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2023-05-19 23:34:47
TAG: 词语 ab bb


读音:dī dī dā dā




读音:dīng dīng dōng dōng




读音:xī xī lì lì






1、嘻嘻哈哈 [ xī xī hā hā ]


引证:茅盾 《拟<浪花>》:“‘嗨嗨,小孩子做两套棉衣,一个八岁,一个六岁。" 阿二 回答,还是一副嘻嘻哈哈的神气。”

2、哼哼哈哈 [ hēng hēng hā hā ]



3、噼噼啪啪 [ pī pī pā pā ]





1、滴滴答答读音:dī dī dā dā释义:重复的滴滴声或一连串轻快的声音或拍打。示例:晚上雨滴滴答答的落在地上,就像一位美丽动人的姑娘在嬉戏,溅起了一朵朵水花。2、叮叮咚咚读音:dīng dīng dōng dōng释义:形容玉石、金属等撞击或水滴落下的声音:玉佩~。泉水~。也作丁冬、丁东。示例:听到叮叮咚咚的雨声,仿佛是一曲轻松活泼的乐曲,绵绵秋雨不紧不慢地落到地上,在水坑中溅起一个个想糖球大小的圆圆的水珠。3、淅淅沥沥 读音:xī xī lì lì释义:象声词。雨声。示例:雨小些,但还是淅淅沥沥地下着。扩展资料其他表示声音的AABB式词语:1、嘻嘻哈哈 [ xī xī hā hā ]解释:形容嬉笑欢乐的样子。引证:茅盾 《拟<浪花>》:“‘嗨嗨,小孩子做两套棉衣,一个八岁,一个六岁。" 阿二 回答,还是一副嘻嘻哈哈的神气。”2、哼哼哈哈 [ hēng hēng hā hā ]解释:形容迁就忍让或敷衍了事的样子。引证:瞿秋白《文艺杂著续辑·青年的九月》:“这才是真正的反对战争,不是什么雷马克式的哼哼哈哈的和平主义。”3、噼噼啪啪 [ pī pī pā pā ]解释:形容物体爆裂、拍打物体......的连续声音。引证:余华《活着》:“地上坑坑洼洼,满是尸体和烧毁了的大炮枪支,烧黑了的军车还在噼噼啪啪。”
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这类形容声音的词语非常多的。比如:呼哧呼哧哗啦哗啦轰隆轰隆呼噜呼噜嘎吱嘎吱嘀嗒嘀嗒…这类形容声音的词语就是拟声词,也就是模拟声音的词,又称为象声词、摹声词、状声词。它是摹拟自然界声音的一种词汇。通常是把汉字当成"音标"符号,来构成拟声词。它和音译词、联绵词在性质上是同类的,汉字只用来表音,而无关乎字义,因此,它们都是"衍声词",和"合义词"为相对的概念。拟声词特点:1. 能重叠;2. 修饰限制名词和动词;3. 可以单独成句。因为拟声词多半用来描绘、形容,因而有人把它归属形容词。也有人把主观的感情、情绪所兴发的声音(例如唉!啊呀!乌乎!)归入拟声词。都是不妥当的。 形容词和拟声词仍有界限存在,前者的重叠形式有强调意味和感情色彩,拟声词的重叠形式是纯表音的,不产生任何附加意义。拟声词在语法上不像形容词可以受程度副词和否定副词的修饰,例如我们不会说"雨点十分哗拉哗拉地下着",也不会说"风不呼呼地吹着"。拟声词也不能用"A不A"的方式表示疑问。拟声词可以和数量词结合,而形容词不能。双音节的重叠,拟声词可以是 AABB式(叮叮当当),也可以是ABAB式(叮当叮当)也可以是ABCA式(咚的咙咚),形容词通常只是AABB式。拟声词在句中的位置比较灵活,有较大的独立性,形容词则不具备这样的特性。
