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2023-05-19 23:39:03


TAG: 歌词


We are the Communist Successors


Inheriting the glorious tradition

of our revolutionary forebears

爱祖国, 爱人民

To love the motherland, To love the people


Our beautiful red scarves float on our chests


Not fearing difficulty


Not fearing our enemies


Tenaciously learning


Determinedly fighting


Go bravely forward to victory


Go bravely forward to victory, victory


Go bravely forward to victory


We are the Communist Succe























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chest 英[tʃest] 美[tʃɛst] n. 胸部,胸腔;箱子;金库;资金 名词复数:chests [例句]You need have a chest x-ray.你胸部需要照x光。
2023-01-12 09:48:262


chest的意思是胸部。释义:n衣柜;箱子;金库变形:过去式chested、过去分词chested、现在分词chesting、第三人称单数chests、复数chests短语搭配:chest pain[内科]胸痛;胸部疼痛;心绞痛chest pass胸前传球;双手胸前传球;分类有单手;进攻方传导球技术双语例句1、He has a tattoo on his chest.他的胸部有一块纹身。2、He put all the medals in the chest in the room.他把所有的奖章都放进了房间里的木箱里。3、The young athlete is learning how to chest the ball.这个年轻运动员在学习如何用胸部顶球。
2023-01-12 09:48:351

chest是什么意思中文 chest的意思

1、chest,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“胸,胸部;衣柜;箱子;金库”。 2、单词发音:英[tʃest],美[tʃest]。 3、复数:chests 4、例句:he bullet hit him in the chest.子弹击中了他的胸膛。
2023-01-12 09:48:441


2023-01-12 09:48:503


问题一:箱子的英语怎么说? box 英 [b?ks] 美 [b:ks] n. 盒; 箱状物; 包厢; 哨房 vt. 把…装入盒[箱,匣]中 vt.& vi.拳击 网络 盒式; 口技; 箱,盒 I untied the bow and unwrapped the *** all box. 我解开蝴蝶结,拆开小盒子的包装 问题二:箱子用英文怎么说 box case 问题三:箱子的英文怎么写 箱子[xiāng zi]chest; bin; box; case; ark 问题四:行李箱英语怎么讲??? 有三个词或词组可以表示行李箱: trunk[英][tr??k][美][tr??k] n.树干; 躯干; 象鼻; 汽车车尾的行李箱 boot[英][bu:t][美][but] n.长靴,皮靴; 防护罩; [多用于英国]行李箱; [俚语]解雇,激动; vt.穿(靴); 踢; [俚语]解雇; [计算机科学]引导; vi.帮助或益处 luggage carrier[英][?l?id? ?k?ri?][美][?l??d? ?k?ri?] n.载物架,行囊架 问题五:宝箱用英语怎么说 treasure chest/chests/case 宝箱 treasur功 box 宝盒 问题六:箱子用英语怎么写 普通的箱子 box 手提箱 suitcase 包装纸箱 carton 问题七:外贸专业用语上"外箱"是什么意思,如何用英语翻译? 1. 一般外贸用语谈及外箱与内箱时,及在一段句中叙述外箱一词在用词上是有区分的; (1) 同时谈及外箱与内箱时:外箱(master carton)、内箱(inner box, inner carton) (2) 在一段句中叙述外箱时:the master carton 或 the export carton 2. 以上供您参考之!! 愿您顺心如意!! 问题八:外贸专业用语上"外箱"是什么意思,如何用英语翻译? 就是适合海运,空运,快递等货物的外包装,具体的根据货物的实际情况看使用何种包装,有纸箱,有木条箱,等等 问题九:外贸英语中的免费箱使怎么说 免费。箱free box 不懂请继续追问。祝你学习进步。望采纳。 问题十:外箱标签用英语怎么说 Outer box label 重点词汇释义 标签 label; tag; tab; counter mark; pag
2023-01-12 09:49:071


breast chest bosom bust brisket胸部E.g.The coat is too tight at the breast.这件外衣胸部太紧了。她的胸部很美。She has a beautiful bust.
2023-01-12 09:49:162


chest英 [tʃest] 美 [tʃɛst] n.箱子;胸部,胸腔;金库;资金例句He crossed his arms over his chest At the very bottom of the chest were his carving tools. I feel it"s done me good to get it off my chest. He was shot in the chest He complained of chest pain. The water came up to my chest
2023-01-12 09:49:242


2023-01-12 09:49:332

move their hands from their chests to chins什么意思

翻译为:move their hands from their chests to chins移动他们的手从他们的胸前到下巴
2023-01-12 09:49:412

有谁知道,cheast 的英文解释吗

没有这个单词,根据您的拼下来看,考虑应是:chest.chest    英[tʃest]    美[tʃɛst]    n.    箱子; 胸部,胸腔; 金库; 资金;    [例句]He crossed his arms over his chest他双手交叉,放在胸前。[其他]    复数:chests    
2023-01-12 09:49:501

iron chests 什么意思

iron chests铁箱子
2023-01-12 09:50:182


treasure case百宝箱
2023-01-12 09:50:273


  英语中,盒子的表达方式大家也许知道,但是箱子的话是什么呢?下面是我给大家整理的箱子英语怎么说,供大家参阅!   箱子英语怎么说   英 [keɪs] 美 [kes]   case   n. (实)例,事例; 情况,状况; 诉讼(事件),案件,判例; 容器(箱,盒);   vt. 把…装入箱(或盒等)内; 加盖于; 包围,围住; [俚语](尤指盗窃前)探察,侦查,窥测;   箱子的英语例句   1. Before opening the front door he lifted the cases experimentally.   在打开前门之前,他试探性地提起了那些箱子。   2. Then in a tone of abrupt harshness, he added, "Open these trunks!".   然后他又突然厉声说道,“把这些大箱子打开!”   3. He picked up the case and walked towards the exit.   他提起箱子,向出口走去。   4. Put the bottles into boxes and tape them up.   将这些瓶子装进箱子里,然后用胶带封好。   5. He set the cases against a wall and sat on them.   他把箱子靠墙放好,然后坐在上面。   6. Mr. Wall asked if I would help him clean out the bins.   沃尔先生问我能不能帮他把各个箱子彻底清理一遍。   7. She unlocked the case and carefully lifted out the vase.   她用钥匙打开了箱子,小心翼翼地拿出那只花瓶。   8. Don"t upset the piles of sheets under the box.   不要把箱子下面那几叠床单弄乱了。   9. They had come up from London loaded down with six suitcases.   他们拖着6只箱子从伦敦过来。   10. We put a notice on the side of the box.   我们在箱子的一侧贴了警示标。   11. There weren"t anywhere near enough empty boxes.   空箱子数量远远不够。   12. I par-ticularly liked the wooden chests and chairs.   我格外喜欢木箱子和木椅子。   13. Somehow the suitcase with my clothes was misplaced.   不知怎的,我忘了把装衣服的箱子放到哪里去了。   14. Shaerl trudged toward them, hugging a large box.   谢尔抱着一个大箱子步履艰难地向他们走去。   15. The case was full of clothes.   箱子里塞满了衣服。   箱子case的双语例句   1. He actually became convinced that the nurses had an unanswerable case.   他实际上已经相信了护士们的情况确实如此。   2. He put the case to the Saudi Foreign Minister.   他把这起事件向沙特外长作了说明。   3. The Government is anxious to keep the whole case out of court.   政府迫切希望整件事能够在庭外解决。   4. It"s not a case of whether anyone would notice or not.   这不是会不会有人注意到的问题。   5. The case against is twofold: too risky and too expensive.   反对理由有两点:太冒险而且太昂贵。   6. Guy Powell, defending, told magistrates: "It"s a sad and disturbing case."   盖伊·鲍威尔在进行辩护时对地方法官说道:“这是一件非常不幸、令人不安的案子。”   7. It was packaged in a fancy plastic case with attractive graphics.   它装在一个别致的有漂亮图纹的塑料盒子里。   8. Her case falls within the ambit of moral law.   她的案例属于道德法律的范畴。   9. In case anyone was following me, I made an elaborate detour.   为了防止有人跟踪我,我特地绕了弯路。   10. The case is being referred to the Court of Appeal.   该案件将移交上诉法院审理。   11. This is a straightforward case, as these things go.   同其他同类情况相比,这件事还算简单。   12. I had a case of the jitters during my first two speeches.   我在最初两次讲演时感到非常紧张。   13. She"s nervous about something, in case you didn"t notice.   她正为了什么事神经紧张,你连这个都没看出来?   14. You could certainly make out a case for this point of view.   你肯定能够证明这个观点。   15. It was yet another case where the human eye outperformed radar.   这是肉眼胜过雷达的又一事例。   
2023-01-12 09:50:401


