. Measures have been taken to control pollution. In recent years, legislative steps have been introduced to control pollution. Rivers are being cleaned. Air is purified, and pollutants are being trapped before they are poured out of chimneys. However, pollution problems have not been completely solved. Pesticides are widely used almost everywhere. They pollute soil, water and food. They have the power to make our streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and birdless. Some factories are still using air as a dumping place for wastes. Some lakes are still dirty. Quite a few chimneys are still pouring smoke into air and noise pollution remains serious.记得采纳啊
2023-01-12 21:43:471

There is no ____ from my bedroom window except for some factory chimneys.

look,sight,view,glance,glimpse这组名词在一起比较的含义都与视觉有关。look 一般有这样两层含义:对视觉器官的使用,即“朝……看”;看的行为所产生的印象,用于人时指“神态”或“样子”,用于物时指“面貌”May I have a look at it please?请让我看一看好吗?The old city has taken on a new look.旧城换新貌。sight 表示“视觉所接受的景象”,但不含有“自觉地使用视觉器官”的意思,而表示“目的物进入了眼帘”。这时它虽是名词,却有动作的含义,常用于 catch sight of 和 at the sight of 等短语中。sight 在用于表示风景时,一般有修饰语来说明“特征”,从而使视觉所接受的印象更为明确,更为具体…but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk.但是那公牛突然看到了那个酒汉。…you can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plains………你可以欣赏那连绵不断的云海的非凡景象……view 在表示动作概念时,含有注视的意思;在表示风景时,不象 sight 那样要求有修饰语。如果说 sight 有“视力”的含义,那么 view 有“见解”的含义…The landscape is hidden from view. ……大地的风光被遮住而看不见了……(其含义是想去观赏,凝视)An aeroplane offers you an unusual and breathtaking view of the world.飞机为你提供非凡的,令人惊诧不已的地球景色。(句中的 view 既有凝视的动作含义,又有风景的状态含义)He always takes an extreme view.他总是持极端见解。glance 的原义是“闪现”,如活动着的反光物体在阳光下的闪烁,后来慢慢演变为“迅速的看”这一含义He took a glance at it briefly, and then he told me to look again.他向它略略瞟了一眼,然后叫我再看看。glimpse 既可表示瞥一眼的行为,又可表示瞥一眼所看到的东西When he began to play a tune, we had our first glimpse of the snake.当他开始吹一支曲子时,我们第一次瞥见了那条蛇。This is my glimpse of New York.这就是我对纽约的一瞥所见。view[vju:]n.景色, 风景, 观点, 见解, 观察, 观看, 意见, 认为vt.观察, 观看viewviewAHD:[vy›]D.J.[vju8]K.K.[vju]n.(名词)An examination or inspection:检查,核查:used binoculars to get a better view.用双目望远镜进行更好的检查A systematic survey; coverage:审视,综览:系统性观察;覆盖面:a view of Romantic poetry.浪漫诗歌综览An individual and personal perception, judgment, or interpretation; an opinion:观点,见解:个人的察觉、判断或者解释;意见:In his view, aid to the rebels should be suspended.See Synonyms at opinion他的观点是,对反叛者提供的援助应该停止参见 opinionField of vision:视野:The aircraft has disappeared from view.飞机从视野中消失了A scene or vista:场景或远景:the view from the tower.从塔上看到的景色A picture of a landscape:风景画:a view of Paris, done in oils.用油墨画的巴黎风景画A way of showing or seeing something, as from a particular position or angle:呈现,观查:从一个特定位置或者角度看事物的方式:a side view of the house.那间屋子的侧面形象Something kept in sight as an aim or intention:目的,旨在:在视域里的目标或者意向:“The pitch of the roof had been calculated with a view to the heavy seasonal rains”(Caroline Alexander)“房顶的沥青是为了预防季节性的暴雨的”(卡罗琳·亚历山大)Expectation; chance:期望,机会:The measure has no view of success.这个措施无望奏效及物动词)viewed,, viewsTo look at; watch:看;观看:view an exhibit of etchings.观看一个雕刻展览会To examine or inspect:检查,查看:viewed the house they were thinking of buying.查看他们想购买的房子To survey or study mentally; consider.审度,考虑:用头脑观察或者学习;考虑To think of in a particular way; regard:视作,认为:用一种特殊方式思考;认为:doesn"t view herself as a success; viewed their efforts unfavorably.See Synonyms at see 1不认为她自己成功了;对他们的努力无好感参见 see1in view ofTaking into account; in consideration of.鉴于;考虑到on viewPlaced so as to be seen; exhibited.为能看到摆出来的;展出的Middle English vewe中古英语 vewefrom Anglo-Norman [from feminine past participle of] veoir [to see]源自 英法语 [] 源自veoir的阴性过去分词 [看]from Latin vid¶e * see weid-源自 拉丁语 vid¶e *参见 weid-view“ableadj.(形容词)view[vju:]n.视野; 视界The house has a view over the sea.这座房子面向大海视野开阔。景色;风景风景画;风景照片概念;见解What is your view on school punishments?你对学校的处罚有什么看法?in view of鉴于;考虑到with a view of为了,目的在于viewvt.观看;仔细看to view a picture观看一幅画Several possible buyers have come to view the house.几个可能是买主的人来看过房子。认为;把…看作是The plan was viewed favorably.这项计划是受到称赞的。view来自古法语 veue <reoir 看<拉丁语 videreviewattitudebeholdbeliefconceptionfeelingideaimpressionjudgmentlook atnotionobserveopinionoutlookperceiveregardseesentimentsighttheorythoughtwatchsight[sait]n.视力, 视觉, 见, 瞥见, 视域, 眼界sightsightAHD:[sºt]D.J.[sait]K.K.[sa!t]n.(名词)The ability to see.