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2023-05-19 23:44:28





department store

得帕特闷特 思到


得帕腾闷特思图department store


department store. (百货商店)


百货商店department store


department sstore




department store


super market





百货商场至少有两个读音. they partner store and supermarket,取决于你是用哪种规格的百货商场。我是本科文学类专业大三的学生,一般的文学类方面的问题手到擒来,很高兴为你解答,如再有不懂的欢迎再问



Antiques Shop 古玩店 Aquatic Products Shop 水产店 Beancurd Shop 豆腐店 Book Store 书店 Children"s (Women"s) Shop 儿童(妇女)商店 Clothing Store 服装店 Coal Shop 煤店 Cold Drink Shop 冷饮店 Confectioner"s Shop, Candy Shop 糖果店 Cooking Utensils Store 炊具店 Cured Meat Shop 腊味店 Daily-use Sundry Goods shop 日用杂货店 Department Store 百货商店 Drug Store, Pharmacy 药店 Eating House 小吃店 Electric Appliance Shop 电器商店 Eyeglasses Store 眼镜店 Flower Shop 花店 Food Store 食品店 Food and Drink Shop 饮食店 Fowl Shop 家禽店 Friendship Store 友谊商店 Furniture Shop 家具店 Gift Store 礼品店 Grain Store 粮店 Green Grocery 蔬菜水果店 Grocery 食品杂货店 Hardware Store 五金店 Jewelry Shop 珠宝店 Meat Shop, Butcher"s Shop 肉店 Paint Shop 油漆店 Ready-made Clothes Shop 成衣店 Roast Meat Shop 烤肉店 Sauced Meat Shop 卤味店 Second-hand Goods Store 旧货店 Shopping Center 购物中心 Snack Bar 快餐店 Stationer"s Shop 文具店 Supermarket 超级市场 Vegetables Shop 蔬菜店 Watch and Clock Shop 钟表店 bottled shop 卖酒的小商店(澳洲这样用) boutique 精品店(专卖流行服饰) boutique:时装礼品店 convenience store 便利店(24小时营业) discount store:折扣店 eating and drinking establishment: 餐饮店 franchise house 专卖店 furniture and home-furnishings store:家具店 general-merchandise store:杂货、日用品店 housewares store:家庭用品店(尤指厨房用品和小电器) men"s clothing store:男装店 shopping mall 大型购物中心 varity store:杂货店 women"s apparel and accessories store:女装和饰品店
2023-01-12 16:34:121


shop /ˈʃɑːp/ store /ˈstoɚ/1. 作为名词,SHOP 和 STORE都是商店、店铺的意思。SHOP是英式英语,STORE是美式英语。在美式英语中,STORE比SHOP用得更普遍,出售各类产品的大大小小的商店都叫做STORE;而使用SHOP的时候,特指出售单一产品或服务的小店。在英式英语中,STORE一般只用在出售多种产品的大型商店上。英美相同coffee shop 咖啡店 flower shop 花店 gift shop 礼品店 sandwich shop 三明治店department store 百货商店 chain store 连锁店英美通用,美式多用STOREan antique shop=(美式)store 古玩店 a pet shop = (美式) store 宠物店英式SHOP, 美式 STORE(英式)bookshop=(美式)bookstore 书店 a chemist"s shop [=(美式) drugstore] 药店(英式) The shops [=(美式) stores] are always crowded around the holiday season.在节假日,商店里总是很拥挤。2. 作为动词,SHOP的意思是到商店买东西的意思。They shopped all day.他们整天都在逛商店买东西。Many people now shop on line.现在许多人上网购物。3. 同样作为动词,STRORE是储存的意思。She stores her jewels in a safe.她把她的珠宝储存在保险柜里。The wine should be stored at room temperature.葡萄酒应该在室温下储存。
2023-01-12 16:34:223


store shop 或者mall
2023-01-12 16:34:332


store[可数名词]a large shop that sells many different types of goods (大型)百货商店
2023-01-12 16:35:073


2023-01-12 16:35:179


2023-01-12 16:35:496

英语知识:在商店是in the shop 还是at the shop,在书店是in the bookshop,还是at the bookshop?速度啊!

