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2023-05-19 13:21:36
TAG: therefore



eg.1、Therefore,we must learn English well.

2、They therefore can learn English well.

3、Many fast food restaurant ,therefore,have red furniture or walls.


这时一般词前要用分号,其后用不用逗号无所谓.若第二个分句前是逗号或无符号,则要注意therefore是副词,和so不一样,要保持句子完整,应用and therefore.

eg.1、I had a headache;therefore I could not go to your party.

2、I was ill,and therefore could not come.

3、These birds are very beautiful and therefore liked by many people.



1、therefore,因此。读音:美/??erf??r/;英/??e?f??r/。2、释义:adv.因此;所以。3、例句:He was too young and therefore he went to hospital accompanied by his parents.他还太小因此只能由父母陪同去就诊。
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Therefore 中文释义:adv. 因此;所以英文发音:["ðeəfɔː]例句:Muscle cells need lots of fuel and therefore burn lots of calories.肌肉细胞需要很多“燃料”,并因此燃烧大量卡路里。短语:1、Therefore Become 故此成为2、Therefore High 从而提高3、Therefore Adapts 为此相适应4、Therefore Unique 所以独一无二5、therefore produce 因此产生扩展资料therefore的用法:1、therefore的意思是“因此,为此,所以”,是副词,引导结果、结局或结论,不能误作连词用。2、therefore可引出一个独立句,但不能连接两个句子,因此当therefore前没有and等连词时,前面须用分号。3、连接副词therefore用于句首时后面无需逗号,若位于句中前面可加也可不加逗号。4、therefore也可用于推理,作“故…,由此得出”解。
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therefore用法如下:1、therefore的意思是“因此,为此,所以”,引导结果、结局或结论,不能误作连词用。2、therefore可引出一个独立句,但不能连接两个句子,因此当therefore前没有and等连词时,前面须用分号。3、连接副词therefore用于句首时后面无需逗号,若位于句中前面可加也可不加逗号。近义词介绍:consequently读音:[ˈkɒnsɪkwəntli]表达意思:因此,结果。词性:通常在句中作副词,修饰主语或宾语。例句:In college, time is scarce, and consequently, very precious. 在大学里,时间是有限的,因此也非常宝贵。
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therefore意思是结果、对某事进行推论、因此、所以、故、乃,用于整句中一般放在句首和句中,也可用在分句中。1、当therefore在整句中时,一般不放句末,放在句首后要有逗号,放在句中时前后都要有逗号。He was the only candidate; therefore, he was elected.他是唯一的候选人,因此,他当选了。The Chinese Christians,therefore,practically excommunicate themselves from their own clan.所以,中国的基督徒简直是被逐出了自己的家族了。2、当therefore用在分句中时,即一个句子一部分表示原因一部分表示结果。这时一般词前要用分号,其后用不用逗号无所谓。若第二个分句前是逗号或无符号,则要注意therefore是副词,和so不一样,要保持句子完整,应用and therefore。I had a headache,therefore I could not go to your party.我头痛,所以不能去参加你的聚会。I was ill, and therefore I could not come.我病了,所以没能来。We do not have enough money. Therefore we can not afford to buy the new car.我们的钱不够,因此买不成这辆新车。
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therefore的用法   therefore的用法1:therefore的意思是因此,为此,所以,是副词,引导结果、结局或结论,不能误作连词用。   therefore的用法2:therefore可引出一个独立句,但不能连接两个 句子 ,因此当therefore前没有and等连词时,前面须用分号。   therefore的用法3:连接副词therefore用于句首时后面无需逗号,若位于句中前面可加也可不加逗号。   therefore的用法4:therefore也可用于推理,作故…,由此得出解。    therefore的用法例句   1. The truth is that junk bonds were misnamed, and therefore misunderstood.   事实上人们对垃圾债券的称谓有误,所以产生了误解。   2. They had seen him trawling and therefore knew that there were fish.   他们曾见过他用拖网 捕鱼 ,因此知道那里有鱼。   3. Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.--James Allen   人们总是渴望改善周遭环境,但是却不愿意改善自己,因此总停留在原地,无法进步。   4. He"s only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote.   他只有17岁,因此没有投票选举的资格。   5. He lost his health, and therefore his difficulties increased.   他身体虚弱, 因此更增加了他的困难.   6. The Chinese Christians, therefore, practically excommunicate themselves from their own clan.   所以, 中国的_简直是被逐出了自己的家族了.   7. It rained and therefore the football match was postponed.   天下雨, 足球 赛因此而延期了.   8. They therefore can do nothing good of themselves.   所以他们靠自己是什么好事也做不成的.   9. He was busy, therefore, he couldn"t come.   他忙得很, 所以没有来.   10. He was ill, and therefore could not come.   他病了, 所以未能来.   11. He has decided that he doesn"t want to embarrass the movement and willtherefore step down.   他已拿定主意:他不想令运动陷入困窘的境地,因此决心辞职。   12. The President will therefore have to tread a very fine line when he addresses the parliament.   因此,总统在向议会演讲时将不得不仔细拿捏分寸。   13. Some people may manage their finances badly and therefore have to go short of essentials.   有些人可能极不善于理财,因而不得不缺衣少食地将就过活。   14. The lime water has turned cloudy, therefore carbon dioxide has been produced during the experiment.   石灰水变得混浊了, 可见在实验中有二氧化碳生成了.   15. Rescue workers are therefore drilling a hole on the north side of the mine.   因此营救工人正在矿井北侧钻孔.   therefor的英语例句   1. He will be paid therefor.   他将为此而得到报酬.   2. The representative of the drafting unIt"shall give explanations and give therefor.   起草单位的代表应当作出解释和说明理由.   3. Therefor , we should amend the quality of virtual memory.   因此, 必须对虚拟内存进行性能优化.   4. Specific measures therefor shall be formulated by the State Council.   具体办法,由国务院规定.   5. Therefor they can design and product according to your requirements.   因此他们可以根据你的样品和要求生产、设计产品.   6. Therefor, tourism prefessional education has its own distinctive market characteristics.   因此, 旅游专业 教育 具有鲜明的市场特征.   7. The invention discloses a wireless queuing system and a method therefor.   本发明公开了一种无线排队系统及其 方法 .   8. Never mind on defend - stick or shooting - block some issue therefor.   对于防守时的卡位或是 射击 时的挡住队友都无须挂心.   9. And therefor you have to go to a special school again.   因此,你需要再次去特殊的学校学习.
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therefore和thus是同义词。例:He was therefore a god student.He is thus an excelent student.He has thus acquired a great deal of knowledge.Therefore,we must study hard.Thus,he is a god student,so we must study hard.Therefore,the boy is not clever at al,so we must not let him play with the children.Thus,the boy has ben in prison for a year and a half.Thus,he has ben in prison for a long time.Thus,we must not let the boy go to schol again,because he is to young.Therefore,we must not let the boy go to schol again,because he is to young.Thus,we must not let the boy go back to schol,because he is to young.Therefore,we must not let him return to schol.
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Therefore 用法?

