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《Under the Dragon Flag》(James Allan)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读

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书名:Under the Dragon Flag

作者:James Allan





詹姆斯·艾伦(James Allan),英国一个棉花商之子。破产后,在美国货轮“哥伦布号”上当海员。甲午战争时,为同日本作战的清军运送军火,旅顺大屠杀期间被困于旅顺口,因此他目睹了中日黄海海战的过程和日军在旅顺的野蛮屠杀行为。后将其亲身经历和感受写成《在龙旗下:中日战争目击记》(Under the Dragon Flag,My Experiences in the China-Japanese War)一书,于1898年在伦敦出版,产生很大影响。




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名字含义:英俊的,高贵的,Allen的异体,好看,英俊而阳光的,英俊的,高贵的,Allen的异体 ALAN的变体。美国作家埃德加·奥兰·波(1809-1849)从他接受他的父母的姓氏得到了他的中间名。Allan1、["ælən]2、名字性别:男孩英文名3、来源语种:苏格兰语、古英语4、名字寓意:高贵的,重视重感情的人,万事和为贵情侣名:Elizabeth1、配对理由:Allan 和 Elizabeth 取自影片《所罗门王宝藏》中的情侣角色,适合情侣专用。2、[ɪˈlɪzəbəθ]3、名字性别:女孩英文名4、来源语种英语5、名字寓意上帝的誓言6、名字含义:上帝的誓言 从Ελισαβετ(伊丽莎白),希腊形式的希伯来名字אֱלִישֶׁבַע("Elisheva")意思是“我的上帝是誓言”或也许“我的上帝是丰富的”。希伯来语的形式出现在旧约中,其中Elisheba是亚伦的妻子,而希腊形式出现在新约中,伊丽莎白是约翰·施洗约翰的母亲。
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allan 方差(阿伦方差)是David AIlan于1966年提出的,最初该方法是用于分析振荡器的相位和频率不稳定性,高稳定度振荡器的频率稳定度的时域表征目前均采用Allan方差。由于陀螺等惯性传感器本身也具有振荡器的特征,因此该方法随后被广泛应用于各种惯性传感器的随机误差辨识中。
2023-01-12 06:42:241


彭爱岚的英语用汉语拼音即可,姓和名的第一个字母要大写,即Peng Ailan。或按欧美人的习惯:Ailan Peng。
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2023-01-12 06:43:043


滑板一个脚抬起来的招式叫ONE FOOT REVERT。ONE FOOT REVERT是一个比较有创意的滑板动作。如果你已经学会了revert,那么学这个动作就比较简单了。仅供您参考了解谢谢
2023-01-12 06:43:1415


allan gelfand美国著名滑手ollie:即用双脚带板起跳。这个动作是进入滑板自由世界的门槛,我想也是令许多人踏上滑板之路的原因。Ollie的来历:ollie这一动作由美国滑手allan gelfand首创,而他的小名就叫“ollie”。1979年,15岁的allan在福罗理达州的好利坞市的一个滑板公园中练习,在一个碗形游泳池中,他发现自己居然可以不用手抓板而带板腾空。他的同伴就将这个动作称为“ollie”。各位滑友大概想不道在79年的美国才出现这个动作吧?Allan后来成为当时最劲的白骨队成员,但他只作了两年pro就转行搞赛车了,但这个创造的意义是不言自明了。
2023-01-12 06:44:261


台湾的潮流以街头风、Hip-Hop风、复古Vintage风为主,所以台湾原创的街牌都根据这些风格设计。台湾潮牌有一个很大的特点,就是明星潮牌,例如周杰伦、小猪、黑人、陈柏霖等明星,都相继推出自己的品牌,以自己的明星身份推动自己的品牌,然后由年轻偶像转型成为潮流Icon。这一潮牌方程式相当成功,这些明星品牌更由台湾蔓延至广州,产生更大的影响力。1. 周杰伦也爱Fixed Gear Bike PHANTACi 07年,周杰伦在在台北开设自己的潮店PHANTACi,以售卖限量版Nike、台湾原创品牌和同名自家品牌PHANTACi为主。潮店PHANTACi在周杰伦超人气的偶像魅力下,很快就成为台北著名的潮店,其自家品牌更不断壮大的同时,也努力关注台湾潮流,例如台湾近年也开始流行Fixed Gear Bike,PHANTACi就推出Fixed Gear Bike服饰,推动这项运动的发展。2. 黑人(陈建州)的篮球精神 态度 相信不少年轻人都认识黑人的品牌“态度”,但“态度”的由来却不是人人知道。“态度”本来是黑人作领队的台啤篮球队“励志服”,以篮球场上“坚持到底,永不放弃”的态度面对比赛。“态度”最初只是台啤篮球队才穿着的服饰,但在黑人的明星效应和台啤篮球队夺06年得台湾超级篮球赛冠军的情况下,因为球迷反应热烈,“态度”才开始正式推出市面。其“态度”字样由黑人自己亲自设计。黑人在自己主持的电视节目中经常穿着,还派给圈中好友,在这样的情况下产生了强烈的明星3. 陈柏霖领军台湾潮牌新世代 BRAiNCHiLD BRAiNCHiLD由台湾潮星陈柏霖、台湾著名音乐人林哲仪,联同台湾著名街头品牌Overkill一起创立。BRAiNCHiLD在成立短短一年间就立刻跃升成为台湾一线潮牌,当中要归功于陈柏霖相当会搞潮流噱头,尤其是其它潮牌搞合作版的功力,堪称台湾最强。4. 张震岳和葛民辉Crossover 4A “Work n Play”系列 张震岳一直钟情街头文化,对BMX运动更是尤其喜爱。近年,张震岳在香港搞作多多,和Double Park、Fingercroxx搞合作。08年初,竟然是和葛民辉的4A推出“Work n Play”系列,更在香港观塘开设店铺,引来不少潮人排队购买。张震岳和葛民辉的合作,也为4A进军台湾打下坚实基础。5. 除了明星潮牌外,台湾还有不少有实力的潮牌。 MANIA 2002年创立,属于台湾最早的原创街牌。MANIA的设计风格以美式街头为主,然后大量加入美国漫画、卡通、音乐、滑板等元素,创立出一种独特的Old Skool Style6. Overkill Overkill是台湾潮牌的中坚份子,成立4年来,一直推动着台湾潮流的发展。Overkill的名字源自美国Metal乐队Overkill,所以Overkill的服饰大量融入音乐元素和骷髅标记,为美式街头服带来新变化。7. Remix 2004年成立,设计风格就如其名字“Remix”一样,讲求混合。Hip-Hop、Rock、Punk这些音乐元素更是Remix爱用的“调料”。8. WALUX 这个台湾品牌实在不错,每个星期都有新货推出。9. Anyhow Hip-Hop对台湾潮流影响深远,也成为台湾潮流的大主流。台湾原创的Hip-Hop品牌确实不少,当中必定要认识Anyhow这一名字。2003年成立的Anyhow,凭着其浓烈的色彩风格,很快就在台湾大受欢迎,成为潮人追捧的品牌。10. STAGE罗志祥的STAGE 罗志祥(小猪)斥资300万台币的开的自创品牌潮流服饰店,店里地下室有他收藏的珍贵NIKE球鞋展示,一楼则是他自创的STAGE商品销售点,还有QEE公仔展示。STAGE成员以小猪为首共3名设计师。「STAGE」是以小猪的英文名字「SHOW」为发想延伸为「SATGE HYALINE OF WORLD」,世界的透明舞台也就是人生的舞台主角就是自己。之前小猪在百分百有穿一件STAGE HYALINE OF WORLD简称S.H.O.W跟STAGE的一件水钻T,都是小猪设计的。该店陈列100多双他珍藏的球鞋,最贵一双要价22万台币,爱鞋如命的他严禁任何人踩他球鞋。 店里的服装款式数量不多,常常推出新款,以T恤为主,通常T恤上如果SWAROSKI水晶越多,价格越贵,光印有SHOW水晶图案的T恤就要台币4800元,算是很贵的自创品牌,但随着罗志祥的岛内岛外红翻天,销售量还是很棒罗志祥Stage潮店在台湾的地址:台北开封街和昆明街,从西门町6号出口步行15分钟就到了,属于西门町中心地段
2023-01-12 06:44:341


开头We all want our library beautiful and clean 中间一抄结尾let;s keep it together 自己再加几句
2023-01-12 06:44:402


