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2023-05-19 22:49:28

1、do not dare不敢做什么;dare not to do敢于不做什么


i try to climb the hill,我设法爬山,强调努力

i try climbing the hill,我试试爬山吧,强调想法

you should try to eat more fruit,你应该设法多吃一些蔬菜(一定要吃)

you should try eating more fruit ,你最好试试吃点蔬菜(建议,不是一定)


4、alive 不可以做定语 只做表语

living除了做定语还可以为名词:eg,Living is very expensive these days.


1、do not dare +to do中“dare”是实意动词;dare not + do中“dare”是情态动词,语意相同。(注:在肯定句中,dare只能做实意动词;在否定句中,dare的两种词性均可。)


i try to climb the hill,我设法爬山,强调努力

i try climbing the hill,我试试爬山吧,强调试一试

you should try to eat more fruit,你应该努力多吃一些蔬菜(强烈建议应该要吃)

you should try eating more fruit ,你最好试试吃点蔬菜(建议,不是一定)


4、alive 不可以做定语 只做表语

living除了做定语还可以为名词:eg,Living is very expensive these days


try to do尽力做 try doing 尝试做

knowledge一般情况下不可数 前面有形容词如large可以加A

alive 不可以做定语 只做表语


即 不能说 an alive person

但可以说 he is alive


do not dare 不敢做某事

dare not to do 敢不去做某事

try to do 是努力去做

try doing 是尝试去做




如:people alive =living people.



1,两者意思一样,只不过在前者do not dare 中dare是实义动词,在后者dare not to do 中dare是情态动词.

2,try to do努力做某事,try doing尝试做.


4,alive 与living区别如下:




1、do not dare 和 dare not to do 的区别

前者是不敢或没有勇气做;后者以激将法向人挑战,激, 不敢

2、try to do 和 try doing 的区别

前者:设法要去做某事,但还没有做; 后者设法正在做某事;

3、knowledge 什么时候可数,什么时候不可数

knowledge 只能做不可数名词


1)N-UNCOUNT usu with supp

Knowledge is information and understanding about a subject which a person has, or which all people have.

She told Parliament she had no knowledge of the affair.

...the quest for scientific knowledge.

2) PHRASE PHR with cl/group

If you say that something is true to your knowledge or to the best of your knowledge, you mean that you believe it to be true but it is possible that you do not know all the facts.

Alec never carried a gun to my knowledge...

3)PHRASE PHR after v, usu PHR that

If you do something safe in the knowledge that something else is the case, you do the first thing confidently because you are sure of the second thing. (WRITTEN)

You can let your kids play here, safe in the knowledge that they won"t get sunburn.

4、alive 和 living 的区别

alive adj.活着的, 活泼的;



生活, 生计, 生存空间, 居住面积


活的, 起作用的, 逼真的, 现存的





2 try to do 是努力去做 try doing 是尝试去做



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P8青春版 电信版本
2023-01-11 16:24:403