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(1)therefore:adv.因此;所以;因而。 常用在句子的开头,通常都会用在总结一段文章的总结之前。 (2)thus:adv.以此方式; 如此; 这样; 因此; 从而; 所以。 也可以用在句子的开头,中间或结尾。 扩展资料   (1)therefore  adv.   He was down with the flu, and therefore couldn't come to the party.   他患了流行性感冒,因此未能前来参加宴会。   (2)thus  adv.  (and thus)   Some people are more capable and thus better paid than others.   有些人更有能力一些,因此也比别人挣得多。
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therefore和so的区别是意思不同,用法不同。therefore是副词,意思是“因此;所以”;so作副词意为“(表示程度)这么,如此;很”,作连词意为“(表示因果关系)所以;(引出结果)因此;(表示目的)为了。so当连词时可以引导一个完整的句子,而therefore不可以。so可以引导一个完整的句子,而therefore不可以。He killed,therefore I killed him.他杀了人,因此我杀了他。I had to go to church,so I grew up singing gospel.我必须去教堂做礼拜,因此我是唱着福音歌长大的。so用作副词时常用于形容词或其他副词之前,用于表示程度,作“这么,那么”解;可用于表示方式,作“这样,那样”解;可用以避免重复,常用于believe, do, say之后,作“如此,这样”解;so作“同样,也”解时。其后跟be, have, do或will, can, should等,然后再接主语;so作“当然”解时,后接there或代词主语,然后再接be, have, do或will, can, should等;so也可用于代替已经陈述的事物,尤用在接that...的动词之后。
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therefore什么意思 therefore英语解释

