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2023-05-19 23:39:21
TAG: 英语 翻译

第一篇:Youth 青春


Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being"s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing appetite for what"s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart, there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, courage and power from man and from the infinite, so long as you are young.

When your aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you"ve grown old, even at 20; but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there"s hope you may die young at 80.






无论年届花甲,拟或二八芳龄,心中皆有生命之欢乐,奇迹之诱惑,孩童般天真久盛不衰。人人心中皆有一台天线,只要你从天上人间接受美好、希望、欢乐、勇气和力量的信号,你就青春永驻,风华常存。 、



How can good housing architecture improve the quality of life for Korean people? When building a house, one of the most important considerations is how well the housing architecture suits the conditions of the society where the house is being built. In case of Korea, there are three essential housing designs which have an effect on improving the quality of life for Korean: High-rise buildings, underground parking lots and south-facing houses. Firstly, as a consequence of high-rise buildings, the housing shortage problem has been resolved in metropolitan areas and shortened the commute. Because many Koreans have moved into the cities hoping for better work and higher wages, certain cities have suffered from the overpopulation. In 2006, Korean government alleviated the restriction of high-rise building that which allows constructing higher than 15-story building. The advantage is that it accommodates quite a number of people in a limited site, Koreans are less stressed through not commuting great distances between their work and home. Secondly, due to the underground parking lots, the residents, especially children, are freed from the accidents which occur in a housing complex. (Instead of driving cars on earth, there is a garden and a play ground) - I don"t understand this sentence. On top of that, residents do not need to check around them if there is a car coming in the complex. Thanks to the underground parking garage, the residents are safer now. Thirdly, as a result of a houses with a southern exposure, Koreans are able to reduce the bills of heating and electricity. Korea has four distinctive seasons. For this reason, the people use an air-conditioner in summer and a heater in winter. Orienting a living room and a main room of a house towards the south means that the rooms receive a lot of sun during the day therefore saving on lighting as well as heating system. As a result, housing architecture which faces to the south lessens the living expenses of Korean. There may be other housing architecture which affects the quality of life in Korea, though in my opinion the introduction of of high-rise buildings, underground parking lots, and south-facing houses have improved the quality of life.

良好的房屋建筑如何才能改善朝鲜人民的生活质量?当盖房子,最重要的考虑因素之一是如何做好房屋建筑适合那里的房子正在修建的社会条件。在韩国的情况下,有三个基本的​​住房设计,韩国在改善生活质量的效果:高层建筑,地下停车场和朝南的房子。首先,作为一个高层建筑的后果,住房短缺问题已得到解决在大都市地区,并缩短通勤。由于许多韩国人希望更好的工作和更高的工资,到了城市的移动,一些城市遭受了从人口过剩。 2006年,韩国政府减轻高层建筑的限制,允许建设超过15层楼房高。它的优点是,它可以容纳相当多的人在一个有限的网站数量,韩国人不太强调通过不下班很远的距离他们的工作和家庭之间。其次,由于地下停车场,居民,尤其是儿童,摆脱复杂的住房发生的意外。 (而不是地球上驾驶汽车,有一个花园和一个发挥地) - 我不明白这句话。最重要的是,居民不需要检查是否有一个复杂的汽车在他们身边。由于地下车库,居民更安全的现在。第三,作为一个朝南一个房子的结果,韩国人都能够减少暖气和电力的法案。韩国四季分明。出于这个原因,人们在夏季和冬季热水器使用空调。定向向南的房子一间起居室和一个主房间,房间白天接收大量的阳光,因此,照明以及采暖系统节能。因此,面临着南部的房屋建筑,减少韩国的生活费。可能有其他房屋建筑的影响在韩国的生活质量,但在我看来,引进的高层建筑,地下停车场和朝南的房子,改善生活质量。







原句 Toyota Motor, for example, alleviated some of the damage from its recall crisis earlier this year with a relatively quick and well-orchestrated social-media response campaign, which included efforts to engage with consumers directly on sites such as Twitter and the social-news site Digg. 断句 Toyota Motor, for example, alleviated some of the damage from its recall crisis earlier this year with a relatively quick and well-orchestrated social-media response campaign, which included efforts to engage with consumers directly on sites such as Twitter and the social-news site Digg. 结构分析 第1句为句子主干; 第2句为 which 引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的 campaign; 原文翻译 比如,丰田汽车公司通过较快地开展精心策划的社交媒体回应活动,包括在推特和社会新闻网“掘客"等网站.上与消费者直接互动,减轻了今年早些时候的召回危机所造成的一些损害。 小词一碟
2023-01-12 10:12:351


1等一朵花开,念一世情怀。 Wait for a flower to blossom and read my feelings for the rest of my life. 2、心中的那把钥匙,至此至今,都无法打开。因为,无法把你忘怀。 The key in my heart, so far, has not been able to open. Because you can"t be forgotten. 3、如果友情是用来伤人的,那么爱情就是用来害人的。 If friendship is used to hurt people, then love is used to hurt people. 4、记住你是女孩,你要笑,你要活得漂亮! Remember that you are a girl, you have to laugh, you have to live beautifully! 5、错过的等,来世的挂牵,一个人的风华,一个人的梦,只是人海的错,只是缘散泪。 Missed waiting, the concern of the afterlife, a person"s elegance, a person"s dream, just the fault of the sea of people, just because of tears. 6、如果有一天,我无缘无故删了你,请原谅,那是我发现,你的世界真的不缺我一个。 If one day, I deleted you for no reason, please forgive me, that is, I found that your world really does not lack me. 7、缘分是本书,翻的不经意,会错过细节,读的太过认真,又会流干眼泪。 Fate is the book, turn carelessly, will miss the details, read too seriously, and will shed tears. 8、我不要有软肋,也不需要什么铠甲,独善其身,我可以过得更好。 I don"t need soft ribs or armor. I can live better by myself. 9、我们之间的距离刚刚好,不多也不少,既能够互相拥抱,也可以随时忘掉。 The distance between us is just right, no more or no less. We can embrace each other and forget it at any time. 10、越长大越是越是小心翼翼,越是瞻前顾后,越是脆弱。 The older, the more careful, the more forward-looking, the more fragile. 11、很多人都对我说要照顾好自己,却从来没有人说过以后我照顾你。 Many people have told me to take care of themselves, but no one has ever said that I will take care of you in the future. 12、世界上,真的会有那么一个人默默关注着你,疼爱着你,却永远不再靠近你。 In the world, there will really be someone who cares about you silently, loves you, but never comes near you again. 13、可能是现在感情,太过昂贵,让付出真心的人,好狼狈。 Maybe it"s the feeling now, which is too expensive, so that those who give their hearts are in a bad state. 14、无人待我情自深,无人伴我立黄昏。 No one treats me deeply, no one accompanies me at dusk. 15、世界上未有未完成的故事,只有未死的心。 There are no unfinished stories in the world, only unfinished hearts. 16、有的时候,选择放手并不是无法坚持,只是因为你发现有些事情注定无法实现。 Sometimes, the choice to let go is not impossible to adhere to, just because you find that some things are doomed to be impossible. 17、人都会虚伪善变,这一秒已不再是这一秒,我们都要学着习惯现实。 People will be hypocritical and changeable, this second is no longer this second, we have to learn to get used to reality. 18、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。 When tears flow down, I know that separation is another kind of understanding. 19、走错了路记得拐弯,爱错了人记得放手。 Take the wrong road remember to turn, love the wrong person remember to let go. 20、说出口的伤痛都已平复,绝口不提的才触及心底。 The pain of speaking has been alleviated, and only those who never mention it touch the bottom of their hearts. 21、难过的时候,蹲下来抱抱自己,成全别人,也放开自己。 When you are sad, squat down and hug yourself, complete others, and let go of yourself. 22、如果,如果爱已凉,如果,如果情已逝,那么,还要去问为什么? If, if love has cooled, if, if the love has passed, then go to ask why? 23、还是那么的寂寞,天依旧会蓝,心始终会疼。 Or so lonely, the sky will still be blue, the heart will always hurt. 24、我会渐渐和你保持距离,直到我和你彻底没了关系。 I will gradually keep away from you until I have nothing to do with you. 25、原本以为,只要紧握着你就可以到永远,却没想到,握得越紧,失去的也越快。 Originally thought that as long as you hold tight, you can go forever, but did not expect that the tighter you hold, the faster you lose. 26、下一次可不可以换你,褪去一身骄傲,喜欢我到疯掉。 Next time, can you change your pride and like me crazy? 27、从此抽烟喝酒,闭口不谈天长地久,从此撩猫逗狗,再不说曾经拥有。 From then on, he smoked and drank, kept his mouth shut and never talked about the eternity. From then on, he pulled the cat and teased the dog, not to mention the ownership. 28、浮世万千,吾爱有三。日,月与卿。日为朝,月为暮,卿为朝朝暮暮。 There are three things I love. Day, moon and Qing. The sun is morning, the moon is evening, and the Qing is evening. 29、曾经的胡闹,是因为依赖。如今的礼貌,是因为陌生。 What used to be nonsense is because of dependence. Today"s courtesy is due to strangeness. 30、感情没有先来后到,明明是我先遇见你,你却把你的温柔耐心,全部给了后来的人。 Emotions do not come first and then come, clearly I met you first, but you put your gentle patience, all to later people. 31、生;不过是一朵花开的时间,死;亦不过是一片叶落的刹那。 Life is but the time when a flower blossoms and dies, and the moment when a leaf falls. 32、我以为我们会爱到最后,谁知缘分早已走到了尽头。 I thought we would love to the end, who knows fate has already come to an end. 33、每个嘴里说不想恋爱的人,心里都装着一个无法拥有的人。 Every person who says he doesn"t want to fall in love has a person in his heart that he can"t have. 34、不冷不热,在自然界是让人最舒服的温度,但是在感情界,却是最让人想死的温度。 It"s not cold or hot. It"s the most comfortable temperature in nature, but in the emotional world, it"s the most lethal temperature. 35、悲伤的音乐回荡在耳边,寂寞的只剩下灵魂。 Sorrow music reverberates in the ear, lonely only the soul. 36、离你越近的地方,路途越远,最简单的音调,需要最艰苦的练习。 The nearer you are, the farther you go. The simplest tone requires the hardest practice. 37、喜欢一个人没有错,错就错在喜欢一个不喜欢自己的人。 It"s not wrong to like a person, but it"s wrong to like a person who doesn"t like himself. 38、有些风景只能喜欢却不能收藏,就像有些人只适合遇见却不适合久伴。 Some sceneries can only be liked but can not be collected, just as some people are only suitable for meeting but not for long-term companionship.
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2023-01-12 10:12:4610


结合这些意愿来解决这些争议,如公共决策,RCEP的成员深信环境需要做大量的改变,如下:一些防污染措施引起了公众的恐慌(例如伦敦1952年的烟雾),更有甚者是环境保护综合政策的一部分。RCEP采取了一些政治举措,在报告的条款中有绝对的驾驭权,评定污染的情况,第一RCEP宣称长期的环境保护综合政策的客观性,优先考虑短期的问题。委员会的工作皇家委员会列了一张RCEP收集资料和其职责的观点的方式。 前RCEP的主席重新制定了六条关于信息的收集:1.手写的证据材料必须是来自组织或个人的2.口头的证据材料来自相关的部门3.重要的观点,新闻的文章要分类收集4.有成员发布资料5.查看感兴趣的网页和公众的会议6.专家顾问工作RCEP的成员接触到公众成员,代表组织如他们准备他们的报告,起草一个广泛的观点主旨。这些给RCEP证据材料的人受到询问,并其重要的显示了目击者的所掌握的影响力。在这种情况下,RCEP的影响就不仅仅是政府对报告的回应,它可能也是长期的一种政策。当协调同一的时候,官方政府的回答仅仅是简单的代表利益方的部门和其他的一种进展情况。很明显,这个使得RCEP的工作变得困难。这也是RCEP 的成员似乎在一段时间内组织与他们的工作的重要性。建议其直接的解决方案,这似乎显示了工作的诚挚性和关注性,公众的关注性得到培养。
2023-01-12 10:13:212


2023-01-12 10:13:292

谁能帮我翻译一下这篇文章吗~~~ 需要人工翻译 ~~~希望高手们帮个忙 ~~~

什么语言? 翻译:According to "Dictionary of Modern Discourse" Note: the word humor comes from the Latin, the original meaning refers to "wet", after the conversion: "liquid" in the medical profession. After the European Renaissance, to the social life of the transfer areas and the arts. To the modern times, humor has become the aesthetic concept of the word, means life is not boring, there are "enough to laugh, laugh or entertainment" means. Humor is the wisdom, knowledge, the crystallization of smart, humor in our society, family, work, study, living in an integral. Canadians Browning grew up in China from an early age, he run for Governor, the opponent attacks, he said: "obedient you are eating Chinese milk nanny growing up, you must be of Chinese descent who." Browning said: "Yes, I was eating Chinese nanny brought up the milk. However, there is conclusive evidence that you grew up drinking milk, your body can be seen cattle origin." Browning"s reasoning in accordance with the logic of the other party to postpone a very ridiculous conclusions, humorous language used easy to refute the opponent"s point of view. Humor is the lubricant of family life, which help stabilize the emotions, so that a harmonious and friendly atmosphere. A pair of young people to get married soon after her husband on the show of male chauvinism, his wife said: "I have the final say in this family, you have to listen to me." Such an attitude is likely to lead to the two sides quarrel. The wife and calmly said: "The line, when we agreed to listen to you; opinions to listen to my inconsistent." Saying they had eased the tense atmosphere. Humor is a holly tree of human life, he is just like a chemical reaction of the acid-base and often can turn hostility into friendship, so that Zhang Jian inferior horse out of both sides, as the smile, shake hands. Civilization in Sheng joke Wanrong County, Shanxi Province, two people in the quarrel: "Why do not you unreasonable?", "I had no rationale, and what grounds do you say?" A "war" was to stop the laughter. German poet Goethe walk in the park, with a critic so only in a small one on the road through the encounter. Critics said: "I never give way to the idiot." Goethe to the street with a smile: "I am just the opposite." Humor after laughter Getter powerful party, and not the rationale for the party and apologized do not hurt self-esteem. This is obviously unreasonable chicanery and direct effects are much better to admit their mistakes. Laughter, the Goethe will be "dumb" and the title returned to the critics, critics speechless and had no choice but to admit. Goethe not only to achieve the purpose of the counter-attack, but also the wisdom of their own, shed the age-old story. Engels believed that humor is the wisdom, the realization of education and morality. It has to intervene and joy of life functions. Humor itself is easy, but the need for humor was heavy labor; humor itself is pleasant, with the quality of humor is the need for hard work. Therefore, this study and the need to strengthen self-cultivation, good life lessons from nutrition, to grasp the skills, Yue Zhuang in the harmonic, make life fun.
2023-01-12 10:13:383


