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2023-05-19 23:28:17
TAG: 英文


cheish friendship and neve let other people down;

Cherishing friendship and fufilling the expecations of others

Cherishing friendship and never being unworthy of other people"s expectations.



1·Cherish friendship and live up to the expectations of others.

2·Cherish friendship, do not live up to the expectations of others.



Treasures the life珍爱生命1. Love of Life2. Cherishing Life她请我珍爱生命1. She bid me take life easy珍爱生命,拒绝毒品1. TO DRUGS YES TO LIFE
2023-01-12 05:23:584


相遇不易,愿你珍惜全部释义和例句>>Meet is not easy, I hope you cherish 相遇不易,愿你珍惜全部释义和例句>>Meet is not easy, I hope you cherish
2023-01-12 05:24:153


“珍爱生命”的英文:Cherish lifeCherish 读法 英 ["tʃerɪʃ]  美 ["tʃɛrɪʃ] 作及物动词的意思是:珍爱; 怀有(感情等);抱有(希望等)短语:1、cherish an ardent love 热爱2、cherish one"s dog 疼爱某人的狗3、cherish the gift 珍爱礼物4、cherish the great aspirations 拥有远大抱负 5、cherish fondly 溺爱扩展资料一、cherish的词义辨析:cherish, nurse, cultivate, foster, tend这组词都有“照料、培育”的意思,其区别是:1、cherish 强调抚育或爱抚。2、nurse 通常指对无力自顾的婴儿、病人等进行照料或护理。3、cultivate 具体意义指耕耘、培育植物;抽象意义指培养兴趣或向往的理想事物。4、foster 指对孩子的关心、鼓励、供养及抚养其成长;也指鼓励、促进事物的增长与发展。5、tend 指出于责任心、博爱心而不是私人感情去对人或物进行照顾。二、cherish的近义词:treasuretreasure 读法 英 ["treʒə]  美 ["trɛʒɚ] 1、n. 财富,财产;财宝;珍品2、vt. 珍爱;珍藏短语:1、buried treasure 宝藏;埋葬的宝藏;藏宝2、treasure chest 财宝箱;宝库3、treasure map 藏宝图4、treasure hunt 寻宝游戏;寻找珍宝5、treasure up 铭记,珍藏
2023-01-12 05:24:316


cherish 英["tʃerɪʃ]美[ˈtʃɛrɪʃ]vt. 珍爱;怀有;爱护;抚育第三人称单数:cherishes;过去分词:cherished;现在分词:cherishing;...[例句]Cherish small successful and ambitious to not contradictory.珍惜小成功与有抱负并不彼此矛盾。
2023-01-12 05:25:091


2023-01-12 05:25:152


“得而不惜都该死”的英文是You get it but not cherish it, damn it。cherish 美 ["tʃerɪʃ]英 ["tʃerɪʃ]:v.珍爱;爱护;怀念;钟爱;n.【女名】女子名;网络.珍惜;怀有;珍视。第三人称单数:cherishes  现在分词:cherishing  过去分词:cherishedHe gave all of us reasons to cherish the paleblue dot and " all that ever was or is or ever will be. "他给出了我们珍爱这个暗淡蓝点(地球)过去未来所有事物的理由。Cherish your visions and your dreams, asthey are the children of your soul, theblueprints of your ultimate achievement. - N. Hill.珍爱你对未来的憧憬和梦想,它们是你心灵的孩子,你最终成就的蓝图。damn 美 [dæm]英 [dæm]:v.(表示愤怒)该死;令(某人)下地狱;强烈指责;谴责;adj.该死的;完全的;adv.(表示厌烦)该死;极;n.诅咒;些微;int.他妈的;网络.咒骂;可恶的。第三人称单数:damns  现在分词:damning  过去式:damned。damn it khun. . . you had me hating you for aweek. . . then i fell back in love with you, lol.你让我讨厌了你一周…然后我彻底爱上了你,哈。We"reback in Stuart"s Draft, but it"s too damncold to ride horses and lay outside in the sun,so video blogging it shall be.我们早在斯图尔特的草案,但它太该死的冷,骑马和躺在太阳以外,所以应当视频博客。
2023-01-12 05:25:241

i will cherish you什么意思

2023-01-12 05:25:352


珍惜:(一)cherish1抚育2爱护; 珍爱3怀有, 抱有(希望等)cherish fond dreams of做...的美梦cherish a grudge against对...怀恨cherish justice坚持正义cherished desire夙愿support the army and cherish the people拥军爱民cherish a deep love for热爱...cherishableadj.cherishern.cherishinglyadv.(二)treasure金银财宝, 珍宝, 财产; 财富; 珍藏被珍爱的人[物]; 珍品art treasures艺术珍品my treasure我的宝贝儿(尤指孩子)spend blood and treasure牺牲生命和财产treasurevt.1珍爱, 珍惜2热爱, 重视3储藏, 珍藏[喻]铭记treasure (up) jewels珍藏宝石treasure manpower and material resources爱惜人力和物力treasure sth. up in one"s memory铭记某事I treasure your friendship.我珍惜你的友谊。He treasures the watch his mother gave him.他珍爱母亲送给他的表。treasure-housen.宝库treasuretroven.【律】埋藏于地下的无主金银财宝; 有价值的发现treasurelessadj.treasure up珍藏; 铭记(三)value[5vAlju:, -ju]vt.1估价2评价; 尊重, 重视I valued the house at 50,000 yuan.我估计这所房子值五万元。I have always valued his advice.我一向尊重他的指教。He often values himself on [upon]his knowledge.他时常夸耀自己的知识。value-free a.不涉及价值的value-substituten.补偿价值, 价值偿valuelessadj.valuer[5vAljJE(r)]n.估价[评价]者; 价格核定人
2023-01-12 05:25:446


Family and friends are precious to us
2023-01-12 05:26:105


You deserve I cherish!
2023-01-12 05:26:293


Pities agricultural Li gentry the hoe standing grain date high noon, the perspiration drop standing grain earth. the who knows the plate Chinese meal, grain of all laborious. I read the Li Shen outstanding representative works "To pity Agriculture", this first ancient poetry let me understand deeply the grain was coming not righteousness, let me understand that our each people should treasure the grain well, the cherishing grain. has the human who in mine side does not treasure the grain, is my little younger female cousin, usually in eats meal time always eats half to fall half. Each time must waste many, I each time watch with the tail of eye anxiously at heart. Said to her that she can say carelessly: “waste this point has not related”. has one time, I see her in the waste grain, I said immediately: “younger sister! You eat now but fragrant cooked rice farmer uncle laborious kind! Each grain of cooked rice, is being full of farmer uncle the laborious sweat. They are going against the hot hot sun, does not attend to the belly chirp grain rumble kyoodling, insisted that hoes weeds, the watering to the crops, to apply fertilizer, on body"s sweat pa clip clop pa clip clop does not stop the drop to enter in the soil. , Later do not waste the grain again.”“elder sister, I ......I later one ......Certainly will again not waste the grain.”The younger sister blushes, said embarrassed. the grain is the industrious fatigue moves with farmer uncle, it is congealing the innumerable sweat. As motherland flowers" we, do not let the farmer uncle"s sweat and laborious waste in vain. Comes! Let us go into action together, treasures the grain, the cherishing grain!
2023-01-12 05:26:414

Who rewards my cherishing? 是什么意思?

