barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 22:37:04


time 英[taɪm] 美[taɪm]

n. 时间; 次; 时代; 时刻;

vt. 为…安排时间; 测定…的时间; 调准(机械的)速度; 拨准(钟、表)的快慢;

vi. 合拍; 和谐; 打拍子;

[例句]Time passed, and still Ma did not appear


[其他] 第三人称单数:times 复数:times 现在分词:timing 过去式:timed






当次数讲的时候,比如3次就是three times



time的意思是时间。英 [taɪm]  美 [taɪm]    n. 时间;时代;时期;倍;次数;节拍v. 为...…安排时间;计时;[体]在某一时刻击球adj. 时间的;定时的;分期(付款)的;定期的例句:Reading occupies most of my free time.翻译:阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。短语:in time 及时,按时,适时反义词space 英 [speɪs]  美 [speɪs]    n. 空间;处所;太空;空地;空闲;空格;间隙v. 留间隔;分隔;走神;忘记例句:There is plenty of space to move about.翻译:这里有很大的活动空间。短语:block up a space 堵塞场地
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time 音标,英/taɪm/  美/taɪm/ ,可作为名词、动词、形容词。1、作为名词,意为:时间;时代;次数;节拍;倍数。2、作为动词,意为:计时;测定?的时间;安排?的速度。3、作为形容词,意为:定时的;定期的;分期的。4、例句:These activities occupied most of her time. 这些活动占去了她的大部分时间。扩展资料1、同近义词n.[物]时间;时代;次数;节拍;倍数era、age、when、multipleadj.定时的;定期的;分期的regular、stated、periodic、delayed2、同根词词根:timeadj.timely 及时的;适时的timeless 永恒的;不受时间影响的;不合时宜的timed 定时的,同步的;时控的adv.timely 及时地;早n.timing 定时;调速;时间选择timer [电子] 定时器;计时器;计时员,记时员;跑表;延时调节器3、单词变形过去式 timed,过去分词 timed,现在分词 timing,复数 times,第三人称单数 times。
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time [taɪm]n.时间; 时; 次,回v.安排...的时间; 测定...的时间; 为...选择时机; 记录...的时间adj.时间的,定时的,记时的
2023-01-11 12:23:356


time 音标,英/taɪm/  美/taɪm/ ,可作为名词、动词、形容词。1、作为名词,意为:时间;时代;次数;节拍;倍数。2、作为动词,意为:计时;测定?的时间;安排?的速度。3、作为形容词,意为:定时的;定期的;分期的。4、例句:These activities occupied most of her time. 这些活动占去了她的大部分时间。扩展资料1、同近义词n.[物]时间;时代;次数;节拍;倍数era、age、when、multipleadj.定时的;定期的;分期的regular、stated、periodic、delayed2、同根词词根:timeadj.timely 及时的;适时的timeless 永恒的;不受时间影响的;不合时宜的timed 定时的,同步的;时控的adv.timely 及时地;早n.timing 定时;调速;时间选择timer [电子] 定时器;计时器;计时员,记时员;跑表;延时调节器3、单词变形过去式 timed,过去分词 timed,现在分词 timing,复数 times,第三人称单数 times。
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time的用法和知识点如下:1、It"s time for sth . 或 It"s time ( for sb . ) to do sth . 意为:该是……的时候了。This is the time when sb . should do sth . 或The time has come when sb . should do sth . 这两个句型也用来表示“该是……的时候了”,when 引导的定语从句用陈述语气或“should + 动词原形”的形式。例如:This is the time when you should get up .是你该起床的时候了。2、It"s time that...中,that从句中的谓语动词用过去时或用"should+动词原形"(should不能省略)。It"s time we started(It"s time we should start.).我们应该开始了。3、This is the first ( second , last ) time ( that ) sb . has done sth. 意为:是某人第几次……。This is the third time I have been to Beijing . 这是我第三次去北京了。
2023-01-11 12:26:221

time 可数吗

time 可以可数也可以不可数,time当做次数的时候是可数名词,可以说three times或some times time做时间讲时不可数名词,some time 一些时间
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time:[taim]n.时间, 时侯, 时机, 节拍, 期限, 次数, 时期, 比赛限时vt.安排...的时间, 记录...的时间, 计时, 定时vi.打拍子, (...)合拍adj.时间的, 记时的, 定时的, 定期的, 分期的n.DOS命令:显示并允许改变系统时间例句:A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.时间:事件从过去到现在至未来以不可逆转的顺序发生的非空间性的延续An interval separating two points on this continuum; a duration:一段时间:在这种延续中相隔两点之间的间隔;持续时间:用作名词 (n.)1.Only time will tell if you are right.只有时间才能证明你是否正确。2.Reading occupies most of my free time.阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。用作动词 (v.)1.The experienced car racer can always time his start to perfection.那位经验丰富的车手总是能够完美地掌握出发的时间。2.To time a race is to see how long it takes.赛跑计时就是看看比赛要花多少时间。
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time 可数名词“次数” 不可数名词“时间”1.on time按时 time 及时3.from time to time 有时 on time=right now 立刻5.all the time=all the way 一直 time 下次,last time 上次7.time after time=over and over 一次又一次 upon a time 从前 a time 每次 no time=vnever 从未最后,希望我们都能越来越棒噢!
2023-01-11 12:27:304