2023-01-12 09:50:527


当被放置后,玩家使用结构方块会打开其GUI。玩家只能在创造模式中并且拥有适当权限才能打开GUI。如果被命名,结构方块会在突出显示时在其上方显示名字,名字跟在方块模式后面(比如“保存:房子”)。被放置之前,结构方块在物品栏中使用一个在被放置时不会使用的“空”的材质。活塞不能推动结构方块,但是它可以移动结构空位。保存在内存中的结构比保存在磁盘上的同名结构有更高的优先级。若要从动态存储移除结构方块,玩家需要退出重新加载世界。切换模式会尽可能保留结构方块的设置。储存模式[edit | edit source]Java版的储存模式GUI基岩版的储存模式GUI储存模式(Save mode)允许玩家通过结构方块高亮结构并将其保存到一个文件。结构名称玩家可以从GUI中的文本框输入结构的名称。区分大小写。不允许使用大写字母和特殊字符,允许下划线。相对位置从结构方块本身所处的位置计算,输入X、Y、Z值以设置结构轮廓的起始坐标。对于任何方向,结构方块允许的最大距离是48方块‌‌[仅Java版]或长、宽64方块,高255方块‌‌[仅基岩版]。显示隐形方块显示空气和#结构空位作为彩色小方块。结构空位显示为透明的红色边框小立方体,而蓝色边框小立方体表示空气。默认关闭。结构大小输入X、Y、Z坐标来设置与相对位置坐标的距离,决定与第一个角相对的另一个角,控制了结构的大小。结构最大是48×48×48‌‌[仅Java版]或64×255×64‌‌[仅基岩版]。当成功时,会在结构周围生成白色的轮廓。探测结构大小和位置使用放置在结构对角的#角落模式方块,来自动计算结构的大小和位置储存模式方块的结构名称必须与角落模式方块内的名称完全匹配,否则无法检测。包括实体保存结构时也保存结构中的任何实体。默认关闭。保存当所有的坐标和结构名称已被输入时,按下保存按钮将结构保存到.minecraftsaves(WorldName)generatedminecraftstructures的一个文件中。[注 1]文件的名称将是输入的结构名称。此类文件的拓展名是.nbt若是用红石激活保存,结构不会被保存到硬盘里。加载模式[edit | edit source]Java版的加载模式GUI基岩版的加载模式GUI加载模式(Load Mode)玩家可以加载和旋转已经保存的结构。结构名称加载的结构名称或文件名称区分大小写。结构名称必须与已保存的名称完全匹配。也可以加载一个游戏中原本就存在的结构,这些结构处于<版本号>.jar中/data/minecraft/structures/<文件夹名称>里,只需输入<文件夹名称>/<结构名称(无后缀名)>即可。存在下列文件夹bastioncoral_crust‌‌[仅基岩版]end_cityfossiligloonether_fossilspillager_outpostruined_portalshipwreckunderwater_ruinvillagewoodland_mansion相对位置用X、Y、Z坐标指定生成结构的其中一个角落基于此结构方块的位置。显示边框在默认情况下高亮轮廓结构完整性及种子根据输入的种子随机删除结构中的方块。完整性数值越低,留下的方块越少。完整性数值必须在0.0到1.0‌‌[仅Java版]或0.00到100.00‌‌[仅基岩版]之间。包括实体同时加载结构中所保存的实体,默认情况下为关闭。旋转(0、90、180、270)结构旋转的角度可以为为0°(不旋转)、按顺时针旋转90°、180°或270°。镜像(|、<>、^v)设置结构的镜像为无(|)、左右翻转(<>)或者是前后翻转(^v)。加载按下加载按钮第一次时预览结构位置。当认为位置合适时,再按一次就可以生成结构。这个过程也可以使用红石实现自动化。角落模式[edit | edit source]角落模式GUI角落模式(Corner Mode)‌‌[仅Java版]允许在保存和加载时自动计算结构的尺寸。放置一个时,选中的是此方块与存储结构方块之间的区域。放置多个时,选中的是各个角落模式方块之间的区域。成功选中区域时,将出现白色的轮廓。结构名称选中区域的结构名称。结构名称区分大小写,它必须和对应的存储结构方块内填写的完全相同。数据模式[edit | edit source]数据模式GUI数据模式(Data Mode)‌‌[仅Java版]只能在自然生成过程中使用。它们通过其元数据所标注的位置来运行,它只能被用于指定相关结构的一个函数。该结构方块之后删除。此外,本模式是结构方块的默认模式‌[失效:JE 1.17]。直接放在你要保存的任意方块的周围。当这个结构首次被替换的时候,这个数据是错误的。自定义数据标签名称方块实体的名称。雪屋"chest" - 将该结构方块下的箱子的战利品表设为"chests/igloo_chest",此外,该表种子取决于世界种子。末地城"Chest" - 将该结构方块下的箱子的战利品表设为"chests/end_city_treasure",此外,该表种子取决于世界种子。"Sentry" - 在该结构方块的位置生成潜影贝。"Elytra" - 在该结构方块的位置生成带有鞘翅的物品展示框实体。林地府邸"ChestSouth" - 设置要替代该结构方块的箱子的战利品表为"chests/woodland_mansion",并将战利品表种子设置为取决于世界种子。"ChestNorth" - 设置要替代该结构方块的箱子的战利品表为"chests/woodland_mansion",并将战利品表种子设置为取决于世界种子。"ChestEast" - 设置要替代该结构方块的箱子的战利品表为"chests/woodland_mansion",并将战利品表种子设置为取决于世界种子。"ChestWest" - 设置要替代该结构方块的箱子的战利品表为"chests/woodland_mansion",并将战利品表种子设置为取决于世界种子。"Mage" - 在该结构方块的位置生成唤魔者。"Warrior" - 在该结构方块的位置生成卫道士。3D输出模式[edit | edit source]输出模式GUI3D输出模式(3D Export mode)‌‌[仅基岩版]类似于存储模式,但结构保存为3D渲染而不是实际的结构,因此这种方式导出的结构可以被观看,但不能被加载。结构名称结构名称将输入此文本框。区分大小写。相对位置根据结构方块的位置,在此输入结构的X、Y和Z值。设置结构轮廓的原点。结构方块的最大允许距离在任何方向上都是32方块。结构尺寸结构尺寸输入X、Y和Z值以设置与相对位置坐标的距离。这将设置结构的对角,并定义其大小。最大结构尺寸为32×32×32检测结构大小和位置检测结构大小和位置使用放置在结构对角的角块自动计算结构的大小和位置。保存块中的结构名称必须与角块内的名称匹配,否则大小计算将失败。包含实体在保存结构的同时,也可以在结构中保存任何实体。包含玩家在保存结构的同时,也可以在结构中保存任何玩家。摘自MInecraft Wiki 如果不清楚请自行去Wiki查看
2023-01-12 09:51:221


2023-01-12 09:51:2814


Their box is blue.
2023-01-12 09:52:164


  英语 绕口令 是一种值得开发与利用的课程资源,可用于语音层面的音素掌握和节奏训练、词汇层面的词汇辨析和词汇量扩展、语法层面的句法现象认知和结构分析以及语篇层面的微型短文分析与建构等。我为大家整理了超简单英语绕口令大全,供大家参考学习,希望大家喜欢。   超简单英语绕口令大全:   1、whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not.   whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot.   we"ll weather the weather whether we like it or not.   无论是晴天或是阴天;无论是冷或是暖;不管喜欢与否,我们都要经受风雨。   2、i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream!   我叫喊,你叫喊,我们都喊着要冰淇淋!   3、there is no need to light a night light on a light night like tonight.   for a bright night light is just like a slight light.   像今夜这样明亮的夜晚,就不需要点一盏夜灯,因为明亮的夜灯也会变得微弱。   4、how much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew?   如果一颗露珠会掉下露水,那么一颗露珠会掉下多少露水呢?   5、the driver was drunk and drove the doctor"s car directly into the deep ditch.   这个司机喝醉了,他把医生的车开进了一个大深沟里。   6、sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream.   桑迪坐在湍急的小溪边尽情地品味着葵花子的香味。   7、a snow-white swan swam swiftly to catch a slowly-swimming snake in a lake.   湖中一只雪白的天鹅快速地游动着去追赶一条慢慢游动的蛇。   8、a pleasant peasant keeps a pleasant pheasant and both the peasant and the pheasant are having a pleasant time together.   一位和气的农民养了一只伶俐的野鸡,而且这位和气的农民和这只伶俐的野鸡在一起度过了一段很美好的时光。   9、underwood would wear underwear if underwood knew where his underwear was.   underwood"s underwear was in durwood"s woods.   underwood went into durwood"s woods and got his underwear.   underwood如果知道他的内衣在那里的话,他就会把它穿上。   underwood的内衣裤在durwood的深林里。   underwood进入durwood的深林去了他的内衣。   10、包含"w"的英语绕口令   the wright rightly writes about the righting of the rights rights to have rites on the right,right?   那工人政党正确写出了有关纠正右翼有坐在右边的礼仪权的建议,对吗?   11、wally wrinkle wriggles his white,wrinkled wig.   wyatt wondered why the wom wires were not wrapped right.   wally wrinkle扭动着他皱皱的白色假发。   wyatt对这些旧的线没有被包好感到惊讶。   12、will will not write a real will.   will不会写真实的遗嘱。   13、wee willie winkie risks three wishes.   wild wrens wing westward.   wee willie winkie许了三个愿。   疯狂的鹪鹩(jiāo liáo)向西方飞去。   14、woodchuck could chuck wood   how much wood would a woodchuck chuck   if a woodchuck could chuck wood?   he would chuck the wood as much as he could   如果伐 木工 人能伐木的话   伐木工人要伐多少木头?   如果他能砍木头的话   他能砍多少就砍多少   15、real wristwatch straps.   real wristwatch straps.   真正的表带。   16、i washed all the wheels and the works.   我把所有轮子和车间都洗了。   17、i wish i had not washed this wristwatch.   我希望我没有洗这块手表就好啦。   18、since this wristwatch got all washed, oh,how it jumps and jerks!   由于这块手表已经洗了,瞧它一跳一跳的!   19、xmas wrecks perplex and vex.   x-ray checks clear chests.    圣诞节 使人困惑又使人恼火.   x光照出清楚的胸透照片.   20、tongue twister a   a big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.   大黑虫咬大黑熊,大黑熊流血了!   a big black bug bit a big black bear. where"s the big black bear the big black bug bit?   大黑虫咬大黑熊,被大黑虫咬的大黑熊在那里呢?   a bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the bitter better bittern bit the bitter biter back. and the bitter bittern, bitten, by the better bitten bittern, said: "i"m a bitter biter bit, alack!"   一只沮丧而尖刻的麻鳽咬了它兄弟一口,而没有它那么沮丧的兄弟又咬它一口。那只被咬的沮丧麻鳽对它的兄弟说:「我是一只充满怨恨的麻鳽!我害人终害己了!
2023-01-12 09:52:301


thrust out one"s chestswell one"s chest
2023-01-12 09:52:412


1. (Lumbar places) rib with width; 2. Clothes there are stains; 3. Chests that regeneration skew phenomenon. Ming regeneration (visible plest)
2023-01-12 09:52:511


