barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-09-22 10:49:58

Everyone can have a collision with friend,but it is important for us to make up with them.

It is usual for us to see our friengs" bad when quarreling.But later,we will find our own faults,usually the same with our friends.So,if he(or she) is too shy to make an appology first,we can find a chance to talk to him(or her)or write a letter to him(or her)to show our sorry to him(or her).Then we will make up with our friends and hold a forever friendship



"求助信"的英语翻译为 "letter of request for assistance" .Letter of Request for Assistance解析如下:一、读音:英式发音:[u02c8lu025btu0259r u0252v ru026au02c8kwu025bst fu0254u02d0r u0259u02c8su026astu0259ns]美式发音:[u02c8lu025btu0259r u0259v ru026au02c8kwu025bst fu0254r u0259u02c8su026astu0259ns]二、释义:n. 求助信三、含义拓展:Letter of Request for Assistance指的是一封请求帮助或求助的信函。它通常用于向个人、组织或机构提出请求,寻求帮助、支持或解决特定问题或困境。求助信的内容通常包括请求帮助的原因、具体需求或问题描述,并表达对方的感激之情。四、例句:I am writing a letter of request for assistance regarding my financial situation.(我写这封求助信是关于我的经济状况。)We have received your letter of request for assistance and will do our best to help.(我们已收到你们的求助信,将尽力提供帮助。)Her letter of request for assistance was heartfelt and sincere.(她的求助信非常真挚和诚恳。)I am sending this letter as a formal appeal for help in our community project.(我写这封信是作为我们社区项目的正式求助。)五、相近短语:- Appeal for help - 求助- Request for assistance - 请求帮助- Seek help - 寻求帮助- Desperate plea - 绝望的恳求- Express gratitude - 表达感激
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2023-09-08 10:29:511

求助信怎么写 从四点来写求助信

1、称呼,在个人求助信中在称呼上要比一般的文书正规,实际上在写作之时,很多时候都会加上尊敬的语气,可以是尊敬的,但是不可以是师傅,前辈和老师,因为这些称呼很明显属于不正规的称呼,当然了一些自由主体为主的求助信,是可以直接将称呼给省略掉。 2、正文,在个人求助信的正文中,是求助信的中心部分,而且在文章形式中多样性,一般存在很重要的要求,在求职者基本情况和要求助的原因,具体书写出来。 3、结尾位置,一般在求助信的结尾位置,叙述看希望能得到怎样的帮助,写上简单的敬意,祝福类的次于,也可以用此致,和敬礼等这些通用的词汇,去做结尾。 4、署名,个人求助信怎么写,最后的署名位置是不能忽视的地方,而且要注意的是和称呼保持一样,或者是直接可以不用写,直接签上自己的名字就可以。所以,一份求助信对个人来讲很重要,书写一定要规范,才可以保证求助信有求助的效果。
2023-09-08 10:30:111


疾病求助信怎么写篇一: 尊敬的领导: 我叫***,家住*****(你的情况)。因家庭****(说你的困难),已于**年**月被批准为低保户。 几天前我感到身体不适,去医院检查,诊断为高血压、等病症。由于家庭经济条件所限,低保金只能维持生活,不能进行相应的治疗,而我(写写你对你的家庭的重要性,如果不能及时治疗,延误病情对家庭的后果等困难),特向国家申请医疗救助金。 申请人:***篇二: 尊敬的领导: 你好! 我是XX市XX街XX社区居民XX,借住父母家。我父亲由于脊椎折断、并患有糖尿病,退休的薪金还不够吃药药费的开销,糖尿病已到严重时期,不能进食,四肢浮肿,随时都有危险。母亲患有严重的心脏病,加之年岁以高不能操劳。同时家庭收入仅靠老父亲的微薄退休金来维持全家生活。 现在生活举步维艰。 我本人由于长期失业,没有固定的经济来源。一直靠政府的低保补助维持生活,我的妻子也没有工作,只能在照顾父母的空余时间打打零工贴补家用。今年春节我又添了一个女儿,但遗憾的是没有母乳吃,只能靠昂贵的奶粉供养,这一切在我的生活中都无疑是雪上加霜。这真是“屋漏偏遭连夜雨,船迟又遇打头风”。在万般无奈的情况下,希望政府伸出援助友爱之手拉我们全家一把,特恳请困难补助以度过目前的艰难时日。我深信政府会给我们解决实际困难,解决我们的生活危机,向我们伸出援助之手!我们全家期待着您的佳音. 此致 敬礼! 申请人: XX年XX月XX日
2023-09-08 10:30:291

紧急求助信怎么写 学会通过求救来自救

1、求救信格式:求助 ......:您们好!求助人:姓名 职业 年龄 .地址邮编............内容......此致敬礼!(求助人留名处)XX年XX月XX日 2、联系人:......地址 :...地址...邮编...... 3、首先居中书写“求助信” 4、然后写名对象,即称呼。写作模板 5、正文,写明求助原因,中心,即意义 6、结尾,表明谢意,写明求助人姓名,日期
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2023-09-08 10:31:081