time 时光 时是可数还是不可数

不可数。表示时间,是不可数表示倍数,是可数,比如 three times(三倍)
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ime 英[taɪm] 美[taɪm] n. 时间; 次; 时代; 时刻; vt. 为…安排时间; 测定…的时间; 调准(机械的)速度; 拨准(钟、表)的快慢; vi. 合拍; 和谐; 打拍子; [例句]Time passed, and still Ma did not appear时间一点点过去,马先生仍然没有出现。[其他] 第三人称单数:times 复数:times 现在分词:timing 过去式:timed
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Time(Times)的用法和注意点: 作“次数”讲,其一般搭配格式如下 I.“基数词等+times+单位时间范围等”(但用once,twice表示一次、两次). We have English classes three times a week.我们每周上三次英语课. II.“序数词等+time(单数)”表示“第几次”: Let us try a second time.让我们做第二次尝试.
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当time表示“次,回”时,是可数名词。例如:how many times a week do you go to the movies?意思是你一周去看几次电影?当表示“时间”为不可数名词。例如:What time is it?意思是现在几点了? time 例句 1.Time,gentlemen,please. 先生们,到时间了。 2.spare-time activities 业余消遣活动 3.It"s make-or-breaktime. 成败在此一举。 4.I don"t begrudge the time. 我并不是吝惜时间。 5.Hurry up,Daniel,it"s Barbietime. 快点,丹尼尔,现在是芭比时间。 time 词组 same time 同时 in time 及时,适时 all the time 始终,一直 for the first time 首次,第一次 long time 长期的
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all the time始终 time after time 一次又一次地;重复地 time and again 一次又一次;重复地 bide one"s time 等待良机 from time to time 有时;偶尔;时常 have no time for 没时间做(某事) in no time (at all) 立刻;赶快;马上 keep time (钟表)走得准 many a time 常常;多次 on time 准时;按时 The train arrived on time. 火车准时到达.
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时间time为不可数名词,但是当time表示“次,回”时是可数名词。表示“时期,时世,时代,境况,当代”时用复数形式。例句:Only time will tell if you are right.只有时间才能证明你是否正确。time相关例句1.Do it yourself ─ I don"t have time.你自己做吧——我没时间。2.I won"t take up any more of your time.我不再占用你的时间了。3.By that time the new system should be up and running.到那时这个新系统应该会运转起来了。4.We"ll have a great time, you"ll see.你瞧着吧,我们会很开心的。
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at a time 同时,一次in time 及时on time 准时all the time 一直 from time to time 有时,不时地for the time being 暂时at the time 那时at one time 过去ahead of time 提前in good time 早,及时地in no time 很快地have a good time 玩得很愉快it"s about time 是...时候了/该...once upon a time 从前spare time 业余时间spend time 花时间做某事just in time 在最后的时候,刚好kill time 消磨时间time and again 经常,一再all the time始终 time after time 一次又一次地;重复地bide one"s time 等待良机 from time to time 有时;偶尔;时常 have no time for 没时间做(某事) keep time (钟表)走得准 many a time 常常;多次
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time:美式发音[taɪm];英式发音[taɪm]time,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词、动词。1、作为名词时意为“时间;时代;次数;节拍;倍数;(Time)人名;(俄)季梅;(英)泰姆;(罗)蒂梅”。2、作为形容词时意为“定时的;定期的;分期的”,作为动词时意为“计时;测定…的时间;安排…的速度”。短语搭配dead time 死区时间 ; 停滞期 ; 时滞 ; 死时间Lead Time 提前期 ; 前置时间 ; 生产周期 ; 备货时间Free time 自由时间 ; 空闲时间 ; 全日自由活动at a time 一次;每次 at one time 曾一度双语例句1、Have you got time to call him? 你有时间给他打电话吗?2、We"ll take a cab to save time. 我们坐出租车,好节省时间。3、The journey time is two hours. 旅程时间为两个小时。
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time的英音是[taɪm],美音是[taɪm]。time的意思是时间、钟点、时刻、为…安排时间、选择…的时机;乘以。time的双语例句1、Do it yourself-I don"t have time. 你自己做吧-我没时间。2、I won"t take up any more of your time. 我不再占用你的时间了。3、This will be a problem for some time to come. 这将是未来一段时期里的一个问题。4、What"s the time, by the way? 顺便问一句,几点钟了?5、There"s a time to work and a time to play. 工作、玩耍皆有时。6、I"ve told you time after time not to do that. 我一再告诉过你不要干那件事。7、It wasn"t so good as last time. 这次不如上次好。
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time 和 times 的区别