1、therefore,因此,读音:美/ˈðerfɔːr/;英/ˈðeəfɔːr/。 2、释义:adv.因此;所以。 3、例句:He was too young and therefore he went to hospital accompanied by his parents.他还太小因此只能由父母陪同去就诊。
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能飞英语( 为你解答:这两个单词,考试时主要考词性,THEREFORE只是个副词,而SO既可以是副词,也可以是连词.所以SO当连词时可以引导一个完整的句子,而副词就不可以.[完整的句子就是:主+谓语,主语+谓语+宾语...][1]therefore: adverb[副词]for that reason:We were unable to get funding and therefore had to abandon the project.therefore这里引导的句子没有主语,不是一个完整的句子.[2]so conjunction[连词]and for that reason; therefore:My knee started hurting so I stopped running.I was lost so I bought a street map.so这里引导的句子有主语+谓语+[宾语](from Cambridge Advanced Learner"s Dictionary)so adverb:[副词]因此,所以He is sturdy and so fit for the job.他很健壮,所以适合担任这个工作。.[so引导的句子没有主语,不是个完整的句子]所以,当副词时一般可以互换,而当连词时,只能用so,也就是说,当引导完整句子的时候,用so.因so两种词性兼有,表示"因此,所以"时,用起来比较频繁,不会出错。同为副词时,therefore 常常用于书面体,比较正式。so 经常用于口语,有时也用于书面,不太正式。回答如满意,请点击 选为满意答案 谢谢合作!
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therefore 是 因为,表因果however,but 都是 但是,然而 ,表转折besides 是 此外,表补充
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therefore与and therefore的区别在哪里啊? 还有他们与because的区别。

therefore是副词,不能连接两句话,and是连词,可以连接两句话,故and therefore放在句中,但是and不需要翻译,therefore与and therefore的意思都相同,是因此的意思,后面接原因.
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however therefore区别

两者用法如下: 1. however主要有两种用法: 1)however = no matter how,做连词,用于引导让步状语从句 如:He can"t win the race however fast he runs. 无论/不管他跑得有多快,他都赢不了这次赛跑. 2)however做副词,表示转折,意思是“然而/但是”,用在句中时必须用标点符号和其他成分隔开. 如:He is clever. However, he is very lazy. 2. therefore只能做副词,意思是“因此/所以”,其所在的句子表示结果. 它和句子其他成分隔开不隔开都是可以的. 如:He worked day and night, and therefore he was able to buy the sports car. = He worked day and night. Therefore, he was able to buy the sports car. 他日夜工作,所以有能力买那部跑车.如果你满意我的答案,敬请点击 “选为满意回答” ,谢谢!
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therefore是什么意思 therefore解释

