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2023-05-19 23:43:27



























火药 = Gunpowder
2023-01-12 15:11:164


powder意思是粉。powder是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“粉;粉末;[化工][军] 火药;尘土”,作及物动词时意思是“使成粉末;撒粉;搽粉于”,作不及物动词时意思是“搽粉;变成粉末”。短语:1、keep one"s powder dry:做好准备。2、take a powder:溜之大吉、匆忙离去。3、powder metallurgy:粉末冶金;粉末合金;粉末冶金学;粉末冶炼金属。4、milk powder:食品奶粉;乳粉;毒奶粉;配方奶粉。5、shading powder:修容饼;修容。6、setting powder:能让妆容凝固的粉。例句:1、This paper describes a new technology for production of rongalite based on sodium pyrosulfite reduced by zinc powder and reacted with formaldehyde.斜述了用焦亚硫酸钠为原料,经锌粉还原与甲醛加成反应,生产次硫酸氢钠甲醛的新工艺。2、Thestabilized powders have obvious better oxidation resistance than unstabilized Pow-ders.And the other physical and chemical properties remain constant.经钝化处理后的粉末,其抗氧化性显著提高,而其他物理性能及化学组成基本保持不变。3、That is a padhesive with the powder Diecty,Compress tablets and replenisher,Disinteante,adhesive of the capsula.本品主要用作药物固体制剂,全粉末直接压片的干燥粘合剂,胶囊填充剂,崩解剂,湿法造粒粘合剂和着色的延展剂。4、if in a hurry to business card printing and membership card, you can use the talcum powder stuccoing incision in the pressure-sensitive paper, plastic drying.如果急于制卡和会员卡制作,可以搁置滑石粉涂撒在不潮胶纸张的暗语处,使胶变潮。
2023-01-12 15:11:291


你好!gunpowder 英[ˈgʌnpaʊdə(r)] 美[ˈɡʌnˌpaʊdɚ]n. 火药;有烟火药,黑色火药;中国珠茶;请点击链接百度翻译语音仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。
2023-01-12 15:12:061


您好,假如您说的是中国历史上的四大发明的英语,分别是:1)指南针(Compass)2)火药(Gunpowder)3)造纸术(Paper Making)4)活字印刷术(Printing)
2023-01-12 15:12:112


印刷术 printing造纸术 papermaking technology火药 gunpowder指南针 compass
2023-01-12 15:12:251


指南针The compass.火药Gunpowderw
2023-01-12 15:13:206


Gunpowder was first used by Chinese.
2023-01-12 15:13:423


指南针:The compass 火药:Gunpowder 造纸术:paper-making 印刷术:printing
2023-01-12 15:13:562


"四大发明”英文名为“The Four Great Inventions”“造纸术”英文名为“Papermaking”“火药”英文名为“Gunpowder”“印刷术”英文名为“Priniting Technique”“指南针”英文名为“Compass”
2023-01-12 15:14:052


Gunpowder. Printing. Papermaking operation. Compass
2023-01-12 15:14:134


2023-01-12 15:14:299


指南针 Si Lan
2023-01-12 15:14:584


Gunpowder:火药.发音:ɡʌnˌpaʊdə英语解释: Gunpowder is an explosive substance that is used to make fireworks or cause explosions.
2023-01-12 15:15:121


Four Great Inventions of Ancient China
2023-01-12 15:15:187


Dynamite火药Dynamite refers to a kind of mixture which has saltpeter, charcoal and sulfur as its main components and can burn quickly or explode when lighted.火药指一种以硝石、木炭和硫磺为主要原材料的混合物,它能够快速燃烧并在点燃后爆炸。Both saltpeter and sulfur are combustible and had served as medicine in ancient China, so they are called dynamite, which means “flaming medicine” in Chinese.硝石和硫磺都是易燃物,它们在中国古代都被作为药材。In Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing, written in the Qin and Han dynasties, the authors illustrated the medical characteristics of saltpeter and sulfur, and recorded the experimental results of smelting saltpeter.因此它们被称为火药,在中文中是“燃烧的药”的意思。Qing Xuzi of the Tang Dynasty recorded the method of dealing with dynamite powder in the course of alchemy, which marked the real birth of the primitive dynamite powder.《神农本草经》中曾写道:秦汉时期,作者就曾举例说明硝石和硫磺的药物疗效并记录了冶炼硝石的实验结果。唐朝的卿旭子记录了炼金术中火药粉末的使用方法,这标志着真正的原始火药粉的诞生。However, it was not until the 10th century or so that dynamite powder began to be used as a weapon.然后,知道10世纪左右,火药才被当做一种武器。A few works have recorded the formulas for making artillery, fireballs and poisonous smoke balls, and the setting up of dynamite powder production workshops.一些书籍中记载了制造火炮、火球、毒气球以及火药粉生产车间的步骤。After that dynamite powder making skills were steadily developed.从那时起,火药粉末的制造技艺就处于稳步发展中。In 1126, the army of the Song Dynasty attacked its enemy, the army of the Jin Dynasty, with “the thunder-bolt artillery”,while the Jin Army fought with “the thunder artillery”.1126年,宋朝军队用“霹雳炮兵”攻击了它的敌人,金朝军队的“雷霆炮兵”。In 1359, the army of the Yuan Dynasty used “the fire canister” on the battlefield.1359年,元朝军队在战场上运用了火药桶。Until the Ming Dynasty, the formula for dynamite powder recorded in Ji Xiao Xin Shu by Qi Jiguang had been similar to the standard military black powder of today.到明朝时,戚继光《纪效新书》中记录的火药的配方与今天标准的军事黑火药相似。The alchemy and saltpeter of ancient China began to spread into the area of Arabia from the 8th or 9th century,while the production skills of dynamite powder and powder weapons spread gradually first into Arabia and then into Europe from the 13th century on.中国古代的炼金术和硝石在公元8到9世纪传入了阿拉伯地区,而火药粉的制造工艺以及火药武器先慢慢传入了阿拉伯,之后在13世纪才传入了欧洲。
2023-01-12 15:16:023


2023-01-12 15:16:173


Gunpowder, also known since the late 19th century as black powder, was the first chemical explosive and the only one known until the mid-1800s. It is a mixture of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate (saltpeter)—with the sulfur and charcoal acting as fuels, while the saltpetre works as an oxidizer.Because of its burning properties and the amount of heat and gas volume that it generates, gunpowder has been widely used as a propellant in firearms and as apyrotechnic composition in fireworks.
2023-01-12 15:16:281


分别是:指南针,火药,造纸术,印刷术翻译分别是:Compass,Gunpowder,Papermaking, typography
2023-01-12 15:16:343


the inventor of gunpowder
2023-01-12 15:16:451


Four great inventions of ancient China respectively for papermaking, printing, gunpowder and the compass
2023-01-12 15:16:514


2023-01-12 15:18:058


飘扬翠袖,摇拽缃裙:飘扬翠袖,低笼着玉笋纤纤;摇拽缃裙,半露出金莲窄 窄。形容体势十分全,动静脚跟千样�。拿头过论有高低,张泛送来真又楷。转身 踢个出墙花,退步翻成大过海。轻接一团泥,单枪急对拐。明珠上佛头,实捏来尖 �。窄砖偏会拿,卧鱼将脚�。平腰折膝蹲,扭顶翘跟�。扳凳能喧泛,披肩甚脱 洒。绞裆任往来,锁项随摇摆。踢的是黄河水倒流,金鱼滩上买。那个错认是头儿, 这个转身就打拐。端然捧上臁,周正尖来�。提跟�草鞋,倒插回头采。退步泛肩 妆,钩儿只一歹。版篓下来长,便把夺门揣。踢到美心时,佳人齐喝采。一个个汗
2023-01-12 15:18:423


