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now and then是什么意思

2023-05-19 22:43:54

now and then意思是:偶尔;有时;不时。

now and then音标:英 [naʊ ənd ðen],美 [naʊ ənd ðen]。


now look and then 现在想想

now w and then 时而 ; 偶尔 ; 不时 ; 有时

From now on and then 从今而后



一、now and then同近义词:

偶尔;有时every now and again , once in a way。


1、now音标:英 [naʊ],美 [naʊ]。





1、and音标:英 [ənd , ænd] ,美 [ənd , ænd]。



1、then音标:英 [ðen],美 [ðen]。






then是个英文单词,作为副词使用的时候意思是:(指过去)当时,那时;(指将来)到那时,届时;然后;其后;后来;那么;作为形容词使用的时候意思是:当时(任职等)的。 不少的同学在学习then这个英文单词时,觉得有相当大的困难,因为then这个英文单词的用法呈多样化,究竟应该怎么正确使用then这个英文单词呢?下面让我们一起去了解吧。 详细内容 01 "I wasn"t a very good scholar at school." — "What did you like doing best then?" “我在学校时成绩不大好。”——“那么你当时最喜欢做什么呢?” "I can meet you after work. Six o"clock?" — "Fine." — "Six o"clock, then?" “我下班后可以和你碰面。6点可以吗?”——“行啊。”——“那就定6点啦?” 02 If the answer is "yes", then we must decide on an appropriate course of action 如果答案是肯定的,那么我们必须商定合适的行动方案。 We have to do quite a bit of reading, and then we have our ongoing work which would be an essay 我们要进行大量阅读,而且手头有一篇论文要写。 03 The clinic opened for business last October and since then has treated more than 200 people. 该诊所去年10月开业,从那以后已经接诊200多人。 I spent years on the dole trying to get bands together and I never worried about money then. 我多年靠救济金过活,一直在努力组建乐队,那时,我从不为钱发愁。 04 I felt myself blush. Then I sniffed back a tear 我觉得自己的脸红了,接着我吸吸鼻子,不让眼泪掉下来。 New mothers have been observed to touch the feet and hands first, then the body, and then the baby"s face. 人们注意到,新妈妈们先摸摸婴儿的手和脚,接着是身体,然后是脸。 05 "I got a load of money out of them." — "So you"re okay, then." “我从他们那里弄到很多钱。”——“这么说,你还不错喽。” He stood up. "That"s settled then." 他站起身说,“就这么定了。”
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then一、意思adv.(指过去)当时,那时;(指将来)到那时,届时;然后;接着;其后;后来;那么;因此;既然如此adj.当时(任职等)的二、读音英 [ðen] 美 [ðen]三、例句1."I wasn"t a very good scholar at school." — "What did you like doing best then?" “我在学校时成绩不大好。”——“那么你当时最喜欢做什么呢?”四、词汇用法Then:副词,意味着在那个时候,在这种情况下,下一个,或也——“He laughed and thenhe cried.”扩展资料:近义词:Accordingly一、意思adv.照着;相应地;因此;所以二、读音英 [əˈkɔːdɪŋli] 美 [əˈkɔːrdɪŋli]三、例句1.We have a different background, a different history. Accordingly, we have the right to different futures 我们有不同的背景和不同的历史。因此,我们有权拥有不同的未来。四、词汇用法Accordingly强调根据某种原因而得出的结果,它的前面用分号或冒号,但是不用逗号。
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then是然后的意思1、读音:英 [ðen]   美 [ðen] 2、解释:adv、(指过去)当时,那时;(指将来)到那时,届时;然后;接着;其后;后来;那么;因此;既然如此adj、当时(任职等)的3、例句:What did you like doing best then?那么你当时最喜欢做什么呢?4、固定搭配but then但另一方面till then直到那时by then到那时from then on从那时起扩展资料:afterwards1、读音:英 [ˈɑːftəwədz]   美 [ˈæftərwərdz]2、解释:adv.以后;后来3、例句:Shortly afterwards, police arrested four suspects 之后不久,警方逮捕了4名嫌犯。
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一)(无比较级)adv.1)(指过去)那时,当时;(指将来)到那时,届时.eg)We lived in the countryside then.我们那时住在乡村.2)然后;其次;接着;于是.eg)First comes spring,then summer.先是春天,接着是夏天.3)[常用于句首或句尾]那么;就;因而.eg)Then,let"s begin!那么,咱们就开始吧!4)[兼作连词]而且;此外;还有;再者.eg)And then there are other things to do.而且还有其他的事要做.5)[与now,some times 等连用](一会儿……)一会儿又……eg)Now the weather is fine,then cloudy.天一会儿好,一会儿阴.(二)(无比较等级)adj.[作定语]当时的.eg)the then ruler 当时的统治者.
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  then的汉语意思   英 [en] 美 [n]   then 基本解释   副词 然后; 那么; 那时; 话说回来   形容词 当时的; 那时的   相关词组   1. but then : 但另一方面;   2. till then : 直到那时;   3. by then : 到那时;   4. from then on : 从那时起;   5. since then : 其后, 从此一直   then的单语例句   1. His technique involves softening the gum with a blowtorch, spraying it with lacquer then applying three coats of acrylic enamel.   2. From then on, diesel has been the core business of world leading commercial vehicle manufacturer MAN.   3. " I remember what a man in the business told me back then, " she recalls.   4. The partners are then expected to commit to passing on the model of CSR best practice with an additional three business partners of their own.   5. It disposed of the assets of failed savings and loans and then went out of business.   