1、therefore,因此。读音:美/ˈðerfɔːr/;英/ˈðeəfɔːr/。 2、释义:adv.因此;所以。 3、例句:He was too young and therefore he went to hospital accompanied by his parents.他还太小因此只能由父母陪同去就诊。
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Therefore 中文释义:adv. 因此;所以英文发音:["ðeəfɔː]例句:Muscle cells need lots of fuel and therefore burn lots of calories.肌肉细胞需要很多“燃料”,并因此燃烧大量卡路里。短语:1、Therefore Become 故此成为2、Therefore High 从而提高3、Therefore Adapts 为此相适应4、Therefore Unique 所以独一无二5、therefore produce 因此产生扩展资料therefore的用法:1、therefore的意思是“因此,为此,所以”,是副词,引导结果、结局或结论,不能误作连词用。2、therefore可引出一个独立句,但不能连接两个句子,因此当therefore前没有and等连词时,前面须用分号。3、连接副词therefore用于句首时后面无需逗号,若位于句中前面可加也可不加逗号。4、therefore也可用于推理,作“故…,由此得出”解。
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therefore意思是结果、对某事进行推论、因此、所以、故、乃,用于整句中一般放在句首和句中,也可用在分句中。1、当therefore在整句中时,一般不放句末,放在句首后要有逗号,放在句中时前后都要有逗号。 He was the only candidate; therefore, he was elected. 他是唯一的候选人,因此,他当选了。 The Chinese Christians,therefore,practically excommunicate themselves from their own clan. 所以,中国的基督徒简直是被逐出了自己的家族了。 2、当therefore用在分句中时,即一个句子一部分表示原因一部分表示结果。 这时一般词前要用分号,其后用不用逗号无所谓。若第二个分句前是逗号或无符号,则要注意therefore是副词,和so不一样,要保持句子完整,应用and therefore。 I had a headache,therefore I could not go to your party. 我头痛,所以不能去参加你的聚会。 I was ill, and therefore I could not come. 我病了,所以没能来。 We do not have enough money. Therefore we can not afford to buy the new car. 我们的钱不够,因此买不成这辆新车。
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therefore有两种用法,一在整句中,一在分句中.therefore是副词,但有时具有连词作用. 一、整句中时一般不放句末,句首后要有逗号,句中1、按一般副词使用2、做插入语(这两个分得清吧) eg.1、Therefore,we must learn English well. 2、They therefore can learn English well. 3、Many fast food restaurant ,therefore,have red furniture or walls. 二、用在分句中,即一个句子一部分表示原因一部分表示结果. 这时一般词前要用分号,其后用不用逗号无所谓.若第二个分句前是逗号或无符号,则要注意therefore是副词,和so不一样,要保持句子完整,应用and therefore. eg.1、I had a headache;therefore I could not go to your party. 2、I was ill,and therefore could not come. 3、These birds are very beautiful and therefore liked by many people.
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  我们在英语 文章 表转折中,使用到的单词不就是我们的therefore吗?以下是我给大家带来therefore的用法辨析和例句,以供参阅。    therefore的用法   therefore的用法1:therefore的意思是“因此,为此,所以”,是副词,引导结果、结局或结论,不能误作连词用。   therefore的用法2:therefore可引出一个独立句,但不能连接两个 句子 ,因此当therefore前没有and等连词时,前面须用分号。   therefore的用法3:连接副词therefore用于句首时后面无需逗号,若位于句中前面可加也可不加逗号。   therefore的用法4:therefore也可用于推理,作“故…,由此得出”解。    therefore的用法例句   1. The truth is that junk bonds were misnamed, and therefore misunderstood.   事实上人们对垃圾债券的称谓有误,所以产生了误解。   2. They had seen him trawling and therefore knew that there were fish.   他们曾见过他用拖网 捕鱼 ,因此知道那里有鱼。   3. Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.--James Allen   人们总是渴望改善周遭环境,但是却不愿意改善自己,因此总停留在原地,无法进步。   4. He"s only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote.   他只有17岁,因此没有投票选举的资格。   5. He lost his health, and therefore his difficulties increased.   他身体虚弱, 因此更增加了他的困难.   6. The Chinese Christians, therefore, practically excommunicate themselves from their own clan.   所以, 中国的_简直是被逐出了自己的家族了.   7. It rained and therefore the football match was postponed.   天下雨, 足球 赛因此而延期了.   8. They therefore can do nothing good of themselves.   所以他们靠自己是什么好事也做不成的.   9. He was busy, therefore, he couldn"t come.   他忙得很, 所以没有来.   10. He was ill, and therefore could not come.   他病了, 所以未能来.   11. He has decided that he doesn"t want to embarrass the movement and willtherefore step down.   他已拿定主意:他不想令运动陷入困窘的境地,因此决心辞职。   12. The President will therefore have to tread a very fine line when he addresses the parliament.   因此,总统在向议会演讲时将不得不仔细拿捏分寸。   13. Some people may manage their finances badly and therefore have to go short of essentials.   有些人可能极不善于理财,因而不得不缺衣少食地将就过活。   14. The lime water has turned cloudy, therefore carbon dioxide has been produced during the experiment.   石灰水变得混浊了, 可见在实验中有二氧化碳生成了.   15. Rescue workers are therefore drilling a hole on the north side of the mine.   因此营救工人正在矿井北侧钻孔.   therefor的英语例句   1. He will be paid therefor.   他将为此而得到报酬.   2. The representative of the drafting unIt"shall give explanations and give therefor.   起草单位的代表应当作出解释和说明理由.   3. Therefor , we should amend the quality of virtual memory.   因此, 必须对虚拟内存进行性能优化.   4. Specific measures therefor shall be formulated by the State Council.   具体办法,由国务院规定.   5. Therefor they can design and product according to your requirements.   因此他们可以根据你的样品和要求生产、设计产品.   6. Therefor, tourism prefessional education has its own distinctive market characteristics.   因此, 旅游专业 教育 具有鲜明的市场特征.   7. The invention discloses a wireless queuing system and a method therefor.   本发明公开了一种无线排队系统及其 方法 .   8. Never mind on defend - stick or shooting - block some issue therefor.   对于防守时的卡位或是 射击 时的挡住队友都无须挂心.   9. And therefor you have to go to a special school again.   因此,你需要再次去特殊的学校学习.   10. Rocket motor cases and the specially designed production equipment therefor.   四、火箭发动机的壳体及为其专门设计的生产设备.   11. Construction or decoration materials must comply with national standards therefor.   建筑和装修材料必须符合国家标准.   12. Therefor, a new on - line straightening guide and guard unit is developed.   为此, 研制了 在线 矫直导卫装置.   13. Therefor, this paper is of much importance to closed harmonic - planetary gearbox.   因此, 本文对于同类型的封闭谐波 - 行星齿轮减速器的设计工作具有较重要的指导意义.   14. Therefor, should be vigorously propelled its construction with the system arrangement.   因此, 应以制度安排为着力点,大力推进企业诚信建设.   15. The Primary action should therefor be bigger than the Secondary action.   首要动作因此应该比次要动作大一些. 看过therefore的用法辨析和 短语 例句的人还看了: 1. easy的用法和短语例句 2. talk的短语有哪些 3. ring的用法和短语例句 4. scare的用法和短语例句 5. taste的用法和短语例句
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therefore 就是因此的意思 后面要紧跟一个句子 后面没有逗号 so 可以说是所以的意思 后面可以加逗号 再加句子 另外,不能 也不能because...therefore 在含义上,因此/所以,基本无区别 但是考试的时候 最好...
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therefore用法 therefore的用法