  你是否有读过在高考出现的求助信类型的英文写作呢?难度几何?下面是我带来高考英语求助信 范文 ,以供大家学习参考。   高考英语求助信范文篇1   Dear Mr. Johnson,   How are you doing these days? Itu2019s almost two months since we met each other last time. I miss you a lot.   Thank you so much for your help with my English study. Now I am faced with some new learning problems. I have some difficulty in comprehensive reading. My English teacher often says that only if we expand the reading quantity can we be admitted into a better university. But, I feel it difficult to understand English passages with the increase of vocabulary / for lack of vocabulary. Besides, I often feel nervous while reading English. All of the problems bring me great pressure. I am unable to remember words well and feel tired of learning English.   I really hope that you can give me some good advice on how to memorize new words and practice reading English. I believe I can make great progress in English with your help.   I would be grateful/thankful if you could give me some advice/help. (By the way, please come to China for a visit whenever it is convenient to you. I am looking forward to seeing you again.)   Best wishes!   Yours sincerely, Li hua   高考英语求助信范文篇2   Dear teacher,   My name is Li Xiang. Iu2019m writing a letter to you to ask for some help. I have met with many difficulties in learning English. First,I find our texts full of new words that are very difficult for me to remember. Besides,the texts are too long for me to recite. Whatu2019s more,grammar is also very difficult to learn.   Faced with so many difficulties, I have to ask you for some help.Would you like to introduce to us some good ways to learn new words so that we can remember them more easily? In the meanwhile,I beg you to teach the text more slowly so that most of the students can easily follow you. Also,I would like you to introduce some rules and good ways to learn grammar. Iu2019m sure that I can make great progress in my English study with your help.   Yours, Li Hua   高考英语求助信范文篇3   Dear Uncle,   How are you?   Next week an English speaking contest will be held in the city. A classmate of mine and I will take part in it on behalf of my school. I am excited but also mervous, because it is a good chance to improve my English. But I have no experience. Although I have been preparing for the contest, I am still not confident. As an expert in English, what would you advise me to prepare for the contest?   I plan to pay a visit to you this Saturday morning. I wonder whether you will be free then. If not, could you tell me the time that is convenient for you? I am eager to get your instruction. I will appreciate any of your help.   Your niece, Yang Mei   >>>下一页更多精彩“高考英语求助信范文篇”
2023-09-08 10:31:501


  假如你叫周明,在光明中学读书,在学习英语的过程中你遇到一些问题,想得到老师的帮助.现在你给英语老师写一封求助信,内容如下:    字数:120左右.   Dear teacher,   My name is Zhou Ming.I"m writing a letter to you to ask for some help.I have met much difficulty in learning English.First,I find our texts full of new words that are very difficult for me to remember.Besides,the texts are too long for me to recite.What"s more,grammar is also very difficult to learn.   Faced with so much difficulty,I have to ask you for some help.Would you like to introduce to us some good ways to learn new words so that we can remember them more easily?In the meanwhile,I beg you to teach the text more slowly so that the average students can easily follow you.Also,I would like you to introduce some rules and good ways to learn grammar.   I"m sure that I can make great progress in my English study with your help.   点评:介绍自己在英语学习中所遇到的问题和需要向老师求助的角度时作者均能围绕生词、课文、语法三个角度进行,文章脉络清晰,条理清楚,有较强的层次感.First,Besides,What"s more,In the meanwhile.Also等过渡性词汇的准确贴切使用使文章叙述更合理,思路更清晰,逻辑更严密,体现出作者文笔的老炼与成熟.Would you like to,beg do sth.,would like do sth.,I"m sure等委婉句型的使用体现出作者的谦虚客气,诚恳朴实,并使文意显得情感浓烈,真实感人.表达现阶段在英语学习上遇到的困难时作者使用一般现在时表达文意,符合求助信的时态特点.定语从句、目的状语从句、宾语从句等高级表达方式的运用增强了文章的表达效果,提高了文章的表达档次.     【写法总结】   1.正确把握时态,保证语言准确性   写英文求助信的原因就是目前自己在某一角度存在困难,因此应用一般现在时表达文意,当然描绘自己得到帮助后的进步时应用一般将来时表达文意.同学们一定要牢记求助信的这些时态特点,并增强错误防范意识,养成错误防范习惯,确保语言准确性.   2.熟悉常用句型,提高文章整体美感   写英文求助信时首先得做自我介绍,此时可用My name is ....I"m writing to you for some help.或I"m writing a letter to you to get some help.句型.接着可简要交待自己所面临的困难,可用I have met much difficulty in ....句型.请求对方做某事时可用Would you like to that ...In the meanwhile / At the same time,I beg you to that ....Also,I would like you to ....等句型.展望获得帮助后自己的进步时可用I"m sure with your help I can make great progress.句型.这些句型不但使用频率高,而且语气委婉,态度谦恭,符合求助信的语言特点.   3.贴切使用过渡性词汇,提高文章逻辑性   列举自己所碰到的困难时可用first,besides,what"s more等过渡性词汇.请求对方提供一系列帮助时可用in the meanwhile,at the same time,in addition,also等过渡性词汇.这些过渡性词汇是英文求助信特色过渡性词汇,应增强使用意识,养成使用习惯.   4.适当使用高级表达方式,提高文章表达档次   写英文求助信时除使用常规高级词句之外,还可重点考虑几处高级表达方式.表达“面临巨大困难,所以只好求助”时可用现在分词做状语句型Facing so much difficulty,I have to ask you for some help.也可使用过去分词做状语句型Faced with so much difficulty,I have to ask for your help.表达请求对方帮助以便自己能够有所进步时可在一、二处地方使用so that或in order that引导的目的状语从句.这个句型非常好,有很大的表达容量,它既可表达求助内容,又能表达对方实施帮助后的作用,可谓一举两得.但必须注意的是,仅仅懂得这一点还不够,同学们一定要下定决心,强化意识,非把这一句型用上去不可.
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2023-09-08 10:32:215


