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2023-05-19 23:06:51
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2023-01-11 22:18:291


2023-01-11 22:18:3615


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2023-01-11 22:20:471

宿迁摸底cheerleading is the fastest growing girls

该大题答案为 67. C 68. B 69. C 70. C67. What does the underlined word"bases" in Paragraph 3 refer to? A. Strength andcooperation. B. Lifts and tosses. C. Supportingteammates. D. Physical activities68.Gymnasts are mentioned in the passage to _A. explain the dangers of cheerleadingB. show their similarities with cheerleadersC. suggest cheerleaders learn to do gymnasticsD. present the guidelines of gymnastic movements69.It can be leamed from the passage that cheerleadingA. is a good sport for all peopleB. lacks necessary guidelines to followC. is more than a form of entertainmentD. enjoys greater popularity than other sports70. This passage is written mainly toA attract more girls to cheerleadingB draw people"s attention to cheerleadingC call for more recognition of competitive cheerleading as a sportD criticize some Americans who do not think cheerleading as a sport希望对你有所帮助。
2023-01-11 22:20:531


你好!拉拉队美女图片A picture of the beauty of a cheerleading team
2023-01-11 22:21:022


是cheerleading team
2023-01-11 22:21:103


Students after school in order to enrich the lives, physical well-being, promote friendship, the first session of the Faculty of Medicine, "Medicine Cup" basketball game March 28 in the morning of January 29 in Tongji University began the basketball court. The race to class as a unit, a total of freshman, sophomore two-year 8 classes are welcome to join, after five days of intense competition, and ultimately by the sophomore year 3 classes 4 classes in the sophomore into the final. The final day, the sky is clear, appropriate temperature, this should be the beginning of the game 9:00, 8:30 have been to a lot of the audience, competition has not yet started, the two sides is repeated cries. Warm-up before the end of game 9 o"clock sharp. 4 jump off the first classes, back on the 7th fast dribble Miyagi advance, taking advantage of each other based fledgling, easy lay-up rating. 3 the results and the classes do not panic, they follow their own rhythm, in positional warfare Sendo captain jump from scoring. To the two sides, regardless of less than 28 ping the end of the first half. Into the second half, more intense competition. With 4 classes inside a high degree of our strengths, keep the impact of the other basket, repeatedly successful. 3 classes is not a sign of weakness, with an accurate shot is always clenching score.啦啦队court is deafening sound of the cheer, although the hospital is only a game, but no less formal atmosphere of competition. 30 seconds before the end, the two sides labeled as 48-ping, 4 classes have the right to ball. After a moratorium on the deployment of precision, the two sides back to the market players. Sakuragi only 10 players dribble into the other half, the final 10 seconds, Sakuragi has done a beautiful action Huang who is now the defender, 7 seconds, Sakuragi jump stop, all the eyes into the sky basketball, the ball into! Lore! The end of the game. The audience cheered. Sakuragi arms held high to celebrate with teammates clapped. 3 classes despite the lose, but they joined hands with the 4 classes presented to the audience a good match, the audience were the same for them to warm applause. Medical College basketball game last week came to an end, but the scenes of happy memories that will forever remain in the hearts of everyone. The kind of competition and hard work, efforts will win the spirit of the students have deeply influenced the future of learning and living. This is not a loser"s game, everyone is a winner. We look forward to next year"s competition!
2023-01-11 22:21:212

we have a cheerleading team in our class翻译

答案:C 核心短语/词汇:in our class:在我们班 翻译:在我们班,我们有两个新朋友。 解析:此题考察介词用法,“在班级里”要用介词“in”。
2023-01-11 22:22:141


2023-01-11 22:22:211


  体操的英文:   gymnastics   n. 体操(运动);技巧   参考例句:   Gymnastic apparatus体操用具   We did an hour of gym.我们做了一小时的`体操。   Its cheerleading began including gymnastic movements in their cheers.啦啦队队员在他们的助威声中加入了体操运动。   At school she had been captain of the hockey team and had won the gymnastics trophy two years running.上学时她做曲棍球队长,连着两年得了体操奖杯。   all these gymnastics, you may be sure, will cease at Bombay."这种体操式的旅行到了孟买,就完事大吉,没问题,您瞧吧。”   A gymnast on the trampoline was turning somersaults有个体操运动员正在蹦床上做空翻   Rules that govern gymnastics scoring are made by FIG.体操比赛评分规则由国际体操联合会制订。   The athlete beat his teacher at his own game by setting a new record in the gymnastics.那位运动员在体操上创造了新纪录,在这方面他胜过了他的老师。   "I hate these girly sports like gymnastics, swimming, bodybuilding, tennis and tabletennis. "我讨厌像体操,游泳,健美,网球和乒乓球这些女孩子的运动。   I often go to a gym for a workout. Lifting weights will build arm and shoulder muscles,won"t it?我经常去体操馆锻炼。举重可以锻炼手臂和肩膀的肌肉,不是吗?   Gymnasts need iron will and unswerving spirit. 体操运动员需要钢铁般的意志和百折不挠的精神 。   The gymnast dared a breathtakingly difficult move.这位体操选手敢于做惊险的高难度动作。   The school is going to put on a gymnastic display.这个学校将举行体操表演。   The gymnast poised herself on the balance beam gracefully.体操运动员优美地立在平衡木上。
2023-01-11 22:22:271