视觉:看见的能力The act or fact of seeing:见,看见:看见的行为或事实:hoping for a sight of land; caught sight of a rare bird.希望能看见陆地;看见了一种稀有鸟类Field of vision.视野The foreseeable future; prospect:先见,预见:可以预见的将来;前景:no solution in sight.短期内没有解决方法Something seen; a view.看见的物体;景象Something worth seeing; a spectacle:值得一看的事物;风景:the sights of London.伦敦的风光Informal Something unsightly:【非正式用语】 不雅观的事物:Your hair is a sight.你的头发很难看A device used to assist aim by guiding the eye, as on a firearm or surveying instrument.瞄准器:通过引导眼睛以帮助瞄准的一种装置,如火器或测量仪器上的An aim or observation taken with such a device.瞄准:用这样一种装置进行瞄准或观测An opportunity to observe or inspect.观测或检查的机会Upper Southern U.S. A large number or quantity:【美国南部偏北】 许多:大数目或大数量:A sight of people were there.那儿有许多人v.(动词)sight.ed,,及物动词)To perceive with the eyes; get sight of:目视,看见:用眼睛察觉,看见:sighted land after 40 days at sea.在海上漂泊了四十天之后看见了陆地To observe through a sight or an optical instrument:目测,观察:通过视觉或光学仪器观测:sight a target.观测一目标To adjust the sights of (a rifle, for example).调整(如步枪的)的准度To take aim with (a firearm).瞄准:用(一火器)瞄准v.intr.(不及物动词)To direct one"s gaze; look carefully.观察:指引某人的目光;仔细地看To take aim:瞄准:sighted along the barrel of the gun.顺着枪管进行瞄准on sightImmediately upon being seen:一看见立刻:threatened to shoot looters on sight.一看见暴民就威胁要射击out of sight【俚语】Remarkable; incredible:奇特的;不可置信的:The graduation party was out of sight.毕业生晚会太棒了sight for sore eyes【非正式用语】One whom it is a relief or joy to see.乐于见到的人或物sight unseenWithout seeing the object in question:没有看见被谈论的物体:bought the horse sight unseen.未经察看买下那匹马Middle English中古英语from Old English sihth, gesiht [something seen] * see sek w- 2源自 古英语 sihth, gesiht [没有被看见的事物] *参见 sek w- 2sight[saIt]n.景象,景物视觉,视力She lost her sight in an accident.她在一次事故中丧失了视力。看,观望;观览I caught sight of an empty seat at the back of the bus.我看到公共汽车的后面有一个空座位。视野,眼界to put sth. out of sight藏起某物值 得看的事物;名胜to see the sight游览名胜很难看的东西;很可笑的 事物What a sight she looks in that old dress!她穿那件旧衣服看来是多么可笑!瞄准器;准星;标尺大量,许多It cost him a sight of money.那花了他许多钱。in sight可见,看得见;在望;不远Peace was in sight.和平在望。lose sight of看不见;失去信息;失去联系;忘记;没有考虑到out of sight看不到,不被看到;很高;很大Keep out of my sight.不要让我看见你。sightvt.看 见;发现;见到After many months at sea, Columbus sighted land.在海上许多月以后,哥伦布发现了陆地。瞄准;观测sight来自中古英语 siht<古英语[ge]siht看sightdisplaylooksceneshowspectacleviewvisionvistascene[si:n]n.现场, 场面, 情景, 景色, 发生地点, [戏剧]一场, 布景, 道具布置scenesceneAHD:[s¶n]D.J.[si8n]K.K.[sin]n.(名词)Something seen by a viewer; a view or prospect.景象:观察者看到的东西;景色或景象The place where an action or event occurs:现场:一行为或事件的发生地:the scene of the crime.犯罪现场Abbr. sc.The place in which the action of a play, movie, novel, or other narrative occurs; a setting.缩写 sc.舞台场景:戏剧、电影、小说或其它叙述性事件的发生地;场景A subdivision of an act in a dramatic presentation in which the setting is fixed and the time continuous.(戏剧中的)一场:在场景固定及时间连续的戏剧表演中一幕的分段A shot or series of shots in a movie constituting a unit of continuous related action.(电影中的)一景:在电影中以连续相关的动作为构成单位的一个镜头或一系列镜头The scenery and properties for a dramatic presentation.布景:戏剧演出的布景和道具A theater stage.舞台:戏院的舞台A real or fictitious episode, especially when described.事件:尤指描写时真实的或虚构的事件A public display of passion or temper:发脾气:当众显露情绪或发脾气:tried not to make a scene.尽量别当众吵闹A sphere of activity:活动范围:observers of the political scene.政治圈的观察家Slang A situation or set of circumstances:【俚语】 情况:情景或特定的环境:a bad scene; a wild scene.糟糕的情形;狂乱的情形behind the scenesBackstage.后台In private.秘密地French scène [stage]法语 scène [舞台]from Old French源自 古法语from Latin scaena源自 拉丁语 scaenafrom Greek sk¶¶} [tent, stage]源自 希腊语 sk¶¶} [帐篷,舞台]scenario[sI5nB:rIEJ]n.-rios电影脚本;剧情说明书计划说明书scene[si:n]n.(戏剧)一场,一景; (电影、广播等)一场(戏剧)场景,布景This play is divided into three acts, and each act has three scenes.这个剧分为三幕,每一幕有三个场景。景色,风景The scene is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east."观看太阳从东方慢慢升起,这种景色确实太美了。"现场,出事地点the scene of a great battle大战现场a crowd at the scene of the accident在出事地点的人群The ancient Rome battlefield was a scene of great carnage.古罗马战场曾尸横遍地。情景;场面angry scenes in Parliament国会中的愤怨情景What a quiet but lively scene. Lambs frisked about in the pastures."小羊在牧场上跳来跳去,这是一幅多么恬静而又生气勃勃的景象啊。"吵闹;发脾气;吵闹的事件场所,地点What"s new on the film scene?电影院演什么新片?behind the scenes幕后的;秘密的;暗中on the scene出现;登场Came on the scene just when we needed him.在我们需要他的时候, 他出现了。set the scene准备,预备steal the scene抢镜头,抢夺观众注意scene源自希腊语skēnē棚,舞台sceneactexplosionflare-uplandscapelookoutoutburstpicturesettingsightstormviewvistascenery[5si:nEri]n.风景, 景色[s¶“n…-r¶]D.J.[6si8n*ri8]K.K.[6sin*ri]n.(名词)【复数】 view or views of natural features, especially in open country:风景:尤指乡村中的自然景色:enjoying the varied mountain scenery.欣赏不同的山景The painted backdrops on a theatrical stage.舞台布景:剧院舞台上绘画的背景scenery[5si:nErI]n.布景,道具布置自然景物,天然风光The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful.山里的景色非常美。