初中英语阅读理解与完形填空答案   英语阅读理解和完形填空都是英语考试中必考的题型,下面我整理了初中的英语阅读理解与完形填空的练习和答案,有兴趣的朋友可以看一下哦!   第一篇:   Allan was worried. This was his first time to go traveling 1 . He didn"t know how to find his seat, 2 he went to the air hostess(空姐) and asked, “Could you help me? I can"t find my seat.” The air hostess showed 3 the seat and told him 4 and fasten the seat belt(系好安全带). She told Allan not to move about when the plane was going up. And she also said that Allan"s ears might feel 5 strange, but he didn"t need to 6 it because many people felt 7 that. When the plane was flying very high, Allan could stand up and walk around. He could 8 read books, newspapers or see films. The air hostess would   __9__ food and drinks. Allan would enjoy the flight and 10 soon.   1.A. by ship B. by air C. by car D. by bus   2.A. yet B. or C. but D. so   3.A. him B. me C. her D. he   4.A. stand up B. sleep C. to sit down D. sit down   5.A. a little B. little C. a bit of D. bit   6.A worrying B. be worried C. worry about D. worry   7.A. in B. for C. as D. like   8.A. neither B. either C. both D. also   9.A hold B. take C. bring D. carry   10. A. arrive home B. arrive to home C. get to home D. reach at home   第二篇:   Joe wanted a computer. He asked his 1 for the money and they said he must get it himself. But how did he get it? He 2 about this when he walked home. Not many people wanted to ask children to work for them. Maybe he could take away snow for the neighbors (邻居). But this was not 3 . He had to wait a long time for that. He couldn"t cut grass for their gardens 4 he had no tools (工具) to do the work with.   Then he saw one of his classmates, Dick, delivering (送) 5 . I could do that, he thought. Maybe I could even get the computer 6 away. I could pay 7 it a little each week. He ran to 8 up with Dick. Joe asked him a lot of questions. He learned that it was 9 to get twenty-five dollars each week. He learned that the job (工作) took 10 three hours each night. Dick 11 him the phone number of the newspaper manager (经理).   Joe almost flew home. After he had told his mother 12 he thought, she 13 .“I think it is a 14 idea,” she said, “I"ll call the newspaper….”   “Wait, Mum,” Joe said, “I"ll call. After that, I"m going to be a businessman now.”   Joe"s mother smiled 15 .   1. A. teachers B. parents C. classmates D. friends   2. A. said B. told C. thought D. spoke   3. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter   4. A. because B. when C. while D. after   5. A. newspaper B. bikes C. computers D. tools   6. A. now B. right C. just D. only   7. A. on B. to C. of D. for   8. A. take B. catch C. carry D. get   9. A. friendly B. kind C. possible D. wrong   10. A. at B. about C. before D. after   11. A. taught B. gave C. made D. asked   12. A. that B. when C. what D. where   13. A. smiled B. shouted C. cried D. worried   14. A. big B. large C. great D. bad   15. A. sadly B. happily C. politely D. angrily   第三篇:   Have you ever heard of a girl of 15, who set up a company of her own? Wendy Wong is the girl. She started the business two years ago. She has already written several successful computer games. They are so popular that over half a million games are sold every year. Now all of her family work in her business, and she is still at school.   She gets up early in the morning, and then she talks with her family about the business over breakfast. Every day she goes to school in her own car with a driver, for she is not old enough.   She enjoys her school, but some of the work is too easy for her to feel interested. She usually gets ‘A" grades in all her subjects, so the other students often ask her for help.   She finished her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her home. After dinner, she goes to her office and goes on working on her computer, writing games until 2 am. She does not usually need so much sleep as other children.   根据短文内容,回答问题。   52. When did Wendy Wong start the business?   ________________________________________________   53. What has Wendy Wong already written successful?   ________________________________________________   54. How does Wendy Wong go to school every day?   ________________________________________________   55. How about her grades in all her subjects?   ________________________________________________   56. How long can she finish her homework?   ________________________________________________   第四篇:   Reading for pleasure is the easiest way to become a better reader in English. It is also the most important way.   Some students say they don"t want to read for pleasure. They say they want to use their time to learn the rules of the language and new words. They say that pleasure read­ing is too easy.   Many experts (专家) say pleasure reading is very important for learning English. Dr. Stephen Krashen, a famous expert on learning languages, says that pleasure reading helps you learn many important things about English. Students learn more grammar and more words when they read for pleasure. They also learn more about good writing.   Dr. Krashen tells us that pleasure reading helps each student in a different way. Each student needs to learn something different. Pleasure reading makes it possible for each student to learn what he or she needs.   Reading for pleasure is not the same as studying. When you read for pleasure, you choose your own books, and you don"t have to remember everything. There are no tests on your pleasure reading books. Pleasure reading will help you:   learn how English speakers use English   read faster in English   find examples of good writing in English   learn new words   learn about the cultures (文化) of English speakers   47. Is pleasure reading important for learning English?   48. Which is the easier way to become a better reader, pleasure reading or studying?   49. What do some students think of pleasure reading?   50.How can we become better readers?   51. What"s the greatest advantage (优点) of pleasure reading?   >>>>>>参考答案<<<<<<   第一篇:名师点评   本文讲述了Allan第一次乘飞机时的经历与感受。   答案简析   1.B。本文讲述了Allan第一次乘飞机时的情况, 故选by air。   2.D。根据文意, Allan因为找不到座位, 所以他就去问空姐。这里构成因果关系,应用 so引导结果状语从句。   3.A。Allan是男士,故选 him充当show的宾语。   4.C。tell sb. to do sth.意思是“叫某人干某事”。故选to sit down。   5.A。a little修饰形容词表示“有点……”。   6.C。 need to后面应接动词原形。 worry为不接物动词,不能直接接宾语。 故选 worry about。   7.D。like that意为“像那样”。   8.B。固定结构either…or… , 意为“或者……或者……”。   9.C。根据文意,空姐拿来食物和饮料给乘客, 故选bring。   10.A。这里home是副词,其前面应用不接物动词,故选择arrive home。   第二篇:名师点评   这篇记叙文讲述了一个母亲巧妙引导孩子依靠自身努力达成目标的故事。Joe向父母要钱买电脑,在父母没有同意并且要求他自己想办法的情况下,他绞尽脑汁,终于想出送报纸挣钱的方法。阅读这篇文章要注意体会Joe的父母教育孩子的这种做法的真正目的,把握上下文提供的信息和词义的差异是解题的"关键所在。   答案简析   1. B。根据文章可知,Joe是向他的父母要钱买电脑。   2. C。他在路上边走边想这个问题,。think about sth.是固定搭配,意思是“考虑……”。   3. D。由文意可知:要过很长时间(a long time)以后才能为邻居扫雪挣钱,所以可以推断此时不是冬天(winter)。   4. A。没有工具是他不能为邻居割草的原因,这里为因果关系,所以选because。   5. A。第14题后内容有提示。   6. B。right away意为“立刻,立即”。Joe认为他甚至可以通过每周分期付款的方式“立刻”得到电脑。   7. D。pay for sth. 为固定词组,意为“付……款”。   8. B。catch up with 为固定词组,意为“追上,赶上”。   9. C。it was possible to do sth. 意为“做……是有可能的”。   10. B。每晚“大约”花费三小时,用about。   11. B。因为Dick已经送报纸了,他熟悉报社经理的电话号码,所以他把电话号码“给”了Joe,故选gave。   12. C。这里应选一个连接代词引导宾语从句,同时在从句中作宾语,故选择what。   13. A。根据下文妈妈的言谈可见她很满意,故选择smiled。   14. C。母亲肯定了这是一个好主意,说明这是一个great idea。   15. B。母亲在听到Joe要自己打电话后,非常满意,“开心地”笑了,故选happily。   第三篇:   52. At the age of thirteen。所问的问题是“Wendy Wong什么时候开始做生意?” 根据Have you ever heard of a girl of 15, who set up a company of her own? Wendy Wong is the girl. She started the business two years ago(你曾经听说过一个15岁办了属于自己的公司的女孩吗? Wendy Wong就是这个办公司的女孩,她两年以前就开始做生意 )就能作出上述回答。   53. Computer games。所问的问题是“她成功地写出了什么?”根据 She has already written several successful computer games(她已经成功地写出了几部游戏程序)就能作出上述回答。   54. In her own car with a driver。所问的问题是“Wendy Wong每天怎样去上学?”根据Every day she goes to school in her own car with a driver, for she is not old enough(每天司机开着她自己的车送她去上学, 这是因为她年龄还小)就能作出上述回答。   55. She usually gets A grades。所问的问题是“Wendy Wong的学习怎么样?”根据She usually gets ‘A" grades in all her subjects, so the other students often ask her for help. (在所有功课中,她通常都得优秀,因此,她的同学常常问她功课方面的问题)就能作出上述回答。   56. In half an hour。所问的问题是“她多长时间能做完作业?”根据She finished her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her home(在她的司机送她回家之后的半个小时内完成作业)就能作出上述回答。   第四篇:   47. Yes, it is. 由文章的第1段第2句可知。   48. Pleasure reading. 根据最后一段的内容可知。   49. It"s too easy. / It"s not useful / helpful / important. 根据第2段的内容回答。   50. Do pleasure reading. 由第1段第1句可知。   51. We can learn what we need.由第4段可知。 ;
2023-01-12 06:44:481


