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2023-05-19 23:16:32
TAG: 英文

They are aliens.


They are aliens


They are extraterrestrials


They are aliens.


They are aliens.


They are aliens.


They are ET.


They are aliens


They are aliens


they are aliens


They are alient


They are sliens


they are alien





They"re ET



n.外国人;外侨;外来人adj.(与…)相异;不合;外国(人)的;异己的v.〈诗〉疏远;离间;【法】(所有权的)让渡1. Heaven say who you were aliens get into a time element space, arrived at the map of red spots before we leave.天意弄人,你被外星人弄进了一个次元空间中,到达地图的红点才能离开。2.Any intelligent aliens we meet could be so far advanced we might have a hard time even recognizing them as being life-forms at all.我们遇见的任何外星人都可能极其先进,这可能会导致我们压根就难以辨认出它们是一种生命形式。3.The crux of the dispute was an initiative by a few members to proscribe any broadcasts to aliens, whether or not we receive a signal first.争议的核心是由少数成员倡议去禁止对外星人的任何广播,还是让我们先去接收它们发来的信号。4.They wear large gloves and aprons which cover the entire length of the body, giving them the appearance of aliens from a distant planet.他们还带着肥大的手套,穿着拖到脚跟的长围裙,看上去好象是从遥远的星球上来的怪人一样。5.Do not oppress an alien; you yourselves know how it feels to be aliens, because you were aliens in Egypt.不可欺压寄居的;因为你们在埃及地作过寄居的,知道寄居的心。
2023-01-12 01:47:181


意思是:n.外国人;外侨;外星人;外星生物。例句:Jim is an alien in this film. 吉姆在这部电影里是个外星人。外国人外国人俗称“老外”,是指在一国境内不具有该国国籍而具有他国国籍的人或用于一国人对他国人的统称。不具有该国国籍的人有时也包括无国籍人。从国家主权原则出发,国家对于境内的一切人和物都享有属地优越权,外国人亦不例外。外国人一进入一国国境就处于该国的属地优越权之下,要服从所在国的管辖,遵守所在国的法令。所在国则要保护外国人的生命财产的安全和合法权益。
2023-01-12 01:47:246


aliens 英 ["eɪliən]     美 ["eɪliən] n. 外星人; 外侨; 外国人( alien的名词复数 ); 局外人; [例句]Both women had hired illegal aliens for child care两个女人都曾雇过非法入境者照看孩子。[其他] 原型: alien
2023-01-12 01:48:051


alien 英[ˈeɪliən] 美[ˈeliən,ˈeljən] adj. 外国的; 相异的; 异已的; 不相容的; n. 外星人; 外国人; 外侨; 局外人; vt. 让渡,转让; 疏远; 离间;
2023-01-12 01:48:111


  古今中外一直有关于外星人的遐想,但现今人类还无法实际探查是否有外星人存在,那么你知道外星人用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习关于外星人的英语知识吧。    外星人英语说法   alien   extraterrestrial    外星人的相关 短语   解剖外星人 Alien autopsy ;Alien Autopsy   外星人绑架 Alien abduction ; Récits d"enlèvement par les extraterrestres ; Alien Abduction ; Alien Killbillies   外星人入侵 Alien Trespass ; Alien Invasion   楼上的外星人 Aliens in the Attic ; They Came from Upstairs   大战外星人 Monsters vs Aliens ; Alien Striker ; Monsters vs ; Star Aliens Wars   远古外星人 ANCIENT ; Ancient Aliens ; History Channel - Ancient Aliens    外星人的英语例句   1. They have been visited by creatures from outer space.   有外星人 拜访 了他们。   2. NASA has started a 10-year search for extraterrestrial intelligence.   美国航空航天局已经启动了一个为期10年的寻找外星人的项目。   3. Jim is an alien in this film.   吉姆在这部电影里是个外星人.   4. Has anybody ever seen any beings from outer space?   有人见到过外星人 吗 ?   5. The film wasn"t anything like as good as ET.   这部电影一点都不如《外星人》那麽好.   6. That crackpot thinks his neighbors are aliens.   那位疯子认为他的邻居是外星人.   7. She said with a straight face she saw green spacemen in the back yard.   她面无表情地说她在后院看到绿色外星人.   8. Some people believe that alien visit Earth from other planets.   有些人相信有来自外星球的外星人访问地球.   9. Could we be looking at some other form of alien possession?   我们是否可以考虑其他形体的外星人?   10. Don"t even get him started on the whole Blue - Grey alien division.   千万不要让他开始于灰蓝色外星人部门.   11. It"s an ancient artefact, probably made by the other alien race.   这是很古老的艺术品, 可能是外星人制造的.   12. The Madronans are primitive, so it"s likely it was terraformed by another alien race.   它的结构是原始的, 所以可能是外星人在操控.   13. An alien got out and walked down Center Street.   一个外星人走出来,沿着中央大街往前走.   14. At present, aliens and humans only interact in the subconscious.   目前, 外星人和人类仅仅是在进行潜意识的接触.   15. At bottom of EOS Tower, lies the Alien infested Omega Sector!   在玩具塔的底部,有袭击地球防御本部的外星人!   关于外星人的英文阅读:来自外星人的信号   The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI), listening to the cosmos for signs of signals from alien civilizations, may be monitoring the wrong “channels,” a U.S. astrophysicist says.   一位美国天体物理学家表示,地外智能生命搜寻研究所(SETI)一直以来探索宇宙外星文明信号的 方法 可能是“走了弯路”。   Gregory Benford of the University of California, Irvine,   美国加州大学欧文分校的科学家格雷戈里·本福德近日称,   says such a civilization wanting to announce its presence would transmit “cost-optimized” narrowly focused signals,   试图跟人类建立联系的外星人很可能从“成本最优”方面考虑只发送较短的定向信息,   not the continuous omni-directional signals the SETI program has been scanning for, a university release said recently.   而不是漫无方向地持续发送信息。而SETI 一直以来搜索的信息正是后者。   “This approach is more like Twitter and less like War and Peace, ”James Benford, Gregory Benford`s twin and fellow physicist, says.   “这种发送消息的方法更像是推特(Twitter),而不是场面宏大的《战争与和平》,”格雷戈里·本福德的孪生兄弟,物理学家詹姆斯·本福德说。   “Whatever the life form, evolution selects for economy of resources. Transmitting signals across light years would require considerable resources.”   “不论是何种生命形式,进化的方向都是节约资源。穿越光年发送信息,要花费相当巨大的资源。”   They says alien signals would not be blasted out in all directions   他们还说,外星人不会向外漫无目的地全方位传送信号,   but narrowly directed in the one-to-ten gigahertz broadband signal range and SETI"s broad sweeping search could leave many days when brief Twitter-like flashes of “ here we are” from alien civilizations go undetected.   而只会在1-10千兆赫的波段内定向发送。但SETI 采取的是大范围的信号扫描方式,这样一来,在外星文明发出“我们在这儿!”的信号时,可能就已经错过SETI 的扫描了。   Such short, targeted blips, dubbed Benford beacons, should be the targets of SETI efforts, a growing number of scientists say.   越来越多的科学家支持他们的观点,认为这种简短、定向的信息(被称为本福德信号)才应该是SETI 搜索的目标。   And the Benfords also suggest concentrating the search on our own Milky Way galaxy, especially its center where 90 percent of its stars are located.“   本福德兄弟还建议将搜索地点锁定在我们自身所处的银河系,特别是90%恒星所在的中心地区。   The stars there are a billion years older than our sun,” Gregory Benford says,   “那里的恒星寿命比太阳还早10 亿年,”格雷戈里·本福德说,   “which suggests a greater possibility of contact with an advanced civilization than does pointing SETI receivers outward to the newer and less crowded edge of our galaxy. ”   “这意味着那里更有可能存在高等智慧生命。这比将SETI 的天线对准银河系边缘更年轻恒星、也更稀疏的区域要好得多了。” 猜你喜欢: 1. 科幻片用英语怎么说 2. 飞碟用英语怎么说 3. 特色用英语怎么说 4. 管家用英语怎么说 5. 确认用英语怎么说 6. 乱码用英语怎么说
2023-01-12 01:48:171