Refueling exercises
2023-01-11 22:22:322


  had better do,最好做...的英语翻译,对于它的英语短语表达方式大家都知道了吗?下面是我给大家整理的最好做英语短语,供大家参阅!   最好做had better do英语短语1   What do you expect they had better do?   你希望他们最好做什么?   He had better do the dishes before his mother comes back.   他最好能在他妈妈回来之前就把碗洗干净。   "Richard Hannay, "I told myself, "you have made a mistake, and you had better do somethingabout it.   我暗暗对自己说:“理查德·哈内,这回你错了,最好想办法改过吧。”   You had better do it at once.   你最好还是马上做。   My eyes are still reddish. Doctor suggests that I had better do not use computer lately. But Ihave made it as a hobby, writing is more meaningful than telling.   眼睛仍红肿着,医生建议我近日尽量不用电脑,可已形成习惯,有些文字,写下来比说出来更有意义。   “I remember thinking I had better do this quickly, ” said Ms. Levi who lived in New York then andnow lives in Rome.   列维夫人说。 当时她住在纽约,现在住在罗马。   If a business wants to sell its products internationally, it had better do some market researchfirst.   如果一个企业想在世界范围内销售其产品,最好事先作好市场调查。   If one wants a thing done well, one had better do it oneself.   若要把事情做好,最好自已去做。   You had better do some sports after supper every night.   你每晚吃完饭后最好做做运动。   He had better do some research!   他最好作一下调查。   The cleanness had better do easily and must rest assured there is no remaining in the coolingsystem after finishing.   应使清洁工作尽可能简单,而且不应有清洁后的残留物留在冷却系统中。   He had better do some research!   他最好做些研究。   He thought over what he had better do.   他想了想他最好怎么办。   最好做had better do英语短语2   You had better do a little hard thinking.   你最好仔细想一下。   Seeing Dick"s cheeks reddening a little at this sally , I thought I had better do something.   我看见迪克听见这句反击的话之后,脸有点红起来,因此我觉得我最好是说点什么。   This means that in America you rarely get more than one chance to put forth your version of thefacts, so you had better do it right the first time.   这就意味着,在美国,你只有一次说明自己一方事实的机会,所以说你最好在第一次就把这事情做对。   If one wants something done well he had better do it himself.   如果一个人要把事情做好,最好自己去做。   Family squabbling is the greatest evil of all, and we had better do anything than be altogether by the ears.   一家人争吵是最糟糕的事情,我们说什么也不能吵架。   You had better do so.   你还是这样做好。   You had better do the homework by yourself.   你最好自己独立完成作业。   We had better do some market research before we produce this car phone.   在生产这种汽车电话前,我们最好先做一下市场研究。   We had better do it right now.   我们最好马上做这件事。   You had better do your homework right now.   你最好马上去做你的作业。   When the doctor came in to see Thea. Mrs. Kronborg was reflecting that the washing was a week behind. and deciding what she had better do about it.   当医生应诊到来看希娅时,卡隆堡太太正在反思待洗的衣服已延误一周,并正在决定如何处理。   On this foundation, had better do a few intensity to not quite big imitate is inscribed or had madethe true problem that pass according to examination time, maintain feel.   在此基础上,最好按照考试时间去做一些强度不太大的模拟题或者已经作过的真题,保持手感。   You had better do exercise every day.   你最好每日进行锻炼。   Tom had better quit bugging me. John had better do his work by himself. ;   汤姆最好不要再来烦我。约翰最好是自己做他的功课。   You had better not do that.   你最好不要这样做。   You had better not do that.   你最好不要这样做。   最好做had better do英语短语3   1. Seeing Dick"s cheeks reddening a little at this sally, I thought I had better do something.   我看见迪克听见这句反击的话之后,脸有点红起来, 因此我觉得我最好是说点什么.   2. You had better do some outdoor esercises every day.   你最好每天做一些户外运动.   3. He had better do some research.   他最好做一番研究调查.   4. You had better do a little hard thinking.   你最好仔细想一下.   5. I long as do the best, attain had better.   我只要尽我的力量, 做到最好.   6. If you do not, you had better stick to commerce.   如果您不具备这些素质, 那您最好还是继续从事商业工作.   7. I"m happy to say I had better to do.   我很高兴我有更好的事做.   8. Im happy to say I had better to do.   我很高兴地告诉你我有更好的事可做.   9. An even better reason for joining the euro is what Malta had to do to qualify.   而一个更加有利的因素是马耳他为加入欧元区所做出的改革.   10. Rather than the all - American extra - curricular activities such as cheerleading, Uma had better things to do: act.   在学校时乌玛不去参加拉拉队等在美国很普遍的课外活动, 她有更好的选择: 表演.   11. W: I guess I had better learn more about them. What do you suggest?   我猜我要多吸取一些关于他们的知识来了解他们. 你的意见 呢 ?   12. Do not a coat in the winter, summer female classmate had better not wear skirt.   冬天不要穿大衣, 夏天女同学最好不要穿裙子.   13. If you cannot decide what to do, you had better carry the matter to your pillow.   如果你决定不下该怎么办, 最好晚上再考虑考虑.   14. They had better work hard tomorrow andaround a lot because our opponents certainly will do.   他们最好明晚认真对待比赛,在场上积极一些,因为我们的队友无疑将这样去做的.   15. They had nothing better to do than brawl in the street.   他们除了在街上斗殴做不出什么好事.   
2023-01-11 22:22:441


2023-01-11 22:23:212

acro dance, cheerleading, freerunning 分别是什么意思

杂技舞, 啦啦队, 跑酷(美国叫自由竞技奔跑)
2023-01-11 22:23:422


拉拉队长 cheer captain,cheerleading captain拉拉队员 cheerleaders,cheerleading
2023-01-11 22:23:501


要啦啦操(cheerleading)来源于早期部落社会的仪式。其中cheer的部分,有振奋精神,提振士气的意思。为激励外出打仗或打猎的战士们,他们通常会举行一种仪式,仪式中有族人欢呼、手舞足蹈的表演来鼓励战士,希望能凯旋。啦啦操并不同与健美操,它是单项体育运动,同足球、篮球、排球等项目一样具备独立体育运动特征,起源于美国,遍布美国的NBA、橄榄球、棒球、游泳、田径、摔跤等比赛现场,已经有100多年的历史。它从最初的美式足球呐喊助威的活动发展成为世界范围内的一项体育运动,受到全世界人民的喜爱。啦啦操是一项深受广大群众喜爱的、普及性极强,集体操、舞蹈、音乐、健身、娱乐于一体的体育项目。 也是一项多人的集体项目。世界啦啦操锦标赛,是全球啦啦队界的一项重要赛事,每年的4月份,在美国奥兰多迪斯尼乐园赛场里,都将迎接全球60多个组织,20多个国家的上万名顶尖的啦啦操高手,其中包括了代表中国出征的队伍。一直以来是做为球赛或其他一些比赛中场休息时候做为啦啦队的表演,后来就开始形成一种项目进行比赛。现代啦啦操是以团队的形式出现,技巧啦啦操结合Dance(舞蹈)、Cheer(口号)、Partner Stunts(舞伴特技,是指托举的难度动作)、Tumbling(技巧)、Basket Toss(轿子抛)、Pyramid(叠罗汉)、Jump(跳跃)等动作技术,配合音乐、服装、队型变化及标示物品(如彩球、口号板、喇叭与旗帜)等要素,遵守比赛规则中对性别、人数、时间限制、安全规则等规定进行比赛的运动,称之为竞技啦啦队,亦可称为啦啦队。竞技啦啦队分为技巧啦啦队和舞蹈啦啦队。其中技巧啦啦队包括Mixed(男女混合组)、All-Female(全女子组)和 Partner stunts(舞伴技);舞蹈啦啦队又包括Pom(花球)、High kick(高踢腿)、Jazz(爵士)和Prop(道具)四个组别。 代表世界啦啦操最高水平的全美啦啦操队锦标赛参赛标准:队伍人数要在6~32人之间,分四个组别进行比赛,分别是业余组、中学组、大学组和全明星组。
2023-01-11 22:23:561


拉拉队长 cheer captain,cheerleading captain拉拉队员 cheerleaders,cheerleading
2023-01-11 22:24:012