6. They are the ones who possess so much street smarts that they are then processed into theories by business school professors.   7. You get to live your life, have such a busy season and then quieten down a little bit.   8. " But then I knew nothing about tourism, " Yang said.   9. But then there are exceptions, like this summer"s Knocked Up.   then的词典解释   1. 当时;那时;届时;到时候   Then means at a particular time in the past or in the future.   e.g. He wanted to have a source of income after his retirement; until then, he wouldn"t require additional money...   他想退休后有份收入;在那以前,他并不需要额外的钱。   e.g. The clinic opened for business last October and since then has treated more than 200 people.   该诊所去年 10 月开业,从那以后已经接诊 200 多人。   2. 当时的;那时的   Then is used when you refer to something which was true at a particular time in the past but is not true now.   e.g. ...the Race Relations Act of 1976 (enacted by the then Labour Government)...   1976 年的《种族关系法》(由当时的工党政府颁布施行)   e.g. He was known by many for his role in the then record-breaking robbery of the mail train from Glasgow to London in August 1963.   他曾因参与 1963 年 8 月那起发生在从格拉斯哥开往伦敦的邮政列车上的特大抢劫案而恶名昭著。   3. 然后;之后;接着   You use then to say that one thing happens after another, or is after another on a list.   e.g. Add the oil and then the scallops to the pan, leaving a little space for the garlic...   先在锅里放油,然后放入扇贝,留点地方搁蒜。   e.g. I felt myself blush. Then I sniffed back a tear...   我觉得自己的脸红了,接着我吸吸鼻子,不让眼泪掉下来。
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then的英语:英 [ðen] 、美 [ðen]    adv. 那么;然后;当时;而且。adj. 当时的。n. 当时。conj.那时,当时。一、用作副词 (adv.)1、He"ll be looking for a new secretary then?那么,他就要找个新秘书了?2、He took his hat and then left.他拿起帽子,随即离开了。3、We lived in the country then.我们那时住在乡下。4、I"ve sent cards to all my family. Then there"s your family and the neighbours.我已给我全家人都寄去了请帖。还要给你家的人及邻居们寄。二、常用短语:and then、but then、(every) now and thennow then、here and then [then and there]、well, then、what then [then what]
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then的用法讲解如下:1.用作副词,表示“那时”,可用于过去或将来。2.表示“然后”、“接着”,通常与连词 and连用。3.表示“那么”、“既然是那样”、“这么说来”,通常用于句首或句末。then的用法例句1.You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And ifyou do, if you stay positive,then you have a shot at a silver lining你必须全力以赴,最大限度地去努力。如果你这么做,并且保持乐观,你就会看见乌云背后的幸福线。2.It was just then that I chanced to look round.就在那时,我恰好环顾了下四周。3.He then held the man in an armlock until police arrived.然后他反扭住那名男子的手臂让他动弹不得,直到警察赶到。4.Then something seemed to snap in me. I couldn"t endure any more.这时候,我的心里像有个东西突然绷断了一-我再也忍受不了啦。5."His memory must be completely back,then?"- "Just about."“这么说,他的记忆一定是完全恢复了?”一-“差不多。”
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then用作副词时,表示那时,然后,既然如此等含义,可用于过去或将来。用于形容词时,表示当时(任职等)的含义。一.then的释义 adv.(指过去) 当时,那时; (指将来) 到那时,届时; 然后; 接着; 其后;那么; 因此; 既然如此; adj.当时(任职等)的; 二.then的用法 1. 用作副词,表示“那时”,可用于过去或将来。如: We lived in the countryside then.我们那时住在乡村。 He will be free then. 那时他就会有空了。 注:有时可用于某些介词后。如: He will have left by then. 到那时他就会已经离开了。 From then on he worked harder. 从此以后,他工作更努力了。 2. 表示“然后”、“接着”,通常与连词 and 连用。如: Let"s go for a drink and then go home. 我们先去喝一杯,然后再回家。 He went to Paris, and then to London. 他到了巴黎,后又到了伦敦。 注:在口语中有时可不用连词 and 而只用 then。 另外,有时位于句首,其后用倒装句。如: Then came the day of his exam. 接着他考试的那一天到了。 3. 表示“那么”、“既然是那样”、“这么说来”,通常用于句首或句末。如: You say you don"t want to be a teacher. Then what do youwant to be? 你说你不想当老师,那么你想干什么呢? Then you mean to say I am a cheat. 那么你的意思是说我是个骗子。
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hen 英[ðen] 美[ðɛn] adv. 那时;然后;那么;话说回来 adj. 当时的;那时的 [例句]Then she started throwing up.接着她就开始呕吐。
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then 近义词 therefore
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2023-01-11 14:51:484

