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婀熻蕉铔圭 璇稿 鎷滃共绁? 怎么念

2023-05-19 23:34:41

您好,我看到您的问题很久没有人来回答,但是问题过期无人回答会被扣分的并且你的悬赏分也会被没收!所以我给你提几条建议: 一,你可以选择在正确的分类下去提问,这样知道你问题答案的人才会多一些,回答的人也会多些。 二,您可以到与您问题相关专业网站论坛里去看看,那里聚集了许多专业人才,一定可以为你解决问题的。 三,你可以向你的网上好友问友打听,他们会更加真诚热心为你寻找答案的,甚至可以到相关网站直接搜索. 四,网上很多专业论坛以及知识平台,上面也有很多资料,我遇到专业性的问题总是上论坛求解决办法的。 五,将你的问题问的细一些,清楚一些!让人更加容易看懂明白是什么意思! 谢谢采纳我的建议!


姹傝嫳璇�綔鏂唛n making friends.镐ユ眰锛

2023-01-12 08:03:081


1、用功[yòng gōng] 努力学习:他正在图书馆里~。练功[liàn gōng] 训练技能;练习功夫,有时特指练气功或武功:~房。演员坚持~。练过几年功,有两下子。2、创意[chuàng yì] 有创造性的想法、构思等:颇具~。这个设计风格保守,毫无~可言。意见[yì jiàn] 对事情的一定的看法或想法:谈谈你对工作的~。咱们来交换交换~。3、入迷[rù mí] 喜欢某种事物到了沉迷的程度:老爷爷讲故事,孩子们听得入了迷。迷你[mí nǐ] 属性词。指同类物品中较小的;小型的:~裙(超短裙)。[英mini]4、乡亲[xiāng qīn] 同乡的人。亲手[qīn shǒu] 用自己的手(做):你~种的两棵枣树,现在长得可大啦。
2023-01-12 08:03:111


2023-01-12 08:03:142


楼主找到解决的办法了吗 一样的情况 求解
2023-01-12 08:03:192


2023-01-12 08:03:262


h d h s n z n h d b h s h s n s n s ncorssingjsjsjdjsjdb
2023-01-12 08:03:297

methods 翻译

methods的意思如下:methods是单词method的复数,释义为:方法;方法;方法论;教学法分类法。1、短语:construction methods施工方法;computational methods计算方法;methods of production生产方法;historical methods历史研究方法;extension methods扩展方法;adopt various methods采取不同办法;recruitment methods招聘方法;methods of fabrication制造方法。2、例句(1)These methods have fallen into disuse.这些方法已废而不用了。(2)We"ll try to improve our teaching methods.我们要设法改进教学方法。(3)New methods of teaching foreign languages are adopted in this institute.该学院采用新的外语教学法。
2023-01-12 08:03:311


2023-01-12 08:03:352


#include "stdio.h" x0dx0a#include "windows.h" x0dx0a#define N 8 /* 定义棋盘大小 */ x0dx0aint place(int k); /* 确定某一位置皇后放置与否,放置则返回1,反之返回0 */ x0dx0avoid backtrack(int i);/* 主递归函数,搜索解空间中第i层子树 */ x0dx0avoid chessboard(); /* 每找到一个解,打印当前棋盘状态 */ x0dx0astatic int sum, /* 当前已找到解的个数 */ x0dx0ax[N]; /* 记录皇后的位置,x[i]表示皇后i放在棋盘的第i行的第x[i]列 */ x0dx0aint main(void) x0dx0a{ x0dx0abacktrack(0); x0dx0asystem("pause"); x0dx0areturn 0; x0dx0a} x0dx0aint place(int k) x0dx0a{ x0dx0a/* 测试皇后k在第k行第x[k]列时是否与前面已放置好的皇后相攻击。 x[j] == */ x0dx0a/* x[k] 时,两皇后在同一列上;abs(k - j) == abs(x[j] - x[k]) 时,两皇 */ x0dx0a/* 后在同一斜线上。两种情况两皇后都可相互攻击,故返回0表示不符合条件。*/ x0dx0afor (int j = 0; j < k; j ++) x0dx0aif (abs(k - j) == abs(x[j] - x[k]) || (x[j] == x[k])) return 0; x0dx0areturn 1; x0dx0a} x0dx0avoid backtrack(int t) x0dx0a{ x0dx0a/* t == N 时,算法搜索至叶结点,得到一个新的N皇后互不攻击的放置方案 */ x0dx0aif (t == N) chessboard(); x0dx0aelse x0dx0afor (int i = 0; i < N; i ++) { x0dx0ax[t] = i; x0dx0aif (place(t)) backtrack(t + 1); x0dx0a} x0dx0a} x0dx0avoid chessboard() x0dx0a{ x0dx0aprintf("第%d种解法: ", ++ sum); x0dx0afor (int i = 0; i < N; i ++) { x0dx0afor (int j = 0; j < N; j ++) x0dx0aif (j == x[i]) printf("@ "); x0dx0aelse printf("* "); x0dx0aprintf(" "); x0dx0a} x0dx0aprintf(" "); x0dx0a}
2023-01-12 08:03:361

python opencv相机标定格子边长的参数怎么写入cv2.findchessboardcorners

2023-01-12 08:03:421


2023-01-12 08:03:456

cvFindChessboardCorners 与 findChessboardCorners的区别

find chess board corners 全部释义和例句>>找棋盘角corner 英[ˈkɔ:nə(r)]美[ˈkɔ:rnə(r)]n. 拐角; 角落,角; 困境; [商] 囤积;vi. 驾车转弯; 聚于角落;vt. 垄断; 逼入困境;[例句]The man with the umbrella turned the corner again.拿伞的人又拐进了拐角处。[其他] 第三人称单数:corners 复数:corners 现在分词:cornering 过去式:cornered 过去分词:cornered 形近词: cornel sorner cornea
2023-01-12 08:03:481


