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2023-05-19 23:43:15



They can eat worms.

你的采纳是我们继续答题的 动力O(∩_∩)O~


chicks 是什么意思?

2023-01-12 14:48:062


[tʃiks] 希望可以帮到你
2023-01-12 14:48:153


  小鸡就是鸡的幼崽,从鸡蛋中孵化。小鸡吃饲料及青菜、小虫、碎米成长,是人类 饲养 最普遍的家禽。那么你知道小鸡的 英语单词 是什么吗?下面我为大家带来小鸡的英语单词和相关英语表达,欢迎大家一起学习。  小鸡的英语单词1:   chick   英 [tʃɪk] 美 [tʃɪk]   小鸡的英语单词2:   poult   英 [pəult] 美 [polt]   小鸡相关英语表达:   小鸡鸳 [英方] ringtail   小鸡人工养育器 mother   小鸡沙司 poulette   小鸡的英语单词例句:   小鸡天生并不怕人。   The chick initially has no fear of man.   两只小鸡仔白色的毛茸茸的身体   The white downy bodies of two chicks   小鸡聚集在母鸡翅膀下面。   The chickens gathered under the hen.   那只小鸡从土里啄出一条蚯蚓。   That chick pecks out an earthworm from the earth.   我饲养了12只小鸡。   I had bred a dozen of chickens.   今天有三只小鸡出壳。   Three of the chickens hatched today.   母鸡唤小鸡时,发出咯咯的叫声。   The hen clucked when calling her chickens.   老鹰抓住小鸡飞走了。   The hawk snatched the chicken and flew away.   我养了一些小鸡当宠物。   I breed some chicks for pets.   老鹰抓住小鸡飞走了。   The hawk snatched the chicken and flew away.   从此每当那只母鸡看见小鸡时就叫.   Hence the hen cries whenever it sees chicken.   母鸡能孵小鸡,为什么我不能?其主要区别是   Hens are able to hatch chicks.   我的室友特别喜欢吃小鸡炖香菇。   My roommate especially likes to eat chicken stewed with shitake mushrooms.   这只母鸡已经孵出了她的全部小鸡。   The hen has hatched all her chickens out.   小鸡什么时候孵出来?   When will the baby chickens hatch out?   刚孵育出来的小鸡就会走、会啄食。   Newly hatched chicks can walk and peck.   这小鸡儿的膛很肥。   The chick has a plump breast.   刚孵出来的小鸡长着一身氄毛。   Newly-hatched chicks have downy feathers.
2023-01-12 14:48:281


2023-01-12 14:48:391


chıck 是小鸡
2023-01-12 14:48:464

请教chick chicks chicken chickens四个词的区别

chick,名词:小鸡,少妇 形容词:胆小的chicks是它的复数,指一只以上的小鸡chicken也有小鸡的意思,但是大多指吃的鸡肉,同时也有胆小鬼,懦夫的意思,作为形容词它有:胆怯的,幼小的,鸡肉的 意思但是没有chicken+s的用法,没有最后一个词
2023-01-12 14:49:051

restroom labelled "chicks" and "dudes"这里的“chicks”是什么意思?

2023-01-12 14:49:115

chick的复数是chicks,那么chicken是什么的复数? 含义呢?

chicken是单数,复数是chickens chicken:1.鸡2.鸡肉
2023-01-12 14:49:291

chase chicks是什么意思?

俗称:泡妞chase是追逐的意思chicks是男孩对女孩的称呼,尤其是漂亮女孩儿,绝对地道。hot chicks注意并非指“鸡、妓女哟”
2023-01-12 14:49:346


小鸡chick 双语对照 小鸡[xiǎo jī]词典chick; poult; springer; biddy; chickabiddy网络chicks; CHICKEN; chickens数据来源:金山词霸双语例句汉英大词典百度百科百度知道1小鸡天生并不怕人。The chick initially has no fear of man. 2我很讨厌小鸡肚肠的办公室政治。Also, I hate petty office politics. 3两只小鸡仔白色的毛茸茸的身体The white downy bodies of two chicks
2023-01-12 14:49:552


2023-01-12 14:50:053


2023-01-12 14:50:193


2023-01-12 14:50:492

there are chicks here on the floor句子成分?

there be句型的主语是在be动词后面。意思是:在某地存在有某物。there不起作用,只是一个小品词。chicks主语are系动词on the floor状语。
2023-01-12 14:50:572

关于肉鸡的,请问eggs set 和chicks placed 各是什么意思?place可以有繁殖的意思么?

