barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 23:48:07



He says it"s genuine, but we think otherwise.


They should have been working, but they were otherwise engaged.


The soup was cold, but it was an otherwise excellent.



You"d better go now, otherwise you"ll miss the train.


You should be more careful, otherwise you might meet with some accident.



The truth is quite otherwise.


四.otherwise than 除…之外

unless otherwise stated 除非另作说明...

but otherwise 但在别的方面却...



otherwise的意思是:不然;否则;在其他方面;除此之外;别样;以另外方式;或;另外。短语搭配or otherwise. 或者相反。and otherwise.以及相反。know otherwise. 知道相反的消息。unless otherwise. 除非另有。otherwise than. 不像;除…外;与…不同。双语例句1、It"s a pleasure to reward them for work which might otherwise go unmarked.很高兴在此奖励他们所做的,而在其他情况下可能未被注意的工作。2、Should criminal law allow consent to negative what would otherwise be a crime?刑法难道能允许抵消罪行吗?3、Apply oil to wet hair, otherwise it will be difficult to shampoo it out.将油涂在湿发上,否则很难用洗发露洗掉。
2023-01-12 21:40:301


otherwise虚拟语气用法如下:1、otherwise引导的短语或句子有时相当于一个虚拟条件句。假设的情况并不以条件从句表示出来,而是暗含在上下文中,通过介词短语来表示。2、虚拟语气的用法一般是:对现在的虚拟:would+do;对过去的虚拟:would(not)+have done。3、而should have done通常表示本来该做却没有做(表示后悔遗憾的感情)。双语例句1、You use otherwise after stating a situation or fact,in order to say what the result or consequence would be if this situation or fact was not the case.Make a note of the questions you want to ask.You will invariably forget some of them otherwise在陈述一种情况或事实后,你可以使用其他方式,以说明如果这种情况或事实不是这样的话,结果或后果会是什么。记下你想问的问题。否则你总会忘记其中的一些2、You use otherwise before stating the general condition or quality of something,when you are also mentioning an exception to this general condition or quality.The decorations for the games have lent a splash of colour to an otherwise drab city.在陈述某事物的一般条件或质量之前,当您还提到该一般条件或品质的例外情况时,您可以使用否则。奥运会的装饰为原本单调乏味的城市增添了一抹色彩。3、You use otherwise to refer in a general way to actions or situations that are very different from,or the opposite to,your main statement.Take approximately 60mg up to four times a day,unless advised otherwise by a doctor.你用否则来泛指与你的主要陈述非常不同或相反的行为或情况。除非医生另有建议,否则每天服用约60mg,最多四次。4、You use otherwise to indicate that other ways of doing something are possible in addition to the way already mentioned.The studio could punish its players by keeping them out of work,and otherwise controlling their lives.你用otherwise表示除了已经提到的方式之外,还有其他方式可以做某事。工作室可以通过不让他们工作,或者控制他们的生活来惩罚他们。5、You use or otherwise or and otherwise to mention something that is not the thing just referred to or is the opposite of that thing.It was for the police to assess the validity or otherwise of the evidence.你用或其他方式或其他方式来提及与刚才提到的事物不同或与之相反的事物。警方应评估证据的有效性或其他方面。
2023-01-12 21:40:441


otherwise:直接源自中古英语的othre wise;最初源自古英语的on othre wisan,意为在其他方面。连词,是如果不这样的意思。 or:为并列连词,含有选择意义,必须连接同等成分的词、短语或句子,并使用同一种形式。or连接两个或两个以上的单数名词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。 扩展资料   We"ve had one or two problems ─ nothing serious.   我们有一些问题,不过没什么大不了的"。   I generally get what I want one way or another.   我一般总能想方设法得到我想要的东西。   Conditions should be laid down. Otherwise it"s all talk.   应该先定下条件,否则全是空谈。   Don"t start giving me problems otherwise I"ll have to be very unpleasant indeed.   不要开始给我找麻烦,否则我就不客气了。
2023-01-12 21:40:561