我们就快要失去家园钻石吞没无线电蔓延滋长在那静寂的夜我们留下照片 留下一些让历史有东西去讲述发掘然后以飞机的飞行速度拼命往前孩子们悲伤呜咽若那是你所需要的哭也没关系的若你需要可以抱住我抱紧我那样一个外星之物我们徘徊着 徘徊着 无家可归着数以百万计的UFO怀着希望定点盘旋着 盘旋着终见那光芒时念念有词说若你想飞就飞吧没关系的但若你决定了记得打给我打这个号码给我那样的一个外星之物我们仅仅只是外星之物仅仅只是想要再次回到家中告诉你的长官那位先生或是夫人我们会平和降临我们无意去制造危机在远离此地的某处那未知之境里所有的外星人都在联络着家里纵观我的生命在那天际线上看它穿过你的眼睛却将毕生穷尽那样一个外星之物一个活动中的目标在即定的运动轨迹里一小片地域 或是某个角落里在那时空之境向前翻转行进翻过时间的扉页越过亚洲之顶穿越过岁月痕迹我们仅仅只是外星之物仅仅只是想要再次回到家里去
2023-01-12 01:48:301


链接: 提取码: m8zn     导演: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆编剧: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆 / 大卫·吉勒 / 沃尔特·希尔 / 丹·欧班农 / 罗纳德·舒塞特主演: 西格妮·韦弗 / 凯莉·赫恩 / 迈克尔·比恩 / 保罗·雷瑟 / 兰斯·亨利克森 / 比尔·帕克斯顿 / 威廉·霍普 / 詹妮特·戈德斯坦恩 / 阿尔·马修斯 / 马克·罗斯顿 / 里科·罗斯 / 科莱特·希勒 / 丹尼尔·卡什 / 辛西娅·戴尔·斯科特 / 提普·蒂平 / 保罗·马克斯韦尔 / 约翰·利斯 / 卡尔·图普类型: 动作 / 科幻 / 惊悚 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 1986-07-18(美国)片长: 137分钟 / 154分钟(1992年特别版)又名: 异形Ⅱ / 异形续集                                             蕾普莉(西格妮•韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)是首次探险任务遇到异形后的唯一生还者,她一直冬眠直到被救援队救回地球。当她睁开眼睛后,才发现自己已经冬眠了57年!期间,人类已经移居到了异形所在的星球。蕾普莉知道后,马上向当局报局该星球上异形的情况,但却被当局认为要么精神不正常,要么谎话连篇。蕾普莉见当局对她的说话不予理睬,便决心不再涉足和异形有关的任何事。果不其然,在那个异形所在的那个星球上定居的人忽然和地球中断了联系。这时当局才注意到蕾普莉之前汇报的情况,决定派出军队去营救。蕾普莉被说服参与营救行动。又一场腥风血雨的战斗展开了!
2023-01-12 01:48:353


2023-01-12 01:48:521

aliens x怎么绑定支付宝

2023-01-12 01:49:031

my ideas about aliens 英语作文?

英语作文:When we think about aliens, we often picture a humanoid creature. I believes aliens exist and there"s no two ways about it. Furthermore, I wonders: “Will they be like you and me, made up of carbon and nitrogen? Maybe not. It"s possible they"re here right now and we simply can"t see them.”Such life would exist in a ‘shadow biosphere". By that, I don"t mean a ghost realm, but undiscovered creatures probably with a different biochemistry. This means we can"t study or even notice them because they are outside of our comprehension. Assuming it exists, such a shadow biosphere would probably be microscopic.
2023-01-12 01:49:131


链接: 提取码: 6vzy导演: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆编剧: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆 / 大卫·吉勒 / 沃尔特·希尔 / 丹·欧班农 / 罗纳德·舒塞特主演: 西格妮·韦弗 / 凯莉·赫恩 / 迈克尔·比恩 / 保罗·雷瑟 / 兰斯·亨利克森 / 更多...类型: 动作 / 科幻 / 惊悚 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 1986-07-18(美国)片长: 137分钟 / 154分钟(1992年特别版)又名: 异形Ⅱ / 异形续集                 蕾普莉(西格妮•韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)是首次探险任务遇到异形后的唯一生还者,她一直冬眠直到被救援队救回地球。当她睁开眼睛后,才发现自己已经冬眠了57年!期间,人类已经移居到了异形所在的星球。蕾普莉知道后,马上向当局报局该星球上异形的情况,但却被当局认为要么精神不正常,要么谎话连篇。蕾普莉见当局对她的说话不予理睬,便决心不再涉足和异形有关的任何事。果不其然,在那个异形所在的那个星球上定居的人忽然和地球中断了联系。这时当局才注意到蕾普莉之前汇报的情况,决定派出军队去营救。蕾普莉被说服参与营救行动。又一场腥风血雨的战斗展开了!
2023-01-12 01:49:182


傍晚,我们降落在一个未知的星球(应为planet)。兰姆,我们的飞行员,带我们到了一个洞里。我们穿过了这个洞。里面的每样东西都硕大无比。 “让我们离开这里,”我们的领航员彼得斯说。 “这是一个怪物的家(巢穴)。” “没准他很友好,”我说。 “我们再等等吧。” 突然,门开了,一个怪物带着一些袋鼠走了进来。袋鼠们叫道道,“晚上好,Gork!”然后就跳走了。然后,Gork看见我们,大叫: “外星人!我洞里有外星人!你们是怎么到这儿的?” 我飞快地想了想,然后平静地说:“晚上好,Gork先生。我叫‘没有人,并且……” Gork再次叫道:“你们是外星人。在这,我们杀掉所有的外星人。明天,你们都会死去!你们所有人。”接着,他按下墙上的一个按钮。铁栅从地上升起来,把我们围了起来,在我们头顶合拢。 “诶,船长,”兰姆问, “你为什么要自称‘没有人"?” “这是我的计策。你们会明白的。”我答道。 我转过身,说道:“我们为和平而来,Gork先生。 “但明天你们就会成为碎片(peace和piece同音),”Gork说。 彼得斯转向我,声音颤抖地说:“我们都会死的,先生。” “不,”我对他说。“我们都会活着!相信我!” (因为他说过他的名字是“没有人”,所以“没有人会死”。)
2023-01-12 01:49:266


At first,it"s the moive named E.T. that I heard the story about Aliens from . Here is the story.A little alien named ET was left on the Earth by his forgetful kindreds .A innocent boy-little 艾里奥特 found him and took him in his family without telling his mother.艾里奥特 gave ET chocolates and introduced him to his dog, his brother and sister.The major idea of this moive is that aliens and human beings can harmoniously coexist even make friends with each other.However in fact ,no aliens has been exactly found
2023-01-12 01:49:491

Aliens from Mars landed on the Earth.中mars 前为何不加the.

因为在这儿,Mars 指火星,一个行星。而行星不止一个。而地球,月亮,太阳对我们来说只有一个,是独一无二的,所以前加the.
2023-01-12 01:49:541