1. 西餐礼仪英语 (1)Sit down, please. Here is the menu. May I take your order, sir? 请坐,给您菜单。 先生,您要点菜吗? (2)What would you like to have, coffee or tea? 您要喝咖啡还是茶? (3)would you like to have some wine with your dinner?您用餐时要喝点酒吗? (4)It"s our chef"s remendation.这是我们大厨的拿手菜。 (5) Here is the bill. Please sign it.这是您的账单。 请签字。 (6)what kind of food would you like to have?您想吃什么菜? (7)You may sign the bill. The hotel will charge you when you leave.您可以签帐单。 离店时会给您结帐。 (8)It never goes to the head.(不管喝多少)它也不冲脑。(9)Have you anything in mind as to (decided)what to drink?您决定了喝什么吗? (10)we look forward to having with us tonight.我们期待您今晚大驾光临。 (11)I"m sorry , but I didn"t quite catch what you just said.对不起,我没有听明白您刚才的话。 (12)I beg your pardon?/Pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍。 (13)Sorry, sir ,but I don"t understand what you mean.很抱歉,先生,我没有听懂您的意思。 (14) Pardon, madam. I am afraid I didn"t follow you.对不起,太太,我没有听明白。 (15)What was that? 你说什么?(此话比较随便,也要用升调) (16) Sorry, but could you say it again? 对不起,您能再说一编吗? (17)would you mind repeating, please?请再说一遍,好吗? (18)could you please repeat a little more slowly?您能再慢点儿说一遍吗? (19)It"s delicious and worth a try.它鲜美可口,值得一试。 (20)Many guests give high ments on the wine.许多宾客对这种酒赞赏备至。 (21)i suggest that you have a taste of Sichuan dishes.我建议你们尝尝四川菜。 (22)try the green crab if you don"t mind.如果您不介意的话,不妨尝一下这种青蟹。 (23)please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.如果你有什么问题,请随即和我们联系。 (24)you"ll regret if you don"t have a test..如果您不尝一下,您准会后悔的。 (25)I"m sorry to have kept you waiting. 很抱歉,让您久等了。 (26)I"m really sorry, but I seem to have misserved a dish..真对不起,我好像上错了一个菜。 (27)I do apologize for giving you the wrong soup.我上错了汤,真抱歉。 (28)I want to apologize. Is there anything I could do?我该道歉,我能想点办法吗? (29)Bottoms up!干杯! (30)It is a must for every birthday dinner.这对每个生日庆宴都是必不可少。 (31)The great wall is a must for every foreign tourist.长城是每位外国游客必去之处。 (32)I wish you good health.祝您健康。 (33)Let me wish you every success.祝您一切顺利。 (34)I hope you"ll have a good time.祝您玩的痛快。 (35)Bon Voyage!一路顺风。 (36)on consumption to master account根据实际消耗由主人包付。 Open bar on a fixed price. 在预先定时定价范围内酒会客人随便享用。 (37)cash on delivery(C..O.D)来客自负饮料费。 (38)How do you like the fish cooked this way?您觉得鱼这样烧怎么样? (39)What do you think of Chinese food?您认为中国菜怎么样? (40)Do you think the soup is tasty?您认为这个汤可口吗? (41)Do you think the price is reasonable?您认为这个价格不公道吗? (42) What"s your opinion of their service? 您对他们的服务有什么意见吗? (43)I suggest we (should) go to a Chinese restaurant for a change.我建议到中国餐馆去换换口味。 (should可以省略) (44)Would you like to have some wine with your dinner?你们用餐时想喝点酒吗? (45)what would you like for dinner/dessert?您喜欢吃点什么餐/甜点? (46)How would you like the steak/eggs?您喜欢怎么样做的牛排/鸡蛋? (47) I would suggest Californian red wine for the beef steak.我建议您配牛排喝加利福尼亚红酒。 (48)I What about American breakfast? 吃美式早餐好吗?。 2. 跪求十条西餐礼仪 要英文的 谢谢 1.guests are expected to bring some *** all ts, flowers, chocolate or a bottle of good wine will be fine.2.Do not start eating before the host does.3.when you want something more, don"t wait to be served or stop eating. Help yourself somemore and be natural.4.If you want to anwser a phone or leave the table for some other reasons, apologise politely.5.Do not talk with your mouth full.6.If you need to use hand when you are eating , do not hold the food with both hands when eating.7.when you finish eating, put the knife and fork on your plate pointing to yourself。 3. 用英语写出十条西餐的用餐小贴士 西餐礼仪的小窍门(11) (Office ambience) C:Mary,今晚公司为美国来的总裁举行晚餐会,我也被邀请出席,可我很紧张。 M:It"s only a dinner, why are you so nervous? C:不说别的,就桌上那些刀叉就够让我糊涂了。我担心会出洋相。 M:那倒是,因为table manners are important。 C:嗯。Table manners。就是饭桌上的规矩和礼貌。 M:对,吃西餐的时候每道菜都用不同的餐具,整套餐具就是:a place setting。 C:要是一顿饭有汤,有沙拉,有主菜和甜点,那该有些什么餐具,每个餐具又该怎么用呢? M:那就应该在左手边有两把叉子,右手边有一把刀和一个汤勺。对了,喝汤的时候千万不要出声。其实很简单,你只要记住先用外边的就行了。Take utensils from the outside of the place setting to the inside。 C:由外及内。喝汤先用右手拿靠外边的汤勺。吃沙拉就用左手外侧的叉,对吗? M:Absolutely! 把用完的刀,叉放在盘子右边,服务员会把它们收走。No, never put used knives, forks or spoons back on the table。 C:那就是,吃完汤和沙拉后,我还剩下左边一把叉,右边一把刀,对吗? M:没错。在盘子前面还有吃甜点的小勺和叉。对了,你要不清楚的话,follow what other people do。陈豪, 对不起,I got to go, good luck tonight! M:Good morning, Chen Hao. How did the dinner go last night? C:幸亏你昨天教我刀叉的用法,I had no problems at all,只有一个小小的惊慌。 M:What"s that? C:那沙拉里有一个小番茄,我用刀切了一下。把刀留在盘子里被服务员收走了。我担心一会儿吃主菜的时候没有刀,不过后来服务员给我拿来一把干净的刀。 M:Did you have any other problems? C:我喝完汤后不知道把勺放哪里。我看我们的总裁把勺放在汤碗下面的盘子右侧。我就照他那么做了。 M:Perfect. It"s not that plicated, right? Just remember: Always work from the outside in when deciding which knife, fork or spoon to use. Once used, the utensil never goes back on the table. At the end of the meal, you should have used all the utensils at your place. 4. 西方餐桌礼仪英语 西餐礼仪的知识:用 刀 叉 吃 有 骨 头 的 肉吃 有 骨 头 的 肉 时 , 可 以 用 手 拿 着 吃 。 若 想 吃 得 更 优 雅 , 还 是 用 刀 较 好 。用 叉 子 将 整 片 肉 固 定 (可 将 叉 子 朝 上 , 用 叉 子 背 部 压 住 肉) , 再 用 刀 沿 骨 头 插 人 , 把 肉 切 开 。 最 好 是 边 切 边 吃 。必 须 用 手 吃 时 , 会 附 上 洗 手 水 。 当 洗 手 水 和 带 骨 头 的 肉 一 起 端 上 来 时 , 意 味 着 “ 请 用 手 吃 ” 。 用 手 指 拿 东 西 吃 后 ,将 手 指 放 在 装 洗 手 水 的 碗 里 洗 净 。 吃 一 般 的 菜 时 , 如果 把 手 指 弄 脏 , 也 可 请 侍 者 端 洗 手 水 来 , 注 意 洗 手 时 要 轻 轻 地 洗 。吃 面 包 可 蘸 调 味 汁吃 到 连 调 味 汁 都 不 剩 , 是 对 厨 师 的 礼 貌 。 注 意 不 要 把 面 包 盘 子 “ 舔 ” 得 很 干 净 , 而 要 用 叉 子 叉 住 已 撕 成 小 片 的 面 包 , 再 蘸 一 点 调 味 汁 来 吃 , 是 雅 观 的 作 法 。用 餐 巾 内 侧 擦 拭弄 脏 嘴 巴 时 , 一 定 要 用 餐 巾 擦 拭 , 避 免 用 自 己 的 手 帕 。 用 餐 巾 反 摺 的 内 侧 来 擦 ,而 不 是 弄 脏 其 正 面 , 是 应 有 的 礼 貌 。 手 指 洗 过 后 也 是 用 餐 巾 擦 的 。 若 餐 巾 脏 得 厉 害 , 请 侍 者 重 新 更 换 一 条 。凡 事 由 侍 者 代 劳在 一 流 餐 厅 里 , 客 人 除 了 吃 以 外 , 诸 如 倒 酒 、整 理 餐 具 、捡 起 掉 在 地 上 的 刀 叉 等 事 , 都 应 让 侍 者 去 做 。 在 国 外 , 进 餐 时 侍 者 会 来 问 : “How is everything?” 如 果 没 有 问 题 , 可 用 “Good” 来 表 达 满 意 。聊 天 切 忌 大 声 喧 哗在 餐 厅 吃 饭 时 就 要 享 受 美 食 和 社 交 的 乐 趣 , 沉 默 地 各 吃 各 的 会 很 奇 怪 。 但 旁 若 无 人 地 大 声 喧 哗 , 也 是 极 失 礼 的 行 为 。 音 量 要 小 心 保 持 对 方 能 听 见 的 程 度 , 别 影 响 到 邻 桌 。 中 途 离 席 时 将 餐 巾 放 在 椅 子 上万 不 得 已 要 中 途 离 席 时 , 最 好 在 上 菜 的 空 档 , 向 同 桌 的 人 打 声 招 呼 , 把 餐 巾 放 在 椅 子 上 再 走 , 别 打 乱 了 整 个 吃 饭 的 程 序 和 气 氛 。 吃 完 饭 后 , 只 要 将 餐 巾 随 意 放 在 餐 桌 即 可 , 不 必 特 意 叠 整 齐。 任 意 选 择 乳 酪高 级 餐 厅 上 甜 点 之 前 , 会 送 上 一 个 大 托 盘 , 摆 满 数 种 乳 酪 、饼 干 和 水 果 , 挑 多 少 种 都 可 以 , 但 以 吃 得 下 的 范 围 为 准 。用 叉 子 和 汤 匙 吃 甜 点上 甜 点 时 大 都 会 附 上 汤 匙 和 叉 子 。 冰 淇 淋 之 类 的 甜 点 容 易 滑 动 , 可 用 叉 子 固 定 并 集 中 , 再 放 到 汤 匙 里 吃 。 大 块 的 水 果 可 以 切 成 一 口 的 大 小 , 再 用 叉 子 叉 来 吃 。 如 何 招 呼 侍 者侍 者 会 经 常 注 意 客 人 的 需 要 。 若 需 要 服 务 , 可 用 眼 神 向 他 示 意 或 微 微 把 手 抬 高 , 侍 者 会 马 上 过 来 。 如 果 对 服 务 满 意 , 想 付 小 费 时 , 可 用 签 帐 卡 支 付 , 即 在 帐 单 上 写 下 含 小 费 在 内 的 总 额 再 签 名 。 最 后 别 忘 记 口 头 致 谢 。 餐具的使用1.西餐的餐具广义的西餐餐具包括刀、叉、匙、盘、杯、餐巾等。其中盘又有菜盘、布丁盘、奶盘、白脱盘等;酒杯更是讲究,正式宴会几乎每上一种酒,都要换上专用的玻璃酒杯。 狭义的餐具则专指刀、叉、匙三大件。刀分为食用刀、鱼刀、肉刀(刀口有锯齿,用以切牛排、猪排等)、黄油刀和水果刀。 叉分为食用叉、鱼叉、肉叉和虾叉。匙则有汤匙、甜食匙、茶匙。 公用刀、叉、匙的规格明显大于餐用刀叉。