then与since then的区别?

then 意思是:在那时 用于过去时。since then 意思是:从那以后直到现在用于现在完成时直接引语变成间接引语使用的时态一般都是和过去相关的,例如:过去时,过去进行时,过去完成时,过去将来时等等现在完成时就不对了,所以 then不能改成since then, 而且两者意思也不一样。
2023-01-11 14:52:026


then是可数名词。then可数名词前,表示数量的修饰词。then的意思是“当时,那时”“接着,于是,然后”“还有,而且”“那么,因此”,作“那时”解时可指过去,也可指将来。then作“那么”解时常用于句首或句末,用来缓和语气; 作“然后”解时常位于and之后,所修饰的词语之前,起连接作用。He"ll be looking for a new secretary then?那么,他就要找个新秘书了?He took his hat and then left.他拿起帽子,随即离开了。We lived in the country then.我们那时住在乡下。I"ve sent cards to all my family. Then there"s your family and the neighbours.我已给我全家人都寄去了请帖。还要给你家的人及邻居们寄。
2023-01-11 14:52:291

then 怎么读

英 [ðen]美 [ðɛn]adv. 那时; 然后; 那么; 话说回来adj. 当时的; 那时的网 络那么;那;那时;再1. He wiped his hand across his mouth, then belched loudly. 更多牛津他用手抹了抹嘴,然后打了个响亮的饱嗝。来自《权威词典》2. Cheers then. See you later.告辞了。再见!来自《权威词典》3. By then, Henry seemed less compliant with his wife"s wishes than he had six months before.与六个月以前相比,亨利当时对他妻子的意愿似乎已不那么百依百顺了。来自《权威词典》4. It worked contrariwise—first you dialled the number, then you put the money in.这部电话的操作方式相反,即先拨通号码,然后投入钱币。来自《权威词典》5. At first she demurred, but then finally agreed.她开始表示反对,但最终还是同意了。来自《权威词典》查看更多例句>>
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1. 用作副词,表示“那时”,可用于过去或将来。如:He was in Paris then. 那时他在巴黎。He will be free then. 那时他就会有空了。注:有时可用于某些介词后。如:He will have left by then. 到那时他就会已经离开了。From then on he worked harder. 从此以后,他工作更努力了。2. 表示“然后”、“接着”,通常与连词 and 连用。如:Let"s go for a drink and then go home. 我们先去喝一杯,然后再回家。He went to Paris, and then to London. 他到了巴黎,后又到了伦敦。注:在口语中有时可不用连词 and 而只用 then。另外,有时位于句首,其后用倒装句。如:Then came the day of his exam. 接着他考试的那一天到了。3. 表示“那么”、“既然是那样”、“这么说来”,通常用于句首或句末。如:You say you don"t want to be a teacher. Then what do you want to be? 你说你不想当老师,那么你想干什么呢?Then you mean to say I am a cheat. 那么你的意思是说我是个骗子。注:有时与条件或时间状语从句搭配使用。如:If it"s not on the table, then it will be in the drawer. 要是不在桌上,那就是抽屉里。When I know what really happened, then I shall be able to decide. 当我知道事实真相后,我就可以作决定了。
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2023-01-11 14:53:065

