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view当观点讲 可数吗

2023-05-19 23:07:25
TAG: view 可数




v. 把…视为;以…看待;看;观看;(尤指)仔细察看;查看,察看(房子等,以便购买或租用)


  terested groups will be given three months to give their views on the new development.


  People came from all over the world to view her work.


  People came from all over the world to view her work.


  In my view it was a waste of time.


  These statistics are important from an ecological point of view.


  Why can"t you ever see my point of view?




view的读音是:英[vju?]。view的读音是:英[vju?]。view的意思是n.视野;见解;风景;方法;检查;v.考虑;看;把 ... 视为。view形容词:viewable;过去式:viewed;过去分词:viewed;现在分词:viewing;第三人称单数:views。一、详尽释义点此查看view的详细内容n.(名词)看法,见解,意见,观点观看,眺望,看,一览视野,视域景色,风景风景画,风景照片视力观察展望概观,概括,梗概目的,意图,意向v.(动词)考虑,揣度,估料观看,看,望查看,察看,视察,检查看待,将…看成是,把…视为,认为【律】查验用电视机观看二、双解释义n.(名词)[U] 看 state of seeing or being seen from a particular place[U] 视力; 视野,视线 ability to see or be seen from a particular place; sight[C] 景色,风景 sth seen from a particular place, especially a stretch of pleasant country[C] 风景画,风景照片 a picture or photograph of scenery, a building, etc.[S] 观察某人〔某事物〕的特定机会 a special chance to see or examine sb or sth[C] 看法,意见 a personal opinion, belief, idea, etc., about sth[C] 考虑,思量; 思考的方式 an act or manner of seeing, considering, examining, etc.v.(动词)vt. 观看 look atvt. 查看 examinevt. 认为,考虑 consider三、英英释义Noun:a way of regarding situations or topics etc.;"consider what follows from the positivist view"the visual percept of a region;"the most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views"the act of looking or seeing or observing;"he tried to get a better view of it""his survey of the battlefield was limited"the range of the eye;"they were soon out of view"a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty;"my opinion differs from yours""I am not of your persuasion""what are your thoughts on Haiti?"a message expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof;"his opinions appeared frequently on the editorial page"purpose; the phrase `with a view to" means `with the intention of" or `for the purpose of";"he took the computer with a view to pawning it"graphic art consisting of the graphic or photographic representation of a visual percept;"he painted scenes from everyday life""figure 2 shows photographic and schematic views of the equipment"the range of interest or activity that can be anticipated;"It is beyond the horizon of present knowledge"outward appearance;"they look the same in outward view"Verb:deem to be;"She views this quite differently from me""I consider her to be shallow""I don"t see the situation quite as negatively as you do"look at carefully; study mentally;"view a problem"see or watch;"view a show on television""This program will be seen all over the world""view an exhibition""Catch a show on Broadway""see a movie"四、例句The valley was hidden from view in the mist.溪谷隐没在雾霭之中,看不见了。His view of life is different from yours.他的人生观与你的不同。I enjoy the view of the bay in the starlight.我喜欢星光下的海湾风景。He took a subjective view of the problem.他用主观的方法看问题。The police took a view of the scene.警方检查了现场。We can view the problem in many ways.我们可以从多方面来考虑这些问题。People came from all over the world to view her work.人们从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。We view every customer as a partner.我们将每一位客户视为合作伙伴。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~abandon one"s view放弃自己的看法beautify the view美化景色block view挡住视线形容词+~single view一目了然adverse view反面意见auxiliary view辅助视图contrary views相反的看法介词+~at first view初见in sb"s view在某人看来with a view持有某种看法~+介词view about对…的看法用作动词 (v.)~+名词view an island看一个岛屿view the matter考虑这事view the plan考虑计划view the problem考虑问题view things看待事物~+副词view afar从远处看view critically批判地看待view cynically悲观地看待view favourably赞同view historically从历史上考虑view optimistically乐观地考虑view solemnly严肃地看待view superficially孤立地看待view unfavourably不以为然~+介词view as把…看做view sb as one"s major adversary把某人看做主要对手view as models当作模范view as a serious threat认为是一个严重威胁view at this angle从这个角度考虑问题view from从…角度看view from all angles全面地考虑view from both sides全面看view from one"s standpoint从某人的立场看view in the totality看事物的全部view with以…(看法)来看view with a partial eye带有偏见地看某物view with skepticism对…表示怀疑view with suspicion以怀疑态度看待某物六、经典引文A view of this armour was to be taken twice in the year.出自:H. HallamWe..took the opportunity of viewing the progress of our moorstone works.出自:J. SmeatonInvite readers to a special evening to view the..Ready-to-Wear collections.出自:Harpers Queen七、词语用法n.(名词)view后接介词of,既可引出看的逻辑主语,也可引出看的逻辑宾语。view作“意见,观点,见解”解时多用于复数形式。v.(动词)view的基本意思是“看”“观察”,指看见展现在人们面前的、可以稳定地进行详细审视的事物,尤指需用某种方式或特殊目的来看待思考的事物。引申表示“持某种看法”“考虑”。view是及物动词,接名词作宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。view作名词指“意见”时,后面可跟介词of。其复数形式views后可跟介词on或of。What is your view of this policy?What are your views on/of this policy?in view of指“鉴于……,由于……”时,view前面不加冠词a或the。In view of these facts, we can do a great deal.鉴于这些事实,我们可以成交。with a view to通常指“以……为目的”,后面通常接动名词或名词。有时也指“希望得到……”,后面一般接名词,如with a view to improving it和with a view to its improvement;with the view of指“以……为目的”,后面只跟动名词,不跟名词。通常用with a view to,很少用with the view of;views作名词指“见解”时,与facts意思上成对比。What he wants is facts, not views.他想要的是事实,而不仅仅只是想法。view的相关近义词glance、look、opinion、sightview的相关临近词viewer、Vietnamese、views、viewy、Vieweg、viewed、viewing、view on、viewler、Viewegh、viewbox、view as点此查看更多关于view的详细信息
2023-01-11 22:41:071


view作风景、眺望、景色的意思时,是可数名词,可加s。作为可数名词还有看法、想法、意见、展望、预料、考察的意思,但作展望、预料、考察的意思时,一般用单数形式。作不可数名词时的意思是视界、视野、视力、眺望。 view基本含义 n.(个人的) 看法,意见,见解; 态度; (理解或思维的) 方法,方式; 观看; 看; 视野; 视域; 视线; v.把…视为; 以…看待; 看; 观看; (尤指) 仔细察看; 查看,察看(房子等,以便购买或租用); 第三人称单数:views 复数:views 现在分词:viewing 过去式:viewed 过去分词:viewed view的例句 1、Some hold a mediated view. 还有的观点趋于调和。 2、This is a highly debatable view. 此观点深值商榷。 3、This paper disapproves of this view. 本文不赞同这一观点。 4、But recently this view has been suspected. 但是该观点受到质疑。 5、This view ought to be reconsidered. 对这一传统观点需要重新检讨。
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品牌型号:Redmibook Pro 15 系统:Windows10 view可翻译为查看的意思,在汽车上的功能就是用于切换仪表盘显示的信息界面。方向盘上的多功能按键通常都是为了方便驾驶者操作的。 多功能方向盘是指在方向盘两侧或者下方设置一些功能键,让驾驶员更方便操作的方向盘。包括音响控制、空调调节等设置。包括音响控制,空调调节,车载电话等等,还有的将定速巡航键也设置在方向盘上。驾驶员可以直接在方向盘上操控车内很多的电子设备,不需要在中控台上去寻找各类按钮,可以更专心的注视前方,大大提高行车的安全性。这本是属于中级车的装备随着技术的进步也逐渐向家用车转移。 其它按钮功能拓展:“AUTO HOLD”是自动驻车功能按钮。“SEL”键是菜单选择确认按钮,一般在多功能方向盘上。“OK”键和“SEL”键的功能是完全一样的,只是有的车用的是“SEL”,而有些车用的是“OK”。“A/C”按钮是压缩机开关,全称Air Condition,也就是空调制冷开关,因为汽车空调制暖是用不上压缩机的。“VOL+/-”是调节音量加减的按钮,VOL是单词“volume”的缩写,译为音量,可以调节汽车音响的音量。“MUTE”是静音按钮,可以一键静音。“MODE”是切换模式按钮。“SET”在多功能方向盘上是定速巡航功能按钮。“INFO” 是信息显示功能键。
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View作为观点是一个可数名词,可以加S,作为可数名词。view也有观点、想法、观点、前景、期望和调查的含义,但当它表示前景、期望和调查时,它通常是单数形式。当用作不可数名词时,它的意思是地平线、视野、视线和视野。 扩展资料   view:   n.(个人的.)看法,意见,见解;态度;(理解或思维的)方法,方式;观看;看;视野;视域;视线;视图;   v.把…视为;以…看待;看;观看;(尤指)仔细察看;查看,察看(房子等,以便购买或租用);   例句:   His views on the subject were well known.   他对这个问题的看法众所周知。   Interested groups will be given three months to give their views on the new development.   有关团体将有三个月的时间提出他们对新开发项目的看法。   People came from all over the world to view her work.   人们从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。   People came from all over the world to view her work.   观众从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。   In my view it was a waste of time.   依我看,这是浪费时间。
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1.view作风景,眺望,景色的意思时是可数名词,可加s。 2.作为可数名词还有看法,想法,意见,展望,预料,考察的意思,但作展望,预料,考察的意思时一般用单数形式。 3.不可数名词时的意思是视界,视野,视力,眺望。
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2023-01-11 22:42:462