Alec Jeffreys教授 对于法庭科学案例侦破的贡献是

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the part 1 of Tess Tess ws born at at poor family in marlot of England ,she is the prettest girl in the village around 5 miles.all her knowledge she had came from her lessons in the village school ,after she left school she had tried to earn a little money by helping in the fields or milking cows or making butter.she blamed her monther for thoughtlessly producing so many children ,but never though about the future .she felt responsible for her little brothers and sisters and  help her mother look after them .her father don"t work hard and like drink little with heart problems . 苔丝出生在英国一个叫MARLOT的贫穷家庭。她是方圆5里最漂亮的女孩。她所有的知识来源于村里的学校,离开学校后她通过务农,挤牛奶和做黄油获得一点收入。她抱怨母亲毫不考虑的生了好几个孩子,而不考虑将来如何养育。她对弟妹很有责任感经常帮助母亲照看,她爸爸懒惰喜欢喝酒心脏不好。 One day ,her father be noticed a historian that they are descendant of the ancient and nobel family of the d"urbrvilles .its a oldest family in the whole country . tess family have old silver spoon and old seal ,it seems can prove that are actually its. it makes her father proud. 一天,她爸爸从一个历史学者那听说他们是一个古老高贵的家族后代,是这个国家最古老的姓氏。苔丝家有古老的勺子和封印似乎能证实,这让他爸爸很骄傲。Her monther made a suggestion ,she found there are a rich lady living on the other side of the wood have the same family name with them and must be their relation. She ask tess go and claim relationship with her ,and also persuade some help in their trouble .tess wondered how she could help her parents , she know life now become rather difficult after their horse be died ,and her father can"t set off with beehives to market without horse .苔丝妈妈提了个建议,她发现对面镇有个同样姓氏的女主人家,并猜就是他们家的亲戚。她让苔丝去拜访他们并说服对方给予帮助。苔丝想着如何帮助父母,她知道自从马死后家里更穷了,她爸爸不能再让马而驼着蜂蜜去市场了。 Next morning,tess walked to the town she hardly know to meet her relation.she stopped in amazement.its was large and almost new house ,it should be no lack of money here.a young man appered in the garden ,he is the son of the lady ,and told tess her monther is ill .tess very shy her face blushed a deep pink ,she told the man named alec about her family situation .and before she leave ,alex filled her basket with strawberries and flowers. 第二天苔丝去了这个她从不知道的亲戚家,她怔住了,这里有又大又新的房子,这家一定很有钱。一个年轻的男人出现在花园里,他是这家女主人的儿子,苔丝非常害羞的告诉他,关于她的家庭情况。临走前,alec 给她篮子装满了草莓和花。It"s the beginning of the the young girl meet the wrong man .When tess arrived home the following afternoon a letter had already received by her monther .its from mrs d"urverville offered tess work looking  after chickens. 这是这个年轻女孩碰见不对的男人的开始。当苔丝回家后的第二天她母亲收到一封信,是ALEC提供了一份苔丝去照看小鸡的工作。 It makes tess parents delighted .it means they recognize us as a family . and few days later alec visit tess"s home and ask tess could come or not . 这让他们父母非常高兴。这意味着他们认可我们的家庭,几天后ALEC来拜访苔丝是否愿意去。 Persuaded by her monther,after monents hesitation .tess finally agreed to go . 被妈妈说服后,几经犹豫,苔丝最终决定去。 The chickents for which tess was responsible lived in an old cottage on mrs d"urberville"s land .alec teach and showed tess to make whistle tunes .and she often met him in the garden and began to lose her shyness of him . tess enjony her new work with chickens. 这群小鸡在一个古老的农场里,ALEC教了苔丝如何吹口哨,苔丝经常在农场里见到ALEC,开始不那么害羞了。她很喜欢这份工作。 Every Saturday night the other farm works from the surrounding area used to go to drink and dance in the market town two or three miles away .for a long time tess did not go with them .but after a while she wanted to change from the routine and began to go the weekly trips regularly . 每个周六晚上其他的工人会去一个离这里三四里的镇上喝酒唱歌跳舞。很长时间苔丝都没有和他们一起去,但是她也想换个方式也开始加入这个常规周末旅行。 one saturday night she was waiting for her companions as it was time to go home ,when she realized the workers cant be going home soon,she meet alec and he offered to take her to home on the back of his horse. 一个周六晚上苔丝在等他同伴回家,当她意识到同伴不能及时回去时,恰巧碰上了ALEC,他愿意带她回去。she hesitated then accepted .they rode along in the dark together ,she was very tired ,it have big fog and alec lost the way .tess leave there and alec go to find where they are .when alec back tess have asleep .at the darkness and silence ,alec lay down beside her and the girl was not strong enough to resist him . 犹豫过后苔丝接受了,他们在黑暗中一起骑着马,她很累,雾气很重,他们迷路了。苔丝呆在那里,ALEC去找路。当ALEC回来时,苔丝已经睡着了。在安静黑暗中,ALEC将苔丝压倒,而苔丝无力反抗。 tess grillish purity lost by the wrong man .the beauty damaged by ugliness.after from now on ,tess "s life was to be completely different . 苔丝的女孩纯真被这个错误的男人夺去,美好被丑恶玷污,苔丝的生活从此以后发生了巨大的改变。
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(主唱兼吉它、口琴)原名:John Francis Bongiovi昵称:Jon,Johnny生日:1962年3月2日身高:5"10(约1.78米)生活习惯:他每天都出去工作。以前常在早上6点就出门,后来要亲自送孩子上学,更是忙得不亦乐乎,干脆把录音室搬到家里,这样就可以不用到处乱跑了。1994年他拍《Moonlight and Valentino》这部电影时为了剧情需要开始抽烟,后来戒了。不过1996年拍《The Leading Man》时他又重新抽上了烟,一直到现在。喜欢的食物:意大利菜和寿司喜欢的饮品:白葡萄酒和咖啡喜欢的颜色:黑色喜欢的运动:跑步业余爱好:电影(最喜欢的电影是《教父》)、漫画、美式橄榄球(他现在是一支球队的老板)、收集汽车纹身:左臂是超人标志(在录《Slippery When Wet》时纹的)、右臂是牛头骨(录《New Jersey》时纹的)、脚踝上还纹有一圈花纹最喜欢的乐队:Southside Johnny最喜欢的歌手:Bruce Springsteen对自己的概括:Introspective(善于内省), hopeful(满怀希望), active(有活力), loyal(忠诚)家庭简介:父亲是意大利移民,曾是职业歌手,后来转行当理发师,开了一间理发店。母亲在花店工作,后来拥有自己的花店,她还曾是《花花公子》杂志女郎。Jon还有两个弟弟。妻子Dorothea Hurley,他们在1989年4月29日结婚,现在拥有4个孩子(一个女孩,三个男孩)。 (主音吉他、和声)原名:Richard Stephen Sambora绰号:King of Swing,MooMoo(UNCLE MOOKY by Jon"s Kiddys),Sambo生日:1959年7月11日出生地:Perth Amboy, New Jersey (有意思的是Jon、Richie、Alec是在新泽西珀斯的同一家医院出生的)身高:1.86米爱好:篮球,划艇,橄榄球,棒球,收集吉他婚姻:1994年与好莱坞明星Heather Locklear在巴黎结婚偶像:The Beatles个人专辑:《Stranger In This Town》(1991),《Undiscovered Soul》(1998)Richie是色盲,他分不清红色、绿色和棕色。Richie是家里的独子,父母都是专业舞蹈演员。他从小被父母强迫学习音乐,学过手风琴、贝斯、萨克斯、钢琴、喇叭和鼓。在14岁那年听过Eric Clapton的音乐后,他爱上了吉他。Richie曾在很多乐队担任过吉他手,他还曾被Kiss乐队招去试音。“感谢上帝,还好没成。”Richie后来回忆起这件事时这样说。1983年Richie看到了Jon的演出,他对Jon的音乐很感兴趣。于是他到后台找到Jon,对Jon说他懂得如何做唱片,还写了很多歌,Jon的吉他手(Dave Sabo)很好,但是太年轻,他才是乐队所缺的那一部分。Jon当时并没有把Richie当回事。曾和Richie在过同一乐队的Alec劝Jon让Richie试一下。Jon于是就让Richie一星期后来和他的乐队一起排练。排练那天Jon还迟到了,当他走到门口时,Richie正在演奏,Jon在工作室门口听了大概30秒,就喊了一声“录用了。”从此Richie就成为Bon Jovi的正式成员。 (前任贝斯手)原名:Alec John Such昵称:Alec生日:1952年11月14日出生地:Perth Amboy, New Jersey身高:1.75米爱好:收集古董枪,骑马,骑摩托车婚姻:离异Alec生长在一个单亲家庭,没有受过正规的音乐教育,但他从小就表现出非凡的音乐才华,会演奏贝斯、吉他、大提琴。Alec过于热爱他的古董枪,有一次他居然带了一把去音乐会,惹了不小的麻烦。Alec是除了David以外第一个加入Bon Jovi的成员。他之前与Richie与Tico都分别合作过,所以在这两个成员加入Bon Jovi的过程中他发挥了很重要的作用。当年与唱片公司签约时他遇到一点麻烦,唱片公司认为他的外表和气质不太适合Bon Jovi的风格,但是Jon力排众议,一定要让他加入。1994年11月Alec离开了Bon Jovi。关于他离开的原因以及他和Jon之间的恩怨已经说得很多了,这里就不重复了。现在Alec在经营着他的摩托车店,还管理着一批新泽西当地的乐队。 (键盘、和声)原名:David Brian Rashbaum昵称:Dave生日:1962年2月7日出生地:Edison,New Jersey身高:1.86米爱好:古典音乐,足球婚姻:1990年和珠宝设计师April McLean结婚个人专辑:《On A Full Moon》(1994),《Lunar Eclipse》David从7岁时学习古典钢琴,受肖邦、巴赫、贝多芬的影响很大。他也学过喇叭,他父亲是个喇叭演奏者。当David听到Deep Purple(深紫乐队)那张《Made in Japan》后,他对摇滚乐有了兴趣。David从中学时代起就和Jon一起组乐队演出,从地下室到酒吧,他一直和Jon一起去实践他们的音乐梦想。但与Jon不同的是,David的学习成绩相当好。在拿到高中毕业证书后,他按父母意愿考入了新泽西一所大学成为一名医科学生。学了两年以后,Jon来找他,把一个键盘递给他,告诉David他的父母是错的,这才是他真正想要的东西。于是David听了Jon的建议,和Jon去了纽约,他考上了朱丽叶音乐学院,那是美国最好的古典音乐学院。可是当Jon又一次召唤他加入他的新乐队时,David再次放弃了学业。“去他的,我要抓住机会。”当年选择放弃学业时David这样说。事实证明David当年的放弃是值得的。 (鼓手)原名:Tico Hector Samual Juan Torres绰号:The Hitman,Crazy Cuban生日:1953年10月7日出生地:New York City身高:1.68米爱好:绘画,烹饪婚姻:2001年和委内瑞拉人Alejandra结婚,之前离过两次婚,前一任妻子是著名的捷克名模Eva HerzigovaTico有古巴血统,这从他的长相就可看出来。除打鼓外,Tico还会吉他和小提琴。但他的才华并不只限于音乐。他还是个出色的画家,作品在世界很多地方展出过,得到画界的好评。Tico拥有职业飞机驾驶执照,他曾驾机从丹佛飞到新泽西。Tico还收集有几辆很珍贵的古董车,这很让Jon眼红。。....当年Jon被朋友介绍去看Tico的演出,他看到一个疯狂的古巴人在台上打着激烈的拍子,当时Jon就想,除了Tico,他不会再和别人一起演出了。不过Tico面对Jon的邀请很犹豫,他觉得年仅21岁的Jon过于年轻生涩,而那时Tico已经为很多知名乐队伴奏过,做了几十张唱片。..和Tico从小一起做乐队的Alec来劝Tico再检验一下Jon。于是Tico去看了Jon的演出,台下观众的反应让Tico决定加入Bon Jovi:“那些孩子们的反应让人无法抵抗,特别是女孩们。他们看着这个年轻的上帝在台上奔跑,摆动他的屁股。于是我说‘就冒险赌一把吧"。”
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德伯家的苔丝英文是Blowing in the Wind上周读完《苔丝》,一直想说点儿什么,后来竟失语了。《苔丝》这样的书,以前从来没有卒读,现在想来是那时看不懂。现在也没有读懂多少,但是也足以让人失语。若说现在有什么渴望,就是渴望自己的笔,能像哈代一样一点不差地勾勒出苦难,就用哈代那样单纯的笔触。 最大的苦难不是当事人觉知的苦难,是当事人根本不能觉知的苦难。苔丝在各种境况中,一直在争取过得好,这一点从来没有改变过。身处那样的家庭,有那样的父母,还有众多弟弟妹妹。她在书中的出场,是身着白裙和村里的姑娘们翩翩起舞,甚至那一刻,她还和自己的一生挚爱安吉尔相遇。这样美丽的场景,让读者们怎样的心生向往,分明是一个完美结局的开头!可是,接下来发生了什么呢?先是家里唯一可以称得上财产的马死了,苔丝不得不接受母亲让她去认亲的安排——去那个暴发户假德伯家。也许悲剧的开场都有点喜庆,就像《奥赛罗》。每个看似鲜花着锦的华丽的袍子上,都有看不得的虱子。哈代让我们看到的人生,不是袍子决定的,是虱子决定的。也许哈代是看出了人生最实质的部分也未可知。接下来的故事有点老套,好多人写过了,《雷雨》里有,好像哪里都有。富家子弟爱上了自己的帮佣女孩。《苔丝》最富讽刺的地方在于,苔丝这个帮佣,是个真德伯;而那个富家子弟,是个假德伯。即便写这样一个故事,哈代也还是写了那个悲剧女孩苔丝的快乐,她好好侍弄鸡,甚至还和自己讨厌的富家子弟Alec学会了吹口哨,还和同伴们去参加舞会。这要是换个人来写,不知道会把这时的苔丝写得怎样苦大仇深。可是哈代绝不,似乎他也怜惜笔下的人,长夜未央,先让这个苦难的精灵快乐一会儿吧。苔丝和Alec 的交集埋下了她一生苦难的种子。这一段落结束的部分最精彩,就是苔丝决定回自己家,她告诉Alec,有两句话实在太精彩,一是说,如果我曾经爱你,那么我现在就不会如此痛恨自己。还有一句是,我知道说我爱你这对我会有怎样的好处,可是我不爱你。估计现代很多人都不可能有这样的坚决立场了,这个立场背后,是全然的真。苔丝的纯洁是冰里的水,人只可看见,不可触摸。这里的描写是特别耐人寻味的。通篇看下来,有人说Alec很坏,我倒真的没看出来,他就是那个样子,但是却是真实地喜欢苔丝。甚至,在下半部,他遇到苔丝以后,还真诚地向苔丝求婚。悲剧就是这个样子吧,你仔细看每一个人,都看不出坏,可是偏偏就是这个人,能够做出后果极其恶劣的事情来。苔丝回到自己家,是特别灰暗的一段日子。未婚生子,是一生悲剧的第一幕。可是,哈代还是写到她年轻的生机怎样让她在这样的打击中重新站起来。她似乎不用经任何心理斗争,就接受了自己的孩子,做工,养孩子,没有抱怨,没有犹疑。难怪哈代认为苔丝是最纯净的女性形象。可是,孩子又很快夭折了。她自己给孩子受洗并埋葬后问牧师的话,是苔丝第一次去质问自己生活中发生的事,因为她害怕孩子的灵魂在地狱之火中焚烧。这是苔丝在书中唯一一次作为母亲的角色出现,失去的也是她短暂一生中唯一一个孩子。任何一个母亲,如果在苔丝的境遇中做到了苔丝做到的,就是当之无愧的母亲。可即便在这样的打击之下,苔丝在奶牛场找到了新的工作,还是开始了另一段新生活。《苔丝》像一幅画卷,浓淡得宜,奶牛场的一段,无疑是书中最亮色的部分。这部分越欢快,越诚恳,越充满希望,后面的悲剧越悲伤,越有穿透人心的力量。她重遇安吉尔。际遇真的是魔鬼。她遇到安吉尔在先,可是在她有了作为女子最不幸的经历之后,他们,重逢了。命运的吊诡,让人不能呼吸。一个悲剧在人们眼里落幕了,带着一个鲜明的结论,可是,有谁知道,悲剧的主角,在以后的人生中遇到了什么,他(她)是怎样背负着这个包袱走完人生余下的路呢?一个不人道的社会制度,经不起这样的叩问,因为会发现这个制度碾压下淋漓的鲜血。苔丝和安吉尔恋爱了,似乎这才是开篇他们相逢的本意。安吉尔在确保父母不会反对自己和苔丝的婚事后,才郑重向苔丝表明心迹。这是怎样的看重和珍爱。那个算不上坏人的Alec,和安吉尔的分野一下子就彰显出来。苔丝知道这才是真爱,可是她伸出双手,却怎样也捧不住这份爱了。命运的这种颠倒安排,也许才是小说永恒的主题,不是生命中不能承受之轻,而是不能承受之重。经过漫长的求婚过程,经过苔丝的反复挣扎,他们还是结婚了。这个结婚,从开始就充满了不协和音,苔丝坦白的信,安吉尔错过了。婚礼那天的每一个细节都让人心惊肉跳,尤其是,安吉尔特意安排在德伯家的旧宅开始他们的新婚生活。风雨交加,老宅,苔丝的那些阴魂不散又不能给她任何庇佑的祖先们,这一切仿佛一个悲剧音乐中渐强的部分,不看下去,也知道完了,只是,以何种方式完结呢?这个情节也很俗套,苔丝原谅了安吉尔,天真地以为自己也会被原谅,结论是:NO。安吉尔抛下苔丝远走巴西,实质是什么?苔丝被实实在在地遗弃了,被自己的丈夫,被自己愿意用生命挚爱的人。可能有人可以指责Alec 是个坏人,可是很难指责阿吉尔也是坏人。安吉尔是那样的驯良又自然,完全是神仙眷属中的男主角。可是,就苔丝的一生来讲,最悲剧的部分甚至不是遇到Alec,而是遇到安吉尔。到此,已经有些伤心得写不下去了。从此,苔丝才正式开始自己的苦难生活。就像她最后一次写给安吉尔的信中说的:我并没有做错什么,可是你是怎样待我的呢?这种遗弃在某种程度上比死还可怕,那个人还在,还承认她是名义上的妻子,可是在苔丝的任何境遇中,他均不在场。他不保护,不承担,不提供任何支持。可是,苔丝还是爱安吉尔,用生命去等待,去忍耐,等待他回心转意。最高潮的部分是苔丝在和Alec 重逢,被Alec纠缠不休后第一次给安吉尔写信,这是在孩子夭折后苔丝这样一个逆来顺受的弱者的第二次呼喊:你快回来吧,来保护我。这也是她最后一次的呼求。         这本书最精彩的在于,似乎作者从来不在意情节的展开和铺排,笔触愿意在哪儿停留就在哪儿停留。到这里,故事的高潮似乎还没有到来,但是文章的篇幅已经几乎用尽了。接下来的情节是苔丝因为家里情况所迫,父死,全家被赶出原有的房子,在不得已的情况下接受了一直追求她的Alec 的资助,和自己最不喜欢的Alec 在一起。然后,这时候,收到了信的安吉尔回来找她了。两个人的会面是在苔丝和Alec 的住所,对于苔丝来讲,最不可能发生的事情发生了。她是在对安吉尔彻底绝望之后才在新的现实中找到了自己的位置,可安吉尔是她此生的理想。一个因循的人会接受命运的安排,中国人常讲的认命,可是苔丝没有。这是全书中苔丝唯一一次反抗。她的怒正应了那句“若士必怒,伏尸二人,流血五步”,她不再求助于牧师,不再寄望于安吉尔,只依靠自己,而她所有的,不过是一条命罢了。当一个人在所有际遇上都走入死局,不仅不能有幸福,亦不能有对幸福的企盼,流血五步就成为必然甚至也是唯一的结局。苔丝在死前和安吉尔在一起五天,这五天是她此生全部的生活。他们其实并没想有将来,苔丝其实到死,也并不能相信安吉尔对她的爱始终不渝。她认为死去很好,这样就不会活着看到安吉尔瞧不起她。这个包袱与其说是社会让她背上的,不如说是安吉尔让她背上的。也许在社会制度的碾压之外,人尚且有可以重生的机会,就是得到无私的爱。可是苔丝和大多数人一样,没有这样的幸运。她曾经在逆境中一次次努力,期待好的,等待安吉尔回心转意。最后,她终于放弃了。玉石俱焚,是她最终的选择。这个故事看似平常,却是在一片美好中开始,在惊心动魄中落幕。一个始终纯洁良善的人,最终不仅杀了人,自己也身首异处。人们看到了开始,看到了结局,可是在苔丝身边的每个人,是否曾经问过自己,在苔丝的命运里,他们扮演了怎样的角色?如果社会制度不是那样,如果她的家庭不是那样。如果不遇到Alec 和安吉尔,她的命运是否有被改写的机会?可是什么都没有发生。胡适说:“善恶皆不朽。”这句话我引用过很多次。因为它可以时刻提醒自己对社会和他人可能产生的影响。如果社会制度可以有人格,希望它回望身后,不要看到被自己碾压而过的尸体;希望每个人在自己的行为可能对他人命运产生影响的时候,有悲悯之心。每一个被践踏、被撕毁的生命,可能都是苔丝。
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锤基:ThorxLoki,出自漫威盾冬:美队x冬兵,出自漫威狼队:金刚狼xScott,出自x战警虫绿:蜘蛛侠x小绿魔(这个是戴涵涵和加菲那 版的),出自超凡蜘蛛侠al:阿拉贡x莱戈拉斯(真人cp也很好嗑,永远的VO,永远的中土)出自指环王ec:万磁王xx教授,出自x战警福华:卷福x花生(还有衍生cp奇异玫瑰,因为潮爷和本尼分别演了ross和奇异博士,ross音同rose),出自神夏贾妮:Jarviesx钢铁侠,出自漫威其实我本人站的是邻居组,一对真人cp挺冷的,是本尼x抖森
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人肉农场只有一部哎。电影很恶心。现在国内看不了。人肉农场由Nora Yessayan,Alec Gaylord,Ken Volok等人主演,电影在2018年上映。故事讲述一对年轻夫妇在路边小饭馆停下来吃肉后被绑架并像农场动物相同对待。在乡下旅行时,Nora和她的男朋友Alec在越野住宿加早餐旅馆停留了一晚。当他们醒来时,发现他们被困在笼子里,就像被蒙面人员办理的农场中的动物相同供应肉类和牛奶。剧情介绍:人肉农场讲的是一个恐怖故事,讲述一对夫妇在路边小饭馆吃饭,结果被绑架,被犯人像动物一样对待,提供农场动物一样的肉和牛奶等,最后沦为盘中餐。人类被捕捉,然后圈养起来,男性当肉鸡,女性当奶牛。后来男主逃出来,去找女主,不过农场很大,两人还是被捉回去了,再次关起来。最后女主和自己救下的同伴还是沦为了盘中餐。人肉农场电影本来非常新颖的点子,硬生生拍的昏昏欲睡,没有很扣主题,虽然隐喻的意思好像到了,但缺乏对其想表达的思想的着重描写,整体看下来犹如隔靴搔痒。另外演员演技也比较尴尬,顺便吐槽下关女主的这个笼子看上去是不是太脆弱了,你当关的是仓鼠吗?只能说本片是一手好牌打的稀烂。
2023-01-11 16:28:181


