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请教 allrise这首歌所表达的含义

2023-05-19 23:44:11
TAG: rise a all



还有cat有恶毒女人的意思,在那句里的you,指你们,也许是叫大家离这女人远点为妙,呵呵.那个times you"ve been faking的times是次数的意思吧.毕竟中西文化底蕴不一样啊,不可以直译啊.不过我还是认为译得很好.但愿我也将有这种水平^_^.


all rise歌词翻译

all rise 全体肃立 yo, yo yo, yo your honour please 法官大人 gotta believe what i say (say) 请您务必相信我的话 what i will tell (tell) 我一一细数 happened just the other day (day) 过去发生的一切 i must confess (confess) 我必须诚实招供 "cos i"ve had about enough (enough) 因为我已经受够 i need your help (help) 我需要你的帮助 got to make this here thing stop (stop) 将事情划上休止符 baby i swear i tell the truth (uhuh) 宝贝,我发誓我会实话实说 about all the things you used to do (come on) 关于你从前的所作所为 and if you thought you had me fooled (come on) 如果你自认这纯属戏弄 i"m tellin" you now objection overruled 告诉你:抗议无效!^ here we go (oh baby) 我这就一一数来,宝贝 one for the money and the free rides 第一,我付出的金钱及时间 it"s two for the lie that you denied 第二,你矢口否认的谎言 all rise (all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) 全体肃立,全体肃立! three for the calls you"ve been making 第三,你曾说过的花言巧语 it"s four for the times you"ve been faking 第四,你从没有动过真情意 all rise (i"m gonna tell it to your face) 我要当着你的面揭露一切 all rise (i rest my case) 证词终止 you"re on the stand (stand) with your back against the wall (wall) 你站在证人席 背倚着墙 nowhere to run (run) and nobody you can call (call) oh no 无出可逃 也找不到救兵 i just can"t wait (wait) now the case is open wide (wide) 我迫不及待 如今一切真相大白 you"ll try to pray (pray) but the jury will decide (decide) 你试着祷告吧 但我知道评审团自有判决 (oh baby) so step back "cos you don"t know this cat 后退一步 因为你没见识过她的本色 i know deep down that you don"t want me to react 我了解最深 你不希望我反应过度? i lay low leaving all my options open 我会低调行事 以释怀的心面对 the decision of the jury has not been spoken step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone) 步入我家门 你会发现属于你的家当全无踪影 but in reality to whom does the stuff belong 事实上,这些东西 又属于谁去拥有? i bring you into court to preach my order 我向法庭投诉 细说自己的原则 and you know that you overstep the border, uhuh 你也知道自己早已超越界限
2023-01-12 16:12:323

ALL Rise是什么意思?

2023-01-12 16:13:014

allrise 什么意思?

All riseALL RISE  专辑名称: All Rise(全体肃立)  歌手:BLUE   专辑介绍:  2001年初,一支饶富都会节奏感的“All Rise”抢滩Top 4并高居电台点播Top 10五周,从各地传来的捷报未曾停歇  :马来西亚4周冠军、德国季军、澳洲匈牙利第4名,更是台湾新偶像剧《阳光果冻》的主题曲“All I”本尊曲!第2  单曲“Too Close”乘胜攻下金榜NO.1,接续推出的节奏蓝调情抒曲“If You Come Back”更是空降单曲冠军宝座。  在3支畅销单曲累积销售破60万张(其中2支是冠军单曲)背书下,专辑于年底发行了。 发迹于英国伦敦、由  黎Lee Ryan(18岁)、安东尼Antony Costa(20岁)、唐肯Duncan James(22岁)和赛门Simon Webbe(22岁)  组成的BLUE,以绝佳默契和演唱实力受到EMI-Virgin集团赏识,并由当初成功打造坏小子罗比·威廉斯原属团体  TAKE THAT的原班制作班底全力栽培打造。出到不到一年,BLUE交出的漂亮成绩单,证明了他们是英国  2002第一R&B偶像实力双重合一男声团。由天王制作人Stargate与摩城传奇Jimmy Ruffin之子Ray Ruffin打造  、在英国及挪威完成的本辑,展现了BLUE超龄的声音演出。本影音双效CD还有BLUE拍摄音乐录像带的幕后  花絮和屏幕保护程序等意想不到的惊喜,给初次见面的台湾乐迷。  永远支持BLUE 期待BLUE重组  陈小春的《算你狠》与《All rise》曲风相似。  其中的一首《All Rise》被B.A.D.组合改编成一曲《Oh I》[编辑本段]《All Rise》歌词  all rise   全体肃立     so step back "cos you don"t know this cat   后退一步   因为你没见识过她的本色   i know deep down that you don"t want me to react   我了解最深   你不希望我反应过度?   i lay low leaving all my options open   我会低调行事   以释怀的心面对   the decision of the jury has not been spoken   step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone)   步入我家门   你会发现属于你的家当全都无踪影   but in reality to whom does the stuff belong   事实上,这些东西   又属于谁去拥有?   i bring you into court to preach my order   我向法庭投诉 细说自己的原则   and you know that you overstep the border, uhuh   你也知道自己早已超越界限
2023-01-12 16:13:274

英文歌 all rise 大意唱些什么?