2023-01-12 21:44:341


 chuī yān nǐao nǐao 古时人们做饭时徐徐轻烟回旋上升,随风而逝的景象.
2023-01-12 21:44:472


阿加莎克里斯蒂,I LOVE YOU
2023-01-12 21:44:502

虚拟语气吗The tunnel would be well-ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea-level.

首先第一个问题,这句话是与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。其次,你说的“在这篇课文中,描述的是过去的事情”,课文的时态是过去时没错,但仔细分析这个句子,应该理解为“在当时那个条件下,海底隧道应该还没有建成时,提出的一种设想”。相比于“当时”,确实可认为是将来时。再次,改为陈述句:Tall chimneys were bulit above sea-level, so the tunnel was well-ventilated.最后,此为if引导的条件句,不算虚拟语气用法。”从句一般过去式,主句过去将来式“
2023-01-12 21:44:541


世界十大奇迹:第一名:阿联酋迪拜的“世界群岛”(The World Islands) 你想在一天之内征服地球吗?建议你感受一下“世界群岛”的魅力。这个位于迪拜附近海域的人工岛国称得上地理奇迹,总共有300个人工岛,是依照世界各大洲的形状建造的。这个规模浩大的房地产项目还在运作阶段,竣工后的面积将达到25万到90万平方英尺,每个岛屿间的海距至少也有164英尺。有意到此购置房产的人可要勒紧裤腰带了,人工岛国的每座房产预计最小也要685万美元  。 第二名:菲律宾伊富高的巴拿威梯田(Banaue Rice Terraces) 如果有人觉得爬自己公寓的楼梯不过是家常便饭的话,不妨到菲律宾马尼拉北部的巴拿威梯田一展脚力。当地人靠修建巨大的梯田来增加农田面积的历史已经有2000年了。  巴拿威梯田也被一些人称为“世界第八大奇迹”。其逼真的“楼梯”伸展开来大约有3000英尺长。实际上,如果从头到尾测量的话,巴拿威梯田的总长度足有13919英里。但有谁能想到,如此浩大的工程居然是使用原始工具修建的呢?  第三名:伊比利亚半岛的直布罗陀岩山(Rock of Gibraltar  世界上很少有地方能比直布罗陀岩山更令人难忘了,这座高1396英尺的完整地表岩层——侏罗纪时期的石灰石,坐落于伊比利亚半岛,有时也被称为“大力神之柱”。雄伟壮观的直布罗陀岩山是大约5500万年前非洲板块与欧洲板块猛烈碰撞的产物。  多年以来,这座岩山一直被英国人用作防御工事,修建了复杂的地下出口与隧道系统。人们经常用“如直布罗陀岩山般固若金汤”来形容这一地区的军事基地。由于崎岖的地形和占领者灵活的军事部署,直布罗陀岩山成为易守难攻的天然堡垒。  第四名:新西兰西部国家公园的弗兰兹-约瑟夫冰河(Franz Josef Glacier)  新西兰的弗兰兹-约瑟夫冰河会让人们觉得“冰河时代”还没有过去。这条由大块的冰和雪块组成的冰河绵延7.5英里,所到之处遍及新西兰的南阿尔卑斯山和气候温和的雨林。人们通常认为,新西兰独特的冰雪环境造就了弗兰兹-约瑟夫冰河这个自然奇观,冰河的长度仍不断增加。根据2005年科学家的记录,弗兰兹-约瑟夫冰河每天增长117英寸。  这条冰河是1963年德国地质学家朱利叶斯-梵-哈斯特发现的。据信,约瑟夫冰河从形成到现在已经有7000多年历史了;如果算上延伸到海洋的部分,冰河的总长度至少有11英里。  第五名:新墨西哥州瓜达卢普山脉的卡尔斯巴德巨穴(Carlsbad Cavern  很早以前的卡尔斯巴德巨穴曾经是一个巨大的深洞,无数的海洋生物在这里栖息。2.5亿年后,由于大量水分蒸发,一度是海洋乐园的巨穴成为目前世界上最令人着迷的岩石暗礁集中营。由于海水曾经在这里“定居”,现在的旅游者仍可以发现含有石灰石的钟乳石和石笋,除此之外,100万只墨西哥无尾蝙蝠也在巨穴安家落户。卡尔斯巴德巨穴深300英里,人眼所能看到的部分只占整个巨穴的十分之一。  第六名:中国昆明的石林(Stone Forest  到中国云南旅游的人一定不会错过昆明的石林。被当地人称为“世界第一奇迹”的石林,占地9.6万英亩,由大块的地表岩层石灰岩构成。人们现在看到的昆明石林,至少经历了2.7亿年的天然修饰。来此旅游的人尤其喜欢参观奇怪的“风洞”,每年的8月到11月,狂风每隔30分钟就会光顾一次风洞,逗留时间大约为2到3分钟。除风洞外,地下石林也同样引起不少游客的好奇心。地下石林面积有720英亩,由各种不同的地下洞穴和走廊构成。  第七名:南极洲最大的冰山B15(B15- Antarctica)  花上一段时间,在纸上描绘一下牙买加,然后用寒冰覆盖整个图画,再点缀一些南极企鹅。知道你看到的是什么吗?是牙买加?错了!展现在你眼前的是迄今为止发现的世界上最大的冰山——B15。  B15冰山的面积足有4400平方英里,它的巨无霸地位直到2003年11月5日才被打破。当时的B15在新西兰海面上断裂成两部分,每部分的大小相当于一座小岛。B15的断裂造成严重的后果:海洋突然被冰山封锁,大量企鹅因此丧生。  世界第一冰山的宝座现已由位于法国南极基地附近、面积相当于汶莱的C19A冰山取代。  第八名:加拿大新布伦斯维克的“磁山”(Magnetic Hill)  无论是年轻人还是老年人每年都切身感受到磁山的“拉力”。这个世界一流的旅游奇观位于新布伦斯维克的蒙克顿。地理学的这一怪现象是在上世纪30年代发现的,  当时的司机称,在市内一座起伏不定的小山上开车时,自己的汽车被一种奇妙的力量拖拽,即使关闭发动机也是如此。  “磁山”这个名字可能让人认为怪异现象是受磁场干扰所致,但实际上,根本与磁场无关。更准确地说,司机的经历只是一种离奇的错觉,这种错觉是起伏不定的地形造成的。如果想亲身经历这种新鲜事的话,其实也很简单:只需把汽车停在山脚,让汽车保持空挡状态。很快你就会惊讶地发现,自己的汽车——无论车身有多大,开始自动爬坡。  第九名:英国威尔特郡的西尔布利山(Silbury Hill)  大还是小,真的那么重要吗?在威尔特郡人看来是确实如此。令当地居民引以自豪的是,自己的家乡拥有欧洲最大的人造土山——西尔布利山。这座高130英尺,占地5英亩的人造山,是公元前2500年左右建造的,至今没有人知道确切的建造原因。但一些人相信,它可能是古时候的一个墓地,也有人认为是它是恶棍的杰作。目前人们可以确定的是,西尔布利山主要由白垩构成,建造需要耗费1800万个工时。为了防止人为破坏,政府已禁止公众爬山。  第十名:土耳其卡帕多西亚的“精灵烟囟”(Fairy Chimneys)  那些对侵蚀效应恨之入骨的人最好到土耳其的卡帕多西亚地区看一看:当地被慢慢风化的岩石造就了世界上独一无二的旅游奇观。所谓的卡帕多西亚“精灵烟囟”实际上是一些特大号的圆锥形岩层,  松软的岩石酷似锥形的尖塔,尖塔顶端被大自然赋予了一块更加松软的玄武岩“帽子”。但你不要因此误解,因为这个松软的岩石实际上是典型的火山灰产物。  “精灵烟囟”的魅力不仅在于它们生殖器般的长相,更为吸引人的是,经过无数次的风雨冲洗,伟大的自然建筑师已将它们打造成适于居住的天然公寓。有兴趣的旅游者可以下榻“精灵烟囟”客栈——一支由窑洞组成的“复合建筑”,不要小看了这个“复合建筑”,它们曾经是拜占庭帝国修道院的酒榨场所。
2023-01-12 21:44:576


英语美文摘抄带翻译(一) ent. It is as if a single unimportant event set up a chain of reactions. Let us suppose that you are preparing a meal and keeping an eye on the baby at the same time. The telephone rings and this marks the prelude to an unforeseen series of catastrophes. an immediately behind the t all this confusion, for they greedily devoured dust is usually a forbidding place. But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop. There is alething e in, but that he could not be bothered to open it. Frank begged him to do so and the dealer reluctantly prised it open. The contents of the packing-case. As its composition and line