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allude to 后面的动词用什么形式

2023-05-19 23:44:42
TAG: a all to

allude to(随便或间接地)提到;提及,谈到,涉及;暗指,暗讽,影射;后面加名词,或名词化的动词。



allude英 [əˈlu:d] 美 [əˈlud]GRE / TOEFL / IELTSvi.暗指; 间接提到;变形过去式: alluded 过去分词: alluded 现在分词: alluding 第三人称单数: alludes
2023-01-12 17:02:261

insinuate 和 allude?

insinuate可以做及物和不及物动词 而allude只能是不及物动词该句中填空的后面接了宾补 只能选及物的insinuate
2023-01-12 17:02:323


物动词 vt.1.暗指;暗示;意味着[+(that)]Her silence implied consent.她的沉默意味着同意,必然包含;必需Rights imply duties.例句:What did she imply in her words? 她的话意味着什么? 例句:Cheerfulness does not always imply happiness.快乐未必意味着幸福。例句:What did she imply in her words?她的话意味着什么?例句:Cheerfulness does not always imply happiness.快乐未必意味着幸福。必然包含(某事物);使(某事物)必然产生或有必要 [T例句:Freedom does not necessarily imply responsibility.自由不一定包含着责任。例句:What did she imply in her words? 她的话意味着什么? 例句:Cheerfulness does not always imply happiness.快乐未必意味着幸福。
2023-01-12 17:02:432


最早是拉丁语。15世纪40年代,源自拉丁语allusionem(主格allusio)“一种玩弄,一种提及”,动作名词来自过去分词alludere的词干(参见allude)。典故从来都不是直接或明确地提到说话者心目中的人或事。allusion读音:英 [əˈluːʒn]   美 [əˈluːʒn]。释义:间接提到;暗指;影射;典故。相关词组:in allusion to 针对 。make an allusion to 提及。近义词:hinthint的基本意思是用间接方式表达思想,即“暗示”,可指暗中地或间接地建议,也可指缺少直率、坦白或直截了当地建议。用作不及物动词时,其后常接介词at, about或of; 用作及物动词时,可以名词或代词作宾语,也可接that从句。hint常可接to,表示向某人暗示某事。
2023-01-12 17:03:061


您好,英语中很多的 s 音是发 /ʒ/ 的音:1)当动词 d 变为名词时的 s,比如:explode --> explosiondecide --> decisioninvade --> invasionevade --> evasionpersuade --> persuasionpervade --> pervasioncollide --> collisiondivide --> divisionprovide --> provisioncorrode --> corrisionerode --> erosionimplode --> implosionallude --> allusioncollude --> collusionconclude --> conclusionexclude --> exclusioninclude --> inclusionprotrude --> protrusionseclude --> seclusioninclude --> inclusionexclude --> exclusion2)r + sion 时,也是发 /ʒ/ 的音,比如:aversionconversiondiversionexcursionincursionimmersionsubmersionsubversion3)s + -ure 是通常也是发 /ʒ/ 的音,比如:pleasuretreasureleisureclosurecomposuredisclosureexposuremeasure3)元音 + s + -ia 的单词,比如:ambrosiaamnesiaAsiafantasia4)元音 + -sual 的单词,比如:usualusuallycasualvisual5)单词结尾是 age 或 ge 的单词,也是如此,比如:beigebarragecollagecorsagegaragemassagemirage6)还有比如元音 + sion 的单词abrasionoccasionincisionprecision最后还有一些不常见的,比如:BeijingbijouTaj Mahal希望这些规律可以帮到您。
2023-01-12 17:03:177


1、表示谈到;提到It was unwise in your speech to refer to rising unemployment.你在讲话中谈到失业率上升的情况,这是不明智的。2、表示查阅In drawing up the plan,they went to the library to refer to many books.在制订计划时,他们到图书馆查阅了许多书籍。3、表示涉及;关于;有关The new law does not refer to the land used for farming.这项新法律不涉及农业用地。4、表示提交…处理We referred the matter to the Finance Committee.我们把这事提交财务委员会处理。扩展资料refer的近义词:1、mention v. 提到,说起Some of the solutions were mentioned in his summary.其中的一些解决方案在他的总结里提到了。英 [ˈmenʃn] 美 [ˈmɛnʃən]vt.提到,说起;提名;表扬n.提及2、allude to   暗示;影射;暗射 The story alludes to her past that she wouldn"t like to discuss with others.这个故事影射她不愿和别人谈论的过去。allude  英 [əˈlu:d] 美 [əˈlud] 第三人称单数: alludes现在分词: alluding过去式: alluded过去分词: alluded记忆技巧:al 加强 + lud 玩;戏剧 + e → 演戏 → 不直截了当 → 暗指
2023-01-12 17:03:421


