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2023-05-19 22:59:25

1、vi. 上升;升起;增加;起床;反抗;复活。

举例:The sun heats the earth, causing the air to rise and the winds to blow.


2、n. 上升;增加;斜坡;小山。

举例:I am reading a book about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.







4、rise是不及物动词,不能用于被动结构,常与above, from, to等介词连用。



rise[英] [raiz] [美] [raɪz] 生词本 vi. 上升; 增强; (数量)增加; 休会 n. (数量或水平的)增加; 兴起; (数量、价格、价值等的)增长; (日、月等的)升起 vt. 使……浮上水面; 使(鸟)飞起; 复活; 发酵 过去式: rose 过去分词: risen 现在分词: rising 第三人称单数: rises 易混淆的单词:RISE Rise 常用词组 get (或 take) a rise out of1. (非正式)(尤指因取笑)惹…恼怒on the rise1. 在增加;在增长;在上升;在上涨prices were on the rise. 价格在上涨。 rise and shine1. (非正式)快起床!(或醒醒吧!)rise to the baitrise with the sun (或 lark)1. 早起someone"s star is rising1. 某人越来越成功(或受欢迎)查看更多同义词vi.1. “上升;上涨;升高;增加”释义下的同义词 mount go increase up ascend advance gain grow 2. “发源;发生;开始”释义下的同义词 appear start begin originate 3. “起来反抗”释义下的同义词 revolt rebel mutiny riot 4. “起立;站起;升起”释义下的同义词 ascend mount get stand soar up 其他释义下的同义词 stand appear arise gain increase accession riot kite get heave begin go mutiny originate emergence ascend rebel mushroom ridge climb up start advance ascent mount revolt appearance promotion grow 反义词vi.1. “上升;升高;增加”释义下的反义词 fall descend sink set 2. “上升;高涨”释义下的反义词 set descend fall 其他释义下的反义词 set abate descend 查看更多arise, rise, raise, lift这些动词均有“上升,举起”之意。arise:书面用词,多用于诗歌或比喻中,具有特殊的修辞色彩。 rise:普通用词,指具体的或抽象的事物由低向高移动。 raise:及物动词,常用词,多指把某物从低处升到高处,有时作引申用。 lift:语气比raise强,指用体力或机械的力举起或抬起某物。 查看更多内容>> 相关词rise above self rise again rise and fall sawing machine rise and fall rise and falling saw rise at a feather rise clause rise from the dead rise from the gutter rise from the ranks rise in opposition to rise in price rise in revolt rise in the world rise of floor rise of stock rise on the knees rise superior to rise time correction rise time response 语源Old English rīsan "make an attack", "wake, get out of bed", of Germanic origin; related to Dutch rijzen and German reisen柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典《柯林斯COBUILD高阶英汉双解学习词典》(Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner"s English-Chinese Dictionary)是柯林斯公司携手外研社为中国学习者量身定制的全新版本,突出强调了学习型词典的学习功能,同时在可读性和易用性方面均有大幅提升。 英英释义行业释义词霸iOS新版 跃居Appstore参考类免费应用Top1! 1. VERB 动词上升;升高;升起 If something rises, it moves upwards. 【语法信息】:V from/to n【语法信息】:V【语法信息】:V P from/to n【语法信息】:V PHe watched the smoke rise from his cigarette...他注视着烟雾从香烟上升起。The powdery dust rose in a cloud around him.一团粉尘在他周围扬起。Rise up means the same as rise .rise up同rise Spray rose up from the surface of the water...水面溅起水花。Black dense smoke rose up.浓浓的黑烟升起。2. VERB 动词站起来 When you rise, you stand up. 【语法信息】:V from n【语法信息】:V【语法信息】:V P from n【语法信息】:Also V P【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式Luther rose slowly from the chair...卢瑟慢慢地从椅子上站起来。He looked at Livy and Mark, who had risen to greet him.他看着站起来跟他打招呼的莉薇和马克。Rise up means the same as rise .rise up同rise The only thing I wanted was to rise up from the table and leave this house.我只想从桌旁站起来,离开这所房子。3. VERB 动词起床 When you rise, you get out of bed. 【语法信息】:V【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式Tony had risen early and gone to the cottage to work.托尼很早就起来去小屋干活了。4. VERB 动词(太阳、月亮)升起,升空 When the sun or moon rises, it appears in the sky. 【语法信息】:VHe wanted to be over the line of the ridge before the sun had risen.他想在太阳升起以前翻过山脊。5. VERB 动词矗立;耸立 You can say that something rises when it appears as a large tall shape. 【语法信息】:V prep/adv【语法信息】:V P prep/adv【STYLE标签】:LITERARY 文The building rose before him, tall and stately...那座高大宏伟的建筑耸立在他面前。The towers rise out of a concrete podium.这些塔楼耸立在一个混凝土墩座上。Rise up means the same as rise .rise up同rise The White Mountains rose up before me.怀特山矗立在我的面前。6. VERB 动词升高;上升;上涨 If the level of something such as the water in a river rises, it becomes higher. 【语法信息】:VThe waters continue to rise as more than 1,000 people are evacuated.水面持续上涨,已经有1,000多人被疏散了。...the tides rise and fall.潮水时涨时落。7. VERB 动词(地面)升高,变陡 If land rises, it slopes upwards. 【语法信息】:V prep/adv【语法信息】:V【语法信息】:V-ingHe looked up the slope of land that rose from the house...他抬头看了看屋后的斜坡。The ground begins to rise some 20 yards away...地面在20码开外的地方开始升高。The great house stood on rising ground.这座大房子建在一个斜坡上。8. N-COUNT 可数名词上坡;斜坡 A rise is an area of ground that slopes upwards. 【搭配模式】:usu singThe pub itself was on a rise, commanding views across the countryside...酒吧本身就建在一个斜坡上,可以俯眺乡村风光。I climbed to the top of a rise overlooking the ramparts.我爬到了一个可以俯瞰护城墙的坡顶。9. VERB 动词(数量)上升,增长,上涨 If an amount rises, it increases. 【语法信息】:V from/to amount【语法信息】:V by amount【语法信息】:V amount【语法信息】:V【语法信息】:V-ingPre-tax profits rose from £842,000 to £1.82m...税前利润从84.2万英镑上升到了182万英镑。Tourist trips of all kinds in Britain rose by 10.5% between 1977 and 1987...英国各种旅游项目在1977至1987年间增多了10.5%。Exports in June rose 1.5% to a record $30.91 billion...6月份的出口额上升了1.5%,创下309.1亿美元的历史最高纪录。The number of business failures has risen...企业倒闭的数量增加了。The increase is needed to meet rising costs.因为成本增加,这种上调是必要的。10. N-COUNT 可数名词(数量的)上升,增长,上涨 A rise in the amount of something is an increase in it. 【搭配模式】:N in n...the prospect of another rise in interest rates...利率可能会再次上涨Foreign nationals have begun leaving because of a sharp rise in violence.因为暴力活动的急剧增加,外国人已经开始离开这个国家。11. N-COUNT 可数名词(工资的)上涨,增加 A rise is an increase in your wages or your salary. 