  surfaceView和View最本质的区别在于:  surfaceView是在一个新起的单独线程中可以重新绘制画面,而View必须在UI的主线程中更新画面。那么在UI的主线程中更新画面 可能会引发问题,比如你更新画面的时间过长,那么你的主UI线程会被你正在画的函数阻塞。那么将无法响应按键,触屏等消息。当使用surfaceView 由于是在新的线程中更新画面所以不会阻塞你的UI主线程。但这也带来了另外一个问题,就是事件同步。比如你触屏了一下,你需要surfaceView中 thread处理,一般就需要有一个event queue的设计来保存touch event,这会稍稍复杂一点,因为涉及到线程同步。  所以基于以上,根据游戏特点,一般分成两类。  1 被动更新画面的。比如棋类,这种用view就好了。因为画面的更新是依赖于 onTouch 来更新,可以直接使用 invalidate。 因为这种情况下,这一次Touch和下一次的Touch需要的时间比较长些,不会产生影响。  2 主动更新。比如一个人在一直跑动。这就需要一个单独的thread不停的重绘人的状态,避免阻塞main UI thread。所以显然view不合适,需要surfaceView来控制。SurfaceView简介  在一般的情况下,应用程序的View都是在相同的GUI线程中绘制的。这个主应用程序线程同时也用来处理所有的用户交互(例如,按钮单击或者文本输入)。  在第8章中,已经学习了如何把容易阻塞的处理移动到后台线程中。遗憾的是,对于一个View的onDraw方法,不能这样做,因为从后台线程修改一个GUI元素会被显式地禁止的。  当需要快速地更新View的UI,或者当渲染代码阻塞GUI线程的时间过长的时候,SurfaceView就是解决上述问题的最佳选择。 SurfaceView封装了一个Surface对象,而不是Canvas。这一点很重要,因为Surface可以使用后台线程绘制。对于那些资源敏感的 操作,或者那些要求快速更新或者高速帧率的地方,例如,使用3D图形,创建游戏,或者实时预览摄像头,这一点特别有用。  独立于GUI线程进行绘图的代价是额外的内存消耗,所以,虽然它是创建定制的View的有效方式--有时甚至是必须的,但是使用Surface View的时候仍然要保持谨慎。1. 何时应该使用SurfaceView?  SurfaceView使用的方式与任何View所派生的类都是完全相同的。可以像其他View那样应用动画,并把它们放到布局中。  SurfaceView封装的Surface支持使用本章前面所描述的所有标准Canvas方法进行绘图,同时也支持完全的OpenGL ES库。  使用OpenGL,你可以再Surface上绘制任何支持的2D或者3D对象,与在2D画布上模拟相同的效果相比,这种方法可以依靠硬件加速(可用的时候)来极大地提高性能。对于显示动态的3D图像来说,例如,那些使用Google Earth功能的应用程序,或者那些提供沉浸体验的交互式游戏,SurfaceView特别有用。它还是实时显示摄像头预览的最佳选择。2. 创建一个新的SurfaceView控件  要创建一个新的SurfaceView,需要创建一个新的扩展了SurfaceView的类,并实现SurfaceHolder.Callback。  SurfaceHolder回调可以在底层的Surface被创建和销毁的时候通知View,并传递给它对SurfaceHolder对象的引用,其中包含了当前有效的Surface。  一个典型的Surface View设计模型包括一个由Thread所派生的类,它可以接收对当前的SurfaceHolder的引用,并独立地更新它。
2023-01-11 22:42:541


surfaceView和View最本质的区别在于:surfaceView是在一个新起的单独线程中可以重新绘制画面,而View必须在UI的主线程中更新画面。那么在UI的主线程中更新画面 可能会引发问题,比如你更新画面的时间过长,那么你的主UI线程会被你正在画的函数阻塞。那么将无法响应按键,触屏等消息。当使用surfaceView 由于是在新的线程中更新画面所以不会阻塞你的UI主线程。但这也带来了另外一个问题,就是事件同步。比如你触屏了一下,你需要surfaceView中 thread处理,一般就需要有一个event queue的设计来保存touch event,这会稍稍复杂一点,因为涉及到线程同步。所以基于以上,根据游戏特点,一般分成两类。1 被动更新画面的。比如棋类,这种用view就好了。因为画面的更新是依赖于 onTouch 来更新,可以直接使用 invalidate。 因为这种情况下,这一次Touch和下一次的Touch需要的时间比较长些,不会产生影响。2 主动更新。比如一个人在一直跑动。这就需要一个单独的thread不停的重绘人的状态,避免阻塞main UI thread。所以显然view不合适,需要surfaceView来控制。SurfaceView简介在一般的情况下,应用程序的View都是在相同的GUI线程中绘制的。这个主应用程序线程同时也用来处理所有的用户交互(例如,按钮单击或者文本输入)。在第8章中,已经学习了如何把容易阻塞的处理移动到后台线程中。遗憾的是,对于一个View的onDraw方法,不能这样做,因为从后台线程修改一个GUI元素会被显式地禁止的。当需要快速地更新View的UI,或者当渲染代码阻塞GUI线程的时间过长的时候,SurfaceView就是解决上述问题的最佳选择。SurfaceView封装了一个Surface对象,而不是Canvas。这一点很重要,因为Surface可以使用后台线程绘制。对于那些资源敏感的 操作,或者那些要求快速更新或者高速帧率的地方,例如,使用3D图形,创建游戏,或者实时预览摄像头,这一点特别有用。独立于GUI线程进行绘图的代价是额外的内存消耗,所以,虽然它是创建定制的View的有效方式--有时甚至是必须的,但是使用Surface View的时候仍然要保持谨慎。1. 何时应该使用SurfaceView?SurfaceView使用的方式与任何View所派生的类都是完全相同的。可以像其他View那样应用动画,并把它们放到布局中。SurfaceView封装的Surface支持使用本章前面所描述的所有标准Canvas方法进行绘图,同时也支持完全的OpenGL ES库。使用OpenGL,你可以再Surface上绘制任何支持的2D或者3D对象,与在2D画布上模拟相同的效果相比,这种方法可以依靠硬件加速(可用的时候)来极大地提高性能。对于显示动态的3D图像来说,例如,那些使用Google Earth功能的应用程序,或者那些提供沉浸体验的交互式游戏,SurfaceView特别有用。它还是实时显示摄像头预览的最佳选择。2. 创建一个新的SurfaceView控件要创建一个新的SurfaceView,需要创建一个新的扩展了SurfaceView的类,并实现SurfaceHolder.Callback。SurfaceHolder回调可以在底层的Surface被创建和销毁的时候通知View,并传递给它对SurfaceHolder对象的引用,其中包含了当前有效的Surface。一个典型的Surface View设计模型包括一个由Thread所派生的类,它可以接收对当前的SurfaceHolder的引用,并独立地更新它。下面的框架代码展示了使用Canvas所绘制的Surface View的实现。在Surface View控件中创建了一个新的由Thread派生的类,并且所有的UI更新都是在这个新类中处理的。
2023-01-11 22:43:051


surfaceView和View最本质的区别在于: surfaceView是在一个新起的单独线程中可以重新绘制画面 View必须在UI的主线程中更新画面 那么在UI的主线程中更新画面 可能会引发问题,比如你更新画面的时间过长,那么你的主UI线程会被你正在画的函数阻塞
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这次我们就先从View的基础开始介绍,后面呢会持续更新View的深入探索,这篇博客的会写介绍View的:View的位置参数、MotionEvent和TouchSlop对象,希望通过这些基础知识能够让大家更好的使用View。 一、View的概念 View是Android中所有控件的基类,不管是Button还是TextView或者其他布局比如:RelativeLayout亦或者ListView他们的共同基类都是View。我觉得View就是界面控件的抽象化,他其实代表的就是一个控件。还有ViewGroup,是继承与View的一个控件组,是一组控件,可以是单个也可以是多个。 二、View的位置参数 View有四个属性:top、left、right、buttom,他们的作用就是用于控制View的位置。其中top是左上角纵坐标,left是左上角横坐标,right是右下角横坐标,buttom是右下角纵坐标。而这些坐标都是相对于View的父容器的,所以他是一种相对坐标。这边找了一张图给大家更好的理解一下View坐标与父容器的关系。在Android中X轴和Y轴箭头所指的方向分别为右和下,请看下图。从上面这个图,我们可以得到一些信息,如何计算出View的宽度和高度: width = right-left height = buttom - top 我们是如何得到View的这四个参数呢?获取方式如下: 从 Android 3.0开始,View增加了一些额外的参数:x、y、translationX和translationY,x和y是View左上角的坐标,translationX和translationY是View左上角相对于父容器的偏移量。这几个参数都是相对于父容器的坐标,并且translationX和translationY的默认为0,和View的四个基本位置参数一样,View也为他们提供了get/set方法,这几个参数的换算关系如下: 需要注意的是,View在平移的时候,top和left表示的都是原始左上角的位置信息,不会发生改变,会发生改变的是x、y、translationX和translationY这个四个参数。 三、MotionEvent和TouchSlop 1、MotionEvent 在手指接触屏幕后所产生的的一系列事件,典型的事件类型有下面这几种: 在正常的情况下,一次手指触摸屏幕的行为会触发一系列的点击事件,有以下几种情况: 上述三种情况是典型的事件序列,同时可以通过MotionEvent对象得到点击事件发生的x和y坐标。系统提供了两种方法getX/getY和getRawX/getRawY。他们的区别是,getX/getY返回的是相对于当前View左上角的x和y坐标,而getRawX和getRawY返回的是相对于手机屏幕左上角的x和y坐标。 2、TouchSlop TouchSlop是系统所能识别出的被认为是滑动的最小距离,也就是说,如果你在手机屏幕上滑动的距离小于这个常量,那么系统就不认为你是在进行滑动操作。这是个常量,与手机设备有关,在不同的手机上这个值有可能是不同的,获取的方式呢也很简单,用ViewConfiguration.get(getContext()).getScaledTouchSlop()。那么这个常量有什么作用呢,我们在处理滑动的时候可以用这个常量来做一些过滤,小于这个值得就不认为是滑动。 这边呢就简单的介绍一些,从基础开始做起,巩固自己,才能走的更远。
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view作风景,眺望,景色的意思时是可数名词,可加s 作为可数名词还有看法,想法,意见,展望,预料,考察的意思,但作展望,预料,考察的意思时一般用单数形式. 不可数名词时的意思是视界,视野,视力,眺望.
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MATLAB的设置视点函数viewMATLAB提供了设置视点的函数view。其调用格式为: view(az,el)az是azimuth(方位角)的缩写,EL是elevation(仰角)的缩写。它们均以度为单位。系统缺省的视点定义为方位角-37.5°,仰角30°。当x轴平行观察者身体,y轴垂直于观察者身体时,az=0; 以此点为起点,绕着z轴顺时针运动,az为正,逆时针为负。EL 为观察者眼睛与xy平面形成的角度。当观察者的眼睛在xy平面上时,el=0; 向上el为正,向下为负;下面是一些例子:
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view可数。view作风景、眺望、景色的意思时,是可数名词,可加s。作为可数名词还有看法、想法、意见、展望、预料、考察的意思,但作展望、预料、考察的意思时,一般用单数形式。作不可数名词时的意思是视界、视野、视力、眺望。双语例句:1、Some hold a mediated view.还有的观点趋于调和。2、This is a highly debatab1e view.此观点深值商榷。3、This paperdisapprovesofthis view.本文不赞同这一观点。4、But recently this viewhas been suspected.但是该观点受到质疑。5、This viewought to bereconsidered.对这—传统观点需要重新检讨。6、We have sufficient reasons to refute the other side"s wrong view.我们有充分的理由驳倒对方的错误观点。7、The view on the sea is particularly beautiful at sunrise.日出的时候,海上的景色特别美丽。
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view的词性变化:第三人称单数views;现在分词viewing;过去式viewed;过去分词viewed。view读法英 [vjuː]  美 [vjuː]n. 观点,看法;(理解或思维的)方法,方式;景象,视野;风景,景色;风景画,风景照;图像,视图;(一次)观看,一睹,一览;(文本或图表在计算机屏幕上的)显示方式v. 看待,考虑;观看;查看,观察;(在计算机屏幕上)阅读,看;看见(狐狸)离开隐藏处词汇搭配:Front View [机] 前视图 ; [机] 正视图 ; 前景 ; [机] 正面图in view of 鉴于 ; 考虑到 ; 由于 ; 基于Street View 谷歌街景 ; 街景服务 ; 街景地图 ; 街景视图词语用法:view后接介词of,既可引出看的逻辑主语,也可引出看的逻辑宾语。view作“意见,观点,见解”解时多用于复数形式。view的基本意思是“看”“观察”,指看见展现在人们面前的、可以稳定地进行详细审视的事物,尤指需用某种方式或特殊目的来看待思考的事物。引申表示“持某种看法”“考虑”。view是及物动词,接名词作宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。
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可数,例如:It has a good view.
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同义词辨析scene, scenery, sight, view,scene的区别 :1、sight指“景色”是可数名词时,往往指眼见的景色,如供人游览的“景”和“名胜”,但尤指人工制成的景。2、scenery是个不可数名词,含不管是否映入眼帘的风景。指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。
2023-01-11 22:44:443