        双元音/iu/的第一个来源是古英语的i+w,例如:Tuesday(古英语Tīwesdæg),steward(stuard,古英语stīweard),spew(古英语spīwan),yew(中古英语iwe,ewe,古英语īw, ēow),hue(古英语hīw,hēow,14世纪时期拼写为hu,见A New English Dictionary,The Oxford Dictionary)。         双元音/iu/(有时候与第一种情况不容易区分)的第二个来源是古英语的ēo+w,例如:ewe(古英语ēow),you(古英语ēow),true(古英语trēow),new(古英语nēow),blew(古英语blēow),knew(古英语knēow),threw(古英语þrēow),chew(古英语cēowan),brew(古英语brēowan),rue(古英语rēowan),truth(古英语trēowðe),truce(中古英语trewes),your(古英语ēower)。可能还有leeward,现在,在发音上,除了显得更加呆板的[‘li•w əd]之外,还有[l(j)u(•) əd],对比steward;还有youth(古英语geogoþ(iugoþ),(圆唇)开后辅音g在实用中==/w/。         双元音/iu/的第三个来源是法语中的iu,ieu(ie来自拉丁语的短元音e,在英语中一般当作长闭元音对待),例如:rule(中古英语riwle,古法语ri(e)ule,拉丁语rgula,拼写成rule通常始于1500年或更早。),Jew,adieu,lieu,Hebrew,Andrew,Ma(t)thew,Bart(h)olomew。blue中的/iu/来源于法语eu,在中古英语中通常拼写成bleu或blew,拼写成blue是“在16到17世纪难觅其踪迹,仅在1700年代以后在法语的影响下变得很普遍?”(A New English Dictionary,The Oxford Dictionary)。         双元音/iu/的第四个来源是法语中的非重读e+重读ū,例如:due(中古英语也写成dewe,古法语dëu,拉丁语*debūtu(m),现在法语拼写成dê。注:单词前的*号表示该词在拉丁语中没有书面记载形式,是由其它语言推断出来的造词。),sure(古法语sëur,拉丁语securu(m),现在法语拼写成sêr,view(古法语vëue,拉丁语veduta),crew(古法语crëue)。         双元音/iu/的第五个来源是法语的u,现在发音[y•],派生于拉丁语ū。在英语和法语中都重读的单词如:glue,mew(古法语mue),cube,rude,allude,conclude,lute,refute,bugle,duke,fume,use(动词),refuse(动词),accuse,excuse,use(名词性实词),juice(古法语jus),dure,pure,cure,conjure。英语中重读,法语中非重读如:cruel newel(古法语nual),ruin,rumour,humour,union,funeral,usage,usury,confusion,tulip,curious,jury,surety,purity。法语中非重读,英语中重读如:vertue(现在的virtue),ague pedigree(现在的-gree,古法语pied de grue),issue,minute,fortune,refuse(名词性实词),deluge,figure,(a)venture,nature,creature,measure,conjure。两种语言中都不重读的单词如:ambiguous,humility,usurer中间的u,natural,adventurous。上面提到的一些单词有的来自拉丁语而非古法语;在开音节如/iu/中发拉丁语u音(短或长)已成为习惯;因此,有mutilate,cumulate,tunic,等等。         双元音/iu/的第六个来源是法语单元音ui(不同与分离音节中的u和i,例如在ruin中),例如:fruit,suit,bruit,June(古法语juin),pew(中古英语也写作puwe,古法语puye,拉丁语podia)。在英语中重读,在法语中非重读的单词如:puny(当作为一个法律术语时仍旧拼写为puisne,古法语puis né),nuisance。两种语言中都非重读如:July(古法语juillet,-y更像是来源于拉丁语-ii)。         双元音/iu/的第七个来源是/i/+一个原始的v,仅在下例单词中存在:eschew,eschu(古法语eschive),sue(中古英语sewe,古法语sivre(非限定性)),/iu/在rescue(中古英语rescowe,古法语rescou-)tune(法语ton)中是单数,tune(法语ton),sinew(古英语sinu)。         起源于以上各个源头的发音,在整个现代英语时期是同一个发音,首先,基于这个事实,即没有一个早期的语音学家对这些发音做过区分。甚至那些作者,他们在说话中用到以上那些来源于法语的单词的时候,似乎u的发音等同于法语的[y],这个发音与本语的这些单词发音相同:例如,T.Smith,De recta…scriptione. 1568年版,有u(taxus=yew),nu (new),slu (slew),tru(true)与duk(duke),du(due)在同一个列表中,等等;Mulcaster,First Part of the Elementarie. 1582年版有类似的发音鉴定如new,true,vertue,以及A.Gill,Nogonomia. 1621年版有use和new,等等。         其次,基于这个事实,即拼法持续混用,u(e)用于形如以下的单词:Tuesday(中古英语Tiwesdai,参见Stratmann-Bradley;在15世纪,伦敦的文档(参见Lekebusch)中Tuesday使用频率比Tywes-,Teuis-,Twes-高),hue,rue,true(true,truly在14到15世纪,在伦敦文档中使用,Morsbach,Schriftspr. 75),等等。相反地,ew(iew)在view,pew,mew,等这样的法语单词中使用,提到的单词仅在官方的拼法中保留了这样的拼法。类似地,ui已被引入到juice(古法语jus)和sluice(古法语escluse(esclus?))中,u引入到puny(古法语puis-ne)中。基于类似这样的更早的vertu,cruel拼写成vertew,crewel这样的拼法在14世纪开始出现,Nicol和Sweet推断出,在那段时期,词尾或元音之前的/y•/演变成了/eu/。但是,将其视作这仅仅是一个正音的变化更为靠谱,原因可以从Mulcaster(1582年版116页)的词汇中找到“为了避免小u的暴露,我们用双元音ew拼写在词尾,例如new,trew,vertew”。早期的法语ë和法语u在英语中的合并,可以从Bokenam的押韵和拼写看出来,例如:sure:endure,dure,disfigure;ensure:scripture,参见Englische Studien. 8.243)。         本语和法语/iu/发音的同一性引起了一些词的同音异义,例如:hue ‘colour"和hue ‘outcry"(古法语hue),blew和blue,crewel(来源未知)和cruel。在拼法上,古英语的cliwen已经分化,现在分别拼写成clew ‘ball of thread 和clue ‘ indication"。         那种中古英语和早期现代英语在类似duke中具备法语中的/y/音的这种理论,是不正确的。支撑这种理论的唯一重要论据是来自于一些早期的语音学家的法语和英语中的这个发音具备同一性的观点;但是他们的表达比较含糊,并且对于佐证他们的观点来说,他们的口语语音知识太匮乏,当面对当代学者的表达清晰的相反的观点时,没有说服力,当代学者通常具备更为广泛的语音知识或者他们更为熟悉法语的发音。Luick假设两个语音/y/和/iu/并存,前者是上层社会,后者是下层社会,不能通过一个单一的证据来佐证。(应该是指上层社会发音和平民发音(俗化)之类,英语早期有这样的区别。)         另外,支撑发音为/iu/的观点的还有以下论据:假如在/i•/和/u•/被双元音化为[ai,au]的这个时候我们已经有/y•/,我们应该已经有了一个类似的双元音化将/y•/变成了像荷兰语ui或德语äu这样的双元音,对比这两种语言的发展(H.Möller,Englische Studien. 8.242)。——更进一步地:/iu/看起来对于解释[ʃ,ʒ]在下列单词中的发展很有必要:sure,sugar, pressure,measure,等,正如在impression,vision,等中一样。如果/y/已经是精确发音,我们应该已预期/s,z/至少在上层社会的发音保持不变。按照Luick的说法,发现在阶层里面,measure方言的发音[mezə]和naturer的俗化发音[neizə],我们的预期应该是[ʒ,tʃ];另外,他们一点也没有必要臆断u==/y/;/y/很自然地预期是和/i/的命运一样,只是圆唇音有点不同。——最后,/y/-理论对于假设像new,yew,等这样的单词的发音演变也变得必要,这些单词起初有一个双元音,一段时期又是单元音,后来又变成双元音。因此,无论从那方面讲,从上面提到的英语中的所有的发音的同一性和很多早期作者单词的确认,可以确定/iu/类型的发音是双元音。然而,要准确的展示这个双元音的发音是困难的。尽管这个双元音在相当长的一段时期可能是一个不稳定的或平级重音(schwebender diphthong,schwebender德语单词,两个元素双方都不会重读过另一方)的双元音,但是从第一个元素到第二个元素的重读一定已经发生了变化。在美国仍然能听到平行重音,而在英格兰,后面的元素已经被拉长,音节[ju•, juw]的‘顶部"很分明。像Shakespeare押韵you:do,suing:wooting,abuse it:lose it(尽管通常这个/iu/-单词仅互相押韵)和Fletcher押韵you:thereto应该看成是,在那个时代,至少是偶尔的,第二个元素已经占主导地位,发音已被拉长了。         在periwig中,有一个古怪的拼写,采用于16世纪初,来源于法语perruque,在英语中也拼写成peruke。也许,iwi除了笨拙地渲染/iu/音这外啥也不是;在1701年,Jones说发音为<<pereeg>>,就像minute/miniut/演变成[minit]一样,等等。如果是这样,我们可以将[periwig]作为一个拼写发音来看待。
2023-01-12 17:05:501


2023-01-12 17:05:571

what is allusion, can you give a example?

2023-01-12 17:06:075

“refer to sth”和“ refer A into B ”的含义分别是什么?

“refer to sth”和“ refer A into B ”的含义分别是:1.表示“把……提交给……”。2.表示“查阅”或“参考”之意。一、refer to sth读音:英 [rɪˈfɜː(r) tu]   美 [rɪˈfɜːr tu]  释义:查阅;提到语法:refer无论作不及物动词还是及物动词一般都须与介词to搭配。refer to表示“查阅,参考”“提到,提及”“对…而言,适用于”; refer...to则表示“把…提交给…”。二、refer A into B读音:英 [rɪˈfɜː(r) ˈɪntu]   美 [rɪˈfɜːr ˈɪntu] 释义:参考语法:refer的基本意思是“提及”,指直接地、有意地、明确地提到某事。含有说话人有资格对某事作出判断的意味。refer也可作“查阅”解,指顺便地查阅或对问题的某一点翻查权威资料,还可作“归于”解。扩展资料refer to sth的近义词:mentionmention读音:英 [ˈmenʃn]   美 [ˈmenʃn]  释义:提到;写到;说到n.提及;说起;写上一笔语法:mention是及物动词,可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,还可接以that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。mention偶尔也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。例句:She did not mention her mother"s absence.她并没有说起她母亲不在场的事。
2023-01-12 17:06:256


Sea bridge construction has become an important part of China"s bridge construction, from the world"s other developed countries, has become a mature sea bridge construction projects, such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Bridge in Sydney, Australia, Kobe, Japan, Akashi Bridge. China sea bridge construction and the lack of an effective system construction, Construction of the Hangzhou Bay Bridge as the world"s longest bridge. China will make sea bridge construction to a new level, focusing on the following areas discussed in this paper : 1. Overall construction, introduces basic Hangzhou Bay Bridge; Second, the overall construction and technology program highlight, equipment, organization, heavy bored piles cap, pier construction technology; Third, safety and quality assurance measures. mainly on how to ensure safety and quality in the marine environment.
2023-01-12 17:07:053


allure英[əˈlʊə(r)] 美[əˈlʊr] n. 诱惑力,魅力; vt. 吸引; 引诱,诱惑; vt. 引诱,诱惑; 勾引; [例句]It"s a game that has really lost its allure.这是一项的确已失去了魅力的游戏。[其他] 第三人称单数:allures 现在分词:alluring 过去式:allured过去分词:allured 形近词: colure alure allude
2023-01-12 17:07:191


1、lud,lus=play,表示“玩,戏剧” ludic a 顽皮的,开玩笑的(lud+ic) allude v 提及;暗指(al不断+lude→不断演戏→不直截了当→暗指) delude v 欺骗(de 坏+lude→玩坏的[手段]→欺骗) delusion n 欺骗(delude 的名词) elude v 躲避;使„困惑(e 出+lude→玩出去→躲出去) elusive a 难懂的,难捉摸的(e 出+lus+ive→把人玩出去 →让人难懂的) prelude n 序曲( pre+lude 玩,演奏→先演奏→序曲) collude v 勾结,串通(col 共同+lude→共同玩→勾结) collusion n 同谋;勾结(col+lus+ion) interlude n (剧间)休息(inter在„中间+lude→在中间玩→中间休息) illusion n 错觉,幻觉(it 不好+lus+ion→玩得不好→产生“错觉” ludicrous a 滑稽的,可笑的(ludicr[=lud]+ous→闹着玩的→可笑的)
2023-01-12 17:07:251

