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2023-05-19 23:26:14

television[英][ˈtelɪvɪʒn] [美][ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən]





以下结果由 金山词霸 提供

柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词

1.N-COUNT电视(机)A television or television set is a piece of electrical equipment consisting of a box with a glass screen on it on which you can watch programmes with pictures and sounds.

She turned the television on and flicked around between news programmes.


2.N-UNCOUNT电视Television is the system of sending pictures and sounds by electrical signals over a distance so that people can receive them on a television in their home.

Toy manufacturers began promoting some of their products on television...


Television is increasingly being transmitted by satellites.


3.N-UNCOUNT电视节目Television refers to all the programmes that you can watch.

I don"t have much time to watch very much television.




TV就是单词television的缩写,属于单词而不是词组,常见的词组有watch TV
2023-01-12 04:43:564


television的缩写形式是:TV。其名词词义是:电视机;电视节目;电视;电视系统;电视学;电视广播业等含义。 固定短语: cable television :有线电视;电缆电视; digital television :数字电视;数位电视; television station :播送电视节目的地方 扩展资料   例句 1. Digital television has been around for some time now.   数字电视已经面市一段时间了。   例句 2. Almost every family in the country owns a television.   这个国家几乎家家都有一台电视机。   例句 3. Three of her novels have been adapted for television.   她的长篇小说中有三部已改编成电视节目。   例句 4. Digital television has been around for some time now.   数字电视已经面市一段时间了。   例句 5. A CD-I deck looks like a video recorder and plugs into the home television and stereo system   CD-I规格的光碟播放器看起来就像录像机,能与家庭电视和立体音响系统相连。
2023-01-12 04:44:091


用from,表示通过....方式,比如:I get news from the television newscast 我通过电视广播获取新闻
2023-01-12 04:44:202


television读音:[ˈtelɪvɪʒn]解释:n. 电视,电视机;电视业短语:cable television 有线电视 ; 电缆电视 ; 电缆电视系统 ; 有线电视系统digital television 数字电视 ; 数位电视 ; 数码电视机 ; 数码电视television station 电视台 ; 播送电视节目的地We should tout our wares on television. 我们应该在电视上兜售商品。They erected a television antenna on the roof. 他们在屋顶上竖起了电视天线。He hawked his products on radio and television. 他在广播、电视上为他的产品做广告。The president beamed his views at the nation through television speeches. 总统通过电视演说向全体国民发表自己的意见。Television is available in each of the hotel rooms as an extra. 旅馆每个房间都有电视机作为额外优待。
2023-01-12 04:44:326


2023-01-12 04:44:534


词典释义televiewv.用电视机收看,收看电视watch televisionv.看电视数据来源:金山词霸双语例句全部watch television1.他们很多时间都看电视了。They spent a great deal of time watching television.《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2.但是对我而言,看电视是一种逃避的方法。But for me television is an escape.《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》3.昨晚他们呆在了家里看电视。Last night they stayed at home and watched TV《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》4.我更喜欢看电影而不是看电视。I prefer going to the cinema to watching TV.《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》5.他们一直坐在那里看电视。They had been sitting watching television《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》6.如果你这么想看电视,你就看吧。If you are so inclined, you can watch TV.《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》7.孩子们花在看电视上的时间太多了。Children spend so much time in front of the television set《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》8.我们就坐在客厅的沙发上看电视。We were sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV.《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》9.你晚上总看电视吗?Do you always watch TV in the evening?《汉英大词典》10.看电视是我们唯一的乐事。Watching TV is our only pleasure.《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》11.杰克正坐在地板上看电视。Jack"s sitting on the floor watching TV《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》12.人们总是驾车外出,或者看电视,再不就是忙点其他什么事情。People are always out in their cars, watching television or busy doing something else.《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》13.说也奇怪,他不喜欢看电视。Strange to say, he doesn"t like to watch TV.《汉英大词典》14.晚上他不是看电视,就是看书。He either watches TV or reads books in the evening.《汉英大词典》15.汤普森罚他一个月不能出门,并禁止看电视。Thompson grounded him for a month, and banned television.《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》16.我宁愿在家看电视。I would just as soon stay home and watch television.《汉英大词典》17.他在看电视转播的网球赛。He was watching a game of tennis on a television monitor.《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》18.然后我们就回家,依偎在一起看电视。Then we"d go home and cuddle up together to watch TV.《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》19.即使日程安排很满,她也要抽出时间看电视。Even with her busy schedule she finds time to watch TV《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》20.肖恩在卧室里看电视,听不见。Shaun was in the bedroom, out of earshot, watching television《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》
2023-01-12 04:45:074