求Aliens land on our world翻译

2023-01-12 01:50:002


《第九区》Well, that wasn"t supposed to happen. "District 9" was supposed to be another tired Man Versus Scary Alien late summer crapfest. Actually, when you think about the plot, it really should be a crapfest. "District 9" has absolutely no business being A Good Film. But, yet, here it is and here we are. We: the late summer movie going audience desperately seeking out... something... anything; one last eensy weensy morsel of precious, precious entertainment to use as an excuse to get out of the wretched heat of a mid-August sun . It: not content to be just A Good Film -- but, rather, A Great Film. And, on certain levels, maybe even An Important Film.Whatever you think you know about "District 9" is, probably, wrong. "Well," you say, "It"s about a reporter that discovers..." No. Wikus (Sharlto Copley), the main character, is not a reporter. He"s a government bureaucrat. "OK, fine" you contend, "he discovers the atrocities that are occurring in District 9 and fights to help..." Nope. Wikus is well aware of what"s happening in the district and, at first, is part of a team that"s making things a bit worse. "Well, there are big scary evil aliens, right?" Evil? No. Scary? Not really, ornery might be a better adjective. Aliens? Yes!You see, "District 9" plays out quite realistically -- if, you know, a giant alien spaceship visited Earth. Twenty years ago a spacecraft appears over Johannesburg, South Africa, and, for awhile, absolutely nothing happens. Finally, a mission to the hovering ship is implemented and around one million sick and malnourished aliens are found. They"re brought down to the city, a large scale humanitarian effort takes place. Samaritans from around the world arrive to help feed and shelter the visitors. What happens next? Well, what always happen when the news of the day shifts to another story? Except for the government and a Nigerian gang who both have interest in their weapon technology, they"re forgotten. (Remember those Iran elections the media cared so much about? Oh, yeah, you might not because Michael Jackson died.)The aliens are far from evil -- writer and director Neill Blomkamp describes them as worker bees after the queen bee has died: a bit lost and without a purpose -- just neglected and, in terms of their life on Earth, quite poor. They live in a slum and absolutely no one wants them here -- especially the human residents of the slum. Wikus Van De Merwe is in charge -- a job he was given by his father-in-law -- of a relocation effort of the aliens from District 9 to the even less desirable District 10. Under South African law, each alien must be served an eviction notice. This is why Wikus and his team are in the district; to serve and have each alien sign a copy of his eviction notice.Image © Columbia Tristar Marketing Group, Inc.Wikus does, eventually, take an interest in the aliens" well being. But not because Wikus has a sudden influx of morality or righteousness -- his motives are strictly selfish. There"s a lot of selfishness at play in this film and not a lot to like about human behavior. The most genuine character in the film is named Christopher Johnson -- you may be surprised who Christopher Johnson turns out to be.It next to impossible to ignore -- considering the film"s South African setting -- the underlying comparisons of the aliens" plight to that of apartheid. Blomkamp -- a South African native -- draws on his own experiences of his home country and transforms black and white racial tension to human and aliens on a surprisingly low 30 million dollar budget. This isn"t a particularly scary film, but it is gory (Christ, is it gory) and it has something to say. The thing is: even if you completely ignore "District 9""s themes, there are aliens and a lot of things explode -- people seem to enjoy that. As stated: "District 9" shouldn"t really be a good film; it shouldn"t be a great film. It is. "District 9" is the best film of the summer -- possibly, so far, the year.2Shot and set in Blomkamp"s native South Africa, "District 9" imagines a present-day scenario in which humans and aliens are forced into an uneasy co-existence and, predictably, bring out the violent worst in each other. As scripted by Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell, the result reps a remarkably cohesive hybrid of creature feature and satirical mockumentary that elaborates on the helmer"s 2005 short "Alive in Jo"burg," borrows plot points from 1988"s "Alien Nation" and takes its emotional cues from "E.T."The film"s faux-verite visual style, however, is very much a thing of the present, blending handheld HD camerawork with ersatz news coverage (complete with CNN-style text scrolls) and talking heads, plus actual archival footage from local news agencies, so as to suggest an urgent dispatch from the front lines of an interspecies war.The introductory 15 minutes are swiftly paced, making modest demands on the viewer to keep up with the jiggly aesthetic and the particulars of the premise: Twenty years ago, an enormous spaceship came to rest over Johannesburg, now a sun-scorched urban wasteland. Since then, the ship"s inhabitants, referred to as "prawns" -- four-legged insectoid beings that walk upright, secrete black goo and speak in subtitled grunts and gurgles -- have been moved into the titular ghetto and placed under the control of Multi-National United, a private corporation bent on cracking the secrets of the aliens" ultra-powerful weapons.Into the fray strides Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley), an annoyingly chipper, boastful MNU operative overseeing the transfer of aliens to the more remote District 10. Blithely navigating cameramen through the creatures" filthy shack homes, Wikus accidentally comes into contact with an icky substance that, within hours, begins altering his DNA.In the script"s most ingenious gambit, the contaminated Wikus is suddenly coveted by MNU, as well as by a gang of Nigerian thugs and witch doctors who won"t win the filmmakers any prizes for ethnic sensitivity. Forced into hiding, Wikus teams up with an intelligent, green-skinned prawn, Christopher Johnson (voiced by Jason Cope), and his kid, Little CJ, who"s kinda cute in a hideous sort of way; together, they seek a way to reverse Wikus" alien metamorphosis and help the refugees return to their planet.Rather than plunge the viewer immediately into unrelieved carnage and chaos, the film opens on a note of anxious uncertainty and tense humor as it probes the varying degrees of hostility in human-prawn relations. Though compelling throughout, "District 9" never becomes outright terrifying, largely because Blomkamp is less interested in exploiting his aliens for cheap scares than in holding up a mirror to our own bloodthirsty, xenophobic species.That said, he doesn"t skimp on the viscera; it"s hard to watch the grisly climactic battle, with its parade of high-tech weaponry and exploding body parts, and not think of the horror cheapies Jackson was making pre-"Lord of the Rings." The pic does take a sentimental turn toward the end, with an excess of alien reaction shots that feel at odds with the much more authentic passion Blomkamp lovingly invests in his grotesque setpieces.Copley makes the most of the only substantial human role -- and not an especially likable one at that -- with a twitchy, blustery, shifty-eyed performance of ferretlike intensity. Dropping F-bombs in Afrikaans-accented English, he ably conveys not only Wikus" physical transformation but also his mental deterioration and subsequent moral awakening; it"s to the pic"s credit that when Wikus is shown on the battlefield, his half-mutated body covered with festering wounds and alien protrusions, he has never seemed more profoundly human.Lensed primarily on the Red-One camera, the film looks and sounds terrific, its seeming improvisation masking the obviously exhaustive planning required in all departments. The interactions between the aliens (a combo of f/x and old-fashioned prosthetics) and the humans are handled as confidently as anything in the "Transformers" movies and are arguably more impressive for d.p. Trent Opaloch"s off-the-cuff shooting style. Clinton Shorter"s percussive score is effective but at times over-reliant on the loud wailing/crooning that has become a too-easy signifier of Africa and other foreign locales.3第九区 英文影评 District 9 Movie Review Throw another prawn on the barbieI suppose there"s no reason the first alien race to reach the Earth shouldn"t look like what the cat threw up. After all, they love to eat cat food. The alien beings in “District 9,” nicknamed “prawns” because they look like a cross between lobsters and grasshoppers, arrive in a space ship that hovers over Johannesburg. Found inside, huddled together and starving to death, are the aliens, who benefit from a humanitarian impulse to relocate them to a location on the ground.Here they become not welcomed but feared, and their camp turns into a prison. Fearing alien attacks, humans demand they be resettled far from town, and a clueless bureaucrat named Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley) is placed in charge of this task. The creatures are not eager to move. A private security force, headed by van der Merwe, moves in with armored vehicles and flame-throwers to encourage them, and van der Merwe cheerfully destroys houses full of their young.Who are these aliens? Where did they come from? How did their ship apparently run out of power (except what"s necessary to levitate its massive tonnage?). No one asks: They"re here, we don"t like them, get them out of town. There doesn"t seem to be a lot to like. In appearance, they"re loathsome, in behavior disgusting and evoke so little sympathy that killing one is like — why, like dropping a 7-foot lobster into boiling water.This science-fiction fable, directed by newcomer Neill Blomkamp and produced by Peter (“The Lord of the Rings”) Jackson, takes the form of a mockumentary about van der Merwe"s relocation campaign, his infection by an alien virus, his own refuge in District 9 and his partnership with the only alien who behaves intelligently and reveals, dare we say, human emotions. This alien, named Christopher Johnson — yes, Christopher Johnson — has a secret workspace where he prepares to return to the mothership and help his people.Much of the plot involves the obsession of the private security firm in learning the secret of the alien weapons, which humans cannot operate. Curiously, none of these weapons seem superior to those of the humans and aren"t used to much effect by the aliens in their own defense. Never mind. After van der Merwe grows a lobster claw in place of a hand, he can operate the weapons, and thus becomes the quarry of both the security company and the Nigerian gangsters, who exploit the aliens by selling them cat food. All of this is presented very seriously. The film"s South African setting brings up inescapable parallels with its now-defunct apartheid system of racial segregation. Many of them are obvious, such as the action to move a race out of the city and to a remote location. Others will be more pointed in South Africa. The title “District 9” evokes Cape Town"s historic District 6, where Cape Coloureds (as they were called then) owned homes and businesses for many years before being bulldozed out and relocated. The hero"s name, van der Merwe, is not only a common name for Afrikaners, the white South Africans of Dutch descent, but also the name of the protagonist of van der Merwe jokes, of which the point is that the hero is stupid. Nor would it escape a South African ear that the alien language incorporates clicking sounds, just as Bantu, the language of a large group of African apartheid targets.Certainly this van der Merwe isn"t the brightest bulb on the tree. Wearing a sweater vest over a short-sleeve shirt, he walks up to alien shanties and asks them to sign a relocation consent form. He has little sense of caution, which is why he finds himself in his eventual predicament. What Neill Blomkamp somehow does is make Christopher Johnson and his son, Little CJ, sympathetic despite appearances. This is achieved by giving them, but no other aliens, human body language, and little CJ even gets big wet eyes, like E.T.“District 9” does a lot of things right, including giving us aliens to remind us not everyone who comes in a spaceship need be angelic, octopod or stainless steel. They are certainly alien, all right. It is also a seamless merger of the mockumentary and special effects (the aliens are CGI). And there"s a harsh parable here about the alienation and treatment of refugees.But the third act is disappointing, involving standard shoot-out action. No attempt is made to resolve the situation, and if that"s a happy ending, I"ve seen happier. Despite its creativity, the movie remains space opera and avoids the higher realms of science-fiction.I"ll be interested to see if general audiences go for these aliens. I said they"re loathsome and disgusting, and I don"t think that"s just me. The movie mentions Nigerian prostitutes servicing the aliens, but wisely refrains from entertaining us with this spectacle.《心灵捕手》In essence, Good Will Hunting is an ordinary story told well. Taken as a whole, there"s little that"s special about this tale -- it follows a traditional narrative path, leaves the audience with a warm, fuzzy feeling, and never really challenges or surprises us. But it"s intelligently written (with dialogue that is occasionally brilliant), strongly directed, and nicely acted. So, while Good Will Hunting is far from a late-year masterpiece, it"s a worthwhile sample of entertainmen
2023-01-12 01:50:161