  view做动词有考虑;看;把 ... 视为等意思,那么你知道view的过去式是什么吗?下面我为大家带来的view的过去式和用法例句,供大家参考学习!   view的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: viewed   过去分词: viewed   现在分词: viewing   view的用法:   view的用法1:view的基本意思是“看”“观察”,指看见展现在人们面前的、可以稳定地进行详细审视的事物,尤指需用某种方式或特殊目的来看待思考的事物。引申表示“持某种看法”“考虑”。   view的用法2:view是及物动词,接名词作宾语,还可接以as 短语 充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。   view的用法3:view后接介词of,既可引出看的逻辑主语,也可引出看的逻辑宾语。view作“意见,观点,见解”解时多用于复数形式。   view的过去式例句:   1. His opponents viewed him as stubborn, dogmatic, and inflexible.   他的反对者们认为他固执、教条、僵化。   2. Viewed from above, the valleys form the shape of a man.   从上往下俯瞰,山谷呈现出人形轮廓。   3. A lot hinges on how we are viewed by overseas investors.   很多事都取决于海外投资者对我们的看法。   4. Visited Park West. Viewed a flat, no. 76. Which I like.   去了中央公园西路,看了一套公寓,76号,我很喜欢。   5. We have viewed the video recording of the incident.   我们看过了该事件的录像。   6. They viewed their new building as an exemplar of taste.   他们认为他们的新大厦品位独特,可作为典范。   7. The programme was viewed on television in millions of homes.   无数家庭通过电视收看了这个节目。   8. Sectors in the economy can be viewed in a variety of ways.   可以以多种方式看待经济的构成。   9. Critics viewed him as a reactionary.   评论家认为他是一个保守派。   10. Ridley viewed his work with a cynical detachment.   里德利以一种吹毛求疵的超然态度看待他的作品。   11. These countries can no longer be viewed as a single entity .   这些国家不能再被看成是一个单独的实体。   12. She viewed his new interest in her with cynicism.   她以怀疑讥讽的态度看待他重新对她感兴趣这件事.   13. The film has not been viewed by the censor.   这部影片还未经审查人员审查.   14. Viewed in connection with his mistakes, shouldn"t this make one wide awake?   联系到他的错误, 岂不是可以发人深醒的 吗 ?   15. The location is exceptionally poor, viewed from the sanitation point.   从卫生角度来看,这个地段非常糟糕.
2023-01-11 22:45:021

view 可数吗

当view 意思为视力,眼界,视野时为不可数名词;当意思为景色,风景,意图时为可数名词。 view: n.看法,意见,见解;态度;(理解或思维的)方法,方式; v.把…视为;以…看待;看;观看;(尤指)仔细察看;查看,察看(房子等,以便购买或租用); 第三人称单数: views复数: views 扩展资料   In my view it was a waste of time.   依我看,这是浪费时间。   These statistics are important from an ecological point of view.   就生态学而言,这些统计数字很重要。   Why can"t you ever see my point of view?   你怎么老不明白我的观点呢?   We stood up in order to get a better view.   我们站起身来以便看得更清楚。
2023-01-11 22:45:101


see 是名词
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  英[vjuː]  ;  美[vjuː]    。n.    看法; 看; 视野; (个人的)意见; 见解; 态度; (理解或思维的)方法; 方式; 视域; 视线; (从某处看到的)景色,风景; 风景照; (一次)观看。vt.    看; 把…视为; 以…看待; (尤指)仔细察看; 查看(房子等,以便购买或租用); 看,观看(电视、电影等)。造句:1.Well…and I"d like a room with a view on a lower floor。我想要低楼层的景观房。2.Refresh a Web page or a view。刷新网页或视图。3.A balcony with a view of ocean。眺望大海的阳台。4.View on Abandoning Doctrine of Severe Penalty and Establishing Appropriate Penalty。摒弃重刑主义, 树立轻重适度的刑罚观。
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一个应用启动时,会启动一个主Activity,Android 系统会根据activity的布局来对它进行绘制。绘制会从根视图ViewRoot的performTraversals() 方法开始,从上到下遍历整个视图树,每个view控制负责绘制自己,而ViewGroup还需要负责通知自己的子view进行绘制操作。视图绘制的过程 可以分为三个步骤,分别是测量(measure)、布局(layout)和绘制(Draw)。 performTraversals()方法中主要分为三个步骤:performMeasure、performLayout、performDraw Measure:performMeasure()方法中执行view的measure方法,具体的测量操作是分发给ViewGroup的,由ViewGroup在它的measureChild方法中传递 给子view,遍历所有的子view,逐个调用子view的measure方法。最终测量是通过回调onMeasure方法实现的。如果要自定义测量过程。则子类 可以重写onMeasure方法,如果没有重写onMeasure方法,则默认会直接调用getDefaultSize来获得View的宽高。 Layout:layout过程用来确定View在父容器中的布局位置,它是由父容器获取子view的位置参数后,调用view的layout方法并将位置参数传入实现的, performLayout  --->layout----->onLayout(changed,l,t,r,b) 子类如果是ViewGroup类型,则重写这个方法,实现ViewGroup中所有view控件的布局流程。 Draw:draw操作用来将控件绘制出来,绘制的流程从performDraw方法开始, performDraw----> draw-----> 绘制每个具体的view,绘制基本上可以分为六个步骤: (1)drawBackground(canvas)绘制view的背景 (2)canvas.getSaveCount()  canvas.saveLayer( )  需要的话,保存canvas的图层,为fading做准备 (3)onDraw(canvas) 绘制view的内容 (4)dispatchDraw(canvas)绘制view的子view (5)canvas.drawRect()  canvas.restoreToCount()如果需要的话,绘制view的fading边缘并恢复图层 (6)绘制view的装饰(例如滚动条) view的绘制几个方法需要追溯到android本身的页面结构,首先整体上市一个phoneWindow对象,然后是一个DecorView,DecorView本身是一个Framelayout,内部维护一个ViewStub的toolBar,然后下面是一个FrameLayout,,也就是我们通常setContentView中的content内容,然后是绘制,首先会触发DecorView的onMeasure()方法,它的测量规则包含了手机屏幕的宽高,并且测量模式是MeasureSpec.EXACTLY, 几种父布局测量模式与子view测量模式组合: 1、当viewGroup是MeasureSpec.EXACTLY: (1)子view是具体值,例如200dp,那么子view的显示是这个具体值,mode是EXACTLY; (2)子view是MATCH_PARENT,那么子view的显示是viewGroup的size,mode是EXACTLY; (3)子view是wrap_content,那么子view显示viewGroup的size,mode是AT_MOST。 2、当viewGroup是MeasureSpec.AT_MOST: (1)子view是具体值,例如200dp,那么子view显示这个具体值,mode是EXACTLY; (2)子view是MATCH_PARENT,那么子view显示是viewGroup的size,mode是AT_MOST; (3)子view是wrap_content,那么子view显示是viewGroup的size,mode是AT_MOST。 3、当ViewGroup是MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED: (1)子view是具体值,例如200dp,那么子view显示这个具体值,mode为EXACTLY; (2)子view是MATCH_PARENT,子view显示是viewGroup的size,mode是UNSPECIFIED; (3)子view是wrap_content,那么子view显示viewGroup的size,mode是UNSPECIFIED。
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view构成的短语,都有什么啊, view of 由于 first view 初看3.with the view of 以...为目的4.take a dim view of 对...抱悲观的看法,对...抱消极的看法,不赞成 view 在看得见的地方,被考虑,被期待6.on view 展览着,上映着 t...
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2023-01-11 22:46:501

vision 和 view 在作名词时有什么区别,说世界观时用哪一个好?

作名词使用时,vision有“视力”、“视野”、“远见卓识”等涵义,view则表示“观点”、“看法”、“景色”等.世界观是人们对整个世界的总的看法和根本观点,因此用view更为恰当.另外,世界观还可以用world outlook来表示.
2023-01-11 22:47:021


