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2023-05-19 23:32:29


TAG: 单词

abolition n.. 废除,革除

abstract adj . 抽象的;深奥的

academic a.. 学院的;学术的

accumulate vt . 积累 vi.堆积

accuracy n.. 准确(性); 准确度

acknowledgment n. 承认,承认书,感谢

acquisition n. (有价值的)获得

adapt vt.使适应;改编

adaptation n. 适应

adequate a.足够的;可以胜任的

adhere vi.粘附;追随;坚持

adjective n.形容词 a.形容词的

adjustment n. 调节

admirer n. 钦佩者,仰慕者,求爱者

ado n. 忙乱,骚扰

adult n.成年人 a.成年的

adviser n. 顾问,指导教授,劝告者

ailment n. (不严重的)疾病

alert a.警惕的;活跃的

allay vt. 使镇静,使缓和

allot vt. 分配,分摊指定

allurement n. 诱惑物

ally n.同盟国;同盟者

almanac n. 年鉴,历书

alongside prep.在…旁边

alphabet n.字母表

alpine a. 高山的,极高的

ambush n./v. 埋伏,伏击

analysis n.分析,分解,解析

ancestral a. 祖先的

angelic a. 天使的,似天使的

annals n. 纪年表,年鉴,年报

anthem n. 圣歌,赞美歌

anther n. 雄蕊的花粉囊,花药

antitoxin n. 抗毒素

anxiety n.焦虑,忧虑;渴望

apace ad. 快速地,急速地

aperture n. 孔隙,窄的缺口

appendix n.附录,附属物;阑尾

appreciation n.欣赏;鉴别;感激

appropriation n. 拨款,挪用公款

arbitrary a.随心所欲的;专断的

archbishop n. 大教主

archer n. (运动或战争中的)弓箭手,射手

ardent adj. 热心的,热烈的

aristocrat n. 贵族

aromatic adj. 芳香的

arrogance n. 傲慢,自大

arrogant adj. 傲慢的,自大的

artful a. 巧妙的,狡滑的

articulate v. 清楚说话,接合

ascent n. 上升攀登

asiatic adj. 亚洲的; 亚洲人的

asparagus n. 芦笋(可作蔬菜)

asphalt n. 沥青

aspiration n. 渴望,热望

assertion n. 断言,主张

assimilate v. 同化,吸收

assumption n. 假设

astound vt. 使惊骇,使大吃一惊

astray adj. 迷路的,误入歧途的

astronaut n.宇宙航行员

astronomer n. 天文学家

atom n.原子

attachment n.连接物,附件;爱慕

audacity n. 大胆,鲁莽

audible a. 听得见的

austere adj. 朴素的,(人)正经的

available a.可利用的;通用的

avert v. 避免,避开



vt. 减轻;使缓和;使平静时 态: allayed, allaying, allays 名 词: allayer近义词:[v.] comfort, soothe, console, solace, meet, satisfy, fill
2023-01-12 06:56:441

assuage allay alleviate有什么区别

区别是:assuage 英[əˈsweɪdʒ] 美[əˈswedʒ] vt. 缓和; 减轻; 平息; 使安静; n. 缓和,减轻; 减轻…的人; [例句]To assuage his wife"s grief, he took her on a tour of Europe为了减轻妻子的悲痛,他带她去了欧洲旅游。allay 英[əˈleɪ] 美[əˈle] vt. 减轻,缓和; 使冷静,使平静; 止渴; 消痛; [例句]He did what he could to allay his wife"s fears.他竭尽所能来消除妻子的各种恐惧。alleviate 英[əˈli:vieɪt] 美[əˈliviˌet] vt. 减轻,缓和; [例句]Nowadays, a great deal can be done to alleviate back pain.如今,减轻背部疼痛可以有许多方法。
2023-01-12 06:56:501


充饥allay [appease;satisfy] one"s hunger更多释义>>[网络短语]充饥 Fruits;to allay one"s hunger;satisty one"s hunger美国充饥 Feeding America用野菜充饥 allay one"s hunger with wild herbs
2023-01-12 06:56:561


12个以元音音素开头的字母:A、E、F、H、I、L、M、N、O、R、S、X。具体发音如下:A a [ei]、 E e [i:] 、I i [ai] 、O o [əu]、F f [ef]、 M m [em]、N n [en] 、S s [es]  、X x [eks]   L l [el] 、H h [eit∫] 、R r [ɑ:]。A开头的英语单词:1、all,读音adj. 所有的;全部的adv. 完全;都;非常pron. 一切;全部n. 全部2、allay,读音英 [ə"leɪ],美 [ə"leɪ] v. 减轻;使 ... 缓和
2023-01-12 06:57:026


2023-01-12 06:57:342

【20分】assuage allay alleviate有什么区别?

2023-01-12 06:57:483


2023-01-12 06:58:001


百度 搜索 词典
2023-01-12 06:58:064


以“ab”为前缀的单词有很多,比如abdicate退位,放弃、abduct诱拐、abhor厌恶、abject悲惨的、abolish废除、abrasive粗糙的、abrogate废除、abominate憎恨、abscond潜逃、abrupt突然的、abstain避免、abstruse深奥的、abjure正式放弃,等等。单词解析:一、abdicate1、读音:英 ["æbdɪkeɪt] 美 ["æbdɪkeɪt] 2、翻译:vt. 正式放弃;让位vi. 退位;辞职3、例句:He was forced to abdicate his claim on the property.他被迫放弃要求财产的权利。二、abduct1、读音:英 [æb"dʌkt] 美 [æb"dʌkt]  2、翻译:vt. 诱拐;绑走3、例句:He had attempted to abduct the two children.他曾企图诱拐这两名儿童。三、abhor1、读音:英 [əb"hɔː(r)] 美 [əb"hɔːr]   2、翻译:vt. 憎恶;厌恶;痛恨3、例句:They abhor all forms of racial discrimination.他们憎恶任何形式的种族歧视。四、abject1、读音:英 ["æbdʒekt] 美 ["æbdʒekt]   2、翻译:adj. 卑贱的;不幸的;可怜的3、例句:She was not aware that the English habits of comfort attach an idea of abject misery to the idea of a barefootedtraveller.她不了解英国人出于爱舒服的习惯总把一个赤脚的旅行者看成最可怜的人。五、abolish1、读音:英 [ə"bɒlɪʃ] 美 [ə"bɑːlɪʃ]   2、翻译:vt. 废除;革除;消灭3、例句:Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in the United States.亚伯拉罕·林肯在美国废除了奴隶制。
2023-01-12 06:58:266


