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2023-05-19 23:37:11
TAG: 英文 雕像
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雕像英文statue读音:英[ˈstætʃuː],美[ˈstætʃuː]释义:n. 雕像,塑像vt. 以雕像装饰例句:A bronze statue stands in the center of this square.一座铜像矗立在这个广场的中心。复数:statues短语:Statue of Liberty 自由女神bronze statue 青铜像,铜像statue niche 雕像龛statue的近义词sculpture读音:英 ["skʌlptʃə(r)],美 ["skʌlptʃər]释义:n. 雕塑;雕刻v. 雕刻;雕塑;刻蚀;当雕刻师变形:过去式sculptured,过去分词sculptured,现在分词sculpturing,第三人称单数sculptures,复数sculptures短语:coloured sculpture 彩雕architectural sculpture 用于建筑物上的雕塑animal sculpture 动物雕塑sculpture gallery 雕塑馆
2023-01-12 08:53:311


问题一:雕像,雕塑用英语怎么说 Statue,美国自由女神雕像就是statue of liberty,这是雕像,内容是人 Sculpture,这是雕塑,乱七八糟形状的那些现代艺术品,就是它。 还有Relief,在艺术里面是浮雕的意思~ 问题二:塑像用英语怎么说 statue/`staetju:/ 是个可数的名词,表示雕像,塑像: the Statue of Liberty (纽约的)自由女神像 问题三:神像用英语怎么说 teraph是古希伯来家里供奉的小神像。 joss是中国的神像。 这种词肯定很多我也不都知道。 holy statue是通意,这个就是神像的意思但是不一定能准确形容是什么神像。 而且本身神像不也不知道你是说画像还是塑像。画像就是A picture of God. 这都是通意。 问题四:雕塑的英文是? sculpture 雕刻, 雕刻品, 雕塑, 雕塑品, [地理] 刻蚀 问题五:雕塑 英语翻译 雕塑 [diāo sù] carve and mouldsculpture 问题六:这座雕像刻画的便是XX 英文怎么说 在线等! This statue depicts xx 问题七:城市雕塑风格用英语怎么说 城市雕塑风格 英文翻译 Urban sculpture style 问题八:宜兴紫砂雕塑用英语怎么说 宜兴紫砂雕塑 Yixing purple sand sculpture 问题九:雕像,雕塑用英语怎么说 Statue,美国自由女神雕像就是statue of liberty,这是雕像,内容是人 Sculpture,这是雕塑,乱七八糟形状的那些现代艺术品,就是它。 还有Relief,在艺术里面是浮雕的意思~ 问题十:塑像用英语怎么说 statue/`staetju:/ 是个可数的名词,表示雕像,塑像: the Statue of Liberty (纽约的)自由女神像
2023-01-12 08:54:011


2023-01-12 08:54:076


雕像英文名:statue《释氏要览·勤懈·铸像》:“时 波斯 匿王 闻优填王用香雕像,乃用紫磨黄金铸佛形像。”叶君健《小仆人》:“太阳照在他那古铜色的皮肤上,使他看起来像一座雕像。”
2023-01-12 08:54:291


a sculpture; a representation
2023-01-12 08:54:389

英语memer"s portrait怎么翻译?

Memer"s portrait梅尔的肖像
2023-01-12 08:55:0813

英语The land sculpture怎么翻译?

2023-01-12 08:55:5011

我愿意化作雕像等你出现 用英文怎么翻译

I"m willing to turn into a statue just to await your appearance
2023-01-12 08:56:276


2023-01-12 08:56:481


雕刻 diao ke carve; to sculpture; to sculp; to engrave; to chase 2.carved sculptures; carving(s); engraving(s)
2023-01-12 08:56:596


在杭州西湖有一个旅行者的小雕像。翻译为英文:There is a little statue of a traveler in the West Lake of Hangzhou.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。
2023-01-12 08:57:241


Dinosaur sculptures
2023-01-12 08:57:291


2023-01-12 08:57:363


The Louvre has a Sambo : oil painting" Monalisa", the statue" goddess of victory", "Venus"
2023-01-12 08:57:593


Zeus the Greek god of gods,worship the table was the statue of Zeus built the world"s largest indoor statue of Zeus Temple of Zeus where is the birthplace of the Olympic Games,some Olympic events once held.Site is located west coast of Greece Olympia (Olympia) of the ancient city.Temple of Zeus was built in 470 BC,was completed in 456 BC,designed by the architect Libon,by the sculptor Pheidias responsible for the statue of Zeus.Temple is built of limestone surface covered with plaster,marble is used Dianding are built,the Temple Thirty treaty by the high total of 17 meters of the Corinthian (Corinthian) supporting pillars,the Temple area of 41.1 m by 107.75 m
2023-01-12 08:58:281


英文名称:Rodin"s The Thinker 思想者青铜,198×129.5×134厘米,法国雕塑家奥古斯特·罗丹创作于1880-1900年,藏于巴黎罗丹美术馆。   《思想者》的创作出自于《地狱之门》,那是为巴黎装饰艺术博物馆而做的大门。罗丹在设计《地狱之门》铜饰浮雕的总体构图时,花了很大的心血塑造了这一尊后来成为他个人艺术的里程碑的圆雕《思想者》,它是被预定放在未完成的《地狱之门》的门顶上的,原来被一些浅浮雕围绕着,这些浮雕是根据但丁的《神曲》而创作的。后来独立出来,放大3 倍。最初罗丹给这尊雕像命名为《诗人》,意在象征着但丁对于地狱中种种罪恶幽灵的思考。为了这个形象,罗丹倾注了巨大的艺术力量。   1988年,《思想者》第一次在哥本哈根展出,尺寸同《地狱之门》的相当(0.72m),名字叫做《诗人》。1889年,这尊以《思想者--诗人》为名的石膏像,在莫奈--罗丹巴黎连展中展出。从此以后,《思想者》成为唯一的名字,在世界各地无数的展览中出现。1904年,放大的《思想者》石膏像在伦敦第一次展出。同年铜雕像在巴黎的的全国美术展中展出,它被放在大宫殿中心穹顶下贵宾的位置。   雕像《思想者》,塑造了一个强有力的劳动男子。这个巨人弯着腰,屈着膝,右手托着下颌,默视下面发生的悲剧。他那深沉的目光以及拳头触及嘴唇的姿态,表现出一种极度痛苦的心情。他渴望沉入“绝对”的冥想,努力把那强壮的身体抽缩、弯压成一团。他的肌肉非常紧张,不但在全神贯注地思考,而且沉浸在苦恼之中。他注视着下面所演的悲剧,他同情、爱惜人类,因而不能对那些犯罪的人下最后的判决,所以他怀着极其矛盾的心情,在那深刻的沉思中,体现了伟大诗人但丁内心的苦闷。这种苦闷的内心情感,通过对面部表情和四肢肌肉起伏的艺术处理,生动地表现出来,例如那突出的前额和眉弓,使双目凹陷,隐没在暗影之中,曾强了苦闷沉思的表情,有如那紧紧收屈的小腿肌腱和痉挛般弯曲的脚趾,有力地传达了这种痛苦的情感。这种表面沉静而隐藏于内的力量更加令人深思。 关于罗丹为什么要用这尊粗壮结实的裸体形象来创造《思想者》,并准备把它安放在他的大件浮雕门饰《地狱之门》的顶上,不妨用罗丹自己的几句话来解释,他说:“一个人的形象和姿态必然显露出他心中的情感,形体表达内在精神。对于懂得这样看法的人,裸体是最具有丰富意义的。”雕刻家在这件作品中,一方面采用了现实主义的精确手法,同时表达了与诗人但丁相一致的人文主义思想,他们对人类的苦难遭遇寄予了极大的同情和悲痛。   《思想者》奠定了奥古斯特·罗丹在世界艺术史上的重要地位,《思想者》石膏原模的展出吸引了众多观众的目光。据说《思想者》曾被翻模浇注过近50件,遍布世界各地。此次参展的石膏原模不仅出自罗丹之手,甚至还保留着他的指纹。   另一代表作《青铜时代》、被喻为“新时代的大卫”的男性人体雕塑,是一个平凡青年男子的真实写照,它表现的是人类从蒙昧、野蛮中脱离出来而逐渐具有清醒意识的精神状态。在作品中运用人体来表达情感和揭示人性,是罗丹跨出了他艺术道路上关键性的一步。   罗丹被誉为西方传统雕塑集大成者,自罗丹开始,雕塑才成为西方艺术的重要一脉,罗丹也是西方艺术史上第一位拥有独立工作室和雕塑工厂,能够成批生产复制作品的艺术家。艺术家的价值,是让作品说话。雕塑家,首先是思想家。
2023-01-12 08:58:331