每日英语第400期:leg up - 好风凭借力,送我上青云。

今天我们要讲一个很简单的英语成语:leg up. 字面上看起来很简单,就是“腿”和“上”两个词组成的。意思是“提携”、“扶......上马”、“助......一臂之力”。学会这个简单的成语能给你的英语增色不少。 最常见的用法是:give someone a leg up. 意思是:give someone a boost or lift, or a push to help someone to climb an obstacle upwards.McMillan Dictionary的解释很好: if you give someone a leg-up, you help them to make progress, especially in their career. 为什么英语选用了”把腿抬高“(leg up)这个意向?因为if you give someone a leg-up, you help them to climb something by letting them put their foot in your hands and then lifting them up. 你看这个词多形象。 来看两个例句:Studying with Jane, who knows history well, will give you a leg up for the final exam. 跟Jane一起学习吧,她历史学的好,能帮你准备期末考试。 I can climb over the fence if I get a leg up from you. 如果你扶我一把,我就能翻过栅栏去。 《红楼梦》里曹雪芹借薛宝钗之口写过一首《临江仙·柳絮》,最后一句是:好风凭借力,送我上青云。这句词后来成了汉语里的一句成语。Leg up大致就相当于“好风凭借力”的意思。 杨宪益先生和戴乃迭女士共同翻译的《红楼梦》英译版是最经典的英译中国名著之一,里面最经典的就是这些诗词的翻译。有兴趣的读者可自行学习。 如果有人提携了你,给了你很大的帮助,他就是给了你一个leg up. 这个成语源自19世纪初期,取得意思是“上马石”的引申义。This usage alludes to helping a person get on a horse by getting a foot in the stirrup. *上马石的英文叫mounting stone. 马镫的英文是 stirrup. 上图就是中国古代有钱人家门口的上马石注意leg up 跟我们很久以前讲过的stepping stone(跳板、垫脚石)的意思不同。Leg up是褒义词。 今天就讲这么多,希望你在工作中不断遇到贵人,给你一个leg up.
2023-01-12 17:07:311


我说的不仅仅是脏。钢铁城镇的脏是人们意料之中的事。我指的是所看到的房子没有一幢不是丑陋得令人难受,畸形古怪得让人作呕的。从东自由镇到格林斯堡,在这全长25英里的路上,从火车上看去,没有一幢房子不让人看了感到眼睛不舒服和难受。有的房子糟得吓人,而这些房子竞还是一些最重要的建筑——教堂、商店、仓库等等。人们惊愕地看着这些房子,就像是看见一个脸给子弹崩掉的人一样。有的留在记忆里,甚至回忆起来也是可怕的:珍尼特西面的一所样子稀奇古怪的小教堂,就像一扇老虎窗贴在一面光秃秃的、似有麻风散鳞的山坡上;参加过国外战争的退伍军人总部,设在珍尼特过去不远的另一个凄凉的小镇上。沿铁路线向东不远处的一座钢架,就像一个巨大的捕鼠器。但我回忆里出现的三要还是一个总的印象——连绵不断的丑陋。从匹兹堡到格林斯 堡火车调车场,放眼望去,没有一幢像样的房子。没有一幢不是歪歪扭扭的,没有一幢不是破破烂烂的。爱丑之于--门肯
2023-01-12 17:07:372


2023-01-12 17:07:513

慕旦译的诗原作 L.P.Smith 资料.

  Logan Pearsall Smith ( 1865-1946 )  英国现代散文家,小品文家。有人说他是美国人,其实他是英国人,罗素向他学习写英文,“龙根”好像伍尔夫在现代作家里评论他的时,中国译者就是这么翻译的。后来还写了一部more Trivia 。感想之类的。乔治 桑塔纳亚的哲学小品就是他选得,见梁遇春的评论。他还是研究莎士比亚的作家。  The Rose原文:The old lady had always been proud of the great rose-tree in her garden, and was fond of telling how it had grown from a cutting she had brought years before from Italy, when she was first married. She and her husband had been travelling back in their carriage from Rome ( it was before the time of railways ) and on a bad piece of road south of Siena they had broken down, and had been forced to pass the night in a little house by the road-side. The accommodation was wretched of course; she had spent a sleepless night, and rising early had stood, wrapped up, at her window, with the cool air blowing on her face, to watch the dawn. She could still, after all these years, remember the blue mountains with the bright moon above them, and how a far-off town on one of the peaks had gradually grown whiter and whiter, till the moon faded, the mountains were touched with the pink of the rising sun, and suddenly the town was lit as by an illumination, one window after another catching and reflecting the sun"s beam, till at last the whole little city twinkled and sparkled up in the sky like a nest of stars.  That morning, finding they would have to wait while their carriage was being repaired, they had driven in a local conveyance up to the city on the mountain, where they had been told they would find better quarters; and there they had stayed two or three days. It was one of the miniature Italian cities with a high church, a pretentious piazza, a few narrow streets and little palaces, perched, all compact and complete, on the top of a mountain, within and enclosure of walls hardly larger than an English kitchen garden. But it was full of life and nose, echoing all day and all night with the sounds of feet and voices.  The Cafe of the simple inn where they stayed was the meeting place of the notabilities of the little city; the Sindaco, the avvocato, the doctor, and a few others; and among them they noticed a beautiful, slim, talkative old man, with bright black eyes and snow-white hair — tall and straight and still with the figure of a youth, although the waiter told them with pride that the Conte was molto vecchio — would in fact be eightey in the following year. He was the last of his family, the waiter added — they had once been great and rich people — but he had no descendants; in fact the waiter mentioned with complacency, as if it were a story on which the locality prided itself, that the Conte had been unfortunate in love, and had never married.  The old gentleman, however, seemed cheerful enough; and it was plain that he took an interest in the strangers, and wished to make their acquaintance. This was soon effected by the friendly waiter; and after a little talk the old man invited them to visit his villa and garden which were just outside the walls of the town. So the next afternoon, when the sun began to descend, and they saw in glimpses through door-ways and windows, blue shadows beginning to spread over the brown mountains, they went to pay their visit. It was not much of a place, a small, modernized, stucco villa, with a hot pebbly garden, and in it a stone basin with torpid gold-fish, and a statue of Diana and her hounds against the wall. But what gave a glory to it was a gigantic rose-tree which clambered over the house, almost smothering the windows, and filling the air with the perfume of its sweetness. Yes, it was a fine rose, the Conte said proudly when they praised it, and he would tell the Signora about it. And as they sat there, drinking the wine he offered them, he alluded with the cheerful indifference of old age to his love-affair, as though he took for granted that they had heard of it already.  "The lady lived across the valley there beyond that hill. I was a young man then, for it was many years ago. I used to ride over to see her; it was a long way, but I rode fast, for young men, as no doubt the Signora knows, are impatient. But the lady was not kind, she would keep me waiting, oh, for hours; and one day when I had waited very long I grew very angry, and as I walked up and down in the garden where she had told me she would see me, I broke one of her roses, broke a branch from it ; and when I saw what I had done, I hid it inside my coat — so —; and when I came home I planted it, and the Signora sees how it has grown. If the Signora admires it, I must give her a cutting to plant also in her garden; I am told the English have beautiful gardens that are green, and not burnt with the sun like ours."  The next day, when their mended carriage had come up to fetch them, and they were just starting to drive away from the inn, the Conte"s old servant appeared with the rose-cutting neatly wrapped up, and the compliments and wishes for a buon viaggio from her master. The town collected to see them depart, and the children heard a rush of feet behind them for a few moments, but soon they were far down towards the valley; the little town with all its noise and life was high above them on its mountain peak.  She had planted the rose at home, where it had grown and flourished in a wonderful manner; and every June the great mass of leaves and shoots still broke out into a passionate splendour of scent and crimson colour, as if in its root and fibres there still burnt the anger and thwarted desire of that Italian lover. Of course the old Conte must have died many years ago; she had forgotten his name, and had even forgotten the name of the mountain city that she had stayed in, after first seeing it twinkling at dawn in the sky, like a nest of stars.
2023-01-12 17:08:031

谁能告诉我Get what you want这首歌的歌词?