安放 孵化
2023-01-12 14:51:062

我想知道chicks、 pigs 、hens 加了s之后,后面的s发什么音?

2023-01-12 14:51:146

chick 的复数可不可以为chicken,它有小鸡的意思,所以我觉得chick的复数可为chicks或chicken,谢谢

2023-01-12 14:51:352

英语hot chicks怎么翻译?

hot chicks翻译成中文之后就是:变身辣妹(电影名)
2023-01-12 14:51:4315


  在平日的学习、工作和生活里,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是我为大家收集的.我喜欢的小动物英语作文(通用13篇),仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。   我喜欢的小动物英语作文1   I have some small animals, such as cock fighting, turtle, fish, etc., but my favorite animal is rabbit.   One day, my father bought me a little rabbit.   Its whole body is white and white, and it is not a bit mottled".   "White" on the head with a pair of long and big ears, always stand up.   The shining eyes, embedded in the head like two rubies.   It is the three mouth, eat "slightly slightly miso miso", very cute.   I like to feed it, its interesting.   Once, I forgot to feed it, looked for it all over the house, and finally found it under the sofa.   So I used the carrot to lure it out.   It seems to smell the fragrance of radish, drilled out from under the couch, two ears erect, eyes staring at the carrot, eyes turned the small nose, slightly moving, should be in the breath? Or is in motion to thank me! That really be love.   I quickly put the radish to its mouth, its three mouth open for a while, while closing, relish the taste of food.   After a while, he ate all the carrots.   Im afraid it choked, and quickly brought a glass of water to drink it.   After a while, he drank all the water.   Its two eyes blink, as if to thank me!   I like the rabbit in vain, because it brings me a lot of happiness.   我喜欢的小动物英语作文2   I have always liked small animals, especially parrots, because they are always vibrant, ringing clear.   My parrot is the name I gave, one called jumping, one called jumping.   Their feathers are yellow and black, very beautiful.   They all have a pair of black and bright eyes, like a small hook like mouth, two nose like a small sesame stick on the top of the mouth.   Their small belly swelling, dark green and light green intertwined, really good-looking.   The biggest difference between the two parrots is on the tail, a Yo Yo as long as his body, and the tail is not so long jump.   A few days ago, I put the parrot in between the flowers, who knows just go in, they were flashing "fix" flowers, I carefully cultivated flowers make the twig of the flowers, the spider "repair" neatly, I can call them "diligent gardener".   That day we went home and found that the birds did not eat millet, then fed them some millet, when I wash my hands back and found that they are happy to eat, I squatted next to the cage to see.   They eat no goose so arrogant, but openly, like a girl.   They eat one grain at a time, and one on the other, and Im afraid theyve got a concussion.   My parrot really makes me happy and worries me.   我喜欢的小动物英语作文3   A white hair, like a marshmallow; the eyes are round, like the two jewels; ear is a semicircle, the nose is black, short tail, do you know who it is? It is my dog, white".   I gave it a favorite bone, it will be a piece of a small piece of a small bite.   After eating the bone, it will bark several times, as if to say: "little master, thank you."   Whenever I go to school, it always gives me a ride, until I pretend to be angry and hit it two or three times before it runs home.   It will not only send me to school, but also like to race with me, run very fast, sometimes, I fell a distance.   Usually, it looks very timid, but saw the stranger, but not lost suddenly open eyes staring from strangers also shouted every act and every move, the key, it is really a clever and loyal dog!   When I came home from school, I was the happiest dog.   我喜欢的小动物英语作文4   As long as the dog was at home, I was still on my way home from school when I saw a dog waiting for me at the door.   When he saw me, he would wag his tail and run towards me, and then jump up and down in front of me.   Such a clever dog can not like it?   Id like to keep this puppy fat, because its so cute.   我喜欢的小动物英语作文5   Grandma with a beautiful big cock, very lovable.   Look! The red vertical comb on the top of the head, like wearing a red hat, like a cockscomb.   A pair of round small eyes turning back bone.   The feathers on the neck of golden, like a dazzling damask, and like the Yellow scarf.   The feathers like white jacket, black tail pointing upwards.   He walked with his head high and mighty.   