跪求好心人分享《雕像》 英文免安装版游戏免费百度云资源

链接:提取码:v9t9 游戏名称:《雕像》英文免安装版端:pc端类型:休闲益智语言:英文大小:4.67GB标签:解谜,剧情,锻炼反应
2023-01-12 08:58:391

“我站在马可波罗广场上的和平女神雕像前给你写明信片” 用英文怎么念

I stood Marco Polo square peace in the statue for you before writing postcards
2023-01-12 08:58:501


an image; an idol; an icon
2023-01-12 08:58:565

statue怎么读 statue英文解释

1、statue,雕像。读音:美/?st?t?u?/;英/?st?t?u?/。2、释义:n.雕像,塑像。vt.以雕像装饰。3、例句:A bronze statue stands in the center of this square.一座铜像矗立在这个广场的中心。
2023-01-12 09:00:061


雕塑 这里form是指造型的意思,就是statue或者sculpture
2023-01-12 09:00:121


the statue with five sheep"s formation
2023-01-12 09:00:182


狮头鱼尾像的英文是:merlion statue
2023-01-12 09:00:271

TERRY FOX雕像上的英文好像是Dreams are made possible if you try 请问下面是什么

2023-01-12 09:00:332


有4种表示“图片”英文picture:侧重指照片、画像、图像image:侧重指影像、映像、像、肖像、雕像、画像、镜像、塑像、图像otograph:侧重指侦察照片、空间摄影照片、图片print:侧重指印刷字体、版画、印刷物知识延展:双语例句:①May I take a picture of you?我可以给你照相吗?②You should picture to yourself the brilliant future ahead of us .你该想象一下我们光明灿烂的前途。③How can we improve our image?我们该怎样来改善自己的形象呢?④The print is too small for me to read without glasses.印刷字体太小,我不带眼镜就看不清。⑤The printmaking would lose direction if print artists have no skill interests in creation.版画家脱离技术趣味进行创作时,版画创作就没有了方向感。短语:in the picture 在图中;在画中the picture of 是…的化身;与…非常相像;十足…的样子picture something to oneself 设想(或想像)某事  take a picture 照相;落井钻具顶部打模take pictures 拍照;照相
2023-01-12 09:00:461


sphinx[sfiNks][Sphinx ][希神]斯芬克斯(有翼的狮身女怪, 传说她常叫过路行人猜谜, 猜不出者即遭杀害)
2023-01-12 09:01:102


2023-01-12 09:01:193


2023-01-12 09:01:356


The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was made by the Greek sculptor Phidias, circa 432 BC on the site where it was erected in the Temple of Zeus, Olympia, Greece. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.The seated statue, some 12 meters tall, occupied half of the width of the aisle of the temple built to house it. "It seems that if Zeus were to stand up," the geographer Strabo noted early in the 1st century BC, "he would unroof the temple." The Zeus was a chryselephantine sculpture, made of ivory and gold-plated bronze. No copy in marble or bronze has survived, though there are recognizable but approximate versions on coins of nearby Elis and on Roman coins and engraved gems. A very detailed description of the sculpture and its throne was recorded by the traveler Pausanias, in the 2nd century AD. The sculpture was wreathed with shoots of olive worked in gold and seated on a magnificent throne of cedarwood, inlaid with ivory, gold, ebony, and precious stones. In Zeus" right hand there was a small statue of crowned Nike, goddess of victory, also chryselephantine, and in his left hand, a sceptre inlaid with gold, on which an eagle perched. Plutarch, in his Life of the Roman general Aemilius Paulus, records that the victor over Macedon, when he beheld the statue, “was moved to his soul, as if he had seen the god in person,” while the 1st century AD Greek orator Dio Chrysostom declared that a single glimpse of the statue would make a man forget all his earthly troubles.奥林匹克宙斯神像是由希腊雕刻家菲迪亚斯,约公元前432的网站,它是竖立在宙斯神庙,希腊,希腊。这是一个古代的七个奇迹。坐一些雕像,高12米,占据了一半的通道宽度的庙宇建造的房子了。”看来,如果宙斯都站起来,”地理学家斯特拉波指出早在公元前第一世纪,“他会除去屋顶庙宇。”宙斯用黄金和象牙制成的雕塑,由象牙和镀金青铜。没有拷贝在大理石或青铜生存了下来,尽管有识别但近似版本的硬币上附近的伊利斯和罗马硬币和宝石雕刻。一个很详细的介绍了雕塑和其宝座记录旅行家保萨尼亚斯,在第二世纪的广告。这个雕塑是绕枝橄榄金线和坐在一个宏伟的宝座的雪松,嵌有象牙,乌木,黄金,宝石。在宙斯的右边有一个小雕像加冕耐克,胜利的女神,也是克里斯里凡亭,并在他的左手,权杖镶有黄金,而老鹰栖息。普鲁塔克的生活,他在罗马将军伊米尼乌斯保卢斯,记录在马其顿的胜利,当他看见雕像,“感动自己的灵魂,好像看到了上帝的人,“在公元第一世纪希腊演说家,屈梭多模宣布一窥雕像会使一个人忘记他的一切尘世的烦恼。
2023-01-12 09:01:571


The United States,the Statue of Liberty,cultural heritage,in 1984 the World Heritage List.Goddess of the steel frame design in Paris from the Eiffel Tower design,the statue by the French sculptor维雷勃designed and completed in Paris.French Government to commemorate the of the logo image,as a celebration of the 100th anniversary of independence of the United States presented to the United States a gift.Since been completed in 1886,it stands in the entrance of New York Harbor.翻译美国,自由女神像,文化遗产,在1984世界遗产名录。从埃菲尔铁塔在巴黎设计的钢框架设计的女神,由法国雕塑家维雷勃杜克设计并完成了在巴黎的雕像。法国政府为纪念自由标志的形象,一个礼物的国家作为庆祝美国独立第一百周年的美国提出的联合。既然已经完成1886,它耸立在纽约港的入口。
2023-01-12 09:02:031