初中英语阅读理解与完形填空   以下是我收集整理的初中英语的阅读理解与完形填空的练习以及答案,有兴趣的朋友可以阅读练习一下哦!   第一篇:   Have you ever heard of a girl of 15, who set up a company of her own? Wendy Wong is the girl. She started the business two years ago. She has already written several successful computer games. They are so popular that over half a million games are sold every year. Now all of her family work in her business, and she is still at school.   She gets up early in the morning, and then she talks with her family about the business over breakfast. Every day she goes to school in her own car with a driver, for she is not old enough.   She enjoys her school, but some of the work is too easy for her to feel interested. She usually gets ‘A" grades in all her subjects, so the other students often ask her for help.   She finished her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her home. After dinner, she goes to her office and goes on working on her computer, writing games until 2 am. She does not usually need so much sleep as other children.   根据短文内容,回答问题。   52. When did Wendy Wong start the business?   ________________________________________________   53. What has Wendy Wong already written successful?   ________________________________________________   54. How does Wendy Wong go to school every day?   ________________________________________________   55. How about her grades in all her subjects?   ________________________________________________   56. How long can she finish her homework?   ________________________________________________   第二篇:   Reading for pleasure is the easiest way to become a better reader in English. It is also the most important way.   Some students say they don"t want to read for pleasure. They say they want to use their time to learn the rules of the language and new words. They say that pleasure read­ing is too easy.   Many experts (专家) say pleasure reading is very important for learning English. Dr. Stephen Krashen, a famous expert on learning languages, says that pleasure reading helps you learn many important things about English. Students learn more grammar and more words when they read for pleasure. They also learn more about good writing.   Dr. Krashen tells us that pleasure reading helps each student in a different way. Each student needs to learn something different. Pleasure reading makes it possible for each student to learn what he or she needs.   Reading for pleasure is not the same as studying. When you read for pleasure, you choose your own books, and you don"t have to remember everything. There are no tests on your pleasure reading books. Pleasure reading will help you:   learn how English speakers use English   read faster in English   find examples of good writing in English   learn new words   learn about the cultures (文化) of English speakers   47. Is pleasure reading important for learning English?   48. Which is the easier way to become a better reader, pleasure reading or studying?   49. What do some students think of pleasure reading?   50.How can we become better readers?   51. What"s the greatest advantage (优点) of pleasure reading?   第三篇:   Allan was worried. This was his first time to go traveling 1 . He didn"t know how to find his seat, 2 he went to the air hostess(空姐) and asked, “Could you help me? I can"t find my seat.” The air hostess showed 3 the seat and told him 4 and fasten the seat belt(系好安全带). She told Allan not to move about when the plane was going up. And she also said that Allan"s ears might feel 5 strange, but he didn"t need to 6 it because many people felt 7 that. When the plane was flying very high, Allan could stand up and walk around. He could 8 read books, newspapers or see films. The air hostess would   __9__ food and drinks. Allan would enjoy the flight and 10 soon.   1.A. by ship B. by air C. by car D. by bus   2.A. yet B. or C. but D. so   3.A. him B. me C. her D. he   4.A. stand up B. sleep C. to sit down D. sit down   5.A. a little B. little C. a bit of D. bit   6.A worrying B. be worried C. worry about D. worry   7.A. in B. for C. as D. like   8.A. neither B. either C. both D. also   9.A hold B. take C. bring D. carry   10. A. arrive home B. arrive to home C. get to home D. reach at home   第四篇:   Joe wanted a computer. He asked his 1 for the money and they said he must get it himself. But how did he get it? He 2 about this when he walked home. Not many people wanted to ask children to work for them. Maybe he could take away snow for the neighbors (邻居). But this was not 3 . He had to wait a long time for that. He couldn"t cut grass for their gardens 4 he had no tools (工具) to do the work with.   Then he saw one of his classmates, Dick, delivering (送) 5 . I could do that, he thought. Maybe I could even get the computer 6 away. I could pay 7 it a little each week. He ran to 8 up with Dick. Joe asked him a lot of questions. He learned that it was 9 to get twenty-five dollars each week. He learned that the job (工作) took 10 three hours each night. Dick 11 him the phone number of the newspaper manager (经理).   Joe almost flew home. After he had told his mother 12 he thought, she 13 .“I think it is a 14 idea,” she said, “I"ll call the newspaper….”   “Wait, Mum,” Joe said, “I"ll call. After that, I"m going to be a businessman now.”   Joe"s mother smiled 15 .   1. A. teachers B. parents C. classmates D. friends   2. A. said B. told C. thought D. spoke   3. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter   4. A. because B. when C. while D. after   5. A. newspaper B. bikes C. computers D. tools   6. A. now B. right C. just D. only   7. A. on B. to C. of D. for   8. A. take B. catch C. carry D. get   9. A. friendly B. kind C. possible D. wrong   10. A. at B. about C. before D. after   11. A. taught B. gave C. made D. asked   12. A. that B. when C. what D. where   13. A. smiled B. shouted C. cried D. worried   14. A. big B. large C. great D. bad   15. A. sadly B. happily C. politely D. angrily   >>>>>>参考答案<<<<<<   第一篇:   52. At the age of thirteen。所问的问题是“Wendy Wong什么时候开始做生意?” 根据Have you ever heard of a girl of 15, who set up a company of her own? Wendy Wong is the girl. She started the business two years ago(你曾经听说过一个15岁办了属于自己的公司的女孩吗? Wendy Wong就是这个办公司的女孩,她两年以前就开始做生意 )就能作出上述回答。   53. Computer games。所问的问题是“她成功地写出了什么?”根据 She has already written several successful computer games(她已经成功地写出了几部游戏程序)就能作出上述回答。   54. In her own car with a driver。所问的问题是“Wendy Wong每天怎样去上学?”根据Every day she goes to school in her own car with a driver, for she is not old enough(每天司机开着她自己的车送她去上学, 这是因为她年龄还小)就能作出上述回答。   55. She usually gets A grades。所问的问题是“Wendy Wong的学习怎么样?”根据She usually gets ‘A" grades in all her subjects, so the other students often ask her for help. (在所有功课中,她通常都得优秀,因此,她的同学常常问她功课方面的问题)就能作出上述回答。   56. In half an hour。所问的问题是“她多长时间能做完作业?”根据She finished her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her home(在她的司机送她回家之后的半个小时内完成作业)就能作出上述回答。   第二篇:   47. Yes, it is. 由文章的第1段第2句可知。   48. Pleasure reading. 根据最后一段的内容可知。   49. It"s too easy. / It"s not useful / helpful / important. 根据第2段的内容回答。   50. Do pleasure reading. 由第1段第1句可知。   51. We can learn what we need.由第4段可知。   第三篇:名师点评   本文讲述了Allan第一次乘飞机时的经历与感受。   答案简析   1.B。本文讲述了Allan第一次乘飞机时的情况, 故选by air。   2.D。根据文意, Allan因为找不到座位, 所以他就去问空姐。这里构成因果关系,应用 so引导结果状语从句。   3.A。Allan是男士,故选 him充当show的宾语。   4.C。tell sb. to do sth.意思是“叫某人干某事”。故选to sit down。   5.A。a little修饰形容词表示“有点……”。   6.C。 need to后面应接动词原形。 worry为不接物动词,不能直接接宾语。 故选 worry about。   7.D。like that意为“像那样”。   8.B。固定结构either…or… , 意为“或者……或者……”。   9.C。根据文意,空姐拿来食物和饮料给乘客, 故选bring。   10.A。这里home是副词,其前面应用不接物动词,故选择arrive home。   第四篇:名师点评   这篇记叙文讲述了一个母亲巧妙引导孩子依靠自身努力达成目标的故事。Joe向父母要钱买电脑,在父母没有同意并且要求他自己想办法的情况下,他绞尽脑汁,终于想出送报纸挣钱的`方法。阅读这篇文章要注意体会Joe的父母教育孩子的这种做法的真正目的,把握上下文提供的信息和词义的差异是解题的关键所在。   答案简析   1. B。根据文章可知,Joe是向他的父母要钱买电脑。   2. C。他在路上边走边想这个问题,。think about sth.是固定搭配,意思是“考虑……”。   3. D。由文意可知:要过很长时间(a long time)以后才能为邻居扫雪挣钱,所以可以推断此时不是冬天(winter)。   4. A。没有工具是他不能为邻居割草的原因,这里为因果关系,所以选because。   5. A。第14题后内容有提示。   6. B。right away意为“立刻,立即”。Joe认为他甚至可以通过每周分期付款的方式“立刻”得到电脑。   7. D。pay for sth. 为固定词组,意为“付……款”。   8. B。catch up with 为固定词组,意为“追上,赶上”。   9. C。it was possible to do sth. 意为“做……是有可能的”。   10. B。每晚“大约”花费三小时,用about。   11. B。因为Dick已经送报纸了,他熟悉报社经理的电话号码,所以他把电话号码“给”了Joe,故选gave。   12. C。这里应选一个连接代词引导宾语从句,同时在从句中作宾语,故选择what。   13. A。根据下文妈妈的言谈可见她很满意,故选择smiled。   14. C。母亲肯定了这是一个好主意,说明这是一个great idea。   15. B。母亲在听到Joe要自己打电话后,非常满意,“开心地”笑了,故选happily。 ;
2023-01-12 06:44:571


with him是介宾短语,在句中作伴随状语修饰谓语动词take,强调take the coat的目的是给him带,去掉这个with him结构也不影响句子的完整性。该句句意为:Allan身上没带外套。
2023-01-12 06:45:051


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2023-01-12 06:45:226


艾伦 Alan/Allen/Allan艾伦Alan/Allen/Allan爸爸dad/daddy/papa/father艾伦的爸爸 Alan(Allen/Allan)" s dad(daddy/papa/father)
2023-01-12 06:45:436

谁能帮我翻译一下《Scotty》这首歌的歌词 谢谢了

不想留下遗憾!打开33uub 什么直播电影都有的
2023-01-12 06:46:046

急求短文翻译 One day, Allan and his friend Henry went swimming in a river. It was very hot.

2023-01-12 06:46:312


2023-01-12 06:46:433


2023-01-12 06:47:281

苏醒英文名叫ALLAN 还是 ALLEN?

姓名:苏醒    英文名:AllenSu身高:170cm    出生地:西安生日:3月5日   年龄:23专业:录音工程  星座:双鱼座
2023-01-12 06:47:331

Allan 怎么读

2023-01-12 06:47:391

谁能帮我翻译一下《Scotty》这首歌的歌词 谢谢了

歌曲:《Scotty》歌手:Allan TaylorScotty checked out this morning斯科特今早离开in his customary way和他平时一样with a glass of good malt whisky in his hand手上拿着一杯好喝的麦芽威士忌at least that"s what they say至少,他们是这么说的he didn"t leave much owing他没有留下太多的债when he finally paid the bill他最后都还清了maybe he should"ve settled a few good scores也许他不会得太多赞美but now i guess但我在想he never will他永远不会得到吧i remember the time he told me我记得那时候他跟我说we were born under a golden star我们都出生在金色的星球下and maybe sometimes we couldn"t find it也许我们永远也找不到它and the journey seemed too far人生的旅程似乎很远but it was just a matter of hanging in但这只是一个问题and we"d get there in the end我们到达终点的时候都会解决的一个问题well it seems you"re going to find it好像你已经找到答案了my crazy beautiful friend我疯狂的又善良的朋友Mr.scott has left the building斯科特先生离开了这栋楼the big old 12 strings is packed away带着他那个大的12弦的乐器the gig is finally over and Scotty"s on his way演出结束,斯科特上路了but there"s a song i still keep singing但是我还会唱起那首歌and i"ll never lose the tune我永远不会忘记那旋律cause Scotty"s out there somewhere因为斯科特就在那里and he"s howling at the moon他就坐在月亮上咆哮he"s howling at the moon他就坐在月亮上咆哮i can hear him, he"s howling at the moon我能听见他,他正坐在月亮上咆哮Scotty"s out there somewhere斯科特就在那里and he"s howling at the moon他就坐在月亮上咆哮扩展资料Scotty是由英国民谣诗人Allan Taylor作词作曲并演唱的一首歌曲,传唱已久。轻柔、稳重、温暖而抒情,Allan Taylor低沉醇厚的歌声与优雅纯熟的吉他技巧,搭配其它优秀乐手的简单乐器伴奏,特别适合夜深人静的时候轻松欣赏。录音精致、清澈而透明。60年代就已红遍英国民谣乐坛的Allan Taylor,以吉他和民谣风征服了英国及爱尔兰,他的乐风影响了Dire Straitv、Fairport Convention、Steeleye Span等民谣摇滚巨将,他在乐坛的地位是无庸置疑的
2023-01-12 06:47:581