In Mt. Wuyi"s jungle deep place, once was living in the past one kind of body weight only four, 52 (are approximately equal to 120~150 grams) the monkey. The big like fist, the wool makes the golden color, two items have the light sparkling, can coil in the pen container rests. Sets at between the writing desk, wants to cause to grind ink, then buckles the document several, the monkey namely exerts however the news to leave, kneels Yu Yanpang, holds the ink before two to rub it fully. Causes it to stop, namely stops. Sees several waxing ants, namely seizes food it, does not have or escaping. And can pull up weeds in the pot between seizes the insect. The Mexican monkey rests in the pen container, as soon as hears grinds ink, then jumps, is waiting, when the human finished the character, put on the pen, licked on inkstone Yu Mo, still jumped in the pen container to go. This will be any micro-organism can rest unexpectedly in the pen container also will grind ink licks the ink it will be the ink monkey, in the ancient times, it was writer"s pet, could help to turn the book, to hand over the paper, to take the pen, to grind ink. It likes staying the pen container and the drawer, so long as feeds by the peanut and the soybean namely can survive gets down. Once had the archaeologist to discover in Mt. Wuyi before is considered already the extinction, the body weight only more than 200 grams, small like mouse, clever intelligent. According to the Qing Dynasty "Mt. Wuyi Will": “the treasure monkey is exquisite, greatly only like palm”. “treasure monkey” Jimo monkey. The build exquisite, intelligent clever, is with good intention the pen monkey, was the ancient times writer"s pet. It also has a name to be called the ink monkey, because can help the master to grind ink acquires fame. Once the pen monkey has been tired, will drill to the big pen container in rests, or will drill to the drawer corner in sleeps. So long as the master slightly executes the peanut, the legumes, the nut, can maintain its survival. Ancient times the reason that the writer liked raising the pen monkey; first, because it was precious, and easy to raise; Second, its group of masters grind ink, hand over the diligent vigor which the paper funny, clever and the hands and feet does not stop, alleviated the pain which greatly the ancient times writer engaged in scholarship and lonely. In the Qing Dynasty Daoguang block-printed book "the Mt. Wuyi Will", has “the descendants of princes to resemble the monkey, but is small, greatly only like fist” record. Song generation of renowned principle scientist Zhu Xi wrote a book and established a theory when the Wuyi lecture hall has raised one monkey which seized from the mountain. This monkey, the height like penstock, the body weight insufficient half catty, the natural disposition is smart, teases to like. After the Zhu Xi pains domestication, listens to the master to direct really. In the studio, Zhu Xi studies, its well-mannered sits in the pen container “listens in reverent attention”; Zhu Xi wants to write an article, it jumps down the pen container to rub diligently grinds the ink; The master goes out, it is honest, the tiny step does not move guards the studio, does not let the stranger enter. In such clever pocket-sized monkey world rare, no wonder Qing Dynasty Li like the dragon writes poetry commended: “Wuyi pen monkey time of preciousness.” 真累才10分
2023-01-12 10:13:492


2023-01-12 10:14:168


错误503服务不可用从RFC 2068超文本传输 Protocol-HTTP/1.1 10.5.4 503服务不可用的服务器目前无法处理请求由于临时承的过载
2023-01-12 10:14:462


10.5.4 503服务不可用  服务器暂时无法处理请求由于临时超载的服务器或维修。言外之意是,这是一个临时的条件后,将会减轻一些延迟。如果知道,长度的延误可能表示在Retry-After标题。如果没有Retry-After,客户应处理的反应,因为它将为500的反应。注:存在503状态码并不意味着一个服务器必须使用它时,变得超负荷。一些服务器可以简单地拒绝连接。
2023-01-12 10:14:582


This sticker helps to remove the mask from the ScreenGuard.粘贴标签帮助将覆盖膜从屏保上撕开。Please peel off the mask with the sticker.请用粘贴标签揭掉覆盖膜。
2023-01-12 10:15:072


2023-01-12 10:15:164

The Woods: A Meditation(节选)翻译,谢谢

把我带到这片树林来的是悲哀。我21岁是, 我母亲因为癌症死了。她死时48岁。 她死时非常悲伤,经过无数次治疗和希望的破灭,和这些治疗带来的痛苦。 她在这六年里,进出了医院无数次。 我在这油毯的走廊里走过, 和医生与护士们谈过用量与天气,关于放射和棒球。 每一个可怕的意图,都会有一个能对应的干扰能够让一个人接着走下去。 我坐在她的床边,响亮的向她读着她最喜欢的 “干扰“Victorian的小说。 她对Anthony Trollope 很感兴趣。 牧师,男爵们和寡妇的充满诡计的故事被Trollope讲述, 没有什么不对的,但是做为一个人,他们经常把事情搞砸。 两件事情会让我母亲高兴,英格兰金色的灰尘,坚实的家具, 衣裙和首饰, 和把事情搞砸。 她生存了, 但她想生存更长久。 她想去欧洲参观并且看一看那些教堂和牧师的别墅。她想去呼吸一下历史成熟的空气。 但现在,只由一张医院的床和一些书籍, 还有剩下的一段时间。我每天都和死亡打交道, 几乎是我的伙伴, 无声的, 但是没有疲倦感。 早上, 每当我刮胡子时, 或是在车道里买一个汉堡包, 或者在大学里的教室间穿梭,我会感到死亡的存在。从一个角度来看, 在我看着她与疾病作斗争时,我的一部分也随着她而死亡了。这些令人悲哀的癌细胞又会知道什么? 有多少个晚上, 我坐在她床边直到她睡着, 太累了, 太悲哀了, 无法让自己站起来,听着医院里的这些声音, 鞋的响声,带轮子的床的声音,他们可以给我答案吗? 把我带到这片森林里来的是我和大地之间的不存在的空隙, 没有什么乱七八糟的电子干扰。 我盼望着直接与安静。 把我带到这森林的是我让我走丢的一个欲望, 几乎走到地图之外。 美国很大, 而且还有很多地方看似还没有人居住
2023-01-12 10:15:303


2023-01-12 10:15:454

the north of the north island什么意思

2023-01-12 10:16:003


错误503--为无法获得服务 From RFC 2068年超文件传输协定 -- HTTP/1.1 : 10.5.4 503无法获得的服务 服务器当前无法处理请求由于服务器的临时超载或维护。 涵义是这是在某一延迟以后将被缓和的一个临时情况。 如果已知,延迟的时间在重试以后也许被表明。 如果再试以后测量没有,客户应该处理反应,当它为500时会反应。 记录 : 503状态编码的存在不暗示服务器必须使用它,当变得超载时。 有些服务器也许希望拒绝连接。
2023-01-12 10:16:131


2023-01-12 10:16:184


  Now, speaking directly to the camera, the camerlegno stepped forward. “To the Illuminati,” he said, his voice deepening, “and to those of science, let me say this.” He paused. “You have won the war.”  The silence spread now to the deepest corners of the chapel. Mortati could hear the desperate thumping of his own heart.  “The wheels have been in motion for a long time,” the camerlegno said. “Your victory has been inevitable. Never before has it been as obvious as it is at this moment. Science is the new God.”  What is he saying! Mortati thought. Has he gone mad? The entire world is hearing this!  “Medicine, electronic communications, space travel, genetic manipulation . . . these are the miracles about which we now tell our children. These are the miracles we herald as proof that science will bring us the answers. The ancient stories of immaculate conceptions, burning bushes, and parting seas are no longer relevant. God has become obsolete. Science has won the battle. We concede.”  A rustle of confusion and bewilderment swept through the chapel.  “But science"s victory,” the camerlegno added, his voice intensifying, “has cost every one of us. And it has cost us deeply.”  Silence.  “Science may have alleviated the miseries of disease and drudgery and provided an array of gadgetry for our entertainment and convenience, but it has left us in a world without wonder. Our sunsets have been reduced to wavelengths and frequencies. The complexities of the universe have been shredded into mathematical equations. Even our self-worth as human beings has been destroyed. Science proclaims that Planet Earth and its inhabitants are a meaningless speck in the grand scheme. A cosmic accident.” He paused. “Even the technology that promises to unite us, divides us. Each of us is now electronically connected to the globe, and yet we feel utterly alone. We are bombarded with violence, division, fracture, and betrayal. Skepticism has become a virtue. Cynicism and demand for proof has become enlightened thought. Is it any wonder that humans now feel more depressed and defeated than they have at any point in human history? Does science hold anything sacred? Science looks for answers by probing our unborn fetuses. Science even presumes to rearrange our own DNA. It shatters God"s world into smaller and smaller pieces in quest of meaning . . . and all it finds is more questions.”  作者:12.37.208.* 2009-4-9 23:30 回复此发言  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  17 回复:教皇内待经典的讲演  Mortati watched in awe. The camerlegno was almost hypnotic now. He had a physical strength in his movements and voice that Mortati had never witnessed on a Vatican altar. The man"s voice was wrought with conviction and sadness.  “The ancient war between science and religion is over,” the camerlegno said. “You have won. But you have not won fairly. You have not won by providing answers. You have won by so radically reorienting our society that the truths we once saw as signposts now seem inapplicable. Religion cannot keep up. Scientific growth is exponential. It feeds on itself like a virus. Every new breakthrough opens doors for new breakthroughs. Mankind took thousands of years to progress from the wheel to the car. Yet only decades from the car into space. Now we measure scientific progress in weeks. We are spinning out of control. The rift between us grows deeper and deeper, and as religion is left behind, people find themselves in a spiritual void. We cry out for meaning. And believe me, we do cry out. We see UFOs, engage in channeling, spirit contact, out-of-body experiences, mindquests-all these eccentric ideas have a scientific veneer, but they are unashamedly irrational. They are the desperate cry of the modern soul, lonely and tormented, crippled by its own enlightenment and its inability to accept meaning in anything removed from technology.”  Mortati could feel himself leaning forward in his seat. He and the other cardinals and people around the world were hanging on this priest"s every utterance. The camerlegno spoke with no rhetoric or vitriol. No references to scripture or Jesus Christ. He spoke in modern terms, unadorned and pure. Somehow, as though the words were flowing from God himself, he spoke the modern language . . . delivering the ancient message. In that moment, Mortati saw one of the reasons the late Pope held this young man so dear. In a world of apathy, cynicism, and technological deification, men like the camerlegno, realists who could speak to our souls like this man just had, were the church"s only hope.  作者:12.37.208.* 2009-4-9 23:30 回复此发言  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  18 回复:教皇内待经典的讲演  The camerlegno was talking more forcefully now. “Science, you say, will save us. Science, I say, has destroyed us. Since the days of Galileo, the church has tried to slow the relentless march of science, sometimes with misguided means, but always with benevolent intention. Even so, the temptations are too great for man to resist. I warn you, look around yourselves. The promises of science have not been kept. Promises of efficiency and simplicity have bred nothing but pollution and chaos. We are a fractured and frantic species . . . moving down a path of destruction.”  The camerlegno paused a long moment and then sharpened his eyes on the camera.  “Who is this God science? Who is the God who offers his people power but no moral framework to tell you how to use that power? What kind of God gives a child fire but does not warn the child of its dangers? The language of science comes with no signposts about good and bad. Science textbooks tell us how to create a nuclear reaction, and yet they contain no chapter asking us if it is a good or a bad idea.  “To science, I say this. The church is tired. We are exhausted from trying to be your signposts. Our resources are drying up from our campaign to be the voice of balance as you plow blindly on in your quest for smaller chips and larger profits. We ask not why you will not govern yourselves, but how can you? Your world moves so fast that if you stop even for an instant to consider the implications of your actions, someone more efficient will whip past you in a blur. So you move on. You proliferate weapons of mass destruction, but it is the Pope who travels the world beseeching leaders to use restraint. You clone living creatures, but it is the church reminding us to consider the moral implications of our actions. You encourage people to interact on phones, video screens, and computers, but it is the church who opens its doors and reminds us to commune in person as we were meant to do. You even murder unborn babies in the name of research that will save lives. Again, it is the church who points out the fallacy of this reasoning.  作者:12.37.208.* 2009-4-9 23:30 回复此发言  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  19 回复:教皇内待经典的讲演  “And all the while, you proclaim the church is ignorant. But who is more ignorant? The man who cannot define lightning, or the man who does not respect its awesome power? This church is reaching out to you. Reaching out to everyone. And yet the more we reach, the more you push us away. Show me proof there is a God, you say. I say use your telescopes to look to the heavens, and tell me how there could not be a God!” The camerlegno had tears in his eyes now. “You ask what does God look like. I say, where did that question come from? The answers are one and the same. Do you not see God in your science? How can you miss Him! You proclaim that even the slightest change in the force of gravity or the weight of an atom would have rendered our universe a lifeless mist rather than our magnificent sea of heavenly bodies, and yet you fail to see God"s hand in this? Is it really so much easier to believe that we simply chose the right card from a deck of billions? Have we become so spiritually bankrupt that we would rather believe in mathematical impossibility than in a power greater than us?  “Whether or not you believe in God,” the camerlegno said, his voice deepening with deliberation, “you must believe this. When we as a species abandon our trust in the power greater than us, we abandon our sense of accountability. Faith . . . all faiths . . . are admonitions that there is something we cannot understand, something to which we are accountable . . . With faith we are accountable to each other, to ourselves, and to a higher truth. Religion is flawed, but only because man is flawed. If the outside world could see this church as I do . . . looking beyond the ritual of these walls . . . they would see a modern miracle . . . a brotherhood of imperfect, simple souls wanting only to be a voice of compassion in a world spinning out of control.”  The camerlegno motioned out over the College of Cardinals, and the BBC camerawoman instinctively followed, panning the crowd.  “Are we obsolete?” the camerlegno asked. “Are these men dino-saurs? Am I? Does the world really need a voice for the poor, the weak, the oppressed, the unborn child? Do we really need souls like these who, though imperfect, spend their lives imploring each of us to read the signposts of morality and not lose our way?”  Mortati now realized that the camerlegno, whether consciously or not, was making a brilliant move. By showing the cardinals, he was personalizing the church. Vatican City was no longer a building, it was people-people like the camerlegno who had spent their lives in the service of goodness.  “Tonight we are perched on a precipice,” the camerlegno said. “None of us can afford to be apathetic. Whether you see this evil as Satan, corruption, or immorality . . . the dark force is alive and growing every day. Do not ignore it.” The camerlegno lowered his voice to a whisper, and the camera moved in. “The force, though mighty, is not invincible. Goodness can prevail. Listen to your hearts. Listen to God. Together we can step back from this abyss.”  Now Mortati understood. This was the reason. Conclave had been violated, but this was the only way. It was a dramatic and desperate plea for help. The camerlegno was speaking to both his enemy and his friends now. He was entreating anyone, friend or foe, to see the light and stop this madness. Certainly someone listening would realize the insanity of this plot and come forward.  The camerlegno knelt at the altar. “Pray with me.”  The College of Cardinals dropped to their knees to join him in prayer. Outside in St. Peter"s Square and around the globe . . . a stunned world knelt with them.
2023-01-12 10:16:321


