barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 23:34:14





#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

const int N=15;                 //15*15的棋盘

const char ChessBoardflag = " ";          //棋盘标志

const char flag1="o";              //玩家1或电脑的棋子标志

const char flag2="X";              //玩家2的棋子标志

typedef struct Coordinate          //坐标类


int x;                         //代表行

int y;                         //代表列


class GoBang                    //五子棋类


GoBang()                //初始化




void Play()               //下棋


Coordinate Pos1;      // 玩家1或电脑

Coordinate Pos2;      //玩家2

int n = 0;

while (1)


int mode = ChoiceMode();

while (1)


if (mode == 1)       //电脑vs玩家


ComputerChess(Pos1,flag1);     // 电脑下棋

if (GetVictory(Pos1, 0, flag1) == 1)     //0表示电脑,真表示获胜


PlayChess(Pos2, 2, flag2);     //玩家2下棋

if (GetVictory(Pos2, 2, flag2))     //2表示玩家2



else            //玩家1vs玩家2


PlayChess(Pos1, 1, flag1);     // 玩家1下棋

if (GetVictory(Pos1, 1, flag1))      //1表示玩家1


PlayChess(Pos2, 2, flag2);     //玩家2下棋

if (GetVictory(Pos2, 2, flag2))  //2表示玩家2




cout << "***再来一局***" << endl;

cout << "y or n :";

char c = "y";

cin >> c;

if (c == "n")





int ChoiceMode()           //选择模式


int i = 0;

system("cls");        //系统调用,清屏

InitChessBoard();       //重新初始化棋盘

cout << "***0、退出  1、电脑vs玩家  2、玩家vs玩家***" << endl;

while (1)


cout << "请选择:";

cin >> i;

if (i == 0)         //选择0退出


if (i == 1 || i == 2)

return i;

cout << "输入不合法" << endl;



void InitChessBoard()      //初始化棋盘


for (int i = 0; i < N + 1; ++i)      


for (int j = 0; j < N + 1; ++j)


_ChessBoard[i][j] = ChessBoardflag;




void PrintChessBoard()    //打印棋盘,这个函数可以自己调整


system("cls");                //系统调用,清空屏幕

for (int i = 0; i < N+1; ++i)


for (int j = 0; j < N+1; ++j)


if (i == 0)                               //打印列数字


if (j!=0)

printf("%d  ", j);


printf("   ");


else if (j == 0)                //打印行数字

printf("%2d ", i);



if (i < N+1)


printf("%c |",_ChessBoard[i][j]);




cout << endl;

cout << "   ";

for (int m = 0; m < N; m++)




cout << endl;



void PlayChess(Coordinate& pos, int player, int flag)       //玩家下棋


PrintChessBoard();         //打印棋盘

while (1)


printf("玩家%d输入坐标:", player);

cin >> pos.x >> pos.y;

if (JudgeValue(pos) == 1)          //坐标合法


cout << "坐标不合法,重新输入" << endl;


_ChessBoard[pos.x][pos.y] = flag;


void ComputerChess(Coordinate& pos, char flag)       //电脑下棋


PrintChessBoard();         //打印棋盘

int x = 0;

int y = 0;

while (1)


x = (rand() % N) + 1;      //产生1~N的随机数

srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));

y = (rand() % N) + 1;     //产生1~N的随机数

srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));

if (_ChessBoard[x][y] == ChessBoardflag)      //如果这个位置是空的,也就是没有棋子



pos.x = x;

pos.y = y;

_ChessBoard[pos.x][pos.y] = flag;


int JudgeValue(const Coordinate& pos)       //判断输入坐标是不是合法


if (pos.x > 0 && pos.x <= N&&pos.y > 0 && pos.y <= N)


if (_ChessBoard[pos.x][pos.y] == ChessBoardflag)


return 1;    //合法



return 0;        //非法


int JudgeVictory(Coordinate pos, char flag)           //判断有没有人胜负(底层判断)


int begin = 0;

int end = 0;

int begin1 = 0;

int end1 = 0;


(pos.y - 4) > 0 ? begin = (pos.y - 4) : begin = 1;

(pos.y + 4) >N ? end = N : end = (pos.y + 4);

for (int i = pos.x, j = begin; j + 4 <= end; j++)


if (_ChessBoard[i][j] == flag&&_ChessBoard[i][j + 1] == flag&&

_ChessBoard[i][j + 2] == flag&&_ChessBoard[i][j + 3] == flag&&

_ChessBoard[i][j + 4] == flag)

return 1;



(pos.x - 4) > 0 ? begin = (pos.x - 4) : begin = 1;

(pos.x + 4) > N ? end = N : end = (pos.x + 4);

for (int j = pos.y, i = begin; i + 4 <= end; i++)


if (_ChessBoard[i][j] == flag&&_ChessBoard[i + 1][j] == flag&&

_ChessBoard[i + 2][j] == flag&&_ChessBoard[i + 3][j] == flag&&

_ChessBoard[i + 4][j] == flag)

return 1;


int len = 0;


pos.x > pos.y ? len = pos.y - 1 : len = pos.x - 1;

if (len > 4)

len = 4;

begin = pos.x - len;       //横坐标的起始位置

begin1 = pos.y - len;      //纵坐标的起始位置

pos.x > pos.y ? len = (N - pos.x) : len = (N - pos.y);

if (len>4)

len = 4;

end = pos.x + len;       //横坐标的结束位置

end1 = pos.y + len;      //纵坐标的结束位置

for (int i = begin, j = begin1; (i + 4 <= end) && (j + 4 <= end1); ++i, ++j)


if (_ChessBoard[i][j] == flag&&_ChessBoard[i + 1][j + 1] == flag&&

_ChessBoard[i + 2][j + 2] == flag&&_ChessBoard[i + 3][j + 3] == flag&&

_ChessBoard[i + 4][j + 4] == flag)

return 1;



(pos.x - 1) >(N - pos.y) ? len = (N - pos.y) : len = pos.x - 1;

if (len > 4)

len = 4;

begin = pos.x - len;       //横坐标的起始位置

begin1 = pos.y + len;      //纵坐标的起始位置

(N - pos.x) > (pos.y - 1) ? len = (pos.y - 1) : len = (N - pos.x);

if (len>4)

len = 4;

end = pos.x + len;       //横坐标的结束位置

end1 = pos.y - len;      //纵坐标的结束位置

for (int i = begin, j = begin1; (i + 4 <= end) && (j - 4 >= end1); ++i, --j)


if (_ChessBoard[i][j] == flag&&_ChessBoard[i + 1][j - 1] == flag&&

_ChessBoard[i + 2][j - 2] == flag&&_ChessBoard[i + 3][j - 3] == flag&&

_ChessBoard[i + 4][j - 4] == flag)

return 1;


for (int i = 1; i < N + 1; ++i)           //棋盘有没有下满


for (int j =1; j < N + 1; ++j)


if (_ChessBoard[i][j] == ChessBoardflag)

return 0;                      //0表示棋盘没满


return -1;      //和棋


bool GetVictory(Coordinate& pos, int player, int flag)   //对JudgeVictory的一层封装,得到具体那个玩家获胜


int n = JudgeVictory(pos, flag);   //判断有没有人获胜

if (n != 0)                    //有人获胜,0表示没有人获胜



if (n == 1)                //有玩家赢棋


if (player == 0)     //0表示电脑获胜,1表示玩家1,2表示玩家2

printf("***电脑获胜*** ");


printf("***恭喜玩家%d获胜*** ", player);



printf("***双方和棋*** ");

return true;      //已经有人获胜


return false;   //没有人获胜



char _ChessBoard[N+1][N+1];      