2023-01-12 06:59:491


2023-01-12 06:59:542


2023-01-12 07:00:071


减轻 [jiǎn qīng](1) [lighten;allay;alleviate;ease;mitigate;reduce](2) 降低重量、负担等减轻国家的负担(3) 使程度减少减轻忧愁
2023-01-12 07:00:131


2023-01-12 07:00:196


to satisfy one"s hunger with picture cakes
2023-01-12 07:00:494


2023-01-12 07:01:022

有一首女生的歌,应该是中文英文混的,很轻柔,倒数第二句是 are you alright

歌曲名:Are You Alright?歌手:Lucinda Williams专辑:WestArtist/Band: Williams LucindaLyrics for Song: Are You Alright?Lyrics for Album: West & Shanglin117重新制作送给ALLAYAre you alright?你还好吗?All the sudden you went away.因为所有的一切都好像跟你一起走了Are you alright?你还好吗?I hope you come back around someday.我希望你能回来哪怕只有几天Are you alright?你还好吗?I haven"t seen you in a real long time.因为我已经有很长的一段时间没有见到你了Are you alright?你还好吗?Could you give me some kind of sign.你能给我一些有关你的信息吗?Are you alright?你还好吗?I looked around me and you were gone.因为你已经走了,空荡荡的房间里只剩下我一个人Are you alright?你还好吗?I feel like there must be something wrong.我感觉到身边的所有的一切都不对劲了Are you alright?你还好吗?"Cause it seems like you disappeared.因为你就好像消失了一样Are you alright?你还好吗?"Cause I been feeling a little scared.因为我感觉有点害怕Are you alright? 你还好吗?Are you sleeping through the night?夜里你是否能安睡?Do you have someone to hold you tight?是否有人能让你快乐?Do you have someone to hang out with?是否有人将你挂念?Do you have someone to hug and kiss you,是否有人将你拥抱和亲吻?Hug and kiss you,Hug and kiss you?将你拥抱和亲吻,将你拥抱和亲吻?Are you alright? 你还好吗?Are you alright?你还好吗?Is there something been bothering you?有什么困扰你的事吗?Are you alright?你还好吗?I wish you"d give me a little clue.你能给我一些有关你的信索吗Are you alright?你还好吗?Is there something you wanna say?有什么你想说的事吗Are you alright?你还好吗?Just tell me that you"re okay.只要告诉我你一切都好就行Are you alright?你还好吗?"Cause you took off without a word.因为你离开了的时候没有给我留下一句话Are you alright?你还好吗?You flew away like a little bird.你就像一只小鸟一样飞走了Are you alright?你还好吗?Is there anything I can do?有什么我能为你做的吗Are you alright?你还好吗?"Cause I need to hear from you.因为我只想听到你的声音Are you alright? 你还好吗?Are you sleeping through the night?夜里你是否能安睡?Do you have someone to hold you tight?是否有人能让你快乐?Do you have someone to hang out with?是否有人将你挂念?Do you have someone to hug and kiss you,是否有人将你拥抱和亲吻?Hug and kiss you,Hug and kiss you?将你拥抱和亲吻,将你拥抱和亲吻?Are you alright? 你还好吗?Are you alright?你还好吗?Are you alright?你还好吗?Hey...嗨……allay……I"m sorryTo YY:it"s good to see you again...HH再一次见到你我很高兴
2023-01-12 07:01:101


退烧英文:bring down a fever; bring down(allay) a fever; remove fever。退烧是一个医学术语,读音为tui shao,指当体温超出正常体温需要借助外界方法将体温降到正常体温的过程。徐哲身《反啼笑因缘》有相关记载。发烧是一个警讯,它在通知你身体有某部位生病了;然而发烧本身不至于伤害孩子,所以退烧是否必要,要看发烧的时间和温度。由于发烧是一种正常的免疫反应,有助于白血球抵抗细菌毒素,有一定的抗病能力。观察发烧的热型可以帮助诊断病因,一味退烧反而误导,所以不太高的体温是不必急着退烧的。但是,发烧会增加新陈代谢,造成能量的消耗;尤其婴幼儿发烧造成水分蒸发,导致脱水;而且婴幼儿容易发生高热惊厥,故放任发烧引起伤害是不必要的。使用酒精擦浴时要注意酒精的浓度,一般以30%-50%浓度为宜。酒精不要太凉,温度以32℃-35℃为宜。用纱布或毛巾浸蘸酒精后,有规律地擦拭。通常是先从患儿的颈部开始,自上而下地沿上臂外侧擦至手背。然后经腋窝沿上臂内侧擦至手心。上肢擦完后,自颈部向下擦试后背,擦浴的同时用另一只手轻轻按摩拍打后背,以促进血液循环。最后自髂部开始擦拭下肢,方法与擦拭上肢相同。每个部位擦拭3分钟左右。擦拭腋下、肘部、掌心、腹股沟、足心等部位时停留时间应稍长些,以提高散热效果。
2023-01-12 07:02:021


2023-01-12 07:02:171

以hay lay may pay bad 结尾的单词有哪些?