otherwise用法如下:1、otherwise用作副词,表示用别的方法,不同地。例句:Hesays it"s genuine,but wethink otherwise。他说这是真的,但我们不这样认为。2、otherwise用作连词,表示否则,要不然。例句:You"d better go now, otherwise you"ll miss the train。你最好现在就走,要不然就赶不上火车了。3、otherwise用作形容词,表示不同的。例句:The truth isquite otherwise。实情大有出入。4、otherwise虚拟语气用法,引导的短语或句子有时相当于一个虚拟条件句。假设的情况并不以条件从句表示出来,而是暗含在上下文中,通过介词短语来表示。例句:You use otherwise after stating a situation or fact,Make a note of the questions you want to ask。You will invariably forget some of them otherwise。在陈述一种情况或事实后,记下你想问的问题。否则你总会忘记其中的一些。
2023-01-12 21:41:071


相当于 or
2023-01-12 21:41:143


otherwise既是连词也是副词 可以连接两个句子 or是连词 也可以连接两个句子 当有句子需要用or来表示或者,又需要接着表示否则的话就可以写成 or otherwise 因为不可能说or or……
2023-01-12 21:41:161

otherwise 能否放于句首

不行,除非前一句话已在说明一件事,而本句话在否定的虚拟语(其实可以看成前句话的补充)。 如: Tom is my best friend. Otherwise I wouldn"t help him yesterday. TOM是我最好的朋友。不然昨天我不会帮他。Otherwise的用法1. 用作连词,意为“否则”“要不然”,其后的句子根据情况可用陈述语气或虚拟语气。如:Take a taxi, otherwise you"ll miss your train.你如不叫出租汽车,你就会误掉火车的。He worked very hard, otherwise he would have failed. 当初他学习非常刻苦,要不然他就会不及格了。在口语中,用作连词的otherwise通常用or代替。2. 用作副词,主要用法有:(1) 表示“除此以外”“从其他方面来讲”。如:The boy is noisy, but otherwise a nice boy. 这男孩爱吵闹,但其他方面倒还不错。The driver suffered shock but was otherwise unhurt. 司机除了受到惊吓外并未受伤。(2) 表示“不同地”“采取别的方式”。如:You could hardly think otherwise. 你很难不这样想。I think it will rain this afternoon, but he thinks otherwise. 我认为今天下午会下雨,但他却不这样想。(3) 用于习语or otherwise,表示“或相反”“或其反面”。如:There will be no surprise—pleasant or otherwise. 不会有什么意想不到的事,不论是令人愉快的还是令人不愉快的。3. 用作形容词,主要表示“不是那样的”“另外的”。如:The truth is quite otherwise. 实情大有出入。Some are wise and some are otherwise. 有些人聪明,另一些则不然。
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2023-01-12 21:41:232


要看具体句子.1.用别的方法;不同样地 We"ll get there somehow, by boat or otherwise. 我们总要设法去那里的,乘船也好,用其他办法也好. 2.在其他方面;除此以外 The rent is a bit high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory. 这所房子租金贵了点,但在其他方面倒是令人满意的. 3.否则,不然 I"m not feeling very well today -- otherwise I would do it myself. 今天我身体不太舒服,否则这事我就亲自去做了.
2023-01-12 21:41:291

otherwise meaningless

2023-01-12 21:41:322

“unless otherwise”后加动词什么形式?

unless引导条件状语从句,主将从现,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时The concert will be held as schedule unless there is a typhoon. = the concert will be held as schedule if there is not a typhoon She will keep on singing unless she is told to stop. otherwise 作连词,意为“否则;不然”,相当于or或if not。otherwise是虚拟语气的用法,其后用 情态动词+do/ have done如: We"ll go early, otherwise we may not get a seat. 我们得早点去,要不然就没有座位了。I was ill that day, otherwise I would have taken part in the sports meet. 那天我病了,否则我会去参加运动会的。
2023-01-12 21:41:361

otherwise 怎么理解是是副词? 我一直理解成动词.