2023-01-12 05:27:026

失去的东西不值得珍惜 英文翻译

Lost things are not worth treasuring.
2023-01-12 05:27:256


比较常用的是cherish是动词,珍惜具有动词性质,如果要做名词,英语中一般是用其动名词形式,就是cherishing,我所珍惜的可以说my cherishing,其他也类似.
2023-01-12 05:27:562

珍惜眼前人 用英语怎么说

2023-01-12 05:28:092


2023-01-12 05:28:174


得而不惜都该死的英文But not really are damn得而不惜都该死的英文But not really are damn
2023-01-12 05:28:312

"怀一颗感恩的心" 用英语怎么说

Cherishing a grateful heart.
2023-01-12 05:28:481


Treasure every day
2023-01-12 05:29:027


2023-01-12 05:29:266


Chronos按《英汉双向大词典》的解释为:【医】期,时间。另外可认为是chronology、chronological的简写,意思是年代学;年表,(按时间排列的)大事记,也就是相当于编年史之类的意思。这个含义跟你所希望的“守时punctual”或“惜时Cherishing Time”全然不合。其实你如果查下词典,就会发现Time可用作人名,且含有守时、惜时之意。如果你愿意,请给出你的中文姓名(拼音亦可),我帮你找个谐音或谐意的名字。
2023-01-12 05:29:471

等待还是珍惜 这句话用英语怎么说

楼主:waiting or cherishing希望我的回答能够对您有帮助,望采纳!祝您一生幸福~~~
2023-01-12 05:29:553


Cherishing the food is to has a passion for life
2023-01-12 05:30:061


the time worth to be cherished
2023-01-12 05:30:122


I miss you.I am thinking of you.You are always on my mind.I"ll hold you in my thought.I can"t think of anything but you.你好,还有其他问题可以追问
2023-01-12 05:30:213