一、前言雅思写作移民类书信的种类包括投诉/抱怨信、请求信、推荐信、申请信、建议信等;了解书信的类型有助于考生使用精准的语言表述写信的目的;明确收信人身份(是朋友、老师、上级、陌生人、同事、商业伙伴、销售方),可以使用恰当的正式程度以及考生写作时的措词;清楚书信任务个数,有助于考生在个人语言能力有限的情况下,拿到相对合理的任务完成分数。本文主要侧重于介绍投请求/求助信的写法.二、请求/求助信请求信在雅思书信写作中的出现频率仅次于投诉/抱怨信。对请求信的掌握,不仅有助于考生备考,还有助于考生们将来在国外的学习、生活和工作。(一)高频考点1、阐述自己的打算以及需要帮助的理由(explain what you are going to do and why you need help);2、阐述自己需要哪方面的帮助(say what you want him/her to do for you);3、表达谢意(express your gratitude)。(二)写作实例下面以真题话题为例,具体展示请求/求助信的写作过程。(20081206) You are away on holiday for several weeks and then hope that one of your friends will look after your home. Write to him/her and in your letter,lexplain why you need helplshow where the key islexplain what do you expect him/her to do when you are away1、审题该话题要求考生写一封请求信,收信人为自己朋友(属于非正式的文体),主要有三项任务(解释需要帮助的原因;讲明钥匙所在;解释自己不在时需要朋友做什么),需要在主体部分(Main Parts)完成。2、写作过程展示Dear Catherine,(称呼)I wonder if you could spare some time attending to my home while I am away for my annual paid holiday.(写信目的介绍段)The holiday, as scheduled from April 3rd to May 1st,will last around 4 weeks. This thus means that I cannot return until May 2nd, and that is why your timely help is of great significance to me.(任务一:explain why you need help)Keys to my door are available if you drop in at my company on your way home after work and ask the beautiful slim receptionist called Serena for them.(任务二:where the key is)When I am on my holiday, you have to take the trouble to feed and walk my German Shepherd "Rain" on a daily basis. Besides, you are expected to water the 3 plants at the backyard at regular intervals. After fulfilling these tasks, if time permitting, please pick up my letters, water/gas/electricity bills and my subscribed newspaper "Financial Times" and then put them into the top drawer of the desk in my bedroom. All these tasks are for certain to lay you a huge burden.(任务三:what do you expect him and what do you expect him/her to do when you are away.)I would be greatly grateful to you if you could lend me a helping hand at such a critical time and I am looking forward to hearing from you.(结尾段:表达谢意,请求回复)Best wishesHelen Y.(落款签名)(三)注意事项1、开头段落格式要规范;2、主体部分要尽可能详尽,所提出的请求具有客观性、合理性和可行性;3、结尾表示希望对方回复,并表示感谢。三、其他请求/求助信(一)20110726You come back home from travel but find an item of clothing was left in the hotel. You write a letter to the manager of the hotel for this matter. You should(1) describe the item of clothing;(2) point which place it would be;(3) tell the manager what you want him/her to do if find out the item of clothing.(二)20080726You come back home from travel but find an item of clothing was left in the hotel. You write a letter to the manager of the hotel for this matter. You should(1) describe the item of clothing;(2) point which place it would be;(3) tell?the?manager?what?you?want?him/her?to?do?if?find?out?the?item?of?clothing.?(三)20080830You rent an accommodation for a week and you found that there were problems with the accommodation. Write a letter to the owner and inform him or her:(1) what the problems were;(2) describe consequences of the problems;(3) what actions would you want the owner to take to solve the issue.(四)20120721You have written an article to a magazine about your job, and ask your manager to make some comments on it.(1) explain why you wrote the article(2) What have you written(3) What you would like your manager to comment.(五)20130202You are going to travel for a week. Write a letter to your neighbour and ask him to take care of your house when you leave. In your letter, you should tell:(1) what you are going to do;(2) what you want him to do for you;(3) what he should do if something happens.四、结语本文主要讲解了关于雅思写作移民类小作文中请求/求助信的写法;范文解析完毕后又附加了五个典型的历年考题,以供考生在备考时有目标、有方向地加以练习。
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English is the most important language in the world and it is one of the most important subjects in junior high so we should learn it well.Learning English just like learning other language, is hard work so we should spend lots of time on it every day. We should have good ways of learning English, such as listen to the teacher carefully,review what is learned regularly, prepare each lesson carefully before class, do our homework carefully, copy good sentences and recite them and attend English debbates and speech contests. What"s more,it is very useful to listen to English programs and read English magazines and books
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2023-09-08 10:33:491


name is in your spray can?
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2023-09-08 10:34:493