2023-01-12 16:13:516

谁能把All rise这首歌翻译成中文的读音啊 求大神

谁能把All rise这首歌翻译成中文的读音啊 求大神 毫无美感可言啊,看着都纠结死了: Your honour please 有哦那 普里死 Gotta believe what I say (say)够他 比里屋唉sei What I will tell (tell)我特唉为尔条 Happened just the other day (day) 哈喷的加死特 则 啊则 嘚 I must confess (confess) 唉 嘛死特 抗飞死s " Cos I"ve had about enough (enough) 哭s 唉 哈的 啊包特 in那负 I need your help (help) 唉 你的 油儿 哈普 Got to make this here thing s (s) 国特 图 没课 zi是 Hier tin是 是多普 Baby I swear I tell the truth (uhuh) 被逼 唉 死威尔 唉 ti尔 则 chur About all the things you used to do (e on) 啊抱特 哦 则 tin是 有 有是的 图 读(可忙) And if you thought you had me fooled (e on) 按的 一负 有 死如 有 哈的 米 负的(可芒) I"m tellin" you now objection overruled 按们 条ling 有 闹 哦伯接可寻 哦威尔如的 Here we go (oh baby) 和尔 为 够(偶 被逼) One for the money and the free rides 玩 佛则 毛您 按的 则 负睿 rai的s It"s o for the lie that you denied 一特 图 佛 则 来 zai特 有 但滴的 All rise (all rise) 哦 rai死(哦 rai死) All rise (all rise, all rise) 哦 rai死 哦 rai死 哦 rai死 Three for the calls you"ve been making 死睿 佛 则 kos 有wu 病 美king It"s four for the times you"ve been faking 一特意思 佛 佛 则 谈木死 有wu 病 废king All rise (I"m gonna tell it to your face) 哦 rai死(按们 够那 条 一特 图 有r 废s) All rise (I rest my case)哦 rai死(唉 睿死特 买 kei死) You"re on the stand (stand) 有r on 则 死但 With your back against the wall (wall) 位子 有r 白ke 啊跟死特 则 我 Nowhere to run (run) 闹 威尔 图 如昂 And nobody you can call (call) oh no 按的 no吧滴 有 肯 kal 偶 no I just can"t wait (wait) 唉 家死特 抗 为特 Now the case is open wide (wide) 闹 则 keis 一字 偶喷 歪的 You"ll try to pray (pray) 有;l 踹 图 普诶 But the jury will decide (decide) 吧特 则 就尔睿 滴kie的 (oh baby) 偶 被比 So step back "cos you don"t know this cat 搜 死的普 bei可 哭字 有 懂特 no 字死 kie特 I know deep down that you don"t want me to react 唉 no 滴普 当 砸特 有 懂特 为特 米 图 睿si特 I lay low leaving all my options open 唉 累 楼 里wing 哦 买 哦平寻s 偶喷 The decision of the jury has not been spoken 则 滴字寻 哦负 则 就尔睿 诺特 病 死bo肯 Step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone) 死嘚普 淫 买 好死 有 翻的 砸特 有r 是他负 哈是 刚 But in reality to whom does the stuff belong 吧特 in real特里 图 who木 打字 则 死他负 比long I bring you into court to preach my order唉 不ring 有 淫图 可ruo特 图 普睿ch 买 哦的r And you know that you overstep the border, uhuh 按的 有 no 砸特 有 哦威尔死嘚普 则 不哦嘚。啊哈 All rise 哦 rai死 It"s o for the lie that you denied (ooooh) 一特意思 to 佛 则 来 砸特 有 扥滴的哦 All rise (all rise) 哦 rai死 All rise (all rise, all rise) 哦 rai死 Three for the calls you"ve been making (yeah) 死睿 佛 则 kals 有病 美king It"s four for the times you"ve been faking A吃 佛佛了太优福冰非king 后面都差不多了 All rise (all rise, all rise) All rise (all rise, all rise) One for the money and the free rides (what you say) It"s o for the lie that you denied (can"t you pay) All rise (what you"ve done) All rise Three for the calls you"ve been making (what you say) It"s four for the times you"ve been faking (can"t you pay) All rise (what you"ve done) All rise (where you"ve gone) One for the money and the free rides It"s o for the lie that you denied (ohhh) All rise (ohhh) all rise (uhuh uhuh) Three for the calls you"ve been making It"s four for the times you"ve been faking I said all rise I"m gonna tell it to your face All rise, I rest my case (uhuh uhuh) 谁能把这首歌翻译成中文 Goodbye Alice in Wonderland 再见,梦游仙境的爱丽丝 It"s four in the afternoon I"m on a flight leaving 1)L.A. Trying to figure out my life My youth scattered along the highway Hotel rooms and headlines I"ve made a living with a 建议你学一下日语罗马字的发音呵呵 比如说:i读作“衣” ke“开” na“那” ta“他” yo"有" u“乌” 所以第一句歌词就是“衣开那衣他衣有乌”,呵呵 谁能把somewhere out there这首歌翻译成中文 某处那里 在苍白月光 认为我和 今晚爱我的某人之下 某处那里 某人说祷告 我们将互相找到 由于大某处那里 并且,即使我知道 多么非常分开我们是 它帮助认为我们也许祝愿 在同一个明亮的星 并且当夜风 开始唱一支幽静催眠曲时 它帮助认为我们在 同一大天空之下睡觉 某处那里 如果爱能看我们通过 然后我们将一起是 某处那里 梦想来真实的地方 并且,即使我知道 多么非常分开我们是 它帮助认为我们也许祝愿 在同一个明亮的星 并且当夜风 开始唱一支幽静催眠曲时 它帮助认为我们在 同一大天空之下睡觉 某处那里 如果爱能看我们通过 然后我们将一起是 某处那里 梦想来真实的地方 谁能帮忙把这首歌翻译成中文的谐音。 One Love 说实话没明白你到底要什么? 翻译? 那就是唯一的爱 谐音? 那就是“完了”! 帮忙把《after all this time》这首歌的歌词翻译成中文的 Time after time ~花舞う街で~ もしも君に巡り逢えたら 二度と君の手を离さない 春の终わり告げる 花御堂 霞む 花一枚(ひとひら) 苏る 思い出の歌 この胸に 今も优しく time after time 君と出逢った奇迹 缓やかな风吹く町で そっと手を繋ぎ 歩いた坂道 今も忘れない约束 风に君の声が闻こえる 薄氷(うすらい)冴える 远い记忆 伤付く怖さを知らず 誓った いつかまたこの场所で めぐり逢おう 薄红色の 季节がくる日に 笑颜で time after time 一人 花舞う町で 散らざるときは戻らないけれど あの日と同じ 変わらない景色に 涙ひらり 待っていたよ 风舞う花びらが 水面を抚でるように 大切に想うほど 切なく… 人は皆孤独と言うけれど 探さずにはいられない 谁かを 儚く壊れやすいものばかり 追い求めてしまう time after time 君と色づく町で 出逢えたら もう约束はいらない 谁よりもずっと 伤付きやすい君の そばにいたい今度は きっと 【假名】 もしも君(きみ)にめぐり逢(あ)えたら 二度(にど)と君(きみ)の手(て)を放(はな)さない 春(はる)の终(お)わりつける 花御堂(はなにど) 霞(かす)む花(はな) 一片(ひとひら) 苏(よみがえ)る 思(おも)い出(で)の歌(うた) この胸(むね)に 今(いま)も优(やさ)しく Time after time 君(きみ)と出逢(であ)った奇迹(きせき) 缓(ゆる)やかな风(かぜ)吹(ふ)く街(まち)で そっと手(て)を繋(つな)ぎ 歩(ある)いた坂道(さかみち) 今(いま)も忘(わす)れない约束(やくそく) 风(かぜ)に君(きみ)の声(こえ)が闻(き)こえる 薄(うす)らさえかえる远(とお)い记忆(きおく) 伤(きず)つく怖(こわ)さを知(し)らず 誓(ちか)った いつかまたこの场所(ばしょ)で めぐり逢(あ)おう 薄(うす)红(べに)色(いろ)の 季节(きせつ)が来(く)る日(ひ)に 笑颜(えがお)で Time after time ひとり 花(はな)舞(ま)う街(まち)で 散(ち)らざるときは戻(もど)らないけれど あの日(ひ)と同(おな)じ 変(か)わらない景色(けしき)に 涙(なみだ)ひらり 待(ま)っていたよ 风(かぜ)舞(ま)う花(はな)びらが 水面(みなも)を抚(な)でるように 大切(たいせつ)に想(おも)うほど 切(せつ)なく... 