2023-01-12 10:16:373


可以得到精神上的满足及纾解压力的翻译是:Can get mental satisfaction and relieve pressure
2023-01-12 10:16:494

父亲给女儿的一封遗书 英文

l tell you. Father suspect that this time we play hide and seek to play such a long time, Grandpa, Grandma, Mummy sometimes can not see my father, they will steal to cry. Stealing is crying foul, that is stealing their failure to cry, you must amuse them laugh, or else lose the game after, they Huiku a more formidable. OK, baby »you are the same group, to see you formidable competition, or father» Ready »competition to begin! Fond of playing the father, where you hide »these 10 years, I am listening to your father, in order not to foul, afraid of losing the game can not see you again, I tried to take care of Grandpa, Grandma, Mom, they cried, I Amuse them laugh. Dad, they finally laughed and I did it! Game is over, you come back the bar, right »original… wrong! I look forward to your father back, then I play hide and Micang the time, her mother told I, I would never see you, the original 10 years ago, I have lost the love of your father… Dad, why do you bear to deceive your favorite daughter «10 years, each time to eat cake, I The more you miss the accumulation of 10 years after the then we will also look forward to more decades of cumulative really makes me lose even more painful! Ten years ago, if you let me the choice, I would prefer not to father to me, you the I believe your daughter! I will be strong, I will have more to amuse Grandpa, Grandma, Mummy laugh. Or… Laipian my whole life, and I play the Micang lifetime, let me win back the life you… father, after 10 years of hindsight does not relieve you of the shocking loss, although the pain, but I will work hard to me Of life, will not disappoint you love, will not disappoint you and I play 10 years of painstaking Micang hiding.
2023-01-12 10:17:072


B alleviated alleviate 英[əˈli:vieɪt] 美[əˈliviˌet] vt. 减轻,缓和; [例句]Nowadays, a great deal can be done to alleviate back pain. 如今,减轻背部疼痛可以有许多方法。
2023-01-12 10:17:241

Do you know poverty alleviationthrough tourism?简答

We should know that proverty can be alleviated through tourism. As we may hear that tourism is travel for pleasure or rather a fun business. Through tourism, it creates job opportunities for the tourist related businesses such as leisure or sights seeing, tourist spots attractions or lodgging and hotel accommodating, and entertaining tourists, and he business of operating tours. All these are the sources of incomes for all folks in tourism.
2023-01-12 10:17:291


2023-01-12 10:17:401

急啊~~在线等exam-oriented education定义~英文

面向考试的教育也就是说 以考试为导向的教育
2023-01-12 10:17:503


To my lovely daughter:You"ll seek Dad after taking 10 times cake…….Dad has played hide-and-seek game with you for many times, but every time, you could seek Dad very soon. But this time, Dad decided to hide for a very very long time. Do not seek me firstly, but wait. When you 14 years old ( finished eating 10 times cake), you then ask Mummy where am I, ok?Dad has to hide for so long a time, you must miss Dad, right? But I could not run out, otherwise I"ll lose again.If you miss Dad badly, Dad will appear beside you by magic. As it"s magic, Dad"s appear is only illusion, which does not disobey the rule, so Dad not lose. Dad"s magic will be: when you sleeping, Dad will go to your dream to play with you; when you drawing, whether beautiful or not, if you judge that person is Dad, then it is; when you looking at the picture of Dad, Dad is looking at you slinkingly too……keep in mind, Dad will always beside with you!You are now 4 years old girl now, a grown-up. So Dad would request you to help me. Could you look after your grandpa, grandma and mummy? Mummy will tell you how good job you have done and whether you have done better than Dad.Are you ready? Now begin the competition. [The letter from the daughter to his father after 10 years]Dear dad:Where are you hiding? You told me that, after 10 times cake eating, I could find you out, right?In the past 10 years, I am very docile. In order to obey the rule, be afraid that if I Iose, I"ll never see you again, I try my best to take care grandpa, grandma and mummy. When they cry, I amuse them up. Dad, they are happy and smiled lastly! I am the winner! Game over, and you"ll come back, right?But……. I am wrong! When I am looking forward for your coming back, looking forward to play hide-and-seek with you again, mummy tell me, I will never see you again. Formerly, 10 years before, I have lost my dear lovely dad forever……….Dad, how can you cheat your lovely daughter? During the past years, every time I eat one cake, the missing of you accumulated each time, and the eager to see you again 10 years later becomes more serious each time. 10 years ago, if I could choose, I"ll rather prefer to know the truth. Father, you should believe your daughter. I could be adamancy, and I could try hard to amuse grandpa, grandma and mummy. Or…….cheat me forever, play hide-and-seek with me forever, let me win you for three score years and ten…….Dad, 10 years later to know your leave hasn"t alleviated the convulsion to lose you. Though feel so pain, I will try hard to perfect my life, never betray your love and never betray your painstaking idea to play hide-and-seek game for 10 years!
2023-01-12 10:18:037


Air pollution has been alleviated
2023-01-12 10:18:283

我用的是VISTA系统,在IE7.0中浏览自己做的网页时出现HTTP Error 503错误,如何解决呀?

2023-01-12 10:18:392


Drugs character profiles 1, the name of the medicine 1.1 medicine Name : ammonia coffee Region capsules 1.2 reading : Goods buy them at the acetyl ammonia Jifen containing 250mg, caffeine 15mg, Malay acid chlorobenzene sodium min 1mg, artificial blood 10mg, 1. 3 medicine manufactured patterns : Benpinwei columns type capsules agents of contents for the color mix particles. 2, qualitative and quantitative 2.1 qualitative disclosure : Let liquid materials for the Ban Hin main enemy fluorescence and the same position with Duizhaopin main enemy. (2) (3) is to be a response. 2. 2 quantitative disclosure : Jifen containing ammonia should be marked for acetyl 93.0%~107% volume, the volume containing caffeine should be marked 90%~110%. 3, the patterns produced medicine Benpinwei columns type capsules agents of contents for the color mix particles 4, the various clinical features 4.1 designated treatment : used to alleviate common cold and influenza caused by fever, headache, have a stuffy nose, Yan Tong, and other symptoms. 4.2 usage usage : oral, adult, a 1~2 tablets. 1 three times. 4.3 taboos : 1, persons of the goods being prohibited. Two pregnant women, nursing women banned. 3, the activities of digestive ulcers patients ban. 4.4 attention to matters : 1, drug 3~7 days, the symptoms are not alleviated, please Advisory doctors or pharmacists. 2, requested the advisory doctors or pharmacists children consumption. 3, serving Yongbenpin containing alcohol during Prohibition or drinking beverages. 4 liver, kidney function persons using incomplete. 5, pregnant and lactating women beyond. 6. Children must be under adult supervision. 7. When the index change, prohibited goods. 8. I should be grateful drugs on children can not access. 4.5 Drug interactions : 1. With the goods should not contain barbitone category, and chloramphenicol Bentuoyingna with serving. 2. And other long-serving Yongbenpin or serving a paracetamol analgesic with the increased risk of kidney toxicity. 3. If other drugs are being taken to request advisory Yongbenpin doctors or pharmacists before. 4.6 pregnant and lactating women : obesity. 4.7 Driving aircraft, vehicles, ships, engaged in high-altitude operations : using machinery operators work. 3. 480 adverse reactions : just watching for the occasional pieces of cells, platelet reduction, depression, nausea, vomiting, rashes and other adverse reactions. 4. 9 excessive use : nil 5 character identity 5. 1 of the goods acetyl amino phenol can inhibit prostate Su synthetic, taking paracetamol; Coffee central excited because medicine can enhance the effectiveness of acetyl amino phenol taking paracetamol and other drugs to alleviate the vector, dizziness, and other central act; Malay acid chlorobenzene to the min Kangzuanyao to reduce trouble, have a stuffy nose, sneezing symptoms; artificial blood with inflammation records. 5.2 medicine generation dynamics : it is easy to absorb oral, and food and absorb slow, but do not absorb the volume decrease. Plasma protein combination rate of 99%. After taking the drug concentrations reached peak blood 1~2 hours, a drug after t1/2 to 1.82 hours, after five hours after taking joints fluid concentrations and blood concentrations equivalent medicine, after 12 hours joints liquid solution than plasma concentrations. The goods in Gannei metabolism, 60%~90% by urine from the kidney, from 100% in 12 hours, of which about 1% to prototype objects, as part of excreta from. 5.3 Clinical former safety factor information : 6, the identity of medicine 6. Additional doses of drugs one name : starch, dextrin, food colouring materials, 6.2 Drug interactions : (1) the goods and should not contain barbitone category, and chloramphenicol Bentuoyingna with serving. (2) Long-term service Yongbenpin taking paracetamol medicines or other clothing with increased risk of kidney toxicity. (3) If the other is the use of drugs to doctors or pharmacists Yongbenpin ago requested the Advisory. 6.3 There are effective period : preliminary 2002 6.4 storage Tibet : sealed and dry in the shade Department preserved. 6.5 packs loaded : 12 tablets / plates, 10 tablets / boards hard medicinal PVC film, medicine packaging using PTP aluminum foil. 7, permits the use of popular units : Zhengzhou Kangli Pharmaceutical Company 8, the permit number : Henan b20050077 9, the first meeting may permit popular use of the certification or re-registration date : January 1, 2006 10, re-examined on the date of product characteristics : Plant manager signature stamped : Drugs registration signature stamped :
2023-01-12 10:18:477


The Feelings in KoreaBecause of International Student Exchange Programs, I have gotten a chance to come to Korea to taste the life in this country. As the saying goes, seeing is believing. To realize a country you must go to that country and have a look for yourself. I went to Korea for nearly a month. During this month, I found several characteristics by observation, as follows:I > There are many buildings, but the city is very neat.Seoul is the capital of the Republic of Korea and it is a very neat city in my opinion. The buildings in Seoul are close together; when darkness comes on, overlook the city on the top of the Seoul Tower and this feeling will be more obvious. Although the buildings are crowded, the appearance of the city is very neat. I have heard that Korea"s government places great emphasis on environment and when I arrived here, the facts confirmed it. Seeing from a macroscopic view, the Korea-Japan Park is a good example; from a microcosmic view, the garbage bag the citizen used everyday is another good example. Thus it can be seen, the Korean government has made great efforts in environmental protection.II> The situation of the streets: most of the streets are sloping.I remembered that I had learned Korea is a mountainous country, but I did not know very much about the country. Now that I have gotten to know Korea better I can see sloping streets here and there, maybe it is a peculiarity of this country.III> The underground transportation system is relatively developed.The underground traffic is very busy, take Seoul as an example, the underground railway network spreads into every corner of the city. It is very helpful in alleviating traffic jams.IV> Some other characteristics i) Housing: Geothermal energy heating ii) Food and drinking: They like hot food very much and are high on light food, besides, they like alcohol. iii) Hierarchy is obvious, and they pay much attention to ceremony.iv) IT industry is very developed.In conclusion, the impression of Korea, in my mind, is a modern and classical coexistence of both tradition and innovation.我可是费了九牛二虎之力哦,翻了几本字典,终于翻译完了,不过我觉得还有缺点和不足,先放在这儿供你参考,容我自己再纠正一下错误,然后修复它。如果有什么其他问题可以发邮件给我 随时愿意帮你。I have correct it with the help of my foreign teacher, hope it will be helpfull.
2023-01-12 10:19:1112


decrease指事物在数量上、程度上逐渐减少的过程diminish指外因使数字或力量不断变小或变弱reduce既可指事物在数量上和程度上逐步减少,也可指人的地位、状况的下降decline“婉拒”,下降, 减少;衰退, 衰落
2023-01-12 10:20:062


toothache读[ˈtuːθeɪk],意思是牙痛、牙疼。例句:1、His face swelled up with the toothache. 牙痛使他的脸都肿了。2、I have got toothache, so I must go to a dentist. 我牙疼,必须去看牙医。3、Her bad temper is easily accountable, she has had a toothache all day. 她的脾气不好是很容易解释的,因为她的牙疼了一整天。4、This painkiller has slightly alleviated my toothache. 这种止痛药略微减了一些我的牙痛。5、I"m hoping the toothache will just go away. 我希望牙疼能自行消失。
2023-01-12 10:20:141