Gunpowder,also known since the late 19th century as black powder,was the first chemical explosive and the only one known until the mid-1800s. It is a mixture of sulfur,charcoal,and potassium nitrate (saltpeter)—with the sulfur and charcoal acting as fuels,while the saltpetre works as an oxidizer.Because of its burning properties and the amount of heat and gas volume that it generates,gunpowder has been widely used as a propellant in firearms and as apyrotechnic composition in fireworks.
2023-01-12 15:18:531


爆炸性的英文:explosive;Explosive,英语单词,主要用作名词和形容词,意为“易爆的;爆炸物”等。短语搭配explosive welding 爆炸焊接;爆炸成形emulsion explosive 乳胶炸药explosive gas 易爆气,爆炸气;爆炸性气体high explosive 烈性炸药;高爆炸药;猛炸药explosive force 爆炸力,爆破力explosive power 爆炸力explosive mixture 爆炸混合物explosive atmosphere 易爆气体环境;爆燃性空气explosive material 炸药;爆炸材料nitrate explosive 硝酸盐炸药explosive powder 爆炸火药explosive ordnance disposal 爆炸性军械处理双语例句1、The explosive device was timed to go off at the rush hour. 该爆炸装置定在交通高峰时间爆炸。2、The explosive growth in casinos is one of the most conspicuous signs of Westernization. 赌场数量的暴涨是最明显的西化标志之一。3、He appeared to be treating the potentially explosive situation with some sensitivity. 他似乎正在有些敏感地处理潜在的爆炸性局面。4、He"s inherited his father"s explosive temper. 他遗传了他父亲的火暴性子。5、one-hundred-and-fifty pounds of Semtex explosive. 150磅的塞姆汀塑料炸药。
2023-01-12 15:19:491


paper, publishing, compass, gunpowder
2023-01-12 15:19:593


The four great inventionsPaper: paper is an important chemical processes, the invention of paper is Chinese in the spread of human culture and development make a valuable contribution, is China"s chemical history of a major achievement.The paper also before, oracle bones, bamboo slips and silk silk is used for writing, the ancient recorded material. But due to the rapid development of the economy, culture, bones and bamboo can not meet the demand of development, thus contributing to the improvement of writing tools. At that time people began using small silk made of paper, as the ancient Chinese when paper by hemp thread and silk, and preparation method of rough paper, so the quality is not so good. But the hemp thread and silk has its own role, to use them as a raw material for paper-making, would be greatly restricted, and difficult to get rapid development, to meet the cultural life of the requirement to paper.In the new situation request, Cai Lun of Eastern Han Dynasty for the emergence of papermaking to bring new breakthrough in the Eastern Han Dynasty," views on" 2 records:" Cai Lun, talented, dedicated to cautious, every vacation, closed to the guest, aeration body field. Code for the sale, made with bark and spacious cloth, net to make paper. Xing Yuan first year playing, the emperor can, since is not used, the salty called Cai Hou paper". From above, Cai Lun is using bark, rags, net of papermaking. Although before Cai Lun also has a paper, but raw material itself is very limited, and Cai Lun on the new raw materials, to solve this problem. Because the rag, broken fishnet had already finished their task, a waste and used as a raw material for papermaking industry, which plays an important role.Printing: is the working people in ancient China through long-term practice and research before the invention of. About the year before and after 600 years of Sui Dynasty, people from the engraved seal inspired, in the history of mankind"s earliest invention of woodblock printing.Woodblock printing is in a certain thickness of the smooth wood, paste copy neat manuscript, thin and almost transparent paper front and wood paste, the word became the body, strokes clear. Engraving workers graver in the suites have writing section is cut away, is a convex embossed font, and font recessed beneath the different steles. When printing, on a raised fonts with ink, and then the paper covering on top of it, gently wipe away the paper back, writing remain on the paper. By the Song Dynasty, woodblock printing career development to the heyday. Woodblock printing on the spread of culture play an important role, but also has obvious disadvantages. The first version, time-consuming material costs, second, a large number of books stored inconveniently, third, is not easy to correct mistakes.The Northern Song Dynasty civilian inventor Bi Sheng invented movable-type printing, woodblock printing these drawbacks improvement. Bi Sheng"s Dynasty of an ordinary civilian intellectuals, the person who. He summed up the block printing of rich experience in practice, after repeated tests, the emperor Renzong of evolution years (AD 10411048 ) made the moveable, execute typesetting printing, completed the printing history of a major revolution, about 200 years later, this technology spread to other countries, the development of world civilization process to promote the role of.Gunpowder: is one of the four great inventions of china. Gunpowder, as the name suggests is the ( fire medicine ). Its origins and alchemy are closely related, Bachelor in ancient alchemy alchemy inadvertently material.It is a mixture of saltpeter, sulfur, carbon, and the top two in the Han Dynasty book into Chinese Materia Medica ( first classics of Shennong materia medica by ) have been listed as important medicinal herbs. Gunpowder itself is also come under the drug class, the Ming Dynasty Li Shizhen ( compendium of Materia Medica ) said, gunpowder can cure sore ringworm, insecticidal, provide moisture and plague. The invention of gunpowder is a long-term alchemy pharmaceutical practice results, has been one thousand years of history.The Tang Dynasty, gunpowder has been used for military. The Song Dynasty, the war continuously, promote the accelerated development of gunpowder weapons. The government of the Northern Song Dynasty established a powder mill, has made gunpowder arrow, artillery and other combustion properties mainly weapons and ( bang cannon ), ( lightning bombs ) and other explosive strong arms. The Southern Song Dynasty were created in 1259 to giant bamboo tube, built-in gunpowder ( sudden guns ). To the Yuan Dynasty and the emergence of bronze ( copper Fire Commission, known as the general). These are to gunpowder explosion as the driving force of arms, in the war revealed a hitherto unknown power.In 12, thirteenth Century, the gunpowder first introduced in Arabia state, and then spread to Greece and Europe and around the world. On the civilization and progress of human society, the economy and the development of science and culture, played a role in promoting. The law until the middle of the fourteenth Century, only then has the application of gunpowder and firearms records.Compass : the spring and Autumn period, Chinese working people in the mining, smelting, gradually recognized magnet. To the Warring States period, some people use magnets made apparatus to determine the direction, then called" compass", it is in a along the plate placed on a water scoop like magnet, water scoop handle end of South point. To the late Northern Song Dynasty ( Eleventh Century AD), the Chinese people have created artificial magnet, then created a" guide to the fish", the magnet." Fish" on the water surface, thus indicating the direction. Later, after repeated research and improvement, and the magnetic steel sheet into a small magnetic needle, and makes its tip into the magnetic north pole, end become the south magnetic pole, which became a compass. The Northern Song Dynasty, people create a suitable nautical compass, the maritime industry to a new era. During this period, China "s shipbuilding technology in the world the most advanced. At the beginning of the fourteenth Century, the compass was introduced into Europe from china.四大发明 造纸术:造纸是一项重要的化学工艺,纸的发明是中国在人类文化的传播和发展上所做出的一项十分宝贵的贡献,是中国化学史上的一项重大的成就。 在纸还未发明之前,甲骨、竹简和绢帛是古代用来供书写、记载的材料。但由于西汉的经济、文化迅速发展,甲骨和竹简不能满足发展的需求,从而促使了书写工具的改进。当时人们已开始应用小块的丝绵制成的纸,由于古汉时的纸张是由麻缕和丝绵,加上制法粗糙,所以纸张的质量不太好。而麻缕和丝绵都有其本身的作用,如要把它们用作造纸的原料,就必然会受到很大的限制,而难以得到迅速的发展,来满足文化生活上对纸张的要求。 在新的客观形势要求下,东汉蔡伦的出现为造纸术带来新突破,在《东汉观记》卷二上记载:“蔡伦,有才学,尽忠重慎,每次休沐,闭门以绝宾客,曝体田野。典作尚方,造意用树皮及敝布、鱼网作纸。元兴元年奏上,帝善其能,自是莫不用,天下咸称蔡侯纸”。从以上看来,蔡伦是用树皮、破布、鱼网造纸的。虽然在蔡伦之前也有纸的存在,但是原料本身就有很大的局限,而蔡伦对新原料的发现,解决了这个问题。因为破布、破鱼网早已结束了它们本身的任务,成了废物而又用作做原料,对造纸工业起了极大的推动作用。 印刷术:是我国古代劳动人民经过长期实践和研究才发明的。 大约在公元600年前后的隋朝,人们从刻印章中得到启发,在人类历史上最早发明了雕版印刷术。 雕版印刷是在一定厚度的平滑的木板上,粘贴上抄写工整的书稿,薄而近乎透明的稿纸正面和木板相贴,字就成了反体,笔划清晰可辨。雕刻工人用刻刀把版面没有字迹的部分削去,就成了字体凸出的阳文,和字体凹入的碑石阴文截然不同。印刷的时候,在凸起的字体上涂上墨汁,然后把纸覆在它的上面,轻轻拂拭纸背,字迹就留在纸上了。到了宋朝,雕版印刷事业发展到全盛时期。雕版印刷对文化的传播起了重大作用,但是也存在明显缺点。第一,刻版费时费工费料,第二,大批书版存放不便,第三,有错字不容易更正。 北宋平民发明家毕升发明了活字印刷术,改进雕版印刷这些缺点。毕升是北宋中期的一个普通平民知识分子,当时人称布衣。他总结了历代雕版印刷的丰富的实践经验,经过反复试验,在宋仁宗庆历年间(公元1041-1048)制成了胶泥活字,实行排版印刷,完成了印刷史上一项重大的革命,大约200年后,这一技术传到其他国家,对世界文明的发展进程起到推动作用。 火药:是中国四大发明之一。火药,顾名思义就是(着火的药)。它的起源与炼丹术有着密切的关系,是古代炼丹士在炼丹时无意中配制出来。 它是硫黄,硝石,炭的混合物,而前两项在汉代成书的中国第一部药物学典籍(神农本草经)里都被列为重要的药材。就是火药本身也被归入药类,明代李时珍的(本草纲目)中说,火药能治疮癣,杀虫,辟湿气和瘟疫。火药的发明是人们长期炼丹制药实践结果,至今已有一千多年历史。 唐朝末年,火药已被用于军事。到了宋代,战争接连不断,促进火药武器的加速发展。北宋政府建立了火药作坊,先后制造了火药箭,火炮等以燃烧性能为主的武器和(霹雳炮),(震天雷)等爆炸性较强的武器。南宋在1259年造出了以巨竹为筒,内装火药的(突火枪)。到了元代又出现铜铸火统,称为(铜将军)。这些都是以火药的爆炸为推动力的武器,在战争中显示了前所未有威力。 在12、13世纪,火药首先传入阿拉伯国家,然后传到希腊和欧洲乃至世界各地。对人类社会的文明进步,对经济和科学文化的发展,起了推动作用。美法各国直到十四世纪中叶,才有应用火药和火器的记载。 指南针:春秋时期,中国劳动人民就在采矿、冶炼中,逐渐认识了磁石。到战国时期,就有人用磁石做成器具来判定方向,当时叫“司南”,它是在一个无沿的方盘上放置一只水勺似的磁石,水勺的柄端向南指。到北宋后期(公元11世纪),中国人民创造了人工磁铁,此后又创制了“指南鱼”,把用磁钢片制成的“鱼”放在水面上,以此指示方向。后来经过反复研究改进,又把磁钢片改成细小的磁钢针,并使它的尖端成磁北极,末端成为磁南极,这就成了指南针。北宋时期,人们创造了适用于航海的指南针,把航海事业推向了新的时代。这一时期,中国的造船技术在世界上也最为先进。到了14世纪初,指南针才由中国传到欧洲。
2023-01-12 15:20:251