求Allan Taylor旅店与梦想-THE STRANGER 中英文歌词

A stranger came in from the nightAnd he stood as if lost in a dreamHis smile was as sad as a true love deniedAnd his voice was a song in the windI have travelled for many a mileAnd my journey I cannot delayBut I must rest for a while for I"m weary and coldAnd tomorrow I"ll be on my wayGive me fire to keep out the coldClose the shutters and make fast the doorGive me food for the night and a candle for lightAnd I will make up my bed on the floorI have nothing to give for my keepAnd your favours I cannot repayBut a gift is not measured in sliver and goldIt"s a memory that"s treasured each dayThe stranger arose with the dawnAnd he shouldered his travelling loadWithout making a sound he took one look aroundAnd the stranger he took to the roadWhen the cold wind howls in the nightAnd the rain beats hard on the doorA voice in the wind seems to echo againAnd the stranger is travelling once more
2023-01-12 06:48:072


A、对机动车采取最严格的管控、治理和淘汰报废度减少空气污染,错误; B、加大燃煤发电厂发电加剧空气污染,正确; C、见缝插绿,提升城市绿化覆盖率减少空气污染,错误; D、综合利用秸秆,杜绝秸秆焚烧现象减少空气污染,错误; 故选B
2023-01-12 06:48:191


2023-01-12 06:48:244

Allan deviation是什么意思

Allan deviation亚伦方差;艾伦偏差;相位噪声例句1.For the stability analysis of the system under tests, this paper utilizes the ITU-T recommended Allan deviation.且本论文采用ITU-T推荐之亚伦方差进行系统稳定度分析。
2023-01-12 06:48:381


2023-01-12 06:49:0015


Allan Bailey of Canada is the herbal doctors and pharmacists physiotherapy, he said, in French Polynesia to travel, he first heard of Noni, who admitted that the French Polynesia, in their treatment of herbal medicine, Noni is the most important one . French Polynesia, a researcher in the study of the use of more than 300 kinds of herbs, said Noni, if not the most important thing now is the treatment effect of a plant, is one of the most important species. Allan Bailey bring home some doctors began to drink Noni, Noni to his deeper sleep more Shen (quiet), when they wake up very good physical restoration, energy more abundant. He also noted that he can do more in a day"s work, because Noni given him more energy and stamina. Since its very successful with Noni, Allan Bailey doctors decided to give him the mothers suffering from diabetes, his mother"s arms and Tuiteng for three years, no effective method used. She used three times a day Noni, six weeks after the pain disappeared, Noni to his mother more energy and enthusiasm to exercise such control her high blood sugar. I visited doctors and health experts believe that Noni the diabetes rate was 84 percent. Allan Bailey a good friend of the doctor"s increasingly weak arm, arms and legs often twitch, with Noni two weeks later, he called Allan told the doctor, drink Noni in the seventh day, his legs no longer twitch, the arm You Jin than before, the situation continues to improve. Noni on the health of Allan has a great role, he Noni recommend to the majority of his patients. There is also an Allan patients benefit from Noni example, this person is very serious leg ulcers, skin irritation around the itching, he drank Noni ulcer at the same time also applied and, after a few weeks , The ulcer completely well, the surrounding skin is no longer itch now, or the blood circulation, skin color is also normal, but his legs or with the bandage painted Noni, Noni total in the ulcer Play a role, he does not want to chronic disease can be repeated. Noni so Allan has more repeat customers, because Noni than he recommended any food supplements are good. Noni from people with experience, Allan Noni that there should be universal application, each person should be as part of their daily nutrition. He believed that Noni can help the human body from the daily diet for better absorption of nutrients - that is, Noni is our physical health by the lack of parts. Indiana, the overall function of pharmacists Nelson Rive, and many of the Noni who spoke to eat, these people so that he is convinced that Noni in helping maintain the health of the human body has its unique role. California sports clinics spinal pressure treatment that doctors Haddon (Hatton) also talked about his experience with Noni, 40 years, because of grievances arising from the back row vertebra pain, can not even do some simple household chores. By Noni six weeks after the pain disappeared, In the autumn of 1997, he began to recommend Noni patients, but also very successful. Haddon also introduced an AIDS, the alarming situation, since after she drank Noni, T cells (the resistance of several HIV) from 169 to 400, a stable condition. Haddon also a relative, is suffering from lung cancer, after drinking Noni mass narrowed. Dr. Hai Nike also said that he knew several cancer patients drank Noni juice, have taken place in the same situation. In his view, Noni is not treating cancer, but cancer cells to function more normally. He believes that cancer cells after exposure Noni, in a short period of time decomposition. Noni effects of the use of a few years ago was also confirmed by another example. Haddon, a patient in a car accident caused multiple fractures, including ribs, shoulders and knees, that accident caused by arthritis brought to him a lot of problems, especially knee. Noni did not drink after a few days, Buteng the knee, ribs and shoulder pain also reduced, pain is now a thoroughly good. Haddon of another patient scapula fracture, injury, pain, swelling of the year and a half. Noni juice drink after 10 days, reduce pain and swelling, Haddon think this is because the membrane can Noni hole larger, better nutrition absorption, disease or loss of cells to better discharge of waste In vitro. Haddon concluded, I will have any questions for each recommended Noni. Haddon report on the results of the Pacific Islands and the local medical report on the results are very similar. They Noni treatment of various health problems, from the thrush to rheumatism, intestinal parasites, fever and skin infections, which are the "Polynesian panacea" often rule the disease.
2023-01-12 06:49:572


2023-01-12 06:50:058

一部关于猴子杀人的老电影 求片名

异魔 Monkey Shines (1988)导演: 乔治·A·罗梅罗主演: 杰森·贝吉 / 约翰·潘科夫 / 凯特·麦克尼尔类型: 剧情 / 科幻 / 惊悚 / 恐怖制片国家/地区: 美国片长: 113 分钟 / West Germany: 105 分钟(cut version)又名: 幻海魔灵I异魔的剧情简介 · · · · · ·  Allan自一场意外事故后沦为自暴自弃的神经机能发生障碍者,友人致力于动物智力开发研究,并将一研究对象Ella,一只聪明的猴子赠予Allan,聪明的Ella肩负起起Allan的生活起居。但好景不长,猴子Ella开始显露出强烈的控制欲和疯狂的报复心,甚至伤害了Allan至亲的人。最后,Allan又能否走出这一困境呢?
2023-01-12 06:51:471