【语域标签】:BRIT 英He will get a pay rise of nearly £4,000.他的工资将会上涨将近4,000英镑。in AM, use 美国英语用 raise12. N-SING 单数名词(运动或活动的)兴起,抬头,高涨 The rise of a movement or activity is an increase in its popularity or influence. 【搭配模式】:the N of n...the rise of racism in America.美国种族主义的抬头...the rise of home ownership.购房者的增多Usage Note : You should be careful not to confuse the verbs rise, raise, and arise. Rise is an intransitive verb and cannot be followed by an object, whereas raise is a transitive verb and is usually followed by an object. Rise can also not be used in the passive. The number of dead is likely to rise. ...the government"s decision to raise prices. Both raise and rise can be used as nouns with meaning pay increase. Raise is used in American English, and rise is used in British English. Millions of Americans get a pay raise today. ...a rise of at least 12 per cent. 注意不要混淆动词rise, raise和arise。rise是不及物动词,不能带宾语,而raise是及物动词,通常带宾语。rise同样不能用于被动句中:The number of dead is likely to rise (死亡人数有可能增加),the government"s decision to raise prices (政府提高物价的决定)。raise和rise都可以用作表示加薪的名词,raise用在美国英语中,而rise用在英国英语中:Millions of Americans get a pay raise today (数百万美国人今天获得了加薪),a rise of at least 12 per cent (至少12%的加薪)。13. VERB 动词(风力)加强,增强 If the wind rises, it becomes stronger. 【语法信息】:V【语法信息】:V PThe wind was still rising, approach-ing a force nine gale.风力仍在增强,接近9级大风。Rise up means the same as rise .rise up同rise Foxworth shivered as the wind rose up and roared through the beech trees.风势渐大,在山毛榉树间呼呼吹过,福克斯沃思瑟瑟发抖。14. VERB 动词(声音)变大,提高 If a sound rises or if someone"s voice rises, it becomes louder or higher. 【语法信息】:V【语法信息】:V to n"Bernard?" Her voice rose hysterically...“伯纳德?”她歇斯底里地提高了嗓门。His voice rose almost to a scream.他提高了嗓门,几乎在尖叫。15. VERB 动词(声音)从…传来 If a sound rises from a group of people, it comes from them. 【语法信息】:V from n【语法信息】:V PThere were low, muffled voices rising from the hallway.从走廊里隐约传来了低沉的说话声。Rise up means the same as rise .rise up同rise From the people, a cheer rose up.人群中传出了一阵欢呼声。16. VERB 动词(感情)突然变得强烈,涌起 If an emotion rises in someone, they suddenly feel it very intensely so that it affects their behaviour. 【语法信息】:V【语法信息】:V in nA tide of emotion rose and clouded his judgement...心头涌起一阵强烈的感情,模糊了他的判断力。The thought made anger rise in him and he went into a bar and had a double whisky.这个想法让他怒火直冒,于是他去了一家酒吧,要了双份的威士忌。17. VERB 动词(因为生气、尴尬或兴奋)脸红,涨红脸 If your colour rises or if a blush rises in your cheeks, you turn red because you feel angry, embarrassed, or excited. 【语法信息】:V in n【语法信息】:Also VAmy felt the colour rising in her cheeks at the thought.埃米一想到这件事,就觉得脸红。18. VERB 动词起义;反抗;造反 When the people in a country rise, they try to defeat the government or army that is controlling them. 【语法信息】:V against n【语法信息】:Also V【语法信息】:V P【语法信息】:V P against nThe National Convention has promised armed support to any people who wish to rise against armed oppression.国民议会承诺向所有想要反抗武装压迫的人提供武装支持。Rise up means the same as rise .rise up同rise He warned that if the government moved against him the people would rise up...他警告说如果政府对他采取不利行动,人民就会起来造反。A woman called on the population to rise up against the government.一位女性号召人们起来反抗政府。rising ...popular risings against tyrannical rulers.反对暴君的民众起义19. VERB 动词升职;升迁;地位提高;变得更成功 If someone rises to a higher position or status, they become more important, successful, or powerful. 【语法信息】:V prep【语法信息】:V P prepShe is a strong woman who has risen to the top of a deeply sexist organisation...她是一个女强人,已经升至一个性别歧视意识根深蒂固的组织的最高层。From an unlikely background he has risen rapidly through the ranks of government.虽然没有什么背景,但他在政府中的地位仍然迅速提高。Rise up means the same as rise .rise up同rise I started with Hoover 26 years ago in sales and rose up through the ranks.我26年前加入胡佛公司时做的是销售工作,后来级级攀升。20. N-SING 单数名词升迁;日益成功;地位的提高 The rise of someone is the process by which they become more important, successful, or powerful. 【搭配模式】:with possHaig"s rise was fuelled by an all-consuming sense of patriotic duty...黑格非常强烈的爱国主义责任感使他的地位大大提高了。The group celebrated the regime"s rise to power in 1979.这个集团庆祝该政府于1979年上台执政。21. PHRASE 短语引起;使发生 If something gives rise to an event or situation, it causes that event or situation to happen. 【搭配模式】:V inflectsLow levels of choline in the body can give rise to high blood-pressure...体内胆碱水平过低会引起高血压。The picture gave rise to speculation that the three were still alive and being held captive.这张照片让人们猜测这3个人还活着,而且被囚禁起来了。22. to rise to the bait→see: bait; to rise to the challenge→see: challenge; to rise to the occasion→see: occasion;
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rise的意思:作名词时意为数目增加;加薪;增强;上升;小丘,斜坡;源头;台阶的级高;晋升;出现。作动词时意为攀升;起床;升起;提高;此时作为动词。与rise相关的词组 rise,rapid rise,steep rise,sudden rise,significant rise,dramatically rise,inexorably risev.+n.rise percent,curb rise,level rise,cause rise,stem rise在英语运用当中我们时常把rise与raise难以区分:由图中我们可以对两个单词有更清晰的认知,相信大家再也不会在此犯错啦。
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rise英 [raɪz]   美 [raɪz]  vi.上升;升起;提高;攀升;达到较高水平(或位置);起床;起立;站起来;休会;(数量)增加,增长,提高;变得更加成功;刮起来;增强;脸红;竖起;起义;耸立;凸起;起源;发酵;复活。n.(数量或水平的)增加,提高;加薪;工资增长;增强;上升;斜坡。双语例句Despite the lack of any other credential, his rise to power was swift.尽管缺乏任何其他的国书,他的崛起,以权力是迅速的。Rise up in your body of light with me until we see the world, your home, below us.和我一起上升你的光体直到我们看到在我们下面的这个世界,你们的家园。But have we truly any choice in when we rise?Or when we fall?但我们真的能够选择自己何时升起?或者何时坠落?。