  《老友记》这部喜剧不知大家看完它的中英文介绍之后,其观看欲望会不会更加强烈?以下是我给大家带来老友记中英文对照介绍,以供大家参阅!   情景喜剧《老友记》中英文介绍   If a sitcom that lasts for 10 years is considered popular, then surely one that still stirs up emotions after 20 must be considered a classic. Friends first aired in the US in 1994, featuring a cast of six young men and women in New York. In the time since, it"s become one of the most famous titles in the sitcom genre, aired in over 100 countries and regions in the world.   如果一部情景喜剧播出10年堪称流行,那么播出20年后依旧令无数人挂怀的电视剧则是经典。《老友记》1994年在美国首播,讲述了六个生活在纽约的青年男女的 故事 。现在,该剧已经是最著名的情景喜剧之一,在全球超过100多个国家和地区播出。   The show is iconic among those who grew up in the 1990s because it explores core themes like friendship, struggling to survive in a big city, and finding independence and identity, all of which are still relevant to young audiences today.   《老友记》是成长在90年代的小伙伴们心中标志性的存在,因为它的主题:友谊、大城市生存的不易,发现自我、寻求独立,与年轻人息息相关,如今亦是如此。   This is a story about six friends with precarious love lives who spend their days sitting in a cafe sipping coffee from oversized mugs. Who"d have thought this premise would go on to become one of the most influential sitcoms of all time?   该剧讲述了6位男女和他们飘忽不定的爱情,还有他们在咖啡店中享用超大杯咖啡的时光。而谁想到这竟成为情景剧中最具深入人心的场景之一?   Twenty-something show   20多岁的故事   According to Brett Mills, senior lecturer in film and television studies at the University of East Anglia in the UK, Friends was the first sitcom that directly addressed the problems faced by twenty-somethings. Watching the show feels like reading the story of a young person"s life.   正如英国东安格利亚大学影视高级讲师布霄特•米尔斯所言,《老友记》是首部讲述20来岁年轻人所面临的问题的情景剧。而看剧就像在读一个年轻人的人生故事。   “The key thing about Friends is that it"s about people working out how they are going to live their lives — what kind of relationships are they going to have, what kind of job, and the difficulties of settling down,” says Mills to the Daily Mail. “You"re engaged in all those questions about escaping from your family, becoming an adult and working out what you want to be.”And that"s one of the key issues in the youth culture of the 1990s.   米尔斯在接受《每日邮报》采访中说,“《老友记》的核心是关于人要如何生活,他们想要怎样的友谊,找一份怎样的工作,以及寻找安定的不易。这些问题都是你在离开家、成长为大人、实现梦想之时所面临的。”而这也是90年代青春 文化 的主要内容。   Friends count too   朋友很重要   It is also argued that Friends came about as the family unity of small-town America was being replicated in major urban centers as young people migrated without the maturity or streetsmarts to live alone. Before Friends, sitcoms tended to focus on family dynamics, with parents being the central characters. But when young people strike out on their own in the big city, who do they have for support? They must rely on each other to endure through the overwhelming confusion of youth.   《老友记》播出之时,正值来自小城镇的美国年轻人向大城市转移的时代,而初到大城市的年轻人既不够成熟,也缺乏独自生存的能力。在此之前,情景喜剧都以展现家庭百态为主,父母是剧中的主要人物。但是,当年轻人独自在大城市生活时,他们不得不依靠彼此,一起度过迷茫的青春。   Still relevant   依然年轻   Most of Friends was shot before cellular phones and Google were ubiquitous. The clothes and gadgets seem a bit outdated these days. Despite this, the show"s key elements still hold up remarkably well in the eyes of young viewers.   《老友记》大部分剧集拍摄之时,手机和Google都还未普及,剧中的服装和道具现在看来也有些过时,但是,剧中的主题却依旧深得现在年轻观众的心。   The issues addressed in friends — relationships, careers, and friendship — continue to be relevant to today"s youth.   其关于朋友间爱情、事业、友谊的主题仍然与今天的年轻人息息相关。   In 2011, some seven years after the last season of Friends, over 36 million tuned into Comedy Central, a US satellite TV channel, to watch the show. The main demographic for this channel is 16 to 34 year olds, and viewing figures spiked during holidays, when extra episodes are also shown.   2011年,在《老友记》最后一季播出7年之后,美国卫星电视频道Comedy Central再次播放该剧,观看人数超过了3600万,而观众的年龄主要分布在16岁至34岁之间。假期时,看剧人数更是由于播放集数增加而飙升。   The show"s sense of humor remains keen without relying on nudity, swearing and sexting. This gives the show a refreshing aura in an age where shows are constantly trying to push the envelope in terms of racy content.   《老友记》中没有露骨的内容、不干净的台词或是黄段子,但它的幽默感却丝毫不减,为这个电视剧总喜欢裹挟着露骨内容的年代带来一阵清新之风。   情景喜剧《老友记》英文 观后感   By the audience as a favorite sitcom, "Friends" wonderful life is not only from its original ecology of reproduction. Although the "Friends" has all along strictly follow the U.S. sitcom"s basic rules: Each episode will be the climax of the story set off in a half-hour time limit attributed to calm. From the production point of view, we not only can not find any particular place, but it will be able to behave with a lack of new ideas to describe it. However, "Friends" is not your imagination as boring mediocrity. Just watch an episode, no one can escape from good to be true to the story, the story of one climax after another, and all kinds of guest star of the "fatal temptation." Especially those who easily and people with humorous, contains a unique "American" humor, is lovely.   "Friends" was a welcome one because it is fully equipped with consumption of Good quality, and more importantly, in constant laughter, it let us see another like us ordinary life, all kinds of Because of the emotions, principles, interests and status issues such as conflict, create a joke at the same time, family, friendship, love is here sublimation. "Friends" has virtually become a mirror of everyday life, so that we can learn from life, to enjoy life and those of The Sound of Music.   Almost all of popular television series like a little utopia, reflecting the reality, and drifted away from the reality in the "Friends", between six and their feelings of course also firmly attract the audience, the performance of the young people about the attitude of pure love . For example, the past 10 years, play a pair of the most critical - Ross and Rachel, and their story touches the hearts of every audience, from Ross to come forward to the first 10 years of Secret Love Rachel tell the truth, then both love, breaking up , And then compound, and then breaking up ... ... repeatedly, noisy ... ... so that the young audience to understand a reason, perhaps, more often than not hate a person love a person even more difficult. Chand and Monica and the combination is a lot closer to the lives of ordinary people, ordinary people of the two setbacks, and finally found each other like two children walking on the road, was wrestling, crying, and then finally Know how to pull each other"s hands to comfort and support each other, go together.   情景喜剧《老友记》英文版影评   Last year, I was told that there was an American TV serial called “Friends” that enjoys an overwhelming popularity in America. This semester I had an opportunity to watch it and from that moment on I learned that it had been filmed for ten years. What a great accomplishment it is!   Indeed, The TV serial “Friends” has been a sensation throughout the world. More and more Chinese audience are exposed to Friends and deeply impressed with the actors" good performance and the funny stories. I begin to think about the reason why it is so popular with people; what on earth motivated them to film the serial on end for more than ten yeas. Before answering the questions, I give a briefing of the story and leading characters.   It is a story in which six of typical young people live a common life. They are Ross, Phoebe, Chandler, Monica, Joey, Rachel. They have many conflicts in terms of emotion, principles, interest, and social status. Meanwhile, the friendship and love are promoted to a new level. This story actually mirrors our daily life and routines. It also stimulates us to think about how to live a better life and appreciate the beauty of life.   Some tips I gained from this story are as follow:   1. Pursuing love and it is difficult to love a person   Any popular TV serials are all like a small Utopia that not only reflects the reality but are faraway form reality. In this story, the emotion between six people attracts much audience. Their behavior demonstrate young people"s pure attitude towards love. For instance, for ten years the story between the key couple Ross and Rachel moved the hearts of thousands of audience. In the beginning Ross was too shy to express his love to Rachel and then fell in love with Rachel. Later they broke up and then they reconciled in a short time. Again and again, the love and experience between them bear a remarkable resemblance to common people"s life. Two common persons fell in love after various kinds of arduous tests. Like two children walking on the road, they once tumbled and cried and in the end hold his or her hand to stride forward in life.   2. Cherishing affection among family members and respecting decisions made by parents   Every family has its own problems. It is in the case of the family of six young people. For instance the parents of Ross and Monica are very partial. They take great pride in Ross and pay little attention to Monica. When Phoebe is young, her father left home and her foster mother committed suicide. What"s phoebe"s mother didn"t k know anything about her daughter"s situation. After all, however, parents are parents. One must have deep affection toward his or her parents. Of course, six young people do love their parents.   This story also tells us what attitude towards parents we should have. First of all, don"t expect your parents are saint. Don"t point out directly the demerits of parents. Take Monica for example, she told her mother not to be rigorous. In addition, we should endeavor to avoid conflicts with parents. For instance, on Rachel"s birthday six of them organized two parties in order to save Rachel from meeting her parents.   Besides, we should respect our parents" decisions. Although Joey didn"t like parents and sister"s behavior, he could nothing about it. Affection makes us have no choice. You cannot choose your parents or sisters. You must accept them and they are equal to you.   3. Cherishing friendship and trusting friends   Friendship is difficult to establish and easy to destroy. The phenomenon happened to the six friends. Chandler once chased Joey"s girlfriend and had a romance with Joey"s sister.   They all have various defects. Ross sometimes declares a dissertation like a a sealed book. Chandler is an expert in making jokes. Monica"s cleanliness and emulation is unbearable. Rachel doesn"t do anything and can do nothing but shopping. She even doesn"t know how to dispose waste. What"s more terrible is Phoebe"s voice. She loves singing but no one can afford to listen to.   Nevertheless, we can learn a lot from them. The solid friendship among them doesn"t just result from the demand of plots. The real reason is they know the greatest principles of friendship: trust, tolerance and support. They trust each other and tolerant others" shortcoming and mistakes, what"s more, they support each other to do what he or she likes to do.   4. Positive attitude toward life and no abuse   The reason why Friends has become a hit among young people lies in their positive attitude toward life. Many people think their way of thinking is very simple and don"t have any corrupt practice. They have strong sense of humor and often make a mistake. However none of them have conspired to harm others. Most jokes in the serial are almost their innocence and exaggerated performance.   Another point is that they don"t have any corrupt practice. Sometimes they drink a little to make a special atmosphere. Although they support each other, they may quarrel with others about trifling things. At last, however, they embrace each other and reconcile, saying: “I love you”. Sometime you may feel that they are the most qualified citizens.   These tips above are adequate answers to the questions posed before. Of course, a good serial is a product of culture. We know that American is multicultural country that respects liberty and individualism and independence and so on. This serial presents us a live textbook of contemporary American culture and American lifestyles.   Let"s mine some cultural backgrounds behind the scene.   1. Left Boob   Once, Monica must go to work with fake corsage and searched everywhere for left boob. At that time, Joey said he liked the movie. Obviously, Joey correlated left Boob with the famous movie “My Left Foot” featured by Louis. of course, this was a joke.   2. Hello Kitty   Hello Kitty is a very popular doll in America. Ross wanted to see her sister with broken leg and asked Monica what present she should bring. Monica told her to bring a Hello Kitty. This is a satiric saying.   There are a lot cultural backgrounds behind the scene. You cannot understand the joke if you are not familiar to the American culture. From this point we need strengthen our understanding of American culture. Only adequate background knowledge does enable us to fully enjoy this serial. It is no wonder that we heard many Chinese students don"t understand where the fun in the TV serial is.   The most impressive things at the first sight at the serial may are their funny and wise dialogues. You may perceive the free mind and unique way of thinking behind the American culture. Enjoying the fun in the language, you are definitely mov
2023-01-12 05:30:381

"珍爱生命 健康成长"用英文译

cherish life growth healthilyconcentrate profession service in whole heart
2023-01-12 05:30:434

I could give up all of the world because there are at least you that I am worth cherishing.