No ancient clock, can only rely on the crowing of the rooster early, reading people heard crowing, going up to review the lessons, "dance of martial arts", the farmers heard the "wow" sound to get up to work, cooking.   The cock is crowing every day.   One day, a cock, walking come swaggeringly go with head high and chest out seemed to say: "look! How beautiful my clothes." I saw its beautiful feathers, hiding under the old tree, ready to pull a feather as a bookmark.   At this time, it came from the old tree, I suddenly rushed to pull a hair, the cock frighten flurried away.   From then on, I gave it to eat, it did not dare eat, thought it was eating, I would pull its feathers.   At twelve p.m., I learned the cock "wow" is called, the cock that he overslept, forget the crow, also followed the "wow" to call up, the other cock followed "wow" to call up.   I find it very interesting, "ha ha" laugh.   I like this big cock, it brings me a lot of happiness.   我喜欢的小动物英语作文6   Animals are the best friends of man who can all care for them? I am a favorite little animal, small animals are cute and naughty, like a naughty child.   I like the puppy, the puppy is very cute. I used to have a name: snow and snow to listen to the name to know is a lovely little dog, its hair like snow as white, with a pair of round black eyes, two ears in the head. Cute, but snow is also very naughty, then Ill tell you its naughty it!   One afternoon I came home from school, snow and snow as usual to pick me up, I and it walked on the stairs, to the stairs, it saw my hand bag, all of a sudden bite in the past, I chased it, while chasing Cried: "Snow snow to my bag back, hurry or else I want to teach you." Snow seems to understand, so obediently ran back, hand over the bag. Rub me a bit like me in the request of my understanding, I touched it, and it returned home.   Snow is very cute and very naughty. But I and it is a good friend, I like it snow snow.   我喜欢的小动物英语作文7   My favorite little animal bunny, it has a white fur, the play is very cute. Her two eyes are red, the play is like a pair of red gems. Sparkling. Every morning the little white rabbit to eat a carrot, two pieces of leaves, it is full.   Every day I put a study at noon, a home, it bouncing to jump in front of me, as if you are welcome to go home. I see it every day, even if I am not happy, I saw him I was very happy. Forget all those unhappy things.   Once again, my classmates came to my house to guest, it is still as usual bounce to me, my classmates saw, she said: "your familys small rabbit is so cute Oh! Home for a while I let My dad bought me a little rabbit.   In this way, I am more and more like my little rabbit, I must take good care of it!   我喜欢的小动物英语作文8   I love small animals very much, but my favorite is the puppy.   The puppy is not big, but the head is big. There is a pair of small triangular ears, faces are small. A pair of gem-like flexible and translucent big eyes, a round yo black nose. The body of the hair was yellow, smooth like painted a layer of oil. Tail hairy, often swing to swing, feels very comfortable.   Puppy eating food will be issued a little sound, eat quickly, it seems hungry look. Sleep when motionless, very quiet, a movement to lift his head to see, nothing to keep lying on the ground to sleep. When you play the game, if you are happy, will be hard to put the tail, jumping to the distance, the tongue often stretched out.   Because my neighbor has a puppy, so I often play with it. Puppys head is big, I called it "big head". Once, I just returned to the door, see the dog playing on the roadside, running around. I was ready to open the door, the dog immediately ran over, shook his head in front of me, as if very welcome me.   I really like this lovely and naughty puppy! I believe you will like this "big head" it!   My favorite little animal - puppy.   我喜欢的小动物英语作文9   My favorite little animal is a chicken.   Just, my house downstairs 307 to raise a few chicks. Every day when we pass by, these chicks are leaning on the head to see us miles.   The chicks are full of hairy and cute. A golden feather like a golden dress. The chicks have a pair of pointed mouths. Round eyes to see people when it is quite spirit of it   I did not see their ears, but chicks could not have ears. If there is no ears, then we walked over, how they will be wiped out toward our head look at us?   