otherwiseadv. 否则;另外;在其他方面副词 ad. 1.用别的方法;不同样地We"ll get there somehow, by boat or otherwise. 我们总要设法去那里的,乘船也好,用其他办法也好.2.在其他方面;除此以外The rent is a bit hig...
2023-01-12 21:41:391

How can it be otherwise翻译

2023-01-12 21:41:422

otherwise 能否放于句首

不行,除非前一句话已在说明一件事,而本句话在否定的虚拟语(其实可以看成前句话的补充).如:Tom is my best friend.Otherwise I wouldn"t help him yesterday.TOM是我最好的朋友.不然昨天我不会帮他.Otherwise的用...
2023-01-12 21:41:491


otherwise意思是“否则;另外;在其他方面”。双语例句:1. Was it just a temporary blip on an otherwise healthy growth curve?这是否是原本良好的增长曲线中暂时的偏离?2. Psychological twists perk up an otherwise predictable story line.心理转折使原本老套的故事情节变得生动有趣。3. Don"t be mean with fabric, otherwise curtains will end up looking skimpy.别这么吝啬布料,不然做出来的窗帘会显得特寒酸。4. Conditions should be laid down. Otherwise it"s all talk.应该先定下条件,否则全是空谈。5. It was a sad finale to an otherwise spectacular career.对于一段一直辉煌的职业生涯来说,这是一个惨淡的收官。
2023-01-12 21:41:561


otherwise虚拟语气用法如下:otherwise引导的短语或句子有时相当于一个虚拟条件句。假设的情况并不以条件从句表示出来,而是暗含在上下文中,通过介词短语来表示。虚拟语气的用法一般是:对现在的虚拟:would+do;对过去的虚拟:would(not) + have done。而should have done通常表示本来该做却没有做(表示后悔遗憾的感情)。例句:1、I"m lucky that I"m interested in school work, otherwise I"d go mad.我很庆幸自己对学习怀有兴趣,不然我会疯掉的。2、I don"t think it is an example of bad writing myself, otherwise I"d be agreeing with Leavis, and that would never do.我本人不认为这是篇糟糕的文章,否则我就和利维斯看法一样了,那可不行。
2023-01-12 21:42:081

otherwise的词性 三种?

otherwise的三种词性如下: 副词 adv. 1.用别的方法, 不同地 He says it"s genuine, but we think otherwise. 他说这是真的, 但我们不这样认为. 2.在其他方面; 除此以外 The soup was cold, but it was otherwise an excellent meal. 除了汤是凉的以外, 那顿饭菜是很好的. 3.别样;另外 4.要不然,否则 连词 conj. 1.否则; 要不然 You"d better go now, otherwise you"ll miss the train. 你最好现在就走, 要不然就赶不上火车了. 形容词 adj. 1.别的,不同的;另外(性质)的 2.不同场合的,其他场合的
2023-01-12 21:42:211


otherwiseadv.另外, 否则, 不同地, 别的方式adj.另外的, 其他方面的orconj. 或, 或者, 还是
2023-01-12 21:42:283

otherwise虚拟语气用法 otherwise虚拟语气用法及例句

1、otherwise引导的短语或句子有时相当于一个虚拟条件句。假设的情况并不以条件从句表示出来,而是暗含在上下文中,通过介词短语来表示。 2、虚拟语气的用法一般是:对现在的虚拟:would+do;对过去的虚拟:would(not) + have done。 3、而should have done 通常表示本来该做却没有做〈表示后悔遗憾的感情〉。 4、例句:Im lucky that Im interested in school work, otherwise Id go mad.我很庆幸自己对学习怀有兴趣,不然我会疯掉的。
2023-01-12 21:42:321