2023-01-12 16:36:338


2023-01-12 16:37:281


  百货商店是指经营包括服装、鞋帽、首饰、化妆品、装饰品、家电、家庭用品等众多种类商品的大型零售商店。那么你知道百货商店用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   百货商店的英语说法1:   department store   百货商店的英语说法2:   general merchandiser   百货商店相关英语表达:   在百货商店购物 Shopping in Department Stores   巴黎百货商店 Parisian Department Stores   百货商店的英语例句:   1. He caught a taxi to Harrods.   他打了辆出租车去哈罗德百货商店。   2. a big department store   大型百货商店   3. Small shopkeepers carried on a long agitation against the big department stores.   小店主们长期以来一直在煽动人们反对大型百货商店.   4. There is a department store just before the road bisects.   在那条路就要分叉的地方有一家百货商店.   5. The department store was thronged with people.   百货商店挤满了人.   6. A new general store has been built for the convenience of the residents.   为便利居民,新建了一个百货商店.   7. The department store at the four corners is the largest one in the city.   十字路口的那家百货商店是这个城市最大的一家.   8. Most department stores have TVs and radios in their Home Entertainment Departments.   大多数的百货商店设有家庭娱乐部,在那里可以买到电视机和收音机.   9. They"re called department stores because they have many different departments.   它们之所以被称作百货商店,是因为被分为很多种类不同的商品部.   10. You can also return things at department stores.   你也可以在百货商店退货.   11. The department store closes the books on the 26 th of each month.   百货商店每月二十六日结帐.   12. The banks usually exist here alongside the large multiple stores.   银行也常常与大百货商店并肩而立.   13. She once worked as a model in a department store.   她曾经在一家百货商店当时装模特儿.   14. That department store sells goods of every description.   那个百货商店出售各种各样的商品.   15. We can buy those cheaper at the stores.   我们可以在百货商店里买那些东西,价钱便宜些.
2023-01-12 16:37:381

百货商店的英语怎么读 百货商店的英语如何读

1、百货商店的英语:department store,英 [dɪˈpɑːtmənt stɔː(r)] 美 [dɪˈpɑːrtmənt stɔːr]。 2、十字路口的那家百货商店是这个城市最大的一家。The department store at the four corners is the largest one in the city. 3、要去百货商店,请向北走两个街区,再向左转。To reach the Department store, walk two blocks north and then turn left.
2023-01-12 16:37:491


问题一:实体店 英语怎么说 5分 physical store mortar shop 处mortar store 问题二:“专卖店”用英文怎么说?(在线等,谢谢) 专卖店 1.Specialty stores 2.exclusive agency 3.franchised store 4.unique ( )goods store I just bought it in a unique sports goods store. 我刚从体育专卖店买的。 Generally, the clothes sold at the unique sports goods stores are famous brand clothes, such as Nike and Puma. They are world famous brands. 一般体育专卖店的衣服都是著名商标品牌的。如:耐克(nike),“彪马”(puma)等,这些都是世界驰名的品牌。 问题三:小店用英文怎么说小店或者店铺用英文怎么说 小店 [词典] shop; store; boutique; [例句]他在那里开了个小店。 He keeps an inn there. 问题四:我的店英文怎么说 My shop My store 问题五:请问大侠,淘宝店用英语怎么说用shop还是store store一般是指规模比较大的仓储式商店或百货公司。例如:Most depar憨ment stores have big sales before Christmas in the US.(在美国,圣诞节前夕,多数百货公司都有大优惠。)She buys a chair at the depart-ment store.(她在百货公司买了一把椅子。) 而shop一般指小型商店或小商铺等。例如:There are many new houses and shops along the street.(沿街有许多房屋和店铺。)Is there a cake shop nearby?(请问附近有没有西饼店?) 看来不一定用哪个,看情况,大多数是taobao shops 问题六:商店用英语怎么说 商店 [shāng diàn] shop/store: 例句: department store; 百货商店 children"s goods store;儿童用品商店 短语 1. 商店街 shopping street; 2. 商店自动化 store automation 问题七:欢迎光临我的店铺英语怎说 有以下几种表达方式:1.wele !2.You"常re wele!(同上,比较地道一点) 3.You are most wele!(同上类似) 4.Wele to my shop/store.(这里可以试自己店铺的名字) 5.So nice of you to e!(是自己熟人的时候用比较好) 以上可供您自由选择 问题八:店铺英文怎么说? 用shop就可以,是最常用的,形容我们日常见的小店铺,store和mall也这个意思,但是形容规模较大的商场,看你的实际情况吧. 问题九:旗舰店 用英文怎么说?谢谢 Flagship Shop
2023-01-12 16:37:571