Mother said, just hatched chicks can only eat small grains, can not eat millet or corn, but also often give them water. If there are small insects to eat them, they will grow more air.   I like these lovely chicks too much But Mom and Dad said that now can not raise, do not raise well, they will die.   我喜欢的小动物英语作文10   My favorite little animal is a kitten, our family has raised a kitten, it is sent by neighbors. Because now the kitten is dead, so I will often think of it.   The cat looks very beautiful, he has a white hair, claws under the pad can make him walk without a little bit of sound. The most unique is his eyes: one eye is blue, the other is green. Blue eyes like sapphire, green eyes like emerald.   Kitten is very greedy, and sometimes a pound of heavy fish soon "destroy" the. Once, my mother made a bowl of fish soup. Kitten jumped on the table, relish eating up. When I was eating, it was found by me, so I taught him a bitter meal. The kitten hung his head, as if to say: "I no longer dare." I immediately laughed.   Now that kitten is dead, since then, every time I see the kitten, and it should play some. Kitty, where did you go?   我喜欢的小动物英语作文11   What kind of animals do you like in our common homeland - earth, how many animals do you like? Anyway, my favorite animal is our most loyal friend - dog.   My favorite dog is my neighbors home that is a Beijing dog and rounds and Coli sheep shepherd handsome. They play together every day, is a pair of good friends, I also like them, they saw me and wagged my tail came to me.   Handsome body Biao big, the body about sixty centimeters long. Two legs standing, fully able to my shoulder, his eyes, nose, mouth, ears are more than round, and most like to see him running when the figure - curly flying, like a horse. I often and round, handsome with the running, each time is handsome first, round second, my third It is no exaggeration to say that the speed of handsome hands run no less than the speed of purebred horses. The general dog ran up, will be issued a "blah" sound, handsome handsome hands up very small, not careful is not heard. Handsome handsome look is also handsome: curly flying, the body was arcuate. If you want to use a word to describe handsome, that is: handsome. If you use a word, that is: impeccable.   Relative to the handsome hands, round the size of a lot of small, only about thirty centimeters long, less than half the handsome handsome. The meaning of his name comes from his pair of eyes, it is too round. Like a shiny black gem. And his legs are round, round the name is so come. And his legs are very short, so even if he sprinkled his feet running, but also run fast, but I still like his kind of simple cute.   This is my favorite animal, you like it?   我喜欢的小动物英语作文12   My favorite little animal - the turtle, I gave it a name called "Li Shijan", usually I call it "extension". It is not just a lovely shape and it can sometimes understand my words! Its head small, neck thin, but also carrying a bowl like the size of the shell, green, pointed little tail It is very interesting to start the road.   Although it is only a small animal, but it also has a good heart. Once a grandfather was hospitalized, it was hunger! Even if we had bought it the most favorite loach fish, it would not have eaten it. Until the grandfather half a month after discharge, it was happy to eat, when the devil is really like people love and pity.   But sometimes it is also "hateful"! One day, it is in the glass cylinder hold the uncomfortable to come out, I see it anxious look like to help it, I use the index finger and thumb carefully pinch its shell, light I did not want to come out, did not think that it was with a sharp claws to scratch me, really do not know good people! Although I am very angry, but to see it happy on the ground free to play everywhere, I am also happy for it The   This is my favorite little animal - the turtle "extension". Do you like it?   我喜欢的小动物英语作文13   I have a little white rabbit. It is snow and white, really like a mass of white cotton. Eyes are very beautiful, like two rubies inlaid in the white face. Ears are very long, put up is particularly clever. It signed the front legs short and small, hind legs are fat and strong, so can only jump, can not run. Tail is also very small, almost can not see. It stands like a man.   I remember one time I pulled a radish from the yard, it did not even jump with me in front of me, while I do not pay attention to the mud with the mud
2023-01-12 14:52:291