After the founding of New China

In May 1951 the 17-Article Agreement on Measures for Peaceful Libera-tion of Tibet was signed by the Central People's Government and the Tibet lo-cal government,thus turned a new page in the history of Tibet.The geological and mineral prospecting of Tibet began to embark on a brand new era.During the last 40 years works on geology and mineral resources of Tibet have experi-enced generally the following three stages:(1)1951-1965Shortly after its establishment,New China was facing the challenge of e-conomic recovery and development.The urgent needs of mineral resources by the socialist construction accelerated the geological and mineral prospecting at an unprecedented rate.The Central People'S Government paid much attention to Tibet which had just shook off the yoke of serf system.The Bureau of Geol-ogy of Tibet was set up first from 1956-1957 and then reinstituted from 1960-1963 to strengthen the geological work of the region.The number of staff and workers had reached a maximum of 1077 in the year 1956 and of 1119 in 1960.After 1963,the Bureau had been disbanded with merely one geological party preserved under the Industrial Construction Bureau of Tibet,and the number of staff and workers decreased to 508.Obviously it was far from equal to the task in such a vast area.During this stage geological work was limited to re-connaissance survey and ore occurrence inspection by use of single methods.The important tasks accomplished are as follows:In March 1951,nine geologists from the geological group of the Working Party of Tibet affiliated to the ChineseAcademy of Sciences(CAS)headed by Prof.Li Pu arrived in Tibet to carry out geological reconnaissance survey and mineral investigation.They started in the east from the Jinsha River,passing through Qamdo,Dengqen,Bomi,Lhasa,Xigarze to Tingri;in the south they reached the Yarlung Zangbo Riv-er;and in the north they reached Nagqu and further westward to Lunpola and the Qilin Lake.The tour lasted for 18 months,covering a distance of 18000 km,and was completed with a wealth of geological data which were later re-flected in their book“Geology of eastern Tibet and the materials of mineral in-vestigation”that enlightened further geological and mineral investigations of the region.In 1950s,the Qinghai Petroleum Prospecting Party under the Petroleum Department of the MGMR launched in the lake area of northern Tibet an oil-aiming regional geological survey scaled 1∶1 000000,covering an area of 112000 square kilometers.In 1956,a subparty was send out by the Southwest China Bureau of Geology in search for chromite in Dengqen of northeast Tibet.The Xinjiang Bureau of Geology inspected coal,iron,mica and others in Ngari of western Tibet.In 1955,the Geological Institute of the CAS carried out geo-logical reconnaissance survey along the Yarlung Zangbo River.The Coal Geol-ogy Party,the Zangbei(northern Tibet)Geological Party and the Zangnan(southern Tibet)Geological Party affiliated with the successive Bureaus of Ge-ology of Tibet launched respectively the coal-aiming geological prospecting in Tumain,Lhasa,and Zetang-Xigarze;and the boron-dominated reconnaissance of salt lakes in Baingoin,Dujiari and elsewhere in northern Tibet.Their ef-forts also led to the discovery of the chromite deposit in Lhobsa of southern Ti-bet and the Jiamachikang copper-lead-zinc polymetallic deposit in Maizhukung-gar.In early 1960s,the Geological Party of Tibet inspected the ore occur-rences of iron,coal,copper,sulfur,arsenic,salt in eastern Tibet;and carried out reconnaissance surveys on polymetals and kaolin nearby Lhasa,on gold placer,mica,rock crystal in southern Tibet,and on coal and chromite of northern Tibet.Meanwhile,a lot of trenching and some pitting,drilling and geophysical prospecting were operated.All the above work had produced remarkable effects.The boron deposits of Baingoin and Dujiari were exploited to a large extent in 1958-1961,making important contributions to the nation by yielding in a three years'time a total of 196600 tons of raw boron and 27260 tons boron of concentrates.The coal field in Gela of Tumain was mined and utilized by local enterprises.The dis-covery of Lhobsa chromite deposit provided the earliest basis for a reconnais-sance assessment of the deposit.(2)1966-1978During this period,though inferfered by the so-called“Cultural Revolu-tion”,geological work in Tibet had not been much affected.Quite a number of significant results were achieved,and the staff was remarkably increased.In 1966-1 967,three professional contingents of chromite,coal and petroleum geology were transferred from inland China to Tibet and were reor-ganized to form the No.2,No.3 and No.4 Geological Parties of the region.Added with the originally preserved party,there were altogether four geologi-cal parties in Tibet.The staff reached 2842 and was well equipped and coordi-nated.Thus the geological work of the region was significantly enhanced.In July 1972,for the third time the Tibet Bureau of Geology was re-set up to re-inforce the organization and administration of geological prospecting.Up to 1978 it had eight subordinate units with a staff of 5961.The 1∶1000000 scale regional geological survey of Tibet was carried out in 1974 by a specialized party on the basis of a regular map sheet,marking a good start of the basic geological work of Tibet.In the mineral prospecting field,the No.2 Geological Party of Tibet had successively assessed the Dongqiao chromite deposit of Amdo in northern Tibet and the Lhobsa chromite deposit in southern Tibet,which were later provided to industrial departments and local enterprises for exploitation and have yielded remarkable economic re-turns.The No.1 Geological Party of Tibet had discovered and assessed the su-per-large Yulong porphyry copper deposit,in which the associated metallic minerals were also of commercial value.Meanwhile,in the surroundings of Yulong the party assessed successively the Malasongduo and the Duoxiasong-duo large-scale copper deposits and found 10 smail deposits and occurrences of copper.As a result,a NE-SW striking 400 km long porphyry copper belt was ascertained to have a very promising prospect of mineral resources,which was also of very important nationwide significance.At the same time,the No.1 Geological Party assessed the medium-size Kargang metasedimentary deposit in Zhag'yab County,the medium-size Jiaduoling porphyritic deposit in Jamda County,and the small coal fields in Machala of Riwoqi County,Qigaila of Dangjue County,and in Kagong of Zhag'yab County respectively.The No.5 Geological Party of Tibet assessed the large Dam Qu magnesite deposit found by the Regional Geological Surveying Party in Bangyuan village of Amdo County.To meet the demands on electricity of the Lhasa City,the Comprehensive Geological Party(later the Regional Geological Surveying Party)and the Geo-physical Prospecting Party conducted successively in 1973 and 1974 geophysi-cal survey in the Yangbajain geothermal field of Damxun County.Based on the low-resistivity anomalies the No.3 Geological Party of Tibet started drilling in 1975 and found the high-temperature and high-pressure geothermal flow.To strengthen geothermal prospecting,the Tibet Bureau of Geology established the Geothermal Geological Party,which launched later an extensive geological prospecting and geothermal resources evaluation in Yangbajain.In 1977,the industrial departments in Tibet began to construct power stations in Yangba-jian and step by step they increased the scope of development and the produc-tion of electricity.Hence the shortage of electricity of the Lhasa City has been greatly alleviated.(3)1979-1991During this period China entered a new era of reform and opening-up and economic transform.The contingent of the Tibet Bureau of Geology experi-enced a process from development to concentration.In 1979,the number of staff and workers reached a maximum of 6300,and the maximum drills operat-ed amounted to 1 4 per year.Later,these figures decreased year after year.By the end of 1991 the number of staffs was 2540,half of which were Tibetans and about one third of which were professionals.The geological parties were reduced from 8 to 7.Despite of these changes the working and research level were significantly heightened.In 1984,the 1∶1000000 scale regional geologi-cal survey was completed,which filled up the final gap in the regional geologi-cal survey on the same scale for the land area of the country.And,with the strong support from the State Planning Commission and under the guidance of the MGMR,through tender-inviting,several professional parties were intro-duced to Tibet to perform the extensive 1∶200000 scale regional geological survey and the 1∶200000 and 1∶500000 scale regional geochemical survey.Thus the coverage of regional geological survey reached 163000 square kilome-ters,and that of regional geochemical survey—408000 square kilometers.This was an unprecedented practice in the history of geological work in Tibet in terms of scope,methodology,speed,demands and quality,and was also rare in the country.It had led to the upgrading of the geological work and re-search level in Tibet and,consequently,resulted in the discovery of thousands of geoehemical anomalies and mineralization occurrences as well as the delin-eation of about 200 target areas of various mineral resources.Through follow-up for anomalies and inspections of ore occurrences,tens of important mineral deposits and prospecting bases were established.The books“Regional geology of Tibet”and“A summary of mineral resources of Tibet''completed respec-tively in 1989 and 1991 by the Regional Geological Surveying Party summed up comprehensively for the first time the geotectonic features and mineral re-sources of Tibet,while the“Map of plate tectonics-formations of Tibet,scaled 1∶1500000”(Geological Institute of Tibet,1989)and the“Map of ophiolites and terrane structures of the Himalayas and its surroundings”(Regional Geo-logical Surveying Party of Tibet,1990)described the geological structures and evolutional characteristics of Tibet with advanced theories and viewpoints.With respect to mineral prospecting,during this period,stress was placed on chromite,gold,copper,lead-zinc,boron,geothermal resources,gem stones,etc.and a number of marked achievements were obtained.After com-pletion of the detailed survey and exploration of the Lhobsa chromite deposit,the No.2 Geological Party evaluated in 1989 a medium-size chromite deposit in the Xianggashan area located in the middle of the Lhobsa massif,which was mined later by a local enterprise and the party itself.The No.1 Geological Par-ty and the Geophysical Prospecting Party evaluated and submitted in 1982-1985 a medium-size salt deposit in Youzha of Gonjo County in eastern Tibet.The No.6 Geological Party evaluated in 1980 a large-size corundum deposit in Nianggui of the Qushui County and discovered in 1985 the large-scale Yincuo amethyst deposit the Baingoin County.The No.5 Geological Party made a great breakthrough in the searching for placer gold.After years'efforts they found eventually a large placer gold deposit in Bungnazangbo of Xainza Coun-ty.The report was submitted in 1993.Besides,the party also discovered and assessed a large boron deposit in Marmi Co of Gerze County.The No.6 Geo-logical Party also made remarkable progress in search of copper-dominated polymetals in Jiamachikang of the Maizhokunggar County and found a very promising stibium belt on the west of Amdo,northern Tibet.After assessing the Yangbajain shallow heat reservoir in 1984,the Geothermal Geological Par-ty,in cooperation with the Geophysical Prospecting Party,completed in 1988the evaluation of the geothermal field in Nagqu.Now a power station has been established and put into production.In addition,the two parties also submit-ted for exploitation and utilization in 1991 an evaluation report on the high-temperature geothermal resources of Yangyi.In all,this period marks an im-portant stage with magnificent progress in basic geology and mineral explo-ration of Tibet.
2023-01-12 10:20:261


Theme: dance of benefits 跳舞可以让人身材曲线变得更美,大腿肌肉和手臂肌肉也更紧实。 Dancing can let a person figure curve becomes more beautiful, thigh muscles and arm muscle and more tight. 是纾解情绪的好方法. Is alleviated emotional good method. 跳舞是一种有益身心健康活动,增强体质,性格变得开朗,身体变得柔软,全面刺激肌肉. Dancing is a beneficial health activities, strengthen physical endowment, personality become bright, the body becomes soft, comprehensive stimulating muscles. 跳舞对肌肉的刺激则是全面性、综合性的,它的动作兼顾到头、颈、胸、腿、髋等部位。 Dancing on muscle stimulation is comprehensive, comprehensive, its action juggle round, neck, chest, legs and hips etc parts. 比如爵士舞对小关节、小肌肉的运动较多,这些地方是平日健身不大容易活动到的地方。 For instance of jazz dance small joint, small muscle movement is more, these places is ferial fitness not easy activities to place. 另外,跳舞还具备有氧运动的效果,使练习者在提高主肺功能的同时,达到减肥的目的。 In addition, dancing has an aerobics effect, make the practitioners in improving the Lord of lung function at the same time, achieve the goal that reduce weight. 在跳舞当中,连贯的动作节奏很快,一整套动作连贯而流畅,整齐而有韵律感,对乐感、灵巧度的锻炼很有帮助。 In a dance of coherent action fast paced, a set of movements coherent and fluent, neat and a sense of music, dexterous degrees, the exercise is very helpful. 而它的趣味性容易让人集中和专注,忽略掉运动疲劳。 And it"s interesting easy to concentrate and focus, ignored sports fatigue. 跳舞的健身动作爆发力强,对人体体能潜力开发性强,因为跳舞多以绕环小关节的运动为主,因此能较好地改善练习者的协调能力。 Dance moves powerful explosive force, fitness for human physical potential developmental strong, because dancing around the ring with small joint movement primarily, therefore can well improve practitioners of coordination. 跳舞是一种极具表现力的运动,通过跳舞课程,练习者在表现自己的同时培养了自信和气质。 Dancing is a highly expressive movement, through the dance courses, practitioners in showing their simultaneously raises the self-confidence and temperament. 教练们都把健身舞蹈称为“带着笑容去训练的项目”,在舞蹈课中,他们更关注的是大家是否愉快和尽兴,动作是否奔放和潇洒,因此在心理放松上,舞蹈有着非常大的作用。 The coaches have fitness dance called "with a smile to training project", in dance lessons, they are more interested in whether we happy and enjoy, whether bold and unrestrained and natural and unrestrained, movement in mental relaxation, therefore has a very big role dance. 所以建议大家只需每天持续跳舞30分钟或跳舞的时间(每次不少于10分钟)共有半小时,即会为身体带来莫大的益处,包括: So proposal everybody just every 30 minutes or dancing continued to dance the time (not less than 10 minutes every half an hour, namely total for the benefits of body has brought great, including: 1、强健骨骼,减低患上骨质疏松的机会。 1, strong bones, reduce the chance to develop osteoporosis. 2、增强心肺功能、促进血液循环。 2, enhance heart lungs function, promote the blood circulation. 3、减少患冠心病、高血压、糖尿病、大肠癌的机会。 3, reduce suffering from coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, colorectal cancer opportunities. 4、增加关节的灵活性和柔软度,减少受伤的机会。 4, increase joint flexibility and softness, reduce the chance of injury. 5、消耗热量,维持适当的体重。 5, consume calories, and maintain proper weight. 6、在乐韵声中翩翩起舞,有助消除压力,促进身心的健康。 6 and dance in the clatter of classics, help to eliminate stress and promote the health of body and mind. 7、与家人一起参与,可增进感情。 7, together with family, improves in feelings. 8、与朋友共舞,有助扩阔生活圈子 8, with friends, help broaden the life dance circle
2023-01-12 10:20:321