虚拟语气中otherwise 的用法

由前句的 supported 可知,是对过去动作的虚拟,所以直接套用主句的结构 would/ should/ might/ could + have done
2023-01-12 21:42:352


要看具体句子。1.用别的方法;不同样地We"ll get there somehow, by boat or otherwise. 我们总要设法去那里的,乘船也好,用其他办法也好。 2.在其他方面;除此以外The rent is a bit high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory. 这所房子租金贵了点,但在其他方面倒是令人满意的。 3.否则,不然I"m not feeling very well today -- otherwise I would do it myself. 今天我身体不太舒服,否则这事我就亲自去做了。
2023-01-12 21:42:381

otherwise的词性 三种?

otherwise的三种词性如下: 副词 adv. 1.用别的方法, 不同地 He says it"s genuine, but we think otherwise. 他说这是真的, 但我们不这样认为. 2.在其他方面; 除此以外 The soup was cold, but it was otherwise an excellent meal. 除了汤是凉的以外, 那顿饭菜是很好的. 3.别样;另外 4.要不然,否则 连词 conj. 1.否则; 要不然 You"d better go now, otherwise you"ll miss the train. 你最好现在就走, 要不然就赶不上火车了. 形容词 adj. 1.别的,不同的;另外(性质)的 2.不同场合的,其他场合的
2023-01-12 21:42:421

rather 和otherwise用法区别

other than 1 FORMAL different from or except: Holidays other than those in this brochure do not have free places for children. The form cannot be signed by anyone other than yourself. 2 in a negative sentence, used to mean "except": There"s nothing on TV tonight, other than rubbish. rather than instead of I thought we could go to the cinema this evening rather than stay at home. He saw his music as a hobby rather than a career. otherwise adverb 1 EXCEPT except for what has just been referred to She hurt her arm in the accident, but otherwise she was fine. 2 DIFFERENT different to what has just been stated It"s obvious they"re in love, so it"s silly of them to pretend otherwise. I"ll meet you there at 6 o"clock unless I hear otherwise. I"d like to help you with any problems, financial or otherwise. conjunction used when saying what will happen if someone does not obey an order or do what has been suggested You"d better phone home, otherwise your parents will start to worry. He ought to pay the fine, otherwise he might go to prison.
2023-01-12 21:42:451

otherwise but for without 虚拟时用法

otherwise but for withoutwithout, otherwise, but for, but引导的短语或句子有时相当于一个虚拟条件句。假设的情况并不以条件从句表示出来,而是暗含在上下文中,通过介词短语来表示. 使用到这些词组的句子中,虚拟语气的用法一般是:对现在的虚拟:would+do;对过去的虚拟:would(not) + have done。比如:But for your reasonable advice,i wouldn"t have fininshed my paper excellently.Without bring in him as the PM(project manager项目经理)of our company,the important program would have failed.I should study more hard,otherwise i would have kepet with the most outstanding sutdent in my class in last exam. Your mother would go with you,but she has to take care of your elder brother
2023-01-12 21:42:492


2023-01-12 21:42:561


短语If Otherwise 纵然如此if otherwise stated 如果另有说明If not otherwise deducted 如果未以其他方式扣除A man who would have died otherwise if it was not for cardiac surgeons and thedevelopments in cardiology and surgery. 如果没有心脏外科医师,没有心脏学和外科手术的发展,人们可能就会死。
2023-01-12 21:42:592


otherwise 除了否则还有另外的意思,可以做形容词和副词_owever 一般做转折连词表示然而, 做副词时表示无论如何_饕畋鹁褪_therwise不可以做连词表转折的意思,however不能做形容词表示另外的意思_秸叨伎梢宰龈贝剩且馑际遣灰谎?
2023-01-12 21:43:021