#define N 21

void gotoxy(int x,int y)//位置函数


COORD pos;





void color(int a)//颜色函数




void init(int apple[2])//初始化函数(初始化围墙、显示信息、苹果)


int i,j;//初始化围墙

int wall[N+2][N+2]={{0}};













else cout<<"□" ;






cout<<"按 W S A D 移动方向"<<endl;













int main()


int i,j;

int** snake=NULL;

int apple[2];

int score=0;

int tail[2];

int len=3;

char ch="p";




































case "w":snake[0][1]--;break;

case "s":snake[0][1]++;break;

case "a":snake[0][0]--;break;

case "d":snake[0][0]++;break;

default: break;
































return 0;



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int attr titleTextColor 0x7f



* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!












#define N 21

void gotoxy(int x,int y)//位置函数


COORD pos;





void color(int a)//颜色函数




void init(int apple[2])//初始化函数(初始化围墙、显示信息、苹果)


int i,j;//初始化围墙

int wall[N+2][N+2]={{0}};












std::cout<< "■";

else std::cout<<"□" ;


std::cout<< std::endl;




std::cout<<"按 W S A D 移动方向"<< std::endl;



std::cout<<"按任意键暂停"<< std::endl;



std::cout<<"得分:"<< std::endl;





std::cout<<"●"<< std::endl;


int main()


int i,j;

int** snake=NULL;

int apple[2];

int score=0;

int tail[2];

int len=3;

char ch="p";












std::cout<<"★"<< std::endl;








std::cout<<"■"<< std::endl;







std::cout<<"★"<< std::endl;









case "w":snake[0][1]--;break;

case "s":snake[0][1]++;break;

case "a":snake[0][0]--;break;

case "d":snake[0][0]++;break;

default: break;




std::cout<<"★"<< std::endl;












std::cout<<"●"<< std::endl;



std::cout<<score<< std::endl;






std::cout<<"失败!!!"<< std::endl;







return 0;




2023-01-12 07:48:203


2023-01-12 07:48:314


Chess is a recreational and competitive game played between two players. Sometimes called Western chess or international chess to distinguish it from its predecessors and other chess variants, the current form of the game emerged in Southern Europe during the second half of the 15th century after evolving from similar, much older games of Indian and Persian origin. Today, chess is one of the world"s most popular games, played by millions of people worldwide in clubs, online, by correspondence, in tournaments and informally.The game is played on a square chequered chessboard with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight square. At the start, each player (one controlling the white pieces, the other controlling the black pieces) controls sixteen pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent"s king, whereby the king is under immediate attack (in "check") and there is no way to remove it from attack on the next move.The tradition of organized competitive chess started in the sixteenth century and has developed extensively. Chess today is a recognized sport of the International Olympic Committee. The first official World Chess Champion, Wilhelm Steinitz, claimed his title in 1886; Viswanathan Anand is the current World Champion. Theoreticians have developed extensive chess strategies and tactics since the game"s inception. Aspects of art are found in chess composition.One of the goals of early computer scientists was to create a chess-playing machine, and today"s chess is deeply influenced by the abilities of current chess programs and by the possibility to play online. In 1997, a match between Garry Kasparov, then World Champion, and a computer proved for the first time that machines are able to beat even the strongest human players.
2023-01-12 07:48:483


2023-01-12 07:49:402


国际象棋 chess 棋盘 chessboard 棋子 piece 王 king 后 queen 车 chariot 象 bishop 马 knight; horse 兵 pawn
2023-01-12 07:49:492


Life is like a chessboard
2023-01-12 07:49:584


您好:Chess is believed to have a history of more than 2000 years.It is a two-player strategy board game played on a chessboard, a checkered gameboard with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight grid.There are 32 pieces in one chessboard.It is one of the world"s most popular games.It is played by millions of people worldwide during their spare time.There are also many chess variants, with different rules, different pieces, and different boards希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步~
2023-01-12 07:50:121


2023-01-12 07:50:189


#include "stdio.h" #include "windows.h" #define N 8 /* 定义棋盘大小 */ int place(int k); /* 确定某一位置皇后放置与否,放置则返回1,反之返回0 */ void backtrack(int i);/* 主递归函数,搜索解空间中第i层子树 */ void chessboard(); /* 每找到一个解,打印当前棋盘状态 */ static int sum, /* 当前已找到解的个数 */ x[N]; /* 记录皇后的位置,x[i]表示皇后i放在棋盘的第i行的第x[i]列 */ int main(void) { backtrack(0); system("pause"); return 0; } int place(int k) { /* 测试皇后k在第k行第x[k]列时是否与前面已放置好的皇后相攻击。 x[j] == */ /* x[k] 时,两皇后在同一列上;abs(k - j) == abs(x[j] - x[k]) 时,两皇 */ /* 后在同一斜线上。两种情况两皇后都可相互攻击,故返回0表示不符合条件。*/ for (int j = 0; j < k; j ++) if (abs(k - j) == abs(x[j] - x[k]) || (x[j] == x[k])) return 0; return 1; } void backtrack(int t) { /* t == N 时,算法搜索至叶结点,得到一个新的N皇后互不攻击的放置方案 */ if (t == N) chessboard(); else for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++) { x[t] = i; if (place(t)) backtrack(t + 1); } } void chessboard() { printf("第%d种解法: ", ++ sum); for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++) { for (int j = 0; j < N; j ++) if (j == x[i]) printf("@ "); else printf("* "); printf(" "); } printf(" "); }
2023-01-12 07:51:402