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  rise有上升;升起;增加;起床;反抗;复活等意思,那么你知道rise的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    rise的用法大全:   rise的用法1:rise的基本意思是“从较低位置向上移动”,可引申为“晋升”“(潮水)上涨”。也可指人的站立、起立、起身、起床等; 日月星辰的出现; 土地、山、建筑的渐高; 价格、温度等的上升; 升降器、风筝、烟雾、鸟儿等飞起; 鱼类游上水; 气泡冒上水面; 风力增强; (情绪、精神)振奋; 感情的激起; 想法、想象浮现在脑海中等。   rise的用法2:rise是不及物动词,不能用于被动结构,常与above, from, to等介词连用。   rise的用法3:rise偶尔也用作系动词,后接形容词作表语。   rise的用法4:同是rise,却有时表示“开始”,有时表示“结束”。    rise的常用短语:   get〔take〕 a rise out of   give rise to   rise above (v.+prep.)   rise against (v.+prep.)   rise from (v.+prep.)   rise to (v.+prep.)   rise up (v.+adv.)    rise的用法例句:   1. Here"s an inside tip: The faster you rise, the harder you fall.   给你一个小忠告:爬得越快,摔得越疼。   2. There are intangible benefits beyond a rise in the share price.   除股价上升之外还有无形利益。   3. Once wholesale prices are deregulated, consumer prices will also rise.   一旦批发价格放开,零售价格也会随之上涨。   4. Over a given period, the value of shares will rise and fall.   股票的价值在某一特定的时期内会有涨跌。   5. That big high-rise above us is where Brian lives.   我们上面的那座摩天大楼就是布赖恩住的地方。   6. As the egg whites cook, they coagulate and rise to the surface.   蛋白一煮就会凝结,并且浮起来。   7. He will get a pay rise of nearly £4,000.   他的工资将会上涨将近4,000英镑。   8. The hills rise green and sheer above the broad river.   这些小山碧绿陡峭,矗立在这条宽阔的河流之上。   9. Xenophobic nationalism is on the rise in some West European countries.   西欧一些国家的仇外民族主义有所抬头。   10. The high and low-rise apartment blocks built in the 1960s are crumbling.   20世纪60年代建造的高低不一的公寓楼群正在逐渐破损坍塌。   11. The new Germany must rise to the challenge of its enhanced responsibilities.   一个崭新的德国必须迎接挑战,承担更多的责任。   12. The paper"sprice rise will encourage readers to desert in even greater numbers.   报纸价格的上涨将导致更多的读者不再订阅。   13. Trade Union leaders have demanded the government rescind the price rise.   工会领导已经要求政府阻止价格上涨。   14. A woman called on the population to rise up against the government.   一位女性号召人们起来反抗政府。   15. We have allowed spending and borrowing to rise in this recession.   在此经济萧条时期,我们容许增加消费和借贷。
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rise用作名词有增加,提高,加薪等含义。通常用作不及物动词和系动词,有上升,攀升,达到较高水平等含义。 rise的释义 n.(数量或水平的) 增加,提高; 加薪; 工资增长; (重要性、优势、权力等的) 增强; v.上升; 攀升; 提高; 达到较高水平(或位置); 起床; 起立; 站起来; 升起; 第三人称单数:rises 现在分词:rising 过去式:rose 过去分词:risen rise的用法 1.用作名词(n.) We watched the rise of the plane. 我们注视飞机升上去。 The cosmonauts photographed the rise of the sun in space. 宇航员们拍摄了太空中日出的照片。 There was a steep rise in prices 价格暴涨。 This fall of prices is consequent on the rise in production. 这次价格下降是生产提高的结果。 2.用作不及物动词 The sun rises and bathes the earth. 太阳升起,普照大地。 The river is rising after the rain. 河水在雨后涨了起来。 Many new factories have risen in the west part of the city. 该市的西部建起了许多新工厂。 She rises early in the morning. 她早晨起得早。 3.用作系动词 The sun rises red. 太阳升起红艳艳。
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rise成员有周震南、何洛洛、焉栩嘉、夏之光、姚琛、翟潇闻、张颜齐、刘也、任豪、赵磊、赵让11位。R1SE是依据腾讯视频偶像男团竞演养成类真人秀《创造营2019》的出道计划,于2019年成立的中国十一人男子期间限定团体,成员周震南于最终票获取第1名,成为R1SE团体中的C位(Center)及队长,2019年6月8日正式出道。团名含意:团名“R1SE”分别为四个意思-“R”代表奔跑(Running)、“1”代表第一(No.1)、“S”代表太阳(Sun)、“E”代表能量(Energy)也代表R1SE 11个人(eleven)意指十一位成员经历120天日夜兼程的训练,由春入夏,终于让汗水与梦想为伴,成功出道。团名念法为“R.One.S.E”,也可以读成“rise”(上升之意)的英语发音。
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rise表示上升; 增强的意思,能够和rise搭配成 短语 的词汇有哪些你都清楚了解吗?接下来我为大家整理了rise的短语有哪些_rise的短语,希望对你有帮助哦! 目录 rise的短语 rise相关 同义词 辨析 rise的短语例句 rise的短语 get (或 take) a rise out of 1. (非正式)(尤指因取笑)惹…恼怒 on the rise 1. 在增加;在增长;在上升;在上涨 价格在上涨。 prices were on the rise. rise and shine 1. (非正式)快起床!(或醒醒吧!) rise to the bait rise with the sun (或 lark) 1. 早起 someone"s star is rising 1. 某人越来越成功(或受欢迎) <<< rise相关同义词辨析 arise, rise, raise, lift 这些动词均有"上升,举起"之意。 arise :书面用词,多用于诗歌或比喻中,具有特殊的修辞色彩。 rise :普通用词,指具体的或抽象的事物由低向高移动。 raise :及物动词,常用词,多指把某物从低处升到高处,有时作引申用。 lift :语气比raise强,指用体力或机械的力举起或抬起某物。 <<< rise的短语例句 1. Here"s an inside tip: The faster you rise, the harder you fall. 给你一个小忠告:爬得越快,摔得越疼。 2. There are intangible benefits beyond a rise in the share price. 除股价上升之外还有无形利益。 3. Once wholesale prices are deregulated, consumer prices will also rise. 一旦批发价格放开,零售价格也会随之上涨。 4. Over a given period, the value of shares will rise and fall. 股票的价值在某一特定的时期内会有涨跌。 5. That big high-rise above us is where Brian lives. 我们上面的那座摩天大楼就是布赖恩住的地方。 6. As the egg whites cook, they coagulate and rise to the surface. 蛋白一煮就会凝结,并且浮起来。 7. He will get a pay rise of nearly ?4,000. 他的工资将会上涨将近4,000英镑。 8. The hills rise green and sheer above the broad river. 这些小山碧绿陡峭,矗立在这条宽阔的河流之上。 9. Xenophobic nationalism is on the rise in some West European countries. 西欧一些国家的仇外民族主义有所抬头。 10. The high and low-rise apartment blocks built in the 1960s are crumbling. 20世纪60年代建造的高低不一的公寓楼群正在逐渐破损坍塌。 11. The new Germany must rise to the challenge of its enhanced responsibilities. 一个崭新的德国必须迎接挑战,承担更多的责任。 12. The paper"sprice rise will encourage readers to desert in even greater numbers. 报纸价格的上涨将导致更多的读者不再订阅。 13. Trade Union leaders have demanded the government rescind the price rise. 工会领导已经要求政府阻止价格上涨。 14. A woman called on the population to rise up against the government. 一位女性号召人们起来反抗政府。 15. We have allowed spending and borrowing to rise in this recession. 在此经济萧条时期,我们容许增加消费和借贷。 <<< rise的短语有哪些相关 文章 : ★ rise的用法和短语例句 ★ raise的短语有哪些 ★ rise的用法和例句 ★ rise的同义词 ★ encourage的短语 ★ 英语励志成语短语 ★ 到目前为止的英文短语 ★ 常见带介词的to短语归纳 ★ to当介词的短语 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-01-11 20:13:221