人(ひと)は皆(みんな) 孤独(こどく)と言(い)うけれど 探(さが)さずにはいられない 谁(だれ)かを 儚(はかな)く壊(こわ)れやすいものばかり 追(お)い求(もと)めてしまう Time after time 君(きみ)と色(いろ)づく街(まち)で 出逢(であ)えたら もう约束(やくそく)はいらない 谁(だれ)よりもずっと 伤(きず)つけ易(やす)く君(きみ)の そばに居(い)たい 今度(こんど)はきっと ╰>Time after time ~在落花纷飞的街道上~ ■■■中文歌词■■■ 版本一: 如果还能再次与你相遇 绝对不再放开你的手 告知春天结束的花殿堂 雾花 一片片 回忆之歌苏醒 至今仍在我心中温柔响起 Time after time 与你相遇的奇迹 在那微风缓缓吹过的街道 悄悄的牵着手 一起走过的坡道 直到如今也没有忘记的约定 风中可以听到你的声音 如薄冰般清澄遥远的记忆 立下了誓言 还不知道受伤的可怕 何时还能再回到这里 在薄红色的季节 来临的时候 带着笑容再一次相遇吧 Time after time 独自走在花瓣漫舞的街道 虽然散落之时无法再次挽回 但景色一如往昔 我还是和那天一样 带着泪水 等待着你 如随风飘舞的花瓣抚平水面一般 越珍贵的回忆就越无法忘记 虽说人都是孤独的 但人们却总是在寻找某个人 一直在执着的追求 那虚幻而易碎的一切 Time after time 如果在樱花染粉的街道再次与你相遇的话 我再也不要什么约定 就像永远留在 容易受伤的你的身边 这次 一定要陪着你 版本二: 如果上天让我们再次相见 我决不会再松开你的手 在这个宣告春去的佛之花殿 朦胧的花朵 一瓣飘零 记忆中的歌 缓缓苏醒 至今在胸中 温柔回荡 Time after time 和你的相遇是奇迹 在那微风扑面的城市 轻轻的牵起手 走过长长的坡道 至今仍无法忘记的约定 在风中传来你的声音 遥远的记忆 冰般澄澈 许下了誓言 无惧伤害 总会有一天 我们在此 笑颜重逢在这粉红的季节 Time after time 独自在飞花烂漫的城市 就算落花凋零无法挽回 也在这不变的景色中 如同昔日 我在泪光中 守候着你 轻舞飞扬的花瓣 安抚着水面 愈想珍惜 就愈悲伤 人们都说自己是孤独的 却都不能停止寻找依托 结果只找到了脆弱的虚幻 Time after time 若能在初红的街上与你重逢 就也再不需要承诺 比任何人都容易受伤的你 这次我一定永远陪伴你身边 ■■■发音■■■ Time after time ~hanamau machi de~ moshimo kimi ni meguri ae tara nido to kimi no te wo hanasa nai haru no owari tsukeru hana nido kasumu hana hitohira yomigaeru omoide no uta kono mune ni imamo yasashiku time after time kimi to deatta kiseki yuruya kana kaze fuku machi de sotto te wo tusnagi arui ta sakamichi ima mo wasurenai yakusoku kaze ni kimi no koe ga kikoeru usura saekaeru tooi kioku kizutusku kowasa wo shirazu chikatta ituska mata kono bashyo de meguri aou usubeniiro no kisetus ga kuru hi ni egao de time after time hitori hanamau machi de chirazaru toki ha modora nai keredo anohi to onaji kawara nai keshiki ni namida hirari matte ita yo kaze wa fuu hanabira ga mina wo naderu youni taisetus ni omou hodo setusnaku hito wa mina kodoku to iu keredo sagasazuni wa irarenai dareka wo hakanaku koware yasui mono bakari oimotomete shimau time after time kimi to irozuku machi de deae tara mou yakusoku wa iranai dareyorimo zutto kizutuske esuri kimi no sobani itai kondo wa kitto ■■■中文翻唱歌词■■■ 版本1 如果能 再一次紧紧握住你的手 我不会 让他轻易从那指间溜走 春花落 雾叶纷飞的枝头终结果 守候着 曾经许下的承诺 心中荡漾起 往日的一点一滴 淡淡的笑容你就是如此美丽 TIME AFTER TIME 在这里 看物换和星移 这奇迹 飞扬在风中穿街而过~的消息 默默的 牵着你的手 漫步在岁月的路里 忘不了 那天欣然相许的约定~~ 微风中 依稀回想起熟悉的声音 记忆里 往事冷清的冰凌(一闪)晶莹 曾发誓 绝不伤害的心灵(无法)回避 何时能 重逢花雨在此地~~~ 粉红色季节 花期渐进的旋律 踌躇的心情 对未来无限憧憬~~~ TIME AFTER TIME 让自己 协花瓣而漫舞 随心意 ( 散落)之时刹那浮光掠影空叹息~ 物是且人非 这美景 泪水渐满溢 无人惜 樱花啊 带走我的思念已远去~~~~~ 风中的你 远离的身影 渐渐消失 在我模糊视线里 期待与你 在此相逢在樱花纷~飞的这里~~ 迷茫中 总是一个人无助的找寻 没勇气 面对孤单和恐惧只能叹息 我的心 不断在这迷宫中慢慢前行 去找寻那遥远~的光明 (歌曲 *** 开始) TIME AFTER TIME 与你再相遇 重逢在花舞的街区 曾经的往事浮现在我脑海里 这一次 绝不会放弃 用力的 紧紧抱住你 永远的 伴随着你在樱花雨里~~~~~~ END 版本2 这一次 我的手不再被你紧握着 这一次 泪水慢慢地滑过我脸颊 这一次 你的笑不再对着我绽放 这一次 也将变成回忆 失散的花瓣 见证你我的曾经 梦中的点滴 残留下爱的印记 time after time 花雨下 你的笑沉默在眼中 夏夜中 银色小舟上你我相拥 触摩那风中的甜美 你我在花朵的世界 带着笑 就在月光下悄悄睡去 这一次 我的手不再被你紧握着 这一次 泪水慢慢地滑过我脸颊 这一次 你的笑不再对着我绽放 这一次 也将变成回忆 失散的花瓣 见证你我的曾经 梦中的点滴 残留下爱的印记 time after time 花雨下 你的笑沉默在眼中 夏夜中 银色小舟上你我相拥 触摩那风中的甜美 你我在花朵的世界 带着笑 就在月光下悄悄睡去 粉色花瓣 满月下旋转 我的爱恋 像花瓣转不停 银色小舟 闪烁笑语 我的爱 永不变 这一次 我的手不再被你紧握着 这一次 泪水慢慢地滑过我脸颊 这一次 你的笑不再对着我绽放 爱恋 花瓣中 缤纷 飞舞 time after time 花雨下 你的笑沉默在眼中 夏夜中 银色小舟上你我相拥 触摩那风中的甜美 你我在花朵的世界 带着笑 就在月光下悄悄睡去 版本3 谁记得 一时血泪溅花响天地彻 忘记了 一杯忘忧酒是为谁人喝 盼望着 你我始终能记入三生册 听雨歌 赏罗衣抚锦瑟 奈何忘川河 蜜语甜言竟苦涩 霞飞云鬓折 此生不变又如何 Time after time 衾华侧 纵天下 无人同贺 落红翩 半醉芙蓉半洗胭脂色 看不见 绽放那一刻 空眺望 林间瑶台设 对芳樽 莫问云渝雾湮是谁惹 笑红尘 纷纷攘攘戎马将朝代更 穷半生 留不住似水流年谁能恨 泪无痕 天涯海角为圆海誓山盟 断肠声 夜闻铃醉和春 鸳鸯霜瓦冷 魂魄不曾来入梦 风云城阙横 红豆已尽不相逢 Time after time 思成阵 天河错 放腮奏笙 疏影绰 望穿秋水辗转篁竹深 无处诉 相思一酲酲 柳絮傲 彩蝶踏风乘 梦飘遥 怎知桃源世外无纷争 笑颜何奢 且恋恋不舍 美景良辰 到底什么是永恒 今夕明晨 叶枯花冷就把秋雨作情深 叹往昔 云烟尽过又何须费思忆 杨柳依依 似雾亦非雾梦中笑白衣 你可知 夜夜思量万语千言君莫泣 落月已沉寂 流水戚戚 Time after time 匆相视 怎相忘 曲终人离 来不及风雨滂跎 早已泪依稀 心惆怅 细数蒲苇丝 破九天 红线断无心系 血淋漓 纵马前驰寻寻复觅觅 版本4 多想能再一次触碰你熟悉的脸 决不会放开你温暖的手说再见 告诉这随飘零花瓣离去的春天 还有那 清晨雾花一片 昔日的歌曲 在我心深处苏醒 熟悉的旋律 依旧如此美丽 time after time 与你的相遇 是我生命里的奇迹 在那有微风缓缓吹过的巷里 悄悄地牵着手的你 雨中樱花乱舞飞离 守候你 是我至今不忘的约定 寒风中 依稀听到你坚定的声音 沮丧时 耳边响起你温柔的话语 不忘记 说要微笑着等你的决心 为何却 不住眸眼轻盈 樱色的节季 落花飞舞中来临 能否在这里 与你再次相遇? Time after time 当寂寞侵袭 沉浸在回忆的点滴 任那繁花散落枝头随风飘零 那风中起舞的轻盈 那不曾改变的风景 融化在眼中变成泪水的晶莹 微风吹起 将花瓣扬起 飞旋飘落 又将水面抚平 在回忆里 那樱下的身影 难以忘记 深夜里 萦绕我心那无尽的孤寂 黑暗里 抑制不住那低声的哭泣 在心底 总是渴望有片无人天地 能放声喊 你在哪里? Time after time 与你的相遇 是我生命里的奇迹 在那被漫天樱花染红的巷里 如果能再次遇见你 再也不要什么约定 陪伴你 是我此生不变的决定 版本5 花开断 雪染的容颜悄然随风残 白莲案 一刹那坠入波澜终成幻 锦瑟算 算不尽良缘美景皆杳然 终无眠 且对月诉琴弦 少年眼流连 柳眉花面如蝶翩 于弹指之间 红尘姻缘转瞬变 Time after time 枉缠绵 战鸾前 碧海青天 春风浅 弹指霜残 浸乱红悲欢 细韵染 秋风伴流年 斜倚阑 陌柳月随峦 眉间绕 离怀欲罢难休锁朱后 停眉间 心绪乱如丝犹记年少事 伫眸边 春残梦尽恋繁叶薄如纸 看透前 夜深孤影寒风卷落叶痴 和衣卧 唯凭栏看花落 春风渡江畔 一别经年是何年 玉蝶舞天边 宛如 仙 梦青莲 Time after time 玉生烟 思华年 一柱一弦 一笑间 悠悠五载 何求 君心连 上碧落 下不抵黄泉 任飘零 无语唱短天 叹人生 两厢缘灭缘活 又为何 月落风黄 叹情难隐藏 踏破何方 问来日可方长 无常世事 品尽凄凉 红尘破 归隐何妨 花开绚 春风一笑蓦然惊花满卷 锦花如眩 日暖寒消 花似雪抵千年 花开错 这一折惊梦 鸳鸯契 挣不脱 春风如烟过 寂寥如何 Time after time 春风过 幽碧波 思绪绕君侧 君归去 潇洒千言莫思量 鹤舞万丈 纵今生何恐责君错 情思缠 错犹在我 逐尘落 前世今生惘然又如何 谁能把这首歌翻译成中文歌词 迈克,我们确信你是无辜的 我们都在这里为你 我们听(信息)。 有一个大的不公正的,我们不能忍受 因为我们知道它是怎么回事 不让你哭了出来 他们搜寻他只是很假装的原因 还记得有一次,10年前,现在它又说了一遍 为什么不停止打破这个男人是谁 导致他是清白的 你不能够看到它只是一个大阴谋 迈克尔。我们在这里给你 因为你是我们的朋友 从内心深处的情感,我们知道你是无辜的 你总能指望我们, 这个消息是肯定的 我们相信,你并不孤单 我们永远不会让你失望 你为什么不把迈克尔·杰克逊的孤独 他没有做的流言这么不真实 跑步是通过他们的头脑而伤害 他们只不过是如此盲目的贪婪 充满嫉妒和仇恨 不要质疑他的虚伪的犯罪 那里的客观性、不贪婪的疯狂 为什么不停止打破这个男人是谁 导致他是清白的 你不能够看到它只是一个大阴谋 迈克尔。我们在这里给你 因为你是我们的朋友 从内心深处的情感,我们知道你是无辜的 你总能指望我们, 这个消息是肯定的 我们相信,你并不孤单 我们永远不会让你失望 所有的歌迷遍布世界我们团结起来 我们的爱,,表明他永不落幕的支持 神赐福给世界与艳丽的歌曲和关爱 他让我们觉得通过音乐 谁能打败它-吗 是谁,谁要M J下跌 和使他如此的痛苦 那么来阻止它的原因是危险的 传播这些肮脏的谎言 它坏——指责无辜的人 多么伤心,你将遇到麻烦了吗 证明自己的罪! 汤姆(Sneddon),我们承认这段时间 所以称为不动产只是阴谋 迈克尔。我们在这里给你 因为你是我们的朋友 从内心深处的情感,我们知道你是无辜的 你总能指望我们, 这个消息是肯定的 我们相信,你并不孤单 我们永远不会让你失望 你总能指望我们 不管他们怎么说 导致从内心深处的情感 我们知道你是无辜的 迈克尔。我们在这里给你 因为你是我们的朋友 从内心深处的情感,我们知道你是无辜的 谁能把俊杰的这首歌Endless road翻译成中文? the truth is tearing up my heart 真相正一点点地将我的心撕碎 i can"t recognize this place 这个地方我不再熟悉 the endless road without a s sign can"t even find a stranger this time 这条路没有站点,不知道通向哪里,漫无边际,此时,即使一个陌生人,也找不到 why am i still holding back my tears in this loneliness 纵然寂寞孤独,可我为何还要忍住眼泪 there"s nothing to fear 没什么可怕的 every chord still seems a wonder 我所有的思绪仍在疑问着 how we could be together 我们如何
2023-01-12 16:14:471

