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2023-05-19 13:13:21


英[riˌspɔnsəˈbiliti] 美[rɪˌspɑnsəˈbɪlɪti] 复数:responsibilities



2.责任感, 可信赖性

3.职责, 所负责任的事


5.责任心,可靠性 名词 n.


He has no responsibility for that accident.


2.责任感, 可信赖性

The father of a family should have more sense of responsibility.


3.职责, 所负责任的事

Do you know the responsibilities of the government workers?






responsibility梗来自《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》中的“巴山楚水凄凉地”。该梗完整的说法是“巴山楚水凄凉地,responsibility”,该梗的出现其实没什么特别的意思,单纯是因为“巴山楚水凄凉地”中的“地”,和“responsibility”的读音比较押韵,所以就用第二句话来接在第一句上面,没什么意思,就是一个拿来调笑的东西。词汇解释responsibility英 [rɪˌspɒnsə"bɪləti];美 [rɪˌspɑːnsə"bɪləti]    n. 责任;职责;责任心例句:You can"t retreat from the responsibility in this affair.翻译:你不能回避在这一事件中的责任。短语:undertake responsibility(担负起责任)。
2022-12-31 06:26:111


n. 责任;职责;责任心。responsibility英 [rɪˌspɒnsə"bɪləti]     美 [rɪˌspɑːnsə"bɪləti]    You can"t retreat from the responsibility in this affair.你不能回避在这一事件中的责任。duty,obligation,responsibility,function这些名词都有“义务”或“职责”之意。duty指按道德和法律的标准,一个人永远要尽的义务,强调自觉性。obligation指道义上或法律上对他人的义务,强调强制性。也指因作出承诺而被迫履行的某种义务。responsibility指任何义务、职责、责任或职务上所应尽的本分,强调对他人的责任。function指因职务或职业关系去履行某种职责。
2022-12-31 06:26:241


responsibility的意思是:责任、职责、义务。责任(Responsibility):每个人都应尽力尽责实现自己的目标,也应全力以赴说明公司或伙伴实现共同的目标。职责。责任心。责任感。短语:moral responsibility 公民责任 ; 道德责任 ; 道义责任论 ; 道德义务。Corporate Responsibility 公司责任 ; 共同责任 ; 企业责任 ; 企业社会责任。Responsibility Matrix 责任矩阵 ; 职责矩阵。
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responsibility [ri,spɔnsə"biləti]n.1.责任2.责任感,责任心3.职责;义务;负担短语1.clear of responsibility 宣布对…不负任何责任2.lay the responsibility at someone"s door 断定责任该由某人负3.on one"s own responsibility 自行负责地;自作主张地变形n. responsibilities
2022-12-31 06:26:346


responsibility 英[rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti] 美[rɪˌspɑ:nsəˈbɪləti] n. 责任; 职责; 负责任; 责任感,责任心; [例句]We in the Congress can"t shirk our responsibility.我们作为国会议员不能逃避责任。[其他] 复数:responsibilities
2022-12-31 06:26:566


n. 责任责任感, 可信赖性职责, 所负责任的事
2022-12-31 06:27:164


responsibility[英][rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti][美][rɪˌspɑ:nsəˈbɪləti]n.责任; 职责; 负责任; 责任感,责任心; 复数:responsibilities1We in the Congress can"t shirk our responsibility.我们作为国会议员不能逃避责任。柯林斯例句库2Creation brings with it ethical responsibility, whether it "s a child or a molecule or a gun.造物有种天然的道德责任,不管是生小孩、制造分子,还是制造武器。3We have made a conscious effort to devolve responsibility.我们已有意识地下放职责。柯林斯例句库4She had shared responsibility for her brother since girlhood.她还是个小姑娘的时候就分担起照顾弟弟的责任。柯林斯例句库5I was numbed by the enormity of the responsibility.责任之大让我惊慌失措。
2022-12-31 06:27:301