这一组动词都有"减少,减轻"的意思。alleviate v.在痛苦方面的减轻,缓和The painkiller alleviated the pain.止疼药减缓了疼痛。diminish v.指因为不断消耗,在数量方面缓慢减少,也指在素质或者价值的下降。The supply of oil has diminished because of the war.由于战争石油的供应减少了。reduce v.指人为地使某物在数量或重量方面的减少或降低。He reduced the amount of money they could spend.他缩减了他们的开销。decrease v.指数量上的减少;力量或者强度的减弱。The population decreased a lot last year.去年人口数量急剧下降。decline v. (数目、价格、比率)下降;谢绝,婉言推辞;衰退,衰落。Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply declined.去年芝加哥的犯罪率明显下降。
2023-01-12 10:20:381


Superstition (Latin superstes, "standing over", "set above") is a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge. The word is often used pejoratively to refer to supposedly irrational beliefs of others, and its precise meaning is therefore subjective. It is commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy and spiritual beings.To medieval scholars the word was applied to and beliefs outside of or in opposition to Christianity; today it is applied to conceptions without foundation in, or in contravention of, scientific and logical knowledge.[1] The earliest English uses of the word in the modern era refer critically to Catholic practices such as censing, rosaries, and other practices that Protestants believed went beyond - or were set up above - beliefs that seemed unfounded or primitive in the light of modern knowledge.Many extant superstitions are said to have originated during the plagues that swept through Europe. According to legend, during the time of a plague, Saint Gregory I the Great ordered that people say "God bless you" when somebody sneezed, to prevent the spread of the disease[edit] Superstition and folkloreIn the academic discipline of folkloristics the term "superstition" is used to denote any general, culturally variable beliefs in a supernatural "reality". Depending on a given culture"s belief set, its superstitions may relate to things that are not fully understood or understood at all, such as cemeteries, animals, demons, a devil, deceased ancestors, the weather, ripping one"s sock, gambling, sports, food, holidays, occupations, excessive scrupulosity, death, luck, and spirits. Urban legends are also sometimes classed as superstition, especially if the moral of the legend is to justify fears about socially alien people or conditions.In Western folklore, superstitions associated with bad luck include Friday the 13th and walking under a ladder.In India, there is a superstition that a pregnant woman should avoid going outside during an eclipse in order to prevent her baby being born with a facial birthmark. In Iran, birthmarks are called "maah-gereftegi" (Persian: ماه گرفتگی) which means eclipse. In Korea, there is a superstition that leaving a fan on in a closed room will suffocate the occupants.[edit] Superstition and religionIn keeping with the Latin etymology of the word, religious believers have often seen other religions as superstition. Likewise, atheists and agnostics may regard religious belief as superstition.Religious practices are most likely to be labeled "superstitious" by outsiders when they include belief in extraordinary events (miracles), an afterlife, supernatural interventions, apparitions or the efficacy of prayer, charms, incantations, the meaningfulness of omens, and prognostications.Greek and Roman pagans, who modeled their relations with the gods on political and social terms scorned the man who constantly trembled with fear at the thought of the gods, as a slave feared a cruel and capricious master. "Such fear of the gods (deisidaimonia) was what the Romans meant by "superstition" (Veyne 1987, p 211). For Christians just such fears might be worn proudly as a name: Desdemona.The Roman Catholic Church considers superstition to be sinful in the sense that it denotes a lack of trust in the divine providence of God and, as such, is a violation of the first of the Ten Commandments. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states superstition "in some sense represents a perverse excess of religion" (para. #2110).The Catechism clearly dispels commonly held preconceptions or misunderstandings about Catholic doctrine relating to superstitious practices:Superstition is a deviation of religious feeling and of the practices this feeling imposes. It can even affect the worship we offer the true God, e.g., when one attributes an importance in some way magical to certain practices otherwise lawful or necessary. To attribute the efficacy of prayers or of sacramental signs to their mere external performance, apart from the interior dispositions that they demand is to fall into superstition. Cf. Matthew 23:16-22 (para. #2111) Some superstitions, that originated as religious practices, continued to be observed by people whom no longer adhere to the religion that gave birth to the practice. Often the practices lose their original meaning. In other cases, the practices are adapted to the current religion of the practicer. Such as replacing pagan symbols to ward off evil, to using the cross, during the Christianizing of Europe.Hunting superstitionsIn the forests of ancient China, when a Nivkhs hunter was pursuing game his children were forbidden to make drawings on wood or in sand; they feared that if the children did so, the paths in the forest would become as complicated as the lines in the drawings and that the hunter might lose his way and never return.[3] The belief that there is a magical bond between a wound and the weapon which caused it may be traced unaltered for thousands of years:A Melanesian believed that if he obtains possession of the weapon which caused his wound, he should carefully keep it in a cool place so as to reduce the inflammation of the wound. But if the weapon is left in the enemy"s possession, it will undoubtedly be hung up close to the fire, causing the wound to become hot and inflamed.[4] Roman officer and encyclopedist Pliny (in his Natural History, Book XXVIII, Chapter 7) tells us that "if you have wounded a man and are sorry for it, you have only to spit on the hand that gave the wound, and the pain of the sufferer will be instantly alleviated."[5] Francis Bacon (in his Sylva Sylvarum, X, 998) mentions that "it is constantly received and avouched that the anointing of the weapon that maketh the wound will heal the wound itself".[6] This superstition was still in practice in eastern England in the 20th century: At Norwich in June 1902 a woman named Matilda Henry accidentally ran a nail into her foot. Without examining the wound, or even removing her stocking, she asked her daughter to grease the nail, thinking that if this were done no harm would come of the injury. Within few days she died of lockjaw.[7] Other superstitionsA single magpie is considered a sign of bad luck.A Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar recites an old proverb concerning the incidence of bad weather when magpies forage alone and a possible scientific explanation for this. Many believe that if all of the candles on a birthday cake are blown out with one breath, while making a silent wish, the wish will come true. Tetraphobia is widespread in China, Japan, Korea, and Hawaii; the use of number 4 is minimized or avoided wherever possible because the Chinese word for 4, sì, sounds nearly the same as the word for death, sǐ (死). Mobile telephone numbers with 4 in them sell for less and some buildings even skip level four, labeling it the 5th floor instead. One of the Japanese words for 4, shi, is also homonymous with the kanji in the word for death, shi or shin. (However, there is another word for four in Japan that does not sound like death: yon.) In Korea, number "4" is pronounced as sa (사 四) and is homonymous with "death (사 死)". Some, but not all, Korean buildings have the fourth floor written as "F" floorTriskaidekaphobia--In Western culture, the number 13 is perceived as unlucky; 12a is sometimes used as a substitute and some buildings skip floor 13 completely. Many believe that the United States two-dollar bill brings bad luck. Gamblers sometimes call it a "deuce", a term for two which also means "devil." To "undo," one of the bill"s corners must be torn off, forming a triangle, an ancient symbol of life. If you receive a bill with no corners left, it must be torn all up. Spilling salt is said to cause a fight or argument during the day. There are several options to "undo" this which seem to relate to various ways of acknowledging the fact that salt was spilled with others present at the scene. One way to revert this is tossing some salt over one"s left shoulder with ones right hand. At times, a horseshoe may be found above doorways. When positioned like a regular "U" it supposedly collects luck. However, when it is positioned like an upside-down "U" the luck supposedly drains. Breaking a mirror is said to bring bad luck for 7 years. To "undo" this, take the shards of glass and bury them underneath the moonlight. In ancient times, the mirror was said to be a window to the viewer"s soul. If that mirror were to break, it would take time (or 7 years) for that "cracked" soul to heal as "time heals all wounds". If one walks underneath an open ladder it is said to bring bad luck. Sometimes it is said that this can be undone by immediately walking backwards back underneath the ladder. It is considered bad luck to open an umbrella indoors. Some traditions hold that it is only bad luck if the umbrella is placed over the head of someone while indoors. Placing a hat on the bed is, apparently, bad luck. (South Carolina) Placing keys on a table is considered unlucky. (Sweden) It is bad luck to put new shoes on a bed (or a table) (comes from the tradition of dressing a corpse in new clothes and shoes and laying them out so everyone can give their respects) - (UK / Scotland) Collect seven or nine different flowers on midsummer eve and place them under your pillow and it is said that you will dream of your future spouse. (Sweden) The phrase "See a pin and pick it up then all day you"ll have good luck" is a superstition created from the first line of a poem in the book "The Real Mother Goose". Modern variants sometimes substitute the word "penny" for pin. When you speak of bad luck, it is said that one should always knock on wood. Also knocking when speaking of good luck apparently helps with having good luck. This is an old Celtic tradition related to belief of wood spirits. Before traveling a person should, apparently, sit on their luggage. (Russian) Two people breaking a wishbone is said to lead to good luck for the person with the larger piece.
2023-01-12 10:20:432


alleviate, diminish, reduce, decrease, decline  这一组动词都有"减少,减轻"的意思.  alleviate v.在痛苦方面的减轻,缓和  The painkiller alleviated the pain.止疼药减缓了疼痛.  diminish v.指因为不断...
2023-01-12 10:20:511


Zhang Hua (Corresponding Author), Hu Shu-Li, Zhang Ze-Jun, Hu Lan-Ying, Jiang Cheng-Xi, Wei Zhao-Jun, Liu Jian, Wang Hui-Li, Jiang Shao-Tong. Hydrogen sulfide acts as a regulator of flower senescence in plants. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2011, 60(3): 251-257. 引用频次:3Wang Song-Hua, Zhang Hua(Corresponding Author), Zhang Qiang, Jin Guang-Ming, Jiang Sheng-Juan, Jiang Dong, He Qing-Yuan, Li Zheng-Peng. Copper-induced oxidative stress and responses of the antioxidant system in roots of Medicago sativa. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2011, 197(6):418-429. 引用频次:1Zhang Hua (Corresponding Author), Dou Wei, Jiang Cheng-Xi, Wei Zhao-Jun, Liu Jian,Jones Russell. Hydrogen sulfide stimulates β-amylase activity during early stages of wheat grain germination. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2010, 5(8): 1031-1033.引用频次:4Zhang Hua (Corresponding Author), Hu Lan-Ying,Li Ping, Hu Kang-Di, Jiang Cheng-Xi, Luo Jian-Ping. Hydrogen sulfide alleviated chromium toxicity in wheat. Biologia Plantarum, 2010, 54 (4): 743-747. 引用频次:5Zhang Hua (Corresponding Author), Jiao Hao, Jiang Cheng-Xi, Wang Song-Hua, Wei Zhao-Jun, Luo Jian-Ping, Jones Russell. Hydrogen sulfide protects soybean seedlings against drought-induced oxidative stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2010, 32 (5): 849-857. 引用频次:10Zhang Hua (Corresponding Author), Tan Zhu-Qin, Hu Lan-Ying,Wang Song-Hua, Luo Jian-Ping, Jones Russell. Hydrogen sulfide alleviates aluminum toxicity in germinating wheat seedlings. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2010, 52(6): 556-567.引用频次:9Zhang Hua (Corresponding Author), Wang Man-Jun, Hu Lan-Ying,Wang Song-Hua, Hu Kang-Di, Bao Li-Juan, Luo Jian-Ping. Hydrogen sulfide promotes wheat seed germination under osmotic stress. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2010, 57 (4): 532-539. 引用频次:3Zhang Hua (Corresponding Author),Tang Jun, Liu Xiao-Ping, Wang Yun, Yu Wei, Peng Wei-Yan, Fang Fang, Ma Dai-Fu, Wei Zhao-Jun, Hu Lan-Ying.Hydrogen sulfide promotes root organogenesis in Ipomoea batatas, Salix matsudana and Glycine max. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2009, 51 (12): 1084–1092. 引用频次:10Zhang Hua (Corresponding Author), Ye Yong-Kang, Wang Song-Hua, Luo Jian-Ping, Tang Jun, Ma Dai-Fu. Hydrogen sulfide counteracts chlorophyll loss in sweetpotato seedling leaves and alleviates oxidative damage against osmotic stress. Plant Growth Regulation, 2009,58 (3): 243-250.引用频次:16Zhang Hua (Corresponding Author), Hu Lan-Ying,Hu Kang-Di, He Yun-Dong, Wang Song-Hua, Luo Jian-Ping.Hydrogen sulfide promotes wheat seed germination and alleviates the oxidative damage against copper stress. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2008, 50 (12):1518-1529. 引用频次:22Zhang Hua (Corresponding Author), Li Yan-Hong, Hu Lan-Ying,Wang Song-Hua, Zhang Fen-Qin, Hu Kang-Di.Effects of exogenous nitric oxide donor on antioxidant metabolism in wheat leaves under aluminum stress.Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2008, 55(4): 469–474.引用频次:9Hu Kang-Di, Hu Lan-Ying, Li Yan-Hong, Zhang Fen-Qin, Zhang Hua (Corresponding Author). Protective roles of nitric oxide on germination and antioxidant metabolism in wheat seeds under copper stress. Plant Growth Regulation, 2007, 53(3):173-183.引用频次:17Zhang Hua, Shen Wen-Biao, Zhang Wei, Xu Lang-Lai. A rapid response of β-amylase to nitric oxide but not GA in wheat seeds during the early stage of germination. Planta, 2005, 220(5):708-716. 引用频次:36Zhang Hua, Shen Wen-Biao, Xu Lang-Lai. Effects of nitric oxide on the germination of wheat seeds and its reactive oxygen species metabolisms under osmotic stress. Acta Bot Sin, 2003, 45 (8): 901-905.引用频次:65
2023-01-12 10:20:571