The American Art of Cheerleading全篇课文翻译

The American Art of Cheerleading啦啦队的美国艺术
2023-01-11 22:24:121


英文原文:《鼓励:教学改革的关键》Encouragement: The Key to Reforming ClassroomsEncouragement training changes the way teachers run their classrooms and relate to students, resulting in students who are more involved, responsible, and academically successful.Because of strides in school reform, schools are becoming more democratic organizations. Yet teachers are usually trained in stimulus-response psychology—a psychology of traditional classroom management that runs counter to the democratic principles of school reform (Graves 1991, Schaps and Lewis 1991). In short, what the reform movement has not addressed is the most critical aspect of educating: what happens in the classroom between teachers and students.The encouragement model is designed to remedy this situation (Evans 1989, 1995). It reflects the belief that in order to transform schools successfully, we must give teachers the human relations skills they need to manage democratic, cooperative classrooms. That is, classrooms—and schools—in which people help one another out and enjoy one another"s company; where no one is to blame and everyone contributes to finding solutions. Above all, we must train teachers to encourage their students. Toward these ends, we stress six practices (Carlson et al. 1992):Making relationships a priority;Carrying on respectful dialogue;Practicing encouragement and affirmation daily;Making decisions through shared involvement (for example, classroom meetings);Resolving conflict; andHaving fun on a regular basis.Of course we are not alone in viewing encouragement as central to learning. Psychologist Alfred Adler (1964), for example, believed that an educator"s most important task—perhaps his or her holy duty—is to see to it that no child is discouraged at school and to influence any child who enters school discouraged. He believed that learning is only possible when children look hopefully and joyfully to the future. To equip teachers for this task, encouragement training is designed to bring about a fundamental change in how they view and relate to students in the classroom. The training addresses the human relations problems that teachers face daily—student discipline, responsibility, motivation, and their own isolation. We have found that this training must be introduced systematically at all levels of the school and that it is most effective as part of an ongoing improvement plan. In this way, training builds bridges between the teachers" daily work lives and their conceptual understanding (Goldenberg and Gallimore 1991). In Pinellas County, Florida, three programs exemplify how our model works in practice. Leaders of these programs are also involved in school restructuring using Deming"s Total Quality Management approach (Bonstingl 1992):Creativity in ChildCare, a community service program that operates 39 centers in the public schools, including full-day preschools and before-and after-school programs for elementary and middle school students.Carwise Middle School, a Blue Print 2000 school—a demonstration school for integrated learning and Total Quality Management.St. Petersburg Challenge, a school for 4th and 5th graders who became discouraged in traditional schools.Involvement and BelongingThe more students are involved in a cooperative atmosphere, the more responsible they become; and the more responsible they become, the more they feel a sense of belonging. Conversely, their sense of belonging gives them the courage to contribute and participate, and the result is a more cooperative and democratic classroom (Meredith and Evans 1990). The teachers in the Florida programs invite their students into the learning process by asking them to evaluate their own coursework with portfolios, self-evaluations, and so on. They also train students to conduct parent-student conferences, which replace parent-teacher conferences. Students help create rubrics, and they often work in teams. They manage their own discipline problems through classroom meetings. John Leanes, the principal of Carwise Middle School, applied the principles of involvement and belonging to the selection of the school"s cheerleaders. Traditionally, schools hold tryouts and judge winners and losers. Leanes, however, asked his students to develop a rubric for cheerleading. The students decided that cheerleaders must come to practice and the games; wear uniforms and no heavy makeup or jewelry; get along and be helpful; arrange their own transportation; and never eat, drink, or chew gum during the games. The result is that Carwise has 85 cheerleaders of every shape, size, and color. Everyone who met the criteria had the opportunity to belong.To Encourage, Not PraiseTo learn the language of encouragement, one must first distinguish it from praise. Praise flatters, rewards, compares, or includes superlatives ("you"re the best"). To praise children is to commend their worth. Praise can easily lead to discouragement by fortifying the idea that unless work is praised, it has no value. The focus is on winning the reward rather than on doing the task for the satisfaction that comes with learning (Hitz and Driscoll 1988).Research suggests that the common use of praise also works against a positive self-concept. Rowe (1974), for example, found that it lowered students" confidence in their answers and reduced the number of verbal responses they offered.In contrast, encouraging statements are less judgmental and controlling. They help children appreciate their own work and behavior while separating their work from their worth. Instead of saying "Thomas, your writing is great," thus evaluating the finished product, the teacher points out some strength or improvement, such as, "Thomas, I noticed you worked hard on this last paragraph." The focus is now on specific behavior.
2023-01-11 22:24:211


She loves the stage very much,and have great passion for performing.She is willing to catch and appreciate every chance to show herself:going to the remote areas,teaching the local students to learn dancing, bringing the happiness to them;planning and displaying the wonderful programs for the welcoming party of the campus;joining in the Campus cheerleading club,trying her best to complete every show rehearsal.
2023-01-11 22:24:291


the cheering squad is kind of activity full of energy. The sexy body and the charming dancing postures are so attractive to everybody. This is one of the favourite sports to girls in campus, Join us, show yourself.
2023-01-11 22:24:353

hannah montana 笔记

pretty please 求求你了 D.L(俚语down low)秘密地 goody-goody 自以为是的人 grounded 关禁闭 hold up 稍等,别走 figure things out 把事情想清楚 not ruin the beautiful moment 别破坏这美好气氛 jet set 玩酷子弟 cutting into time 占用时间 deep down 实际上,内心里 blown away 震惊留下深刻印象 chick 年轻女孩 count your blessings 往好处想 grossing you out 冒犯,把你恶心死 bounce back 恢复原状 licorice-mint 甘草薄荷口香糖 get a rip 掌握,获得 camping trip 野营 pop quiz 突击测试 hillbilly 乡巴佬 to take credit for sth 把某事归功于某人 lattes 拿铁 looking so fine 气色不错 baby girl 宝贝儿 itching 挠痒 itching to do sth 心痒痒很想做某事 good shot 很有可能 be into sb 喜欢上某人 spit-swear 吐唾沫在手上握手 pinky-swear 勾小指头 too little too late 太晚了做什么也没用了 to butt in 搅局 get it 弄明白crushing 抱有好感counting on 依靠tight 好朋友的关系cut me some slack 给我点特殊优待whoo doggies 哦 天哪drama queen 戏剧女王it is not a big deal 那不算什么cheese 起士 my bad 我的错 nice try 得了吧 get over 想开点 don‘t sweat it 别担心 big bowl of 非常 talk the talk,walk the walk 说到做到 good to go 准备好了 make fun of 嘲笑 look on the bright side of something 从乐观角度看 cross your fingers 交叉手指 祈祷好运 deal 成交 ask out 邀请外出 make up 编造 put your foot outta your month 别再犯傻了 check it out 来看看 keep up 专心点 chill 放松点 to have a feeling 预感,感觉 take it easy 慢慢来 twofer 买一送一的两张票 have somebody up on a pedestal 把某人当偶像崇拜 work out 问题解决,结局不错 get the short end of the stick 吃亏 fall through the cracks 被忽视 throw in the towel 认输 punk"d 被愚弄 likely story 跟真的似的 I got my eyes on you 我在注意着你 geek 怪人 hip 时髦的 blah blan blan 叽里咕噜 gotcha you 你被耍了 totally 完全地 walk away 停止做某事 palooza狂欢 聚会 be big很流行 you betcha 那还用说 mullet 鸡冠朋克头 I"m on the case 我正在解决这个问题 for your own good 为你自己好 to bail on somebody 背弃(朋友) to be there for someone 支持(某人) mess up 搞砸 to put something behind yourself 抛到脑后 I got your back我会支持你的 DORK白痴 DORKIER大白痴 take a nap(a short sleep)睡个大头觉 cheerleading 拉拉队 mascot 吉祥物 blast 开心的事情 uniform 制服 be fired 被开除 for your own good 为你自己好 to bail on sb 背弃(朋友) to be there for someone 支持(某人) mess up 搞砸 to put sth behind yourself 抛在脑后 I got you back 我会支持你的 give someone some space 给某人一点空间 awesome 太棒了 sup 还好吧,您吃了吗 get the guts 有胆子 long story short 长话短说 thumb war 拇指大战 charity 慈善组织 raise money 募捐 where were we 我们刚才说道哪儿了 the foundraiser competition 募款比赛 thumb war 拇指大战 70"s dance 七十年代化妆舞会 all-time great 最棒的 no offense 无意冒犯 learn her lesson 得到教训 the ship has sailed 时机已过 super fly 很棒 stand out 表现突出 nobody knows what"s around the corner 谁知道下一步会发生什么 keep dreaming 做你的白日梦去吧 join the club 彼此彼此 undercover 秘密的 I can"t stand up 我再也受不了了 blow it 搞砸 one in a million 百万分之一,非常稀有 toodles 再见 to break up 分手断绝关系 bump up 遇见 break the ice 破冰 寒喧 funny boom 幽默感 just face 面对现实 hang out (和朋友)在一起 just face it 面对现实 follow my lead跟着我做 cave妥协,屈服 tell me about it那还用说,就是嘛 have a cow不爽 big time非常严重 give somebody the chills让人感动 got you逮住你了,你完蛋了 let"s boogie我们走吧 sick as a dog病得厉害 stuck with something被某事困住了 come in handy派上用场 one-of-a-hind非常特别的 sick of the little "angel"厌烦这个讨厌的小天使 blow up发火 raise加薪 no pain no gain有耕耘才有收获 deserve值得,拥有 sooner or later迟早 thing it through深思熟虑 under wraps秘密的,不公开 worth a shot值得一试 load off卸下心头重担 hold her horses自我克制 sell out出卖自己的信誉 real deal事实 selling out is no breeze好不容易
2023-01-11 22:24:462


