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2023-05-19 22:36:37


TAG: 翻译


I can do magic tricks.


I apprenticed myself to a master magician,a neighbour who had taken a fancy to me.

魔术: magic

Relative explainations:

<thaumaturgy> <jugglery> <sorcery> <a sleight of hand> <trick> <conjuring> <the black art> <gramary> <gramarye> <magic tricks> <wizardry> <devilry> <juggle>


1. 这纸魔术般地变成了绿色。

The paper turned green as if by magic.

2. 魔术师用他的魔术技艺使观众们激动。

The magician thrilled his audience with his feats of magic.

3. 魔术师在挥舞魔杖。

The magician is waving a magic wand.

4. 魔术师表演了一些令人惊叹的戏法。

The magician performed some astonishing tricks.

5. 魔术师从他的帽子里变出一只兔子。

The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat.

6. 他表演了一些巧妙的魔术。

He played some clever magic tricks.

7. 那个魔术师把鸟变没了.

The conjurer magicked the bird away.

8. 她很会变魔术, 能从帽子里变出兔子来.

She"s very good at magic; she can conjure a rabbit out of a hat.

魔术师: magician

Relative explainations:

<Magian> <mage> <thaumaturge> <illusionist> <legerdemainist> <sorcerers> <sorcerer> <warlock> <wise man> <wizard> <trickster> <conjuror> <conjurer> <illusion> <charmer> <merlin>


1. magus

2. magician

3. Magian


to juggle with balls


The act or art of conjuring.


One that juggles objects or performs other tricks of manual dexterity.


From log cabin to White House,my dear,isn"t done by witchcraft anymore.


What tricks has she been up to?


What are you playing at?


He is hep to our trick.


Don"t play old tricks!


to show magic.

to perform magic.



play magic


英文的话..是 Plays the magic



magician 是对的,你到一些英文的游戏上就知道了
2023-01-11 12:16:4912


pretty woman
2023-01-11 12:17:422


意思是有魅力的姑娘,情人。读音:英[ˈkju:ti pai];美[ˈkjuti paɪ]一、用法cutie pie来形容你很中意的某个人,或者某个你觉得很可爱的人。二、例句Your daughter is such an adorable cutie pie!你女儿真是个讨人喜欢的可人儿。扩展资料同义词解析:charmer意思:对异性有吸引力的人He comes across as an intelligent, sophisticated, charmer. 他给人的印象是有头脑、老练,很会讨人喜欢。She is a perfect incarnation of glamour. 她是魅力的完美化身。
2023-01-11 12:17:502


2023-01-11 12:18:061

魔术师的英语翻译 魔术师用英语怎么说

The magician
2023-01-11 12:18:123


2023-01-11 12:18:269

charmer 和 magician 的区别

2023-01-11 12:18:591


2023-01-11 12:19:076


你好,这道题的正确答案是:紧常用的就是  magician 魔术师*******************************************^__^祝你学习进步,如果有疑问,请追问,如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!*******************************************
2023-01-11 12:19:4011


handsomebeauty .......................................
2023-01-11 12:20:226


2023-01-11 12:20:456


2023-01-11 12:21:086


想跟法国小伙伴安利撩妹技能爆表的仲基欧巴的时候,不会用法语说“撩”可不行哦~然而“撩”并没有那么简单,也是要分等级滴~【初级阶段】Accoster初级撩妹技:搭讪。也指(船)靠岸,或者(航天器)对接。“aborder”也可以这么用。法语释义:s"approcher de quelqu"un pour lui parler例句:Un inconnu m"a accostée et m"a demandé l"heure sans même me dire bonjour.一个陌生人过来问我时间,连你好都没跟我说。【中级阶段】Draguer中级撩妹技:勾引。本意是疏导,或打捞,在俗语中引申为“勾引、猎艳”。法语释义:essayer de séduire, de rechercher une aventure amoureuse例句:Il est allé draguer ce soir aux Champs-Elysées.今晚他去香榭丽舍大街上猎艳去了。【高级阶段】Séduire高级撩妹技:诱惑。也有贿赂、收买、引诱的意思。近义词有“charmer”,“attirer”等。法语释义:plaire et attirer de façon irrésistible例句:La force de cette œuvre est de séduire les enfants comme les adultes.这部作品的魅力在于即令孩子们着迷,也令大人们陶醉。还有一个词也和“撩”相关,却有些偏贬义:Flirter意思是调情,但通常指那种较为轻浮的行为。法语释义:avoir une relation amoureuse passagère et généralement superficielle例句:Il flirte avec sa voisine.他和他的邻居调情。另外,还有一个表示“撩”的短语:Faire la cour à指讨好、奉承,也指向(女子)献殷勤,求爱,但现在使用“draguer”较多,尤其在口语中。法语释义:essayer de séduire une personne例句:Comment faire la cour à une femme ?如何追求一个女人?最后,告诉你一个小编觉得最能展现“撩妹”这个神韵的一个表达:Faire vibrer“vibrer”是震动、颤动的意思,转义指感到兴奋、激动、感动等,总之就是能让你“震颤”的各种情绪。“Faire vibrer”自然就是使某人“震颤”啦,所以你可以用“faire vibrer qn” 来表达“撩”的意思。还有加强版:faire vibrer le cœur de qn让她小鹿乱撞,初恋的感觉哦~faire vibrer l"âme de qn让她灵魂震颤,一见钟情哦~最后的最后,送给大家一个例句:Mon cœur vibre lorsque j"aperçois Song Joong Ki.一见到仲基欧巴,我就心跳加快,小鹿乱撞……
2023-01-11 12:21:301


2023-01-11 12:21:366


2023-01-11 12:21:592

老外说的cutie pie是什么意思?

1、意思有魅力的姑娘,情人。2、用法cutie pie来形容你很中意的某个人,或者某个你觉得很可爱的人。3、例句Your daughter is such an adorable cutie pie!你女儿真是个讨人喜欢的可人儿。Casper the white one, she is going to be a cutie pie!卡丝柏,全白的可爱小女猫,粉红粉红的小肉垫就很想亲下去呢。扩展资料同义词解析①、charmer意思:对异性有吸引力的人He comes across as an intelligent, sophisticated, charmer. 他给人的印象是有头脑、老练,很会讨人喜欢。I know I was a naive fool to trust him but he is a real charmer who totally took me in. 我知道我当初幼稚无知,竟然信任他,可是他真是迷人,把我完全给骗了。②、glamour意思:魅力;魔力;诱惑力;迷人的美。She is a perfect incarnation of glamour. 她是魅力的完美化身。She was blinded by the glitter and the glamour of her own life. 她被自己的生活中表面上的光鲜与奢华所蒙蔽。
2023-01-11 12:22:091

老外说的cutie pie是什么意思?

1、意思有魅力的姑娘,情人。2、用法cutie pie来形容你很中意的某个人,或者某个你觉得很可爱的人。3、例句Your daughter is such an adorable cutie pie!你女儿真是个讨人喜欢的可人儿。Casper the white one, she is going to be a cutie pie!卡丝柏,全白的可爱小女猫,粉红粉红的小肉垫就很想亲下去呢。扩展资料同义词解析①、charmer意思:对异性有吸引力的人He comes across as an intelligent, sophisticated, charmer. 他给人的印象是有头脑、老练,很会讨人喜欢。I know I was a naive fool to trust him but he is a real charmer who totally took me in. 我知道我当初幼稚无知,竟然信任他,可是他真是迷人,把我完全给骗了。②、glamour意思:魅力;魔力;诱惑力;迷人的美。She is a perfect incarnation of glamour. 她是魅力的完美化身。She was blinded by the glitter and the glamour of her own life. 她被自己的生活中表面上的光鲜与奢华所蒙蔽。
2023-01-11 12:22:196


2023-01-11 12:22:472


幻翎洛/Rakan - The Charmer技能/ABILITIES被动-异色羽裳/Passive-Fey Feathers;Lover"s Leap(和霞一起回城的被动,直译:情人的飞跃)Q-微光飞翎/Q-Gleaming QuiW-盛大登场/W-Grand EntranceE-轻舞成双/E-Battle DanceR-惊鸿过隙/R-The Quickness
2023-01-11 12:23:141