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翻译成: .到...的时候已经 ,主句用完成时时态bythetimetheygethere,we"llhavefinishedthework.等他们到这里时,我们会已经把工作做完。
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time 什么时候加s

当 次数、年代、倍数时加s
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in free time
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time 英语怎么读

time 英语读为:英[taɪm]    美[taɪm]   。造句一:Wasting a persons time is the same as killing him for his property.浪费他人的时间无异于谋财害命。造句二:It"s high time this leakage of information was put a stop to.是结束这种泄密现象的时候了。造句三:We had a big time there.我们在那玩得非常痛快。Children, it"s time to pick up and have supper.孩子们, 该收拾吃晚饭了。造句四:Mary now has a new man in her life Marriage again, third time lucky.玛丽现在又找了一个男人,又结婚了。这第三回会成功吗?造句五:You can reach me at any time at your convenience by dialing 3845520.你可以在方便的时候随时拨打3845520。造句六:If this time has passed, seek the assistance of your OB/GYN.如果已经超过一年的话,那么就咨询下你的妇产科医生吧。
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1、time after time 屡次2、in time 及时,按时,适时...3、time and again 多次 4、in good time 及时地5、against time 争分夺秒(赶时间...6、at a time 每次7、for the time being 暂时,目前,眼下...8、from time to time 有时9、all the time 一直,始终10、at the same time 同时11、on time 准时
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time 音标,英/taɪm/  美/taɪm/ ,可作为名词、动词、形容词。1、作为名词,意为:时间;时代;次数;节拍;倍数。2、作为动词,意为:计时;测定?的时间;安排?的速度。3、作为形容词,意为:定时的;定期的;分期的。4、例句:These activities occupied most of her time. 这些活动占去了她的大部分时间。扩展资料1、同近义词n.[物]时间;时代;次数;节拍;倍数era、age、when、multipleadj.定时的;定期的;分期的regular、stated、periodic、delayed2、同根词词根:timeadj.timely 及时的;适时的timeless 永恒的;不受时间影响的;不合时宜的timed 定时的,同步的;时控的adv.timely 及时地;早n.timing 定时;调速;时间选择timer [电子] 定时器;计时器;计时员,记时员;跑表;延时调节器3、单词变形过去式 timed,过去分词 timed,现在分词 timing,复数 times,第三人称单数 times。
2023-01-11 12:34:172

time 可数吗

time 可以可数也可以不可数,time当做次数的时候是可数名词,可以说three times或some times time做时间讲时不可数名词,some time 一些时间
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time表示时光是可数的。 time: n.(以分钟、小时、天等计量的)时间;(钟表所显示的)时间,钟点,时刻;(世界某一地区所计量的)时,时间; v.为…安排时间;选择…的时机;计时;测定…所需的时间;在某一时刻击球; 第三人称单数: times复数: times现在分词: timing过去式: timed 扩展资料   It wasn"t so good as last time.   这次不如上次好。   It"s time to put our plan into operation.   现在应该执行我们的计划了。   By the time you get there the meeting will be over.   等你到了那里的.时候,会议就该结束了。   Take as much time as you like.   你想花多少时间就花多少时间。   It was a time of peak demand for the product.   那是对该产品需求最旺的时期。
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time可数。n. (以分钟、小时、天等计量的)时间;(钟表所显示的)时间,钟点,时刻;(世界某一地区所计量的)时,时间;(某事发生或应该发生的)时间,时候;一段时间,某段日子;(可以用来做某事的)时间;时代,时期;当代,时代潮流(the times)v. 为……安排时间;把握(击球、射门等)的时机;为……计时,测定……所需的时间conj. 乘以adj. 定时的,定期的,分期的【名】 (Time)(俄)季梅,(罗)蒂梅,(英)泰姆(人名)短语TIME WARNER 时代华纳 ; 时代华纳公司 ; 时代华纳集团 ; 华纳公司Time Machine 时间机器 ; 时光机 ; 时光机器 ; 待梦磨心Response Time [电子] [计] 响应时间 ; [电] 反应时间 ; 回应时间 ; 应答时间Full-time 全职 ; 全日制 ; 全时同根词词根: timeadj.timely 及时的;适时的timeless 永恒的;不受时间影响的;不合时宜的timed 定时的,同步的;时控的adv.timely 及时地;早n.timing 定时;调速;时间选择timer [电子] 定时器;计时器;计时员,记时员;跑表;延时调节器timeliness 及时;时间性;好时机timekeeper 计时员;钟表;工作时间记录员timekeeping 计时;时间记录timelessness 永恒,不朽;不受时间影响
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time 表示“时间”的时候,是不可数名词.而表示“次数”的时候,是可数名词. 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:)
2023-01-11 12:35:091