要看具体句子.1.用别的方法;不同样地 We"ll get there somehow, by boat or otherwise. 我们总要设法去那里的,乘船也好,用其他办法也好. 2.在其他方面;除此以外 The rent is a bit high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory. 这所房子租金贵了点,但在其他方面倒是令人满意的. 3.否则,不然 I"m not feeling very well today -- otherwise I would do it myself. 今天我身体不太舒服,否则这事我就亲自去做了.
2023-01-12 21:43:061

otherwise用于虚拟语气中 求该词在虚拟语气中的用法及其例句

otherwise等含蓄条件句的用法 虚拟的条件有时通过某些介词短语来表达. 如:We didn"t know you were in trouble at that time,otherwise we would have given you a hand. 我们当时不知道你遇到了困难,要不然我们...
2023-01-12 21:43:091


2023-01-12 21:43:133

英语语法问题 otherwise是并列连词还是可以连接状语从句的连词?

属于转折连词,意思为“否则的话”,相当于“if not”,例如:Do as you are told,otherwise you"ll be in trouble.
2023-01-12 21:43:161


一、表达意思不同1、however表转折关系,语气稍弱于but,连接性也弱一些,因而常作插入语。如:She felt ill. She went to work, however, and tried to concentrate.她病了。然而她照旧去上班,并且尽力集中精神工作。2、nevertheless指尽管作出完全让步,也不会发生任何影响。如:Our defeat was expected;nevertheless,it was disappointing.我们的失败是意料中的事;尽管如此,还是令人失望。二、一词多义不同1、however作副词意思有然而;无论如何;不管多么。作连词意思是不管怎样。2、nevertheless作副词意思有尽管如此;不过;仍然。作连词意思有然而;不过。三、作用不同1、nevertheless更有承接上文提到下文的作用。2、however的作用没有那么深刻。
2023-01-12 21:43:231


英语中,都是逗号.however 用法也是.
2023-01-12 21:43:331


2023-01-12 21:43:382

otherwise 在这句话中的用法是什么?

2023-01-12 21:43:421


otherwise 从另一方面说 besides 除了后面所说的情况以外(用于表面前面一句话成立的条件)
2023-01-12 21:43:461


otherwise一般是作为副词来使用,连接并列分句. 不明白的再问哟!请记得采纳,多谢!
2023-01-12 21:43:491


otherwise的核心在于other(其他);wise是用于构成副词的后缀,表示“方式、途径”;两部分合在一起的作用也就在于,针对已经说过的某个东西,来一个否定、虚拟或兜底,说说其他或相反的东西。针对祈使句进行否定:Put your coat on, otherwise you"ll get cold. 穿上外套,不然你会着凉的。这种情况下,通常otherwise前面是半句话,otherwise连同它后面跟的构成半句话,前后共同构成一句话,所以它前面会需要有个逗号。
2023-01-12 21:43:561

请问下句中otherwise ,应该如何翻译?

否则 表转折的意思
2023-01-12 21:43:598


牛津字典中亦有连接句子的例句 Shut the window,otherwise it"ll too cold.但otherwise有or没有的意思 ”另外 其它方面 其他或相反的方面“ 和一些固定词组”or otherwise know otherwise and otherwise"
2023-01-12 21:44:082


否则, 不然的话you"d better do your work right now, otherwise you"ll have no time to do it, for we have a party later
2023-01-12 21:44:127


or otherwise
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2023-01-12 21:44:234

otherwise的词性 三种?

ad. 另外,用别的方法;在其他方面;要不然,否则
2023-01-12 21:44:303


否则,或者的意思,可以理解成“并列”关系。但是otherwise确切地讲并非连词。副词形容词或一定程度上的代词。adv.1. In another way; differently: She thought otherwise.2. Under other circumstances: Otherwise I might have helped.3. In other respects: an otherwise logical mind.adj.Other than supposed; different: The evidence is otherwise.pronsomething different in outcome: success or otherwise
2023-01-12 21:44:332