Snake Charmer
2023-01-11 12:23:192


当选择一种技能专精时会赋予角色一个职业,随着在游戏中增加第二种技能专精,职业也会随之而改变。图中就是由不同技能专精组合而成的36种职业。 技能专精  图片风暴专精单一专精:风暴召唤者(Stormcaller)+大地专精:元素师(Elementalist)+战斗专精:领主(Thane)+死灵专精:神使(Oracle)+防御专精:圣武士(Paladin)+自然专精:德鲁伊(Druid)+狩猎专精:贤者(Sage)+盗贼专精:术士(Sorcerer) 大地专精单一专精:火占师(Pyromancer)+战斗专精:战法师(Battlemage)+死灵专精:妖术师(Conjurer)+防御专精:主宰者(Juggernaut)+自然专精:召唤者(Summoner)+狩猎专精:复仇者(Avenger)+盗贼专精:魔术师(Magician) 战斗专精单一专精:战士(Warrior)+死灵专精:破法士(Spellbreaker)+防御专精:征服者(Conqueror)+自然专精:斗士(Champion)+狩猎专精:屠宰者(Slayer)+盗贼专精:刺客(Assassin) 单一专精:巫术师(Theurgist)+防御专精:演说家(Spellbinder)+自然专精:预言家(Soothsayer)+狩猎专精:骷髅巫师(Bone Charmer)+盗贼专精:法术士(Warlock)   防御专精单一专精:防御者(Defender)+自然专精:保护者(Guardian)+狩猎专精:看守者(Warden)+盗贼专精:海盗(Corsair) 自然专精单一专精:漫游者(Wanderer)+狩猎专精:巡林客(Ranger)+盗贼专精:幻术家(Illusionist) 狩猎专精单一专精:猎人(Hunter)+盗贼专精:强盗(Brigand) 盗贼专精单一专精:盗贼(Rogue)资料片:不朽王座 新出职业   梦幻专精单一专精:占梦师+大地专精:招魂者+战斗专精:先锋+死灵专精:占卜师+防御专精:圣殿骑士+自然专精:祭司+狩猎专精:罗马占卜师+盗贼专精:毁梦师+风暴专精:先知
2023-01-11 12:23:281


2023-01-11 12:23:381


  travelling circus 巡回马戏团   circus wagon (马戏团的)大篷车   big top 大帐篷,马戏篷   tent 帐篷   ring, arena 场地   tier 看台   master of ceremonies, M.C. 节目主持人,司仪   parade, cavalcade 列队行进   show 节目   circus act 马戏节目   trick rider, equestrian acrobat 马戏演员   equitation, riding 马术   equestrian, rider 马术演员   fakir, magician, illusionist, conjurer, conjuror 魔术师   mountebank, tumbler 变戏法者   ventriloquist 腹语术者   contortionist 柔术演员   acrobat 杂技演员   balancer 表演平衡技巧的人   trapeze artist 荡秋千演员   walker, rope walker 走绳索者   funambulist 走钢丝者   juggler 耍把戏者   sword swallower 吞剑者   fire eater 吞火者   snake charmer 耍蛇者   flier, flyer 空中飞人 (美作:aerialist)   clown 小丑   giant 巨人   midget, dwarf 侏儒   horse trainer 驯马师   wild animal trainer 驯兽师   lion tamer 驯狮者   wild animal 野兽   cage 笼子   whip 鞭子   performing animal 驯服的动物   tights, leotard 紧身衣   tumble 翻筋斗   double somersault 翻双筋斗   human pyramid 叠罗汉   balance 平衡技巧   rings 圈   springboard 跳板   trampoline 绷床   trapeze 秋千   safety net 安全网   tightrope 绳索   wire-walking 走钢丝   balancing pole 平衡杆    附:如何背单词?   1、歌曲记忆法   通过唱英语歌曲记忆单词,“听霸”“听力超人”等软件中有许多英文歌曲,并配有歌词和译文。    2、阅读记忆法   通过阅读英语文章、小说等记忆单词,注意选择难度要适宜。    3、同义记忆法   通过同义词一起进行单词记忆,可确切理解词义,这时不必注意意义的区别。    4、反义记忆法   通过反义词一起进行单词记忆,扩大了词义。
2023-01-11 12:23:431


最常用的是magician还有charmer; magus; sorcerer; thaumaturge; trickster
2023-01-11 12:23:496

世界10大悬疑片,列出来 !

七宗罪 第九道门 失真的画 记忆碎片 蝴蝶效应 穆兰赫道 追随 记忆碎片 心理游戏
2023-01-11 12:25:044


2023-01-11 12:25:194


2023-01-11 12:25:334


nake:英式:(sneɪk);美式:(sneɪk)。短语搭配:tiger snake    虎蛇 ; 澳洲虎蛇 ; 翻译。Green Snake    青蛇 ;(脊椎)翠青蛇。Queen snake    女王蛇。Fox snake    狐蛇 ; 狐狸蛇 ; 狡猾锦蛇。Dice snake    棋斑水游蛇。Snake Ridge    斯内克岭。snake charmer    耍蛇者 ; 玩蛇者 ; 催眠蛇的人。sea snake   (脊椎)海蛇 ; 舦蛇 ; 海蛇属。golden snake    金蛇秘笈 ; 金蛇秘籍。例句:"I solve them all, " said the snake.“这些个谜儿我都能解开的。”蛇说。The snake glided along.这条蛇向前滑行。They like to be around the eyes and mouth of your snake but this is by no means the only place you should look as they will settle anywhere.他们喜欢被周围的眼睛和嘴巴的,但您的蛇,这是绝不是唯一的地方,你应该看看,因为他们会在任何地方定居。
2023-01-11 12:25:481