Grow, increase, soar, surge, skyrocket
2023-01-11 20:13:285


rise男团成员有周震南,何洛洛,焉栩嘉,夏之光,姚琛,翟潇闻,张颜齐,刘也,任豪,赵磊,赵让。鹅厂的选秀节目《创造营2019》播出之后引发了观众们的热情,最终有十一个人成团出道,就是后来的rise男团。哇唧唧哇后续对这个男团也还算上心,不仅安排了综艺活动,还有各种商务代言,以及一些影视作品的资源。评价:R1SE成员们对音乐的不懈追求与热爱,为逐梦而歌,与电视剧《全职高手》中叶修对电竞的坚持不谋而合,积极向上的气息喷薄而出。在演绎歌曲《荣耀的战场》时,R1SE以年轻无畏的嗓音将观众们带入激烈的赛场,感受电竞独特的魅力。R1SE通过为《黑衣人》、《上海堡垒》等影视作品演唱主题曲,让大家见证了他们逐步的成长。在音乐EP《就要掷地有声的炸裂》中,R1SE通过在电子节奏、舞台现场感和多元音乐元素融合之间进行探索和平衡,形成了属于他们的音乐风格。在演唱歌曲《谁都别吝啬》时,洋溢着青春、热情、挥洒自如的音乐态度。而在一组名为“天空之境”的海报中,则呈现了R1SE热血赤诚的姿态,让人觉得青春纯净且美好 。此外,在某盛典中,成员们以20世纪八十年代英伦复古风的穿搭造型现身,尽显绅士魅力。
2023-01-11 20:13:511

求rise和 raise的区别和用法?