Discover the identity forming Chinese cultural symbols that are instantly associated with the unique culture of the region.Every culture has some identity forming symbols that are instantly associated with that culture. The Chinese culture being one full of symbolism has many prominent symbols that can be termed as the cultural symbols of the country. The image of the dragon for example is one of the most prominent cultural symbols of the country. So much so, that the country of China is often referred to as the oriental dragon. The dragon is a highly revered mythological character in the Chinese culture and as such the Chinese people consider themselves to be descendants of the dragon and are proud of saying that. The dragon is an imaginary creature that was developed by taking elements from a number of different creatures and composing them together to form this unique looking mythological beast. The dragon is taken as a symbol of authority, might and power and is considered to be a bringer of good luck. There are many events that revolve around the dragon such as the famous dragon dance and the dragon boat festival. The Great Wall of China is without a doubt one of the biggest cultural symbols of the world. This wonder amongst the eight wonders of the world is a structure that can be seen from outer space. The wall was built across high mountains and served as a means of military defense in centuries gone by. This gigantic structure starts from the city of Shanhaiguan in the Liaoning Province in Eastern China and covers a staggering 12,700 kilometers to finish at Jiayuguan. Another name for this prominent Chinese cultural symbol is the Ten Thousand Li Wall. The color red is also a prominent symbol of the Chinese culture. Not only is it the color of the National flag rather it manifests itself in various ways in the lives of the Chinese people and has a deep symbolic meaning to it. For the Chinese the color red symbolizes good luck and happiness. This is why we find the color being used in great abundance at the time of special occasions and festivals such as the Chinese New Year. During such events the entire country is decorated with red color decorations ranging from the clothes that the people wear to the various things they decorate their homes with. The color red is also used to drive off evil spirits in the Chinese culture. There are certain food items like the dumplings which are taken as a symbol of Chinese traditions. This is a Chinese dish that has been present in the culture for centuries. The rice dish came about as an attempt to save the poor from starvation, cold and disease at the hands of the famous Chinese doctor Zhang Zhongjing. These days dumplings are a traditional food item most commonly associated with the Spring Festival.If you are talking about Chinese cultural symbols then chopsticks too are a prominent identity forming symbol for the country. This relatively simple tool makes eating with them no less than an art. The non-Chinese person would find it very difficult to eat using chopsticks. The Chinese however are masters at using the chopsticks and today people from all over the world seek to collect the beautifully designed chopsticks that are specially produced to serve as souvenirs.
2023-01-12 07:51:502


因为不是static方法的话就一定要有对象.如楼上所说你的main写错了.正确的是static的.而static方法只能调用static成员,而你的initBoard();printBoard();也都不是static的肯定不行,但如果你非要使用非static方法的话那就可以这样public static void main(String [] args){ new Chessboard().initBoard(); new Chessboard().printBoard(); }另外如果你将方法改为static还是不行的,因为你的方法使用了board数组,这个数组也应该是static的才行
2023-01-12 07:52:137

c++ 中findchessboardcorners怎么用

代码修改一下就可以实现你需要的功能了。1.main函数中str的声明修改为 void str(string i, string j , string k);2.main函数中cout<<"按字母大小顺序排列为:"<< str(a,b,c) << endl;修改为cout<<"按字母大小顺序排列为:";3.str函数的实现修改一下返回类型为void函数体中的 return NULL; 去掉就可以了朋友,请【采纳答案】,您的采纳是我答题的动力,如果没有明白,请追问。谢谢。
2023-01-12 07:53:121


#include<graphics.h>void main(){ int i,j; int gdriver=DETECT,gmode; initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,"c: \tc"); setbkcolor(WHITE); setcolor(RED); for(i=0;i<10;i++) { line(20,20+i*40,340,20+i*40); } for(i=0;i<9;i++) { line(20+i*40,20,20+i*40,180); } for(i=0;i<9;i++) { line(20+i*40,220,20+i*40,380); } setlinestyle(0,0,3); line(20,20,340,20); line(340,20,340,380); line(340,380,20,380); line(20,380,20,20); line(140,20,220,100); line(220,20,140,100); line(140,380,220,300); line(220,380,140,300); circle(60,100,5); circle(300,100,5); circle(60,300,5); circle(300,300,5); setcolor(BLUE); moveto(60,380); lineto(100,300); lineto(140,380); lineto(180,300); lineto(220,380); lineto(260,300); lineto(300,380); lineto(340,300); lineto(300,220); lineto(260,300); lineto(220,220); lineto(180,300); lineto(140,220); lineto(100,300); lineto(60,220); lineto(100,140); lineto(140,220); lineto(180,140); lineto(220,220); lineto(260,140); lineto(300,220); lineto(340,140); lineto(260,100); lineto(340,60); lineto(260,20); lineto(180,60); lineto(260,100); lineto(180,140); lineto(100,100); lineto(180,60); lineto(100,20); lineto(20,60); lineto(100,100); lineto(20,140); lineto(60,220); lineto(20,300); lineto(60,380); getch(); }
2023-01-12 07:53:185


2023-01-12 07:53:373


..modulescalib3dsrccalibinit.cppline 226
2023-01-12 07:53:481

介绍象棋的英语作文 越快分越多!好的给100分

Chess is a recreational and competitive game played between two players.Sometimes called Western chess or international chess to distinguish it from its predecessors and other chess variants,the current form of the game emerged in Southern Europe during the second half of the 15th century after evolving from similar,much older games of Indian and Persian origin.Today,chess is one of the world"s most popular games,played by millions of people worldwide in clubs,online,by correspondence,in tournaments and informally. The game is played on a square chequered chessboard with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight square.At the start,each player (one controlling the white pieces,the other controlling the black pieces) controls sixteen pieces:one king,one queen,two rooks,two knights,two bishops,and eight pawns.The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent"s king,whereby the king is under immediate attack (in "check") and there is no way to remove it from attack on the next move. The tradition of organized competitive chess started in the sixteenth century and has developed extensively.Chess today is a recognized sport of the International Olympic Committee.The first official World Chess Champion,Wilhelm Steinitz,claimed his title in 1886; Viswanathan Anand is the current World Champion.Theoreticians have developed extensive chess strategies and tactics since the game"s inception.Aspects of art are found in chess composition. One of the goals of early computer scientists was to create a chess-playing machine,and today"s chess is deeply influenced by the abilities of current chess programs and by the possibility to play online.In 1997,a match between Garry Kasparov,then World Champion,and a computer proved for the first time that machines are able to beat even the strongest human players.
2023-01-12 07:53:571