television 英[ˈtelɪvɪʒn] 美[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən] n. 电视,电视机;电视节目;电视业 名词复数:televisions [例句]A similar problem arose with television.电视也曾面临类似问题。
2023-01-12 04:45:212

television可数吗? television英文释义是什么

1、television可数,是可数名词。 2、Television,英语单词,名词,意思是“电视,电视机;电视业”。 3、短语搭配。cable television,有线电视;电缆电视;电缆电视系统;有线电视系统。digital television,数字电视,数位电视,数码电视机,数码电视。television station,播送电视节目的地方。
2023-01-12 04:45:281


watch TV
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2023-01-12 04:45:512


1. a television profile of Ernest Hemingway 一段欧内斯特·海明威的电视简介 2. Can you watch television and do your homework at the same time? 你能同时看电视和做功课吗? 3. We"re all aware of the power of fictional characters in books, movies, and televisionprograms to engage viewers. 我们大家都知道小说漫画、电影和电视节目中虚构的人物对观众读者的吸引。 4. late-night television 夜间电视(节目)
2023-01-12 04:45:591


2023-01-12 04:46:0511

the television为什么加the

此处需要用the 因为此处强调的是Baird发明的那台电视机,特指 实际上正是Baird发明的那台电视机对后世影响深远,因而此处不能用a television这种说法 但平常如果其他情况也可用a television
2023-01-12 04:46:421


电视英语是:television。读音:英[ˈtelɪvɪʒn],美[ˈtelɪvɪʒn]。释义:n.电视,电视机;电视业。复数:televisions。短语:cable television有线电视。on the television电视上,由电视播送。local television当地电视节目。put on television打开电视。television的例句1、He turned up the volume on the television.他把电视机的音量调大了。2、His first film was shown on television this weekend.他的第一部电影本周末在电视上播放。3、The television audience aggregated 30 millions.电视观众合计达3000万人。4、The old story was worked over for television.那个古老的故事被改编为电视节目。5、Television is an enormously competitive business.电视业是一个竞争性极强的行业。
2023-01-12 04:46:471


television的缩写形式是:TV。 其名词词义是:电视机;电视节目;电视;电视系统;电视学;电视广播业等含义。 扩展资料   television 词性及释义   (n.):电视机;电视节目;电视;电视系统;电视学;电视广播业等含义。   television 固定短语   cable television :有线电视;电缆电视;电缆电视系统;有线电视系统   digital television :数字电视;数位电视;数码电视机;数码电视   television station :播送电视节目的地方
2023-01-12 04:46:571


2023-01-12 04:47:061


television[英][ˈtelɪvɪʒn] [美][ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən] 生词本简明释义n.电视,电视机;电视节目;电视业复数:televisions以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT电视(机)A television or television set is a piece of electrical equipment consisting of a box with a glass screen on it on which you can watch programmes with pictures and sounds.She turned the television on and flicked around between news programmes.她打开电视,来回换台看不同的新闻节目。2.N-UNCOUNT电视Television is the system of sending pictures and sounds by electrical signals over a distance so that people can receive them on a television in their home.Toy manufacturers began promoting some of their products on television...玩具制造商开始在电视上推销他们的一些产品。
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television=TV 电视
2023-01-12 04:47:513


television[英][ˈtelɪvɪʒn] [美][ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən] 例句A similar problem arose with television.电视也曾面临类似问题。It"s like that television I rented in 1972.就像我1972年租用的那台电视机。Telecoms and television are among mexico"s most highly concentrated industries.电讯业与电视业同属墨西哥最高度集中的产业。So television is changing tack again.所以,电视广播公司再次改变策略。Mr. revillame, 50 years old, said he will later announce if he will return to television.50岁的瑞维拉姆说,他将在晚些时候宣布是否重返荧屏。
2023-01-12 04:48:401


television 英 [ˈtelɪvɪʒn] 美 [ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən] n. 电视节目; 电视,电视机; 电视业; [例句]She turned the television on and flicked around between news programmes.她打开电视,来回换台看不同的新闻节目。
2023-01-12 04:48:451