2023-01-11 12:26:1215

翻译,要准确点,谢谢 Hidden London:the city"s lesser known

2023-01-11 12:27:013


1、她看动画片,你不但不准笑话她,还要跟她一起看。 She watching cartoon, you are not allowed to be laughing at her, not only with her. 2、我不相信永远的爱,因为我只会一天比一天更爱你。 I don"t believe in forever love, because I can only love you more every day. 3、心累到一定的程度,连生气和计较的力气都没有了。 Heart tired to a certain degree, even angry and dispute have not enough strength. 4、深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。 Deep feeling is I can"t afford to bear the heavy burden, sweet prattle just chance to lie. 5、我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。 I love you not because of who you are, but who I am when I am with you. 6、在认识你之后,我才发现自己可以这样情愿的付出。 After meet you, I found myself can be so reluctant to pay. 7、因为没娶到你,以后我就不会再发疯去想这些理由。 Because didn"t marry to you, later I won"t go crazy to think about these reasons. 8、不愿意醒来时,台灯投射在墙上只有我孤独的身影。 Don"t want to wake up, desk lamp projection on the wall only my lonely figure. 9、看着满天的繁星,其中有两颗就是我注视你的眼睛。 Looking at the stars, one of two is I look at your eyes. 10、有些时候,该沉默就沉默。不要到头还是苦了自己。 In some cases, this silence is silent. Don"t head or bitter yourself. 11、我恨,为什么我俩的灵魂不能同处在一个躯壳之中? I hate, why can"t our soul with in a body? 12、我难过的时候你在哪里?一句抱歉就能把空白代替? I"m sad where are you? A sorry can make the blank instead? 13、最幸福的爱是,纵然我是万人迷,仍然被你一人迷。 Is the most happiness of love, even if I am a charmer, are you still a mystery. 14、我的梦中情人,她有一头像你一样乌黑亮丽的秀发。 My dream lover, she has a face like you beautiful black hair. 15、你是我的一切,上帝让你来到我身边,我真是太幸运。 You are everything to me, god let you come to me, I"m so lucky. 16、脸上的快乐,别人看得到。心里的痛又有谁能感觉到。 On the face of the happy, others see. In the mind of pain and who can feel it. 17、一段没有结果的感情,我还是会选择爱你,不会后悔。 A period of no results feelings, I will still choose love you, won"t regret it. 18、我已经有一种酸痛的感觉了,这证明我是真心付出的。 I have already had a feeling of pain, this is proof that I am really pay. 19、爱之火,在我俩的心中燃起,从此我俩将被熔在一块。 The fire of love in our heart, from now on we will was melted together. 20、月光洒进窗台,心里也想起了你,是否一切都还如意。 Moonlight into the window, the in the mind also thinking of you, whether is everything. 21、喝了你酿的爱情酒,如果没有续杯,我情愿渴一辈子。 Drink the wines you love, if there is no a refill, I would rather thirsty for the rest of your life. 22、有时我耳朵不太灵光,你可以咬着我的耳朵说悄悄话。 Sometimes my ears don"t too light, you can bite a I whisper in my ears. 23、真诚之中,与你相识相知,灵犀之间,与你朝夕相伴。 Acquainted with you sincerely, and between a tacit, accompany with you daily. 24、看著微笑的你,突然发现,我真是世界上最幸福的人。 Looking at your smile, suddenly found that I was the happiest person in the world. 25、让我守候在这孤独的角落,默默地为你祈祷一生幸福! Let me waiting for you in this lonely corner, silently pray for you a lifetime of happiness! 26、我不想做你生命的插曲,只想做你生命最完美的结局。 I don"t want to do your life episode, just want to make your life the most perfect ending. 27、我要做你所有作品的第一读者,而且是最忠实的读者。 All I want to be your first reader, and it is the most loyal readers. 28、每个说不想谈恋爱的人,心理都装着一个不可能的人。 Everyone who said don"t want to fall in love, psychology are filled with an impossible person. 29、一别又几日,思念悄悄至;不爱那么多,此生只一次。 A don"t again a few days, missing to quietly; Don"t love so much, only once in this lifetime. 30、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上个人的那一刻开始。 Alone is not innate, but by you fall in love with the moment. 31、我想让你幸福快乐,我把你的微笑当成我一天的希望。 I want to make you happy, I take your smile as I hope one day. 32、我不想再郁卒下去,你可爱的脸庞使我甘愿永远沉醉。 I don"t want to blue, and you lovely face that I"d never drunk. 33、以为没有你,我可以坚强一个人过,终於知道我不行。 Thought that without you, I can be a strong person, and finally know I can"t. 34、喝了你酿的爱情的酒,如果没有续杯,情愿渴一辈子。 Drink the wine you make love, if there is no a refill, rather thirsty for the rest of your life. 35、你我鹊桥边,相对两无言,温情融天际,爱意永缠绵。 You I magpie bridge side, two relatively silent, soft melting the sky, never lingering affection. 36、如果能用一辈子换你停留在我视线中,我将毫不保留。 If can use a lifetime for your stay in my line of sight, I will not keep. 37、看着微笑的你,突然发现,我真是世界上最幸福的人。 Looking at you smile, suddenly found that I was the happiest person in the world. 38、愿得一人心,白首不相离。君记我一瞬,我念君半生。 Would like to have a heart, whitehead not and mutually leave. You remember I moment, I read your half a lifetime. 39、听女友话的男人才会有出息,所以,你要乖乖听她的话。 Men who listen to his girlfriend words have ambition, so, you want darling listen to her. 40、我希望每天晚上睡觉时都能梦到你,在梦里对你说晚安。 I hope I can dream every night sleep with you, said good night to you in the dream. 41、我喜欢你。不是因为我选择了你,而是因为你选择了我。 I like you. Not because I chose you, but because you choose me. 42、天上牛郎织女来相会,地下多情人儿共祈爱情永恒不渝。 To meet heaven vega, underground sentimental person qi love lasts forever. 43、我是一个没有吃过苦的孩子,但为了你我什么苦都能吃。 I am a child who has never tasted what is bitter, but for the sake of you I what all can eat. 44、宝贝,你,你知,你知道,你知道吗?你偷走了我的心。 Baby, you, you know, you know, you know? You stole my heart. 45、爱上你是我一生最大的痛,痛在不能分分秒秒的拥有你! Falling in love with you was out of my life the biggest pain, pain in not every minute with you! 46、就算全世界都放弃了我们,至少我们还有彼此可以依靠。 Even if the world abandoned us, at least we have to rely on each other. 47、有一种幸福是有一个能让你不顾一切去爱他一辈子的人。 Have a kind of happiness is a can make you desperate to love him forever. 48、当我不在你身边的时候,就让那些我送你的东西陪着你! When I am not around you, let that I send you things with you! 49、连就连,你我相约定百年。谁若岁死,奈何桥上等三年。 Even, you and I agreed in one hundred. If who age of death, alternative bridge waiting for three years. 50、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱尚上个人的那一刻开始。 Loneliness is not innate, but by the moment you love is on the inpidual. 51、遇见你是个错,爱上你是一错再错,离开你是错上加错。 Meeting you was a mistake, falling in love with you is a repeat one"s mistakes, to leave you is a mistake. 52、我希望我的下一场恋爱,要么,不开始;要么,一辈子。 I hope my next love, either, don"t start; Or, for a lifetime. 53、思念就像河流般,滔滔不绝地流向大海,流向我的心房。 Missing is like a river, flowing into the sea, reel flowing into my heart. 54、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上一个人的那一刻开始。 Alone is not innate, but by you fall in love with a person"s that moment start. 55、永远不要对我指手划脚,因为你说过我是你最欣赏的人。 Never told me what to do, because you said I was your favorite people. 56、你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。 Your kiss still burned on my lips, from then on, my life is so beautiful. 57、我感到世界上的一切,全部属于我了,因为你爱上了我。 I feel everything in the world, all belong to me, because you fell in love with me. 58、就算全世界都背叛你,我也会站在你身边,背叛全世界。 Even if the whole world betrayed you, I will stand beside you, betraying the world. 59、别害怕,我一直站在你的身后,总在你呼唤时守在你左右。 Don"t be afraid, I have been standing behind you, always observe around you when you call. 60、爱是善良的,常常需要原谅,你爱我,就给我一次机会吧! Love is kind, often need to forgive, you love me, just give me a chance! 61、忠诚的爱情充溢在我的心里,我无法估计自己享有的财富。 Loyal in my heart filled with love, I can"t estimate their enjoy the wealth. 62、快去吧,我就站在这等你乖乖上课,下课了,我过来接你。 Quick go to, I will stand here waiting for you in class, the class was over, I came to pick you up. 63、我会做我能做的对你好的。而且我觉得你相信我,是对的。 I"ll do what I can do good to you. And I think you believe me, it is right. 64、你这个美丽可爱的小鸟,你要把我的心衔到什么地方去呢? You this beautiful lovely bird, you want my heart bit where to go? 65、不是除了你,我就没人要了。只是除了你,我谁都不想要。 Not in addition to you, I would have no one to. Just in addition to you, I who all don"t want to. 66、不知为什么,只要有你在我身边,我的心便不再惶惶不安。 I don"t know why, as long as there is you by my side, my heart will no longer panicky. 67、我初见你,人群中独自美丽,于是只消一眼,便沉沦我心。 I first saw you, in the crowd alone beautiful, then takes a look, and ruin my heart. 68、离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。 If you leave me, please don"t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain. 69、你是我最初的选择,最后的选择,也是我此生永恒的选择。 You are my first choice, the choice of the final, is I this life eternal choice. 70、我时刻在想你,没有你我吃不下饭,睡不好觉,你在哪里! I think about you moment, without you I can"t eat rice, sleep well, where are you! 71、不准你做世界上第一幸福的人,因为有你我才是最幸福的。 You mustn"t do the first happiness person in the world, because of you I is the most happy. 72、我笨笨的时候,不要骂我,要耐心一点,否则我会自卑的。 I"m stupid, don"t scold me, be patient, or I"ll inferiority. 73、无论经历再长的岁月与磨砺,只要心中有你,就会甜蜜蜜。 Whatever experience long years and hone again, as long as the heart have you, will be almost a love story. 74、千言万语也表达不了我对你的感情,我只想与你一同走过。 Thousands of words can exPss my feelings for you, I just want to walk together with you. 75、我愿做天上的星星,给你永恒的光芒,永远守候在你身边。 I wish to be the stars in the sky, give you the eternal light, waiting for you in your side forever. 76、如果有人偷走了我的心,我求主保佑我,也能偷走他的心。 If someone stole my heart, I pray that god will bless me, also can steal his heart. 77、亲爱的,不要那么张扬地宣扬你们的幸福,因为我都知道。 My dear, don"t be so make public to promote your happiness, because I know that. 78、假如可以的话,我愿意花去生命中的每一分每一秒陪著你。 If can, I am willing to spend to life each points every second with you. 79、我想听你唱首歌给我听,你的歌声总是可以让我忘记忧愁。 I want to hear you sing a song to me, your song can always let me forget the sorrow. 80、看著你的眼,我看见了大海,蓝天;更看到了美丽的未来! Look at your eyes, I saw the sea and blue sky; More to see the beautiful future! ;
2023-01-11 12:27:181


magic man
2023-01-11 12:27:343

娇娃 英语怎么说

beautiful maid
2023-01-11 12:27:463


小题1:remarked 小题2:glimpse 小题3:cleared 小题4:develop 小题5:ignore 小题6:dark 小题7:concerned 小题8:convenient 小题9:simplified 小题10:distinguish
2023-01-11 12:28:041