chick chicks chicken chickens四个词的区别

chickn.小鸡; 小鸟; 少妇; <口>小姐; adj.胆小的; 雅致的; chicksn.小鸡( chick的名词复数 ); 小鸟; 少妇; <口>小姐; chickenn.鸡; 鸡肉; 胆小鬼; 懦夫; adj.胆怯的; 幼小的; 胆小的; vi.以畏缩的方式去做,失去勇气; 在最后一刻因胆怯而退出了; chickensn.鸡( chicken的名词复数 ); 鸡肉;
2023-01-12 14:52:391

pick up hot chicks是什么意思

2023-01-12 14:53:002

He doesn"t like______for supper A.chick B.chicken C.chickens D.chicks 为什么选D?

答案:B解释:children 表示“鸡肉”,而chick 表示“小鸡”,是单数名词。翻译:晚餐他不喜欢(吃)【鸡肉】。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)
2023-01-12 14:53:121

marshmallow chicks是什么意思急需!!!!!!!!!!我们的作业

2023-01-12 14:53:182


take a chill pill 别慌也等于 chill out
2023-01-12 14:53:293


chicks shredding on the guitar gives me a bøner i kid you not. they"re so damn sexy. also, those badass MMA ladies who can beat the living crap out of people. they"re pretty cool too.小鸡分解的吉他给我一个bøner我不骗你。他们是如此该死的性感。同时,那些坏蛋MMA女士们谁能击败了生活垃圾的人。他们也很酷。
2023-01-12 14:53:462

there are some chicks on the(

2023-01-12 14:53:568


peep是小鸟的唧唧叫声。peep的简介:v.窥视,偷看;(小鸟等)唧唧地叫;(从隐蔽处)出现;n.窥视;唧唧声;隐现;慢慢露出整句翻译英文为:Peep is the sound of a farm animal? Is a bird
2023-01-12 14:54:281

chicks with wicks 什么意思?

chicks with wicks 小鸡与小鸡
2023-01-12 14:54:372

Dixie Chicks这个组合翻译成"南方小鸡"不太合适吧

2023-01-12 14:54:473

小学三年级英语:Six chicks are on the ( ),要求填一个单词,它的发音与chick的ck一样,并使句子通顺。

你好,同学答案:填bricks 砖的复数,或填truck 卡车即:Six chicks are on the ( bricks ),或:Six chicks are on the ( truck ),翻译:六只小鸡在砖上。或:六只小鸡在卡车上。希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O有不明白的请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*^__^*)
2023-01-12 14:55:047


I can see eleven chicks on the grass.中文意思是我可以在草地上看到十一只小鸡。
2023-01-12 14:55:311

chiks dig the uniform 这句话是什么意思?

2023-01-12 14:55:413

chick bar是什么意思

chick[英][tʃɪk][美][tʃɪk]n.小鸡; 小鸟; 少妇; <口>小姐; adj.胆小的; 雅致的; 复数:chicks例句:1.Chick flicks are romantic movies without a conscience. 小鸡电影是没良心的浪漫电影chick[英][tʃɪk][美][tʃɪk]n.小鸡; 小鸟; 少妇; <口>小姐; adj.胆小的; 雅致的; 复数:chicks例句:1.Chick flicks are romantic movies without a conscience. 小鸡电影是没良心的浪漫电影chick[英][tʃɪk][美][tʃɪk]n.小鸡; 小鸟; 少妇; <口>小姐; adj.胆小的; 雅致的; 复数:chicks例句:1.Chick flicks are romantic movies without a conscience. 小鸡电影是没良心的浪漫电影
2023-01-12 14:55:541

chicks woth dicks是什么意思?