不可以。time英 [taɪm]     美 [taɪm]    n. 时间;时代;时期;倍;次数;节拍;v. 为…安排时间;计时;[体]在某一时刻击球;adj. 时间的;定时的;分期(付款)的;定期的。Reading occupies most of my free time.阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。近义词:age英 [eɪdʒ]     美 [eɪdʒ]    n. 年龄;时代;时期;长时间;v. (使)变老;(使)陈化。age的基本意思是“年龄”“年纪”,引申还可指“长时间”, age还可指具有某种显著特征,或以杰出人物命名的历史时代,也指地质学、考古学中的“时代”。The child is at an impressionable age.这孩子正处于易受影响的年龄。
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一﹑time常用句型  1. It‘s time for sth. 是做……的时候了。  2. It‘s time (for sb.) to do sth. 是(某人)该干……的时候了。  3. It‘s (high) time + that从句(that可以省略,从句谓语动词用虚拟语气)是某人(早)该干某事的时候了。  4. It (This / That) is the first (second, third ……) time + that从句(从句要用现在完成时)。这(那)是某人第一(二、三……)次干某事。如主句谓语动词是过去时,则that从句要用过去完成时。  5. by the time引导的时间状语从句。若从句用一般现在时,主句要用将来完成时;若从句是一般过去时,主句要用过去完成时。  6. each time(每次),next time(下次), any time(任何时候)等词组引导的时间状语从句。  7. the first / second / third …… time 可以引导时间状语从句。  二﹑time构成的词组  at the time; at that time; at one time; at a time  at the time通常用于过去时句子中,指某件事情发生的“当时”、“那时”。例如:  Many people saw the strange thing happen at the time. 当时,许多人都看到了这件奇怪的事情的发生。  有时,at the time的后面可接“of...”短语。这时,它表示“在(某事态)发生的时候”或“在……的时代”。例如:  Were you in San Francisco at the time of the big earth quake in 1989﹖  1989年旧金山发生地震时,你在那里吗?  It happened at the time of King Alfred. 事情发生在阿尔弗雷德国王时期。  at that time 则通常指前文明确提到的某个时期、时候。通常其后不带“of...”短语。例如:  In the 17th century much corn was grown in Tibet and Sichuan.At that time  (=At the 17th century) the land along the Changjiang River was becoming very crowded.  at one time=during a period of time in the past意为“过去有一段时期”,“曾经”。例如:  They used to be good friends at one time. 他们曾经是好朋友。  at a time则意为“一次”,表示一个时间单位。它常与表示数量的词语连用,表示频率。例如:  Don"t speak all at once.One at a time, please. 不要同时一起说。一次只一个人说。  Take the medicine three times a day and three pieces at a time. 这些药每天服三次,每次服三粒。
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【近义词】occasion场合 age年龄 period一段时间 rhythm节奏 era纪元 measure措施 tempo拍子 clock时钟 duration持续时间 spell拼写 term学期 meter公尺 opportunity机会 generation代 epoch 时期 opening开口 interval间隔 chance可能性 while当 ... 的时候... sentence句子 day白天 year年 run跑 stage舞台 century百年 count计算 calculate计算 record唱片 schedule时间表,日程... program节目 programme方案 timetable时间表 plan计划 date日期 instance例子 clip夹住 clock time时钟时间 prison term刑期 metre米 fourth dimension第四维
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n. 时间;次数;时代;节拍;倍数adj. 分期的;定期的;定时的这是最基础的了。一定要懂的。
2023-01-11 12:36:004

关于time 的固定搭配及相应语法

at the same time: 同时。it"s time to: 是干。。。的时候了。from time to time:一次又一次的。in time:及时
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一、二者在是否可数上不同。time译为时间时,一般为不可数名词(很少情况下意为“一段时间”时可数)。time译为次数时为可数名词(单数是time,复数是times)。例如:1.The world exists in space and time.世界存在于空间与时间之中。2.Time heals all wounds.时间能够治愈所有创伤。3.Although she came second their times were only a tenth of a second apart。尽管她屈居第二但时间与第一名仅差十分之一秒(表示时间段时可数)4.I told you a dozen times not to do that.我一再(不下十次)告诉你别那样做。二、二者在用法上有所不同。译为时间时前面一般没有修饰语,译为次数时前面一般有某个修饰词语。例如:1.this/that/another/next/last……time这次、那次、另一次、下次、上次2.接数字He failed his driving test five times.他考驾照五次都没及格。
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against time 争分夺秒地,尽快地:时限很快就要到了地: worked against time to deliver the manuscript before the deadline. 争分夺秒地工作以便在最后期限到来前交出手搞 at one time 同时的 曾经:在过去的某一时刻或某段时期 at the same time 但是,然而 at times 有时;间或 behind the times 过时的;陈旧的 for the time being 暂时的 from time to time 时时;间或 high time 早已超过时间: It"s high time that you started working. 你早该开始工作了 in good time 及时,迅速:在合适的一段时间内 及时:在到期时或在此之前 迅速地 in no time 几乎马上地;立刻 in time 及时:在时限到来之前 最后,终于:在不定的时间内;最终: In time they came to accept the harsh facts. 他们最终承认了严酷的事实 on time 按时,准时:按时间表的;准时的(地) 以分期付款方式地 time after time 一次又一次地;重复地 time and again 一次又一次;重复地 time of (one"s) life 非常愉快的经历: We had the time of our lives at the beach. 我们在海滩上度过了最愉快的时刻 time on (one"s) hands 无事可做的间隙
2023-01-11 12:36:461