又见James Ivory的作品,《莫里斯》延续了《看得见风景的房间》(以下简称《房间》)的英式古典,含蓄、华丽又克制。不管是自然风光,女人,还是男人,都散发着养眼怡心的美。两部电影上映时间间隔仅两年,像是姐弟篇。《莫里斯》里好多演员也是再见的熟面孔,据说最初是安排《房间》的男演员Julian Sands出演Maurice的角色,Julian的好朋友John Malkovich扮演Clive。不知何故Julian和John先后退出,最终我们看到了James Wilby和Hugh Grant主演的《莫里斯》。James Ivory的这部电影总是会被人轻易地打上LGBT的标签,但它岂止只是一部有关同性恋的影视作品而已呢?!无论是《房间》里露西对乔治的爱情,还是莫里斯的同性之爱,本质都是关乎个体之人对自我的认知,对自身身份的寻找与追求。一个人对自己的认识越多,就越明白自己的需求,从而越清楚自己的道路通向哪里。莫里斯就是这样,在同性恋被入罪化的年代,他不断觉醒,不断挣扎,完成了自我认知的一步步蜕变,同时走向了自己,获得了身心的自由。 电影一开头,在海边,老师单独向儿时的莫里斯解释一些生理知识,他童言无忌,说长大后不会结婚。到剑桥后的第二年他遇见了Clive,两人情投意合。Clive主动表明了对莫里斯的爱意,莫里斯一开始有排斥,但冷静后沉睡的心灵被唤醒,勇敢笃定地回应了Clive的爱。他翘课与Clive约会。“当灵魂躺卧在那片青草地上时, 世界的丰盛,远超出能言的范围。 观念、言语,甚至像“你我”这样的语句,都变得毫无意义可言。” 但两人的同性举动还是被院长发现了端倪,莫里斯被警告休学,除非写信正式道歉,否则只能辍学。莫里斯单纯又觉醒,如此专注于当下,他服从自己内心的声音,没有屈服于外力的驱使,毫无疑虑地离开了剑桥,停止了学业, 义无反顾回到自己的庄园,担起了一家之主的责任,做了股票经纪人,还享受着与Clive的恋爱。生命对他来说真是一件赏心乐事。 但Risley事件后,Clive停止了与莫里斯的这种“危险关系”,选择与女人结婚。莫里斯痛哭流涕。他彷徨在十字路口,孤独苦闷,又疑虑重重。不仅让Barry医生检查身体器官是否正常,还去看心理医生,释放内心深陷同性之爱的孤独。更重要的是,他困在肉身的牢狱里,经受着头与心的不和谐,身心的不自由。他的内心呼唤觉醒时刻的再次到来。很幸运,他遇到了Alec。Alec让莫里斯获得了身体的愉悦,能量的流动!他感受到“爱不是黑暗兽欲,也不是对虔诚灵性的崇拜,爱同是两者,又超乎其外。” 当Alec要离开英国时,莫里斯请求他留下,跟他在一起。Alec说这会毁了彼此,你的工作怎么办,你的家人怎么办?莫里斯却很淡定,他说工作可以辞了,我们身体强壮,人也不傻,天涯海角总有容身之处,只要两人在一起,任是金钱、社会地位、社会关系都可以放弃。这就是莫里斯,对心灵呼唤的东西没有害怕,永远活在当下,不瞻前顾后,珍惜与Alec难得的相遇、相恋。赫尔曼•黑塞说:“觉醒的人只有一项义务,找到自我,固守自我。沿着自己的路向前走,不管它通向哪里。” 莫里斯赶到Clive的庄园,把他与Alec之间的事告诉了Clive,Clive请求莫里斯不要沉迷在同性的肉体诱惑中。莫里斯却说,我不是来征求你的意见的,只是来告诉你到目前为止发生的一切。结束谈话后,莫里斯迫不及待赶去船屋与Alec汇合。Clive比莫里斯高一年级,他主动向莫里斯袒露了爱意,但他崇尚柏拉图的精神恋爱。在郊外的草地上,莫里斯问他为何不亲吻他?Clive说担心这会破坏和谐,身体、思想与灵魂的和谐。他的这份柏拉图之爱是对虔诚灵性的崇拜吗?还是内心深处有其他的顾虑呢?Risley事件让Clive潜意识里的顾虑有了具体真切的形状,他的心理防线遭受到了碾压式的冲击。他害怕自己与莫里斯之间的关系一旦露出马脚,将重蹈Risley的覆辙,失去自己的头衔,社会地位和财富。思量再三,他认为柏拉图的精神恋爱可以确保自己的未来,所以娶了门当户对的Anne,又盛情邀请莫里斯来他家住。赫尔曼•黑塞说:“对每个人而言,真正的职责只有一个:找到自我。所有其它的路都是不完整的,是人的逃避方式,是对大众理想的懦弱回归,是随波逐流,是对内心的恐惧。” 是的,在那个同性恋被入罪化的年代,Clive找到了一个实用有效的方法规避了现实中的风险。一旦外界的压力不复存在,他又会如何应对他内心的真实需求呢?英格兰到1967年才将同性恋行为“除罪化”。假如Clive那个时候的政治生涯还正当时,他是否就像电视剧《英式丑闻》里的Jeremy Thorpe一样呢?不仅因为Hugh Grant的出演,Clive与Jeremy两人的行为模式与价值观如此相似,把《英式丑闻》视做Clive的番外篇,并无违和感。因为各自不同的爱情观和人生观,莫里斯和Clive选择了不同的人生道路。莫里斯的解脱之路是通向自己的内心,关注当下,为身心找到自由与和平;而Clive更关心“未来”,压抑内心的真实需求,让自己的生命和幸福向集体靠拢。可午夜梦回时,莫里斯的英俊面容依然闪现在Clive的眼前,在向他招手……
2023-01-11 16:28:321


2023-01-11 16:30:154

Bon Jovi

2023-01-11 16:30:306


2023-01-11 16:30:561

alec benjamin为什么叫斑鸠?