当responsibility表示“责任; 负责”之意时,为不可数名词。当responsibility表示“职责; 任务; 义务”之意时,为可数名词。 responsibility基本含义 英[rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti] 美[rɪˌspɑːnsəˈbɪləti] n. 责任; 负责; 事故责任; 职责; 义务; 任务; 复数:responsibilities responsibility双语例句 1、This not precocity, but be responsibility! 这并非早熟,而是责任! 2、Responsibility you should not do, but you need to do! 责任不是你应该做的事,而是你必须要做的事! 3、As college students, we have the responsibility to do something for it. 作为大学生,我们有责任为它做点什么。
2022-12-31 06:27:351

responsibility和 duty 的区别

responsibility:“责任“,一般由于法律,职业或道德等要求而必须尽的责任,而且含有要对后果负责任的意思。常用短语有:accept/ assume/ take the responsibility 任但责任、负责任;decline all responsibility about拒绝对……负任何责任。例如:I will lend you my camera if you will assume full responsibility for it. 如果你能负完全责任,我愿把照相机借给你。The manufactures disclaim all responsibility for damage caused by misuse. 使用不当而造成的损坏,生产厂家不负任何责任。 duty:“义务,责任,职责”,通常强调由于道德、伦理、法律规定等而产生对自己及他人乃至社会的义务或责任,还指在工作中应尽的责任(常用复数)。例如:The delivery on confidential letters was a duty that he never relegated to anybody else. 他从未把投递机密信件的责任推给任何其他人。The first thing to do is to acquaint yourself with your new duties and colleagues. 第一件要做的事情就是熟悉你的新职务和同事。
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responsibility[英][rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti][美][rɪˌspɑ:nsəˈbɪləti]n.责任; 职责; 责任感,责任心; 负责任; 复数:responsibilities以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Emerging economies shared some responsibility for america"s housing and credit bubble. 新兴国家要为美国住宅和信用泡沫负些责任。
2022-12-31 06:28:101