餐具的摆法:垫盘放在餐席的正中心,盘上放折叠整齐的餐巾或餐纸(也有把餐巾或餐纸拆成花蕊状放在玻璃杯内的)。 两侧的刀、叉、匙排成整齐的平行线,如有席位卡,则放在垫盘的前方。所有的餐刀放在垫盘的右侧,刀刃朝向垫盘。 各种匙类放在餐刀右边,匙心朝上。餐叉则放在垫盘的左边,叉齿朝上。 一个座席一般只摆放三副刀叉。面包碟放在客人的左手边,上置面包刀(即黄油刀,供抹奶油、果酱用,而不是用来切面包)一把,各类酒杯和水杯则放在右前方。 如有面食,吃面食的匙、叉则横放在前方。2.餐具的用法刀叉持法。 用刀时,应将刀柄的尾端置于手掌之中,以拇指抵住刀柄的一侧,食指按在刀柄上,但需注意食指决不能触及刀背,其余三指则顺势弯曲,握住刀柄。叉如果不是与刀并用,叉齿应该向上。 持叉应尽可能持住叉柄的末端,叉柄倚在中指上,中间则以无名指和小指为支撑,叉可以单独用于叉餐或取食,也可以用于取食某些头道菜和馅饼,还可以用取食那种无需切割的主菜。刀叉的使用。 右手持刀,左手持叉,先用叉子把食物按住,然后用刀切成小块,再用叉送入嘴内。欧洲人使用时不换手,即从切割到送食物入口均以左手持叉。 美国人则切割后,将刀放下换右手持叉送食入口。刀叉并用时,持叉姿势与持刀相似,但叉齿应该向下。 通常刀叉并用是在取食主菜的时候,但若无需要刀切割时,则可用叉切割,这两种方法都是正确的。匙的用法。 持匙用右手,持法同持叉,但手指务必持在匙柄之端,除喝汤外,不用匙取食其他食物。餐巾用法。 进餐时,大餐巾可折起(一般对折)折口向外平铺在腿上,小餐巾可伸开直接铺在腿上。注意不可将餐巾挂在胸前(但在空间不大的地方,如飞机上可以如此)。 拭嘴时需用餐巾的上端,并用其内侧来擦嘴。绝不可用来擦脸部或擦刀叉、碗碟等。 西餐进餐礼仪因为西餐主要是。 5. 西方餐桌礼仪规矩(英文)》2条 12 basic table manners for kids1. Eat with a fork unless the food is meant to be eaten with fingers. Only babies eat with fingers.2. Don"t stuff your mouth full of food, it looks gross, and they could choke.3. Chew with your mouth closed. No one wants to be grossed out seeing food being chewed up or hearing it being chomped on. This includes no talking with your mouth full.4. Don"t make any rude ments about any food being served. It will hurt someone"s feelings.5. Always say thank you when served something. Shows appreciation.6. If the meal is not buffet style, then wait until everyone is served before eating. It shows consideration.7. Eat slowly, don"t gobble up the food. Someone took a long time to prepare the food, enjoy it slowly. Slowly means to wait about 5 seconds after swallowing before getting another forkful.8. When eating rolls, break off a piece of bread before buttering. Eating a whole piece of bread looks tacky.9. Don"t reach over someone"s plate for something, ask for the item to be passed to you. Shows consideration.10. Don"t pick anything out of your teeth, it"s gross. If it bothers you that bad, excuse yourself and go to the restroom to pick.11. Always use a napkin to dab your mouth, which should be on your lap when not in use. Remember, dab your mouth only. Don"t wipe your face or blow your nose with a napkin, both are gross. Excuse yourself from the table and go the restroom to do those things.12. When eating at someone"s home or a guest of someone at a restaurant, always thank the host and tell them how delicious it was, even if it wasn"t. Again, someone took time, energy, and expense to prepare the food, show your appreciation.。 6. 英语作文西餐礼仪 Eat, with a knife, fork and cut a *** all piece of meat, which happens to be a size. Eat a piece, a cut, do not cut all of a sudden the whole, . Eating pasta, use a fork and slowly rolled noodles, the most convenient 5-per-Juan Si. Can also be used together with spoon and fork to eat, spoon fork to help control the greasy noodles. Mouth can not *** oke, not easily juice to splash everywhere. and not the whole piece of meat with a fork folder to the mouth, biting edge, while chewing, swallowing edge 7. 关于西餐用餐礼仪的英文介绍~~~ Western mealtime etiquette ments Etiquette is protocol, called the ceremony, which is in the interaction between people, along with a certain, mon procedures and to the performance of self-discipline and respect for the integrity act. Western is a type of diet, colloquially speaking, is the theme of a dining meal manner. It has been the understanding of mankind today is not only a means to sustain life, but enjoyable, but it is also a way exchanges. Food used for selection, cooking methods and decided to dine in all aspects of the basic rules and requirements of a certain courtesy. To enable guests will dine with pleasure successfully, it is imperative to understand the norms and reason. Here it is relevant to note that some of these rules are not rigid dogma, it is for the purpose of the service, but our aim is to enjoy Western : being insiders. Attitude Standard posture is very important, for example, showing should remain stable, not before swinging. Imagine : You can hide behind a *** all rat, and a kitten lying on your knees -- should now able to walk proudly to his knees Fang-ping. Whether male or female, when meals are eyesores created by cigarette *** oke, but impolite. Many unpleasant and embarrassing scenes, mostly caused by such inappropriate move. There should avoid similar moves Chang Cheng-eight shape : having both her legs and chests, pine belts, assume an air of self approbation and stretching his arms in calisthenics, etc., which are very impolite gesture, unbeing. In the United States, when one hand meals, on the other hand can be put on my knees. It is different in Europe, two hands should be retained on the table. But it should be noted that : arms can not be used to support the body, it takes a table, we can not cross on his chest, hands and wrists just take lightly on the table. Natural fingers to *** ooth on the table, not on the table or playing Luantan tableware. Progressive meal Meals, as a general hand and a knife or spoon, fork left hand, also use the right hand to grip the glass. Not too close to the body eaten with utensils food to the mouth, instead of dishes, bowls classics : Who is not with us your plate of food. Attention : In the advanced Class Formula food, but they should avoid sending suction to the voice of a higher temperature if soup can enjoy a short wait, the disk can not be held directly into the mouth. -- Should shut his mouth to chew food, the mouth with food to avoid drinking alcohol beverages. -- Bear in mind : an edible bread plate with bread to dip in the soup (or special status is more about the President to avoid such moves); Lane dedicated to *** all capitalization bread or tablecloths, you should dine on the disk plate edges; Bread with butter paper, a *** all piece of bread on the pick up in a little butter, hand breaking off consumption, or not to use a knife to cut teeth graffiti; Bread into soup or only when the first plate of food consumption. • If they do not want to drink wine, politely said : "I do not drink, thank you. "Do not use the quilt Cup. • statement should forks on the plate. Not to find fault with fork in hand-edged to talk, not to put up their forks, it will make people feel "scared", and indeed the risk of harm to themselves or others. Do not suggest, laughing loudly on the table -- or the city. -- Taboo words or intimate audible, meals or after meals not burps abuse, Baji mouth. -- Not on the table in front of the dead, sing or sorting out clothing. -- Not for others take their food with their own utensils, scoop soup or other
2023-01-12 09:53:011