拒绝英语:decline。v. 下降,衰退;拒绝,谢绝;变格,词形变化n. 减少,衰退短语population decline 人口不足 ; 人口减少decline with thanks婉言谢绝 ; 婉词谢绝 ; 直言拒绝 ; 谢绝Decline stage 下降阶段 ; 衰退期 ; 衰退阶段 ; 职业后期阶段decline invitation 辞谢邀请 ; 辞谢约请decline phase [微] 衰亡期 ; 下降阶段 ; [进化] 衰退期 ; 衰亡期或死亡期Decline of the Roman Empire 罗马帝国的衰落decline an order 谢绝订货 ; 谢绝订单 ; 谢尽订货 ; 拒接订单wide-spread decline 大面积滑坡Decline Olympic bench 奥林匹克下斜椅词语辨析diminish, decline, alleviate, decrease, reduce这组词都有“减少,减轻”的意思,其区别是:diminish v.指因为不断消耗,在数量方面缓慢减少,也指在素质或者价值的下降。The supply of oil has diminished because of the war.由于战争石油的供应减少了。decline v. (数目、价格、比率)下降;谢绝,婉言推辞;衰退,衰落。Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply declined.去年芝加哥的犯罪率明显下降。He declined our invitation to dinner.他婉拒了我们请他吃饭的邀请。alleviate v.在痛苦方面的减轻,缓和The painkiller alleviated the pain.止疼药减缓了疼痛。decrease v.指数量上的减少;力量或者强度的减弱。The population decreased a lot last year.去年人口数量急剧下降。reduce v.指人为地使某物在数量或重量方面的减少或降低。He reduced the amount of money they could spend.他缩减了他们的开销。
2023-01-12 10:21:061


decline。v. 下降,衰退;拒绝,谢绝;变格,词形变化n. 减少,衰退短语population decline 人口不足 ; 人口减少decline with thanks婉言谢绝 ; 婉词谢绝 ; 直言拒绝 ; 谢绝Decline stage 下降阶段 ; 衰退期 ; 衰退阶段 ; 职业后期阶段decline invitation 辞谢邀请 ; 辞谢约请decline phase [微] 衰亡期 ; 下降阶段 ; [进化] 衰退期 ; 衰亡期或死亡期Decline of the Roman Empire 罗马帝国的衰落decline an order 谢绝订货 ; 谢绝订单 ; 谢尽订货 ; 拒接订单wide-spread decline 大面积滑坡Decline Olympic bench 奥林匹克下斜椅词语辨析diminish, decline, alleviate, decrease, reduce这组词都有“减少,减轻”的意思,其区别是:diminish v.指因为不断消耗,在数量方面缓慢减少,也指在素质或者价值的下降。The supply of oil has diminished because of the war.由于战争石油的供应减少了。decline v. (数目、价格、比率)下降;谢绝,婉言推辞;衰退,衰落。Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply declined.去年芝加哥的犯罪率明显下降。He declined our invitation to dinner.他婉拒了我们请他吃饭的邀请。alleviate v.在痛苦方面的减轻,缓和The painkiller alleviated the pain.止疼药减缓了疼痛。decrease v.指数量上的减少;力量或者强度的减弱。The population decreased a lot last year.去年人口数量急剧下降。reduce v.指人为地使某物在数量或重量方面的减少或降低。He reduced the amount of money they could spend.他缩减了他们的开销
2023-01-12 10:21:161


这一组动词都有“减少,减轻”的意思。 alleviate, diminish, reduce, decrease, decline 这一组动词都有“减少,减轻”的意思。 alleviate v.在痛苦方面的减轻,缓和 The painkiller alleviated the pain.止疼药减缓了疼痛。 diminish v.指因为不断消耗,在数量方面缓慢减少,也指在素质或者价值的下降。 The supply of oil has diminished because of the war.由于战争石油的供应减少了。 reduce v.指人为地使某物在数量或重量方面的减少或降低。 He reduced the amount of money they could spend.他缩减了他们的开销。 decrease v.指数量上的减少;力量或者强度的减弱。 The population decreased a lot last year.去年人口数量急剧下降。 decline v. (数目、价格、比率)下降;谢绝,婉言推辞;衰退,衰落。 Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply declined.去年芝加哥的犯罪率明显下降。
2023-01-12 10:21:352


2023-01-12 10:21:433


1.Ihave studied foratestfor2month.2.I"vedealtwiththatcompanyfortenyears.3.Ihavetaken notesonmynotebookforlastlesson.4. Ihavemadeup a detailedpracticeschedules1Iforgottostudythevocabularylisttoday.2.Iwanttohaveaconversationwithothersandformfriendswiththem.3.Whenhelookedup,hesawtheboss.4.Manystudentsoftencomplainaboutschool.5.Let"sfacethechallengesinstead.6.Shetoldustomakesentenceswiththesephrases.7.Dadwillbeangrywithme.8.Istudybyworkingwithagroup.9.Withthehelpoftheteacher.iunderstoodthetext.
2023-01-12 10:22:033

(译文)Determining Proper Burst Size for Traffic Policers

A policer burst-size limit controls the number of bytes of traffic that can pass unrestricted through a policed interface when a burst of traffic pushes the average transmit or receive rate above the configured bandwidth limit. 当突发的流量超过端口配置的带宽限制时,限速器基于burst-size限制的控制技术能够控制不受限地通过端口的流量的大小。 The actual number of bytes of bursty traffic allowed to pass through a policed interface can vary from zero to the configured burst-size-limit , depending on the overall traffic load. 根据总体流量的负载情况,实际通过被监管端口的流量大小会在0至配置的burst-size限制之间变化。 By configuring a proper burst size, the effect of a lower shaped rate is alleviated. Use the burst-size-limit statement to configure the burst size. 通过配置合理的burst size,可以缓解流量整形效果低下的影响。通过修改burst-size-limit来配置burst size。 Note: If you set the burst-size limit too low, too many packets will be subjected to rate limiting. If you set the burst-size limit too high, too few packets will be rate-limited.  注:设置的burst-size过低,过多的报文将受限。设置的burst-size过高,速率限制又将收效甚微。 Consider these two main factors when determining the burst size to use: • The allowed duration of a blast of traffic on the line. • The burst size is large enough to handle the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of the packets. 可以基于下述的两个因素决定burst-size的大小: • 线路上洪水流量允许持续的时限 • burst-size的大小是否可以容纳最大MTU尺寸的报文。 The following general guidelines apply to choosing a policer burst-size limit: • A burst-size limit should not be set lower than 10 times the MTU of the traffic on the interface to be policed. • The amount of time to allow a burst of traffic at the full line rate of a policed interface should not be lower than 5 ms. • The minimum and maximum values you can specify for a policer burst-size limit depends on the policer type (two-color or three-color). 选择限速器的burst-size限制时,要考虑如下几个方面: • burst-size不应小于被限速端口的MTU值的10倍。 • 在满速运行的端口上突发流量运行的时间不应低于5ms。 • 限速器burst-size的上限下限取决于限速器的类型。(双色模型、三色模型) Best Practice: The preferred method for choosing a burst-size limit is based on the line rate of the interface on which you apply the policer and the amount of time you want to allow a burst of traffic at the full line rate. 最佳实践:推荐基于限速器实际生效端口的线速和满速时突发流量预期运行的时限来决定burst-size。 Bursty traffic requires a relatively large burst size so that extra tokens can be allocated into the token bucket for upcoming traffic to use. Figure 1 shows an extreme case of bursty traffic where the opportunity to allocate tokens is missed, and the bandwidth goes unused because a large burst size is not configured. 为了传输爆发的流量,需要从令牌桶获得额外的令牌,因此需要相对较大的burst-size。图例1显示了一种极端的情况:由于没有设置较大的burst-size,爆发的流量错失了获取令牌的机会,导致带宽没有被充分的利用。 Figure 1: Bursty Traffic Without Configured Burst Size (Excessive Unused Bandwidth) 图例1:未设置burst-size下的突发流量传输状况(高带宽浪费)Figure 2 depicts how bandwidth usage changes when a large burst size is configured to handle bursty traffic. The large burst size minimizes the amount of unused bandwidth because tokens are being allocated in between the bursts of traffic that can be used during traffic peaks. The burst size determines the depth of the token bucket. 图例2展示了当设置较大burst-size处理突发流量时的带宽利用情况。较大的burst-size使得在流量高峰期间用于流量传输的令牌仍能被获取,因此降低了带宽的浪费率。Burst-size决定了令牌桶的深度。 Figure 2: Bursty Traffic With Configured Burst Size (Less Unused Bandwidth) 图例2:设置了burst-size下的突发流量传输情况(低带宽浪费)Configuring a large burst size for the unused tokens creates another issue. If the burst size is set to a very large value, the burst of traffic can be transmitted from the interface at line rate until all the accumulated tokens in the token bucket are used up. This means that configuring a large burst size can allow too many packets to avoid rate limiting, which can lead to a traffic rate that exceeds the bandwidth limit for an extended period of time. 为未使用的令牌设置一个大的burst-size带来另外一个问题:如果burst-size设置成一个非常大的值,在令牌桶内的令牌耗尽之前,突发流量在对应的端口上能以线速被放行。这意味着配置一个很大的burst-size使得大量的报文不受限速器限制,这也将导致很长的一段时间内网络流量超过带宽限制。 If the average rate is considered within 1 second, the rate is still below the configured bandwidth limit. However, the downstream device might not be able to handle bursty traffic, so some packets might be dropped. As a result, the way to determine the best burst size configuration is to perform experimental configurations, since one burst size is not suitable for every traffic pattern. 如果仅考虑一秒内的平均速率,该速率仍然低于配置的带宽限制。但是下游的网络设备可能不能处理突发的流量,一些报文将被丢弃。没有固定的一种burst-size能够适应不同的流量模式,因此计算最佳burst-size的方式是通过实验反复验证配置。 To program the burst size on the MX Series, M120, M320 routers, and EX Series switches, the user-configured burst size value is restricted to 1 ms through 600 ms of the policer rate (configured bandwidth limit). 在MX系列,M120,M320路由器,EX系列交换机上,用户为(基于带宽的)限速器配置的burst-size限制在1-600ms之间。 Before performing burst size test configurations, select the initial burst size value using one of the following: • The recommended formula for calculating burst size for bandwidth described as bits per second is: burst size = bandwidth x allowable time for burst traffic / 8 (5 ms of the policer rate) • For policers where the interface bandwidth is unknown, use the MTU method of calculating burst size: burst size = interface MTU x 10 在优化burst-size配置前,根据下属描述选择burst-size的初始值: • 推荐的计算burst-size公式: burst-size =带宽(bit/s)*允许的突发流量时限 /8   (时限选择5ms) • 对于带宽未知的端口,可以根据MTU计算burst-size: burst-size =接口MTU * 10 Figure 3 depicts a comparison between the two methods. 图片3对比了两种计算方式 Figure 3: Comparing Burst Size Configuration Methods: 5 ms V.S. 10 MTU 图例3:两种burst-size计算方式(5ms VS 10MTU)的对比In Figure 3, with the 5 ms method, the burst size decreases with the policer rate (the configured bandwidth limit). As a result, the burst size can become so small that it might not be able to hold 2 MTU packets. This can severely affect the policer performance, which makes the 10 MTU method appear to be a better choice. 图例3中,基于5ms的计算方式,burst-size与限速器的带宽成正比。由此burst-size可能小至无法承载2倍MTU大小的数据报文。这样严重影响限速器的性能,这时倾向使用10MTU的方式计算burst-size。 For example, with a 100 Kbps bandwidth limit configured on a Gigabit Ethernet interface and a burst size configured to 100 ms, the burst size becomes 100 Kbps x 100 ms = 1250 bytes . This burst size is smaller than one standard MTU payload size on an Ethernet-type interface. A 10 MTU burst size provides a burst size of 1500 bytes x 10 = 15000 bytes . However, since the maximum burst size is 600 ms of the bandwidth limit, the maximum configured burst size is 100 Kbps x 600 ms = 7500 bytes . On the Gigabit Ethernet interface, the burst duration is 7500 bytes / 1 Gbps = 60 μs at Gigabit Ethernet line rate. If the burst size is too large for the downstream device, the burst size can be further reduced until the result is acceptable. 千兆端口限速1000Kbps,burst时限设置为100ms,burst-size为 100Kbps*0.1s/8 =1250bytes 。该burst-size小于以太网接口的标准MTU(1500byte)。10倍MTU值的burst-size计算方式得到的结果为15000bytes。然而突发流量的运行时限上限为带宽限速下的600ms,最大的可设置的burst-size应为 100kbps * 0.6s /8 =7500bytes 。在千兆端口上,突发流量以线速运行的话,持续时长为 7500byte/1Gbps=60us 。如果对于下游网络设备而言burst-size过大,则burst-size可以进一步降低直至下游网络设备可以接受。 However, if the bandwidth limit is very high, the 10 MTU method might not be able to create a token bucket large enough to accommodate the unused credits. As a result, the average bandwidth limit is lower than what you configured. In this case, the 5 ms method is the better choice for configuring the burst size. 然而,如果限制的带宽很高,10倍MTU计算方式计算出的burst-size不能创建出足够大的令牌桶用于容纳限制的令牌。因此平均带宽会低于你预期配置的值。在这样的情况下优先选择使用5ms计算burst-size的方式。 If a 200 Mbps bandwidth limit is configured with a 5 ms burst size, the calculation becomes 200 Mbps x 5 ms = 125 Kbytes , which is approximately 83 1500-byte packets. If the 200 Mbps bandwidth limit is configured on a Gigabit Ethernet interface, the burst duration is 125000 bytes / 1 Gbps = 1 ms at the Gigabit Ethernet line rate. 在5ms的计算burst-size方式下,200Mbps的带宽下,burst-size为 200Mbps * 5ms =125kbytes ,大约为83个1500byte的报文。如果对千兆端口进行200Mbps的限速,那突发流量以线速运行的时间为 125000byte/1Gbps =1ms 。 If a large burst size is configured at 600 ms with the bandwidth limit configured at 200 Mbps, the calculation becomes 200 Mbps x 600 ms = 15 Mbytes . This creates a burst duration of 120 ms at the Gigabit Ethernet line rate. The average bandwidth rate in 1 second becomes 200 Mbps + 15 Mbytes = 320 Mbps , which is much higher than the configured bandwidth limit at 200 Mbps. This example shows that a larger burst size can affect the measured bandwidth rate. 如果用600ms去设置限速200mbps下的burst-size,计算结果为 200mbps*600ms=15Mbytes 。这将导致千兆端口以线速运行120ms。平均带宽将达到 200mbps+15mbytes=320mbps ,这个结果远大于配置的200mbps。这个例子展示了较大的burst-size将如何影响带宽限速。
2023-01-12 10:22:361