2023-01-11 20:14:033


rise, raise, arise的区别,简单说,就是 rise=起,raise=提,arise=起来rise 是不及物动词,属于自主的动作或行为,即自身的起、升、增、(发)生等;如 Sun rises in the east. 日出东方。He rose and went away. 他起身走开了。The oil price has risen 20% this year. 今年油价已经上涨了20%。raise 是及物动词,提升,使增加。可以理解为cause to rise,即 rise多数含义前加"使..."就是raise的含义,如 If you agree, please raise(=put up) your hand. 同意的话请举手。arise 也是不及物动词,出现、发生、起身。它相当于rise的一个短语,因为它有表示完成时态意义的前缀"a",表示"...了"或"...起来了"。arise一般使用rise的引申含义,即发生、呈现。如 When he was dealing with the tricky report, a new problem arose unexpectedly. 当他正应付那份棘手的报告时,一个新问题意外出现了。arise作起立、升起等含义时多强调结果,即升、站起(来了)、显示(出来)等等。而rise则偏向动作、过程。很多正式歌曲里常有"起来,......"的句子作为召集、呼唤,这时用arise比较好。
2023-01-11 20:14:211

rise怎么读 rise英文解释

1、rise,升起,读音:美/raɪz/;英/raɪz/。 2、释义: (1)v.攀升;起床;升起;休会;(数量)增加;变得更成功;(声响)提高;(风)刮起来;(情感)增强;(毛发)竖起;(土地)凸起;起源;发酵。 (2)n.(数量或水平的)增加;加薪;(权利等)增强;上升;小丘;(诱饵)游上水面;源头;(楼梯的)级高;晋升;出现。
2023-01-11 20:14:321


2023-01-11 20:14:381


2023-01-11 20:14:431


2023-01-11 20:15:411

rise 与raise 的区别?

2023-01-11 20:15:472


rise 不及物动词,上升,升起raise 及物动词 饲养,升起,筹钱
2023-01-11 20:15:554


2023-01-11 20:16:083

rise,arise,raise 三者的区别和用法是什么

raise (vt.)“举起,抬起,使升起”,说明主语发出的动作是要作用于其他事物的. 还有 饲养,养大 的意思,= keep 固定说法——raise a subject 提出一个问题 raise one"s voice 提高嗓门 raise a family 养家糊口 rise(vi.)“升起,上升,起立”, 如自然界的日月星辰雾云的上升,人体从睡,跪,坐,躺等姿势站立起来. 不能跟宾语,不能用于被动语态;如:the sun rises red.太阳升起红艳艳. She rises early in the morning.她早晨起得很早. arise [vi.]发生,出现,呈现,短语; 注意,它是不及物动词,通常和一些介词搭配构成短语,如: arise out of / from 因某物而产生,造成,引起
2023-01-11 20:16:211


2023-01-11 20:16:382


同意 健健 的解释 raise是及物动词.要跟宾语. rise是不及物动词.后不跟宾语.`
2023-01-11 20:16:496


rise的用法是:用作名词。We watched the rise of the plane.我们注视飞机升上去。The cosmonauts photographed the rise of the sun in space.宇航员们拍摄了太空中日出的照片。There was a steep rise in prices。价格暴涨。This fall of prices is consequent on the rise in production.
2023-01-11 20:17:111

rise to和rise in区别

rise to上升到,迎接,应付,应对;rise in …在……地方升起,兴起(发生)……:The new Germany must rise to the challenge of its enhanced responsibilities. 一个崭新的德国必须迎接挑战,承担更多的责任。It predicts this number will rise to more than eight million by the year two thousand thirty.该组织预计这个数字将会在2030年上升到800万。The red sun rose in the east.东方涌出一轮红日。The newly-occupied Italian colony of Libya rose in revolt in 1914. 意大利新占领的殖民地利比亚于1914年发生叛乱。
2023-01-11 20:17:254


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2023-01-11 20:18:041


raise (vt.)举起,提起,抬高:说明主语发出的动作是要作用于其他事物的. rise (vi.)升起,上升,起立,起床;说明主语自身移向较高的位置. 有些情况二者都可用, eg.(1)Prices have been raised up. 价格被提高了. (强调人为的因素) (2)prices rose gradually. 价格渐渐的涨上去了.(强调客观因素) raise和rise做名词意思为"加薪"时,raise为美语 rise为英语
2023-01-11 20:18:126

rise和raise的区别 arice

1. Raise和rise都有“上升”的意思,记住下面2句话: Raise是及物动词,后面必须有宾语,就是“某人把某物举起来”。 Rise是不及物动词,后面不能加宾语,也就是说“某人、某物自己升起来”。 比如: He raised his right hand. 他举起了右手。(是他把手举起来的,所以用raise)I raised the box above my head. 我把盒子举过了头顶。(盒子是我举起的,所以用raise) The waves rose and fell. 波浪起起伏伏。(波浪是自己动的,所以用rise)Smoke rose into the sky. 空中升起了烟。(烟也是自己飘的,所以用rise) 2. Raise和rise都有“增长”的意思,同样地: Raise是及物动词,后面必须有宾语。 Rise是不及物动词,后面不能加宾语。 比如: We will have to raise our fees. 我们需要提高费用。(raise后面一定要有宾语) Prices are rising rapidly. 价格快速上涨。(rise后面一定不能有宾语) 3. 在英式英语里,raise只能作动词、不能做名词,rise既可以作动词、也可以作名词 比如:He asked for a pay rise. 在美语里,raise则可以作名词,表示“加薪”。
2023-01-11 20:18:372


rise [ raiz, rais ] vi. 上升;起立;高耸;增强 vt. 使…飞起;使…浮上水面 n. 高地;出现;上升;增加raise [ reiz ] vt. 提高;筹集;养育;升起 vi. 上升 n. 上升;高地;加薪他们读音和样子长得像,但意思不同
2023-01-11 20:18:453