Hay- chay hay linhay pochay sashay shay Lay- airplay alay allay ballclay belay blay brickclay byplay clay counterplay cullay delay display downplay endplay fireclay flay forelay foreplay gondelay gunplay handplay horseplay inlay interlay interplay lay mellay mislay misplay nonplay onlay outlay outplay overlay overplay owrelay palay parlay photoplay pipeclay play powerplay redisplay relay replay rocklay rokelay roundelay screenplay slay splay superlay swordplay teleplay underclay underlay underplay unlay uplay virelay waylay wordplay May- dismay gamay sinamay Pay- apay appay backpay copay overpay pay prepay repay spay underpay unpay Bad- forbad superbad tebbad
2023-01-12 07:02:271


2023-01-12 07:02:334


2023-01-12 07:02:511


stay读音:英 [steɪ] 美 [steɪ]     一、含义v. 停留;逗留;保持,n. 停留;逗留。 二、用法stay的基本意思是“保持同样状态或者停留在同一地方”,可指人或使人等停留、居住、留宿、暂住某处或某段时间,也可指人、天气等保持某种状态。 stay作“停留,停止”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。  stay作“继续处于某种状态”解时,可用作系动词,接名词、形容词或过去分词作表语。  stay可用在祈使句中,通常表示“站住”“停止”。 I stayed late at the party last night.昨晚我在晚会上呆到很晚。You can stay at home and watch TV.你可以待在家里并且看电视。扩展资料:近义词:abide、adjourn、allay、arrest、curb。一、abide1、含义:v. 遵守;忍受;坚持 。2、举例Everyone must abide by the law.所有的人都应遵守法律。二、adjourn1、含义:v. (使)延期;中止;换地方  。2、举例The chairman adjourn the meeting for a week.主席把会议延期一周。三、allay1、含义:v. 减轻;使 ... 缓和  。2、举例There pills will allay your pain.这药丸可以减轻你的疼痛。四、arrest1、含义:vt. 逮捕;拘留,n. 逮捕;拘留 。2、举例You shouldn"t arrest him without warrant.你不能毫无根据地逮捕他。五、curb1、含义:n. 路边;克制;勒马绳,vt. 抑制;勒住;牵(狗)到合适地方大小便 。2、举例I stood at the curb trying to breathe.我站在人行道沿上想缓口气。
2023-01-12 07:02:575


ab-作为前缀,意思为“away”.理解为“离开,去掉”都可以. 有abs和a两种形式,当然,像是碰到allay这样的单词,b字母被同化为后面词根的首字母. 至于ab-后面加的是什么,表达的是如何离开,怎样离开,是什么导致了离开. 先把所有的单词罗列分析一遍,具体的例句放在最后. ab dicate 说完就走,类似于告别演讲;意思为:退位,放弃(权力、责任等) ab duct 拉着就走.意思为:诱拐 ab errant 游荡走,错误的离开.意思为:脱离常规的 ab hor 战栗着走远.意思为:厌恶 ab ject 被仍走.意思为:悲惨的,卑微的 ab olish 使不再生长而离开.意思为:废除、废止(制度、习惯) ab ominate 因为有了征兆而走.意思为:厌恶,憎恶 ab rasive 摩擦掉.意思为:有研磨作用的,粗糙的 ab rogate 要求离开.意思为:(通过权威措施)废除 ab rupt 爆发导致离开.意思为:突然的,无礼的 abs cond 隐藏导致离开.意思为:躲避,潜逃 ab solve 解决问题使得可以离开.意思为:饶恕、赦免 abs tain 同某个东西保持距离而离开.意思为:戒 abs truse 推倒到很远的地方.意思为:深奥的 al lay 平息、减轻.意思为:放到很远的地方 a vert 转身离开.意思为:避免 ab jure 发誓离开.意思为:正式放弃 ab lution 脏东西洗掉.意思为:沐浴斋戒 ab negate 否认从而离开.意思为:放弃、抛弃(权力、欲望等) avocation 远离自己的职业.意思为:副业 abdicate v. 词源:ab(away) + dic(say),告别演说 give up offically; renounce. 中文意思:退位,放弃(主要指权力责任) 例句:abdicate from the throne. avocation n. 词源:a(=ab,away) + vocation(职业);区别于自己的职业 minor occupation; side-job; hobby; 中文意思:副业,兴趣 例句:He raises oultry as an avocation.他的副业是饲养家禽.
2023-01-12 07:03:281


2023-01-12 07:03:551


歌曲: Are You Alright? 歌手: Lucinda Williams 专辑: 《West》复制歌词下载LRC歌词Artist/Band: Williams LucindaLyrics for Song: Are You Alright?Lyrics for Album: West & Shanglin117重新制作送给ALLAYAre you alright?你还好吗?All the sudden you went away.因为所有的一切都好像跟你一起走了Are you alright?你还好吗?I hope you come back around someday.我希望你能回来哪怕只有几天Are you alright?你还好吗?I haven"t seen you in a real long time.因为我已经有很长的一段时间没有见到你了Are you alright?你还好吗?Could you give me some kind of sign.你能给我一些有关你的信息吗?Are you alright?你还好吗?I looked around me and you were gone.因为你已经走了,空荡荡的房间里只剩下我一个人Are you alright?你还好吗?I feel like there must be something wrong.我感觉到身边的所有的一切都不对劲了Are you alright?你还好吗?"Cause it seems like you disappeared.因为你就好像消失了一样Are you alright?你还好吗?"Cause I been feeling a little scared.因为我感觉有点害怕Are you alright? 你还好吗?Are you sleeping through the night?夜里你是否能安睡?Do you have someone to hold you tight?是否有人能让你快乐?Do you have someone to hang out with?是否有人将你挂念?Do you have someone to hug and kiss you,是否有人将你拥抱和亲吻?Hug and kiss you,Hug and kiss you?将你拥抱和亲吻,将你拥抱和亲吻?Are you alright? 你还好吗?Are you alright?你还好吗?Is there something been bothering you?有什么困扰你的事吗?Are you alright?你还好吗?I wish you"d give me a little clue.你能给我一些有关你的信索吗Are you alright?你还好吗?Is there something you wanna say?有什么你想说的事吗Are you alright?你还好吗?Just tell me that you"re okay.只要告诉我你一切都好就行Are you alright?你还好吗?"Cause you took off without a word.因为你离开了的时候没有给我留下一句话Are you alright?你还好吗?You flew away like a little bird.你就像一只小鸟一样飞走了Are you alright?你还好吗?Is there anything I can do?有什么我能为你做的吗Are you alright?你还好吗?"Cause I need to hear from you.因为我只想听到你的声音Are you alright? 你还好吗?Are you sleeping through the night?夜里你是否能安睡?Do you have someone to hold you tight?是否有人能让你快乐?Do you have someone to hang out with?是否有人将你挂念?Do you have someone to hug and kiss you,是否有人将你拥抱和亲吻?Hug and kiss you,Hug and kiss you?将你拥抱和亲吻,将你拥抱和亲吻?Are you alright? 你还好吗?Are you alright?你还好吗?Are you alright?你还好吗?Hey...嗨I Hope You Well我希望你一切都好……allay……I"m sorryTo YY:it"s good to see you again...HH再一次见到你我很高兴
2023-01-12 07:04:091