  目前,随着社会经济的快速发展,英语成为了主要的国际通用语言之一,这必然引起人们对 英语学习 的兴趣日益增强。下面是我带来的高中生英语朗读美文,欢迎阅读!  高中生英语朗读美文篇一   Some thoughts on building a successful marriage   From my perspective, once you enter into the realm of marriage, building and maintaining a successful marriage is actually a big part of personal and financial success. A solid marriage not only results in people sharing resources together, but a marriage also provides a lot of emotional support, cheerleading, and encouragement to succeed.   What follows are twelve little things I do quite regularly in my marriage. Please, use as many of these as seem reasonable.   I tell my wife I love her every single day. I usually do it in the morning before she leaves the bedroom, and on weekdays I"ll also tell her when I see her in the evening for the first time. I usually couple(加倍,成双) it with a kiss. It"s so simple, but it"s a constant reminder of the fact that I do love her, no matter what.   I ask about her day, listen, and ask follow up questions. I do this not only so I can keep tabs on her professional life, but also to give her a great chance to vent about her situation. Everyone needs to talk about themselves sometimes to someone who is interested - I try to provide that for her as often as I can.   I try to surprise her on a regular basis. I"ll spend an hour preparing a really excellent supper when she doesn"t expect it. I"ll spontaneously give the kids a bath when she"s comfortable on the couch under a blanket, even if it"s her turn. Doing these little unexpected things not only shows her I care, but also often compels her to do similar things for me.   I hold her hand. I do this all the time, whenever it crosses my mind and seems appropriate. I"ll just hold her hand gently while we"re talking or we"re riding in the car or we"re waiting for an appointment or we"re sitting on the couch in the evenings.   I talk about EVERYTHING with her and let her determine what"s interesting. If something is concerning me, I don"t hide it from her. I tell her about it. Most of the time she"s interested and we"ll discuss it - sometimes she"s not and I let it drop . Either way, though, she gets the message that I"m making an effort to share and be open.   I work on building a positive relationship with her family. Whenever I visit or see anyone in her family, I make a special effort to try to establish or build upon a strong relationship with them. This accomplishes several things: it makes her more at ease in a family situation, it helps me to build stronger ties with people that are important to her, and it helps me to understand the influences that were around her as she grew up.   I send her messages during the day. About once a week, during a time where my wife is really present in my thoughts, I send her a little simple note by email. All it says is something along the lines of "I was thinking about you just now. I can"t wait until I see you this evening." It"s just a very simple way of letting her know she"s on my mind and in my heart.   I put careful thought into gifts I give her. Sure, it"s easy to just run out and get a generic gift to cover yourself during an anniversary or a birthday. However, a gift with some real thought behind it means substantially more than an obviously off-the-cuff gift.   I encourage her to follow her passions and interests, even if they don"t inspire or interest me. If my wife chooses to spend significant time on a project, it"s obviously something that"s important to her. That doesn"t imply at all that it has to be important to me. If she"s involved in her own project, I give her positive encouragement and then work on my own interests instead of saying things like "that seems like a waste of time."   If she needs me, I willingly contribute to(有助于,贡献) those passions. If something genuinely excites her and she wants me to experience it, I willingly involve myself in whatever it may be: a particular type of art, a craft project, a yard project, whatever. Even if I don"t enjoy it, I do have the opportunity to learn more about my wife and what she"s passionate about, which means that my understanding of her grows.   I look for opportunities to build mutual(共同的,相互的) friendships. The idea that there is a group of people that are "my" friends and another group that is "her" friends can be a big dividing factor between us. Instead, I often focus on building friendships and relationships that we share with others so that something of a community of friendship and love grows up around us.   I hold her every night, even if it"s just for a moment. I might be completely exhausted when I go to bed in the evening, but I take a moment to move close to her, put my arm around her, and hold her close, even if it"s just for a minute or so. That moment of physical contact(身体接触) to end the day is a simple sign of love.   高中生英语朗读美文篇二   致地球的公开信   First off, allow us to apologize for the abductions(绑架,劫持).   Although it seemed like a good idea at the time, we recognize that too often you did not find the experience as satisfying as we did. We genuinely regret the way things got out of hand.   It started out as just something to do, an occasional way to blow off steam(发脾气,减压) after a long day of observation. We tried not to break anybody, and we always put you back where we found you. Frankly you aren"t all that interesting, and we might soon have grown tired of the whole thing.   But we got such a kick out of your cute eyewitness accounts, what with the stories of our big dark eyes and little arms and all. You made us feel special, even if your tales were complete crap. The books, the movies, the T-shirts—we were like celebrities. And some of you took it all so seriously, with your conspiracy theories and everything. It was really quite a hoot(叫嚣,嘲骂声).   Then this guy Whitley Strieber came along, and he sort of took the joy out of it, you know? What a killjoy shitbag he is. Today we abduct only nerdy guys who live alone in Airstream trailers, primarily because they"re nerds and, truth be told, we just like to mess with their heads.   Many of you have written asking about crop circles, so let"s set the record straight.   It ain"t us. Really, it"s not. Think about it. You people have trouble reaching your own moon, and even you have cell phones, satellite TV, and high-speed DSL.   We sail between stars at speeds you believe impossible—you think we have to knock down veggies(蔬菜) in order to communicate?   And why do you always assume we land in rural areas? Please. On a planet with New York, Rio de Janeiro, Paris, and Amsterdam, you figure we"d choose to hang out in Roswell, New Mexico? Have any of you actually been there?   We would be remiss if we failed to mention the anal(肛门的,直肠的) probing. For the longest time, we swear we thought those were data ports. We meant no harm, and hope that you will, like us, try to forget this unfortunate chapter in our history. Inretrospect(回顾往事) it was simply a bad idea.   Now we don"t want to be seen as whiners(哀诉者,哭诉者), but there are a few things we wish to discuss.   For one thing, we are troubled by the way we have been portrayed in the media. We represent an array of life whose richness and sheer scope would astound you. Yet for the most part, on this planet we are typecast as either hairless dweebs with foreheads like watermelons, or else giant insects who want to eat you.   No offense, but this is especially hard to take from a backwater planet most beings have never heard of.   The very word “alien” is plagued(折磨,苦恼) by negative associations. According to our latest focus groups, the term conjures up(使人想象出) images of slimy, parasitic(寄生的) creatures who spring onto the faces of unsuspecting beings in order to plant their young inside, or people picking cabbages.   We"ve discussed this among ourselves, and we no longer wish to be called aliens. Henceforth, we prefer to be called “Chuck Norris®.” Please do not shorten,hyphenate(用连字符连接), or alter this in any way. The plural form(复数形式) is the same, as in, “Hey, there goes a Chuck Norris®. Wait, there goes another one."   Finally, some advice.   Look, from where we sit, you"re all the same. We appreciate that human beings come in slightly different models and colors, and to you these nearly imperceptible differences seem to cause no end of trouble. But honestly, we"re astounded that you can even tell yourselves apart. In blind taste tests, in fact, the average Chuck Norris® cannot detect any difference whatsoever. So chill, people of Earth, and try to get along.   While you"re in a reflective mood, take a closer look at what you"re doing to your planet. You are ruining it: depleting(耗尽) your natural resources, polluting your air, sickening your oceans, and destroying unique species forever. This is just plain wrong, not to mention completely irrational(不合理的,荒谬的). Everyone knows that the logical thing is to find somebody else"s planet and ruin that. Noobs. How can you possibly expect to survive in the coming interstellar economy?   By the way, we"ve elected you to come up with the new shared unit of galactic currency. Just pick something small and ubiquitous(到处存在的), something of nominal value that you won"t miss much. It"s your call, but we suggest hamsters(田鼠,仓鼠).   In closing, much of what you do befuddles us. Many of your core concepts—such as guilt, selflessness, and David Hasselhoff—simply have no counterparts in non-Terran cultures. You"re what galactic sociologists call “a bunch of strange ducks."   Yet for reasons not entirely clear, we have developed a certain affection for you. We"d just as soon keep you around, if only for the entertainment value.   We"re going away for a bit now, and when we return, we expect to find that you have made significant progress toward sitting at the adults" table. This will, of course, mean fewer senseless military conflicts, less reality television, and no more Sudoku.   Don"t make us come down there.   高中生英语朗读美文篇三   Don"t Allow Your Weaknesses to Limit You   We all have weaknesses and strengths – no matter who we are. Sometimes the weaknesses seem to outweigh the strengths and sometimes it"s the other way around. Some people get sick easily. Some struggle to manage their finances properly. Some people are hopeless communicators and struggle with relationships.   Many people leave it and that and accept it as just bad luck – but not everyone. Some people facing huge limitations still manage to achieve tremendous things. They rise above their weaknesses and do not allow them to limit their possibilities.   It"s Your Choice   I attended a school prize-giving ceremony not so long ago and the guest speaker was Andrew Becroft, who had a severe stutter as a child. Instead of allowing this to limit him, he chose to to work hard to overcome it. He is now the Principal Youth Court Judge for New Zealand. Not only did he become successful, but he did so in a profession where he had to speak in front of others regularly — where his weakness is front and center for all to see. If he hadn"t worked on his speaking ability, it would have been very limiting to his life and career prospects.   You can find similar people on New Zealand News channels, and I suspect the same in other countries. There are a number of presenters and reporters who have a noticeably unusual manner of speaking. Perhaps they have a lisp, or they have a peculiar accent or pitch of voice. These people have succeeded in spite of what would be appear to be a weakness in their profession.   Lots of people face far more significant limitations than you do. They may be missing limbs or are born into extreme poverty. But no matter what the limitation, you will always find people who have overcome it.   Here are some more examples:   Brett Eastburn has no arms or legs and yet is an inspirational speaker and and also a very good wrestler. He shares his story in a brief video on his site.   Lance Armstrong"s bout with cancer meant he lost one testicle and had to go through chemotherapy which has a horrific effect on the body. Yet he went on to win the Tour de France, one of the most grueling sports events there is, a record 7 times.   Ringo Starr, drummer for the Beatles, came from a very poor background. He was constantly plagued with illness as a child and spent large amounts of time in hospital.   At 19 months old, Helen Keller became ill and lost her sight and hearing . She went on to become a world famous author and speaker, and an advocate of many social causes.   Grant Calder is a tetraplegic and yet he still works outdoors on a large sheep farm in New Zealand"s rugged South Island. Here is his inspiring story.   Wilma Rudolph was the 20th of 22 children. As a child she suffered measles, mumps, scarlet fever, chicken pox, double pneumonia and eventually polio, leaving her left leg and foot weak and deformed. Doctors said she would never walk again. She went on to win 3 gold medals in track during the 1960 Olympic games.   Mark Inglis lost both of his legs below the knees in a mountaineering accident, but
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初试(第一轮表演) 7月14日,星期六上午11点在Pepsi中心开始报名(那里会有标识为所有申请参加者指示停车的地方和入口处)所有的参加者都会被进行评估并有机会参加最后的角逐(最后一轮表演)最后一轮表演将于7月17日,星期二举行对于所有申请者的关于Nuggets Dancers 预演的信息:要求:你必须在7月14日之前年满18周岁,除此外没有其他年龄限制。必须备有一张照片。这张照片不一定是专业拍摄的,但是它的规格不得小于5x7,并且要非常清晰,照片上只有你本人。另外还应该备有一份舞蹈简历,简单列举你所有的舞蹈经历还有其你希望裁判了解的一切信息。丹佛 Nuggets Dancer 的舞蹈风格包括一切爵士,各种街舞到新奇的舞蹈形式。舞蹈中不能参杂特级或太过惊险的表演。如果你想在预演前练习一下,我们建议你参加预演前的培训课。注意:预演谢绝参观,请让你的家人朋友留在家里。预演服装:预演的服装是一个类似运动式的文胸,带有长的或者短的袖子和紧身短裤(如果你不能确定这样搭配的效果,想象一下那种两件式紧身连衣裤的样子)在预演中不允许穿舞蹈长裤或短裤。请注意:舞蹈地面要求穿着的是不会留痕迹的鞋底。你的发式、妆容应该与你在表演中的一样。如果你需要得到这方面的帮助,丹佛Nuggets Dancers的正规沙龙“Salon Illuminate.”可以提供帮助。他们的联系方式是(303) 480-0100.
2023-01-11 22:25:001