all rise原唱是谁

出道 2001年,一首饶富R&B曲风的“All rise”(《全体肃立》)终于让美国人明白 BLUE,大洋彼岸的英国有一个Blue(“蓝色男孩”)组合,他们地道的美式黑人旋律、多切分音的强劲节奏、以及音乐中时尚流行元素(rap、hip-hop、funk)的融入,完全可以让世界感受美式黑人流行乐。 发迹于英国伦敦的BLUE由Duncan James、Antony Costa、Lee Ryan和Simon Webbe 4人所组成,2001年5月,Blue以一支饶富都会节奏感的All Rise,以平地一声雷之姿抢滩2001年初英国金榜Top 4,并高居点播榜Top10五周。接下来的Too Close及If You come Back二首单曲成绩更是惊人,不但均拿下排行冠军,在销量上也都有超过20万张的斩获。 随着一首首成功的佳绩,专辑All Rise也随着一波波越涨越高的气势,倒吃甘蔗般的在英国卖出了超过150万的销量,并在发行23周之后登上排行冠军的宝座。这张由天王制作人Stargate与摩城传奇Jimmy Ruffin之子Ray Ruffin携手打造、在英国及挪威两地完成的首辑中,展现了Blue超龄的声音演出,从让人狂放摇摆的All Rise、Fly By、This Temptation,到舒缓轻柔的Long Time、Best In Me,每首歌都让人对于Blue的超实力歌艺耳目一新。单飞 然后,BLUE却急流勇退,于2005年宣布解散,四个男孩表示将各自单飞发展。刚刚在乐坛打造出自己一片天地的BLUE就这样宣布解散,令无数BLUE的粉丝倍感惋惜! 虽然Blue仅存在三年就宣告解散,但无可否认,它是英国新世纪最成功的R&B偶像实力派男声团体。Blue由Duncan James(唐肯)、Antony Costa(安东尼)、Lee Ryan(黎)和Simon Webbe(赛门)四个大男孩组成。四人中,只有Simon一人拥有黑人血统;Lee的年龄最小,最能把歌中的高音推向高潮;唐肯的嗓音最富有磁性;而安东尼的低音则让人回味无穷。强势回归 休息4年的他们,再度以BLUE的身份重出江湖,首场公开表演献给了英国Capital FM电台,即2009年6月7日在ARSENAL球队所属球场Emirates Stadium举办的《Capital FM Summertime Ball夏日音乐高峰会》。 自2005年宣布“单飞不解散”后,各团员都致力于甩开偶像包袱,着重歌唱与合声的实力。对于这次合体复出,唐肯表示,“几周前我们聚在一起,聊了复出的计划,因此,面对4年后的重聚,非常开心!我想我们会更享受重聚后的时光!”黎则在旁边帮腔,“我们从未说过解散!不是吗?” 4年内都从男孩变奶爸的BLUE,日前在接受采访时宣布新的唱片合约已经签订,不过尚未公布花落谁家。演唱会(11张)4Ever Blue 四周年特选影音纪念盘 (台湾版) 2005-7 4Ever Blue Fans Edition 2005-5 Get Down on It 2005-1 Best Of Blue(台湾版) 2004-11 Best Of Blue 2004-11 Guilty: Live from Wembley 2004-4 Guilty (罪爱 ) 2003-11 One Love (一种爱) 2003-11 All Rise (全体肃立) 2001-12~
2023-01-12 16:14:536

寻求《All rise》的中英文歌词

all rise 全体肃立 yo, yoyo, yoyour honour please法官大人 gotta believe what i say (say)请您务必相信我的话 what i will tell (tell)我一一细数 happened just the other day (day)过去发生的一切 i must confess (confess)我必须诚实招供 cause i"ve had about enough (enough)因为我已经受够 i need your help (help)我需要你的帮助 got to make this here thing stop (stop)将事情划上休止符 baby i swear i tell the truth (uhuh)宝贝,我发誓我会实话实说 about all the things you used to do (come on)关于你从前的所作所为 and if you thought you had me fooled (come on)如果你自认这纯属戏弄 i"m tellin" you now objection overruled告诉你:抗议无效!^ here we go (oh baby)我这就一一数来,宝贝 one for the money and the free rides第一,我付出的金钱及时间 it"s two for the lie that you denied第二,你矢口否认的谎言 all rise (all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise)全体肃立,全体肃立! three for the calls you"ve been making 第三,你曾说过的花言巧语 it"s four for the times you"ve been faking第四,你从没有动过真情意 all rise (i"m gonna tell it to your face)我要当着你的面揭露一切 all rise (i rest my case) 证词终止 you"re on the stand (stand)with your back against the wall (wall)你站在证人席背倚着墙 nowhere to run (run)and nobody you can call (call) oh no无出可逃也找不到救兵 i just can"t wait (wait)now the case is open wide (wide)我迫不及待如今一切真相大白 you"ll try to pray (pray)but the jury will decide (decide)你试着祷告吧但我知道评审团自有判决 (oh baby)so step back "cos you don"t know this cat后退一步因为你没见识过她的本色 i know deep down that you don"t want me to react我了解最深你不希望我反应过度? i lay low leaving all my options open我会低调行事以释怀的心面对 the decision of the jury has not been spoken step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone)步入我家门你会发现属于你的家当全无踪影 but in reality to whom does the stuff belong事实上,这些东西又属于谁去拥有? i bring you into court to preach my order我向法庭投诉 细说自己的原则 and you know that you overstep the border, uhuh你也知道自己早已超越界限 rap: (oh baby) so step back "cos you don"t know this cat 后退一步 因为你没见识过她的本色 i know deep down that you don"t want me to react 我了解最深 你不希望我反应过度? i lay low leaving all my options open 我会低调行事 以释怀的心面对 the decision of the jury has not been spoken step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone) 步入我家门 你会发现属于你的家当全无踪影 but in reality to whom does the stuff belong 事实上,这些东西 又属于谁去拥有? i bring you into court to preach my order 我向法庭投诉 细说自己的原则 and you know that you overstep the border, uhuh 你也知道自己早已超越界限
2023-01-12 16:15:151

谁可以给我ALL RISE 的歌词?

ALL RISEyo, yoyo, yoyour honour pleasegotta believe what i say (say)what i will tell (tell)happened just the other day (day)i must confess (confess)"cos i"ve had about enough (enough)i need your help (help)got to make this here thing stop (stop)baby i swear i tell the truth (uhuh)about all the things you used to do (come on)and if you thought you had me fooled (come on)i"m tellin" you now objection overruledhere we go (oh baby)one for the money and the free ridesit"s two for the lie that you deniedall rise (all rise)all rise (all rise, all rise)three for the calls you"ve been makingit"s four for the times you"ve been fakingall rise (i"m gonna tell it to your face)all rise (i rest my case)you"re on the stand (stand)with your back against the wall (wall)nowhere to run (run)and nobody you can call (call) oh noi just can"t wait (wait)now the case is open wide (wide)you"ll try to pray (pray)but the jury will decide (decide)(oh baby)so step back "cos you don"t know this cati know deep down that you don"t want me to reacti lay low leaving all my options openthe decision of the jury has not been spokenstep in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone)but in reality to whom does the stuff belongi bring you into court to preach my orderand you know that you overstep the border, uhuhall riseit"s two for the lie that you denied (ooooh)all rise (all rise)all rise (all rise, all rise)three for the calls you"ve been making (yeah)it"s four for the times you"ve been fakingall rise (all rise, all rise)all rise (all rise, all rise)one for the money and the free rides (what you say)it"s two for the lie that you denied (can"t you pay)all rise (what you"ve done)all risethree for the calls you"ve been making (what you say)it"s four for the times you"ve been faking (can"t you pay)all rise (what you"ve done)all rise (where you"ve gone)one for the money and the free ridesit"s two for the lie that you denied (ohhh)all rise (ohhh) all rise (uhuh uhuh)three for the calls you"ve been makingit"s four for the times you"ve been fakingi said all risei"m gonna tell it to your faceall rise, i rest my case (uhuh uhuh)
2023-01-12 16:15:485

ALL RISE 什么意思?

2023-01-12 16:16:518

All rise(Blue)这首歌歌词的中文意思

all rise 全体肃立 your honour please 法官大人 gotta believe what i say (say) 请您务必相信我的话 what i will tell (tell) 我一一细数 happened just the other day (day) 过去发生的一切 i must confess (confess) 我必须诚实招供 "cos i"ve had about enough (enough) 因为我已经受够 i need your help (help) 我需要你的帮助 got to make this here thing stop (stop) 将事情划上休止符 baby i swear i tell the truth (uhuh) 宝贝,我发誓我会实话实说 about all the things you used to do (come on) 关于你从前的所作所为 and if you thought you had me fooled (come on) 如果你自认这纯属戏弄 i"m tellin" you now objection overruled 告诉你:抗议无效!^ here we go (oh baby) 我这就一一数来,宝贝 one for the money and the free rides 第一,我付出的金钱及时间 it"s two for the lie that you denied 第二,你矢口否认的谎言 all rise (all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) 全体肃立,全体肃立! three for the calls you"ve been making 第三,你曾说过的花言巧语 it"s four for the times you"ve been faking 第四,你从没有动过真情意 all rise (i"m gonna tell it to your face) 我要当着你的面揭露一切 all rise (i rest my case) 证词终止 you"re on the stand (stand) with your back against the wall (wall) 你站在证人席 背倚着墙 nowhere to run (run) and nobody you can call (call) oh no 无出可逃 也找不到救兵 i just can"t wait (wait) now the case is open wide (wide) 我迫不及待 如今一切真相大白 you"ll try to pray (pray) but the jury will decide (decide) 你试着祷告吧 但我知道评审团自有判决 (oh baby) so step back "cos you don"t know this cat 后退一步 因为你没见识过她的本色 i know deep down that you don"t want me to react 我了解最深 你不希望我反应过度? i lay low leaving all my options open 我会低调行事 以释怀的心面对 the decision of the jury has not been spoken step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone) 步入我家门 你会发现属于你的家当全无踪影 but in reality to whom does the stuff belong 事实上,这些东西 又属于谁去拥有? i bring you into court to preach my order 我向法庭投诉 细说自己的原则 and you know that you overstep the border, uhuh 你也知道自己早已超越界限
2023-01-12 16:17:202

all rise的中文翻译

所有上升 所有崛起
2023-01-12 16:17:294

All Rise 什么意思?