1.退避 tuìbì[wince;keep out of the way;withdraw and keep off] 畏缩后退;退后躲避2.退避三舍 tuìbì-sānshè[fink out;keep sb. at arm"s length] 比喻对人让步,避免冲突3.退兵 tuìbīng(1)[retreat;withdrawa]∶撤退军队传令退兵(2)[force the enemy to retreat]∶迫使敌军撤退退兵之计4.退步 tuìbù(1)[retrogress;fall behind]∶落后这学期他退步了,考了个倒数第二名(2)[backslide]∶向后退,回复到比早先更坏的状况(3)[degenerate]∶丧失明显的种族文化玛雅人虽然退步了但却是顽强的5.退步 tuìbù[leave some leeway] 为以后而留下余地留个退步6.退场 tuìchǎng[walk-off;be fouled out] 退出演出、比赛等的场地退场抗议7.退朝 tuìcháo[withdraw after having an audience with an emperor (a king)]朝见君毕而退退朝乃告同人。——清· 梁启超《谭嗣同传》8.退潮 tuìcháo[ebb tide] 海水在涨潮以后逐渐下降。亦称“落潮”9.退出 tuìchū(1)[leave;withdraw;quit;secede]∶离开所参与的某事或某种活动退出虎门外。——《广东军务记》退出新闻工作而以全部时间致力于写作(2)[go away;walk out]∶退席或退场以示不赞同退出议会的议员们10.退磁 tuìcí[demagnetize] 用加高温等方法使磁体失去或减弱磁性11.退党 tuìdǎng[cave;withdraw (secede) from the party] 从党派中退出12.退佃 tuìdiàn[(of a landlord)cancel a tenancy] 地主收回租给农民种的土地13.退耕 tuìgēng[reuse farmland for other purpose] 把已改为耕地的土地重新改作他用(林、牧、渔等)14.退后 tuìhòu[give back;fall behind] 退下,退去站在门周围的民兵退后让法官们通过15.退化 tuìhuà(1)[degenerate;deteriorate;retrograde]∶生物体的一部分器官变小,机能减退、甚至完全消失阑尾是个退化了的器官(2)[fall away]∶泛指事物由优变劣,由好变坏虽然它的四肢长而有力…这种动物的大脑却退化了16.退还 tuìhuán[return] 退回交还17.退换 tuìhuàn[exchange (replace)a purchase] 退还不合适的,换取合适的(多指货物)缺页或装订上有错误的书,可以退换18.退回 tuìhuí(1)[return;give (send) back]∶退还无法投递,退回原处(2)[go (或turn)back]∶返回原来的地方道路不通,只得退回19.退婚 tuìhūn[break off an engagement] 取消婚约20.退伙 tuìhuǒ(1)[cancel an arrangement to eat at a mess;withdraw from a mess]∶退出集体伙食(2)[quit a gang]∶旧时指退出帮会21.退居 tuìjū(1)[retire]∶引退闲居(2)[go down to]∶从原来的地位、等次后退到较低的地位、等次该厂产品已退居第二位22.退路 tuìlù(1)[route of retreat]∶退却的道路堵截退路(2)[room for manoeuvre;leeway]∶回旋的余地不留退路23.退毛 tuìmáo[pull] 从生皮或皮肤上除掉毛24.退赔 tuìpéi[pay back what one takes;return and compensate;return what one has unlawfully taken or pay compensation for it] 向原主退还或赔偿非法取得的财物等25.退票 tuìpiào[return a ticket] 把已经买来的车票、船票、戏票等退还原处或转让别人,收回买票的钱26.退坡 tuìpō(1)[fall off]∶比喻意志衰退或遇到困难而退缩退坡思想(2)[backslide]∶退步,倒退,回复到比早先更坏的状况一个在文化上确已往后退坡的…世界27.退亲 tuìqīn[break off a marital engagement] 退婚28.退却 tuìquè(1)[retreat;withdraw]∶亦称“撤退”。军队放弃所占领的阵地或地区向后转移的作战行动步兵在敌人的顽固抵抗下暂时退却(2)[hang back;shrink back;flinch]∶畏难后退承认了他的错误,退却了29.退让 tuìràng[yield;make a concession;give in;back down] 让步,在压力、坚决要求或恳请下让步、屈服在原则问题上从不退让30.退热 tuìrè[remove fever] 见“退烧”31.退色 tuìsè[fade] 由于长期使用和年龄的增长而使本色大量消失身着退色的牛仔服32.退烧 tuìshāo(1)[bring down(或allay) a fever]∶不发热了(2)[remove fever]∶一个人的体温由高于正常降到正常,也说“退热”33.退守 tuìshǒu[retreat and stand on the defensive] 向后退并采取守势退守一方34.退缩 tuìsuō(1)[cower;flinch;shrink back]∶后退,回缩退缩不前(2)[wilt]∶畏缩他那种先是咆哮、吼吓,后又退缩的样子几乎令人可笑35.退位 tuìwèi(1)[abdicate;give up the throne]∶最高统治者让出统治地位光绪皇帝被迫退位了(2)[resign]∶泛指退出原有的职位或地位老部长退位了,新部长还没到任36.退伍军人 tuìwǔ jūnrén[veteran;demobilized soldier;ex-service man] 原为部队成员,根据其服役年限、服役种类、荣誉退役还是解除现役职务,或残废等级,按照法令规定有资格享受退伍军人法所规定的利益或特权37.退席 tuìxí(1)[leave a banquet or a meeting]∶退出宴席或会场(2)[walk out]∶退场以示不赞成美国代表退席以示抗议38.退闲 tuìxián[be retired] 退职享清闲39.退省 tuìxǐng[self-examination] 事后自我反省;退而自省40.退休 tuìxiū[retire] 职工因年老或因公致残而离开工作岗位,按期领取生活费用41.退休金 tuìxiūjīn[pension;superannuation] 在一定条件下(如因为年龄或丧失工作能力)而付与退职者的津贴42.退学 tuìxué[withdraw;leave school;discontinue one"s schooling] 放弃上课或停修学科学习了一年左右没有得到学位就退学了43.退押 tuìyā(1)[return a deposit]∶退还押金(2)[(of a landlord) return deposits to tenants in the land reform]∶特指中国土地改革时期使地主退还佃户所缴的押金44.退养 tuìyǎng[retire] 某些集体所有制单位的职工因年老等原因而离开工作岗位,回家休养退养金45.退役 tuìyì(1)[demobilize;discharge]∶正式终止服役又到老兵退役的时候了(2)[muster out]∶使 [从军队] 退伍46.退赃 tuìzāng[give up (surrender;disgorge)ill-gotten gains;return of stolen property] 交出(或退出)非法地或不公正地获得的不义之财47.退职 tuìzhí[unseat;retire from work;withdraw from office] 辞去或从职务中离任
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2023-01-12 07:06:266