初二书,翻译英语课文ALIENS ARRIVE !

Tina woke up at midnight. She looked out of her window and saw a yellow light in the sky. It suddenly dived towards the ground. She heard a noise and saw a red light.蒂娜在午夜醒来。她向窗外看并且看见了天上一道黄光。它突然直冲到地面。她听见了响声而且看见了一道红光。The next morning, Tina mentioned it to her brother Tom. “I"m sure something landed in the forest near the hills as I heard a loud noise last night,” she said . “Let"s explore after school.”第二天早晨,蒂娜把这件事和她的哥哥汤姆说了。“我相信一定有什么东西在附近的森林里着陆了,因为我昨晚听见了一声巨响,”她说。“咱们放学后去探险吧。”At 6 p.m., Tina and Tom reached the forest. They heard some voices speaking a strange language , so they hid behind some bushes and kept quiet. Then they saw an alien! It was tall, with a round head and a silver body. It was standing next to a long spaceship. The spaceship was damaged because of a crash.在下午六点,蒂娜和汤姆到了森林。他们听见一些讲奇怪的语言的声音,于是他们藏在一些灌木从的后面并保持安静。然后,他们看见了一个外星人!它很高,长着一个圆圆的头和银色的身体。它站在一艘长长的宇宙飞船旁边。宇宙飞船由于碰撞被毁坏了。The children were frightened. Suddenly, another alien appeared from the bushes in front of them. It discovered them and made a terrible noise! The children ran away in fear.孩子们很害怕。突然,另一个外星人出现在他们前面的灌木丛里,它发现了他们而且弄出可怕的声音!孩子们害怕的逃走了。The next morning, Tina and Tom told their parents about the strange creatures. “They were very ugly. They had some hair, but they didn"t have any feathers,” said Tina. “There was something written on the spaceship,“ said Tom. “It looked like this. I wonder what it means.” He drew some lines on a piece of paper.第二天早上,蒂娜和汤姆告诉他们的父母关于这些奇怪的生物。“它们非常丑陋。它们长着一些头发,英语小故事但是它们没有羽毛,”蒂娜说。“宇宙飞船上写着一些东西,”汤姆说。“它看起来像这个,我想知道它是什么意思。”他在一张纸上画了一些线条。But Dad said, “Since no one else saw these aliens, I refuse to believe you. Now go to school!”但是他们的爸爸说:“既然没有别人看到这些外星人,我拒绝相信你们。现在上学去!”The children spread their wings and flew to school together.孩子们张开双臂一起飞跑着去上学了。Dad looked at the piece of paper with the strange marks on it. “It looks strange,” he said, as he looked at the word “EARTH”.爸爸看了看上面带着奇怪符号的这张纸。“它看起来很奇怪,”他说,因为他看见了“地球”这个词。
2023-01-12 01:50:381


2023-01-12 01:50:445


At first,it"s the moive named E.T. that I heard the story about Aliens from . Here is the story.A little alien named ET was left on the Earth by his forgetful kindreds .A innocent boy-little 艾里奥特 found him and took him in his family without telling his mother.艾里奥特 gave ET chocolates and introduced him to his dog, his brother and sister.The major idea of this moive is that aliens and human beings can harmoniously coexist even make friends with each other.However in fact ,no aliens has been exactly found.
2023-01-12 01:51:031

经典科幻片 异型系列 的全名是什么 一共几部,每部分别叫什么名字

异形 一共四部没有名字异形 异形2 异形3 异形4就这样
2023-01-12 01:51:094

Aliens in mydream作文

范文:Dream,for anyone,is full of mysterious and beautiful,also,in my youth,full of longing for the dream.My dream is to become a writer.For me,as long as I have a pen,paper,I will I ever see,those good things,use the pen in my hand to make a picture of it; I will use my heart to feel it,experience it all,let my heart into this beautiful realm Li; let you feel this wonderful moment,so that everyone can feel from my writing to my love of the motherland!All in all,all cannot do without writing,cannot do without my ideal.After a failure,after repeated efforts,my article one point one to climb to the highest summit,fine every time!Out of the window,winter to spring,another time began to flow,slowly approached,one point one points,in my efforts,an another excellent article on the birth,I believe that in the near future,my dream will become a reality!译文:梦想,对于任何人来说,都是充满着神秘与美好的,同样,处于少年时代的我,对梦想充满了憧憬.我的梦想是成为一位作家.对于我来说,只要我手中有笔、有纸,我便会将任何我所见到的,那些美好的东西,用我手中的笔将它描绘出来;我会用我的心灵去感受这一切,体会这一切,让我的身心都融入到这美好的境界里;让大家一起来感受这美妙的时刻,让所有的人都可从我的作文感受到我对祖国的热爱!一切的一切,都离不开作文,离不开我的理想.经过一次次失败,经过一次次努力,我的文章一点一点地攀上高峰,一次比一次优秀了!窗外,冬去春来,另一个时光又开始了流动,慢慢地,一点一点地走近,在我的努力下,一篇又一篇优秀的文章在诞生,相信在不久的未来,我的梦想一定会成为现实!
2023-01-12 01:51:222