根据背景故事可知,守望先锋里安娜的对白是跟法老之鹰,黑百合,天使,死神,士兵76,莱因哈特,麦克雷,托比昂之间的对话,它们之间的对白为1、法老之鹰: 安娜:我会照看着你的背后,法芮尔。(I"ll be watching your back out there, Fareeha.) 法鹰:那样我将无后顾之忧。(Then I have nothing to worry about.) 法鹰:我一直梦想着与你并肩作战。(I"ve always dreamed of fighting along side you.) 安娜:而我一直想给你一个更好的生活。(I"ve always dreamed of giving you a better life.) 2、黑百合: 安娜:杰哈一定是蠢过头了才会爱上你这样的人。(Gerard was a fool to love someone like you.) 黑百合:你根本不了解他。(You don"t know anything about him.) 黑百合:你曾经是个传奇,但你现在呢?不过是个老女人。(You were once a legend, but what are you now? Just a shell of a woman.) 安娜:那我猜你现在不想要我的签名了。(I take it you don"t want my autograph, then.) (未经证实的消息)战斗中,黑百合遇见安娜会说:我一直想与你作战。安娜回应不明,也许是被交火声淹没了。(I"ve been looking forward to fighting with you.) 黑百合击杀安娜后:全球最佳狙击手……上一届的。(The world"s greatest sniper...formerly) 黑百合击杀安娜后:我看见你了。(I"ve got you in my sights) 3、天使: 天使:安娜,你知道我们还是能治疗你的眼睛的。(You know, Ana, there are procedures we could look into to repair your eye.) 安娜:谢谢你的好意,我这样就好,作为对自己的一个警示。(You"re very kind, but I"m comfortable with who I am now. It"s a good reminder.) 4、死神: 死神:我猜你又要回到我的猎杀名单上了,安娜。(Guess you"re going back on my list, Ana.) 安娜:你究竟发生了些什么,雷耶斯?(What happened to you, Gabriel?) 死神:对于你选择了他,我并不惊讶。(I shouldn"t be surprised you took his side.) 安娜:你从来没让我有什么选择。(You never gave me much choice.) (消灭敌方死神后)安娜:我已不再认得你了。(I don"t even know you anymore.) 5、士兵76 安娜:对于这个年纪的人,你看上去还不错,杰克!(For a man of your years, you"re looking pretty good, Jack!) 士兵76:好吧,他们给我打的那些东西还是有效果的。(Well, all that stuff they pumped into me has to be good for something.) 士兵76:有你照看我身后感觉安全多了。(I feel a lot safer having you watching my back) 安娜:我们都需要个能够信任的伙伴,杰克。(We all need someone we can trust, Jack.) (队友士兵76使用技能后)安娜:打得不错,杰克。(Nice shooting, Jack.) 6、莱因哈特: 安娜:莱因哈特,你看上去不错。你一定活的很好。(Reinhardt, I must say you"re looking quite well. This life must agree with you.) 莱因哈特:您和以前一样可爱。(And you are looking as lovely as ever.) 安娜:莱因哈特,你威风不减啊。(Reinhardt, you haven"t lost your step.) 莱茵哈特:安娜……怎么会这样?我以为你已经死了……(Ana...! How can this be? I thought you were dead...) 安娜:我很抱歉莱因哈特,发生了这么多事,我需要一点时间。(I"m sorry Reinhardt. After everything that happened, I needed time.) 7、麦克雷: 麦克雷:很高兴与您共事,女士。(Always a pleasure working with you ma"am.) 安娜:你总是这么嘴甜。(You were always such a charmer.) 8、托比昂: 托比昂:安娜!他们都以为你死了。(Ana! They all thought you are dead.) 安娜:好吧,我不得不回到这来。我曾担心你老了,老到不能再掺和我的事了。(Well, I have to come back. I was worried you get old, not being able to stick your nose at my business.) 
2023-01-11 12:28:101