1.all最常见的的用法是作为形容词时,意思为全部的。2.all可以与可数以及不可数名词连用,但是和可数名词连用时要用复数形式,例如all the windows have locks.所有的窗户都有锁。
2023-01-12 16:17:494

《All rise 》的歌词

歌手:Blue yo, yo yo, yo your honour please gotta believe what i say (say) what i will tell (tell) happened just the other day (day) i must confess (confess) "cos i"ve had about enough (enough) i need your help (help) got to make this here thing stop (stop) baby i swear i tell the truth (uhuh) about all the things you used to do (come on) and if you thought you had me fooled (come on) i"m tellin" you now objection overruled here we go (oh baby) one for the money and the free rides it"s two for the lie that you denied all rise (all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) three for the calls you"ve been making it"s four for the times you"ve been faking all rise (i"m gonna tell it to your face ) all rise (i rest my case) you"re on the stand (stand) with your back against the wall (wall) nowhere to run (run) and nobody you can call (call) oh no i just can"t wait (wait) now the case is open wide (wide) you"ll try to pray (pray) but the jury will decide (decide) (oh baby) so step back "cos you don"t know this cat i know deep down that you don"t want me to react i lay low leaving all my options open the decision of the jury has not been spoken step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone) but in reality to whom does the stuff be long i bring you into court to preach my order and you know that you overstep the border, uhuh all rise it"s two for the lie that you denied (ooooh) all rise (all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) three for the calls you"ve been making (yeah) it"s four for the times you"ve been faking all rise (all rise, all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) one for the money and the free rides (what you say) it"s two for the lie that you denied (can"t you pay) all rise (what you"ve done) all rise three for the calls you"ve been making (what you say) it"s four for the times you"ve been faki ng (can"t you pay) all rise (what you"ve done) all rise (where you"ve gone) one for the money and the free rides it"s two for the lie that you denied (ohhh) all rise (ohhh) all rise (uhuh uhuh) three for the calls you"ve been making it"s four for the times you"ve been faking i said all rise i"m gonna tell it to your face all rise, i rest my case (uhuh uhuh)
2023-01-12 16:18:041

翻译ALL RISE 翻译下来,谢谢!

2023-01-12 16:18:108

求ALL RISE 音译歌词

all rise 全体肃立 yo, yo yo, yo your honour please 法官大人 gotta believe what i say (say) 请您务必相信我的话 what i will tell (tell) 我一一细数 happened just the other day (day) 过去发生的一切 i must confess (confess) 我必须诚实招供 "cos i"ve had about enough (enough) 因为我已经受够 i need your help (help) 我需要你的帮助 got to make this here thing stop (stop) 将事情划上休止符 baby i swear i tell the truth (uhuh) 宝贝,我发誓我会实话实说 about all the things you used to do (come on) 关于你从前的所作所为 and if you thought you had me fooled (come on) 如果你自认这纯属戏弄 i"m tellin" you now objection overruled 告诉你:抗议无效!^ here we go (oh baby) 我这就一一数来,宝贝 one for the money and the free rides 第一,我付出的金钱及时间 it"s two for the lie that you denied 第二,你矢口否认的谎言 all rise (all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) 全体肃立,全体肃立! three for the calls you"ve been making 第三,你曾说过的花言巧语 it"s four for the times you"ve been faking 第四,你从没有动过真情意 all rise (i"m gonna tell it to your face) 我要当着你的面揭露一切 all rise (i rest my case) 证词终止 you"re on the stand (stand) with your back against the wall (wall) 你站在证人席 背倚着墙 nowhere to run (run) and nobody you can call (call) oh no 无出可逃 也找不到救兵 i just can"t wait (wait) now the case is open wide (wide) 我迫不及待 如今一切真相大白 you"ll try to pray (pray) but the jury will decide (decide) 你试着祷告吧 但我知道评审团自有判决 (oh baby) so step back "cos you don"t know this cat 后退一步 因为你没见识过她的本色 i know deep down that you don"t want me to react 我了解最深 你不希望我反应过度? i lay low leaving all my options open 我会低调行事 以释怀的心面对 the decision of the jury has not been spoken step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone) 步入我家门 你会发现属于你的家当全无踪影 but in reality to whom does the stuff belong 事实上,这些东西 又属于谁去拥有? i bring you into court to preach my order 我向法庭投诉 细说自己的原则 and you know that you overstep the border, uhuh 你也知道自己早已超越界限
2023-01-12 16:18:371

这首歌的中文翻译? 歌名叫:all rise

All Rise - Blue all rise - blue - All Rise 全体起立 yo, yo yo, yo your honour please 法官大人 gotta believe what i say (say) 请相信我要说的话 what i will tell (tell) 我将要说的 happened just the other day (day) 在几天前刚刚发生 i must confess (confess) 我必须承认 "cos i"ve had about enough (enough) 我已经受不了了 i need your help (help) 我需要你的帮助 got to make this here thing stop (stop) 把发生在这里的事摆平。 baby i swear i tell the truth (uhuh)(从这一句,说话对象转向被告)宝贝我对天发誓我说的是实话 about all the things you used to do (come on) 关于你所作的一切 and if you thought you had me fooled (come on) 如果你认为你愚弄了我 i"m tellin" you now objection overruled 我现在就告诉你,抗议无效!! here we go (oh baby) 现在你给我听好: one for the money and the free rides 第一是你不劳而获的金钱 it"s two for the lie that you denied 第二是你失口否认的谎言 all rise (all rise) 全体起立!! all rise (all rise, all rise) 全体起立!! three for the calls you"ve been making 第三是你曾经的花言巧语 it"s four for the times you"ve been faking 第四是你捏造的时间(这句的翻译实在是无能为力) all rise (i"m gonna tell it to your face) 全体起立!!(我对着你的脸告诉你) all rise (i rest my case) 全体起立!!(陈词完毕) you"re on the stand (stand) 你站在那里 with your back against the wall (wall)背靠在墙壁 nowhere to run (run) 无路可逃 and nobody you can call (call) oh no 也没人能救你 i just can"t wait (wait) 我不能等下去了 now the case is open wide (wide) 事情已经大白于天下 you"ll try to pray (pray) 你试着祈祷 but the jury will decide (decide) 但是陪审团自有裁决 (oh baby) so step back "cos you don"t know this cat 退后一点因为你根本不了解这只猫(指被告 我猜的) i know deep down that you don"t want me to react 我十分了解你不希望我反应激烈 i lay low leaving all my options open 留下我所有的陈词我将会冷静低调 the decision of the jury has not been spoken 当陪审团的决定尚未公布 step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone) 进入我家你会发现你的所有不翼而飞 but in reality to whom does the stuff belong 但事实上这些东西本该属于谁?? i bring you into court to preach my order 我把你带到法院说出我的原则 and you know that you overstep the border, uhuh 你也知道你早已超出界线。
2023-01-12 16:18:522

all rise 的歌词翻译

I can"t!
2023-01-12 16:19:014

blue-all rise

2001年初,一支饶富都会节奏感的“All Rise”抢滩Top 4并高居电台点播Top 10五周,从各地传来的捷报未曾停歇 :马来西亚4周冠军、德国季军、澳洲匈牙利第4名,更是台湾新偶像剧《阳光果冻》的主题曲“All I”本尊曲!第2 单曲“Too Close”乘胜攻下金榜NO.1,接续推出的节奏蓝调情抒曲“If You Come Back”更是空降单曲冠军宝座。 在3支畅销单曲累积销售破60万张(其中2支是冠军单曲)背书下,专辑于年底发行了。 发迹于英国伦敦、由 黎Lee Ryan(18岁)、安东尼Antony Costa(20岁)、唐肯Duncan James(22岁)和赛门Simon Webbe(22岁) 组成的BLUE,以绝佳默契和演唱实力受到EMI-Virgin集团赏识,并由当初成功打造坏小子罗比·威廉斯原属团体 TAKE THAT的原班制作班底全力栽培打造。出到不到一年,BLUE交出的漂亮成绩单,证明了他们是英国 2002第一R&B偶像实力双重合一男声团。由天王制作人Stargate与摩城传奇Jimmy Ruffin之子Ray Ruffin打造 、在英国及挪威完成的本辑,展现了BLUE超龄的声音演出。本影音双效CD还有BLUE拍摄音乐录像带的幕后 花絮和屏幕保护程序等意想不到的惊喜,给初次见面的台湾乐迷。 永远支持BLUE 期待BLUE重组 陈小春的《算你狠》与《All rise》曲风相似。 其中的一首《All Rise》被B.A.D.组合改编成一曲《Oh I》
2023-01-12 16:19:164