store大点shop小点convenience store便利店superstore,不知道,加拿大的超市名字grocery store买衣服药品食物厨具洁具宠物玩具人的玩具家具,主要有买食物的地方,日常超市market主要双休日或者过节比较火爆的市场,卖各种东西,食物,衣服大杂烩mart更小点,我们有sportmartmall很大,很多store组成
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2023-01-12 16:39:201

三个商店英语three shop对吗

three shops
2023-01-12 16:39:264


百货商店英语:department store 。例句:1、仓库设在百货商店的后部。The warehouse is at the back of the department store.2、百货商店被迫改进它们的做法。Department stores have been forced to shape up their acts.3、店中店会否成为百货商店的累赘?Are In-Store Shops a Problem for Department Stores?4、我喜欢在哈罗德百货商店买衣服。I like to shop at Harrods for clothes.5、银行常常与大百货商店并肩而立。The banks usually exist here alongside the large multiple stores .6、这是王室御用装饰品百货商店。This is a department store for ornaments used by the royal family.
2023-01-12 16:39:431


all kinds of stores
2023-01-12 16:39:482


2023-01-12 16:39:563


1、shop英语发音:英[??p];美[?ɑ?p].2、; 店铺; 工厂; 工场; 作坊; (尤指) 车间; 购物; 采买;3、v.去商店买; 在商店购物; 逛商店; (向警察等) 告发;4、[例句]It"s not available in the shops.商店里都没货。5、[其他]第三人称单数:shops 复数:shops 现在分词:shopping 过去式:shopped 过去分词:shopped.
2023-01-12 16:40:061


convenience stores便利店department store百货商店grocery 杂货店supermarket超市discount store折扣店
2023-01-12 16:40:113


shop→英[ʃɒp];美[ʃɑːp]    n. 商店;店铺;工厂;工场;作坊;(尤指)车间;购物;采买;工具贮藏室;   v. 去商店买;在商店购物;逛商店; (向警察等)告发;    shop---商店shop,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“商店;店铺”。作及物动词时意为“购物”。作不及物动词时意为“购物;买东西”。1、The shop is now under new management. 这家商店现由新的经营者管理。2、The shop sells only fresh local produce. 这家商店专售当地的新鲜农产品。shop---购物3、The union presented a shopping list of demands to the management. 工会向资方提交了一份写明各项要求的清单。4、The International Stock Exchange started life as a London coffee shop. 国际证券交易所起初是伦敦的一家咖啡馆。5、The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex. 建筑师为提议建设的购物中心做了一个比例模型。
2023-01-12 16:40:221


关键是 store 多用于美国英语 shop 用于英国英语 做商店讲的时候 就是方言问题
2023-01-12 16:40:463


As the captain of China,Beijing has been the most popular city of china。So more and more people want to visit Beijing.I think the best time to visit Beijing is spring ,for the weather of that time is very fine ,neither too hot nor too cold . The warm wind will make you fell happy.Many people visit Beijing for it"s beautiful sence and cultural inheritance .If you want to have a enjoyable journey ,I suggest you to pay a visit to the Great Wall,the Summer Palace ,the Olympic Park and many other place.When you feel tired after one day"s journey ,you can taste the "Zha Jiang Mian",a kind of traditional food in Beijing.There are many other things you can do in Beijing,as shopping in the big shopping mall,visit the different kinds park ,visit the"Si He Yuan"and so
2023-01-12 16:40:574