【Get What You Want】Verse 1Disappointed you know there"s never gonna be a cheery face inside this crowded room. Think you"re the shit now because my lingo is so out of the loop why yes I"m out of the loop.Let"s turn our noses up become a snob because we"re treading on rooves cause we"re so fucken cool. Oh give the act up you know you"re geeks that conglomerate in the city we speak of.ChorusCause you don"t always get what you want.Oh no you can oh no you can oh no you can.Cause you don"t always get what you want.I know you can I know you can I know you can.Verse 2Attack attack my disposition get the vunerable predators on the loose. Yeah let"s be vulgur internet sex naked computers. I wish I could feed you some ritalin so maybe I could get a reaction or maybe even some facial expression but it"s not your fault if you really don"t wanna.BridgeAttack attack my dispostion your tennis shoes oh get your ten issues what ever am I to do?I wish I could feed you some ritalin so maybe I could get a reaction or maybe even some facial expression but it"s not your fault if you really don"t wanna.Chorus【Leave It Alone】You sayI"m goneThis roadWe"re alongYou cryAloneWe fallOn our ownGot me somethingSoulsYou got to let it goGot me somethingSouls You got to know, know, knowGot me somethingSoulsYou got to let it goGot me somethingSoulsYou got toYou sayMy mindWe fallOne of a kindJust stopYou soldYour soulWe cryOn our ownWell I said, I saidI"ll just leave it aloneAll the bets on the other onesYou leave it aloneYou place your bets on the other onesYou wanna go homeYou say, you say, that you know that I"m overdueAnd only learn from the other onesYou"re overdue, I only learn from the other onesNot only from youDissallude this minds only colourfulDissallude this minds only comicalDissallude this minds only colourfulDissallude this minds only comicalDissallude this minds only colourfulDissallude this minds only comicalDissallude this minds only colourfulDissallude this mindWell I said, I saidI"ll just leave it aloneAll the bets on the other onesYou leave it aloneYou place your bets on the other onesYou wanna go homeYou say, you say, that you know that I"m overdueAnd only learn from the other onesYou"re overdue, I only learn from the other onesNot only from youYou give it timeYou give it spaceI want you to stopWhy can"t you stop?【Just A Song About Ping Pong】(Hook)It"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a song about ping pong(V1)Money order money order hear it todayI got another fifteen seconds and I"m ready to play I sayMoney order money order hear it todayI got another fifteen seconds and I"m ready to play I sayI got my got my got my got my racket in handNot leaving till I play don"t think you understandWith that dirty dirty dirty dirty look on your faceI bet you know beef jerky has an after taste GO!(V2)Money order money order hear it todayI got another fifteen seconds and I"m ready to play I sayMoney order money order hear it todayI got another fifteen seconds and I"m ready to play I sayI got my got my got my got my racket in handNot leaving till I play don"t think you understandWith that dirty dirty dirty dirty look on your faceI bet you know beef jerky has an after taste GO!(Bridge)If I know you"re runningThen I know you"re hidingIf I know you"re runningThen I know you"re hidingIf I know you"re runningThen I know you"re hidingIf I know you"re runningCHEATERYou"re favouritising theI said LIAROpposing teamI said CHEATERYou"re favouritising theI said LIAROpposing teamI said CHEATERYou"re favouritising theI said LIAROpposing teamI said CHEATERYou"re favouritising theI said LIAROpposing teamIf I know you"re runningThen I know you"re hidingIf I know you"re runningThen I know you"re hidingIf I know you"re runningThen I know you"re hidingIf I know you"re runningCHEATERYou"re favouritising theI said LIAROpposing teamI said CHEATERYou"re favouritising theI said LIAROpposing teamI said CHEATERYou"re favouritising theI said LIAROpposing teamI said CHEATERYou"re favouritising theI said LIAROpposing team(Hook)It"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a song about Ping Pong.It"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a songIt"s just a song about Ping PongGhost的歌词没找到呢...
2023-01-12 17:08:081


不应该有贴,以便全面标题这些几句话,一定要在任何的完整性,后一个主题充分考虑将进行我们到目前为止,我似乎没有发现一个借口,我temerity在有趣的小册子,最近公布的下这个名称是由Walter先生贝赞特。贝赞特先生的演讲在皇家机构原来的形式,他的小册子-似乎表明许多人有兴趣在艺术,小说并没有无动于衷,这样的话那些谁执业的可能,企图使这个问题。因此,我很着急不失去的利益,这种有利的协会,以及优势,在几句话的掩护下注意先生贝赞特是肯定有兴奋。有一些非常令人鼓舞的,他有投入的形式某些他的思想对之谜故事。这是一个证明,生活和好奇心-好奇心,对部分穆斯林兄弟会的小说家,以及对他们的部分以飨读者。只有短的时间前,它可能已经假定的英语小说,是不是什么法国呼吁discutable 。它没有空气有一个理论,提出了一种信念,意识本身背后-被表达的艺术信念,选择的结果及比较。我不说,这是一定要差;将采取更为勇气比我具备体内,该形式的小说,正如狄更斯和thackeray (举例来说)看到有任何的污点不完备。然而,它naïf (如果我可以帮助自己与另一法语的字) ;及,很明显,如果是注定要遭受任何形式的因失去其naïveté它现在已是一个构思,决策确定了相应的优势,在期间,我曾提到有一个舒适,良好的humoured感觉国外一种新颖的是一种新型的,作为一个布丁是一个布丁,并认为这是结束。但在一两年内,出于某种原因或其他,有迹象返回动画-时代的讨论似乎已到一定程度的开放。艺术的生命后,讨论后,经实验后,好奇,经多种尝试后,交换意见和比较的立场;有一种假设认为,这些时候,没有人有什么特别要说的,并且没有任何理由让实践或偏好,虽然他们可能是时代的天才,都没有的时代发展,有时甚至可能是一个小, dulness 。的成功应用,任何艺术是一个愉快的眼镜,但理论,也
2023-01-12 17:08:141

Don"t mention it什么意思?

2023-01-12 17:08:515


1、表示谈到;提到It was unwise in your speech to refer to rising unemployment.你在讲话中谈到失业率上升的情况,这是不明智的。2、表示查阅In drawing up the plan,they went to the library to refer to many books.在制订计划时,他们到图书馆查阅了许多书籍。3、表示涉及;关于;有关The new law does not refer to the land used for farming.这项新法律不涉及农业用地。4、表示提交…处理We referred the matter to the Finance Committee.我们把这事提交财务委员会处理。扩展资料refer的近义词:1、mention v. 提到,说起Some of the solutions were mentioned in his summary.其中的一些解决方案在他的总结里提到了。英 [ˈmenʃn] 美 [ˈmɛnʃən]vt.提到,说起;提名;表扬n.提及2、allude to   暗示;影射;暗射 The story alludes to her past that she wouldn"t like to discuss with others.这个故事影射她不愿和别人谈论的过去。allude  英 [əˈlu:d] 美 [əˈlud] 第三人称单数: alludes现在分词: alluding过去式: alluded过去分词: alluded记忆技巧:al 加强 + lud 玩;戏剧 + e → 演戏 → 不直截了当 → 暗指
2023-01-12 17:09:361


1、表示谈到;提到It was unwise in your speech to refer to rising unemployment.你在讲话中谈到失业率上升的情况,这是不明智的。2、表示查阅In drawing up the plan,they went to the library to refer to many books.在制订计划时,他们到图书馆查阅了许多书籍。3、表示涉及;关于;有关The new law does not refer to the land used for farming.这项新法律不涉及农业用地。4、表示提交…处理We referred the matter to the Finance Committee.我们把这事提交财务委员会处理。扩展资料refer的近义词:1、mention v. 提到,说起Some of the solutions were mentioned in his summary.其中的一些解决方案在他的总结里提到了。英 [ˈmenʃn] 美 [ˈmɛnʃən]vt.提到,说起;提名;表扬n.提及2、allude to   暗示;影射;暗射 The story alludes to her past that she wouldn"t like to discuss with others.这个故事影射她不愿和别人谈论的过去。allude  英 [əˈlu:d] 美 [əˈlud] 第三人称单数: alludes现在分词: alluding过去式: alluded过去分词: alluded记忆技巧:al 加强 + lud 玩;戏剧 + e → 演戏 → 不直截了当 → 暗指
2023-01-12 17:09:451


1、表示谈到;提到It was unwise in your speech to refer to rising unemployment.你在讲话中谈到失业率上升的情况,这是不明智的。2、表示查阅In drawing up the plan,they went to the library to refer to many books.在制订计划时,他们到图书馆查阅了许多书籍。3、表示涉及;关于;有关The new law does not refer to the land used for farming.这项新法律不涉及农业用地。4、表示提交…处理We referred the matter to the Finance Committee.我们把这事提交财务委员会处理。扩展资料refer的近义词:1、mention v. 提到,说起Some of the solutions were mentioned in his summary.其中的一些解决方案在他的总结里提到了。英 [ˈmenʃn] 美 [ˈmɛnʃən]vt.提到,说起;提名;表扬n.提及2、allude to   暗示;影射;暗射 The story alludes to her past that she wouldn"t like to discuss with others.这个故事影射她不愿和别人谈论的过去。allude  英 [əˈlu:d] 美 [əˈlud] 第三人称单数: alludes现在分词: alluding过去式: alluded过去分词: alluded记忆技巧:al 加强 + lud 玩;戏剧 + e → 演戏 → 不直截了当 → 暗指
2023-01-12 17:09:541