你最好写上注释,语法还错了不少;这个是我之前做的算法,但然我也是参考了网上提供的思想来做的。这个思想很广泛。把你输入的一个点为第一步,接着搜他可走8个方向中每一个可走的点,并记录这样可走的点的位置。再把这些记录的点再搜他可走的8个方向,但这些只要记录8个方向中可走方向的数目。接着就走方向最少的一条路。这样难走的路在前面已经走了,后面的路就好走很多了,一般都能找到方向。当然还有递归这种算法,但高维度的递归是没有意议的,电脑是算不出来的。下面是我的算法#include<iostream>using namespace std; //定义棋盘的大小#define N 8#define LOSE 0#define SUCCEED 1void printknightgo(); //输出结果int knightgo(int x,int y); //运算走法int chessboard[8][8] = { 0 }; //建立棋盘void main(){ int x,y; cout<<"请输入坐标"<<endl; cin>>x>>y; //输入坐标   if(knightgo(x,y)){ //开始运算走法,如果成功则返回成功,否则返回失败 cout<<"成功完成"<<endl; } else{ cout<<"失败"<<endl; } printknightgo(); //输出结果}//输出结果的算法void printknightgo(){ for(int i = 0;i < N; i++){ for(int j = 0;j < N;j++){ cout<<chessboard[i][j]<<" "; } cout<<endl; }}int knightgo(int x,int y){ chessboard[x][y] = 1;//将第一步标为1 int step;//走的步数 int nextx[8] = {-1,1,-2,2,-2,2,-1,1};//走的X的步法 int nexty[8] = {2,2,1,1,-1,-1,-2,-2};//走的Y的步法 int recordNextx[8]={0};//记住下步可走X的位置,并用count来记数 int recordNexty[8]={0};//记住下步可走Y的位置,并用count来记数 int tempx,tempy;//用于临时记住X和Y int i,j;//临时计数变量 int count = 0;//记住可循环的个数 int exist[8]={0};//第2次找8个方向每个可走的记录 for(int step = 2;step <=N*N;step++){//把输进来或循环的位置,找下一个能走的位置,并记住这些位置和可走的个数 for(i = 0;i < 8;i++){ //把上次记录重置0; recordNextx[i] = 0; recordNexty[i] = 0; exist[i] = 0; } count = 0; for(i = 0;i < 8;i++){//第一次循环,找可走的个位置,并记录可走方向的个数 tempx = x + nextx[i];//tempx为临时记录X tempy = y + nexty[i];//tempy为临时记录Y if(chessboard[tempx][tempy] == 0 && tempx >= 0 && tempx < N && tempy >= 0 && tempy < N){//当这个位置没走过和不走出盘外时,才能记录 recordNextx[count] = tempx; recordNexty[count] = tempy;//记录可走方向的x,y坐标 count++; //记录可以走的方向的个数 } } //把记住的位置,找他们的下个能走位置的个数,就是重复上面循环,只需记录可走方向的个数 if(count == 0){//如果没有出路则返回失败 return LOSE; } else {//如果只有一条路,则走这一条路 if(count == 1){ x = recordNextx[0];//因为可走方向只有一个,所记录中就有recordNext(x,y)[0]; y = recordNexty[0]; chessboard[x][y] = step; //把第几步写入这个棋盘的位置 } else{//有多条路可以走的话 for(j = 0;j < count;j++){//第一个点记录的可走的方向,并找出们下一个方向可以走的的方向的个数 for(i = 0;i < 8;i++){//找第2个点8个方向可走的方向 tempx = recordNextx[j] + nextx[i]; tempy = recordNexty[j] + nexty[i]; if(chessboard[tempx][tempy] == 0 && tempx >= 0 && tempx < N && tempy >= 0 && tempy < N){//当这个位置没走过和不走出盘外时,才能记录 exist[j]++;//记录第2个点可走方向的个数 } } } //找最方向个数最小的一条路 int min = exist[0]; int last = 0;//用于记住,recordNext(x,y)中可走方向中,能走方向数目最小的一个方向 for(i = 1;i < count;i++){//找出方向数目最小的数和方向 if(exist[i]<min){ min = exist[i]; last = i; } } x = recordNextx[last];//将这个方向给x,y; y = recordNexty[last]; chessboard[x][y] = step; //将这个步数写出这个棋盘 } } } return SUCCEED;}
2023-01-12 07:54:021