店的英语是shop;store。商店,一般是指商品开架陈列,顾客自我服务,货款一次结算,以经营生鲜食品,日杂用品为主的经营商。是一种消费者自我服务、敞开式的自选售货的零售企业。以经销食品和日用品为主,最先在欧美兴起,现在在欧美十几个国家中己有超级市场20万个。商店一般经销食品和日用品为主,其特点主要是:薄利多销,基本上下设售货员,以柜架形式经营中低档商品;商品采用小包装、标明分量、规格和价格;备有小车或货筐、顾客自选商品;出门一次结算付款。初期的商店以食品为主,兼售少量杂货;目前除上述外还兼管化妆品、文具、五金、服装等,多达七八千种,目前向综合服务发展,增设停车场,咖啡馆,俱乐部、电影院以及银行、保险、邮政等各种服务设施,发展很快,日本的超级市场销售额已超过百货公司。商店的商品包装, 真正成为“无声的推销员”,目前要代替售货员介绍商品,因此其包装具有介绍商品名称、用途、产地、用法、价格份量及特点的功能。
2023-01-12 16:41:181


商场词典market:交易;市集;需求;交易情况,行情。词典bazaar:街市,市场;百货商店;义卖,义卖市场。词典emporium:商场,商业中心,大百货商店。词典marketplace:市场,集市;商业界。词典shopping arcade:商场。
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2023-01-12 16:41:514


美语小对话-商店介绍Male Voice:"Hello and thank you for calling American Vision, this area"s finest store in eyeglasses for you and your family. Our store hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM. We"re open Saturdays until six. Closed on Sundays.Please visit our store on Saturday for an additional 20% off on our already low prices on all brands of eyewear. And remember: eye exams are free."finest(adjective): excellent, high quality- May I use your pen. Yeah, sure.additional(adjective): extra, added- Buy now and receive an additional two dollars off the regular price.
2023-01-12 16:42:461


in the storein the shop
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2023-01-12 16:43:052

英语翻译 在商店

in the shop
2023-01-12 16:43:137


in the store?
2023-01-12 16:43:376


2023-01-12 16:44:024


Department store音标如下:department英[di"pɑ:tmənt] store英[stɔ:] 希望能帮到你,祝你开心。
2023-01-12 16:44:151

“百货商店”英语怎样拼? 快! 是d开头的啊

百货商店 [bǎi huò shāng diàn] 1.general shop 2.department store 那就是department store 100%正确
2023-01-12 16:44:361


not that hard to find a phone book.
2023-01-12 16:44:592


sports shop 奥运官网查的 应该是对的下面有链接你可以看一下
2023-01-12 16:45:093


没有固定要求。hat store也不能错。如果非要搞清楚国外的常用词,可以参考G搜索,你自己总结下。
2023-01-12 16:45:222


百货商店 [bǎi huò shāng diàn]1. general shop2. department store那就是department store100%正确
2023-01-12 16:45:321

商场用英语怎么说 商场用英语如何说

1、商场的英语:market,英 [ˈmɑːkɪt]、美 [ˈmɑːrkɪt]。 2、我家就住在商场旁边,买东西很方便。I live just by the market, and its very convenient to go shopping. 3、那些小商店合并成为一个大商场。The small shops were merged into a large market.
2023-01-12 16:45:381