Maggie: Hi,I am lingling,I am here to asking for your help.last night,I came to a dancing party and weared my sister"s new shoes.I didn"t get her permission to wear her shoes.How unlucky!The shoes was broken and i don`t have enough money to get it repaired.I am afriad to tell my sister this.What can I do?Maybe I can mend it by myself?Please give me some suggests.Thanks a lot. LingLing 刚写完,希望对你有助喔.
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2023-09-08 10:35:162


英语求助信怎么写?本文整理了写作模板及范文,欢迎阅读。 英语求助信模板 求助信写作指导 应该遵照英文书信的格式,表达出自己希望得到的急切心理和诚意。 1、常用句型 英文求助信的一些规律性语言(见模板)。自我介绍、写信目的、说明困难、提出要求、进一步展望。此外,描绘身处困境的无奈心情可用 I don"t know what to do. / I wonder how to deal with the problem. 描绘渴望得到对方帮助可用I"m eager to get your help. / I"m eager for your timely help等。 2、过渡性词语 列举自己所遇困难、请求对方帮助(见模板)。此外,需要表达困难所导致的不良后果时可用as a result, as a result of, as a consequence, as a consequences of等过渡性词语。 3、高级表达 可用分词作状语,也可用so that或in order that引导目的状语 英语求助信范文 Dear Sir/Madam, I"m Li Hua, a Chinese student taking summer courses in your university. I"m writing to ask for help. I came here last month and I find my courses interesting. But I have some difficulties with note-making and I have no idea of how to use the library. I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and I"m anxious to get help from you. I have no class on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons. Please let me know which day is ok with you. You may email or phone me. Here are my email address and phone; 12345678. Thanks for your kindness in advance. Look forward to your reply. yours, Lihua 以上就是我整理的英语求助信模板,感谢阅读。
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2023-09-08 10:35:434