2023-01-11 16:31:031


In my opinion, ALEC is a rich and powerful feudal bully, only is restricted in the human body regarding the liver moss silk injury.But the false Angle such hypocrite regarding the liver moss silk injury is fatal.If love is the liver moss silk column of spirit, then is Angle is destroys the liver moss silk the ringleader calamity.Wedding night, after she blows up the courage says own misfortune, Angle speaks also such speech: “I thought originally - any man also can such think - me since gave up marry one to have the status, to have the wealth, has the education wife"s completely plan, I obtained certainly should be the tender and beautiful cheek and the simple chastity.” The words to the Tess attack are ruinous, he chose left, from this time on the liver moss silk hoped broke completely.The liver moss silk was forced to do has been the ALEC lover, she this time was hoped she the husband might rescue her, but Angle has gone to Brazil actually, after caught an illness only then remembered the liver moss silk good, also came back to look for the liver moss silk between, this let the liver moss silk simultaneously be in the hope with to despair, in order to really love the human, the liver moss silk has killed ALEC, in crossed the short happy hour after Angle to die.
2023-01-11 16:31:104


2023-01-11 16:31:301

How do you understand the subtitle of

In Chinese or In English?对不起,我帮不了你,我英语极差!
2023-01-11 16:31:373

alec baldwin有几个女儿

Suburban Girl,女主角是演过吸血鬼猎人巴菲的萨拉米歇尔盖拉
2023-01-11 16:31:503


2023-01-11 16:32:032


2012暮光之城4下:破晓Breaking dawn part22011暮光之城4上:破晓Breaking dawn part12010暮光之城3:月食Eclipse Alec大卫·斯雷德2009暮光之城2:新月New Moon Alec 克里斯·韦兹2009 美国情事2009致命围困2007走出阴影2007朱诺2007神奇的圣诞之旅2006致命紫罗兰/紫外线Ultraviolet Six 科特·维莫尔2006 X战警:背水一战 X-Men: The Last Stand Leech布莱特·拉特纳2006持续惊恐/夺命枪火Running Scared Oleg Yugorsky韦恩·克莱默2006 未知 Lone Hero Kid2005 感谢你抽烟Thank you for smoking2004蝴蝶效应The Butterfly Effect Tommy Miller2004天赐/天赐灵婴Godsend Adam Duncan 尼克.海姆2004重生/转世情缘Birth Young Sean2002我的兄弟守护者 My Brother"s Keeper Young Ellis 电影作品2012暮光之城4:破晓(下)——Alec2011暮光之城4:破晓(上)——Alec2010暮光之城3:月食Eclipse——饰Alec2009暮光之城2:新月New Moon——饰Alec美国情事An American Affair——饰Adam Stafford致命围困/墙中有鬼Walled In——饰Jimmy2007朱诺Juno——饰RPG Nerd走出阴影Normal——饰Brady神奇的圣诞之旅Christmas in Wonderland——饰Danny Saunders2006X战警:背水一战X-Men: The Last Stand ——饰Jimmy/Leech持续惊恐/夺命枪火Running Scared——饰Oleg Yugorsky致命紫罗兰/紫外线Ultraviolet——饰Six2005感谢你抽烟Thank you for smoking——饰Joey Naylor2004蝴蝶效应The Butterfly Effect——饰Tommy Miller As 7重生/转世情缘Birth ——饰Young Sean2002Lone Hero——饰Kid电视作品2007The 4400-The Wrath of GrahamTV episode ....Graham Holt2005-2006Stargate SG-1-The Fourth Horseman: Part 2(2006) TV episode ....Orlin-The Fourth Horseman: Part 1(2005) TV episode ....Orlin2002Night Visions.... Young Tim MaloneShadow Realm(as Cameron Crigger) .... TimDark Angel-She Ain"t Heavy(2002) TV episode (as Cameron Crigger) .... JohnnyMy Brother"s Keeper(as Cameron Crigger) .... Young EllisThe Christmas Secret(as Cameron Crigger) .... Young JerryHigher Ground-Innocence....Young Peter关于《月食》、《新月》卡梅隆·布莱特Cameron Bright 将饰演 Alec亚历克是一个年轻的沃尔图里Volturi“王室”高级的护卫,他是简的孪生兄弟。他看上去几乎跟简一模一样。简可让人有剧烈疼痛的幻觉能力,而亚历克他的特异能力克则是剥夺感官。当一个人受到他的超能力影响后,他们不能看,听,嗅觉或感觉到什么,也就是僵化无感觉了。
2023-01-11 16:32:131


  当看完一本著作后,大家心中一定是萌生了不少心得,何不写一篇读后感记录下呢?是不是无从下笔、没有头绪?以下是我收集整理的`苔丝英文读后感范文(精选3篇),供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。   苔丝英文读后感1   She was seduced by a so-called gentleman—Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men. She was just a girl when she first met that terrible man.   She was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this accident, so she thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong. Maybe God didn"t agree with that, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and life—Angel Chare. Angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why. She said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspoken reason. Angel wasn"t satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess"s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess.   She sat and told everything to Angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven but she was wrong. She was not forgiven, not as she thought she was. The woman pays.   Without Angel"s love, nothing meant anything to her. The result wasn"t important now. Tess was arrested for her murder of that so-called gentleman. Why? She still loved Angel and when he finally went back to her and asked for HER forgiveness, after he regretted what he had done unfair to Tess, she was desperate. That was too late—Alec had always told Tess that Angel would never come back so he won Tess"s trust. Unluckily Angel did come back and found Tess.! Everything was too late!   Tess was deceived and she lost Angel for the second time! The strengh of her love was so strong that she had forgotten the difference between right and wrong. Before that she had done nothing wrong but when she killed Alec, everything really changed! She became a criminal! How could it be? She was as pure and innocent as the good wife in the Bible. Her whole character was honest and faithful. Angel figured out at last that a person should be judged not onlyon what he has done but also on what he wanted to do!Tessdidn"t want to be seduced by man and she had no power to defendherself so she lost her innocence and that"s all! Angel also didthe wrong thing and it was even more serious than Tess"s crime butHE was not blamed for it.   Why it is always the woman who pays? Whythey are always hurt? Why was Tess"s girlish purity lost? Why doesthe wrong man take the wrong woman? Why do the bad often ruin thegood? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Women are too weak!Thousands of years of history have shown us that women have alwaysbeen treated unfairly!Inold China there was a culture, which didn"t think of women as humanbeings. If you asked one if he was the oldest in his family, hewould probably answer “the oldest one” even if he had some eldersisters.   If you asked why then he would say, “Ha, they are notincluded!”Peoplegave birth to many girls in order to have only one boy to keep thefamily name going. They thought girls had no use for the family.They would be married and go to live with their husbands" home andbe their wives some day sooner or later. So they were extremelyhard on girls.Girlsshould be hard working, faithful, loyal, intelligent, and virtuousand the most important thing was she must be a maiden! If herhusband was the first man who touched her then she was a good girl,a good wife no matter how she thought. If she wasn"t, then shewould gain a very bad reputation and nobody would dare to go nearher. What about men? People did not care whether he was anexperienced man or not, nor did they care about his character. Theythought man equals power and power equals rights…Nowlet"s not be so bitter. Nowadays women"s situations have becomemuch better. Some are because of the change of society and some arebecause of civilization. Just let those poor painful women likeTESS be just a memory.   苔丝英文读后感2   Why was Tess"s girlish purity lost? Why did such a beautiful, noble and pure woman as Tess should suffer inevitable ruin? Why does the wrong man take the wrong woman? Why it is always the woman who pays? Why they are always hurt? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Why the tragedy is happened more than one hundred years ago repeated in modern times? Is everything too late?   Recently I"ve read the British famous writer Thomas Hardy"s masterpiece-Tess of the D"urbervilles. It describes the misfortune of a poor peasant girl Tess. In this novel, we can see Tess resist her unjust fate again and again, till to be ruined. With the development of the plot we find that her tragedy is inevitable. We can not but feel the intense emotions of pity and fear.   The cause of Tess"s tragedy has always been the concern of people, such a beautiful, noble and pure woman as Tess should suffer inevitable ruin. What leads to her tragic destiny? Who killed her? I can"t do very well in analysis the novel. I don"t know clearly how the time she lived in affect her life. I do have an understanding of the novel by myself. Alec and Angel who are the two people very closely related to Tess"s fate. I think fierce Alec played a very important role in killing Tess, but in fact, it was hypocritical Angel who killed Tess indirectly but more cruelly.   I wanted to cry, Tess, do not follow him when I read that plot. I hope she met her true love before she was seduced, but everything was too late. She was seduced by a so called gentleman-Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respect her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of man. Women were too weak. Tess was poor, weak and helpless and met the wrong person at the wrong time.   I strongly believed that it was Angel who killed Tess cruelly and without mercy. Angel was a liberal bourgeoisie. He made himself lived in the countryside rather than serving the god. Angel was a man who questioned the church"s teaching. He thought the church"s views were too strict and did not allow free thinking. Angel extricated him from religion and his family, but he couldn"t break with traditional moral principles. He wanted a wife who was the daughter of nature, honest, sensitive, intelligent, graceful, pure as snow and extremely beautiful. In the first part I thought Angel loved tess very much. In the following part I found that he loved an image he imagined. After their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked Tess"s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave angel at once. She innocently thought that the thing she was going to confess would be forgiven. Poor Tess! She sat and told everything to angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven, but she was wrong. The woman pays.   Angel claimed that you were one person, now you are another when tess asked why. The woman Angel had loved was not tess, was another woman in tess"s shape. Angel loved the person he imagined. He considered tess the daughter of nature. Compared to tess"s words, “ I thought angel, that you loved me-me my very self! If you do love me, how can you treat me like this? It frightened me! Having begun to love you, I will love you forever, in all changes, in all troubles, because you are yourself. I ask no more.” we know how deep tess loved angel. She would have laid down life for angel. She not only loved the merits but also accept the demerits. We know from the book that when angel came back from Brazil, he could hardly be recognized by his mother because the cruel climate and hard work had aged him by twenty years, but tess accepted angel immediately, because he was the man she fell in love with.   I don"t know why angel couldn"t forgive tess since he himself had done the similar thing.   苔丝英文读后感3   I think Tess must be a kind-hearted girl.   She endured so much pain, but she never complained about others. When she was young, she missed her best love. Then fate began to play jokes with her. A so-called gentleman cheated her and took away the most important thing of an un-married girl. No matter Tess was regretted or not, people around her, contained the church, all of them thought that she was a bad girl. She couldn"t get married. She couldn"t stay home to wait for her parents" order to get married. She ran away and met her best love. Since she thought that she wasn"t innocence, she stood her deep love of Angel, and put the opportunities to other girls, those who can never compared to her.   At last, she got married to Angel, but the fact of her history made her husband angry and bad-tempered. She tried her best to make her husband happy, but he didn"t care what she had done, how sad she was. Until Angel found that he loved Tess very much, Tess had come back to the disgusted man. True love was a power. Tess killed the man, ran away with Angel, lived in others" house, and be caught by the police. Although Tess would be in prison and be killed, she wouldn"t regret at last. After all, Angel really loved her at last.   Everybody will day dream sometimes. But we won"t care it any time. Tess"s father was a dreamer. We must think about ourselves. When somebody tells us a thing which is far away from our daily life, we must think about it carefully and investigate the fact. We are not fools. If what they say, what you believe, our world will become a mixture. We all know that we are just citizens of China, and students of Kashgar Teachers" collage. Life is life. How can we fall into a hole of imagination? This imagination led Tess to death. That was the result.   In the old times of China, people also had a conception of innocence of girls. But did they think about men? Yeah, at that time, men were the host of world. Women just needed to give birth to babies, teach them, and do housework to their husband. That was a duty. Even though at present, we don"t have a judge on men either. We also meet problems on finding jobs. Because those companies think that our women are terrible. We can"t do many things but men can, we will give birth to babies but men don"t, every month we have several days of mental problems but men don"t. That"s unfair. We do so much, so it is right to give more opportunities to us.   At the ball, Tess missed her love. Nowadays, we need to be brave. And when the opportunity is coming, we must catch it in time. If we lose, we can hardly meet it again. The chance is given to the people who get the ready to. So we should prepare and chance will find us. And we need to learn refusing. If Tess refused to made friends with Alec, maybe she could avoid this disaster. In present times, many children know the relationship between women and men earlier. And also many of them don"t know. Actually, our society need to teach them in order to know what will happen or what they should do to protect themselves. Although most parents think that this is a bad thing beyond virtue, but it tends to the young to learn that.   We need forgiveness. We can see that Tess lived in a religion place, but those people didn"t get the thought of kind-hearted and forgiveness. As we are students who have the relief on Marxism, we have learned to be kind-hearted, but how about them? So we should be an atheism. We learn science, not ghosts.   After Tess went to the farm, she met her love again. She was afraid, was under pressure, and was shy on her first feeling of love. Why should we have a crime feeling after making a mistake? Just correct our mistakes, we are good persons too. Of course, we can not make mistakes if we know they are wrong.   We can not avoid problems either. Tess daren"t to tell Angel the truth. When Angel knew that, he couldn"t accept at once. In our daily life, we can meet many difficulties. And we may make mistakes. At that time, we must think highly of it and face it but not to avoid. Fact will come out unless you don"t do it. Most of us can not accept our relatives" or friends" betray. So face it earlier, maybe we can get forgiveness earlier.   Another important thing was that Tess"s family had many children. The poor environment made her have to approach to Alec. Should the poor do like this? There are many poor men in our country, but they find jobs for themselves, although the job is very hard to do. They make their own money and endure pains.   I just think of my family. I am the only child of my parents. They love me very much. And most of my life, they had a correct way to teach me. And I have grandparents. When I was young, four of them taught me to do housework. They said that I would be a good girl if I listened to them. And I always listened to them, contained other things, which might be wrong now. This winter vocation I went home. I found that they had many wrong conceptions. So I think that if I was as clever as now when I was young, maybe our family would be a good family. But when I think about the development of our society, my parents and grandparents did a good job already. So I regret a little that I love them not so much. And sometimes I quarreled with them. I should talk to them, right? That is to be a good daughter and granddaughter. Their thought
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plot:Jane"s parents sojourn in uncle"s early death, aunt, uncle fell-ill and take her to the orphanage and came to SangEn reinfeldt"s hero, when Mr Rochester, McMaster home tutor, and Mr Rochester temper outlandish, after several contact, Jane fell in love with him. In their wedding, mason the intruder pointed out the castle hovels of attic mad woman is Mr Rochester, McMaster wife, Jane reluctant as mistress, left SangEn reinfeldt"s. Came to a remote place in the minister"s help find a village teacher occupation. The priest put forward to Jane when he got married, she thought Mr Rochester, McMaster. When SangEn reinfeldt"s back when the castle is in ruins. Jane to Mr Rochester, McMaster live Finn, cubed Mr Rochester, McMaster rush toward the arms of... comment:Young country girl Tess Durbyfield goes to work for her aristocratic relatives, the D"Urbervilles, in an attempt at helping her family to raise some money. Her cousin Alec falls in love with her and seduces/rapes her. Written by AnonymousThis made-for-T.V. movie is based very closely on Thomas Hardy"s novel. The film stars Teresa "Tess" Derbeyfield, the sinister Alec D"Urbervilles, and the handsome Angel Clair, with the bleak background of rural Victorian England. Follow Tess through her life, starting as a young and naive sixteen-year-old who knows nothing of the world outside her own home. Follow her as she meets people in her search for job that will change her life forever. When she goes to work for a distant relative, Alec, he falls in love with her and seduces her. When she flees to work as a farmhand, she thought she would escape her troubles and have a chance at happiness. There she falls in love with Angel, and he with her. Watch as a dark love story unfolds between an unlikely couple and how poor Tess deals with the tragic events of her life, trying desperately to deal with fragility of her happiness.
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《你的目光》——Alec Benjamin《你的目光》是由Alec Benjamin录唱的一首歌曲,单曲于2021年6月11日通过华纳音乐集团发行中文名你的目光外文名The Way You Felt歌曲原唱Alec Benjamin我想着你的目光,你带给我的温存,让我放下伪装,一瞬间就失去分寸。可你把我留在这个房间,独自一个人。Now I don"t know.此刻我不知所措当我收到你说要离开的消息,我不禁想要抹去你留下的一切记忆,可一幕幕的画面却已存留在我心里。在我心里。不能找出方向,不能再胡思乱想,可你曾给我希望,我无法遗忘。我想着你的目光,你带给我的温存,让我放下伪装,一瞬间就失去分寸。可你把我留在这个房间,独自一个人。Now I don"t know.此刻我不知所措你含情脉脉的模样,那些温柔的私语。在这寂寞的晚上,不断侵扰我思绪,沉默冰冷的空气使我想,重回到过去。Now I don"t know.此刻我不知所措也许是我错是我自己的问题,没能想清楚我们在一起的意义,你给的伤痕也已划入了我心里,在我心里。不能找出方向,不能再胡思乱想,可你曾给我希望,我无法遗忘。我想着你的目光,你带给我的温存,让我放下伪装,一瞬间就失去分寸。可你把我留在这个房间,独自一个人。Now I don"t know.此刻我不知所措你含情脉脉的模样,那些温柔的私语。在这寂寞的晚上,不断侵扰我思绪,沉默冰冷的空气使我想,重回到过去。Now I don"t know.此刻我不知所措I don"t know, I don"t know,我不知所措 不知如何是好I don"t know, I don"t know.我不知所措 不知如何是好我想着你的目光,你带给我的温存,让我放下伪装,一瞬间就失去分寸。
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《超越时间线第三季》电视剧首播于2014年的3月16日,并于2014年6月22日更新完毕。《超越时间线》系列是Simon Barry 西蒙·巴瑞创制的加拿大电视剧,主角Kiera Cameron琪拉 (Rachel Nichols饰演)从2077年穿越回2012年的温哥华来追踪一个恐怖组织。Kiera Cameron琪拉努力阻止恐怖分子谋划战争改变未来的同时,也想要弥合时间进程并找到回到2077年的世界的方法。在《超越时间线第三季》中,每一集的集标题都有Minute这个单词,寓意时间紧迫,刻不容缓 。故事紧接上一季结尾,被自由职业者Freelancers拘押的琪拉Kiera逃出牢笼并想尽一切办法阻止艾力克Alec改变历史去拯救艾米丽Emily。Alec Sadler做出一个惊人的决定:为了救心爱的Emily一命,他劫持了Kiera回家的机会。Alec的鲁莽行为不仅导致自己被投射到近过去时代,还导致Kiera被一群同样来自未来的「自由战士」(Freelancers)抓住。这些人声称他们「收集」时间旅行者是为了保护历史不被修改。现在Kiera必须面对Alec的背叛所带来的后果,同时争取从「自由战士」手中逃脱。即便她能够逃脱,她也无法判断Alec的行为是否已经改变了未来。
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Blowing in the Wind——读哈代《德伯家的苔丝》