with短语是介词短语 在句子中作状语修饰alleviated。which 引导的是非限制性定语从句。
2023-01-12 10:22:421


How does the loan bonding company alleviate mid- and small-scaleenterprise to finance difficultlyIn the last few years, finances difficultly for the solution mid- andsmall-scale enterprise, each place has established the loan guaranteeorganization. In order to understand these loan guarantee organizationservice development situations, the People"s Bank of China counted thedepartment loan guarantee investigation group recently to carry on aninvestigation in the national scope. The investigation indicated that,the loan bonding company financed difficultly for the solution mid-and small-scale enterprise to get up the certain positive role, butoneself also had some limitations, suggested took the related measureto perform to improve.The loan bonding company alleviates mid- and small-scale enterprisethe financing difficultyMid- and small-scale enterprise our country credit guarantee practicebeginning in 1992, in has experienced in 1999 the standard experimentsite stage which impels after all levels of governments and 2000system perfect stage, at present our country serves to mid- andsmall-scale enterprise the financing loan guarantee organization hasbegun to take shape. The government invested and participates in theinvestment the loan guarantee organization to account for above 70%,the government financing environment and the advancement loanguarantee organization establishment aspect played the positive rolein the improvement mid- and small-scale enterprise. The enterprise small business very is in particular difficult to findconforms to the bank request mortgage or the guarantee unit. The loanguarantee organization specially is the small business loan mortgageguarantees difficultly from the solution mid- and small-scaleenterprise to obtain, through investigation and so on industry andcommerce, tax revenue, colleague, the assurance must guarantee theenterprise legal person representative"s business ethics; To loanexamination and approval amount hypothesis different jurisdiction;Takes the different counter- guarantee measure according to thedifferent situation and so on, establishes the guard risk the barrier,moreover also on own initiative links up for the enterprise handlesthe mortgage and so on to need the credential the channel, inparticular some or participate in the investment by the governmentinvestment the guarantee organization to use its and variousdepartments has the social dealings the convenience, helps theenterprise to handle the mortgage certificate and to undertakeenterprise"s obligation of warranty, alleviated in the certain degreepartially had the market, has the benefit and has the prospects fordevelopment mid- and small-scale enterprise the loan difficultquestion, also was reducing commercial bank"s risk which cooperatedwith the loan bonding company simultaneously to reduce the bank energyinvestment, expanded the bank loan.Through " The guarantee organization provides the guarantee --bank loan -- enterprise to produce, to develop " This kind ofpositive cycle, the guarantee organization existence has boosted mid-and small-scale enterprise the growth, sped up the enterprise todevelop the step. Mid- and small-scale enterprise the loan guarantee organizationsolution finances difficultly to have the limitationAs a result of loan guarantee profession management vacuum, own scaleand management aspect the and so on limitation question, our countryloan guarantee organization at present finances in the solution mid-and small-scale enterprise the difficult aspect function is limited.One, the loan guarantee organization distributed quantity is limited,satisfies with difficulty multitudinously finances the difficult mid-and small-scale enterprise demand. At present our country the loanguarantee organization which serves for mid- and small-scaleenterprise financing provides the guarantee mid- and small-scaleenterprise the household number only is mid- and small-scaleenterprise about total 13%, satisfies with difficulty for the numbermultitudinous mid- and small-scale enterprise demand.Two, the loan guarantee organization fund scale and the businessvolume are limited. The current loan guarantee organization mayutilize the fund scale not to be big, the accumulation obligation ofwarranty only is may utilize the guarantee fund total amount about 2.5times, in guarantees the responsibility remaining sum for to bepossible to utilize the fund total amount about 1.3 times, has notgotten up the amplification which should have. The various countriesguarantee organization operation general method is, guarantee fundenlargement factor generally about 10 times.Three, the loan guarantee organization service variety is limited,satisfies mid- and small-scale enterprise the each kind of call forfund with difficulty. According to the investigation, has the nearly55% loan guarantee organization only to provide the floating capitalloan guarantee to the enterprise, both provides the floating capitalloan guarantee and to provide other form loan guarantee theorganization not to 40%, mid- and small-scale enterprise the centerlong-term call for fund still could not obtain satisfies. From oninternational guarantees the organization the secured loan deadline tolook that, the most countries all provide the guarantee to mid- andsmall-scale enterprise the long-term bank loan, the guarantee deadlinelong, generally all above 2 years, the longest US (17 years), theshortest China (generally is 3 months to half year, is longest alsowithin 1 year). Four, the loan guarantee organization risk guard way limited mid- andsmall-scale enterprise its solution to finance the difficult function.According to the investigation, 60% above loan guarantee organizationprovides has the loan guarantee service which the mortgage or pawns,some 25% above loan guarantee organization only provides has themortgage the loan guarantee service, but also some 23% loan bondingcompany requests to have the third party mutually to guarantee onlythen provides the guarantee service, the only 20% about guaranteeorganization provides the credit guarantee service. The majority ofbonding company has not provided the complete significance the creditguarantee.看看,可以不??
2023-01-12 10:22:484

翻译成英文呗 谢谢 .....急用.......

My hometown -- are alleviated, is located in northeast well-kown horqin grassland, before the trees, lush sights, now winter season, no trace. Only gale snowflakes were flying in the air, the glittering and translucent, fall farenheit filled in every corner of the city. The night sky no stars, only thick mist, wrapped coat people figure, stepping thick snow, romania-but walking, night snow on the road, chills with all life track dyed, Snow White of the earth, and people taken place left its footprints, behind every step, and laid a foundation to resist wind solidify, like snow in the attack. My hometown bai cheng city, draining much efforts, through many life, how many dreams of trap, green forests, fertile land, in childhood, already built the Great Wall the hearts of thousands of miles. Now clear vision, can see is desolate scene, winds hugged the dust everywhere, only travel goofy"s wild goose chirps, leaving eclogue sigh. My home town, the good old days, green scenery gradually shadowmeld, leave us line of sight, out of the hearts of men, don"t know where the painful, only the air wild goose quack far away, the leaves, give the mottled color layer of rust. My dreams, hope home town east of sunshine, or have we always, dispense with that while plumes of warm, moist the exquisite momaihanqing, stay put bud distill glittering and translucent. Snow flagged tired, the sky clouds drop, night pillowed the plucking exceedingly senti-mental and unknowingly sleep. Solidified of air, without swaying breath. Soul through snowy day, it is a season of the scenery, you figure when appear, bang however heartbeat, the dream has your attachment, unforgettable your signs, heart counting the stars, distant distance, of the night before the window, so have you figure, is no longer lady-in-waiting of dreams. Waiting for you every day, years of vicissitudes, life rain, but persistent line, color of the river, quiet state of mind, no sorrow no wedding. Travelling the trip of life, in time and space travel, desolate world, lonely night lights before with bright state of mind, read your pure heart. In my descriptions of paragraphs, and presence of thin words, that is to the central sea waves roar. Only clean of psychology, night silent, waiting for the coming of night, have you set another place multicolored literary attainment. As time goes by, wrinkle the skin, tiredly flexor figure, hidden last year, curly a little dream you if fairy appearance, the tree branches LiuSi between slim, brushed the dust how many years. Looking at your side of figure, is a year come, rippling stream eastward, accompanied the old to face. Life is not afraid old age, they fear, though young heart old! Dream of the people, the pursuit of happiness, not pursuing, as does not have the life. This life dance with you, splendid world. In my sleepless night, thinking of you, you are in my heart. Without you in the side, alone pour cup drunk, think of you, my world you won"t go away. Don"t know, New Year of intersections, do you still wait for me? And how many tomorrow, and how much hope. Don"t know, my soul in you, what is your heart once had me. How many times touched, how many times, our story became shallow turned round, parting figure, next time meet, whether you remember, we had together the beautiful scenery. Your figure, as of train"s start-up, slowly out of the station, you have your moves away my view of fuzzy have you in, just clips clear picture. Although distance so far away, it is difficult to meet again, but close to you, have a heart of much treasure, cannot arbitrary banish, indulgence of graffiti,"ll get wet wonderful picture, such as choking night air movement, then to the sky, will beheath withiur once happy, then, my heart be very painful, very painful! Waiting for nirvana new life, even gully diversity, still waiting for you, YanYu JiangNaChun such as green, we love the agreement, the feeling of consign, one cavity warm blood emotions, clinging to our happiness dream. Authored for you, your figure in my heart, far away, may my memory. Think yi past experience, had the next month sincere feeling, quietly hidden in the text expresses, exclamation keyboard, have no longer life is good sobs scenes. There the golden, let us hand, finish walking in the life road, bringing joy bitter, joy and sadness converge into yunyu, curl up with you my dream, expect dyed green mountains over! Another year of lady-in-waiting of scenery, still a dream. 记得要采纳我的回答哦!!!谢谢!!!
2023-01-12 10:23:022