2018年3月6日,Nature背靠背连刊两文,报道了魔角扭曲双层石墨烯的重大发现。其第一作者,正是学界的少年新星曹原。该研究的巨大影响力,令曹原直接被列入Nature当年评选的十大科学人物。本次,NSR邀请到了两位魔角石墨烯领域的顶级专家进行访谈,他们分别是 麻省理工学院的实验物理学家 Pablo Jarillo-Herrero ,以及德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的理论物理学家 Allan MacDonald 。其中Jarillo-Herrero正是曹原的导师,他高度评价了曹原的成就,称 “从他身上学到的东西和他从我身上学到的东西一样多” ,而本篇也将围绕魔角扭曲双层石墨烯,来谈谈曹原是如何”扭成的“。 背景介绍 石墨烯是石墨的组成部分,由一个碳原子与周围三个邻近碳原子结合形成,它是含有六边蜂窝网状结构的碳原子单层,厚度等同于一个碳原子。单层石墨烯的存在已被预测几十年,也曾在其他材料表面成功生长,但学界对石墨烯研究兴趣的爆发却是在2004年,因为该年人们才首次发现石墨烯可以通过机械方式从石墨薄片中分离出来(机械剥离法)。 石墨烯经常被描述为一种透明、导电性优良又极其柔韧的神奇材料。但有人感兴趣一些更根本的问题。作为二维导体材料,石墨烯表现出异乎寻常的电子特性、磁特性,在量子限制效应、电子间相互作用等方面有巨大研究价值,在电子元件、设备等领域有着应用前景。2010年的诺贝尔物理学奖被授予给了英国曼彻斯特大学的Andre Geim 和 Konstantin Novoselov两位教授,表彰他们在石墨烯研究领域的杰出贡献。 当两个石墨烯片层足够靠近以发生相互作用时,其奇妙特性会进一步放大。尤其引人注目的是,石墨烯表现出的电子特性可能取决于石墨烯片层的相对角度,即两层蜂窝网状晶格之间的的对齐程度。堆叠在一起的两个蜂窝网状晶格可能会产生一种“超晶格”结构:晶格间在某些特定角度配合后呈现出的规律性更为显著,甚至强于晶格间距所带来的影响。这就是人们所熟知的“莫尔效应”——从远处看两个间隔很近的网格状栅格时就能观察到这种光学现象。 实验 探索 这种“扭曲双层石墨烯(twisted bilayer graphene,TBG)”的电子特性要求能够精确地控制两个石墨烯片层的位置和角度。这些现象现在也被认为普遍存在于其他二维材料中,例如六方氮化硼(h.BN)片。这些研究开辟了凝聚态物理研究的一方沃土,而某些特定的扭转角度的 “魔角双层石墨烯(magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene, MATBG)” ,其表现出的神奇电子特性则更是引人入胜。 Pablo Jarillo-Herrero的小组率先制造了魔角石墨烯材料 Allan MacDonald是最先理论预测魔角存在的科学家之一 NSR: 是怎样在扭曲双层石墨烯中发现异常电子行为的?这些效应在发现之前是否曾被理论预测过? PJ-H: 从2007年左右就有许多理论小组开始研究扭曲双层石墨烯。到了2009年底,Eva Andrei的团队报告了使用扫描隧道显微镜(STM)对扭曲双层石墨烯的研究 [G. Li et al., Nat Phys 2010; 6: 109] 。他们观察到数据中的峰值似乎在随着扭转角发生变化,而该峰值被视作是范霍夫奇点(van Hove Singularities)的电子结构所表现的特征(范霍夫奇异峰)。特别是,对于1.16 左右的扭转角,两个范霍夫峰的峰间距接近于零。大约同一时间,另两个小组在极小角度下研究了扭曲双层石墨烯:智利的Eric Suárez Morell团队 [E. S. Morell et al., Phys Rev B 2010; 82: 121407] 和美国Rafi Bistritzer与Allan MacDonald的团队 [R. Bistritzer and A. MacDonald, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011; 108: 12233] 。两个小组都预测了扭曲双层石墨烯在1.1至1.5 的角度存在扁平电子带。Bistritzer和MacDonald创造了“魔角”一词,指费米能级的电子速度变为零时的角度(费米能级是绝对零度下电子所能够占据的最高能级)。 AM: “我对 历史 的理解,超越到学术出版物之外”,这句话来自Eva Andrei的文章。Eva是第一个测量到电子结构神奇变化的人,她发现了意外产生莫尔效应的双层石墨烯片层在STM态密度测量中的特征。Eva告诉我,观察是第一位的,它激发了Antonio Castro-Neto和João Lopes dos Santos的理论。 我对石墨烯莫尔超晶格的兴趣,始于与佐治亚理工学院的 Ed Conrad的一次谈话。他向我展示了一些角分辨光电子能谱数据,我无法参透。当我的博士后Rafi Bistritzer和我着手进行演算时,我们发现计算结果显示:石墨烯电子的速度会在一组离散的扭转角处下降为零。我们把这些角度称之为魔角,最大的魔角约为1 。这对我们来说完全是一个惊喜,我们立即意识到这意味着一个强相互作用电子的前景无限的平台。一段时间后我们注意到,智利的一个研究小组也独立地开启了魔角物理学的一些微光。但我们那 时尚 不清楚,是否有实验者能够在可控扭曲角的条件下建立样本来观察这种物理现象。我的同事Emanuel Tutuc在这个方向上做了很多工作,为Pablo工作的开展提供了部分信息。 NSR: 是什么促使你研究该系统?现在看来,它成为了以可控方式观察电子关联现象的胜地——这一结果是预期之中,还是出人意料? PJ-H: 最初我研究扭曲双层石墨烯的动机是直觉,凝聚态物理中的这个“新旋钮”,即改变扭曲角极可能带来有趣的物理现象。凝聚态物理学中的系统通常很复杂,在 探索 未知领域时常有意外收获。单就魔角石墨烯而言,我的动机是找到有趣的关联绝缘态。我认为当石墨烯中的费米能级移动到范霍夫奇点时,关联绝缘态可能会展现。[NSR:当费米能量接近这种奇点时,已经观察到新的电子相,例如超导性。] 我们确实发现了绝缘态——但令我们惊讶的是它们是完全不同的类型。绝缘行为发生于每个莫尔晶胞的整数个电子,而非因为范霍夫奇点。这是个巨大惊喜。而更大的惊喜是超导性的发现,这更是无人预料。 AM: 我们最初关于魔角效应理论的发现,并不符合早期实验的预期,因此,我们在发表文章时很不顺利,因为审稿人认为我们肯定错了。 巧的是,那时我正好当选美国科学院院士,我被允许在PNAS发一篇就任文章,评议很宽松。所以我决定,放弃与审稿人的拉锯战,以直接在PNAS上发表了我们的发现。 在那篇论文之后,我试图找到其他可以观察到有趣莫尔超晶格现象的案例。我提出了实现拓扑激子带的可能性 [F. Wu et al., Phys Rev Lett 2017; 118: 147401] 以及许多与光学特性相关的建议。我还提出,与石墨烯结构相比,层状过渡金属二硫属化物 (TMD) 的莫尔系统会产生完全不同的物理特性。莫尔领域的这一部分研究现在也已真正开始付诸实验了。 新 物 理 的 乐 土 NSR: 从绝缘体到超导体再到磁性材料,这些石墨烯系统产生的电子状态似乎十分多样。产生如此多样态的物理学基础是什么,又有哪些关键因素决定了这些性质? PJ-H: 我们仍在努力全面地了解这些系统。但是您的基本观察是正确的——魔角石墨烯以及现在的其他几个莫尔系统,表现出一组非常丰富的关联行为。起源似乎是因为这些系统都具有狭窄的电子带(意味着电子的动能非常小),因此电子之间的相互作用能起着主导作用。一旦电子之间有很强的相互作用,那么可能的多体基态(例如超导性、相关绝缘体、磁性等)就成为可能。我们能够遍览这些样态,得归功于莫尔系统的高度可调性。 AM: 多层石墨烯中的强相关性和量子霍尔效应中的强相关性之间有很多类比。Eslam Khalaf、Ashvin Vishwanath 和Mike Zaletel 等人的工作阐明了这种联系。根本上它与电子能带的拓扑特性有关。同时,这些系统具有准二维Hubbard模型(强关联电子体系最简单的晶格模型之一)的特征。魔角石墨烯似乎是量子霍尔效应和高温超导性的结合,这是个了不起的系统。 NSR: 你能解释一下魔角效应吗?是什么让石墨烯层在某些取向上表现得“特别”? PJ-H: 魔角效应是一种“共振”状态。 这种魔角角度促成的电子结构,使得电子穿越石墨烯层是如此的容易,就像为这些电子提供了通往另一石墨烯层的“直达隧道”一般。 用更简单的话说,MATBG中电子多变行为的一个解释是:当电子具有巨大动能(移动得非常快)时,它们几乎“来不及”发生相互作用。但是在MATBG中,电子移动缓慢,因此当它们擦肩而过,会拥有更多机会发生相互作用。 NSR: 该系统中绝缘、超导行为的相互作用似乎与在铜氧化物高温超导电性中观察到的作用情况接近。两者间有近似的物理规律在起作用吗?这些种行为是否会在实际上有助于我们了解此类材料中超导电性的缘起? PJ-H: MATBG和铜酸盐超导体的相图确实有很多相似之处,但差异也不少,例如,其晶格对称性和电子结构的拓扑性质就非常不同的。此外,铜酸盐中的电子均为简并自旋,而MATBG中的自旋态则更加丰富。所以我们还不清楚对MATBG的了解是否有助于我们了解铜酸盐中超导性的起源。虽然我直觉是会有帮助,但现在断言还为 时尚 早。 AM: 对于这些问题,我们还没有完全自信的答案,但我们正在取得进展。高温超导体和MATBG系统之间有许多相似之处,其中磁序与费米面重构的临界点是最有趣的。在我看来,通过进行新的实验和理论场景测试,我们有可能会进一步增进对MATBG超导性的理解,并且进展也会帮助我们理解高温超导性的产生。通过原位调制电荷载流子密度或其他方式调制系统属性的可能性(例如通过改变栅距、电介质环境和平面磁场等)是 MATBG 的一个重要优势。 NSR: 维度在此发挥的作用是什么?这些行为是否取决于“这是一个准2D系统”的基本事实?这种行为是否与量子霍尔效应等低维量子多体体系的研究有关? PJ-H: 维度非常重要,出于各种原因。其中部分为:MATBG因其二维几何结构而具有高度的电可调性;电子结构(如电子态密度)取决于维度;相互作用效应也可能强烈依赖于维度(例如电子屏蔽效应在1D、2D 和 3D中是非常不同的);至于量子霍尔物理,QHE 和 MATBG(以及其他几个相关的莫尔系统)中的电子能带本质上都是拓扑的,这两者之间有着深刻的联系。这就是为什么后者可以表现出有趣的量子霍尔效应,即使零磁场下亦是如此(与标准QHE不同)。 AM: 电子关联在低维度系统中往往更强,并且在更大范围内产生令人惊讶的多电子态,包括分数量子霍尔效应 (FQHE) 系统、MATBG、双层或三层石墨烯。QHE的拓扑图构成了MATBG和FQHE物理之间的联系。这种联系的一个实验证明是MATBG中异常量子霍尔态(即没有磁场的 QHE)的普遍出现。 挑 战 、 应 用 、 机 遇 NSR: 如何通过实验研究这些系统?现在优质单层石墨烯的生产已经常规化了吗?如何控制石墨烯片层的相对方向? PJ-H: 超高质量单层石墨烯的生产已经非常标准化,如石墨机械剥离法,全世界有数以千计的团队可以做到这一点。棘手的是以精确地控制旋转角度并将两个石墨烯片层堆叠一起,尤其是像魔角 1.1 这样的小角度就更加困难。目前全世界只有15个团队可以制造MATBG,但队伍一直在壮大,因为该技术只要有人展示就易于学会。在新冠疫情之前,有很多小组来到MIT了解MATBG,而他们中的许多现在已经复制并扩展了我们的许多成果。 AM: 已经取得的成就令人惊叹,但如果能够开发出更精细地控制扭转角的技术,并使扭转角度分布更加均匀,这将加快该领域的进步。 NSR: 这些系统中还有哪些关键问题有待 探索 ?对你个人而言,现在最渴望研究的是哪方面? PJ-H: 有待 探索 的关键问题还有许多。也许其中最重要的问题之一是超导性的确切机制和序参量对称性。现在的实验和理论似乎指向一种非常规的超导性起源机制(有些人认为MATBG可能是一个非常特殊的参数状态下的电子-声子介导超导体,尽管并非人人都同意)。我们仍然需要更详细地研究这一点。我个人非常期望发现和研究新的莫尔系统、新的超导体及其关联拓扑行为。对于可以构建的数百个可能莫尔系统,我认为我们几乎只是触及了皮毛。这些系统间的构成、几何性质和复杂状态都不尽相同。 AM: 我认为确定MATBG中超导性的起源机制很重要。我正致力于研究这个问题。一个重要的期待是我们将能够在 MATBG或过渡金属二硫属化物(TMD)莫尔纹中实现分数反常量子霍尔系统(也称为分数陈绝缘体),以展示量子反常霍尔效应。鉴于莫尔超晶格的灵活性,我们将很有可能发现、设计出有利条件。分数量子霍尔(FQH)状态也是拓扑量子计算的可能研究对象之一。 NSR: 对这些系统的 探索 似乎还存在着许多潜在的自由度。比如,现在一些研究兴趣是打算将双层系统扩展到三层,这样我们能够预测或观察到什么?再比如,使用氮化硼等其他二维材料构成的异质双层结构,又会给我们带来什么收获? AM: 我对找寻可以构建新型莫尔超晶格的其他层状材料非常感兴趣,每项发现都会带来一个物理的新宇宙。在TMD和扭曲石墨烯莫尔系统的存在下,我们拥有了巡游电子铁磁体系的案例——只是磁有序温度相当低。找寻提高有序温度的方法、 探索 其最终极限将非常有趣。由于莫尔超晶格系统可以通过多种方式调制,因此远景相对乐观。 这是制造人造可调谐晶体的全新范例,我们才触及皮毛。我们会见证所发生的一切——这正是科学的魅力所在。 PJ-H: 确实,可能性几乎无穷无尽。就在今年稍早时候,Philip Kim的团队和我团队各自独立在魔角扭曲三层石墨烯 (MATTG) 中发现了超导性。魔角略有不同(约为1.6 ),该数据其实是几年前理论上预测的,所以我们知道该向哪里行动。事实证明,MATTG中的超导性比MATBG中的更令人感兴趣,因为它更强大且可调性更高。而使用异质双层结构确实可以带来很多新东西,在双层石墨烯/氮化硼莫尔系统中发现量子反常霍尔效应 (QAHE) 就是最早的例子之一。 NSR: 更一般地说,MATBG系统体现了过去二十年来学界对强关联电子研究兴趣爆炸式的增长,这催生了一众量子材料发现,例如拓扑绝缘体、马约拉纳零模、外尔半金属等。是什么促使了研究兴趣的爆发?是否有新的理论正在浮现,将物质的量子、电子相态统一起来?又或者,我们其实仍相当程度处于发现和惊异的阶段? PJ-H: 凝聚态物理学在二十世纪80年代经历了两次革命,分别是:发现整数/分数量子霍尔效应(将拓扑学带入该领域)和发现高温超导性(将强关联系统推到了学科前沿)。从那时起,拓扑研究领域和强关联系统并没有被密切联系在一起,因为领域完全不同。而2000年后,出现三个颠覆性发现:石墨烯和二维晶体材料的发现;理论预测并实验上发现拓扑绝缘体;发现了第二个高温超导体家族,即铁磷化物材料。然而,这些领域在很大程度上仍各自独立。是MATBG将三个研究领域整合在了一起,因为它兼具所有特点。“莫尔量子物质”的话题在所有这些领域引发了热烈讨论。 AM: 在我看来,我们仍处于发现和惊异的阶段,但我非常乐观地认为,这些新型强关联系统将导向对强电子关联物理学更广泛、更深入的认识。 NSR: 这些系统有没有实际应用的可能,尤其是在设备技术方面? PJ-H: 这总是很难预测。目前而言,能在这些系统中 探索 基础物理的魅力,我的团队乃至整个领域的研究人员都备受激励。而切实来说,作为电可调超导体的MATBG(在工程学上叫做超导场效应晶体管)如果能够被设法大规模制造,其实际应用是很容易想象的。包括超导量子比特、量子光电探测器和低温经典计算等。 AM: 个人而言,我对寻找潜在应用非常感兴趣——或许是光学性质,或许是自旋电子学。与TMD的接口可能在调节自旋-轨道相互作用力的方面派上用场——这对于自旋电子学来说很关键。 魔 角 在 中 国 NSR: 您对中国在这方面的研究有什么印象? PJ-H: 从理论物理学的角度来看,中国学界对此的研究兴趣很大。在实验工作方面,中国目前只有少数几个具有纳米制造经验的团队(其中最著名的是复旦大学张远波教授的团队)可以生产出高质量的莫尔量子系统,他们正在进行非常出色的研究。鉴于中国科研近来的快速发展,估计未来几年将有更多的实验组开始研究这个主题。 我以前的学生曹原在很多方面而言都是一位非常了不起的科学家。他聪慧、勤奋并且富有创造力和效率。他不仅是我前面提到的两篇发现论文的第一作者,更是该领域的青年领军人物,此后一直在该领域做着杰出贡献。他在非常年轻时就获得了多个奖项,包括麦克米兰奖(授予青年凝聚态物理学家的最负盛名的奖项)和最近的国际萨克勒物理学奖。 能与他合作我觉得是一种幸运。我想,我从他身上学到的东西和他从我身上学到的东西一样多。我相信他将成为他那一代科学家中的领军人才。 AM: 吴冯成 是我小组以前的学生,为TMD莫尔系统做了重要的早期工作,涉及到其光学和电子特性,他也在MATBG 超导研究方面做了贡献。他现在是武汉大学教授,是该领域的领军人才。香港大学的 姚望 是TMD莫尔系统光学特性研究的前沿科学家。量子反常霍尔效应最早是在清华大学的磁性拓扑绝缘体中观察到的。MATBG 提供了第二个例子,以及一些颇为有趣的异同之处。 NSR: 是什么(或谁)给了您关于这项工作的主要灵感?您会给进入该领域的年轻研究人员什么建议? PJ-H: 我很多同事们都富有创意,他们凝聚态物理实验方法上启发了我的团队。其中包括 Paul McEuen (康奈尔大学)、Andre Geim(曼彻斯特大学)和 Amir Yacoby (哈佛大学)。当然,我在代尔夫特理工大学的博导Leo Kouwenhoven 和我在哈佛的博士后导师 Philip Kim,都对我研究想法的形成产生了很大影响。对于年轻的研究人员,我会说: 勇于冒险并承担风险,追随你的兴趣向前,不要让别人限制了你施展抱负 。 AM: 我这样做已经很长时间了。我非常享受实验带来惊喜的能力。我在材料科学做基础理论的方法,尝试在那些已经在实验上可观察的现象中找到兴奋点。我的直觉很大程度源于——已知的实验结果以及对不同的理论模型在描述自然方面成功与否的反思。对已观察到但仍然神秘的现象,对其加深理论理解同样是十分有趣的。 我会建议年轻研究人员发展出自己的独特方式来思考研究领域的问题。每当遇到不了解的事物时,请打破砂锅问到底,直至洞悉一切。 大多数时候,新见解都只是前人见解的某种细节——但说不准、有时也会变成某种真正的新东西。 本文译自《国家科学评论》(National Science Review) Interview文章 “ A new twist on graphene: an interview with Pablo Jarillo-Herrero and Allan MacDonald ”, 原作者Philip Ball, 知社编译。 原文链接:
2023-01-12 06:51:521