all rise 的中文歌词,非常感谢

all rise 全体肃立 yo, yo yo, yo your honour please 法官大人 gotta believe what i say (say) 请您务必相信我的话 what i will tell (tell) 我一一细数 happened just the other day (day) 过去发生的一切 i must confess (confess) 我必须诚实招供 "cos i"ve had about enough (enough) 因为我已经受够 i need your help (help) 我需要你的帮助 got to make this here thing stop (stop) 将事情划上休止符 baby i swear i tell the truth (uhuh) 宝贝,我发誓我会实话实说 about all the things you used to do (come on) 关于你从前的所作所为 and if you thought you had me fooled (come on) 如果你自认这纯属戏弄 i"m tellin" you now objection overruled 告诉你:抗议无效!^ here we go (oh baby) 我这就一一数来,宝贝 one for the money and the free rides 第一,我付出的金钱及时间 it"s two for the lie that you denied 第二,你矢口否认的谎言 all rise (all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) 全体肃立,全体肃立! three for the calls you"ve been making 第三,你曾说过的花言巧语 it"s four for the times you"ve been faking 第四,你从没有动过真情意 all rise (i"m gonna tell it to your face) 我要当着你的面揭露一切 all rise (i rest my case) 证词终止 you"re on the stand (stand) with your back against the wall (wall) 你站在证人席 背倚着墙 nowhere to run (run) and nobody you can call (call) oh no 无出可逃 也找不到救兵 i just can"t wait (wait) now the case is open wide (wide) 我迫不及待 如今一切真相大白 you"ll try to pray (pray) but the jury will decide (decide) 你试着祷告吧 但我知道评审团自有判决 (oh baby) so step back "cos you don"t know this cat 后退一步 因为你没见识过她的本色 i know deep down that you don"t want me to react 我了解最深 你不希望我反应过度? i lay low leaving all my options open 我会低调行事 以释怀的心面对 the decision of the jury has not been spoken step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone) 步入我家门 你会发现属于你的家当全无踪影 but in reality to whom does the stuff belong 事实上,这些东西 又属于谁去拥有? i bring you into court to preach my order 我向法庭投诉 细说自己的原则 and you know that you overstep the border, uhuh 你也知道自己早已超越界限 all rise it"s two for the lie that you denied (ooooh) all rise (all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) three for the calls you"ve been making (yeah) it"s four for the times you"ve been faking all rise (all rise, all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) 你的花言巧语 玩弄的手段伎俩 你的所作所为 狠心的不告而别
2023-01-12 16:19:304

all rise, one love 的歌词翻译

all rise 全体肃立 yo, yo yo, yo your honour please 法官大人 gotta believe what i say (say) 请您务必相信我的话 what i will tell (tell) 我一一细数 happened just the other day (day) 过去发生的一切 i must confess (confess) 我必须诚实招供 "cos i"ve had about enough (enough) 因为我已经受够 i need your help (help) 我需要你的帮助 got to make this here thing stop (stop) 将事情划上休止符 baby i swear i tell the truth (uhuh) 宝贝,我发誓我会实话实说 about all the things you used to do (come on) 关于你从前的所作所为 and if you thought you had me fooled (come on) 如果你自认这纯属戏弄 i"m tellin" you now objection overruled 告诉你:抗议无效!^ here we go (oh baby) 我这就一一数来,宝贝 one for the money and the free rides 第一,我付出的金钱及时间 it"s two for the lie that you denied 第二,你矢口否认的谎言 all rise (all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) 全体肃立,全体肃立! three for the calls you"ve been making 第三,你曾说过的花言巧语 it"s four for the times you"ve been faking 第四,你从没有动过真情意 all rise (i"m gonna tell it to your face) 我要当着你的面揭露一切 all rise (i rest my case) 证词终止 you"re on the stand (stand) with your back against the wall (wall) 你站在证人席 背倚着墙 nowhere to run (run) and nobody you can call (call) oh no 无出可逃 也找不到救兵 i just can"t wait (wait) now the case is open wide (wide) 我迫不及待 如今一切真相大白 you"ll try to pray (pray) but the jury will decide (decide) 你试着祷告吧 但我知道评审团自有判决 (oh baby) so step back "cos you don"t know this cat 后退一步 因为你没见识过她的本色 i know deep down that you don"t want me to react 我了解最深 你不希望我反应过度? i lay low leaving all my options open 我会低调行事 以释怀的心面对 the decision of the jury has not been spoken step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone) 步入我家门 你会发现属于你的家当全无踪影 but in reality to whom does the stuff belong 事实上,这些东西 又属于谁去拥有? i bring you into court to preach my order 我向法庭投诉 细说自己的原则 and you know that you overstep the border, uhuh 你也知道自己早已超越界限````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````one love一种爱 生命的转折如此可笑 一件小事就能让你弹到十万八千里远 有时爱情让人摸不着头脑 一天醒来就溜的不知去向 我拒绝放弃 拒绝放手 你是我的所有 我不愿放弃 不愿放手 大家一起唱 一种爱,为自己的尊严 一种爱,为一起流泪的时光 一种爱,要保持活力,我会度过难关 一种爱,为街舞的节奏 一种爱,哦,我绝对相信 一种爱,我们都需要 深深的夜里,我仍兴奋 想着那谣不可及的梦 以为自己的心永远不会停歇 到现在才知道这是多大的错误 宝贝 只要爱我 爱我 爱我 宝贝 只要有我 有我 有我 哦 爱我 爱我 爱我 一种爱 宝贝 只要爱我 爱我 爱我 宝贝 只要有我 有我 有我 哦 爱我 爱我 爱我
2023-01-12 16:19:446

all rise 中文谐音 谢谢

2023-01-12 16:20:086

求blue乐队的《all rise》歌词翻译,和这首歌的介绍

Yo, yoYo, yoYour honour pleaseGotta believe what I say (say)What I will tell (tell)Happened just the other day (day)I must confess (confess)"Cos I"ve had about enough (enough)I need your help (help)Got to make this here thing stop (stop)Baby I swear I tell the truth (uhuh)About all the things you used to do (come on)And if you thought you had me fooled (come on)I"m tellin" you now objection overruledHere we go (oh baby)One for the money and the free ridesIt"s two for the lie that you deniedAll rise (all rise)All rise (all rise, all rise)Three for the calls you"ve been makingIt"s four for the times you"ve been fakingAll rise (I"m gonna tell it to your face)All rise (I rest my case)You"re on the stand (stand)With your back against the wall (wall)Nowhere to run (run)And nobody you can call (call) oh noI just can"t wait (wait)Now the case is open wide (wide)You"ll try to pray (pray)But the jury will decide (decide)Baby I swear I tell the truth (uhuh)About all the things you used to do (come on)And if you thought you had me fooled (come on)I"m tellin" you now objection overruled(oh baby)One for the money and the free ridesIt"s two for the lie that you deniedAll rise (all rise)All rise (all rise, all rise)Three for the calls you"ve been makingIt"s four for the times you"ve been fakingAll rise (I"m gonna tell it to your face)All rise (I rest my case)So step back "cos you don"t know this catI know deep down that you don"t want me to reactI lay low leaving all my options openThe decision of the jury has not been spokenStep in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone)But in reality to whom does the stuff belongI bring you into court to preach my orderAnd you know that you overstep the border, uhuhOne for the money and the free ridesIt"s two for the lie that you deniedAll rise (all rise)All rise (all rise, all rise)Three for the calls you"ve been makingIt"s four for the times you"ve been fakingAll rise (I"m gonna tell it to your face)All riseOne for the money and the free ridesIt"s two for the lie that you deniedAll rise (all rise)All rise (all rise, all rise)Three for the calls you"ve been makingIt"s four for the times you"ve been fakingAll rise (I"m gonna tell it to your face)All riseOne for the money and the free ridesIt"s two for the lie that you deniedAll rise (all rise)All rise (all rise, all rise)Three for the calls you"ve been makingIt"s four for the times you"ve been fakingAll rise (I"m gonna tell it to your face)All rise (I rest my case)译成如下:all rise全体肃立yo, yoyo, yoyour honour please法官大人gotta believe what i say (say)请您务必相信我的话what i will tell (tell)我一一细数happened just the other day (day)过去发生的一切i must confess (confess)我必须诚实招供"cos i"ve had about enough (enough)因为我已经受够i need your help (help)我需要你的帮助got to make this here thing stop (stop)将事情划上休止符baby i swear i tell the truth (uhuh)宝贝,我发誓我会实话实说about all the things you used to do (come on)关于你从前的所作所为and if you thought you had me fooled (come on)如果你自认这纯属戏弄i"m tellin" you now objection overruled告诉你:抗议无效!^here we go (oh baby)我这就一一数来,宝贝one for the money and the free rides第一,我付出的金钱及时间it"s two for the lie that you denied第二,你矢口否认的谎言all rise (all rise)all rise (all rise, all rise)全体肃立,全体肃立!three for the calls you"ve been making第三,你曾说过的花言巧语it"s four for the times you"ve been faking第四,你从没有动过真情意all rise (i"m gonna tell it to your face)我要当着你的面揭露一切all rise (i rest my case)证词终止you"re on the stand (stand)with your back against the wall (wall)你站在证人席背倚着墙nowhere to run (run)and nobody you can call (call) oh no无出可逃也找不到救兵i just can"t wait (wait)now the case is open wide (wide)我迫不及待如今一切真相大白you"ll try to pray (pray)but the jury will decide (decide)你试着祷告吧但我知道评审团自有判决(oh baby)so step back "cos you don"t know this cat后退一步因为你没见识过她的本色i know deep down that you don"t want me to react我了解最深你不希望我反应过度?i lay low leaving all my options open我会低调行事以释怀的心面对the decision of the jury has not been spokenstep in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone)步入我家门你会发现属于你的家当全无踪影but in reality to whom does the stuff belong事实上,这些东西又属于谁去拥有?i bring you into court to preach my order我向法庭投诉 细说自己的原则and you know that you overstep the border, uhuh你也知道自己早已超越界限
2023-01-12 16:20:302

一首英文歌的歌名all rise是什么意思?