去商店 英语

go to shopgo to storego shopping
2023-01-12 16:45:444


shop 授普store 丝剁
2023-01-12 16:45:594

去商店 英语

go to shopgo to storego shopping
2023-01-12 16:46:204


店铺shop; store
2023-01-12 16:46:352


  下面是我整理的百货商店常用英语, 希望对大家有帮助。   百货商店常用英语   (一)Key Sentences(重点 句子 )   May I see these ties?   请让我看看这些领带好吗?   Here"s a nice-looking one.   这条挺好看。   These are silk ties embroidered with dragons, pandas or goldfishes.   这些都是丝质领带,绣有龙、熊猫或金鱼等。   Will there be anything else, madam?   夫人,您还要什么吗?   Could you tell me where the ladies" department is?   你能告诉我女装部在哪里吗?   Will you show me some pure silk blouses?   请拿几件真丝衬衫给我看看好吗?   What size do you want?   您要多大尺寸的?   Can I try it on?   我可以试穿一下吗?   The fitting room is right over there.   试衣室就在那里。   Let me check for you.   让我给您找一找。   No, it"s a little too loud, but thank you just the same.   不用了,这种颜色过于花哨了点,不过我还是要谢谢你。   I"d like to buy a white shirt.   我想买件白衬衣。   What size,please?   请问多大尺寸?   This is a very fine shirt.   这件衬衫挺好。   Don"t you have any less expensive shirts?   你们没有便宜点儿的衬衣?   I"d also like to see the tie in the showcase.   我想看看陈列柜里的那条领带。   The price is all right,but it"s a bit showy,isn"t it?   价格还可以,可是有点花哨了,对不对?   Dialogue A   A:Can I help you, madam?   B:Yes,may I see these ties?   A:Certainly, madam. Here"s a nice-looking one.   B:Yes, it"s nice. But my friend wants a silk tie with a Chinese pattern.   A:All right. Please come over this side, madam. These are silk ties embroidered with dragons,pandas or goldfishes.   B:They are beautiful. I"ll take these two. How much?   A:Only twenty yuan each. Will there be anything else,madam?   B:No, thank you. Here"s the money. Oh, could you tell mew here the ladies" department is?   A:Yes. It is on the next floor up. (In the ladies department)   B:Will you show me some pure silk blouses?   A:Sure. What size do you want?   B:Large,please.   A:Here"s yellow one and it"s large.   B: Good. Can I try it on?   A:Yes, the fitting room is right over there.   B:(Ten minutes later) Excuse me. This is too large. Have you got any medium size?   A:Let me check for you. Yes, we do, but only in scarlet. Would you like to try it on anyway?   B:No,it"s a little too loud, but thank you just the same.   A:You"re welcome.   Dialogue B   A:Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?   B:Yes. I"d like to buy a white shirt.   A:Yes,sir. I"d be glad to show you some. What size,please?   B:Large.   A:Here"s one in your size. This is a very fine shirt.   B:How much is it?   A:These are fifty-nine each.   B:That"s a little more than I want to pay. Don"t you have any less expensive shirts?   A:Yes,I think I can find some for you. Here are some forforty yuan,and then we have some here for thirty-five.   B:Thirty-five will be all right. I"ll take this one.   A:Are you sure one will be enough?   B:Yes, that"s all I need just now.   A:Do you need anything else?   B:I"d also like to see the tie in the showcase.   A:Which one, sir?   B:The green one.   A:This one?   B:Yes, that one. Is it pure silk?   A:Yes,sir,pure silk and hand-made.   B:How much it is?   A:Twenty yuan,sir.   B:I"m afraid it doesn"t fit me very well. Have you got any other ones?   A:How about this one? It"s ten yuan.   B:The price is all right, but it"s a bit showy, isn"t it?   A:Oh,I don"t think so,sir. I think it becomes you.   B:Then I"ll take it.   A:Thank you, sir. Will you wait a moment please? I"ll have it wrapped.   Words and Expressions   scarlet n. 猩红色   loud a. 过分花哨的,俗艳的   showcase n. 陈列柜,橱窗   showy a. (过分)装饰的,(太)华丽的   (二)   Key Sentences(重点句子)   I"d like to see an overcoat for the autumn.   我想看看秋天穿的大衣。   Not too heavy and not too light.   既不要太厚也不要太薄。   How do you like this,ma"am?   夫人,这件您喜欢吗?   It"s much too light in color for the autumn.   这件衣服秋天穿颜色太浅。   It"s made of exceptionally good quality,pure wool,very soft.   这件衣服质量特别好,全毛的,非常柔软。   Please come with me to the fitting room.   请随我到试衣间。   I like this style, but I don"t care for the color.   我喜欢这个式样,但是不喜欢这颜色。   Let me see the crimson one, in my size, please.   请拿件深红色的给我看看,要合我的尺寸。   This is your size, it"s a lovely dress and very smart.   