爸爸妈妈烧菜时的动作 50字左右

2023-01-11 12:33:5415


这是一组关于雪的诗句(词),细读起来可以理解作者是通过不同的视野和角度去描写雪的。不仅描写的手法不同,而且抒发的情感也各有不同。在描写上,有的作者对雪的性格进行了深刻的刻画;有的作者对雪的状态进行了细致形象的描写;有的作者通过比较的手法使雪更加形象化,有的作者则将自己的情感直接寄托与雪之中。这些诗句千古流传,我们在日常的积累过程中,一定要全方位,尽可能更加丰富的积累,才能运用自如,不然引用起来必然要出现牵强附会的现象,造成引用不得体。今天来老师把这一组诗句奉献给你,希望你能收录在自己的文件夹中。 梅须逊雪三分白,雪却输梅一段香。(卢梅坡) 雪似梅花,梅花似雪,似和不似都奇艳(吕本中) 墙角数枝梅,凌寒独自开;遥知不是雪,为有暗香来(王安石) (这三句诗句,是巧妙地运用了雪与梅花在颜色、季节以及她们给人以春天来临的希望上,进行了相互村托的描写。我们也可以借鉴作者的手法,把自然界中很多相关的事物,通过自己的合理想象,利用映村的方法,把事物写具体逼真) 才见岭头云似盖,已惊岩下雪如尘;千峰笋石千株玉,万树松罗万朵云。(元稹) 六出飞花入户时,坐看青竹变琼枝(高骈) (这两句诗的前半部分,描写的是典型的北方雪天的情景,"是典型的"千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭""的足不出户的恶劣天气。但是,诗句的后半部分,作者通过自然景色抒发的情感,却是积极向上的,作者通过"千株玉、万朵云、琼枝",把北国的冬天变得温情脉脉,不在因雪而凌厉肃杀。作者把自己热爱大自然、热爱生活的激情表达的具体贴切。从中我们可以得出结论,对自然景物的描写,必须与自己丰富的心理世界结合起来,才能真切感人。) 山回路转不见君,雪上空留马行处(岑参) 云横秦岭家何在,雪拥蓝关马不前(韩愈) 这两句诗是作者运用雪去表达人与人之间的真挚情感。这是典型的借景生情的表现手法,这种手法是借助对自然景色渲染,让读者在情感上产生共鸣。 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开(岑参) 雪消门外千山绿,花发江边二月晴(欧阳修) 雪与春天,这是我们对诸多写雪的诗句最熟悉的。这两句诗,表达了作者饱满的热情和乐观的人生观。作者利用诗句,为我们提供了一个万紫千红的春天画卷,提示我们联想春天的美丽,正是文学作品对人思想的启迪。 燕上雪花大如席,纷纷吹落轩辕台。 地白风色寒,雪花大入手(李白) 这是李白直接描写大片雪花的诗句,我们可以直接引用来描写雪。我们要学习诗人通过细致观察、进行形象刻画的创作品质。 战退玉龙三百万,败鳞残甲满天飞(张元作) 这是作者经过大胆的想象,把雪写成是天上一场激战而飘下的龙鳞,赋予雪以侠客的性格。在环境氛围和心理感觉与之相适应时,可引用这比较独特诗句。 柳絮因风起(谢道蕴) 帘外雪初飘,翠幌香凝火未消。独坐夜寒人欲倦,迢迢,梦断更残倍寂寥。(沈佩) 这是雪与人的静思之情的很好结合,是封建社会才女的寂寥,窗内窗外人与雪的情景交融,反映了一定的社会背景,这是文学作品与一定的社会背景有联系的典型例子。 年代:宋 作者:吴潜 作品:暗香 内容: 雪来比色。对澹然一笑,休喧笙笛。莫怪广平,铁石心肠为伊折。偏是三花两蕊,消万古、才人骚笔。尚记得,醉卧东园,天幕地为席。回首,往事寂。正雨暗雾昏,万种愁积。锦江路悄,媒聘音沈两空忆。终是茅檐竹户,难指望、凌烟金碧。憔悴了、羌管里,怨谁始得。 --------------------- 年代:元 作者:元无名氏 作品:八声甘州 内容: 一团春雪,抛在玉炉中煎。炎炎进火不住添。要晓得通红无焰烟。须管莫亏折,斤两依然。如此三千。锻炼待不摇不动,方可为禅。全真养命,只在恁么之间。家园自有甘露泉。要浇灌黄芽长瑞莲。 ------------------- 年代:唐 作者:朱湾 作品:长安喜雪 内容: 千门万户雪花浮,点点无声落瓦沟。全似玉尘消更积, 半成冰片结还流。光含晓色清天苑,轻逐微风绕御楼。 平地已沾盈尺润,年丰须荷富人侯。 ----------------------- 年代:唐 作者:卢纶 作品:出山逢耿湋 内容: 云雪离披山万里,别来曾住最高峰。 暂到人间归不得,长安陌上又相逢。 --------------- 年代:唐 作者:焦郁 作品:春雪 内容: 散漫天涯色,乘春四望平。不分残照影,何处断鸿声。 缭绕先经塞,霏微近过城。因风低未敛,带雨重还轻。 干吕知时泰,如膏候岁成。小儒同品物,无以答皇明。 春雪空蒙帘外斜,霏微半入野人家。 长天远树山山白,不辨梅花与柳花。
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英文名:Fire Sorcerer日文名:ファイヤーソーサラー中文名:火焰巫师星数:4罕贵度:平卡N卡种:效果怪兽 属性:炎种族:魔法师攻:1000防:1500所在卡包:SM,DL 3效果:反转:自己的手卡随机选2张除外。对方受到800分的伤害。八位密码:27132350英文名:Hiita the Fire Charmer日文名:火霊使いヒータ中文名:火灵使 茜塔星数:3罕贵度:平卡N卡种:效果怪兽 属性:炎种族:魔法师攻:500防:1500所在卡包:EE 3,TLM(404)效果:反转:只要这张卡在场上表侧表示存在,获得对方场上一只炎属性怪兽的控制权。八位密码:00759393英文名:Familiar-Possessed - Hiita日文名:凭依装着-ヒータ中文名:凭依装着-茜塔星数:4罕贵度:平卡N卡种:效果怪兽 属性:炎种族:魔法师攻:1850防:1500所在卡包:EEN(406),EE 4效果:把自己场上一只「火灵使 茜塔」和一只炎属性怪兽送去墓地,从手卡或者卡组特殊召唤。这个方法特殊召唤成功时,获得下面的效果●这张卡攻击守备表示怪兽时,攻击力超越守备力的数值,那个数值给与对方基本分的伤害。八位密码:04376658英文名:Blazing Hiita日文名:燃え盛るヒータ中文名:盛燃之茜塔星数:4罕贵度:平卡N卡种:效果怪兽 属性:炎种族:魔法师攻:800防:1500所在卡包:EOJ(408),EE 4效果:可以把自己场上除这张卡以外的一只炎属性怪兽做祭品,从手卡特殊召唤一只炎属性怪兽。这个效果一回合只能使用一次。这个效果特殊召唤的怪兽,在「盛燃之茜塔」从自己场上离开的场合破坏。八位密码:92518817
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2023-01-11 12:33:501