2023-01-12 08:03:481


2023-01-12 08:03:542


means / method 为正式用语⑴means指实现目的的任何手段,或使用某种交通工具的方式.⑵method指有条理的,系统的办法,特别指新的办法.(3)approach指待人接物或思考问题的方式、方法、态度,常用approach to sth(4)way的...
2023-01-12 08:03:551


名词[U,C]出面,介入,干涉词形变化形容词 interventional名称 intervention时态 intervened,intervening,intervenes英语解释(law) a proceeding that permits a person to enter into a lawsuit already in progress; admission of person not an original party to the suit so that person can protect some right or interest that is allegedly affected by the proceedingsthe act of intervening (as to mediate a dispute)a policy of intervening in the affairs of other countries相似短语intervention vector 干涉向量operator intervention 操作员干预passive intervention 消极干预intervention currency 【经】 干预通货intervention rate 【经】 干预汇率intervention button 紧急保险按钮,应急按钮intervention switch 应急开关,应争保险开关intervention point 干预点 见support point.war of intervention 【法】 干涉战争structural intervention 结构性干预相似单词intervention n.[U,C] 出面,介入,干涉non intervention 【法】 不干涉, 不干预
2023-01-12 08:04:021

怎么运用java swing画10*10的方格图

import java.awt.BorderLayout;import java.awt.Color;import java.awt.GridLayout;import java.awt.Label;import javax.swing.JFrame;import javax.swing.JPanel;public class Example9_4{ public static void main ( String[] args ) { new WinGrid (); }}class WinGrid extends JFrame{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; GridLayout grid; JPanel chessboard; WinGrid () { chessboard = new JPanel (); grid = new GridLayout (10, 10); chessboard.setLayout (grid); Label[][] label = new Label[10][10]; for ( int i = 0; i < label.length; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < label[i].length; j++ ) { label[i][j] = new Label (); if (( i + j ) % 2 == 0) label[i][j].setBackground (; else label[i][j].setBackground (; chessboard.add (label[i][j]); } } add (chessboard, BorderLayout.CENTER); setBounds (10, 10, 570, 390); setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setVisible (true); }}
2023-01-12 08:04:031


带重的成语有哪些 :常见的有这些:语重心长、郑重其事、重见天日、卷土重来、久别重逢、德高望重、重于泰山、如释重负、拈轻怕重、重蹈覆辙、罪孽深重、重峦叠嶂、
2023-01-12 08:04:091


题库内容:布局的解释(1) [distribution;layout] 对事物的全面规划和 安排 新市区的布局 (2) [composition of a picture,essay,etc.]∶[绘画、文学作品的] 设计 。文学上为了戏剧 效果 而引入的方法或人为 状态 (如超 自然 的力重) (3) [position of pieces on a chessboard]∶指棋子分布的态势 详细解释 (1).本指下棋时从全局观点出发进行布子。 唐 王建 《夜看美人宫棋》 诗:“宫棊布局不依经,黑白相和子数停。” 吴梅 《题 天香 石砚斋棋谱》 诗:“敛边丰腹审四隅,布局落子无其偶。” (2).引申指对事物的规划安排。 《醒世恒言·张廷秀 逃生 救父》 :“那时 先生 教他做文字,却就知布局练格,琢句修词。” 毛 * 《论十大关系》 二:“为了平衡工业发展的布局,内地工业 必须 大力 发展。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》 第二卷第五一章:“这座佛寺占地不大,但建筑 玲珑 ,布局紧凑,禅堂 清幽 。” 从全面考虑进行安排。 清 方薰 《山静居画论》 卷上:“凡作画者,……一如作文,在立意布局新警乃佳,不然,缀辞徒工,不过陈言而已。”如:工业布局合理。 词语分解 布的解释 布 ù 棉、麻及棉型化学短纤维经纺纱后的织成物:布匹。布帛。 布衣 。 古代的一种钱币。 宣告,对众陈述:宣布。发布。布告。开诚布公(推诚相见,坦白无私)。 分散到各处:散布。遍布。星罗棋布。 流传,散播 局的解释 局 ú 部分: 局部 。局麻(局部 麻醉 )。 机关 及团体 组织 分工办事的单位:教育局。 某些商店的名称:书局。 棋盘:棋局。 下棋或其他比赛进行一次:下了一局棋。 着棋的 形势 ,喻事情的形势、情况:时局。大局。
2023-01-12 08:04:091