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这类形容声音的词语非常多的。比如:呼哧呼哧哗啦哗啦轰隆轰隆呼噜呼噜嘎吱嘎吱嘀嗒嘀嗒…这类形容声音的词语就是拟声词,也就是模拟声音的词,又称为象声词、摹声词、状声词。它是摹拟自然界声音的一种词汇。通常是把汉字当成"音标"符号,来构成拟声词。它和音译词、联绵词在性质上是同类的,汉字只用来表音,而无关乎字义,因此,它们都是"衍声词",和"合义词"为相对的概念。拟声词特点:1. 能重叠;2. 修饰限制名词和动词;3. 可以单独成句。因为拟声词多半用来描绘、形容,因而有人把它归属形容词。也有人把主观的感情、情绪所兴发的声音(例如唉!啊呀!乌乎!)归入拟声词。都是不妥当的。 形容词和拟声词仍有界限存在,前者的重叠形式有强调意味和感情色彩,拟声词的重叠形式是纯表音的,不产生任何附加意义。拟声词在语法上不像形容词可以受程度副词和否定副词的修饰,例如我们不会说"雨点十分哗拉哗拉地下着",也不会说"风不呼呼地吹着"。拟声词也不能用"A不A"的方式表示疑问。拟声词可以和数量词结合,而形容词不能。双音节的重叠,拟声词可以是 AABB式(叮叮当当),也可以是ABAB式(叮当叮当)也可以是ABCA式(咚的咙咚),形容词通常只是AABB式。拟声词在句中的位置比较灵活,有较大的独立性,形容词则不具备这样的特性。
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1、滴滴答答读音:dī dī dā dā释义:重复的滴滴声或一连串轻快的声音或拍打。示例:晚上雨滴滴答答的落在地上,就像一位美丽动人的姑娘在嬉戏,溅起了一朵朵水花。2、叮叮咚咚读音:dīng dīng dōng dōng释义:形容玉石、金属等撞击或水滴落下的声音:玉佩~。泉水~。也作丁冬、丁东。示例:听到叮叮咚咚的雨声,仿佛是一曲轻松活泼的乐曲,绵绵秋雨不紧不慢地落到地上,在水坑中溅起一个个想糖球大小的圆圆的水珠。3、淅淅沥沥 读音:xī xī lì lì释义:象声词。雨声。示例:雨小些,但还是淅淅沥沥地下着。扩展资料其他表示声音的AABB式词语:1、嘻嘻哈哈 [ xī xī hā hā ]解释:形容嬉笑欢乐的样子。引证:茅盾 《拟<浪花>》:“‘嗨嗨,小孩子做两套棉衣,一个八岁,一个六岁。" 阿二 回答,还是一副嘻嘻哈哈的神气。”2、哼哼哈哈 [ hēng hēng hā hā ]解释:形容迁就忍让或敷衍了事的样子。引证:瞿秋白《文艺杂著续辑·青年的九月》:“这才是真正的反对战争,不是什么雷马克式的哼哼哈哈的和平主义。”3、噼噼啪啪 [ pī pī pā pā ]解释:形容物体爆裂、拍打物体......的连续声音。引证:余华《活着》:“地上坑坑洼洼,满是尸体和烧毁了的大炮枪支,烧黑了的军车还在噼噼啪啪。”
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这类形容声音的词语非常多的。比如:呼哧呼哧哗啦哗啦轰隆轰隆呼噜呼噜嘎吱嘎吱嘀嗒嘀嗒…这类形容声音的词语就是拟声词,也就是模拟声音的词,又称为象声词、摹声词、状声词。它是摹拟自然界声音的一种词汇。通常是把汉字当成"音标"符号,来构成拟声词。它和音译词、联绵词在性质上是同类的,汉字只用来表音,而无关乎字义,因此,它们都是"衍声词",和"合义词"为相对的概念。拟声词特点:1. 能重叠;2. 修饰限制名词和动词;3. 可以单独成句。因为拟声词多半用来描绘、形容,因而有人把它归属形容词。也有人把主观的感情、情绪所兴发的声音(例如唉!啊呀!乌乎!)归入拟声词。都是不妥当的。 形容词和拟声词仍有界限存在,前者的重叠形式有强调意味和感情色彩,拟声词的重叠形式是纯表音的,不产生任何附加意义。拟声词在语法上不像形容词可以受程度副词和否定副词的修饰,例如我们不会说"雨点十分哗拉哗拉地下着",也不会说"风不呼呼地吹着"。拟声词也不能用"A不A"的方式表示疑问。拟声词可以和数量词结合,而形容词不能。双音节的重叠,拟声词可以是 AABB式(叮叮当当),也可以是ABAB式(叮当叮当)也可以是ABCA式(咚的咙咚),形容词通常只是AABB式。拟声词在句中的位置比较灵活,有较大的独立性,形容词则不具备这样的特性。
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method 这个单词怎样巧记

