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2023-05-19 22:40:14






hide读音:英 [haɪd];美 [haɪd]    意思:v. 藏;隐瞒;遮避;vt. 鞭打;n. 兽皮1、hide的基本意思是“(把…)藏起来”,可指故意地藏匿不被人发现,也可指偶然或无意地隐藏,有时还指客观上某物被另一物所掩盖。2、hide可引申作“掩饰”解,通常用于事实、感情等方面。hide还可引申作“隐瞒”解,其后常接事实、观点、原因等名词作宾语。扩展资料:hide,conceal这组词都有“掩饰”“蒙蔽”的意思。其区别是:hide是这组词中含义最广泛的词,既可指故意的隐藏,也可指无意中偶然的隐藏,有时还指客观上某物被另一物所掩盖; conceal强调故意将事物隐藏起来,不使他人知道。1、The trees concealed me from view.那些树把我遮住,别人看不见。2、He was thinking the enemy must have hidden themselves somewhere.他在想敌人一定藏在什么地方。
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hide 释义:  v. 藏;隐瞒;遮避vt. 鞭打n. 兽皮音标:英 [haɪd]  美 [haɪd]   词源解说:直接源自古英语的hydan;最初源自西日耳曼语的khuthjanan,意为隐藏。双语例句:She tried to hide her feelings.她设法不表露自己的感情。同近义词:1、camouflage  英 ["kæməflɑːʒ]  美 ["kæməflɑːʒ]    n. 伪装;掩饰;迷彩服v. 伪装;欺瞒They used branches of trees as camouflage.他们用树枝做伪装。2、cover 英 ["kʌvə(r)]  美 ["kʌvər]    n. 封面;盖子;套子;表面v. 覆盖;涉及;包含;掩护;给…保险The front cover of the novel has been torn off.这本小说的封面已被撕掉。3、mask 英 [mɑːsk] 美 [mæsk]    n. 伪装;面罩;面具;[计算机]掩码v. 掩饰;戴面具;遮盖They did so under the mask of charity.他们是打着慈善的幌子这么做的。
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hide,读音:英[haɪd],美[haɪd]。释义:vt. 隐藏;隐瞒;鞭打vi. 隐藏n. 躲藏;兽皮;躲藏处例句:The boy hid behind the door when his parents came home.父母回家时,男孩将自己藏在门后。变形:过去式hid,过去分词hid或hidden,现在分词hiding,第三人称单数hides,复数hides短语:see hide or hair of 见到…的踪影callous hide 起老茧的皮肤hide behind 藏在…背后hide的用法hide用作名词时,意思是“(厚的、粗的)兽皮”,是可数名词。hide指“(人的)皮肤”时,是不可数名词,引申可指“脸皮”,常用于口语中,有时还可引申指“生命”。hide可引申作“掩饰”解,通常用于事实、感情等方面。hide还可引申作“隐瞒”解,其后常接事实、观点、原因等名词作宾语。
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hide 英[haid] 美[haɪd] 过去式:hid 过去分词:hidden hid 现在分词:hiding 易混淆的单词: Hide HIDE 及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi. 1.隐藏 My younger brother hides behind the door. 我弟弟躲在门后. A fox cannot hide its tail. 狐狸的尾巴是藏不住的. 2.躲避;隐匿 及物动词 vt. 1.隐瞒, 掩盖 You"re hiding some important facts. 你在隐瞒某些重要事实. 2.遮住;遮挡 3.掩盖,隐瞒(尤指感情) 名词 n. 1.兽皮, 皮革,毛皮 2.〈口〉人的皮肤 You"d better save your hide. 你还是不受皮肉之苦为好. 3.〈口〉生命,人身安全 He is only worried about his own hide. 他只担心自己的安全. 4.(观看野生动物的)隐蔽处,藏身处 hide 英 [haɪd] 美 [haɪd] vt. 隐藏;躲避,隐匿,躲藏;遮蔽,覆盖 vi. 隐瞒;遮住;遮挡;掩盖 n. 兽皮;生命;人的皮肤;(观看野生动物的)隐蔽处 隐藏; 藏; 藏匿; 皮革 复数:hides 过去式:hid 过去分词:hidden 现在分词:hiding 第三人称单数:hides 1.动词把…藏起来;隐藏 If you hide something or someone, you put them in a place where they cannot easily be seen or found. 【语法信息】:V n He hid the bicycle in the hawthorn hedge... 他把自行车藏在山楂树篱中. They could see that I was terrified, and hid me until the coast was clear. 他们能看出我很害怕,就把我藏起来,直到没有危险了才让我出来. 2. 动词躲藏;隐藏 If you hide or if you hide yourself, you go somewhere where you cannot easily be seen or found. 【语法信息】:V 【语法信息】:V pron-refl At their approach the little boy scurried away and hid... 他们走近时,小男孩急忙跑开藏了起来. They hid themselves behind a tree. 他们躲到一棵树后. 3. 动词捂住(脸);将(脸)埋进 If you hide your face, you press your face against something or cover your face with something, so that people cannot see it. 【语法信息】:V n She hid her face under the collar of his jacket and she started to cry... 她将脸埋在他外套的衣领下,开始哭了起来. He hid his face in his hands again, lost in his own thoughts. 