Mia Thermopolis (Anne Hathaway) is a fifteen-year-old tenth grade private school student who lives with her mother Helen Thermopolis (Caroline Goodall) and cat Fat Louie in a San Francisco firehouse. Her father, Philippe Renaldi (who was divorced but in touch with her) died two months earlier in a car crash. Although Mia is an average student, she is very unpopular, but has two good friends: Lilly Moscovitz (Heather Matarazzo) and Lilly"s older brother, Michael Moscovitz (Robert Schwartzman), who has a crush on Mia. Mia is regularly teased by her peers for her gawkiness and frizzy hair, mostly by Lana Thomas (Mandy Moore), a fellow tenth grader who is captain of the school cheerleading team, and her friends. Mia is jealous of Lana because she is in a relationship with Josh Bryant (Erik von Detten), a twelfth grader "Backstreet Boy clone" (as her mother describes him) on whom she has had a crush since grade school.Shortly before Mia"s sixteenth birthday, she learns from her mother that her paternal grandmother is visiting from Genovia, a fictional country in Europe (which bears some similarity to the actual Republic of Genoa, had it not become part of unified Italy). At first Mia does not want to see her, but agrees to after some persuasion. The next day, Mia meets her grandmother, Clarisse Renaldi (Julie Andrews), at the Genovian consulate for the first time, who explains that the reason she wanted to see her was because of a "life-changing" problem. She learns that her father was the crown prince of Genovia and she is the next crown princess of Genovia and the only heir to the Genovian throne because of her father"s death. She was shocked to learn that she is a princess and exclaims "shut up!" to her grandmother"s disapproval. Mia quickly leaves the house and returns home, after which she begins fighting with her mother for not telling her when she was younger.Mia"s mother and grandmother convince her to attend "princess lessons" in preparation for her introduction to the Genovian government. Under supervision from her new bodyguard, the head of Genovian security, Joeseph (Héctor Elizondo), Mia begins to forget to help Lilly with her homework or watch Michael"s band, Flypaper, perform at a nearby auto mechanic shop. To look more presentable to the Genovian government, Mia receives a makeover from Italian hairdresser Paolo (Larry Miller), after which Lilly confronts her for being so distant and questions her about if she wants to be like Lana. When Mia tells Lilly that she is a princess, their relationship becomes stronger than before.A couple of days later, San Francisco learns that Mia is the Genovian heir after Paolo tells the media so everybody will know that he is the one that made Princess Mia look like a princess. Although unimpressed, Clarisse opts to ignore the situation and prepares for the State Dinner, which Mia attends, though managing to somewhat humiliate herself in the process. The day after the State Dinner, Mia agrees to appear on Lilly"s public access television program Shut Up and Listen and to watch Michael"s band perform at a venue that Saturday night. However, Josh asks Mia to go with him to the Baker Beach Bash, the school"s annual beach party, and she excitedly agrees. She remembers to tell Michael that she will watch see his band the following Saturday night, but forgets to tell Lilly of the change. The beach party goes well at first, but spirals out of control when the media learn of Mia"s presence. Josh publicly embarrasses her by kissing her in front of photographers, and Lana helps them take pictures of her clad only in a towel. This causes a media frenzy and displeases Clarisse. Clarisse then gets a wake up call from Joe, telling her that she has to remember that although Mia is a princess, and the heir to her throne, Mia is still her granddaughter. Mia is almost 16 so she is almost able to drive a car, (her "baby", a Ford Mustang.) She takes a test drive with her grandmother and takes her to the arcade, and buys her a corndog. When they are driving back, Mia"s grandmother tries to teach Mia of knowing what to use when driving a car. All goes well until Mia catches a very steep hill which causes her to crash into a bus load. The police comes and Mia gets in trouble, until her grandmother reconsiders the policemen on a Genovian speech honoring them. Mia wowed is proud of her grandmother.To reconstruct her friendships with Lilly and Michael, Mia invites them to the Genovian Independence Day Ball, where she must reveal whether or not she wants to accept her duties as a princess. Originally intent on running away to Colorado because she wants to avoid renouncing her throne with a speech (Mia is terrible at public speaking), Mia finds a sixteenth birthday gift and letter from her father, written before his death. After reading the letter, she changes her mind and makes her way to the ball, as it begins raining. Her car"s roof will not go up though, so she is stuck driving in the rain and her car breaks down when she attempts to go up an incredibly steep hill. Joe finds her drenched halfway to the event. Upon arrival, Mia makes a speech announcing her acceptance to the Genovian throne. She is happy to see that her friends attended, and kisses Michael in the garden. Clarisse and Joe also walk out of the Genovian consulate holding hands, showing sparks of a relationship. The film ends with the cast dancing informally, and Mia on an airplane arriving in Genovia as she narrates the coming summer"s events.[edit] ProductionThe film was directed by Garry Marshall and produced by Debra Martin Chase and Whitney Houston. Anne Hathaway was hired for the role of Mia because Gary Marshall"s granddaughters saw her audition tape and said she had the best "princess hair."[2]Héctor Elizondo, who appears in all the films which Garry Marshall directs,[3] plays Joseph "Joe", the head of Genovian security. Garry Marshall"s daughter, Kathleen Marshall, plays Clarisse"s secretary Charlotte Kutaway. Charlotte"s surname is mentioned only in the credits, and Garry Marshall says it is a reference to how she is often used in cutaway shots. In one scene, Robert Schwartzman"s real-life group Rooney makes a cameo playing a garage band named Flypaper, whose lead singer is Michael, played by Schwartzman.The book was set in New York City, but the film"s location was changed to San Francisco because Marshall"s granddaughters lived there. West coast radio personalities Mark & Brian appear as themselves.The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement, the film"s sequel, was released in August 2004.
2023-01-11 22:25:051