timing 是什么意思?

2023-01-11 12:33:504

拜托了,急啊!勇敢的心 英文观后感

Hills, bagpipes, mist, the word “Scotland” written along the bottom of the screen – it can only be one place. That"s right, Wales. Nah, only joking – as if anyone would ever make a film about Wales.Mel Gibson both directed and starred in this tartan-clad epic about William Wallace, the legendary Scottish freedom fighter/terrorist who, even way back in the 14th Century, had already had enough of the English going on about winning the World Cup in 1966. So, armed with just some rocks, a few hundred muck-dwellers and an extremely peculiar accent, he led a nation to fight for freedom from English tyranny. Or something along those lines.It"s actually fairly appropriate to be so vague about all of this, because nobody really knows all that much about the real Wallace (and most of what we do know comes from a poem). You could spend a lifetime picking apart the historical inaccuracies in the flick, and there would still be those who"d disagree with what you found.Because of that, how much enjoyment you can get from this 177-minute beast depends largely on your willingness to accept Wallace as a charmer with biting wit and a permanently clean-shaven chin. As the sort of bloke beautiful French princesses would hand over national secrets to simply because of the way he looks at them. Or even just as a guy who doesn"t smell like moss.The most breath-taking, if gruesome, parts of the movie are the incredibly lifelike battle scenes. Putting them together must have been an immense project to undertake, but you"ve got to hand it to Gibbers – he does it very, very well. He also makes a likable hero figure, providing you can put to the back of your mind the fact that he"s basically playing the original ned.Personally I find the movie far too long, particularly as parts of it play like a TV advert for the Scottish Tourist Board. In one scene, for example, Wallace sprints to the top of a mountain and just stands there, kilt billowing, for no apparent reason. Anyone who"s ever worn a kilt will of course know that the last place you"re likely to linger is a-top a windy Scottish mountain. Talk about “freedom”!!2Long before The Passion of the Christ, Mel Gibson directed another cinematic masterpiece, Braveheart. Filmed against the backdrop of majestic mountains and rolling meadows, it tells the historically-based (yet not entirely accurate) story of William Wallace, a common man"s warrior who led the Scottish people in rebellion against King Edward I, also known as “Longshanks”. Written by Randall Wallace, an American tourist fascinated with a Scottish statue of his namesake, the script collected dust in Hollywood for over a decade before Gibson made the brilliant decision to put it on the big screen. Just like The Passion, it"s a decision he would not regret.Set in the 11th Century, Braveheart catalogues the struggle of Scottish serfs who labor under the brutal oppression of English occupation forces. Amidst these terrible conditions, William Wallace (Mel Gibson) falls in love with Murron MacClannough (Catherine McCormack). Insistent on not sharing his wife (a proclamation by the king gives local rulers “first-night rights” to new brides) Wallace secretly marries Murron. Nevertheless, an English knight assaults her, sparking a fight with Wallace. Fleeing the village, Wallace believes Murron has escaped and will soon meet him at a secret rendezvous point. But Murron is captured and executed by the king"s emissaries.Angered by his wife"s murder, Wallace instigates a local rebellion, slaughtering all the king"s loyalists in his village. As his rebellion grows, a distraught Longshanks (Patrick McGoohan) dispatches his fabled Northern Army to destroy it. But the heroic Wallace delivers a stirring speech to rouse his men, while deploying an ingenious battlefield trick to defeat the king"s cavalry.With the power and legend of Wallace growing day by day, Longshanks relies on his daughter-in-law, Princess Isabelle (Sophie Marceau) to broker a truce. But Isabelle"s power is limited, and Wallace realizes his people can only win freedom if backed by the Scottish nobles. Their appointed leader is Robert the Bruce (Angus MacFadyen) who vacillates between his own idealistic views and his father"s pessimistic pragmatism. Will the nobles join with Wallace? Will the Scots win their freedom? Only history tells us the answer.With elaborate costumes, vivid battle scenes, and a noble hero as its focal point, Braveheart is more than your typical run-of-the-mill action movie. Part history, part Hollywood heroism - its timeless idealism strikes a cord with every viewer. In fact, the movie itself led to a revival in nationalistic pride that fueled the successful Scottish independence movement of the 1990s. It"s a testament to the strength and character of the real life William Wallace. A thousand years later, his enduring legacy continues to transform the European landscape, and Mel Gibson captures the noble warrior"s passion with an awe-inspiring Academy Award-winning masterpiece.3BRAVEHEART is set in Scotland in the 1200s. It tells the true story of William Wallace who was a famous commoner who led his people in a rebellion against the English. The movie is of epic proportions, length and grandeur. We learn the entire history of William Wallace from the age of 8 until his death.Mel Gibson, in what I found to be his best role ever, plays the grown up Wallace. Gibson directs the movie as well. The story is full of fascinating history of which I knew little. I have a good English history background but was surprised at what little early Scottish history I knew. Wallace wants to live in peace and ignore the English atrocities he has witnessed, but circumstances force his hand, and he declares war on the English. His battle cry is freedom and many poor people follow him in his quest. The story itself is quite compelling, and the script is excellent.The political intrigue among the Scottish nobles makes you wonder whose side they are on. As the story unfolds, you come to realize that they are only interested in enriching themselves and do not care about their own people. They constantly counsel Wallace to compromise his ideas in order to achieve some lesser, but more practical solution. His vision is a singular one of freedom for