一 天狼外星人作文300字 2986年的一天,我接到同事李先生的电话,他说:“市长要我们去接待从外太空来的外星人。”我说:“啊!终于能见到盼望已久的外星人了。你等着我,我立马过去。”我乘着我的私人飞船,3秒钟后便到了同事李先生家里。过了一会儿后,我们便一起去访问外星人。半小时后,我们就来到外星人招待所。 我的同事他拿着摄影机,我拿着扩音机,到了13楼的507号房间。我问一个像女人的外星人:“请问您是从哪里来的?”他说我们一听发现他们听得懂我们地球的语言,而我们却听不懂外星语言,不知道她在说什么,就给他们比划,他们似乎懂了我们听不懂他们说话的意思,就在我们头上轻轻地点了一下,我们突然就听懂了他们说的是什么。我们又惊又喜,惊是惊讶他们的魔法,喜的是他们帮助了我们听懂他们的话。我们又重复了刚才的问题,我们知道了他们是从外太空中的一个星球——土星来的。我又问:“你们对地球有什么看法吗?”他们说:“你们地球的环境很好,资源很多,又充足,这里非常适合我们住。”我说:“你们呼吸吗,吸的是氧气,还是二氧化碳?呼出的是二氧化碳,还是氧气?”“我们呼吸,但是呼出的是氧气,吸的是二氧化碳。”他们回答。我们又问了他们几个问题,就回去写访问外星人的访问报告了。 通过这次访问外星人,我知道他们有的是来旅游的,有的是来破坏的,而有的是来生存的,还有的是来研究地球的生物和环境的好坏的。通过这次访问让我见到了外星人,不知道以后会不会还见到那些奇特的外星人。 二 谁给我找一篇300字的科学书的读后感作文 我们学校举办了在科学读书节,在这个节里,我读了《外星任务:我与外星内人亲密接触》一书,容这本书特别有趣,写了许多人被外星人绑架的故事,他们都平安回来,可是有的安然无恙,有的生了治不好的怪病,有的在是体的某个部为留下了奇怪的记号。 有的人亲眼看见了UFO,但很快就被外星人或奇怪的光束抓走了,在外太空进行了某种试验后,又被莫名其妙地放了回来,有的保持着一些模糊的记忆,而另一些记忆已经被抹去,只留下一些噩梦和奇怪的行为。 还有一些人在熟睡时忽然醒来,发现有个外星人站在自己的旁边,外星人长得很高大,尤其是眼睛,很突出,但能分辨出是一位女性。接着,他全身就像瘫痪了一样,什么也不知道了。醒来后,发现身上多了些奇怪的印记,还有针孔,皮肤有些浮肿,显然是被外星人注射了不明液体药物,好在人没有被伤到性命。 看了这本书后,我对外星人非常好奇,很想知道究竟外星人长的什么样,他们是否愿意和地球人做朋友,也许他们也和我们一样,对我们人类也很好奇,就抓住几个研究一下,看来,他们并不想伤害我们。我希望我们能尽快研究出外星人的秘密,也想看到真正的UFO是什么样子的,可不可以上去参观一下,那可就大大地满足了我那强烈的好奇心啦! 三 拇指班长带外星人上学读后感300字 前几天我看了一本非常有趣的儿童文学书,他的书名叫拇指班长16在外星人上学专。本书讲述了。孔东东和属孔西西他们偶遇到了一位外星人。在这位外星人的万般请求下,把她带到了地球。并且取名叫孔北北。孔北北到了地球问题可真不少。例如有四个轮车,有三个人的车,有两个轮的车,有一个轮的车,那为什么没有不带轮子?。再比如一个人有两个鼻孔,为什么不是一个三个或者四个。但有时候。 孔东东也会依赖不住给他跟他发火,比如说嘟嘟哩星球上只有你和俞你是人,它是植物嗯,没有什么可比性,你说自己好也行,说自己换也行,但是在我们这里,地球不一样,这里人多人多就能比较说1234567,你根本就不懂地球上的规矩,我劝你以后还是少说那些没用的话他们把孔北北变成了拇指变成拇指之后,东东发现孔北北是一个大学霸,余世杰让他代替从孔东东去考试。孔北北果然不负众望,为孔东东争取到很多荣誉。不料事情逐渐失控,孔杯孔东东不得再向孔茜茜求助。从东东和孔西西只好回到日记里,让孔把小郭网友留在了嘟嘟李星。这个故事告诉我们。学习要靠自己,不能依靠别。 四 关于外星人的科学演讲稿300字 Do you like aliens? You maybe say yes. However, I don"t want to see them! Then let me tell you the reason for that. Actually, there"re many on our Earth. However there are few people can see them. Luckily, I am one of those who can see the aliens clearly. Last week, I made a joke on a little alien. I kicked a football and it hit the alien. I ran away quickly and laughed aloud. The little alien is too young .So he always wants to make a joke on me, but I never give him a chance. Unluckily, yesterday he met me in English class .I saw him go straight to our English teacher, then he put a figure on sir"s head. There will be something terrible happening on me, I thought. Right on cruel sure enough,"THE MONITOR!"The monitor couldn"t answer the question. I knew it was my turn "THE PARTNER!"Oh, my god! My English is so poor. How can I answer this question? Suddenly, I saw the little alien. He laughed happily. I regretted making the joke on him. I don"t want to see aliens again! 五 给外星人写一封信300字以上。 亲爱的外星复人: 您好,我是生制长在地球的小女孩。 对我们地球人来说,外太空的许多事物都是个谜,我们也期待有天能够了解宇宙的一切,在摸索的过程中,我们充满好奇,多么期待,拥有高科技文明的外星朋友,和我们一起携手探索神秘浩瀚的宇宙吧! 我的心中充满了数不清的问号:宇宙是否有太空火车?有几颗星球?真的有黑洞吗?有黑洞就有白洞吗?您来自哪个星球? 何不大方出现?让大家看看您的庐山真面目,借重你们的长才,看看地球有哪些需要发展,哪些需要改进。最重要的,就是我好期待能跟外星人当永远好朋友呢! 六 奇妙的外星人太空之旅,300字作文 奇妙的外星人太空之旅,你可以根据自己的一些想象能力,主要的描写一下,就能够写出这样300字的作文了。 七 接到外星人的电话作文300字 “铃,铃……”从屋里传来了响亮的电话 *** ,只听见里面传出一句电脑模拟的声音:“早晨7点35分,你家门口。”我十分疑惑,心想:会不会是电话出了问题,待会告诉妈妈叫别人来修修。我毫不在意,现在才早上7点,于是我便坐在沙发上看起了电视。过了半个多小时,屋外渐渐传来了响亮的轰鸣声,我好奇地走到了屋外,眼前的一切都令我十分惊讶:一架巨大蓝色飞船悬停在天空之中,从飞船里走出了一个机器人,他没有手,机械的外表旁安装了六块巨大的类似于太阳能板块,身后还插着一对能伸能缩的黄金羽翼,脚底还装着火箭喷射器,从上空飞了下来。他慢慢地向我走来,还向我打了招呼,微笑着说:“您好,我叫克罗,来自遥远的X星球,这次来到地球找你去我们星球参观,你是所有地球人之中最幸运的一个。”我听得目瞪口呆:“真的?我可以去外星球参观?”“是的。”听了罗克的话,我高兴得手舞足蹈,接着,我便登上了他的飞船,开始了奇妙的航行。飞船起飞了,来到了宇宙,我对眼前的一切都感到了不可思议。宇宙充满了无数奥妙。这时,美丽的奇幻星云印入我的眼帘,星云中闪烁着繁星,周围还渲染着美丽的色,真是太美丽了。一颗流星周围闪着亮着,划过宇宙,留下了一段无限漂亮的痕迹。终于到达了X星球了,克罗正在向我介绍:“我们的X星球是美丽的凤凰星云中的一颗行星,这里的人都是机器,身上都安装着光能电板,吸收旁边一颗恒星散发的光,来维持运作。我们这里科技十分发达,能够穿梭到任何地方,这里离地球有九万亿光年,我是靠我们的穿越技术,把你接了过来。我们这里的高楼大厦,都不需人力与物力来建造,只需一台中心电脑,就能操作。”我听得津津有味。他介绍完了,我便迫不及待跑去玩了。我来到一个车站里,看见许多辆类似车的飞船,克罗说:“这里的飞船可以供人们自由开走。”我听了,跑进车舱里,没想到那飞船自己便开始起飞了……X星球可真是一个奇妙而又美丽的地方,令我留连忘返。 八 我遇上了外星人 300字 夏天的一个傍晚,我正在小河边钓鱼。突然,耳边响起了一阵阵奇怪的声音。“哗!哗!”开始我不以为然,后来我感到,怎么我旁边都是水?这时,我回头看,发现一个相貌奇特,身材矮小的人站在树旁。 她是一个女孩。我走到树旁,仔细一看,情不自禁地大叫了一声,因为她的样子实在是太可怕了。她的头像个大西瓜,手和脚十分长,十分细。她的下身比上身足足长约50厘米。但细长的手,已经过了膝盖。手指和脚指都只有3只。而眼睛是三角形的。 我心想:怎么地球有这样的人?她肯定是外星人。我学过外星语,可以和她交流。“哭么怎你?”我轻声问道。“了路迷,游旅去妈妈、爸爸和我。”她一边用手擦着眼泪,一边伤心地说。经过一番询问,我才知道她迷路了。我和她不断地交谈,她同意到先我家暂时住下,并让我带她去逛街。 我拉住她的手,走在大街小巷上。许多人投来了奇怪的目光。可她却看不见似的,照样高高兴兴地走着。我知道,这是她们W星球人们的性格。这时,一阵阵香喷喷的味道扑鼻而来,原来是一家饭店正在烤羊肉。只见她甩掉我的手,飞快地向那里跑去,一路上还撞倒了许多人。“哎哟!哎哟!”的声音,连续不断地在我耳边响起。当时,我可着急了,连忙拔腿就追,等到我气喘吁吁追到饭店时,只见她拿着羊肉在大口大口地吃,地上已有了二十多根小棍子。她饱餐了一顿,高兴极了,却害得我付了100多元卡币…… 外星人在我家住了一个星期,玩得很开心,后来她爸爸来接她回去了。可我们的家却被她弄得乱七八糟,但我仍然很高兴,因为又认识了一个新朋友,她还邀请我去她家做客呢! 九 假如外星人来我家做客的作文300字怎么写 一天,我回到家来里,惊奇的源发现一个外形与我们不相同的红发外星人,身高4米, *** 衣服,有六个手指,八个脚趾,四个头,三只手,四只脚。 我想:这是我家吗?带着疑虑的我,慢慢的靠进外星人,正当我想要靠进他的时候他竟然用标准的普通话对我说:“对不起,让您受惊了,我只想休息一下。”我说:“你重吗?”“我不重,像叶子一样。”我举了举,果然啊!“好轻啊!那就坐吧!”我说,“你介绍一吧,你是谁啊?”"我是巨人星球来的。那里科技不好。环境不好,什么也没有你们地球好。但是,我们的飞船是当今宇宙最好的,我叫钱起,因为喜欢中国,所以我们巨人星球派我来这里。” 突然,他惊恐的说:“我再不回去,他们会把我五马分尸的,再见。”“再见!后会有期!”我依依不舍的告别了巨人。
2023-01-12 01:51:301