你写的几个都是对的。加 the 表示特指的责任,不加 the 表示泛指的责任。take 是承担责任,对XX承担责任用 for 和 of 都可以。to do 是做某事,take responsibility to do=be responsible for doing sth. 对做某事负责。 另外,建议多多查阅字典,这些解释字典里都有。 responsibility noun being responsible 负责 [搭配]ADJ. full, total 全部责任; 所有责任 awesome, great, heavy, weighty 令人敬畏的职责;很大的责任;重大责任: 例句:It is a great responsibility looking after other people"s children. 照看他人的孩子责任重大。 direct 直接责任 overall 整体的责任 primary 基本责任 ultimate 最终的责任: 例:Ultimate responsibility rests with the prime minister. 首相承担最终的责任。 special 特定的责任 diminished(因精神失常)减轻的罪责: 例:He was found not guilty of murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility. 他未被判谋杀罪是因精神失常而减轻了刑事责任。 sole 全权负责 collective, joint, shared集体责任;共同责任 individual, personal 个人的责任;私人的责任 ministerial, parental 部长的职责;父母的职责 financial, legal, moral, social 财务/ 法律/ 道德/ 社会责任 [搭配]VERB + RESPONSIBILITY have 有责任: 例:She has responsibility for public transport. 她负责公共交通。 accept, assume, bear, shoulder, take (on/over) 接受责任;负起责任;承担职责: 例:The bank refuses to accept responsibility for the mistake. 银行拒绝对这一错误承担责任。 Will you take responsibility for arranging the food? 你能负责安排食物的事宜吗? share 分担责任 lay, place把责任置于: The government of the time placed responsibility for the poor on the Church. 这一时期政府让教会承担照顾穷人的责任。 delegate, devolve, hand over 授权负责;下放责任;移交责任: 例:devolving responsibility downwards so decisions are taken nearer to the people they will affect 下放责任以便所作决定更接近受影响的人 abdicate, evade, shirk, shift 放弃/ 逃避/ 推卸/ 转移责任: to shift legal responsibility for the correct labelling of goods onto the shopkeeper 把正确标示商品的法律责任转给店主 admit, claim 承认责任; 声称负责: 例:No organization has yet claimed responsibility for the bomb attack. 还没有任何组织宣称对炸弹袭击事件负责。 deny, disclaim, duck 否认责任;逃避责任: 例:Ducking responsibility is fatal in a democracy. 在民主政治中逃避责任是致命的。 allocate, assign (sb), give sb(给某人)分派任务;让某人负责 attribute 把责任归于: 例:He attributed responsibility for the killing to the secret service. 他认为是特务机关杀的人。 burden sb with 使某人担负责任 absolve sb from/of 免除某人的责任 [搭配]RESPONSIBILITY + VERB fall on sb, lie/rest with sb 责任落在某人身上;责任在于某人 [搭配]PREP. ~ for ?的责任: 例:Full responsibility for the fiasco lies with the PR department. 这次惨败完全是公共关系部门的责任。 ~ towards 对? 的责任: 例:He feels a strong sense of responsibility towards his parents. 他对父母有一种强烈的责任感。 [搭配]PHRASES the age of criminal responsibility 刑事责任年龄; the burden of responsibility 承担责任: 例:The school governors carry a special burden of responsibility. 学校理事肩负着特别的责任。 do sth on your own responsibility (= without being told to and being willingto take the blame if it goes wrong) 自行负责地做某事; a position of responsibility 责任重大的职位; a sense of responsibility 责任感 job/duty 工作;职责 [搭配]ADJ. heavy, onerous 繁重的任务; 艰巨的任务 additional, increased 额外的任务; 增加的职责 altered 改变了的职责 caring, departmental, domestic, family, financial, managerial, ministerial, parental, professional, teaching 照料人的/ 部门/ 家庭/ 财政/ 管理/ 部长/ 父母的/ 专业上的/ 教学职务 contractual, statutory 契约责任; 法定义务 particular, special 具体职责;特定职责 [搭配]VERB + RESPONSIBILITY have 有义务 carry out, discharge, fulfil 执行任务;履行职责 accept, face up to, take on, undertake 接受任务;承担责任: 例: He seems unwilling to face up to his responsibilities as a father. 他似乎不愿接受做父亲的责任。 I don"t feel ready to take on new responsibilities. 我觉得还没准备好接受新任务。 delegate 委派任务 avoid, evade, shirk 逃避责任;推卸责任 relieve sb of 免除某人的责任 [搭配]PREP. ~ for 对?负责: 例:The heads of school departments have particular responsibilities for the curriculum. 系主任专门负责课程的安排。 ~ to/towards 对?的责任: The club has a responsibility to its members. 俱乐部对会员负有责任。 [搭配]PHRASES duties and responsibilities 义务和责任; rights and responsibilities 权利和义务: parental rights and responsibilities 父母的权利和责任
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responsibility[英][rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti][美][rɪˌspɑ:nsəˈbɪləti]n.责任; 职责; 责任感,责任心; 负责任; 复数:responsibilities例句:1.Citizens need to take responsibility. 普通人需要承担起责任。2.Learn to delegate responsibility to capable others. 学习让合适的人分担工作职责。
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responsibility需要根据在句子中的具体意思判断是否可数。1、当responsibility表示“责任; 负责”之意时,为不可数名词。例句:We are recruiting a sales manager with responsibility for the European market.我们正在招聘负责欧洲市场的销售经理。2、当responsibility表示“职责; 任务; 义务”之意时,为可数名词。例句:She had decided that as a doctor she had a responsibility to her fellow creatures.她已经决定,作为医生,她应该对自己的同胞负责。常见短语:on one"s own responsibility 自作主张地 responsibility profit 责任利润undertake responsibility 担负起责任 undivided responsibility 单独承担的责任...original responsibility 原始责任相关如下词义辨析:duty,obligation,responsibility,function这些名词都有“义务”或“职责”之意。1、duty指按道德和法律的标准,一个人永远要尽的义务,强调自觉性。例句:Local councillors have a duty to serve the community.地方议员有义务为社区服务。2、obligation指道义上或法律上对他人的义务,强调强制性。也指因作出承诺而被迫履行的某种义务。例句:You are under no obligation to buy anything.你不必非买什么东西不可。3、responsibility指任何义务、职责、责任或职务上所应尽的本分,强调对他人的责任。
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完整的句子是:巴山楚水凄凉地,responsibility。原诗出自《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》,是唐代文学家刘禹锡创作的一首七律。此诗首先紧承白居易诗末联“亦知合被才名折,二十三年折太多”之句,对自己被贬谪、遭弃置的境遇,表达了无限辛酸和愤懑不平。“巴山楚水凄凉地,responsibility”属于诗词被理科生玩坏系列,没什么意思,就是一个拿来调笑的东西。词汇解释responsibility英 [rɪˌspɒnsə"bɪləti]  美 [rɪˌspɑːnsə"bɪləti]    n. 责任;职责;责任心例句:You can"t retreat from the responsibility in this affair.翻译:你不能回避在这一事件中的责任。短语:undertake responsibility 担负起责任
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2022-12-31 06:29:271