hunger的意思是饥饿,渴望。 英 ["hʌŋɡə(r)]   美 ["hʌŋɡər]    n. 饥饿, 渴望v. 饿,渴望,使......饥饿例句:I had experienced the pangs of hunger.翻译:我曾经历过饥饿的折磨。短语:allay hunger 缓解饥饿用法1、hunger是抽象名词,不可数,一般不受数词或不定冠词a修饰,也没有复数形式。表示一个具体的欲望时,其后常接介词for。2、hunger作“欲望”解时,后常接介词for表示“...…的欲望”。
2023-01-12 07:06:551


Smells of Roses
2023-01-12 07:07:102

把悲伤留给自己 英文版歌词

  《把悲伤留给自己》歌曲原唱:陈升,填词:陈升,谱曲:陈升。所属专辑私奔,发行时间 1991-08-14。《把悲伤留给自己》是由陈升作词作曲并演唱的一首歌,收录在专辑《私奔》中,该曲也是电影《大笑江湖》的插曲,该曲也是新加坡电视剧《球在你脚下》插曲。  英文歌词:  Here in the garden, among the flowers  Smells of roses that fill my head  And the sun beams through the tree trunks  Dancing around me in purple red  And the river"s always flowing  And like love it finds its way  I sing my song when the wind blows  All misgivings I will allay  But what if night time lingers over  Stay forever around my heart  And the shadows will all surround me  Could I see though it"s so dark  And what if your love goes away now  Leave me lost here and all alone  Oh, Could I find a way through it  Could I live here when you are gone, are gone  Cos I"ve been searching through my whole life  For a place to call my own  Now I finally have found what I love  Among roses I found my home  But what if night time lingers over  Stay forever around my heart  And the shadows will all surround me  Could I see though it"s so dark  And what if your love goes away now  Leave me lost here and all alone  Could I find a way through it  Could I live here when you are gone  Here in the garden among the flowers  Smells of roses that fill my head  Now I finally have found what I love  Among roses I found my home, my home  Now I finally have found my home, my home  Among the roses, among roses, among roses  中文歌词:  能不能让我陪着你走  既然你说留不住你  回去的路有些黑暗  担心让你一个人走  我想是因为我不够温柔  不能分担你的忧愁  如果这样说不出口  就把遗憾放在心中  把我的悲伤留给自己  你的美丽让你带走  从此以后我再没有  快乐起来的理由  把我的悲伤留给自己  你的美丽让你带走  我想我可以忍住悲伤  可不可以你也会想起我  是不是可以牵你的手啊  从来没有这样要求  怕你难过转身就走  那就这样吧我会了解的  把我的悲伤留给自己  你的美丽让你带走  从此以后我再没有  快乐起来的理由  我想我可以忍住悲伤  假装生命中没有你  从此以后我在这里  日夜等待你的消息  能不能让我陪着你走  既然你说留不住你  无论你在天涯海角  时不时的偶尔会想起我  可不可以你也会想起我  可不可以  可不可以  可不可以
2023-01-12 07:07:183


2023-01-12 07:07:294

have trouble doing是什么意思

意思是:在...…方面有困难。例句:We have trouble in finding his house. 翻译:我们找到他的家有困难。重点词汇解释trouble 英 ["trʌbl]  美 ["trʌbəl]    n. 困难;烦恼;麻烦。v. 使烦恼;麻烦;苦恼;费神。短语:allay trouble 减轻麻烦。近义词difficulty 英 ["dɪfɪkəlti]  美 ["dɪfɪkəlti]    n. 困难;争议;麻烦。例句:He faced the difficulty with courage.翻译:他勇敢地面对困难。短语:cause a difficulty 出难题,制造麻烦。
2023-01-12 07:07:496


electrician :电工magician :魔术师mathematician : 数学家statistician : 统计员 technician : 技术人员phisician:物理学家
2023-01-12 07:08:263