      上周读完《苔丝》,一直想说点儿什么,后来竟失语了。《苔丝》这样的书,以前从来没有卒读,现在想来是那时看不懂。现在也没有读懂多少,但是也足以让人失语。若说现在有什么渴望,就是渴望自己的笔,能像哈代一样一点不差地勾勒出苦难,就用哈代那样单纯的笔触。 最大的苦难不是当事人觉知的苦难,是当事人根本不能觉知的苦难。       苔丝在各种境况中,一直在争取过得好,这一点从来没有改变过。身处那样的家庭,有那样的父母,还有众多弟弟妹妹。她在书中的出场,是身着白裙和村里的姑娘们翩翩起舞,甚至那一刻,她还和自己的一生挚爱安吉尔相遇。这样美丽的场景,让读者们怎样的心生向往,分明是一个完美结局的开头!可是,接下来发生了什么呢?先是家里唯一可以称得上财产的马死了,苔丝不得不接受母亲让她去认亲的安排——去那个暴发户假德伯家。也许悲剧的开场都有点喜庆,就像《奥赛罗》。每个看似鲜花着锦的华丽的袍子上,都有看不得的虱子。哈代让我们看到的人生,不是袍子决定的,是虱子决定的。也许哈代是看出了人生最实质的部分也未可知。       接下来的故事有点老套,好多人写过了,《雷雨》里有,好像哪里都有。富家子弟爱上了自己的帮佣女孩。《苔丝》最富讽刺的地方在于,苔丝这个帮佣,是个真德伯;而那个富家子弟,是个假德伯。即便写这样一个故事,哈代也还是写了那个悲剧女孩苔丝的快乐,她好好侍弄鸡,甚至还和自己讨厌的富家子弟Alec学会了吹口哨,还和同伴们去参加舞会。这要是换个人来写,不知道会把这时的苔丝写得怎样苦大仇深。可是哈代绝不,似乎他也怜惜笔下的人,长夜未央,先让这个苦难的精灵快乐一会儿吧。苔丝和Alec 的交集埋下了她一生苦难的种子。这一段落结束的部分最精彩,就是苔丝决定回自己家,她告诉Alec,有两句话实在太精彩,一是说,如果我曾经爱你,那么我现在就不会如此痛恨自己;还有一句是,我知道说我爱你这对我会有怎样的好处,可是我不爱你。估计现代很多人都不可能有这样的坚决立场了,这个立场背后,是全然的真。苔丝的纯洁是冰里的水,人只可看见,不可触摸。这里的描写是特别耐人寻味的。通篇看下来,有人说Alec很坏,我倒真的没看出来,他就是那个样子,但是却是真实地喜欢苔丝。甚至,在下半部,他遇到苔丝以后,还真诚地向苔丝求婚。悲剧就是这个样子吧,你仔细看每一个人,都看不出坏,可是偏偏就是这个人,能够做出后果极其恶劣的事情来。     苔丝回到自己家,是特别灰暗的一段日子。未婚生子,是一生悲剧的第一幕。可是,哈代还是写到她年轻的生机怎样让她在这样的打击中重新站起来。她似乎不用经任何心理斗争,就接受了自己的孩子,做工,养孩子,没有抱怨,没有犹疑。难怪哈代认为苔丝是最纯净的女性形象。可是,孩子又很快夭折了。她自己给孩子受洗并埋葬后问牧师的话,是苔丝第一次去质问自己生活中发生的事,因为她害怕孩子的灵魂在地狱之火中焚烧。这是苔丝在书中唯一一次作为母亲的角色出现,失去的也是她短暂一生中唯一一个孩子。任何一个母亲,如果在苔丝的境遇中做到了苔丝做到的,就是当之无愧的母亲。      可即便在这样的打击之下,苔丝在奶牛场找到了新的工作,还是开始了另一段新生活。《苔丝》像一幅画卷,浓淡得宜,奶牛场的一段,无疑是书中最亮色的部分。这部分越欢快,越诚恳,越充满希望,后面的悲剧越悲伤,越有穿透人心的力量。她重遇安吉尔。际遇真的是魔鬼。她遇到安吉尔在先,可是在她有了作为女子最不幸的经历之后,他们,重逢了。命运的吊诡,让人不能呼吸。一个悲剧在人们眼里落幕了,带着一个鲜明的结论,可是,有谁知道,悲剧的主角,在以后的人生中遇到了什么,他(她)是怎样背负着这个包袱走完人生余下的路呢?一个不人道的社会制度,经不起这样的叩问,因为会发现这个制度碾压下淋漓的鲜血。苔丝和安吉尔恋爱了,似乎这才是开篇他们相逢的本意。安吉尔在确保父母不会反对自己和苔丝的婚事后,才郑重向苔丝表明心迹。这是怎样的看重和珍爱。那个算不上坏人的Alec,和安吉尔的分野一下子就彰显出来。苔丝知道这才是真爱,可是她伸出双手,却怎样也捧不住这份爱了。命运的这种颠倒安排,也许才是小说永恒的主题,不是生命中不能承受之轻,而是不能承受之重。       经过漫长的求婚过程,经过苔丝的反复挣扎,他们还是结婚了。这个结婚,从开始就充满了不协和音,苔丝坦白的信,安吉尔错过了。婚礼那天的每一个细节都让人心惊肉跳,尤其是,安吉尔特意安排在德伯家的旧宅开始他们的新婚生活。风雨交加,老宅,苔丝的那些阴魂不散又不能给她任何庇佑的祖先们,这一切仿佛一个悲剧音乐中渐强的部分,不看下去,也知道完了,只是,以何种方式完结呢?这个情节也很俗套,苔丝原谅了安吉尔,天真地以为自己也会被原谅,结论是:NO。安吉尔抛下苔丝远走巴西,实质是什么?苔丝被实实在在地遗弃了,被自己的丈夫,被自己愿意用生命挚爱的人。可能有人可以指责Alec 是个坏人,可是很难指责阿吉尔也是坏人。安吉尔是那样的驯良又自然,完全是神仙眷属中的男主角。可是,就苔丝的一生来讲,最悲剧的部分甚至不是遇到Alec,而是遇到安吉尔。到此,已经有些伤心得写不下去了。       从此,苔丝才正式开始自己的苦难生活。就像她最后一次写给安吉尔的信中说的:我并没有做错什么,可是你是怎样待我的呢?这种遗弃在某种程度上比死还可怕,那个人还在,还承认她是名义上的妻子,可是在苔丝的任何境遇中,他均不在场。他不保护,不承担,不提供任何支持。可是,苔丝还是爱安吉尔,用生命去等待,去忍耐,等待他回心转意。最高潮的部分是苔丝在和Alec 重逢,被Alec纠缠不休后第一次给安吉尔写信,这是在孩子夭折后苔丝这样一个逆来顺受的弱者的第二次呼喊:你快回来吧,来保护我。这也是她最后一次的呼求。                这本书最精彩的在于,似乎作者从来不在意情节的展开和铺排,笔触愿意在哪儿停留就在哪儿停留。到这里,故事的高潮似乎还没有到来,但是文章的篇幅已经几乎用尽了。接下来的情节是苔丝因为家里情况所迫,父死,全家被赶出原有的房子,在不得已的情况下接受了一直追求她的Alec 的资助,和自己最不喜欢的Alec 在一起。然后,这时候,收到了信的安吉尔回来找她了。两个人的会面是在苔丝和Alec 的住所,对于苔丝来讲,最不可能发生的事情发生了。她是在对安吉尔彻底绝望之后才在新的现实中找到了自己的位置,可安吉尔是她此生的理想。一个因循的人会接受命运的安排,中国人常讲的认命,可是苔丝没有。这是全书中苔丝唯一一次反抗。她的怒正应了那句“若士必怒,伏尸二人,流血五步”,她不再求助于牧师,不再寄望于安吉尔,只依靠自己,而她所有的,不过是一条命罢了。当一个人在所有际遇上都走入死局,不仅不能有幸福,亦不能有对幸福的企盼,流血五步就成为必然甚至也是唯一的结局。       苔丝在死前和安吉尔在一起五天,这五天是她此生全部的生活。他们其实并没想有将来,苔丝其实到死,也并不能相信安吉尔对她的爱始终不渝。她认为死去很好,这样就不会活着看到安吉尔瞧不起她。这个包袱与其说是社会让她背上的,不如说是安吉尔让她背上的。也许在社会制度的碾压之外,人尚且有可以重生的机会,就是得到无私的爱。可是苔丝和大多数人一样,没有这样的幸运。她曾经在逆境中一次次努力,期待好的,等待安吉尔回心转意。最后,她终于放弃了。玉石俱焚,是她最终的选择。             这个故事看似平常,却是在一片美好中开始,在惊心动魄中落幕。一个始终纯洁良善的人,最终不仅杀了人,自己也身首异处。人们看到了开始,看到了结局,可是在苔丝身边的每个人,是否曾经问过自己,在苔丝的命运里,他们扮演了怎样的角色?如果社会制度不是那样,如果她的家庭不是那样,如果不遇到Alec 和安吉尔,她的命运是否有被改写的机会?可是什么都没有发生。胡适说:“善恶皆不朽。”这句话我引用过很多次。因为它可以时刻提醒自己对社会和他人可能产生的影响。如果社会制度可以有人格,希望它回望身后,不要看到被自己碾压而过的尸体;希望每个人在自己的行为可能对他人命运产生影响的时候,有悲悯之心。每一个被践踏、被撕毁的生命,可能都是苔丝。      说了很多,却远没有鲍勃.迪伦的精炼和深远。希望我们经历的一切,不会是“The answer is blowing in the wind”。直接录下以做本文结语。           Blowing In The Wind How many roads must a man walk down Before they call him a man How many seas must a white dove sail Before she sleeps in the sand How many times must the cannon balls fly Before they"re forever banned The answer,my friend,is blowing in the wind The answer is blowing in the wind How many years must a mountain exist Before it is washed to the sea How many years can some people exist Before they"re allowed to be free How many times can a man turn his head And pretend that he just doesn"t see The answer,my friend,is blowing in the wind                The answer is blowing in the wind How many times must a man look up Before he can see the sky How many ears must one man have Before he can hear people cry How many deaths will it take ‘"Till he knows that too many people have died The answer,my friend,is blowing in the wind The answer is blowing in the wind               文中图片摄于大连
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苔丝的作者托马斯哈代的 英文介绍