1、滴滴答答读音:dī dī dā dā释义:重复的滴滴声或一连串轻快的声音或拍打。示例:晚上雨滴滴答答的落在地上,就像一位美丽动人的姑娘在嬉戏,溅起了一朵朵水花。2、叮叮咚咚读音:dīng dīng dōng dōng释义:形容玉石、金属等撞击或水滴落下的声音:玉佩~。泉水~。也作丁冬、丁东。示例:听到叮叮咚咚的雨声,仿佛是一曲轻松活泼的乐曲,绵绵秋雨不紧不慢地落到地上,在水坑中溅起一个个想糖球大小的圆圆的水珠。3、淅淅沥沥 读音:xī xī lì lì释义:象声词。雨声。示例:雨小些,但还是淅淅沥沥地下着。扩展资料其他表示声音的AABB式词语:1、嘻嘻哈哈 [ xī xī hā hā ]解释:形容嬉笑欢乐的样子。引证:茅盾 《拟<浪花>》:“‘嗨嗨,小孩子做两套棉衣,一个八岁,一个六岁。" 阿二 回答,还是一副嘻嘻哈哈的神气。”2、哼哼哈哈 [ hēng hēng hā hā ]解释:形容迁就忍让或敷衍了事的样子。引证:瞿秋白《文艺杂著续辑·青年的九月》:“这才是真正的反对战争,不是什么雷马克式的哼哼哈哈的和平主义。”3、噼噼啪啪 [ pī pī pā pā ]解释:形容物体爆裂、拍打物体......的连续声音。引证:余华《活着》:“地上坑坑洼洼,满是尸体和烧毁了的大炮枪支,烧黑了的军车还在噼噼啪啪。”
2023-01-12 08:04:121


In the Western countries, have "Halloween" on October 31 every year,the dictionary makes an explanation for "The eve of All Saints"Day " , Chinese translates work: "Night of All Saints" Day". All Saints" Day is the Western countries tradition festival. This one night is one night "being haunted " most among 1 year, therefore also calling "spirit festival". Before more than two thousand years, European Roman Catholic Church fixes November 1 for "Japan of land under heaven believer" (ALL HALLOWS DAY). "HALLOW" is intention of believer. Legend Celt (CELTS) who lives in fields such as Ireland , Scotland has moved this festival forward since B.C. for 500 years, being October 31 one day. They think that should gradually are the day being over formally in summer, is just a New Year beginning, a day that grim winter starts. People believes that the soul of a deceased person of old friend meeting returns to the former home field look for the people on living person , borrows this regeneration in this day at that time, this is person unique hope being able to gain regeneration in postmortal and. The alive people seizes but a life coming the soul fearing to die then , people puts out away fire , candela thereupon right away in this day , lets rigid soul have no way to look for living person , self soul of dressing the dead up as all sorts of evil-doers is frightened off. Afterwards, they meeting candela ignites kindling again , start new life for 1 year. The Celt tribe still has legend at that time in the convention living person is killed on October 31 being used in holding a memorial ceremony for the dead. Have arrived at A.D. 1 century, Roman who has captured the Celt tribe manor has accepted All Saints" Day convention also gradually , has abolished but the barbarous method of work burning living human sacrifice dead herefrom. Roman celebrates the good harvest festival and Celt ceremony combines, be wearing the dreadful mask , be dressed up as animal or ghosts and monsters, be then for driving demon wandering all around in them away. This is just that the whole world most people is skill in strange dressing with acient bier today , comes to celebrate the All Saints" Day reason. Gradually, the time lapse , the All Saints" Day significance have got change , have become active happy get up, rapturous implication has become main current. Rigid soul looks for a stand-in to return to the world statement also gradually, be got rid of and be forgot. Have arrived at the image , picture symbolizing All Saints" Day today, if the witch , the black cat wait , have had lovable and comical friendly face mostly. USA Buddha State: Undersea All Saints" Day That the facial make-up type puts on makeup is an All Saints" Day tradition program Halloween "one word creation Or many nations is had celebration to get together all in All Saints" Day eve , this is called "the All Hallow E"en " ", The Eve of All Hallows " ", Hallow e"en ", "The eve of All Saintas"Day ". Ultimate common run of mankind has developed to have become "Halloween" , Chinese intention has translated into night of All Saints" Day. The All Saints" Day convention does not ask being going to make trouble A amusing content of All Saints" Day is "a Trick or treat " , that this convention but is not originated from Ireland, is to start from A.D. nine centuries Europes Body of Christ but. At that time (Japan of "ALL SOULS DAY " Wan Ling ) being called by Christians on November 2. Trudge in this a day , disciples in out-of-the-way place province in the countryside, suffer from village "cake of going begging for the soul" using flour and raisin to be made from from door to door. Contribute the cake household allegedly believe in prayer of church monk, blessing expecting to get God"s from this protects, let passed-away relative enter Heaven soon. This is conducted by the tradition that the family goes begging for asking for the game that candy eats one by one till developing unexpectedly nowadays to have become the children being carrying the Spanish gourd lantern. The children who is dressed up as damned spirit appearance needs to send out the threat "not asking being made trouble " right away all in the same key all, but the host does not dare at ease when meeting, cold-shoulder, doctrine repeatedly eats, "please! Eat please"! Candy put into big carry-on the children bags lining at the same time. Still have Spanish gourd vulture empty space besides pawning the lantern story. This is to originate from Ireland the ancient times. That the story is to criticize a people who is called JACK, is a drunken man and loves a practical joke. One day JACK has deceived a demon into having mounted a tree , has carved a cross immediately on the stump, frighten a demon to make him not dare come down, JACK makes a few simple rules with the demon and then right away , let a demon promise Shifarang JACK to will never commit a crime for condition lets him go down a tree. JACK postmortal , the person soul both can not go up to the sky and can not go to hell but, his soul of a deceased person can only choose that the small by one candle wanders about leisurely to guiding him between the scope of operation thereupon. All sorts of evil-doers dances trippingly On October 30 , 2004, one famous artist holds the balloon Romania children participating in the All Saints" Day activity in capital Bucharest. Within antiquited Ireland legend, this small candle has been to there be "JACK LANTERNS " , be called in radish digging empty space in one , that antiquited radish light develops but to today, has been Jack-O-Lantern that Spanish gourd makes then. It is said that Irish has arrived at USA being the pet discovering Spanish gourd disregarding all, one has prepared , Spanish gourd has become thereupon right away All Saints" Day from that the source and sculpture come than the radish wins before long. The Brussels All Saints" Day Festival the children is fond of All Saints" Day is that children play with happy regards as much as one likes moment. It is hit by in the children eye , is is a festival being full of the mysterious color. The veil of night comes , colourful putting on makeup of the children field put on just too impatient to wait is accustomed to , puts on the exceedingly strange mask, mention previous "Jack light " running go out to play. And then "Jack light " appearance is very lovable , method of work is that Spanish gourd is hollowed out, outside engrave be all smiles the eye and big mouths, having inserted a candle , it is ignited in melon, people just can see this charmingly naive smiling face in very distant place. The portable child "Jack light " punishing the ready queen , disguising self as all sorts of evil-doers group, runs before the neighbour door of a house , intimidates as the field is shouting: "Ask a practical joke to still be to being entertained " ", given money to still being eaten". If the adult entertains them without candy , small change,those naughty children will abide by one"s promise: You do not entertain , I make fun of you right away well. They cover the household doornob with a soap sometimes , cover others"s cat with colour sometimes. These small practical jokes often make an adult be able neither to cry nor to laugh. Certainly, great majority households are happy to entertain these naive young guests all very much. Therefore the children of All Saints" Day eve abdomen Saide is always full , the bag pretends chockfully. The most popular All Saints" Day eve game is "to bite an apple ". When game, people lets an apple float in the basin filling water to full And then under the condition of disusing hand, a use mouth is gone to bite an apple , who is bitten first by the children to arrive at, who is a winner
2023-01-12 08:04:142