television 英 ["telɪvɪʒn]     美 ["telɪvɪʒn]    n. 电视机;电视节目;电视行业。The old story was worked over for television.那个古老的故事被改编为电视节目。He decided to pursue a career in television.他决定在电视业干一番事业。语法:television的基本意思是指通过无线电波传送影像的技术或装置,即“电视”或“电视机”。作“电视”解时,用作不可数名词; 作“电视机”解时,常与set连用,用作可数名词; 也可表示“电视播放的节目”,用作不可数名词; 还可表示“电视台,电视行业”,用作不可数名词。
2023-01-12 04:48:511


television英[ˈtelɪvɪʒn]美[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən]n.电视,电视机;电视节目;电视业个人理解:帖了 wì 吮
2023-01-12 04:49:392


television读音:[ˈtelɪvɪʒn]解释:n. 电视,电视机;电视业短语:cable television 有线电视 ; 电缆电视 ; 电缆电视系统 ; 有线电视系统digital television 数字电视 ; 数位电视 ; 数码电视机 ; 数码电视television station 电视台 ; 播送电视节目的地We should tout our wares on television. 我们应该在电视上兜售商品。They erected a television antenna on the roof. 他们在屋顶上竖起了电视天线。He hawked his products on radio and television. 他在广播、电视上为他的产品做广告。The president beamed his views at the nation through television speeches. 总统通过电视演说向全体国民发表自己的意见。Television is available in each of the hotel rooms as an extra. 旅馆每个房间都有电视机作为额外优待。
2023-01-12 04:49:502


电视英语是:television。读音:英[ˈtelɪvɪʒn],美[ˈtelɪvɪʒn]。释义:n.电视,电视机;电视业。复数:televisions。短语:cable television有线电视。on the television电视上,由电视播送。local television当地电视节目。put on television打开电视。television的例句1、He turned up the volume on the television.他把电视机的音量调大了。2、His first film was shown on television this weekend.他的第一部电影本周末在电视上播放。3、The television audience aggregated 30 millions.电视观众合计达3000万人。4、The old story was worked over for television.那个古老的故事被改编为电视节目。5、Television is an enormously competitive business.电视业是一个竞争性极强的行业。
2023-01-12 04:49:581

Television 作文

Television is good for our lives. There are many programs on TV.Such as news,sports shows.Cartoon City and so on.WE spend part of our spare time watching television. They have incerased our knowledge and chang the way we learn about the world today.Sometimes television is like a babysitter, whenour parents are basy. But there are also some shows that are not suitable for us. Not everying on TV has positive effect on viewers.Maybe we cannot change. What is on TV, but we can choose what we watch.Do you agree.
2023-01-12 04:50:081


看电视: watchtelevision;watchTVwatchtelevision相关句子:1、他们很多时间都看电视了。They spent a great deal of time watching television. 2、但是对我而言,看电视是一种逃避的方法。But for me television is an escape. 3、昨晚他们呆在了家里看电视。Last night they stayed at home and watched television.4、我更喜欢看电影而不是看电视。I prefer going to the cinema to watchingtelevision.. 5、他们一直坐在那里看电视。They had been sitting watching television 6、如果你这么想看电视,你就看吧。If you are so inclined, you can watchtelevision.. 7、孩子们花在看电视上的时间太多了。Children spend so much time in front of thewatch television set.8、我们就坐在客厅的沙发上看电视。We were sitting on the couch in the living room watching television.watchTV相关句子:1、DoyoualwayswatchTVintheevening? 你晚上总看电视吗?2、Ifyouaresoinclined,youcanwatchTV. 如果你这么想看电视,你就看吧。3、Strangetosay,hedoesn"tliketowatchTV. 说也奇怪,他不喜欢看电视。4、Thenwe"dgohomeandcuddleuptogethertowatchTV. 然后我们就回家,依偎在一起看电视。5、EvenwithherbusyscheduleshefindstimetowatchTV 即使日程安排很满,她也要抽出时间看电视。
2023-01-12 04:50:148


英[ˈtelɪvɪʒn] 美[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən] 中文音译的话:胎里为选有疑问,可追问!
2023-01-12 04:50:443