2023-01-12 05:30:573

You are my cherish person是什么意思

楼上的翻译都不对,题目也不对。正确应说cherishing 。你是我至爱之人cherish["tʃeriʃ]vt. 珍爱,抚育,珍藏例句与用法:1. Never cherish a serpent in your bosom. 永远不要施恩于忘恩负义之人。2. Every minute I have spent here impressed me with the friendship your people cherish for our people. 我在这里度过的每一分钟都使我感到你们人民对我国人民所怀的友情。3. A mother cherishes her baby. 母亲疼爱孩子。
2023-01-12 05:31:086


不见面不等于不思念,不联络只是为了掩饰眷恋。因为有时候,相见不如怀念。-----翻译是-----Don"t meet is not equalto miss, not just tocover up nostalgiccontact. Becausesometimes, not misseach other<一定正确!>(希望对您有所帮助、随时在线等待您的采纳与追问。Thanks.…)
2023-01-12 05:31:282

英语-翻译快 快 快2

In this fire shade ninja, be an Xunwomingren to say that is a pure, red-blooded, excite, the potential is infinite, always is move the cartoon in the leading role of personality, but Mingren have two companions an is Yuzhibozuozhu of the avenger to help the another is to be in love the wild cherry of medium spring, these three are three leading roles of this articles.Xuanwo Mingreng, have been solitary one person, is the ninja"s student of the hoist tail of the school,3 years of study, but is to connect to change the technique and also can"t control, was laugh at by the classmate.Again because of wearing nine relations of the tails, were dislike by the person of the whole village, ignore he how diligent, is also an approbation that can"t get the other people. The child that this is pure, has been hope to pass various method, cause the other people"s attention.He is superficially very strong, but the heart compare who all painful and weak.He hases been expect the other people"s concern, as long as is a look in the eyes of Noan-noan, also will let him have the feeling sweet and joys.He will certainly use his effort to report back and forth your sincere. Was even laugh at by the person, even was be simpleton, that also will compare the other people to take no cognizance your existence to be good friends with.So he will pretend ignorance, so he would continuously capriccio, only thus, then can let the other people know his existence, would let him feel to have peace of mind 1:00.At his silly smile back, conceal how much of lonesome, connect he by himself also is all to can"t compute of. Must become the fire shade , to let the person of the whole village approve his existence, is he struggles the target, is this, he works hard continuously, he does not speak lightly to give up, even falling down, also still will work hard of climb, that conviction that wants to become the fire shade , has been prop up his motive.Make reference to Mingreng"s growth, can"t annihilate to depend on the achievement of Yiluka .If have no him, I think that Mingreng would become the 2 I love Luo, also will become the cold and heartless cutthroat.My most touched that a moment, is the attack that he flies the body to go to hold up the wood of water for Mingreng , then reveal his true feelings:You be like with me very.I always all at pretend ignorance the melon.Mingreng, you are certainly also painful.On the appearance is he is shed tears, but I also at toward the screen to drop the tears.The blood relationship of a household of the Yuzhi , give him the honor and duties of the genius, but also make him living in the hell. Carried on the back the cross of this destiny, he use he by himself of way work hard of fight.Before diding not kill again that man absolutely can"t die.His on the hoof reason only be for can kill his elder brother.He hases been hope earnestly to have the power of surmount everything, canning fill up the heart lonesome.The blood relationship of a household of the Yuzhi , give him the honor and duties of the genius, but also let him become an avenger. Like him very much and Mingren that kind of affection that is used as the companion.Although often quarrel, although always in the competition, but he is in the heart bottom deep place, affection cherishing very much so.Says the mutual disgusting words in mouth, but at the time of the other party life situation is dangerous, still will resist before that he dislike of human face.At that time, his difficult way does not remember, he still don"t before killing the GG is to can"t die of, his life only for revenge but existent. " Your this idiocy!Why want to be thus, are you not dislike most me?" " Don"t know that the body of …… does natural reaction of....." The genuine feeling of the lonesome child, use such language to let you move enough. Yuzhibozuozhu, expecting to flounce out in the fetter of obey orders the luck soon.Chunyeying H"m, do an appearance of fair lady outside, the in the mind contain a hour hold another small cherry that shout"~~~" often, a bit dual personality.No wonder that the well is wild to try the time of attach the body drive another small cherry to kick out, hehe.
2023-01-12 05:31:409


We"ve been through meeting, knowing, understanding, missing, loving, cherishing and seperating.
2023-01-12 05:32:101


一个热爱学习的男孩:a hard-working boy 或 a study-loving boy一个珍惜时间的男孩:a time-cherishing boy
2023-01-12 05:32:1511

英文翻译 思念尽头

Missing end
2023-01-12 05:33:175


We"ll spend our life together ,never separate ,and love each other to the end of the day
2023-01-12 05:33:374