2023-01-12 14:56:002


意思是 九。再数一次,许多小鸡。
2023-01-12 14:56:111


Kitty+counts+the+chicks+on+the+farm.怎么改成特殊疑问句 .: Does Kitty count the chicks on the farm?
2023-01-12 14:56:362


1,现在进行时嘛,表明他正在中国工作,前面也用了is啊。2,定从,你也可以用where ,在特定条件下,两者可以互换,就像表示地点时就可以换。3,恩,是的。,spent 后面缺宾语,which可作宾语,而where不行。4,be killed by 谁,这是个短语,记住就行了。.(by)which.the.chicks.were.killed就是.the.chicks.were.killed by which ,which 就是指那只狐狸。5,.planted.many.trees with which,with在这里表示“用”的意思,with有很多这样的用法,查一下字典就会了解更多了。
2023-01-12 14:56:444

如何评价南方小鸡乐团(Dixie Chicks)?

南方小鸡乐团是一个很知名的乐团。经过多年的曲折与成员的变更,自上世纪90年代末后,这个组合在乡村音乐和商业上都获得了巨大成功。南方小鸡乐团有过许多脍炙人口的歌,诸如 《Wide Open Spaces》,《Cowboy Take Me》,《Long Time Gone》,《Travelin" Soldier》 等。她们以她们充满活力的组合形象,绝妙的乐器表演,个性的服饰装束和不随大流的观点著称于世。南方小鸡最初的音乐主要是蓝草音乐。1990年,乐队发行了她们的第一张唱片《Thank Heavens for Dale Evans》。之前的一年,玛蒂获得了全国小提琴冠军赛的第三名。之后又获得了一些其他奖项,并得到一些专业艺人的支持。
2023-01-12 14:57:011

get chicks or die tryin什么意思?

2023-01-12 14:57:121

this is me baby chick

2023-01-12 14:57:184


count the chicks意思:数数小鸡count 美 [kaʊnt] 英 [kaʊnt]v.重要;认为;算作;包括n.总数;点数;数出总数;(某物质在某物或面积中)量的计数【网络】计算;数量;数数过去分词:counted 现在分词:counting 第三人称单数:countschick 美 [tʃɪk] 英 [tʃɪk]n.小鸡;少女;雏鸟;少妇adj.潇洒的;小的【 网络】女孩;小鸟;雏鸡Can you count the chicks?你会数小鸡吗?
2023-01-12 14:57:321

there are (nine) chicks.就括号提问

How many chicks are there?有多少 只小鸡?
2023-01-12 14:57:371

两个句子明显是被动,却用了主动语态。求解 The chicks have hatched out。 the horn blew loudly。

2023-01-12 14:57:433

chicks rule是什么意思啊

2023-01-12 14:58:225


these chicks 这些小鸡, 这俩小妞
2023-01-12 14:58:421

chicks rule翻译成中文是什么意思?

2023-01-12 14:58:472

boys an gils .guys and chicks . ladies and gentalmen .哪位网友能告诉我具体详细的区别啊。

boys an gils指男生女生、男孩女孩,一般用于像学校校长讲话个年轻的学生,如 Come on, boys and girls.guys and chicks 属于一种极为不正式的说法,意为像小子和小妞。在同辈、朋友等人面前说。ladies and gentalmen 则就是我们最常见在正式场合中的女士们先生们,像主持一台晚会,女士们先生们晚上好。Good evening ladies and gentalmen希望有用
2023-01-12 14:58:561


do you like chicks
2023-01-12 14:59:112

chicks rule是什么意思啊

2023-01-12 14:59:195

pick up hot chicks是什么意思

pick up hot chicksvi.泡妞。
2023-01-12 14:59:382