下面通过实例加以说明: 给你一个装有1 6个硬币的袋子。1 6个硬币中有一个是伪造的,并且那个伪造的硬币比真的硬币要轻一些。你的任务是找出这个伪造的硬币。为了帮助你完成这一任务,将提供一台可用来比较两组硬币重量的仪器,利用这台仪器,可以知道两组硬币的重量是否相同。比较硬币1与硬币2的重量。假如硬币1比硬币2轻,则硬币1是伪造的;假如硬币2比硬币1轻,则硬币2是伪造的。这样就完成了任务。假如两硬币重量相等,则比较硬币3和硬币4。同样,假如有一个硬币轻一些,则寻找伪币的任务完成。假如两硬币重量相等,则继续比较硬币5和硬币6。按照这种方式,可以最多通过8次比较来判断伪币的存在并找出这一伪币。另外一种方法就是利用分而治之方法。假如把1 6硬币的例子看成一个大的问题。第一步,把这一问题分成两个小问题。随机选择8个硬币作为第一组称为A组,剩下的8个硬币作为第二组称为B组。这样,就把1 6个硬币的问题分成两个8硬币的问题来解决。第二步,判断A和B组中是否有伪币。可以利用仪器来比较A组硬币和B组硬币的重量。假如两组硬币重量相等,则可以判断伪币不存在。假如两组硬币重量不相等,则存在伪币,并且可以判断它位于较轻的那一组硬币中。最后,在第三步中,用第二步的结果得出原先1 6个硬币问题的答案。若仅仅判断硬币是否存在,则第三步非常简单。无论A组还是B组中有伪币,都可以推断这1 6个硬币中存在伪币。因此,仅仅通过一次重量的比较,就可以判断伪币是否存在。假设需要识别出这一伪币。把两个或三个硬币的情况作为不可再分的小问题。注意如果只有一个硬币,那么不能判断出它是否就是伪币。在一个小问题中,通过将一个硬币分别与其他两个硬币比较,最多比较两次就可以找到伪币。这样,1 6硬币的问题就被分为两个8硬币(A组和B组)的问题。通过比较这两组硬币的重量,可以判断伪币是否存在。如果没有伪币,则算法终止。否则,继续划分这两组硬币来寻找伪币。假设B是轻的那一组,因此再把它分成两组,每组有4个硬币。称其中一组为B1,另一组为B2。比较这两组,肯定有一组轻一些。如果B1轻,则伪币在B1中,再将B1又分成两组,每组有两个硬币,称其中一组为B1a,另一组为B1b。比较这两组,可以得到一个较轻的组。由于这个组只有两个硬币,因此不必再细分。比较组中两个硬币的重量,可以立即知道哪一个硬币轻一些。较轻的硬币就是所要找的伪币。 在n个元素中找出最大元素和最小元素。我们可以把这n个元素放在一个数组中,用直接比较法求出。算法如下:void maxmin1(int A[],int n,int *max,int *min){ int i;*min=*max=A[0];for(i=0;i <= n;i++){ if(A[i]> *max) *max= A[i];if(A[i] < *min) *min= A[i];}}上面这个算法需比较2(n-1)次。能否找到更好的算法呢?我们用分治策略来讨论。把n个元素分成两组:A1={A[1],...,A[int(n/2)]}和A2={A[INT(N/2)+1],...,A[N]}分别求这两组的最大值和最小值,然后分别将这两组的最大值和最小值相比较,求出全部元素的最大值和最小值。如果A1和A2中的元素多于两个,则再用上述方法各分为两个子集。直至子集中元素至多两个元素为止。例如有下面一组元素:-13,13,9,-5,7,23,0,15。用分治策略比较的算法如下:void maxmin2(int A[],int i,int j,int *max,int *min)/*A存放输入的数据,i,j存放数据的范围,初值为0,n-1,*max,*min 存放最大和最小值*/{ int mid,max1,max2,min1,min2;if (j==i) {最大和最小值为同一个数;return;}if (j-1==i) {将两个数直接比较,求得最大会最小值;return;}mid=(i+j)/2;求i~mid之间的最大最小值分别为max1,min1;求mid+1~j之间的最大最小值分别为max2,min2;比较max1和max2,大的就是最大值;比较min1和min2,小的就是最小值;} 题目:在一个(2^k)*(2^k)个方格组成的棋盘上,有一个特殊方格与其他方格不同,称为特殊方格,称这样的棋盘为一个特殊棋盘。我们要求对棋盘的其余部分用L型方块填满(注:L型方块由3个单元格组成。即围棋中比较忌讳的愚形三角,方向随意),且任何两个L型方块不能重叠覆盖。L型方块的形态如下:题目的解法使用分治法,即子问题和整体问题具有相同的形式。我们对棋盘做一个分割,切割一次后的棋盘如图1所示,我们可以看到棋盘被切成4个一样大小的子棋盘,特殊方块必定位于四个子棋盘中的一个。假设如图1所示,特殊方格位于右上角,我们把一个L型方块(灰色填充)放到图中位置。这样对于每个子棋盘又各有一个“特殊方块”,我们对每个子棋盘继续这样分割,直到子棋盘的大小为1为止。用到的L型方块需要(4^k-1)/3 个,算法的时间是O(4^k),是渐进最优解法。本题目的C语言的完整代码如下(TC2.0下调试),运行时,先输入k的大小,(1<=k<=6),然后分别输入特殊方格所在的位置(x,y), 0<=x,y<=(2^k-1)。 #include<stdio.h>//#include<conio.h>//#include<math.h>inttitle=1;intboard[64][64];voidchessBoard(inttr,inttc,intdr,intdc,intsize){ints,t;if(size==1)return;t=title++;s=size/2;if(dr<tr+s&&dc<tc+s)chessBoard(tr,tc,dr,dc,s);else{board[tr+s-1][tc+s-1]=t;chessBoard(tr,tc,tr+s-1,tc+s-1,s);}if(dr<tr+s&&dc>=tc+s)chessBoard(tr,tc+s,dr,dc,s);else{board[tr+s-1][tc+s]=t;chessBoard(tr,tc+s,tr+s-1,tc+s,s);}if(dr>=tr+s&&dc<tc+s)chessBoard(tr+s,tc,dr,dc,s);else{board[tr+s][tc+s-1]=t;chessBoard(tr+s,tc,tr+s,tc+s-1,s);}if(dr>=tr+s&&dc>=tc+s)chessBoard(tr+s,tc+s,dr,dc,s);else{board[tr+s][tc+s]=t;chessBoard(tr+s,tc+s,tr+s,tc+s,s);}}voidmain(){intdr=0,dc=0,s=1,i=0,j=0;printf(printinthesizeofchess: );scanf(%d,&s);printf(printinspecalpointx,y: );scanf(%d%d,&dr,&dc);if(dr<s&&dc<s){chessBoard(0,0,dr,dc,s);for(i=0;i<s;i++){for(j=0;j<s;j++){printf(%4d,board[i][j]);}printf( );}}elseprintf(thewrongspecalpoint!! );getch();}
2023-01-12 07:54:081