情人节英语祝福语   英语版的情人祝福语怎么写,你都了解过了吗?下面是我为大家收集的关于情人节英语祝福语,欢迎大家阅读参考!   1、她看动画片,你不但不准笑话她,还要跟她一起看。   She watching cartoon, you are not allowed to be laughing at her, not only with her.   2、我不相信永远的爱,因为我只会一天比一天更爱你。   I don"t believe in forever love, because I can only love you more every day.   3、心累到一定的程度,连生气和计较的力气都没有了。   Heart tired to a certain degree, even angry and dispute have not enough strength.   4、深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。   Deep feeling is I can"t afford to bear the heavy burden, sweet prattle just chance to lie.   5、我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。   I love you not because of who you are, but who I am when I am with you.   6、在认识你之后,我才发现自己可以这样情愿的付出。   After meet you, I found myself can be so reluctant to pay.   7、因为没娶到你,以后我就不会再发疯去想这些理由。   Because didn"t marry to you, later I won"t go crazy to think about these reasons.   8、不愿意醒来时,台灯投射在墙上只有我孤独的身影。   Don"t want to wake up, desk lamp projection on the wall only my lonely figure.   9、看着满天的繁星,其中有两颗就是我注视你的眼睛。   Looking at the stars, one of two is I look at your eyes.   10、有些时候,该沉默就沉默。不要到头还是苦了自己。   In some cases, this silence is silent. Don"t head or bitter yourself.   11、我恨,为什么我俩的灵魂不能同处在一个躯壳之中?   I hate, why can"t our soul with in a body?   12、我难过的时候你在哪里?一句抱歉就能把空白代替?   I"m sad where are you? A sorry can make the blank instead?   13、最幸福的爱是,纵然我是万人迷,仍然被你一人迷。   Is the most happiness of love, even if I am a charmer, are you still a mystery.   14、我的梦中情人,她有一头像你一样乌黑亮丽的秀发。   My dream lover, she has a face like you beautiful black hair.   15、你是我的一切,上帝让你来到我身边,我真是太幸运。   You are everything to me, god let you come to me, I"m so lucky.   16、脸上的快乐,别人看得到。心里的痛又有谁能感觉到。   On the face of the happy, others see. In the mind of pain and who can feel it.   17、一段没有结果的感情,我还是会选择爱你,不会后悔。   A period of no results feelings, I will still choose love you, won"t regret it.   18、我已经有一种酸痛的.感觉了,这证明我是真心付出的。   I have already had a feeling of pain, this is proof that I am really pay.   19、爱之火,在我俩的心中燃起,从此我俩将被熔在一块。   The fire of love in our heart, from now on we will was melted together.   20、月光洒进窗台,心里也想起了你,是否一切都还如意。   Moonlight into the window, the in the mind also thinking of you, whether is everything.   21、喝了你酿的爱情酒,如果没有续杯,我情愿渴一辈子。   Drink the wines you love, if there is no a refill, I would rather thirsty for the rest of your life.   22、有时我耳朵不太灵光,你可以咬着我的耳朵说悄悄话。   Sometimes my ears don"t too light, you can bite a I whisper in my ears.   23、真诚之中,与你相识相知,灵犀之间,与你朝夕相伴。   Acquainted with you sincerely, and between a tacit, accompany with you daily.   24、看著微笑的你,突然发现,我真是世界上最幸福的人。   Looking at your smile, suddenly found that I was the happiest person in the world.   25、让我守候在这孤独的角落,默默地为你祈祷一生幸福!   Let me waiting for you in this lonely corner, silently pray for you a lifetime of happiness!   26、我不想做你生命的插曲,只想做你生命最完美的结局。   I don"t want to do your life episode, just want to make your life the most perfect ending.   27、我要做你所有作品的第一读者,而且是最忠实的读者。   All I want to be your first reader, and it is the most loyal readers.   28、每个说不想谈恋爱的人,心理都装着一个不可能的人。   Everyone who said don"t want to fall in love, psychology are filled with an impossible person.   29、一别又几日,思念悄悄至;不爱那么多,此生只一次。   A don"t again a few days, missing to quietly; Don"t love so much, only once in this lifetime.   30、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上个人的那一刻开始。   Alone is not innate, but by you fall in love with the moment.   31、我想让你幸福快乐,我把你的微笑当成我一天的希望。   I want to make you happy, I take your smile as I hope one day.   32、我不想再郁卒下去,你可爱的脸庞使我甘愿永远沉醉。   I don"t want to blue, and you lovely face that I"d never drunk.   33、以为没有你,我可以坚强一个人过,终於知道我不行。   Thought that without you, I can be a strong person, and finally know I can"t.   34、喝了你酿的爱情的酒,如果没有续杯,情愿渴一辈子。   Drink the wine you make love, if there is no a refill, rather thirsty for the rest of your life.   35、你我鹊桥边,相对两无言,温情融天际,爱意永缠绵。   You I magpie bridge side, two relatively silent, soft melting the sky, never lingering affection.   36、如果能用一辈子换你停留在我视线中,我将毫不保留。   If can use a lifetime for your stay in my line of sight, I will not keep.   37、看着微笑的你,突然发现,我真是世界上最幸福的人。   Looking at you smile, suddenly found that I was the happiest person in the world.   38、愿得一人心,白首不相离。君记我一瞬,我念君半生。   Would like to have a heart, whitehead not and mutually leave. You remember I moment, I read your half a lifetime.   39、听女友话的男人才会有出息,所以,你要乖乖听她的话。   Men who listen to his girlfriend words have ambition, so, you want darling listen to her.   40、我希望每天晚上睡觉时都能梦到你,在梦里对你说晚安。   I hope I can dream every night sleep with you, said good night to you in the dream.   41、我喜欢你。不是因为我选择了你,而是因为你选择了我。   I like you. Not because I chose you, but because you choose me.   42、天上牛郎织女来相会,地下多情人儿共祈爱情永恒不渝。   To meet heaven vega, underground sentimental person qi love lasts forever.   43、我是一个没有吃过苦的孩子,但为了你我什么苦都能吃。   I am a child who has never tasted what is bitter, but for the sake of you I what all can eat.   44、宝贝,你,你知,你知道,你知道吗?你偷走了我的心。   Baby, you, you know, you know, you know? You stole my heart.   45、爱上你是我一生最大的痛,痛在不能分分秒秒的拥有你!   Falling in love with you was out of my life the biggest pain, pain in not every minute with you!   46、就算全世界都放弃了我们,至少我们还有彼此可以依靠。   Even if the world abandoned us, at least we have to rely on each other.   47、有一种幸福是有一个能让你不顾一切去爱他一辈子的人。   Have a kind of happiness is a can make you desperate to love him forever.   48、当我不在你身边的时候,就让那些我送你的东西陪着你!   When I am not around you, let that I send you things with you!   49、连就连,你我相约定百年。谁若岁死,奈何桥上等三年。   Even, you and I agreed in one hundred. If who age of death, alternative bridge waiting for three years.   50、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱尚上个人的那一刻开始。   Loneliness is not innate, but by the moment you love is on the individual.   51、遇见你是个错,爱上你是一错再错,离开你是错上加错。   Meeting you was a mistake, falling in love with you is a repeat one"s mistakes, to leave you is a mistake.   52、我希望我的下一场恋爱,要么,不开始;要么,一辈子。   I hope my next love, either, don"t start; Or, for a lifetime.   53、思念就像河流般,滔滔不绝地流向大海,流向我的心房。   Missing is like a river, flowing into the sea, reel flowing into my heart.   54、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上一个人的那一刻开始。   Alone is not innate, but by you fall in love with a person"s that moment start.   55、永远不要对我指手划脚,因为你说过我是你最欣赏的人。   Never told me what to do, because you said I was your favorite people.   56、你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。   Your kiss still burned on my lips, from then on, my life is so beautiful.   57、我感到世界上的一切,全部属于我了,因为你爱上了我。   I feel everything in the world, all belong to me, because you fell in love with me.   58、就算全世界都背叛你,我也会站在你身边,背叛全世界。   Even if the whole world betrayed you, I will stand beside you, betraying the world.   59、别害怕,我一直站在你的身后,总在你呼唤时守在你左右。   Don"t be afraid, I have been standing behind you, always observe around you when you call.   60、爱是善良的,常常需要原谅,你爱我,就给我一次机会吧!   Love is kind, often need to forgive, you love me, just give me a chance!   61、忠诚的爱情充溢在我的心里,我无法估计自己享有的财富。   Loyal in my heart filled with love, I can"t estimate their enjoy the wealth.   62、快去吧,我就站在这等你乖乖上课,下课了,我过来接你。   Quick go to, I will stand here waiting for you in class, the class was over, I came to pick you up.   63、我会做我能做的对你好的。而且我觉得你相信我,是对的。   I"ll do what I can do good to you. And I think you believe me, it is right.   64、你这个美丽可爱的小鸟,你要把我的心衔到什么地方去呢?   You this beautiful lovely bird, you want my heart bit where to go?   65、不是除了你,我就没人要了。只是除了你,我谁都不想要。   Not in addition to you, I would have no one to. Just in addition to you, I who all don"t want to.   66、不知为什么,只要有你在我身边,我的心便不再惶惶不安。   I don"t know why, as long as there is you by my side, my heart will no longer panicky.   67、我初见你,人群中独自美丽,于是只消一眼,便沉沦我心。   I first saw you, in the crowd alone beautiful, then takes a look, and ruin my heart.   68、离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。   If you leave me, please don"t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.   69、你是我最初的选择,最后的选择,也是我此生永恒的选择。   You are my first choice, the choice of the final, is I this life eternal choice.   70、我时刻在想你,没有你我吃不下饭,睡不好觉,你在哪里!   I think about you moment, without you I can"t eat rice, sleep well, where are you!   71、不准你做世界上第一幸福的人,因为有你我才是最幸福的。   You mustn"t do the first happiness person in the world, because of you I is the most happy.   72、我笨笨的时候,不要骂我,要耐心一点,否则我会自卑的。   I"m stupid, don"t scold me, be patient, or I"ll inferiority.   73、无论经历再长的岁月与磨砺,只要心中有你,就会甜蜜蜜。   Whatever experience long years and hone again, as long as the heart have you, will be almost a love story. ;
2023-01-11 12:28:221


应该可以 我觉得语法没有错!
2023-01-11 12:29:163


3.Though these snakes are not dangerous,everybody was frightened.
2023-01-11 12:29:292