  近义词——倾肠倒笼、翻箱倒箧   词 目 翻箱倒柜   发 音 fān xiāng dǎo guì   释 义 把箱子柜子都翻倒过来。形容彻底翻检。也比喻毫无保留地拿出自己的东西。   示 例 闹了大半天,毫无影响,甚至~、,实在没处去找。(《红楼梦》第九十四回)   近义词 倾肠倒笼、翻箱倒箧   反义:东一榔头西一棒    英 文 ransack boxes and chests   用 法 联合式;作谓语、定语、宾语;形容彻底翻检   使用频率 常用   连用:翻箱倒柜,掘地三尺
2023-01-12 09:53:073


chest 英[tʃest] 美[tʃɛst] n. 箱子; 胸部,胸腔; 金库; 资金; [例句]He crossed his arms over his chest他双手交叉,放在胸前。[其他] 复数:chests
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女生的胸部_翻译结果:The girl in the chest
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treasure chest/chests/case 宝箱 treasure box 宝盒
2023-01-12 09:54:011


有关身体的英语单词有:头head,脸face,眼睛eye,耳朵ear,手hand,腿leg,脚foot,膝盖knee,肩膀shoulder,胸部chest,腹部abdomen,腰waist,臀部hip。1、face读音:英[feɪs]美[feɪs]释义:n.脸;面孔;面部表情;有…面容的;有…表情的。v.面对;面向;正对;面临,必须对付(某情况);承认,正视(现实)。其他:第三人称单数:faces 复数:faces 现在分词:facing 过去式:faced 过去分词:faced。2、leg读音:英[leɡ]美[leɡ]释义:n.腿;(尤指供食用的)动物的腿,腿肉;裤腿。vi. <口>走;跑。其他:第三人称单数:legs 复数:legs 现在分词:legging 过去式:legged。3、knee读音:英[niː]美[niː]释义:n.膝;膝盖;膝关节;(裤子的)膝部;(坐下时)大腿朝上的面。v.用膝盖顶(或撞)。其他:第三人称单数:knees 复数:knees 现在分词:kneeing 过去式:kneed 过去分词:kneed。4、chest读音:英[tʃest]美[tʃest]释义:n.胸部;胸膛;有…胸的;胸部…的;(常为木制的)大箱子。其他:复数:chests5、waist读音:英[weɪst]美[weɪst]释义:n.腰;腰部;(衣服的)腰部;有…腰身的;腰身…的。其他:复数:waists
2023-01-12 09:54:141


有关身体的英语单词有:头head,脸face,眼睛eye,耳朵ear,手hand,腿leg,脚foot,膝盖knee,肩膀shoulder,胸部chest,腹部abdomen,腰waist,臀部hip。1、face读音:英[feɪs]美[feɪs]释义:n.脸;面孔;面部表情;有…面容的;有…表情的。v.面对;面向;正对;面临,必须对付(某情况);承认,正视(现实)。其他:第三人称单数:faces 复数:faces 现在分词:facing 过去式:faced 过去分词:faced。2、leg读音:英[leɡ]美[leɡ]释义:n.腿;(尤指供食用的)动物的腿,腿肉;裤腿。vi. <口>走;跑。其他:第三人称单数:legs 复数:legs 现在分词:legging 过去式:legged。3、knee读音:英[niː]美[niː]释义:n.膝;膝盖;膝关节;(裤子的)膝部;(坐下时)大腿朝上的面。v.用膝盖顶(或撞)。其他:第三人称单数:knees 复数:knees 现在分词:kneeing 过去式:kneed 过去分词:kneed。4、chest读音:英[tʃest]美[tʃest]释义:n.胸部;胸膛;有…胸的;胸部…的;(常为木制的)大箱子。其他:复数:chests5、waist读音:英[weɪst]美[weɪst]释义:n.腰;腰部;(衣服的)腰部;有…腰身的;腰身…的。其他:复数:waists
2023-01-12 09:56:081


问题一:箱子的英语怎么说? box 英 [b?ks] 美 [b:ks] n. 盒; 箱状物; 包厢; 哨房 vt. 把…装入盒[箱,匣]中 vt.& vi.拳击 网络 盒式; 口技; 箱,盒 I untied the bow and unwrapped the *** all box. 我解开蝴蝶结,拆开小盒子的包装 问题二:箱子的英文怎么写 箱子[xiāng zi]chest; bin; box; case; ark 问题三:箱子用英文怎么说 box case 问题四:行李箱英语怎么讲??? 有三个词或词组可以表示行李箱: trunk[英][tr??k][美][tr??k] n.树干; 躯干; 象鼻; 汽车车尾的行李箱 boot[英][bu:t][美][but] n.长靴,皮靴; 防护罩; [多用于英国]行李箱; [俚语]解雇,激动; vt.穿(靴); 踢; [俚语]解雇; [计算机科学]引导; vi.帮助或益处 luggage carrier[英][?l?id? ?k?ri?][美][?l??d? ?k?ri?] n.载物架,行囊架 问题五:箱子的英文怎么 chest; bin; box; case; trunk 都是箱子 问题六:宝箱用英语怎么说 treasure chest/chests/case 宝箱 treasur功 box 宝盒 问题七:制作箱子的英文怎么说 to make a box 或者 to make boxes. . 还可以说 box making . 希望我的回答可以帮助你 问题八:外贸专业用语上"外箱"是什么意思,如何用英语翻译? 1. 一般外贸用语谈及外箱与内箱时,及在一段句中叙述外箱一词在用词上是有区分的; (1) 同时谈及外箱与内箱时:外箱(master carton)、内箱(inner box, inner carton) (2) 在一段句中叙述外箱时:the master carton 或 the export carton 2. 以上供您参考之!! 愿您顺心如意!! 问题九:外贸专业用语上"外箱"是什么意思,如何用英语翻译? 就是适合海运,空运,快递等货物的外包装,具体的根据货物的实际情况看使用何种包装,有纸箱,有木条箱,等等
2023-01-12 09:57:011


健美英文:Bodybuilding。例句:1、健美操创编方法探讨。Discussion of Creative Way in Strong and Handsome Exercises.2、高校健美操教法研究。The Research on Teaching Method of Strong and Handsome Exercises" Lessons in College.3、她的新年决心是要保持身材健美。She made a New Year"s resolution to get fit. 4、健美运动员剃去胸毛以展示肌肉。Body builders shave their chests to show off their muscles.5、他属于那种瘦削、过于健美的人。He is one of those lean, hyper-fit people.6、他长得清瘦而结实,体格健美。His body is wiry and athletic.
2023-01-12 09:57:061


有关身体的英语单词有:头head,脸face,眼睛eye,耳朵ear,手hand,腿leg,脚foot,膝盖knee,肩膀shoulder,胸部chest,腹部abdomen,腰waist,臀部hip。1、face读音:英[feɪs]美[feɪs]释义:n.脸;面孔;面部表情;有…面容的;有…表情的。v.面对;面向;正对;面临,必须对付(某情况);承认,正视(现实)。其他:第三人称单数:faces 复数:faces 现在分词:facing 过去式:faced 过去分词:faced。2、leg读音:英[leɡ]美[leɡ]释义:n.腿;(尤指供食用的)动物的腿,腿肉;裤腿。vi. <口>走;跑。其他:第三人称单数:legs 复数:legs 现在分词:legging 过去式:legged。3、knee读音:英[niː]美[niː]释义:n.膝;膝盖;膝关节;(裤子的)膝部;(坐下时)大腿朝上的面。v.用膝盖顶(或撞)。其他:第三人称单数:knees 复数:knees 现在分词:kneeing 过去式:kneed 过去分词:kneed。4、chest读音:英[tʃest]美[tʃest]释义:n.胸部;胸膛;有…胸的;胸部…的;(常为木制的)大箱子。其他:复数:chests5、waist读音:英[weɪst]美[weɪst]释义:n.腰;腰部;(衣服的)腰部;有…腰身的;腰身…的。其他:复数:waists
2023-01-12 09:57:291