his people. I found myself thinking of Gary Cooper in THE FOUNTAINHEAD and the similarity between his role and that of Gibson"s. All of the leaders who were the "wisest" urged constant compromise on their rising young stars in both movies.Actually, the movie most like BRAVEHEART is GETTYSBURG for both had huge and realistic battle scenes with wave after wave of humans charging each other and dying. Of course, many people will compare BRAVEHEART with ROB ROY. They are both about old Scottish heroes, and in my book, BRAVEHEART wins hands down. Finally, you may find yourself thinking of the Judas story from the Bible except here the movie has a plethora of Judases.One example of the quality of the script is that the writer manages to introduce a very funny character without it seeming like merely a plot device, which of course it is. This character is a mad Irishman who steals every scene he is in with his dialog. I laughed out loud many times. Although there was little humor in this serious tale, there was just enough to keep me from ever tiring even though I had to stay seated for three hours.Too often period pieces seem like merely exercises in style. I found QUEEN MARGOT to be one such movie. Here the wonderful costumes and set decoration feel totally authentic but in a natural way. I felt like I was actually in the thirteenth century where people"s faces were frequently dirty and in general personal hygiene was minimal. When they made their kills in battle or in revenge, I could sense how close they were to animals then. The blood would splat on their faces, and they could just as easy have been wolves.I have been to Scotland many times and it is gorgeous. In a low key but quite impressive way, the cinematography makes one feel the beauty and the isolation of countryside. The music with the recurring and haunting melody of the lone Scottish bagpipe sets a sad and yet serene tone and mood.BRAVEHEART runs a long, but well worth it, 2:52. I would not want it shorten. It is rated R, but NC-17 would be more appropriate. It is THE goriest movie I have ever seen and that too I would not change because it allows one to vicariously live through what actual battles in that period would be like. Please be warned that you will see almost every part of the human body being chopped off or stabbed in one scene or another. Imagine any physical horror, and there is probably a scene of it in BRAVEHEART. Nevertheless, there was not one scene where I thought the violence was gratuitous. I would let older teenagers see the movie, but would be careful with impressionable younger ones.4When pagan Saxons invaded Britain pushing the native Celtic tribes back in the mountains of the west and the north of the country they couldn"t have known what difficulties they leave to future generations. One of the difficulties were Scots, though they weren"t much affected by the pagan invasion. Throughout the history, Scots (as a tribe from Ireland was in 360 mentioned by Romans) had a changing luck in battles, whoever they fought. They had had many various allies and fought against many various enemies, including their former or future allies (politics). Originally based in Ireland, the Scottish tribe later established their kingdom on the west coast and isles of today"s Scotland (between years 501 and 503). Generally, they were never good friends with tribes which lived on the isle, called Britannia by the Romans, before them; perhaps because they came from Ivernia, today"s Ireland... The intolerance between the two sides resulted in many battles and rebellions. In 600, 300 Edinburgh horseman were killed by the English, in 1014 king Malcom II defeated the Danes, four years later another victory was won on the river Tweed, at Carham, against the army of Anglo-Saxons (particularly Northumbrians). On the other hand, king Duncan was defeated by the English and killed by famous character of the Scottish history, MacBeth, who is defeated in 1057 by Malcolm Canmore in the battle of Lumphanan etcetera etcetera. Then, in the year of approximately 1272, William Walace is born in Ellerslie. He is fated to become one of the most important characters of the history of Scots. In age of twenty-five years, he kills sheriff (originally shire-reeve) of Lanark and a revolt is unleashed. Perhaps many Scots were waiting for a leader to emerge, because the same year Wallace defeats the English at Stirling Bridge. His luck changed when he was defeated at Falkirk in 1298. In 1305, he is betrayed and executed brutally, his head being mounted on London Bridge. That is a very rough outline of a life so very important, of the life of William Wallace, a thorough Scot, exactly the William Wallace about whom this movie is. His father was killed by the English, his wife was murdered by the sheriff of Lanark (which is a reason why the sheriff ended up equally) - no mercy could have been awaited from a man that had never seen mercy on the side of his enemies. Braveheart is a heroic epic told compactly and relatively objectively, noticing everything important that most probably happened in the life of William Wallace. After all, it doesn"t have to be historically exact - it is a legend and even if it was "only" a legend, it would be a most impressive one.5Back in 1995 when I first saw this movie I was wowed, it was a cinematic epic and one which I thoroughly enjoyed.... a few years later when I met my future spouse I was subjected to this movie on a weekly basis and now I cannot bare to watch it. Anyway back to the movie, if you have been living under a rock and haven"t seen it here"s the basic story Mel Gibson plays William Wallace a Scottish highlander who leads his people in a uprising against the English monarch. Now just so you know this film however "based" on historical events is completely inaccurate, Wallace was in actual fact a Scottish Noble (his family was rich), Wallace never had a wife, and the French princess Mel gets jiggy with would"ve been around 8 years old at the time, the only real truth in the movie was that he was hung drawn and quartered and he lead an uprising...the rest is Hollywood bullsh*t.I"m giving the film 4 stars because if you are unaware of the historical inaccuracies and you haven"t seen it 100 times you will be entertained, its a good movie.
2023-01-11 12:33:491