reminded him of an Italian painting he kne behind one of the e from one of the chimneys, but as there were so many of them, the firemen could not be certain which one it was. They located the right chimney by tapping at the walls and listening for the man"s cries. After chipping through a wall which was eighteen inches thick, they found that a man had been trapped in the chimney. As it was extremely narrow, the man was unable to move, but the firemen were eventually able to free him by cutting a huge hole in the wall. The sorry-looking, blackened figure that emerged, at once admitted that he had tried to break into the shop during the night but had got stuck in the chimney. He had been there for nearly ten hours. Justice had been done even before the man was handed over to the police. 在个别情况下,正义不再是一种抽象概念。奖惩的实施是不受人意志支配的。在这种时候,正义像一种有生命的力量行使其职能。当我们说"他罪有应得"这句话的时候,我们部分承认了某种特定的环境使得正义自动地起了作用。 一天上午,当一个小偷在一家大型珠宝店里被人抓住的时候,店员一定会忍不住说:"他罪有应得。"那是一座老式的、经过改造的房子,店里有许多废置不用的大壁炉和又高又窄的烟囱。快到中午的时候,一个女售货员听见从一堵墙里传出一种闷声闷气的叫声。由于这种喊叫声重复了几次,她跑去报告经理,经理当即给消防队挂了电话。喊叫声肯定是从烟囱里传出来的,然而,因为烟囱太多,消防队员无法确定到底是哪一个。他们通过叫击烟囱倾叫声而确定传出声音的那个烟囱。他们凿透了18英寸厚的墙壁,发现有个人卡在烟囱里。由于烟囱太窄,那人无法动弹。消防队员在墙上挖了个大洞,才终于把他解救出来。那个看来满脸沮丧、浑身漆黑的家伙从烟囱里一出来,就承认头天夜里他企图到店里行窍,但让烟囱卡住了。他已经在烟囱里被困了将近10个小时。甚至在那人还没被送交给警察之前,正义就已得到了伸张。 短篇英语美文摘抄 短篇英语美文摘抄(一) 巴黎文化 Ah, beautiful paris. For centuries this city has attracted the admiration of the an outdoor concert nearby classical, jazz, opera or chansons, those French folk songs. parisians love their music. The starry sky is their auditorium. You can also hear concerts in the chateaux and cathedrals. In paris the Music never ends. Don"t miss the highlight of paris evening: eating out. parisians are proud of their cuisine. And rightly so; it"s s up in front of you the Notre Dame Cathedral (Cathedral of Our Lady)。 Stand in the square in front of the cathedral. Here, you are standing in the center of France. All distances are measured from the front of Notre Dame. Every road in France leads to her front door. All French kings and leaders have journeyed here to commemorate important occasions and give thanks. Notre Dame is the heart ofparis and the heart of France. Your visit in paris has only just begun. You"ve just started to discover the charm ofthis old city. May the rest of yourjoumey be unforgettable. pany,even panion that es home at night he cannot sit doy that the latter does, though it may be a more condensed form of it. 大部分时候,我发现独处都是有益于健康的。有人陪伴,即使是最好的同伴,不久也会心生厌烦,兴致将消散。我爱独处。我没有遇见比孤独更好的伴侣了。我们置身国外,立行人群之中,通常比独处室内更加寂寞。一个思考着的或工作着的人总是孤独的,就让他去他想去的地方吧。孤独不是以和同伴之间的距离里程来衡量的。真正勤奋的学生,在剑桥学院一个拥挤的蜂房里,就像沙漠中的苦行僧一样孤单。农夫可以整日在田间或林中独自工作,耕地或者伐木,却并不感到寂寞,因为他有活儿干;可是当他晚上回到家中,却不能在房间坐下独自思考,而必须去“能看到乡亲”的地方消遣娱乐,正如他所想的,去补偿他五天的孤寂;因此他不明白学生如何可以整日整夜地独坐在家里,而不感到倦怠和“优郁”;但他没有意识到,学生虽然身处室内,却依然在自己的田野上耕耘,在自己的森林中采伐。就像农夫在他的田地林间工作一样,之后学生也和农夫一样要去寻求消遣,山要去交朋结友,只是娱乐方式可能更加简明一些。 短篇英语美文摘抄(三) e to open war.ter if there were but one inhabitant to a square mile, as where I live.The value of a man is not in his skin. 我们相聚的时间十分短暂,没有足够的时间让彼此获得任何有价值的新事物。我们在一日三餐的时候见面,我们就如陈腐的奶略,却让彼此相互品尝出新味道。我们必须一致同意若干条规则,也就是我们所谓的礼节和礼貌,使这种经常的聚会相安无事,我们还要一致同意我们没有争吵的必要。我们在邮局碰面,在社交场合碰面,每天晚上在炉火边碰面;我们生活得很拥挤,相互干扰,彼此牵绊,我想,我们因此失去了对彼此的尊重。当然,所有重要的、真诚的沟通,次数少一些就足够了。想一想工厂里的女工——永远不会独处,甚至在梦中也难得是独自一人。如果一平方英里只有一个居民,就像我这样,那要好多了。一个人的价值不在于他的外在。 美文摘抄带赏析 美文摘抄带赏析(一)邻居 绿树成荫,小草旺盛,河堤柳絮轻拂着绚烂的夏花,与夏花为邻,小草尽显绿美;与小草为邻,夏花尽显娇艳。 试想,没有小草为邻,夏花何以生存,柳堤何以坚固?植物相互为邻,共生共赢。植物界如此,人与人之间又是怎样的呢? 古人云:“远亲不如近邻。”可见在中国人眼中,邻里关系是非常重要的,但现实生活却忍不住让人反思:我们所信仰的“远亲不如近邻”的观念哪一去了?我们所追求的“一与邻为善,与邻为伴”的和谐哪去了?我们熟读的“肯与邻翁相对饮,隔篱呼取尽余杯”的理想哪方了?我们所羡慕的“莫笑农家腊酒浑,丰年留客足鸡豚”的淳朴哪去了……我们所见的只有一张张冷漠的脸和一颗颗互相猜忌的心。 我们在繁华的城市里追求奢侈的物质生活,却把最纯真的邻里关系抛在脑后,等到我们清醒时才发现:通往城市的路始终开放着,通往邻里的门却始终紧闭着。当宽阔小院老槐树下几位老邻“陈年旧活,农谚桑麻”已成为过去时,我们有的只是在钢筋水泥的“金丝笼”里寻求一方栖息之地,那不断进步的防盗设施在给我们内心安宁的同时,也把我们和邻居彻底隔绝开来。在环境优美的小区和高楼大厦中,邻里间原本惯常的嘘寒问暖和互相关照,似乎都被冰冷的防盗门阻挡在外,有事没事串串门的邻里关系不知不觉中离我们越来越远。殊不知,在这坚实牢笼的编织下,“与邻为善,与邻为伴”的字眼也从我们脑海中消失殆尽。 俗语说:“一百万买房子,一千万一买邻居。”面对渐行渐远的邻里关系,你一可曾想过要做些什么廿;挽救这将被冷漠吞噬的真情呢?是继续守着“各人自扫门前雪,莫竹他人瓦霜”的大众思维,还是伸出一只善意的手“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”"是继续紧锁大门,锁住他人也锁住自己,从猫眼里窥探世界,还是打开内心的门,架起沟通的桥梁?是见面时沉默不语,还是报以善意的微笑和贴心的话语? 高山流水鸣于耳畔,瘦菊幽兰馨于鼻尖。我想,每个人心中都有向往睦邻的梦想,每个人都会为睦邻关系作出自己的贡献,睦邻必将成为社会的常态。 赏析: 作者从小草写到了邻居,然后深入探究邻里关系,这应该是本篇作文之所以拿到满分的关键。另外,作文没有太多华丽的辞藻,质朴的文字与主题相呼应,难怪会打动人心了。 美文摘抄带赏析(二)读书带给我的乐趣 英国学者培根说:“知识就是力量。” 我常常独自一人,捧着一本书,在书墨香气中穿梭。