In the Victorian period, a rural clergyman in England tells Durbeyfield, a simple farmer, that he is descended from the illustrious d"Urberville family, now extinct; or maybe not. Durbeyfield sends his daughter Tess to check on a family named d"Urberville living in a manor house less than a day"s carriage ride away. Alec d"Urberville is delighted to meet his beautiful cousin, and he seduces her with strawberries and roses. But Alec is no relation to Tess; he has gotten his illustrious name and coat of arms by purchasing them. Alec falls in love with Tess, seduces/rapes her, and she leaves, pregnant; back at home, the baby dies. Some time later, Tess begins work as a milkmaid, and there she meets her true love Angel Clare. Angel believes her completely innocent. They fall in love, but Angel does not learn of her previous relationship with Alec until their wedding night, and rejects her. Deserted by her husband, Tess meets Alec again, and poverty forces her to resume their relationship. Angel returns from travelling abroad, remorseful at his treatment of Tess, but finds her with Alec. Tess murders Alec in order to run away with Angel. They spend one night of happiness together, before she is arrested.
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不知不觉中,《中餐厅》第三季已在意大利西西里岛录制了二十余天的时间,从节目官宣嘉宾开始便一直备受关注。在本季节目中虽然赵薇退出,但是人气明星王俊凯、杨紫加盟节目,黄晓明成为新的店长,御姐秦海璐惊喜加入,还有一位厨艺顶级的大厨,从人员配备方面来讲已是令人非常期待。 在近些天的录制过程中,黄晓明、王俊凯、杨紫等众人的路透照时常曝光,当然王俊凯从17日便已回国仅录制了半季,后面则由王鹤棣接棒。据悉,《中餐厅3》将录制到本月27日,目前已经是尾声部分,而日前路透曝光节目第二季中的常驻嘉宾苏有朋回归节目,引发众人的期待。 在经营中餐厅的这些天里,杨紫的美丽大方勤劳能干获得不少外国客人的喜爱,期间杨紫也与外国客人多次合影,从最近曝光的合影照来看,与刚刚前去中餐厅的时候相比,杨紫的发型已经改变,不再是空气刘海,整个人也愈发的干练,宛如成为一位真正的餐厅营业人员,足见其演技功底。 众所周知,苏有朋在日前赶赴意大利录制《中餐厅3》的最后一期,而路透照也终于曝光,从中可见苏有朋与秦海璐、黄晓婷同框,已是百分百确定苏有朋参加节目录制。 或许是节目录制到了最后,外国客人不舍黄晓明、杨紫等人,几位外国客人专门与餐厅人员聊天并拍下视频,从中可见外国客人用英语问了众人的名字,苏有朋回道:“Alec”,秦海璐与仝卓则分别说了自己名字的英文拼音,到了黄晓明时则说道:“my name is huangxiaoming”,杨紫则是回道:“Andy”,小表情非常可爱。 网友看到后,纷纷评论道:“看到我的宝贝Andy了,安迪,哈哈”,“表白Alec苏有朋!还是辣么帅气迷人”,“苏大厨终于上线了,多么希望多录制几期啊,一期不够看的啊”,“看来是快结束了,估计明后的就回国了吧,很期待的一个综艺节目”,“小猴子真是把营业员这个角色融入到生活了,真的把自己当成营业员了,很入戏。”
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The Tess of the d"urbervilles (Tess) tells the story of a poor innocent girl Tess misery. Tess because parentage, climbed a wealth of distant relatives, only to be millionaires " son Alec is abused. Later Tess to livelihoods, go for a living, and the priest"s son Angel love each other. But when the Angel that Tess back, but she abandoned. In desperation, Tess went back to the surrounded by Alec. At this point after Angel traveled around, deeply regretted not reasonable. But when he found a few adventure Tess, she has been with despair. Distraught anxious, Tess killed Alec, eloped with Angel, but finally the policeman, sentenced to be hanged. The novel criticism at the time distortion hypocritical moral, destruction of villages and peaceful this doctrine values. A traditional propriety that growing up under the pure girl was Alec and Angel--two destructive force of male symbol--. Tess of the unfortunate stimulate mind on society. In the novels of the naturalistic tendency very obvious. Tess was the fates by coincidence step by step to death, just as the author said the credits: the "Jstice" was done, and the President of the Immortals, in Aeschylean phrase, had ended his sport with Tess. " In the novel, the importance of taking into account its criticism of realism and naturalism.
2023-01-11 16:34:563


2023-01-11 16:35:113

Alec asked the policeman_he worked to contact him whenever there was an accident.

C with 是词组 work with 带来的 所以要提前
2023-01-11 16:35:233


额3....我晕了 你要进入编辑球员模式下 在按照这个方式???OK???!!!
2023-01-11 16:35:352

bon jovi的第一个贝斯手为什么离队了呢?