英语Then 的发音

英] [ðen][美] [ðɛn]
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2023-01-11 14:53:375

then怎么读 then读法

1、then读法:英 [ðen],美 [ðen] 。 2、adv.(指过去)当时,那时;(指将来)到那时,届时;然后;接着;其后;后来;那么;因此;既然如此。 3、adj.当时(任职等)的。 4、例句:Things were very different back then.以前那个时候情况大不相同。
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then的意思adv. 那时;然后;那么;话说回来adj. 当时的;那时的;then的用法1. 用作副词,表示“那时”,可用于过去或将来。如:He was in Paris then. 那是他在巴黎。He will be free then. 那时他就会有空了。注:有时可用于某些介词后。如:He will have left by then. 到那时他就会已经离开了。From then on he worked harder. 从此以后,他工作更努力了。2. 表示“然后”、“接着”,通常与连词 and 连用。如:Let"s go for a drink and then go home. 我们先去喝一杯,然后再回家。He went to Paris, and then to London. 他到了巴黎,后又到了伦敦。注:在口语中有时可不用连词 and 而只用 then。另外,有时位于句首,其后用倒装句。如:Then came the day of his exam. 接着他考试的那一天到了。3. 表示“那么”、“既然是那样”、“这么说来”,通常用于句首或句末。如:You say you don"t want to be a teacher. Then what do youwant to be? 你说你不想当老师,那么你想干什么呢?Then you mean to say I am a cheat. 那么你的意思是说我是个骗子。注:有时与条件或时间状语从句搭配使用。如:If it"s not on the table, then it will be in the drawer. 要是不在桌上,那就是抽屉里。When I know what really happened, then I shall be able todecide. 当我知道事实真相后,我就可以作决定了。then的用法例句1. You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining.你需要尽你所能,最大限度地去努力。只要你这么做,只要你能保持乐观,你就会看见乌云背后的幸福线。2. It was just then that I chanced to look round.就在那时,我恰好环顾了下四周。3. He then held the man in an armlock until police arrived.然后他反扭住那名男子的手臂让他动弹不得,直到警察赶到。4. Then something seemed to snap in me. I couldn"t endure any more.这时候,我的心里像有个东西突然绷断了——我再也忍受不了啦。5. "His memory must be completely back, then?" — "Just about."“这么说,他的记忆一定是完全恢复了?”——“差不多。”6. The car passed over the body twice, once backward and then forward.那辆车把那人来回轧了两次,先是倒着轧的,再是往前开着轧的。
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then可以兼做连词,意为“而且,还有”。then还可做副词、形容词。做形容词时,意思为“当时的”如the then ruler 当时的统治者。做副词意思是“然后,接着;(指过去)那时,当时;(用于句首或句尾)那么”。 then的用法 (一)n.[u] (二)(无比较等级)adj. 当时的. the then ruler 当时的统治者. (三)(无比较级)adv. 1、然后;其次;接着;于是. First comes spring,then summer.先是春天,接着是夏天. 2、(指过去)那时,当时;(指将来)到那时,届时. We lived in the countryside then.我们那时住在乡村. 3、[常用于句首或句尾]那么;就;因而. Then,let"s begin!那么,咱们就开始吧! 4、[与now,some times 等连用](一会儿……)一会儿又…… Now the weather is fine,then cloudy.天一会儿好,一会儿阴. 5、[兼作连词]而且;此外;还有;再者. And then there are other things to do.而且还有其他的事要做.
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通常then意思是(指过去)那时,当时;(指将来)到那时,届时.是一般过去式的标志.当表示“其次.接着”讲时,可以用一般现在或一般过去!.  例:They chatted for a while and then went to work.  他们聊了一会儿,然后上班去了.When will the manager be available, then?  那么经理什么时候可以接见我呢?当then[与now,sometimes等连用](一会儿.)一会儿又.:  Now the weather is fine,then cloudy.天气一会儿好,一会儿阴.
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then是一般现在或一般过去时态的标志。 then: adv.(指过去)当时,那时;(指将来)到那时,届时;然后;接着;其后;后来;那么;因此;既然如此。 adj.当时(任职等)的。 扩展资料   Take the first right, then the second left.   在第一个路口向右拐,然后再在第二个路口向左拐。   Take the first road on the left and then follow the signs.   走左边的.第一条路,然后循着路标走。   These, then, are the main areas of concern.   总之,这些是人们主要关注的方面。   Only then did she realize the stress he was under.   直到那时她才意识到他所承受的压力。   Right then, where do you want the table to go?   那好吧,你要把桌子放在哪里呢?
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then 在这句话里面应该是副词.连词应该是"and",但是此句话中"and"省略. 正确完整句子: She gazed at it for some time,and then added... 只有在非正式场合(例如 口语)才能采用例句中的用法.
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2023-01-11 14:57:061