链接: 提取码:oo7f     《僵局》是由Allan Ungar执导的动作片,多米尼克·珀塞尔和史蒂芬·朗等主演。该片讲述了一个电影明星和执政者秘密招募雇佣兵夺取同一件贵重物品的故事。越狱2号男主角主演一个电影明星和执政者秘密招募雇佣兵进行夺取同一件贵重物品。
2023-01-12 06:52:012

theygo to the library two times every week改为疑问句

答案:Does;go 解析: 行为动词做谓语的一般现在时句子,变为一般疑问句时,要将助动词do提在句首。主语为第三人称单数 (Allan),故用does,行为动词变为原形。
2023-01-12 06:52:121


2023-01-12 06:52:171


fabulousfack——eminemfaint——linkin parkfalco——shimatani hitomifallin out——keyshia colefantasy——mariah careyfields of gole——emi fujitafigure.09——linkin parkfind a way——J-fivefind the way——nakashima mikafirefly——A-teensthe first time ever i saw you face——celine dionfix you——coldplayfloorfiller——A-Teensfly——hilary dufffootprints on my heart——paula de andafor those we knew——allan taylorfor what it‘s worth——Allan Taylorforever——stravariusforever at you feet——oh susannaforget it——breaking benjaminfour in the morning——gwen stefanifree loop——daniel powterfrench kissing——sarah connerfrenchtown——Allan Taylorfrom sarah with love——sarah connerfrom the inside——linkin park
2023-01-12 06:52:241