responsibility、obligation、 responsibility三者的区别?

obligation n.指合同或法律上规定的"责任,义务",强调其约束力. Parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.父母有法律上的义务确保其子女受到适合其年龄的有效教育. responsibility n.职责,强调对后果要负责任的意思. His father is ill,and he has the responsibility of caring for him.他的父亲病了,他有责任照顾他.
2022-12-31 06:29:331


dutyn.义务, 责任, 职责, 职务, 税责任;职责;任务;本分税responsibilityn.责任, 职责责任(感)职责; 任务; 负担履行能力, (指财务等方面的)可靠性; 可信赖性; 偿付能力【无】响应性[度]
2022-12-31 06:29:433


duty n.指道义上的责任,强调自觉性,作可数名词时指本职工作的任务. His duty is to see that the business runs well.他的职责是保证生意良好运转. obligation n.指合同或法律上规定的"责任,义务",强调其约束力. Parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.父母有法律上的义务确保其子女受到适合其年龄的有效教育. responsibility n.职责,强调对后果要负责任的意思. His father is ill, and he has the responsibility of caring for him.他的父亲病了,他有责任照顾他.
2022-12-31 06:29:571

accountability 与 responsibility 有什么区别?

accountability有责任, 有义务, 可说明性responsibility 责任, 职责
2022-12-31 06:30:027

英语 词义辨析。responsibility 和 duty 在意义和用法上有什么区别。

2022-12-31 06:30:312

responsibility怎么读 responsibility如何读

1、responsibility[英][rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti][美][rɪˌspɑ:nsəˈbɪləti] 2、n.责任; 职责; 负责任; 责任感,责任心; 3、复数:responsibilities 4、Emerging economies shared some responsibility for americas housing and credit bubble.新兴国家要为美国住宅和信用泡沫负些责任。
2022-12-31 06:30:391

表示责任的几个词duty responsibility liability有什么区别

obligation指“一个人在特定时间内必须尽的义务或责任”, 如: To pay taxes is anobligation. 纳税是一种义务。 duty 指“按道德、法律、社会习惯或良心应尽的本分、义务和责任”,着重“自觉”,如: Don"t forget your duty to your parents. 不要忘记对父母的责任。 responsibility 指“由于法律、职业或道德等方面的要求, 而应尽的责任或义务”, 着重“必须对后果负责”, 如: accept full responsibility for one"s error 对自己的错误负完全责任。 liability 十分类似于responsibility,时常是难以区分使用,主要是侧重于责任义务的合法性,多用于money相关话题。 如, Tenants have leagal liability for any damage they cause.
2022-12-31 06:30:441

请问accountability 和 responsibility 有什么不同?

accountability责问responsibility 责任
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2022-12-31 06:31:023