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2023-01-12 08:04:211


题库内容:罗: 罗列 ;布:分布。象 天空 的星星和棋盘上的棋子那样分布着。 形容 数量很多,分布很广。 成语出处: 汉·班固《西都赋》:“列卒 周匝 ,星罗云布。” 成语例句: 到了晚上,那电气灯,自来火, 星罗棋布 , 照耀 得彻夜通明, 光辉 如同 白昼 。 繁体写法: 星罗棋布 注音: ㄒㄧㄥ ㄌㄨㄛˊ ㄑㄧˊ ㄅㄨˋ 星罗棋布的近义词: 浩如烟海 广大众多如云烟火海一般。形容书籍、文献、资料等极为丰富至集部浩如烟海,且或不甚有裨实学,似可缓刊。 漫山遍野 遍布山野。《三国演义》第五八回:“ 西凉州 前部先锋 马岱 引军一万五千,浩浩荡荡,漫山遍野而来。” 星罗棋布的反义词: 寥若晨星 南朝齐·谢朓《京路夜发》诗:晓星正寥落,晨光复泱漭。唐& 成语语法: 联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;形容数量多分布广 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 联合式成语 产生年代: 古代成语 英语翻译: spread all over the place be dotted like stars in the sky and scattered like the pieces on a chessboard 俄语翻译: покрываться густой сетью <густая сеть> 日语翻译: 星(ほし)や碁石(ごいし)のように散(ち)らばっている 其他翻译: <德>mit etwas übersǎt sein <überall verteilt sein><法>éparpillés comme les étoiles dans le ciel et les pions sur un échiquier <éparpiller> 成语谜语: 夏夜对弈 写法注意: 棋,不能写作“旗”。 歇后语: 夏夜走棋
2023-01-12 08:04:211


轻重倒置 [qīng zhòng dào zhì] 基本释义把重要的和不重要的两者的地位摆颠倒了。 贬义出 处宋·刘安世《尽言集》:“轻重倒置;有害政体。”例 句做工作一定先分清轻重缓急,有序进行,切不可眉毛胡子一把抓,更不能~。
2023-01-12 08:04:211


赛博朋克边缘行者的英文表达为:Cyberpunk fringe walker赛博朋克英文:cyberpunk n.数字朋客(未来世界的电脑科幻小说);数字朋客作者;网络黑客赛博朋克:赛博朋克是科幻小说的一个分支,以计算机或者信息技术为主题背景,大多设定为未来世界或者乌托邦世界,通常关注人工智能、巨型企业与组织的冲突和黑客主题,大多反映人类社会秩序被破坏,强调渺小人类与科技高度发达文明之间的冲突。例句:Data networks are more than just a part of cyberpunk"s subject matter. 数据网络不仅仅是赛博朋克主题的一部分。Many of POSTMODERNISM"s allegedly principal qualities fit cyberpunk like a glove.  据说许多后现代主义的主要特征完全和赛博朋克雷同。
2023-01-12 08:04:241

人类学用英语解释 急啊!!!

2023-01-12 08:03:182


method造句:1、We discuss themethod in this order.(我们按此顺序讨论这种方法。)2、Themethod is incorrect.(方法不对头。)3、There is just onemethod that might work.(只有一个方法可能起作用。)4、Whichmethod does Jack prefer?(杰克更喜欢哪种方法?)5、It was the basicmethod at that time.(这是当时的基本方法。)6、Plainly, a more objectivemethod of description must be adopted.(显然,必须采用一种更客观的描述方法。)7、Thismethod has two advantages: first it is cheaper and second it is quicker.(这个方法有两个优点:一是更便宜,二是较快。)
2023-01-12 08:03:141