高中英语作文 求助信范文 精选

~亲~ 别着急~ 有的是~1、推荐信 Dear Brown, It is my pleasure to recommend Li Ming, my good friend, for his application to work in your company. Li Ming graduated from Beijing Industry University. His major is Computer Software. During the four years"study he has done a good job. Every year he got the first grade scholarship. And he also has got the title of the Excellent Graduate. He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with high potentiality. He is not only quick at learning but also good at solving difficult problems with logical mind. I am sure that it will benefit your company if he can work for your company. I strongly recommend him to your company. Yours, Wang Lin 亲爱的布朗: 我很高兴推荐我的好朋友李明在您的公司工作。李明毕业于北京工业大学。他的专业是计算机软件。在四年的学习中,他的功课非常优秀。每年他都获得一等奖学金,而且他已经获得了优秀毕业生的称号。 他是一个热情、积极上进、具有很大潜力的年轻人。他不仅学习快而且善于用逻辑解决难题。我相信如果他能进入你们公司工作,会给你们公司带来很多好处。我强力推荐他到你们公司。 您的朋友 王林 Dear Brown, I am very glad to recommend Li Ming, my good friend, for a job in yourcompany. He is a graduate from Beijing Industry University. His major is Computer Software. In the past four years he has got the first grade scholarship for four times. And this year he got the title of the Excellent Graduate. He not only studies well but also has great capacity. He is good at solving difficult problems with logical mind. I think that he has great potentialities. If he can join the company, he will be able to give full play to his talent. And your company will also be greatly benefited. I strongly recommend Li Ming to your company. Yours, Wang Lin亲爱的布朗, 我很高兴推荐我的好朋友李明在您的公司工作。李明是北京工业大学的一名毕业生。他的专业是计算机。在过去四年里,他得了四次一等奖学金,而且今年他获得了优秀毕业生的称号。 他不仅学习好而且有很强的能力。他善于用逻辑解决难题,我认为他有很大潜力。如果他能进入你们公司工作,他就能够展现他的才能,你们公司也会受益匪浅。我强力推荐他到你们公司。 您的朋友 王林 2、求职信 2、求职信 Dear Sir or Madam, I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position. My name is Li Min. I am twenty-three years old. I am studying business management in Xiamen University. I will graduate this summer. I am familiar with computer operation and office softwares, which can help me do the office work very well. And I have learned English for ten years.In the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department. My grades come out top in my department. What"s more, I like office work very much and I also think that I can be competent for the job.If I could have the opportunity to get the job I will be quite appreciative. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully Li Min 亲爱的先生或女士: 我从一则广告上得知你们公司需要秘书。我希望您考虑一下我。 我叫李敏,23岁,现在在厦门大学学习经济管理,今年夏季即将毕业。我精通计算机操作及办公软件的使用,这可以帮助我做好办公室工作。我学了十年英语。在过去的两年里我一直担任本系英语报的一名编辑。我的成绩在系里名列前茅。另外,我非常喜欢办公室工作并且我也认为我能胜任这个工作。如果我能有机会得到这份工作,我会非常感激。 谢谢您的考虑。我盼望着您的回信。 您忠实的朋友 李敏Dear Sir or Madam, In an advertisement I know that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like to apply for the job. I am a student of business management in Xiamen University. My name is Li Min. I am twenty-three years old and will graduate this summer.I am able to operate computer skillfully. I think this is very important for office work. I have learned English for ten years. I am very good at English, so I have been an editor of my department"s English Paper in the past two years. My grades are among the best ones in my department. Besides,I like office work very much and I can be competent in it. I will be quite appreciative if I am offered the opportunity. Thank you for your consideration. I wish to get your answer soon. Yours faithfully Li Min亲爱的先生或女士: 我从一则广告上得知你们公司需要秘书,我打算申请这份工作。 我是厦门大学经济管理系的学生。我叫李敏,23岁,今年夏季即将毕业。我能熟练运 用计算机。我认为这一点对于办公室工作是非常重要的。我学了十年英语。我英语很好,所以在过去的两年里我一直是本系英语报的一名编辑。我的成绩在系里名列前茅。另外,我非常喜欢办公室工作而且我能胜任这个工作。如果我得到这个机会,我会非常感激。 谢谢您的考虑。我希望不久就得到您的回信。 您忠实的朋友 李敏3、感谢信 Dear Mr. John, How are things going with you in Beijing? I am writing to show my thanks to you. You tutored me in my spoken English before you went to Beijing. With your help I made such rapid progress that I won the first place in the Spoken English Competition of the city. My achievement is owed to your help. Thank you very much. I have heard that you and your wife will pay a visit to my school. I am very glad at the news. In that case we can see each other again. I am looking forward to your coming. I am sending you a telescope as a small gift. I hope you will like it. All the best. Yours, Liu Jie 亲爱的约翰先生: 您在北京过得怎么样? 我写信向您表达我的谢意。去北京前您辅导我的英语口语。在您的帮助下我很快取得进步,所以能在市里举办的英语口语比赛中取得第一名。我的成绩应该归功于您的帮助。非常感谢。 我听说您和您的夫人要来我们学校访问。听到这个消息我非常高兴。那样的话我们就又可以见面了。期盼着您的到来。我给您寄去一件小礼物“望远镜”。希望您喜欢。 万事如意。 您的朋友 刘杰 4、公开信 Dear Editor, I"m writing to tell you about the discussion on whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks. Opinions vary from person to person on this issue. 50% of the students disagree with the idea of entrance fees. In their opinion, parks are public places where all the people can have a rest and enjoy themselves. So if an entrance fee is charged, some people will surely be kept away from the park. Besides, in order to charge entrance fees,gates and walls must be built. They think that it will do harm to the appearance of a city. 40% of the students agree with the idea of entrance fees, because the gardeners need to be paid and new plants and flowers need to be bought.But fees should be charged reasonably. Yours truly, XXX 亲爱的编辑: 我写信告诉您关于公园是否要收门票的讨论结果。在这个问题上,意见有分歧。 60%的学生不同意收费。他们认为公园是公共场所,所有人都可以在那休息娱乐。所以如果收门票,必然有些人会被拒之门外。另外,为了收门票,就得建大门和围墙,他们认为这会破坏城市的形象。 40%的学生同意收门票。因为需要付给园丁工资,而且需要购进新的花木。但是收费应该合理。 您真正的朋友XXX 5、给校长的信 Dear Headmaster, As the minister of students" life in the Student Union, I am writing to you to reflect something about our canteen. To our satisfaction, the canteen supplies us with various kinds of food.This gives us many choices. At the same time the price for the food is low and the food is tasty. And the surroundings for having a meal have been improved. The canteen has become clean. And when we are eating, we can watch TV. But something unsatisfactory exists, too. For example, the quantity of a helping is less than it should be. This is unfair. And in the canteen, the seats are not enough. Some students have to stand while eating. We hope that the school will consider addingmore seats for us. Finally we hope that they can improve the quality of the food and their service. We will be very happy if our advice is taken. Yours respectfully, XXX 尊敬的校长: 作为学生会生活部部长,我给您写信反映食堂的情况。 令我们满意的是,食堂提供很多种类的食物,这给了我们很多选择。同时饭菜价格便宜,味道可口,而且就餐环境也改善了。食堂干净了。我们吃饭时还可以看电视。 但是令人不满意的方面也存在。例如,食物分量不足,这是不公平的。并且食堂的座位不够,一些学生不得不站着吃。我们希望学校会考虑增添些座位。 最后我们希望他们能改进饭菜的质量,改善服务。我们的建议若被采纳我们会非常高兴。 尊敬您的 XXX6、给市长的信 假如你是 Tom ,是某中学的在校学生,你给市长写封信,反映学校周围的环境问题。 1. 学校周围存在一个市场,噪音、空气污染严重; 2. 小商贩( peddler )经常出入学校,影响学生上课; 3. 受市场影响,部分学生弃学从商; 4. 要求搬迁市场。 要求: 1. 词数: 100 左右; 2. 论点明确,论证合乎逻辑。 [内容要点] 1. 噪音空气污染严重: noise and air pollution are serious 2. 商贩出入学校: peddler often go in and out of school 3. 部分学生弃学从商: give up schooling and to be in-business 4. 要求市场搬迁: ask the market to be moved [例题分析] 本文要求考生陈述市场需要搬迁的理由,并进行论证,使之有理有据。本文对于培养学生观察、分析问题的能力及关心他人,关心社会具有积极的意义。 [参考范文] Mr Mayor, We strongly ask the market near our school to be moved. It lies in three reasons. First, some noise and air pollution make us unable to fix our attention on study. Second, so many peddlers often go in and out of our school freely that we can"t listen to our lessons clearly which is likely to be dangerous to us. At last, I"ll say that some of the students begin to give up schooling and to be in-business, affected by the market. We are looking forward to your answer. Yours, Tom
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把遇到的疑难问题、困难写清楚,接着提出你们的要求,如果你们提出的要求,还能拿出依据,或者相关法律法规,文件规定等,就更有说服力。求助 ......:您们好!   求助人:姓名 职业 年龄 .地址邮编......   内容最好写具体事例,写的尽量感人,动人。此致敬礼!  (求助人留名处)   XX年XX月XX日  联系人:......   地址 :...地址...邮编......   首先写求助信在中央,然后写名对象,即称呼。写作模板,正文,写明求助原因,中心,即意义,结尾,表明谢意,写明求助人姓名,日期 。
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I 'm writing to you to ask for a favor.I am writing this letter to ask you to do me a favor.Now I wonder whether I could ask you a favor.I sincerely hope that you can gi ve me some advice on……I would appreciate it if you could do me a favor.
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给外教的求助信 ,请求润色