2023-01-12 15:20:311


My favourite invention is gunpowder.
2023-01-12 15:20:411


2023-01-12 15:20:472


limit /"limit/ vt.限制,限定 limited /"limitid/ adj.有限的 improve /im"pru:v/ vt.改善;提高 rapid /"rApid/ adj.快的,迅速的 progress /"prEugres, prE"gres/ n.进展;进步 make progress 取得进步 article /"a:tikl/ n.文章,论文;冠词 Engels /"engEls/ 恩格斯 praise /preiz/ vt.&n.赞扬,表扬 greatly /"greitli/ adv.大大地;非常 encourage /in"kQridVE/ vt.鼓励 however /hau"evE/ conj.然而,可是;仍然 grammar /"grAmE/ n.语法 idiom /"idiEm/ n.成语,习惯用语 follow /"fRlEu/ vt.跟随;(时间等)接着 keep on 继续(做某事);反复 works n.著作,作品;工厂 civil /"sivl/ adj.国内的 master /"ma:stE/ vt.精通;掌握 situation /sitju"eiFEn/ n.位置;形势;情况 Russia /"rQFE/ n.俄国;俄罗斯 translate /trAns"leit/ vt.翻译 translate...into... 把...译成... grasp /gra:sp/ vt.抓住;领会;掌握 freely /"fri:li/ adv.自由地;随意地 youth /ju:W/ n.青年 grammatical /grE"mAtikEl/ adj.语法的 consult /kEn"sQlt/ vt.查阅 memorize /"memEraiz/ vt.记住 natural /"nAtFErEl/ adj.自然的 Never mind. 不要紧。 aside /E"said/ adv.在一边 future /"fju:tFE/ n.将来,未来 in the future 将来,今后 examination /igzAmi"neiFEn/ n.检查;考试 medical examination 体格检查 reality /ri"Aliti/ n.现实 suppose /sE"pEuz/ vt.假定;猜想 name /"neim/ vt.命名;名叫;指定 Charlie /"tFa:li/ 查利(男名) a set of... 一套... wire /"waiE/ n.(金属)线;电线 sensor /"sensE/ n.传感器;灵敏元件 wrist /rist/ n.手腕 forehead /"fRrid, "fR:hed/ n.前额 plug /plQg/ vt.接上插头通电 outlet /"aut-let/ n.电源插座 code /kEud/ n.代号;电码 flash /flAF/ vi.(火焰等)一闪,闪亮 wireless /"waiElis/ adj.无线的,无线电的 wireless telephone 无线电话 speaker /"spi:kE/ n.场声器 Scott /skRt/ 斯科特(姓) examine /ig"zAmin/ vt.检查;诊察 pulse /pQls/ n.脉搏 breathe /bri:T/ vi.&vt.呼吸 deep /di:p/ adj.深的;深切的 deeply /"di:pli/ adv.深深地 take it easy 别着急;别紧张 complete /kEm"pli:t/ vt.完成,结束 turn off 关(电灯、收音机等) telephone /"telifEun/ n.电话 vt.&vi.打电话 phone call 电话 pick out 选出,拣出 after all 毕竟;终究;别忘了 visionphone /"viVEEnfEun/ n.电视电话 appear /E"piE/ vi.出现;显得;好象 speed /spi:d/ n.速度 ten-speed bicycle 十速自行车 model /"mRdl/ n.式样 price /prais/ n.价格;代价 order /"R:dE/ n.定货;定货单 place an order 定购(货物) shut /FQt/ vt.&vi.关闭 shut off 切断(电源等) favourite /"feivErit/ adj.特别 giant /"dVEaiEnt/ n.巨人 freeway /"fri:wei/ n.高速公路 India /"indiE/ n.印度 pass /pa:s/ vi.&vt.经过,超过 pass by 经过 feel /fi:l/ vt.摸;感知 sense /sens/ n.感官;感觉;意义 the sense of touch 触觉 happen /"hApEn/ vi.碰巧 exactly /ig"zAktli/ adv.确切地,恰恰正是 tusk /tQsk/ n.(象、野猪等的)长牙 mistaken /mis"teikEn/ adj.弄错的,错误的 smooth /smu:T/ adj.光滑的;平静的 sharp /Fa:p/ adj.锋利的;尖的 spear /spiE/ n.矛,梭镖 trunk /trQNk/ n.象鼻;树干 snake /sneik/ n.蛇 round /raund/ prep.围(绕)着 fan /fAn/ n.扇子 forward /"fR:wEd/ adv.向前,前进 at all 根本,全然 get hold of 握,抓住 silly /"sili/ adj.傻的;糊涂的 roadside /"rEudsaid/ n.路边 adj.路边的 quarrel /"kwRrEl/ vi.争吵 agree with somebody 同意某人的意见 stupid /"stju:pid/ adj.愚蠢的,笨的 act /Akt/ vi.行动;做,做事 foolishly /"fu:liFli/ adv.愚蠢地;荒谬地 paw /pR:/ n.脚爪 chestnut /"tFesnQt/ n.栗子 nut /nQt/ n.坚果(如胡桃等) flatter /"flAtE/ vt.阿谀,奉承;使满意 willing /"wiliN/ adj.甘心情愿的 share /F/E/ vt.分享 n.一份 term /tE:m/ n.词,用语,字眼 Galileo /gAli"leiEu/ 伽利略 Aristotle /"AristRtl/ 亚里斯多德 Greece /gri:s/ n.希腊 thinker /"WiNkE/ n.思想家 observe /Eb"zE:v/ vt.&vi.观察 feather /"feTE/ n.羽毛 conclude /kEn"klu:d/ vt.&vi.推断出,断定 object /"RbdVEikt Eb"dVEekt/ n.物体;目标 conclusion /kEn"klu:VEEn/ n.结论;推论 draw a conclusion 得出结论 reasonable /"ri:znEbl/ adj.有道理的 seldom /"seldEm/ adv.很少;不常 experiment /iks"perimEnt/ n.&vi.实验,试验 once /wQns/ conj.一旦...(就...) mind /maind/ n.想法;意见;心情 make up one"s mind 下决心 truth /tru:W/ n.真理;真相 question /"kwestFEn/ vt.对...提出疑问 Italian /i"tAljEn/ adj.意大利的 theory /"WiEri/ n.理论;原理 Pisa /"pi:zE/ n.比萨(意大利城市) lean /li:n/ vi.&vt.(使)倾斜;靠 leaning /"li:niN/ adj.倾斜的 tower /"tauE/ n.塔 foot /fut/ n.英尺 at the same time 同时;但,然而 again and again 再三地,反复地 result /ri"zQlt/ n.结果;效果 unless /"Qn"les/ conj.除非;如果..不. hold...back 阻止 discovery /dis"kQvEri/ n.发现 discourage /dis"kQridVE/ vt.使泄气 discouraged /dis"kQridVEd/ adj.泄气的 telescope /"teliskEup/ n.望远镜 prove /pru:v/ vt.证明,证实 founder /"faundE/ n.创立者,奠基者 grant /gra:nt/ vt.假定..;(姑且)承认 take...for granted 认为...