1、television的读音英[ˈtelɪvɪʒn]美[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən]2、释义n.电视;电视(接收)机3、造句1) a television profile of Ernest Hemingway .一段欧内斯特·海明威的电视简介。    2)Can you watch television and do your homework at the same time?    你能同时看电视和做功课吗?    3)We"re all aware of the power of fictional characters in books, movies, and televisionprograms to engage viewers.    我们大家都知道小说漫画、电影和电视节目中虚构的人物对观众读者的吸引。    4)late-night television.    夜间电视(节目)。
2023-01-12 04:50:556


tele vision拆分。Television,英语单词,名词,意思是n. 电视机; 电视节目; 电视; 电视系统; 电视学; 电视广播业。示例:Almost every family in the country owns a television.这个国家几乎家家都有一台电视机。
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2023-01-12 04:51:391


电视 [ diàn shì ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义[ diàn shì ]1.将活动图像 和声音(伴音)变成电信号,通过无线电波或导线传送出去,并在接收端使图像和声音重现的过程。通常 有黑白电视和彩色电视、模拟电视与数字电视之分。2.利用上述过程传送的图像:看~。3.电视机 的简称。
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2023-01-12 04:52:041


电视机的英语:television读音:英 ["telɪvɪʒn] 美 ["telɪvɪʒn]n. 电视机;电视节目;电视行业词汇搭配:1、own a television 有一台电视机2、put on television 打开电视3、speak on television 电视讲话4、close-circuit television 闭路电视常见句型:1、Who invented television?是谁发明电视播放技术的?2、Newspapers, televisions, and radios are mass media.报纸、电视、广播是大众传媒。3、The Prime Minister set forth the aims of his government in a television broadcast.首相在一次电视讲话中阐明了政府的目标。4、The children are watching television.孩子们在看电视。词语用法1、television作“电视”解时,用作不可数名词;。2、television作“电视机”解时,常与set连用,用作可数名词。3、television也可表示“电视播放的节目”,用作不可数名词。4、television还可表示“电视台,电视行业”,用作不可数名词。
2023-01-12 04:52:091

on the television是什么意思

2023-01-12 04:52:204


2023-01-12 04:52:331

英语 television中文谐音怎么读

2023-01-12 04:52:391


Television brought us will be pleased to see the program, let us see growth, broaden our horizons and enrich our cultural life, modern society is an important media. But because many young people watch TV for a long time, the impact of the study, rest periods, resulting in physical and mental health hazards. Long watching television, will lead to cervical disease waist. Jin low back muscles because of the long-term in a high state of tension, if the TV display a high degree of inappropriate, incorrect posture, it will cause cervical pain, Suan Zhang, a long time, can lead to cervical disease or cervical spondylosis of the original increase. Long watching television, damage eyesight, have a “television eye.“ As follows: optic nerve fatigue, Shiwumohu, Suanzhang eye, vision loss. Go on for a long time, they can cause permanent vision to reduce, the formation of myopia. TV chief cause of obesity. Sat motionless long-term, low energy consumption, particularly some young people like candy while watching television, snack cakes and so on, making it much easier to get fat people. ... ... Long watching TV harm, it should be more than this. Anything indulgence is not helpful. TV gives us the knowledge and misuse of music, but Chenmian which will be more harm than good. In the United States, experts began to realize that watching TV is becoming a long lazy, do not like to use their brains. In the course of time so that young people are thinking is limited, and its impact on people‘s ability to exchange and the lack of creativity, so long watching television in the largest negative psychological impact that is easy to curb your imagination. We know that a person‘s development and progress can not be separated from his imagination. Listening to the radio, read
2023-01-12 04:52:451