可以根据音标来记,me 加上 thod method 英[ˈmeθəd] 美[ˈmɛθəd]n. 方法; 条理;[例句]The pill is the most efficient method of birth control.服用避孕药是最有效的避孕方法。[其他] 复数:methods
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henry fielding 生平用英语介绍下

Henry Fielding, the eldest of seven children, was born on April 22, 1707, at Sharpham Park, in Somerset, England. He was the son of General Edmund Fielding, His mother, Sarah Gould Fielding, was the daughter of a judge. Their marriage had been highly disapproved of by Sarah"s parents on the grounds that Edmund was too poor and could not even manage what little money he did have. When Henry was two, his father 憆etired?to an estate near East Stour in Dorset, where he was unsuccessful as a gentleman farmer and where Sarah Gould Fielding died when Henry was just ten years old.Henry had been raised by his father to dislike Catholics, so it is ironic that when two years later his father remarried a woman to kept an eating-house she was an ItalianHenry"s father and his maternal grandmother, Lady Gould, battled for custody of the children. His grandmother eventually sued for custody of Henry and his siblings, and won .Edmund eventually died in a debtor"s prison, leaving behind an estate valued at five pounds. Apparently his wife"s parents were on to something. It should be noted that Edmund spelled his name Feilding in the belief that it was the more aristocratic form. Under the influence of Lady Gould Henry was sent to school at Eton in 1719 where he reputedly enjoyed his time. Henry worked hard and made lifelong friends of his contemporaries Lyttleton, who later became a generous patron, and Pitt the Elder. Upon graduation in 1724, Fielding went to London were he was to spend the next several years as a man-about-town and writer.In the summer of 1725 Henry was to be found in Lyme Regis, ostensibly for a holiday, but more likely to visit his distant cousin Sara Andrews, with an eye on her fortune and to win her as a wife. (Sara at the age of 15 had just become a rich heiress on the early death of her father.) Henry, accompanied by several friends and a servant named James Lewis was soon involved in a drunken brawl. On September 2nd he was brought before the town"s magistrates on a charge of assault against Joseph Channon a servant of the town miller. Although the outcome is not known it is thought that the attack may have been at the instigation of Sara抯 guardian Andrew Miller who had hopes that Sara would marry his own son John.It seems that Henry was having some success in his pursuit of Sara, since he was still in Lyme two months later. On Sunday 11th November matters came to a head when Henry assisted by his servant attempted to abduct Sara as she was walking to church with Andrew Tucker and his family. The attempt failed and the same day Tucker laid a charge before the magistrates against Fielding and his servant for an attack on his person. His servant was soon captured, but Henry eluded capture by the constables and left the town the following day, but not before putting up a hand written poster ridiculing the Tuckers.In 1728 his first comedy, "Love in Several Masques", was staged. It was not a success, and at the age of 21 he left to study at the University of Leiden in The Netherlands where it was much cheaper than any of the London schools. Eventually, even Leiden was more than he could afford and about a year later he returned to England with all kinds of unpaid debts behind him. Henry began writing plays again, many of them ridiculing the society and politics of the time. Probably his best play, completed in 1731, was "The Tragedy of Tragedies; or, The Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great". It was a spoof of heroic stage plays that took themselves too seriously.Henry still couldn"t manage his money and was never well off. In 1734, aged 27, he married Charlotte Cradock of Salisbury, one of the beauties of the city. Charlotte brought a settlement of ?,500 to the marriage and with the money they planned to live in Dorset as ?i>County?folk. Thus in 1735 the newly married couple took up residence in a small manor house at East Stour, settled into their comfortable lifestyle and produced a daughter Amelia. In the process becoming extremely popular with there neighbours. However within a year due to a combination of Henry抯 spendthrift ways and poor budgeting the Fieldings were stony-broke, the estate sold, and the penniless young couple left Dorset to return to London, taking with them Charlottes maid Mary Macdaniel.In London Fielding became the manager and chief playwright of the Little Theatre in the Haymarket. Even though he was rumored to be a terrible drunkard and something of a womanizer, Henry was a hard worker. He wrote several new plays a year, until the theatre was forced to close by the stage Licensing Act was of 1737 which provided that only plays licensed by the government could be performed. The act having been introduced largely as a result of Fielding"s plays ridiculing the politics of the day.By this time, Henry and Charlotte had two children needed another source of income. Henry took up the study of law and turned to writing for the newspapers, becoming editor of The Champion in 1739, and graduated as a lawyer in 1740. It was at this time that he developed gout, which was to get worse as he grew older. Henry Fielding"s novel "Joseph Andrews" was published in 1742. It was a comic takeoff on Samuel Richardson"s "Pamela," but the success of "Joseph Andrews" was made less sweet for Henry by the death of his daughter, Charlotte and a serious illness which afflicted his wife."Miscellanies", published in 1743, included the novel "Jonathan Wild", a mock biography of a criminal hero.The death of his wife in 1744 was a great blow, exasperating his already bad health. He took comfort largely in the company of his daughter Harriet, his sister Sarah, and his wife"s maid, Mary Daniel. Sarah had followed in her fathers literary footsteps and did some writing but none of it was very memorable; however her book for educating girls, "The Governess, or Little Female Academy", was used well into the next century.It was about a year before Fielding went back to newspaper writing, where he continued to work on various politically oriented newspapers and publish many political and satirical pamphlets, some of which the government actually approved of, and even distributed. These were often published anonymously, which unfortunately led to Henry being blamed for some atrociously mean pamphlets that he had nothing to do with.In 1747 defying convention Fielding married Mary Macdaniel, who was around six months pregnant with their son William at the time. The following year, Henry was appointed a judge at Middlesex. Over the next few years, Henry"s wife had four more children and Henry himself became increasingly angry with the state of the law and law enforcement."Tom Jones", Fielding"s comic masterpiece and best known work was published in 1749. It was a novel for all time. The life and robustness of "Tom Jones" were recreated in a 1963 movie, which featured perhaps the most sensuous meal ever filmed.The heroine is Sophia Weston, and it is claimed that Fielding based this character on Sara Andrews, his 慺irst love?Fielding"s last novel ?b>Amelia" was published in 1751. Allegedly a biography of his former wife Charlotte in which she is portrayed as the heroine. It was not up to his other work. Perhaps, because by this now he was a very sick man, suffering from asthma and jaundice in addition to his gout. The plot was contrived, the heroine conveniently inherits a large sum of money, and if indeed it was a biography, contained several factual errors.Also in 1751, Henry published a pamphlet entitled "An Inquiry into the Causes of the late Increase of Robbers, etc.," which called for sweeping changes in the laws and in the way they were enforced. Today these proposals would not appear to be anything special but by 1753, several of these reforms had been put into practice and Henry helped break up several large gangs by offering money and immunity to those who turned in their fellow criminals.Perhaps the most important result of his ideas was the reform of the police. It was as a direct consequence of this pamphlet that Home Secretary, Sir Robert Peel, was to form the Bow Street Runners, Britain"s first professional police force. Henry was directly responsible for improvements in record keeping, founding what was later to become the Criminal Record Office of Scotland Yard.Due to ill health, Henry reigned as a Judge in 1752 and in the hope that a warmer climate would be beneficial he sailed to Lisbon in 1754. Unfortunately he had contracted jaundice, and this combined with dropsy was to cause his death on 8 October 1754 just two months after his arrival in Portugal. Published after his death, his final work, Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon, has been described as a classic example of the horrors of traveling.
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饥荒ancient chest是什么