1、表示谈到;提到It was unwise in your speech to refer to rising unemployment.你在讲话中谈到失业率上升的情况,这是不明智的。2、表示查阅In drawing up the plan,they went to the library to refer to many books.在制订计划时,他们到图书馆查阅了许多书籍。3、表示涉及;关于;有关The new law does not refer to the land used for farming.这项新法律不涉及农业用地。4、表示提交…处理We referred the matter to the Finance Committee.我们把这事提交财务委员会处理。扩展资料refer的近义词:1、mention v. 提到,说起Some of the solutions were mentioned in his summary.其中的一些解决方案在他的总结里提到了。英 [ˈmenʃn] 美 [ˈmɛnʃən]vt.提到,说起;提名;表扬n.提及2、allude to   暗示;影射;暗射 The story alludes to her past that she wouldn"t like to discuss with others.这个故事影射她不愿和别人谈论的过去。allude  英 [əˈlu:d] 美 [əˈlud] 第三人称单数: alludes现在分词: alluding过去式: alluded过去分词: alluded记忆技巧:al 加强 + lud 玩;戏剧 + e → 演戏 → 不直截了当 → 暗指
2023-01-12 17:10:021

refer to 的用法

1、表示谈到;提到It was unwise in your speech to refer to rising unemployment.你在讲话中谈到失业率上升的情况,这是不明智的。2、表示查阅In drawing up the plan,they went to the library to refer to many books.在制订计划时,他们到图书馆查阅了许多书籍。3、表示涉及;关于;有关The new law does not refer to the land used for farming.这项新法律不涉及农业用地。4、表示提交?处理We referred the matter to the Finance Committee.我们把这事提交财务委员会处理。扩展资料refer的近义词:1、mention v. 提到,说起Some of the solutions were mentioned in his summary.其中的一些解决方案在他的总结里提到了。英 [ˈmenʃn] 美 [ˈmɛnʃən]vt.提到,说起;提名;表扬n.提及2、allude to   暗示;影射;暗射 The story alludes to her past that she wouldn"t like to discuss with others.这个故事影射她不愿和别人谈论的过去。allude  英 [əˈlu:d] 美 [əˈlud] 第三人称单数: alludes现在分词: alluding过去式: alluded过去分词: alluded记忆技巧:al 加强 + lud 玩;戏剧 + e → 演戏 → 不直截了当 → 暗指
2023-01-12 17:10:111

refer to相当于什么

一、refer to sth 1、提到、谈到、涉及 2、参考、查阅 3、向...打听[查询] 4、认为与...有关、认为...起源于...Please refer to the right-hand column of page 200 of this dictionary. 请参看这本词典第二百页右面一栏。Our observations may contain a grain of truth for you to refer to. 我们的意见也许会有千虑一得之处,供你参考。二、refer A into B refer A into B:参考A到B扩展资料词义辨析:mention、refer to、cite、quote、allude to 以上各词均含写到、说到、谈及或举例说明之义。1、mention指提到、写到、说到,尤指未给出详细信息:Nobody mentioned anything to me about it.没人跟我提过这事。2、refer to sb/sth 指提到、谈及、说起:I promised not to refer to the matter again. 我答应过再不提这事了。3、cite 指提及(原因)、举出(示例)证明:He cited his heavy workload as the reason for his breakdown.他提到繁重的工作负荷是导致他累垮的原因。4、quote 指举例说明:Can you quote me an instance of when this happened?你能否给我举例说明一下发生这事的情况?cite较quote正式,常用于较正式的场合中,如说明法律案件。5、allude to sb/sth 指间接提到、暗指、影射:The problem had been alluded to briefly in earlier discussions.这个问题在以往的讨论中已经间接提及。
2023-01-12 17:10:201

don"t mention it是什么意思啊?

Don"t mention it. 意思是:别提了;不用客气;例句:1、用来回答感谢或类似于感谢的句子,意为:不用谢;不客气;A:Thank you very much. 太感谢你了。B:Don"t mention it. 别客气。 2、用来回答道歉,意为:没关系;不要这样说。A:I apologize for what I said. 对不起,我说错了。B:Don"t mention it. 没关系词汇解析:1、don"t["dəʊnɒt] 美 ["dəʊnɒt]    aux. 不2、mention英 [ˈmenʃn]   美 [ˈmɛnʃən]  vt.提到,说起;提名表扬n.提及扩展资料同义词辨析:mention、allude to、refer to1、mention v. 提到,说起〔辨析〕指提及、写到某人或某事时,通常一带而过,不涉及太多细节。〔例证〕Some of the solutions were mentioned in his summary.其中的一些解决方案在他的总结里提到了。2、allude to phr. v. [正式]影射,暗指〔辨析〕指间接提起某人或某事。〔例证〕The story alludes to her past that she wouldn"t like to discuss with others.这个故事影射她不愿和别人谈论的过去。3、refer to phr. v. 提到,谈到〔辨析〕尤指简短地提起或谈及某人或某事,常可与 mention 换用。〔例证〕They would never refer to/mention that matter again.他们将永远不再提起那件事。
2023-01-12 17:10:301

don"t you mention it?

Don"t mention it. 意思是:别提了;不用客气;例句:1、用来回答感谢或类似于感谢的句子,意为:不用谢;不客气;A:Thank you very much. 太感谢你了。B:Don"t mention it. 别客气。 2、用来回答道歉,意为:没关系;不要这样说。A:I apologize for what I said. 对不起,我说错了。B:Don"t mention it. 没关系词汇解析:1、don"t["dəʊnɒt] 美 ["dəʊnɒt]    aux. 不2、mention英 [ˈmenʃn]   美 [ˈmɛnʃən]  vt.提到,说起;提名表扬n.提及扩展资料同义词辨析:mention、allude to、refer to1、mention v. 提到,说起〔辨析〕指提及、写到某人或某事时,通常一带而过,不涉及太多细节。〔例证〕Some of the solutions were mentioned in his summary.其中的一些解决方案在他的总结里提到了。2、allude to phr. v. [正式]影射,暗指〔辨析〕指间接提起某人或某事。〔例证〕The story alludes to her past that she wouldn"t like to discuss with others.这个故事影射她不愿和别人谈论的过去。3、refer to phr. v. 提到,谈到〔辨析〕尤指简短地提起或谈及某人或某事,常可与 mention 换用。〔例证〕They would never refer to/mention that matter again.他们将永远不再提起那件事。
2023-01-12 17:10:431

don  t mention  it.什么意思?

Don"t mention it. 意思是:别提了;不用客气;例句:1、用来回答感谢或类似于感谢的句子,意为:不用谢;不客气;A:Thank you very much. 太感谢你了。B:Don"t mention it. 别客气。 2、用来回答道歉,意为:没关系;不要这样说。A:I apologize for what I said. 对不起,我说错了。B:Don"t mention it. 没关系词汇解析:1、don"t["dəʊnɒt] 美 ["dəʊnɒt]    aux. 不2、mention英 [ˈmenʃn]   美 [ˈmɛnʃən]  vt.提到,说起;提名表扬n.提及扩展资料同义词辨析:mention、allude to、refer to1、mention v. 提到,说起〔辨析〕指提及、写到某人或某事时,通常一带而过,不涉及太多细节。〔例证〕Some of the solutions were mentioned in his summary.其中的一些解决方案在他的总结里提到了。2、allude to phr. v. [正式]影射,暗指〔辨析〕指间接提起某人或某事。〔例证〕The story alludes to her past that she wouldn"t like to discuss with others.这个故事影射她不愿和别人谈论的过去。3、refer to phr. v. 提到,谈到〔辨析〕尤指简短地提起或谈及某人或某事,常可与 mention 换用。〔例证〕They would never refer to/mention that matter again.他们将永远不再提起那件事。
2023-01-12 17:10:591


tell, will, well,
2023-01-12 17:11:133

don"t mention it什么意思?

Don"t mention it. 意思是:别提了;不用客气;例句:1、用来回答感谢或类似于感谢的句子,意为:不用谢;不客气;A:Thank you very much. 太感谢你了。B:Don"t mention it. 别客气。 2、用来回答道歉,意为:没关系;不要这样说。A:I apologize for what I said. 对不起,我说错了。B:Don"t mention it. 没关系词汇解析:1、don"t["dəʊnɒt] 美 ["dəʊnɒt]    aux. 不2、mention英 [ˈmenʃn]   美 [ˈmɛnʃən]  vt.提到,说起;提名表扬n.提及扩展资料同义词辨析:mention、allude to、refer to1、mention v. 提到,说起〔辨析〕指提及、写到某人或某事时,通常一带而过,不涉及太多细节。〔例证〕Some of the solutions were mentioned in his summary.其中的一些解决方案在他的总结里提到了。2、allude to phr. v. [正式]影射,暗指〔辨析〕指间接提起某人或某事。〔例证〕The story alludes to her past that she wouldn"t like to discuss with others.这个故事影射她不愿和别人谈论的过去。3、refer to phr. v. 提到,谈到〔辨析〕尤指简短地提起或谈及某人或某事,常可与 mention 换用。〔例证〕They would never refer to/mention that matter again.他们将永远不再提起那件事。
2023-01-12 17:11:241