饥荒tighter chests什么意思

tighter chests的中文翻译tighter chests 收紧胸部
2023-01-12 09:58:211


一、衣橱的英语:wardrobe二、wardrobe的读音:英[ˈwɔ:drəʊb]    美[ˈwɔ:rdroʊb]    三、释义n.    行头; 衣柜,衣橱; 藏衣室; (个人,戏团的) 全部服装;    四、例句She reached into the wardrobe and extracted another tracksuit. 她伸手又从衣橱里取出一件运动服。Don"t you remember? You fixed up a new tie rack in the wardrobe last Sunday. 你不记得了吧?上星期天你在衣橱里装了一个新领带架。五、复数:wardrobes    wardrobes    n.    衣柜( wardrobe的名词复数 ); (英国) 放置衣物的壁橱; (一个人的) 全部服装; (剧院或电视公司的) 服装部;    The range includes chests of drawers, tables and wardrobes.该系列包括五斗柜、桌子和衣橱。扩展资料一、词语搭配wardrobe mistress (剧团的)服装女管理built-in wardrobe 壁橱二、近义词1、almirah    英["ɑ:lmɪrə]    美["ɑ:lmɪrə]    n.    衣橱,活动茶柜;    The almirah of the great majority on market does not have how many pensile space.市面上绝大多数的衣橱没有多少悬挂空间。2、garderobe    英["gɑ:dˌrəʊb]    美["gɑ:dˌroʊb]    n.    私室; 衣橱; 衣柜,卧室;    She is the urger of closet revolution and the leader of era to modern garderobe.主营产品包含整体衣橱,书柜,折叠门,掩门衣柜,五金件等。
2023-01-12 09:58:271


有关身体的英语单词有:头head,脸face,眼睛eye,耳朵ear,手hand,腿leg,脚foot,膝盖knee,肩膀shoulder,胸部chest,腹部abdomen,腰waist,臀部hip。1、face读音:英[feɪs]美[feɪs]释义:n.脸;面孔;面部表情;有…面容的;有…表情的。v.面对;面向;正对;面临,必须对付(某情况);承认,正视(现实)。其他:第三人称单数:faces 复数:faces 现在分词:facing 过去式:faced 过去分词:faced。2、leg读音:英[leɡ]美[leɡ]释义:n.腿;(尤指供食用的)动物的腿,腿肉;裤腿。vi. <口>走;跑。其他:第三人称单数:legs 复数:legs 现在分词:legging 过去式:legged。3、knee读音:英[niː]美[niː]释义:n.膝;膝盖;膝关节;(裤子的)膝部;(坐下时)大腿朝上的面。v.用膝盖顶(或撞)。其他:第三人称单数:knees 复数:knees 现在分词:kneeing 过去式:kneed 过去分词:kneed。4、chest读音:英[tʃest]美[tʃest]释义:n.胸部;胸膛;有…胸的;胸部…的;(常为木制的)大箱子。其他:复数:chests5、waist读音:英[weɪst]美[weɪst]释义:n.腰;腰部;(衣服的)腰部;有…腰身的;腰身…的。其他:复数:waists
2023-01-12 09:58:361

英语treasure chests怎么翻译?

英语 Treasure chests 翻译成中文意思是财宝箱( treasure chest的复数 )。例如,Awarded for finding all hidden treasure chests. 找到所有的宝箱。
2023-01-12 09:59:291


1、勤奋就是成功之母。Diligence is the mother of success.2、知识是治疗恐惧的药。Knowledge is a drug for the treatment of fear.3、敏而好学,不耻下问。Sensitive and studious,fools.4、书是人类进步的阶梯。Books are the ladder of human progress.5、书籍是培植智慧的工具。Books are the tools of cultivating wisdom.6、读书忌死读,死读钻牛角。One avoid is dead read,read drill horn to deat h.7、青年最主要的任务是学习。Youth"s main task is to learn.8、理想的书籍是智慧的钥匙。Ideal books are the key to wisdom.9、胸中不学,犹手中无钱也。Chests are not learn,still hands without mone y also.
2023-01-12 09:59:342

yours chest is so big

your‘s chest is so big 你的胸膛是那么宽广chest 英[tʃest] 美[tʃɛst] n. 箱子; 胸部,胸腔; 金库; 资金; [网络] 胸部停球; 胸廓; 心口; [例句]He crossed his arms over his chest.他双手交叉,放在胸前。[其他] 复数:chests 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度知道相关单词:Chest abbr. Chesterfield 切斯特菲尔德(英国城市)ChEST abbr. chemotherapy for early stages trial 早期试验性化疗CHEST abbr. chick embryotoxicity screening test 鸡胚毒性筛查试验
2023-01-12 10:00:121


。行李箱 suitcase7。皮鞋 leather shoes8。 旅游鞋sneakers10。浴缸 bathtube11。毛巾 towel20。洗衣粉 washing powder
2023-01-12 10:00:183


chairsn.椅子( chair的名词复数 );大学教授职位;主持会议的主席(的席位或职位)双语例句 I particularly liked the wooden chests and chairs. 我格外喜欢木箱子和木椅子。
2023-01-12 10:00:291


超简单英语绕口令大全   英语绕口令是一种值得开发与利用的课程资源,可用于语音层面的音素掌握和节奏训练、词汇层面的词汇辨析和词汇量扩展、语法层面的句法现象认知和结构分析以及语篇层面的微型短文分析与建构等。下面由就由我为大家整理的超简单英语绕口令大全,欢迎大家观看~   1、whethertheweatherbefineorwhethertheweatherbenot.   whethertheweatherbecoldorwhethertheweatherbehot.   we"llweathertheweatherwhetherwelikeitornot.   无论是晴天或是阴天;无论是冷或是暖;不管喜欢与否,我们都要经受风雨。   2、iscream,youscream,weallscreamforice-cream!   我叫喊,你叫喊,我们都喊着要冰淇淋!   3、thereisnoneedtolightanightlightonalightnightliketonight.   forabrightnightlightisjustlikeaslightlight.   像今夜这样明亮的夜晚,就不需要点一盏夜灯,因为明亮的夜灯也会变得微弱。   4、howmuchdewwouldadewdropdropifadewdropcoulddropdew?   如果一颗露珠会掉下露水,那么一颗露珠会掉下多少露水呢?   5、thedriverwasdrunkanddrovethedoctor"scardirectlyintothedeepditch.   这个司机喝醉了,他把医生的车开进了一个大深沟里。   6、sandysniffedsweetsmellingsunflowerseedswhilesittingbesideaswiftstream.   桑迪坐在湍急的小溪边尽情地品味着葵花子的香味。   7、asnow-whiteswanswamswiftlytocatchaslowly-swimmingsnakeinalake.   湖中一只雪白的天鹅快速地游动着去追赶一条慢慢游动的蛇。   8、apleasantpeasantkeepsapleasantpheasantandboththepeasantandthepheasantarehavingapleasanttimetogether.   一位和气的农民养了一只伶俐的野鸡,而且这位和气的农民和这只伶俐的野鸡在一起度过了一段很美好的时光。   9、underwoodwouldwearunderwearifunderwoodknewwherehisunderwearwas.   underwood"sunderwearwasindurwood"swoods.   underwoodwentintodurwood"swoodsandgothisunderwear.   underwood如果知道他的内衣在那里的话,他就会把它穿上。   underwood的内衣裤在durwood的深林里。   underwood进入durwood的深林去了他的内衣。   10、包含"w"的英语绕口令   thewrightrightlywritesabouttherightingoftherightsrightstohaveritesontheright,right?   那工人政党正确写出了有关纠正右翼有坐在右边的礼仪权的建议,对吗?   11、wallywrinklewriggleshiswhite,wrinkledwig.   wyattwonderedwhythewomwireswerenotwrappedright.   wallywrinkle扭动着他皱皱的白色假发。   wyatt对这些旧的线没有被包好感到惊讶。   12、willwillnotwritearealwill.   will不会写真实的遗嘱。   13、weewilliewinkierisksthreewishes.   wildwrenswingwestward.   weewilliewinkie许了三个愿。   疯狂的鹪鹩(jiāoliáo)向西方飞去。   14、woodchuckcouldchuckwood   howmuchwoodwouldawoodchuckchuck   ifawoodchuckcouldchuckwood?   hewouldchuckthewoodasmuchashecould   如果伐木工人能伐木的话   伐木工人要伐多少木头?   如果他能砍木头的`话   他能砍多少就砍多少   15、realwristwatchstraps.   realwristwatchstraps.   真正的表带。   16、iwashedallthewheelsandtheworks.   我把所有轮子和车间都洗了。   17、iwishihadnotwashedthiswristwatch.   我希望我没有洗这块手表就好啦。   18、sincethiswristwatchgotallwashed,oh,howitjumpsandjerks!   由于这块手表已经洗了,瞧它一跳一跳的!   19、xmaswrecksperplexandvex.   x-raychecksclearchests.   圣诞节使人困惑又使人恼火.   x光照出清楚的胸透照片.   20、tonguetwistera   abigblackbugbitabigblackbear,madethebigblackbearbleedblood.   大黑虫咬大黑熊,大黑熊流血了!   abigblackbugbitabigblackbear.where"sthebigblackbearthebigblackbugbit?   大黑虫咬大黑熊,被大黑虫咬的大黑熊在那里呢?   abitterbitingbitternbitabetterbrotherbittern,andthebitterbetterbitternbitthebitterbiterback.andthebitterbittern,bitten,bythebetterbittenbittern,said:"i"mabitterbiterbit,alack!"   一只沮丧而尖刻的麻鳽咬了它兄弟一口,而没有它那么沮丧的兄弟又咬它一口。那只被咬的沮丧麻鳽对它的兄弟说:「我是一只充满怨恨的麻鳽!我害人终害己了! ;
2023-01-12 10:00:341