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1、美国纽约自由女神像。 自由女神像(英文:Statue Of Liberty),全名为"自由女神铜像国家纪念碑",正式名称是"照耀世界的自由女神",位于美国纽约海港内自由岛的哈德逊河口附近。是法国于1876年为纪念美国独立战争期间的美法联盟赠送给美国的礼物,1886年10月28日铜像落成。 自由女神穿着古希腊风格服装,头戴光芒四射冠冕,七道尖芒象征七大洲。右手高举象征自由的火炬,左手捧着《独立宣言》;脚下是打碎的手铐、脚镣和锁链,象征着挣脱暴政的约束和自由。 自由女神像是美国的象征,美利坚民族和美法人民友谊象征,表达美国人民争取民主、自由的崇高理想。对成千上万个来美移民来说,自由女神是摆脱旧世界的贫困和压迫的保证,自由女神像成了美国的象征。 1984年,美国自由女神铜像国家纪念碑列入世界遗产名录,其内涵被广泛用于各种领域。2、巴西里约热内卢基督的救赎主。 这尊雕像被认为是世界上最大的装饰艺术雕像和第五世界上最大的耶稣的雕像。 它是30米(98英尺)高,不包括其8米(26英尺)基座,机械臂伸展28米(92英尺)宽。它位于700米(2300英尺)的峰值基督山山。 这座雕像已经成为一个图标,里约热内卢和巴西最著名的纪念碑。它建于1926年和1931年之间。3、埃及吉萨大斯芬克斯。 通常被称为斯芬克斯,这是一个石灰岩雕像的神话生物一头狮子的尸体和一个人头。 它站在尼罗河的西岸吉萨高原在吉萨金字塔,埃及。 它是世界上最大的巨石雕像,站73.5米(241英尺)长,19.3米(63英尺)宽20.22米(66.34英尺)高。 也是最古老的雕塑,通常被认为是由古埃及**约公元前2558 - 2532年建成的。4、摩埃,复活节岛。 复活节岛石像所处,属热带海洋性气候。火山岛,土壤肥沃。自1888年起归智利管辖,行政属智利瓦尔帕莱索省。产甘蔗、香蕉、玉米等,并产鱼、虾。经济主要是畜牧业和旅游业。岛上有巨大石像等文物古迹,被称作“神秘之岛”。 所有的石像都没有腿,全部是半身像,外形大同小异。石像的面部表情非常丰富,它的眼睛是专门用发亮的黑曜石或闪光的贝壳镶嵌上的,格外传神。个个额头狭长,鼻梁高挺,眼窝深凹,嘴巴噘翘,大耳垂肩,胳膊贴腹。所有石像都背向大海,表情冷漠,神态威严。远远望去,就像一队准备出征的武士,蔚为壮观。5、大卫雕像,意大利。 《大卫》雕像创作于16世纪初,像高2.5米,连基座高5.5米,用整块大理石雕刻而成,重量高达5.5吨。《大卫》,是文艺复兴雕塑巨匠米开朗基罗的代表作,被视为西方美术史上最优秀的男性人体雕像之一。6、奥尔梅克巨大的头,墨西哥。 “奥尔梅克巨石头像”是1936年被发现的,共十四个,是奥尔梅克文化中最闻名于世的艺术品。这些头像都是用整块玄武岩雕成,构思完善,具有强烈的写实性。其中最大的是一个青年的头面雕像,重达30吨,高305 厘米左右,形象十分生动。他鼻子扁平,嘴唇厚大,眼睛半睁,呈扁桃状,眼皮显得十分沉重;头戴一顶装饰有花纹的头盔,遮住了两耳。考古学家们认为,这是古代一种神圣的球赛的安全帽,在这种球赛中,失败的一方会被砍下头颅,这个头像可能与这种竞赛的祭祀有关。但还有人认为,头像可能是当时奥尔梅克领袖的雕像,或者就是一种向死者表示致敬的纪念物。7、祖国母亲在召唤,伏尔加格勒,俄罗斯。 是由雕塑家叶夫根尼·武切季奇(英语:Yevgeny Vuchetich)及结构工程家尼克莱·尼基金(英语:Nikolai Nikitin)所设计。于1967年完工,是当时最高的雕像,也是目前最高的非宗教或神话雕像。高85米,连底座重8000吨。整体为一右手持剑高举,左手水平伸展的祖国母亲(英语:The Motherland Calls)。8、思想者——奥古斯特·罗丹的青铜雕塑。 《思想者》的创作出自于《地狱之门》,那是为巴黎装饰艺术博馆而做的大门。罗丹在设计《地狱之门》铜饰浮雕的总体构图时,花了很大的心血塑造了这一尊后来成为他个人艺术的里程碑的圆雕《思想者》,它是被预定放在未完成的《地狱之门》的门顶上的,原来被一些浅浮雕围绕着,这些浮雕是根据但丁的《神曲》而创作的。后来独立出来,放大3 倍。最初罗丹给这尊雕像命名为《诗人》,意在象征着但丁对于地狱中种种罪恶幽灵的思考。为了这个形象,罗丹倾注了巨大的艺术力量。9、小美人鱼,丹麦。 小美人鱼铜像是一座世界闻名的铜像,她位于丹麦哥本哈根市中心东北部的长堤公园(Langelinie),已经是丹麦的象征。远望这个人身鱼尾的美人鱼,她坐在一块巨大的花岗石上,恬静娴雅,悠闲自得;走近这座铜像,您看到的却是一个神情忧郁、冥思苦想的少女。铜像高约1.5米,基石直径约1.8米,是丹麦雕刻家爱德华·艾瑞克森(Edvard Eriksen)根据安徒生童话《海的女儿》铸塑的。10、狮子的露台,提洛岛岛,希腊。 提洛岛的岛是最重要的一个神话,在希腊历史和考古遗址。 提洛岛有一个地位神圣的圣所前千禧年奥林匹斯山的希腊神话中阿波罗和阿尔忒弥斯的诞生地。 狮子的露台是致力于阿波罗纳克索斯岛人的公元前600年之前不久,原本9到12大理石守护狮子在神圣的过程中,但只有5狮子幸存下来,有3人的碎片。 原件是在1999年搬到提洛岛博物馆~
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掷铁饼者 作者:米隆高约152 厘米,原作为青铜,米隆作于约公元前450 年。罗马国立博物馆、梵蒂冈博物馆、特尔梅博物馆均有收藏。原作已佚,现为大理石复制品。雕像选取运动员投掷铁饼过程中的瞬间动作,这正是铁饼出手前一系列瞬间万变动作中的暂时恒定状态,运动员右手握铁饼摆到最高点,全身重心落在右脚上,左脚趾反贴地面,膝部弯曲成钝角,整个形体有产生一种紧张的爆发力和弹力的感觉。形体造型是紧张的,然而在整体结构处理上,以及头部的表情上,却给人以沉着平稳的印象,这正是古典主义风格所追求的。大卫人体 作者:米开朗基罗这尊雕像被认为是世界历史上最著名的雕塑,云石雕像,像高2.5米,连基座高5.5米,米开朗基罗创作于公元1501-1504年,现收藏于佛罗伦萨美术学院。这尊雕像被认为是西方美术史上最值得夸耀的男性人体雕像之一。