SurfaceView和View的区别?答:View需要在UI线程对画面进行刷新,而SurfaceView可在子线程进行页面的刷新 SurfaceView在底层已实现双缓冲机制,因此SurfaceView比View更适用于需要频繁刷新、刷新时数据处理量很大的页面(如视频播放界面) 漏了一点,View需要自己手动刷新
2023-01-11 22:47:071


scene和view都表示“景色,风景,风光”,且它们都是可数名词,一般情况下,它们两个词可以互换.若要仔细区分这两个词,view是从某个地方可以看到的部分景色,如:There is a fine view of the mountains from our hotel wi...
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View的三大流程: 测量,布局,绘制。 View的常见回调方法: 构造方法、onAttach、onVisibilityChanged、onDetach。 ViewRoot对应于ViewRootImpl类,它是链接WindowManager和DecorView的纽带。 ♥ measure用来测量View的宽和高 ♥ layout用来确定View在父容器中放置的位置 ♥ draw负责将View绘制在屏幕上 DecorView作为顶级View,上面是标题栏,下面是内容栏,DecorView是一个FrameLayout。
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  春节是一年当中最隆重、最盛大的节日。一到春节,大街小巷人山人海,男女老少脸上挂着笑容,享受节日的快乐。下面是我给大家精心挑选的写一篇春节英语作文带翻译,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!   春节英语作文篇1   我的春节 My Spring Festival   The Spring Festival is the most important festival all the year round for the Chinese. During this Spring Festival, I have a good time. First of all, I did so well in the final exam that makes my parents very happy. They say that it"s their best gift for the New Year. And we come back our hometown to spend this biggest festival with other relatives. We had a big dinner on the New Year"s Eve. There were about thirty people had the dinner together. It was really great. After dinner, we enjoyed the Spring Festival Gala Evening. On the New Year"s Day, we gathered together to play games or cards. We children got lucky money from adults. This was the most exciting thing for us. On the following days, we visited to each other, bringing our best wishes.   对中国人来说,春节是一年中最重要的节日。今年,我度过了一个快乐的春节。首先,期末考试我考得很好,这让我的父母非常高兴,他们说这是他们最好的新年礼物。我们回老家和亲人们一起度过了这个春节,除夕夜,我们吃了一顿丰盛的年夜饭,大概有三十个人一起吃饭,非常热闹。晚饭过后,我们一起看了春节联欢晚会。大年初一,我们聚在一起玩游戏、打牌。大人们会给小孩压岁钱,这是最让我们高兴的事。在接下来的几天,我们带上最好的祝福,和亲戚们相互串门。   春节英语作文篇2   Spring Festival in my hometown is very busy, but it seems to me that happiness is quite a lot.   New Year"s eve is my favorite day. Look at every stick couplets on the Spring Festival, wear new clothes, heard popping firecrackers with rings, unless as a last resort, regardless of the miles relatives hundreds of miles away, be sure to come back on this night all reunited with his family to eat dinner together. After the dinner, our children ran outside and set off fireworks, and all kinds of fireworks burst into the sky like huge flowers. At 8 o "clock, the family sat in front of the TV and watched the wonderful Spring Festival gala show. But at midnight, the sound of firecrackers began to roar again, and this was the arrival of the New Year!   The first day of the year is the real Spring Festival. When we get up in the morning, our family is going to bless the elderly relatives in our neighborhood, and we will always give our children lucky money to get lucky money, not to mention how happy they are. You can buy school stationery, play with your friends, or shop at a kiosk. The most interesting is to count the goldfish, the bridge, the street stalls. Look at the children to throw a circle to throw a small fish bowl, that happy energy not to mention.   Look, how busy the Spring Festival is!   家乡的春节是十分忙碌的,但在我看来快乐也是不少的。   除夕是我最喜欢的日子。看着家家贴春联、穿新衣,听见鞭炮声此起彼伏砰砰响起,除非万不得已,不管十里百里外的亲人,这天晚上都一定要回来与家人团聚一起吃年夜饭的。吃过年夜饭,我们小孩都跑到屋外燃放烟花,各式各样的焰火绽放天空,犹如一朵朵巨大的鲜花,漂亮极了。八点开始,一家人坐在电视机前观看精彩的春节联合晚会节目,大街上似乎安静了许多。可是,午夜零点开始,鞭炮声又欢闹起来,这是人们在喜迎新的一年的到来!   大年初一才是真正的春节。早上起来,我们一家就去给附近年长的亲戚拜年祝福,这时大人总会给我们小孩压岁钱,拿到压岁钱别提有多高兴了。可以买学习文具,还可以和小伙伴去玩耍,或者逛街在小摊上买点小玩意。最有意思的要数套金鱼了,桥头、街边都有摊点。看着小朋友把一个个圈圈扔出去套中小鱼缸时,那快乐劲就别提了。   瞧,春节多热闹啊!   春节英语作文篇3   The Spring Festival is a traditional festival of the Chinese people. In these days, we usually visit relatives, and the elders also give money to children.   According to the plan, we went to grandmother"s house on the fourth day of the first month. Grandma"s house was in longxi. After passing through security, we came to the waiting hall. There were so many people here. After a while, the car came, I jumped on the car with excitement, the train went slowly forward, green hill, green tree, blue sky, this flowing painting is really beautiful! In the distance, there are several families in the arms, with red lanterns and lanterns, and the atmosphere is filled with festivity.   The journey is very short. It will arrive at my grandmother"s house in less than an hour. The town is full of years, striking couplets and red lanterns, and firecrackers. Night comes, far from the view, red lanterns like flowers blossoming, like the stars, really beautiful.   The next morning, I went to the town"s yangko team with my cousin, and the year"s flavor became stronger with the beating of drums and drums. He dressed up as a little lion, and in a moment he brought a set of clothes from the pipe, and he put on the furry clothes and took the lion"s head, which was like an enlarged toy. The little lion was full of orange hair and a big mouth, and had a white tooth on his forehead and a little red flower. Although it is the king of the jungle, it is not afraid, but it is very kind and lovely. "Look, there"s a dragon." A voice in the crowd, we looked at in the past, there is a dragon entrenched in, indeed, that dragon is very delicate, dragons are made of cloth with a order of the phoenix and dragon pattern, the color is beautiful. There was a pair of dragons on the top of the head, and the dragon had to flash. Swing. It is no wonder that the ancient emperor called himself the real dragon, and it was very powerful and very domineering.   Why, what"s that? It turned out that they were making up for a big man with a heavy makeup on his face and a big red flower on his head. That"s funny. It makes me laugh.   The happy time always flies, the winter tottering, spring leisurely and come, really look forward to the Spring Festival next year!   春节是中华民族的传统节日,在这几天,我们通常要去拜访亲戚,长辈们也要给小孩子压岁钱的。   按照计划,正月初四我们去了外婆家,外婆家在陇西,我们便乘火车去了。顺利通过安检之后,我们来到了候车大厅,这里人可真多。不一会儿,车就来了,我兴奋的跳上了车,火车慢慢向前行驶去,青山、绿树、蓝天,这幅流动的画真美啊!远处小山怀抱着几户人家,挂着火红的灯笼,处处张灯结彩,洋溢着喜庆的气氛,沉浸在一片年味中。   路程很短,不到一小时就到外婆家了。小镇上年味十足,醒目的对联和红灯笼,鞭炮声此起彼伏。夜晚来临,远远望去,红灯笼如花朵般朵朵绽放开来,又如点点繁星,真是美丽至极。   第二天一早,我就和表弟彬彬去了镇上的秧歌队,这里敲锣打鼓,年的味道就越浓了。彬彬扮成小狮子,不一会儿,他从管事的那里拿来一套行头,他穿上那毛茸茸的衣服,带上狮子头,简直就像放大了的玩具。这小狮子全身橙黄色的毛,大嘴巴一张一合,有一口洁白的牙齿在额头的位置还有一朵小红花呢!虽然是丛林之王,但不会让人觉得害怕,反而觉得很亲切,很可爱呢。“瞧,那儿有一条龙。“人群里传出一个声音,我们望过去,果然有一条龙盘踞在哪儿,,那龙做的很精致,龙身是用带有凤凰和龙图案的布做的,那颜色美丽极了。头顶还有一对威武的龙角,龙须一闪一闪。摇摆不定。怪不得古代皇帝自称为真龙天子,那样子果然很威武,很霸气。   咦,那又是什么呢?原来他们在给一个大男人化妆,他脸上浓妆艳抹,头顶绑着一朵大红花。那样子可真滑稽啊,让我忍俊不禁。   欢乐的时光总是过得飞快,冬天蹒跚而去,春天悠然而来,真期待明年的春节啊!
2023-01-11 22:43:431