紧急!大家帮我翻译一下:(一个外国同学给我的信) (名字不用翻译)

你好zheng hao,当我看到你收到了我的邮件我很兴奋,祝你考试好运!在奥地利我们没有像你们一样的考试,我们择校的时候只要学校的评价够好他们就认可。直到上周奥地利的学生们一直在过圣诞节。这是一张圣诞树的照片,我妈妈喜欢这棵树,她非常骄傲她的装饰。你有圣诞树吗?你庆祝圣诞节吗?我甚至都不知道你的宗教信仰。你怎样庆祝新年?下一张照片是我的妹妹Marlies,1月27日她满17岁。这张照片是在她的某一场啦啦队比赛之前拍的。接下来的两张照片是在我表兄妹的婚礼上。这是我的小表妹Anna,她两岁,结婚前几天她的姐姐Laura (5)剪掉了她的头发,所以她看上去有点可笑。第二张照片是在同一天拍的。(从左至右)分别是我的三兄妹:Stephan, Florian和Thomas (他们是兄弟)。另一个是我的姐姐Marlene(21),她正坐在她男友的腿上(Sebastian 26)。下一张也是在婚礼上拍的。 (还是从左到右)分别是Sebastian, Marlene, 我和我的表妹, Corinna (25)。最后那张照片上是我和我的一些朋友。第一个是狂欢节的照片,我们都戴着面具在威尼斯。(从左边数第三个是我。我朋友们的名字是:Ella, Eva, Hedwig, Katharina, Dina和Verena)。下一张照片我和我的朋友正在参加一个音乐节。(从左到右)分别是Verena, Hedwig, 我和Katharina。
2023-01-11 22:25:187


There are many differences between American students and Student"s from other countries. Some of these differences are cultural differences that stem from the way people all over the world look at themselves and their relationship to others. The typical American student studies on average between 12 to 20 hours a week. This is very different when compared to most Asian countries where students can study up 40 to 60 hours a week.American students also spend a large portion of their time participating in extra-curricular activities like American Football, Cheerleading and Volleyball. While these activities can be available to students in other countries they are rarely pursued with as much enthusiasm as American students. This is because there are greater and more plentiful rewards for athletes in the United States then in most countries and there are many opportunities to excel at many different levels i.e. High School, College and minor league sporting teams. American students are very independent in their educational goals. They study alone and it is considered a matter of pride to succeed without the help of others, this usually breeds fierce competition among students to out achieve each other on assignments or in the classroom. This is very different among students from other countries where a collaborative environment is created and students naturally tend to help each other.In some countries exams are given and a small group of students are asked to work on it together. This process of collaborative learning is just beginning to become popular in the United States, but is already looked upon as too different from what is considered traditional education. American students usually have a part time job while studying, and there is usually no uniform or dress code associated with education in the United States. Education in the United States is free until you are 18 years old, but college is paid for through scholarships, grants and loans. In some other countri
2023-01-11 22:25:421


In most countries, a Soccer movement called football, but in the United States have been long is a popular sport.American football from Harvard University students first named "- a Ballown}} {-" ball games began, the movement"s purpose is to take his run with the ball. In the United States after the civil war began in university football is popular. Rutgers college and Princeton university in 1869 beat history in the first game of university football. Since the 1960s, the football in the United States has become the most popular beyond basketball sports.Soccer popular in America: American society, especially sports atmosphere is ball game, from the youth football to high school and college, the team has perfect union, organization and system of financial organization, more professional ball about American daily activities. Football is the most popular in the campus sports. American sports system based on campus, the campus is popular the commercial value.In football among the most popular place, such as Texas, Ohio, Florida, Georgia, particularly common etc. The school is to choose a weekend every autumn Day "(" Homecoming Day), entertain alumni Homecoming, beauty, the campfire gathering Homecoming dance, such activities, very busy. They must be selected in the day at school football match day, also logical game, they become the climax of the program,. But in many American city, autumn weekly held by college and high school football tournament and accompanied with the cheerleading LeYi performance has become an important cultural characteristics into one of the local. Labor day is an American holiday, restoration work ZhongJieDian XiaoJia Football, but also debut, office and without some American Football, Pool the Football are also beginning. The program is also football top-rated us. TV sports program.
2023-01-11 22:25:501


hjigwr bgwrui wyirksgbgfuestuivygbersvburyiergeuiryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyb vweivbwiyweb ityregfjgffghyewrgfeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwbvierbevrrvbrirercwcwriitewiiivwiiuweytrwetryewrewyyhhdhuuqiihhahggshshhshb shggdsdhtsyugdystafbasdfc yasuyyuuoopapabaalllooiuqwhfgggyqgghjhauuiql;lalk;,.,k[[-58368957673474576t73489b63
2023-01-11 22:25:553