是I Belive吗
2023-01-12 01:51:363

英语翻译呀!!!没有人能够拿出有力的证据证明外星人的存在。只有见到 拿出证据才算有。要用证据说话。

2023-01-12 01:51:473


aliensn.外星人(alien的复数);外国人 v.使疏远(alien的单三形式)
2023-01-12 01:52:041

“ Aliens”是什么意思??

2023-01-12 01:52:092


2023-01-12 01:52:171


2023-01-12 01:52:221


《异形2Aliens(1986)》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看链接: 提取码:3x8u    导演: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆编剧: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆 / 大卫·吉勒 / 沃尔特·希尔 / 丹·欧班农 / 罗纳德·舒塞特主演: 西格妮·韦弗 / 凯莉·赫恩 / 迈克尔·比恩 / 保罗·雷瑟 / 兰斯·亨利克森 / 比尔·帕克斯顿 / 威廉·霍普 / 詹妮特·戈德斯坦恩 / 阿尔·马修斯 / 马克·罗斯顿 / 里科·罗斯 / 科莱特·希勒 / 丹尼尔·卡什 / 辛西娅·戴尔·斯科特 / 提普·蒂平 / 保罗·马克斯韦尔 / 约翰·利斯 / 卡尔·图普类型: 动作 / 科幻 / 惊悚 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 1986-07-18(美国)片长: 137分钟 / 154分钟(1992年特别版)又名: 异形Ⅱ / 异形续集                                                                                                                                          蕾普莉(西格妮•韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)是首次探险任务遇到异形后的唯一生还者,她一直冬眠直到被救援队救回地球。当她睁开眼睛后,才发现自己已经冬眠了57年!期间,人类已经移居到了异形所在的星球。蕾普莉知道后,马上向当局报局该星球上异形的情况,但却被当局认为要么精神不正常,要么谎话连篇。蕾普莉见当局对她的说话不予理睬,便决心不再涉足和异形有关的任何事。果不其然,在那个异形所在的那个星球上定居的人忽然和地球中断了联系。这时当局才注意到蕾普莉之前汇报的情况,决定派出军队去营救。蕾普莉被说服参与营救行动。又一场腥风血雨的战斗展开了
2023-01-12 01:52:333


链接: 提取码: c597 《异形2 Aliens(1986)》百度网盘资源在线播放导演: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆编剧: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆、大卫·吉勒、沃尔特·希尔、丹·欧班农、罗纳德·舒塞特主演: 西格妮·韦弗、凯莉·赫恩、迈克尔·比恩、保罗·雷瑟、兰斯·亨利克森、比尔·帕克斯顿、威廉·霍普、詹妮特·戈德斯坦恩、阿尔·马修斯、马克·罗斯顿、里科·罗斯、科莱特·希勒、丹尼尔·卡什、辛西娅·戴尔·斯科特、提普·蒂平、保罗·马克斯韦尔、约翰·利斯、卡尔·图普类型: 动作、科幻、惊悚、冒险制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 1986-07-18(美国)片长: 137分钟、154分钟(1992年特别版)又名: 异形Ⅱ、异形续集蕾普莉(西格妮•韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)是首次探险任务遇到异形后的唯一生还者,她一直冬眠直到被救援队救回地球。当她睁开眼睛后,才发现自己已经冬眠了57年!期间,人类已经移居到了异形所在的星球。蕾普莉知道后,马上向当局报局该星球上异形的情况,但却被当局认为要么精神不正常,要么谎话连篇。蕾普莉见当局对她的说话不予理睬,便决心不再涉足和异形有关的任何事。果不其然,在那个异形所在的那个星球上定居的人忽然和地球中断了联系。这时当局才注意到蕾普莉之前汇报的情况,决定派出军队去营救。蕾普莉被说服参与营救行动。又一场腥风血雨的战斗展开了!    
2023-01-12 01:52:462

KIRINJI的エイリアンズ (aliens)的片假名歌词

エイリアンズ作词&作曲:堀込泰行呗:KIRINJI遥(はる)か空(そら)に旅客机(ごえ) 音(おと)もなく 呜呼(ああ)公団(こうだん)の屋根(やね)の上(うえ) どこへ行(ゆ)く 谁(だれ)かの不机嫌(ふきげん)も 寝静(ねしず)まる夜(よる)さ バイパス(bypass)の澄(す)んだ空気(くうき)と 仆(ぼく)の町(まち)泣(な)かないでくれ ダーリン(darling) ほら 月明(つきあ)かりが 长(なが)い夜(よる)に寝(ね)つけない二人(ふたり)の额(ひたい)を抚(な)でてまるで仆(ぼく)らはエイリアンズ(aliens) 禁断(きんだん)の実(み) ほおばっては 月(つき)の裏(うら)を梦见(ゆめみ)て キミが好(す)きだよ エイリアン(alien)この星(ほし)のこの僻地(へきち)で 魔法(まほう)をかけてみせるさ いいかいどこかで不揃(ふぞろ)いな 远吠(とおぼ)え 呜呼(ああ)仮面(かめん)のようなスポーツカー(sports car)が 火(ひ)を吐(は)いた 笑(わら)っておくれ ダーリン(darling) ほら 素晴(すば)らしい夜(よる)に 仆(ぼく)の短所(たんしょ)をジョーク(joke)にしても眉(まゆ)をひそめないでそうさ仆(ぼく)らはエイリアンズ(aliens)街灯(がいとう)に沿(そ)って歩(ある)けば ごらん 新世界(しんせかい)のようさ キミが好(す)きだよ エイリアン(alien) 无(な)いものねだりもキス(kiss)で 魔法(まほう)のように解(と)けるさ いつか~music~踊(おど)ろうよ さあ ダーリン(darling) ラストダンス(last dance)を 暗(くら)いニュース(news)が日(ひ)の出(で)とともに町(まち)に降(ふ)る前(まえ)にまるで仆(ぼく)らはエイリアンズ(aliens)禁断(きんだん)の実(み) ほおばっては 月(つき)の裏(うら)を梦见(ゆめみ)て 君(きみ)を爱(あい)してる エイリアン(alien) この星(ほし)の僻地(へきち)の仆(ぼく)らに 魔法(まほう)をかけてみせるさ 大好(だいす)きさエイリアン(alien) わかるかい========================================很抒情的一首歌~
2023-01-12 01:54:001