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100. If anything: 如果有什么的话;要说有什么的话 e.g. Of course, the OFC is not required for all learning; clearly, other brain areas can acquire new representations without input from the OFC. Indeed, much learning —including initial discrimination learning and simple Pavlovian learning — is unaffected by OFC damage. One possible explanation for this preserved learning is that these situations, which involve new learning, do not require expectancies for the production of error signals. If anything , expectancies would actually impede learning by reducing the size of the teaching signal as learning progressed. So it is not surprising that the OFC is not necessary for all learning. 99. half the battle: n. 成功了一半(有助于成功的条件) e.g. Half the battle to finding an ingenious and creative solution is to ask the right question. 98.  swap:  [swɑːp]: v. 交换;用 ... 作交易 n.  交换;适合交换的东西 E.g. Reading regularly and broadly will expand your exposure to questions and solutions. Feel free to delve deeper when you fi nd topics of interest. But never swap depth for breadth. Broad- based knowledge exposure will almost surely get you thinking about new questions, new answers, and new possibilities. 97. provisionally:  [prə"vɪʒənəli] adv. 暂时地;临时地 e.g. The three Urbach-Wiethe Disease subjects showed significant working memory facilitation relative to controls. Control measures showed no group anxiety differences. Results are provisionally interpreted in terms of a ‘ cooperation through competition " networks model that may account for the observed paradoxical functional facilitation effect. 96. surveillance: [sɜː"veɪləns] n. 监视;监督 e.g. This suggests that ongoing salience surveillance by the BLA exacts a tonic cost on executive attentional resources at the expense of working memory. The present study is to our knowledge the clearest evidence to date that the BLA is an essential node mediating competition between salience and executive networks for attentional resources in the brain. 34. inertia: [ɪ"nɜːʃə]  n. 惯性;惰性 e.g. To overcome the inertia against innovation, start with yourself. 33. oversight: n. 疏忽;失察;监管;看管 e.g. She is an activist for creative business environments. Some of her advice is to avoid rigid oversight , refrain from judgment, and build an environment that is generally pleasant. 32. get around: vt. 规避;说服 e.g. To get around this problem, a few studies have either held the value of one option stable while varying the other or they have sequentially presented the options for choice, allowing option values to be dissociated temporally 31. discerning: adj. 有见识的 discern:v. 辨别;看出;察觉e.g. Despite the complicated design of the Antikythera mechanism—a product of the thousands of years of astronomy and engineering— discerning its inner workings and function was cracked within a century once the tools became available to do so. 30. where the rubber meets the road:  The point at which someone"s or something"s efforts, resolve, or viability are put to the test; the point at which things become truly or meaningfully challenging. e.g. Now is the time to Meld your single- best idea back into the process of normal science. This step is where the rubber meets the road. 29. catapult:  ["kætəpʌlt]  猛掷; catapult sb to fame / stardom etc :使某人一举成名E.g. The hope is to catapult you out of your frames and to add further generative possibilities to the PIG In MuD innovation process. the risk of: vt. 冒 ... 的危险 E.g. Questions phrased too narrowly on the one hand or too fantastically or broadly on the other, run the risk of generating answers that take us nowhere . 27. far afield from:adv. 远离着(家乡);在或去远处;在野外 E.g. Fascinating articles arrive regularly to the inboxes of his friends on topics far afield from Kuller"s own interests . 26.flip through: vt. 浏览;草草翻阅 lie around: 分散在各处,四处乱丢,闲着不干事E.g. If you flip through any of the scores of journals lying around the office, you find that Kuller has underlined many passages, showing that he has read each paper in each and every publication. 25. quandary:  ["kwɒndəri] n. 困惑;迷惑;为难 meek: adj. 温顺的;谦恭的E.g. Meeting with him presents quite a quandary —the meek simply stand rather than trying to fi gure out if it is okay to move a stack . 24. mind-expanding E.g. Few things in life are more mind-expanding than reading. 23. legitimate:adj. 合法的;世袭的;婚生的;正当的;合理的  vt.  使合法;授权;宣布 ... 为合法 e.g. However, another far more intriguing possibility is that the divergent findings reflect a legitimate difference between the encoding properties of dopamine neurons in SN and those in the VTA. 22. amass: Vt. 积聚;收集 e.g. Just as you have begun to practice keener observation, so knowledge must be gained from amassing and understanding the observations of others. 21. outdo:  [ˌaʊt"duː] v. 超过;胜过 20. consequential: adj. 重要的;间接的;随之发生的;自高自大的 e.g. How do you know what is  consequential ? 19. frivolous: ["frɪvələs] adj. 轻佻的;妄动的;琐碎的;无足轻重的 e.g. No one wants to spend a lot of time working on an interest that is irrelevant or, worse, frivolous . 18. come alive: 睡醒; 活跃起来 e.g. Yet it is only through getting to know them that they truly come alive . 17. formality:  [fɔː"mæləti] n. 礼节;程序;拘谨 pepper: 接二连三地提问; 加胡椒粉于, e.g. After formalities , he peppered his Vital Statistics colleagues with questions. “How is birth weight recorded? Who enters them into the database?” 16. bulge: n. 膨胀;暴增  v.  膨胀;充满 e.g. If the normal distribution was shifted downward in total, then it could mean one thing; if he saw a bulge in the lower birth weights, then it would mean another. 15. sit back:宽舒地休息; 不采取行动 e.g. Despite the need to respond quickly to such a politically charged emergency, he sat back and asked: Is there a problem? 14. slipping down: 失足; 成绩下滑 e.g. Think of it: Ontario might be slipping down the slope of its profligate neighbor to the south. 13. revel in: vt. 深爱;酷爱;着迷 12. grind away: 发出摩擦之声, 刻苦地学习 11.opus magnum: 代表作,主要作品 10. cobble ["kɒbl]: n. 圆石;鹅卵石;(常用复数)卵石路  v.  铺鹅卵石;修补(鞋);粗制滥造 cobble together: [匆忙而草率地]拼凑 e.g. Moreover, although it would be possible to cobble together a heterogeneous population of OFC neurons to encode the error term, this population would constitute a small, hand-selected minority of the neurons in OFC. Thus we do not believe OFC is directly signaling prediction errors in any meaningful way. 9. institute: 实施,采取,开始实行; 制定,规定; 设立,创立,建立 e.g Specifically we would expect positive prediction errors at the start of blocks 2sh, 3bg, and 4bg, when an unexpected reward is instituted , and negative prediction errors at the start of blocks 2lo and 4sm, when an expected reward is omitted. 8. materialize: [mə"tɪəriəlaɪz] v. 成为现实;成有形;实现;具体化;出现 e.g. Moreover, neither account can easily explain the current results, since both predict no effect of reversible inactivation during the compound training phase on subsequent performance in the probe test. Instead, our results suggest that OFC is necessary for learning from differences between actual and expected outcomes, as occurs on the compound trials when the summed expected outcome fails to materialize. 7. in moderation: 适度 e.g. Your advice to your patients continues to be, “All things in moderation .” 6. left over:留下, 剩下, 推迟处理 e.g.  Passing on having everything in one Smartphone (rather than having to switch between cell and iPod) may be a little less convenient but it is worth it in order to feel that I have enough funds left over to go out on a date this week. 5. perpetuate: [pə"petʃueɪt] vt. 使永存;使不朽 e.g. Edward de Bono, in his book Lateral Thinking (1990), argues that your mind tends to perpetuate a given thought system and to resist change and novelty. 4. if only: 要是 ... 多好; 只要; 但愿 e.g. If only overcoming cognitive biases were as easy as reading about them! 3. clairvoyant:  [kleə"vɔɪənt] adj. 千里眼的;透视的;有洞察力的  n.  有洞察力的人;千里眼 hindsight: ["haɪndsaɪt] n. 事后聪明,后见之明;枪的照门e.g. Your sense of reality is constructed around memories. In hindsight , you are clairvoyant . 2. hold on to e.g. Perseverance bias occurs when, even after information has been proved to be utterly falsified, people hold on to their original beliefs. 1. No wonder: 难怪; 怪不得 e.g. What is safe and familiar is valued and chosen.  No wonder  that innovation, which is risky and unfamiliar, is difficult to decide to pursue.
2023-01-12 08:06:401