Right and
2023-01-12 07:08:384


stay的读音是:英[ste?]。stay的读音是:英[ste?]。stay的词语用法是v.(动词)stay的基本意思是“保持同样状态或者停留在同一地方”,可指人或使人等停留、居住、留宿、暂住某处或某段时间,也可指人、天气等保持某种状态。stay【近义词】abide。一、详尽释义点此查看stay的详细内容v.(动词)延缓,延后停留,逗留,留下暂住继续站住,停下,止住忍耐;撑过抑制,阻止,制止,平息暂时解除暂时满足一下【海】转向上风,(使)转变航向用支索固定,用支索支撑保持下去,持久,坚持,坚持到...结束为多数人所接受,得到普遍认可用支索使(桅)改变角度n.(名词)停留,逗留(期间)延缓,延后停止,制止,阻止持续力,耐力【海】支索【机】牵条拉线支杆物遏制,抑制,妨碍【律】延期二、词典解释1.停留;逗留;留下If youstay where you are, you continue to be there and do not leave.e.g. "Stay here," Trish said. "I"ll bring the car down the drive to take you back."...“呆这别动,”特里西说,“我会把车开过来送你回去。”e.g. In the old days the woman stayed at home and the man earned the money.过去,女主内,男主外。2.(在某城市、旅馆或别人家)暂住,逗留If youstay in a town, or hotel, or at someone"s house, you live there for a short time.stay的反义词e.g. Gordon stayed at The Park Hotel, Milan...戈登下榻在米兰的帕克饭店。e.g. He tried tostay a few months every year in Scotland.他每年都会争取在苏格兰住几个月。3.保持;维持If someone or somethingstays in a particular state or situation, they continue to be in it.e.g. The Republican candidate said he would "work like crazy tostay ahead".共和党候选人说他将“拼命保持领先优势”。e.g. care networks that offer classes on how tostay healthy...开设养生课程的社区保健网络4.不去,远离(某地)If youstay away from a place, you do not go there.e.g. Government employees and officers also stayed away from work during the strike...政府雇员和官员在罢工期间也没去上班。e.g. Every single employee turned up at the meeting, even people who usually stayed away.所有雇员一个个不落都参加了会议,甚至平常不去开会的人都去了。5.不参与;不卷入If youstay out of something, you do not get involved in it.e.g. In the past, the UN has stayed out of the internal affairs of countries unless invited in...在过去,除非有国家提出请求,否则联合国不会干涉各国内政。e.g. After months of staying well out of the problem, Washington has expressed a willingness to help find a solution.几个月以来都不曾介入该问题的华盛顿方面已表示愿意帮助寻求解决方案。6.被普遍接受If you say that something ishere to stay, you mean that people have accepted it and it has become a part of everyday life.e.g. Satellite TV is here tostay...卫星电视已被普遍接受。e.g. Nuclear weapons are here tostay because they have changed the way countries approach the idea of war.核武器已被广泛接受,因为它们改变了各国处理战争的方法。7.固定不动;留在原地If youstay put, you remain somewhere.e.g. He was forced by his condition tostay put and remain out of politics...他的健康状况迫使他留在原处,置身于政坛之外。e.g. Nigel says for the moment he is very happy tostay put in Lyon.奈杰尔说目前他很乐意留在里昂。8.住一晚;过夜If youstay the night in a place, you sleep there for one night.e.g. They had invited me to come to supper andstay the night.他们邀请我去吃晚饭并住上一晚。相关词组:stay instay onstay outstay up三、网络解释1.1. 停留:西弗瓦特森和德鲁卡随即找到曾经为<>(Troy)、<>(Stay)和<>(TheKiteRunner)执笔过剧本的知名编剧大卫?贝尼奥夫,由他来负责将整个故事融合进美国的大环境中.2. 逗留:片儿像极了EwanMcGregor主演的那部影戏<>(STAY),所有的故事都不外是一个弥留之际的人的脑中一刹时闪过的念头--只不不外这部影片儿的立意恰好相反最新猫和老鼠动画片是活人对死人的故事 一路头我就有这样的设法,3. 生死停留:<>(Stay)是一部几乎超出人类所能想像的惊悚电影,便是马克全新黑暗作品的代表作. 反观<>与<>的强烈反差,几乎是很少有哪位导演能在这么短的时间内有这样截然的转变. 尽管如此,4. stay4.stay:stayman; 斯台曼四、例句I stayed late at the party last night.昨晚我在晚会上呆到很晚。You can stay at home and watch TV.你可以待在家里并且看电视。Why don"t you come to stay with us next time you visit Durham?下次来达勒姆就住在我们这儿好吗?The temperature has stayed hot this week.本周气温一直都很热。We must be able to stay impartial at all times.我们必须经常保持公正的态度。He went straight to New York without a stay in Hongkong.他直接去了纽约,没在香港停留。He made few friends during his stay in the village.他在这个村子逗留的期间,没有交上几个朋友。五、常用短语用作动词(v.)stay at (v.+prep.)停留在…; 住在… remain behind at (a place)stay at sthWe stay at home on Sundays.星期天我们常呆在家里。I"ll stay at the bus stop while you go to see if there"s a bus coming.你去看看有没有公共汽车驶来,我留在车站等着。The others are going out, but I think I"ll stay at home.Suit yourself.别人都出去了,但我想留在家里。请随你的便吧。They succeeded in persuading me to stay at home.他们成功地说服了我留在家里。In modern society, fewer women stay at home to look after their children.They have their own jobs.在现代社会里,很少有妇女呆在家里照顾孩子。她们有自己的工作。stay away (v.+adv.)离开,缺席 be absentstay awayI wonder why she is staying away.我不知道她为什么还不来。Why don"t you stay away if you don"t like us?你要是不喜欢我们为什么不离开?stay away from sthWhy did you stay away from school for weeks at a time?你为什么一次缺几个星期的课?She is deliberately staying away from the meetings.她有意回避会议。stay down (v.+adv.)存在胃里 remain in stomachThe food seems to have stayed down this time.这次,吃的东西似乎存住了。stay in (v.+adv.)保持住 remain in positionI am not sure if these props will stay in long enough to do the work.这些支柱能否维持到工作结束,我对此没有把握。stay out (v.+adv.)避开,不插手 avoidstay outStay out!呆在外边!It"s very cold. Don"t stay out.天很冷,别呆在外面。It"s unusual for them to stay out so long.他们很少在外边呆那么长时间。I promised my mother that I would not stay out late tonight.我答应母亲今晚不在外面呆得太晚。stay outGet out and stay out!滚出去,少管闲事!stay out of sthHe always tries to stay out of other people"s affairs that don"t concern him.他总是力图避开与己无关的闲事。Father hoped we"d stay out of trouble in the big city.父亲希望我们在大城市里别惹麻烦。It"s not easy for John to stay out of debt while prices are rising so fast.在物价飞涨的时候约翰要想不欠债很不容易。stay put停住不动 not move; remain in one placestay to (v.+prep.)不与人交往 keep to oneselfstay to oneselfHe decided it would be best to stay to himself until the pagan festivities were over.他决定最好的办法是在异教徒的节日活动结束前,他不和任何人交往。stay up (v.+adv.)漂浮,不掉 not fall or sinkstay upThe temporary roof won"t stay up much longer.那临时屋顶挺不了多久。These sticks are not strong enough to stay up.这些棍子不够结实,撑不住屋顶。stay sth ? upThe valuable painting by a famous artist has been stayed up on the wall for many years.一位著名画家的珍贵油画已在墙上挂了许多年。stay upWe stayed up until midnight talking about our work.我们谈论工作一直到深夜还没睡。His tender wife always stays up until he comes back.她那温柔的妻子总是等他回来才睡。The patient was so ill that the nurse had to stay up all night.这病人病得很重,护士只好整夜不睡照顾他。stay upIf you do fall out of the boat, your lifejacket will help you to stay up until we can get you out.如果你真从船上掉下去了,救生衣就可帮助你漂浮在水面上,直到我们把你搭救上来。stay with (v.+prep.)在…家里作客; 继续为…工作 be a guest of sb; continue to work for sbstay with sb/sthI hope you"ll stay with me on your next visit too.希望你下次来时还在我家住。How long do you intend to stay with the firm?你准备在公司干多久?stay within (v.+prep.)遵守…; 保持在…之内 continue to obey or be limited by sthstay within sthThe police are watching to see that all motorists stay within the new speed limit.警察在值勤,以确保汽车驾驶员均能遵守新的限速。Make sure that your spending on this contract stays within bounds, or the firm could be in trouble.在此合同上的花费一定不要超出限额,不然公司会有困难。六、词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词stay a bachelor还是单身stay a complete mystery一直是个谜stay a fisherman仍是个渔民stay bloodshed制止流血stay one"s anger息怒stay one"s hunger暂时充饥stay one"s thirst暂时止渴stay sb"s hand使某人住手stay the progress of a disease防止疾病恶化~+形容词stay angry一直在生气stay confused迷惑不解stay constant保持不变stay expressionless毫无表情stay healthy保持健康stay hungry只好饿着stay linked还连在一起stay long保持得很久stay modest保持谦虚stay motionless仍然不动stay prudent保持谨慎stay single保持单身stay tight仍然是紧密的stay unchanged依然不变stay unconvinced仍然不相信stay unfinished仍然未完成stay unknown依旧不详stay unsettled仍然未解决stay young保持年轻~+副词stay adamantly坚定地停留stay briefly短暂地停留stay customarily习惯地停留stay fruitlessly无效益地停留stay habitually习惯地停留stay perpetually连续不断地停留stay stubbornly固执地停留stay temporarily暂时停留stay traditionally习惯地停留stay transiently短暂停留stay away不在家,外出stay away from home不在家stay away from school旷课stay behind别人离开后仍留在原地,留下来stay down蹲下,卧倒,停留在下面stay in呆在家里,放学后留在学校stay in after school放学后(被)留下来stay on继续停留,(灯)继续亮着,(电视)继续开着stay on for a bit再呆一会儿stay out呆在户外留在露天里,避开,不插手stay out after dark天黑后在户外stay up熬夜,守夜,不倒,不沉stay up all night通宵未睡,熬通宵~+介词stay at a hotel住在旅馆里stay for为…而停留stay for a meal留下吃饭stay off让开,不接近,不吃,不喝stay off the bottle不喝酒stay off the grass不进入草地stay out of trouble避开麻烦stay to supper留下吃晚饭stay with跟…在一起,使…继续下去stay with friends与朋友们住在一起stay with the project把这项工程继续进行下去用作名词 (n.)动词+~extend one"s stay延长逗留时间have a stay逗留make a stay of nine days作九天的逗留put a stay upon sb"s activity制止某人的活动request of stay of execution请求延期执行形容词+~brief stay短暂的停留long stay长期停留short stay短暂逗留名词+~month"s stay一个月的停留~+介词stay in Karachi在卡拉奇作逗留stay of execution缓期执行七、常见错误v.(动词)我进城时可以在我姑姑家住。误 I"ll be able to live at my aunt"s house while I"m in the town.正 I"ll be able to stay at my aunt"s house while I"m in the town.析 stay at指“短时间的居住〔停留〕”,而live at指“长时间的居住”。stay的相关近义词abide、adjourn、allay、arrest、check、continue、curb、defer、delay、detain、endure、wait、delay、halt、holiday、pausestay的相关反义词advance、leavestay的相关临近词STD、stave、stayer、stay on、Stayner、stay up、stay at、staypak、Stayton、Staykov、stayguy、Stayman点此查看更多关于stay的详细信息
2023-01-12 07:08:581