形容词 特别的adv.(副词)In another way; differently:以另外的方式;不同地:She thought otherwise.她从另一个侧面考虑Under other circumstances:否则,不然:在另外的情况下;不然:Otherwise I might have helped.不然我也许可以帮得上忙的In other respects:在其他方面:an otherwise logical mind.在其他方面才有逻辑的头脑adj.(形容词)Other than supposed; different:不同的,意料之外的:并非如同假定的;另外的:The evidence is otherwise.证据显示的是另外一回事
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选A解析之前,先明确一个概念-含蓄条件句含蓄条件句:在特定的上下文或一目了然的情况下,if条件句可以省略,或使用介词短语、副词或非谓语动词等形式来代替if条件句,这种虚拟语气表达形式叫做含蓄条件句。 此句中otherwise作副词暗示条件."otherwise "相当于 if I hadn"t got stuck in the heavy traffic.全句还原成“if"引导的虚拟条件句如下:I "got stuck"in the heavy traffic. otherwise=<If I hadn"t got stuck in the heavy traffic> ,I <would have come>here earlier.注:get的过去分词形式有两种:got/gottenP.S.提问者的困惑,我想是把otherwise所在的整个句子理解成一个条件句了,而otherwise作为副词,本身就暗含条件。所以你所指的那些If 引导虚拟条件句,主从句时态格式仍是按对现在,过去,将来虚拟所用时态。希望我读懂了提问者未表达出的意思。扩展内容(以下内容为网络引用非原创)很多情况下,在表示假设的虚拟语气中,有时假设的条件并不以条件从句的形式表达,而是通过上下文或句中内在的逻辑关系,或用其它形式表达出来,我们称之为"含蓄条件句"。含蓄条件句主要通过名词、连接词、不定式、分词、动名词短语、介词短语及分句来暗示。这些表达形式在句中实际起着虚拟条件从句的作用。现分述如下:一、介词短语 常用来表示虚拟条件的介词有with,without,in,under,but for等等,它们表示的虚拟条件都可以被if从句替换。 (1)without,with ,without表示否定的条件,意为if...not;with与without意义相反,表示肯定的条件。如: Without air,there would be no living things.(without air=if there were no air)没有空气,便没有生物。 With her help(=If I had her help),I would do the experiment well.假如有她帮助,我就可以把这个实验做好。 (2)under Under the leadership of a less experienced person,the experiment would have failed.(under...=If there had been the leadership of a less experienced person)假设在一个缺少经验的人领导下进行实验,实验准会失败。 (3)in I would have lost my head in that position.(in that position=if I had been in that position)我处在那种情况下,是会丧失理智的。 (4)but for But for their help(=If it were not for their help),we could not get over the difficulties.要不是他们的帮助,我们是克服不了这些困难的。 二、连接词or ,otherwise,but,but that等等 I"m really busy,otherwise(=if I weren"t so busy),I would certainly go with you.我确实太忙了。不然的话,我一定和你一块去。 But that I saw it(=If I had not seen it),I could not have believed it.要不是亲眼看见的话,我是不会相信的。 三、分词短语 United(=If they had been united),they wouldn"t have been defeated.他们要是团结起来,就不会被打败。 Seen from a high mountain(=If it were seen from a high mountain),the field in which wheat is growing would look like a great green sea.倘若从高山上看,麦田就像一片碧绿的大海。 四、动词不定式短语 It would be only partly right to answer in this way.(=if we answered in this way)如果这样回答,只对一部分。 To hear him speak English(=If one were to hear him speak English),one would think him an Englishman.要是听他讲起英语来,人们会认为他是一个英国人。 五、形容词或其比较级的形式 A less difficult problem would have already been solved.(=If the problem had been less difficult,it would have already been solved.)要是问题不那么难的话,它早就被解决了。 An honest man would not do such a thing.(=If he were an honest man,he would not do such a thing.)诚实的人是不会做这种事的。 六、名词 An honest man would not say this.(=If the man were honest,he wouldn"t say this.)一个诚实的人,就不会说这种话。 Who but a fool(=If one were a fool,one)would believe his words.除了傻瓜,谁会相信他的话! 七、"名词+and"的结构 One step further and you would be dead.(=If you took one step further,you would be dead.)再往前走一步,你就会死。 八、独立主格结构或由with引导的复合结构 All things considered(=If all things were considered),the price would be reasonable.如果全面考虑起来,价格可能是合理的。 九、定语从句 A nation which stopped working would be dead in a fortnight.(=If a nation stopped working,it would be dead in a fortnight.)如果一个国家停止工作,不出半个月就会灭亡。If you still feel confused,leave a message please祝学习进步!!!
2023-01-12 21:44:403