Narcissus is who nourish my soul . For a year , four seasons , in each of them , there is a favored flower who do me just like that . Orchid and narsissus for spring , lotus for summer , Chinese flowering crabapple for autuam , and in winter days ,it is wintersweet . i cannot live without them . Better kill me than deprive the flower from me every single season . MoLing was chosed as my dwelling not because whatever it is but because it is the land of narcissus . BingWu spring , i was down and out so as all of clothes and many other daily aryicles were impawned . it is really embarraming i am so ruined that no cent could be saved to buy narcissus . My people said :"why not stop for this year ? it"s noting not having it . " "you"d better kill me , i "m wiling to trade my time for the flowers . narcissus is the only renson i came back home disregaring the storm . if i cannot see it , what is sense i coming back? " my household have noting to do with me but let me impawn jedewares to buy it .
2023-01-12 08:06:424


2023-01-12 08:06:434

轻 重的四字成语有哪些?

2023-01-12 08:06:431

求英文高手翻译 医生交班 翻译如下: 入院病人小花,22床,诊断. 实行.手术治疗.

Inpatient flower,22 bed,diagnose result... execute...operation treatment.
2023-01-12 08:06:481


chest是指整个胸部的范围, breast是特指胸部和胸部前面, 例如乳房, bosom是breast的文学法, 而bust是偏口语一点的说法。女性的乳房通常是:breast,比如母乳是:breast milk,男的一般不用这个词。chest 是胸膛和胸腔的意思 男女通用。其实口语里面用boops更多, 还有nipple和tits是奶头, 非常口语化, 有点不礼貌。
2023-01-12 08:06:081


2023-01-12 08:06:033


2023-01-12 08:05:594


开关的英文是switch。读音:英[swɪtʃ],美[swɪtʃ]。释义:n.开关;转变;交换机;(铁道的)转辙器,道岔;(树上砍下的)细软枝条;假发。v.改变(立场、方向等);替换;转换;调换;调(班);(用枝条)击打;摆动。变形:复数switches,过去式switched,过去分词switched,现在分词switching,第三人称单数switches。近义词exchange读音:英[ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ],美[ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ]。释义:n. 交换;互换;交流;掉换;交谈;对话;争论;兑换;汇兑;交流,互访;交易所。vt. 交换;交流;掉换;兑换;交易;更换;交换(尤指房屋或土地买卖的契约)。变形:第三人称单数exchanges,复数exchanges,现在分词exchanging,过去式exchanged,过去分词exchanged。
2023-01-12 08:05:542

due to 的用法

2023-01-12 08:05:538

看汉字,猜成语 一和重的成语呢?