描写秋季的 成语 佳句 好段

秋雨——高楼目尽欲黄昏,梧桐叶上萧萧雨。 秋夜——睡起秋声无觅处,满阶梧叶日明中。 秋声——未觉池塘春草梦,阶前梧叶已秋声。 秋叶——夜深风竹敲秋韵,万叶千声皆是恨。 秋色——雨侵坏瓮新苔绿,秋入横林数叶红。 秋月——月光浸水水浸天,一派空明互回荡。 秋菊——宁可枝头抱香死,何曾吹落北风中。 秋思——故人万里无消息,便拟江头问断鸿。 秋愁——莫道身闲总是,孤灯夜夜写清愁。 秋兴——西风吹叶满湖边,初换秋衣独慨然。 秋怀——出门未免流年叹,又见湖边木叶飞。 秋梦——清梦初回秋夜阑,床前耿耿一灯残。 秋忆——砧杵敲残深巷月,梧桐摇落故园秋。 秋悟——人人解说悲秋事,不似诗人彻底知。 秋味——蟋蟀独知秋令早,芭蕉下得雨声多。 描写秋天的古诗和描写秋天的名句 袅袅兮秋风,洞庭波兮木叶下 袅袅:形容微风吹拂。洞庭:洞庭湖,在今湖南省北部。波:微波泛动。木叶:枯黄的树叶。 战国楚·屈原《九歌·湘夫人》 悲哉秋之为气也!萧瑟兮草木摇落而变衰,憭栗兮若在远行,登山临水兮送将归 萧瑟:寂寞萧条的样子。燎栗:凄凉。若在远行:好象人在远行之中。 战国楚·宋玉《九辩》 秋风起兮白云飞,草木黄落兮雁南归 汉·刘彻《秋风辞》 秋风萧瑟天气凉,草木摇落露为霜 三国魏·曹丕《燕歌行》 榈庭多落叶,慨然知已秋 榈庭:榈巷庭院。 晋·陶渊明《酬刘柴桑》 迢迢新秋夕,亭亭月将圆 迢迢:形容夜长。亭亭:远貌。 晋·陶渊明《戊申岁六月中遇火》 芙蓉露下落,杨柳月中疏 芙蓉:荷花。 南朝齐·萧悫《秋思》 寒城一以眺,平楚正苍然 寒城:寒意已侵城关。眺:远望。平楚:平野。苍然:草木茂盛的样子。两句写初秋之景。 南朝齐·谢朓《宣城郡内登望》 亭皋木叶下,陇首秋云飞 亭皋:水边平地。木叶:树叶。陇首:山名,在今陕西、甘肃之间。 南朝梁·柳浑《捣衣诗》 草低金城雾,木下玉门风 草低:衰草枯萎。木下:树叶落下。金城:古郡名,在今甘肃榆中与青海西宁之间。玉门:玉门关,在今甘肃敦煌西。两句写西北寒秋之景。 南朝梁·范云《别诗》 树树秋声,山山寒色 秋声:秋天西风作,草木零落,多肃杀之声。 北周·庾信《周谯国公夫人步陆孤氏墓志铭》 时维九月,序属三秋 维:语助词,无义。序:时节。 唐·王勃《秋日登洪府膝王阁饯别序》 落霞与孤骛齐飞,秋水共长天一色 骛:鸟名,野鸭。齐飞:落霞从天而下,孤骛由下而上,高下齐飞。一色:秋水碧而连天,长空蓝而映水,形成一色。 唐·王勃《秋日登洪府膝王阁饯别序》 树树皆秋色,山山唯落晖 唐·王绩《野望》 挂林风景异,秋似洛阳春 唐·宋之问《始安秋日》 寒山转苍翠,秋水日潺湲 潺湲:流水声。 唐·王维《辋川闲居赠裴秀才迪》 荆溪白石出,天寒红叶稀 这两句写深秋景色:溪水下降,白石露出,红叶飘零,所余不多。 唐·王维《阙题二首·山中》 秋声万户竹,寒色五陵松 唐·李颀《望秦川》 金井梧桐秋叶黄,珠帘不卷夜来霜 唐·王昌龄《长信秋词五首》:“金井梧桐秋叶黄,珠帘不卷夜来霜。熏笼玉枕无颜色,卧听南宫清漏长。” 寒潭映白月,秋雨上青苔 唐·刘长卿《游休禅师双峰寺》 木落雁南渡,北风江上寒 唐·孟浩然《早寒江上有怀》 秋色无远近,出门尽寒山 唐·李白《赠庐司户》 雨色秋来寒,风严清江爽 唐·李白《酬裴侍御对雨感时见赠》 长风万里送秋雁,对此可以酣高楼 酣:尽情饮酒。 唐·李白《宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云》 人烟寒橘柚,秋色老梧桐 人烟:人家炊烟。寒橘柚:秋日寒烟使橘袖也带有寒意。两句写人家缕缕炊烟,橘柚一片深碧,梧桐已显微黄,呈现一片深秋景色。 唐·李白《秋登宣城谢朓北楼》 高鸟黄云暮,寒蝉碧树秋 唐·杜甫《晚秋长沙蔡五侍御饮筵送殷六参军归沣州觐省》 信宿渔人还泛泛,清秋燕子故飞飞 信宿:连宿两夜。故:仍然。 唐·杜甫《秋兴八首》 翟塘峡口曲江头,万里风烟接素秋 唐·杜甫《秋兴八首》 远岸秋沙白,连山晚照红 唐·杜甫《秋野五首》 天上秋期近,人间月影清 唐·杜甫《月》 八月秋高风怒号,卷我屋上三重茅 唐·杜甫《茅屋为秋风所破歌》 长风吹白茅,野火烧枯桑 白茅;茅草。描写深秋原野的景象:大风吹卷着原野上的茅草,野火烧着枯萎的桑树。 唐·岑参《至大梁却寄匡城主人》 秋风万里动,日暮黄云高 唐·岑参《巩北秋兴寄崔明允》 返照乱流明,寒空千嶂净 返照:晚照,夕照。乱流:纵横错杂的河水。嶂:陡立的山峰。 唐·钱起《杪秋南山西峰题准上人兰若》 万叶秋声里,千家落照时 落照:夕阳西下。 唐·钱起《题苏公林亭》 宿雨朝来歇,空山秋气清 宿雨:昨夜的雨。 唐·李端《茂陵山行陪韦金部》 雨径绿芜合,霜园红叶多 绿芜:绿草。合:长满。意谓雨后庭中小径长满绿草,霜后花园中落满红叶,庭院一片荒凉寂寞景象。 唐·白居易《司马宅》 山明水净夜来霜,数树深红出浅黄 唐·刘禹锡《秋词二首》 试上高楼清入骨,岂知春色嗾人狂 清入骨:秋天的景色清澈入骨。嗾:怂恿。 刘禹锡《秋词二首》 多少绿荷相倚恨,一时回首背西风 描写荷叶在秋风中向东倾斜,暗寓伤秋的情绪。 府·杜牧《 齐安郡中偶题二首》 红烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤 轻罗小扇:轻薄的丝制团扇。这两句描写红烛在秋夜中发出寒光,照着画屏,女郎手持精致的团扇追扑萤火山。 唐·杜牧《秋夕》 天阶夜色凉如水,卧看牵牛织女星 天阶:宫中的台阶。 唐·杜牧《秋夕》 秋阴不散霜飞晚,留得枯荷听雨声 秋阴不散:虽已是秋天,但连日阴云漠漠,故不见严霜降落。下旬的枯荷也由此出。听雨吉:雨打枯荷,单调、凄凉。 唐·李商隐《宿骆氏亭寄怀崔雍崔衮》 秋山野客醉醒时,百尺老松衔半月 唐·施肩吾《秋夜山居》:“去雁声遥人语绝,谁家素机织新雪。秋山野客醉醒时,百尺老松衔半月。” 老树呈秋色,空池浸月华 唐·刘得仁《池上宿》 秋宵月色胜春宵,万里霜天静寂寥 唐·戎昱《戏题秋月》(又作:秋宵月色胜春宵,万里天涯静寂寥) 一夜绿荷霜剪破,赚他秋雨不成珠 飞霜使荷叶破碎,秋雨落在破叶上再也无法形成水珠了。 唐·来鹄《偶题二首》 夜半酒醒人不觉,满池荷叶动秋风 不觉;不睡。 唐·窦巩《秋夕》 菡萏香销翠叶残,西风愁起绿波间 菡萏:荷花的别称。 南唐·李璟《浣溪沙》 碧云天,黄叶地,秋色连波,波上寒烟翠 宋·范仲淹《苏幕遮》 一年好景君须记,最是橙黄橘绿时 橙黄橘绿时:指秋冬之交的时节。 宋·苏轼《赠刘景文》 相逢不用忙归去,明日黄花蝶也愁 明日黄花:指重阳过后菊花逐渐枯萎。蝶也愁:菊花枯萎,蝴蝶无处寻花,故曰“愁”。 宋·苏轼《九日次韵王巩》 萧萧远树流林外,一半秋山带夕阳 宋·寇准《书河上亭壁》 秋景有时飞独鸟,夕阳无事起寒烟 宋·林速《孤山寺端上人房写望》 对潇潇暮雨洒江天,一番洗清秋 潇潇:小雨降落的样子。 宋·柳永《八声甘州》 渐霜风凄紧,关河冷落,残照当搂 霜风:秋风。关河:关塞河流。残照:夕阳的余晖。 宋·柳永《八声甘州》 是处红衰翠减,苒苒物华休。惟有长江水,无语东流 是处:到处。红衰翠减:花谢叶落。苒苒:渐渐。物华:美好的景物。 宋·柳永《八声甘州》 断虹霁雨,净秋空,山染修眉新绿 断虹:残余的彩虹。霁雨:雨停了。修眉:形容山如美人的长眉。 宋·黄庭坚《念奴娇》 漠漠轻寒上小楼,晓阴无赖似穷秋 无赖:百无聊赖。穷秋:深秋。 宋·秦观《浣溪沙》 风定小轩无落叶,青虫相对吐秋丝 小轩;有窗槛的小室。 宋·秦观《秋日》 秋容老尽芙蓉院,草上霜花匀似翦 秋容:秋色。老:深。 宋·秦观《木兰花》 绿荷多少夕阳中。知为阿谁凝恨、背西风 阿谁;何人。背西风:背向秋风。 指荷叶被秋风吹得叶梗都弯了。 宋·秦观《虞美人》 山抹微云,天粘衰草,画声断谯门 衰草:枯草。画角:军中用的号角。断:尽。谯门:城上鼓楼,用以了望敌情。 三句写孤城秋景。 宋·秦观《满庭芳》 落时西风时候,人共青山都瘦 宋·辛弃疾《昭君怨》 觉人间,万事到秋来,都摇落 宋·辛弃疾《满江红·游南岩和范廓之韵》 秋气堪悲未必然,轻寒正是可人天。绿池落尽红蕖却,落叶犹开最小钱 可人:合人意。红蕖(音同“渠”):荷花。却:开尽。最小钱:新出荷叶才象小铜钱那么大。 宋·杨万里《秋凉晚步》 园翁莫把秋荷折,因与游鱼盖夕阳 宋·周密《西塍废园》(又《西塍废圃》。塍:田间的土梗子。) 天水碧,染就一江秋色 染就:染成。 宋·周密《闻鹊喜·吴山观涛》 只有一枝梧叶,不知多少秋声 宋·张炎《清平乐》 万壑泉声松外去,数行秋色雁边来 壑(音同“贺”):山谷。 元·萨都刺《梦登高山得诗二首》 秋风吹白波,秋雨呜败荷。平湖三十里,过客感秋多 败荷:残荷。 元·萨都刺《过高邮射阳湖杂咏九首》 孤村落日残霞,轻烟老树寒鸦,一点飞鸿影下 残霞:晚霞。寒鸦:天寒归林的乌鸦。飞鸿:大雁。 元·白朴《天净沙·秋》 晚趁寒潮渡江去,满林黄叶雁声多 清·王士祯《江上》
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cheese 干杯的意思吗

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“丹桂飘香”是描写秋季的成语。丹桂飘香【意思 】原指桂树开花,香飘到十里外。现在形容某件事物出名,人人皆知。【例句】在这金秋送爽、丹桂飘香,喜获丰收的季节,当人们还沉浸在举国欢腾的“国庆”氛围之时,又迎来了一年一度的中秋佳节,两节同辉,九州共庆!金秋十月,丹桂飘香,我和妈妈在这迷人的季节来到河西公园。天空高远,阳光柔和,蔚蓝的天空上飘着几片薄纱似的白云。耳边响着一阵阵清脆的鸟鸣声,好像是大自然在歌唱。丹桂飘香又中秋,花好月圆人长久。秋风送祝福,明月寄相思。举杯邀明月,天涯共此时。欢乐中秋,欢乐人生。夏日,出水芙蓉,睡莲优雅秋天,菊花披金,丹桂飘香冬来,腊梅凌寒,山茶吐红,玉兰莹洁,它们都各具风采,惹人喜爱。特别为人称道的是春花区。又是一年秋高气爽的好时节,天高云淡,丹桂飘香,正是赏景好时节。
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春节英语作文带翻译范文如下:春节英语作文带翻译1:Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often visit friends and relatives or together eat dumplings, fish, meat and other delicious food. The children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money, and together they play each other the fireworks, with happy. Street with dragon and lion dance and some other carnival activities, CCTV will held the grand Spring Festival gala.中国的春节庆祝冬天的结束和温暖春天的来临。它开始于农历年的最后一天,结束于农历正月十五,也就是元宵节。在春节期间,人们用红灯笼和春联装饰房子,穿上各式各样的彩色衣服,经常拜访亲戚朋友或聚在一起吃饺子、鱼、肉和其他美味的食物。孩子们盼望着收到红包的压岁钱,他们一起放烟花,相互玩的跟开心。大街上有舞龙、舞狮和其他一些狂欢活动,中央电视台会举行盛大的春节联欢晚会。春节英语作文带翻译2:Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival.During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often visit friends and relatives or together eat dumplings, fish, meat and other delicious food. The children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money, and together they play each other the fireworks, with happy.Street with dragon and lion dance and some other carnival activities, CCTV will held the grand Spring Festival gala.中国的春节庆祝冬天的结束和春天的温暖。从农历年的最后一天开始,到了农历的第十五天结束,也是元宵节。春节期间,人们用红灯笼和春联装饰房子,穿上各种颜色的衣服,经常拜访亲朋好友,或者一起吃饺子、鱼、肉和其他美味的食物。孩子们盼望着收到红包,他们一起玩烟花,开心地玩着。街上有舞龙舞狮等狂欢活动,中央电视台将举行盛大的春节联欢晚会。
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2023-01-11 22:43:541