Intro:Tupac Iain"tgotnomotherfuckinfriends That"swhyIfuckedyo"bitch,youfatmotherfucker (takemoney)WEESSSSSSIIIIIDE!! BadBoykillers (takemoney)Youknowtherealestisniggaz (takemoney)Webringittoyou (takemoney) VerseOne:Tupac Firstoff,fuckyourbitchandtheclickyouclaim WEESSSSSSIIIIIDEwhenweridecomeequippedwithgame YouclaimtobeaplayerbutIfuckedyourwife WebustonBadBoyniggazfuckedforlife PlusPuffytryintaseemeweakheartsIrip BiggieSmallzandJuniorM.A.F.I.A.somemarkassbitches Wekeeponcomin"whilewerunninforyajewels steadygunnin,keeponbustinatthefools,youknowtherules LittleCeaser,goaskyahomiehowIleaveya cutyouryoungassup,leaveyouinpieces,nowbedeceased LilKim,don"tfuckaroundwithrealG"s Quicktosnatchyo"uglyassoffthastreet,sofuckpeace Iletthemniggasknowit"sonforlife SolettheWestsideridetonight(haha) BadBoymurderedonwax,andkilled Fuckwit"meandgetyacapspeeled,youknow,see... Chorus: Grabyaglocks,whenyouseeTupac Callthecops,whenyouseeTupac,uhh Whoshotme,butyapunksdidn"tfinish Nowyabouttofeelthewrathofamenace nigga,Ihitem"up... Interlude:Tupac Checkthisout,youmuthafuckasknowwhattimeitis Idon"tevenknowwhyI"monthistrack ya"llnigguzain"tevenonmylevel I"maletmylilhomiesrideonyou bitchmade-assbadboybitches,dealwithit!! VerseTwo:Fatal Getoutthewayyo,getoutthewayyo BiggieSmallzjustgotdropped LittleMoo,passtheMac,andletmehithiminhisback FrankWhiteneedtogetspankedright,forsettintracks littleaccidentmurderer,andIain"tneverheard-aya PoisinousgatsattackwhenI"mservinya TwanktheshankyawholestylewhenIkank Guardyourrank,causeI"maslamyaassinthepank Puffyweakerthatafuckinrockawannado,nigga and,I"llsmokeyajuniormafiainfrontofyou,nigga WiththereadypowertuckinmyGatsundermyEddieBauer yaclout,prettysourIputpackageseveryhour tohitemup Chorus VerseThree:Tupac Peephowwedoit,keepitreal,it"spenitentiarysteel thisaintnofreestylebattle,allyouniggazgettin killedwithyamouthsopen tryintocomeupoffame,youinthecloudshoping smokindopeit"slikeashermhigh Niggazthinktheylearnedtofly Buttheyburnmuthafucka,youdeservetodie Talkinboutyougettinmoneybutitsfunnytome allyouniggazlivinbummywhyyoufuckinwithme I"maself-mademilionare ThugLivinoutaprison,pistolsintheair,(hahaha) Biggie,rememberwhenIusedtoletyousleeponmycouch andbegthebitchtoletyousleepinthehouse,(ha) NowitsallaboutVersacci,youcopiedmystyle Fiveshotscouldn"tdropme,Itookit,andsmiled NowI"mbouttosettherecordstraight,withmyAK I"mstillthethugyoulovetohate Motherfucker,Ihitemup VerseFour:Kadafi I"mfromN-E-WJerz,whereplentymurdersoccurz Nopointtocalmher,webringindramatoallyouheard Localcheckthescenario,LittleCeaze IbringyoufakeG"stoyourknees Coppinpleasto"DeJaneiro" LilKim,isyoucokedup,ordopedup? GetyalilJuniorWhopperclicksmokedup,whatthefuck isyouSTUPID?!?!Itakemoney,crashandmashthroughBrooklyn withmyclicklootin,shootinandpollutinyablock with15shotscockglocktoyourknot Outlawmafiaclickmovinupanothernotch Andyouboxstopssquawsgetmoppedanddropped Allyourfake-asseastcoastpropsbrainstormedandlocked VerseFive:Edi Yousea,beatbiter,aPacstyletaker I"lltellyoutoyafaceyouaintshitbutafaker SofterthanAliz-Awithachaser Bouttogetmurderedforthepaper E.D.I.Meanapproachthesceneofthecaper likealoc,withlittleceaserinachokehold Totinsmoke,weaintnomuthafuckinjoke ThugLife,niggazbettabeknowin,weapprochin inthewideopen,gunssmokin noneedforhopinitsabattlelost,Igotacross Soonasthefunkwaspoppinoff NiggaIhitemup Outro:Tupac("takemoney"backgroundriff") Nowyoutellmewhowon Iseethem,theyrun Theydon"twannaseeus WholeJuniorM.A.F.I.A.clickdressinuptryintabeus Howthefucktheygonnabethemobwhenwealwaysonourjob Wemillionaires,killinain"tfairbutsomebodygottadoit Ohyeah,MobbDeep,youwannafuckwithus? Youlittleyoungassmotherfuckers Don"toneofyouniggazgotsicklecellorsomethin? Youfuckinwithmeniggayoufuckaround andhaveaseizureoraheart-attack Youbetterbackthefuckup,foreyougetsmackedthefuckup Tha"showwedoitonourside AnyofyouniggazfromNewYorkthatwannabringitbringit Butweain"tsingin,webringindrama Fuckyouandyourmotherfuckinmama Wegonnakillallyoumotherfuckers NowwhenIcameoutItoldyouitwasjustaboutBiggie Deneverybodyhadtoopentheirmouthforthemotherfuckeropinion Wellthishowwegonnadodis FuckMobbDeep FuckBiggie FuckBadBoyasastaffrecord,recordlabel andasamotherfuckincrew AndifyouwannabedownwithBadBoy Thenfuckyoutoo ChinoXL,fuckyoutoo Allyoumotherfuckers,fuckyoutoo (takemoney) (takemoney) Allay"allmotherfuckers,fuckyoudieslowmotherfucker Myfo"-fo"makesureally"allkidsdon"tgrow Youmotherfuckerscan"tbeusorseeus WethemotherfuckinThugLiferidahsWEESSSSSSTSIIIIIDEtillwedie! OuthereinCaliforniawewarnyawe"llbombonyoumotherfuckers Wedoourjob Youthinkyoumob,niggawethemotherfuckinmob Ain"tnuttinbutkillersandtherealniggaz Allyoumotherfuckersfeelus Ourshit"sgotripleandfour-quadruple (takemoney) Youniggazlaughcozourstaffgotgunsinthey motherfuckersbelt,youknowhowitis Whenwedroprecordstheyfelt Youniggazcan"tfeelit Wetherealest,FUCKEM,weBadBoykillaz!
2023-01-12 07:09:041