2023-01-11 12:29:462

alexander rybak唱的First kiss歌词

[00:00.00]Alexander Rybak - First kiss[00:05.27][00:10.27]Deep in your heart[00:11.60]There"s a small hidden room[00:13.56]And you know that I hold the key[00:16.41]You"re gonna travel all over the world[00:20.12]Places where I"ll never be[00:22.92][00:23.27]Someday you"ll marry the man of your dreams[00:27.03]And I will be crying all night[00:29.80]But there is a secret that both of us know[00:33.81]That"s why I"m feeling alright[00:36.76]Yes, there is a secret that both of us know[00:40.57]And that"s why I"m feeling alright[00:43.25][00:43.35]There may be[00:46.16]Smart guys and tall guys - whose stronger than me[00:49.32]And ten times the charmer than I"ll ever be[00:52.72]But one thing, Maria, I sure didn"t miss[00:56.04]Your very first kiss[00:58.81][01:08.06]Need I say more?[01:09.74]The feeling is pure[01:11.45]And I felt the warmth of your lips[01:14.61]Though the time will go on[01:16.36]And the seasons will change[01:18.21]I"ll allways think back on our kiss[01:20.89][01:21.79]Someday the runway will carry you home[01:24.87]And I will be smiling all night[01:27.78]Cause there is a secret that both of us know[01:31.64]And that"s why I"m feeling alright[01:34.62]Yes, there is a secret that both of us know[01:38.48]That secret belong in the night[01:41.12][01:41.27]There may be[01:44.11]Sharp girls and small girls - whose swwter than you[01:47.37]Ten times the lady and one of a few[01:50.51]But one thing, Maria, you sure didn"t miss[01:54.00]My very first kiss[01:56.67][01:59.40]Deep in my mind there"s confusion and hope[02:02.52]And I know that you stole my thoughts[02:06.04]I"m gonna travel all over the world[02:09.28]Searching for someone to hold[02:12.00][02:13.00]Don"t say it"s over[02:14.56]When I"m underneath[02:16.10]Let"s see if our feelings unite[02:18.98]Oh, there is a secret that both of us know[02:23.13]And that"s why we"re smiling tonight[02:25.78]Yes, there is a secret that both of us know[02:29.67]And that"s why we"re smiling tonight[02:32.44][02:32.59]There may be[02:35.80]Someone who truly believes love is blind[02:39.25]But I beg to differ there"s two of a kind[02:42.47]They will find each other[02:44.20]And that is a real bliss[02:45.99]Our very first kiss[02:48.80]
2023-01-11 12:29:591

求《The Dragon Charmer 》电子版书籍百度云网盘下载

The Dragon Charmer - Jan Siegel        链接: 提取码: pv3c
2023-01-11 12:30:101

蛇 用英文怎么翻译。在线等,

蛇 a snake; a serpent 蛇 complacent to pretend cordiality百步蛇 a cottonmouth 长蛇座 Hydra 环蛇 a krait 巨蛇座 Serpent 抗蛇毒素 antivenin 马鞭蛇 a coachwhip 美洲蛇鸟 an anhinga 美洲蝮蛇 a copperhead 弄蛇人 a snake charmer
2023-01-11 12:30:196


Lesson 41 Do you call that a hat? 你把那个叫帽子吗? First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。What kind of shopping does the writer enjoy, do you think? "Do you call that a hat?" I said to my wife. "You needn"t be so rude about it," my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror.I sat down on one of those modern chairs with holes in it and waited. We had been in the hat shop for half an hour and my wife was still in front of the mirror. "We mustn"t buy things we don"t need," I remarked suddenly. I regretted saying it almost at once."You needn"t have said that," my wife answered. "I needn"t remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday." "I find it beautiful," I said. "A man can never have too many ties.""And a woman can"t have too many hats," she answered. Ten minutes later we walked out of the shop together. My wife was wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse!New words and expressions 生词和短语rude adj. 无礼的mirror n. 镜子 hole n. 孔remark v. 评说 remind v. 提醒lighthouse n. 灯塔 参考译文 “你把那个叫帽子吗?”我对妻子说。 “你说话没必要这样不客气,”我的妻子边回答边照着镜子。我坐在一个新式的满是网眼儿的椅子上,等待着。我们在这家帽店已经呆了半个小时了,而我的妻子仍在镜子面前。 “我们不应该买我们不需要的东西,”我突然发表意见说,但马上又后悔说了这话。“你没必要这么说,”我妻子回答说,“我也不必提醒你昨天买的那条糟糕透了的领带。” “我觉得它好看,”我说,“男人有多少领带也不会嫌多。”“女人有多少帽子也不嫌多。”她回答。 10分钟以后,我们一道走出了商店。我妻子戴着一顶像灯塔一样的帽子。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lesson 42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。What happened when the snake charmer began to play jazz? As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of old Delhi, we stopped at a square to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snake charmer with two large baskets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a look at him. As soon as he saw us, he picked up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened one of the baskets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first glimpse of the snake. It rose out of the basket and began to follow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the snake charmer suddenly began to play jazz and modern pop songs. The snake, however, continued to "dance" slowly. It obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! New words and expressions 生词和短语 musical adj. 精通音乐的 market n. 市场,集市snake charmer 玩蛇者(通常借音乐控制) pipe n. (吹奏的)管乐器tune n. 曲调 glimpse n. 一瞥snake n. 蛇 movement n. 动作continue v. 继续 dance v. 跳舞obviously adv. 显然 difference n. 差别Indian adj. 印度的 参考译文 当我们穿过旧德里的市场时走了很长一段路,我们在一个广场上停下来休息。过了一会儿,我们注意到广场的那一边有一个带着两个大筐的耍蛇人,于是就走过去看看。他一见我们,就拿起了一个长长的上面镶有硬币的管乐器,并掀开了一个筐的盖子。当他开始吹奏一支曲子时,我们才第一次看到那条蛇。它从筐里探出身子,随着乐器的摆动而扭动。当耍蛇人突然又吹奏起爵士乐和现代流行乐曲时,我们感到非常惊奇。然而那蛇却还是缓慢地“舞动”着。显然,它分辨不出印度音乐和爵士乐!
2023-01-11 12:30:421


Lesson 41 key to the summary writtingThe writer"s wife was trying on a hat but he did not like it. He sat down and waited for her. Then they began arguing again. He had bought a tie the day before but his wife did not like it. ‘A man can never have too many ties,"he said. His wife used exactly the same argument and bought the hat. It looked like a lighthouse. Lesson 41 key to the composition1 My wife not only has too many hats but too many dresses as well. 2 We have been invited to a party this evening but she does not want to go. 3 She keeps looking at all those dresses and saying, ‘I haven"t got anything to wear!" Lesson 42Key to Summary writing We watched a snake charmer in a square in Old Delhi. He had a long pipe and two large baskets. He played a tune and the snake in one of the baskets rose out of the basket and began to follow the movements of the pipe. Then the snake charmer played modern tunes but the snake continued to dance slowly. It did not know the difference between Indian music and jazz. Key to Composition 1 The snake charmer opened his basket and started to play a tune but the snake refused to move. 2 Then the snake charmer shook the basket and the snake obeyed him. 3 Everybody was frightened but these snakes are not dangerous.
2023-01-11 12:30:541