  演讲稿可以帮助发言者更好的"表达。随着社会不断地进步,越来越多地方需要用到演讲稿,你知道演讲稿怎样才能写的好吗?以下是我为大家整理的珍惜时间的英文演讲稿,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 珍惜时间的英文演讲稿1   Time flies like an arrow before we realize it .it is known that nothing is more precious than time. the good old proverb "time is money" reminds us that time is valuable. when time goes by, it will never return. however, it is a pity that some people don"t make full use of their time .they spend a lot of time in sleeping, chatting playing computer games or other unmeaning matters.they don"t realize that wasting time is actually equal to killing themselves. they always regret not having made great achievements. one of the reasons may be they do not make good use of time. therefore, in order to be successful, they should first get into the habit of being on time. it"s a sign of cherishing time. don"t put off what can be done today until tomorrow. being lazy will eventually lead to failure. don"t wait, because you don"t know how long it will take when you put off your plan.   The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in study or job. 珍惜时间的英文演讲稿2   Value Your Time   Sincc I entered college I have felt a great burden off my mind and I just want to relax. So do my classmates. We enjoy playing cards and are very skillful at it. We seldom work on our lessons unless there is an examination. Then we work under pressure. I know it is not good, but what I lack is self control. Mat of us know it is a problem, and it is time we did something about it.   As youth, we are in the prime of our life. We should make good use of our golden time. The teachers take pains to teach us every day so that we can acquire more knowledge. We should not fail their expectations. I should not rest content with what I have done. Entering cnllege is just a step in the threshold of the palace of knowledge. The road is long. The modern age needs the well educated. The future world is highly competitive. If we idle away our time while young wo shall regret it in vain when we are did.   From now on I will concentrate all my energy on my studies as to qualify myself as a talent in the 21st century. Time and tide wait for no man. I should value my time. What about you, my friend? 珍惜时间的英文演讲稿3   If you ask me what is the most precious, I would say that it"s time. Time is something once lost, you could never have again.   Sincc I entered college I have felt a great burden off my mind and I just want to relax.I did too many meaningless things to kill my time, such as playing computer games, watching TV, or gossiping. When i do these things, the time has long been unwittingly flowed away. I seldom work on my lessons unless there is an examination. Then i work under pressure. I know it is not good, but what I lack is self control.I know it is a problem, and it is time i did something about it.   In my opinion, the best way to make full use of time is planning your time rationally and sticking the plan firmly. Spending more time on something significant not only will make your life fulfilling, but also will give you a sense of accomplishment. Instead, killing your time with meaningless things would bring you depression even despair. Remember that those who abandon time will be also abandoned by time.   As youth, we are in the prime of our life. We should make good use of our golden time. The teachers take pains to teach us every day so that we can acquire more knowledge. We study in the university and spending money that our parents work hard to earn 。Parents hope we can learn knowledge in the university. We should not fail their expectations. I should not rest content with what I have done. Entering cnllege is just a step in the threshold of the palace of knowledge. The road is long. The modern age needs the well educated. The future world is highly competitive. If we idle away our time while young wo shall regret it in vain when we are did.   Therefore, we should cherish it and spend it in meaningful things.   Time waits for no one. If it flows away, it will never come to us again. We can"t take charge of our time but we should know the importance of time and cherish time. 珍惜时间的英文演讲稿4   Nobody knows what time is like, for we cannot see it, nor can we touch it. Time is abstract, which we can only imagine in our mind.   But we do know that time passes very quickly. Some students, however, do not know the value of time, nor do they know how to make the best use of it, for they waste it in going to films, playing games and doing other useless things. Why do we go to school early in the morning? Why do trains run so fast? Why do most people prefer taking buses instead of walking? The answer is very simple: we wish to save time because time is precious.   Today we are living in the twentieth century. We know that time is life. When a person dies, his time has ended. Since life is short, we must devote our time and energy to our studies so that we may be able to serve our country and the people. But since time is invisible, we often neglect it. Lazinss. is the thief of time, for lasiness not only brings us a lot of harm, it also brings us failure. If it is necessary for us to do some work today, let us do it today and not leave it until tomorrow. Remember that time is more valuable than money. 珍惜时间的英文演讲稿5   For thousands of years,animals have trodden a slow path,their spirits together with the body。 But our human being"s transportation is too fast。 The body moves but the soul is left behind。 We try to free ourselves in convenience,but we only imprison the soul。 Since we invented how to count hours,we do everything to short the time,short the deadline。 But the time saved can"t be shorten。 Nowadays,we spend lots of time staying in front of a TV just changing the channels,while we have no time to talk with a good friend or play with our family。 We have plenty of time to search old news on the internet,while we hardly think about our life。 In the end,the only thing apparent is our loneliness。   Take your time,please。 Try to follow the natural steps and have your own clock。 Try to share your time with everybody you love,share your mind,your happiness and sadness。 Try to read the world we live in,do not only catch a quick glimpse at the society。   Someday,when we know how to spend every second in our life,we can then live our own life。
2023-01-12 05:33:521


2023-01-12 05:33:5811


  珍惜时间就等于延长自己的生命。人应该珍惜时间,好好学习,这个道理是不言而喻的。我精心收集了关于珍惜时间的英语小短文,供大家欣赏学习!  关于珍惜时间的英语小短文篇1   The Value of Time   Nobody knows what time is like, for we cannot see it, nor can we touch it. Time is abstract, which we can only imagine in our mind.   But we do know that time passes very quickly. Some students, however, do not know the value of time, nor do they know how to make the best use of it, for they waste it in going to films, playing games and doing other useless things. Why do we go to school early in the morning? Why do trains run so fast? Why do most people prefer taking buses instead of walking? The answer is very simple: we wish to save time because time is precious.   Today we are living in the twentieth century. We know that time is life. When a person dies, his time has ended. Since life is short, we must devote our time and energy to our studies so that we may be able to serve our country and the people. But since time is invisible, we often neglect it. Lazinss. is the thief of time, for lasiness not only brings us a lot of harm, it also brings us failure. If it is necessary for us to do some work today, let us do it today and not leave it until tomorrow. Remember that time is more valuable than money.   关于珍惜时间的英语小短文篇2   珍惜时间 Cherish Your Time   Time flies like an arrow before we realize it .It is known that nothing is more precious than time. The good old proverb "time is money" reminds us that time is valuable. When time goes by, it will never return. However, it is a pity that some people don"t make full use of their time .They spend a lot of time in sleeping, chatting, playing computer games or other unmeaning matters. . They don"t realize that wasting time is actually equal to killing themselves. They always regret not having made great achievements. One of the reasons may be they do not make good use of time. Therefore, in order to be successful, they should first get into the habit of being on time. It"s a sign of cherishing time. Don"t put off what can be done today until tomorrow. Being lazy will eventually lead to failure. Don"t wait, because you don"t know how long it will take when you put off your plan.   光阴似箭,在我们还没意识之前它就流逝了。我们都知道,没有什么比时间更珍贵。有句古 谚语 讲得好:“时间就是金钱”,它提醒我们时间是宝贵的。时间一去不复返。然而,遗憾的是,仍然有些人没有充分利用时间。他们花很多时间在睡觉,聊天,玩游戏或者其他没有意义的事情上。他们没有意识到浪费时间实际等于自杀。他们总是后悔没有做出伟大成就。其中的原因之一就是他们没有好好利用时间。因此,为了成功,他们首先应该养成按时的好习惯。它是珍惜时间的一个标志。不要把今天能够做完的事留到明天。懒惰最终会导致失败。不要等待,因为当你推迟你的计划的时候,你不知道它会花多长的时间。   The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in study or job.   我们越意识到这句 名言 的意义,我们就能在学习或者工作中得到更多好处。   关于珍惜时间的英语小短文篇3   珍惜时间(Cherish the time)   Since I entered college I have felt a great burden off my mind and I just want to relax. So do my classmates. We enjoy playing cards and are very skillful at it. We seldom work on our lessons unless there is an examination. Then we work under pressure. I know it is not good, but what I lack is self control. Mat of us know it is a problem, and it is time we did something about it.   As youth, we are in the prime of our life. We should make good use of our golden time. The teachers take pains to teach us every day so that we can acquire more knowledge. We should not fail their expectations. I should not rest content with what I have done. Entering cnllege is just a step in the threshold of the palace of knowledge. The road is long. The modern age needs the well educated. The future world is highly competitive. If we idle away our time while young wo shall regret it in vain when we are did.   From now on I will concentrate all my energy on my studies as to qualify myself as a talent in the 21st century. Time and tide wait for no man. I should value my time. What about you, my friend?
2023-01-12 05:34:381


Cherish-the-present-people珍惜现在的人cherish[英][ˈtʃerɪʃ][美][ˈtʃɛrɪʃ]vt.珍爱; 爱护; 怀有; 抚育; 第三人称单数:cherishes现在进行时:cherishing过去式:cherished过去分词:cherished
2023-01-12 05:34:451