raise是及物动词 後面可以直接接宾语rise是不及物动词 一般就用于主谓结构 如果要加宾语 rise後面必须加介词
2023-01-11 20:18:572


rise 是不及物动词,没有被动语态。因此我们说the sun rises up.太阳升起来了。用的是这个词的主动语态。表示主语本身的动作 raise 是及物动词,意思很多。有抚养、举起等意思。它在表示举起时,是举起另一个东西,因为它及物,所以我们这样用:he raises it up.他把它举起来了。虽然也是主语发出的动作但作用对象是其他。 == 这两个词作为动词最根本的区别是,rise是不及物动词,而arise是及物动词。也就是说,使用的时候,rise后面不用跟宾语,而arise后面一定要有宾语。例如: He raised his arms above his head. 他把手臂举过头顶。 to raise salaries, to raise the rent 提高工资, 提高租金 The sun rose at seven o"clock. 太阳七点钟升起。 The river is rising after the rain. 雨后河水涨了。 当然这两个词除了提高、升高、抬起等意思外都各自还有其它的用法。例如 raise 招募:to raise an army 养育、栽培:to raise a family 提出(一个问题):to raise a question 建造、建立:to raise a memorial 发出(什么声响):ro raise a laugh, to raise the alarm 结束:to raise an embargo (解除禁运) etc. rise: 起床、站起来:to rise from table (餐毕)起立离桌 发源于:The river Rhine rises in Switzerland 此外rise还有晋升;顶嘴;(风、风暴)转强等意思,这里就不一一举例了。
2023-01-11 20:19:066


raise (vt.)“举起,抬起,使升起”,说明主语发出的动作是要作用于其他事物的。还有 饲养,养大 的意思,= keep固定说法——raise a subject 提出一个问题raise one"s voice 提高嗓门raise a family 养家糊口rise(vi.)“升起,上升,起立”, 如自然界的日月星辰雾云的上升,人体从睡,跪,坐,躺等姿势站立起来。不能跟宾语,不能用于被动语态;如:the sun rises red.太阳升起红艳艳。She rises early in the morning.她早晨起得很早。arise [vi.]发生,出现,呈现,短语;注意,它是不及物动词,通常和一些介词搭配构成短语,如:arise out of / from 因某物而产生,造成,引起
2023-01-11 20:19:441

rise 和raise 有什么区别?

---- rise vi. 上升; 增强; (数量) 增加; 休会; n. 兴起; (数量或水平的) 增加; (数量、价格、价值等的) 增长; (日、月等的) 升起; vt. 使…浮上水面; 使(鸟)飞起; 复活; 发酵; -----raise v. 筹集; 提升; 增加; 养育; n. 提升; 增加; 举起; 高处;---- Raise和rise都有“上升”的意思,记住下面2句话:Raise是及物动词,后面必须有宾语,就是某人把某物举起来”。Rise是不及物动词,后面不能加宾语,也就是说“某人、某物自己升起来”。
2023-01-11 20:20:084


rise 在平时使用中主要用作不及物动词,raise主要用作及物动词。rise[raiz]n.上升, 增加, 上涨, 高地, 小山, 发生, 出现vi.升起, 起身, 发源, 起义, 高耸, 增长, 上升, 复活vt.使飞起rise[raIz]vi.rose, risen, rising(太阳、月亮、星星)升起,出现The sun rose at seven o"clock.太阳七点钟升起。升高The river is rising after the rain.雨后河水涨了。The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet."这时飞机能上升了,并在距山头400英尺的高度飞越了山头。"The steps of the palace rise in easy flights.宫殿台阶上升的坡度不大。Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.过去十年间物价一直在上涨。起床;立起;站起来(河流)发源于The river Rhine rises in Switzerland.莱茵河发源于瑞士。晋升(风、风暴)转强还嘴;顶嘴rise to the occasion随机应变risen.兴起the rise of the Roman Empire罗马帝国的兴起The decrease in the number of bicycles and cars might give rise to another new set of problems.自行车和小汽车数量减少会造成一些新的问题。升高a rise in prices物价上涨The rise in the house rent has added to our difficulties.房租涨价增加了我们的困难。斜坡;隆起地;小山岗加薪get a rise out of sb.挖苦人;激怒give rise to引起;导致raise[reiz]n.上升, 高地, 提出vt.升起, 唤起, 提高, 使出现, 解除, 饲养, 筹集, 使复活raise[reIz]vt.raised, raising抬高;举起He raised his arms above his head.他把手臂举过头顶。I will not raise a hand against you.我不会做任何不利于你的事。提高;增加to raise salaries提高工资to raise the rent提高租金招募to raise an army招募一支军队养育;栽培to raise a family供养一家人"These families may raise children as their chief occupation, leaving the childless families free to move from job to job.""这些家庭将抚养孩子作为他们的主要职业,让不带孩子的家庭自由地从一种工作转换到另一种工作。"(常与up连用)提出I wanted to raise a question to the chairman but in a moment I lost my nerve."我想向会议主席提一个问题,但立刻我又没有了勇气。"(常与up连用)建造;建立to raise a memorial建造纪念碑发出(声响)to raise a laugh发出笑声I raised the alarm as soon as I saw the smoke.我一看见冒烟就发出警报。Only a few of the private shopowners raised a great hue and cry against the new rule."只有几个私营店主大叫大嚷,反对新规定。"引起;造成His absence raised fears about his safety.他的不在引起人们对他安全的担心。
2023-01-11 20:20:216


rise 是不及物动词,没有被动语态。因此我们说the sun rises up.太阳升起来了。用的是这个词的主动语态。表示主语本身的动作 raise 是及物动词,意思很多。有抚养、举起等意思。它在表示举起时,是举起另一个东西,因为它及物,所以我们这样用:he raises it up.他把它举起来了。虽然也是主语发出的动作但作用对象是其他。 == 这两个词作为动词最根本的区别是,rise是不及物动词,而arise是及物动词。也就是说,使用的时候,rise后面不用跟宾语,而arise后面一定要有宾语。例如: He raised his arms above his head. 他把手臂举过头顶。 to raise salaries, to raise the rent 提高工资, 提高租金 The sun rose at seven o"clock. 太阳七点钟升起。 The river is rising after the rain. 雨后河水涨了。 当然这两个词除了提高、升高、抬起等意思外都各自还有其它的用法。例如 raise 招募:to raise an army 养育、栽培:to raise a family 提出(一个问题):to raise a question 建造、建立:to raise a memorial 发出(什么声响):ro raise a laugh, to raise the alarm 结束:to raise an embargo (解除禁运) etc. rise: 起床、站起来:to rise from table (餐毕)起立离桌 发源于:The river Rhine rises in Switzerland 此外rise还有晋升;顶嘴;(风、风暴)转强等意思,这里就不一一举例了。
2023-01-11 20:20:506


raiz 音标,动词,上升,升高
2023-01-11 20:21:112


raise 是靠外力,
2023-01-11 20:21:194

raise 和rise的区别。名词等用的上的?