当然 accept /Ek"sept/ vt.&vi.承认;接受 astronaut /"AstFEunR:t/ n.宇宙航行员 hammer /"hAmE/ n.铁锤 vt.锤打 land /lAnd/ vt.&vi.(使)登陆 surface /"sE:fis/ n.表面,水面 penicillin /peni"silin/ n.青霉素 damp /dAmp/ adj.潮湿的 mould /mEuld/ n.霉 mouldy /"mouldi/ adj.发霉的 spore /spR:/ n.孢子 commonly /"kRmEnli/ adv.普通,通常 germ /dVEE:m/ n.细菌 substance /"sQbstEns/ n.物质 treat /tri:t/ vt.治疗 disease /di"zi:z/ n.疾病 quantity /"kwRntiti/ n.数量 antibiotics /Antibai"Rtiks/ n.抗生素 necklace /"neklis/ n.项链,项圈 Mathilde Loisel /ma"ti:ld lwa"zel/ 玛蒂尔德·卢瓦泽尔 Pierre Loisel /"pjer lwa"zel/ 皮埃尔·卢瓦泽尔 Jeanne Forrestier /"VEa:n fRres"tje/ 让娜·福雷斯蒂埃 possible /"pRsEbl/ adj.可能的 rather /"ra:TE/ adv.宁可,宁愿;相当 surely /"FuEli/ adv.确实,一定;当然 because of 因为 diamond /"daiEmEnd/ n.金刚石,钻石 government /"gQvEnmEnt/ ball /bR:l/ n.舞会 scene /si:n/ n.(戏剧等的)一场 cost /kRst/ vi.值(多少钱) n.成本 franc /frANk/ n.法郎(法国货币单位) jewelry /"dVEu:Elri/ n.(总称)珠宝 continue /kEn"tinju(:)/ vi.&vt.继续;连续 pretty /"priti/ adj.漂亮的;美丽的 pay off R debt /det/ n.债 at the most 至多,不超过 vain /vein/ adj.自负的 stag /stAg/ n.雄鹿 antler /"AntlE/ n.鹿角的一枝 thirsty /"WE:sti/ adj.渴的 reflection /ri"flekFEn/ n.反对;水中映像 bark /ba:k/ vi.吠叫 hunter /"hQntE/ n.猎人 branch /bra:ntF/ n.树枝 New York /nju:"jR:k/ 纽约(地名) parcel /"pa:sl/ n.包裹 mail /meil/ n.邮件 sorting room 分类室 can /kAn/ n.筒,罐 tube /tju:b/ n.管子 Abraham Lincoln /"eibrEhAm "liNkEn/ 亚伯拉罕·林肯 Kentucky /kEn"tQki/ n.肯塔基(美国州名) childhood /"tFaildhud/ n.幼年(时代),童年 dearly /"diEli/ adv.深爱地;热切地 now and then 时而,不时 education /edju:"keiFEn/ n.教育;培养 add up to 总计 no more than 不过,仅仅 storekeeper /"stR:ki:pE/ n.(美)零售店店主 postmaster /"pEustma:stE/ n.邮政局(所)长 law /lR:/ n.法律,法令 spare /sp/E/ adj.空闲的;多余的 spare time 余暇 lawyer /"lR:jE/ n.律师;法学家 slavery /"sleivEri/ n.奴隶制度 think of 考虑;关心;想起 elect /i"lekt/ vt.选举;推选 president /"prezidEnt/ n.总统 freedom /"fri:dEm/ n.自由 slave /sleiv/ n.奴隶 southern /"sQTEn/ adj.南方的,南部的 rebel /"rebEl, ri"bel/ vi.造反;反叛 set up 建立;创立;竖立 Negro /"ni:grEu/ n.黑人 adj.黑人的 break away from 脱离(政党等);打破 the Union 联邦(美利坚合众国) break out (战争等)突然发生 last /la:st/ vi.持续;耐久 nation /"neiFEn/ n.国家;民族 reunite /"ri:ju:"nait/ vt.&vi.重新统一 banker /"bANkE/ n.银行家 sorrow /"sRrEu/ n.悲痛;遗憾 inspire /in"spaiE/ vt.鼓舞;激励 inspiring /in"spaiEriN/ adj.鼓舞人心的 leader /"li:dE/ n.领袖;领导人 wise /waiz/ adj.聪明的;英明的 warm-hearted /"wR:m"ha:tid/ adj.热情的;亲切的 opening /"EupEniN/ n.开放;开始 memorial /mi"mR:riEl/ n.纪念物;纪念碑 strengthen /"streNWEn/ vt.&vi.加强;变强 regard /ri"ga:d/ vt.看待;当作 认为...是... George Washington /dVER:dVE/ 乔治·华盛顿 hatchet /"hAtFit/ n.斧头 delight /di"lait/ n.快乐 chop /tFRp/ vt.&vi.砍,伐 crash /krAF/ n.(树倒下的)哗啦声 cherry /"tFeri/ n.樱桃 anger /"ANgE/ n.发怒 dozen /"dQzn/ n.一打,十二个 emperor /"empErE/ n.皇帝 care /k/E/ vi.&vt.关心,留心 care for 关心;照顾;喜欢 cheat /tFi:t/ n.骗子 vt.骗 vi.欺诈 weave /"wi:v/ vt.织;编 weaver /"wi:vE/ n.织布工;编织者 cloth /klR:W/ n.布;布料 design /di"zain/ n.图案;花样 invisible /in"vizEbl/ adj.看不见的 unfit /"Qn"fit/ adj.不合适的 be unfit for 不合适;不胜任 office /"Rfis/ n.职务;职责 splendid /"splendid/ adj.灿烂的;辉煌的 empire /"empaiE/ n.帝国 right away 立刻 gold /gEuld/ n.黄金;金色 in order that 为了 loom /lu:m/ n.织布机 pretend /pri"tend/ vt.&vi.假装 silk /silk/ n.(蚕)丝;丝织品,绸 thread /Wred/ n.线 get along with 进展 ought /R:t/ v.aux.应当,应该 prime /praim/ adj.首要的;基本的 minister /"ministE/ n.大臣;部长 the Prime Minister 首相,丞相;总理 fit /fit/ adj.适合的;能胜任的 be fit for 适合;胜任 hall /hR:l/ n.会堂,大厅,礼堂 god /gRd/ n.神;(God)上帝 God save me! 天哪! wide /waid/ adv.广阔地;充分地 point /pRint/ vi.指,指向 vt.指出 point to 指着... Dear me. 呵!哎呀! soon after 不久以后 sing high praise for 高度赞扬... get back 回来;取回 eager /"i:gE/ adj.渴望的,热切的 disease /di"zi:z/ n.疾病 bad-tempered /"bAd "tempEd/ adj.脾气坏的 cure /kjuE/ vt.&n.治愈 poison /"pRizn/ vt.使中毒 nonsense /"nRnsEns/ n.胡说 stomachache /"stQmEkeik/ n.胃痛 monk /mQNk/ n.和尚 include /in"klu:d/ vt.包括 including /in"klu:diN/ prep.包括;包含 single /"siNgl/ adj.单一的,单个的 magnificent /mAg"nifisnt/ adj.华丽的,豪华的 cry out 大声呼喊 expression /iks"preFEn/ n.表达;词句;表情 procession /prE"seFEn/ n.行进;队伍,行列 share /F/E/ vi.&vt.