2023-01-12 17:11:382

求呛红辣椒Death Of A Martian 中文歌词(附英文)谢谢

Bear paws and rascal power熊掌与淫威Watching us in your garage从你家车库注视我们Big girl you ate the neighbor姑娘你把邻居吞噬了The nova is over新星陨灭了Wake up and play快醒来,来玩Make room for Clara"s bare feet别踩到Clara的赤脚The love of a Martian这是火星人的爱Tick tock and waiting for the meteor滴滴答答,等待着流星This clock is opening another door这时钟打开另一扇门Lots of love just keep it comin"很多爱,让它源源不断Making something out of nothin"无中生有These are the best that I这是我最好的。。。I don"t know how to say我不知该怎么表述Losin" what I love today今天遗失我所爱的These are the best that I这是我最好的。。。Look at what I lost today看看我今天丢失了什么And these are the things that I而这些就是我。。。Blood flowers in the kitchen鲜血在厨房里开花Signing off and winding down止住,绞下This Martian ends her mission火星人的任务结束了The nova is over新星陨灭了She caught the ball她接住了球By the mission bell正好任务铃声业敲响Chase lizards bark at donkeys追赶蜥蜴,对着驴叫The love of a Martian这时火星人的爱Let"s bow our heads让我们低下头And let the trumpets blow让号角都吹响Our girl is gone我们的姑娘去了God bless her little soul上帝保佑她的魂She"s got a sword in case以防万一她带了剑Though this is not her lord in case但这不是她的主The one who can"t afford to face her image is那个不敢自视的人如今 restored to grace.还原为优雅体面Disappeared,消失了No trace.无踪影Musky tears.麝香味的眼泪Suitcase.行李The down turn brave little burncub那个下贱勇敢的小幼兽(Bearcareless turnip snare rampagesPitch color pages...)(不确定亚)Down and out but not in Vegas,落魄而潦倒,但不是在维加斯Disembarks and disengages.起岸,脱离No loft.没阁楼后面的诗太抽象了。。改天我再来加好了。这首歌是写给Red hot chili pepper的Bass手Flea死去的狗狗Martian,看来Martian对他们也不仅仅是个宠物呢
2023-01-12 17:11:461


Jane his "faerie," his "elf," and accused her of "waiting for her people.... The men in green" the night she first encountered him. Indeed, in his adaptation of Jane Eyre he was not mistaken, for the entire production has a quality of magic about it. If any actor or actress could be said to be born to play a certain character, that adage must apply to Timothy Dalton and Zelah Clarke. The chemistry between them as the two stars of this lavish BBC production is nothing short of magical: their relationship is alive with passion and the fiery conflict of two tormented souls imprisoned by Fate and the morals of their time. The story is a classic one: Jane Eyre, an unloved orphan is sent to school, where she is educated in a strict, cruel manner, there growing to adulthood learning little of life in the world. When her only friend marries, Jane advertises, and is accepted as governess to the ward of rich, enigmatic Edward Fairfax Rochester. From their first meeting in Hay Lane, where Jane "bewitches" his horse, there is between them an unspoken bond of kinship that slowly blossoms into true love and devotion. After what appeared to be a brief engagement to the Honourable Miss Blanche Ingram, whom all the county expects him to marry, Rochester mysteriously calls off his marriage plans, and proposes to Jane, the only woman who is his equal - who could be his best earthly companion. At the altar, however, it is tragically revealed that Rochester already has a wife, still living: he is forced by this revelation to lead Jane, and those who would judge him harshly, back to Thornfield Hall, where he unhesitatingly and bitterly shows them the lunatic his father, without Edward"s prior knowledge, arranged for him to marry. Realizing her position is now untenable, Jane flees, nearly dying of hunger and lack of shelter, before she is befriended by a clergyman and his two sisters. It is subsequently found that Jane is related to this family, as their mother was Jane"s father"s sister. When their uncle dies, leaving Jane his entire fortune, she divides it equally among the four of them, and prepares to lead a close and affectionate life within the small family unit. It is St. John Rivers, the clergyman, who unsettles Jane, by offering her marriage, and requesting her to accompany him to India, where he has decided to make a new life for himself as a missionary. Believing Mr. Rochester lost to her forever, Jane finally and reluctantly accepts his proposal, only to psychically hear Rochester"s voice calling to her. Abandoning St. John, Jane rushes back to Thornfield Hall, where she discovers, to her great horror, it had burned nearly to the ground. The innkeeper, a former butler at the house, informs her that Rochester was nearly killed in the fire while unsuccessfully attempting to save the life of his lunatic wife, who, it was later learned, had set the blaze. While he did not die, Rochester lost his left hand and eye, the right eye being so badly inflamed as to render him almost totally blind. Jane hurries to Rochester, at a remote piece of property, where she discovers him broken down and dispirited, believing Jane to be forever lost to him, and suffering from the physical punishments God has inflicted upon him for trying to fly in the face of morality. They are reunited, and after he proposes again - now a man free to do so - they are married. This 239-minute production is incredibly faithful to the novel, differing in but few, minor points: it is practically stated in the movie that Rochester is the father of Adele, whom he refers to as his ward, while in the text, the question of fatherhood is left open; Adele"s mother, a French opera dancer, is alluded to be his only mistress, while Bronte lists three; the passage in the Bible St. John reads before Jane tentatively accepts his proposal of marriage is different (and quite improved); then, most significantly, is Jane"s end narration. Here she states, "Edward regained the sight of one eye just before our first child was born." In Charlotte Bronte"s novel, the line is, "just before our first son was born." This sensitive change from "son" to "child" completes the love story, becoming the finishing touch which makes this production truly immortal, and all-inclusive. The supporting cast is excellent: the locations capture the feel of the early 1800"s, drawing the viewer into the bleak, grim world of Lowood Institution, then into the splendor of Thornfield Hall. But the uniqueness of this Jane Eyre, that which sets it apart from any adaptation that went before or came after, are the performances of Dalton and Clarke. Despite the fact that she is not "plain," and he is handsome, the two actors lend their bodies and voices to the characters, making them real beyond a shadow of a doubt. Every moment they are on screen together is arresting, from their initial contact, to the end credits. Several scenes that stand out come to mind: Jane has just saved Rochester from being badly burned, most likely fatally, and tells him she must return to her room. He holds onto her hands; every time she attempts to pull away, he makes as though to let her, then reneges, finally compelling her to use the ploy of saying she hears the housekeeper stirring. One can readily imagine the resolve of Zelah Clarke"s Jane melting, and Rochester never letting her go. There is a beautiful, poignant moment when Rochester first proposes to Jane by baring his soul to her, allowing her to look, not into his eyes, but into his soul, where he reveals not the worldly exterior and the miseries with which life has saddled him, but the true, pure being beneath. When she accepts him, they embrace: their magic and love are palpable. Here, indeed, are two kindred souls uniting. It is a moment of beauty rarely captured by any two actors, and causes the events that follow almost too tragic to bear. There is the delightful scene after Jane must ask for a leave of absence, and Dalton "gets the giggles" twice, the second time after accusing Jane of being "niggardly." It is a professional and magical moment, watching Clarke struggle to maintain a straight face as they continue, with Dalton grinning mischievously for most of the remainder of the scene. Again, when Rochester must confront Jane after his previous marriage has been exposed, the deep, abiding sadness of his youth, the moral depths to which he has fallen are heart-rending. Jane"s refusal to go away with him (specifically chronicled in the book to emphasize the correctness of this decision) just barely holds up here, for you cannot believe Dalton"s Rochester would eventually fall out of love with Jane for becoming his mistress, rather than his wife. Throughout the entire production, the viewer identifies with both the main characters, feeling their hopes, aspirations, confusion, jealousy, and eventually, their love. Had the movie not provided us with a happy ending (despite the Gothic penalty Rochester is forced to pay for attempting to break the rules of morality), viewers would be compelled to demand Dalton and Clarke reprise their roles for a re-shoot. Never were two characters meant more for each other; never have two actors captured these sentiments so beautifully and so sincerely. Thus, Jane Eyre is a classic story, enduring both as a novel, and as a film adaptation (or, in this case, video), presenting a rare instance of allowing the reader to lay down the novel and move from the printed word to vivid, arresting performances, or, in reverse, to go from this exquisite production to the book with no disappointments in either interpretation or content. If anything, the novel becomes more "visible," moving and unique, for now the reader will irrevocably see and hear Zelah Clarke and Timothy Dalton in their masterful and passionate living and breathing characters of Jane Eyre and Edward Rochester.
2023-01-12 17:11:523