All Rise 全体肃立all rise - blue - All Rise yo, yo yo, yo your honour please gotta believe what i say (say) what i will tell (tell) happened just the other day (day) i must confess (confess) "cos i"ve had about enough (enough) i need your help (help) got to make this here thing stop (stop) baby i swear i tell the truth (uhuh) about all the things you used to do (come on) and if you thought you had me fooled (come on) i"m tellin" you now objection overruled here we go (oh baby) one for the money and the free rides it"s two for the lie that you denied all rise (all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) three for the calls you"ve been making it"s four for the times you"ve been faking all rise (i"m gonna tell it to your face) all rise (i rest my case) you"re on the stand (stand) with your back against the wall (wall) nowhere to run (run) and nobody you can call (call) oh no i just can"t wait (wait) now the case is open wide (wide) you"ll try to pray (pray) but the jury will decide (decide) (oh baby) so step back "cos you don"t know this cat i know deep down that you don"t want me to react i lay low leaving all my options open the decision of the jury has not been spoken step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone) but in reality to whom does the stuff belong i bring you into court to preach my order and you know that you overstep the border, uhuh all rise it"s two for the lie that you denied (ooooh) all rise (all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) three for the calls you"ve been making (yeah) it"s four for the times you"ve been faking all rise (all rise, all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) one for the money and the free rides (what you say) it"s two for the lie that you denied (can"t you pay) all rise (what you"ve done) all rise three for the calls you"ve been making (what you say) it"s four for the times you"ve been faking (can"t you pay) all rise (what you"ve done) all rise (where you"ve gone) one for the money and the free rides it"s two for the lie that you denied (ohhh) all rise (ohhh) all rise (uhuh uhuh) three for the calls you"ve been making it"s four for the times you"ve been faking i said all rise i"m gonna tell it to your face all rise, i rest my case (uhuh uhuh) 汉语翻译: 歌名:全体肃立 唷唷唷唷 法官大人 我请实言 我将诉来 昔日之事 我认栽了 因已受够 借你一手 了结此事 我誓之实言 你昔日所为 若只为愚弄 须知王法无情 如今言归正传 一是你花钱无度 二是你心口不一 全体肃立 全体肃立 三是你花言巧语 四是你虚情假意 全体肃立(我当你面说) 全体肃立(此证词完毕) 你于席上 背依向墙 无路可逃 无人呼救 不会有的 我迫不及待 将真相大白 你欲之祈祷 法官将裁决 嗬, 宝贝 如此步步退让 是因为你不了解这骚猫 我深知你不愿我太激动 我坐低,留下所有意见 (因)裁决尚未出自法官 步入家门你发现你家产(我已给你)搬出 然而实此物属谁于未知 与你对薄公堂细诉本人原则 你知你已超出(我)容忍界限 嘿哼
2023-01-12 16:20:381

All Rise 的中英文对照歌词?

All Rise 歌词的中英文对照: your honour please 法官大人 gotta believe what i say (say) 你得相信我要说的话 what i will tell (tell) 我将要说的 happened just the other day (day) 在几天前刚刚发生 i must confess (confess) 我必须承认 "cos i"ve had about enough (enough) 我已经受够了 i need your help (help) 我需要你的帮助 got to make this here thing stop (stop) 把发生在这里的事摆平。 baby i swear i tell the truth (uhuh)(从这一句,说话对象转向被告)宝贝我对天发誓 about all the things you used to do (come on) 关于你所作的一切,我说的是实话 and if you thought you had me fooled (come on) 如果你认为你愚弄了我 i"m tellin" you now objection overruled 我现在就告诉你,抗议无效!! here we go (oh baby) 现在你给我听好: one for the money and the free rides 第一控诉你不劳而获的金钱 it"s two for the lie that you denied 第二控诉你矢口否认的谎言 all rise (all rise) 全体起立!! all rise (all rise, all rise) 全体起立!! three for the calls you"ve been making 第三控诉你曾经的花言巧语 it"s four for the times you"ve been faking 第四控诉你那么多次胡编乱造 all rise (i"m gonna tell it to your face) 全体起立!!(我要当面告诉你) all rise (i rest my case) 全体起立!!(陈词完毕) you"re on the stand (stand) 你站在那里 with your back against the wall (wall)背靠在墙壁 nowhere to run (run) 无路可逃 and nobody you can call (call) oh no 也没人能救你 i just can"t wait (wait) 我不能等下去了 now the case is open wide (wide) 事情已经大白于天下 you"ll try to pray (pray) 你 祈祷吧 but the jury will decide (decide) 但是陪审团自有裁决 (oh baby) so step back "cos you don"t know this cat 退后一点因为你根本不了解这个恶毒的女人 i know deep down that you don"t want me to react 我十分了解你不希望我反应激烈 i lay low leaving all my options open 留下我所有的陈词我将会冷静低调 the decision of the jury has not been spoken 当陪审团的决定尚未公布 step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone) 进入我家你会发现你的所有不翼而飞 but in reality to whom does the stuff belong 但事实上这些东西本该属于谁?? i bring you into court to preach my order 我把你带到法庭提出我的要求 and you know that you overstep the border, uhuh 你也知道你早已超出界线。
2023-01-12 16:21:051

blue乐队的all rise是哪年出来的?

2001年12月,blue的one love等歌也相当好听呦哎~~~blue现在也已经各自单飞不过赛门韦伯还是有很多脍炙人口的好歌
2023-01-12 16:21:102

Blue 的All rise是什么意思啊?是全部起立吗?

就是全部起立,我们学的stand up早就没有人用了~~~~~~~~~
2023-01-12 16:21:314

凤凰传奇《月亮之上》《all rise》抄袭?我横气愤!!

2023-01-12 16:21:468

Blue的All Rise歌词意思

All rise 全体肃立 的意思
2023-01-12 16:22:163


yo, yo yo, yo your honour please gotta believe what i say (say) what i will tell (tell) happened just the other day (day) i must confess (confess) "cos i"ve had about enough (enough) i need your help (help) got to make this here thing stop (stop) baby i swear i tell the truth (uhuh) about all the things you used to do (come on) and if you thought you had me fooled (come on) i"m tellin" you now objection overruled here we go (oh baby) one for the money and the free rides it"s two for the lie that you denied all rise (all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) three for the calls you"ve been making it"s four for the times you"ve been faking all rise (i"m gonna tell it to your face) all rise (i rest my case) you"re on the stand (stand) with your back against the wall (wall) nowhere to run (run) and nobody you can call (call) oh no i just can"t wait (wait) now the case is open wide (wide) you"ll try to pray (pray) but the jury will decide (decide) (oh baby) so step back "cos you don"t know this cat i know deep down that you don"t want me to react i lay low leaving all my options open the decision of the jury has not been spoken step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone) but in reality to whom does the stuff belong i bring you into court to preach my order and you know that you overstep the border, uhuh all rise it"s two for the lie that you denied (ooooh) all rise (all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) three for the calls you"ve been making (yeah) it"s four for the times you"ve been faking all rise (all rise, all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) one for the money and the free rides (what you say) it"s two for the lie that you denied (can"t you pay) all rise (what you"ve done) all rise three for the calls you"ve been making (what you say) it"s four for the times you"ve been faking (can"t you pay) all rise (what you"ve done) all rise (where you"ve gone) one for the money and the free rides it"s two for the lie that you denied (ohhh) all rise (ohhh) all rise (uhuh uhuh) three for the calls you"ve been making it"s four for the times you"ve been faking i said all rise i"m gonna tell it to your face all rise, i rest my case (uhuh uhuh) fly by ii歌手:Blue 专辑:All Rise Yo, uh huh Ooh, whoa whoa Yo, uh huh Yo All dressed up you"re Good to go Checkin" your style from Head to toe (that"s right) Hooked up and natural You"re feelin" beautiful Nine times out of ten You know Late night club like a video With the Hot stuff, top stuff, yo we Got stuff (whoa whoa) What a night (night) So far (far) Pullin" up curb side In your car (your car) What a sight (sight) You are (are) Think I know somewhere We can park After dark System up with the top down Got the city on lockdown Drive by in the low ride Hands high when we fly by System up with the top down Got the city on lockdown Drive by in the low ride Hands high when we fly by Girl it"s time to let you know I"m down if you wanna go We can take it nice and slow We got until tomorrow UK style UK flow We got you hot like (whoa) With the hot stuff Top stuff, we got stuff (oh) What a night (night) So far (far) Pullin" up curb side In your car (your car) What a sight (sight) You are (are) Think I know somewhere We can park After dark System up with the top down Got the city on lockdown Drive by in the low ride (Low ride) Hands high when we fly by (Hands high) System up with the top down (Top down) Got the city on lockdown (Lockdown) Drive by in the low ride Hands high when we fly by (Fly by, fly by, fly by) Yo, yo, yo Throw your hands in the sky Wave "em from side to side Let me see you shake your body All at the same time (uh uh) Throw your hands in the sky Wave "em from side to side Let me see you shake your body All at the same time What a night so far Pullin" up curb side in your car What a sight you are Think I know somewhere We can park after dark System up with the top down Got the city on lockdown Drive by in the low ride Hands high when we fly by (Hands high) System up with the top down (Top down) Got the city on lockdown (Lockdown) Drive by in the low ride (Yeah) Hands high when we fly by (After dark) System up with the top down Got the city on lockdown Drive by in the low ride Hands high when we fly by (We fly by) System up with the top down Got the city on lockdown Drive by in the low ride Hands high when we fly by (Fly by, fly by, fly by) one loveIt"s kinda funny How life can change Can flip 180 in a matter of days Sometimes love works in Mysterious ways One day U wake up Gone without a trace I refuse to give up I refuse to give in You"re my everythin" I don"t wanna give up I don"t wanna give in So everybody sing One love for the mother"s pride one love for the time we crided One love gotta stay alive...I will survive One love for the city streets One love for the hip hop beats One love oh I do believe One love is all we need Late at night I"m still wide awake Feelin" this is one more than I can take I thought my heart could Never break Now I know that"s one big mistake I refuse to give up I refuse to give in You"re my everythin" I don"t wanna give up I don"t wanna give in Everybody sing One love for the mother"s pride one love for the time we crided One love gotta stay alive...I will survive One love for the city streets One love for the hip hop beats One love oh I do believe One love is all we need Baby just love me love me love me Baby just hold me hold me hold me Ooooh love me love me love me Oh love Baby just love me love me love me Baby just hold me hold me hold me Ooooh love me love me love me One love for the mother"s pride One love for the times we cried One love gotta stay alive...I will survive One love for the city streets One love for the hip-hop beats One love oh I do believe One love is all we need One love for the mother"s pride one love for the time we crided One love gotta stay alive...I will survive One love for the city streets One love for the hip hop beats One love oh I do believe One love is all we need
2023-01-12 16:22:292