for love
2023-01-11 16:35:443


2023-01-11 16:36:402


三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 品牌故事三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 的创始人Issey Miyake 先生,1970年在东京成立了三宅一生设计室,此后相继成立了三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 国际公司、饰品公司、欧洲公司、美国公司等。三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 是伟大的艺术大师,他的时装极具创造力,集质朴、基本、现代于一体。三宅一生(Issey Miyake) 似乎一直独立于欧美的高级时装之外,他的设计思想几乎可以与整个西方服装设计界相抗衡,是一种代表着未来新方向的崭新设计风格。三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 的设计直接延伸到面料设计领域。他将自古代流传至今的传统织物,应用了现代科技,结合他个人的哲学思想,创造出独特而不可思议的织料和服装,被称为“面料魔术师"。三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 每在设计与制作之前,总是与布料寸步不离,把它裹在、披挂在自己身上,感觉它、理解它,他说:“我总是闭上眼,等织物告诉我应去做什么。”三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 对布料的要求近乎苛刻,让布料商甚至自己亲自进行上百次的加工和改进实在是司空见惯。因而他设计的布料总是出人意料,有着神奇的效果。比如传统的绗缝棉布在三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 用来效果独特神奇,他偏爱稻草编织的日本式纹染、起绉织物和无纺布,独爱黑色、灰色、暗色调和印第安的扎染色。三宅一生(Issey Miyake) 所运用的晦涩色调充满着浓郁的东方情愫。他喜欢用大色块的拼接面料来改变造型效果,格外加强了作为穿着者个人的整体性,使他的设计醒目而与众不同。三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 善长立体主义设计,他的服装让人联想日本的传统服饰,但这些服装形式在日本是从来未有的。三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 的服装没有一丝商业气息,有的全是充满梦幻色彩的创举,他的顾客群是东西方中上阶层前卫人士。三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 在其设计中贯穿着人道的思考,他认为人们需要的是随时都可以穿的、便于旅行的、好保管的、轻松舒适的服装,而不是整天要保养、常送干洗店的“难伺候的”服装。因此三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 设计的褶皱面料可以随意一卷,捆绑成一团,不用干洗熨烫,要穿的时候打开,依然是平整如新。这是服装面料上的一次革命性事件。三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 凭着奇特皱褶的面料,在才子如云的巴黎时装界站稳了脚跟。他根据不同的需要,设计了三种褶皱面料:简便轻质型、易保养型和免烫型。三宅褶皱 (Pleats Please) 不止是装饰性的艺术,也不只是局限于方便打理。他充分考虑了人体的造型和运动的特点。在机器压褶的时候,他就直接依照人体曲线或造型需要来调整裁片与褶痕。现今,三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 已归属著名日本奢侈品集团——资生堂(Sheseido) 旗下[1]。2011秋冬巴黎时装周结束后,三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 现任设计总监藤原大(Dai Fujiwara) 将会离任。◆ 三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 品牌档案:中文名:三宅一生英文名:Issey Miyake,品牌发音:ee-say mee-ya-kee国家:日本创建年代:1970年创始人:Issey Miyake产品类别:男、女装高级成衣、香水、腕表等现任设计师:Yoshiyuki Miyamae历任设计师:Yoshiyuki Miyamae: (2012春夏秀场至今)藤原大 (Dai Fujiwara) : (2007秋冬秀场—2011秋冬秀场)◆ 三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 产品系列:◎ 时装类:三宅一生(Issey Miyake) 时装分为四个线路:三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 高级成衣、一生运动 (Issey Sport) 系列、花木世界 (Plantation) 、三宅褶皱 (Pleats Please) 。◎ 香水类:1994年,三宅一生推出其经典之作——“一生之水”(L"Eau D"Issey ),时至今日,三宅一生 (Issey Miyake) 一生之水女香与一生之水男香一直都是全球各大香水专卖店畅销的高级时尚香水,拥有许多的追随者。“无用”最好看一下电影《无用》恰恰电影本身的力量是最好的了解和改变世界的工具。我们真的在逐渐放弃的是电影的力量。而贾樟柯作为一个艺术家,经常自觉地把自己对于历史和现状的大理解展示在大银幕上,其中涵盖着需要解码的哲学深度。《东》之后纪录片《无用》是一个三段式的结构。广东的衣厂劳工阵列、巴黎的时装设计师马可具有突破性的时尚展示、汾阳人生活中最细腻的“衣与人”原始朴素的关系(是作者兴奋地流露出的故事)。 贾樟柯  完成对于一个艺术家的介绍过程,并不能够引起贾樟柯的实际的兴趣。一种传记的方式只能把传记中的艺术家经验的演示和堆砌转换成导演和观众的疲惫。贾樟柯可以找的方式是把当事人——无用品牌的创始人,纳入到一个共同思考的一个重要的部分,而他退而不以时尚的商业惯性来思考和工作,而是以一个崭新的艺术家的面目为这样的时尚展现——巴黎时装周建立一个开头和结尾的包装。这样的切割反倒是建立了马可——贾樟柯的交流系统。在这样的系统中可以架设一座桥梁,把读解马可的过程复杂化,从而建立了可以思想或者反思的具有挑战意义的理解模式。不仅珍视着马可的创意(如埋葬手工衣服的奇想),同时也让时尚本身的工业过程裸露,进一步把汾阳所关注的朴实无华的前时尚“衣与人”关系与马可的创见形成了一个比照。正是因为范畴的发展和扩大,才能够引起一种议论就是对于时尚的背后所存在的生活处境,马可说的所谓的逐渐找回来的记忆,给这部纪录片找到了生活本身的立足点。《无用》诗意,存在的迂回,存在着应该继续探索的未解之题。叙事因果关系的破除之后的那种现实和历史的关系,那种人与物之间恩怨和亲昵,透露着贾樟柯独特见解。他当然是这个时代不多的能够睁开眼睛,时刻保持着知识分子的智性的人。三段式的目的,显然把贾樟柯的动机在马可天才的创意之外,沿着艺术家的新的能量而建立了一种逃离的话语。用更大的整体性瓜分了马可建立的成功的时尚王国。不是为了暗渡陈仓,却是能够把马可的成功作为新型结构的要件,而不让影像附庸于成功时尚的命题作文,从而不仅拯救了影像的力量,同时也让马可的行为变成一个不脱离生活的具体的解释的一个重要的部分。也让马可的话语更加语录化,成为贾樟柯作品延伸了时尚含义之后的一种鲜艳的注脚。贾樟柯也是少有的可以在命题的天然缺陷之外树立一个诗意结构的姿态,同时也有着并不飘忽的革命的动力,在对“无用”的描述当中实现了另一个作者的在场。也使得影像有了独立的意义,也成就了一种复杂性,就是介入和剥离时尚的过程中,显现了贾樟柯作为作者的广阔的体恤和关怀。后面这个是中国现在比较火的。
2023-01-11 16:36:504


《工匠精神》((美)亚力克·福奇(Alec Foege))电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码: v4j6书名:工匠精神作者:(美)亚力克·福奇(Alec Foege)译者:陈劲豆瓣评分:5.5出版社:浙江人民出版社出版年份:2014-12页数:230内容简介:[内容简介]● 这是一部深入阐述工匠精神的作品。在移动互联网、创新成为年轻人口中热词的今天,工匠和工匠精神的强势回归反映出人们对“创造”的渴望。那么,究竟什么才是工匠精神?工匠精神将如何改变我们的生活?作者通过对美国工匠精神发展史的梳理,给出了这些问题的答案。● 在本书中,作者从美国的第一位工匠富兰克林开始,讲述了工匠精神在美国是如何从萌芽走向爱迪生时代的高峰,如何随着工业的发展陷入低谷,又如何凭借新一代工匠得到复兴的。在作者笔下,工匠精神摆脱了人们心中的固有形象,成为当之无愧的缔造伟大传奇的重要力量。● 本书作者认为,百年来,工匠精神如同一台不知休止的发动机,引领着美国成为“创新者的国度”。它塑造着这个国度,成为其生生不息的重要源泉。正因如此,在如今的移动互联时代,我们比以往更需要工匠精神、更呼唤工匠精神的回归。[编辑推荐]● 本书受到 《自然》杂志、《快公司》杂志联合创始人艾伦·韦伯、《MAKE》杂志总编辑马克·弗劳恩费尔德、著名制片人,数字行业国际大奖威比奖(Webby Awards)设立者蒂法妮·施莱恩、美国2012年度创业人物、AdafruitIndustries创始人莉默·弗雷德联名推荐,由清华大学技术创新研究中心主任陈劲领衔翻译。● 用自己的手去创造东西本来是我们生活中常见的现象,但现在似乎在社会上销声匿迹了。幸好,这本书将工匠精神重新带回我们身边。随着工业化进程的不断推进,工匠精神经历了衰微,又再次在新时代工匠的身上焕发出生机。这本书让人们见识到工匠精神的荣耀回归。它告诉我们,社会的不断发展,依靠的正是这些富有工匠精神的工匠。● 湛庐文化出品作者简介:亚力克·福奇(Alec Foege)毕业于哥伦比亚大学英语专业。畅销书作家,《滚石》杂志特约编辑,《人物》杂志资深撰稿人。投资研究公司Brookside Research LLC创始人。
2023-01-11 16:37:141


2023-01-11 16:37:232

Alec asked the policeman __ he worked to contact him when ever there was an accident.

选C。这是定语从句的用法。 ask to是固定用法。定语部分是whom he worked with..修饰the policeman
2023-01-11 16:37:362