1、therefore的意思是“因此,为此,所以”,是副词,引导结果、结局或结论,不能误作连词用。 2、therefore可引出一个独立句,但不能连接两个句子,因此当therefore前没有and等连词时,前面须用分号。 3、连接副词therefore用于句首时后面无需逗号,若位于句中前面可加也可不加逗号。 4、He was the only candidate; therefore, he was elected.他是唯一的候选人,因此,他当选了。 5、We do not have enough money. Therefore we can not afford to buy the new car.我们的钱不够,因此买不成这辆新车。
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therefore 是因此,连词 eg: It is raining all day,therefore we stay at home. eg: I fails in the eaxm,therefore i"ll stay hard.
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therefore在整句中时,它一般不放句末,放在句首后要有逗号,放在句中时前后都要有逗号。而thus对此没有要求。例如:1、Therefore,we must learn English well.我们必须学好英语。2、Thus, Public accounting firms often are called CPA firms.因此,公共会计师事务所常被称为注册会计师事务所。3、He didn"t work hard. Thus he was fired.他工作不努力,因此被解雇。当therefore用在分句中时,即一个句子一部分表示原因一部分表示结果。这时一般词前要用分号,其后用不用逗号无所谓。若第二个分句前是逗号或无符号,则要注意therefore是副词,和so不一样,要保持句子完整,应用and therefore。例如:I had a headache,therefore I could not go to your party.我头痛,所以不能参加你的聚会。扩展资料accordingly、consequently、hence、so、therefore、thus这些连接副词均有“因此,所以”之意。 accordingly书面用词,强调根据某种原因而得出的结果,其前可用冒号或分号,但不用逗号。 consequently正式用词,侧重符合逻辑的结果。 hence较正式用词,指接下来的东西是理所当然的必需的东西,但强调其重要性。 so用于比较随便的场合,口语中多用。 therefore通常指引出一个推断出的必然结论。thus多用于书面语中,可与therefore换用。
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很荣幸为您解答! therefore有两种用法,一在整句中,一在分句中.therefore是副词,但有时具有连词作用. 一、整句中时一般不放句末,句首后要有逗号,句中1、按一般副词使用2、做插入语(这两个分得清吧) eg.1、Therefore,we must learn English well. 2、They therefore can learn English well. 3、Many fast food restaurant ,therefore,have red furniture or walls. 二、用在分句中,即一个句子一部分表示原因一部分表示结果. 这时一般词前要用分号,其后用不用逗号无所谓.若第二个分句前是逗号或无符号,则要注意therefore是副词,和so不一样,要保持句子完整,应用and therefore. eg.1、I had a headache;therefore I could not go to your party. 2、I was ill,and therefore could not come. 3、These birds are very beautiful and therefore liked by many people.
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都表示“因此”,therefore 和 thereby 用法和含义不尽相同。
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这两个单词,考试时主要考词性,THEREFORE只是个副词,而SO既可以是副词,也可以是连词.所以SO当连词时可以引导一个完整的句子,而副词就不可以.[完整的句子就是:主+谓语,主语+谓语+宾语...][1]therefore: adverb[副词]for that reason:We were unable to get funding and therefore had to abandon the project.therefore这里引导的句子没有主语,不是一个完整的句子.[2]so conjunction[连词]and for that reason; therefore:My knee started hurting so I stopped running.I was lost so I bought a street map.so这里引导的句子有主语+谓语+[宾语](from Cambridge Advanced Learner"s Dictionary)so adverb:[副词]因此,所以He is sturdy and so fit for the job.他很健壮,所以适合担任这个工作。.[so引导的句子没有主语,不是个完整的句子]所以,当副词时一般可以互换,而当连词时,只能用so,也就是说,当引导完整句子的时候,用so.因so两种词性兼有,表示"因此,所以"时,用起来比较频繁,不会出错。同为副词时,therefore 常常用于书面体,比较正式。so 经常用于口语,有时也用于书面,不太正式。回答如满意,请点击 选为满意答案 谢谢合作!
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therefore有两种用法,一在整句中,一在分句中.therefore是副词,但有时具有连词作用. 一、整句中时一般不放句末,句首后要有逗号,句中1、按一般副词使用2、做插入语(这两个分得清吧) eg.1、Therefore,we must learn English well. 2、They therefore can learn English well. 3、Many fast food restaurant ,therefore,have red furniture or walls. 二、用在分句中,即一个句子一部分表示原因一部分表示结果. 这时一般词前要用分号,其后用不用逗号无所谓.若第二个分句前是逗号或无符号,则要注意therefore是副词,和so不一样,要保持句子完整,应用and therefore. eg.1、I had a headache;therefore I could not go to your party. 2、I was ill,and therefore could not come. 3、These birds are very beautiful and therefore liked by many people.其实你可以自己搜索的
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therefore 怎么用?