急求啊!!妈妈为我准备早餐的细节描写 200字

每天早上,妈妈叫我吃饭的情景――妈妈做好了热乎乎香喷喷的饭菜,一样一样地放到桌子上叫我来吃。可是今天,我该怎么办呢?对了,平时都是妈妈做饭给我吃,今天我要做饭给妈妈吃!说干就干,我把饭倒进了炒勺,点燃煤气,再用铲子把饭炒匀,不多一会,饭开始冒热气了,我便把饭分别盛到两个碗里,呀,贴着炒勺的饭已经糊了,不管那么多了,我又赶紧热菜。过了一会儿,菜也热好了,我把菜也盛进碗里,又尝了一尝,黄瓜片的脆劲一点也没有了。尽管这样,看着自己的杰作――那冒着热气的饭菜,我心里还是有说不出来的喜悦。 我赶紧端着饭菜走进妈妈的屋里,妈妈看见我便问:“吃饱了吗?”我没有回答妈妈的问题,只是把饭菜轻轻地放在了妈妈床边的桌子上,然后对妈妈说:“咱们一块吃吧!”妈妈先是很吃惊,很快地脸上露出了笑容,然后,妈妈勉强地从床上坐了起来,摸着我的头对我说:“我儿子真的懂事了,知道关心妈妈了。”她的眼里闪着激动的泪花。“你先吃吧,我不饿。有你这份心,妈妈的病就好了一大半。”说得我心里美滋滋的。在我的再三央求下,妈妈终于尝了一口我为她做的饭菜,虽然着饭已经有些糊了,菜也不是那么好吃,但妈妈却连连点头说“真好吃!” 看妈妈满脸的露珠,心中不禁一酸,暗暗地说,我以后一定要报答妈妈。
2023-01-11 12:33:471