In the universe ,I only thing love you
2023-01-12 05:34:518


1、你说过的那些永远,是我们现在所谓的曾经。 What you said about forever is what we now call once. 2、难过了,就蹲下来,给自己一个拥抱。因为这个世界上没有人能同情你,怜悯你。 Sad, squat down and give yourself a hug. Because no one in the world can sympathize with you and pity you. 3、生命里总有那么个人,惊艳了时光,让你念念不忘;哭红了眼眶,却还笑着原谅。 There is always someone in your life who shocked you with time and made you remember it forever; who cried and blushed but laughed and forgiven. 4、真正爱上一个人的时候,一切都那么值得,包括不可避免的伤害。 When you really fall in love with someone, everything is worth it, including the inevitable harm. 5、有人说不懂得珍惜,失去后会很疼。可是我却觉得,珍惜后的失去最疼最疼。 Some people say that if you don"t know how to cherish, you will feel pain when you lose it. But I feel that the loss after cherishing is the most painful and painful. 6、你是谁朝思暮想的笔尖少年,在绝城的荒途里辗转成歌。 Who do you miss the pen-point teenager, turning into a song in the wilderness of the absolute city? 7、我们放下个性,放下原则,放下自由,只是因为放不下一个人。 We put down our inpiduality, principles and freedom, just because we can"t put down a person. 8、喜欢一个不喜欢你的人,大概就是你把心掏给他看,他也不会感动半分。 If you like someone who doesn"t like you, maybe you will show him your heart, and he won"t be touched. 9、如今我们仅有的默契,就是安静的躺在对方的好友列表里,不闻不问,各自生活。 The only tacit understanding we have today is to lie quietly in each other"s list of friends, not to ask, living their lives. 10、既然不喜欢,当初何必在一起,既浪费了时间又浪费了感情。 Since I don"t like it, why did I spend time and feelings together? 11、记忆一直在催我想你,从未沉默过。 Memory has been urging me to miss you, never silent. 12、曾经无话不说,如今的无话可说。 Once there was nothing to say, now there is nothing to say. 13、后来我浪迹天涯,也没人说给我个家。 Later, I wandered all over the world, and no one said I had a home. 14、我们的爱,就像来不及许愿的流星,再怎么美丽,也只能是曾经。 Our love, like a meteor too late to make a wish, no matter how beautiful it is, it can only be once. 15、我是一粒棋子,过了河,没路可回了。 I am a chess piece, crossing the river, there is no way back. 16、一生只有一遍,所以好好努力,时光欠你的,会在往后的日子慢慢归还。 Only once in a lifetime, so make good efforts, time owes you, will slowly return in the days to come. 17、我用尽一生一世来将你供养,只期盼你停住流转的目光。 I have spent all my life supporting you, and I only hope you will stop looking around. 18、我在等你找我,就像等死一样,至少死会来,而你不会来。 I am waiting for you to find me, just like waiting for death, at least death will come, and you will not come. 19、我喜欢睡觉,因为梦境比现实美好。 I like to sleep because dreams are better than reality. 20、被特别在乎的人忽略,会很难过,更难过的是你还要装作不在乎。 It"s sad to be overlooked by someone who cares about it, and even more sad to Ptend you don"t care. 21、想找个人述说心情时,却突然发现原来我竟找不到一个可以交谈的人。 When I was looking for someone to talk about my mood, I suddenly realized that I couldn"t find a person to talk to. 22、那些海誓山盟,你只是随便一说,可我没有随便一听。 Those vows, you just say casually, but I did not listen casually. 23、我曾路过你的心,不是我不想停留,而是你不肯收留。 I have passed your heart, not that I don"t want to stay, but that you refuse to accept. 24、记忆像是倒在掌心的水,无论你摊开还是握紧,总会从指缝中,一点一滴流淌干净。 Memory is like water pouring into the palm of your hand. Whether you open it or hold it tightly, it will flow cleanly from your fingers bit by bit. 25、那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。 Those who used to say that they would never be separated have long been scattered in the horizon. 26、你爱理不理的态度告诉我,即使想你了也不要去找你。 Your unreasonable attitude tells me not to look for you even if you miss you. 27、最可笑的就是,我知道了真相,你还在那儿说谎。 The funniest thing is that I know the truth and you lie there. 28、这辈子,相爱能够相守固然好,无法相守,只因为不适合。 In this life, it is good to be in love with each other, but not with each other, just because it is not suitable. 29、爱忘记的越狠,却陷的越深。 The harder love forgets, the deeper it sinks. 30、你有孤独和烈酒,愿你也有清风和自由。 You have loneliness and spirits. May you also have the breeze and freedom. 31、所谓最难忘的,就是从来不曾想起,却永远也不会忘记。 The so-called most unforgettable thing is that you never think of it, but never forget it. 32、烈酒是我最好的朋友,孤独是我最真的知己。而你,是我关了灯才能拥有的梦。 Liquor is my best friend, loneliness is my truest confidant. And you are my dream when I turn off the light. 33、过去已经是回忆的灰烬,而未来是人们投射出来的假象。 The past is the ashes of memories, but the future is the illusion projected by people. 34、如果没法忘记他,就不要忘记好了。真正的忘记,是不需要努力的。 If you can"t forget him, don"t forget him. True forgetfulness requires no effort. 35、你是我猜不到的不知所措,我是你想不到的无关痛痒。 You"re at a loss I can"t guess. I"m a pain you can"t imagine. 36、我蹲在路边,哭泣的象个孩子。 I crouched on the roadside, weeping like a child. 37、有时候,不是对方不在乎你,而是你把对方看得太重要。 Sometimes, it"s not that the other person doesn"t care about you, but that you take the other person too seriously. 38、我选择离开,不是想成全,不是想放弃,只是想你我重新认识。 I choose to leave, not to complete, not to give up, just to you and me to recognize. 39、主动久了,每个人都会累,不是不爱了,只是心累了。 Active for a long time, everyone will be tired, not love, but tired heart.
2023-01-12 05:35:211


First of all, let me express my apology for not cherishing the class that you gave us.
2023-01-12 05:35:283