安故重迁 安于旧俗,不轻易改变 不知轻重 轻重:分量大小.不明事理,行事冒昧 昏镜重明 将昏暗的铜镜重新打磨光亮.比喻重见光明 旧话重提 过去说过的,现在又提起了 没轻没重 指言语或动作鲁莽 安土重迁 土:乡土;重:看得重,不轻易.安于本乡本土,不愿轻易迁移. 百舍重茧 形容走远道的辛苦. 卑辞重币 卑:谦恭;重:厚;币:礼物.说谦虚的话,送厚重的礼.形容对人有所求. 币重言甘 礼物丰厚,言辞好听.指为了能达到某种目的而用财物诱惑. 避重就轻 指回避重的责任,只拣轻的来承担.也指回避要点,只谈无关紧要的事情. 蝉翼为重,千钧为轻 把蝉的翅膀看成是重的,三万斤的重量看成是亲轻的.喻指是非颠倒,真伪混淆. 啖以重利 啖:吃,引诱;重:大、厚;利:利益、好处.用优厚的利益和好处引诱或收买人. 德高望重 德:品德;望:声望.道德高尚,名望很大. 德重恩弘 重:崇高、深厚;弘:通“宏”,大.道德高尚,恩惠广大.形容普施恩德. 豆重榆瞑 原指多吃大豆使人发胖,吃榆能使人久睡.后形容人本性难改. 恩深义重 恩惠、情义极为深重. 恩威并重 安抚和强制同时施行. 恩有重报 好好地报答别人的重大恩惠. 恩重如山 恩情深厚,像山一样深重. 恩重泰山 恩情深厚,比泰山还重. 方寸万重 方寸:指心.万重:多话.心里头有千言万语. 福不重至,祸必重来 福不会接连而来,祸灾却会接踵而至. 负重致远 负:背着;致:送到.背着重东西走远路.比喻能够负担艰巨任务. 顾虑重重 重重:一层又一层.一层又一层的顾虑.形容顾虑极多,难于放手行事. 故技重演 老花招或老手法又重新施展. 缓急轻重 指各种事情中有主要的和次要的,有急于要办的和可以慢一点办的. 昏镜重磨 昏镜:昏暗的铜镜.将昏暗的铜镜重新磨光.比喻重见光明. 畸轻畸重 有时偏轻,有时偏重.形容事物发展不均衡,或对待事物的态度不公正. 积重难返 重:程度深;返:回转.经过长时间形成的思想作风或习惯,很难改变. 居不重席 坐卧处不铺两层垫子.比喻节俭. 卷土重来 比喻失败之后,重新恢复势力. 久别重逢 指朋友或亲人在长久分别之后再次见面. 旧地重游 再度来到曾经居住过或游览过的地方. 举重若轻 举起沉重的东西像是在摆弄轻的东西.比喻能力强,能够轻松地胜任繁重的工作或处理困难的问题. 苦难深重 遭受的痛苦和灾难既深又重. 旧雨重逢 旧雨:老朋友的代称.指老朋友又相遇了. 旧调重弹 老调子重弹.比喻把老的一套又重新搬出来. 举足轻重 只要脚移动一下,就会影响两边的轻重.指处于重要地位,一举一动都足以影响全局. 口耳并重 对说和听的训练同等重视. 九鼎不足为重 形容说话有分量,比较起来九鼎也不算重. 累屋重架 累:重叠.指层次重叠. 老成持重 办事老练稳重,不轻举妄动. 老调重谈 比喻把说过多次的理论、主张重新搬出来.也比喻把搁置很久的技艺重新做起来. 浓墨重彩 用浓重的墨汁和颜色来描绘.形容着力描写. 拈轻怕重 指接受任务时拣轻的担子挑,怕挑重担. 千钧重负 钧:古代的重量单位,合三十斤.比喻很沉重的负担.也比喻非常重大的责任. 年高望重 年纪大,声望高. 破镜重圆 比喻夫妻失散或离婚后重新团聚. 权衡轻重 权衡:衡量.衡量哪个轻,哪个重.比喻比较利害得失的大小. 轻重倒置 把重要的和不重要的两者的地位摆颠倒了. 日月重光 重光:重放光芒.太阳月亮重放光芒.比喻经过一番动乱后出现新的清明局面. 人间重晚晴 原指人们珍视晚晴天气,后多用以比喻社会上尊重德高望重的老前辈. 轻重缓急 指各种事情中有主要的和次要的,有急于要办的和可以慢一点办的. 如牛负重 象牛背着学生的东西一样.比喻生活负担极重. 如释重负 释:放下;重负:重担子.象放下重担那样轻松.形容紧张心情过去以后的的轻松愉快. 任重道远 任:负担;道:路途.担子很重,路很远.比喻责任重大,要经历长期的奋斗. 任重至远 愿意指负载沉重而可以到达远方.后比喻抱负远大,能闯出新的天地,做出宏伟的业绩. 深仇重怨 怨:仇恨.极深极大的仇恨. 忍辱负重 为了完成艰巨的任务,忍受暂时的屈辱. 食不重味 味:菜肴.吃饭不要两样菜肴.形容生活俭朴. 手足重茧 手上脚上长满了层层老茧.形容长期劳累. 头重脚轻 头脑发胀,脚下无力.形容身体不适.也比喻基础不牢固. 无足轻重 没有它并不轻些,有它也并不重些.指无关紧要. 言重九鼎 形容说话有分量,比较比来九鼎也不算重. 郑重其事 郑重:审慎,严肃认真.形容说话做事时态度非常严肃认真. 重增其放 更助长了我的狂放. 只重衣衫不重人 指人势力,看人只重衣着. 语重心长 话深刻有力,情意深长. 重整旗鼓 比喻失败之后,整顿力量,准备再干. 重睹天日 比喻脱离黑暗,重见光明. 重规迭矩 规与规相重,矩矩与相迭,度数相同,完全符合.原比喻动静合乎法度或上下相合,后形容模仿、重复. 罪孽深重 孽:罪恶.指做了很大的坏事,犯了很大的罪. 重生父母 重:重新.指对自己有重大恩情的人,多指救命的恩人. 资深望重 资格老,声望高. 重门击柝 柝:打更用的梆子.设置重重门户,并派更夫巡夜.指严加戒备,以防不测. 坐不重席 坐不用双层席子.比喻生活节俭. 重熙累洽 熙:光明;洽:谐和.指国家接连几代太平安乐. 重见天日 重新看到了天和太阳.比喻脱离黑暗,重见光明. 重蹈覆辙 蹈:踏;覆:翻;辙:车轮辗过的痕迹.重新走上翻过车的老路.比喻不吸取教训,再走失败的老路. 重男轻女 重视男子,看轻女性.指轻视妇女的封建思想. 重于泰山 比泰山还要重.形容意义重大. 