  秋天来了,大漠的胡杨树挂满金黄的叶子,愈发显露出秋的风采,秋雨飘过,雨水浸染的胡杨叶,慢慢变成浅黄、深黄,且迅速蔓延全树。下面是我给大家介绍的有关写秋天的成语,欢迎阅读。   写秋天的成语   1、五谷丰登:登:成熟。指年成好,粮食丰收。   2、金风玉露:泛指秋天的景物。   3、秋月寒江:比喻有德之人心底清纯明净。   4、丰收在望:丰收的景象看得见丰收:大多指农产品丰收。   5、丰收在望:丰收的景象看得见。丰收:大多指农产品丰收。在:马上。望:预料希望。   6、临去秋波:波:秋天的水波,比喻眼睛明澈。临走时的回眸一盼。形容别情依依。   7、秋高马肥:秋高气爽,马匹肥壮。古常以指西北外族活动的季节。   8、叶落知秋:看到树叶落,便知秋天到来。比喻从细微的变化可以推测事物的发展趋向。   9、林寒涧肃:秋冬间林木凋零、涧水枯落的景象。   10、秋收冬藏:秋天收获,冬天储藏。   11、秋风红叶:红叶随风飘荡,看上去好像是在与秋风共舞。   12、秋荼密网:荼:茅草上的白花。秋天繁茂的茅草白花,网眼细密的鱼网。比喻刑罚繁苛。   13、社燕秋鸿:燕子和大雁都是候鸟,但在同一季节里飞的方向不同。比喻刚见面又离别。   14、一丛火红:代指一般指像火一样红的花。   15、秋高气爽:形容秋季晴空万里,天气清爽。   16、五谷飘香:五谷指粮食,五谷即稻黍稷麦豆。秋天粮食成熟了,飘着香味。   17、天高气清:形容天空高远,气候清爽。   18、丹枫迎秋:很多火红的枫树迎接着秋天的到来,丹:火红;枫:枫树或枫叶。   19、临去秋波:秋波:秋天的水波,比喻眼睛明澈。临走时的回眸一盼。形容别情依依。   20、秋兰飘香:秋季兰花香飘四野,渲染一种收获和谐的气氛。   21、年丰时稔:稔:庄稼成熟。年成好,庄稼大丰收。   22、天高云淡:天气晴朗,天空云少而高、轻薄而淡。指秋天的天空。   23、叠翠流金:形容秋天美丽的景色,碧绿和金黄交相辉映。   24、落叶知秋:看到地上的黄叶就知道秋天来临。比喻通过某一迹象便可预测形势的发展变化。   25、秋风瑟瑟:秋风吹动的声音。   26、秋风送爽:指秋天带来了凉意。   27、红衰翠减:形容初秋百花凋谢的景象。   28、冰壶秋月:冰壶:盛水的玉壶;比喻洁白;秋月:中秋的月亮;比喻皎洁。心如冰清;和明月一样洁净。   29、硕果累累:指积累很多,比喻巨大的成绩或者荣誉。 30、金风送爽:金风:指秋天的风。古时以阴阳五行解释季节,秋为金。秋风带来了凉意。   31、秋收冬藏:春天萌生,夏天滋长,秋天收获,冬天储藏。指农业生产的一般过程。亦比喻事物的发生、发展过程。   32、西风残照:秋天的风,落日的光。比喻衰败没落的景象。   33、一丛金黄:描写秋天的景色一眼望去流动的金色。   34、秋色宜人:指秋天的景色,气候或温度令人舒适的;温和或温暖的。   35、秋高气肃:形容秋日晴空高朗,气候凉爽宜人。   36、硕果累累:累累:连续成串。秋天果实成熟了,一串一串的。   37、春生秋杀:春天万物萌生,秋天万物凋零。   38、西风落叶:形容秋天的景象。多比喻人或事物已趋衰落。   39、秋月春风:指良辰美景。也指美好的岁月。   40、千秋万代:一千年,一万代。指世世代代,时间久长。   41、春种秋收:春天播种,秋天收获。   42、稻谷飘香:秋天稻谷成熟了,飘着阵阵香味。   43、秋高气爽:形容秋季晴空万里,天气清爽。   44、冰壶秋月:冰壶:盛水的玉壶,比喻洁白。比喻洁白明净。多指人的品格。   45、秋风习习:意思是和煦的秋风暖暖地,慢慢的吹动的样子。用于晚秋的景色。   46、天高气爽:形容秋天天空高远明朗、气候凉爽宜人。   47、满载而归:装得满满地回来,形容收获很大。也可以形容学术上取得很大的"成果。   48、华星秋月:像星星那样闪闪发光,如秋月那样清澈明朗。   49、秋雨绵绵:秋天的雨连绵不断地下个不停。   50、秋月春花:春天的花朵,秋天的月亮。泛指春秋美景。   51、盈车嘉穗:盈:满。稻重长得茁壮,一棵就能装满一车。形容粮食丰收。   52、北雁南飞:秋天了,大雁从北方飞到温暖的南方避寒。   53、金桂飘香:象征着秋天了。   54、一丛金黄:描写秋天的景色,一眼望去流动的金色。   55、仓箱可期:仓箱:盛粮食的工具。粮仓有望装满。比喻丰收大有希望。   56、蝉不知雪:知了夏天生,秋天死,看不到雪。比喻人见闻不广。   57、硕果累累:本义是指秋天丰收时树上的果实茂盛的样子。   58、瓜果飘香:瓜果成熟时的芳香,一般用来描写秋天。   59、瓜果飘香:空气中弥漫着瓜果的香气。   60、秋风送爽:形容秋天天气凉爽。   61、西风残照:秋天的风,落日的光。比喻衰败没落的景象。多用来衬托国家的残破和心境的凄凉。   62、秋雨绵绵:意思是这雨下的没完没了,也作秋思解释,特别是逆境中的思念。   63、层林尽染:层林尽染,原意是山上一层层的树林经霜打变红,像染过一样。   64、望秋先零:零:凋零。望见秋天将到就先凋零了。比喻体质弱,经不起风霜。也比喻未老先衰。   65、秋高马肥:秋高气爽,马匹肥壮。   66、桐叶知秋:梧桐一叶落,天下尽知秋。   67、枫林尽染:整个枫林都被染成红色的了。   68、红衰翠减:红:指花;翠:指绿叶。红花衰败,绿叶减少。形容春尽花残或初秋百花凋谢的景象。   69、雁过留声:比喻留名声于身后。   70、麦穗两歧:一根麦长两个穗。比喻年成好,粮食丰收。   71、香飘四野:到处都是香气,形容香气很浓的样子。   72、秋风萧瑟:①形容风吹拂树木发出的声音:长松千树风萧瑟。②冷落;凄凉;悲凉的气氛;你秋色将临,能无萧瑟之感。   73、枫林如火:深秋时枫叶会变红,“枫林如火”当是极赞秋枫之壮美,满眼的红色犹如一片火海。   74、秋色满园:秋天的景色充满了庭院。   75、秋兰飘香:秋季兰花飘香四溢。   76、秋雨绵绵:指金秋时节的雨,预示着丰收与喜悦。   77、秋阳杲杲:秋天的太阳很明亮。   78、秋意深浓:秋天的气息加重了。   79、时和年丰:和:和平;年:年成;丰:盛,多。风调雨顺,五谷丰登。   80、粒粒归仓:收获的粮食要放到仓库中(储存)。   81、秋风瑟瑟:秋风吹动的声音。   82、秋风萧瑟:秋风吹树木的声音。
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春节英语范文一:The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. It only happens once a year. On this day, everyone will go out to play and pay New Year"s greetings to relatives.The new year"s Eve on the day before the Spring Festival is also very important. All families will have new year"s Eve dinner together on this night. It can be said that the new year"s Eve dinner is very rich.The eating habits of the South and North also have different characteristics. During the Spring Festival, children will also receive red envelopes to pray that the next year will be smooth.翻译:春节是中国最重要的一个传统节日,一年只有一次,在这一天大家都会出去游玩,到亲戚家里拜年。在春节前一天的除夕也是很重要的,各个家庭在这一个晚上都会在一起吃年夜饭,年夜饭可以说是很丰盛的,南北方的饮食习惯也是有不同的特色。春节期间小孩子还会收到红包,祈祷未来一年是顺顺利利的。春节英语范文二:The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.People usually decorate the doors and windows with red papercuts.becouse red means good luck.People usually clean house too.becouse they want to sweep away bad luck.Children can get some new clothes or presents from their parents and grandparents.On New Year"s Eve,family always have a big dinner.Everybody are watch TV and talk.In the midnight,there usually fairworks.On New Year"s Day,people usually put on their new clothes and visit their femily and friends.They usually say Happy New Year"s Day. The Spring Festival finishes at the Lantern Festival after two weeks.People usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao.It can take people good luck all the year round.翻译:春节是中国最重要的节日。人们通常用红色的剪纸装饰门和窗户。因为红色意味着好运。人们通常打扫房子。因为他们想要扫除坏运气。孩子们可以买些新衣服或礼物来自父母和祖父母。在新年前夕,家人总是有一大堆的晚餐。每个人都是看电视和聊天。在午夜,人们通常fairworks。在元旦,人们通常穿上他们的新衣服和访问他们femily和朋友。他们通常说新年快乐。春节结束在两周后的元宵节。人们通常吃一种叫元宵的粽子。它可以把人们一年四季好运。春节英语范文三:China nation has a strong family concept and always have family reunion in some important days. Family Reunion Dinner is an essential custom on New Year"s Eve. They usually enjoy a big feast this day.And dumpling and fish are must during the Family Reunion Dinner on New Year"s Eve. Some people will put a coin inside one dumpling. The people who eat this dumpling will be to thought be a lucky guy.The fish could not be eaten out because the fish means extra things by partial tone. And it represents the wish for a prosperous year with abundant and even extra wealth and luck.翻译:中国国家有很强的家庭观念,在一些重要的日子总是有家庭聚会。年夜饭是一个重要的习俗在新年前夕。他们通常喜欢一个大宴会。饺子和鱼必须在除夕的年夜饭。有些人会将一枚硬币放在一个饺子。吃这饺子的人会认为是一个幸运的人。鱼不能吃,因为谐音的鱼意味着额外的东西。,它代表着希望与丰富繁荣的一年,甚至额外的财富和运气。
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萧瑟的秋天、天高云淡 大雁南飞 秋高气爽 山河壮美 五谷丰登 瓜果飘香 秋收冬藏 一叶知秋层林尽染 一丛金黄 一丛火红 秋意深浓 秋色宜人 秋兰飘香 秋雨绵绵 秋风萧瑟 春兰秋菊 春花秋月 春种秋收 秋风过耳 丹枫迎秋 枫林如火 秋风习习 秋高气爽 瓜果飘香 秋雨绵绵 春华秋实 金秋时节 景色宜人 层林尽染 叠翠流金 叠翠流金五谷丰登 平分秋色 秋风瑟瑟 春花秋月 春华秋实 落叶枯黄 秋雨绵绵 秋风萧萧秋风萧瑟 秋风瑟瑟 金风送爽 秋月春风 秋月寒江 红衰翠减 霜天红叶 枫林尽染
2023-01-11 22:43:411