raise是及物动词,后面一定要加宾语。 而rise是不及物动词,后面不能加宾语 1.raise 提起,使升高 如:raise one"s hand 举手 2.rise 上升,升高,上涨,指有形的东西。如: The sun rises in the east.,2,rise常作不及物动词,后面不接宾语,翻译为“升起” 如:The sun rises in the east.(太阳从东方升起) raise作及物动词,后加宾语,翻译为“举起” 如:He raised his head and looked at the girl.(他抬头看着那女孩) 另外,raise还有“饲养、抚养”之意。...,1,rise是不及物动词,后面不能直接加宾语,可译为:升高, 上升; 上涨, 增高 The ground rises steadily. 地势步步加高。 站起来; 起床 She rose to greet her guests. 她起身迎接客人。 起义; 反抗 At last the people rose up in arms and defe...,0,
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raise 有提高、增加的意思 rise只是位置上的增高 例如sun就要用rise而不是raise,而salary就要用raise raise还有另一个意思是表扬 rise也有另一个意思就是起义raise和rise作为动词最根本的区别是,rise是不及物动词,而raise是及物动词。如, to raise salaries 提高工资 The sun rises. 太阳升起 这两个词除了提高、升高、抬起等意思外都各自还有其它的用法。例如 raise 招募:to raise an army 养育、栽培:to raise a family 提出(一个问题):to raise a question等等 rise: 起床、站起来:to rise from table (餐毕)起立离桌 发源于:The river Rhine rises in Switzerland 此外rise还有晋升;顶嘴等意思,
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rise男团成员有周震南、何洛洛、焉栩嘉、夏之光、翟潇闻、张颜齐、刘也、任豪、姚琛、赵磊、赵让。1、周震南:周震南2000年出生,内地流行乐男歌手,男子演唱组合R1SE队长及C位,在音乐创作方面以及综艺表现上都非常出色,周震南算是R1SE组合里人气最高的成员。  2、何洛洛:何洛洛本名徐一宁,2001年出生,是一个元气少年,眼睛大大的,皮肤白白的,笑容特别有吸引力。  3、焉栩嘉:焉栩嘉2001年出生,男演员、歌手,焉栩嘉谦虚有礼貌,有些腼腆羞涩,能唱能跳。另外,焉栩嘉童星时是X玖少年团的成员,  4、夏之光:与焉栩嘉同是X玖少年团的成员。夏之光2000年出生,男歌手、演员,就读于上海戏剧学院。夏之光十分腼腆,羞涩得像邻家小弟。  5、姚琛:姚琛1998年出生,曾经在韩国当练习生的经历。  6、翟潇闻:翟潇闻1999年出生,流行乐男歌手、影视演员。代表作品有《就要掷地有声的炸裂》、《无愧》、《R.1.S.E》、《喊出我的名字》、《创造营2019》、《暗恋橘生淮南》等  7、张颜齐:张颜齐1998年出生,张颜齐1998年出生,R1SE男团组合中主攻说唱,兼备颜值与实力。  8、刘也:刘也1993年出生,参加过《星动亚洲第二季》,之后以组合SWIN正式出道。刘也在北京齐鲁音乐学院和吉林省歌舞团进修过,练习过两年的民族舞,同时还精通现代舞和流行舞,具有中国舞蹈家协会流行舞教师的资格。  9、任豪:任豪(P.O.I)1995年出生,流行乐男歌手、影视演员,男子演唱组合ZERO-G、R1SE成员。任豪不仅外表帅气,更是镜头感十足,尤其那坏坏的邪魅感,勾人的小眼神儿,让人第一眼就不由自主的爱上他。  10、赵磊:赵磊1999年出生,就读于上海音乐学院。由于爷爷是拉二胡的能手,耳濡目染下,赵磊从小学习二胡。小学三年级时,赵磊获得海沧区中小学歌唱比赛第二名。  11、赵让:赵让2001年出生,台上台下的赵让判若两人,台下的他腼腆羞涩,台上的他风格多样。赵让手长脚长,肢体比例优越,跳起舞来镜头感十足,舞台感染力也很强,具有反差萌的个性和不俗的舞蹈实力。
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  rise做动词有上升;升起;增加;起床;反抗等意思,那么你知道rise的第三人称单数是什么吗?接下来跟着我来学习一下吧。   rise的第三人称单数:   rises   rise的用法:   rise的用法1:rise的基本意思是“从较低位置向上移动”,可引申为“晋升”“(潮水)上涨”。也可指人的站立、起立、起身、起床等; 日月星辰的出现; 土地、山、建筑的渐高; 价格、温度等的上升; 升降器、风筝、烟雾、鸟儿等飞起; 鱼类游上水; 气泡冒上水面; 风力增强; (情绪、精神)振奋; 感情的激起; 想法、想象浮现在脑海中等。   rise的用法2:rise是不及物动词,不能用于被动结构,常与above, from, to等介词连用。   rise的用法3:rise偶尔也用作系动词,后接形容词作表语。   rise的用法4:同是rise,却有时表示“开始”,有时表示“结束”。   rise第三人称单数例句:   1. If your child"s temperature rises, sponge her down gently with tepid water.   如果你孩子的体温上升,就用海绵蘸上温水轻轻地擦拭她的身体。   2. There is no provision for funding performance-related pay rises.   没有为与业绩挂钩的加薪预作资金准备。   3. Once the rate rises it never drops back to its previous level.   一旦价格上去了就再也不会降到以前的水平了。   4. The rises are the result of a comparability study.   上调是基于一项可比性研究作出的。   5. The price rises will not be uniform across the country.   全国各地的价格涨幅将不会划一。   6. The batter rises as it bakes.   烘烤的时候,面糊会膨胀起来。   7. The sun rises, reaches its zenith and sets.   太阳升起,达到最高点,然后落下。   8. the inflationary effects of price rises   物价上涨引起的通货膨胀   9. The industry is feeling the effects of recent price rises.   这一行业已经感觉到了最近提价的影响。   10. We bought the house to arm against big price rises.   我们买了这处住宅,以防大涨价.   11. The morning fog usually melts away as the sun rises.   晨雾通常在太阳升起时消失.   12. The immediate sequel to the price rises was uprisings across the country.   涨价的直接后果就是遍及全国的抗议浪潮.   13. You pay her a few compliments and she immediately rises above herself.   你只要稍许赞扬她几句,她即会沾沾自喜.   14. In the Antarctic, the temperature rarely rises above freezing point.   在南极, 温度很少升到零度以上.   15. The castle rises in solitary splendour on the fringe of the desert.   这座城堡巍然耸立在沙漠的边际,显得十分壮美.