重足而立,侧目而视 重足:双脚并拢;侧目:斜着眼睛.形容畏惧而愤恨的样子. 重温旧梦 比喻再经历一次过去的光景. 重赏之下,必有勇夫 指用重金悬赏,就会有勇于出来干事的人. 罪恶深重 指做了很大的坏事,犯了很大的罪. 重生爷娘 比喻有救命之恩的人. 安土重旧 指留恋故土,不轻易改变旧俗. 安土重居 犹安土重迁.指留恋故乡,不愿轻易迁居异地. 避重逐轻 指避开较重的责任,拣轻的承担. 不足轻重 犹言无关紧要. 沉谋重虑 见“沉谋研虑”. 沉重少言 朴实稳重,不爱多说话.亦作“沉厚寡言”、“沉重寡言”. 重峦迭嶂 峦:连绵的山.山峰一个连着一个,连绵不断. 重岩迭障 山峰一个连着一个,连绵不断. 重足而立 迭足而立,不敢迈步.形容恐惧. 道高德重 道德高尚,很有威信. 道高魔重 形容法力高强. 道高望重 犹言德高望重. 德隆望重 犹言德高望重. 德尊望重 见“德高望重”. 迭矩重规 规与规相重,矩矩与相迭,度数相同,完全符合.原比喻动静合乎法度或上下相合,后形容模仿、重复. 繁刑重赋 过重的刑罚和繁多的赋税.亦作“繁刑重敛”. 负重含污 犹言忍辱负重. 负重涉远 见“负重致远”. 负重吞污 见“负重含污”. 高官重禄 见“高官厚禄”. 高爵重禄 爵:爵位,官爵;禄:俸禄.泛指爵位高,俸禄厚. 高位重禄 见“高位厚禄”. 功高望重 功:功劳,功绩.望:名望,声望.功劳和名望都很大. 故伎重演 见“故技重演”. 规重矩迭 谓合乎规矩法度. 邯郸重步 唐沉既济《枕中记》载,卢生在邯郸客店中遇道士吕翁,目昏思睡,吕翁授以青瓷枕,卢生进入梦乡,历尽富贵荣华.及醒,店主炊黄粱未熟.后因以“邯郸重步”喻进入梦乡. 极重不反 同“极重难返”. 极重难返 犹积重难返.指长期形成的风俗、习惯、弊端或某种局面难以改变.用于消极方面. 兼官重绂 谓兼任很多显耀官职. 兼朱重紫 谓兼任很多显耀官职.朱,朱衣;紫,紫绶. 敬贤重士 见“敬贤爱士”. 旧事重提 把已经搁置的事情重新提出 居重驭轻 指人主掌握兵权以制政权. 老调重弹 比喻把说过多次的理论、主张重新搬出来.也比喻把搁置很久的技艺重新做起来.亦作“旧调重弹”、“重弹老调”. 礼轻情意重 礼物虽然很轻,但情意却很深厚. 礼轻人意重 礼物虽然很轻,但人的情意却很深厚. 力小任重 能力小,负担重.犹言力不胜任. 名德重望 犹德高望重. 名重一时 一时期内名声很大,受到广泛重视.亦作“名震一时”、“名得当时”、“名噪一时”、“名倾一时”. 拈轻掇重 轻的重的都要拿.谓要干的活很多. 破镜重合 见“破镜重圆”. 轻财重士 谓轻视钱财,重视士人. 轻财重义 指轻视财利而看重道义. 轻怜重惜 形容百般怜爱. 情深义重 指情感深远、恩义厚重. 情深意重 情意深重. 轻身重义 谓轻视生命而重视正义事业. 轻生重义 见“轻身重义”. 轻死重气 谓以义气为重而不怕死. 轻死重义 见“轻死重气”. 情重姜肱 《后汉书·姜肱传》:“肱与二弟仲海、季江,俱以孝行着闻.其友爱天至,常共卧起.及各娶妻,兄弟相恋,不能别寝,以系嗣当立,乃递往就室.”后以“情重姜肱”喻兄弟友爱. 轻重失宜 谓对事情的重要与否处置失当. 权重望崇 权力大而威望高. 权重秩卑 权力大官品低. 任重才轻 责任重大,才能薄弱.表示力不胜任.常作谦词. 任重道悠 见“任重道远”. 任重致远 指负载沉重而能到达远方.后比喻抱负远大,能闯出新的前景,做出宏伟的业绩. 山重水复 谓山峦重迭,水流盘曲. 深惟重虑 犹深思熟虑. 慎重其事 谓对某一事的态度严肃认真. 食不重肉 见“食不兼肉”. 拾带重还 相传唐宰相裴度少时游香山寺,拾得某妇人所遗下的三条宝带,这是她借来为父亲脱罪的,裴度守候着还了她.见宋丁用晦《芝田录·裴度》.后以喻拾到财物,物归原主,不占为己有. 疏财重义 见“疏财仗义”. 双足重茧 形容奔走劳苦. 铜盘重肉 贵重的食器,丰盛的饭菜.引申指特殊恩宠. 威重令行 权势大,有令必行. 委重投艰 委:委托、托付.指委以重任,授予艰难使命. 未足轻重 谓无关紧要,不值得重视. 无所重轻 没有什么重要. 无足重轻 同“无足轻重”. 心腹重患 指严重隐患或要害部门的大患. 心事重重 心里挂着很多沉重的顾虑 朽骨重肉 比喻已经腐朽的东西得到了新生. 一重一掩 谓山峦重迭稠密. 语长心重 见“语重心长”. 榆瞑豆重 用以指身懒神昏. 语重情深 犹言语重心长. 语重心沉 言辞恳切,心情沉重. 远涉重洋 重洋:辽阔无边的海洋.远远地渡过海洋. 灾难深重 灾难很多,而且严重 择福宜重 选择吉福之事应取重的.语出《国语·晋语六》:“择福莫若重,择祸莫若轻.” 郑重其辞 谓说话态度严肃认真. 致远任重 指担负重任而行于远方.常比喻人的才干卓越,可任大事.亦作“任重致远”. 重财轻义 谓看重财利而轻视道义. 重操旧业 见“重温旧业”. 重床迭架 比喻重复繁多. 重床迭屋 见“重床迭架”. 重关击柝 见“重门击柝”. 重光累洽 同“重熙累洽”. 重珪迭组 谓世代连续做官. 重规累矩 同“重规迭矩”. 重规沓矩 同“重规迭矩”. 重规袭矩 同“重规迭矩”. 重厚少文 持重敦厚而少于文饰.《史记·高祖本纪》:“已而吕后问:‘阶下百岁后,萧相国即死,令谁代之?"上曰:‘曹参可."问其次,上曰:‘……陈平智有余,然难以独任.周勃重厚少文,然安刘氏者必勃也,可令为太尉."”
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2023-01-12 08:05:521