c# 如何把画好的线放到容器上去?

form上放一个Button,在其单击事件里的代码如下private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ ChessBoard c = new ChessBoard(); c.picctrl = pictureBox1; c.ShowChessBoard();}棋盘画的不错,呵呵.
2023-01-12 07:54:173


check children choose change child cheer chance chessboard cheese chessman Chinese
2023-01-12 07:54:296


2023-01-12 07:54:512

unity中给自定义类中的属性赋值,报错“Object reference not set to an instance of an object”

2023-01-12 07:54:592


楼上的(),请问#include <bios.h> 中的bios.h是什么头文件啊?调试没通过,好象也没听人讲过有这个头文件呢.请指教.
2023-01-12 07:55:084

约客 古诗用了什么手法

  百科名片  《约客》是赵师秀的著名作品。该诗写的是诗人在一个风雨交加的夏夜独自期客的情景。诗歌采用写景寄情的写法,表达了诗人内心复杂的思想感情。是一首情景交融、清新隽永、耐人寻味的精妙小诗。  诗词原文  《约客》 南宋 赵师秀 黄梅时节家家雨, 青草池塘处处蛙。 有约不来过夜半, 闲敲棋子落灯花。  编辑本段诗歌注释  ①约客:约请客人来相会。 ②黄梅时节:农历四、五月间,江南梅子黄了,熟了,大都是阴雨连连的时候,成为“梅雨季节”,所以称江南雨季为“黄梅时节”。意思就是夏初江南梅子黄熟的时节。 ③家家雨:家家户户都赶上下雨。形容处处都在下雨。 ④处处蛙:到处是蛙跳蛙鸣。 ⑤有约:即邀约友人。 ⑥落灯花:旧时以油灯照明,灯心烧残,落下来时好像一朵闪亮的小花。落:使……掉落。灯花:灯芯燃尽结成的花状物。 约客选自《清苑斋集》(《南宋群贤小集》本)。  编辑本段译文  一个梅雨绵绵的夜晚,乡村池塘中传来阵阵蛙鸣。这时已经是半夜了,诗人等候朋友如约来下棋。他无聊地敲着棋子,灯灰震落在棋盘上,心中有些失落。  编辑本段英语翻译  Amid a rainy night, Village pond, spreading waves of frogs. If waiting for friends to play chess at about middle of the night has passed, Bored tapping piece, light gray fall down on the chessboard.  编辑本段诗文赏析  前二句交待了当时的环境和时令。“黄梅”、“雨”、“池塘”、“蛙声”,写出了江南梅雨季节的夏夜之景:雨声不断,蛙声一片。读来使人如身临其境,仿佛细雨就在身边飘,蛙声就在身边叫。这看似表现得很“热闹”的环境,实际上诗人要反衬出它的“寂静”。 后二句点出了人物和事情。主人耐心地而又有几分焦急地等着,没事可干,“闲敲”棋子,静静地看着闪闪的灯花。第三句“有约不来过夜半”,用“有约”点出了诗人曾“约客”来访,“过夜半”说明了等待时间之久,本来期待的是约客的叩门声,但听到的却只是一阵阵的雨声和蛙声,比照之下更显示出作者焦躁的心情。第四句“闲敲棋子”是一个细节描写,诗人约客久候不到,灯芯很长,诗人百无聊赖之际,下意识地将黑白棋子在棋盘上轻轻敲打,而笃笃的敲棋声又将灯花都震落了。这种姿态貌似闲逸,其实反映出诗人内心的焦躁。 全诗通过对撩人思绪的环境及“闲敲棋子”这一细节动作的渲染,既写了诗人雨夜候客来访的情景,也写出约客未至的一种怅惘的心情,可谓形神兼备。全诗生活气息较浓,又摆脱了雕琢之习,清丽可诵。  另一种:  首句“黄梅时节家家雨”,交待了当时的环境。黄梅时节乃是立夏后数日梅子由青转黄之时,江南多雨,俗称黄梅天。其时细雨绵绵,正所谓“自在飞花轻似梦,无边丝雨细如愁”。对于视觉,是一种低沉的安慰。至于雨敲在鳞鳞千瓣的瓦上,由远而近,轻轻重重轻轻,夹着一股股的细流沿瓦槽与屋檐潺潺泄下,各种敲击音与滑音密织成网”,仿佛“谁的千指百指在按摩耳轮”,心情异常恬静安祥。 “青草池塘处处蛙”这句,诗人的注意力从霏霏淫雨,自然而然地转到了远远近近,此起彼伏的片片蛙声,正是这处处蛙声,烘托出了当时周遭的清静,试想,如非心如止水,神游物外,而是焦灼烦躁,何以知微渺“虫声”今夜“新透绿窗纱”? 再看第三句“有约不来过夜半”。我猜想,书中之所以得出“焦灼”结论,多半便依了这句。朋友过了夜半还不来,倘是你我,当然不免焦灼。但这是赵师秀,是“永嘉四灵”之一,人称“鬼才”的赵师秀。赵师秀,字紫芝,又字灵秀,光宗绍熙元年进士,曾任上元县主薄,筠州推官。他虽寄身仕宦,但失意消沉,常与僧道同游山水之间,向往恬静淡泊的生活,甚至还想与陶渊明一样“归寻故园”(《九客一羽衣泛舟,分韵得尊字,就送朱几仲》)。他死后,江湖派巨子戴复古作《哭赵紫芝》,说他是“东晋时人物”。当不致于“有约不来过夜半”便焦灼不安吧? 最后一句“闲敲棋子落灯花”。我不知道前人是怎么理解“闲”字的。我是这样想,“闲敲”之“闲”,应当仿佛我们偶凭小几,百无聊赖,适见案头笔墨,于是顺手拿过,随随便便,漫不经心,信笔涂去,一如陆游“矮纸斜行闲作草”之意趣。赵师秀也便这样坐于灯前,遥等客人不至,百无聊赖,适见局中棋子,于是顺手拈起,随随便便,漫不经心,信手敲去,何来焦灼之感?  《约客》这首诗究竟营造了一个什么样的意境?且看——江南的夏夜,梅雨纷飞,蛙声齐鸣,诗人约了友人来下棋,然而,时过夜半,约客未至,诗人闲敲棋子,静静等候……此时,诗人的心情如何呢?我看主要不是或根本就没有什么焦躁和烦闷的情绪,而更可能是一种闲逸、散淡和恬然自适的心境。也许曾有那么一会儿焦躁过(这种焦躁情绪怎么会持续到“过夜半”呢?),但现在,诗人被眼前江南夏夜之情之景感染了:多情的梅雨,欢快的哇鸣,闪烁的灯火,清脆的棋子敲击声……这是一幅既热闹又冷清、既凝重又飘逸的画面。也许诗人已经忘了他是在等友人,而完全沉浸到内心的激荡和静谧中。应该感谢友人的失约,让诗人享受到了这样一个独处的美妙的不眠之夜。  作者简介  赵师秀(1170~1219) 南宋诗人。字紫芝、灵芝,号灵秀,又号天乐。永嘉(今浙江温州)人。光宗绍熙元年(1190)进士,与徐照(字灵晖)、徐玑(字灵渊)、翁卷(字灵舒)并称“永嘉四灵”,开创了“江湖派”一代诗风。宁宗庆元元年(1195)任上元主簿,后为筠州推官。晚年宦游,逝于临安。有《赵师秀集》2卷,别本《天乐堂集》1卷,已佚。其《清苑斋集》1卷,有《南宋群贤小集》本,《永嘉诗人祠堂丛刻》本。 赵师秀是“永嘉四灵”中较出色的作家。诗学姚合、贾岛,尊姚、贾为“二妙”。所编《二妙集》选姚诗121首、贾诗 81首。绝大部分是五言诗。又编《众妙集》,从沈□期起,共76家,排除杜甫,而选刘长卿诗却多达23首,编选宗旨与《二妙集》相似,大约是对《二妙集》的补充。作诗尚白描,反对江西派的“资书以为诗”。然而他自己在写诗实践中,对姚、贾诗及与姚、贾风格近似的诗,往往或袭其命意、或套用其句法。如姚合《送宗慎言》“驿路多连水,州城半在云。”赵诗《薛氏瓜庐》则有“野水多于地,春山半是云。”即是一例(《诗人玉屑》卷十九引黄□语)。他比较擅长五律,中间两联描写景物,偶有警句,如《桐柏观》中的“瀑近春风湿,松多晓日青”之类。然而通体完整者不多。自称“一篇幸止有四十字,更增一字,吾末如之何矣!”(刘克庄《野谷集序》引)可见枯窘之状。七绝《约客》写道:“黄梅时节家家雨,青草池塘处处蛙,有约不来过夜半,闲敲棋子落灯花。”明净自然,被不少选本选录。 代表作 【约客】 黄梅时节家家雨,青草池塘处处蛙。 有约不来过夜半,闲敲棋子落灯花。 【数日】 数日秋风欺病夫,尽吹黄叶下庭芜。 林疏放得遥山出,又被云遮一半无。 【庵西】 数里庵西路,东风去更吹。稻寒生叶细,松老作花迟。 小憩嫌无侣,曾游忆有诗。新萤光尚小,未暗出空池。 【岩居僧】 开扉在石层,尽日少人登。一鸟过寒木,数花摇翠藤。 茗煎冰下水,香炷佛前灯。吾亦逃名者,何因似此僧。  创作背景  全诗通过对撩人思绪的环境及“闲敲棋子”这一细节动作的渲染,与人约会而久候不至,既写了诗人雨夜候客来访的情景,也写出约客未至的一种怅惘,稍有些失落的心情,可谓形神兼备。全诗生活气息较浓,又摆脱了雕琢之习,语言清丽可诵。
2023-01-12 07:55:223


从异常情况来看,问题可能处在这一行代码"0.pgn"));我推测有以下两种可能:1、0.pgn 文件位置错误,应该放到 src 下,编译后在 class 文件夹下。2、0.pgn 文件名错误,应该是 0.png
2023-01-12 07:55:331

2023-01-12 07:55:436


当然不会生成。因为你没有生成ttt的规则啊。ttt : main.o chessboard.o fileio.o neuralnetwork.o base.o engine.o train.ogccflags = -g -wall -i/usr/local/include -i$(curdir)/includelibs = -l/usr/local/lib 这段应该改为gccflags = -g -wall -i/usr/local/include -i$(curdir)/includelibs = -l/usr/local/libttt : main.o chessboard.o fileio.o neuralnetwork.o base.o engine.o train.o g++ -o $@ $^ $(gccflags) $(libs)
2023-01-12 07:56:042