Every year, hundreds of people say that they have seen strange or unusual things in the sky. We call the object UFO. There are aliens in the object. It is said that in China a farmer has been carried for three times, to another city where is thousand meters away from his home when he was sleeping. Once I watched a TV programme which was about aliens. Race but happens to have a counterpart, the mysterious thing happened again in Spain. One night a man was driving along on highway, which was empty. Darkness was around him. It seemed to be the only car on the highway. Suddenly there was a ray of dazzling light appeared I front of him. The light became brighter and brighter. He felt there was an object above his head. He was puzzled and anxious. His heart was eating very fast. Soon the light disappeared and fog arose and he couldn"t see anything. He drove fast. He was afraid but he wanted to know what it was. There was no sound outside the car. He didn"t stop driving until the sun rose. He found he was in an unfamiliar city. He asked the local for help and told them what had happened to him. But the local didn"t believe that he could drive his car from Spain to Mexico in one night. Then the only thing he could do was finding the ambassador of Spanish. He came back to the hometown a few days later. Some scientists thought that were just a dream. But he is sure it is true. I don"t think this story is true. After all, seeing is believing.
2023-01-12 01:54:062

aliens x怎么绑定支付宝

2023-01-12 01:54:131


链接: 提取码: u6jc导演: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆编剧: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆 / 大卫·吉勒 / 沃尔特·希尔 / 丹·欧班农 / 罗纳德·舒塞特主演: 西格妮·韦弗 / 凯莉·赫恩 / 迈克尔·比恩 / 保罗·雷瑟 / 兰斯·亨利克森 / 比尔·帕克斯顿 / 威廉·霍普 / 詹妮特·戈德斯坦恩 / 阿尔·马修斯 / 马克·罗斯顿 / 里科·罗斯 / 科莱特·希勒 / 丹尼尔·卡什 / 辛西娅·戴尔·斯科特 / 提普·蒂平 / 保罗·马克斯韦尔 / 约翰·利斯 / 卡尔·图普类型: 动作 / 科幻 / 惊悚 / 冒险   制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 1986-07-18(美国)片长: 137分钟 / 154分钟(1992年特别版)又名: 异形Ⅱ / 异形续集                                                                                                                                          蕾普莉(西格妮•韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)是首次探险任务遇到异形后的唯一生还者,她一直冬眠直到被救援队救回地球。当她睁开眼睛后,才发现自己已经冬眠了57年!期间,人类已经移居到了异形所在的星球。蕾普莉知道后,马上向当局报局该星球上异形的情况,但却被当局认为要么精神不正常,要么谎话连篇。蕾普莉见当局对她的说话不予理睬,便决心不再涉足和异形有关的任何事。果不其然,在那个异形所在的那个星球上定居的人忽然和地球中断了联系。这时当局才注意到蕾普莉之前汇报的情况,决定派出军队去营救。蕾普莉被说服参与营救行动。又一场腥风血雨的战斗展开了。
2023-01-12 01:54:181


illusion or aliens幻想或外星人Your son is the one thing the aliens need.你儿子是外星人需要的一件事。
2023-01-12 01:54:241


Aliens exist? There! Why not in direct contact with human beings?Human on earth is lonely. Nature billions of years spent time in the Earth"s biosphere in the creation of countless species, has created a lot of similar intellectual level of an animal, but rarely only create a maximum intelligence groups - human.Human beings in the universe are you lonely?Not! Can use simple mathematical rules to make affirmative answer.Since the Earth has produced intelligent human beings, the universe show that the intelligence on the existence of non-zero probability. The real universe is infinite, in the face of unlimited nature unique to the Earth only to discount, and unlimited neglect, which is impossible. All of the beliefs and reasons, only this point the most powerful firm.According to Asimov the minimum limit is estimated that in the Milky Way has at least 600 million planets have life, have more cells in the lives of the planet has at least 400 million, due to evolutionary differences, which have had a technical civilization, the planet still exists not less than 50,000. Null and void in the universe has the same months as the Milky Way河外星系, there will be numerous 50000.Distributed in the tens of thousands throughout the galaxy planet civilizations, and their level of evolution will certainly be different, even if the time difference of a few million years of age compared with the Milky Way is just a tiny fraction. We can self-confidence in all of human civilization, the planet of technology at the forefront of it?But perhaps! But as 50,000 lottery jackpot was drawn earth as difficult. Earth in many middle-level intelligence in the case of the possibility of the most, Even so, it is also the most advanced technology and civilization to a difference of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of years time (our goal was just at the Milky Way). Mankind from茹毛饮血"smart animals," to modern times in only a few years time, another few million years of humanity will reach what level?We are in grade Ⅰ civilization flourished phase - step by step to master and control the entire planet"s energy and space, futurist prediction that in another 3200 or so they can control the entire solar system of energy and space - became the first type Ⅱ civilization, On this basis a few around in 1800 can manage the entire Milky Way, and became the first super-civilization type Ⅲ. Than human beings ahead of the Earth a few million years of civilization on Earth may have long to make things clear picture. They are super-intelligent life, why not and then direct contact with human beings? Has speculated as follows:(1) super-human wisdom and intelligence there is a qualitative difference between, as the gap between people and ants as big.Human beings have thought, wisdom, ants only instinct (do not forget that this is the person"s point of view), human thought for the aliens is just雕虫小技. We ants can be observed at all times, they knew nothing about aliens at all times in the care of us, human beings also know nothing about it?May be! Really sad.Only efforts to forge ahead to accelerate the evolution is the way.(2) "paradise garden" interpretation.Alien did not want to let super-intelligence activities of "pollution" of the Earth. Human beings are polluting the earth did not you. They may think, the universe, all life, are free to the right of reproduction and evolution, do not "human" right to interfere. Everything on Earth, including people, is a kind of ecology, in order to protect the natural ecology, and prefer to leave the Earth a long time to be at their long-distance supervision.(3) ultra-chi of life to survive in high-dimensional space, the human has not yet aware of the degree higher than the three-dimensional space, only to see them from distant places to cast a "shadow."The flow of the water of life living in two-dimensional horizontal surface, they did not think they live in three-dimensional space - the level of awareness of restrictions. Human is likely to have been living in high-dimensional space, but only intuitively familiar with the three-dimensional. Mathematics has long held that the existence of multi-dimensional, Einstein"s physical space is four-dimensional, mathematical Kaluza space is five dimensional. Holes and black holes on the white space character is divergent. Super-intelligence to survive in the multi-dimensional space, in their eyes, we are a group of "It" and "water of planktonic life."(4) do not want to harm each other, but also do not want to be the victims of each other.Under normal circumstances, the moral standards of civilized groups with a simultaneous increase in the technological level, but at any time and any level of development, individual desire for material possession will also increase. Past evolutionary history of mankind shows that the possession or attempted possession is the root of all evil, and only by restricting the possession of moral force is the forward momentum. Super-intelligence is a very sophisticated intelligence, very fragile. Humanity has many flaws and ugly, when a truly noble human beings, and super-intelligence will venture to meet with us.
2023-01-12 01:54:371


Every year, hundreds of people say that they have seen strange or unusual things in the sky. We call the object UFO. There are aliens in the object. It is said that in China a farmer has been carried for three times, to another city where is thousand meters away from his home when he was sleeping. Once I watched a TV programme which was about aliens. Race but happens to have a counterpart, the mysterious thing happened again in Spain. One night a man was driving along on highway, which was empty. Darkness was around him. It seemed to be the only car on the highway. Suddenly there was a ray of dazzling light appeared I front of him. The light became brighter and brighter. He felt there was an object above his head. He was puzzled and anxious. His heart was eating very fast. Soon the light disappeared and fog arose and he couldn"t see anything. He drove fast. He was afraid but he wanted to know what it was. There was no sound outside the car. He didn"t stop driving until the sun rose. He found he was in an unfamiliar city. He asked the local for help and told them what had happened to him. But the local didn"t believe that he could drive his car from Spain to Mexico in one night. Then the only thing he could do was finding the ambassador of Spanish. He came back to the hometown a few days later. Some scientists thought that were just a dream. But he is sure it is true. I don"t think this story is true. After all, seeing is believing.紧供参考 自己再改下 满意请采纳哦 谢了
2023-01-12 01:54:431

I"ve seen aliens 的过去式怎么写?