区别是responsibilities是名词,指的是责任。responsible是形容词,指的是有责任感的。例句辨析:responsibilities1、Many people might have excused them for shirking some of their responsibilities.很多人可能已经原谅了他们逃避责任的行为。2、Responsibilities at home and work eat into his time. 家庭和工作的双重负担耗费了他的时间。3、His responsibilities press heavily upon him. 他的职责沉重地压在他身上。responsible1、He still felt responsible for her death.他仍然觉得自己对她的死负有责任。2、The man responsible for finding the volunteers is Dr. Charles Weber. 负责寻找志愿者的人是查尔斯·韦伯博士。3、I"m responsible to my board of directors. 我对董事会负责。
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responsibility的形容词是responsible,有责任的、负责的。例:He is responsible for cleaning the room.他负责打扫房间。
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2022-12-31 06:32:084


responsibility[英][rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti][美][rɪˌspɑ:nsəˈbɪləti]n.责任; 职责; 负责任; 责任感,责任心; 复数:responsibilities双语例句 We in the Congress can"t shirk our responsibility.我们作为国会议员不能逃避责任。
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  责任,。一是指分内应做的事,如职责、尽责任、岗位责任等。二是指没有做好自己工作,而应承担的不利后果或强制性义务。下面就由我为大家带来关于责任的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于责任的相关短语   责任保险 liability insurance;   责任保险承保人 liability insurer;   责任保险费 liability insurance premium;   责任成本计算 responsibility costing;   责任范围 extent of liability;   责任范围条款 limited responsibility clause;   责任感 sense of responsibility; consciousness of responsibility;   责任护士 {医} charge nurse;   责任积累 accumulation of risks;   责任恐怖 {心理} hypengyophobia;   责任连锁 chain of responsibility;   责任能力 capacity for duties;   责任年龄 age of responsibility;   责任起讫 commencement and termination of cover;   关于责任的相关单词   Responsibility   obligation   Duty   Promise   关于责任的相关短句或解释   1.(应做的事) duty; responsibility:   have a grave responsibility;   责任重大   assume full responsibility   负完全责任   2.(应承担的过失) responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame:   shift the blame onto others;   推卸责任   ascertain where the responsibility lies   追究责任   关于责任的词语辨析   duty, responsibility这组词都有“责任”的意思,其区别是:   duty 意义较广,多指发自内心的道德伦理上的责任感。   responsibility 着重指从道义或法律上对事件之后果负责。如:I took full responsibility for breaking the vase.(我承担打破花瓶的全部责任。)   关于责任的相关例句   1. He wants companies to follow the European model of social responsibility.   他希望各公司能够以欧洲公司为榜样,承担社会责任。   2. I would be remiss if I did not do some-thing about it.   如果我对此不做点儿什么,就是不负责任。   3. Responsibility and moderation were to be the keynotes of their foreign policy.   责任和克制将是他们外交政策的核心。   4. She seemed to be placing most of the blame on her mother.   她好像把大部分责任都推到了母亲身上。   5. I feel partly responsible for the problems we"re in.   我觉得应为我们遭遇的问题负部分责任。   6. She had shared responsibility for her brother since girlhood.   她还是个小姑娘的时候就分担起照顾弟弟的责任。   7. If their forces were not involved, then who is to blame?   如果他们的部队没有介入,那么谁应该承担责任?   8. I wouldn"t call it a burden; I call it a responsibility.   我不觉得这是负担;我觉得它是一种责任。   9. He has had to shoulder the responsibility of his father"smistakes.   他得为他父亲的过错承担责任。   10. The authorities will be legally bound to arrest any suspects.   当局负有逮捕所有疑犯的法律责任。   11. She described his remarks as irresponsible, inflammatory and outrageous.   她称他的话不负责任、具煽动性且极端无礼。   12. Don"t take on more responsibilities than you can handle.   不要承担过多的责任。   13. She may feel unready for the responsibilities of parenthood.   她可能觉得没有准备好承担为人父母的责任。   