have not alluded to Edgar Wilson"s bizarre
2023-01-12 17:12:044


泛读优势语言学习中“ ..
2023-01-12 17:12:253


Romeo, Romeo! Why you happened to Romeo is this? Deny your father, throw your name; maybe you don"t want to do, as long as you are sworn to do what I love, I don"t want to name CAPULET. Only your name is my enemy; even if you do not name of Montague, remains one of you. Last name not surname Montague and what does it matter? It is not hands nor feet, nor arms nor face nor any other part of the body. Ah! Changing a name! Name is meaningless; we call this a flower of the rose, if only for a name, its aroma is also the same fragrance; Romeo had changed his name, his lovely perfect but never had the slightest change. Romeo, abandoned you name; I am willing to put my whole heart, compensation for this outside of your empty names.------Fortunately for me on the cover of a heavy veil of night, otherwise I have is what you listen to, you will be able to see my face in shame dusky. I really want to abide by the etiquette, denied said speech, but a mere formality, all now have to disregard the! Do you love me? I know you will say "Yes" I will believe you; but perhaps an affidavit from you is just a lie, they say, for lovers of cold and breach of the Confederation, gods are laughed at. Gentle Romeo Ah! If you really love me, please tell me in good faith; if you don"t think I"m too easy submit to others against one"s will, I will also be piled up as black as Thunder, put on an unyielding listless, denial of your kindness, so that you alluded to me would summon, or I was in any case will not refuse you. Pretty Montague Ah, I was really infatuated, so maybe you will feel that I acted a bit frivolous, but believe me, my friends, one day you will know my loyalty is far more than those who are good at hard to strike an attitude of people. I must admit, if you go by when I do not back up eavesdropping I love to say, I will be more restrained, so forgive me, the night revealing the secret of my heart, I promise not seen as a shameful liberty.------啊! Not to swear by the Moon, it is volatile, profit and loss every month missing; if you swear by pointing to it, maybe you love will be the same as its impermanence.必应翻译上弄的!可能有点不准!啊也翻译不出
2023-01-12 17:12:401

6�1 求classical music的英文介绍,请直接把资料发出来

Jazz and blues are American inventions. But most Americans were happy to get their classical music from Europe. After all, classical music is the name for European music from the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Music can be the delicious food for our spiritual life. In a sense, music to life is just like salt to food. Salt can make our food delicious and music can make our lives rich and colorful. But it"s all known that different people prefer different tastes: salty, spicy, fresh, aromatic or pungent. Similarly, music is usually divided into classical and popular ones. Some people enjoy classical music, while others are fascinated by pop music. It"s a liberal world today. Personally speaking, I prefer classical music for the following reasons. First of all, classical music outweighs its popular counterpart in that it molds one"s character, temperament and disposition. In the history of classical music, there are almost uncountable famous classical musicians such as Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Brahms and Vivaldi. Their classical music has benefited uncountable people all over the world. Secondly, classical music, like classical dances or classical poetry, is much more elegant and graceful than pop music. Generally speaking, classical works always have more content and meaning. At the same time, many pop songs are commercialized and shallow in this highly commercialized society. Last but not least, classical music frequently transcends the limitation of time and space. The classical works of those famous musicians have been and will always be masterpieces all the time. Even today Mozart and the above-mentioned musicians are still remembered and respected for their classical music by most people in different countries throughout the world, although Mozart himself was nothing but a mortal person
2023-01-12 17:12:462


Why have I alluded to this man I have alluded to himReaderbecause I
2023-01-12 17:12:552


The 1 little people, big wisdomThe realistic strength is typical of O Henry"s novels, characters protagonists, oftenburst out the wisdom in the crucial momentThe spark of wisdom, and use their wisdom to illuminate the people"s mind, makingpeople dull and often played a conflict between you not human role.Such as "Hargreaves" in imitation of the theater actor Haag Foss, in order to createa stubborn, arrogant, Chen Jiuqie stick in the mud of the southern soldiers stage image, and from the south of the retired major tal Bert made friends, and in its notImitate the prototype for the stage play the protagonist informed, imitating Hargreaves finally in Washington theater and achieved great success, but also deeply hurt that major Talbot the truth of the heart. In order to save their own faultand expressed his regret, that major Talbot squeezed Hargreaves decided to continue his performance, this time he played an old black uncle Moss, donated amajor three hundred dollars in return for tal Bert major former care as,overwhelmed by the major for gospel truth, glad to accept the money and no, thatstood in front of him is his spirit 7 liters smoke Hargreaves. Hargreaves expressedhis regret with own wisdom, the fracture between North and south, the gap betweenblack and white contrast all seem so ridiculous and not worth mentioning, but alsobring out the old person to be set in one"s way of irony.2, the humble identity has a noble mindO Henry in the works the vast majority of ink and space on human feelings, the good things and eulogize noble mind, instead of the ugly and dark side often alluded to, some even to mention it, but for the readers to ponder. All the writingwriter not only plays by contrast that "beauty is more beautiful, the ugly and theugly" effect (4), and makes a wisps of poetry can often heavy social reality, which makes people face the dilemma and increase the ugly courage and determination."Return of the prodigal son" of Jimmy is an example, ahead of the release of Jimmyto steal a style unique, he even have their own special tools, however, he was tired of stealing the life, also does not want to and the police pull what non change one"s name and surname, so he went to a remote be open and aboveboard Town,started a new life. Return of the prodigal son of his fame and love decent, however,when he faced was inadvertently locked to the insured cabinet children have encountered difficulties, conscience eventually prevailed, he once again became athief Jimmy, easily with his specialized tools to open the safe and rescued the child.However justified his oncoming old acquaintances detective Preiss ready to fightbut harvest this sentence: "I think you are mistaken, Mr. Spencer," the detectivewas his sacrifice spirit, makes him the return of the prodigal son. The author praises Jimmy noble heart, also silent praised: good warmth, will play to the extremeto the reader is left a few questions: Jimmy is a good man (the prison police also said he nature not bad), why would he do the thief? What makes a man not badpeople to become a thief? Perhaps the world and decadent Yanliang of social system will give the readers an answer. But here we see is the identity between the cops and thieves contrast reflected the truth of human power, between security andsacrificial selection contrast against the background of the people of the humblenoble conscience, such as the thief who can also have a noble heart.求采纳
2023-01-12 17:13:151


dobe==“逗比”是日语里用来形容笨蛋的俚语。中国的年轻人用它来形容那些荒唐的陌生人或好笑的朋友。We can comprehend this composite word as a funny 2B. Simply put, it means someone is funny, a little silly and cute. With its widespread use, more and more people consider it a neutral word. If we use it to describe a stranger, we are more talking of a stupid stranger. If it alludes to a friend, then it is used to mock and make fun of the friend.根据合成词原则可以理解为:挺逗的二比。简单的说,就是说某个人很逗,有点犯二犯傻,有点可爱。随着它的使用范围逐步扩大,越来越多人将它用作中性词。如果对陌生人说,指别人是傻叉的意思多一点。如果是好朋友之间说,那就是调侃和玩笑的意思多一点!Example:He"s such a dobe. He used the dice to decide his answers in the multiple choice questions.
2023-01-12 17:13:231