不同的书带给我不同的美的享受。读《三过演义》我领略了诸葛亮舌战群儒的风采;读《钢铁是怎样炼成的》我领悟了人生的真谛和生命的意义;读《西游记》我学到了孙悟空的智勇双全;读《红楼梦》我体会了封建社会大家庭衰落的必然性;读《童年》我了解了当时俄罗斯下层人民生活的苦难。那一部部闪耀着理性光辉的名着带领着我穿越时空:屈原在汨(mì)罗江边的倾诉,盲诗人荷马的吟唱,上下五千年,纵横九万里,我沉醉其中,其乐无穷。 读书还让我懂得了很多的道理。 英国着名小说家杰克伦敦,他的学识全是靠自修得来的,他经常把书里和词典里的词句抄在小纸片上,然后把这些纸片挂在窗帘上、衣架上床帐上、以便随时都能看一看,记一记。由于不断地记诵,他掌握了大量的词语,写起文章来得心应手。它让我懂得:成功不在于你有多聪明而在于你有多努力。伟大的成功和辛勤的劳动是成正比的,有一分辛勤就有一分收获。写作也一样,字词句段,日积月累,从少到多,奇迹就可以创造出来。所以,我一面读书,一面写作,乐此不疲也有了一些收获。每一期校刊里都有我的文章,每一次作文比赛我总能获奖,语文老师也经常夸我能写文章。但我知道“一分播种,一分收获。”只有不读地看书,学习才能采撷到人生的甘果。 赏析: 这篇小作文写的是读书带给自己的乐趣,通篇也能看出读书带给作者的快乐。从标题来看,这篇作文要讲述的重点是乐趣,所以如果只讲读了哪些书,有什么收获是不够的。而小作者抓住了这个中心,每一段都是在介绍通过读书来收获快乐。 字里行间,我们也能感受到收获的快乐。 美文摘抄带赏析(三)感受奥运,从身边开始 你是否曾为2001年7月13日那一声“2008,北京”激动得热泪盈眶,是否早就想到奥运赛场喊几声“中国,加油”?你是否已经做过光荣的奥运志愿者?教室里的黑板报是否早就被你做成“奥运专版”?你的房间是不是摆满了福娃?你的日记里是不是写满了奥运冠军的名字…… 2008年已经不知不绝到来了,当我看到那句“Welcome to beijing"英语时,不禁想到2008年的到来是否要做些什么呢?这次奥运会是在我们北京举行,我们要做好一个榜样,顿时我的脑子里浮现了三个词:“迎奥运,讲文明,树新风。” 奥运的到来使得所有人都改变了。我爸爸就是一个改变最大的人。 爸爸再以前经常说脏话,可以说脏话天天挂在嘴边,时不时就说一说。可自从2008年奥运的到来,他的脏话渐渐减少了不少,有一天,我问了问爸爸:“爸,这几天你可变了不少呀!脏话越来越少,是什么改变了你呀?”“迎奥运,讲文明,树新风!”爸爸不假思索的脱口而出,“我们要做好一个主人,让外国人知道我们中国人是可以把这届奥运会办好的!”我听完后不禁大为感动,这就象肖复兴说过得:“一个国家、一座城市,能够举办一次奥运会,会使得这个国家、这座城市和这里的人民变得多么美好。那一刻你就会明白,体育不仅仅是体育,他以自身特殊的魅力影响着一切。” 这几天我坐公车经常可以看见一些年轻人将座位让给老人、孕妇;有人在路上看到塑料瓶,将其仍进垃圾箱;一个下雨天,一个等公车的路人没带雨伞,十分焦急,另一个路人看见了,走去将雨伞和那个路人共打…… 象这样的文明事迹还有很多很多,我们可以随时随地地去发现。我相信,我们每个人迈出一小步,就会使社会迈出一大步,所以我发现,文明是一种力量,就好像奥运火炬传递一样,在每个人手中传递,也能够汇聚所有人的热情。我希望大家和我一起携手迎接奥运,让文明铸在我们每一人的心中。 迎奥运、讲文明、树新风。 赏析: 2008年是中国的奥运年,北京奥运会已经越来越走近我们的生活。新北京新奥运,这次我们宣传的口号是迎奥运、讲文明、树新风,而这篇作文也是围绕这一点来写的。 与其他作文不同的是,小作者并没有泛泛地去写如何树立新风,如何支持奥运,而是通过对身边的变化来体现讲文明树新风的奥运精神。这样写更真实,也更容易写充实具体。 初一英语美文摘抄 初一英语美文摘抄(一) If the past has taught us anything,it is that every cause brings effect -- every actionhas a consequence.This thought,in my opinion,is the moral foundation of the universe; it applies equally in this e ething simple can completely reshape your life.It"s just like the Butterfly Effect and you never knopetition the human heart. Ah, hoence, interest in attainment, and regard for posterity. We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents. We do not choose our historical epoch, the country of our birth, or the immediate circumstances of our upbringing. We do not, most of us, choose to die; nor do we choose the time or conditions of our death. But within all this realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we shall live: courageously or in cowardice, honorably or dishonorably, with purpose or in drift. We decide what is important and what is trivial in life. We decide that what makes us significant is either what we do or what we refuse to do. But no matter how indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these choices and decisions are ours to make. We decide. We choose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about. 抱负 一个缺乏抱负的世界将会怎样,这不难想象。或许,这将是一个更为友善的世界:没有渴求,没有磨擦,没有失望。人们将有时间进行反思。他们所从事的工作将不是为了他们自身,而是为了整个集体。竞争永远不会介入;冲突将被消除。人们的紧张关系将成为过往云烟。创造的重压将得以终结。艺术将不再惹人费神,其功能将纯粹为了庆典。人的寿命将会更长,因为由激烈拼争引起的心脏病和中风所导致的死亡将越来越少。焦虑将会消失。时光流逝,抱负却早已远离人心。 啊,长此以往人生将变得多么乏味无聊! 有一种盛行的观点认为,成功是一种神话,因此抱负亦属虚幻。这是不是说实际上并不丰在成功?成就本身就是一场空?与诸多运动和事件的力量相比,男男女女的努力显得微不足?显然,并非所有的成功都值得景仰,也并非所有的抱负都值得追求。对值得和不值得的选择,一个人自然而然很快就能学会。但即使是最为愤世嫉俗的人暗地里也承认,成功确实存在,成就的意义举足轻重,而把世上男男女女的所作所为说成是徒劳无功才是真正的无稽之谈。认为成功不存在的观点很可能造成混乱。这种观点的本意是一笔勾销所有提高能力的动机,求取业绩的兴趣和对子孙后代的关注。 我们无法选择出生,无法选择父母,无法选择出生的历史时期与国家,或是成长的周遭环境。我们大多数人都无法选择死亡,无法选择死亡的时间或条件。但是在这些无法选择之中,我们的确可以选择自己的生活方式:是勇敢无畏还是胆小怯懦,是光明磊落还是厚颜无耻,是目标坚定还是随波逐流。我们决定生活中哪些至关重要,哪些微不足道。我们决定,用以显示我们自身重要性的,不是我们做了什么,就是我们拒绝做些什么。但是不论世界对我们所做的选择和决定有多么漠不关心,这些选择和决定终究是我们自己做出的。我们决定,我们选择。而当我们决定和选择时,我们的生活便得以形成。最终构筑我们命运的就是抱负之所在。
2023-01-12 21:45:041


A 以波洛(Hercule Poirot)及其朋友为主角的长篇作品(后附初版时间及原书名) A1 完全以波洛为主角的作品(15部) 1. 罗杰疑案 1926 The Murder of Roger Ackroyd 2.蓝色特快上的秘密 1928 The Mystery of the Blue Train 3.东方快车谋杀案 1934 P Murder on the Orient Express / Murder on the Calais Coach 4.三幕悲剧 1935 Three Act Tragedy / Murder in Three Acts 5.古墓之谜(美索布达米亚谋杀案)1936 Murder in Mesopotamia 6.死亡约会 1938 Appointment with Death 7.波洛圣诞探案记 1938 Hercule Poirot"s Christmas / Murder for Christmas; A Holliday for murder 8.H庄园的一次午餐 1940 Sad Cypress 9.阳光下的罪恶 1941 Evil Under the Sun 10.啤酒谋杀案 1943 Five Little Pigs / Murder in Retrospect 11.空幻之屋 1946 The Hollow / Murder After Hours 12.遗产风波(涨潮时节)1948 Taken at the Flood / There is a Tide 13.