2023-01-12 06:52:292

用英语介绍adgar allen poe生平

Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts, to parents who were itinerant actors. His father David Poe Jr. died probably in 1810. Elizabeth Hopkins Poe died in 1811, leaving three children. Edgar was taken into the home of a Richmond merchant John Allan. The remaining children were cared for by others. Poe"s brother William died young and sister Rosalie become later insane. At the age of five Poe could recite passages of English poetry. Later one of his teachers in Richmond said: "While the other boys wrote mere mechanical verses, Poe wrote genuine poetry; the boy was a born poet." Poe was brought up partly in England (1815-20), where he attended Manor School at Stoke Newington. Later it become the setting for his story "William Wilson". Never legally adopted, Poe took Allan"s name for his middle name. Poe attended the University of Virginia (1826-27), but was expelled for not paying his gambling debts. This led to quarrel with Allan, who refused to pay the debts. Allan later disowned him. In 1826 Poe became engaged to Elmira Royster, but her parents broke off the engagement. During his stay at the university, Poe composed some tales, but little is known of his apprentice works. In 1827 Poe joined the U.S. Army as a common soldier under assumed name, Edgar A. Perry. He was sent to Sullivan"s Island, South Carolina, which provided settings for "The Gold Bug" (1843) and "The Balloon Hoax" (1844). Tamerlane and Other Poems (1827), which Poe published at his own expense, sold poorly. It has become one of the rarest volumes in American literary history. In 1830 Poe entered West Point. He was dishonorably discharged next year, for intentional neglect of his duties – apparently as a result of his own determination to be released. In 1833 Poe lived in Baltimore with his father"s sister Mrs. Maria Clemm. After winning a prize of $50 for the short story "MS Found in a Bottle," he started career as a staff member of various magazines, among others the Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond (1835-37), Burton"s Gentleman"s Magazine in Philadelphia (1839-40), and Graham"s Magazine (1842-43). During these years he wrote some of his best-known stories. Southern Literary Messenger he had to leave partly due to his alcoholism. In 1836 Poe married his 13-year-old cousin Virginia Clemm. She bust a blood vessel in 1842, and remained a virtual invalid until her death from tuberculosis five years later. When the cemetary where she was buried was destroyed, William Fearing Gill, one of Poe"s earliest biographers, rescued her remains and stored them in New York in a box under his bed. Her remains were reburied in 1885.After the death of his wife, Poe began to lose his struggle with drinking and drugs. He had several romances, including an affair with the poet Sarah Helen Whitman, who said: "His proud reserve, his profound melancholy, his unworldliness – may we not say his unearthliness of nature – made his character one very difficult of comprehension to the casual observer." In 1849 Poe become again engaged to Elmira Royster, who was at that time Mrs. Shelton. To Virginia he addressed the famous poem "Annabel Lee" (1849) – its subject, Poe"s favorite, is the death of a beautiful woman. ...For the moon never beams without bringing me dreamsOf the beautiful Annabel Lee;And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyesOf the beautiful Annabel Lee;And so, all the night-time, I lie down by the sideOf my darling - my darling - my life and my bride,In the sepulchre there by the sea,In her tomb by the sounding sea. (from "Annabel Lee", 1849)Poe"s first collection, Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, appeared in 1840. It contained one of his most famous work, "The Fall of the House of Usher." In the story the narrator visits the crumbling mansion of his friend, Roderick Usher, and tries to dispel Roderick"s gloom. Although his twin sister, Madeline, has been placed in the family vault dead, Roderick is convinced she lives. Madeline arises in trance, and carries her brother to death. The house itself splits asunder and sinks into the tarn. The tale has inspired several film adaptations. Roger Corman"s version from 1960, starring Mark Damon, Harry Ellerbe, Myrna Fahey, and Vincent Price, was the first of the director"s Poe movies. The Raven (1963) collected old stars of the horror genre, Vincent Price, Peter, Lorre, and Boris Karloff. According to the director, Price and Lorre "drove Boris a little crazy" – the actor was not used to improvised dialogue. Corman filmed the picture in fifteen days, using revamped portions of his previous Poe sets. In Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym (1838), Poe"s longest tale, the secret theme is the terror of whiteness. Poe invented tribes that live near the Antarctic Circle. The strange bestial humans are black, even down to their teeth. They have been exposed to the terrible visitations of men and white storms. These are mixed together, and they slaughter the crew of Pym"s vessel. The Argentinean writer Jorge Luis Borges has assumed that Poe chose the color intuitively, or for the same reasons as in Melville explained in the chapter "The Whiteness of the Whale" in his Moby-Dick. Later the "lost world" idea was developed by Edgar Rice Burroughs in The Land That Time Forgot (1924) and other works. During the early 1840s, Poe"s best-selling work was curiously The Conchologist"s First Book (1839). It was based on Thomas Wyatt"s work, which sold poorly because of its high prize. Wyatt was Poe"s friend and asked him to abridge the book and put his own name on its title page – the publisher had strongly opposed any idea of producing a cheaper edition. The Conchologist"s First Book was a success. Its first edition was sold out in two months and other editions followed.The dark poem of lost love, "The Raven," brought Poe national fame, when it appeared in 1845. "With me poetry has been not a purpose, but a passion; and the passions should be held in reverence: they must not – they cannot at will be excited, with an eye to the paltry compensations, or the more paltry commendations, of mankind." (from The Raven and Other Poems, preface, 1845) In a lecture in Boston the author said that the two most effective letters in the English language were o and r – this inspired the expression "nevermore" in "The Raven", and because a parrot is unworthy of the dignity of poetry, a raven could well repeat the word at the end of each stanza. Lenore rhymed with "nevermore." The poems has inspired a number of artists. Perhaps the most renowed are Gustave Doré"s (1832-1883) melancholic illustrations. Poe suffered from bouts of depression and madness, and he attempted suicide in 1848. In September the following year he disappeared for three days after a drink at a birthday party and on his way to visit his new fiancée in Richmond, Virginia. On September 26 or 27, Poe left Richmond on his way to New York. He had asked his mother-in-law to send him a letter in Philadelphia addressed to the pseudonym E.S.T. Grey. Poe never reached New York. He was found in delirious condition at Ryan"s inn and taverna in Baltimore. Poe died in a hospital on October 7, 1849. He was buried at the Westminster Presbyterian burial yard. Four mourners attended the funeral, conducted by Reverend William T.D. Clemm: Poe"s relatives Neilson Poe and Henry Herring, his colleague Dr. Joseph Snodgrass, and his former classmate Z. Collins Lee.Poe"s work and his theory of "pure poetry" was early recognized especially in France, where he inspired Jules Verne, Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867), Paul Valéry (1871-1945) and Stéphane Mallarmé (1842-1898). "In Edgar Poe," wrote Baudelaire, "there is no tiresome snivelling; but everywhere and at all times an indefatigable enthusiasm in seeking the ideal." In America Emerson called him "the jingle man." Poe"s influence is seen in many other modern writers, as in Junichiro Tanizaki"s early stories and Kobo Abe"s novels, or more clearly in the development of the19th century detective novel. J.L. Borges, R.L. Stevenson, and a vast general readership, have been impressed by the stories which feature Poe"s detective Dupin ("The Murders in the Rue Morgue", 1841; "The Purloined Letter," 1845) and the morbid metaphysical speculation of "The Facts in the Case of M. Waldermar" (1845). Thomas M. Disch has argued in his The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of (1998) that it was actually Poe who was the originator of the modern science fiction. One of his tales, "Mellonta Taunta" (1840) describes a future society, an anti-Utopia, in which Poe satirizes his own times. Another tales in this vein are "The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Sceherazade" and "A Descent into the Maelstrom". However, Poe was not concerned with any specific scientific concept but mostly explored different realities, one of the central concerns of science fiction ever since. In his supernatural fiction Poe usually dealt with paranoia rooted in personal psychology, physical or mental enfeeblement, obsessions, the damnation of death, feverish fantasies, the cosmos as source of horror and inspiration, without bothering himself with such supernatural beings as ghosts, werewolves, vampires, and so on. Some of his short stories are humorous, among them "The Devil in the Belfry," "The Duc de l"Omelette," "Bon-Bon" and "Never Bet the Devil Your Head," all of which employ the Devil as an ironic figure of fun. – Poe was also one of the most prolific literary journalists in American history, one whose extensive body of reviews and criticism has yet to be collected fully. James Russell Lowell (1819-91) once wrote about Poe: "Three fifths of him genius and two fifths sheer fudge."
2023-01-12 06:52:371


山楂树之恋 十年忽悠 不懂说将来
2023-01-12 06:52:434

allan taylor的the beat hotel

英文歌词in the beat hotel the walls have ears the beat goes ona naked lunch the cupboard"s bare a drummer drums the message comes the message: hey what"s your name won"t you take me to your room hey what"s your name won"t you take me to your room in the beat hotel a stolen glance a bed of nails the desk clerk smiles he"s dressed in red a tarnished room a furnished friend hey what"s your name won"t you take me to your room hey what"s your name won"t you take me to your room take me one hundred stories up to the moon take me one hundred stories up to the moon in the beat hotel i met a guy who wasn"t real his chequered past was just an act or just a style or just a lie in the beat hotel the walls have ears the beat goes on a naked lunch the cupboard"s bare a drummer drums the message comes the message: hey what"s your name won"t you take me to your room hey what"s your name won"t you take me to your room..歌词翻译避开酒店 艾伦泰勒 巴黎五六年,排名第九的Git勒大教堂街 话已出口,每个人的门上跳动 夫人Rachou会让你在,只是微笑和敲钟 欢迎您在涅磐禁毒酒店 在保乐力加,一Gauloise卷烟香味 这是一个宇宙众但你还没有看到什么 这是一个公开的邀请,存在客户 都在寻找涅磐在禁毒酒店 他们找了所有在纽约市和旧金山湾 他们期待在比波普爵士乐,并炸毁他们全都冲去 他们尝试了各种途径,然后说:“什么是地狱, 我们将看看在巴黎举行禁毒酒店为它“ 伯勒斯来到了,从丹吉尔,金斯伯格从纽约 凯鲁亚克来到了,从意大利,睡在公园里出来 格雷戈里科索来来去去,在那里他在没人的可以告诉 他仍然在寻找涅磐禁毒酒店 这个诗人,基督教徒,佛教徒,衣衫褴褛的犹太人带 一个新的垮掉的一代的缪斯搜索 发现了一些武器是一个神秘小姐 为涅槃看禁毒酒店 客房数到四十一个,但你可以睡在大厅里 对于少数生丁,你可以去喝点水,写在墙壁上你的诗 和大麻混合,Tukish厕所的气味 这都是在打涅槃酒店的一部分 亚历坎贝尔strums老有人拿起吉他在西班牙注册 金斯堡的嚎叫诗歌和凯鲁亚克的又喝醉了 逾期的租金是必须有一个他们可以出售 也许他们可以卖禁毒酒店涅槃 一个人的拍照,珍妮脱掉她的衣服 马琳的冥想,集中在她的脚趾 茉莉花隐藏在她的房间为16,外壳蜷缩起来 她的communing与涅槃在禁毒酒店 他们的旅程,并没有得到有 名人堂是当你支付出租车车费是悄悄话 这只是这一面的天堂和地狱的长路 这是在某处涅磐禁毒酒店 没有什么永远,永远在韵的 这是一个佛陀般的连接,每个人都有自己的时间 如果你想喝你得挖掘井水 也许你会发现在禁毒酒店涅槃 它结束了由一九六三年了,大家都走了 但是,他们会开辟了道路,渐渐赢得了革命 当诗与画了最后的钟声敲响了,他们 这是告别涅磐在禁毒酒店 神话比真理更强大,可有时谎言与真理 看到这一切为了什么是你需要一个廉洁的眼睛 旅程是值得的,只有时间会告诉 还在寻找涅磐,在禁毒酒店 合唱: 带我去你的领导,带我去的人 有人得到了答案,别人的得到了完美的计划 如果你在大街小巷寻找,如果你正在寻找在酒吧 你会发现我们在水沟里,仰望星空
2023-01-12 06:52:561