Life is only ten years_2000字

Life is actually very short, can see the clouds but can not reach; life seems to be very long, but helpless in their youth Perishable, full of bitter short. The road of life, but it is enough to be worthy of the best years in my life. Time is really passing too fast, a few years in a hurry. We always feel that people grow up, but we are helpless in reality, and we can‘t do anything amazing. Therefore, we finally know that the real success or failure is only decided by the short ten years of our life. To be worthy of their own 10 years, perhaps also like a clear conscience. Ten years, but do not know how much time flies, also do not know how many things flow from the side, once gone and never return. Streamer easy to fet, also always red cherry, green banana. We can never stop the passage of time, but we can try hard to catch the time that is about to slip away. We can always make the passing time exist in another way. Ten years, but in a flash, don"t waste the most important ten years of our life, time will not flow back, lost, also can not make up for. Life is beautiful, but youth is more beautiful. Try to seize our youth. Remember, youth is hard to stay. The cruelty of time can only be shouldered by us, but it is for us to live up to our youth and leave no regrets for our future in the ten years of our life. Don‘t wait for gray hair, and then look back on the past when regret. Cherishing time is our instinct. Cherishing time is what we need to do in our whole life and we need to have it all the time. Only by seizing every minute can we show the value of our life and the value of our life. No matter how many great ideals, but will be indifferent to the passage of time. We think that time is life, so we should learn to work hard, don"t let our youth flow like this, don‘t wait for idle white youth head, empty sad ah. The years slip away without a trace, but we have e all the way, youth 10 years with us, so we try our best to write belongs to our life. Write our own legend with our own mind. Use our ten years of youth to write our life without regret. Tomorrow, when we look back on the past, we hope that what we can see is the hard work and struggle of our youth for ten years.
2023-01-12 05:35:401


1、坚定信心,负重奋进,开拓创新,务实工作。 Firmly confidence, carrying forward, innovation, pragmatic work. 2、团结拼搏务实高效。 Unity, struggle, pragmatic and efficient. 3、提高售后服务质量,提升客户满意程度。 Improve after-sales service quality, improve customer satisfaction. 4、市场练兵,心里有底,团结拼搏,勇争第一。 Market training, heart bottom, unity and hard work, courage first. 5、增强成本意识,同创企业效益。 Enhancing cost consciousness and creating enterprise benefit. 6、干甲中华工程,创新世纪名牌。 Dry nail China project, innovation century brand. 7、优秀的职员:忠于公司忠于职业忠于人格。 Good staff: loyal to the company, loyal to the profession, loyal to the personality. 8、用心血融铸经营理念,让企业文化生生不息。 Use the painstaking effort to melt the management idea, let the enterprise culture live forever. 9、坚持团结稳定,**协力干事业。 Adhere to unity and stability, and work together to do our work. 10、就没有竞争力要想不被淘汰。 There is no competition, not to be eliminated. 11、用心做好每件事,每天进步一点点。 Do everything with your heart and make progress every day. 12、全员参与力量大,产品控制靠大家。 Full participation in power, product control by everyone. 13、众志成城比金坚持诚信互利共荣。 Uphold the integrity of mutual benefit and common prosperity Our wills unite like a fortress. than gold. 14、用计划和行动管理,用事实和数据说话。 Manage with plans and actions, speak with facts and figures. 15、我为公司做贡献,公司为我搭平台。 I contribute to the company and the company takes the platform for me. 16、全员参与,强化管理,精益求精,铸造品质。 Full participation, strengthen management, excellence, casting quality. 17、诚信高效服务用户团结进取争创效益。 Integrity, efficiency, service users, unity and progress, striving for benefits. 18、诚实守信灵活应变不屈不挠勇于创新。 Honesty and trustworthiness, flexibility, strain, perseverance, innovation. 19、勤俭节约、爱护公物,以厂为家,共同发展。 Diligent and thrifty, cherishing public property, taking factory as home and developing together. 20、顾客是我们的上帝,品质是上帝的要求。 Customer is our God, quality is God"s request. 21、事故不难防,重在守规章。 The accident is not difficult, mainly to the rules. 22、推动全员品质活动,提高全员工作士气。 Promote all quality activities and improve the morale of all staff. 23、服务没有起点,满意没有终点。 Service has no beginning, satisfaction has no end. 24、细心精心用心,品质永保称心。 Careful, careful and careful, the quality is always satisfactory. 25、隐患险于明火,防范胜于救灾。 Hidden danger in the open flame, Pvention is better than disaster relief. 26、自检互检,确保产品零缺点。 Self inspection and mutual inspection to ensure zero defect of products. 27、争-人生百年,只争朝夕。 - for one hundred years of life, seize the day. 28、**点燃自己,拼搏铸就辉煌。 Passion ignites itself, struggle creates brilliance. 29、追求卓越质量,创造世界名牌。 The pursuit of excellence, quality, and create world famous brand. 30、行动是成功的开始,等待是失败的源头。 Action is the beginning of success, and waiting is the source of failure. 31、从管理中创卓越,在施工中树形象。 Create excellence from management and tree image in construction. 32、诚信高效创新超越。 Integrity, efficiency, innovation, transcendence. 33、劳动创造财富,安全带来幸福。 Work creates wealth, and safety brings happiness. 34、人之所以能,是相信能。 Man can believe in what he can. 35、与时俱进拼搏向上团结务实争创一流。 Keeping pace with the times, striving for progress, unity and pragmatism, striving for excellence. 36、市场是海,企业是船,质量是帆,人是舵手。 The market is the sea, the enterprise is the ship, the quality is the sail, and the man is the helmsman. 37、攻守并重,全员实动,活动目标,服务导向。 Equal emphasis on both offensive and defensive, all moving, moving targets, service oriented. 38、我们极度鄙视一切乱丢乱吐等不文明行为。 We are extremely contemptuous of all uncivilized behaviors, such as littering and spitting. 39、科技是第一生产力,人才是第一资源。 Science and technology is the primary productive force, and talent is the first resource. 40、身心健康,德才兼备,开心工作,快乐生活。 Physical and mental health, both ability and political integrity, happy work, happy life. 41、用法管企,依法兴企,争做守法平兴人。 The usage of pipe enterprises, enterprises according to law, to become law-abiding people Ping xing. 42、以厂为校以厂为家互相学习互相关怀。 Take factory as a school, factory as home, learn from each other and care for each other. 43、和谐创新开拓市场团结拼搏共创未来。 Harmonious innovation, market development, unity and struggle, and create the future. 44、全员齐动,风起云涌,每日拜访,铭记心中。 All staff move, surging, visit every day, remember in mind. 45、修身、律己、廉企、乐业。 Self-cultivation, self-discipline, honesty, industry enterprises. 46、失意时你会需要他们合格的员工从。 When frustrated, you will need their qualified employees. 47、做好了,才算做了。 When done, it is done. 48、安全是企业的生命,质量是效益的源泉。 Safety is the life of enterprise, quality is the source of benefit. 49、优服务高效益大发展。 Excellent service, high benefit and great development. 50、物美价廉沟通无限。 Excellent quality, unlimited communication. 51、平兴创业满天星,法治管理得民心。 Ping Xing entrePneurial star, the rule of law management popular. 52、品质是生产出来的,不是靠检验出来的。 Quality is produced, not tested. 53、向质量要市场,向管理要效益。 To the quality of the market, to management to benefit. 54、心有多大,舞台就有多大。 The stage extends as far as the heart goes。 55、团结一条心,石头变成金。 In unity there is strength. 56、别用鲜血换教训、应借教训免血泪。 Don"t use blood for lessons, lessons should be borrowed free of blood and tears. 57、创建精品工程,加速与国际接轨。 Build quality projects to speed up international integration. 58、以质量求生存,以信誉促发展。 To the quality of survival, reputation to promote development. 59、诚信为本,创新为魂。 Integrity and innovation are the soul and spirit. 60、才有公司的辉煌力求一次做好。 Only the company"s brilliant, and strive to do a good job. 61、成功者找方法,失败者找借口。 A successful man finds his way; a loser excuses. 62、创新创业创辉煌。 Innovation, entrePneurship, brilliant. 63、团结协作奋斗创新服务用户。 Unite, cooperate, struggle, innovate and serve the customers. 64、推动安全文明建设宣传安全文化知识。 Promote safe and civilized construction and publicize the knowledge of safety culture. 65、百川汇海可撼天,众志成城比金坚。 Department of the sea that day, Our wills unite like a fortress. over gold. 66、振奋精神,开拓进去,内聚人心,外树形象。 Cheer up, open up, cohesion, the image of the tree outside. 67、立足新起点,开创新局面。 Based on a new starting point, create a new situation. 68、建一流专业团队,创一流优质业绩。 Build first-class professional team, create first-class quality performance. 69、没有执着力,就没有竞争力。 Without perseverance, there is no competition. 70、我们网络永不堵车。 We never get stuck in traffic on the internet. 71、科技是第一生产力,人才就是第一资源。 Science and technology are the primary productive forces, and talents are the primary resources. 72、培育礼仪员工,创造团队精神。 Cultivate etiquette employees and create team spirit. 73、依法治企,平兴求谨;粤行之路,心若归家。 According to the rule of governance, flat and beg for mercy; Guangdong Road of the road, if the heart home. 74、安全责任重于泰山,人民利益高于一切。 Safety responsibility weightier than Mount Tai people"s interests above everything else. 75、同心才能走的更远,同德才能走的更近。 One can go further, with closer to. 76、持诚信互利共荣,以厚德载物。 A social commitment to integrity of mutual benefit and common prosperity. 77、人无我有,人有我优,人优我奇。 No man without me, man has my advantage, man is best, I am strange. 78、做好品质记录,打好品管基础。 Keep good quality records and lay down the quality control basis. 79、行动改变现状,思想决定未来。 Actions change the status quo, ideas determine the future. 80、节约、团结、求实、创新。 Save, unite, seek truth from facts and innovate.
2023-01-12 05:35:491