他又用双手捂住脸,陷入了沉思. 4. 动词隐瞒;使不外露 If you hide what you feel or know, you keep it a secret, so that no one knows about it. Lee tried to hide his excitement... 李试图掩饰自己的激动心情. I have absolutely nothing to hide, I have done nothing wrong... 我绝对没有什么好隐瞒的,我没有做错什么. Alison was not the sort of person to hide anything from her dad. 艾莉森不是那种有事瞒着自己父亲的人. 5. 动词掩蔽;遮盖 If something hides an object, it covers it and prevents it from being seen. The man"s heavy moustache hid his upper lip completely... 那个男人浓密的髭须完全遮住了他的上唇. The compound was hidden by trees and shrubs. 大院掩映在树木灌丛之中. 6. 可数名词(狩猎或观察、拍摄野生动物等的)隐蔽处,藏身处 A hide is a place which is built to look like its surroundings. Hides are used by people who want to watch or photograph animals and birds without being seen by them. 7. 可变名词兽皮;毛皮 A hide is the skin of a large animal such as a cow, horse, or elephant, which can be used for making leather. ...the process of tanning animal hides. 鞣制兽皮的工序 ...kangaroo hide. 袋鼠皮 conceal, hide, screen 这些动词均含“隐藏,隐蔽”之意. conceal: 正式用词,多强调有目的、有意识,巧妙地进行隐藏或隐瞒. hide: 普通用词,既可指有意地隐藏,又可指无意或偶然地藏匿. screen: 指把处于被发现的人或物掩盖起来,使其不被发现. skin, leather, fur, hide, peel 这些名词均含“皮,皮肤”之意. skin: 最常用词,指人的皮肤或动物的皮,也可指水果、植物和种子等的外皮. leather: 通常指经过加工的熟皮,可用于制作各种皮革制品. fur: 现多指猫、兔等动物软毛皮,也指其它动物的毛皮. hide: 多指大型动物的厚皮,也指没有鞣的牛、马等皮革. peel: 指剩下的或可以剥去的果皮或蔬菜皮. She could not hide her amusement at the way he was dancing. 她见他跳舞的姿势,忍俊不禁. 2. She could not hide her dismay at the result. 她无法掩饰自己对这一结果的惶恐不安. 3. She made no attempt to hide her displeasure at the prospect. 她没有掩饰自己对将要发生的事很不高兴. 4. She made a gallant attempt to hide her tears. 她强掩泪水. 5. We suspect they are trying to hide something, hence the need for an independent inquiry. 我们怀疑他们在企图隐瞒什么事,因此有必要进行独立调查. 6. She clenched her hands in her lap to hide their trembling. 她攥紧双手放在腿上,以掩饰其颤抖. 7. She manufactured a false story to hide the facts. 她编了一段谎话来掩盖事实. 8. Mary was so embarrassed. She could only hide her face in shame. 玛丽感到特别难堪,她恨不得找个地缝钻进去. 9. Why do you hide your thoughts away from me? 你为什么对我隐瞒你的想法? 10. A surprise that he was unable to hide registered on his face. 他脸上露出掩饰不住的惊讶的表情. 11. You can reckon (up) to 100 while we hide. 我们藏起来时,你从0数到100. 12. The more one tries to hide, the more is exposed. 欲盖弥彰. 13. A thicket makes good cover for animals to hide in. 丛林是动物的良好隐蔽处. 14. The jokes were a mask to hide his sadness. 玩笑是掩盖他内心悲伤的方式. 15. The dog crept under the car to hide. 狗爬到汽车下藏着. 16. Don"t hide your sickness for fear of treatment. 绝不要讳疾忌医. 17. He is only worried about his own hide. 他只担心自己的安全. 18. You"d better save your hide. 你还是不受皮肉之苦为好. 19. He could not hide his embarrassment. 他无法掩盖自己的窘态. 20. He often ganged his pupils to play hide-and-seek. 他经常将学生分成伙玩捉迷藏游戏
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2023-01-11 13:32:152


HIDE么? 你想了解哪方面的啊? 我不是一个很标准的秀饭 只能告诉你 首先 HIDE对感情很专一 对女朋友超级好 他有一个女朋友 是播音主持 是秀的最后一个女朋友 叫松月佳奈子 不是什么美女 身材也一般 但是应该是很有内涵 很会照顾人的女孩子八 HIDE喜欢这一型的 (PS:狂羡慕啊) 第二 HIDE很有才华 是那种出奇的才华 听过他的音乐后你会觉得 哦 原来音乐是可以这样做的啊 (PS:仔细听 听感情 不要听歌词 最好你听不懂歌词) 剩下的就不好列条了 优点太多数不过来 简单给你介绍八 众所周之YO桑的脾气非常爆啊 有时候做事情会不顾后果 经常暴怒 但是HIDE会很冷静的和他在一起分析 很多歌迷的话啊什么的 也都是HIDE向YO转达的 YO说HIDE是团里面最冷静的家伙了 总是从旁协助他这个队长 而且全世界也只有HIDE和taiji 可以将创作思绪游离漂泊的YO拽回来 (PS:yo经常会想一些一般人想不到的事情啊) 你就可见HIDE是个多么有本事的人啊 而且 秀秀做事情是不能用正常的思维去考校的 他干的事(一般人想都想不出来啊) 你要是还想了解什么的话 再听听别人说的八 我对他的了解就这么多了 总之觉得是个传奇的人啊 不行就去吧里看看 (PS:我说的是大吧 不是HIDE吧) HIDE吧里的人比较维护秀 多少就有点愤青 至少我是这么觉得的 不同意的就PIA吧 另外 LS说的没错 他就是一个神一样的存在