分享;分担 share in something 分享某事(某物) pleasure /"pleVEE/ n.愉快;高兴 medal /"medl/ n.奖章;勋章;纪念章 all night long 整夜 majesty /"mAdVEisti/ n.崇高;尊严;君主 Your Majesty 陛下(直接称呼时用) undress /"Qn"dres/ vt.使脱衣服vi.脱衣服 dress /dres/ vt.给...穿衣服 perfect /"pE:fikt, "pE:fekt/ adj.极好的,完美的 perfectly /"pE:fiktli/ adv.极好地,完美地 stand by 站在旁边 have nothing on 什么也没穿,一丝不挂 Good heavens! 天哪! whisper /"wispE/ vi.低语,耳语 hold one"s head high 昂首;趾高气扬 train /trein/ n.拖裙 robe /rEub/ n.长袍;上衣 invitation /invi"teiFEn/ n.请帖;邀请 cushion /"kuFEn/ n.软垫子 pain /pein/ n.疼痛 painfully /"peinfuli/ adv.痛苦地 healthy /"helWi/ adj.健康的 lady /"leidi/ n.女士;夫人;小姐 silkworm /"silk-wE:m/ n.蚕 Lady Silkworm 蚕花娘子 remarry /"ri:"mAri/ vi.再婚;再娶;再嫁 stepmother /"stepmQTE/ n.继母 cruel /"kruEl/ adj.残忍的,残酷的 riverside /"rivEsaid/ n.河边 face /feis/ vt.面对;正视 pine /pain/ n.松树 entrance /"entrEns/ n.入口;进入;入场 branch /bra:ntF/ n.枝条;支流;部门 aside /E"said/ adv.在(到或向)旁边 push...aside 把...推到旁边 brook /bruk/ n.小河,溪 bend /bend/ vt.使弯曲 vi.弯曲 wipe /waip/ vt.揩,擦 wipe off 擦去 sweat /swet/ n.汗 in white 穿着白色衣服 row /rEu/ n.(一)排,(一)行 feed /fi:d/ vt.喂(养);饲(养) 把...喂给 worm /wE:m/ n.虫,蠕虫 spit out 吐出 cocoon /kE"ku:n/ n.蚕茧 reel /ri:l/ vt.卷,绕;抽出 dye /dai/ vt.染,把...染上颜色 mulberry /"mQlbEri/ n.桑树;桑葚 colorful /"kQlEful/ adj.颜色丰富的 go by (时间)过去;经过 seed /si:d/ n.种子 fairy /"f/Eri/ n.仙女 line /lain/ vt.沿...排列 vi.排队 trail /treil/ n.痕迹;小径 umbrella /Qm"brelE/ n.伞 raise /"reiz/ vt.饲养 charge /tFa:dVE/ n.主管 vt.使承担 in charge of 掌管,负责 secret /"si:krit/ n.秘密 princess /prin"ses/ n.公主 by chance 偶然 soften /"sRfn/ vt.使变软 merchant /"mE:tFEnt/ n.商人 Asia /"eiFE/ n.亚洲 monk /mQNk/ n.和尚 cane /kein/ n.手杖 development /di"velEpmEnt/ n.发展 industry /"indEstri/ n.工业 careless /"k/Elis/ adj.粗心的 quality /"kwRliti/ n.品质 Newton /"nju:tn/ 牛顿(英国科学家) wine /wain/ n.酒 rein /rein/ n.缰绳 be lost in thought 沉思 Einstein /"ainstain/ 爱因斯坦 realize /"riElaiz/ vt.意识到 soak /sEuk/ vt.浸湿;淋湿 across /E"krRs/ prep.横过,穿过 run across 穿过 dragon /"drAgEn/ n.龙 wind /wind, waind/ vt.使弯曲前进vi.蜿蜒 wind one"s way 蜿蜒前进 till /til/ prep.&conj.直到 wonder /"wQndE/ n.奇迹,奇观 period /"piEriEd/ n.时期;时代;期间 B.C. /"bi: si:/ 公元前=before Christ defend /di"fend/ vt.保卫 border /"bR:dE/ n.边缘;边界 kingdom /"kiNdEm/ n.王国 keep...out of... 使...不进入... join /dVERin/ vt.&vi.连接;联合 join up 连接起来 thus /TQs/ adv.这样;因而 come into being (事物)形成,产生 rebuild /"ri:"bild/ vt.重建;改造 especially /is"peFEli/ adv.特别,尤其 dynasty /"dinEsti/ n.王朝;朝代 the Ming Dynasty 明朝 actually /"AktjuEli/ adv.实际上 side by side 肩并肩地 gateway /"geitwei/ n.门口,入口;关口 connect /kE"nekt/ vt.&vi.连接,相通 main /mein/ adj.主要的n.主要部分 watchtower /"wRtFtauE/ n.岗楼,峰火台 used to /ju:st tEu/ 过去常常 keep watch 守望;值班;放哨 light /lait/ vt.点燃;照亮vi.点着 column /"kRlEm/ n.柱,柱状物 gunshot /"gQn-FRt/ n.火炮的单发射击 troop /tru:p/ n.军队,部队;一群 shot /FRt/ n.发射;射击声 warning message 警报 within /wi"Tin/ prep.在...里面 distant /"distEnt/ adj.远的;稀疏的 by hand 用手 earth /E:W/ n.土,泥 brick /brik/ n.砖;砖块 from hand to hand 从一人之手转他人之手 drag /drAg/ vt.&vi.拉,拖 shoulder /"FEuldE/ n.肩膀 living conditions 生活条件 bury /"beri/ vt.埋葬 flesh /fleF/ n.肉;肉体 grassland /"gra:slAnd/ n.牧场;草地;草原 take on a new look 呈现新面貌 a place of interest 名胜 saying /"seiiN/ n.话;俗话;谚语 bet /bet/ n.打赌 pity /"piti/ n.可惜的事 What a pity! 真是遗憾! craftsman /"kra:ftsmEn/ n.工匠;名匠 scenery /"si:nEri/ n.风景,景色 crow /krEu/ n.&vi.(雄鸡)啼 pavilion /pE"viljEn/ n.亭子 roof /ru:f/ n.顶;屋顶 bamboo /bAm"bu:/ n.竹 pole /pEul/ n.杆;柱 flat /flAt/ adj.平的 tailor /"teilE/ n.裁缝 wander /"wRndE/ vi.徘徊;流浪vt.漫游 sight /sait/ n.视力;视觉;见 catch sight of 看到;发现 suit /sju:t/ n.一套(衣服) throw off 匆匆脱掉;摆脱;扔掉 note /nEut/ n.钞票,纸币;笔记 resist /ri"zist/ vt.&vi.抵抗;抵制 temptation /temp"teiFEn/ n.引诱;诱惑 fellow /"felEu/ n.(口语)人;家伙 up and down 上上下下;前前后后 rag /rAg/ n.抹布;破布 in rags 穿着破衣服 reject /ri"dVEekt/ vt.抛弃;拒收 look through 仔细查看 select /si"lekt/ vt.&vi.选择;挑选 anxious /"ANkFEs/ adj.渴望的;忧虑的 shyly /"Faili/ adv.怕羞地;胆小地 change /tFeindVE/ n.零钱;找头 vt.兑换 coldly /"kEuldli/ adv.冷淡地;无情地 gentleman /"dVEentlmEn/ n.绅士 hurt /hE:t/ vt.伤害 judge /
2023-01-12 15:21:231