Dear Bonnie: Hi ! I"m your student at XX University. My English name is Joe, and Chinese name XXX. Long time no see. : ) I"m in one of the Computer Science class. Unfortunately, I failed in the second term of our English study. My final grade score is 57.2. I was surprised because my English study NEVER causes me any trouble before. So I questioned on my grade and found that my "Self-study Hall" grade is 0(15) and my regular grade is 2(5). I asked Mr Huang, the chief of the Public English Education Offce. He told me that they didn"t recieve my exam grade in "Self-study Hall" . So they can"t help me. Initially I didn"t think this really matters, because I thought English is only 2 credits, and I could take this course again next year. So I decide not to trouble you. But this term I discovered that English course is actually 3 credits and as a result I could lose my Bachelor Degree. So now I have to seek your help. Would you please revise my regular grade? I admit that I was absent 2 to 3 times in your class, but that was due to my rather poor health and my friend Allan had helped me to request for a break. I finished all the journals and enjoyed many happy festivals such as Halloween, Christmas , Thanksgiving Day and Easter. In fact, I still keep the rabbit chocolate you gave me. Ms Bonnie, I really need your help. Please help me.Hope to hear from you soonSincerely yoursJoePS: my student number is xxxxx.
2023-09-08 10:38:384


 1、求助信多以自我介绍为开头句;2、其次点明写信的目的;3、求助的内容可以依次陈述所需哪方面的帮助或者自己遇到的问题;4、希望对方给予帮助的表达。书写要点  第一,题目要有信息量  首先,题目的重要性胜过半篇正文。在题目上就要点明自己的问题。其次,题目要有独特卖点。如果一个来信者能意识到自己问题的独特之处,引起阅读者的特别兴趣,当然一个题目的完全功效就发挥出来了。 第二,来信要简短或有摘要  这是现代专业人才在职场的一种基本沟通素质要求,尽量短的时间内可以说明要点。如果希望写万言书,也最好写好后回到前边做一下小的归纳,列明来信的要点。  第三,忌太细小或太空洞的问题  向其他人求助,需要解决的主要是中间层面的思想问题和技术方法问题,基本的信息应该自己做好功课,哪怕探讨大问题,也要交待清楚前提和背景。 第四,对读信者更多调查了解  不管些什么样的求助信,对你的邮件的阅读者有一定了解总是必要的。
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求助信怎么写 关于求助信怎么写

  求助信的格式和其他的信件一样,通常包括称呼、正文、结束语和签名。内容主要包括自我介绍、希望得到的帮助以及对收信人的感谢。 求助信的格式   正文可按照三部分进行写作:   第一部分:说明写信目的;   第二部分:阐述求助原因及求助内容;   第三部分:表达感谢。    求助信书写要点   第一、题目要有信息量   首先,题目的重要性胜过半篇正文。在题目上就要点明自己的问题。其次,题目要有独特卖点。如果一个来信者能意识到自己问题的独特之处,引起阅读者的特别兴趣,当然一个题目的完全功效就发挥出来了。   第二、来信要简短或有摘要   这是现代专业人才在职场的一种基本沟通素质要求,尽量短的时间内可以说明要点。如果希望写万言书,也最好写好后回到前边做一下小的归纳,列明来信的要点。   第三、忌太细小或太空洞的问题   向其他人求助,需要解决的主要是中间层面的思想问题和技术方法问题,基本的信息应该自己做好功课,哪怕探讨大问题,也要交代清楚前提和背景。   第四、对读信者更多调查了解   不管写什么样的求助信,对你的邮件的阅读者有一定了解总是必要的。
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2023-09-08 10:40:001