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是的,X-JAPAN一大损失hide 死于1998年5月2日。在喝了一晚上的酒之后,大约在第二天凌晨6点多的时候,他的弟弟兼经纪人(松本裕士)将他送抵家门口,由hide的女友(传闻说葬礼以未婚妻身份坐在家属席上)扶他到卧室的床上休息,因为hide常常这样,所以在在一起的女友也没有多在意,然后就自己出去了。一个多小时她回来后去hide的房间查看,但是他并不在他的房间里。之后他被发现在公寓的洗手间里,把毛巾绕成环状挂在内侧门把手上,像是要坐在地上一般,把自已的头吊着……hide的女友立即将他送往医院,在救护车到的时候他还有脉搏,但一直处于意识不明的状态,待救护车到院并进行紧急抢救后仍宣告不治,在上午8时52分他死于急救的东京都立广尾医院。享年33岁。
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HIDE 是怎么死的?

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alt[Alt]n.高音adj.高音的altaltAHD:[²lt] 【音乐】 D.J.[#lt]K.K.[#lt]adj.(形容词)Pitched in the first octave above the treble staff; high.高音调的,高八度的:高音谱表上方第一个八度的;高音调的n.(名词)The first octave above the treble staff.高八度:高音谱度上方第一个八度A note or tone in the alt octave.高八度音符,高八度音调:高音谱表上方八度音中的一个音符或音调Latin altus [high] * see al- 2拉丁语 altus [高的] *参见 al- 2alt[Alt]n., adj.【音】中高音(的)in alt高音的[俚]得意洋洋; 趾高气扬的altaltAHD:[²lt] Music D.J.[#lt]K.K.[#lt]adj.Pitched in the first octave above the treble staff; high.n.The first octave above the treble staff.A note or tone in the alt octave.Latin altus [high] * see al- 2alt n.交互,交流电,交错 Alt = alternate key,备用键;= Automatic Line Test,线路自动测试 ALTAlternate Aerodrome 备用机场,备降机场ALTAltitude 高度ALTAlert 警报ALTAlternate 备份,备降场ALTAltimeter 高度表ALTAltitude Hold 高度保持ALTAltitude 高度ALTAltitude 高度,海拔hide[haid]n.兽皮, 皮革v.剥...的皮, 痛打, 隐藏, 掩藏, 隐瞒, 掩饰hidehide 1AHD:[hºd] D.J.[ha!d]K.K.[ha!d]v.(动词)hid[h¹d] hid.den[h¹d“n] 或 hid,hides及物动词)To put or keep out of sight; secrete.隐藏:把…放在隐蔽处;隐藏To prevent the disclosure or recognition of; conceal:隐瞒:不让别人知道或认出;隐瞒:tried to hide the facts.企图隐瞒事实To cut off from sight; cover up:遮蔽;覆盖:Clouds hid the stars.云层遮住了星星To avert (one"s gaze), especially in shame or grief.躲避,躲藏:避开(某人的视线),特指出于羞愧或悲痛v.intr.(不及物动词)To keep oneself out of sight.隐蔽:藏在看不见的地方To seek refuge.寻找避难所hide outTo be in hiding, as from a pursuer:躲避,潜伏:藏在隐蔽之处以躲避追踪者:The gangsters hid out in a remote cabin until it was safe to return to the city.暴徒们在一个偏僻的小屋中藏了起来,直到能够安全回城Middle English hiden 中古英语 hiden from Old English hþn * see (s)keu- 源自 古英语 hþn *参见 (s)keu- hide,conceal,secrete,cache,screen,bury,cloakThese verbs mean to keep from the sight or knowledge of others.这些动词的意思是使别人看不到或不知道。 Hide andconceal are the most general and are often used interchangeably: Hide 和conceal 最普通且经常可以互换: I used a throw rug to hide (or conceal ) the stain on the carpet. 我用小块地毯(或 conceal ) 将地毯上的污点遮盖起来。 Don"t hide (or conceal ) your money in the cookie jar—it"s the first place a thief would look. 别把(或 conceal ) 你的钱藏在饼干桶里——这是贼首先光顾的地方。 Fog hid (or concealed ) the mountain. 雾遮住了(或 concealed ) 山峦。 She smiled to hide(or conceal ) her hurt feelings. 她用微笑来掩饰(或 conceal ) 被伤害的感情。 “The other America, the America of poverty, is hidden today” (Michael Harrington). “另一个美国,贫穷的美国,则被隐藏了起来” (迈克尔·哈灵顿)。 “The true use of speech is not so much to express our wants as to conceal them” (Oliver Goldsmith).“言语的真正的作用并非过多地表达我们的渴求以至隐藏了它们” (奥利佛·戈尔德史密斯)。 Secrete andcache involve concealment in a place unknown to others; Secrete 和cache 暗指隐藏在一个不为人知的地方; cache often implies storage for later use: cache 常表示为以后的使用而贮藏: The lioness secreted her cubs in the tall grass.母狮子把她的幼崽藏在深密的草丛中。The mountain climbers cached their provisions for the descent in a cave they could easily locate but that was inaccessible to animals. Toscreen is to shield or block from the view of others by interposing something such as a screen: 登山者们把下山给养品藏在山洞里使动物无法取得而他们又容易寻找。 Screen 的意思是用屏风等物隔开从而使别人看不见: Tall shrubs screen the actor"s home from the curious.高高的灌木丛挡住窥视演员住所的好奇目光。Bury implies covering over so as to conceal: Bury 暗含覆盖从而隐藏的意思: buried the treasure;埋藏财宝;buried his hands in his pockets;把手插进口袋;buried the point of the article in a mass of details. Tocloak is to conceal something, such as a thought, a plan, or an intention, by masking or disguising it: 把文章的主旨埋在一大堆细节中。 Cloak 的意思是通过伪装或掩盖来隐藏某物(如思想、计划、意图): “On previously cloaked issues, the Soviets have suddenly become forthcoming” (John McLaughlin).See also Synonyms at block “对以前遮遮掩掩的问题苏联突然变得乐意合作” (约翰·麦克劳林)参见同义词 blockhidehide 2AHD:[hºd] D.J.[ha!d]K.K.[ha!d]n.(名词)The skin of an animal, especially the thick, tough skin or pelt of a large animal.兽皮:动物的皮,特指动物厚密、粗糙的生皮或毛皮及物动词)hid.ed,,hides To beat severely; flog.鞭挞;痛打hide nor hairA trace; a vestige:踪迹;痕迹:haven"t seen hide nor hair of them since the argument.自从那次争论后,我连他们的影子也没看到Middle English 中古英语 from Old English hþd * see (s)keu- 源自 古英语 hþd *参见 (s)keu- hidehide 3AHD:[hºd] D.J.[ha!d]K.K.[ha!d]n.(名词)An old English measure of land, usually the amount held adequate for one free family and its dependents.海得:旧的英国土地测量单位,一般指赡养一家自由农民所必需的土地Middle English 中古英语 from Old English hºd * see kei- 1源自 古英语 hºd *参见 kei- 1hide[haid]n.[英]旧时够养活一家人的土地面积单位(约相当于60 -120 英亩)hidehide 1AHD:[hºd] D.J.[ha!d]K.K.[ha!d]v.hid[h¹d] hid.den[h¹d“n] or hid,hides put or keep out of sight; secrete.To prevent the disclosure or recognition of; conceal:tried to hide the facts.To cut off from sight; cover up:Clouds hid the stars.To avert (one"s gaze), especially in shame or grief.v.intr.To keep oneself out of sight.To seek refuge.hide outTo be in hiding, as from a pursuer:The gangsters hid out in a remote cabin until it was safe to return to the city.Middle English hiden from Old English hþn * see (s)keu- hide ,conceal ,secrete ,cache ,screen ,bury ,cloak These verbs mean to keep from the sight or knowledge of others. Hide andconceal are the most general and are often used interchangeably: I used a throw rug to hide (or conceal ) the stain on the carpet. Don"t hide (or conceal ) your money in the cookie jar—it"s the first place a thief would look. Fog hid (or concealed ) the mountain. She smiled to hide(or conceal ) her hurt feelings. “The other America, the America of poverty, is hidden today” (Michael Harrington). “The true use of speech is not so much to express our wants as to conceal them” (Oliver Goldsmith). Secrete andcache involve concealment