I saw alines。
2023-01-12 01:54:482

他说他梦见了外星人 翻译

He said he has met aliens with dream
2023-01-12 01:54:593


经典的有 异型1、2、3、4 异形大战铁血战士 1、2
2023-01-12 01:55:107


剪辑室的地板是许多迷人的电影片段的家,这些片段未能进入电影院。无论是埃里克·斯托尔茨扮演的马蒂·麦克弗莱的另类现实,还是绝地武士像棒球运动员一样交流的启示,大多数被删除的场景和电影叙事的根本调整都是为了改进。然而,由于恐惧和恐惧的原因,其中一些被删除,如下表所示:异形2 Aliens (1986)对于没有看过这部电影的十个人来说:剧透就在前面。在保罗·雷瑟(Paul Reiser)饰演的《异形2》中,臭名昭著的人类反派人物伯克(Burke)在影片的最后剪辑中得到了一个模棱两可的结局。它留下了一个或两个观众希望一个更邪恶的视觉结果的背信弃义的角色。在影片的高潮部分,由西格妮·韦弗(Sigourney Weaver)饰演的里普利(Ripley)遇到了被锁在茧里的伯克,他还活着,但请求帮助。导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron)称,根据《异形》的宇宙逻辑,这一场景被删除的原因是伯克当时不应该有清醒的意识,但我们会说,部分原因也是因为镜头的残忍。黑神锅传奇 The Black Cauldron (1985)迪士尼动画工作室以其产业变化,但最终家庭友好的电影目录而闻名。一个不太为人所知的名字是《黑神锅传奇》,这是一部雄心勃勃但最终存在缺陷的电影,上映于迪斯尼黑暗时代。它是一个特殊的图形电影的时代相比较,你通常期待从公司给我们米老鼠。事实上,最初的剪辑是如此令人不安地测试观众,它被重新激活,以说明随后的编辑。这其中包括删除了一个场景的大部分内容,在这个场景中,心腹们在痛苦中死去。虽然已经找到了被删除片段的剧照,但原始片段从未发布过,据传被锁在了迪士尼的某个地方。阴阳魔界 Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983)1982年7月23日,根据著名电视剧《阴阳魔界》(Twilight Zone)改编的电影拍摄现场发生了悲剧,演员维克·莫罗(Vic Morrow)和他怀里的两个儿童演员被一架坠毁的直升机击中。莫罗和最大的孩子米卡·丁勒(Myca Dinh Le)被直升机的旋翼叶片斩首,最小的孩子蕾妮·辛义·陈(Renee Shin Yi Chen)被飞机的滑橇碾碎。整个事件从几个不同的角度被摄像机记录了下来。原计划的场景后来被废弃和替换,而制片人面临民事和刑事指控。黑洞表面 Event Horizon (1997)最初,《黑洞表面》受到了观众和评论家的负面回应,但近年来,人们越来越欣赏它创造性地处理了科幻/恐怖的组合。这部电影以其激烈的令人震惊的暴力场面而闻名,但这些场景与电影制作人最初对最终剪辑的设想相比简直是小巫见大巫。为了测试观众和电影公司高管而放映的第一部剪辑被认为太过血腥,不适合在影院上映,因此进行了大量剪辑。这些被认为太过极端的镜头已经被历史遗忘,在特兰西瓦尼亚盐矿里发现的几卷胶卷已经严重变质。金刚 King Kong (1933)《金刚》是当时的开天辟地之作,根据制片人兼导演梅里安·c·库珀(Merian C. Cooper)的说法,它最初包括了一个场景,但由于其可怕的内容而“叫停了这个故事”。被称为“蜘蛛坑序列”的场景中,几个水手被各种大型生物活活吃掉。电影的传奇故事告诉我们,这些画面会让观众尖叫、晕倒,甚至逃离影院。尽管在全球范围内进行了详尽的搜索,但仍未发现任何有关这段视频的踪迹。然而,彼得·杰克逊重新创造了它:
2023-01-12 01:55:341

What does a UFO look like? Do you believe there are aliens outside the earth? Maybe nobody can ...

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:C 小题1:根据文章内容“Scientists even try to draw pictures about aliens and aliens" life according to their imagination.内容可知答案为B小题2:根据文章内容“On August 20 th ,2011, a UFO was seen at 21:00 by the pilot on the plane which took off from Pudong International Airport to Changchun."可知答案为C小题3:根据文章内容大意可知答案为C
2023-01-12 01:56:161


2023-01-12 01:56:271


2023-01-12 01:56:492


When you are in to buy a hamburger was taken away by aliens
2023-01-12 01:56:575


2023-01-12 01:57:453


2023-01-12 01:57:563

移民美国eb1a 究竟是怎样的

请看美国EB1a移民的详细介绍,第一类,科学、文艺、教育、商业和体育各界的卓越人材(Extraordinary Ability Aliens)就是EB1a1、优先工作者(EB-1a): Priority Workers (名额 28.6%) 第一类:科学、文艺、教育、商业和体育各界的卓越人材(Extraordinary Ability Aliens) · 说明: 无需受雇于公司,无需劳工卡 · 条件: 申请人需提出至少三项下列证明 · 曾经获得国际认可的奖项,如诺贝尔奖,艾美奖等 · 为国际学术机构之会员,此学术机构认定会员之标准为会员需有卓越之成就· 曾有他人发表之文章介绍其人成就 · 为某些学术机构评查他人论文,成品 · 为某些科学,艺术领域重要发现之主要贡献者 · 发表多篇重要论文,完成多项成功作品 · 主持或管理着名机构或公司,高薪,一般一年左右能办下来。 第二类:杰出的教授和研究员 ( Outstanding Professors and Researchers) · 说明: 需由受雇之美国公司提出申请,无需劳工卡,需有三年经验· 条件: 申请人需提出至少二项下列证明 · 曾经获得国际认可的奖项 · 为国际学术机构之会员,此学术机构认定会员之标准为会员需有卓越成就 · 曾有他人发表之文章介绍其人之工作 · 为某些学术机构之评审会员或主要干部 · 为某些重要科学研究之主要作者 · 曾发表文章,论文,作品,书籍 ,一般在一年左右能办下来。第三类:跨国公司行政人员和经理 (Mangers or Executives subject to International transfer to US) 对跨国公司行政人员和经理的定义如下:管理一个机构或企业重要部份的营运、具有个人的决策权、具有企业营运的决策权等。· 在申请时三年内需有至少一年以上经理资历,无需劳工卡 · 通常先以 L 签证进入美国,再转换成绿卡,一般在一年左右能办下来。
2023-01-12 01:58:131


亲爱的迈克, 你能相信现在我正身处于一所2030年的学校吗?这所学校就像是一个美丽的花园。我们教室的墙是五颜六色的,学校生活很有趣和精彩。 在上午,我们有三课。我们在网上上课,使用电子书,老师们都是机器人。他们大小各有不同,可以回答任何科目的任何问题。我最喜欢教音乐的机器人老师,因为她的小提琴拉得很好。 下午,我们坐新型飞机去火星上两课。这看起来像我们的飞机和飞船。有外星人住在火星,我可以与他们交朋友。他们很友善,并且认识我们。在星期天,我经常与外星人坐飞船去月球和太阳旅行。 下课后,我们与外星人踢足球,然后我们回到地球。难道你不觉得这样的学校生活很有趣吗?原文全文如下:Dear Mike,Can you believe I"m in a school of 2030 now? The school is like a beautiful garden. The wall of our classroom is colorful. Our school life is interesting and wonderful.In the morning, we have three lessons. We study on the Internet. We use the e-book. The teachers are all robots. They are in different sizes and they can answer any question about any subjects. I like my robot music teacher best. Because she plays the violin very well.In the afternoon, we go to Mars to have two classes by a new plane. That looks like our plane and spaceship. Some aliens live on the Mars. I can make friends with them. They are friendly, and know us well. I often have a trip to the moon and the sun with aliens by spaceship on Sundays.After class, we play football with aliens. Then we go back to the earth. Don"t you think the life in this school is very interesting?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2023-01-12 01:58:221


2023-01-12 01:58:271