  有些民族还会搞一些活动来欢度新春佳节,比如舞龙舞狮、说书唱戏、跑旱船、踩高跷、扭秧歌等。下面是我给大家整理的春节的英语作文8句话,供你参考!   春节的英语作文篇1   I am looking forward to the New Year. These days, I really tasted the flavor of the year.   On the evening of the great year, our family sat on a stool and ate the reunion dinner. After dinner, I stood on the balcony of the second floor and watched the fireworks downstairs. Suddenly "bang", a like a fireball flying into the sky, Fried into a lot of colorful sparks, so sprayed five or six times, seems to be blessing people!   The Spring Festival gala show is about to start, and the whole family sits on the sofa and savor the big meal that CCTV brings to us. The graceful dance, the beautiful singing, the humorous sketch xiangsheng, all left a deep impression on us, which made us laugh. How happy it is to celebrate the New Year with my family   "Tick tock... The New Year"s bell tolled, and at that moment the noise of the firecrackers rang out, illuminating the dark night sky. Firecrackers, laughter ringing has become a piece of it, it is a Duan Yousheng colored "symphony", are interwoven with all the voices of the nature, the stars of heaven forget sleep, stop to watch!   I looked out of the window and made a New Year"s resolution as a shooting star. I believe that in the New Year, I will definitely make more progress, and I will gain more.   春节的英语作文篇2   There are many traditional cultures. I like Spring Festival best.   Legend has it that once upon a time there was a monster called nian who often went to the village to harm people and ate cattle and sheep. So, people want to get rid of it. However, no matter what method people use, can"t drive away "year". Finally, a child accidentally lit a bamboo, a crackling sound, "nian" was scared away. People are happy. Later, people set off firecrackers on this day in order to commemorate this happy day. Later, it gradually evolved into the "Spring Festival" festival.   I go back to my hometown every year, and every year is very busy. The day before the Spring Festival, it is 30 years old, also called New Year"s eve. Every family has affixed the spring couplet with the word "fu". Some people, in the spirit of the heart, put their own window flowers on the window, like falling snow. Others hang lanterns on the front door, and the lanterns are colorful and very beautiful.   This evening, the sound of the sound of the cannon, like thunder, this one, one after another. Li hua red the whole sky, like a beautiful flower. After the firecracker was finished, people picked up the delicious dumplings and ate the reunion dinner. The children are also reunited with their parents. People eat hot dumplings and watch the wonderful Spring Festival gala, until midnight, and the New Year"s bell rings. The next morning people get up very early, whether adult children or adults are breathing new clothes and going door to door. Everyone has a smile on their faces and an auspicious word in their mouth.   The mood of joy lasted until the 15th day of the first lunar month.   春节的英语作文篇3   Whenever the New Year begins, people like to paste the Spring Festival couplets, beat the gongs and drum, and set the lights on. There was a festive glow on every face.   Why should Chinese New Year be affixed to couplet, setting off firecrackers and hanging lanterns? Here"s another wonderful fairy tale. Once upon a time there was a monster called nian, who lived in a secluded valley. The monster was fierce and terrible. He was very clever, and he knew that there were more than thirty people in the year, and so many kinds of wild animals, so that every thirty years of the year he would run into the village, and he would eat people and eat animals. The people hated him, but they were afraid of him, and they were helpless. So they can only close the doors and Windows every 30 years.   But the monster can still come in. It"s another year of the year, and people close the doors and Windows early. At this time a man from outside came into the village and saw that all the houses were closed tightly. Think: big day why not a person? He went to a door and knocked at the door. An old man asked, "who is it?" "I am a stranger and want to spend the night." "Said the stranger.   The old man asked the stranger to come into the house and tell the stranger what happened to the beast. The stranger laughed and said, "I know what nian is afraid of. I have a way to fix it." The old man listened and said happily, "you know! That"s great. I called the villagers, and you tell them." Said the village villagers all came. "Nian is afraid of three things: red, fire and noise," said the stranger. Some said, "I hurried home to find some red paper to stick to the door." Some said, "I"ll go home and burn the fire." At night, nien came again, he sees every family with red paper, and the burning fire in the courtyard, frighten mess and flee, and because one family bamboo crack in the fire, that nian was scared, he fled back to the valley. Nian was starved to death because he had not eaten anything. From then on, people lived happily ever after.   So far, the custom of setting off firecrackers, pasting Spring Festival couplets and beating drums and drums has been passed down to become the traditional culture of our country"s Spring Festival.
2023-01-11 22:43:391


可以,不过这是很口语话及非正式用语,限于英式英语而已。因为cheers还有干杯的意思,在其他英语国家并没有指谢谢的意思,所以你讲出来会显得很奇怪,对方会以为你要干杯或敬酒。正式场合还是用thank you会比较好。
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2023-01-11 22:43:352