in a place unknown to others; cache often implies storage for later use: The lioness secreted her cubs in the tall grass.The mountain climbers cached their provisions for the descent in a cave they could easily locate but that was inaccessible to animals. Toscreen is to shield or block from the view of others by interposing something such as a screen: Tall shrubs screen the actor"s home from the curious.Bury implies covering over so as to conceal: buried the treasure;buried his hands in his pockets;buried the point of the article in a mass of details. Tocloak is to conceal something, such as a thought, a plan, or an intention, by masking or disguising it: “On previously cloaked issues, the Soviets have suddenly become forthcoming” (John McLaughlin).See also Synonyms at block hidehide 2AHD:[hºd] D.J.[ha!d]K.K.[ha!d]n.The skin of an animal, especially the thick, tough skin or pelt of a large,,hides To beat severely; flog.hide nor hairA trace; a vestige:haven"t seen hide nor hair of them since the argument.Middle English from Old English hþd * see (s)keu- hidehide 3AHD:[hºd] D.J.[ha!d]K.K.[ha!d]n.An old English measure of land, usually the amount held adequate for one free family and its dependents.Middle English from Old English hºd * see kei- 1hidecloakconcealcover upmaskpeltscreenskinveildisplayexposerevealshowhide[haid]n.生皮,兽皮,皮革hide隐藏hide兽皮hide 皮革 hide n.隐藏,隐瞒 hide n.隐藏,隐瞒 hide vt.躲藏,隐藏,遮掩;n.生皮,皮革 hide【电学】兽皮,皮革hide【化学;冶金】兽皮hide【化学;冶金】塑料板坯hide【化学;冶金】兽皮hide【化学;冶金】皮革hide【化学;冶金】隐藏hide【化学;冶金】生皮hide【纺织;造纸】皮革,清洗,机械的hide【纺织;造纸】皮革hide 1[haId]vt., vi.hid, hidden, hiding隐藏,把…藏起来He could not hide his embarrassment.他没法掩盖自己的窘态。Where did you hide the money?你把钱藏哪儿了?A fox cannot hide its tail.狐狸尾巴是藏不住的。She hid her feelings.她掩饰了她的感情。躲藏I"ll hide behind the door.我会躲在门后。Don"t hide behind the door. It"s not safe."不要躲在门后,那不安全。"hide 2[haId]n.兽皮人皮I haven"t seen hide or hair of him recently.我近来连他的影子也没有看到。hide 隐藏,隐匿处;【WIN】后面
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hide常用词典牛津词典柯林斯英 [haɪd] 美 [haɪd] vt.隐藏;躲避,隐匿,躲藏;遮蔽,覆盖vi.隐瞒;遮住;遮挡;掩盖n.兽皮;<口>生命;<口>人的皮肤;(观看野生动物的)隐蔽处
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hide是日本音乐人,歌手及作曲人,最有名的是90年代叱咤日本的重金属乐团X Japan的吉他手。视觉系这个名词就是由他所率先提出,使得他被认为是视觉系狂潮中的先驱 英语单词的意思是 隐藏
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vt. 隐藏;隐瞒;鞭打|vi. 隐藏|n. 躲藏;兽皮;躲藏处
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hide1KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 把...藏起来,隐藏[(+from)]His words had a hidden meaning.他话中有话。Where did you hide it?你把它藏到哪里去了?2. 隐瞒[(+from)]My husband never hides anything from me.我丈夫从不对我隐瞒什么。3. 遮掩掉,掩蔽Lies can not hide facts.谎言掩盖不了事实。vi.1. 躲藏,隐藏I ran swiftly up the stairs and hid behind my bed.我快速跑上楼,躲在我的床后。n.1. (观察野兽活动的)隐密场所[C]hide2KK: []DJ: []n.1. 兽皮;皮革[C][U]2. 【口】人的皮肤[U]
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2023-01-11 13:36:249

英语hide怎样造句? 要翻译

hidev.藏,隐瞒,遮避1.I haven"t seen hide nor hair of him.我连他的影子也没见到.2.She tried to hide her feelings.她设法不表露自己的感情.3.I hid the broken plate behind the table.我把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌后...