#include <stdio.h>#include <bios.h>#include <ctype.h>#include <conio.h>#include <dos.h>/**********************************************************//* 定义符号常量 *//*定义画棋盘所需的制表符*/#define CROSSRU 0xbf /*右上角点*/#define CROSSLU 0xda /*左上角点*/#define CROSSLD 0xc0 /*左下角点*/#define CROSSRD 0xd9 /*右下角点*/#define CROSSL 0xc3 /*左边*/#define CROSSR 0xb4 /*右边*/#define CROSSU 0xc2 /*上边*/#define CROSSD 0xc1 /*下边*/#define CROSS 0xc5 /*十字交叉点*//*定义棋盘左上角点在屏幕上的位置*/#define MAPXOFT 5#define MAPYOFT 2/*定义1号玩家的操作键键码*/#define PLAY1UP 0x1157/*上移--"W"*/#define PLAY1DOWN 0x1f53/*下移--"S"*/#define PLAY1LEFT 0x1e41/*左移--"A"*/#define PLAY1RIGHT 0x2044/*右移--"D"*/#define PLAY1DO 0x3920/*落子--空格键*//*定义2号玩家的操作键键码*/#define PLAY2UP 0x4800/*上移--方向键up*/#define PLAY2DOWN 0x5000/*下移--方向键down*/#define PLAY2LEFT 0x4b00/*左移--方向键left*/#define PLAY2RIGHT 0x4d00/*右移--方向键right*/#define PLAY2DO 0x1c0d/*落子--回车键Enter*//*若想在游戏中途退出, 可按 Esc 键*/#define ESCAPE 0x011b/*定义棋盘上交叉点的状态, 即该点有无棋子 *//*若有棋子, 还应能指出是哪个玩家的棋子 */#define CHESSNULL 0 /*没有棋子*/#define CHESS1 "O"/*一号玩家的棋子*/#define CHESS2 "X"/*二号玩家的棋子*//*定义按键类别*/#define KEYEXIT 0/*退出键*/#define KEYFALLCHESS 1/*落子键*/#define KEYMOVECURSOR 2/*光标移动键*/#define KEYINVALID 3/*无效键*//*定义符号常量: 真, 假 --- 真为1, 假为0 */#define TRUE 1#define FALSE 0/**********************************************************//* 定义数据结构 *//*棋盘交叉点坐标的数据结构*/struct point{ int x,y;};/**********************************************************//*自定义函数原型说明 */void Init(void);int GetKey(void);int CheckKey(int press);int ChangeOrder(void);int ChessGo(int Order,struct point Cursor);void DoError(void);void DoOK(void);void DoWin(int Order);void MoveCursor(int Order,int press);void DrawCross(int x,int y);void DrawMap(void);int JudgeWin(int Order,struct point Cursor);int JudgeWinLine(int Order,struct point Cursor,int direction);void ShowOrderMsg(int Order);void EndGame(void);/**********************************************************//**********************************************************//* 定义全局变量 */int gPlayOrder; /*指示当前行棋方 */struct point gCursor; /*光标在棋盘上的位置 */char gChessBoard[19][19];/*用于记录棋盘上各点的状态*//**********************************************************//**********************************************************//*主函数*/void main(){ int press; int bOutWhile=FALSE;/*退出循环标志*/ Init();/*初始化图象,数据*/ while(1) { press=GetKey();/*获取用户的按键值*/ switch(CheckKey(press))/*判断按键类别*/ { /*是退出键*/ case KEYEXIT: clrscr();/*清屏*/ bOutWhile = TRUE; break;/*是落子键*/ case KEYFALLCHESS: if(ChessGo(gPlayOrder,gCursor)==FALSE)/*走棋*/ DoError();/*落子错误*/ else { DoOK();/*落子正确*/ /*如果当前行棋方赢棋*/ if(JudgeWin(gPlayOrder,gCursor)==TRUE) { DoWin(gPlayOrder); bOutWhile = TRUE;/*退出循环标志置为真*/ } /*否则*/ else /*交换行棋方*/ ChangeOrder(); } break; /*是光标移动键*/ case KEYMOVECURSOR: MoveCursor(gPlayOrder,press); break; /*是无效键*/ case KEYINVALID: break; } if(bOutWhile==TRUE) break; } /*游戏结束*/ EndGame();}/**********************************************************//*界面初始化,数据初始化*/void Init(void){ int i,j; char *Msg[]= { "Player1 key:", " UP----w", " DOWN--s", " LEFT--a", " RIGHT-d", " DO----space", "", "Player2 key:", " UP----up", " DOWN--down", " LEFT--left", " RIGHT-right", " DO----ENTER", "", "exit game:", " ESC", NULL, }; /*先手方为1号玩家*/ gPlayOrder = CHESS1; /*棋盘数据清零, 即棋盘上各点开始的时候都没有棋子*/ for(i=0;i<19;i++) for(j=0;j<19;j++) gChessBoard[i][j]=CHESSNULL; /*光标初始位置*/ gCursor.x=gCursor.y=0; /*画棋盘*/ textmode(C40); DrawMap(); /*显示操作键说明*/ i=0; textcolor(BROWN); while(Msg[i]!