假如你叫周明,在光明中学读书,在学习英语的过程中你遇到一些问题,想得到老师的帮助。现在你给英语老师写一封求助信,内容如下:字数: 120左右。Dear teacher,My name is Zhou Ming. I"m writing a letter to you to ask for some help. I have met much difficulty in learning English. First, I find our texts full of new words that are very difficult for me to remember. Besides, the texts are too long for me to recite. What"s more, grammar is also very difficult to learn.Faced with so much difficulty, I have to ask you for some help. Would you like to introduce to us some good ways to learn new words so that we can remember them more easily? In the meanwhile, I beg you to teach the text more slowly so that the average students can easily follow you. Also, I would like you to introduce some rules and good ways to learn grammar.I"m sure that I can make great progress in my English study with your help.点评: 介绍自己在英语学习中所遇到的问题和需要向老师求助的角度时作者均能围绕生词、课文、语法三个角度进行,文章脉络清晰,条理清楚,有较强的层次感。First, Besides, What"s more, In the meanwhile. Also等过渡性词汇的准确贴切使用使文章叙述更合理,思路更清晰,逻辑更严密,体现出作者文笔的老炼与成熟。Would you like to, beg sb. to do sth., would like sb. to do sth., I"m sure等委婉句型的使用体现出作者的谦虚客气,诚恳朴实,并使文意显得情感浓烈,真实感人。表达现阶段在英语学习上遇到的困难时作者使用一般现在时表达文意,符合求助信的时态特点。定语从句、目的状语从句、宾语从句等高级表达方式的运用增强了文章的表达效果,提高了文章的表达档次。【写法总结】1.正确把握时态,保证语言准确性写英文求助信的原因就是目前自己在某一角度存在困难,因此应用一般现在时表达文意,当然描绘自己得到帮助后的进步时应用一般将来时表达文意。同学们一定要牢记求助信的这些时态特点,并增强错误防范意识,养成错误防范习惯,确保语言准确性。2.熟悉常用句型,提高文章整体美感写英文求助信时首先得做自我介绍,此时可用My name is ... . I"m writing to you for some help.或I"m writing a letter to you to get some help.句型。接着可简要交待自己所面临的困难,可用I have met much difficulty in ... .句型。请求对方做某事时可用Would you like to ... so that ...? In the meanwhile / At the same time, I beg you to ... so that ... . Also, I would like you to ... .等句型。展望获得帮助后自己的进步时可用I"m sure with your help I can make great progress.句型。这些句型不但使用频率高,而且语气委婉,态度谦恭,符合求助信的语言特点。3.贴切使用过渡性词汇,提高文章逻辑性列举自己所碰到的困难时可用first, besides, what"s more等过渡性词汇。请求对方提供一系列帮助时可用in the meanwhile, at the same time, in addition, also等过渡性词汇。这些过渡性词汇是英文求助信特色过渡性词汇,应增强使用意识,养成使用习惯。4.适当使用高级表达方式,提高文章表达档次写英文求助信时除使用常规高级词句之外,还可重点考虑几处高级表达方式。表达“面临巨大困难,所以只好求助”时可用现在分词做状语句型Facing so much difficulty, I have to ask you for some help.也可使用过去分词做状语句型Faced with so much difficulty, I have to ask for your help.表达请求对方帮助以便自己能够有所进步时可在一、二处地方使用so that或in order that引导的目的状语从句。这个句型非常好,有很大的表达容量,它既可表达求助内容,又能表达对方实施帮助后的作用,可谓一举两得。但必须注意的是,仅仅懂得这一点还不够,同学们一定要下定决心,强化意识,非把这一句型用上去不可。
2023-09-08 10:40:111


疾病求助信怎么写篇一: 尊敬的领导: 我叫***,家住*****(你的情况)。因家庭****(说你的困难),已于**年**月被批准为低保户。 几天前我感到身体不适,去医院检查,诊断为高血压、等病症。由于家庭经济条件所限,低保金只能维持生活,不能进行相应的治疗,而我(写写你对你的家庭的重要性,如果不能及时治疗,延误病情对家庭的后果等困难),特向国家申请医疗救助金。 申请人:***篇二: 尊敬的领导: 你好! 我是XX市XX街XX社区居民XX,借住父母家。我父亲由于脊椎折断、并患有糖尿病,退休的薪金还不够吃药药费的开销,糖尿病已到严重时期,不能进食,四肢浮肿,随时都有危险。母亲患有严重的心脏病,加之年岁以高不能操劳。同时家庭收入仅靠老父亲的微薄退休金来维持全家生活。 现在生活举步维艰。 我本人由于长期失业,没有固定的经济来源。一直靠政府的低保补助维持生活,我的妻子也没有工作,只能在照顾父母的空余时间打打零工贴补家用。今年春节我又添了一个女儿,但遗憾的是没有母乳吃,只能靠昂贵的奶粉供养,这一切在我的生活中都无疑是雪上加霜。这真是“屋漏偏遭连夜雨,船迟又遇打头风”。在万般无奈的情况下,希望政府伸出援助友爱之手拉我们全家一把,特恳请困难补助以度过目前的艰难时日。我深信政府会给我们解决实际困难,解决我们的生活危机,向我们伸出援助之手!我们全家期待着您的佳音. 此致 敬礼! 申请人: XX年XX月XX日
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1、I wonder how to deal with the problem.2、I am writing this letter to ask you to do me a favor.3、Now I wonder whether I could ask you a favor.4、I sincerely hope that you can gi ve me some advice on……5、I would appreciate it if you could do me a favor.6、I"m writing to ask for help.7、I"m eager for your timely help.8、I"m eager to get your help.9、I really hope that you can give me some good advice.10、I would be grateful if you could give me some help.
2023-09-08 10:40:322