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rise KK:[] DJ:[] vi. 1.上升;升起;上涨;升高;增加 The sun has not yet risen. 太阳还没升起. The population of the city has risen to five million. 该市人口已增加到五百万. 2.高耸;高出[W][Q] An immense building rose before their eyes. 他们眼前耸立起一座巨大的建筑物. 3.起立[(+up)] He rose and left the room. 他站起身走出屋去. 4.【书】起床 5.【书】闭会,休会 6.(风)起;(风力)增强 7.起义;起来反抗[(+up/against)] The villagers rose against the aggressors. 村民们起来和侵略者战斗. 8.【宗】复活 9.(河、川)发源;(事件)发生[W] The River Rhine rises in Switzerland. 莱茵河发源于瑞士. 10.浮起,浮现;(鱼)浮上水面 His image rose before me. 他的面容浮现在我眼前. 11.(面团)发酵 vt. 1.使(鸟)飞起;使(鱼)浮上水面 n. 1.(数量、程度等)增加,上涨[C][(+in)] There will be a rise in unemployment next year. 明年失业人数将会增加. 2.上升;兴盛;发迹;提升[U] His rise to power surprised me. 他上台掌权令我感到意外. 3.高地,岗[C] 4.【英】加薪 5.源头,发源 raise KK:[] DJ:[] vt. 1.举起,抬起 He raised his glass and said:"Your health,Carl." 他举起了杯子说道:"祝你健康,卡尔." 2.增加;提高;提升[(+to)] The landlord raised my rent. 房东提高了我的租金. 3.筹(款);招(兵);集结 They are going to raise funds for the school buildings. 他们将为盖校舍筹集资金. 4.养育;种植;饲养 The baby was raised on soya-bean milk. 这孩子是用豆浆喂养大的. 5.提出;发出 None of them raised any objection. 他们谁也没提出反对意见. 6.引起;唤起;扬起 7.竖起;建起 They raised a monument to the national hero. 他们为那位民族英雄树了纪念碑. 8.撤除(包围、封锁等),解(禁) 9.使复活;使(鬼魂)出现 10.给(赌注)加码,提高(赌注) 11.(用无线电)和...取得联系 n. 1.【美】加薪;加薪额[C] I am going to ask the boss for a raise. 我要找老板要求加薪. 2.提高,举,升 3.高处;拱高路段 4.【牌】赌注加码,加叫 rise是不及物动词,后面要加介词 raise是及物动词,后面加名词
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rise 是不及物动词,没有被动语态。因此我们说the sun rises up.太阳升起来了。用的是这个词的主动语态。表示主语本身的动作 raise 是及物动词,意思很多。有抚养、举起等意思。它在表示举起时,是举起另一个东西,因为它及物,所以我们这样用:he raises it up.他把它举起来了。虽然也是主语发出的动作但作用对象是其他。 == 这两个词作为动词最根本的区别是,rise是不及物动词,而arise是及物动词。也就是说,使用的时候,rise后面不用跟宾语,而arise后面一定要有宾语。例如: He raised his arms above his head. 他把手臂举过头顶。 to raise salaries, to raise the rent 提高工资, 提高租金 The sun rose at seven o"clock. 太阳七点钟升起。 The river is rising after the rain. 雨后河水涨了。 当然这两个词除了提高、升高、抬起等意思外都各自还有其它的用法。例如 raise 招募:to raise an army 养育、栽培:to raise a family 提出(一个问题):to raise a question 建造、建立:to raise a memorial 发出(什么声响):ro raise a laugh, to raise the alarm 结束:to raise an embargo (解除禁运) etc. rise: 起床、站起来:to rise from table (餐毕)起立离桌 发源于:The river Rhine rises in Switzerland 此外rise还有晋升;顶嘴;(风、风暴)转强等意思,这里就不一一举例了。
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raise 有提高、增加的意思 rise只是位置上的增高
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arise ,raise ,rise的用法区别

Rise, raise, arise3个词看起来很像,其实差别很大。 首先 rise,arise 是不及物动词 raise是及物动词 其次 rise 意为“升起,增高” arise意为“出现,产生” raise意为“增加,引起”
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rose risen
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raise 是及物动词。Raise your head, please.请抬头。rise是不及物动词。The sun rises in the east.太阳东升。
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一、指代不同1、rise:vi. 上升;升起;增加;起床;反抗;复活。2、raise:vt. 升起;举起;饲养;提出;引起;筹集,募集。二、用法不同1、rise:不及物动词,不能用于被动结构,常与above, from, to等介词连用。偶尔也用作系动词,后接形容词作表语。一般不与介词up搭配使用,多单独使用,rise up中up是是多余的。2、raise:只用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,偶尔也接以“to be+ n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。三、侧重点不同1、rise:侧重用于空间位置的上升运动。2、raise:侧重用于“向上动”“从低处向高处上升”,可指不太费力地将物体举向高处或将其从较低的平面移至较高的平面。
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原形 过去式 过去分词rise rose risenarise arose arisen这两组都是不及物动词raise是及物动词,后面可以直接加名词,有提起,饲养,增加,提高的意思rise形容自然现象的升起,比如日出sunrise
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