不仅如此,《大卫》是文艺复兴人文主义思想的具体体现,它对人体的赞美,表面上看是对古希腊艺术的“复兴”,实质上表示着人们已从黑暗的中世纪桎梏中解脱出来,充分认识到了人在改造世界中的巨大力量。米开朗基罗在雕刻过程中注入了巨大的热情,塑造出来的不仅仅是一尊雕像,而是思想解放运动在艺术上得到表达的象征。作为一个时代雕塑艺术作品的最高境界,《大卫》将永远在艺术史中放射着不尽的光辉。断臂的维纳斯 作者:亚力山德罗斯《米洛斯的阿芙洛蒂忒》俗称《米洛斯的维纳斯》、《断臂的维纳斯》、《维纳斯像》等,大理石雕像,高204厘米, 亚力山德罗斯创作于约公元前150年左右,现收藏于法国巴黎卢浮宫。从雕像被发现的第一天起,就被公认为是迄今为止希腊女性雕像中最美的一尊。这尊雕像还是卢浮宫的三大镇馆之宝之一(另外两个为希腊化时期作者不详的《胜利女神像》和文艺复兴时期达·芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎》,参见《胜利女神像》《蒙娜丽莎》词条)。雅典娜神像 作者:菲狄亚斯雅典娜为雅典城的守护神,也是代表智慧的女神。原作为巴底农神庙大殿的主像,全身高达13米,用银白色大理石雕成,局部镶嵌着象牙与黄金,可惜已在拜占庭帝国时代被毁坏。这里介绍的是大理石小型摹制品。在这件女神雕像中,她头戴战盔,身着希腊式连衣长裙,护胸和甲胄上装饰有蛇形饰边和人头像;她裸露双臂,透过薄衣裙可隐见丰艳健美而有力量的身体;衣裙褶纹和饰物造成横竖线条的疏密变化美;她的手势动作可能是执长矛和托物,整个形象富有女性的温柔和充满生命,更多的是人性,绝少神性,这表明希腊化时期艺术已走向世俗化。神话传说:雅典娜(古希腊语:Ἀθήνη/Ἀθηνᾶ,英语:Athena),传说是宙斯与智慧女神墨提斯(“Μῆτις”意为智慧思想)所生。因该亚(译名来自《神话词典》,请勿改动)和乌拉诺斯有预言说墨提斯所生的儿子会推翻宙斯,宙斯惧怕预言成真,遂将墨提斯整个吞入腹中,此后宙斯得了严重的头痛症。神人之父宙斯只好要求火神赫淮斯托斯打开他的头颅(一说为普罗米修斯),火神那样做了。令奥林波斯山诸神惊讶的是:一位体态婀娜、披坚执锐的美丽的女神从裂开的头颅中跳了出来,光彩照人,仪态万方。据说她有宙斯一般的力量,她是最聪明的女神,是智慧和力量的完美结合。在这一神话中是从父系制的观点来描写雅典娜出世的。雅典娜仿佛是宙斯的延续,是宙斯意志的执行者。她是行动中的宙斯思想。墨提斯的母亲身分逐渐模糊,似乎雅典娜是由宙斯一人所生。宙斯从雅典娜身上得到智慧,也像过去从墨提斯身上得到一样。雅典娜不仅是奥林波斯神话中最主要的神,她的重要性不亚于宙斯。猫头鹰和蛇是雅典娜的象征。夫妇像闪绿色粘板岩雕刻,高约142 厘米,约创作于公元前2600年,现收藏于美国波士顿博物馆。这是埃及古王国第四王朝时期的一尊双人立像,也是当时帝王立像中最典型的代表。雕像刻划的是埃及古王国第四王朝第五个法老门考拉和他的王妃 。复活节岛巨石像石雕,高4-5米,最高的高9.8米,约公元600-1680年。复活节岛是南太平洋上一个孤立的小岛,因考古学家是在1722年的复活节发现它的,故而得名。这些雕像都是用整块石头雕刻而成,一般高4-5米,重约20吨,最高的达9.8米,重达90 吨。罗马母狼铜雕青铜,高85厘米,约创作于公元前500年,现收藏于意大利罗马市政博物馆。雕像取材于罗马建城的传说:著名的特洛伊战争结束后,特洛伊王子逃到意大利半岛,建立了阿尔巴城,世代相传。后来,一个名叫努米托耳的国王被其弟阿木留斯推翻,儿子被杀,但他的女儿为战神所爱,生下一对双胞胎罗穆路和瑞穆斯,却被阿木留斯放入篮子中丢人台伯河。这对兄弟后来被一只母狼发现并收留抚养,不久,被牧人发现收养;他们长大以后,杀死仇人,救出外祖父,创建了新的城市。后来罗穆路杀死了瑞穆斯,并以自己的名字命名这座城市为罗马。这尊雕像所刻划的就是曾经哺育了罗马创始人的母狼的形象。这尊雕像是埃特鲁斯坎人的艺术杰作,对罗马人来说,它还具有纪念碑意义,人们把它作为民族发源的始祖而给以顶礼膜拜。雕像《母狼》已成为了罗马市的象征。狮身人面像石雕,也称为《斯芬克司像》。 高约20米,长57米,约创作于公元前2500年,现位于埃及吉萨。在古代埃及,狮子是战神的化身,也是力量的象征,法老把自己的形象与它的形象混合起来,是为了夸耀神秘的威力,使自己成为万民崇拜的偶像。埃及古王国时期最主要的艺术成就体现在巨大、宏伟的皇陵建筑上,其中最典型的就是这座雕像,它是由整块的天然岩石雕刻而成,高达20多米,面部约有5 米长,仅头上的一只耳朵也有2 米左右。雕像的头部被刻成古埃及第四王朝法老哈夫拉的头像,身子则是呈坐姿的狮子形象。法老头戴菱形王冠,前额上雕刻着神秘的圣蛇,脑后雕刻着象征神权的鹰。他的下颌原来还有一部庄严的胡须,但后来由于炮击而跌落,现收藏于英国大不列颠博物馆。汉谟拉比碑刻石雕,约公元前1792年-1750年,高约71厘米,石碑全长213厘米,现收藏于巴黎卢浮宫。“汉谟拉比法典”是世界上所发现的最早的成文的法律条文,是人们研究古代巴比伦经济制度与社会法治制度的极其重要的文物;同时,它还是古代巴比伦艺术的代表,尤其因为古巴比伦王国流传下来的艺术品十分罕见,所以这个石碑就更加显得格外珍贵。石碑的雕刻比较精细,表面高度磨光。石碑上刻满了楔形文字,全文280条,对刑事、民事、贸易、婚姻、继承、审判制度等都作了详细的规定。法典的上部是巴比伦人的太阳神沙玛什向汉谟拉比国王授予法典的浮雕。太阳神形体高大,胡须编成整齐的须辫,头戴螺旋型宝冠,右肩袒露,身披长袍,正襟危坐,正在授予汉谟拉比象征权利的魔标和魔环;汉谟拉比头戴传统的王冠,神情肃穆,举手宣誓。太阳神的宝座很象古巴比伦的塔寺,表示上面所坐的是最高的神。思想者 作者:罗丹原为《地狱之门》组塑的一部分,后翻铸成铜像。《地狱之门》取材于但丁的《神曲》,思想者是罗丹用以象征但丁的形象。一个强有力的巨人弯腰屈膝的坐着,右手托腮,嘴咬着自己的手,他默默凝视着下面被洪水吞噬的苦难深重的人们。他爱人类,难以对那些罪人作出最后判决,他深怀同情,陷入极大痛苦和永恒的沉思之中。这些都是从百度里搜出来的,你可以自己搜,也许有其他的回答
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2023-01-12 09:03:521