Then I后面该节什么

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then英 [ðen] 美 [ðɛn] adv.然后;那么;那时;话说回来adj.当时的;那时的
2023-01-11 14:57:182


before英 [bɪ"fɔː(r)]     美 [bɪ"fɔːr]    conj. 在 ... 以前;pref. 在 ... 以前;在..前面;adv. 以前;以往;之前。He made a statement before the House of Commons.他在下议院当众发表了一个声明。用法:1、before可用于表示时间。首先,可以表示“先于,在…以前”,其后可以跟表示具体日期、时间等的名词或数词,也可以跟表示时间或动作的名词。其次,可以表示“在做…之前”,后接 v -ing。再次,可以表示“紧接在…之前”。2、before用于否定句还可表示“直到…为止”。注意before之后只能接表示时间点的名词,而不能接表示时间段的名词。3、before可用于表示动态或静态的位置,意思是“在…之前”,与behind相对。
2023-01-11 14:57:3611

so和then 的区别

2023-01-11 14:58:253


then依然是副词,应该是Let me finish the job,AND then we"ll go.and被省了,你那个可能是比较口语的说法.
2023-01-11 14:58:421

then 是什么意思?

2023-01-11 14:58:484


1、该我演讲了、抬头微微瞟了一眼台下的观众,感觉他们所有的眼光都聚集在我身上,我感觉自己不是太帅,从未言讲过,是不是要现丑了……全身微微颤动,心脏更是砰砰的快跳出来,脚紧紧踩着地板脸上。2、到了演讲的这天,来了好多的老师和同学,我的心一下子又提到嗓子眼里了,班主任老师看我很紧张的样子,走上来摸摸我的头,鼓励我说,没关系,别紧张,老师相信你是最好的,加油,你一定会成功。听了老师的一番话后,我真的不紧张了,而是把紧张化为了勇气。 3、第一节课的上课铃声响了,沈老师跨进教室的那一刻,我的心紧张得就像要跳出来似的,非常不安。 4、对我前面的人走出考场时,就意味着决定我“命运”的时刻到来了。我每走一步,心就不由自主地往上“提”高,心跳也加快许多。当我的心快要跳出来是,也就是要见到评委老师时,我的心又放松了许多,心跳也逐渐减慢。5、好紧张好紧张,随着时间的推移,我越来越紧张了。稿子被我手心里的汗渗透了。该我上场时,我竟然奇迹般的平静了下来。我握了握拳头,微笑着对自己说:“加油!”我怀着平静里略带紧张的心,微笑着走上了舞台。6、在我调节心态的不一会时间里该我了,我心跳加速,眼前的一切都是乱七八糟的好紧张呀,一生中从未有过这样紧张,别人给我说好话,我也不顾了,一心想这怎么才不紧张,就在这头脑昏乱中我进去了,拿这准考证走到评委面前说了声:“老师好。”
2023-01-11 14:56:3511