I remember the most profound thing is when I was 14 years old. I practice dance since 5 years old, have been practicing for nearly 10 years. When he was 14, I was very rebellious, always don"t listen to your parents. I began to tired of dancing, so I said to the parents of my idea. Although parents opposed, but because I want to good good study, don"t want to delay the study as an excuse, so parents finally agreed. Practice to stop after, I begin to grow fat. So that later can do some simple movements. Dance with my classmates, meanwhile, have entered many famous dancing and cheerleading. I regret that I gave up dancing at that time. From then on, I see, can"t literally give up to do anything. I am losing weight now, I don"t want that ?很高兴为您解答,祝你学习进步!【语数英科】团队为您答题。有不明白的可以追问!如果您认可我的回答。请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮,谢谢!如果有其他需要帮助的题目,您可以求助我。谢谢!你可以随时加入我团队,我随时恭候。
2023-01-11 22:26:061


...我估计是美国兴起的,我在美国学校有学这个cheerleading,并没有想过什么屈辱不屈辱的。国外没有中国古代双膝下跪的跪礼(对宗教下跪,向上帝祈祷。在王位传递交接仪式上,接受王位者要跪下来,常由老国王将王冠戴在继位者的头上。郑重的求婚男人通常要单腿下跪。 ),所以估计没想那么多吧?还有,跪下只是一种艺术形势(多半是单膝),和跪礼还是有很大区别,我记得原来上体育课的时候,老师上第一排男生跪下或蹲下的时候,很多男生都没有怨言的单膝跪下,并没觉得屈辱啊!
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2023-01-11 22:27:011


There are many differences between American students and Student"s from other countries. Some of these differences are cultural differences that stem from the way people all over the world look at themselves and their relationship to others. The typical American student studies on average between 12 to 20 hours a week. This is very different when compared to most Asian countries where students can study up 40 to 60 hours a week.American students also spend a large portion of their time participating in extra-curricular activities like American Football, Cheerleading and Volleyball. While these activities can be available to students in other countries they are rarely pursued with as much enthusiasm as American students. This is because there are greater and more plentiful rewards for athletes in the United States then in most countries and there are many opportunities to excel at many different levels i.e. High School, College and minor league sporting teams. American students are very independent in their educational goals. They study alone and it is considered a matter of pride to succeed without the help of others, this usually breeds fierce competition among students to out achieve each other on assignments or in the classroom. This is very different among students from other countries where a collaborative environment is created and students naturally tend to help each other.In some countries exams are given and a small group of students are asked to work on it together. This process of collaborative learning is just beginning to become popular in the United States, but is already looked upon as too different from what is considered traditional education. American students usually have a part time job while studying, and there is usually no uniform or dress code associated with education in the United States. Education in the United States is free until you are 18 years old, but college is paid for through scholarships, grants and loans. In some other countries School is always paid for. And students must wear uniforms this can make going to school very expensive.There are many similarities and differences between American students and students from other countries, and that is what makes learning such a fun thing to do.
2023-01-11 22:27:062