这首歌当时我也找了好久,后来不经意找到的,in the end
2023-01-12 09:04:033


Statue of Liberty Liberty Enlightening the World (La liberté éclairant le monde), known more commonly as the Statue of Liberty, is a statue given to the United States by France in 1885, standing at Liberty Island in the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor as a welcome to all visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans. The copper statue, dedicated on October 28, 1886, commemorates the centennial of the United States and is a gesture of friendship between the two nations. The sculptor was Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, the designer of the Eiffel Tower, engineered the internal structure. Eugène Viollet-le-Duc was responsible for the choice of copper in the statue"s construction and adoption of the Repoussé technique. The statue depicts a woman, standing upright, dressed in a flowing robe and a spiked crown, holding a stone tablet close to her body in her left hand and a flaming torch high in her right hand. The statue is made of verdigris copper with the exception of the flame of the torch, which is coated in gold leaf. It stands atop a rectangular stonework pedestal, itself on an irregular eleven-pointed star foundation. The statue is 151 feet, 1 inch tall, with the foundation adding another 154 feet. The tablet contains the text "July IV MDCCLXXVI", commemorating the date of the United States Declaration of Independence. The interior of the pedestal contains a bronze plaque inscribed with the poem The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus. The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable icons of the U.S. worldwide,[1] and, in a more general sense, represents liberty and escape from oppression. The Statue of Liberty was, from 1886 until the Jet age, often the first glimpse of the United States for millions of immigrants after ocean voyages from Europe. In terms of visual impact, the Statue of Liberty appears to draw inspiration from il Sancarlone or the Colossus of Rhodes. History Discussions in France over a suitable gift to the United States to mark the Centennial of the American Declaration of Independence were headed by the politician and sympathetic writer of the history of the United States, Édouard René Lefèvre de Laboulaye. French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was commissioned to design a sculpture with the year 1876 in mind for completion. The idea for the commemorative gift then grew out of the political turmoil which was shaking France at the time. The French Third Republic was still considered as a "temporary" arrangement by many, who wished a return to Monarchism, or to some form of constitutional authoritarianism which they had known under Napoleon. The idea of giving a colossal representation of republican virtues to a "sister" republic across the sea served as a focus for the republican cause against other politicians. Various sources cite different models for the face of the statue. One indicated the then-recently widowed Isabella Eugenie Boyer, the wife of Isaac Singer, the sewing-machine industrialist. "She was rid of the uncouth presence of her husband, who had left her with only his most socially desirable attributes: his fortune and... his children. She was, from the beginning of her career in Paris, a well-known figure. As the good-looking French widow of an American industrialist she was called upon to be Bartholdi"s model for the Statue of Liberty." [2] Another source believed that the "stern face" belonged to Bartholdi"s mother, Charlotte Bartholdi (1801-1891), with whom he was very close. [3] National Geographic magazine also pointed to his mother, noting that Bartholdi never denied nor explained the resemblance. [4] The first model, on a small scale, was built in 1870. This first statue is now in the Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris. While in a visit to Egypt that was to shift his artistic perspective from simply grand to colossal, Bartholdi was inspired by the project of Suez Canal which was being undertaken by Count Ferdinand de Lesseps who later became a life-long friend to him. He envisioned a giant lighthouse standing at the entrance to Suez Canal and drew plans for it. It would be patterned after the Roman goddess Libertas, modified to resemble a robed Egyptian peasant, a fallaha, with light beaming out from both a headband and a torch thrust dramatically upward into the skies. Bartholdi presented his plans to the Egyptian Khediev, Isma"il Pasha, in 1867 and, with revisions, again in 1869, but the project was never commissioned.[5], [6] It was agreed upon that in a joint effort the American people were to build the base, and the French people were responsible for the Statue and its assembly in the United States. However, lack of funds was a problem on both sides of the Atlantic. In France, public fees, various forms of entertainment, and a lottery were among the methods used to raise the 2,250,000 francs. In the United States, benefit theatrical events, art exhibitions, auctions and prize fights assisted in providing needed funds. Meanwhile in France, Bartholdi required the assistance of an engineer to address structural issues associated with designing such a colossal copper sculpture. Gustave Eiffel (designer of the Eiffel Tower) was commissioned to design the massive iron pylon and secondary skeletal framework which allows the Statue"s copper skin to move independently yet stand upright. Eiffel delegated the detailed work to his trusted structural engineer, Maurice Koechlin. On June 30, 1878, at the Paris Exposition, the completed head of the statue was showcased in the garden of the Trocadéro palace, while other pieces were on display in the Champs de Mars. Back in America, the site, authorized in New York Harbor by Act of Congress, 1877, was selected by General William Tecumseh Sherman, who settled on Bartholdi"s own choice, then known as Bedloe"s Island, where there was already an early 19th century star-shaped fortification. Bartholdi"s design patentOn February 18, 1879, Bartholdi was granted a design patent, U.S. Patent D11023, on "a statue representing Liberty enlightening the world, the same consisting, essentially, of the draped female figure, with one arm upraised, bearing a torch, and while the other holds an inscribed tablet, and having upon the head a diadem, substantially as set forth." The patent described the head as having "classical, yet severe and calm, features," noted that the body is "thrown slightly over to the left so as to gravitate upon the left leg, the whole figure thus being in equilibrium," and covered representations in "any manner known to the glyptic art in the form of a statue or statuette, or in alto-relievo or bass-relief, in metal, stone, terra-cotta, plaster-of-paris, or other plastic composition."[7] Fundraising for the pedestal, led by William M. Evarts, was going slowly, so Joseph Pulitzer (who established the Pulitzer Prize) opened up the editorial pages of his newspaper, The World, to support the fund raising effort. Pulitzer used his newspaper to criticize both the rich, who had failed to finance the pedestal construction, and the middle class who were content to rely upon the wealthy to provide the funds[citation needed]. Pulitzer"s campaign of harsh criticism was successful in motivating the people of America to donate. (It also promoted his newspaper, which purportedly added ~50,000 subscribers in the course of the statue campaign effort.) Financing for the pedestal, designed by American architect Richard Morris Hunt, was completed in August 1884. The cornerstone was laid on August 5, and pedestal construction was finished on April 22, 1886. When the last stone of the pedestal was swung into place the masons reached into their pockets and showered into the mortar a collection of silver coins. Built into the pedestal"s massive masonry are two sets of four iron girders, connected by iron tie beams that are carried up to become part of Eiffel"s framework for the statue itself. Thus Liberty is integral with her pedestal. The Statue was completed in France in July, 1884 and arrived in New York Harbor on June 17, 1885 on board the French frigate Isere. To prepare for transit, the Statue was reduced to 350 individual pieces and packed in 214 crates. (The right arm and the torch, which were completed earlier, had been exhibited at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1876, and thereafter at Madison Square in New York City.) The Statue was re-assembled on her new pedestal in four months" time. On October 28, 1886, the Statue of Liberty was dedicated by President Grover Cleveland in front of thousands of spectators. (Ironically, it was Cleveland who, as Governor of the State of New York, had earlier vetoed a bill by the New York legislature to contribute $50,000 to the building of the pedestal.) [8] In any event, she was a centennial gift ten years belated. The Statue of Liberty was a real lighthouse from 1886 to 1902 ([2] [3]). At that time the US Lighthouse board was responsible for its operation. In fact there was a lighthouse keeper and the electric light could be seen for 24 miles (39 km) at sea. There was an electric plant on the island to generate power for the light. In 1916, the Black Tom Explosion caused $100,000 worth of damage to the statue, embedding shrapnel and eventually leading to the closing of the torch to visitors. The same year, Gutzon Borglum, sculptor of Mount Rushmore, modified the original copper torch by cutting away most of the copper in the flame, retrofitting glass panes and installing an internal light[citation needed]. After these modifications, the torch severely leaked rainwater and snowmelt, accelerating corrosion inside the statue. President Franklin D. Roosevelt rededicated the Statue of Liberty on its 50th anniversary (October 28, 1936). As with all historic areas administered by the National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument, along with Ellis Island and Liberty Island, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on October 15, 1966[citation needed]. In 1984, the Statue of Liberty was added to the World Heritage List. [9] [edit] Origin of the copper Historical records make no mention of the source of the copper used in the Statue of Liberty. In the village of Visnes in the municipality of Karmøy, Norway, tradition holds that the copper came from the French-owned Visnes Mine.[10][11] Ore from this mine, refined in France and Belgium, was a significant source of European copper in the late nineteenth century. In 1985, Bell Laboratories used emission spectrography to compare samples of copper from the Visnes Mines and from the Statue of Liberty, found the spectrum of impurities to be very similar, and concluded that the evidence argued strongly for a Norwegian origin of the copper. [edit] Liberty Centennial This section does not cite its references or sources. You can help Wikipedia by introducing appropriate citations. The Statue of Liberty was one of the earliest beneficiaries of a cause marketing campaign. A 1983 promotion advertised that for each purchase made with an American Express card, American Express would contribute one penny to the renovation of the statue. The campaign generated contributions of $1.7 million to the Statute of Liberty restoration project. In 1984, the statue was closed so that a $62 million renovation could be performed for the statue"s centennial. Chrysler chairman Lee Iacocca was appointed by President Reagan to head the commission overseeing the task (but was later dismissed "to avoid any question of conflict" of interest).[12] Workers erected scaffolding around the statue, obscuring it from public view until the rededication on July 4, 1986. Inside work began with workers using liquid nitrogen to remove seven layers of paint applied to the interior of the copper skin over the decades. That left two layers of tar originally applied to plug leaks and prevent corrosion. Blasting with baking soda removed the tar without further damaging the copper. Larger holes in the copper skin had edges smoothed then mated with new copper patches.[citation needed] Each of the 1,350 shaped iron ribs backing the skin had to be removed and replaced. The iron had experienced galvanic corrosion wherever it contacted the copper skin, losing up to 50% of its thickness. Bartholdi had anticipated the problem and used an asbestos/pitch combination to separate the metals, but the insulation had worn away decades before. New bars of stainless steel bent into matching shapes replaced the iron bars, with Teflon film separating them from the skin for further insulation and friction reduction. Liquid nitrogen was again introduced to parts of the copper skin in a cryogenics process which was treated by a (now defunct) Michigan company called CryoTech[citation needed] to ensure certain individual parts of the statue were strengthened and would last longer after installation. The internal structure of the upraised right arm was reworked. The statue was erected with the arm offset 18" (0.46 m) to the right and forward of Eiffel"s central frame, while the head was offset 24" (0.61 m) to the left, which compromised the framework. Theory held that Bartholdi made the modification without Eiffel"s involvement after seeing the arm and head were too close. Engineers considered reinforcements made in 1932 insufficient and added diagonal bracing in 1984 and 1986 to make the arm structurally sound. [edit] New Torch Original torch, replaced in 1986.A new torch replaced the original, which was deemed beyond repair because of the extensive 1916 modifications. The 1886 torch is now located in the monument"s lobby museum. The new torch has gold plating applied t
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2023-01-12 09:04:312