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hide [haɪd]n. 隐密场所#兽皮; 人的皮肤; 皮革v. 遮掩掉, 掩蔽; 隐瞒; 躲藏, 隐藏; 把...藏起来, 隐藏
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hide...from.. 中文

英语中有关hide from的短语主要有下面3大类情况:1、hide from sb:躲着某人(不跟某人碰面,不让某人找到自己)例句:He often hide from his old friends.2、hide sb/sth from sb/sth:把某人/某物/某事(隐)藏起来不让某人/某机构发现/找到等;例句:You"d better hide your secrets from strangers3、hide sb/sth from doing sth:把某人/某物/某事藏起来,以便不让某个动作行为发生。该结构是第2种情况的变形,用动名词替代名词。
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hide意思是:藏;隐瞒。hide 基本词汇 英 [haɪd]     美 [haɪd]    v. 藏;隐瞒;遮避。vt. 鞭打。n. 兽皮。I hid the broken plate behind the table.我把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌后面了。I hide the message in a cleave in the rock.我把情报藏在石块的裂缝里。语法: hide的基本意思是“(把…)藏起来”,可指故意地藏匿不被人发现,也可指偶然或无意地隐藏,有时还指客观上某物被另一物所掩盖。hide可引申作“掩饰”解,通常用于事实、感情等方面。hide还可引申作“隐瞒”解,其后常接事实、观点、原因等名词作宾语。hide的过去分词可用作形容词,在句中作定语。
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hide意思是:藏;隐瞒。hide 基本词汇 英 [haɪd]     美 [haɪd]    v. 藏;隐瞒;遮避。vt. 鞭打。n. 兽皮。I hid the broken plate behind the table.我把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌后面了。I hide the message in a cleave in the rock.我把情报藏在石块的裂缝里。语法: hide的基本意思是“(把…)藏起来”,可指故意地藏匿不被人发现,也可指偶然或无意地隐藏,有时还指客观上某物被另一物所掩盖。hide可引申作“掩饰”解,通常用于事实、感情等方面。hide还可引申作“隐瞒”解,其后常接事实、观点、原因等名词作宾语。hide的过去分词可用作形容词,在句中作定语。
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hide读音:英 [haɪd];美 [haɪd]    。意思:v. 藏;隐瞒;遮避;vt. 鞭打;n. 兽皮。1、hide的基本意思是“(把…)藏起来”,可指故意地藏匿不被人发现,也可指偶然或无意地隐藏,有时还指客观上某物被另一物所掩盖。2、hide可引申作“掩饰”解,通常用于事实、感情等方面。hide还可引申作“隐瞒”解,其后常接事实、观点、原因等名词作宾语。hide,conceal这组词都有“掩饰”“蒙蔽”的意思。其区别是:hide是这组词中含义最广泛的词,既可指故意的隐藏,也可指无意中偶然的隐藏,有时还指客观上某物被另一物所掩盖; conceal强调故意将事物隐藏起来,不使他人知道。1、The trees concealed me from view.那些树把我遮住,别人看不见。2、He was thinking the enemy must have hidden themselves somewhere.他在想敌人一定藏在什么地方。
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vt.隐藏;躲避,隐匿,躲藏;遮蔽,覆盖 vi.隐瞒;遮住;遮挡;掩盖 n.兽皮;生命;人的皮肤;(观看野生动物的)隐蔽处 复数:hides第三人称单数:hides过去式:hid过去分词:hidden现在分词:hiding 易混淆的单词:Hide HIDE
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hide 躲藏,造句如下,He hides in the closet. 他躲在衣柜中。
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hide的ing形式为hiding. hidehaid 隐藏, 末尾e是不发音的,在加ing时,要把末尾的e去掉,再加ing. 类似的词有make-making, ride-riding, skate-skating等等这些词都套用这个规则。 希望能帮到你。
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vt.隐藏;躲避,隐匿,躲藏;遮蔽,覆盖 vi.隐瞒;遮住;遮挡;掩盖 n.兽皮;生命;人的皮肤;(观看野生动物的)隐蔽处 复数:hides第三人称单数:hides过去式:hid过去分词:hidden现在分词:hiding 易混淆的单词:Hide HIDE
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appear display expose reveal show
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in。hide in1、读音:英 [haɪd ɪn] 美 [haɪd ɪn] 2、释义:(使)隐藏在…(某处)。3、语法:hide的基本意思是“(把…)藏起来”,可指故意地藏匿不被人发现,也可指偶然或无意地隐藏,有时还指客观上某物被另一物所掩盖。4、例句:The dry my tears, I have made you hide in my heart. 晨光风干了我的泪滴,我却把你藏在了心底。
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  hide有藏;隐瞒;遮避等意思,那么你知道hide的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习hide的用法和 短语 例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    hide的用法   hide的用法1:hide的基本意思是“(把…)藏起来”,可指故意地藏匿不被人发现,也可指偶然或无意地隐藏,有时还指客观上某物被另一物所掩盖。   hide的用法2:hide可引申作“掩饰”解,通常用于事实、感情等方面。hide还可引申作“隐瞒”解,其后常接事实、观点、原因等名词作宾语。   hide的用法3:hide的过去分词可用作形容词,在句中作定语。   hide的用法4:hide用作及物动词时,宾语后接from,表示“把某人藏起来或隐瞒某事不让某人知道”; 用作不及物动词时,后接from表示“躲避某人”。   hide的用法5:在美式英语中, hide-and-go-seek相当于hide-and-seek,意思是“捉迷藏”。   hide的用法6:hide用作名词时,意思是“(厚的、粗的)兽皮”,是可数名词。   hide的用法7:hide指“(人的)皮肤”时,是不可数名词,引申可指“脸皮”,常用于口语中,有时还可引申指“生命”。    