therefore用法:用作副词(adv.)therefore的意思是“因此,为此,所以”,是副词,引导结果、结局或结论,不能误作连词用。therefore可引出一个独立句,但不能连接两个句子,因此当therefore前没有and等连词时,前面须用分号。连接副词therefore用于句首时后面无需逗号,若位于句中前面可加也可不加逗号。therefore也可用于推理,作“故…,由此得出”解。He was the only candidate; therefore, he was elected.他是唯一的候选人,因此,他当选了。We do not have enough money. Therefore we can not afford to buy the new car.我们的钱不够,因此买不成这辆新车。I was ill, and therefore I could not come.我病了,所以没能来。He was very tired, and therefore he didn"t give the market report.他非常疲倦,所以没能作市场报告。拓展资料:therefore是副词,但有时具有连词作用。1、当therefore在整句中时,它一般不放句末,放在句首后要有逗号,放在句中时前后都要有逗号。例如:Therefore,we must learn English well.They therefore can learn English well.Many fast food restaurant ,therefore,have red furniture or walls.2、当therefore用在分句中时,即一个句子一部分表示原因一部分表示结果。这时一般词前要用分号,其后用不用逗号无所谓。若第二个分句前是逗号或无符号,则要注意therefore是副词,和so不一样,要保持句子完整,应用and therefore。例如:I had a headache,therefore I could not go to your party.The truth is that junk bonds were misnamed, and therefore misunderstood.They had seen him trawling and therefore knew that there were fish.3、在我们英语考试中,大家最好用therefore 别用so。因为so比较简单,显得文章水平低,而用therefore会显得你的作文更好,更容易引起阅卷人的注意,给阅卷人好的印象。The lime water has turned cloudy, therefore carbon dioxide has been produced during the experiment.Rescue workers are therefore drilling a hole on the north side of the mine. 
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therefore放句首后要有逗号,放句首做插入语后无逗号。eg.1、Therefore,we must learn English well. 2、They therefore can learn English well.therefore有两种用法,一在整句中,一在分句中。一、整句中时一般不放句末,句首后要有逗号,句中1、按一般副词使用2、做插入语。eg.1、Therefore,we must learn English well. 2、They therefore can learn English well. 3、Many fast food restaurant ,therefore,have red furniture or walls.二、用在分句中,即一个句子一部分表示原因一部分表示结果。这时一般词前要用分号,其后用不用逗号无所谓。若第二个分句前是逗号或无符号,则要注意therefore是副词,和so不一样,要保持句子完整,应用and therefore。eg.1、I had a headache;therefore I could not go to your party. 2、I was ill,and therefore could not come. 3、These birds are very beautiful and therefore liked by many people.
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so 和therefore的具体区别