=NULL) { gotoxy(25,3+i); cputs(Msg[i]); i++; } /*显示当前行棋方*/ ShowOrderMsg(gPlayOrder); /*光标移至棋盘的左上角点处*/ gotoxy(gCursor.x+MAPXOFT,gCursor.y+MAPYOFT);}/*画棋盘*/void DrawMap(void){ int i,j; clrscr(); for(i=0;i<19;i++) for(j=0;j<19;j++) DrawCross(i,j);}/*画棋盘上的交叉点*/void DrawCross(int x,int y){ gotoxy(x+MAPXOFT,y+MAPYOFT); /*交叉点上是一号玩家的棋子*/ if(gChessBoard[x][y]==CHESS1) { textcolor(LIGHTBLUE); putch(CHESS1); return; } /*交叉点上是二号玩家的棋子*/ if(gChessBoard[x][y]==CHESS2) { textcolor(LIGHTBLUE); putch(CHESS2); return; } textcolor(GREEN); /*左上角交叉点*/ if(x==0&&y==0) { putch(CROSSLU); return; } /*左下角交叉点*/ if(x==0&&y==18) { putch(CROSSLD); return; } /*右上角交叉点*/ if(x==18&&y==0) { putch(CROSSRU); return; } /*右下角交叉点*/ if(x==18&&y==18) { putch(CROSSRD); return; } /*左边界交叉点*/ if(x==0) { putch(CROSSL); return; } /*右边界交叉点*/ if(x==18) { putch(CROSSR); return; } /*上边界交叉点*/ if(y==0) { putch(CROSSU); return; } /*下边界交叉点*/ if(y==18) { putch(CROSSD); return; } /*棋盘中间的交叉点*/ putch(CROSS);}/*交换行棋方*/int ChangeOrder(void){ if(gPlayOrder==CHESS1) gPlayOrder=CHESS2; else gPlayOrder=CHESS1;return(gPlayOrder);}/*获取按键值*/int GetKey(void){ char lowbyte; int press; while (bioskey(1) == 0) ;/*如果用户没有按键,空循环*/ press=bioskey(0); lowbyte=press&0xff; press=press&0xff00 + toupper(lowbyte); return(press);}/*落子错误处理*/void DoError(void){ sound(1200); delay(50); nosound();}/*赢棋处理*/void DoWin(int Order){ sound(1500);delay(100); sound(0); delay(50); sound(800); delay(100); sound(0); delay(50); sound(1500);delay(100); sound(0); delay(50); sound(800); delay(100); sound(0); delay(50); nosound(); textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,20); if(Order==CHESS1) cputs("PLAYER1 WIN!"); else cputs("PLAYER2 WIN!"); gotoxy(25,21); cputs(" \<^+^>/"); getch();}/*走棋*/int ChessGo(int Order,struct point Cursor){ /*判断交叉点上有无棋子*/ if(gChessBoard[Cursor.x][Cursor.y]==CHESSNULL) { /*若没有棋子, 则可以落子*/ gotoxy(Cursor.x+MAPXOFT,Cursor.y+MAPYOFT); textcolor(LIGHTBLUE); putch(Order); gotoxy(Cursor.x+MAPXOFT,Cursor.y+MAPYOFT); gChessBoard[Cursor.x][Cursor.y]=Order; return TRUE; } else return FALSE;}/*判断当前行棋方落子后是否赢棋*/int JudgeWin(int Order,struct point Cursor){ int i; for(i=0;i<4;i++) /*判断在指定方向上是否有连续5个行棋方的棋子*/ if(JudgeWinLine(Order,Cursor,i)) return TRUE; return FALSE;}/*判断在指定方向上是否有连续5个行棋方的棋子*/int JudgeWinLine(int Order,struct point Cursor,int direction){ int i; struct point pos,dpos; const int testnum = 5; int count; switch(direction) { case 0:/*在水平方向*/ pos.x=Cursor.x-(testnum-1); pos.y=Cursor.y; dpos.x=1; dpos.y=0; break; case 1:/*在垂直方向*/ pos.x=Cursor.x; pos.y=Cursor.y-(testnum-1); dpos.x=0; dpos.y=1; break; case 2:/*在左下至右上的斜方向*/ pos.x=Cursor.x-(testnum-1); pos.y=Cursor.y+(testnum-1); dpos.x=1; dpos.y=-1; break; case 3:/*在左上至右下的斜方向*/ pos.x=Cursor.x-(testnum-1); pos.y=Cursor.y-(testnum-1); dpos.x=1; dpos.y=1; break; } count=0; for(i=0;i<testnum*2+1;i++) { if(pos.x>=0&&pos.x<=18&&pos.y>=0&&pos.y<=18) { if(gChessBoard[pos.x][pos.y]==Order) { count++; if(count>=testnum) return TRUE; } else count=0; } pos.x+=dpos.x; pos.y+=dpos.y; } return FALSE;}/*移动光标*/void MoveCursor(int Order,int press){ switch(press) { case PLAY1UP: if(Order==CHESS1&&gCursor.y>0) gCursor.y--; break; case PLAY1DOWN: if(Order==CHESS1&&gCursor.y<18) gCursor.y++; break; case PLAY1LEFT: if(Order==CHESS1&&gCursor.x>0) gCursor.x--; break; case PLAY1RIGHT: if(Order==CHESS1&&gCursor.x<18) gCursor.x++; break;case PLAY2UP: if(Order==CHESS2&&gCursor.y>0) gCursor.y--; break; case PLAY2DOWN: if(Order==CHESS2&&gCursor.y<18) gCursor.y++; break; case PLAY2LEFT: if(Order==CHESS2&&gCursor.x>0) gCursor.x--; break; case PLAY2RIGHT: if(Order==CHESS2&&gCursor.x<18) gCursor.x++; break; } gotoxy(gCursor.x+MAPXOFT,gCursor.y+MAPYOFT);}/*游戏结束处理*/void EndGame(void){ textmode(C80);}/*显示当前行棋方*/void ShowOrderMsg(int Order){ gotoxy(6,MAPYOFT+20); textcolor(LIGHTRED); if(Order==CHESS1) cputs("Player1 go!"); else cputs("Player2 go!"); gotoxy(gCursor.x+MAPXOFT,gCursor.y+MAPYOFT);}/*落子正确处理*/void DoOK(void){ sound(500); delay(70); sound(600); delay(50); sound(1000); delay(100); nosound();}/*检查用户的按键类别*/int CheckKey(int press){ if(press==ESCAPE) return KEYEXIT;/*是退出键*/ else if ( ( press==PLAY1DO && gPlayOrder==CHESS1) || ( press==PLAY2DO && gPlayOrder==CHESS2) ) return KEYFALLCHESS;/*是落子键*/ else if ( press==PLAY1UP || press==PLAY1DOWN || press==PLAY1LEFT || press==PLAY1RIGHT || press==PLAY2UP || press==PLAY2DOWN || press==PLAY2LEFT || press==PLAY2RIGHT ) return KEYMOVECURSOR;/*是光标移动键*/ else return KEYINVALID;/*按键无效*/}
2023-01-12 08:03:146