hide的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   hide among (v.+prep.)   hide away (v.+adv.)   hide from (v.+prep.)   hide in (v.+prep.)   hide out (v.+adv.)   hide with (v.+prep.)   用作名词 (n.)   hide nor hair of   词汇辨析   conceal,hide,screen   这些动词均含“隐藏,隐蔽”之意。   conceal 正式用词,多强调有目的、有意识,巧妙地进行隐藏或隐瞒。   hide 普通用词,既可指有意地隐藏,又可指无意或偶然地藏匿。   screen 指把处于被发现的人或物掩盖起来,使其不被发现。    hide的用法例句   1. You feel an animal panic to run and hide.   你会感到一种本能的恐惧而想要去逃避。   2. She fancied he was trying to hide a smile.   她猜想他正在尽力掩饰笑容。   3. Greta Garbo went to great lengths to hide from reporters and photographers.   葛丽泰·嘉宝想方设法躲开记者和摄影师。   4. This served to hide the confusion and imprecision in their thinking.   这个被用来掩盖他们思想的混乱和不准确。   5. He had pulled the blanket over his body to hide his nakedness.   他把毛毯扯过来裹住自己赤裸的身体。   6. A pistol wasn"t that hard to hide under a loose shirt.   在宽松的衬衣下藏一把手枪并不难。   7. Sam said, "I"m going to hide," and scooted up the stairs.   萨姆说:“我得藏起来”,然后匆匆上了楼。   8. His laugh-a-minute image is just a front to hide his deep unhappiness.   他滑稽可笑的形象只是用来掩饰内心深处痛苦的假面具。   9. There was nowhere to hide and nowhere to run.   无处可藏,也无处可逃。   10. Their mother was trying to hide her two blacked eyes.   他们的母亲想遮住自己被打青的双眼。   11. I have absolutely nothing to hide, I have done nothing wrong.   我绝对没有什么好隐瞒的,我没有做错什么。   12. He ducked his head to hide his admiration.   他低下头以掩饰他的仰慕之情。   13. Lee tried to hide his excitement.   李试图掩饰自己的激动心情。   14. He didn"t hide his pacifism.   他没有掩饰他的和平主义立场。   15. To hide my fright I asked a question.   为了掩饰自己的恐惧,我问了个问题。 猜你喜欢: 1. advantage的用法和短语例句 2. model的用法和短语例句 3. expose的用法和短语例句 4. embarrass的用法和短语例句 5. prime的用法和短语例句
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2023-01-11 13:40:264


hide 英[haɪd] 美[haɪd] vt. 隐藏; 躲避,隐匿,躲藏; 遮蔽,覆盖; vi. 隐瞒; 掩盖; 遮住; 遮挡; n. 兽皮; <口>生命; <口>人的皮肤; (观看野生动物的) 隐蔽处; [网络] 松本秀人; 消隐; 藏; [例句]He hid the bicycle in the hawthorn hedge.他把自行车藏在山楂树篱中。
2023-01-11 13:40:392

Hide 是什么意思?

2023-01-11 13:40:484


英 [haɪd]美 [haɪd]vt. 隐藏; 躲避,隐匿,躲藏; 遮蔽,覆盖vi. 隐瞒; 遮住; 遮挡; 掩盖n. 兽皮; <口>生命; <口>人的皮肤; (观看野生动物的)隐蔽处网 络隐藏;藏;藏匿;皮革复数: hides过去式: hid过去分词: hidden现在分词: hiding第三人称单数: hides派生词:hider hided1. She could not hide her amusement at the way he was dancing. 更多牛津她见他跳舞的姿势,忍俊不禁。来自《权威词典》2. She could not hide her dismay at the result.她无法掩饰自己对这一结果的惶恐不安。来自《权威词典》3. She made no attempt to hide her displeasure at the prospect.她没有掩饰自己对将要发生的事很不高兴。来自《权威词典》4. She made a gallant attempt to hide her tears.她强掩泪水。来自《权威词典》5. We suspect they are trying to hide something, hence the need for an independent inquiry.我们怀疑他们在企图隐瞒什么事,因此有必要进行独立调查。来自《权威词典》
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dodge 强调的是躲避、躲闪;hide强调的是隐藏 dodge vi. ①躲开;闪避; ~ about 东躲西避. I ~d behind a tree so that he should not see me. 我躲在树后使他看不见我. ②逃避责任; He never ~s. 他从不逃避责任. vt. ①躲避; You have to be quick in order to ~ the traffic in city streets nowadays. 要躲避今日城市街上的车辆,你必须十分机敏. ②推托;搪塞; Face your problem boldly instead of trying to ~ them. 勇敢地面对你的问题,不要回避他们. ①躲避; He made a sudden ~ aside. 他迅速向一旁闪开. ②巧计;诡计; ~s used to escape taxation 用来逃脱的诡计. hide vt. 隐藏,隐瞒; ~ oneself 躲起来. ~ one"s feelings 隐藏感情;不流露感情. ~ some important facts 掩盖一些重要事实. ~ the broken plate in the drawer 将破盘子藏在抽屉里. ~ sth behind the table 将某物藏在桌后. ~ one"s face in a handkerchief 用手帕遮面. The future is hidden from us. 未来是我们难以预测的. The moon was hidden by clouds. 月亮被云遮盖了. vi. 隐藏起来;躲藏起来; ~ behind the door 躺在门后. Where"s that book hiding? 那本书藏在哪里? n. (观察野兽的)隐避处 n. ①兽皮,生皮; tan the ~ to make leather 硝皮制革. ②[U](人)皮肤; a thick ~ 厚脸皮.