blue的all rise 是什么时候的歌啊 还有俊秀的all rise 又是什么时候唱的啊

2023-01-12 16:23:094

all rise怎么读啊?

2023-01-12 16:23:362

all rise 简谱 blue 的

367653 32154567(1高音)7 这是前奏部分
2023-01-12 16:23:442

求Blue-All Right中文歌词

2023-01-12 16:23:532


这属于摇滚或者hiphop类的,推荐几首好听的:one love、numb、remember the name、I gotta a feeling、what I have done.听英文歌很多年了,类似all rise的基本上就这些了!
2023-01-12 16:24:091

跪球All Rise的数字简谱 独奏的

  Intro: 2X  Dm F Bb C  --E-------0---------------------------------0-1-0---  --B----3----3--1----------------1------1-3----------  --G--2-----------2-----2-0---------3----------------  --A-------------------------8-----------------------  VERSE 1.  C Dm  Your honour please  Am  Gotta believe what I say (say)  Dm  What I will tell (tell)  C  Happened just the other day (day)  Dm  I must confess (confess)  Am  "Cos I"ve had about enough (enough)  Dm  I need your help (help)  C  Got to make this here thing stop (stop)  Dm  Baby I swear I tell the truth (uhuh)  F C  About all the things you used to do (come on)  Dm  And if you thought you had me fooled  F C  I"m tellin" you now objection overruled  Here we go (oh baby)  CHORUS:(Fill The Intro):  Dm  One for the money and the free rides  F  It"s two for the lie that you denied  Bb  All rise (all rise)  C  All rise (all rise, all rise)  Dm  Three for the calls you"ve been making  F  It"s four for the times you"ve been faking  Bb  All rise (I"m gonna tell it to your face)  C  All rise (I rest my case)  VERSE 2. (Same As Above)  You"re on the stand (stand)  With your back against the wall (wall)  Nowhere to run (run)  And nobody you can call (call) oh no  I just can"t wait (wait)  Now the case is open wide (wide)  You"ll try to pray (pray)  But the jury will decide (decide)  Baby I swear I tell the truth (uhuh)  About all the things you used to do  And if you thought you had me fooled (come on)  I"m tellin" you now objection overruled  Oh baby  Repeat Chorus  (Keep Playing Dm)  So step back "cos you don"t know this cat  I know deep down that you don"t want me to react  I lay low leaving all my options open  The decision of the jury has not been spoken  Step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone)  But in reality to whom does the stuff belong  I bring you into court to preach my order  And you know that you overstep the border, uhuh  It"s two for the lie that you denied (ooooh)  All rise (all rise)  All rise (all rise, all rise)  Three for the calls you"ve been making (yeah)  It"s four for the times you"ve been faking  All rise (all rise, all rise)  All rise (all rise, all rise)  One for the money and the free rides (what you say)  It"s two for the lie that you denied (can"t you pay)  All rise (what you"ve done)  All rise  Three for the calls you"ve been making (what you say)  It"s four for the times you"ve been faking (can"t you pay)  All rise (what you"ve done)  All rise (where you"ve gone)  One for the money and the free rides  It"s two for the lie that you denied (ohhh)  All rise (ohhh) all rise (uhuh uhuh)  Three for the calls you"ve been making  It"s four for the times you"ve been faking  I said all rise  I"m gonna tell it to your face  All rise, I rest my case (uhuh uhuh)
2023-01-12 16:24:141

月亮之上和all rise会相似吗?

2023-01-12 16:24:282

a better day,all rise和黑蝙蝠中队 咋这么像呢?

就是一样的,all rise是 blue 唱的。黑蝙蝠中队是翻唱blue的。
2023-01-12 16:24:433

和all rise调子很像的中文歌曲叫什么?

凤凰传奇 月亮之上
2023-01-12 16:25:464

蓝色(blue)的one love,u make me wanna ,all rise是RNB风格吗

先简单介绍一下。 RNB,也称R&B,它的全写是Rhythm and Blues,是融合了爵士乐,福音音乐和蓝调音乐的音乐形式。它的前身是blues(蓝调),出现在40年代的美国黑人区,后来跳出黑人圈子,在芝加哥流行起来,慢慢的大家觉得听蓝调很悲伤,所以就加入了很多轻快的元素。 其实RNB最大的特点是 1.节奏感鲜明。听者有想摇头晃脑甚至跳舞的冲动。 2.多变的音质。比如周杰伦的歌,你会发现很多都是前部分一个风格,中间间奏换另一种,后部分再换回来。 3.结巴,重复。O(∩_∩)O就是比如“我不,我不,我不”。 但是随着音乐风格的多样化,各种曲风其实差别越来越小了。现在评价一首歌,很难单纯的说,这就是一首某某曲风的歌曲,没有其他曲风在里面。 所以,blue的歌是有RNB风格的,但也多少掺杂了流行(pop)曲风.如果非要说他是RNB,那就是了,因为歌里包含RNB风格,但必须注意他们都不是纯正的RNB。 one love的节奏感很好,而且里面有“baby just love me love me love me,hold me hold me hold me”,所以我个人认为这首歌是属于RNB的。 u make me wanna的流行风格好明显!不过有些歌词处理的很动感,就是RNB风,所以我个人认为这首也可以归到RNB里面。 all rise从一开始就是“yo yo yo”,这可是RNB的招牌,所以虽然有说唱部分,是属于嘻哈风格的,但是这首歌总体也属于RNB。 以上纯属个人意见,如果有认识的音乐高手,可以忽略我的意见哈……再提醒一下,这三首都不是纯正RNB
2023-01-12 16:25:596

月亮之上和all rise会相似吗?

第一次听月亮之上 第一反应就是它抄袭ALL RISE 中国人是翻版高手 这有什么好奇怪的嘛
2023-01-12 16:26:2015

Blue乐队有什么经典歌曲除了All rise;One love

2023-01-12 16:27:071


是的抄袭的是blue的all rise
2023-01-12 16:28:184

寻找像《all rise》之类的经典慢摇曲

有啊``像all rise那样节奏的歌他们乐团还有首叫《fly by》你可以去听听。
2023-01-12 16:28:352

求人推荐几首像all rise这样的节奏感强的歌曲

布莱尼的歌曲节奏感都很强《do something》《piece of me》《baby one more time》《toxic》其他歌手的《low》《yeah》《sexy back》《buttons》《get up》《hotline》:-)是跳舞用的么?
2023-01-12 16:28:432


2001年出的歌名:All Rise演唱者: Blue流派: 流行专辑类型: 专辑介质: CD发行时间: 2001出版者:EMI唱片数: 1条形码: 0724359040820
2023-01-12 16:28:521


2023-01-12 16:29:094


白度上很好搜索的就是nana 的dreams
2023-01-12 16:29:433

月亮之上和欧美BULE的一首歌ALL RISE 非常像

2023-01-12 16:29:547


2023-01-12 16:30:184


Chinese is now being used more and more widely all over the world.祝你开心如意!
2023-01-12 16:13:511