葬礼之后 1953 After the Funeral / Funerals Are Fatal 14.怪钟疑案(钟)1963 The Clocks 15.校园疑云(鸽群中的猫)1959 Cat Among the Pigeons A2 以波洛及黑斯廷斯上尉(Hastings)为主角的作品(4部) 1.高尔夫球场的疑云 1923 Murder on the Links 2.四大魔头 1927 The Big Four 3.哑证人 1937 Dumb Witness / Poirot Loses a Client 4. 幕(落幕)1975 Curtain: Poirot"s Last CaseA3 以波洛、黑斯廷斯上尉、苏格兰场的杰普探长(Japp)为主角的作品(4部) 1.斯泰尔斯的神秘案件 1920 The Mysterious Affair at Style 2.悬崖山庄奇案 1932 Peril at End House 3.人性记录(埃奇威尔爵士之死)1933 Lord Edgware Dies / Thirteen at Dinner 4.ABC谋杀案1936 The ABC MurdersA4 以波洛、杰普探长为主角的作品(2部) 1.云中奇案 1935 Death in the Clouds / Death in the Air 2.牙医谋杀案 1940 "One, Two, Buckle My Shoe" / The Patriotic Murders; An Overdose of death A5 以波洛、波洛的秘书李蒙小姐(Lemon)、侦探小说家奥立弗太太(Ariadne Oliver)为主角的作品(3部) 1.公寓女郎(第三个女郎)1966 POL Third Girl 2.旧罪的阴影(悬崖迷案)1972 POL Elephants Can Remember 3.古宅迷踪(假戏成真)1956 POL Dead Man"s FollyA6 波洛与其他人为主角的作品(5部) 1.牌中牌(底牌)1936 Cards on the Table(与奥立弗太太、苏格兰场的巴特尔警长、雷斯上校) 2.尼罗河上的惨案 1937 Death on the Nile(与雷斯上校) 3.清洁女工之死 1952 Mrs. McGinty"s Dead (与奥立弗太太) 4.外国学生宿舍谋杀案(国际学舍谋杀案)1955 Hickory Dickory Dock / Hickory Dickory Death(与秘书李蒙小姐) 5.万圣节前夜的谋杀案 1969 Hallowe"en Party(与奥立弗太太) 以波洛及其朋友为主角的长篇:共计33部。 B 以波洛(Hercule Poirot)及其朋友为主角的短篇集(6部) 1.首相绑架案(1924) 2.幽巷谋杀案(1937) 3.大侦探十二奇案(1947) 4.雪地上的女尸(1960) 5.蒙面女人(1974) 6.神秘的第三者(1992)B 以业余侦探马普尔小姐(Jane Marple)为主角的作品 B1 以马普尔小姐为主角的长篇作品(9部) 1.寓所迷案 1930 The Murder at the Vicarage 2.藏书室女尸之谜(玛普尔小姐)1942 The Body in the Library 3.平静小镇的罪恶(魔手)1943 The Moving Finger 4.庄园迷案(镜子魔术)1952 They Do It with Mirrors / Murder with Mirrors 5.黑麦奇案1953 A Pocket Full of Rye 6.加勒比海之谜 1964 A Caribbean Mystery 7.伯特伦旅馆之谜 1965 At Bertram"s Hotel 8.复仇女神 1971 Nemesis 9.神秘的别墅(沉睡的谋杀案)1976 Sleeping Murder B1 以马普尔小姐、米德尔郡警督德莫特·克拉多克(Craddock)为主角的长篇作品(3部) 1.谋杀启事 1950 A Murder Is Announced 2.命案目睹记1957 4.50 from Paddington / What Mrs. McGillicuddy Saw 3.迟来的报复(破镜谋杀案)1962 The Mirror Crack"d from Side to side / The Mirror Crack"d 以马普尔小姐及其朋友为主角的长篇作品:共计12部 B1 马普尔小姐及其朋友为主角的短篇集(2部) 1. 死亡草(1932) 2.马普尔小姐探案(1979) C 以侦探小说家奥立弗太太(Ariadne Oliver,波洛的好友)为主角的长篇小说 白马酒店 1961 The Pale Horse 此外,在《牌中牌》、《万圣节前夜的谋杀案》、《清洁女工之死》、《公寓女郎》、《旧罪的阴影》、《古宅迷踪》中,奥立弗太太曾与波洛等人一起办案。D 以苏格兰场的巴特尔警长(Superintendant Battle)为主角的作品(4部) 1.名苑猎凶(烟囱大厦之谜)1925 The Secret of Chimneys 2.七面钟之谜 1929 The Seven Dials Myster 3.杀人不难1939 Murder Is Easy / Easy to Kill 4.走向决定性的时刻(零时)1944 Towards Zero 此外,在《牌中牌》中,巴特尔警长曾与波洛等一起办案。E 以雷斯上校(Johnny)为主角的作品(2部) 1.褐衣男子1924 The Man in the Brown Suit 2.死的怀念(万灵节之死)1945 Sparkling Cyanide / Remembered Death 此外,在《尼罗河上的惨案》中,雷斯上校曾与波洛一起办案;在《牌中牌》中,雷斯上校曾与波洛、巴特尔警长、奥立弗太太一起办案。F 以汤米和塔彭丝夫妇(Tommy & Tuppence Beresford)为主角的作品(5部) 1.暗藏杀机(年轻冒险家)1922 The Secret Adversary 2.犯罪团伙(短篇集)1929 Partners in Crime 3.桑苏西来客(谍海)1941 4.煦阳岭的疑云(拇指一竖)1968 By the Pricking of My Thumbs 5.命运之门1973 Postern of Fate G 以奎恩(Harley Quin)为主角的作品 神秘的奎恩先生(短篇集)1930 The Mysterious Mr. Quin H 以帕克·派恩(Parker Pyne)为主角的作品 惊险的浪漫(短篇集)1934Parker Pyne Investigates / Mr. Parker Pyne DetectiveI 以其他人为主角(多半为一次性)的长篇作品(8部) 1.悬崖上的谋杀1934 Why Didn"t They Ask Evans? / The Boomerang Clue (?) 2.孤岛奇案(无人生还、十个印第安小孩)1939 And Then There Were None / Ten Little Indians/Niggers 3.死亡终局 1945 Death Comes as the End 4.怪屋(畸形屋)1949 Crooked House 5.他们来到巴格达 1951 They Came to Baghdad 6.目的地不明 1954 Destination Unknown / So Many Steps to Death 7.奉命谋杀(无妄之灾)1958 Ordeal by Innocence 8.天涯过客 1970 Passenger to Frankfurt I 以其他人为主角(多半为一次性)的短篇作品(4部) 1.死亡之犬(短篇集)1933 The Hound of Death 2.金色的机遇(短篇集)1934 The Listerdale Mystery 3.三个瞎老鼠(短篇)1950 4.神秘的第三者(短篇集)1992 Problem at Pollensa Bay 1997While the Light Lasts 1997/ The Harlequin Tea Set
2023-01-12 21:45:082


土耳其拥有世界七大奇迹中的两个:阿台缪斯神庙和毛瑟陆斯陵墓。此外东罗马帝国和奥斯曼帝国时代留下的建筑遗迹是世界建筑艺术的珍品。亚洛瓦温泉和库什湖是世界著名的旅游胜地。卡帕多奇亚石林的仙女峰和石骆驼。该石林位于安卡拉东南约280公里处的阿瓦诺斯、居来美和于尔居普3个城镇之间 的一个三角地带,面积达数百平方公里。远古时代这里的5座火山喷发出来的熔岩构成了火山岩高原,地形奇特,区内满布火山岩切削而成的无数奇形怪状的石笋、断岩和岩洞如今,土耳其又是以什么继续吸引这么多游人的目光呢?是湛蓝的海水,是安托利亚的美景,是她日益繁荣的现代化娱乐设施和旅游设施,更是一个购物天堂和体育爱好者的理想之地。主要景点:阿耳忒弥斯神庙(Temple of Artemis)、哈利卡尔纳苏斯摩索拉斯王陵墓(Halicarnassos Mausoleum)、精灵烟囟(Fairy Chimneys)、托普卡匹皇宫(Topkapi Palace)、戈雷迈国家公园和卡帕多西亚石窟群(Goreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia)、艾菲索斯古城(Ephesus)。世界遗产 伊斯坦布尔历史区,戈雷迈谷地和卡帕多西亚石窟区,迪夫斯大清真寺和医院,哈图沙,内姆鲁特山,桑索斯和莱顿遗址,赫拉波利斯和斯帕姆科卡莱,桑美兰博卢城。卡帕多基亚石林的仙女峰和石骆驼。该石林位于安卡拉东南约280公里处的阿瓦诺斯、居来美和于尔居普3个城镇之间的一个三角地带,面积达数百平方公里。远古时代这里的5座火山喷发出来的熔岩构成了火山岩高原,地形奇特,区内满布火山岩切削而成的无数奇形怪状的石笋、断岩和岩洞。
2023-01-12 21:45:115

阿加莎·克里斯蒂 有哪些推理小说作品?