这是您要的尺寸,这件衣服很漂亮,非常时髦。   It"s in fashion now.   现在正流行。   Would you like to try it?   您要不要试试?   It just suits me,I"ll take it.   这件衣服正合我身,我买了。   How much do I have to pay?   我该付多少钱?   That"s rather more than I thought of paying.   这价钱比我想的要贵些。   I should have like something cheaper.   我想买较为便宜的。   Maybe a little dearer, but the quality is very good.   价格可能稍贵些,不过,质量非常好。   It"s exceptionally good in material and the handicraft is more exquisite.   这件衣服的料子质地特别好,做工精细。   Here"s a gorgeous outfit.   这儿有套华丽的服装。   It looks just great on you.   您穿这衣服真是棒极了。   Dialogue A   A:Do you want some assistance,ma"am?   B:I"d like to see an overcoat for the autumn. Not too heavy and not too light.   A:How do you like this, ma"am?   B:It"s much too light in color for the autumn. I"d rather havesomething darker, and a bit heavier.   A:What about this then? It"s made of exceptionally good quality, pure wool, very soft.   B:Very good. May I try this on?   A:Please come with me to the fitting room.   B:I like this style, but I don"t care for the color. It"s loose at the waist, and it"s a bit too large.   A:What about this one? We have this model in several sizes and colors,dark brown, light green, light yellow, crimson.   B:Let me see the crimson one, in my size, please.   A:Yes, ma"am. This is your size, it"s a lovely dress and very smart. It"s in fashion now. Would you like to try it?   B:All right, it just suits me, I"ll take it. How much do I have to pay?   A:Three hundred yuan.   B:That"s rather more than I thought of paying. I should have something cheaper.   A:Maybe a little dearer, but the quality is very good. ma"am. It"s exceptionally good in material and the handicraft is more exquisite. It wears very well and keeps its shape.   B:All right, I"ll take it. I expect it"s worth it. Can I pay by Visa Card?   A:We don"t accept Visa Card,you have to pay cash.   B:OK. Will you accept Master Card?   A:Yes, we do. Please go to the cash counter and pay for it. I"ll wrap it up for you.   B:All right, thank you.   Dialogue B   Rosa:I never expected there would be so many people.   Miss Liu:Oh, this is nothing. On weekends, you won"t even be able to move around. Don"t forget you"re in China.   Rosa:You"re right. Let"s go upstairs. It might be less crowded on the second floor. I want to look for an outfit for myself.   Miss Liu:Oh,there is the directory over by the escalator.   Rosa: Yeah, but can"t read all the characters.   Miss Liu: Let"s see… first floor, cosmetics, footwear, traveling bags. Second floor… sportswear, ladies clothing…   Rosa:Let"s go directly to the second floor.   (At the ladies section on the second floor. )   Rosa:Here"s a gorgeous outfit. Jacket and pants to match. They look the right size. It"ll probably fit me.   Miss Liu:Why don"t you try it on? The fitting-room is over there.   Rosa:I think I will. (Trying the clothes on. ) Well,what do you think, Liu?   Miss Liu:Terrific. It looks just great on you.   Rosa:Thanks. I think I"ll take it. Let"s go and pay.   Words and Expressions   exceptionally ad. 异常地   crimson n. 深红   directory n. 购物指南;电话簿   cosmetic n.化妆品   footwear n. 鞋类   gorgeous/ a. 好看的;华丽的   terrific a. 好极了;棒极了   百货商店常用英语相关 文章 : 1. 商店常用购物英语对话及讲解 2. 国外购物常用英语 3. 买点心的英语情景对话:At the Pastry Shop 在点心店 4. 出国旅游基本英语大全 5. 百货商店实用购物英语情景对话 6. 国外买东西必会的实用英语 7. 国外购物英语
2023-01-12 16:46:441


为您解答店shop,store冰激凌ice cream
2023-01-12 16:46:523


商业 的英文:business ; commercebusiness 读法 英 ["bɪznəs]     美 ["bɪznəs]    n. 商业;事务;生意例句1、He had no head for business.他毫无商业头脑。2、He was inexperienced in business.他在商业方面缺乏经验。短语1、give up business 放弃业务2、increase business 增加业务3、quit business 放弃商业4、slow down business 减缓业务进程5、speed up business 加快业务进程扩展资料词语用法1、business的基本意思是指某人为谋利(尤为自己)的“日常工作”或“职业”,引申可表示“职责,事务”。2、business现在多用来指“商业,生意,贸易”(不可数),引申可表示“商店,商行”(可数)等。3、business还可用来表示“演员舞台的动作、表情等”,作“怪事,勾当”解时常用作贬义。4、business可用于其他名词前作定语。5、business由busy和ness组合而成,等同于busy的抽象名词;词汇搭配1、stabilize business 稳定业务2、suspend business 中止业务3、swallow up business 吞并企业4、symbolize business 代表企业5、talk business 谈正经的,说正经话
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