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2023-09-08 10:41:571


常用句型1) I would be much obliged to you if you could let me know the procedures I have to go through.2) Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated.3) I am looking forward to a favorable reply/response at your earliest convenience.4) Would you provide me with some valuable advice?5) Your kind reply will be highly appreciated.6) It would be greatly appreciated if you could furnish me with relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects.7) I am writing to enquire whether I may become a member of your club.8) I would be grateful if you could let me know your annual fee charges and any other information which would be useful.9) Please let me know as soon as possible how you propose to settle this matter.10) Although at this time of year you will have more work to deal with than usual, I would appreciate a reply in a not too distant future.
2023-09-08 10:42:071


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! http://blog.1*.com/flytiger_yu@126/blog/static/33298536200762161551645/
2023-09-08 10:42:183

高中英语作文:一封求助信A Letter for Help

Dear Uncle, 亲爱的叔叔: How are you? 您好! Next week an English speaking contest will be held in the city. A classmate of mine and I will take part in it on behalf of my school. I am excited but also mervous, because it is a good chance to improve my English. But I have no experience. Although I have been preparing for the contest, I am still not confident. As an expert in English, what would you advise me to prepare for the contest? 下周市里举办英语演讲比赛,我和一位同学将代表学校参加比赛。我感到既兴奋又紧张,因为这是一个提高英语的好机会。但我没有经验。我一直在为比赛做准备,可仍然没有把握。作为一个英语专家,您建议我为比赛准备些什么呢? I plan to pay a visit to you this Saturday morning. I wonder whether you will be free then. If not, could you tell me the time that is convenient for you? I am eager to get your instruction. I will appreciate any of your help. 我打算这周六上午去您家,我想知道到时您是否有空。如果没空,能告诉我?如果没有空可以告诉我你什么时候方便吗?我渴望得到您的指导,我会非常感激您的帮助。 Your niece, 您的侄女 Yang Mei 杨梅
2023-09-08 10:42:251


第一, 题目要有信息量首先,题目的重要性胜过半篇正文。在题目上就要点明自己的问题。其次,题目要有独特卖点。如果一个来信者能意识到自己问题的独特之处,引起阅读者的特别兴趣,当然一个题目的完全功效就发挥出来了。第二,来信要简短或有摘要这是现代专业人才在职场的一种基本沟通素质要求,尽量短的时间内可以说明要点。如果希望写万言书,也最好写好后回到前边做一下小的归纳,列明来信的要点。第三,忌太细小或太空洞的问题向其他人求助,需要解决的主要是中间层面的思想问题和技术方法问题,基本的信息应该自己做好功课,哪怕探讨大问题,也要交待清楚前提和背景。第四,对读信者更多调查了解不管些什么样的求助信,对你的邮件的阅读者有一定了解总是必要的。
2023-09-08 10:42:341


2023-09-08 10:42:591


2023-09-08 10:43:071


2023-09-08 10:43:161


 Dear Mr.Black,  I have applied for admission to Harvard University.As I have no relatives in the United States and I have no enough money for the tuition.I must find a financial guarantor.You know,in applying for a student visa,an affidavit to support must be submitted from an individual who will assure this opportunity.It plays an important role for my chance to enter the Harvard University.Could you do me a favor to be my financial guarantor.If I really have the chance of coming to the U.S.,I will undertake parttime employment to cover all the living expenses.  Please write to me soon.  Yours sincerely,  ×××
2023-09-08 10:43:361


作文如下:English is the most important language in the world and it is one of the most important subjects in junior high so we should learn it well.Learning English just like learning other language, is hard work so we should spend lots of time on it every day.英语是世界上最重要的语言,也是初中最重要的科目之一,所以我们应该学好它。学习英语就像学习其他语言一样,是一项艰苦的工作,所以我们应该每天花大量的时间在它上面。We should have good ways of learning English, such as listen to the teacher carefully,review what is learned regularly, prepare each lesson carefully before class, do our homework carefully, copy good sentences and recite them and attend English debbates and speech contests.我们应该有好的英语学习方法,比如认真听老师讲课,定期复习所学内容,课前认真备课,认真做家庭作业,抄写好句子并背诵,参加英语演讲和演讲比赛。What"s more,it is very useful to listen to English programs and read English magazines and books.此外,听英语节目、阅读英语杂志和书籍也是非常有用的。
2023-09-08 10:43:471


2023-09-08 10:46:441