2023-01-12 07:56:132


Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.
2023-01-12 07:56:216


2023-01-12 07:56:421


2023-01-12 07:56:494


楼主你好。见丑了。。我用了一个穷举的方法。我写的代码的好处在于易于扩展,N代表了棋盘的大小,你可以任意修改,不止是4。【经过几次优化后变为以下代码,采用回溯法】#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define N 6#define NOPRINTING //标志是否打印数组//如果只是计算可能的情况的话,根本不需要N×N的棋盘数组。void printMatrix(int* matrix, int m, int n){int i,j;for(i=0;i<m;i++){for(j=0;j<n;j++){printf("%d ",matrix[n*i+j]);}printf(" ");}}void recusion(int* chessBoard, int n, int iter, int* count, int* col){int i,j;#ifndef NOPRINTINGint* currentRow = &chessBoard[n*(n-iter)];#endifif(iter == 0){(*count)++;#ifndef NOPRINTINGprintMatrix(chessBoard, n, n);printf("=============================== ");#endifreturn;}for(i=0;i<n-1;i++){//布置每行第一个棋子for(j=i+1;j<n;j++){//布置每行第二个棋子#ifndef NOPRINTINGcurrentRow[i]=currentRow[j]=1;//重写当前行#endifif(col[i]+1 <=2 && col[j]+1 <=2){//有效col[i]++;col[j]++;recusion(chessBoard, n, iter-1, count, col);//若当前仍满足要求,对下一行进行递归。col[i]--;col[j]--;}#ifndef NOPRINTINGcurrentRow[i]=currentRow[j]=0;//清空当前行#endif}}}void putChess(int* chessBoard, int n, int* count){int* col=(int*)calloc(1,sizeof(int)*n);//标记每一列放置的棋子数recusion(chessBoard, n, n, count, col);free(col);}void main(){int count=0;int chessBoard[N][N]={0};printf("==========START TO PUT CHESS!=========== ");putChess((int*)chessBoard, N, &count);printf("All %d possible deploy! ", count);}输出:【N为3且选择打印】==========START TO PUT CHESS!===========1 1 01 0 10 1 1===============================1 1 00 1 11 0 1===============================1 0 11 1 00 1 1===============================1 0 10 1 11 1 0===============================0 1 11 1 01 0 1===============================0 1 11 0 11 1 0===============================All 6 possible deploy!Press any key to continue【N为8的时候,有近两亿种情况,花了将近一分钟的时间算完。】==========START TO PUT CHESS!===========All 187530840 possible deploy!Press any key to continue
2023-01-12 07:57:036

求、博尔赫斯的《 棋》(部分)西班牙文 译 英文

先此说明--以下内容转载它处(网址在参考资料栏中)In their solemn corner, the playersgovern the lingering pieces. The chessboarddelays them until daybreak in its severesphere in which colors are hateful.Inside they radiate magical severitythe forms: Homeric tower, lighthorse, armed queen, last king,oblique bishop and attacking pawns.When the players will have gone,when time will have consumed them,certainly the ritual will have not ceased.In the Orient this war was litwhich amphitheater is today all the earth.As the other, this game is infinite.2Fainting king, slanting bishop, fiercequeen, straightforward tower and cunning pawnon the black and white pathsearching and fighting their armed battle.They ignore the player"s pointing handgoverns his destiny,they ignore that a tamed severityholds his will and day.The player is himself a prisoner(the sentence is Omar"s) of another boardof dark nights and light days.God moves the player, and he, the chess piece.Which God behind God begins the conspiracyof dust and time and dream and agony?
2023-01-12 07:57:251


chessboard造句:He hit my nose with the chess board.他用棋盘打我的鼻子。32 dominoes can cover the whole chess board.32张骨牌能盖住整个棋盘。These are the two metals I used for the squares on the chess board.这是我为两个金属棋盘上使用的平方。Enter another novelty: the battlefield looks similar to a chess board.
2023-01-12 07:57:351

棋盘的英语翻译 棋盘用英语怎么说

chessboard 棋盘
2023-01-12 07:57:522


Chess is a recreational and competitive game played between two players. Sometimes called Western chess or international chess to distinguish it from its predecessors and other chess variants, the current form of the game emerged in Southern Europe during the second half of the 15th century after evolving from similar, much older games of Indian and Persian origin. Today, chess is one of the world"s most popular games, played by millions of people worldwide in clubs, online, by correspondence, in tournaments and informally.The game is played on a square chequered chessboard with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight square. At the start, each player (one controlling the white pieces, the other controlling the black pieces) controls sixteen pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent"s king, whereby the king is under immediate attack (in "check") and there is no way to remove it from attack on the next move.The tradition of organized competitive chess started in the sixteenth century and has developed extensively. Chess today is a recognized sport of the International Olympic Committee. The first official World Chess Champion, Wilhelm Steinitz, claimed his title in 1886; Viswanathan Anand is the current World Champion. Theoreticians have developed extensive chess strategies and tactics since the game"s inception. Aspects of art are found in chess composition.One of the goals of early computer scientists was to create a chess-playing machine, and today"s chess is deeply influenced by the abilities of current chess programs and by the possibility to play online. In 1997, a match between Garry Kasparov, then World Champion, and a computer proved for the first time that machines are able to beat even the strongest human players.
2023-01-12 07:58:001


2023-01-12 07:58:063


楸qiū部首笔画部首:木 部外笔画:9 总笔画:13五笔86:STOY 五笔98:STOY 仓颉:DHDF笔顺编号:1234312344334 四角号码:49980 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+6978基本字义1. 落叶乔木,干高叶大,木材质地致密,耐湿,可造船,亦可做器具:~局。~枰(棋盘。古代多用楸木做成)。详细字义〈名〉1. 落叶乔木,干高叶大,夏天开黄绿色细花,木材质地致密,可做器具 [Chinese catalpa]揪,梓也。——《说文》望长楸而太息兮。——《楚辞·哀郢》2. 棋盘 [chessboard]。如:楸局(楸木制的围棋盘);楸玉局(苍青色玉石制的围棋盘);楸枰(棋盘)
2023-01-12 07:58:171