2023-01-12 15:21:294


爆炸: 1. explosion2. to explode3. to blow up4. to detonate例句与用法: 1. 爆炸的力量震碎了这座建筑上的所有窗户。 The force of the explosion broke all the windows in the building. 2. 火药是一种爆炸物。 Gunpowder is an explosive. 3. 那爆炸声一英里外也可以听到。 The explosion was heard a mile away. 4. 爆炸后经过相当一段时间,这个城镇才恢复了正常的生活秩序。 After the explosion it was some time before the town resumed its everyday routines. 5. 爆炸的力量把塔炸得粉碎。 The tower was blown to atoms by the force of the explosion. 6. 爆炸的时间定在飞机起飞的时刻。 The explosion was timed to be simultaneous with the plane"s take-off. 7. 氢极易爆炸。 Hydrogen is highly explosive. 8. 马听到爆炸声受了惊。 The horse took a fright at the sound of the explosion.
2023-01-12 15:21:441


如果直译的话 楼上的就可以。。。还有就是比喻句的话是 Tabasco - tempered+要修饰的句子或词
2023-01-12 15:21:508


火药猴 [网络] Powder Monkeys;
2023-01-12 15:22:201


  The four great inventions  Paper: paper is an important chemical processes, the invention of paper is Chinese in the spread of human culture and development make a valuable contribution, is China"s chemical history of a major achievement.  The paper also before, oracle bones, bamboo slips and silk silk is used for writing, the ancient recorded material. But due to the rapid development of the economy, culture, bones and bamboo can not meet the demand of development, thus contributing to the improvement of writing tools. At that time people began using small silk made of paper, as the ancient Chinese when paper by hemp thread and silk, and preparation method of rough paper, so the quality is not so good. But the hemp thread and silk has its own role, to use them as a raw material for paper-making, would be greatly restricted, and difficult to get rapid development, to meet the cultural life of the requirement to paper.  In the new situation request, Cai Lun of Eastern Han Dynasty for the emergence of papermaking to bring new breakthrough in the Eastern Han Dynasty," views on" 2 records:" Cai Lun, talented, dedicated to cautious, every vacation, closed to the guest, aeration body field. Code for the sale, made with bark and spacious cloth, net to make paper. Xing Yuan first year playing, the emperor can, since is not used, the salty called Cai Hou paper". From above, Cai Lun is using bark, rags, net of papermaking. Although before Cai Lun also has a paper, but raw material itself is very limited, and Cai Lun on the new raw materials, to solve this problem. Because the rag, broken fishnet had already finished their task, a waste and used as a raw material for papermaking industry, which plays an important role.  Printing: is the working people in ancient China through long-term practice and research before the invention of. About the year before and after 600 years of Sui Dynasty, people from the engraved seal inspired, in the history of mankind"s earliest invention of woodblock printing.  Woodblock printing is in a certain thickness of the smooth wood, paste copy neat manuscript, thin and almost transparent paper front and wood paste, the word became the body, strokes clear. Engraving workers graver in the suites have writing section is cut away, is a convex embossed font, and font recessed beneath the different steles. When printing, on a raised fonts with ink, and then the paper covering on top of it, gently wipe away the paper back, writing remain on the paper. By the Song Dynasty, woodblock printing career development to the heyday. Woodblock printing on the spread of culture play an important role, but also has obvious disadvantages. The first version, time-consuming material costs, second, a large number of books stored inconveniently, third, is not easy to correct mistakes.  The Northern Song Dynasty civilian inventor Bi Sheng invented movable-type printing, woodblock printing these drawbacks improvement. Bi Sheng"s Dynasty of an ordinary civilian intellectuals, the person who. He summed up the block printing of rich experience in practice, after repeated tests, the emperor Renzong of evolution years (AD 10411048 ) made the moveable, execute typesetting printing, completed the printing history of a major revolution, about 200 years later, this technology spread to other countries, the development of world civilization process to promote the role of.  Gunpowder: is one of the four great inventions of china. Gunpowder, as the name suggests is the ( fire medicine ). Its origins and alchemy are closely related, Bachelor in ancient alchemy alchemy inadvertently material.  It is a mixture of saltpeter, sulfur, carbon, and the top two in the Han Dynasty book into Chinese Materia Medica ( first classics of Shennong materia medica by ) have been listed as important medicinal herbs. Gunpowder itself is also come under the drug class, the Ming Dynasty Li Shizhen ( compendium of Materia Medica ) said, gunpowder can cure sore ringworm, insecticidal, provide moisture and plague. The invention of gunpowder is a long-term alchemy pharmaceutical practice results, has been one thousand years of history.  