14. The new Germany must rise to the challenge of its enhanced responsibilities.   一个崭新的德国必须迎接挑战,承担更多的责任。   15. They have a case against their directors for breach of fiduciary duty.   他们掌握了足够的证据控告董事违犯信托责任。   关于责任的双语例句   你该知道做这项工作要承担额外责任。   You should know the additional responsibilities that are incidental to the job.   你不能回避在这一事件中的责任。   You can"t retreat from the responsibility in this affair.   他拒不承担责任,我鄙视他。   I despise his refusing to accept responsibility.   他们承认了对这次事故所负的责任。   They accepted responsibility for the accident.   因使用不当造成的损坏,生产厂家不负任何责任。   The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for the damage caused by misuse.   我错了,我愿为此承担责任。   I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it.   责任分配指刑事责任量的分配,责任分配有其根据并应遵循一定的原则。   Responsibility allotment has its foundations and rules to abide by.   动物致害责任是典型的对物的替代责任。   Civil liability of animals trespassing is a kind of typical vicarious liability.   推定责任是严格责任的演进结果。   Constructive liability is developed from the strict liability.   以上是我整理所得,欢迎大家阅读和收藏。
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responsibility梗来自《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》中的“巴山楚水凄凉地”。该梗完整的说法是“巴山楚水凄凉地,responsibility”,该梗的出现其实没什么特别的意思,单纯是因为“巴山楚水凄凉地”中的“地”,和“responsibility”的读音比较押韵,所以就用第二句话来接在第一句上面,没什么意思,就是一个拿来调笑的东西。词汇解释responsibility英 [rɪˌspɒnsə"bɪləti];美 [rɪˌspɑːnsə"bɪləti]    n. 责任;职责;责任心例句:You can"t retreat from the responsibility in this affair.翻译:你不能回避在这一事件中的责任。短语:undertake responsibility(担负起责任)。
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n. 责任;职责;责任感,责任心;负责任复数形式 responsibilities例句Fiscal responsibility is enshrined in law.财政责任已得到法律规定。
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押韵 顺耳
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responsible的名词是responsibility。读音:英 [rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti]、美 [rɪˌspɑːnsəˈbɪləti] 释义:n. 责任,职责;义务固定搭配:take responsibility 承担责任;responsibility system 责任制例句:They frankly admitted their responsibility. 他们坦率地承认了责任。扩展资料:Responsible: adj.负有责任的,需承担责任的,尽责的,可靠的,责任重大的Be responsible for …为…负责;是造成…的原因例句:What are you responsible for in your company? 你在你们公司负责什么工作?
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responsibility英[rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti]美[rɪˌspɑ:nsəˈbɪləti]n.责任; 职责; 负责任; 责任感,责任心网络岗位职责; 工作职责; 责任心复数:responsibilities数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度百科百度知道新1We in the Congress can"t shirk our responsibility.我们作为国会议员不能逃避责任。
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responsibility梗来自《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》中的“巴山楚水凄凉地”。该梗完整的说法是“巴山楚水凄凉地,responsibility”,该梗的出现其实没什么特别的意思,单纯是因为“巴山楚水凄凉地”中的“地”,和“responsibility”的读音比较押韵,所以就用第二句话来接在第一句上面,没什么意思,就是一个拿来调笑的东西。词汇解释responsibility英 [rɪˌspɒnsə"bɪləti];美 [rɪˌspɑːnsə"bɪləti]    n. 责任;职责;责任心例句:You can"t retreat from the responsibility in this affair.翻译:你不能回避在这一事件中的责任。短语:undertake responsibility(担负起责任)。
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high responsibility 或者heavy responsibility 不是形容词修饰的的还有a high sense of responsibility,2,用heavy 他责任重大感到心情沉重.: 1. The responsibilities weigh (heavily) on him,2,the heavy responsibility,2,responsible adj.有责任的, 可靠的, 可依赖的, 负责的 以上解释 金山词霸提供,2,great responsibility,1,the responsibility is heavy and great 保证对,我在电子词典上查的!,0,
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