【实用】介绍春节的英语作文六篇   无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是我帮大家整理的介绍春节的英语作文6篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 介绍春节的英语作文 篇1   In the cold winter, the warmest is the Spring Festival; in the monotonous winter, the most prosperous is the Spring Festival; in the boring winter, the most happy or the Spring Festival. So, the Spring Festival in the hope of everyone came.   In the distance with the New Year"s Eve, the grandparents ready to sweep the dust. Grandpa and grandmother wear a straw hat, grandfather in the bamboo top of the Department of the broom, the roof of the house and the wall sweep over and over, the dust and spider web sweep down. Grandma is the ground to sweep a lot of garbage for the new year"s life more clean, refreshing cool over a year. The next morning, my grandmother took me to the cave farms to buy food, there are a lot of people in the farms, voices, I do not want to be in this noisy environment to buy food, they lie in tricycle reading. Flash, two hours is coming, my grandmother just come out from the farms, carrying a few bags of raw food and cooked food, lay the foundation for the day after tomorrow"s dinner.   A blink of an eye, and New Year"s Eve only in close proximity. The most important thing is to worship ancestors. Put the food and wine on the table, and put red paper on the chicken and the fish. And finally burned a lot of paper money, for which I also left the ancestors and family and family blessing.   Finally, the most exciting moments of New Year"s Eve. At night, the family sat together to eat a reunion dinner, everyone blessed each other, full of good food, grandmother secretly often pocket something, take out a look, wow, the original is New Year"s money. I cautiously put it, bouncing to run the fireworks. Fireworks shine on my excited face, the fireworks illuminate the dark sky of the country, red, green, blue, the sky slowly raised some fireworks, showing everyone"s brilliant mood. Next, my father and I keep the old side, while watching the Spring Festival Gala. Midnight, my mother went out to fight the gun, white snowflakes really like firecrackers tidbits, sound resounded through the sky.   The Spring Festival was bustling, and after a few days, people began a new job and continued to create new life 介绍春节的英语作文 篇2   In China, Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals. It is also getting more and more popular in some foreign countries. When Spring Festival comes, it means that a new year comes, and people grow a year older. During the festival, it is very crowded throughout the country.   On the eve of Spring Festival, parents get food, clothes and Spring Festival"s goods prepared. The people who work outside come back, and the whole family gets together to have meals and say goodbye to the last year, and welcome the New Year. After the meal, they wait until midnight comes. They set off fireworks then.   On the first morning of the Spring Festival, everyone wears their new clothes and then go to other"s homes to celebrate the New Year. Each family sets off fireworks when their guests come, and they take out sweets and peanuts to share. On the following days, they go around to their relatives and friends. The Spring Festival has several meanings. It means people working outside can come back to relax themselves, a new year begins. When spring comes, farmers begin to plant crops and people make a plan for the New Year.   All the people throughout the world pay much attention to it. Our country of course holds some national celebrations to celebrate it. This most traditional festival in China will go on being celebrated in the future. 介绍春节的英语作文 篇3   The Spring Festival a big and grand festival, the Spring Festival represents the peace, happiness and reunion. I like the Spring Festival, because you can set off firecrackers, and wear new clothes, get lucky money.   The day before the Spring Festival New Year"s eve, everybody cheerfully stick couplets on the Spring Festival, in front of h home in the kitchen making dumplings, have a meal before you set off firecrackers.   I put a lot of firecrackers, Spring Festival "ZuanTianHou", "ZuanTianHou" fly to the sky, making sound, very nice. The second the "big tanks", like real tanks rushed past, open to a half stopped, colorful light, beautiful! The third set butterfly fireworks, firecrackers butterfly a fire like a rocket flying, fly far away. The fourth cherry bomb, cherry bomb was thrown to the ground, one step also ring with their feet.   I like Spring Festival very much, want to wh every day the Spring Festival! 介绍春节的英语作文 篇4   The Lunar New Year is a great occasion to the Chinese people. It lasts about the first four days of the year,during which people do not work except for the workers on duty. Students do not go to school, and shops are closed.   Several days before the new year, people begin to prepare. Farmers kill pigs,sheep,cocks and hens. City dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables. Houses are cleaned;coupletsare posted on the doors. Colourful lanterns are hung at the gate.   On the eve of the new year,each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner. After the meal they watch TV until the clock strickes twelve. Then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to welcome the new year. On the first day of the new year,almost everyone is dressed in his or her best. When people meet on the way,they say to each other "Happy New Year". Friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other. Children indulge themselves in games.   农历新年对中国人民来说是一个伟大的节日。它的持续时间大约是一年的前四天,在此期间,除了值班的工人以外,人们不工作。学生不上学,商店关门。   在新年的.前几天,人们开始准备。农民杀死猪、羊、公鸡和母鸡。城市居民买肉鱼和蔬菜。房子被打扫了,沙发被贴在了门上。大门上挂着五颜六色的灯笼。   在新年前夕,每个家庭都有一个成员聚集在一起吃团圆饭。饭后他们看电视,直到钟敲十二下。家家户户都放上长串的小鞭炮和其他的烟火,迎接新年的到来。在新年的第一天,几乎每个人都穿着他或她最好的衣服。当人们在路上相遇时,他们会对彼此说“新年快乐”。亲朋好友们互相拜年,互赠礼物。孩子们沉迷于游戏。 介绍春节的英语作文 篇5   Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. The dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the GREgorian calendar.   so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February. To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year"s Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country.   Spring Festival is the most importantand popular festival in China.Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses.And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.During Spring Festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to children.People often get together and have a big meal.Some people eat dumpling for dinner.   很久以前,中国历史上最重要的节日是春节,而且据说是中国的新年。对于中国人来说,它的重要程度和西方的圣诞节一样。这一年一度的庆典日期被定在了阴历相当于格里高利历,所以假日改变的日期从一月末变为二月初。   对于黄皮肤的中国人来说,这个解释实际是始于春节的前夕结束于第一个月圆之日。而第一个月圆之夜一般情况下被称作元宵节,意味春节在全国大部分地区的官方节日时间上结束。   春节在中国是最重要最流行的节日。在很久以前,过春节时,人们经常需要整理打扫房间。并且去花市买些鲜花。春节期间,成年人常常要给小子压岁钱。人们常要在一起聚餐,有些人午夜还会吃饺子。 介绍春节的英语作文 篇6   The Lunar New Year is a great occasion to the Chinese people.It lasts about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except for the workers on duty.Students do not go to school, and shops are closed.   Several days before the new year, people begin to prepare.Farmers kill pigs, sheep, cocks and hens.City dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables. Houses are cleaned; coupletsare posted on the doors.Colourful lanterns are hung at the gate.   On the eve of the new year, each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner.After the meal they watch TV until the clock strickes twelve.   Then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to wele the new year.On the first day of the new year, almost everyone is dressed in his or her best.When people meet on the way, they say to each other "Happy New Year".   Friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other.Children indulge themselves in games. ;
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有关介绍春节的英语作文9篇   在学习、工作、生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?下面是我帮大家整理的介绍春节的英语作文9篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 介绍春节的英语作文 篇1   A new year ,a new start,when I stand on the edge of a new year,I can"t help thinking about my plan of next year.   Just as the old saying:“Well began the half of the success.”So I decide that I should be at work while the others are still relaxing ,and then ,at the beginning ,I"m quicker than the others and of course I will get better result than the others.   But ,what I really decide to do that I must make good of anytime I can spare though it seems impossible. While,I will do my best to live up with what I have planned,and the result will prove it. 介绍春节的英语作文 篇2   The Spring Festival a big and grand festival, the Spring Festival represents the peace, happiness and reunion. I like the Spring Festival, because you can set off firecrackers, and wear new clothes, get lucky money.   The day before the Spring Festival New Year"s eve, everybody cheerfully stick couplets on the Spring Festival, in front of h home in the kitchen making dumplings, have a meal before you set off firecrackers.   I put a lot of firecrackers, Spring Festival "ZuanTianHou", "ZuanTianHou" fly to the sky, making sound, very nice. The second the "big tanks", like real tanks rushed past, open to a half stopped, colorful light, beautiful! The third set butterfly fireworks, firecrackers butterfly a fire like a rocket flying, fly far away. The fourth cherry bomb, cherry bomb was thrown to the ground, one step also ring with their feet.   I like Spring Festival very much, want to wh every day the Spring Festival! 介绍春节的英语作文 篇3   The Spring Festival, every family decorated, beaming. This year"s Spring Festival, I had a particularly interesting. Until today, I remember.   In the morning, our family made haste. Mother puts up spring couplets on the door. Greets me is "Japan Korea spring resident, and fuyong leave". Said the family harmony happiness. For me, I have to help my mother to stick "f" word, were posted on the door. Mother hurriedly stop me and said, "" f" word should be negative, is the "f" to the harmonics, blessing to our family. Post during the Spring Festival couplets are festive, type, auspicious meaning." Once I listen to, hurriedly (" f "word. Dad are carefully prepared, hang the YiZhanZhan red lanterns.   In the evening, it"s time to eat dinner. Fragrance filled the kitchen; There is big dinner table, make the person saw, mouth water. Table there is a fish, that means more than every year. The guests have arrived, gladly sitting in front of the table, taste with relish the family reunion dinner. Mom and dad smiling greeting the guests. The whole family happy, the house is full of happy atmosphere.   After the meal, the grandmother to share out bonus package! Our house has a small agreement, young players have got the certificates, there is double red envelopes. This year, I was on the "three good student". Grandpa is assigned me two red packets. Encouraged me to study in the New Year, to the next level. Children received a red envelope, a bright smile on his face.   8 in the evening, our whole family on time opened the TV and watch the Spring Festival gala ". The melodious song, make people intoxicated; The graceful dance, make the person praise; The wonderful routines, to make people laugh... The intermittent laughter ripples in the living room.   This year"s Spring Festival, I had a very meaningful. I hope that next year the Spring Festival, I will live better!   春节,家家户户都张灯结彩,喜气洋洋。今年的春节,我过得特别有意思。直到今天,我还记忆犹新。   早晨,我们一家人忙开了。妈妈在大门上贴春联。映入我眼帘的是“日丽春常驻,人和福永留”。表示家庭祥和幸福。我呢,则帮妈妈贴“福”字,正要贴在门上。妈妈连忙阻止我,说道:“‘福"字应该倒贴,就是‘福"到的谐音,福光临我们家了。春节帖春联有喜庆、财气、吉祥之意。”我一听,赶紧把“福”字倒贴了。爸爸也在精心准备,挂起了一盏盏红灯笼.   晚上,该是吃年夜饭的时候了。厨房里弥漫着香气;桌上摆放着丰盛的晚餐,使人看了,口水直流。桌中间有一条鱼,那就表示年年有余。客人们也都到了,欢欢喜喜地坐在桌子面前,津津有味地品尝着年夜饭。爸爸妈妈笑容满面地招呼着客人。全家人都其乐融融,屋子里充满了幸福的气氛。   吃完饭,外婆来分红包喽!我们家有一个小约定,小辈们拿到了奖状,就有双倍红包。今年,我被评上了“三好学生”。外公就分给我两份红包。鼓励我在新的一年里,学习成绩更上一层楼。小孩子们都收到了红包,脸上露出了灿烂的笑容。   晚上八点整,我们全家准时打开了电视机,收看“春节联欢晚会”。那悠扬的歌声,使人陶醉其中;那优美的舞姿,使人赞不绝口;那精彩的相声小品,使人开怀大笑……阵阵欢声笑语荡漾在客厅上空。   今年的春节,我过得十分有意义。我希望明年春节,我会过得更好! 介绍春节的英语作文 篇4   the Spring Festival Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. the dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the GREgorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February. To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year's Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country. 介绍春节的英语作文 篇5   I think Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It"s a beginning that is new and full of luck for Chinese.   A few days before the Spring Festival, people will clean their house and do some shopping. They"re busy days for adults because of much house"s work. But children always look forward to the coming of those days, which is due to buying much delicious food and many beautiful clothes. Al seems new during those days.   In the New Year"s Eve, children will have their bodies cleaned and dress nice clothes early. Why do they seem to be poppet? Because adults always give more lucky money to the good children.   In the evening, all the members of family will sit around the table and 介绍春节的英语作文 篇6   The Lunar New Year is a great occasion to the Chinese people. It lasts about the first four days of the year,during which people do not work except for the workers on duty. Students do not go to school, and shops are closed.   Several days before the new year, people begin to prepare. Farmers kill pigs,sheep,cocks and hens. City dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables. Houses are cleaned;coupletsare posted on the doors. Colourful lanterns are hung at the gate.   On the eve of the new year,each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner. After the meal they watch TV until the clock strickes twelve. Then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to welcome the new year. On the first day of the new year,almost everyone is dressed in his or her best. When people meet on the way,they say to each other "Happy New Year". Friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other. Children indulge themselves in games.   农历新年对中国人民来说是一个伟大的节日。它的持续时间大约是一年的前四天,在此期间,除了值班的工人以外,人们不工作。学生不上学,商店关门。   在新年的前几天,人们开始准备。农民杀死猪、羊、公鸡和母鸡。城市居民买肉鱼和蔬菜。房子被打扫了,沙发被贴在了门上。大门上挂着五颜六色的灯笼。   在新年前夕,每个家庭都有一个成员聚集在一起吃团圆饭。饭后他们看电视,直到钟敲十二下。家家户户都放上长串的小鞭炮和其他的烟火,迎接新年的"到来。在新年的第一天,几乎每个人都穿着他或她最好的衣服。当人们在路上相遇时,他们会对彼此说“新年快乐”。亲朋好友们互相拜年,互赠礼物。孩子们沉迷于游戏。 介绍春节的英语作文 篇7   Favorite Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It"s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .   春节是中国最重要的节日,它是为了庆祝农历新年,在春节前的晚上,家人聚在一起吃大餐,很多地方人们喜欢放鞭炮,饺子是最传统的食物,孩子们最喜欢的节日,因为他们可以吃到美味的食物和穿新衣服。这笔钱是给孩子们的好运气。人们把新的一年的卷轴在墙上为好运气。   The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .   春节大约持续15天,人们拜访亲戚和朋友,这句话“有你所有的愿望”。人们享受春节,在此期间,他们可以有一个良好的休息。 介绍春节的英语作文 篇8   The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year,is the most important festival for all of us. All family members get together on New Year"Eve to have a big meal.At the same time, everyone celebrates to each other.At about 12 o"clock,some parents and children light crackers.The whole sky is lighted brightly. We may watch the fireworks excitedly.How busy it is!   On the first early moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some house"s windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.   The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival. It names the Lantern Festival.   So the Chinese New Year comes to the end.   中国新年,春节是最重要的节日,我们所有的人。所有的家庭成员在新年前夜聚在一起吃一顿大餐。与此同时,每个人都互相庆祝。大约12点,一些家长和孩子们放鞭炮。整个天空灯火通明。我们可能会兴奋地观看焰火。多忙啊!   第一个一年的早期早上,许多老年人早起和他们把傅逆转或一些对联挂在前门。有些房子的窗户上贴着红纸雕。   中国新年持续15天。所以在十五天,我们总是访问我们的亲戚从门到门。那时,孩子是最幸福的,因为他们可以得到很多红包形成他们的父母、祖父母、叔叔、婶婶和等等。中国新年的最后一天是另一个节日。它命名了元宵节。   所以中国的新年到了尽头。 介绍春节的英语作文 篇9   The spring Festival coming soon! The festivel considereded the most important one for Chinese people. It on the first day of lunar year. It also the day of reunion among family members. During these days, people would say "happy new year! or wh you make fortune! to each other. They would also vit their relatives and friends. Children would be given "red packets". Children would have more to eat and play than usual.Playing firecrackers also a popular game for children. ;
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