问题一:各种英文名的含义 这个最好啦:常见女生英文名字的含义:51ielts/newshtml/news40000/40189.shtml; 常见男生英文名字的含义:51ielts/newshtml/news40000/40190.shtml 问题二:英文名Matthew是什么意思? 【Matthew】: [男子名] [英格兰人、苏格兰人姓氏] 来源于希伯来语男子名,含义是“上帝的礼物”(gift of God) 常译为“马修”昵称有 Mat, Matty; 马太,即圣玛窦 St. Matthew ( 基督教《圣经》中文译作圣徒“马太”),生于犹太的加利勒亚,跟随耶稣三年,传教于巴勒斯坦一带,是耶稣的十二门徒之一。 也指“马太福音”(The Gospel According to St. Matthew)――《圣经》新约的一卷书,记载了耶稣的生平与职事,其中包括耶稣的家谱、耶稣神奇的出生、童年、受浸与受试探、讲道、上十字架、复活,最后,复活的耶稣向使徒颁布大使命。 问题三:英文名Chris是什么意思? Chris 是由Christine(女) Christina(女) Christopher(男) Christian(男)的简称而来 意思是救世主 基督的化身 圣者 &quo叮;保护者 等 1980~1990年间 在美Chris极为流行之名 问题四:请教英文名william的中文含义 William [男子名] [英格兰人姓氏] 威廉。来源于古法语人名的诺曼底形式+日耳曼语,含义是“意愿+头盔,保护”(will,desire+helmet,protection) 昵称Bill,Billie,Billy,Will,Willie。 问题五:求20个英文名的含义 Andy 中文拼写:安迪 名字含义:有男子气概的,勇敢的,Andrew的昵称 Carl 中文拼写:卡尔 名字含义:男子汉 Charles 中文拼写:查尔斯 名字含义:男子汉、强壮的,昵称Charley、Charlie、Chuck、Lottie、Lotty Clark 中文拼写:克拉克 名字含义:牧师 Dick 中文拼写:迪克 名字含义:强大的、富有的统治者 Don 中文拼写:唐 名字含义:Dunn的异体,Donald的昵称 (Dunn 中文拼写:邓恩 名字含义:棕色的;黑色皮肤的人) (Donald 中文拼写:唐纳德 名字含义:世界领袖, 昵称Don、Donnie) Eden 中文拼写:伊登;艾登 名字含义:喜悦和快乐之地 Edgar 中文拼写:埃德加 名字含义:快乐的战士 Edison 中文拼写:埃迪森;爱迪生 名字含义:爱德华之子 Hardy 中文拼写:哈迪;哈代 名字含义:勇敢的 Jason 中文拼写:贾森 名字含义:医治者 Jay 中文拼写:杰伊 名字含义:蓝顶鸟;松鸦 Ken 中文拼写:肯 名字含义:英俊领导者 Max 中文拼写:马克斯 名字含义:最伟大的,Maximilian、Maxwell等的昵称 Nick 中文拼写:尼克 名字含义:胜利者 Oliver 中文拼写:奥利弗 名字含义:橄榄树 Sandy 中文拼写:桑迪 名字含义:人类的帮手和护卫 Tony 中文拼写:托尼 名字含义:无价的,Anthony, Antony的昵称 Victor 中文拼写:维克托 名字含义:胜利者 问题六:英文名的含义 A ARON (希伯来)启发的意思,AARON被描绘为不高但英俊的男人,诚实刻苦具有责任感,是个有效率个性沉静的领导者。 ABEL (希伯来)呼吸的意思,为ABELARD的简写,大部份的人认为ABEL是高大,强壮的运动员,能干,独立,又聪明。有些人则认为ABEL是瘦小,温顺的男孩。 ABRAHAM 原为希伯来文,意为民族之父。后来,它演变成物之父的意思。大多万数人将ABRAHAM形容为高大壮硕留着胡子的领袖,诚实,庄严,聪明,像亚伯拉翰林肯总统一样 ADAM (希伯来),红土制造的意思。据说上帝用红土造人,而亚当是他造出的第一个人。 ADAM被形容是高大,黝黑,英俊,肌肉强健的男人,沉稳,聪明。 ADRIAN (拉丁文)黑色的意思。人们将ADRIAN描绘为迷人,阴柔的男子,敏感,体贴,可爱,富有。 ALVA 希伯来名,给人的感觉是很崇高、庄严的,圣经上写着ALVA 是一个地名和种族名字。 ALEX 为ALEXandER的简写,人们认为ALEX是身强体健有着希腊血统的男子,聪明,和善,令人喜爱。 ALAN 据传,英国有一位诗人,叫Alawn(阿伦),很近似于Alan,它的意思,但后来,这个名字常形为Eilian、Allan、Ailin、A"lon等等。Alan的发音近似于撒格逊语Aylwyn或Alwyn(熟悉的朋友)的意思)。所以它在英国很为人所欢迎。 ALBERT (老式英语)崇高,聪明之意。ALBERT引人联想起三种形象;肥胖、笨重、缓慢,如Fat Albert;聪明,行为古怪,如Albert Einstein:或是正式, ALFRED(古式英语),睿智的参谋。ALFRED给人两种截然不同的印象:一种是超重的智者,所谓智者就是有智慧的老人家,行事谨慎,另一种是文弱的书呆子。 Andy 为ANDREW的简写,ANDREW在希腊文里形容有男子气概、雄壮、勇敢。 Andy被人形容为高高的,金发的,童心未泯的普通男子,快乐,随和老实憨厚。 ANGUS 唯一的选择。ANGUS被视作行为怪异,惹麻烦的傻瓜。 ANTHONY (拉丁)无价的意思,人们认为ANTHONY是高壮黝黑的意大利男人,聪明强壮并坚忍。 ARTHUR (凯尔特语)贵族,(威尔斯)英雄。Arthur有两个不同的意思:一生充满故事喜欢受注目的有趣老人;或是沉静,与众不同,信守承诺的智者。 AUSTIN 同August,Augustine.AUSTIN被视为聪明,坦诚有礼的大男孩--或者是恃才傲物的富家公子。 B BEN (希伯来)儿子的意思;所有BEN开头名字的简写。Ben被描述为高大,强壮的黑发男子,沉静、可爱,随和,温柔。 BENSON (希伯来英文)Son of Benjamin班杰明的儿子。感谢电视上Benson Dubois,给人的印象,Benson被形容是机智的黑人管家,聪明,体贴又有趣。 BRANT 古德语,意为妖精。这里所谓妖精,可不是你我心想的贬义词,而是古代德国人对神仙的一般称呼。 BRENT 代表山顶或者避暑胜地。 BRIAN (爱尔兰语)力量,美德,大部份人把Brian看做是爱尔兰男子,聪明,喜欢运动,并擅于社交。有些人则认为Brian是无聊喜欢黏着妈妈的孩子。 BRUCE 来自一个地名Bruis......>> 问题七:关于英文名字的含义 Michell 米契尔 英国 犹如上帝的劳耀和高贵。 Michael 麦克 希伯来 像上帝的人。 ABRAHAM 原为希伯来文,意为民族之父。后来,它演变成万物之父的意思。大多数人将ABRAHAM形容为高大壮硕留着胡子的领袖,诚实,庄严,聪明,像亚伯拉翰林肯总统一样 ADAM (希伯来),红土制造的意思。据说上帝用红土造人,而亚当是他造出的第一个人。 ADAM被形容是高大,黝黑,英俊,肌肉强健的男人,沉稳,聪明。 GABY 为Gabriel的昵称,原为希伯来文,意为『上帝的人』。据说,天使Gabriel是上帝派来的使者,由他来宣布约翰和耶稣的出生。 Zaniel 周一的天使 男性 拉丁语 Zenos 宙斯的礼物 男性 希腊 Abhijit 胜利的;一个星座名 男性 印度 Abner 光之父 男性 希伯来 Addai 上帝的人 男性 希伯来 Aditya 太阳神 男性 印度 Ajatashatru Vishnu神的一个名字 男性 印度 Akshay 一个神的名字 男性 印度 Amadeus 上帝之爱 男性 拉丁语 Angelo 上天的信使 男性 希腊 Ares 战神 男性 希腊 Arkin 永恒之王的儿子 男性 挪威 Achyuta 毗湿奴神的一个名字 男性 印度 Balder 光之神 男性 瑞典 Baran 金牛座最亮星的另一个名字 男性 拉丁语 Bardo 大地之子 男性 丹麦 Barnabas 预言之子 男性 希伯来 Bhudev 大地之神 男性 印度 Bilal *** 的第一个信徒 男性 *** Chalmers 上帝的儿子 男性 苏格兰 Christian 基督信徒 男性 希腊 Daniel 我的法官是上帝 男性 希伯来 Darshan 一个神的名字 男性 印度 Dattatreya 一个神,Atri神的儿子 男性 印度 Demetrius 爱大地的人,奉献给土地女神 男性 希腊 Dennis 酒神 男性 希腊 Elias 耶和华是上帝 男性 希伯来 Elijah 耶和华是上帝 男性 希伯来 Eliot 我的神是上帝 男性 希伯来 Elmo 保护神 男性 未知 Emmanuel 上帝与我们同在 男性 希伯来 Eryx 爱与美之女神和海神的儿子 男性 希腊 E *** ond 上帝天恩庇护 男性 古英语 Ezekiel 上帝的力量 男性 希伯来 Februus 异教徒的神 男性 拉丁语 Gabriel 上帝是我的力量 男性 希伯来 Gadil 上帝是我的财富 男性 *** Ganesh 一个印度神 男性 印度 Goddard 象上帝一样坚定 男性 条顿 Godfrey 上帝的和平 男性 条顿 Godwin 神圣的朋友 男性 条顿 Gopal 克利希那神 男性 印度 Hans 上帝的仁慈礼物 男性 希伯来 Heller 太阳 男性 古德语 Iain 上帝的仁慈礼物 男性 盖尔 Indra 司雨雷之神 男性 印度 Ilias 耶和华是我的神 男性 拉丁语 Israel 和上帝一起战斗 男性 希伯来 Ivar 射手;挪威的一个神 男性 挪威 Jason 上帝是我的救星 男性 希伯来 Javan 希腊的天使 男性 拉丁语 Jean 上帝是仁慈的 男性 法国 Jedidiah 为上帝所宠爱 男性 希伯来 Jeffrey 上帝的和平 男性 条顿 Jens......>> 问题八:请问英文名Lisa的含义是什么? 丽莎(女子名,涵义:上帝的誓约) 会给阀以大家闺秀的印象,但同时似乎也会让人觉得娇惯。美国人认为这个名字给人的感觉是幸福,平安,美丽的女子。 问题九:英文名Vincent的含义 提供几个参考方案,都是正统的英文名字,不是姓氏,而且经考察都没有不良含义。 Victor 维克托---读作"VikTer,传统英文名,最初出自古拉丁语,本意为胜利者。 Vince 文斯------读作Vins,传统英文名,是Vincent的变体,根源出自古拉丁语,本意为处于优势 Vinny 维尼-------读作"Vini,也是Vincent的变体,根源出自古拉丁语,本意为处于优势。 Vito 维托-------读作"ViTo,传统英文名,根源出自古拉丁语,本意为生命力
2023-01-12 06:53:021


2023-01-12 06:53:085


landy lanlia wilancy Ailani Alana Alanna Alanis Alannis Allan Atalanta Blanca Blanche Brilane Calandra Calantha Clancy Elana Elani Eolande Flann Flannery Lana Lanai Landen Landry Lanelle Lani Lanica Lanie Melania Melanie Philander
2023-01-12 06:54:035


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2023-01-12 06:54:394


2023-01-12 06:54:595

Allan Lin这个单词是什么意思

翻译结果:艾伦 • 林
2023-01-12 06:55:173