新概念英语2课文内容及翻译「第41到50」   新概念英语2不重传授抽象知识,而重培养实际运用英语的技能;课文兼顾趣味和实用,短小精悍,语言自然地道,内容生动有趣。下面是我整理的第41到50课的课文内容及翻译,欢迎阅读!   41 Do you call that a hat?你把那个叫帽子吗?   "Do you call that a hat?" I said to my wife.   "You needn"t be so rude about it," my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror.   I sat down on one of those modern chairs with holes in it and waited. We had been in the hat shop for half an hour and my wife was still in front of the mirror.   "We mustn"t buy things we don"t need," I remarked suddenly. I regretted saying it almost at once.   "You needn"t have said that," my wife answered. "I needn"t remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday."   "I find it beautiful," I said. "A man can never have too many ties."   "And a woman can"t have too many hats," she answered.   Ten minutes later we walked out of the shop together. My wife was wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse!   “你那叫帽子吗?”我对我妻子说的。”你不必这样无礼,”我妻子说她看着镜子里的自己。我坐在一个新式的满是网眼儿的椅子上,等待着。我们在帽店已呆了半个小时,而我的妻子仍在镜子面前。”我们不应该买我们不需要的东西,”我突然说。我几乎马上就后悔说了这话。”你没必要这么说,”我妻子说。”我不必提醒你你昨天买的那条难看的领带。”“我觉得它好看,我说。”一个男人有再多的领带。”一个女人不可以有太多的帽子,”她回答说。十分钟后,我们一起走出了商店。我妻子戴着一顶像灯塔一样的帽子! 42 Not very musical并非很懂音乐   As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of old Delhi, we stopped at a square to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snake charmer with two large baskets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a look at him. As soon as he saw us, he picked up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened one of the baskets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first glimpse of the snake. It rose out of the basket and began to follow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the snake charmer suddenly began to play jazz and modern pop songs. The snake, however, continued to "dance" slowly. It obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz!   我们度过了一个漫长的穿过旧德里的一个市场,我们在一个广场上停下来休息。过了一段时间,我们注意到有一个带着两个大筐的耍蛇人在广场的另一边,于是我们走过去看他。当他看见我们,就拿起了一个长长的上面镶有硬币,打开了一个篮子。当他开始吹一支曲子时,我们才第一次看到那条蛇。它从筐里探出,扭动的管。我们感到非常惊奇,当耍蛇人突然开始演奏爵士乐和现代流行歌曲。那条蛇,但是,继续缓慢地舞动。它显然分辨不出印度音乐和爵士乐!   43 Over the South Pole飞越南极   In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R.E. Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran into serious trouble. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole which was 300 miles away, for there were no more mountains in sight. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless white plains without difficulty.   在1929,三年后他飞越北极,美国探险家R,伯德,首次成功地飞越了南极。虽然,在第一,伯德和他的人可以采取许多横亘,他们很快就陷入了困境。在这一点上,飞机似乎肯定会崩溃的。它只会在山在上升到10000英尺。伯德马上命令他的助手们把两个沉重的食品袋。于是飞机可以上升了,它离山头400英尺。伯德这时知道他将能够达到300英里以外的南极了,因为没有更多的山了。飞机可以毫无困难地飞越这一望无际的茫茫雪原。 44 Through the forest穿过森林   Mrs. Anne Sterling did not think of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a picnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tried to steal her handbag. In the struggle, the strap broke and, with the bag in their possession, both men started running through the trees. Mrs. Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon out of breath, but she continued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a fright that they dropped the bag and ran away. "The strap needs mending," said Mrs. Sterling later, "but they did not steal anything."   安妮夫人并没有想到她所承担的风险在她穿过森林追赶两个男人。他们向她冲来,当她在森林边上野餐的时候,她和孩子们,企图抢走她的手提包。在这场斗争中,手提包的带断了,包着在他们手里,他们拔腿跑进了树林。斯特林夫人非常气愤,追上他们。她很快就上气不接下气,但她继续跑。当她赶上他们时,发现他们已经坐了下来,正翻着包里的东西,于是她直冲过去。男人们吓了一跳,扔下提包逃跑了。”这提包带需要修理,斯特林夫人事后说道,“不过他们什么也没偷走。”   45 A clear conscience问心无愧   The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers, but it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note which said: "A thief, yes, but only 50 per cent a thief!" Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note: "Only 25 per cent a thief now!" In time, all Sam"s money was paid back in this way. The last note said: "I am 100 per cent honest now!"   整个村子很快知道,有一大笔钱丢失了。山姆顿,当地的屠夫,失去了他的钱包同时把存款送往邮局的途中。山姆确信那钱包一定是被某个村民捡到了,可是却没有还给他。三个月过去了,后来在一天早晨,山姆在自己的大门外发现了他的钱包。它是用报纸包着的,里面有他丢失的钱的一半,上面写着:“一个小偷,是的,但只有50 %的小偷!”两个月后,有更多的钱,被送往山姆与另一张纸条:“现在只有25 %的小偷!”在时间,山姆全部的钱都用同样的方式还了回来。最后的那张字条上说:“我是100分的诚实人了!” 46 Expensive and uncomfortable既昂贵又受罪   When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airport, workers began to unload a number of wooden boxes which contained clothing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy. It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he found. A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woolen goods. He was so surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man admitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over eighteen hours. The man was ordered to pay $3,500 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a ticket is $2,000!   当一架从伦敦到达悉尼机场时,工人们开始卸下多个盛着衣服的木箱。没有人可以解释这个事实,一个箱子特别重。突然出现了一个工人去打开那个盒子。他很惊讶他所发现的"。箱内有一个人正躺在一堆毛织品上的货物。他被发现而感到非常吃惊,甚至都没有企图逃跑。他被捕后,他承认在飞机离开伦敦前箱。他经历了一次漫长且不舒服的旅行,因为他在木箱里有超过十八小时。他被命令支付3500美元的旅行费用。正常票价是2000美元!   47 A thirsty ghost嗜酒的鬼魂   A public house which was recently bought by Mr.Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr.Thompson is going to sell it because it is haunted. He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr.Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, Mr.Thompson shook his head. The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away.   公共房屋,伊恩〃汤普森先生最近才买的是出售的。汤普森先生之所以想卖它,是因为它闹鬼。他告诉我他一个晚上也睡不好因为他听到酒吧里传来一阵奇怪的响声。第二天早晨,他发现门被椅子堵上了,家具也被感动。虽然汤普森先生把灯关了他上床睡觉之前,他们在早晨。他还说他发现了五个空的威士忌瓶子,这肯定是鬼魂昨天晚上喝的。当我暗示说一定是村里有些人来喝免费的酒时,汤普森先生摇了摇头。村民们告诉他,他们不接受即使他白送。   48 Did you want to tell me something?你想对我说什么吗?   Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool. He knew I collected match boxes and asked me whether my collection was growing. He then asked me how my brother was and whether I liked my new job in London. In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. I suddenly felt very worried, but could not say anything. When the dentist at last removed the cotton wool from my mouth, I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.   牙医们总是在你不可能回答。我的牙科医生刚刚给我拔掉了一颗牙,叫我休息一会儿。我想说点什么,但我嘴里塞满了药棉。他知道我收集火柴盒,就问我是否还在收藏。然后他问我的兄弟近来如何,问我是否喜欢在伦敦的新工作。作为对这些问题的回答,我不是点头,就是发出奇怪的声音。与此同时,我的舌头正在忙着寻找刚拔掉的那颗牙已经。我突然非常着急起来,但却什么也说不出来。当牙医终于把药棉从我嘴里,我才能告诉他,他拔错了牙。   49 The end of a dream美梦告终   Tired of sleeping on the floor, a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed. For the first time in his life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had springs and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of his house. He slept very well for the first two nights, but on the third night, a storm blew up. A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below. The young man did not wake up until the bed had struck the ground. Although the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he woke up, he was still on the mattress. Glancing at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house. After he had put it on the floor, he promptly went to sleep again.   厌倦了睡地板,德黑兰的一个年轻人积攒了多年买了一张真正的床。这是第一次在他的生命,他自豪地拥有了一张既有弹簧和床垫。由于天气很热,他便把床上他家的屋顶。头两天晚上,他睡得很好,但第三天晚上起了风暴。一阵大风把床从屋顶,把它摔碎在下面的院子里。年轻人直到床撞到地上没有醒来。虽然床摔碎了,人却奇迹般地没有受伤。当他醒来时,仍然躺在床垫上。看着木头和金属的碎片在他周围,伤心地捡起了床垫,把它拿进了屋。他把它放在地板上,他很快睡着了。   50 Taken for a ride乘车兜风   I love travelling in the country, but I don"t like losing my way.   I went on an excursion recently, but my trip took me longer than I expected.   "I"m going to Woodford Green," I said to the conductor as I got on the bus, "but I don"t know where it is."   "I"ll tell you where to get off." answered the conductor.   I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside. After some time, the bus stopped. Looking round, I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus. "You"ll have to get off here," the conductor said. "This is as far as we go."   "Is this Woodford Green?" I asked.   "Oh dear," said the conductor suddenly. "I forgot to put you off."   "It doesn"t matter," I said. "I"ll get off here."   "We"re going back now," said the conductor.   &nb, sp; "Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus," I answered.   我喜欢在乡间旅行,但我不喜欢迷路。最近我作了一次旅行,但这次旅行所花费的时间比我预计的。”我要去伍德福德格林,我对售票员一上车我就说,“但我不知道它在那儿。”“我来告诉您在哪儿下车,售票员回答说。我坐在公共汽车的前部,以取得一个好的乡下。过了一些时候,车停了。我环顾四周,我震惊地意识到我是唯一坐在公交车上的乘客。”您得在这里下车,”售票员说。”我们到此为止了。”“这里是伍德福德格林?”我问。”哎呀,”售票员突然说。”我忘了把你了。”“没关系,”我说。”我要在这里下车。”“我们现在要返回,”售票员说。铌,sp;好吧,那样的话,我宁愿留在车上,我回答说。 ;