2023-01-12 07:07:471


2023-01-12 07:07:533


make a plan
2023-01-12 07:07:541


2023-01-12 07:07:575


policy making名词性质的 make policy 动词性质的
2023-01-12 07:08:007

在windowszhong de "ole"是什么技术

OLE(Object Linking and Embedding,对象连接与嵌入)。是一种面向对象的技术,利用这种技术可开发可重复使用的软件组件(COM)。OLE不仅是桌面应用程序集成,而且还定义和实现了一种允许应用程序作为软件“对象”(数据集合和操作数据的函数)彼此进行“连接”的机制,这种连接机制和协议称为组件对象模型(Component Object Model),简称COM。OLE可以用来创建复合文档,复合文档包含了创建于不同源应用程序,有着不同类型的数据,因此它可以把文字、声音、图像、表格、应用程序等组合在一起。OLE 是在客户应用程序间传输和共享信息的一组综合标准。允许创建带有指向应用程序的链接的混合文档以使用户修改时不必在应用程序间切换的协议。OLE基于组件对象模型(COM) 并允许开发可在多个应用程序间互操作的可重用即插即用对象。该协议已广泛用于商业上,在商业中电子表格、字处理程序、财务软件包和其他应用程序可以通过客户服务器体系共享和链接单独的信息。关于 OLE ,业界早就在抱怨它的缓慢和庞大,对市场敏感的 Microsoft 需要对那些 API 函数提出一种新的术语以适应未来的操作系统和Internet技术。有趣的是 Microsoft 已经宣布 OLE 不再代表对象链接与嵌入,而只是一个过去的名词而已。
2023-01-12 07:07:422


2023-01-12 07:07:409

你愿意帮我制定一个计划吗? 英文翻译

Would you like to make a plan for me?
2023-01-12 07:07:404

ole 法语什么意思

2023-01-12 07:07:371