  轻重缓急[qīngzhònghuǎnjí]  生词本  基本释义  指各种事情中有主要的和次要的,有急于要办的和可以慢一点办的。  出处  《管子·国蓄》:“岁有凶穰;故谷有贵贱;令有缓急;故物有轻重。”  例句  1.面对成堆的问题,一定要区分~,有条不紊地逐一解决。  近反义词  近义词缓急轻重  反义词齐头并进
2023-01-12 08:05:471


2023-01-12 08:05:461


2023-01-12 08:05:451

翻译..急 TT

现代中国正面临着一个比较尴尬的问题: Modern China is facing an awkward situation:世界十大环境问题,中国所起的反面作用是那么令人瞩目枣全世界三大酸雨区,其中之一就在我国的长江以南地区,而全国酸雨面积占国土资源的30%; China is eye-catching in the fact that it has one of the three World"s Greatest Acid Rain zones - it extends to the south of Changjiang. And the total national acid rain zone covers 30% of our land area.温室效应的主要祸首二氧化碳,我国就是世界第二大排放国,而目前二氧花硫的排放已是世界第一; Our carbon emission is the second in the world, and it is one of the main causes of greenhous effect. Also, we are now the number one in emission of sulfur dioxide.土地沙漠化,世界上沙漠正已每年600万公顷的速度侵蚀土地,而我国每天都有500公顷的土地被沙漠吞食; Desertification: the deserts are gobbling up the rest of the land at a rate of 6 million hectares per year at a global level; but everyday, there are 500 hectares of land becoming deserts in China alone. 森林面积减少,全世界每年有1200万公顷的森林消失,而我国年均消失天然林40万公顷,且按近十年的平均采伐和毁坏森林的速度,到5055年将失去全部森林; Deforestation: every year, 12 million hectares of forest disappear into the thin air; we are losing about 400 thousand hectares every year - if we continue at this rate, we would lose all of our forest by 5055.水资源危机,作为世界21个贫水国之一的中国,全国600多座城市中,缺水的就有300多座; The water emergency: as one of the 21 countries low in water, in our 600 cities, there are 300 or so that does not have enough water水土流失面积已达367万平方公里,每年至少有50亿吨沃土付之东流; We are also losing all our soil to erosion: we have already lost around three and a half million square kilometers and are losing at least 5 billion tonnes of soil each year与日俱增的工业垃圾、生活垃圾已包围了我国三分之二的城市; The piling industrial waste and rubbish has already surrounded two thirds of our cities.大气污染已使我国600多座城市的大气质量符合国家标准的不到1%。 Atmospherical pollition means that in the 600 cities, not 1% can meet the national standard of breathing air. 环境问题与人类的社会经济活动密切相关,因而环境问题具有重要的社会特征。当代中国环境问题的八大社会特征为: The environmental problems are closely related to our socioeconomic activities, these are the eight significant social features caused by the environmental issues1.随着社会转型的加速进行,环境问题日益严重。环境污染和生态破坏将在相当长约一段时间里继续恶化; "1. As the society is changing at an accelerating pace, the environmental problem worsens. Pollution and ecological disturbace is not getting any better.2.环境问题不仅表现为人(社会)与自然的矛盾,而且越来越表现为人与人之间的矛盾; The environmental problems not only present themselves as a conflict between man and nature, but also (increasingly as well) as the conflict between man and man.3.随着居民生活水平的提高,生活污染在环境问题中的分量加重。生活污水、生活垃圾问题成为我国环境问题的重要内容,普通居民对环境问题也负有越来越大的责任; 3. As the standard of living rises, pollution become a more significant problem. Living amongst sewage and rubbish is becoming one of the major headings in our environmental discussions, and ordinary citizens are holding a growing responsibility on the environmental issue.4.城市环境问题受到高度重视,并在局部有所缓解。进入90年代之后,随着各项政策措施力度的加强,我国城市环境的一些污染指标上升幅度变小,一些指标(尤其是大城市的一些指标)已开始下降; The urbane environmental issues are given lots of attention, and are alleviated at parts. After the 1990"s, with the implementation of more policies, the increase in urban pollution is becoming smaller, and in some cities, are beginning to decrease.手工翻译。。。就这么多了,好长。。。
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表示很重的四字成语:德高望重: 德:品德;望:声望。道德高尚,名望很大。举足轻重: 只要脚移动一下,就会影响两边的轻重。指处于重要地位,一举一动都足以影响全局。老成持重: 老成:阅历多而练达世事;持重:做事谨慎。办事老练稳重,不轻举妄动。拈轻怕重: 指接受任务时拣轻的担子挑,怕挑重担。忍辱负重: 为了完成艰巨的任务,忍受暂时的屈辱。如牛负重: 象牛背着学生的东西一样。比喻生活负担极重。无足轻重: 没有它并不轻些,有它也并不重些。指无关紧要。罪孽深重: 孽:罪恶。指做了很大的坏事,犯了很大的罪。不分轻重: 指人办事盲目,不分主次秉节持重: 保持节操,谨慎稳重。不足轻重: 犹言无关紧要。不知轻重: 不懂得事情要紧不要紧。
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due to 的用法是什么啊!

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