The Tang Dynasty, gunpowder has been used for military. The Song Dynasty, the war continuously, promote the accelerated development of gunpowder weapons. The government of the Northern Song Dynasty established a powder mill, has made gunpowder arrow, artillery and other combustion properties mainly weapons and ( bang cannon ), ( lightning bombs ) and other explosive strong arms. The Southern Song Dynasty were created in 1259 to giant bamboo tube, built-in gunpowder ( sudden guns ). To the Yuan Dynasty and the emergence of bronze ( copper Fire Commission, known as the general). These are to gunpowder explosion as the driving force of arms, in the war revealed a hitherto unknown power.  In 12, thirteenth Century, the gunpowder first introduced in Arabia state, and then spread to Greece and Europe and around the world. On the civilization and progress of human society, the economy and the development of science and culture, played a role in promoting. The law until the middle of the fourteenth Century, only then has the application of gunpowder and firearms records.  Compass : the spring and Autumn period, Chinese working people in the mining, smelting, gradually recognized magnet. To the Warring States period, some people use magnets made apparatus to determine the direction, then called" compass", it is in a along the plate placed on a water scoop like magnet, water scoop handle end of South point. To the late Northern Song Dynasty ( Eleventh Century AD), the Chinese people have created artificial magnet, then created a" guide to the fish", the magnet." Fish" on the water surface, thus indicating the direction. Later, after repeated research and improvement, and the magnetic steel sheet into a small magnetic needle, and makes its tip into the magnetic north pole, end become the south magnetic pole, which became a compass. The Northern Song Dynasty, people create a suitable nautical compass, the maritime industry to a new era. During this period, China "s shipbuilding technology in the world the most advanced. At the beginning of the fourteenth Century, the compass was introduced into Europe from china.  四大发明  造纸术:造纸是一项重要的化学工艺,纸的发明是中国在人类文化的传播和发展上所做出的一项十分宝贵的贡献,是中国化学史上的一项重大的成就.  在纸还未发明之前,甲骨、竹简和绢帛是古代用来供书写、记载的材料.但由于西汉的经济、文化迅速发展,甲骨和竹简不能满足发展的需求,从而促使了书写工具的改进.当时人们已开始应用小块的丝绵制成的纸,由于古汉时的纸张是由麻缕和丝绵,加上制法粗糙,所以纸张的质量不太好.而麻缕和丝绵都有其本身的作用,如要把它们用作造纸的原料,就必然会受到很大的限制,而难以得到迅速的发展,来满足文化生活上对纸张的要求.  在新的客观形势要求下,东汉蔡伦的出现为造纸术带来新突破,在《东汉观记》卷二上记载:“蔡伦,有才学,尽忠重慎,每次休沐,闭门以绝宾客,曝体田野.典作尚方,造意用树皮及敝布、鱼网作纸.元兴元年奏上,帝善其能,自是莫不用,天下咸称蔡侯纸”.从以上看来,蔡伦是用树皮、破布、鱼网造纸的.虽然在蔡伦之前也有纸的存在,但是原料本身就有很大的局限,而蔡伦对新原料的发现,解决了这个问题.因为破布、破鱼网早已结束了它们本身的任务,成了废物而又用作做原料,对造纸工业起了极大的推动作用.  印刷术:是我国古代劳动人民经过长期实践和研究才发明的. 大约在公元600年前后的隋朝,人们从刻印章中得到启发,在人类历史上最早发明了雕版印刷术.  雕版印刷是在一定厚度的平滑的木板上,粘贴上抄写工整的书稿,薄而近乎透明的稿纸正面和木板相贴,字就成了反体,笔划清晰可辨.雕刻工人用刻刀把版面没有字迹的部分削去,就成了字体凸出的阳文,和字体凹入的碑石阴文截然不同.印刷的时候,在凸起的字体上涂上墨汁,然后把纸覆在它的上面,轻轻拂拭纸背,字迹就留在纸上了.到了宋朝,雕版印刷事业发展到全盛时期.雕版印刷对文化的传播起了重大作用,但是也存在明显缺点.第一,刻版费时费工费料,第二,大批书版存放不便,第三,有错字不容易更正.  北宋平民发明家毕升发明了活字印刷术,改进雕版印刷这些缺点.毕升是北宋中期的一个普通平民知识分子,当时人称布衣.他总结了历代雕版印刷的丰富的实践经验,经过反复试验,在宋仁宗庆历年间(公元1041-1048)制成了胶泥活字,实行排版印刷,完成了印刷史上一项重大的革命,大约200年后,这一技术传到其他国家,对世界文明的发展进程起到推动作用.  火药:是中国四大发明之一.火药,顾名思义就是(着火的药).它的起源与炼丹术有着密切的关系,是古代炼丹士在炼丹时无意中配制出来.  它是硫黄,硝石,炭的混合物,而前两项在汉代成书的中国第一部药物学典籍(神农本草经)里都被列为重要的药材.就是火药本身也被归入药类,明代李时珍的(本草纲目)中说,火药能治疮癣,杀虫,辟湿气和瘟疫.火药的发明是人们长期炼丹制药实践结果,至今已有一千多年历史.  唐朝末年,火药已被用于军事.到了宋代,战争接连不断,促进火药武器的加速发展.北宋政府建立了火药作坊,先后制造了火药箭,火炮等以燃烧性能为主的武器和(霹雳炮),(震天雷)等爆炸性较强的武器.南宋在1259年造出了以巨竹为筒,内装火药的(突火枪).到了元代又出现铜铸火统,称为(铜将军).这些都是以火药的爆炸为推动力的武器,在战争中显示了前所未有威力.  在12、13世纪,火药首先传入阿拉伯国家,然后传到希腊和欧洲乃至世界各地.对人类社会的文明进步,对经济和科学文化的发展,起了推动作用.美法各国直到十四世纪中叶,才有应用火药和火器的记载.  指南针:春秋时期,中国劳动人民就在采矿、冶炼中,逐渐认识了磁石.到战国时期,就有人用磁石做成器具来判定方向,当时叫“司南”,它是在一个无沿的方盘上放置一只水勺似的磁石,水勺的柄端向南指.到北宋后期(公元11世纪),中国人民创造了人工磁铁,此后又创制了“指南鱼”,把用磁钢片制成的“鱼”放在水面上,以此指示方向.后来经过反复研究改进,又把磁钢片改成细小的磁钢针,并使它的尖端成磁北极,末端成为磁南极,这就成了指南针.北宋时期,人们创造了适用于航海的指南针,把航海事业推向了新的时代.这一时期,中国的造船技术在世界上也最为先进.到了14世纪初,指南针才由中国传到欧洲.
2023-01-12 15:22:251


回答和翻译如下 :三七细粉37 fine powder
2023-01-12 15:22:312


问题一:爆炸 用英语怎么说 爆炸: 1. explosion 2. to explode 3. to blow up 4. to detonate 例句与用法: 1. 爆炸的力量震碎了这座建筑上的所有窗户。 The force of the explosion broke all the windows in the building. 2. 火药是一种爆炸物。 Gunpowder is an explosive. 3. 那爆炸声一英里外也可以听到。 The explosion was heard a mile away. 4. 爆炸后经过相当一段时间,这个城镇才恢复了正常的生活秩序。 After the explosion it was some time before the town resumed its everyday routines. 5. 爆炸的力量把塔炸得粉碎。 The tower was blown to ato工s by the force of the explosion. 6. 爆炸的时间定在飞机起飞的时刻。 The explosion was timed to be simultaneous with the plane"s take-off. 7. 氢极易爆炸。 Hydrogen is highly explosive. 8. 马听到爆炸声受了惊。 The horse took a fright at the sound of the explosion. 问题二:爆炸声用英语怎么说?一个词 指 爆炸声 这种声响的话 bang 指 爆炸声 这个名郸的话 detonation 问题三:爆炸有哪些英文翻译? explode; to blow up; to go off; to burst; to explosion; a blast; a burst; an outburst; a detonation 问题四:我会爆炸的,英语怎么说 I will explode. 问题五:大爆炸用英语怎么写 TNT
2023-01-12 15:22:391