2023-01-12 08:03:143


2023-01-12 08:03:148


重的成语有哪些 :重气狥名、重生爷娘、孔怀之重、重阳落帽、委重投艰、方寸万重、百舍重茧、重厚少文、弃重取轻、才轻任重、重增其放、厚栋任重、畸轻畸重、啖以重利、世轻世重、语重情深、重金袭汤、重规迭矩、礼轻人意重、权重秩卑、重足一迹、币重言甘、口耳并重、手足重茧、兼朱重紫、重气轻身、重财轻义、重望高名、铜盘重肉、不知轻重
2023-01-12 08:03:071


methods: [ˈmɛθədz]   n.方法;办法;措施;条理;有条不紊method的复数例句:1.Her article is a discussion of the methods used in research. 她这篇文章论述的是研究中使用的方法。2.This is one of the most commonly used methods. 这是最常采用的方法之一。3.The method is specifically designed for use in small groups. 这方法是专为小组活动设计的。4.The new methods are radically different from the old. 新的方法迥然不同于旧的方法。5.Modern farming methods can have an adverse effect on the environment. 现代农业耕作方法可能对环境造成负面影响。                                                         
2023-01-12 08:03:041

围棋是一种策略性两人棋类游戏,使用格状棋盘及黑白二色棋子进行对弈,属琴棋书画四艺之一。 求翻译。

Go is a strategic two chess game, using the lattice board and black and white two color chess game, is one of the four arts fancies of men of letters.
2023-01-12 08:02:593


2023-01-12 08:02:571


大哥 太难了
2023-01-12 08:02:531


存在于有分享相似宗教信仰和价值观的公民中间的文化,比起存在于多种背景的公民中间的文化,更像似能够制订代表人民意愿的法律。成分很简单,是个只有一套主谓宾结构的单句。去掉修饰成分之后的句子是”a culture is more likely to have laws than a culture", 第一个“in which ...... beliefs and values"都是修饰作为主语”a culture"的定语。
2023-01-12 08:02:526


2023-01-12 08:02:501


2023-01-12 08:02:483


2023-01-12 08:02:444


 L型骨牌:一个2^k×2^k的棋盘中有一个特殊方格,所以,用到L型骨牌的个数为(4^k-1)/3,将所有L型骨牌从1开始连续编号,用一个全局变量t表示。设全局变量t已初始化为0,分治法求解棋盘覆盖问题的算法用C++语言描述如下:void ChessBoard(int tr, int tc, int dr, int dc, int size){int s, t1; //t1表示本次覆盖所用L型骨牌的编号if (size == 1) return; //棋盘只有一个方格且是特殊方格t1 = ++t; // L型骨牌编号s = size/2; // 划分棋盘if (dr< tr + s && dc< tc + s) //特殊方格在左上角子棋盘中ChessBoard(tr, tc, dr, dc, s); //递归处理子棋盘else{ //用 t1号L型骨牌覆盖右下角,再递归处理子棋盘board[tr + s - 1][tc + s - 1] = t1;ChessBoard(tr, tc, tr+s-1, tc+s-1, s);}if (dr< tr + s && dc >= tc + s) //特殊方格在右上角子棋盘中ChessBoard(tr, tc+s, dr, dc, s); //递归处理子棋盘else { //用 t1号L型骨牌覆盖左下角,再递归处理子棋盘board[tr + s - 1][tc + s] = t1;ChessBoard(tr, tc+s, tr+s-1, tc+s, s);}if (dr >= tr + s && dc< tc + s) //特殊方格在左下角子棋盘中ChessBoard(tr+s, tc, dr, dc, s); //递归处理子棋盘else { //用 t1号L型骨牌覆盖右上角,再递归处理子棋盘board[tr + s][tc + s - 1] = t1;ChessBoard(tr+s, tc, tr+s, tc+s-1, s);}if (dr >= tr + s && dc >= tc + s) //特殊方格在右下角子棋盘中ChessBoard(tr+s, tc+s, dr, dc, s); //递归处理子棋盘else { //用 t1号L型骨牌覆盖左上角,再递归处理子棋盘board[tr + s][tc + s] = t1;ChessBoard(tr+s, tc+s, tr+s, tc+s, s);多米诺骨牌是一种以木头、骨头、或塑料为材料制成的长方形骨牌,玩的时候将骨牌按一定的间距顺序排列,用很小的力推倒第一枚骨牌,后面的骨牌就会一个接一个的倒下。最初,起源于中国的北宋时期,那个时候的骨牌多用畜牧动物的骨头(比如:牛骨)制作,所以称其为骨牌;后来,一位名叫多米诺来自意大利的传教士把这种骨牌带去了欧洲,一开始他把这种骨牌作为礼物送给了他的小女儿,在女儿的玩耍过程中发现了推到骨牌的玩法。之后他就制作了很多木制的骨牌并创造了更多的玩法,不久之后,木制的骨牌风靡欧洲在世界各地流行起来,骨牌游戏成了一项高雅运动,欧洲的人们为感谢多诺米带来了这项运动,就把这种骨牌游戏命名为“多诺米骨牌”。
2023-01-12 08:02:431