“or else、otherwise、or ”三者在用法上的区别?

“or else”:adj.别的,其他的 adv.另外,否则。用法:作定语时不能修饰名词、而用来修饰不定代词和疑问代词而且均放在后面。①else 是个副词,与不定代词或副词(以-one,-body,-thing,-where结尾的词)连用,表示“另外”、“其它”的意思,用于这些词后面。eg: Would you like something else to drink? 你还要喝点别的什么吗? We went to the park and nowhere else. 我们到公园去了,其它什么地方也没去。②else 还可用在疑问代词或副词(如:who ,what ,where等)后面表示强调。eg : Who else will go to the meeting ? 还有谁要去参加会议? What else would you do ? 你还有什么别的事要做吗? ③else 还常用于固定结构or else ,意为“否则”、“要不然”。eg: Run ,or else we"ll be late . 快跑,不然我们就迟到了。 Do what I say ,or else ! 照我的话去做,否则后果自负。“otherwise”:英语词汇中的常用词,也是一个多义词。在不同的语境中,otherwise 的含义和用法有着很大的差异。①otherwise 用作连词,意思为“否则;要不然”,相当于 or,or else 或 if not .例如:We"ll go early,otherwise we may not get a seat.我们得早点去,要不然就没有座位了。Seize the chance,otherwise you will regret it.抓住机会,要不然你会后悔的。②otherwise 用作副词,具有下列意义:意为“另外;别样”。相当于 differently 或 in another way .例如:He evidently thinks otherwise.他显然有不同的想法。She is otherwise engaged.她另外有事。 意为“在其他方面”。相当于 in other or different ways. 例如:The rent is high,but otherwise the house is satisfactory.房租是贵,可这房子在别的方面倒令人满意。意为“相反地;要不然;否则”。相当于 in the other way 或 on the contrary .例如:He is guilty until proved otherwise.在证明他无罪之前他是有罪的。He reminded me of what I should otherwise have forgotten.幸亏他提醒了我,要不然我就忘了。③otherwise 用作形容词,具有以下意义:意为“另外的;不那样的;不同的”。相当于 not as supposed 或 in a different state .例如:The truth is quite otherwise.事实真相与此大相径庭。Our struggle can not be otherwise than victorious.我们的斗争一定会胜利的。意为“其他方面的;其他性质的”。例如:Some are wise,some are otherwise.有些人聪明,有些人则不然。His students in Chinese literature are also his otherwise teachers.这些人在中国文学方面是他的学生,可在其他方面却是他的老师。“or”:在英语单词、逻辑运算、地方名称、英文简称、生物科学、统计学和计算机检测软件的不同释义。①或,或者 ;②(用于否定句,提出两种或多种事物时)也不; ③(用于警告和忠告)否则 ;④(用于两个数字之间表示约略数目)大约; ⑤(用于引出解释性词语)或者说 ;⑥(用于说明原因) ;⑦用于引出对比的概念 ,or so 大约(表示对人、事、地点没有多大的把握) ,在否定句中的and应改为or,例如:I have apples and pears. 否定句就应为:I don"t have apples or pears.
2023-01-12 21:44:451

Otherwise 的 词性

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