一. 一个纯洁的女人 《德伯家的苔丝》是英国作家托马斯·哈代写于1891年的作品,哈代在小说的副标题中称女主人公为“一个纯洁的女人”,公开地向维多利亚时代虚伪的社会道德挑战。小说讲述了纯洁貌美的女主人公苔丝生于一个贫苦小贩家庭,父亲偶然得知自己是当地极其古老尊贵的德伯家族的后裔,便要苔丝去贵族家攀亲戚,结果却发现这是一个暴发户为了虚荣心改姓德伯而来的伪贵族,而真正的德伯家早已没落。苔丝不幸被少爷Alec诱奸,伤心欲绝的她来到一个温暖而有活力的奶牛农场重新开始新生,在这里她与正直帅气的牧师儿子Angel 相爱并订婚,在新婚之夜她把昔日的不幸向丈夫坦白,却没能得到原谅,两人分居,丈夫去了巴西,苔丝四处做农活艰难求生,苔丝一直写信苦求丈夫回心转意却从来没得到回复。几年后,苔丝再次与Alec相遇,后者纠缠她,心灰意冷的苔丝因家境窘迫不得不与仇人同居,不久Angel 从国外回来,向妻子表示悔恨自己以往的冷酷无情,在这种情况下,苔丝痛苦地觉得是Alec使她第二次失去了Angel 便愤怒地将他杀死。最后她被捕并被处以绞刑,故事最终以悲剧收场。二.是什么毁灭了她? 关键词:自尊;世俗偏见;双亲失职;贫穷1. ‘偶然"的悲剧: Alec d"Urberville诱奸了苔丝的假堂兄Alec是一个十足的花花公子,虽然他对苔丝很好,也会给他家里寄礼物和家用,但他根本没想跟苔丝结婚,不幸发生之后,苔丝拒绝了做他情妇的请求,毅然离开,后来肚子生下一个孩子,没过多久孩子也夭折了。用苔丝妈妈的话说, 这种悲剧时常发生, 过去就过去了,她叮嘱苔丝, 以后千万不要再和任何人提起,换个地方重新开始。至此,故事好像很眼熟,就算在今天也时有听说,但这只是悲剧的开始。2. 贫穷的家庭和有限的阅历苔丝说下如下一段话,当她母亲责怪她,既然不打算跟他结婚的话,就早该小心些, 不要让那些风言风语传出来,甚至还发生这种事情。“你当初为什么不提醒我,男人没一个好东西?你为什么不早点告诉我呀?大家闺秀们都知道该提防什么,怎样去提防,因为她们都看小说,小说里会讲到这些男人的鬼把戏。可是我从来都没有机会去看书,去增长见识,而你又帮不了我!”而贫穷的另一种副作用就是自卑,其实以苔丝的容貌,和快速的学习能力,她算的上是贫农中的lady,她也喜欢探索精神世界,书中有这样一段描述:“灵魂出窍,一种最简单的方法,”苔丝继续说,“就是晚上躺在草地上,用眼睛紧紧盯着天上某颗又大又亮的星星;你把思想集中到那颗星星上,不久你就会发现你离开自己的肉体有好几千里路远了,而你又似乎根本不想离开那么远。”但是,她却不敢去找更轻松一些的工作:她老不去找户内的工作,因为她不知道,有智力,有体力,又干的了,又愿意干的人,无论在哪一界里,都是非常地缺的,她只知道害怕市镇和大户,害怕有钱的,事故深的人家以及礼貌和乡下人不同的人家。3. 骄傲与偏见 Angel Clare在新婚之夜,苔丝听完丈夫对自己过去荒唐的过去的坦白之后,心里松了一口气, 高兴地说,现在好了,我原谅你,我相信你也能原谅我了!然后原谅没有到来,这位新时代的青年,对待新婚妻子贞洁的问题上,仍苦恼地认为,苔丝是不洁的:这位青年本来有先进的思想,善良的用意,是最近二十五年以来这个时代里出现的典型人物,但是虽然他极力想要以独立的见解判断事物,而一旦事出非常,他却不知不觉地还是信从小时候所受的教训,还是成见习俗的奴隶。怀揣着这样的心结,Angel决定远走他乡创业,并承诺苔丝,只要她有困难,随时可以去找他父亲求助。骄傲的苔丝当然没有走出这一步,即使贫困潦倒,最后不得不当了恶魔的情妇。两人分别的时候,作者对男女双方的内心描述都非常细腻,我当下心生的崇拜按下不表。不得不提看到下面这句说的非常有警醒作用:两个人一旦分离,不在共同的居室和共同的环境里,那就要有新的事物不知不觉的生长,把空下的地方填起来,意外的事故阻碍了旧有的打算,往日的计划也就要被忘记了。什么才是真正的纯洁?这个阶段的苔丝,虽然经历了诸多苦难,但由于Angel教了她很多知识,她也从生活中获得了更多阅历,她开始思考,她受到的不公正对待:她向自己发问,贞洁这个东西,一旦失去了就永远失去了吗?如果她能够把过去掩盖起来,她也许就可以证明这句话是错误的了。有机的自然都有使自己得以恢复的能力,为什么唯独处女的贞洁就没有呢?一个人品格的美丑,不仅仅在于他取得的成就,也在于他的目的和动机;他真正的历史,不在于已经做过的事,而在于一心要做的事。有缺憾的人胜过完美无缺的人。三.悲剧是必然的吗? 苔丝的悲剧,也是时代的悲剧。《德伯家的苔丝》成书于1891年,正值英国工业革命之后。19世纪中期,英国已是“世界工场”,工业生产居世界首位,成为当时最发达的资本主义国家,这就是哈代写作的时代背景。在资本主义社会,像血统这样“固定”而“神圣”的东西,因生产和社会关系的变革、动荡,完全可能“烟消云散”乃至“被亵渎”。小说中写到:“诺曼的血统,没有维多利亚王朝的财富作辅助,又算得了什么?”恰好说明了,血统如无财富作后盾,将是无济于事的。在文中我们已经看到,从苔丝失身,到婚姻失败,再到杀人,在苔丝、Angel和作者看来,血统都在起作用,但起的都是反作用。而苔丝就在时代的洪流中,成为了牺牲品。"Justice is done.” 她的一生,只得到这样一句评语。四.悲剧未必是必然的。 结合苔丝的故事想开来,身处变动的社会背景中,平凡人如何安身:掌握自己的命运纵观全文,苔丝几乎没有自主做过抉择,在家全由父母差遣,她母亲知道如何让她顺服去投奔有钱亲戚,和Angel分开后,她也是一心等待丈夫回心转意,全然没有自己的计划,最后丈夫没回来,又由着母亲将她推回了Alec身边,杀人之后,也是全无计划,过一天算一天。如果在人生的重要分叉路,她能由着自己心意选对一回,也不会如此结局。这里我能想到的是美国另一本名著《飘》,女主虽然以现在的眼光来看是自私自利,嫉妒心重的绿茶,但是在当时时代背景下,我还是相当钦佩她能为自己命运博一把,正如那句名言:“明天又是新的一天。” 文章的最后她也和丈夫分开了,但是她相信她有能力改变丈夫的心意。而在那本小说中, 她也展现了她绝对的生存能力,让人相信她能做到这一点。影版名为《乱世佳人》,我觉得颇为贴切了。不要太看重别人的眼光,顺应时代而活如果新青年Angel可以不顾世俗看法,带着苔丝去巴西创业;没落贵族的后代苔丝,遇到了新青年Angel,如果苔丝没有去找旧势力有钱亲戚,而是学习新时代的生存技能,自力更生,那我们看到的也许就是另一个故事了。五.艺术特色和成就 “《德伯家的苔丝》是19世纪英国文学的一颗明珠,奠定了哈代在英国乃至世界文学的地位。在美丽的苔丝身上人们至始至终看到的是她纯洁的本性对逼迫她的恶势力的苦苦挣扎。”(诺贝尔文学奖得主克洛德·西蒙评)“《德伯家的苔丝》的写成,一百多年过去了,女主人公苔丝也早已树立在世界文学画廊之中,这不仅仅因为人们对传统美德有所超越,更因为作品主人公所拥有的人性与灵魂深处的巨大魄力使之成为最动人的女性形象之一。”(英国作家埃利亚斯·卡内蒂评)
2023-01-11 16:37:451

livin"on a prayer是bon jovi与谁合唱的

BON JOVI 乐队唱的 livin"on a prayer是他的早期作品
2023-01-11 16:37:514


  读完一本书以后,相信大家都有很多值得分享的`东西,是时候静下心来好好写写读后感了。现在你是否对读后感一筹莫展呢?以下是我为大家整理的《苔丝》英文读后感范文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。   《苔丝》英文读后感 篇1   She was seduced by a so-called gentleman—Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men. She was just a girl when she first met that terrible man.   She was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this accident, so she thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong. Maybe God didn"t agree with that, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and life—Angel Chare. Angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why. She said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspoken reason. Angel wasn"t satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess"s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess.   She sat and told everything to Angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven but she was wrong. She was not forgiven, not as she thought she was. The woman pays.   Without Angel"s love, nothing meant anything to her. The result wasn"t important now. Tess was arrested for her murder of that so-called gentleman. Why? She still loved Angel and when he finally went back to her and asked for HER forgiveness, after he regretted what he had done unfair to Tess, she was desperate. That was too late—Alec had always told Tess that Angel would never come back so he won Tess"s trust. Unluckily Angel did come back and found Tess.! Everything was too late!   Tess was deceived and she lost Angel for the second time! The strengh of her love was so strong that she had forgotten the difference between right and wrong. Before that she had done nothing wrong but when she killed Alec, everything really changed! She became a criminal! How could it be? She was as pure and innocent as the good wife in the Bible. Her whole character was honest and faithful. Angel figured out at last that a person should be judged not only on what he has done but also on what he wanted to do!   Tess didn"t want to be seduced by man and she had no power to defend herself so she lost her innocence and that"s all! Angel also did the wrong thing and it was even more serious than Tess"s crime but HE was not blamed for it. Why it is always the woman who pays? Why they are always hurt? Why was Tess"s girlish purity lost? Why does the wrong man take the wrong woman? Why do the bad often ruin the good? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Women are too weak! Thousands of years of history have shown us that women have always been treated unfairly!   《苔丝》英文读后感 篇2   Why was Tess"s girlish purity lost? Why did such a beautiful, noble and pure woman as Tess should suffer inevitable ruin? Why does the wrong man take the wrong woman? Why it is always the woman who pays? Why they are always hurt? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Why the tragedy is happened more than one hundred years ago repeated in modern times? Is everything too late?   Recently I"ve read the British famous writer Thomas Hardy"s masterpiece-Tess of the D"urbervilles. It describes the misfortune of a poor peasant girl Tess. In this novel, we can see Tess resist her unjust fate again and again, till to be ruined. With the development of the plot we find that her tragedy is inevitable. We can not but feel the intense emotions of pity and fear.   The cause of Tess"s tragedy has always been the concern of people, such a beautiful, noble and pure woman as Tess should suffer inevitable ruin. What leads to her tragic destiny? Who killed her? I can"t do very well in analysis the novel. I don"t know clearly how the time she lived in affect her life. I do have an understanding of the novel by myself. Alec and Angel who are the two people very closely related to Tess"s fate. I think fierce Alec played a very important role in killing Tess, but in fact, it was hypocritical Angel who killed Tess indirectly but more cruelly.   I wanted to cry, Tess, do not follow him when I read that plot. I hope she met her true love before she was seduced, but everything was too late. She was seduced by a so called gentleman-Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respect her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of man. Women were too weak. Tess was poor, weak and helpless and met the wrong person at the wrong time.   I strongly believed that it was Angel who killed Tess cruelly and without mercy. Angel was a liberal bourgeoisie. He made himself lived in the countryside rather than serving the god. Angel was a man who questioned the church"s teaching. He thought the church"s views were too strict and did not allow free thinking. Angel extricated him from religion and his family, but he couldn"t break with traditional moral principles. He wanted a wife who was the daughter of nature, honest, sensitive, intelligent, graceful, pure as snow and extremely beautiful. In the first part I thought Angel loved tess very much. In the following part I found that he loved an image he imagined. After their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked Tess"s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave angel at once. She innocently thought that the thing she was going to confess would be forgiven. Poor Tess! She sat and told everything to angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven, but she was wrong. The woman pays.   Angel claimed that you were one person, now you are another when tess asked why. The woman Angel had loved was not tess, was another woman in tess"s shape. Angel loved the person he imagined. He considered tess the daughter of nature. Compared to tess"s words, “ I thought angel, that you loved me-me my very self! If you do love me, how can you treat me like this? It frightened me! Having begun to love you, I will love you forever, in all changes, in all troubles, because you are yourself. I ask no more.” we know how deep tess loved angel. She would have laid down life for angel. She not only loved the merits but also accept the demerits. We know from the book that when angel came back from Brazil, he could hardly be recognized by his mother because the cruel climate and hard work had aged him by twenty years, but tess accepted angel immediately, because he was the man she fell in love with.   I don"t know why angel couldn"t forgive tess since he himself had done the similar thing.
2023-01-11 16:38:061

请问大佬有相见恨晚1945年上映的由 西莉亚·约翰逊主演的高清视频在线观看资源吗

链接: 提取码: uqed《相见恨晚 Brief Encounter》导演: 大卫·里恩编剧: A·哈维洛克-艾伦、大卫·里恩、罗纳德·尼姆、诺埃尔·考沃德主演: 西莉亚·约翰逊、特瑞沃·霍华德、斯坦利·霍洛威、乔伊丝·凯里、埃弗利·格雷格、玛格丽特·巴顿类型: 剧情、爱情制片国家/地区: 英国语言: 英语上映日期: 1945-11-26片长: 86 分钟又名: 偷情记(港)、难续未了情、相逢恨晚Laura(西莉亚·约翰逊 Celia Johnson 饰)的生活简单而幸福:有一个爱她的丈夫,一对可爱的儿女。每个周四她都习惯搭火车去附近的一个地方买东西。这天,在火车站旁的一间小餐厅,眼睛被吹进了沙子的她得到了医生Alec(特瑞沃·霍华德 Trevor Howard 饰)的帮助。几天后,她又在餐厅遇到了医生,由于桌子不够,两人便坐在一起吃饭,相谈甚欢。原来医生也已经结婚,每个星期二也来这里的本地医院帮忙。两人约定下星期再见面......频繁的见面和陪伴,让两个已经结了婚的人越来越渴望见到对方,他们知道,他们相爱了......但这样的爱情在那个年代注定无法长久,即使他们深爱着对方,最后也不得不分离。Alec告诉Laura,他即将去遥远的南非,留下了失魂落魄的Laura......
2023-01-11 16:39:102