补充:找到两篇,字数够要求It is a truth universally acknowledged that reviews of Jane Austen movies must begin with the phrase "It is a truth universally acknowledged...".I know very little about Jane Austen"s life, although I spotted an error in this movie anyway: her deaf-mute older brother George was NOT raised at home with her (as seen here); he was institutionalised, and the hand-signing which Anne Hathaway briefly uses here is partly anachronistic. I confess that I"ve very little interest in Miss Austen, nor in her novels. But I"m hugely interested in the Regency period in which she lived. As I watched "Becoming Jane", I was pleasantly astounded by the incredible period detail throughout the film: the houses (inside and out), the books, the churchyards, the carriages and coaches, the clothing. Even the musical instruments, the music and the dances are authentic! Well done! Of course, all these late 18th-century people have 20th-century orthodontia, and their hair is too clean. And the cricket bats don"t look (or sound) as if they were made of willow, as they should have been.I know that some people will be watching this movie for the costumes, so let me assure you that there are plenty of Empire waists, coal-scuttle bonnets, top boots and Kate Greenaway frocks. Several of the ladies wear delightful gloves.This movie follows most of the rules for costume-drama chick-flicks. We get the de rigueur scene in which fully-clothed young women surreptitiously watch naked young men. (But not the reverse, of course.) We get the de rigueur scene in which a young woman performs a traditionally male activity and (of course) she beats the men at their own game. At a cricket match, Jane Austen steps into the crease. The bowler gives her an easy one, and (of course) she knocks it for six.I suspect that most of this movie is fiction, and there is indeed one of those "based on facts" disclaimers in the end credits. I was annoyed that various characters in this film constantly tell Jane Austen that, as a woman, she cannot hope to be the equal of a man, nor can she expect a happy life without a husband. These may indeed have been the accepted realities of Austen"s time, but I had difficulty believing that so many people (especially young men who hope to win her) would make a point of making these comments so explicitly and so often.Also, everyone in this movie keeps telling Jane that she cannot possibly write about anything which she hasn"t experienced. (So she can"t write about sexual passion unless ... nudge, nudge.) However, even in Austen"s day, this premise was demonstrably untrue. If I want to write a murder mystery, do I need to commit a murder?The performances in this film are universally excellent. Any movie with Dame Maggie Smith in it, I"m there. Ian Richardson (in his last role) is superb, wringing the full value from some succulent dialogue. James Cromwell has matured into one of the finest character actors I"ve ever seen, progressing light-years beyond the infantile Norman Lear sitcom roles of his early career.As Jane Austen, Anne Hathaway has the sense to attempt only a very slight English accent, but she is far too pretty for this role. The real Jane Austen was apparently not pretty, and this was a major reason for why she never married. It beggars belief that the Jane Austen seen here -- the one who looks like Anne Hathaway -- would have so much difficulty attracting suitors. However, I"m a realist: there"s simply no way that any production company would spend this much money on a costume romance and then cast an unattractive actress in the lead role.Evidence indicates that Jane Austen"s sister Cassandra was the prettier of the two, and that this discrepancy strongly shaped their relationship. But, again, there"s no way that the makers of this film would upstage their own star actress by casting someone more beautiful as her sister. Anna Maxwell Martin, cast here as Cassandra, is a splendid actress and fairly attractive but certainly no beauty in Hathaway"s league.At the end of the film, a title card alludes to Jane Austen"s "short life". She actually lived to age 41: a longer lifespan than any of the Brontë sisters", and fairly normal for Regency England. In the last scenes of this film, we see Hathaway in some dodgy "age" make-up which makes her look rather more sixtyish than fortyish. Near the end of her life, the real Jane Austen had an unidentified illness which darkened her skin: again, I have no expectations of a big-budget film doing anything to compromise the beauty of its leading actress.This film"s title "Becoming Jane" is a subtle pun, since Hathaway"s embodiment of Jane Austen is so very "becoming". Geddit?The makers of "Becoming Jane" have gone to considerable trouble to give their target audience precisely what that audience want, which is only marginally related to the facts. On that score, they have succeeded. And the art direction in this movie is astonishingly thorough, and good. I"ll rate "Becoming Jane" 8 out of 10 as an excellent FICTION film.第二篇A film about Jane Austen, one of the greatest writers of English literature, will garner expectations and hopes, especially with a cascade of stars newly discovered (James McAvoy, Anne Hathaway) and well-established (Julie Walters, Maggie Smith, James Cromwell). That it focuses on her life before she becomes a writer certainly had not dulled my appetite.The 22 yr old Austen is played by the very pretty Anne Hathaway, who you"ll know from Brokeback Mountain and The Devil Wears Prada. We meet her family when her older sister is happily married. The cash-strapped parents have the pressing problem of finding eligible young Jane a husband. A promising offer is the stuck-up relative of wealthy Lady Gresham (Maggie Smith), who Jane rejects.Let"s meet Tom Lefroy. He"s a penniless, charming, intelligent, apprentice lawyer. He also loves boxing, drinking and the fairer sex. These latter hobbies, mind you, do not endear him to his uncle, the imperious Judge Langlois, who promptly sentences him to a summer in Hampshire as punishment. In a rustic backdrop of dancing and match-making, Jane and Tom develop a teasing, flirtatious rapport. Unlike the other men in her life, Tom presents Jane with intellectual company as well as dashing good looks and a flair for the odd chat-up. As they grow more serious about each other, they become equally aware of how doomed their relationship is - something their elders twigged on page one. But Tom has given Jane something she needs - the knowledge of the heart that will impassion her writing.Firstly be warned. If you are expecting a nice feel-good movie, don"t bother. This made me thoroughly miserable. Not just because a poignant lonely destiny is too much to bear, but because it"s a wasted opportunity to bring a great life to the screen. Our ultimate theme Austen"s writing, yet we see little to convince that this bland and photogenic girl has much between the ears. In Devil Wears Prada, an outstanding script enabled Hathaway to suggest hidden brainpower. In Becoming Jane, the occasionally erudite lines sound leaden and false. Her body language, meant to portray a rebel, seems a bit anachronistic. Although she looks quite resplendent, dashing across the hills in a billowing red dress to watch the lads skinny-dipping, the film is a sad disappointment in the development of Hathaway"s otherwise promising career. Kate Winslet or Natalie Portman (who were apparently also considered for the role) might well have fared better: they have a depth and experience that could perhaps have compensated for such a clunky script. Maggie Smith and other strong actors are reduced to ciphers and little more than icing on a badly made cake.On the other hand, James McAvoy (fresh from The Last King of Scotland) is a revelation. In what seems like a flash of brilliance in the generally myopic casting, he shines in every scene. A talented actor, he also brings his skills in boxing and sport to imbue Lefroy with vibrancy and charisma. It is when he works his seductive charms on Jane that he also brings out the best in his co-star. After her first adult kiss, Jane trembles, wondering if she has done it well. Hathaway does gooey-eyed emotion much better than persuading us she is a genius about to happen. The film gathers pace as we are drawn into an emotional cat and mouse. Jane"s "experience of the heart" that will inspire her, is the one of the best things about the film, second only to the large and constantly moist dollops of budget-saving Irish countryside.But how does the film reflect on Jane Austen the author? Austen"s possible flirtations with Mr Thomas Langlois Lefroy are more speculative than fact. Historian Jon Spence worked as a consultant on the film and has written a book of the same name, which is probably a must-have for Austen fans. He gives attention to the inspiration he feels Lefroy gave to Jane, and this is developed into actual events in the movie.Austen is one of the most influential and revered novelists of the early nineteenth century and her social commentary is marked with a strong sense of irony. Devotees will no doubt enjoy scenes such as the one where she corrects Tom"s uncle on the definition of the word "irony". But the transition from girlishness to mastery with words is so contrived that it could almost be two parallel scripts.There are many that will love Becoming Jane in spite of its imperfections. The rest of us might wish it had been told better.
2023-01-12 17:13:332


《Proust in Love》(William C. Carter)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:z3qm书名:Proust in Love作者:William C. Carter出版社:Yale University Press出版年份:2006-05-11页数:280内容简介:The acclaimed Proust biographer William C. Carter portrays Proust"s amorous adventures and misadventures from adolescence through his adult years, supplying where appropriate Proust"s own sensitive, intelligent, and often disillusioned observations about love and sexuality. Proust is revealed as a man agonizingly caught between the constant fear of public exposure as a homosexual and the need to find and express love. In telling the story of Proust in love, Carter also shows how the author"s experiences became major themes in his novel In Search of Lost Time.Carter discusses Proust"s adolescent sexual experiences, his disastrous brothel visit to cure homosexual inclinations, and his first great loves. He also addresses the duel Proust fought after the journalist Jean Lorrain alluded to his homosexuality in print, his flirtations with respectable women and high-class prostitutes, and his affairs with young men of the servant class. With new revelations about Proust"s love life and a gallery of photographs, the book provides an unprecedented glimpse of Proust"s gay Paris.作者简介:威廉·卡特(William C.Carter)著耶鲁大学出版社,2006年5月威廉·卡特是普鲁斯特传记的作者。在本书中,他专注于这位大作家多姿多彩的,有得意,但更多失意的爱情历险,从情窦初开,直到垂老之年。普鲁斯特的同性恋倾向与其生性害羞,不喜欢抛头露面的性格结合起来,对他的一生影响深远。他的许多感情经历,亦可从其经典大作《追忆似水年华》中找到轨迹。
2023-01-12 17:13:421

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没 写实画家
2023-01-12 17:13:562


2023-01-12 17:14:093

A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Idioms and Their Translation......求此题目论文,小弟拜谢

2023-01-12 17:14:201


Mount Emei is located in China"s Sichuan Emeishan City in scenic area of ​​154 square kilometers, 3099 meters above sea level the highest peak Wanfo Ding. Steep terrain, beautiful scenery, the "show best" reputation. Diverse climate, abundant vegetation, a total of 3000 kinds of plants, including the world"s rare species. Along the way there are more monkeys mountain, visitors often end team to beg for food, win a major feature for the Emei. It is one of China"s four famous Buddhist mountains, there are about 26 temples, there are eight major temples, Buddhist frequently. December 6, 1996, Mount Emei and the Leshan Giant Buddha natural dual heritage as a cultural UNESCO World Heritage List.
2023-01-12 17:14:262


2023-01-12 17:15:134


如果你写推荐信,references是“证明人”证明;鉴定When I was looking for a job, I asked my head teacher to give me a reference. 当我在找工作时,我向我的班主任要一份关于我情况的证明。
2023-01-12 17:15:313


autosuggestion 英[ɔ:təʊ"sədʒestʃən] 美[ɔ:toʊ"sədʒestʃən] n. 自我暗示,自家感应; [网络] 自我暗示; 自动暗示; 暗示法; [例句]Be alluded sometimes and autosuggestion, also have certain effect;有时暗示和自我暗示,也起一定的作用;[其他] 形近词: antisuggestion countersuggestion contrasuggestion
2023-01-12 17:15:421