贴吧里都有- -.. 主要就是波洛的... 马普尔和其他的都不是很多.. 好几十本吧..贴吧里还有人文版的封面
2023-01-12 21:45:244

英语量词的其它用法比如:ounce,Spenting her last ounce of strength^

量词是现代汉语11类词中的一种,运用非常普遍,大约有500多个量词。除了表“量”以外,它的一个显著特点就是习惯搭配。即使是华人也有弄错的时候,学中文的外国人更是头疼。所以正确认识量词,准确翻译汉语量词也是很重要的。英语中没有像汉语这样的“量词”分类,但有类似的用法和修辞结构,如quantitive determinatives(量词限定词),portative(量词),quantifiers(量词)。它们之间有相同之处,但更多的是差异。因而,本节以一定的版面来分析其不同结构和用法,不过,更多的还是靠读者自己潜心收集认识,才能掌握如何翻译。 1、一群 一群人 a crowd/group/multitude/throng/army/team/class of people;a gang/swarm/horde/pack/band of people(in a derogatory way) troop 通常指聚在一起活动的、生气勃勃的一群人。如: a troop of demonstrators/shoppers/visitors bevy 特指女性的“一群”,有时指鸟类,尤指鹌鹑或云雀。如: a bevy of actresses/young women/ladies/shop girls/quails 表贬义的“一群”有:a mob of angry people/rioters/slaves/liars/blackguards horde 原意为游牧部落,通常含有轻蔑色彩: a horde of lazy-bones/swindlers/locusts/hooligans band;gang 常指“帮”: a band of robbers/gangsters/thieves/outlaws a gang of criminals/slaves/prisoners 一群牛、象、马、天鹅 a herd of cattle/elephants/horses/swans 一群鸟 a flock of birds/geese/hens/goats/swallows/sheep/chickens 一群猎狗 a pack of hounds/wolves/grouse 一群狐狸 a skulk of foxes 一群狮子 a pride of lions 一群星星 a cluster of stars 一群鱼 a school/shoal of fish/shrimps 一群马 a stud/drove of horses 一群鹅 a gaggle/flock of geese 一群蚊子/蝴蝶 a swarm of mosquitoes/butterflies 一群(窝)蚂蚁 a colony of ants/bees 一群建筑物 a clump/complex of buildings 2、一丝/点/层/片 一片草皮 a chunk of turf 一丝睡意 a wink of sleep 一丝怀疑 a shadow of doubt 一点点工作 a stroke of work 一线未来之光 a glimpse of future 一缕月光 a streak of moonlight/amber(fig) 一丝绿意;一片绿色 a tint of green 一片心意 a small token of our hearts 一丝嫉妒;一阵窘迫 a slight twinge of jealousy/embarrassment 一丝恻隐之心 a sign of sympathy for... 一丝懊悔 a slight twinge of remorse 一层霜/雪/糖霜 a layer of frost/snow/cream 一丝失望的眼神 a flicker of disappointment (剩下)一口气/一丝气 a spark/breath of life 一丝失望的情绪 a taint/faint of disappointment 一片漆黑 completely dark;dismal night;pitch dark 一片汪洋 a flood of water 3、英译“一阵”,颇有学问,且看以下译例 (突然爆发出的)一阵哭泣/喝彩/炮击/雷声 a burst of tears/cheers/gunfire/thunder (量如洪水的)一阵泪雨/瓢泼大雨/夸夸其谈 a flood of tears/rain/boasts 少量或稀疏的 一阵(小)雨/射击 a spatter of rain/bullets 一阵稀疏的掌声/喝彩 a spatter of applause/cheers 声响很大的 一阵隆隆的炮声/雷声 a peal of artillery/thunder 突然而猛烈的 一阵暴雨/狂风/烈火 a gust/blast of rain/wind/flame 持续短暂的 一阵怒气/激情/咳嗽 a fit of anger/passion/coughing 一阵呕吐 a vomiting fit 持续一段时间的 一阵厄运/暑热 a spell of bad luck/summer heat 一阵寒潮 a cold spell of weather 一阵昏厥 a fainting spell (针捻刀刺般的)一阵内疚/牙痛/风湿痛 a twinge of remorse/toothache/rheumatism 一阵尴尬 a twinge of embarrassment (抽搐或颤抖的)一阵痛苦/伤心/咳嗽/激动 a spasm of pain/grief/coughing/excitement 雹打雨淋般的 一阵轰炸/打击/咒骂 a hail of bombs/blows/curse 一阵弹雨/批评 a shower of bullets/criticism 更多的例子 一阵欢乐 an agony of joy 一阵子爱意 a flush of love 一点点工作 a stroke of work 一阵心脏病发作 a stroke of heart attack 一点点满足 a crumb of satisfaction 一种混乱的政治局面 a chaos of politics 4、“一阵”为何有这么多不同的译法 其实原因很简单,汉语“一阵”这个数量词不含修辞色彩,可用于各类描述;而在英语中,“一阵”这个概念则是由许多不同的名词来表述的,而且这些词一般分别具有不同的修辞色彩。如: spatter “少量”,“稀疏”之义; peal 专指一阵响亮或轰鸣的声音; twinge 特指肉体或心灵上的一阵剧烈的刺痛; burst 泛指突然爆发出的一阵,有突如其来之感; hail 和shower的比喻色彩也很浓,有雹打雨淋之感; spell常用于描述天气、疾病等,表持续一阵子; flood一词比喻色彩浓厚,给人以量如洪水,滔滔不绝之感; gust则专指风、雨、雹、火、烟等的突然而猛烈的一阵。也可用喻感情的猛烈进发; fit常指持续时间短暂的一阵——尤指疾病的短暂发作或感情的短暂进发; spasm原指痉挛,抽搐,用于动作、感情的一阵突发时,表抽搐或浑身颤抖之感。 由此可见,英译“一阵”,宜细心推敲,酌情翻译。 5、其他类似的汉译英所用的修辞性的用法 a)暗喻Metaphor 一串香蕉a hand of bananas 颗颗汗珠beads of sweat 一长串汽车a string of cars 很大的朋友圈a large circle of friends b)借代Metonymy 一串珍珠 a rope of pearls 一炉钢 a heat of steel 一年三熟 three crops a year 一大群飞机 a cloud of planes 林立的烟囱 a forest of chimneys 一片沙滩 a beach of sands c)夸张Hyperbole 多如牛毛的问题 a sea of troubles 一大笔钱 a pile of money 勃然大怒 a wave of anger 开怀大笑 gales of laughter 无数次 heaps of times 小不点 a dot of child 一小撮敌人 a pinch of enemy 滔滔不绝的话语 a flood of words 6、英语常用单位词及汉语对应词(Commonly-used unit nouns and their Chinese equivalents) piece块;片;段;项;件;篇;首;幅;张 a piece of bread/paper/wood/furniture/land/advice/news/meat/cloth/music... bit一点;一些;一片 a bit of water/wood/grass/trouble... item条;则;项 an item of news/information/business/programme... article件;项;条 an article of furniture/clothing/luggage/export... grain粒;颗 a grain of ricce/wheat/salt/sand... drop滴 a drop of water/oil/rain/blood/dew... slice薄片 a slice of meat/bread/cake/ham... cake块 a cake of soap/mud/ice... bar块;条 a bar of chocolate/candy/soap... ear穗 an ear of corn/rice/wheat/millet... loaf块;条 a loaf of bread... lump块;团 a lump of clay/sugar/earth... spiral盘 a spiral of mosquito incense... card板 a card of buttons pack副;盒 a pack of cards/cigarettes fistful(s)一把 a fistful of sand/rice... handful(s)一把 a handful of soil... armful(s)一抱 an armful of flowers... cupful(s)一杯 four cupfuls of jam... mouthful(s)一口 a mouthful of snow/whys... spoonful(s)一汤匙 a spoonful of sugar... spadeful(s)一铲 a spadeful of coal... bagful(s)一袋 a bagful of letters... 