chest of drawers是什么意思

chest of drawers抽屉柜 拼音 双语对照 双语例句chest of drawersn.五斗柜,衣柜复数: chests of drawers
2023-01-12 10:00:461

chest of drawers是什么意思

意思是,多屉橱柜。希望能帮到 你
2023-01-12 10:00:522


如下,满意请采纳From Agincourt to Waterloo 从阿金库尔到滑铁卢战役 Poitiers and then anjou 从普瓦捷然后到安茹战役 The Roses War,the Hundred Years 蔷薇战争,百年的战争 Through battlefields of blood and tears 穿越洒满献血泪水的战场 From Bosworth Field to Pointe Du Hoc 从博斯沃思菲尔德战役来到奥克角 Stalingrad and the siege of York 斯大林格勒,约克角的围攻 The bloody turf of Gallipoli 加里波利血腥的草地 Had no effect on the killing spree 无法阻止杀戮的狂热 Bannockburn to Austerlitz 从班诺克本战役到奥斯特里兹战役 The fall of France and the German Blitz 法国的沦陷,德国的袭击 The cruelest of atrocities 世界上最残酷的暴行 Europa"s blood is borne of these 欧罗巴的血液承受这一切 (chorus) Heaven help in all our battles 天堂平息了这一切战役 Heaven see love,heaven help us 天堂里的爱拯救了我们 Bolsheviks and feudal lords 布尔什维克与封建君主 Chivalry to civil wars 骑士精神到内战 Fascist rule and genocide 法西斯的统治和大屠杀 Now we face the rising tide 现在我们面对着新浪潮 Of new crusades,religious wars 新的十字军,宗教战争 Insurgents imported to our shores 叛军打到了我们的土地 The western world,gripped in fear 在惶恐被夹击的西方世界 The mother of all battles here 所有战争开始降临 (chorus) Heaven help in all our battles 天堂平息了这一切战役 Heaven see love,heaven help us 天堂里的爱拯救了我们 (chorus) Avant hier,anons etre 前天,明天 Deja demain,(nous) sommes eclairee 我们已经被净化 (chorus) All glory,all honor 所有的荣耀和美誉 Victory is upon us 我们终将胜利 Our savior,fight evil 我们的救世主对抗邪恶 Send armies to defend us 派遣大军保卫我们 Empires built,and nations burned 帝国的建立和国家的煎熬 Mass graves remain unturned 没被填埋的万人坑 Decendants of the dispossessed 无依无靠的子孙后代 Return with bombs strapped to their chests 得到的是绑在 胸膛上的炸弹 There"s hate for life,and death in hate 对人生的憎恨,憎恨中的灭亡 Emerging from a new caliphate 从新的哈里发统治中浮现 The victors of this war on fear 战胜战争中恐惧的胜利者们 Will rule for the next thousand years 将统领之后的几千年 (chorus) All glory,all honor 所有的荣耀和美誉 Victory is upon us 我们终将胜利 Our savior,fight evil 我们的救世主对抗邪恶 Send armies to defend us 派遣大军保卫我们 Europa,Europa 欧罗巴,欧罗巴 Find better days before us 为我们寻求美好的未来 In kindness,in spirit 因仁慈和鼓舞之名 Lead us to a greater calling 引领我们听从伟大的圣谕 Leningr
2023-01-12 10:01:001


泰国人以(双手合十),男性将双手放置于脸部前方,女性则置于胸前,是对彼此及长辈打招呼的方式。When Thai greeting each other, they alway put their palms together, for the male people, normally they will put their hands in front of their faces, and the female always put their hands in front of their breasts, like this to show their respect each other and towards the elders.
2023-01-12 10:01:086

跪求preliator globus的歌词【【并求中文翻译

源语言: 加泰罗尼亚语看不懂,不懂翻Hosana MeusFortuna DeusAeterna TeusMystre, Morte, Sancte PiorFortuna hosana deusLegionus Ab comaeFortune fortuna equisAb Pugnatoris In VeritaeHossana meusFortuna duesProtego causaIn SanctusAeternus praetorFirmitas semperCoryphaeusRex Regis UniversPro Se Solis HosannaProtego, Sanctus, CausaPadre IlluminataGloria In ResurrectemPro Se Solis HosannaProtego, Sanctus, CausaPadre IlluminataGloria In Unum DiemTerra TenebraeTelluris Malus,Qui Sere PereCur Reatus.Genitor EdoIn Ex DominoPatris IlluminataRex Regis Universe.(Pro Se Solis HosannaProtego Sanctus CausaPadre IlluminataGloria In ResurrectemPro Se Solis HosannaProtego Sanctus CausaPadre IlluminataGloria In Unum Diem) x 2Lacrimosa, LacrimosaIn Ex Dominum
2023-01-12 10:01:292

where boys become crocodile men文章

When does a teenager become an adult? In any countries, it happens on your 18th birthday, but in some parts of the world, you have to do something special to enter the world of adults.On the island of Papua New Guinea, the Niowra tribe lives near the Sepik River, which is full of crocodiles. The people believe that crocodiles made the Earth and its people. When it is time for teenage boys to become men, a "crocodile ceremony" take place.The boys are taken to a hut called "The Crocodile Nest". The hut is full of. Crocodile teeth and skulls. The boys are told to think of their crocodile "fathers and mothers" to help them to be strong and brave. Then they are beaten several times a day for six weeks and bamboo is used to make cuts on their chests and their backs. The boys play the drums together during their time in the hut-this helps them to feel that they not alone. The Niowra believe that this ceremony makes the boys stronger and braver, so that they can survive in the dangerous forest. They also say that the boys don"t feel the pain if they believe in their crocodile"fathers andmothers".And the amazing thing is that some of the boys sleep through the most painful parts of the ceremony!When the ceremony is over,there is singing and dancing and the crocodile men are given adult responsibilities in the village.
2023-01-12 10:01:371