Statues of Easter Island这个英文应该是什么地方或者名胜?能介绍一下吗?

  复活节岛的巨石雕像  1722年的夏天,荷兰航海家洛杰文和他的同伴们在太平洋南部航行时,意外地发现了一座无名岛屿,由于发现的这天正好是复活节,洛杰文就把这个小岛命名为复活节岛。  然而,当洛杰文踏上这个小岛时却看到了不可思议的景象,原来岛上的居民正在举行宗教仪式,他们朝拜的是一些高达数米,用石头雕刻而成的巨型人像,这些人像神秘狰狞,让人望而生畏。  洛杰文随后在岛上陆续发现了几百尊巨石雕像,这么多巨大的石像让洛杰文感到震惊,但是洛杰文在他的航海日记中只对这些巨型石像做了简短的记录,就匆匆地离开了复活节岛。  50年后,英国著名的探险家库克船长也来到了复活节岛,并第一次对这里的石头雕像进行了测量。  复活节岛共有800多尊被当地人称为“默艾”的石头巨像,“默艾”平均高度约有4米,重量大约在十几吨以上,最大的一座高21.6米,重100多吨,石头雕像大部分都是根据同一个样式雕刻,有的石像头上还戴有岩石做的红帽子。所有的石像都是长脸、长耳,身体直到胯部,而石像的眼睛是用珊瑚和深色石头做成的。  巨大的石像让库克船长产生了浓厚兴趣,他在日记中写到,每尊石像都面对大海,令人不可思议,而且岛民们对这些雕像也知之甚少。  库克船长还发现岛上,除了这些雕像之外还有三个巨大的火山口。  250万年前,太平洋东南部的海底熔岩不断喷发,几个世纪后,持续喷发的岩浆形成了今天的复活节岛。  复活节岛位于东太平洋南部,面积只有163平方公里,往东越过3600多公里的海面,才能见到智利海岸,它也是从南美洲到澳洲的必经之路。  经过考证认为,复活节岛上的石头巨像始建于公元7世纪,公元15世纪左右停止了建造。  那么究竟是谁建造了巨石像呢?  1774年,英国探险家库克船长在航海日记中推测,岛上曾经生活过一个巨人族,是那些巨人建起了石头巨像。  有些人则认为这些雕像并不是岛上的人雕刻的,而是出自于外星人之手,他们的理由是,所有的雕像的目光都仰望着天空,似乎在等待着某种飞行物的降临。  但考古人员并没有在岛上找到巨人族和外星人建造石头雕像的任何痕迹。  那么,会不会是岛上居民建造了巨石雕像呢?  研究人员首先要考证的是谁是复活节岛上最早的主人?语言学家发现复活节岛上的居民大部分讲的是拉帕努伊语,而这种语言是波利尼西亚人的方言,语言学家推测,这种方言诞生于大约公元400年,根据放射性同位素的测定,岛上大约在公元400年左右,开始有人类活动。  1994年,生物学家从几具拉帕努伊人的遗骸中提取DNA确定他们的确是波利尼西亚人。现在的考古学界普遍认为,拉帕努伊人是波利尼西亚人的后代,大约在公元400年左右,成为复活节岛上最早的主人,而复活节岛上的石头雕像始建于公元400年,因此考古学家认为复活节上的巨石雕像出自于拉帕努伊人之手。  那么拉帕努伊人到达复活节岛后为什么要建造这些石像呢?复活节岛上至今有这样一个传说,而传说中的主要人物,是这些戴着岩石帽子的酋长。  公元19世纪,欧洲的一些艺术家来到了复活节岛,他们看到岛上的居民在巨石雕像前,进行着一种无法用语言描述的祭祀活动。考古专家们认为,最早的石头雕像确实是用来进行祭祀活动的,但是到了12世纪,复活节岛的石像建造进入了鼎盛时期,石头雕像这时也被赋予了一种新的含义。  专家们推测,复活节岛上大部分石像是在公元12至15世纪建造完成的。那么这些石头雕像的原料来自于哪里?他又是用什么样的工具雕刻而成的呢?  1951年,考古学家在复活节岛上拉考克火山附近发现了一个采石场,采石场里至今仍有300多尊未完工的雕像放置在那里,它们大部分是用凝灰岩雕刻而成,在采石场考古人员找到了许多用钝了的石斧,石斧是用玄武岩制作,玄武岩是一种比凝灰岩更坚硬的石料,而岛上也没有发现其他的工具,专家们推测石像解决用这些石斧雕刻而成的。  20世纪50年代,挪威著名的考古学家海尔达尔曾雇佣了6个当地人用石斧雕刻一座石像,六个人觉得雕刻工作太过辛苦,只干了三天就辞职了,但是根据其进程估计,这六个人用12至15个月的时间,就可以完成一座雕像。海尔达尔认为即使是最大的石像,只要增加相应的人数,雕刻时间不会超过一年。  石头巨像分布在复活节岛上不同的地区,有的石像距离采石场达10公里,当时的人们运用什么方法运送这些石像呢?  20世纪中期,考古学家们不断进行各种实验,用原始的办法搬运和竖立石像的复制品,在所有的实验中最令人关注的是美国考古学家范第尔堡的模拟搬运,范第尔堡推断,岛上的建设者们,首先把石像放在木锹上,底下垫上一排木头当轮子,然后在沿途的路上洒上水以减少摩擦。接着范第尔堡用计算机模拟了这个搬运的过程,他最后断定以木头、绳子为工具,只要用70个人,五天就可以将一座约10吨重的石像搬运到目的地。  1998年4月,人们在复活节岛上模拟了整个过程。但是,搬运石像的木头和绳子都是用飞机从岛外动来的,因为复活节岛是一个荒凉的岛屿。  1772年复活节岛的发现着洛杰文,在对岛上的环境进行考察后,在他的日记中写到,岛上只有枯萎的野草和一些烧焦的植物。  如今的复活节岛是一个草原,岛上没有任何高于3米的树木,植物学家在岛上发现了只有47种草本植物,其他的都为灌木丛,这些树木和植物显然不适合做运输石像的工具。搬运石像需要结实的绳子,但岛上没有发现能制作绳子的植物物种。  考古学者在对岛上的石像以及采石场的规模进行考证后认为,如果以当时的生产力水平,要完成800多尊石像,所需的人数至少在5000人以上。然而,洛杰文在第一次登上复活节岛时,岛上的居民只有几百人,几乎没有耕地,粮食也很少,根本没有能力养活5000多人。  即使在今天复活节岛的人口也只有1800多人,但是岛上的食品来源仍需要岛外定期补给。  但让考古学家感到困惑的是,岛上找不到能竖立石头雕像的工具,在没有运输工具和充足人力的情况下,当时的拉帕努伊人是用什么方法来运输这些巨大的雕像呢?  植物学家通过岛上火山口里的沉淀物,推测出了古代复活节岛上的植被情况,池塘或沼泽地中的沉淀物是按时间远近沉积的,每一层沉淀物用放射性同位素法可以测定出大概的年代。用显微镜分析沉淀物理并能计算出这些数的数量,所包含的花粉,可以鉴定出树的种类,并能计算出树的数量。  测验结果表明,复活节岛在公元400年的时候并不是一块荒地,而是一片茂密的亚热带森林。  拉帕努伊人就是用这种大棕榈树的树杆和刺麻薯制作的绳子,竖起了复活节岛上一尊又一尊用于祭祀的巨石雕像。  