可以用sprintf示例:char a[100];int b =312348;sprintf(a,"%d",b);
2023-01-12 07:58:292


import randomimport pprintchessboard = [ [" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",], [" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",], [" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",], [" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",], [" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",], [" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",], [" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",], [" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",], ]def putqueen(pos): global chessboard i,j = pos delta = i-j if chessboard[i][j] != " ": return False for m in range(8): if chessboard[m][j] == " ": chessboard[m][j] = "x" if chessboard[i][m] == " ": chessboard[i][m] = "x" if 0 <= m+i-j < 8 and chessboard[m+i-j][m] == " ": chessboard[m+i-j][m] = "x" if 0 <= i+j-m < 8 and chessboard[m][i+j-m] == " ": chessboard[m][i+j-m] = "x" chessboard[i][j] = "O" print pos return Truedef getRandPos(): return random.randint(0,7), random.randint(0,7)def show(): global chessboard print " ".join([" ".join(r) for r in chessboard])# 1stputqueen(getRandPos())# 2ndwhile True: if putqueen(getRandPos()): break# 3rdwhile True: if putqueen(getRandPos()): break# 4thwhile True: if putqueen(getRandPos()): breakshow()
2023-01-12 07:58:462

makefile 可执行文件没生成

当然不会生成。因为你没有生成TTT的规则啊。TTT : main.o ChessBoard.o FileIO.o NeuralNetwork.o Base.o Engine.o Train.oGCCFLAGS = -g -Wall -I/usr/local/include -I$(CURDIR)/includeLIBS = -L/usr/local/lib 这段应该改为GCCFLAGS = -g -Wall -I/usr/local/include -I$(CURDIR)/includeLIBS = -L/usr/local/libTTT : main.o ChessBoard.o FileIO.o NeuralNetwork.o Base.o Engine.o Train.o    g++ -o $@ $^  $(GCCFLAGS) $(LIBS)
2023-01-12 07:58:571

国际象棋中象英语怎么拼? 最好有车马象3个的英语说法

国际象棋 chess 棋盘 chessboard 棋子 piece 王 king 后 queen 车 chariot 象 bishop 马 knight; horse 兵 pawn
2023-01-12 07:59:031


Chess is a recreational and competitive game played between two players. Sometimes called Western chess or international chess to distinguish it from its predecessors and other chess variants, the current form of the game emerged in Southern Europe during the second half of the 15th century after evolving from similar, much older games of Indian and Persian origin. Today, chess is one of the world"s most popular games, played by millions of people worldwide in clubs, online, by correspondence, in tournaments and informally.The game is played on a square chequered chessboard with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight square. At the start, each player (one controlling the white pieces, the other controlling the black pieces) controls sixteen pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent"s king, whereby the king is under immediate attack (in "check") and there is no way to remove it from attack on the next move.The tradition of organized competitive chess started in the sixteenth century and has developed extensively. Chess today is a recognized sport of the International Olympic Committee. The first official World Chess Champion, Wilhelm Steinitz, claimed his title in 1886; Viswanathan Anand is the current World Champion. Theoreticians have developed extensive chess strategies and tactics since the game"s inception. Aspects of art are found in chess composition.One of the goals of early computer scientists was to create a chess-playing machine, and today"s chess is deeply influenced by the abilities of current chess programs and by the possibility to play online. In 1997, a match between Garry Kasparov, then World Champion, and a computer proved for the first time that machines are able to beat even the strongest human players.
2023-01-12 07:59:081

求宇多田光 colors 歌词

宇多田光 - Colors作词者名 宇多田ヒカル作曲者名 宇多田ヒカルミラーが映し出す幻を気にしながらいつの间にか速度上げてるのさどこへ行ってもいいと言われると半端な愿望には标识も全部灰色だ炎の揺らめき 今宵も梦を描くあなたの笔先 渇いていませんか青い空が见えぬなら青い伞広げていいじゃないか キャンパスは君のもの白い旗はあきらめた时にだけかざすの今は真っ赤に 诱う闘牛士のようにカラーも色褪せる蛍光灯の下白黒のチェスボードの上で君に出会った仆らは一时 迷いながら寄り添ってあれから一月 忆えていますかオレンジ色の夕日を隣で见てるだけでよかったのにな 口は灾いの元黒い服は死者に祈る时にだけ着るのわざと真っ赤に残したルージュの痕もう自分には梦の无い絵しか描けないと言うなら涂り溃してよ キャンパスを何度でも白い旗はあきらめた时にだけかざすの今の私はあなたの知らない色终わるMIRAA ga utsushidasu maboroshi woki ni shinagara itsunomanika sokudo ageteru no sadoko e ittemo iito iwarerutohanpa na ganbou niwa hyoushiki mo zenbu haiiro dahonou no yurameki koyoi mo yume wo egakuanata no fudesaki kawaite imasenka ?aoi sora ga mienu nara aoi kasa hirogeteiija naika KYANBASU wa kimi no monoshiroi hata wa akirameta toki ni dake kazasu noima wa makka ni sasou tougyushi no you niKARAA mo iroaseru keikoutou no motoshirokuro no chessboard no ue de kimi ni deattabokura wa hitotoki mayoinagara yorisottearekara hitotsuki oboete imasuka ?ORENJI iro no yuuhi wo tonari de miteru dake deyokatta noni ahh kuchi wa wazawai no motokuroi fuku wa shisya ni inoru toki ni dake kiru nowazato makka ni nokoshita RUJU no atomou jibun ni wa yume no nai e shika kakenai to iu naranuritsubushite yo KYANBASU wo nando demoshiroi hata wa akirameta toki ni dake kazasu noima no watashi wa anata no shiranai iro注意著镜中映照的幻影不知不觉间 我已在加速被告知去那儿也很好即使不认真的热望中充满的 全是灰色的交通讯号火在摇晃 今夜你也在绘梦你的笔尖 是否已经乾涸?如果看不到蔚蓝的天空 开一把蓝色的伞没问题的 帆布是你的东西白色的旗 是否你在放弃时手握的东西?像一个现在以深红诱惑的斗牛士一样色彩皆消失无踪的萤光灯下我在黑白色的棋盘上跟你会面我们曾在一时迷茫中拥抱一个月过去了 记忆还在吗?只是看在你身旁的橙色日落已很好 口里出来的是邪恶穿著黑色的衣服时你是否只为死者默哀?残留的胭脂是为了些什麼而深红的如果说你只描绘没有梦的画再在帆布上重覆涂上直至你满意白色的旗 是否你在放弃时手握的东西?现在的我 是你所不知道的颜色
2023-01-12 07:59:171

......"chess piece" 是什么意思?

chess 棋 piece 块
2023-01-12 07:59:223

我的程序的参数是正确的,却出现编译错误:“AfxBeginThread”: 2 个重载中没有一个可以转换所有参数类型

threadFun的声明不符合AfxBeginThread的需求要按这个需求:UINT MyControllingFunction( LPVOID pParam );修改为这个看看:UINT __cdecl threadFun( LPVOID pParam ){ ChessBoard(0,0,1,1,16);}
2023-01-12 07:59:361

用java写一个国际象棋的棋盘,输出结果要是一张 国际象棋的棋盘

2023-01-12 07:59:512


首先应该调用初始化方法initBoard()Chessboard chessboard=new Chessboard();chessboard.initBoard();String[][] board = chessboard.getBoard();或者把数组的初始化放到构造函数中去
2023-01-12 08:00:072

怎么可以让java在五子棋盘上面随机产生棋子的位置? 下面是棋盘的代码

看下棋盘的row和column各多少行,然后建立一个2d数组boolean[][] pos = new boolean[row][column];初始化2d数组为boolean并且全部赋值为false你要做的就是随机产生row和column,用Random里的nextInt(row 或者column)随机产生点,并将pos[row][column] = true;
2023-01-12 08:00:151


2023-01-12 08:00:214