  空乘英文自我介绍 篇1   Hello my name is XXX.I am XX years old.I graduatedfrom XXX.I have a dream since I was a child.I dream that one day I can fly in the blue sky like the bird. Now I have the chance to make it come true. If i can take this job. I"ll try my best to do everything well.Because I love this job.   空乘英文自我介绍 篇2   I am a lively, cheerful and ambition girl. I am 170cm talland 54kg weight. I like to treat everything around us with a smile. A friendly smile can pass a good intention to people. To be a stewardess is that I have always dream of, I like the feeling of flying in the blue sky. When facing difficulties, I never backed down, I always smile to confrot them and have the courage to move forward.I love to be a flight attendant, this is a noble profession. Positive and optimistic attitude, tradition of hard work are all I have, I believe i can do it.   空乘英文自我介绍 篇3   My name is XXX . I am from . There are people in my family. My father works in a computer company. He is a computer engineer. My mother works in a international trade company. She is also a busy woman. I have a older sister and a younger brother. My sister is a junior in National Taiwan University. She majors in English. My brother is an elementary school student. He is 8 years old.   空乘英文自我介绍 篇4   Good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.I am very glad to be here for your interview.My name is sunhao,I am 18 years old .I come from wuhan ,a very beautiful aicent city. Generally speaking ,I am a hard working student especially do the thing I am interested in. I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is.   When I was sophomore, I found web design very interesting, so I learned it very hard . To weaver a homepage for myself, I stayed with my pesonel computer for half a month. And I am the first one in my class who own his homepage. forthermore,I am a person with great perserverence. During the days preparing for the first examination,I insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.And just owning to this,I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.Ok, that is all,thank you for your attention.   空乘英文自我介绍 篇5   Good morning/afternoon, my name is XXX,you can call me yanzi. I like the feeling flying in the sky like a swallow.It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview, I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today.   Now I will introduce myself briefly. I am 20 years old, born in shandong province.I grow up in a sweet family,composed of my dad,mom,brother and myself. I am an optimistic and confident girl. I have full confidence in a bright future,and I believe I can do well in caac.Punctuality and diligence are crucial to most future careers,I will try my best. Altough i just graduated from school, I have confidence to venture my funture.   Scoaring in the sky as an airhostess has been a dream for me since childhood, this is why i"m longing for a job on a plane, and this is why I"m standing here for this interview. I hope my application will be granted ,so that i will delive my best servies throughout the world as a airhostess member of caac and my dream can come ture.   That"s all. Nice talking to you .Thanks.   空乘英文自我介绍 篇6   Good morning, my name is XXX, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today, eventually eoll In this prestigious university in september.   Now I will introduce myself briefly,I am 21 years old,born in Henan province ,north of China,and I am curruently a senior student at beijing XX major is packaging engineering.and I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in the past 4 years,I spend most of my time on study,I have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and I have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, I have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, I have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these I have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but I have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still. I guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, I would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,I like my major packaging and I won"t give up,if I can pursue my master degree here I will combine.   空乘英文自我介绍 篇7   Good morning, my name is XXX , it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good   performance today, eventually eoll In this prestigious university in september. now I will introduce myself briefly,I am 21 years old,born in Henan province ,north of China,and I am curruently a senior student at beijing major is packaging engineering.and I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in the past 4 years,I spend most of my time on study,I have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and I have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, I have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, I have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these I have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but I have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still. I guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, I would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,I like my major packaging and I won"t give up,if I can pursue my master degree here I will combine   空乘英文自我介绍 篇8   Hello,my name is XXX .I am xx years old.I graduatedfrom xx.I have a dream sinceI was a child.I dream that one day I can fly in the blue sky like the bird. NowI have the chance to make it come true. If i can take this job. I"ll try my bestto do everything well.Because I love this job.   空乘英文自我介绍 篇9   My mane is XXX, I"m XX.years old.My weight .and height I have stuied english for about ...years.At school my favourite subject isenglish.i often talk with my classmate in my spare time i likeplaying bascketball and swimming.   My health is very good .I think I can be fitfor the job because I like this kind of work and l enjoy learning new things.iam ready to deal with people.i have much patience and i think i can dothe job last,I hope you can give me the chance.if you choose me,younever regret for ever.   空乘英文自我介绍 篇10   Good morning/afternoon, my name is Yang Haiyan , you can call me Yanzi.   It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview, I will answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today.   Now I"d like to introduce myself briefly. I am 20 years old, Born in Shandong province. I grow up in a sweet family, composed of my dad, mom, brother and myself. The reason I want to be an airhostess is I like the feeling flying in the sky like a swallow. I am an optimistic and confident girl. I have full confidence for creating a bright future, and I believe I can do well in . I believe punctuality and diligence are crucial for career; therefore I will try my best.   Although I just graduated from school, I have confidence to create my future. Soaring in the sky as an airhostess has been a dream for me since childhood. This is why I"m longing for a job on a plane, and this is why I"m standing here for this interview. I hope my application will be granted, so that I can devote my best service throughout the world as a airhostess member of .   That"s all. Thank you for listening.   空乘英文自我介绍 篇11   Good morning / good afternoon, my name is xx, you can call me xx. I like the swallow flying in the air.It really can have this opportunity to interview a great honor, I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today.   Now I will introduce myself briefly. I this year 20 years old, born in Jiangsu province. I grew up in a family of sweet, posed of my dad, mom, my brother and I. I am an optimistic and confident girl.   I have full confidence in a bright future, I believe I can do the best. Punctuality and diligence are the most important future career, I will try my best. Although I just graduated from school, I have confidence in my future.   Flying in the sky bee airline stewardess has been my dream since childhood. This is why I want to work in an airplane, why I am standing here, ing here for an interview.   I hope my application will be granted, so I will put the dream of my best service all over the world, the Civil Aviation Administration of China I can e true a member.   All this. Nice talking to you. Thank you.   空乘英文自我介绍 篇12   Good morning, everyone.   Thank you for taking your time. It"s really my honor to have this opportunity to take part in this interview. Now, I would like to introduce myself briefly.   My name is xx. I am 23 years old and born in Qingdao. I graduated from Hebei University of Science and Technology.   My major is English.And I got my bachelor degree after my graduation. I also studied Audit in xx Normal University of Science and Technology. I am very interested in English and study very hard on this subject. I had passed TEM-8 and BEC Vantage.   I worked in an American pany at the beginning of this year. My spoken English was improved a lot by municating with Americans frequently during that period.   I am very optimistic and easy to get along with. I have many friends. Teamwork spirit is very important in this age. I think if we want to make big achievement, it"s very important to learn how to cooperate with other people. My motto is "characters determine destity", so I alwarys remind myself to be honest and modest to everyone .   A verd says "attitude is everything". If I get this job, I will put all my heart in it and try my best to do it well.   空乘英文自我介绍 篇13   I am a contestant number xx , I"m from xx. Zhongyuan more talents since ancient times, in this the mahoganypanelled splendour of land, emerged such as LanKong pilot jianying li blessed. Now, in the xx one received a good education in three years, I may not like jianying li eagle fight the sky, but in order to chests are the eternal desire to fly the blue sky, in order not to disappoint me the height of 1 meter 68, don"t live up to what our belowed, behaved, extremely has the affinity face, I hope I can through their own efforts to bee a flight attendant, working between the blue sky white clouds, then clouds scud across the universe, overlooking the motherland good things.   Flight attendants, has always been a pure girl silly dream, beautiful, romantic, and white clouds, blue sky angel, is my understanding of it.   Maybe, I"m not as beautiful as an angel, but I"ll a heartfelt to passengers first, passenger is my angel. I will care about other people"s feelings, bow low, learn to listen, learn to municate, learn services, learn to smile, learn to enjoy the pleasure of flying to themselves and others.   Maybe, I"m still young, but I will try to, also hope to here from you get a chance to let the dream fly. I believe that when the dream is granted a pair of wings, flying is no longer a kind of desire, I want to fly to the distant place, across the sea mountains, white clouds blue sky world. I know what I want that kind of happiness in that higher sky, I want to fly, I want the sunlight, I want to fly higher.   空乘英文自我介绍 篇14   Good morning.   I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is xxx, 24. I e from xx,the capital of xxProvince. I graduated from the xx department of xxUniversity in July ,20xx.In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching xxin NO.xxmiddle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you .   I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngsters.I like reading books, especially those about xx.Frequently I exchange with other people by making ments in the forum on line.   空乘英文自我介绍 篇15   Good morning everyone, my name is xx.I am xx years old.I graduated from xx.   I have a dream since I was a child.I dream that one day I can fly in the blue sky like the bird.Now I have the chance to make it come true.If I can take this job.I"ll try my best to do everything well.Because I love this job.Thank you .   空乘英文自我介绍 篇16   Good morning, my name is xx, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a
2023-01-12 10:02:061


你自己挑选把..5个Blue Whale:The blue whale is the largest animal ever to inhabit the Earth. This gentle giant has grayish- blue skin with light spots. It has about 300 to 400 baleen plates instead of teeth which it uses to strain food from the ocean water. Bats:Bats are the only mammals capable of true flight. The bat"s wing anatomically resembles the human hand, with extremely elongated fingers and a wing membrane stretched between. Almost 1,000 bat species can be found worldwide. In fact, bats make up a quarter of all mammal species on Earth! Butterflies: Butterflies are brightly colored flying insects with two pairs of large wings that vary in color and pattern from species to species. The wings are covered with overlapping rows of tiny scales, a characteristic butterflies share with their fellow lepidopterans, the moths. Like other insects, butterflies have a hard exoskeleton, three pairs of jointed legs, antennae, compound eyes and three main body parts: head, thorax and abdomen. On the head are the eyes, antennae and proboscis -- the long, flexible "tongue" used to sip nectar and other liquids. The thorax is the point of attachment for the two pairs of wings – forewings and hindwings. The abdomen contains the reproductive and other vital organs. Black bear:Black bears have short, nonretractable claws that give them an excellent tree-climbing ability. Black bear"s fur is usually a uniform color except for a brown muzzle and white markings that sometimes appear on their chests. Eastern populations are usually a black color phase while western populations often show brown, cinnamon, and blond color phases. Black bears with white-bluish fur are known as Kermode (glacier) bears and these unique color phases are only found along northwestern Canada"s Pacific coast. Dolphins:Dolphins belong to the same zoological order as whales. They are part of the family of toothed whales that also includes killer and pilot whales. They are mammals and breathe through a blowhole on the top of their head.
2023-01-12 10:02:111


我们一起来开车(We ride) 把宝宝的双手举起来(The baby hands up) 这个大大圆圆的是轮子(The big round wheels) 抬腿(Leg lift) 伸胳膊(The extension arm) 扭一扭(Twist) 举高(Lift) 给宝宝做按摩(Baby massage) 请妈妈左手放在宝宝胸前右手托住宝宝的屁股(Please mum left hand on the chest right hand cradling baby baby)
2023-01-12 10:02:212


题库内容:翻:倒,反转。把箱子柜 子都 翻倒过来。 形容 彻底 翻检。 成语出处: 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第九十四回:“闹了大半天,毫无 影响 , 甚至 翻箱倒柜 ,实在没处去找。” 繁体写法: 飜箱倒匮 注音: ㄈㄢ ㄒㄧㄤ ㄉㄠˇ ㄍㄨㄟˋ 翻箱倒柜的近义词: 倾肠倒笼 翻箱倒箧 形容彻底地翻寻搜检。《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四回:“船上买办又仗着洋人势力,硬来翻箱倒箧的搜了一遍。 成语语法: 联合式;作谓语、定语、宾语;形容彻底翻检 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 联合式成语 产生年代: 古代成语 英语翻译: ransack boxes and chests <turn everything inside out> 俄语翻译: перерыть всё 日语翻译: たんすや戸棚(とだな)をかきまわして探(さが)す 读音注意: 倒,不能读作“dào”;柜,不能读作“jù”。 写法注意: 柜,不能写作“拒”。
2023-01-12 10:02:291


名称:Iron Chests更多箱子mod 来源: minecraftforum 版本: 1.8.9 我的世界1.8.9Iron Chests更多箱子mod是一个在生存模式中很实用的mod,如果觉得原版中箱子太小或者箱子种类太少,那就用用Iron Chests更多箱子mod吧。Iron Chests更多箱子mod增加了几种新的箱子,不同的箱子储存格数不同玩工业什么的经常材料一大堆装不下对嘛于是这个Mod就派上用场了箱子用法水晶箱子能显示箱内物品黑曜石箱子能防炸咳咳,泥土箱子…只能放泥土…注意:铜箱子需要带有铜矿的Mod,例如IC2银箱子需要带有银矿的Mod,例如TEIC2箱子容量表(配上图从左往右)箱子类型 箱子容量 特殊用途 铁箱子54无金箱子81无钻石箱子108无铜箱子63无银箱子72无水晶箱子108显示部分箱内物品 黑曜石箱子108防爆防炸泥土箱子1不明,是个彩蛋,只能放泥土(卵用都没有) MOD合成表以下是所有的箱子合成公式铜箱子铁箱子银箱子金箱子钻石箱水晶箱黑曜石箱泥土箱用了R3D材质包,原版和Mod物品方便区分
2023-01-12 10:02:341