2023-01-11 14:56:371


继电器类型 通用安装类型 通孔端接类型 PC 引脚电路 SPST-NO(1 A 型)触点额定电压 3A @ 30VDC线圈电压 12VDC控制断开电压(最小) 0.6 VDC控制导通电压(最大) 9 VDC线圈电流 16.7mA线圈类型 无锁存,标准无铅状态 Lead FreeROHS状态 RoHS Compliant其它名称 ALD112ALD112255 1457 ND2551457ND255-1457松下继电器
2023-01-11 14:56:401


chasing the moon追逐月亮
2023-01-11 14:56:422


2023-01-11 14:56:423


neither意思是两者皆非。双语例句:1She is neither beautiful nor cute.她既不漂亮也不可爱。2Neither he nor I have seen this video before.他和我之前都没有看过这段视频。3Neither of us wants to go out.我们俩都不想出去。4My mom doesn"t like that skirt, and neither do I.我妈妈不喜欢那条裙子 我也不喜欢5Neither did I.我也没有。6Neither should she.她也不应该。7Neither could we.我们也不行。8Neither of them will come.他们俩都不来。9He didn"t know and neither did I.他不知道,我也不知道。10Neither one of us completed the project.我们俩谁都没做完项目。11These days, I"m neither happy nor sad.这段时间,我既不难过也不快乐。12He is neither my friend nor my acquaintance. I"ve never seen him before.他既不是我的朋友也不是我的熟人。我从没见过他。
2023-01-11 14:56:451


2023-01-11 14:56:461

英语My dog likes chasing cats为什么chase要加ing

您好,因为:like doing sth.=like to do sth。是固定搭配,满意速速采纳,谢谢! 追问: 这样很难记啊。每个单词都几乎有固定搭配,类似like这种用法的单词有几个,like是不是特殊的。 回答: 还有love和他相等。不是特殊的。死记硬背吧,采纳吧!不懂再问。 追问: 是不是有几百个动词有这样的用法?like doing sth是什么意思 回答: 你好,是的。喜欢做某事。
2023-01-11 14:56:502


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2023-01-11 14:56:341

chasing the thief是什么意思

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2023-01-11 14:56:221

Ektor Pan的Chasing Stars的歌词,哪位大神能贴一下啊~谢谢啦~

Lyrics to Chasing StarsYou soak me up in your lightChasing stars in the nightWe can run away and never look behindDoesn"t matter the roadAs long as I"m not aloneCause baby youYou gave my heart a home You soak me up in your lightChasing stars in the nightWe can run away and never look behindDoesn"t matter the roadAs long as I"m not aloneCause baby you, you, youYou gave my heart a home You gave my heart a homeYou soak me up in your lightChasing stars in the nightWe can run away and never look behindDoesn"t matter the roadAs long as I"m not aloneCause baby you How can I even try to explain whyWhen you"re here everything seems to be fineYou get my heart to start acting upAnd it won"t stop Cause only you got what I needYou"re my everythingLike an addict on nicotineI breathe you inYou stain my skinThere"s no cure for this state I"m in You soak me up in your lightChasing stars in the nightWe can run away and never look behindDoesn"t matter the roadAs long as I"m not aloneCause baby youYou gave my heart a homeYou gave my heart a home You soak me up in your lightChasing stars in the nightWe can run away and never look behindDoesn"t matter the roadAs long as I"m not aloneCause baby youYou gave my heart a home Cause only you got what I needYou"re my everythingLike and addict on nicotineI breathe you inYou stain my skinThere"s no cure for this state I"m in You soak me up in your lightChasing stars in the nightWe can run away and never look behindDoesn"t matter the roadAs long as I"m not aloneCause baby youYou gave my heart a home You soak me up in your lightChasing stars in the nightWe can run away and never look behindDoesn"t matter the roadAs long as I"m not aloneCause baby youYou gave my heart a home
2023-01-11 14:56:201