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hide英 [haɪd]美 [haɪd]释义:n. 躲藏;兽皮;躲藏处;vt. 隐藏;隐瞒;鞭打;vi. 隐藏;短语:Hide隐藏;hide;HideHide Layer隐藏层;隐含层;隐层bull hide公牛皮;牤牛皮
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hide英 [haɪd] 美 [haɪd] vt.隐藏; 躲避,隐匿,躲藏; 遮蔽,覆盖vi.隐瞒; 掩盖; 遮住; 遮挡n.兽皮; <口>生命; <口>人的皮肤; (观看野生动物的)隐蔽处网络松本秀人; 消隐; 藏第三人称单数: hides 复数: hides 现在分词: hiding 过去式: hid 过去分词: hidden
2023-01-11 13:41:441


英语中有关hide from的短语主要有下面3大类情况:1、hide from sb:躲着某人(不跟某人碰面,不让某人找到自己)例句:He often hide from his old friends.2、hide sb/sth from sb/sth:把某人/某物/某事(隐)藏起...
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be hidden from和hide from

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2023-01-11 13:42:053


hide hide名词足够养活一家的土地面积(古代英国法律,约相当于80至120英亩)hide[haId; haid]名词1 (U) (尤指可制成皮革的) 兽皮2 (C)(口语.谑) (人的) 皮肤have a thick ~脸皮厚(感觉迟钝)hide or [nor] hair(口语) [行踪不明的人或遗失物等的] (无) 影踪[of]I haven"t seen ~ or hair of her.我根本没有见到她的影踪tan a person"s hide= tan the hide off a person(口语)痛揍某人; <父母> 打小孩屁股 (作为惩罚)及物动词(口语)狠狠地 (鞭) 打<某人等> (beat)hide[haId; haid](hid[h d; hid]; hid.den[`h d; "hidn],hid)及物动词1 a. 隐藏~ one"s head [face]盖住头[脸](怕 [羞于] 见人)【同义字】hide 有时表示隐藏的意图,有时则否conceal 表示隐藏的意图及不愿被人看到的意愿b. [~ oneself]掩藏,躲藏The moon hid itself behind the clouds.月亮掩藏于云后c. [从…]把<人、东西>藏起来,藏匿<人、东西> [使…看不到] [from]~ a person from the police藏匿某人以避开警方2 a. 掩饰 <感情、意图等>~ one"s intentions掩饰意图b. [对人等] 隐藏 <感情、意图等> [from]He tried to ~ his feelings even from his friends.他设法不在朋友的面前流露出自己的的感情不及物动词躲藏,潜伏He must be hiding behind the tree.他一定躲藏在树后Are you hiding from the police?.你在躲避警方吗?hide away(1) = HIDE out(2) 隐藏<…>[from]hide out[up](为逃避宪警的耳目而) 潜伏,隐藏可数名词1 隐藏处2 (英) (狩猎或观察野生动物用的) 隐蔽场所(cf. blind n.3)
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动词一般现在时,就是正常时态释义hide英 [haɪd] 美 [haɪd]vt.:隐藏; 躲避,隐匿,躲藏; 遮蔽,覆盖vi.:隐瞒; 掩盖; 遮住; 遮挡n.:兽皮; <口>生命; <口>人的皮肤; (观看野生动物的)隐蔽处例句Hehidthebicycleinthehawthornhedge. 他把自行车藏在山楂树篱中。Attheirapproachthelittleboyscurriedawayandhid. 他们走近时,小男孩急忙跑开藏了起来。Shehidherfaceunderthecollarofhisjacketandshestartedtocry. 她将脸埋在他外套的衣领下,开始哭了起来。
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