therefore 就是因此的意思 后面要紧跟一个句子 后面没有逗号so 可以说是所以的意思 后面可以加逗号 再加句子这两个词的意思几乎相同阿 词性也相同 没什么具体的区别 都是所以的意思 你要问什么 有具体的题么?so 的意思比较广义,还有很多的用法。有时候可以用作别的词性,而therefore 意思单一,就是因次。所以so 地用法比较广泛。具体说怎么用还得看实际情况。
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hence ad. 从此,以后;因此 同反义词 同: thence, therefore, thus hence较正式用词,指接下来的东西是理所当然的必需的东西,但强调其重要性. therefore通常指引出一个推断出的必然结论.
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因此 。
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thereby与therefore的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1、thereby:因此,由此,从而2、therefore:因此,所以,因而二、用法不同1、thereby:用于句首时后面无需逗号,若位于句中前面可加也可不加逗号。也可用于推理,作“故…,由此得出”解。2、therefore:意思是“因此,为此,所以”,是副词,引导结果、结局或结论,不能误作连词用。therefore可引出一个独立句,但不能连接两个句子,因此当therefore前没有and等连词时,前面须用分号。三、侧重点不同1、thereby:通常在英语的诗歌里面出现,使用方式极为正式。2、therefore:一般比较常用,引导句子用。扩展资料:重点词汇1、thereby读音是英 [ˌðeəˈbaɪ]   美 [ˌðerˈbaɪ]例句:1、I gave him my advice; I hope he may profit thereby. 我已给他劝告了,希望他可以由此受益。2、He gave his life and thereby paid the ultimate price. 他牺牲了生命,从而付出了最大的代价。2、therefore读音是英 [ˈðeəfɔː(r)]    美 [ˈðerfɔːr]同义词:1、accordingly、consequently 、hence、so 、therefore 、thus 【导航词义:因此,所以】2、accordingly adv. 因此,从而
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  therefore有两种用法,一在整句中,一在分句中.therefore是副词,但有时具有连词作用.   一、整句中时一般不放句末,句首后要有逗号,句中1、按一般副词使用2、做插入语(这两个分得清吧)   eg.   1、They therefore can learn English well.   2、Therefore,we must learn English well.   3、Many fast food restaurant ,therefore,have red furniture or walls.   二、用在分句中,即一个句子一部分表示原因一部分表示结果.   这时一般词前要用分号,其后用不用逗号无所谓.若第二个分句前是逗号或无符号,则要注意therefore是副词,和so不一样,要保持句子完整,应用and therefore.   eg.   1、I was ill,and therefore could not come.   2、I had a headache;therefore I could not go to your party.   3、These birds are very beautiful and therefore liked by many people.   注:therefore是副词,但有时具有连词作用   therefore,otherwise 和 thus 的区别   Therefore要加逗号,后面跟句子(注意是句子);   Thus不一定要加逗号,后面不一定跟句子。   I was helping my sister with her study.Therefore,I failed to pass the exam.   Air carry the virus to everywhere,thus causing the explosion of the disease.(无逗号,thus 后面不是句子)   Air carry the virus to everywhere.Thus,it causes the explosion of the disease.(逗号,thus 后面是句子)   用于句型“祈使句+or+陈述句”中,表示在以祈使句为条件下的相反假设,意为“否则,要不然”。   例如: Work hard,or you will fall behind.你要努力学习,否则会落后。   
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therefore adv.因此;所以只有一个词性,副词
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你好!therefore 英[ˈðeəfɔ:(r)] 美[ˈðerfɔ:(r)] adv. 因此; 所以; 故; 乃; [例句]Muscle cells need lots of fuel and therefore burn lots of calories.肌肉细胞需要很多能量,所以会燃烧大量卡路里。
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however therefore区别