1、距离,产生的不是美,而是诠释了不堪一击的爱情。 Distance does not produce beauty, but annotates the unbearable love. 2、沉眠在旧时光旧回忆,你懵然的闯进我的梦境。 Sleeping in the old memories, you darted into my dreams. 3、男人因眼睛而坠入爱河;女人因耳朵而坠入爱河。 Men fall in love the past. The only etimes me, stay aent, you miss a lifetime. 19、说出口的伤痛都已平复,绝口不提的才触及心底。 The pain of speaking has been alleviated, and only those in late spring, he flourishes in early summer, and meets floe e an irresistible wound? 40、你说只是玩玩,我笑自己那么认真的陪你玩这场游戏。 You said it was just for fun. I laughed at myself for being so serious about playing this game with you. 英文签名带翻译小清新 1、你不说你爱我,我都不知道你是爱我的。 You dont say you love me, I dont knopany me from friendship to love, and then from love to affection. 22、不敢轻易许诺,因为诺言永远抵不过时间。 Do not promise easily, because the promise is ale troubles, lost, have a clear chance. 31、仅仅活着是不够的,还需要有阳光自由和一点点的芬芳。 It is not enough to live alone, but also to have the freedom of the sun and a little bit of fragrance. 32、很怀念以前的自己,那么执着,敢爱也敢狂奔。 I miss myself, so persistent, dare to love, dare to rush. 33、枯涩了泪水,就应该快乐得活着。 Bitter tears, you should be happy. 34、有些人不愿意多讲话并非是害羞,他们也许只是喜欢安静的人。 Some people dont no longer have to ents of relaxed and comfortable. 50、海与天之间本没有距离,相隔的只是仰头思念的高度。 This is not the distance between us forever, the only forever is forever. 65、把你放进我未来旳梦里,你不知道你缺席我会不知所措。 put you in my future dream, you dont knoe e people, can not see, is missed; met, is the fault. 74、有一种美丽叫曾经拥有,有一种美丽在爱过以后。 There is a kind of beauty that once o it. 77、就算我眼睛为你下过雨,心也从来没有为你打过伞。 Even if my eyes for you under the rain, the heart has never played for you. 78、你在乎他,他才那么闪耀。你不在乎他,他就什么都不是。 You care about him, he shines. You dont care about him, hes nothing. 79、当我一无所有腹背受敌时谁会站在我身旁。 When I have all who have enemies in front and rear stood beside me. 80、我沉睡着,呼吸隐没在无际无边。 I am sleeping, breathing is lost in the endless. 小清新伤感经典的句子 小清新伤感经典的说说 1、我还记得,当初,你的模样,那个让我刻骨铭心,却又让我撕心裂肺的人,如今,我们都不在如从前那般,或许时间会让伤口愈合。 2、让一个人走进自己的心里,是不知不觉的。 3、你凭什么要和别人闹脾气他又不喜欢你。 4、也许,有时候,有些人不需要开口说再见,就已经真的离开了;也许,有时候,有些事不用开口,也要明白,也要清楚;也许,有时候,有些路不需要行走也会变长,也要变长;也许,那些人,那些事,只是那些,只是那时候而已;也许,那些人,那些事,也只能是那些,也只能是那时候而已。 5、有一种爱,明知无前路,心却早已收不回来。 6、他曾经看着你的眼睛会发亮,现在你换了发型他都不知道,曾经你微微皱眉他都难过,现在你哭着坐在街头他都不管,曾经他说会爱你很久很久,现在他都不知道在哪里,时间久了什么都会变,衣服会褪色,书本会发黄,墙壁会斑驳,他会变冷而且很陌生,你别笑了,眼泪都掉了。 7、当我在走路时如果我走得很快那就说明我很开心,如果我走得很慢那就说明我不太开心有些累很烦躁很孤独。 8、她只喝酒不说话,眼泪掉了也不擦。 9、我看过最虐心的小说是我和你的聊天记录。 10、我和你合影里的那个你,总是笑的那么没心没肺。 11、怪只怪我太过沉溺,从没发现等待的背后只剩下无尽孤寂。 12、格脾气相似的人啊,适合在一起闹腾,反之互补的人则适合在一起变老。 13、你必须找到除了爱情之外,能够使你用双脚坚强站在大地上的东西。亲爱的,你要相信,爱情不是一切,一切也不是爱情。 14、路过了许多人,却还是找不到你那份温柔。 15、你要明白,唯有滥情的燥热,才不会透露执意苦等的寒薄。 16、我这一生饮过的酒,流过的泪,都不及你一回头苦涩。 17、在你的微笑里我才有了呼吸、为什么你总在哭泣。 18、虽然小孩子气,并不表示是小气,很大方,但不表示爱情不自私。 19、人世间有一种爱,没有奢求,没有谁对谁错,亦不怪缘浅情深。 20、人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。 21、人们伤心,不是因为爱情结束了,而是因为当一切都结束了,爱还在。 22、每个人都可以努力成为自己想要的样子,能够走到最后的,一定是最接近梦想的人。 23、一直没有做一件事的勇气,却又不甘心,时间就在自己跟自己赌气中耗尽了。 24、有所成就是人生唯一的真正的乐趣。爱迪生 25、只是女人容易一往情深,总是为情所困,终于越陷越深。 26、故事就是那样简单的开始,却又那样痛心地结束,忘不了那个遥远的拥抱,那个缓缓离开的背影,那个飞雨的黄昏,那个伤心的日落我们的结束,让我一无所有。 小清新文字控的心情短语(40条) 一、有没有人爱,我们也要努力做一个可爱的人。不埋怨谁,不嘲笑谁,也不羡慕谁,阳光下灿烂,风雨中奔跑,做自己的梦,走自己的路。 二、记住,每天的太阳都是新的,不要辜负了美好的晨光。 三、在一起一天拉手在街上那是激情,在一起一年拉手在街上那是恋情,在一起五年还能在街上拉手那是感情,在一起十年在街上拉手是亲情。如果三十年后还能一起拉手在街上散步那才是爱情。 四、生活不是和烦恼拼个你死我活,生活的质量就在于努力的程度,不要埋怨命运疏忽了谁,生活本身就需要一种睿智的对待,拿得起还要放得下,这种简单的道理存在着不简单的力量,生活不是可以追求什么或者索取什么,有时候不是不幸福,只是因为不轻松。 五、没有人真正知道明天是什么样子,究竟是阴霾密布还是阳光灿烂?但那并不重要,重要的是明天之后还有明天,只要生命没有结束,永远有下一个明天,永远可以希望着下一刻就是我们想要的幸福。 六、人生没有假设,当下即是全部。与其羡慕别人,不如做好自己。智者时刻都在劝诫,不要让心灵荒芜。心灵荒芜了,或是流沙蔓延,或是荒草丛生。眼睛也跟着心一块儿衰老了。 七、想要过一种生活,有情趣做饭,有心情看书,有时间旅行,最最重要的,是这一切都有人陪伴。 八、一见钟情这种事,浪漫但不一定长久。日久生情这种事,很难却更难分开。一见钟情永远和外貌有关,日久生情永远和习惯有关。越缓慢的爱上一个人,就爱的越长久。爱情可以有一瞬间,但真情却需时间浇灌。 九、相信人,相信感情,相信善良的存在;要开朗,要坚韧,要温暖的活着。 十、生命是一树繁花,它注定会接受命运的洗礼,在人生的旅途上,引起记忆的东西很多,但值得记忆的东西很少,只有那些真切无瑕、不染纤尘;看似没有得到,而已经拥有;虽已经拥有,又似没有得到的东西,才是最让人珍惜和留恋的。 十一、所谓一见钟情,不过见色起意;所谓日久生情,不过权衡利弊。 十二、地上种了菜,就不易长草;心中有善,就不易生恶。尽多少本份,就会得多少本事。屋宽不如心宽。人生最大成就是无私的成就别人。真正的爱心是照顾好自己这颗心,不忘本。忘功不忘过,忘怨不忘恩。不怕事多,就怕多事。慈悲没有敌人,智慧不起烦恼。 十三、生活没有那么多原因,也许几年后你回过头来看才发现自己的改变来源于看似不经意的小事,等到那时候,其实梦想已经是握在你手中了,实现不实现它也都是那样了,因为你已经找到最好的自己了 十四、我希望我们的每一次争执都不是我一个人难过 而是我们都心疼彼此 然后和好如初 十五、有人牵挂的路程不叫漂泊,有人关心的岁月不会失落,有人思念的夜晚不会寂寞,别让美梦化为泡沫,别让幸福擦肩而过,新年新起点,愿你的快乐比谁都多! 十六、人生是一场追求,也是一场领悟。顺其自然就是给人生最合适的注脚,也是给自己最完美的答案。人的一生,有时不得不妥协于尘世之际,当然也会有挥不去的自爱与尊严,更有散不去的高贵与清傲。 十七、多亏日子还有难过和失落,让我们在一场场身不由己的努力进化成更好的自己。 十八、一些事,只能当记忆。一些人,只能做过客。我终究不能逃避那些记忆,忘不了那个人,换不了独角戏的角色。一年又一年的流逝,沉思追忆,回首前程往事,思念的伤痕越陷越深。多年以前的熟悉,多年以后的今天,一切的一切早已烟消云散,你还是你,我还是我,一样的陌生人 十九、一些人 ,越看越陌生 ,一些事越想越心痛 。 二十、得之坦然,失之淡然,争取必然,顺其自然。 二十一、人越是长大,就越是知道做事不容易,如果你安静的坐一会,突然会发现不知是世界的从容,还是自己命运的渺小,总之是一种特别的轻松。没有什么可担忧,没有什么可忧愁。走在人生路的路上,其实可以一直从容下去。 二十二、“如果我不曾见过太阳,我本可以忍受黑暗,然而阳光已使我的荒凉,成为更新的荒凉。” ——艾米莉·狄金森 二十三、时间告诉你什么叫衰老,回忆告诉你什么叫幼稚。 二十四、交一个欣赏你的朋友,在你穷困潦倒的时候安慰你帮助你。交一个有正能量的朋友,在你情绪低落的时候陪伴你鼓励你。交一个为你领路的朋友,自愿做你的垫脚石,带你走过泥泞,迷雾。交一个肯批评你的朋友,时刻提醒你,监督你,让你时刻发现自己的不足! 二十五、只是我说不出口,我忍在心里,我无计可施。 二十六、当我沉默不说话的时候。我只是希望你能主动找我,我想知道你是在乎我的。 二十七、真正的陪伴,经得起坎坷,经得起平淡。 二十八、心理学家发现、一个人说的话若90%以上是废话,他就快乐。若废话不足50%,快乐感则不足。在交流中,没有太强目的性的语言,更容易让人亲近。---所以,我们每天都在找"幸福"。幸福是什么呢?大概就是找到了一个愿意听你说废话的人。—— 苏芩 二十九、记住一句话,“在还没有人疼你的时候,你必须活得像个爷们”。 三十、我没时间去讨厌那些讨厌我的人,因为我在忙着爱那些爱着我的人。 三十一、我们都在犯同一个错、和喜欢的人吵架,和陌生人讲心里话。 三十二、人世间的事情莫过于此,用一个瞬间来喜欢一样东西,然后用多年时间来慢慢拷问自己为什么会喜欢这样东西。 三十三、好好珍惜身边的人,因为你不知道意外和明天哪一个会先到来。 三十四、我们这一生,听过那么多的故事,写过那么多的文字,也懂得那么多的道理,却不及一个不谙世事的小孩懂得那般通透。世上最复杂的事情,或许在孩提时代的他们看来,也就那么回事,每个人的眼光不同,眼界不一样,看待的事物也不一样,或许简单的道理,让自认为聪明的我们看起来,变得深远而晦涩。 三十五、我们有时会错误地以为,得不到的,才是珍贵的,已经拥有的,都是廉价的。得不到,因为缺少深入的了解,只是一种美好的假象,展示给我们一个绚丽外表。如果有那么一天,你距离它近了,知道了它的真相,你才发现,它和我们拥有的,竟是那么的相似。别把眼光停留在想象中,你拥有的,都是你的幸福。 三十六、做一个安静的人,读书,旅行,等待爱情。给自己一段柔软的时光。 三十七、做人千万不要太敏感,想太多伤到的反而是自己。 三十八、闺蜜是一辈子的情人,虽然不能时时见面,虽然不能及时分享彼此的开心与悲伤,可是如果有一天,我们再遇见,亲爱的,一切都不会变 。 三十九、我们总是把别人安抚得太好,轮到自己就失了分寸。 四十、很多时候,人们尊重的不是人,而是背景。
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英文工作推荐信4篇   在我们平凡的日常里,需要使用推荐信的场合越来越多,在写作上,推荐信有一定的写作技巧。相信许多人会觉得推荐信书很难写吧,下面是我帮大家整理的英文工作推荐信,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 英文工作推荐信1 尊敬的xxx:   您好!   我很荣幸推荐mr. ***到贵校工作。mr. ***自****年**月起在我校(**进修学校)担任英语教师工作。他很有责任心,教学非常认真,是一个极富潜质并且热情上进的年轻人。他经常参加课堂以外的教学活动并且对学校做出了很多贡献。mr.***不仅能迅速掌握情况,擅于解决教学难题,而且他的逻辑思维使得他能够有效地分析难题。他所担任的所有工作都能完成得令人非常满意。事实上他是非常得值得信赖,所以我经常赋予他重任。在他的帮助下,我才能够花更多的时间来提高学生们优秀的英语口语能力。我因有一个如此有能力的老师而感到万分幸运。   我认为他的勤奋,以及能力和个人魅力回给你们学校做出贡献。我毫无保留地向你们推荐这位很有潜质的年轻老师。希望你们可以充分考虑及接受他的申请,我将不胜感激。   ***   ****年**月**日 英文工作推荐信2   pril12,20xx   dear sir or madam:   i am , general manager of . learning that an excellent staff member of ours, mr. is intent on further studying abroad, i am much pleased and gratified. in my opinion, such a promising youth striving for progress should receive better education so as to create a brighter future. therefore, it gives me a high honor to strongly recommend this outstanding young man to your world-renowned university.   mr. once did practice in ours in his last academic year at university. though he was not familiar with business and insufficient in working experience, he, instead of admitting defeat, never allowed any opportunity to study to slip away. taking full advantage of leisure time, mr. thumbed through volumes of books regarding business and remitted to other experienced staff members modestly. gradually, he became well versed in various business and obtained certain working results. never satisfied with and proud of his acquisition, mr. still communicated and discussed modestly with his colleagues about some puzzles he encountered in the work till finding out solutions. in light of his praiseworthy performance in the practice, we made an exception to recruit him as a full member of ours after his graduation (we seldom hire those just graduating from universities).   by now, as a business elite of ours, mr. works even seriously, responsibly and diligently, setting a good example to other staff members. every drop of sweat will be repaid. mr. has been appraised as excellent employee of ours and awarded considerable bonus.   to some extent, it may be a great loss of our company that such a superexcellent employee as mr. is going to study abroad. however, in consideration of his prospect, i, without any hesitation, am in great favor of his decision of studying at your reputable university. with great sincerity, i expect that you will support his application fully and grant him an opportunity to uplift himself and realize his dream. thanks a lot.   respectfully yours,   general manager   tel:   e-mail: 英文工作推荐信3 您好:   我很荣幸推荐Mr. Craig到贵校工作。Mr. Craig自20xx年9月起在我校(新青年进修学校)担任英语教师工作。他很有责任心,教学非常认真,是一个极富潜质并且热情上进的年轻人。他经常参加课堂以外的`教学活动并且对学校做出了很多贡献。Mr. Craig不仅能迅速掌握情况,擅于解决教学难题,而且他的逻辑思维使得他能够有效地分析难题。他所担任的所有工作都能完成得令人非常满意。事实上他是非常得值得信赖,所以我经常赋予他重任。在他的帮助下,我才能够花更多的时间来提高学生们优秀的英语口语能力。我因有一个如此有能力的老师而感到万分幸运。   我认为他的勤奋,以及能力和个人魅力回给你们学校做出贡献。我毫无保留地向你们推荐这位很有潜质的年轻老师。希望你们可以充分考虑及接受他的申请,我将不胜感激。   Andy   20xx年10月29日 英文工作推荐信4   2nd January 20xx   To whom it may concern,   I am pleased to write this letter to recommend Miss Junhui Wang to your university. I taught her Finance in September 20xx, and she was among the few who achieved “A” for this course. I also consider her to be one of the best students that I have ever taught.   What impressed me the most was her passion in learning and her insights into economic problems. I normally asked my students to keep abreast of current affairs. Miss Wang was one of the few who keeps up with that advice. Once in my class, just 2 days after our country boosted up the required level of deposit reserve rate, I posed the question why the central bank took this action. She was the first to reply that it was the sixth time in 20xx for our central bank to raise the deposit reserve rate by 0.5% and hit the key point of the reason: inflation. She illustrated the evidence of inflation and how central bank"s action alleviated it.   In my class, she was also a girl who actively participated in group discussion. She often spoke out her own ideas, listened carefully to others, and encouraged quiet students to share thEir opinions. She is exceptionally good at applying text-book knowledge to real life cases. Her insightful analysis often concluded a discussion.   At the end of my course, students were required to do presentation work in a group of 4 or 5 people as part of the course assessment. Miss Wang was the representative of her group to give a presentation. Her topic was about Chinese monetary system. Her presentation was one of the best, given in crystal clear clarity and with great passion. Finally, she made a valuable prediction that free convertibility of Renminbi would come soon and offered explanations.   I consider that Miss Wang owns many merits that would make her a successful economist – passionate, insightful, analytical and perseverant. I wholeheartedly recommend her to you.   Yours sincerely,   Xiaoguang Xu   Associate Dean, Professor of Economics   School of Economics, Shenzhen University ;
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