但an eyeful of…的意思是“对……大饱眼福” truckload一货车 a truckload of apples... shipload一船 a shipload of TV sets... lorryload一卡车 a lorryload of iron... fit一阵子 a fit of coughing/fever/laughter/anger/... ray一线 a ray of hope/intelligence/sunlight… peal一阵 a peal of thunder/laughter/applause... flash闪现一下 a flash of hope/lightening/wit... display炫耀一下 a display of power/courage/force/learning/skill... attack一疾病的发作 an attack of fever/malaria group组;群;批 a group of students... team队:组 a team of experts/footballers/scientists... gang帮;伙;群;队;组 a gang of four/thieves/robbers... army大群;队 an army of beggars/ants/bees... troop群;伙 a troop of soldiers... host大群 a host of friends/heroes... pack群;伙 a pack of liars/thieves/rascals/hounds... band帮;伙 a band of music(players)/brigands... choir队;组;群 a choir of singers... bunch串;束;挂;群;帮;伙 a bunch of bananas/fools/flowers/keys/thieves. bouquet束;把 bouquet of flowers string串;挂;节 a string of beads/pearls/words/thread sheaf p1.sheaves捆;束 a sheaf of wheat/arrows/papers crew帮;伙;全体 a crew of sailors/pilots party组;伙;批 a party of guests/children... batch批 a batch of letters/telegrams/visitors... gaggle群 a gaggle of geese/girls... litter一窝 a litter of kittens/little piglets/puppies... herd群 a herd of elephants/deer/cattle...s swarm群 a swarm of ants/locusts/bees/people/stars... cluster串;束;群;组 a cluster of flowers/grapes/bees/islands/stars... a cluster of butterflies/grapes/berries/consonants/houses brood窝;群;组 a brood of chickens/paintings/thieves... school群 a school of whales/dolphins... shoal群 a shoal of fish/whales/people... flock群 a flock of geese/birds/pigeons/ducks/visitors/customers... dozen一打 a dozen(of)pencils/eggs/red roses... gross一罗 a gross of nails/pencils/can openers... pile一大堆 a pile of what-ifs一大堆假定 mound一大堆 a mound(mouthful)maybes满嘴的可能 clump一群 a clump of islands/buildings school流派 the school of traditional grammar train一列 a train of cars一列火车厢 pot一锅 a pot of soup/tea/water... fleck片 a fleck of snow... 7、 汉英表量的对应名词(Quantity and amount in both languages) 中英文都有表量的手法,除了常见的平铺直叙的说法,还有一些修辞性说法。如: a sea of people/flames/blood/flags/flowers/happy faces 如海般的/如潮一样的人群;火海;血海;旗海;花海;无数幸福的面孔 an ocean of trouble/time/space/cheering 无穷的麻烦;无休止的时间;浩瀚的宇宙;欢乐的海洋 a scene of great rejoicing 一片欢腾 a chorus of protest/praise 一片抗议之声/赞扬之声 a trove of Chinese porcelain 一批中国磁器 a grove of coco(a)nut/bamboo 一片椰林/竹林 a blaze of lights 一片灯火 a mountain of debts/rubbish/money/dirty clothes 债台高筑/垃圾如山;家财万贯;一大堆脏衣服 a mass of images/facts/figures/data 大量的图像/事实/数据等 a rain/storm of tears/ashes/arrows/bullets 嚎啕大哭;尘土蒙蒙;一阵箭雨,一阵弹雨 a storm of applause/criticism/cheering 一阵暴雨般的掌声;激烈的批评;狂热的欢呼 a gale of laughter/excitement 阵阵欢笑;一阵激动 a flood of tears/words/1ight/terror 泪如潮涌;滔滔言辞;一片光明;一片恐惧 a store of learning/experience 知识渊博;经验丰富 a wealth of experience/data/troubles/good/goods 经验丰富;丰富数据;问题多多;大有好处;商品丰富 a surfeit of food/drug dosage过量的食品;过量的药品 a succession of defeat接二连三的挫败 a world of goods/food/pleasure/meaning/to do sb a world of good/harm a forest of hills/flags/chimneys/hands 这些表量的手法也可用复数,像lots of,thousands of一样,如seas of,mountains of,stores of,swarms of,thunders of,showers of ,in showers,in stores,in numbers。 a(great)number of books 许多的书 numbers of peoples 许多的民族 a quantity of energy 大量的能量 quantities of oxidize 大量的氧化酶 an amount of material 大量的材料 small amount of water 少量的水 The amount of energy possessed by a given quantity of radiation depends strictly on its frequency.一定量的辐射所拥有的能量完全基于其频率。 The total amount of radiation 辐射的总量 What"s the size? 尺码多少? What"s the linear size of the Galaxy? 银河系的直线长度是多少? the linear dimensions 直线尺寸 all sizes of gloves 各种尺码的手套 (in)all shapes and sizes 大大小小,各式各样 (in)life size (如)实物大小 What are the dimensions of the room? 这房间的长、宽、高各多少? the dimensions of the solar system 太阳系的范围 the dimensions of a building lot 一座建筑物的准确面积 the magnitude of this angle 这角度的大小 the value of the balloon 气球的体积 the value of this correction 修正值 the extent of a judge"s power/his knowledge 法官的权力范围/他的知识面 be…in length/width/height/diameter/perimeter/shape/size be…in quantity/amount/great numbers/extent/dimension/value
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Let"s say that on December 20 you were to meet a friendly space alien. That is, let"s say that his space ship discreetly drops him off in your back yard while you are looking out your window. You walk outside to meet the visitor, and you find out he"s a pretty nice guy. His name is Gorg, he is wearing a costume that makes him look passably human, he speaks reasonable English, and he explains that his goal is to spend a week on the planet to learn about its people. He asks if you would consider being his guide for the week, and you decide to take on the job. So you take Gorg around and start showing him your town. Since it is December 20, one thing is for sure -- Gorg is going to ask about Christmas. And he is going to ask a LOT of questions, because Christmas is a pretty complicated tradition. Think about all the different questions Gorg might ask: What is Christmas? Why is Christmas such a big deal? Why do people give each other presents on Christmas day? Is December 25 really the day Jesus was born? Why is there a small evergreen tree in your living room? Why have you decorated this evergreen with ornaments, lights, fake snow and Mylar plastic tinsel? Why do you have holly draped over the mantel and staircase? Why is mistletoe hanging over the front door? And what about this nativity scene in the corner? Why is there a big log in the fireplace? Why are there poinsettias on the hearth? And what about these fruit cakes? Why are there oversized socks hanging on your mantel? Why are Christmas cards scattered all over the coffee table? Why do I keep hearing the same songs over and over again? What, exactly, are the 12 days of Christmas? Why do Christmas carolers walk around the neighborhood singing? Why is the day before Christmas, Christmas Eve, celebrated? Who is this Santa Claus person? What"s with this reindeer named Rudolf? Why do so many people, even Floridians, dream of a white Christmas? Why is Christmas sometimes spelled Xmas? Why are stores and malls so geared up about this holiday?
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