"你值得我珍惜 也值得我放弃"这句子的英文翻译!~

You are worthy of my treasure is worth I give up
2023-01-12 05:35:557


She doesn"t cherish the worth, so she will lose happiness, even the happiness she is owning now.
2023-01-12 05:36:219


孔子的名言英语翻译   下面是我为大家整理的孔子的名言英语翻译,供孔子尊崇者阅读,希望喜欢!   有教无类。   In teaching there should be no distinction of classes.   当仁,不让于师。   When it comes to benevolence, one need not give precedence even to his teacher.   学而时习之,不亦说乎?   Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseveranceand application?   温故而知新,可以为师矣。   If a man keeps cherishing his old knowledge, so as continually to be acquiring new, he may be a teacher of others.   学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。   Learning without thought is labourlost; thought without learning is perilous.   敏而好学,不耻下问。   He was of an active nature and yet fond of learning, and he was not ashamed to ask and learn of his inferiors.   十室之邑,必有忠信,如丘者焉,不如丘之好学也。   In a hamlet of ten families, there may be found one honourable and sincere as I am, but not so fond of learning.   知之者,不如好之者,好之者,不如乐之者。   They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it.   默而识之,学而不厌,诲人不倦,何有于我哉。   The silent treasuring up of knowledge; learning without satiety; and instructing others without being wearied -- which one of these things belongs to me?   我非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。   I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge; I am one who is fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking it there.   三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。   When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers. I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them.   学如不及,犹恐失之。   Learn as if you could not reach your object, and were always fearing also lest you should lose it.   知之者,不如好之者,好之者,不如乐之者。   They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight init。   默而识之,学而不厌,诲人不倦,何有于我哉。   The silent treasuring up of knowledge; learning without satiety; and instructing others without being wearied -- which one of these things belongs to me?   我非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。   I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge; I am one who is fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking it there。   三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。   When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers. I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them。   学而时习之,不亦说乎?   Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?   温故而知新,可以为师矣。   If a man keeps cherishing his old knowledge, so as continually to be acquiring new, he may be a teacher of others。   唯女子与小人,为难养也。近之则不孙,远之则怨。   Of all people, girls and servants are the most difficult to behave to. If you are familiar with them, they lose their humility. If you maintain a reserve towards them, they are discontented.   父母在,不远游,游必有方。   While his parents are alive, the son may not go abroad to a distance. If he does go abroad, he must have a fixed place to which he goes.   德不孤,必有邻。   Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors.   吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。   At fifteen I set my heart upon learning. At thirty, I planted my feet firm upon the ground. At forty, I no longer suffered from perplexities . At fifty, I knew what the biddings of Heaven were. At sixty, I heard them with docile ear. At seventy, I could follow the dictates of my own heart; for what I desired no longer overstepped the boundaries of right.   贤哉回也!一箪食,一瓢饮,在陋巷,人不堪其忧,回也不改其乐。贤哉回也! 更多孔子名言敬请关注习古堂国学网的相关文章。   Incomparable indeed was Hui! A handful of rice to eat, a gourdful of water to drink, living in a mean street. Others would have found it unendurably depressing, but to Hui"s cheerfulness it made no difference at all. Incomparable indeed was Hui.   知者乐水,仁者乐山。知者动,仁者静。知者乐,仁者寿。   The wise find pleasure in water; the virtuous find pleasure in hills. The wise are active; the virtuous are tranquil. The wise are joyful; the virtuous are long-lived.   逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。   It passes on just like this, not ceasing day or night!   食不厌精,脍不厌细。   He did not dislike to have his rice finely cleaned, nor to have his minced meat cut quite small.   非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动。   Look not at what is contrary to propriety; listen not to what is contrary to propriety; speak not what is contrary to propriety; make no movement which is contrary to propriety.   有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?   Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters?   人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?   Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him?   父在,观其志。父没,观其行。三年无改于父之道,可谓孝矣。   While a man"s father is alive, look at the bent of his will; when his father is dead, look at his conduct. If for three years he does not alter from the way of his father, he may be called filial.   不患人之不己知,患不知人也。   I will not be afflicted at men"s not knowing me; I will be afflicted that I do not know men.   诗三百,一言以蔽之,曰:思无邪。   In the Book of Poetry are three hundred pieces, but the design of them all may be embraced in one sentence-- "Having no depraved thoughts."   关睢乐而不淫,哀而不伤。   The Kwan Tsu is expressive of enjoyment without being licentious, and of grief without being hurtfully excessive.   人无远虑,必有近忧。   If a man take no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand. ;
2023-01-12 05:36:531

thahkyoufornotcherishingletmelearntogiveup 是什么意思?

2023-01-12 05:37:021


How many pasts did the life have ?How much time is deserve us to treasure. Let us to cherish every single day to make our life more glorious.
2023-01-12 05:37:084


2023-01-12 05:37:243