按照考古学家的推断了,如果要完成岛上800多尊巨石雕像所需的人数在数千人以上。那么拉帕努伊人如何解决这些人的食物问题呢?  大棕榈树的果实可以食用,树浆可以生产糖浆和酿酒,是波利尼西亚人最重要的食物来源。  最早登上复活节岛的拉帕努伊人,就已经开始利用这种大棕榈树,大棕榈树叶子较为粗糙,防雨性较好,是用来做屋顶的最好材料。  随着岛上的人口不断地增加,后来的移民们将白薯和土豆引种到了复活节岛。白薯本是南美洲的产物,这种作物需要精心地种植,但容易长时间保存。  1774年,当英国探险家库克船长抵达复活节岛时,发现大量的石头雕像倒在了地上,采石场周围也有许多石像的半成品,雕凿石像的工具被丢弃在道路的两旁。库克船长推测整个场景犹如突然发生了灾难,致使正在雕凿的人们停下了手中的工作。  那么,复活节岛究竟发生了什么呢?  众多的专家学者纷纷做出了自己的推断,有的地质学家认为,岛上发生了地震、海啸或者是火山喷发。经过详细的考察,专家们认为复活节岛虽然是由活火山喷发而成的,但漫长的岁月已使它变成了死火山,而岛上几百年间,频繁的地震和海啸,并不能使岛上的居民产生恐惧心理。  答案最终还是由植物的沉淀物破解的,研究者通过对古代植物遗存的花粉发现,早在公元500年,复活节岛上森林毁灭已经开始,其主要原因是人口过渡膨胀,资源被无节制地开发和利用。  在公元12世纪至15世纪期间,复活节岛上巨石的建造虽然进入了鼎盛时期,但是,这时的人口也达到了8千到2万人。进入公元15世纪后,人们砍伐大量的棕榈树制作船只,运输石头雕像,在这个岛上很快大棕榈树灭绝了。  随着森林的消失,人们已找不到大型的木头建造船只,也无法出海捕捉海豚,拉帕努伊人开始在浅海捕鱼,不久浅海的生态也遭到了破坏,拉帕努伊人也由渔民变成了农民。  森林的破坏必然造成了水土流失,土地也变得越来越贫济,人们普遍处于饥饿中,食物也很难找到,他们开始吃老鼠,植物和其他的果实。  考古学家还发现在公元1500年左右,作为拉帕努伊人主要食物的海豚也在古代的生活废弃物中逐渐消失了,没有大型的船只出海,复活节岛逐渐成为了一个真正的孤岛。  他们开始崇拜飞翔在空中的大鸟,这时能够看出他们的绝望,岛上的悬崖下面有许多鸟头人身的浮雕。  岛上的树木虽然不能建造大型船只,但雕刻手工艺品仍绰绰有余,他们用一种叫梅勒的树来雕刻鸟人的形象,或许他们希望能有一天能像鸟人一样飞离这个日渐荒凉的小岛。  但考古专家认为,拉帕努伊人崇拜“鸟人”最大的主要的原因是为了寻找食物。  食物的极度缺乏,使人们最终放弃了雕刻巨大的石像。  公元17世纪,争夺食物来源成了岛上居民的最主要的生活方式,越来越多的战争充满了复活节岛的各个角度,整个岛上的部落处于战乱之中。到了公元18世纪,战争达到了顶峰,那时候制作的石矛、石刀等武器现在还遗弃在地面上。  库克船长看到了许多石头雕像被推倒在地上,正是战争过后留下的景象。  食品短缺导致的贫穷和战争使他们不再愿意雕刻和搬运石像,或许他们已经忘记这些石像是用来做什么的,十几年后当西方传教士来到复活节岛的时,石头雕像已经全部被推倒。  今天,旅游业成为复活节岛上惟一的收入来源,推倒的石像已经被智利政府重新竖立起来,但是仍有一些倒下的雕像没有被竖起来。或许,是为了让人们记住复活节岛上那段战争的历史。  连续不断的战争并没有使拉帕努伊人遭受太大的损失,真正带来更大厄运的是西方人的到来,1862年,西方殖民者开始到岛上抓拉帕努伊人当奴隶,其中包括酋长和那些祭司们。  经过100多年的战争,复活节岛的居民已记不清巨石雕像是如何建造的,拉帕努伊人过去辉煌的巨石雕像终于被人遗忘。  虽然,现在的考古学家们已经证明巨石雕像可以用人力来完成,然而,复活节岛不远处的三座小岛上的巨石雕像让考古学家产生了疑惑。  这三座小岛的周围悬崖林立,要想在这里登陆十分困难。岛上的居民说,那里曾经分别竖立着3座巨大的石头雕像,但现在雕像已被人推到了海里,只剩下了地基。  考古学家惊讶地发现,要把一座几十吨重的巨石雕像运送到山顶,即使用直升机  这样现代化的运输工具也很难调运上  那么岛上的居民又是如何完成这项艰巨的工程呢?难道仅仅是用的木头和绳子吗?这对考古工作者来说,仍旧是一个未解之谜。
2023-01-12 09:04:401


可以用自己喜欢的角色替换基地里面的小建筑,没啥作用 就是一个观赏性的建筑,还能展示自己的喜欢英雄饰品
2023-01-12 09:04:463


2023-01-12 09:05:083


Sculpture of the Five RamsLegend has it that five immortal beings wearing robes of five colours came to Guangzhou on the backs of rams. Each being carried rice and gave it to the people as a sign that Guangzhou would be free of famine. A sculpture was erected in Yuexiu park in 1959 to pay tribute to this story, and to the origins of the name Guangzhou (meaning five rams).What more can be said about a statue? If you"re in Yuexui park then you should certainly pay a visit here, as well as catching Guangzhou Museum and the Guangzhou Fine Art Museum. As the symbol of Guangzhou the statue is perpetually busy, and is located on top of a hill 100m from a coach park.Admission to the statue is free, although you will need to pay an entrance fee to Yuexiu park.
2023-01-12 09:05:231