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Floating down the stream Floating down the stream歌词:Close your eyes, rest your head闭上眼睛 休息头脑You"re falling deeper你正越深陷落Watched the shore getting small看著岸渐变小As we both sail away我们扬帆远行Feel the breeze on your face感觉脸上微风As we"re getting farther当我们越行 越远Hears the waves as they crash听水花拍打破碎And we both sail away sail away我和你渐远渐行 渐远渐行Floating floating down the stream漂啊漂 沿著水流溪Angels take us to a dream天使带我们入梦境Whispers of a secret dream隐秘的梦裏有呓语Far beneath the soul藏於灵魂底Here"s the dock up ahead正前方 就是码头Waters much much calmer水域平静了许多Wave to the golden rays跟金色光线挥手Let us both make a way让我们开启入口Take my hand, come along牵我的手 跟我来We"re here, my charmer我们到了 我的伴儿Near the rainbow"s end就在靠近彩虹的尽头Let us both make a way, make a way让我们将入口开启 开启Floating floating fast asleep漂啊漂 快睡去Gliding down a river deep轻盈滑入河床底Two drops on the leaves of spring春天新叶两水滴Falling to the soil坠入尘土裏Floating floating down the stream漂啊漂 沿著水流溪Angels take us to a dream天使带我们入梦境Whispers of a secret dream隐秘的梦裏有呓语Far beneath the soul藏於灵魂底
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[泰坦尼克号观后感(英文作文)]Duringthe winter holiday, I watched the 泰坦尼克号 again. The first time that I watched the filmis at the age of 13, at that stage I believe that the understanding of love forme is too difficult. Therefore, the meaning of love for me is exclusivelyshallow. Hence, this time I really learn more about the love again. I wasspelled by the love surpassing the life and thepure relationship between the two lovers. After watching the film, all sorts of feelings well in my heart. Rose falls inlove with him and ignore the identity of Jack who does not give in the outdatedidea that the love must on the base of money, even if the money is the evil of everything and it will let the majority ofpeople cannot pull themselves together. Once Iwatched the sense, my voice will always become hoarse.The love story is so moving that I will blamethe current love in the society where the power and the money will beconsidered into the marriage. The phenomenon that with the marriage for expedience rather than love is getting increasinglycommon, it is pretty difficult for us to seek for the real love in the presentsociety. For instance, like my friend, he falls in love with a girl who isextremely beautiful and students always say “you are aregular little charmer “. There are so many times he told to me that heloved the girl too much but compared with others who try their utmost to pursuethe girl, he simply looked sick. Owing to thefact that the background of the boy is very “thin” while the girl is terrific “fat”so the boy lock the love away until the collegeentrance is over. One day a girl who is the friend of the girl confides to me the truth that the girl loves the boybefore the first time they met. I am amazing because the silence is fatal to the love. Finally they also do not tellthe love to each other. What a pity! The sad love is over but for me the old memory is alive. There are so many girls and boysspare no every effect to marry the rich one. The girls tossedtheir heads and swung their hip to attract the rich, the boys use thewords which are very idle to steal the heart of the rich. As far as I amconcerned, Is the money is so cruel that let you to sellout your real love and cheat your integrity.I cannot succumb to the seductive sirens of an easymorality. I should find my real love and I firmly believe that beauty is in the eyes of the beloved. We should confidently puff out yourself chest to summon the courage to combat the unscrupulous practice thus holding your life we shouldbring the faith home. I have a dream that oneday everyone can get the true love. I have a dream that one day the two of themcan walk hand in hand along the river bank, chatting,laughing, and looking happy. I have a dream that one day we can push aside the money! -----ck   love the one you love and love the love given by the love then the love belong to you will be colorful. loved CK 给你找了点万能句子,供参考,希望对您写英语作文有所帮助 an old saying goes,....正如一句古老的谚语所说 nothing but... ....不过就是...3.from where i stand.... 从我的立场来说4.give oneself a chance to.....给某人一个机会去...5.i feel sure that...我坚信 the best way to make sure that....确保...的最好办法是...7.we must do our absolute best to....我们必须竭尽全力做...8.there is no denying the fect that...无可否认....9.nothing is more+adj.+than to+v.没有比...更重要的了10.主语+cannot emphasize the importance of....too much 再怎么强调..的重要性也不为过11....pose a great threat to... ...对..造成了一大威胁(eg.Pollution poses a great threat to our existance.)12.stole the spotlight from...从...获得大众的瞩目13....touch sb. on the raw ....触到某人的痛处 is not uncommon that... 这是常有的事儿。。15it is almost impossible to do.. 。。。是很困难的16the recent research has shown that..最近研究表明。。17...has/have no alternative but to...除...外别无选择18....between the devil and the deep blue sea 进退维谷,左右为难19.content in the thought that...满足于...的想法20(重磅出击,一般老师都会感动,这个句子可以千变万化,可以替换其中的一些词)The long,(costly strike) proved to be the last nail in the coffin for (the company),with( its history of financial problems).长时期的罢工损失巨大,再加上一直以来的财政问题,使得该公祠一蹶不振。 注:(...)都是可替换的51. 对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue52. 支持前 / 后种观点的人 people / those in favor of the former / latter opinion53. 有 / 提供如下理由/ 证据 have / provide the following reasons / evidence54. 在一定程度上 to some extent / degree / in some way55. 理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice56. …必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…57. 日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition58. 眼前利益 immediate interest / short-term interest59. 长远利益. interest in the long run60. …有其自身的优缺点 … has its merits and demerits / advantages and disadvantages61. 扬长避短 Exploit to the full one"s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones62. 取其精髓,取其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs。63. 对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to / be detrimental to64. 交流思想 / 情感 / 信息 exchange ideas / emotions / information65. 跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of …66. 采取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth。67. …的健康发展 the healthy development of …68. 有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides. No garden without weeds。69. 对…观点因人而异 Views on …vary from person to person。70. 重视 attach great importance to…71. 社会地位 social status72. 把时间和精力放在…上 focus time and energy on…73. 扩大知识面 expand one"s scope of knowledge74. 身心两方面 both physically and mentally75. 有直接 /间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to…76. 提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal77. 可以取代 “think”的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion / belief that78. 缓解压力 / 减轻负担 relieve stress / burden79. 优先考虑 / 发展… give (top) priority to sth80. 与…比较 compared with… / in comparison with81. 相反 in contrast / on the contrary。82. 代替 replace / substitute / take the place of83. 经不起推敲 cannot bear closer analysis / cannot hold water84. 提供就业机会 offer job opportunities85. 社会进步的反映 mirror of social progress86. 毫无疑问 Undoubtedly, / There is no doubt that…87. 增进相互了解 enhance / promote mutual understanding88. 充分利用 make full use of / take advantage of89. 承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heavier work pressure90. 保障社会的稳定和繁荣 guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society91. 更多地强调 put more emphasis on…92. 适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the development of society93. 实现梦想 realize one"s dream / make one"s dream come true94. 主要理由列举如下 The main reasons are listed as follows:95. 首先 First, Firstly, In the first place, To begin with96. 其次 Second, Secondly, In the second place97. 再次 Besides,In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore98. 最后 Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly,99. 总而言之 All in all, To sum up, In summary, In a word,100. 我们还有很长的路要走 We still have a long way to go。
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achieve 一般指活得某种成就reach 指到达某个地点
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Today I learned about present progressive tense. It is a tense used to express action that is on-going at the time of utterance. It is not difficult for me, because I master its basic use. So I helped many classmates. In a short time, all students in my class master this grammar well. Classmates appreciate or admire me and our English teacher praises me. I become the hero of my class suddenly. It is a pleasant learning experience. It also encourages me to study hard, so that I can have the chance to be hero.
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