根据留学生的一些想法,美国和中国存在有以下几个方面不同:1、年龄限制(Ages)在美国,13岁女孩子化妆,16岁拿驾照,18岁抽烟,21岁才能喝酒,性行为无限制(针对现状来说)。大多数女孩子最晚在13岁就开始化妆了,很多人都评论:美国女人怎么那么早就老了呀,而且年龄还保密,皮肤那么差跟化妆有关吧!16岁就能考驾照?这种可能在中国只能是比较富一点的孩子才能享受到的吧,恰恰相反,在美国的高中二年级时,学校统一有Drivers Education驾驶课,注重理论和实践教学,而且只要考试都及格就能在9个月后拿到驾照。2、多元化课程在国外的学校里,除了上英,数,理,化主科之外,还有上烹饪课,驾驶课,神话课,装修课。有人说,什么?神话课?幼儿园?其实美国课本上也有跟中国古代很相似的神话哦,不过主要围着古希腊宙斯Zeus讲的。现在回想起来,是不是感觉中国的传统式教育好枯燥呢?3、丰富的课堂知识(Knowledge)体育的英文简称PE(Physical education),意为身体上的教育,但不仅是健康教育,而且是身体上的保护。Defense和Offense为防御和进攻,老师会去教学生当遇到危险时,怎么去应付坏人。在中国的体育课,很多学校缺乏这样有意义的教育。在烹饪课学会了在生活中的味道,在驾驶课学会了享受便利旅游的快感,在技术课上学会了电脑的构造和创造意想不到的机器人……一切崇尚创造,注重实践!4、上课的方式(The way for school)在中国的上课方式是老师找学生,而美国上课却是学生找老师。而且每个人都分配个locker储物箱,把自己的书包和暂时不用的东西都装进locker里,每节课下课后再换下节课的书籍用品。课程虽然多,但是分为A天和B天,两天上的课程是不一样的。一般的美国学校都是早8点上到下午3点,很短的时间却学到了很丰富的内容,没有晚自习的!周末也是正常的双休日!5、餐厅趣闻(Eat)“1 pop with ice!”这句话在美国应该不经常听到,因为每逢到餐厅,服务员会自动给你的饮料加冰的,即使在寒冷的冬天,也会给你加冰。其次,一般餐饮店都会有重新满杯的服务。6、连锁饭店(Chain restaurant)“我怎么又回到这个洲了?”因为在美国每个自治州区,都会有相同的饭店以及其它的超市商店,所以很容易让游人弄混淆的。7、美式中餐(American style Chinese foods)随着中国人向美国的扩散,美国的中餐厅也越来越多了,可是真能做出地道的中国菜?很多菜简直就是为美国口味设计准备的。像芙蓉蛋,酸甜鸡之类的。都是中国老百姓天天吃的佳肴么?很多中国的特色菜都消失匿迹了。8、学生的性感穿着(Students" sexy clothing)在现代的美国校园里,很少有制服类的学生妹了,很多都是穿着任意,性感体形衣,有些学校竟然还有经常穿睡衣的学生,有点太夸张。9、早熟开放(Earlier mature)在老师面前接吻是初中高中生很常见的,而且老师还支持。这还没有什么,学校也有很多支持情侣的舞会哦!据悉,homecoming, winter ball, prom这三类学校大型舞会都是支持情侣舞伴的,学校竟然这样公开支持情侣舞会,是不是感觉很意外好像在做梦?10、多样网站(Multi-websites)像些Playboy花花公子之类的成人网站也到处能看到,很多都是青少年都可以看到的。在我的美国同学的网页中经常会上传些她/他们露胸露腿的照片,放网络上到处传播也不在意,因为这种例子太广泛了。还有,几乎美国有名的餐馆都有自己的网站。IHOP,T.G.I Friday等。11、照相方式(Photos)可以说,在美国同学的网站上大多发现的都是一些小Party照的生活照,很随意的琐碎照片,也都是很有创意的照片,画鬼脸,亲马嘴。不光是体现在照脸上。可在中国很多都是追求艺术照的美。很多中国的生活旅游照,大多在每个风景区照片都有自己脸蛋的参与。12、阳光日晒(Tanning)美国人都是努力出去晒太阳硬是把自己的皮肤晒得黝黑黝黑的,并宣称“黑就是美”。审美观念是“长雀斑是健康美人”;而在中国,努力把自己捂白,并宣称“白才是美”。审美观念是“长雀斑是恐龙丑女”。13、交通运输(Transportation)美国马路上不是看到车就是看到锻炼的跑步者。其次也有接送学生的School bus校车。在中国,行人,骑自行车,走街串巷,一抓一大把。而学生们还要自己掏钱去坐巴士车或打的。14、职业选择(Choices of careers)有很多的美国高中毕业生都不想上大学,为了早工作挣钱而放弃能考上的学校。我问过好多美国同学关于他们将来的职业,有说当种花的、宠物医生的、修理家电的、还有其它意想不到的自由职业。这对于中国的家长来说,简直都是荒唐的想法!如果听到自己的孩子有这么荒谬的想法,两耳光的结果是肯定的啦!15、广泛的科技(Widely technology)美国几乎家家都拥有电脑,而且有几台。在美国的教室里也提供了Active Express抢答器和Slides电影幻灯机等先进的设备。16、运动很重要(Sports)在美国的学校里会提供了很舒服的Gym室内运动场,不用像中国学生还要在担心阴天下雨而不能在操场运动。Basketball篮球,Football橄榄球,Soccer足球,Volleyball排球,Baseball棒球等球类的运动都是学校闻名的体育项目,并且在学生校外的主要活动就是参加学校的运动。还有Cheerleading女子啦啦队,有很多中国人都以为啦啦队就是喊口号的,其实不然,啦啦队包括了好多的项目,如果不会一些基本功,选拔是肯定不过的。在美国有很多的粉丝Fans助威,像Bull篮球队,Sox棒球队,Bears橄榄球队等一些国家队都有联赛,而且粉丝遍地都是!17、募捐活动(Fundrasing)如果想要为自己的Math club数学小组,key club志愿者小组,prom毕业生舞会等一些课后的兴趣活动组筹钱,可不是就让自己的成员破费,而是去弄些有趣的募捐活动来筹钱,像什么sell cookies, donuts卖些零食挣来的钱作为筹钱的最大来源。18、学期制(Semester)对于中国,一般在美国学校的分期制有所不同,大多是小学六年,也有是小学分四年和两年的,但是,初中两年,高中四年,大学四年。我刚来的时候在中国上高一,在美国也上高一,所以按我的情况来说,我就要比同年龄的中国学生晚一年考高中。19、高考(ACT&SAT)一般在高中的四年里,高一,二时专心学习,高三开始就实行高考,高四考虑大学和以后的职业。美国的统一高考是在高三Junior year,除此之外,在美高中生还享有多次参加高考待遇(额外,指非统一考试)。如果你对你第一次的统一高考成绩不满意,可以再参加考试直到满意为止。20、身体素质较强(Protection of body)冬天里的美国人都不穿棉衣棉裤的哦!到了冬天,中国的家长就是给孩子一个劲儿地加衣服保暖。而像特意花钱去健身房锻炼、体育课就像军训一样、把牛奶当水喝、几乎天天都有牛肉的午餐,就是美国人的一贯作风!21、假期(Holidays)美国大大小小的假期倒是不少,学生的假期,有圣诞节假Christmas break两周,暑假Summer vacation却长达三个月!其中还有春假(在四月初左右) spring break,复活节Easter,独立日dependence day,万圣节Halloween,感恩节Thanksgiving等等。假期期间,学生不会有上学、补课的情况。22、自然灾害(Natural disaster)美国典型的灾害就是龙卷风tornado,经常出没在平原地区,最严重时能卷走楼房和树木,听起来都毛骨悚然啦吧。不过我住的地方还是个宝地呢,每次龙卷风都只会刮过我们临镇,在我们的小区,总会绕个弯过去,真是幸运!23、夏时制(Daylight-saving time)为了节省自然来源,节能,节效率,美国实行夏时制,就是在每年的3月初的某时把时间拨快1个小时,再到11月初的某时拨回那1个小时。3月初就是美国人勤奋时候,11月初就是美国人懒惰的时候,哈哈,都想得到充足的一小时睡眠!24、时差(Time zone & Jet lag)美国和中国时差不同,比如:美国伊利诺伊洲(IL)的芝加哥,正常情况下这里的时间比中国慢14个小时,所以可以理解为:比中国慢两个小时,只是黑天白天颠倒而已;实行夏时制时,因时差缩短了一小时,所以可以理解为:比中国慢一小时,也只是黑天白天颠倒而已!以上仅供参考,满意,请采纳,谢谢!
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啦啦操是一项深受广大群众喜爱的、普及性极强,集体操、舞蹈、音乐、健身、娱乐于一体的体育项目。啦啦操(cheerleading)来源于早期部落社会的仪式。其中cheer的部分,有振奋精神,提振士气的意思。为激励外出打仗或打猎的战士们,他们通常会举行一种仪式,仪式中有族人欢呼、手舞足蹈的表演来鼓励战士,希望能凯旋。啦啦操并不同与健美操,它是单项体育运动,同足球、篮球、排球等项目一样具备独立体育运动特征,起源于美国,遍布美国的NBA、橄榄球、棒球、游泳、田径、摔跤等比赛现场,已经有100多年的历史。它从最初的美式足球呐喊助威的活动发展成为世界范围内的一项体育运动,受到全世界人民的喜爱。世界啦啦操锦标赛,是全球啦啦队界的一项重要赛事,每年的4月份,在美国奥兰多迪斯尼乐园赛场里,都将迎接全球60多个组织,20多个国家的上万名顶尖的啦啦操高手,其中包括了代表中国出征的队伍。一直以来是做为球赛或其他一些比赛中场休息时候做为啦啦队的表演,后来就开始形成一种项目进行比赛。随着人民生活水平的不断提高,啦啦操所特有的保健、医疗、 健身、健美、娱乐的实用价值受到越来越多的人们的重视。吸引了不同年龄的爱好者参与,形成了一定规模的消费群体。各级电视台纷纷制作以竞赛、普及为内容的专题节目,其收视频率远远超过其他节目。现代啦啦操是以团队的形式出现。技巧啦啦操结合Dance(舞蹈)、Cheer(口号)、Partner Stunts(舞伴特技,是指托举的难度动作)、Tumbling(技巧)、Basket Toss(轿子抛)、Pyramid(叠罗汉)、Jump(跳跃)等动作技术。配合音乐、服装、队型变化及标示物品(如彩球、口号板、喇叭与旗帜)等要素,遵守比赛规则中对性别、人数、时间限制、安全规则等规定进行比赛的运动,称之为竞技啦啦队,亦可称为啦啦队。竞技啦啦队分为技巧啦啦队和舞蹈啦啦队。其中技巧啦啦队包括Mixed(男女混合组)、All-Female(全女子组)和 Partner stunts(舞伴特技);舞蹈啦啦队又包括Pom(花球)、High kick(高踢腿)、Jazz(爵士)和Prop(道具)四个组别。
2023-01-11 22:28:141


2023-01-11 22:28:331


Last week we had the school sports meet on our school sports ground. All my classmates took active parts in it. Sometimes we watched the sports games closely.Sometimes we gave loud cheers to the sports members. John took a part in 1500-metre race. He was the fastest runner in the race and won the first place. Lisa did not do well in high-jump, so we said “come on” to cheer her up. I took part in 200-metre running race. As soon as I heard the starting PANG, I tried my best to run faster than others. As I was running I could hear “Come on! Come on!”from my classmates.This gave me great strenth. Finally I was the first person to get to the finishing line.I was number one. As a result, my class won the first prize in the sports meet. How proud we were! It was really an exciting day.
2023-01-11 22:28:392

on present

意思是在目前的Research on Present Situation and Development of Cheerleading Movement inChina 我国啦啦队运动开展现状及前景研究Through analysis on present condition and characteristics of land use, problemsoccurred in land use are analyzed and corresponding countermeasures are putforward as well. 该文通过分析烟台市土地使用状况以及土地使用的特点,找出了土地使用过程中存在的问题,并结合实际情况提出了相应的对策建议。
2023-01-11 22:28:571