两者用法如下:1. however主要有两种用法:1)however = no matter how,做连词,用于引导让步状语从句如:He can"t win the race however fast he runs.无论/不管他跑得有多快,他都赢不了这次赛跑。2)however做副词,表示转折,意思是“然而/但是”,用在句中时必须用标点符号和其他成分隔开。如:He is clever. However, he is very lazy.2. therefore只能做副词,意思是“因此/所以”,其所在的句子表示结果。它和句子其他成分隔开不隔开都是可以的。如:He worked day and night, and therefore he was able to buy the sports car.= He worked day and night. Therefore, he was able to buy the sports car.他日夜工作,所以有能力买那部跑车。如果你满意我的答案,敬请点击 “选为满意回答” ,谢谢!
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  两者侧重点不同。therefore表示后面的事情是前面提及的事情的结果,等同于forthereasonthat。它更倾向于逻辑的结果。hence表示的也是后事是前事的结果,但它的着重点是鉴于前事。hence和therefore都是连接副词,表因果关系,均可接句子,但hence后可直接接名词,但therefore不可以。  therefore用法:therefore可引出一个独立句,但不能连接两个句子,因此当therefore前没有and等连词时,前面须用分号。连接副词therefore用于句首时后面无需逗号,若位于句中前面可加也可不加逗号。therefore也可用于推理,作“故…由此得出”解。  therefore的用法例句:Thetruthisthatjunkbondsweremisnamed,andthereforemisunderstood。事实上人们对垃圾债券的称谓有误,所以产生了误解。Theyhadseenhimtrawlingandthereforeknewthattherewerefish。他们曾见过他用拖网捕鱼,因此知道那里有鱼。  hence词组:fromhence从这里;hencewith拿开;带走。hence例句:Forcenturies,medicinewasimpotentandhenceunproblematic。几个世纪以来,医学无能为力,因此没有问题。Thetrueconsequenceswillonlybeknownseveralyearshence。真正的后果只有在几年之后才能知道。
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hencead. 从此,以后;因此同反义词同: thence, therefore, thushence较正式用词,指接下来的东西是理所当然的必需的东西,但强调其重要性.therefore通常指引出一个推断出的必然结论.
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therefore是副词,意思是“因此;所以”;so作副词意为“(表示程度)这么,如此;很”,作连词意为“(表示因果关系)所以;(引出结果)因此;(表示目的)为了。so当连词时可以引导一个完整的句子,而therefore不可以。 therefore的用法 (1)He"s only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote. 他只有17岁,因此没有投票选举的资格。 (2)They therefore can do nothing good of themselves. 所以他们靠自己是什么好事也做不成的。 (3)He lost his health,and therefore his difficulties increased. 他身体虚弱,因此更增加了他的困难。 (4)It rained and therefore the football match was postponed. 天下雨, 足球赛因此而延期了。 (5)He killed,therefore I killed him. 他杀了人,因此我杀了他。 so的用法 (1)I had to go to church,so I grew up singing gospel. 我必须去教堂做礼拜,因此我是唱着福音歌长大的。 (2)We didn"t have satnav,so the traditional map and compass took over. 我们没有卫星导航系统,因此使用了传统的地图加指南针。 (3)I am not an emotional type and so cannot bring myself to tell him I love him. 我不是情感外露的人,因此难以开口对他说我爱他。 可以引导一个完整的句子,而therefore不可以。
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