一个韩国留学生对张力尹的看法 张力尹 我记得回来时,有朋友问我张力尹在韩国是不是很红了?我当时什么也没有说,因为觉得很不可思议,她竟然问这么愚蠢的问题。于是我反问一句,难道她在中国很出名吗?朋友说在中国有很多人力挺她,觉得她那么小就在异国他乡,为梦想努力很不容易,而且还有了成就。听了这些话,我真的很为那些没有认清她真实一面的人感到惋惜了。 张力尹的出名一是因为出道前打着“中国的BOA”的称号宣传造势,二是因为公司为了让她出名,不惜出动在韩国最红的组合之一的成员,还有更多的就是公司的炒作。而且更重要的是,实际上在韩国,张力尹并不红,韩国人并不是很喜欢张力尹,我们这些在韩国的中国人,不论哈韩与否,几乎也都不喜欢张力尹。 不知道用不用这样去解释:可能是因为她年纪太小,在人生观、道德观都还没有成熟的情况下就到了韩国做练习生,所以她在为人处事上都不够成熟。但不能容忍的是她居然对那些在韩国喜欢她的中国歌迷毫不答理,并且自认为自己已经是个韩国人了。更可恶的是她在公众演出场合的很多行为完全都是看不起中国人的行为。我本人对张力尹并不是很了解,但我的朋友曾经亲身经历过一次。有一次,我的朋友在明洞偶遇张力尹。我的朋友并不是她的歌迷,但是因为她和俊秀的合作也认识了她。我朋友当时用中文给她打招呼,她却理都不理,相反的是同行的一个韩国朋友用中文跟她打招呼,她却笑着用韩文回答。我本来对张力尹没有什么看法,但经过这件事情以后我是完全不能接受。之后有几个韩国朋友也都这样说,他们说他们总觉得张力尹是把自己当成了韩国人而不是中国人。在韩国这个国家观念很重的国家中,他们是最看不起这样的人的。有一个韩国同学,她曾经和张力尹一起做过练习生,因为父母的反对,也因为她年龄大的关系而放弃了又回到了学校,她说在做练习生时,因为张力尹是中国人,而且年纪很小,大家都很帮助她。但是她为人很高傲,只愿意接受几个前辈的帮助,其他人她都视而不见,这让很多练习生对她很不满。在练习生中她几乎没有朋友。一些曾经去参加张力尹TIMELESS的签售会的韩国朋友说他们只是因为俊秀才去的,而且买这张CD也是因为俊秀的关系。去年她得奖的时候,很多身边的韩饭都说这个奖是SM公司为了让她出名用钱买的。不过那些韩饭说他们觉得这个奖是属于俊秀的 她现场唱歌跑调 整过容却打死不承认 明明中国人,却讨厌别人这么说 一把年纪啦,偏说自己16岁 自己没实力,就踩着别人往上爬 不尊重前辈,和长辈拍桌子吵架
2023-01-12 09:06:083

上古卷轴5 关于利斯贝特的迪贝拉雕像如何删除?

2023-01-12 09:06:293


2023-01-12 09:06:416

上古卷轴5 关于利斯贝特的迪贝拉雕像如何删除?

2023-01-12 09:07:041


The Tomb of Mausolus, Mausoleum of Mausolus or Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (in Greek, Μαυσωλε�6�4ον τη�0�9 �6�9λικαρνασσο�6�0) was a tomb built between 353 and 350 BC at Halicarnassus (present Bodrum, Turkey) for Mausolus, a satrap in the Persian Empire, and Artemisia II of Caria, his wife and sister. The structure was designed by the Greek architects Satyros and Pythis. It stood approximately 45 meters (135 ft) in height, and each of the four sides was adorned with sculptural reliefs created by each one of four Greek sculptors — Leochares, Bryaxis, Scopas of Paros and Timotheus.[3] The finished structure was considered to be such an aesthetic triumph that Antipater of Sidon identified it as one of his Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.The word mausoleum has since come to be used generically for any grand tomb, though "Mausol – eion" originally meant "[building] dedicated to Mausolus".ere tens of life-size as well as under and over life-size free-standing statues of people, lions, horses, and other animals. The statues were carved by four Greek sculptors: Bryaxis, Leochares, Scopas, and Timotheus, each responsible for one side. Because the statues were of people and animals, the Mausoleum holds a special place in history as it was not dedicated to the gods of Ancient Greece.Since the nineteenth century, archeological excavations have been undertaken at the Mausoleum site. These excavations together with detailed descriptions by ancient historians give us a fairly good idea about the shape and appearance of the Mausoleum. A modern reconstruction of the shorter side of the Mausoleum illustrates the lavish nature of the art and architecture of the building... a building for a King whose name is celebrated in all large tombs today -- mausoleums.
2023-01-12 09:07:102


Lesson 3 An unknown goddess 无名女神Listen to the tape then answer the question below.How did the archaeologists know that the statue was a goddess? Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of stone. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C. Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity.New words and expressions 生词和短语goddess英["gɔdɪs,"ɡɒdes] 美["ɡɑdɪs,"ɡɒdəs] n.女神archaeologist英[,ɑ:kɪ"ɔlədʒɪst] 美[,ɑrkɪ"ɑlədʒɪst] n.考古学家Aegean英[i:"dʒi:ən] 美[ɪ"dʒiən] a.爱琴海的explore英[iks"plɔ:] 美[ɪk"splɔr, -"splor]v.考察,勘探promontory英["prɔməntəri] 美["prɑmən,tɔri, -,tori] n.海角prosperous英["prɔspərəs] 美["prɑspərəs] a.(经济上)繁荣的,昌盛的civilization英[,sivilai"zeiʃən] 美[,sɪvəlɪ"zeʃən] n.文明storey英["stɔ:ri] 美["stɔri, "stori] n.楼层drainage英["dreinidʒ] 美["drenɪdʒ] n.排水worship英["wə:ʃip] 美["wɚʃɪp] n.祟拜sacred英["seikrid] 美["sekrɪd] a.宗教的,神圣的fragment英["fræɡmənt] 美["fræɡmənt] n.碎片remains英[ri"meins] 美[rɪ"menz] n.遗物,遗迹,废墟classical英["klæsikəl] 美["klæsɪkəl] a.(希腊和罗马)古文化的reconstruct英[,ri:kən"strʌkt] 美[,rikən"strʌkt] v.修复rest 英[rest] 美[rɛst] v.倚放,放置hip英[hip] 美[hɪp] n.屁股,臀部full-length英["fʊl"leŋkθ, -"leŋθ] 美["fʊl"lɛŋkθ, -"lɛŋθ] a.(裙衣)拖地长的graceful英["ɡreisful] 美["ɡresfəl] a.优雅的identity英[ai"dentiti] 美[aɪ"dɛntɪti] n.身份参考译文无名女神 不久之前,在爱琴海的基亚岛上,考古工作者有一项有趣的发现。 一个美国考古队在阿伊亚.依里尼海角的一座古城里考察了一座庙宇。 这座古城肯定一度很繁荣,因为它曾享有高度的文明,Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of stone. 房子一般有3层楼高,用石块修建。They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. 里面房间很大,墙壁装饰华丽。 The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. 城里甚至还敷设了排水系统,因为在狭窄的街道底下发现了许许多多陶土制作的排水管道。The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. 考古工作者考察的这座庙宇从公元前15世纪直到罗马时代一直是祭祀祈祷的场所。In the most sacred room of temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. 在庙中最神圣的一间殿堂里发现了15尊陶雕像的碎片。Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. 每一尊雕像代表一位女神,而且一度上过色。The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C. 其中有一尊雕像,她的躯体是在公元前15世纪的历史文物中发现的,Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. 而她那身异处的脑袋却碰巧是在公元前5世纪的文物中找到的。This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. 她的脑袋一定是在古希腊罗马时代就为人所发现,并受到精心的保护。 It was very old and precious even then. 却使在当时,它也属历史悠久的珍奇之物。考When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, 古工作者把这些碎片重新拼装起来后, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. 惊奇地发现那位女神原来是一位相貌十分摩登的女郎。She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. 她身高3英尺,双手叉腰。She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. 身穿一条拖地长裙,Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, 尽管上了年纪,但体态确实优美。but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity. 不过,考古工作者至今未能确定这位女神的身份。
2023-01-12 09:07:196