高以爱(1988年3月11日-),原名高昱寰(Alisa Galper),美籍台湾人,台美混血儿歌手。于美国旧金山Tranza小镇出生后,童年时期曾参与广告拍摄、热爱歌唱;于学校比赛中累积歌唱的经验,且由此参与校内学生合唱和舞蹈活动,认识了许多挚友;并获得校内《Freshmen of the Year》(年度新鲜人)、《Sophomore of the Year》(年度第二年级生)和《Principal's Honor Roll》(校长荣誉名单)等奖励肯定。
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碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦《咏柳》唐 · 贺知章羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关《凉州词二首·其一》唐 · 王之涣草长莺飞二月天,拂堤杨柳醉春烟《村居》清 · 高鼎春城无处不飞花,寒食东风御柳斜《寒食 / 寒食日即事》唐 · 韩翃
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芙蓉露下落,杨柳月中疏 园翁莫把秋荷折,因与游鱼盖夕阳 宋·周密《西塍废园》(又《西塍废圃》。塍:田间的土梗子。) 天水碧,染就一江秋色 染就:染成。 宋·周密《闻鹊喜·吴山观涛》 只有一枝梧叶,不知多少秋声 宋·张炎《清平乐》 万壑泉声松外去,数行秋色雁边来 壑(音同“贺”):山谷。 元·萨都刺《梦登高山得诗二首》 秋风吹白波,秋雨呜败荷。平湖三十里,过客感秋多 败荷:残荷。 元·萨都刺《过高邮射阳湖杂咏九首》 孤村落日残霞,轻烟老树寒鸦,一点飞鸿影下 残霞:晚霞。寒鸦:天寒归林的乌鸦。飞鸿:大雁。 元·白朴《天净沙·秋》 晚趁寒潮渡江去,满林黄叶雁声多 清·王士祯《江上》 山色浅深随夕照,江流日夜变秋声 变秋声:江流随着夏去秋来而改变声响。 清·宋碗《九日同姜如龙、王西樵、程穆情诸君登慧光阁饮于竹圃分韵》
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第四周到江义小学听了唐老师《信任》一课的教学,唐老师的课给人的感觉很扎实,课堂上很难找出一些华而不实的环节,如果要说的话,我就选“突破难点”这个话题谈谈我的一些看法:唐老师把这节课的难点设为了解“侧面描写”的写作特点。从课堂来看,唐老师准确地抓住学生学习上的难点,而遗憾的是难点没有很好地突破。听完课后,我就反思如果是我赤上我会怎样处理这个环节呢?我的设想是:当老师多媒体出现体现桃园主人是一个细心、信任人、热情好客的句子时,老师适时归纳什么 是侧面描写。接着再出示前面学过的有关人物直接描写的句子,让学生反复读侧面描写、直接描写的语句,让学生仔细揣摸两者之间的不同之处。通过对比的方式让学生更好地了解两种描写方法的不同之处,让学生在感性上有所认识。最后再让学生回到课文,找出文中体现桃园主人“勤劳”的侧面描写的句子,这时老师就完成了由扶到放和教学过程,学生也由对侧面描写的感性认识到理解、运用的过程。 突破难点的关键是巧设台阶。难点就像是孩子伸手摘不到,而只有跳一跳才能摘到的桃子。教师如果能给孩子一个台阶,那孩子站上了这个台阶,自然而然也就能摘到桃子了,难点也就突破了。
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高档配置 high-grade configuration; [例句]长车身和高档配置无不象征着财富。The length of the car and the high polish of its fittings both spoke of money
2023-01-12 04:44:241


笔的笔顺是:撇,横,点,撇,横,点,撇,横,横,竖弯钩。笔,从竹从聿。述事而书之也。会意。从竹,从聿。“聿”( yù),是"笔"的本字,小篆象以手执笔。古时毛笔笔杆都是以竹制成,故从竹。简化字“笔”,“从竹从毛”会意,指旧时用的毛笔。此字最早见于北齐隽修罗碑,是六朝时的俗字。也见于《集韵》。本义:毛笔。笔,秦谓之笔。从聿从竹。--《说文》。按,此 秦制字。 秦以竹为之,加竹。笔,是人类的一项伟大发明,是供书写或绘画用的工具,多通过笔尖将带有颜色的固体或液体(墨水)在纸上或其他固体表面绘制文字、符号或图画,也有利用固体笔尖的硬度书写画图用铅笔和炭笔。与墨、纸、砚并称文房四宝。在中国古代,使用的是毛笔。古希腊、古罗马曾在木板面上涂蜡,然后用铁棒在蜡面上划写,古代埃及和波斯,曾将芦苇杆削尖当笔使用。从中世纪开始,在欧美,则是使用芦苇笔或鹅毛笔,2012年,由中国人发明的带帽铅笔成为了中国在笔发展史的进程中新的贡献。随着社会的发展,笔的种类也越来越多,铅笔、毛笔、钢笔、便签笔、荧光笔、圆珠笔、勾线笔、蜡笔、水笔等很多。现今普遍使用的是中性笔和圆珠笔,绘制艺术底稿和画图则多用铅笔。
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车辆配置 英文

The configuration of the vehicle
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