许多现代历史学家认为塞西尔的密探早已渗透了整个阴谋却令它继续,最后产生巨大影响。从而使教皇阴谋论的宣传在此后的数百年中一直产生作用。阴谋的流产对英格兰天主教产生了巨大的负面影响。它使得天主教解放(Catholic Emancipation)全面停止:天主教徒们只得再等待200年直到获得近乎同等的权力。一些学者认为威廉·莎士比亚的麦克白则是部分地从伦敦更加关注恐怖活动与穷凶极恶而得到的灵感。现代物理学家计算得出,如果阴谋得逞,它将完全摧毁大部分的威斯敏斯特(Westminster),剧烈爆炸震碎的玻璃窗将分散在方圆2/3英里(1公里)的范围内(玻璃窗是后来普及的).。
2023-01-12 15:22:462

枪械 英语

2023-01-12 15:22:583


四大发明是中国人的说法 外国人基本都不承认的 关于这些发明外国人有自己的论述 看看外国人写的世界史就知道了纸张是埃及人发明的 火药 一般论述是中国和阿拉伯人最先使用 印刷术是中国 人最早使用 但是活字印刷术 最早是荷兰一个人,但是最早的作品是德国人的 罗盘 是阿拉伯人发明的 就这些吧
2023-01-12 15:23:102


2023-01-12 15:23:211


火药阴谋(英语:Gunpowder Plot)发生于1605年,是一群亡命的英格兰乡下天主教极端分子试图炸掉英国国会大厦,并杀害正在其中进行国会开幕典礼的英国国王詹姆士一世和他的家人及大部分的新教贵族的一次并未成功的计划。这次事件代表了又一次的以1603年的主要阴谋(Main Plot)和次要阴谋(Bye Plot)为先例的一系列失败的弑君企图。反叛者由于詹姆士拒绝给予天主教徒同等权利而大失所望。他们企盼火药阴谋引发叛乱从而使詹姆士的女儿波希米亚的伊丽莎白(Elizabeth of Bohemia)能够成为一个天主教元首。但11月5日的阴谋却在计划发生之前数小时流产了。每年的11月5日,英国人以大篝火之夜(即焰火之夜或盖伊·福克斯之夜)来庆祝阴谋被粉碎。和这个节日十分接近的基督教前古代凯尔特人节日(Samhain Eve)也是比较著名的。
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看了不少回答其实大多都是机器翻译。外国人思维和中国人不一样,外国人是一类东西代表一个词,而中国是一个词代表一类东西。bullet其实是指的弹丸儿和弹头,因为发明火枪时是压紧火药后,塞进一颗铁珠。这个单词目前最长见是指那种不会爆炸的子弹头本身,或是零散的一颗颗的完整子弹,比如枪店出售的盒装弹药就会用bullet,或是在医学或其他地方 称某人被一种什么样形状的弹头集中,重点是1颗1颗的子弹本身。Ammo这个单词是说弹药的,ammo指的是一大堆一大堆的子弹。这个词的意思近似于一种能发射出去的东西 组成的一堆东西,因此不论是大炮的炮弹,还是飞机挂的导弹,小到弹弓弩箭都可以用这个词,但是这个词本身就是复数词,因此你不能说具体个数的ammo。仅仅应该用a few等不确定的量词去衡量,重点是一堆子弹的整体。还有cartridge以及部分回答中出现的powder,这些都是遂发枪时代用的子弹。powder已经完全单指火药,cartridge偶尔还会出现在大型炮弹上,如自行榴弹炮或大口径舰炮等,现在还会形容特定型号的一颗特定的子弹,往往都出现在各类注解中。最后很少有人提到的,就是什么什么弹,如穿甲弹 榴弹 曳光弹等,这个时候应该用的是round,比如在枪械测试视频中常能看到的50BMG APIT round即12.7曳光穿甲弹。这个round指的是特定型号单独的这一发子弹或一些相同的子弹,炮弹子弹均可使用。而泛指这一大类的炮弹时,如各种各样型号的穿甲弹的总称时,则用shot,即AP shot。当指炮弹时,则更多使用shell
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2023-01-12 15:23:523


“四大发明”英语 the four great inventions
2023-01-12 15:24:046


2023-01-12 15:24:381


四大发明之一 当然是公认中国 ....至于外国网站 不好找啊
2023-01-12 15:24:444


Fire in the hole.来自于第二次世界大战, 越南战争, 美军丢手榴弹之前到一个洞里面的时候, 会先叫 fire in the hole 来提醒周边的人们, 里面马上会有爆炸。在游戏中是“小心手雷”的意思。
2023-01-12 15:24:572


2023-01-12 15:25:058


CORINNE: I just saw "Something About Mary" last night. It was hilarious.DOLLY: Darren took me to it last week. I thought it was a little sick.CORINNE: What do you mean "sick"? It was really funny, don"t you think?DOLLY: It was entertaining in some ways. But in general I didn"t like it.CORINNE: Why not?DOLLY: I just think the humor was too gross. There were too many disgusting things in it.I don"t think a comedy has to have so much smut to be funny.CORINNE: It wasn"t a dirty movie. There wasn"t even any nudity.DOLLY: No, you"re right. But nudity doesn"t bother me.What bothered me were all the jokes about masturbation, stuff like that. It was too sick.CORINNE: Oh, you are too conservative. That"s all just realistic.DOLLY: I don"t think it"s realistic.You mean that scene where Mary puts the "hair gel" in her hair? You think that"s realistic.I thought it was sick. Why does a movie have to use that kind of humor?CORINNE: People think it"s funny.补充:DOLLY: But it was the most disgusting comedy I"ve ever seen.And it was a big budget movie too. It wasn"t just a low-budget film you can see on cable TV.I think America"s values are screwed up if movies like that are popular. CORINNE: See? I told you, you are conservative. DOLLY: I"m not really conservative.But at least I have a sense of propriety. Some new movies are just vulgar.If they become popular, it proves that people are becoming more vulgar.CORINNE: I"m really surprised at this. I didn"t think you were like this.DOLLY: I"m not what you think, Corinne. I"m not prudish at all.Did you see the movie "Pleasantville"?CORINNE: Yes. I thought it was good.DOLLY: That was a movie about sex too.It was about breaking away from hypocritical sexual values. CORINNE: I agree. But what did you think of that one?DOLLY: I thought it was excellent. Very imaginative and well-written. But it wasn"t gross. NO.2There are so many people that the tickets are all sold out! 人太多了,票都卖完了。Daniel:Luckily we got the last two. 幸好我们买了最后两张。May:Look, Danny. The Four Great Inventions! 看,丹尼,四大发明!Daniel:Gunpowder, compass, the paper making, and the printing. 火药、指南针、造纸术和印刷术。May:I really admire those who made such great inventions! 我真崇拜这些伟大的发明者。Daniel:May, I don"t see why they are great. They are just simple things. 阿美,我不明白有什么伟大的。它们只是些很简单的东西啊。May:They look simple today. But they were milestones in their times. 它们今天看起来很简单。但在它们那个时代却是里程碑。Daniel:Milestones? May, you must be kidding. 里程碑?阿美,你在开玩笑吧。May:Just think Bill Gates, those inventions are as important as the windows system. 想想比尔?盖茨,那些发明的重要性不亚于Windows 操作系统。Daniel:Well, I suppose the ancient inventors made a lot of money out of them. 我想古代的发明家们肯定从它们身上赚了不少钱吧。May:No, quite the contrary. 不,恰恰相反。Daniel:Why? Didn"t you say that they were milestones? 为什么?你不是说它们是里程碑吗?May:Yes, but they went to the public without any patent protection. 是啊,但是它们没有任何专利保护就进入市场了。Daniel:Well, their inventors were not as clever as Bill Gates.哦,它们的发明者可没有比尔?盖茨那么聪明啊。
2023-01-12 15:25:321