2023-01-12 08:02:411


不足轻重buzuqingzhong、如释重负rushizhongdan、若释重负ruoshohzongfu、重若丘山zhongruoqiushan、缓急轻重huanjiqingzhong、1、不足轻重犹言无关紧要。 2、如释重负释:放下;重负:重担子。象放下重担那样轻松。形容紧张心情过去以后的的轻松愉快。 3、若释重负释:放下;重负:重担子。象放下重担那样轻松。形容紧张心情过去以后的的轻松愉快。 4、重若丘山比大山还要重。比喻人死得很有价值。也形容意义重大。5、缓急轻重指各种事情中有主要的和次要的,有急于要办的和可以慢一点办的。
2023-01-12 08:02:351


way、means、method的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.way意思:n. 方法;方式2.means意思:n. 方法;手段;收入3.method意思:n. 方法;条理二、用法不同1.way用法:作“方法,方式,手段”解时,前面常加介词in。如果way前有this, that等限定词,介词可省略,但如果放在句首,介词则不可省略。例句:She showed them the way to do it.她向他们示范做这件事的方法。2.means用法:作“方法,手段”解时是单数名词,可用不定冠词a修饰,当其用作主语时,谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用复数形式,而在表示“钱财”时,其谓语动词则要用复数形式。例句:Are there any means of getting there?有什么方法可以到那里吗?3.method用法:基本意思是“方法,办法”,指在做某项工作或为达到某目的时所采取的(抽象的)方法或(具体的)程序,多与介词of或for连用,是可数名词。例句:I have a simple and easy method.我有个简易的方法。三、侧重点不同1.way侧重点:用于过去时或一般现在时。2.means侧重点:用于一般进行时。3.method侧重点:用于一般现在时。
2023-01-12 08:02:351

请详细翻译 好的加分

亚特兰提斯是一个传奇海岛在大西洋,在直布罗陀西边,下沉在海之下在地震和洪水猛烈爆发时不少9,000年在柏拉图之前对此写在他的Timaeus和Critias。 在关于乌托邦社会的讨论,柏拉图声称埃及教士告诉了关于亚特兰提斯的政治家。 柏拉图比他的洞的讽喻描述一个真正的洞没再描述一个真正的地方 亚特兰提斯的目的将用关于理想的社会的讨论,他的一个喜爱的题材表达一则道德消息。 没人在希腊9,000年提及了在雅典和亚特兰提斯之间的一次争斗的事实应该担当线索柏拉图没有谈论一次真正的地方或争斗。然而,柏拉图经常被援引作为一个地方的现实的主源地球叫的亚特兰提斯的。 这什么埃及教士涉嫌告诉了政治家: 许多巨大和美妙的行为被记录您的在我们的历史的状态。 但是他们中的一个超出在伟大和勇气的所有休息。 对于这些历史告诉强大力量哪无缘无故做了一次远征反对欧洲和亚洲的整体,并且对哪些您的城市结束了。 这力量来了在大西洋外面,在那些日子里大西洋的是可航行的; 并且有在是由您叫Heracles柱子的海峡前面位于的海岛; 海岛大于利比亚和亚洲汇集,并且道路通往其他海岛,并且从这些您也许通过到围拢真实的海洋相反大陆的整体; 对于在Heracles之内海峡的这海是仅港口 有一个狭窄的入口,但是那其他是真正的海和周围的土地也许真实地称一个无边的大陆。 现在亚特兰提斯这个海岛有有在整个海岛和几其他的规则的一个伟大和美妙的帝国,并且在大陆的部分,并且,此外,亚特兰提斯的人服从了利比亚的部分在Heracles的专栏的就埃及和的欧洲之内就Tyrrhenia。 这浩大的力量,被会集入一个,竭力制服在吹动我们的国家和你的和区域的整体在海峡之内的; 然后, 政治家,您的国家在她的美德和力量优秀发光了,在所有人类之中。 她是超群绝伦的在勇气和军事技巧,并且是Hellenes的领导。 并且,当休息从她下跌,被迫单独站立,以后接受危险肢,她击败了并且胜利了在侵略者和保存从奴隶制未被征讨的那些人和慷慨地解放在柱子之内居住的所有我们。
2023-01-12 08:02:352

. 编写程序求解骑士巡游问题:在n行n列的棋盘上(如n=5),假设一位骑士(按象棋中“马走日”的行走法)从

2023-01-12 08:02:342

due to都有什么常见用法

2023-01-12 08:02:291

method怎么读 method如何读

1、method:英[ˈmeθəd]、美[ˈmeθəd] 2、n.方法; 办法; 措施; 条理; 有条不紊; 3、[例句]Her article is a discussion of the methods used in research.她这篇文章论述的是研究中使用的方法。 4、
2023-01-12 08:02:291


破镜重圆 恩重如山 头重脚轻 重蹈覆辙 德高望重总有一个是对的,请采纳!!
2023-01-12 08:02:262